The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 15, 1886, Image 8

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1886.--TWELVE PAGES. HORRIBLE HOLOCAUST. EIGHT PERSONS SMOTHERED AND BURNED TO DEATH. Fatal Fire In a Clitcagn Tenement—Bow a Brave Couple Saved Their Lives uud Thine of Tbelr Children— Harrowing Scenes. Cmcioo, Jnno 7.—Eight persons were smothered and tmrned to deeth in the frame houses Nos. 731 and 733 South ('anal street, at 4 o'clock this morning. The names of the deal are: Michael Murphy, aged 40 years, employed by the South Division Railway Company; Mrs. Michael Murphy, aged 35; Annie Murphy, aged 9; Kellie Murphy, aged 11; Mrs. Mary Durkin,^ged 30; Patsy Levin, aged 4, a son of Mrs. Mary Durkin by a former marriage; John Darken, aged 3 weeks; 'William Hand, aged 08 years, a bntchor. The tire broke out in the cellar of No. 733 Canal street The dames shot upward, and quickly burned through the first door, which is on a level with the ground. Shoot ing upwards, the fire spread through the wooden walls of tho basement, and No. 733 was soon wtapped in . llaines, which cn* veloped the adjoining number. Both houses were tilled with smoke be fore any of the occupants were aroused. Mauy of the sleepers were donbtiess smoth- cred’in their beds. It will probably never be known who awoke and tried in va'n to es cape fromlthe sliding smoke and scorching flames. T he flames, following rapidly after the amoke, burned the bodies until they were unrecognisable masses of black and charred bone, and flesh. The lower floor of No. 733 was occupied by John ltaleigb, Jr. His wife was awak oned by a sense of suffocation. She aroused her husband, who hastily donned a few articles of ciothiug. He threw up tho window and the raging flames scorched his face, singing his hair and moustache. Uo caught bis w ife in hia arras, and with n terrible eflort threw her bodily through the flames out of the window. Her nigT dress caught fire. With great presence of mind she extinguished the dames with her hands and lent ssistanco to her husband in saving the lives of their two small children. The fire had gained addi tional headway, and he was unable to p the children out of the window, lie thi kicked on the wall to arouse the people on the second tloor. Catching the bubies m bis arms, he ran np stairs and jumped with them from a second story window, The second door of No. 733 was occrpied by the J)utki-n and Murphy families. No member of either of these families escaped. The firemen, W searching the ruins of the bottle*, came upon harrowing scenes. Some were lying in n half burned bed others, who wero awakened before death came upou them, w ere clutching each other in groups on the floor. All the victims tut?, evidently been overcomo by smoke before anjeeffort could be made to escape. The fire was undoubtedly incendiary. * Two previous attempts to burn these build ings were frustrated. A tub filled with clothing, saturated with kerosene and par tially burned from the top, was found in the oellar after the Are was extinguished. THROUGH THE SANTEE TRESTLE. Terrible Accident on the Atlantic Const Llue—Mix raaavogers Killed. Coxulkhtos, S. C., June 7.—The north- ward bound passenger train on the North- AN ACDIDENT ON THE CENTRAL. A Fireman Killed and an Engineer Seri ously Injured. The news reached Macon yesterday morning of the wrecking of the night ex press train which left here Monday uigbt at 10:50 o’c.oek. The accident occurred at Rogers, eighty- five miles from Savannah, on the Central railroad, at about 2:45. The train was in charge of Conductor Bebee and Engineer Tom Fendergaat, and was moving to Rogers on time. It passed over the switch all right, but in the frog, which was about thirty or forty yards distant, bad been tightly wedged a block or billet of wood. The engine mounted the track but soon rolled oil and ran a distance of about four car lengths, one side on the ties and the other on tho ground, when the engine turned over and was partially knried in the sand. The engineer was seated on bis box, and by the turning over of the engine gras thrown on the opposite side. The fireman, Charles Maddox, was thrown on tho engi neer's side of the engine and caught by the tender, which crashed into the cab. As soon as possible Conductor Bebee and bis train bands rushed out of the cars. The express car hud mounted the tender, and the second and first-class can were off the truck. On going to the engine, the conductor found the fireman in the moat horrible situa tion GLADSTONE DEFEATED. THE IRISH HOME RULE HILL FAILS TO PASS ITS SECOND READING. The Government Beaten by a Majority of Thirty—Tlie Oueen to Be A.Urd to Dissolve Parliament—^The Political situation. London, June 7.—At the division on the second reading of the home rule hill in the House of Commons to-night, the govern ment was beaten by a majority of thirty — the vote being 311 for the meaaure and 341 against it. Gladstone move an adjourn ment until Thursday, and the motion was adopted. London, Jnno 8.—The excitement during the division has no parolell in the history of the House of Commons. Lord Randolph Chui chill was the first to discover that the government was defeated, and by waving his hat and indulging in other jojfal demonstrations, he aroused the enthusiasm of the members of the opposition, who, rising, waved their bats and cheered again aud again. When the figures were arranged the noise was deafening. The l’arnellites rose and challenged the vote. Air. O'Connor loudly called for cheers for the ‘•Grand Old Man," which were given A rail from the side track had in with gusto by the government supporters, some way been torn np from ih« tra.k, aud J Sir William llurcourt and his compan- hud been forced through the floor of the * on * roae and bowed to Gladstone, who was ward bound passenger train on the North eastern railroad, which left here at 12 o’clock to-day, plunged through the Kanteo river trestle, mid wry between St. Stephen’s Button and the Sauiee river bridge, smash ing np the coaches and killing six passen ger**. Tho killed are John L. Cole. Dr O. G. Kinloch, Charles Inglesliy, Jr., MissMc- Iver, of Marion, and Miss Hannah Wilson, residence not known. Conductor 11. G. Mayocx and Mail Agent F. W. Reuncker were badly injured. The canso of the oocident is not yet known, but it ia supposed to have resulted from insecure fastening of the rails on changing the gauge. As soon at the news of theaccidint reached this city a special train was dis patched, in charge of Superintendent Roy- all, with Dr. Ancrutu, tor the relief of the wounded and to try to bring back tbe dead. The extent of thoddhiegu to the property of the company is uot yet ascertained. The wreck it so strums that no northeru-boond train will be sent oat to-night The train with the dead and wonnded will arrive here this evening. Henry Husbands, the baggage master was seriously injured; Wurren Burgess, col ored, tha wood passer, was painfully in jured; James Gauldman, news agent, slightly injured; W. G. Chan dler, of 8 uuiter, slightly in jured; Miss Maggie White, Mr. White of Marion, slightly injured; W. 11. Barnes, of Snmter, painfully .injured; Henry Henry, colored, slightly injared. Express i»e.«*cn- gen West and Price and It. Smith, aleepinp car porter, were seriously injured. John Wright, of Wilming:on, N. C., was airioue- ly injured. Thu accident! is ascribed to the recent freshet, which hat materially injured tha trestle. The high water has thus far pre vented a thorough examination. PROHIBITION IN NORTH CAROLINA cab. It bad gone through the fireman’s body, striking him about tbe waiBt, literally pinning him in position. The right foot hail been forced against the fire-box, and was burned off. In addition to this, be was held between tile the, cab and tender in a way that be could not move in any way. Notwithstanding the fact that be was pierced through and through with the ran and his toot burned off, be was alive when found, aud lived for three hours afterward. He begged the men who were working hard to release him to knock him in the head and thus end iris suffering. His cries were piteous. When the men, after hard work, moved tbe tender sufficiently to release hiin, which was dono alter three koura, the poor fellow breathed his last. The roil wan then withdrawn from bis body, nnd he was placed on the ground to await transportation to his home in 8a- vannab. The engineer had been taken care 'of in the meantime. When taken ont of the wrecked cab it was found that his left leg had been terribly) crashed by tbe tender being forced on the engine. He was iifted np carefully nnd a physician sent for. He received many slight injuries, but none ot them are feared to be serious. It is thought thnt the leg will be amputated. Conductor Bebee sent a man to Millen, seven miles away, as soon ns the accident , occurred after tue Picayune train, and it ar rived in about two hours. The dead fire man and badly injured engineer, with the passengers, mail, express and baggage, were transferred. This train reached Sa vannah about 9 o'clock, three hours later than tbe arriving time of tbe wrecked train. Mr. Peudergrast lives in Savannah and has a family. He is an old engineer and is well known in Macon. Mr. Maddox, t e fireman, also lived in Savannah and was unmarried. Among tbe passengers in tbe sleeper were Messrs, Robert H. Plant and W. V. Harper and their families, and Mrs. A E. Seifert and children. All of these wero bound for New York. They reached Savannah in time for the steamer. The eanse of the wreck, as stated, was a billet of wood that had been wedged in the frog. It was found there afterward by the aap<-rvisor. Just one hour before the accident a freight train had passed safely over tho frog, showing thnt ita being placed there was a deliberately laid plan to wreck the train. There is nothing just now to give the least possible clew to the perpet rator of the deed. The railload an horities will use every possible effort to ferret him out. The wreck did nnt delay the train from Savannah due in Macon ut 3:30. Tbe np train due in Macon at 4:20 yealerday after noon also came in on timo and from per sons on it the 'i'si.suaarii learns the fore going particulars. Every week swells the num ber of sales. Tho truth will out. None equal the IIALLET & DAVIS PIANOS for the money. J. If. BURKE k CO., Southern Agents, Vo. 7 Cotton Ave., IH 4 CON. GKO KOI A. ESTABLISHED 1857. WIN SHIP Ac —established^ CALLAWAY, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND HATTElls I 126 Second Street, Macon, Ga. Return thanks gnd offer to tho public at lowest prices tb best grades of Clothing and Hats for men and boys has goods and all clothing from previous seasons at very low ures. Look at us before buying. Suits and shirts made f 1 measure. 10 1 - «pn»»n aomewbat embarrassed. Tho Parnellitea called far groans for Chamberlain, which were given with ahonts of “Traitor!" and “Judas Iscariot.' Chamberlain merely laughed. When order was resolved Gladstone rose, white end trembling, and moved to adjourn until Thursday. Ilealy and O Conor again challenged the votes, saying they would not offer opposi tion, but wished to express their repug nsnee of the conduct of many members of Gladstone's party. During the hubbnb which followed, Gladstone, wearing a hazzard look, left the house, cheered by his supporters. It is understood that the Cabinet will be summoned to meet at noon to-morrow to decide on the advisability of counseling the Queen to dissolve Parliament. Tbe political excitement throughout Eng land, and particularly in London, is very grout. Politicians of all parties are preparing lor the general election with much more vigor than hns heretofore been witnessed. A large number of Tory aspi rants for seats in the lloa e of Commons are retiring in favor of the Liberal Unionist candidates. In districts whero the joint poll is conservative, tho vote with that of tbe anti-Gladstone wbigs will probably secure the election of a Unionist. MONEY FOR LAND OWNERS SPECIAL RATES ON EAST TERMS. Apply to CLEM P. STEED. Macon, Ga. No. 2 Cot ton Avenue, over Payne’s drugstore. apr«w3m 'A, PR 17V *1* cents for postage, and X ill/. 1.. receive free a cwtly Dux 01 anode which will help all, of tlther aex, U more money right away than anything alia It thl. world, Fnrtnnca await the worker, absolutely sure. Terms mailed free. Tana * Co.. Augusta, novdwty. Raleigh anil u Number of Other Towns go ltry. IULZian, N. C., June 7.—Local option elections were held to-day at many points in this State. There was much excitement, bat tbe election passed off quietly. The prohibitionists carried the day at ltateigh by alxty majorrity, and also at the fol lowing places: Oxford, Kingston, lien ilersor, Wamntoo, Lonieburg, Winston, Sol. in, Apex, Beaufort township and Bea board. Thejantl-prohibitionieta carried the elections at Durham, Franklinton, lteids- -villc. Holly (Springs, Morehesd City, Aehe- ville, Goldsboro and l.iittleton. The election wts upon the question of license or no lici-rsc for the sale of epiritnons linuois, and the lew goes into effect at once where prohibition was carried. Ciuai-on L-, June 7.—The election here to-day on the question of prohibition or license revolted in favor ol licensing ealoons by a majority ot 528. Ktateaville voted for liceMe and Concord voted for prohibition. All the towns under the general flute laws. LONG LYKChTd For tha Triple Crime of Harder, Bobbery soil Anon. CuiSLorr, N. G., June 7.—Alfred Long, who was charged with tbe murder, robbery and burning of the bodies of A J. McBride and wife, together with the house and its contents,* was lynched about five mile* front Lexington, about 3 o'clock yesterday. He made a fall confession of bis guilt, going into details of the whole sffeir, and saying at lest that he wss guilt/ and knew the consequence. MILLKGUKViLLK. NOTES OF THE DAY. Capital fellow—the millionaire. Tampa, Fla., baa a cabbage two feet across. Fish bawls are now fashionable among Cttiutdiiuift. Freeh novel translations are beoomlng veiy mean. Chorus eingi-re is bringing revenue to a good many girls. The female eye is attracted by the bar gain advertisements. 'To Let" signs are yet numerous on cot tages at summer resorts. It is only when the rolling mill censes to roll that it gathers moss. You can't get a schooner at Bar Harbor and there are no bars there. A good many New York hotels are dis pensing with colored waiters. New York journals accuse ladies at the late Urines ot being impolite. They called her Lady Washington. Will they call Frankie Lady Cleveland? Biaves of tbe ring—Married people and the victims of clashing church people. nglikh noblemen traveling in this coun try, don't impress with their manners. Iowa will have an immense fruit crop. Straw berries are a glut at live centa a quart. A seaside hotel will have ita band mix classical and sacred music with tbe popular. It is charged that certain physicians get tip* for recommending particular summer resorts. A Negro Boy Kitted by Llahlalag—Heavy Bala. Mnjjmoaviujt, Jane 7.—Henry Bates, a colored boy of this city, aged about nine teen yean, was killed by lightning this af ternoon on Ur. Ed. Vinson's place, six miles west of town. A heavy rain fell thi* afternoon. There is talk in England of calling Prince Albert Victor tbe “Dnke of London,” a title that has never yet existed. It doesn't cost much to remember the poor, but if yon want the poor to remem her yon it costa something. It la the nnivenal opinion of the White House employee that a fairy has touched the old bnilding with her wand. It is the Usr who wants to knock yon down for doubting hi* word. The honest man will atop to argue matters. The baseball umprire should be a good arbitrator in labor troubles. No man has bad more experience with strikes. Patent leather, though not favorably took# upon by many, is to be worn in many grades of shoes, boots and slippers. A small cast-iron cannon can now bought for five centa. Tha price of< stones for small boys ia away np, however. I Jnlee Vents ia still suffering from tbe pis-1 to! wound inflicted by bis crazy nephew, and has not yet been able to lease his bed. | Prince Henty, of Bsttanberg, bus left bis sfife in the cere of his royal motlicr-in-Ww and has gone to visit his parents in Ger many. A Michigan sheriff who went to serve an injunction on tbs proprietor of a tan yard, accidentally 1st the document fall into the vat full of acid. Tbe injunction wss dis solved. PROF.CHS. LUDWIG VOU SEEGER, Profenor of Medicine at the nnt/al UnlrtTB'dy Knight of the Hounl Auttrlun Order oft hr iron Crotrni Knight Commander of the IlommS/rnnith Orth r of Imlvltn» Knight of the. Jloyrtfirruttian Order of the lle<l Eagle; Chevalier of the Legion oj Honor, tic.* tic., tu) LIERia CO'H COCA HEIST TONIC should not bo coniounded with the hold* ot trailijr cure nils. It !• in n» sense of the word m potent reim-dy. 1 am thoroughly c»nver#nnt with it* mode of preparation nnd know it to bo not only a legitimaterbnrtni'Ceatical product,! utalsoworthy he high commendation* it hns received in oil porta of tue world. It contains essence of Beef, Coca, Quinine, Iron and ('.hIUhvs, which are dls- aolvrd in pure genuine S;him»li Imperial Crown 8herry. H Invaluable to all who are Run Down, Nervous, Djr*p»ptict Diliou*, Miuariou* or stflibd with weak kidneys. lleware of Imitation*, S£2 1UH2TT8 TATCIltt GOSXKU OLTCISIUS. Uteri by tier Royal ItSgt, net* the Prlneett of WaUt •ml tho nobility. For the Skin. Complexion, Krup- tk>a*,Cti*pplng.Rou«hne«a. SI.00. Ot druggists. 11111(« C'O’S Genuine Syrup of Snmn* pnrllln.U guaranteed a* the beat baraaporllia la ill# market. N. Y. Dopot 38 MURRAY STREET JanlBtua-thn-eat&wly A* They Cannot Possibly make a porous piaster haring anything like the medicinal qualities of Benson's. the camp followers of the pharmaceutical profession produced tons of worthless plasters, and give them nanres which re semble in print that of the genuine, and, when carelessly spoken, sound like it For example. Cheap J* hn druggists will offer you trash variously styled ••Capsicum,” ••Cspsicin," ••Cepslclne" or ••Cspucin” plasters, prefaced sometimes with the uauio '•DentonV or "Burton's. ” Wo ecrncstly cau tion the public sgainst the whole tribe of them. They are absolutely useless as remedies for disease. To bo sure they are cheap, but plain muslin is cheaper and Just as efflcacioua. Ask for Benson's. •h the spelling, and look for the ‘-Three Seals" trademark, and the word “Cnpcine," which is cut in the centre of of the genuine.* EXCHANGE, BUY OR HAVE YOUR COTTON GINSI Repaired In Macon, Georgia, at JAMES T. GANTT’S, Satisfaction guaranteed. (Freight free.) Gantt's Improved Condenser Best in tile Woi*ld. Write for cironisn and reduced prices. maylCsanAvkiB GROCERIES! The undersigned hare opened a large and complete stock of Grocrieti at 124 Thiva I street f and respectfully invite all in need of Supplier, to call on ti*em before purchuSI elsewhere. The stock includes All tho staples used by farmers, and has been leWtfill with special reference to their wan to. It Iiah been marked At | PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES, and planters will find it to their interest to conatUt them. ■WEIGHT & HILL,I MONEY LOANED R F. LAWTON. Banker, Second street, Macon, Oa. janl7dlt&w6m 124: Third Street. THRI iGrab Orchard Wafersx::s^ cd packages at 10 stlpntlon -1 Xi CIS. V. SIMON N- JONH*. Man, - - PBlatwaiMiW N„?_rjnulns salts told^a bull 0 F. 8. JOHNSON. JEFF LANE. JOHNSON LANE, MACON, GEORGIA. REWARD 1 FT Rr> W A R FJ tion of school vacancies and needs. No trouble ot —*— —■ -JL- _X S \ \ .A. V „ _JL_ \J -1 i t I Uon of school vacancies and needs. No trouble ot expense. Hend stamp for clrculstw. CHICAGO SCHOOL AGENCY, 185 South Clark street, Chicago, I ;. ! 3?TH0RNS'™ FLESH Th# Great Southern Romance—a southern new vf tkt I nar.ltt rnut*» ami rtnnUt. An»»er» “J #Wf JCr. rami’* and M« Tom's fJtHa," It coutsin* farts .Vti* immtn JfT Ry C.pL ot • Sen .1. H. 11<-yd. hand f<4 illiAKU BROS.. Atlanta. Ga. circulars to IIUtIHAHU A FBI END IN NEED. Dr. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment of Connecticut, Um great been used for more than 60 years, and is tbe beat known remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Hpralns Bruises, Cuts, burns, wonnds and all external In Juries. BOLD liY ALL DRUGOI8T8—TRY IT. Jan 23-aat-tues-thuraAwl TIIE O.l.C. CO. PERRY, GEORGIA, la the sole proprietor ot O. I. O. (Old Indian Core), The Perfect Blood Purlllcr ! This vegetable Tonic and Purifier never fails. Druggists sell it and indorse it every, where. Dr. VTm. F. Bynum, Sr., a prominent S raician and citizen of Live Oak, FIs., tea ns; “It gives the best satisfaction o( all the Blood Purifiers." Ladies in Delicate Health Have in it a Sovereign Core. AS A TONIC AND APPETIZER, There is absolutely nothing to compare with it COOK EVAt-OHAToa. We have tbe lamat law of lulls, etc., for Sugar Cano and Sorghum, mad# by any works In tho THE BLYMYER IRON WORKS CO. Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son EASTMAN. GEORGIA. Private and chronic disease# a speciality. Hun drvd* of cortiftratm of cures. Will visit adjoining counties. Consultation fres. Msdldns by mall ot express. Jan2*wlyr TIT T IX Instant relief. Final cure tntO JL IUEikji days^uid nsverreturns. No puiMb no salve, no suppository. Sufferers will learn of s simple remedy Free by addressing C. J. If AHoN.Th atrrect. V. Y. decttwly HOLMES' Mouth Wash SURE CURB nnd Dentifrice I Cares Bleeding Garni, dee**, ff«r# Month, Bare Throat, Cieanae^he Teeth and Purifies the Breath; used end recomVended by leading dentists. Fro ared by Dre. J. P.kV.R. llolmre, drutl*u. Macon, Oa. For sale by all druggists end dentlsta. SMITHS s^rURE Billeataest: Sick HexSach* InFoerkoer*. (Q Oa* Sees rail*.** Neuralgia. Ike, cere sad w pr.t.nt Chilli > Fleer. Soar Steeiack * Bed » !.. Clear the Skis. Tone the Nenee, an* sire aU,orlethee,etem. fteeuBii: ltt;.(s. Tn then sac* end ,*a a. **M» fee attheet these. Price.nceaH/er kettle. Se'dDiO. 14'rie end Medicine Dealers lent n receipt el pdci In itinpt, postpaid, w tny tffrtft, J.F.BYtITII Si CO., HiaetecUrert aed Soto Props.. ST. LOUTS. ttO. ftb2AStew awly ClnCINNATl.OHIO. Ah agents, we again offer the planter, of this section tbr celebrated PRATT GUV, Feeder and Condenser!! There have I ecn over 20,009 Oitta of this make need by cotton planter* in errrr I cotton growing Motion of tha world, a lot of ton having recently been .Lipi-edta Coses | EVERY 011V WARRANTED.! Price reduced to suit tbe times, but quality u high aa ever. prii Bond for eata , .'>.-*e «nl | may303A*tf A. 13. FARQUHAB & CO.’S AJAX ENGINE § CORNISH BOILER /] jlljjyiJ / i: . / » ; E » H S9IV Or-Wf.. Aemastigt-' ■ -a-, -Ia '^ f : QJhAR,YOR: ji lt), 12,14,20 AND 25 HORSE POWER. The strongest, safest, most durable, efficient and reliable Engine mide. lower than any other First-cluss Engine. For solo by * A. B. FARQUHAB & CO., Macon, Georgia.