The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 22, 1886, Image 3

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JUNE 22, ItWti.-TWELVE PAGES. POLITICS. cpviCH CAPTIVATES THE gl'flTV OK COLUMBUS. r;,— ,n "r °*"° ry * rr, _ ! l u the Occasion. BACON CAPTURK8 COWETA. General Gordon’s bpeccti in Thomvvllle An Insult to Intelligent People." ,*n. Oo»d"«. Isuii'lngi Nkab Caktkubyjlue, Jnn<-16 tors Couswtu im*: To relievo your miurt of Thomibyill*, Juno lG.-Gen. Gordon 9 ®“® mi*appr,heL.ii>0. aud to slow JOU B[oke here to-day to a good crowd, made up of ladies, men from Brooks, Mitchell and Decatur connties, and from Florida and about the same number of Thomas county voters as heard Hon. A. 0. ltaeon, poEsibly a few more. The speech was gnsby and disgusting to an extent I would not have believed even had the Great and Good Tblbobapii published it. His wife, his baby, the war, Hon. A. 0. Ba con's absence, “not by mv procurement or consent," and a great deal of swearing that he was innocent of any tiade about his res ignation, with ridiculous comments on Ma jor Bacon's war record, occupied the hist hour and three quarters of his speech. He then said be had wanted to .peak on the Ktate matters of iuieresi in this campaign but he was tired and knew the crowd waa Ho was interrupted by remarks from the audience: “Let's have them." “that's what we came here to hear " ‘ 'G r on," etc , ami under this impulse devoted ev<n five minutes to the fit ita road an I the Railroad Commission, aud then ten mi utea asking the crowd to come to see him “ou Pea-li tres” and taking the nsual vote. All who that the public «ro ..hi ■ t ' me euro the pr* eut bnrt ih over jouro 'noidate. allow me stato to yon that 1 Imldpi titionsfrom toon- d Ho». Smith. | “I shall say nothing of Gen. Gordon to- ] I'll I, 1 I VQTT\T7 ("IP ATf.A NT A 6 1880 -Eli- night. My victory is complete. I shall ‘■ IUj Al'DlAli-l VI di 111. not appear now as his proaccotor. Tho MAJ. BACON« KIUKNDS CONFIDENT' OK HIS ULTIMATE SUCCESS. sands of voter* all over Georgia, signed by I warn the people of Georgia tho ritk they ns good arid true in* u as live, asking luo to run in electing Gen. Gordon, nor shall tho address them on the politic d issues of the yelping of all .lie hit dogs in the State de- iloy, and aa'pronf of the fact I refer yon to ter me from that work. Social Circle, Conyeis, Grtensboro, Modi-1 [Signed] W. n. Fxlton. son, Uognnsti.le, Tulhottou, L dirange, Forsyth,Cedartowo, Leesburg. ii*,Dtesniua, | MOKE MONEY KOtt GORDON. Dawson, Dallas, Dalton, ltockinart,L-xing- Thai State of Georgia is rt sponsible for the Sen ators it tl.cts." I bad the earn* opinion of him then 1 havo now, hot Huntington had given no tangible proof that ho waa espec ially tho "man” of Huntington. I now | Tho Union Point and White ruins Hath- road — Fulton Superior Court— tho Atlanta, Juno 17.—Dirt will bo broken on tho Union Point and Whitt# Ilyina rallroAd Monday _ r ri >i ni: u ut\*. I !,.• :,.'it mil • .• .iiirt»’«Mi iiiIIom ii> fcnD, Cave Spring, Fort Valley, B.trntuvillo, I Another Contract for the Illro of Convlcta I length, and when bul t it will be turned over to tli© McDonough, Fayetteville, Newuau, Fair-I Sctout In Full. management of the Georgia railroad, to be operated burn and many others too tedious to men-1 g TiTKnr Gjonma, Fcltos Cooxty.—This by tho company. The r »d will co.i about $75,- John B. I OW. The oouutry through which it will run in «om- Kulb, State I paratlvely level, and little heavy work will be en countered at any point on the lino. The eharter of the Union Point and White Plains road was granted tiou. When you op n your coinmu* to abase „„ emeu , BUtBru(l ’ iuto Mwmo ,fme,md&ov.'.Am Urn M tfordon, of the county of D.Ks ■ , . , .* * 1/1. . UUlllUII, Ui UKl WIUUIJ til ivmu, i same place for aajing tliq at-ueot Gaorgiais a f oraaab j aud 0 ness B. Howard, of the itchi. g Ui wa lop ms from t ear Larton.vUte county of Cr.iwfoid.8Ute nforesaid, wit- to 1 ybte 1‘gttt, you Will pt rim *h undenitand that for and in coiinuleration of the by the hut LfgisUture. The mad will be of •taud- y$.u aie LA)t exactly rtpreneiiting the whole —— - - - • 1 StuU; ow» aro your abu ive speakers (’ s “~ n work that vill fetind tho tr* ‘ k Jro /Kino Bl,m * 0, » r thousand dollars cash ar d gauge. The work of t/illdlo* the line wUl bo . i .. t j ® iu hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby done by convlcta, Bomlunnt 4c Joss- T . v s j oneH ; a rooortod as savintt “Itis ^ u l i 0W i* <Jged, an.l in further conaideraiiou Unj?# of Augusta, being tha contractors. Bondur^ot u ' v * * . J , Iu ^ ls r "P'r' \ V ??. ,U . K * of lift) bait 8 »-f cotton, each wtighniR four k 4<) „ llui . * - - the tir d-K tjat howls aud l will hUow jou L |miire<l aQ( j flfty p on n.te of hu average oonvlcU . Gordou aod Governor cr0|| j ot> twel ,ty tive bales to be delivered 8 u>ckadea a.l 1 ',:. 0 '!!.!. .* iLt. •>“ tl»o 15‘*» »t November, and twenty-live “ .... I are aab-leaaeea of some of W. B. Lowe’ti h »w b.* ly Gt neral Smith urn nit bef >re jo»t You _ a . r A • rrk I * ^ a luborad article to light llA j L# ou icfh of Deoember of each year, voted, voted for him. The Bacon nion yoatertay in your paper in^ which I must f()r . , t H oouutiugthe present ns tin, worI . w, i‘ “ 1 ' ' part think yon are either grossly deceived by ft(Bt ^ ei ara ^ >d in furlllBr cou . WaWJ, h. i his matchless style. uing of the campaign that he waa for Goi someone or you delibinitely propose to 1 B ,,t Bra ,j„Q of the'assumption of the debts ">• "on.tmct on ot quote iusult the intelligence of your readers, by a iucurr(H j b tllu tirul G onlon & Cox, “ *M"» " *• P"« begin- statement which is shown to be fame, end . Q ronl|ln J tbB nluutatmu ot the said On- lector, of the enter In progresa of construction at Union Point, and the convlcta that are to do tho work will be shipped to that point Saturday. Tho used will ba about one hundred, and the line alii be pushed forward practicable. A meeting of tho pr u words ai ho delivered i - r waa re8ttre j ^ n on# x. O. I donT “subject to alteration or amendment. \\Vre it necessary, I couldl- ^ ... «l« ^«--*- — s The Next Governor of Georgia Receives a Grand Ovation at Newuau. Niwnxn, Juno 16.—This baa been a field day for Bacon in old Coweta. The crowd which gathered at the depot to meet him numbered some four or five hundred peo- v ' ‘ 1 pie, who fairly made tho woods ring with cheers and hurrahs. When he alighted from the train cheer after cheer went up, and in an instant ho was surrounded by friends and supporters. Borne time elapsed , ic le T wired the before he could reach the carriage, which * G*. J |1De J G - f wasdrawn by Mr. \V. I*. Gerald’s handsome fji last u, * bt ' 4 n \ UB j!^ having 8 this 8f»y»- AH the way from the depot to tho Ifceeturtbegot . . £ . i ublio B q Uare cheers and hurrahs rent - tde last convention has given him h uir , Q mrriagB WBre SB8ted u hold fur ^: C Vhiieiti8,rQe W ' A - aaraer ' *• Dent. Captain KctUaUscriomliy. Whde:Thomas Leigh, W. H. Gerald and A. M. ‘“.Oavirnor has m T Harrington, Esq., of West X’oint. On the ,lio would ?“ p P 0 ^ W hich lie might nrrivin 8 ut tlu > Virginta Honse, there was 5,0,1 any po“ ,tl ““ *' t h BV w in no t ? 0 1- anotlier outburst [ot hurrahs and cheers for , "i.aUolrue that they will not lot A 0 Blc0D , the next Governor of Goor- O, leader-hip for gU He WM then BBOOtb(d to hjg tQom . jears ago m ,i B 4 f".“ At half past 2 o'clock Major Bacon, es- li,l [or Bacon, nud corted 1 y a liumtx r of tho most prominent "reor cannot undo his own excellent ciUzeng of th# conntyi entBred r tU e opera 0 ! the lash 00 “{J*? ', house, whioh was crowded to its utmost . here m l “® capacity, and as they marched down the seek, did no tl , I,...,.. , aisle the building shook from its very fouu- cause. ^ “« dation with t beers. Hate flew into the air i 6 ? |. in , nu * it ._ and handkerchiefs were waving from every | diAiMju, »u$«u im mm. *»■« Coinmhi.i, the largely predominating hiiU(i> g acll HU ovu tiou has never been present agresd beforehand to havo no be «• hHr«h as were ins re- j- uown ^ ere before. I in that absurd peiformimoe. •bout Dr- Frltuo, ns tney app«»rert After they were seated upon tho rostrnm As to the effect of the speech, I will , CiUbtUatiou of last pnnaay. ine^ j « y} * Turner introduced Major an ell soldier a ho announced iu the begin i'kH 1 “•«* in \V*r. more than one g“° d I 0 ( the appreciation of his presence by Lis I to tho speech to-day: I. were Gordon men before | .... _ H .i vi.. xr.iI m« nl*.r nff iIia f«.na. * or Smith delivered that ' „,)* supoorting Bacon. i .ba, Sl-juk Bicon was spn luB „ „ „ „ 1 , nro i.ii.eut citixen say no wisneu comm , hBHjn m, j t ntfcctcd the people, cleaily insult to Intelligent people. s ^ v.raor would mnke ^auothcr | d( , dn j U( , y, views nud position iu reference I To see and hear both mei , 0 r two of the sume tenor ** “J 9 , 0 the same. Ho Bald that he was opposed able to Major Bacon, unto make the oounty entirely I U| tho gal|) o£the 8Ulle road _ n e expressed far above Gordon as* B * eon ', _ , good reasons why be opposed it. Ono of only striking. , . ,, „ .I^WRnoi su.—i.i >•» — •— i l Jt »little MMSIM ' ’ , * bis main arguments was that the income re- 8,'ME OLD BOLDIEB8 to .F a ?? lt- This lull luis u< *'''‘ 0IU n , convict 1 anu. known os Penitentiary No. 2, ' Sxitk ttghimg so hard in the Gordon I . yed wgg th e g rea te8t aiil to the public ’ I with tho custracli .u uf « “ew L u ,l »u his cont ol over the convicts, by The»ioU»l Campaign. ,„,|| ills known that witinn three Bc hool fund, and in fact was more bonefl- That *r. for MsJ..r ii«c,.n In ITef.renee to than we hnvo with the control ' t J ur "‘ t I season of his intereat in the Ft niteuliory Atlasta, Jnn. n—Tkm is no dhnloutlon in ’ pA,: ho gloated over cial to the promotion of edneotion than the General .lobu H. O.irdon. Britiin. Gmctai, Gordon opposed., the ^ 2 gn , lj hl ^ eDM aud lttku poB - th« conlW.nce of Irlcnds of U.Jor Bac.m hero.. At be “kept records, on I vBune f colu any other B ource; that he was There were several prominent citizens of I Thurman funding bill iu tho 44th Oongnss, gtB Lion of his iihintition in Taylor county, I to bu uhluiAto succns la tho cAtnpAlgn. Whllo t uiJ that crowd, and that tney . Q j gvor u j tedtouing the road to the parties Forsyth in Macon yesterday. Five of them, by introilucing aud speaking “irlbis hill, , iud the sixty convicts thereon, orthat wore Otn.rsl Ocrdon is Urporartly atb.lMd tliejAro tk- Genual was no saint, *° w h D hid the highest and give the besi seen- at leist, were prononneed politicians. One and with- .Inch bill Mr. Hill hod n°t“ lI1 K |„h e plooml thereon by reason of any for- patient and hopeful ti lb. belief that when the Lu mil.Hy »* possible. inose wno i. t tha t he was opposed to allowing for- of them was a Gordon supporter. A Tkl- to do whatever, as lie did not enter tUe I feitnre of Edward Cox, hi* agent and mans-1 people have .polwa l will b. foundtn.ttheyro- i5.iii,r»ith the gentleman a expleUves I nC()I fttiong the controlling interest in KouarH representative met him and had on I until tins bill of Uumngtous was from a failure ou the part of said Cox I buke tlieAtUuterb !Amld»m»nd»siAt.A.iininU. til iui»giue what the ex-Governor tbe ro ad; that he was in favor of allowing interview with him. ■ efeated by a strong speech made t0 comply the contrast made but veeu trukm In which, .• bustnen men and taxiiejet., tho citizens of the State to control it. He “How is it in Monro.-? was asked Benator Cockrell, of Missour, tho gai J utl .i th e said Cox, In Ang- t! , r , cinharc ron f J««. he ” 1 alluded to the many times he has be. n “Well, yon know I am a Gordon man; major Jjnerat in the Louie, crate ngt of , he year last psssid. The said Chess Tba coantlBI mo4l d Uca..edh.r. are that night, heeling ran i * ^ ncvtr BBVet liiem f roul their “The situation ‘ ' M jse days, and thoaudienco fl( f Blit y to jj B j or Bacon. and different, VVV HPHH HPHHHHHHL MB ti. polite os dancing masters. Ub- h aext reviewed the resignation ot Gen. tine, from other districts. In | ltememlfr Mr. mil | The said &oward covenants and agrees . M ' ' ■--*- —*- -si* S'" ...1—1--.-I 1 t0 , BHQU10 the debts of Gordon A Cox, I cld.d victory for Bacon and o .otiLr lor which the said Gordon is liable to the I ernor knilth- benslor from Georgia tar. uoHonjsuomirs i an)0nn tfof #1,1X10. After the property of » »«>> n **ss WkUleld it will bo n cousty to tho Senate whiithtr the beuaui of the I .. » Gordon & Cox. I plnoked from the clotchea of the ring. iMtm United^States shall detemiino that it Iwj the | ^ lQr ^ o£ til0 t | llUv ^ received here In the U«t few daje from etroaf men iy said debts I In the county live good promhe of a Bacon dele- hiviil Howard getion. Theee letters »ro not wrttton Juet for Uio $.1,000 of the I fun of writing, but epeak the vlewe of earnest and - , . UU m«. .... ax am rewitzottUon. namely, that he I and take a bite ot barbecne.” I comm-jaaitonr accoui:‘ I debts of Gordon &, Cox out of his oan pnblic-eplrited ciUsene who propose to go into tho ike painted post °?L tbe '*““** I was too poor to occupy the position, and THOMAS. th^ooriio i ,ocliet ' I£ A* 181 1110 property of the said t».t ditch for MiJorIl«con. and the principles an* 7“« b “ wae forced to resign quick in order to 'SS,?® 1 !?—this i^Sn Edward Cox, which is liable ior the debts political methods embodied and exemplIOod In Ms d, U laid them against the post In bottor big ootl aitioxi financially. Gordon’s Arrival and Ula Novel rroceseton. tlon? I want to *BOW how that acoom ()f Gordon A Cox, has been applied to tho lt n4id»oT. jhteef the footlights, enacting the He also alluded to the present sTitcm of Tuomasvillu. June 16.—The loog looked- modsUoncanpossili lybeuefltUio govern- lmJ . mBnt „ { tbe BguJ ^ a balance should still m»[th.manacled Bouth, msnaclcd , , lubor „ an i n jnstice to the work- for, mneh-advertised Gordon boom is upon be due on said debts, it Is distinot'y under- md ptoghesying GeuerJ bolqultt ing clagSi lnaiimae h .. it in tu direct com- ns. At the stirring call of the “brass | the amofet that thu government i^Urtle | t . - zza. I rn running the plautetion of the said Gar-1«the enterpriw w.s held >t WMta p-Atoe ir- the subject matter entmljr foreign to Mr. d in Trt yi„ r oJmuty. for which said Oor- reaterdajr. at which the followl. B wJnf dlreetea — —- . 7-j- Huntington scouuectlon with Gen. Gordon, don mil y bg i m i,i B 0 u the terms, and ti tho »« orxenlud: John 0 n.rt, ll.rrjr Hill. K. t. " i i.i i Bacon aroso amidst cheers that plainly told Bsid ho to me, alter listempg attentively I by a simnlertfrcuce to the CoiigrcHsioiinl I ^ ii0UI ^ c j her. inaftcr set forth, and the Terpen and Al>lender Teppen. Mr. » ooa . . I ot the ennrccintion of his or.senco lev his I to tho speech to-day: “Well, he knocked Record. I ,i*k yor.r readers to look ,u r “'® further coLsi Uratioo, that the said Howard UsaIJ. wIU be randspreddent The money to Imlld * - i "' 1 ' L 1 ' 1 ' “ n 1 - hstever may Uereaf- the m d wIU be raised by euWcrtptlon. and U.o en- iy now he due the terprlse wilt be bonded el the nle of $0.0 0 ] -■ r for the use t-f sold j mile. Yesterday Ur. Berry Hill, who for ecverol B. Goi doll 1ms bar- yeare bee Abed e position of peaeenser oondnetor ',nl Gordon is to be sight. He well remom last reception here, ti, last reception nere ^ * tioU- will be e p time to advocate Colquitt against Tb J people of Coweta county understand General.’' ..i kathera serio-comic dramatic | v . ...a I “How are the old soldiers of Forsyth!" I pose will he saidot cocgreii, wno expoaco i , the'dales above 1 ““T"“ HM5 pointed guy. were in-1 I Fomyth, "fWi^e'a m ““of tic BeSS^f to |Twm|m J h “ ~" 1 ' “** ' W ° UM f ° r n ‘ P0, “ H " C '‘ * ^ ^ in,, ninth to the General a, Gordon’s own statement, that he flung younger men are for Gordon, while it is on Mr. West, an advocate of the lull, said the n tb wo* (peaking up hill, « the high pubUc Uilt which they honored Uscertiined fact that a large majority of Senator from Georgia (ill' Gordon) submits gaUantly and dramatically. T*h> ui m Jithback into the faces of his ooastitu- our old soldiers are for Major Bacon. to the Senate whether the Bouaye of the I ,,, t itling that night was a country b [ur personal motives and pecuniary “What is going on up your way?’ United States sh^ determinotha^lithisithe Iut „„ lIBU „ ul (d 1 post in the foreground. He . rwK j thB lotter o£ Hogg “Oh, very little. You Bacon fellows power to coerce those companies, or shall we w, Bxba „ htld or lutt de to pay i wring Die condition of the Bonth «“ “ to 0cIli Gordon> which in sent.- are going to have a big barbeone and speeoh deal with them onthepnnciplHO'acoom- “ u 1)0BBible _ tb at is, ihi sib. .. U w, ugtow Gcu ®rriEolquitthadsaved ment b « at reltBrate , ono o£ big mauy ex- making next Saturday week. Come up modatmn To'hioh Cockrell replied. Ac- hil i B ,» bahle to pay *1,000 of «,d stch like. 8«ad®n>J b ® 0080B f ot his reaiguoUon, namely, that he and take a bite ot barbecue. commodationK ^ Accommodatiou of whai.? ^ o{ Qordou & Cox out of hia o uaccb uwiH* i n». ai. m»o nutriua wm w* mio w‘«®»irv . ^ .« s ..u. i Hioou Mid ssrefil that Howard hball paj’I . - „ . . , ,e , ... I petition with free and honest labor. Here I band," we hastened to see the procession £ ®tf ®*®j " fThlw’ I " llU1 '•dance, provided it does not exceed °**'' u “ f *J 1 N*^ b * tel ttme eight, in that same theatro, g wgg unablo to proctBd on account of that we imagined would, of course, follow . ***?| $3,tXH). If tha balance due on the debts of ***“**** ** T hudfcld Was among the audience. Iprolonged and enthnsiastio ■ i .s,uii,.^ m r.n™nf «onnaiv*.nit i .. .. . i-a.-a. ••— • in tbe gullery, where there were not apptglBd eloquently mur ’ ta ';^ Q '?' ow .P b ?f i a t 'L t e d I-aocu of our county to Stan ttixpana UO “ pies of ri^ht ami truth, ftliu uui. vu i-m« Ml I Huppuricra. iucio wo B«W iuo uoumm I - - „^...nmor.fl,.sa I I suonm «w«u oo.wu UI nmu uaiduuo, tuo mOjiI-jb would seem to grow more I tlie j euiaKO gihm‘and political frauds p«r- Ldjghtiug from his carriage, driven by I Kii<l Howard covenants and agrees to give who performed tb* operation and tho am-iavti. of V>w and agMn, petrated by the AtlonU triumvirate. I four gray horses. But where—oh, where I $.RfOOt),000 at this date to tnese pt - ^ JobQ ^ Gordon bond with two aunu of Claim. The fact ii further MUb:i*hmt lie procession—ten small boys, adozen I tiona. JtaWWjT ““sJ2SP5SJ9 goo* wennty in tho sum of $3, UOO that th« mjury vm rocsivod in a railroad accident ■d votes, a tew whiles, the “bnss toSb.WU»f uf of thst part of L M«cn. »• «i.rt HA n .»itntb<i ttiA w-linU I their earniogg annually, lots Dill p P I ^j g contract which relates to the pajrment | i am i&fonnnd farther on thU point that It eao probably be eeUblUhed that the railroad compro mised with Oann by paying him $fi00. oraome ilml- Ur turn of money. I hear It Intimated that Oann ' *■ 1 p*“ | lncllnwl to b. d.aou.tmUvo abont tho matter, IBS how .bout Joe Brown?' I “^toy^wTu .n"p“^rVM.j« B^om I of ThT'^iZ ^t’i“ho^ to^dwW I «b® *ri ofThe Tu.licC I Ho^rflisamro to*Jly wbSSSft Z *“ TL^tiLii reception wl11 b ®?'®®H After tho speech was concluded a rush be more auspicious than the beginning. | ^hvleadbio J lawvers ,,uo or hereafter become due to tbe T n ,..^ k . OiJrn bsv« como from headquar- wag u for *£ a gta( . e to cpn gra tulate the | A Lady, w..m.d..,n lAWv.rm^ ...a .. .. te“tbim ,,i ‘flbSfAttSff cam: I M^sm.xviu.,. Oa ’ June 18,-LMt I Umm2* The Malmtd HolUler Fraud. Atlanta, Jane 17.—'The pnbUcetlc n intlio Txlw- frauda on tbe maimed Oonfedar- the HU to baa boon conaldor- P* . .vf 11 ® JJSvJ* petrated by tho Atlanta trim . B uitempt t>e spesker bj | p M ^ throughout was a grand and I was the $1 oot IoH'Ij, Yes, hot how magtBtly t a ott> rtplcte with oratory and colored ■ 06 brown, referring OH I f rnn , nil nannnsl nUsa still ■1.trw1(>V I l,nn,1 " . musi-riy tuon, ivjjiciw whu ■ CJiuirii vihu b, «• icw wuii.v*, $uu wdhto i * . , «. • 77" „ r* I free from all personal sbuse and slander, band," and tho bailiff constituted the whole I ro®‘ r ““““'I- i this eontroct which relates to tliu psymeni i f. k “ e * '« D®'! 100 '* r«r. BOtt Uon. Boiat#d , H *| BW campai gn spsecbea K l- turn-out. We did get a glimpse of the rc- «d to bo robsttatal^o» Jkrt <* to judtci- th# dfbu of lUa fl[m of OoMou i Cox. flibeotrsl was bending over with I (UCj nIlA complimented by both sides, doubtable editorof the Times, who reminded “Y b [!}, ?«■? issrl M tid Hiward further agrees to give to said i^V’ia ,a . d I ,r ‘“ ud |“8 ai “’ , ( t Men competent to judge say tho speeoh was ns of on old hen with one chick, in his vain we kball b« ; d , l yi John B. Gordoo good bond and security iu Uik BUidford again yelled ont, tip- a U e.t political effort they havo ever efforts to create the enthusiasm that should fjj)' 1 ? 8 . 1 ?®*? “ to,te more' tean the sum of *18,1X10 to indemnify him for i ae H n «l to be about tlio ^ BS. who were on i.fence .a, I natoUy hav. Uen owUenwi in thehouls 1000 ^I hi. UaWlity to the 88 BALDWIN. Orcanlxatlou of a Urea Huron Clab, inado thU CMC, but ha» news obtained from one ot Tbe Btata and the public —Last I Now kt l 1 Editor, there r^‘ caw, which lbs In.MtlfAtton new g. tug on will . 11 nothing hsro about bnilding a “* w I.. ... o„ n i nn .. o., i.i'.i donbtlm develop fnl'v. >e r.l | its. iXoiSl I gujing the speaker; |i-0vv.tLor Smith will uot be where * *i tint time. . _ . . . ill, put down Muscogee for Ba ion. Getting Heady to lUcelve Ilaeon-A btrong 'buneda when I say tint his ipi-jCli I Arrsy of Arenments. « Sight took the town by storm. It ‘•Uriy, and, withal, in such quiet tkal even tho Gordon min were u * manly coailact in critlcisiDg bis pushed opponent." The neutrsl < Sen ( ill* to and praiaes nustint- i ‘Hurt, and it but reflects public Whero to Ovt tli« Nt w* of Atlanta. Atlanta merdianto boots on A lab am* - m ovenu, \ uiif 1UI . U I convicts for tbe balance of the eight years I t | iaB | Ba u ; Gonlon. no**!*'""} the time of hU failure to oom- dw aot , aow thBl wolur T.jk r bad gone Mis- P 1 -® »*‘hhta agreement, and the said Oor- nn4er UBtu wbta , „. d „ , a u,. ( .p.r,» von ■qddom I V OQ . “ ave tho right to •**t 4rtr I that sof* nld one of tha party. "Where did Dr. KKI.TUN IN TUOU1*. ■■ „ name; indeedit » «« ““■/ I good repair, to keep up the fences and retnrn I CLAYTON. I from the bonth wh eh d< x» appear J b# ^7,liution on the l.t day of Jan- " —... _ .1 that claimed rospcctahiiity in bouthfrru |.. $ uu <y u .«n:..$.i.i. I | Democri funding convoraatlon at tbla tlm* '*an4 yon won't get any Dm abost Atlanta until you take theTxLKuaAru.'* Auotkar member of the party dropped In a word or two at this Juncture, remarking: "And I n*ad in 'j»W4 Qonlon’a ItualneM Carorr and I announced. '•-•a Heavily Upon sir. Gi.nn The fact that he is the only man in Geor-1 ,.^7^;. i.„„ in.Connte I lh,t cla,meu , ,es P* cl «!L“ ly I uary 1887 in good cnlUvatable condition, wsx June 16.—Dr. Felton made a gia who has had tho moral courage toeMumi *•■> P«r «)•“»• »* * h8 y°^J “ “ ‘ . *' Democratic politloe. "henthe ihnrman UB ;. llyuIl j,, hbjo j that the H«v!i,fult o{ terse ergumeut, to-1 the leadership in oppoeition to the political Joss*Bono.Juuelo.-Thevoteof Ctey- fnnjmj, bill was reintroduced intho lorty- Gordon warrauteth nothing herein I OwTsiaosav. that Frank IMtehabeeltalsa.* O'^cf Driton, | .yndieete ^ohav.^.thyuffr^ of Ur. | SZZZZTwvL S ^ Hilled in the county after every | {JSrth D> Congress, Oeneml Gordon, | gUSlXR.USBUS'| 1 to watch for a chanoe." Felton mople of Georgia aud the offices of Georgia on yesterday, whic Glenn made a big Norwood I an article of merchandise eutitles him to a | votes were polled i --'‘I • f •*Hl ter i* 1 1/teb it.'H a W**’ «b ** '<«•* • *1 ■ rJ '* ) ®. »ad next dsy Trammell I um ig moke .perches for Colquitt. faMge.1 immediately, went to his "Wvrute along Colquitt soeech. 1 1883 when Bvcon was swiuuiefl oui or cue i uumuo. — — rr~ I B$ raemo raiiroeos, ...vr.uo nnd Elate eforseaid Anril 4th r dton reviewed G? rdon’snilroad noiuinatiou. Ceitrin, it is, that the citizens the corporate limits of Jonesboro eighty- tnndiog bill passed, sod tb* Supreme Court > Joww H (luuiiotll, 8 I m Wall street sDeentetioua! Sf to Bute who sre lookiog to the quslifl- seven white vote* and of thisnamher only I)ronot r nc e,l thTbUl consUtutmnri. Gen. 1H7J ' ' 0 “" , 1 r t'lief«tihatQjr<ten declared ^Uon. mJd flTne« of the Jin for the Gov- forty-»ven voted, the “®.Gordon never appeor^ mi a Uwyer nntil he lU8 ’ ) [“eAme.icns speech that all be had ernorship, are tho most ardent supporters of Major Bacon, who disregarded to primary I tldd Howard Williams he was employed as I - ItelraadA. Tbe Doctor recalled how the Mr lloeon so gotten to executive committee end 1 g.nojnl counsel for the Lonuvill* and Nsah- •u bad aliased Mm (Triton) at the I ^ TlS^vote' of Talbot county will ahow that refused to vote. There will bo 8 P tUUon villerosd at an annuel salary of #11,' IUO. feuatogasssail ., HE T5f57S55a,A.- —H—l Ef 1 t-ommission; and now Oov-1 . . AT 1 “ 8,1, * 'he forward aud backward I a Kmber TratlitM »» to Hscon and the ] »h were bwelher eueinst the oeo-1 KsUmata t’lsc.d Upon Him. h& F l 0 F u «^'. y ®~>“ 8 K^ Uosuox, Oa. June W.-AU torron: Jas. N. FmPSTBicg, Osobob W, Maddox, J. P., Jons F. Tbovtoam. THE FUEalDK.NTB FORTUNE. people » ohance to meet to isene square I man ' B bl.l was framed by to leading lew- and fair at to ballot box at an early day. | jer'a of the country. Now, will you do me . the kindness to examine to Record for Savin* Money From 111. salary and From yonraelf end make to proper amends? I Frontable Inveitmenu. Aod the narrau campaign Illustrated. | Governor Hmith cannot aupport Mr. Wosnisoro* June li-The Sunday Cap- i - * • — •*— “—-alary is paid THE BRASS BAND E.r»il7oad”forVmUUon--Ihat is! I Bome’umnagcTl rosd*a eommnnication in I ' 1;t)1T „ B TxL«o.A...i: When Mahone w« Bacon been* he wbs , “I 9 - I 2:7x11.0ta Constitution from a survivor of 1 , H ioa « rom to ten thousand ne-1 tot the railroad, yet he will support a man .him in monthly installments-- H.l r »dd. 'JtoD. rrnl,i„„,„ rxi—’. .1 BeSm.nt steting that | ™ to D?m£!X I who wbs HunUngton’a man, unU. llunte/the last d.y of each month -and tie Tn talented, and you pronounce Hant- tho most accomplished corruption- ".zo’zzhszlVi ss sssr&zh™-sjw i “nirrthT^^s; n *rss? ui i crushing. c v int h Georgia lteg.ment, residing I m0 ; e at the reflection it cast upon the inte! I trustrepoaed inhim^ by to if 11 ®«n >ay Felton is a Dower I iv.lmn with whom Major Bacon enlisted. I.. ...a —-* .j I (ieorma. when be introduced Huntingtons ’ are proud of him, and will vote solidly lACON. him "with hat two excepUons. This luesoow .. — j, —, -. , ., . * Did^t u«t Th«M vi$ I wtioen »n inatics to M*jor Bscon as well as j althooRh not consisting of the I potenihea by tho wur, * _ - i 'iiFl'i' 'Igl i iWiiriitfthiiiiii'iipiiiiMrrffi} 1.1:^’S!ki, 0 A ,h8 P?°P l80f ®“ r fetliogs. Yours truly, etc., ^ Au(ou> ‘^***^7 Fjrop'*. wesnbmit to A QUERY I For A. O. Hscon-The Feople Lore Ula. 1 LrJLn , 2^ ty ot our citizens. I _ „ McBab, Oa., June 1», Is 16.—k -ur '* *• Bacon, the people's can- propounded to ihe ., t. * W. K. «• Telfeir county down for A. O. Bacon. • t 1 CamLb*, Ga, Jone 17. - C** ™ I all love Bacoo dewn hero, though OorJoi TELFAIR M'HtGAN 08 jD, r 0‘h. * _ , ’~|haexecutive commite d*^s71? ky B1 * i 81 Morgen ye»- to Uth of July for ''A' L‘ u T tk,l J U I** coort iui to delegatee to Mr. -Bscc&'t ‘-‘Jtoeu.hi.inteJUtr^ me vto to Bav'annSb, Florida end W«.lero haaTiome few frauds who wfli vote f nilroed charged on the 22lh <^t- *- I him. Thom.svilU end retnrn to b8 V J os that A Barneeville, Ohio, citizen has a rat eoo, end to-dsy U “.,*£7‘ 1 Goid“ end re which he says keep, hia p>Uto vine fre. we ran go end heerOenersl Goto ^ £ ft _ ,u y pop. goes over to Try as urer always makes it a point to send him notes of to latest ietne. Mr. Cleveland, a< Ins predecessors have done, keeps e pri vate bank account with Biggs A Co., and uiakta a to first ot every month, reserving enough .d his salary to pay car- rent . i|iensee, and setting a good example by putting tbe n-st aside for a rainy day. I am to'.l tot bis scconat hu shown a bal ance u large oh *15,0)10, os he has an income aside from hu official salary. While be never bu been n money-getter and he hu earned iu his profession all he bu ever made. Mr. Cleveland bi economical rii-poailinn, and do luxurious lutes like his itume lia'e predecessor. Be fore be euterrd public life he vu making frowttU.tXWUi#16,Ull0ayre( by his prac tice, aud could h.Vd lived like a lord. Hia , eipn.aea, I am told, were never more than : 5t. V»i a year, and he enjoyed bimstU a EBy ot the Co.AtU.Uoa." TSm. wnUment. M«nMd to be A K r “’ th. nnlvMMl opiaion of aU pmun Howard in | All on Accouuc of tlio Great G. T. Atla in a. Jane li-AoM-taBid ix-Con/tdento. Henry C. Brown, of Carroll county, culled at tho •tesutiva offlen tonUy and mnd« hU appllcnUon for tht first nUowtoe* under th« art of the Le«Ul»- Lture appropriating money to eupply ariin- ul limbe to mntved Confederate* lie made epplIce- tlon In 1869 for tbe second nUownnce, aid re««ived It. It seeme that be vu sway from the Hut* in 1I7P. when tbe net wan peeeed. end did not roturik tilt tbe following year. Uemede no appliceUoufor- the Qret three yeere. ne be did not know he wen. entitled to it. Un etnted At tbe deportment u>-«Uy that be bed reed in tbe kUcon Tunuum the opinion of tbe Attorney-Genefel ehowlun th»t be wee clearly entitled to the firrt ellowence. III*, explication wee property mede ont. end he drvw hie |100 from tbe treeeury end departed happy. Tbe morel of this i« Uutt there te grant gain in read ing tbe Greet end Good T*uujeam, not only to ell maimed t i Coaff dereten, tut to ell cUeeee of people. cstinutaupon MjjorB .mldHunk from him wort* c** cents , prevent us from hearing to Unto out rconrr nut to speak ofjland ennngb to mak» two or tkicesuch Bait.-s hi Gtor- via. Hia complicity with Duntirgtoa was not set :oith antil ls v L or I sh 'uld have warned ihe io*omthitGcricr.J -rdon «**» • Mit tor :e-< lection to the .-v- .vte, Y >u a ilirern'mlwr I wuelcuU.! trie, in U» Bevcnth district after Ornurat C <n awl 1 nint h as most men do. his strangest efforts against me, u.11 mode ! Hi. trug.l Uaxte were acquired in youth, a siKtch in ihe Opera Doom in Atlanta in fur be was not born * ilh a gnlJeu, nr even U78, * "eek l i.i.-e hu election, ah.n I ] a.liver, >poon in hie mnirtB, and be hu wu urged to altaek hiio by hundreds ofifonnd bis u'easnre in barl work The I thing that is uid to you in playful from bogs. Every day pnu goeo over to I people, white n gee lien-on of Athena, j Pnuidanl’a Baffalo friend* eatlmato that ho tho meat serious manner. He jea patch from hill to hil£ and wh* n a bt»1 Gs., itopp 1 d t; ■ ■ on th- w«.> i »** »• ‘.to fr* i.» #00,1 > to *7J -XJ at.> u h- your friend*. !■ *t t ■ ■ ■ .1*1 n.,t f^ood she takes her paw and knocks it tu I to to opera bon** to beg me not | wu .Uetel, en-1 already inereue.1 that | *nough of you, and a At »r,_ v tin Uw ground, where it te sjssdilr groa- d to I to expose Mm that night, to vbub 1 ccpiod i amount eunauterably by pro*labia mveate i should seam to naglart you. put tic death between her-harp'• *•*1..' I jn the pruatnee U Mr. lliil ani two k u-cni* *od by to surj . > t b,s salary. • cunstnution apoa ,.,^auci. IIow to Muko Youiniif Unhappy, nail’* Home JounuL la tbe first place, if joa want to moko yonraelf miserable, be selfish. Think all tbe time of jonnelf and yonr things. Don't care abont anything else. Have no feelings for any one hut yonraelf. Never think ofi enjoying to satisfaction of seeing others happy, bat rather if yon see a smiling face, be jealous leet another should enjoy what you have not. Envy every ocu whole belteroft than joor lf; think m.kindl. t u w,r.l tom, and r| • ak lightly of too. Ba cou- stently afraid lest some one anonld en croach on yonr rights, Im, watchful against, it, and if soy should come near your things . at th‘m lite a tna! *lcg. Gontexul i irn' .My for eve yiL,: ; that your own Ihst ru»y m l he w nrth .* pin. Nv,-r y ,1,1 a pedal. Be veer)