The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 22, 1886, Image 7

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22,1888.—TWELVE PAGES. MORRISON DOWNED. wVRFE TilADKUOoUI.Ti NOT GET ' raE bl8TAltll'F'BIL!. UP. . «,.DMB»ersts Uuder UamUll'aLrad W.atern K.e« Trevl.r- Uorriwo lateral. wd-Ortier tVaaliluKtuu Note.. W.BiiiNr.TO*. Jane 17.-In anticipation . 'w t.,, a bill coining to the anrf .ce of “’ sea. ttna morning, there a as *“ , „Km.l y large number of members •“ "‘‘t when toe House was called to P'?, Oeiit’eiuen having charge of •« on the respective side, of the House Lt're kept busily at work aud the chief, the only topic of conversation ’noon the floor, waa the probable ooiuing fitt of the motion to consider the Morrison '""after tbe House had transacted some ntiue bii'ioess, the chief clerk, stating v": was an understanding that a motion w„„l.1 be made to-day to go into committee 0,0 whole on the tariff bill, inquired of M rristin at what hour he intended to mako JS’t mod'in. Morrison replied it was his intent i" n to make the motiou at 1:30 o'clock. * Tlie House then proceeded to the consid- .ratirn ot the land forfeiture bills, it being ihe ill-sire of the committee on public lands to reach the hill for the forfeiture of certain lands granted to the State of Iowa, to aid in construction of railroads; but ns bills „„' *h« calendar preceding this one had to bill, shows that of 140 affirmative votes* 13(i were cast by Democrats, and fonr by Re publican*. lnree of the Republicans are froia ‘he'Statei of Minnesota-N,lion,Strait and W.ikefleld, and the fourth, James, is 'he New York representatives. Of the 1J0 L'c ir ocratio votes, 122 were cast by representatives from the South and West, and four loin by representatives from the Eastern and Middle States. The Oaio Democrats voting for tho bill were Anderson, Hill aud) Outhwaite- New \ork Democrats, Adams, Hart, Belmout, lehr Campbell, Hewitt and Mahoney; Pennsylvania Democrats, Scott, Storm aud Swope. Of 157 negative votes, 122 were cast by Rcpubiicands, and 35 by Democrats. Of the 35 Democrats voting in the negative six came from Southern States, as follows; Maryland, Pindlay; Louisiana, Gny Irion, Hf, Mar iq aud Wallace; Alabama, Martin; and the Western Staten contributed negative votes as follows: California, Henley; Illi nois, Lawler, Ward; Ohio, Camp bell, Kllsberg, Foran, Geddes, LeFevre, Seney, Warner and Wilkins' The remain ing Democratic negative votes were cast by members from New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey as follows: Arnot, Bliss, T. J. Campbell, Dowdney, Merrimau, Mul ler, Pindar, Spriggs, SUhlneckor and Veile; New Jersey, J. Green, McAdoo and Pidcock; Pennsylvania, Boyle, Curtin, Kr- mentrout, Randall and Bowden. Of the gentleman paired Aiken, of Sonth Carolina, has never taken the oath of office, having been ill since the beginning of tbe session. Ttie only member absent and not paired was Frederick, of Colorado, who was con fined to his home by illness. DEFENDING BUiTERlXE. PROFESSOR BABCOCK OF BOSTON INDORSES OLEOMARGARINE. What an Knormou* Manufacturer of But ter Substitute Hay* About It—Testi mony Before the Senate Com mittee by ExparUi ou the calendar preceding F.ltue^d wlcmm“n?°& CLEVELAND THANKS CHARLESTON Fulletle - miuile.l a separate vote on each measure, much time was consumed in voting by tell- “ xbo Iowa bill was not reached For the Solid Silver Vuae Sent ill. Ilrld. HI. Letter. Cnani.EHToN, 8. 0.. June 17.—Preaident Wasbixotox, June 16.—Prof. Babcock, of the liosion Board of Health, and chemist, waa first to address tbe member* of the Senate committee on agriculture and for estry and a large amlience assembled in the committee room, on the subject of oleomar garine this morning. It waa his duty, he said, to ace that the law of Massachusetts, requiring that oleomargaaine should he sold under Ha proper name, waa enforced. In • a great majority of cases the law waa obeyed. There wore thousands of peraons in Boston who buy hutterine, knowing what it is. It was marked hutterine. Bold for, and the price paid waa the price of, hutterine. The Hame statement applied t leomargarine. Many dealer* took more than the pre caution* prescribed by law to inform their customers what they were buying. Iu many towns operatives and the:r famuie* were unable to buy butter, and bat for thi* substitute would be without any thing answering its purpose. It was true, many hoarding-house keepers placed it on tables os butter, and in aome cases it was sold as butler; but in like way did people sell sugar and sand ns all sugar. He believed oleomargnrine healthful nnd should bo sold aa oleomargarine. A law compelling it to sail under its trno name would he wise and conld be enforced. Ho thought it unfair to compel the manufac reducing from $2,050,000 to $1,900,000 tho appropriation for salaries and expenses of agent., surveyors, gaugers nnd storekeepers iu the Bureau of Internal Revenue. The sum suggested by him, he said, was amply sufficient, and waa $50,000 in excess of t-e expenditures ot Ihe present year. Randall said there would be no danger in mb pting the amendment; it was based upon information which bad come to the committee since tbe estimates were sub mitted. The amendment was agreed to. The committee then rose and reported the bill to the House. The amendment* agreed to in committee increasing the compensation of the assist ant treasurers at Chioago, St. Lonis, Ris ton and San Francisco were rejected by the House, The amendment appropriating $10,000 for additional emergency clerks, messenger* and watchmen at the sub- treasury at New York wa* also rejected. Tbe other amendments were agreed to in grosa and tbe bill waa passed. The House,then at 4210, took a recess till 8 o'clock—tbe evening session to be for the consideration of the private calendar, TUX EVKNINO SESSION. Washington, June 16.—At its evening session, the House mado some progress in tbe work of clearing the private calendar of a number of measures, passing twenty-five hills of a pri vate character, among them being Sen ate bill the franking thanking privilege to the widow of General U. 8. Grant, aud House bill for relief of BUrvivors of the ex ploring ateamer Jeannette, and widowB and children of those who perished in the re treat from the wrock of that vessel in tho Arctic seas. Tbe Home at 11 o'clock ad journed. The hare i» hooted by tho hounds, tint the Welsh rarebit is followed by the night mare. llenwin'. Capcln* Plaster tall, the fact. Now, why ,jiim they .re tho only v ,UI The Los Angeles, Cal., authorities wilt , il.atli really trnat.or liy i arrest *11 young persons on the street* after PI*.*® 1 * * r * 1 |'“biy »e , i . O — ana euro in a lew imura «i l * ,n * other* Lav® any effect Some New York railroad companies are tberefcj* *£? lu *iL. uniting with »umratr hotels iu reducing j V. milSuto pa prices. New Yorkers who have dined and wined | j*™ *£•**!** kS2»!*!IS? Englichiueu here ore snubbed bj them in Loudon. SAM JONK8 APOLOGIZES. V. $.011 nrwl I V/«AJUaMTUN, O. U., tIUne 1#.—rreSKient UlUli;;m Jt uuuur IU luuipoi MH) wnuuanv- moved that the House So iu ^ !* »*• P^- turn to color oleomargarine red crleaveit " a|, a ato _ IT--’- __ I VJitJVUIHUU, IU it ifllUf WlilCU 14 IO L>6 pUD- „ thin Horrnon mov ^ lishod in the morning paper to-morrow, ex- uncolored, for people would be prejudiced j„,o comm ttee of the^ whole on revenue presses sincere thanks of himself and Mrs. against it. The substitute for any food bills. Hu this motion he demanded the | „in I -..itelo must look like the article vtsa and nays, tbe opponents _ imTT „ |T| ^ _ T __ r nitind. . *, „ * *n I cur joint acknowledgment of tbla pre*eut, because I while butter sold higher and was sometimes The motion wa* defeated, yeas liu, nays I tbu delicate *u<l thoughtful attention to my wife I y e Aid not believe it true that pois- 157 Hewitt, Adams, Belmont, bad naturally Riven tine to grateful emotion*. and * Hll i, R tancns wore used in manufac- i I. PoliT Cam obeli James becaute it afford* no opportunity to expreaa my I ODOUS suusiaccos were useu m lit-Acb, P * apprecUtlon of the kind word* with which the I tunng oleomargarine for the purpose of and Mahoney, 01 - new 1 donor* refer to myself and my performance of 1 deaderizing any of its component materials, Yoik Democratic delegation, voted ror con-1 puhiic duly. Yon and your ataociatee, who have I q’pg Droce 4 H would be practically impossible ■ideration rtU«l Arnol I, Blisa, Tim Camp- united in the letter accompanying your gift, cau 1 . . r fnli not Dtiwdnev M*rr,miiri hardly realize the comfort I derive from the he thought, b 11, DttV* D o t, viaaU ani i I durance therein contained of confidence and I George H. Biller, Spriggs, nianlnecker, Viele and J M teem. The leit«r and sift take their place in my I Chicago, said his firm manufactured large Hm^ar voted iu the negative. The bpeaker new honaehold. and for a.l ume will aerve aa re- qnant , ti0!j 0 f oleomargatine oil, oleomarga- Tute>l for the oon.ider.Uon !“ •* rinc, neutral oil and hutterine. About two- Grent applause greeted the announcement 1 fllct tliat ln m * y oincial character, the I thirds of all oleomargarine oil manufactured of the d**teat of the motion. I humble effort* I have mado to aaaure I them was shipped abroad. He thought ‘ ' ‘ ' by my fellow countrymen. 1 creased the value 01. each h sent consisted of a massive silver *?, by reason of the lucrease.. . ^ “ WtB ^ ^ I uTd^yrt^i? ^ ‘‘‘in^dK I Ho lllct not Intend to Denounce the IlaptUt Church, Only I'ro.elytera. Ikdiinafoi.18, Ind., June 14,—The con troversy of Sam Jonea with Dr. Jeffrey has ended in tho evangelist apologising very meekly for the language which caused Dr. Jeffrey to denounce him as a falsifier and moral scavenger. In his sermon to day Mr. Jonea said: "I have been sorry a dozen times that the remark I made as to a half dozen proselytes should have been taken to have meant a great Christian denomination. Aa Uod is my judge I meant only a few men who sere running around trying to do harm where I wanted to do good. God bices the Baptist church! I love it, for I got the best wife ont of it that ever a man waa blessed with; but I do hate a proselyter aa I hate the devil. When .1 said what I did ia Co lumbus I no more meant the Baptist cliuroh or other Christian church than I meant the angels in heaven. It was the only thing in all my minis'ry that I ever said to reflect on any denomination nnd that applied only to A paper in the howling West refers to the baby King of Spain us “that royal sucker.'' A citizen of Allendale, S. G., lias just ho- gun culling a new Bet ot teetn. He ia 51 years old. Why is a eow liko a baby ? Because one drinks water aud makes mt.k, and the other doesn't. “A long pnll and a strong one."—The one widen the young dude tuke at a Chi- nese cigar. In tbe history of transatlantic navigation rates of ca'jin fare were never so cheap os this season. It must bo glorious fun to go aourting in Greenland. The nights are about three months long. i High buildings are not popular in hot oouutriia. Tue climb, attio influences ate against them. A correspondent wishes to know the most musical of ail waters. We answer—The Bay of Tunis. A banana skin rightly located forms aa much of an obstruction to the highway aa would a mule. A young poet ont West, it describing heaven, says: “It is a world ot bliasfenced in with girls.” An English scholar was put op foot for ""Kficsiiug that Adaui and Eve did not live 'appley together. There are aide doors to tho churches, but is spirit dispensed within mukes men wiser and better. A ludy advertises for "young men lor tling.” Shu's probably going to try to Ifn thorn “nr»n ” When buying a*k lhaiter auUj r»ti-ct youraelf fc Hon. Tha genuine haa pordu«e<l lu th* body of the pi Htfala" tiatU-wark on the far* o A Watch Free We will mail a iNickel Silver Waterbary Wntch or. the style represented iu tlie out below who will *exu\ u* a club of ten hkw tub Tub WKKKLT Tklkuhafh at one dollar oecb. Thii will enable each eubacriber to aecure the paper the loweat club rate, ami at the tame time cotupen aate the club agent for hi* trouble. Only hew auBacBinitn*—that i*. those wboM name* are not now and have not been within all month* previous to tbe receipt of tho book*. WILL BE COUETED. These watobea et« not toy*, but accurate an< serviceable time-keeper*. They aro simple, dnra ble and ueat. Tbe eaaee always wear bright, of tbounanda of them are carried by people classes throughout the United Statos, boil mako them "pop. 'Fr» «h butter" U the name given to the new shade of yollo* bilk gloves to be worn with summer toilets. Jay Gould’s sou, young George, U said to b© strong enough to whale any man who calls his dad a shaik. THE ROGERS STATION WRECK. land, saying that it web intended »» T“ t — a token of the high estoem in which whoily ta the iRfH these who were trying to do mischief. c«tul».Ail«mm Allen of ItlMlnIppl. Ander.on of I president Cleveland was held in Charleston, i° compete. Ho did not think it s&NsicssxvbsgiSi &mgaasK&»t.gsg: tsiszsitxjgsst. saag^ig I -* »< s: “ had the right to manufacture it, and the A BLOODY-SHIRT LIE NAILED. I consumer to eat it, without rostrictions as I to tax. It should be sold under its name. Kitzhugh !>«’* Orushiog Rejoinder to a 1 |j u tterifie differed from oleomargarine in Narrow-Minded, strlfc-stlrrlnc: Preacher. | t hat it waa manufactured from natural oil, Bad Blood. Scrofulous, Inherited and Contil- glotis Humors, yth loM Ql Hatf. OUndnlar Swollldio. Ulcron. j ” d "o«’o'th."iboT. _ dMcrit.o,! w.tolie. to Pstclus. tu tl>. tnroat and Month. ahseMSffc Tn- . _ . Caiui'tN'll of N«w York, Candler, Carleton. Catcb- Inifo, tUnly, ( lementa, Cobb, Cola of Indiana, Compton. Comai-ck, Cowlea of North Carolina, Crain.' Citpp, Croxtou. ( nlberaon, Daniel, Dargsn, Davidsou of North Carolina. Davidson of Florida, D«w« u, Uibblo. Dougherty, Dunn, F aher. Ford, FiDDry. Gibson of Maryland, Oibsou of W. VUvinla, Otoior'uiwn or North Carolina. Halo, UalMli. I Si. Lours, Juno 16.—On decoration day prepared from refined lard. The manufac. Hammond, Uarria, Heard, Hemphill, Henderson of | Rev. T. McChesoey, pastor of the Methodist I tore of butterine increased the value of N*»rtb H * rbel } church at Topeka, Kan., delivered an ad- Loch hog slaughtered about 12$ cento, and fSu iron 5 ^0 dress, in which ha u.ed tho following Lbout $60,000 for the number slaughtered L»D(l-*.L»oaam. Loro, Low.ry Mahoney, Maowm, I language: * * J--:-™ t . -a.>. arn M.jbury, M.Cn ary, McMillan, Jlcltio, Miller, I will not attempt to conceal or deecrlb. m; Milk Mitciiell. Mnrcan. Morrteon, Ne.u Neo. e, I emotion, when I leunod that on the 4th of Marco 1 ipn. heat oontained 25 per cent, or natter, heilnae, gnrwimd. OAlee, O'f.mU. O NetU of Ml- I of lut yter. »t th, time ot the tneunuretiou core- I ln ? ~ ,,, . *1 nnn i wholosnlo' ; ,a Peek Perry, lleeseo. Iteeee. Illch- monleeV. Wa.blngton, an ex Confederate general, and aold for 13 cents ptr pound wnoiMiue, Rigas, Remherteou, U ig.r*. Bedler, I Piuhngh Leo, led that military prooeulon In . the second grade aold at about 1U* cents, Hnen. Scott, Seymour, Shaw. Singleton, Confederate uniform, with the gallant Sheridan ,. ru l oleomargarine gold at 8 to 8j tom*, Snyder, 8prtng«r.stewart ofTeiM, stone | relegated to au Interior position In that line, I Dnrins last scar butter used to: ,qd rtH |, attracted considerable atten-, turner. ..aoum. u...,.,,,.., tion at tho time, aud met Gen. Lee’s eyes, h e* Of ludlati*. Weaver ot lows. Wellborn, Wheel-1 far on yesterday the secretary of the Dem- at, Willie, WiUou, Wliiane, Wlea, Wolford and | ocratio Stato committee received the fol lowing letter from him Wutt Illusion—140. san. Mama of ntlDota. Allen of MsanohuMtU. auaenon of Kau.aa. Arno' ‘ “ ' blnabaiu, U lea, UonteU. Drownui f lndlana,Browno - •>lvaiila. Ilrumm, Buchanan. Burs, Batterwotth' cents. During Inst” year butter used for this purpose had coat his firm $U5,tK.O. There were about thirty factories manu- faoturingsubstttutes for butter. Tho manu- facture gave employment to about two while the manufactnro CoHKOKWSaLTH or Vtsontu. Oorsiotoa' thousand persona, while the n '• 0, ‘ I of the oil from which the two were made -.Confederate untfona, — — — — . — Italdii In ous factories. While willing to pay liceMe Tiuothy J Camp^U of N*w York. Cannon., Con- pl»c»din•»*»f«rtorporttton.nndibatthawflitaiy | brand tho product*, more than this, ho {"2jmCnSS«n^)««te«t^ th * |& || * ^ The preliminary trial of the case of the State against N, J. Lawler and Miko Fen' dergoat, charged with wrecking the train at Rogers Station, came off at MtUcn Tuesday and resulted in the honorable discharge uf the priaoners. The evidence npon the part of the prosecution waa merely circumattn- tial, and failed to show in any particular that thcBo were tho gnilty parties. A com- plete alibi waa proven for tho defendants, showing that it waa impossible for thtm to have commited the crime; hence the dig- charge. One theory of the aocident is that it was caused by a block of wood falling from n wood rack close to the track where the wreck occurred. Another theory is that the switch was not properly plucod. There seems to be no satisfactory explanation of tho matter. Tho probable cause of the acci dent, however, ia that a piece ot wood was knocked ont or fell ont of the rack and got between the rails. Til. Beautiful Laud cf Nod. Com. enddl. year he. 1 on my .honlder dur—, Yoar brad Ilk. th. golil.urod — And w» will go Rilling sway from her. To th. beautiful Land of Nod. IndtenTiteiteV: K.ichmu. L.Voil.tte, Laird. L.W- ^•t u r w l i 1 tn‘„,'r"rir;th.m hit rant 3S ter examination, had voluntarily Uati- Uneu’itot. V'y b mo“.\fikmun!wlStm"aioadw toJ?m.CouW.ratero\di.ra lntUHBUwi, be^aa" fled to tho purity and whoUaomeuesa jessrai.'•sssstjss^ *aa I c the product. * ««dimt l»ril, SI off*', «Tf«n of N« - • , tiler. lie L-Q. IIen.l. r.on f HenUereon of lUinolM. Heula.v, Uai*lmrn, Her»h t lit o >rk, M.irtilJ, Moir w. - of iViiini)lv*ut*, WrkiD*. «l«r, i’l'.mjb, I'rlrr, . .. M»iu*. Kura, Ilockwell. Komel*. Howell. hcrwiiton, H^nor. Hcaaiuns. Heiwilen, N|HHiu*r, _ Hpriifg*. dove Mid gloom To a wotfU of fair weather we’ll float off together, Wheru ro*ca are alwaye In bloom. s-w sag_og sagSBaSaaan ■' — °1ih°. K£?“rfflu 10 H e th°i d Mi he believed it would be^eaay to dc- FOHTY FEET TO DEATH. A Train Through a TTrctlo Near c^ohfiiTlk. H!' , i’ayhn’'cS r, oh*J ni Z»ch’ T.ylo/ of I FirrsaOBO, June 17.—At Point Creek I jheir product labeled “Creamery flutter- Troii.iRM TbomM of Illinote, Tkoma* of Wtoeon. trestle, near Foxbnrg, Pennsylvania, on in . or .‘Dairy hutterine." They would la- •la Ti Vi.l ll'.d. W.Ansriwih WtlU 1 .. .. .. . . s nr a 1 l._* 1 . • __ :f .M.intn tho law. He understood tho butter mann focturcra were uniting oleomargarine with their butter and cheese, and selling it with out explanation. nis firm uatulljr sold h TLomi WdllMJ *. Vi of Mu«ouri. WliltiDK, ?*wLm^yohfl wJ'Jr ffl« Pittsburg and Western railroad last it aim ,l y creamery, or dairy, if cuatom- Mrtwiw5?^.-”'rk. wfii^wit, night, tk* axle on th# middle car of a long e „ HO dcrcl, but would refuse to label H u. Wilkin* aud Wotidbarn—157. freight train broke just m the train waa on dairy butter or creamery bntter. rne near- . * .a ai.l a it.n llaa.1 1U11 1 .1 a lb * a »t - ...,.1 tVin ont'ra I . * t _al .1 A — _ Brooke.* Jt*n*w of AUbMua. Aiken. Beed^ BaU# | the centre of the trestle, and the entire | w |{| i, 6 continued to-morrow. nJ'."t..“ , .f'. lu 2. , r_ u :S d 2^ D M,„"womi hsra train of twtnty cars was thrown into the | B mII1 , H1T ,, IIIUj l!A p, T , jsg I’lern, Rurvigh,, v.nSchalck. BnnnMl, I the trestlo-work was earned with the train. United, liimk. White of twm.yiv.uia lUynM »te-1 p our 0 f the crew were buried in the vriimii, Hitt. wuiUiue ud Onw.ll, who would j brf . fifth ctonJuetor Kime, escaping k ™rrLch,.I with great interrat on the tfimr and in the “J Li De « George Settig and Brakemen Steffey usual silence prRvaimlM.hocloartone.of Km „ bMnkillrd, it is thought out- be cleik eiiunclsted thejnamf i. The only . M th(>jr boai«, were terribly mangled. t^aVYu^^ toihe'XmaUvif«*»“ tothotrufficof He *an ^ruttud with a round of applauae which broke out afresh when Bpeaker Carlisle, directing the clerk to call hit name, cant his vote in favor of the motion# Wh^n the re sult of tbe vote was announced there was a *torm of applause from the Republic \n WORK Oil svTARVB. New and Hlngnlar I’hase of the Convict Ukbor Question In North Carolina. Rjllkiob, N. G., Juno 10.—On tbe Pitta- it aiinunae rrom m. ... , boro railroad there i< a gang of aeventy- *We. which the D.mocrals raturned wltt threeconvtcUiem^ojeA. Y«terday iixt£ liratty g.HKl will. When Morrison »roee end seven of these convicts *° »"*• gave notice that he would renew hi* motion The officer in charge ®““* i |“/?h^ d anthori. <m Tmtulav, McKinley gave notice that tlto conf.rcncevnthtte imnlteoUaryauthori- :K e tr:k; be m ^ prei -1 ^ s a»"S2Sf Herbert,* of ^Alabama, chairman of the The convicu ret used to committee on naval affairs, moved thet tbe I tbtir stockade or . those Route go into committee of the whole on have been given!» Pro no fixM to Uirae ‘“oNhU.’T'Mi^ri.^nUgonixed the rio^phT. of the convict Ubor quration. motion with the rennet that the Hone The men majw no wmpl^t of ttrir tnwt- consider hills reporto.1 from the committee I ment or fare,Jhe^ «im| y on lalior, but Hcroerf* motion prmltad They «e yaj^ uioteJy ptwMl. <««»» ...d a.. Hone* at 2 o'clock went into com-1 thought that the^ni.aL.Ukcn will prove uiittce of the whole on tiou hill. the rvjippropX I ^ccTteful. Th. ringleaden, util be pun- 1 iihed. A DYNAMITE BOMB MOKRIBON IN rEltVIEWF.I), B. Will Try the Kill Ag»l»-An An»1y.l» | Ttirowo Into th.C.rTl«B<“«sT ®r'he 1D,1- of the Vote. WxinisoTos, Jane 17.—Morrieon seemed I deuce of the Jleyor of Rector, WU. IUcixk, Wie., Jane 16.—At 102W lest urifl bill toniey. He «ud he wra not die-1 carmge-wayof JU r bewri. appointed in the result, and that he hail bomb WpWjA s tco ? d r0 ve over the foisren it for many months; but thi* wa* a l the whole Gijf* , .* . . t t MB t fifteen THE NATIONAL CAPITAL. Tho Political Status of the Union Army During the War. Washington. June 16.—In the House, Morrison, from the committee on wsy* and mesas, reported adversely the resolution offered by Grosvenor, of Ohio, declaring in fa/or of the restoration of the wool tar iff of 1867, and' the resolution offered by Williams of Ohio, expressing the aense of Congress sa edve’se to any change in the present wool tariff, and they were laid upon ^The House then went Into committee of the whole (Blonnt in the chair) on the leg islative appropriation bill. The clause relating to the pension office gave line to the usual discussion aa to par tisan methods employed in tbe conduct of tiat bureau by the present and previous administrations. Then a long and at timet amusing dis- cushion ensued as to the number of Demo crats and Republicans respectively who entered the Union army at the beginning of the war. As this waa a time-worn snb- ect, bnt little genuine interest was Ukeu n the debate, which promised to continue to each length that Randall suggested a night seoaion, at which th* gentlemen might give their views on the matter, while Payson suggested to some gentlemen eronnd him the propriety of appointing t special committee to settle, once for ail, the vexed question of the political status of the Union army. Finally the diaenaeiou wsa closed withaapeechby Curtin, ot Penn- 3 Irani*, in which be appealed to the ouse to proceed to bmuness, end quit fighting the war ov.r again. Cannon, of Illinois, offered an amend ment, which, after a short debeie, waa agreed to, increasing the appropriation for thebnreanof labor to aggregate $39,610, so as to make the appropriation equal the estimates of the commiasionen trati-.n were pledge I, ai the fight, kit or mum . nameu..““"V.-Tf- ^ ~ ^ wounds . When asked why he intended to again traced ty b!0<“ me try to nil up the bill on Tuesday next, he tor ovuramH* ... jj explain# that “It wuli give them a chance to repent. | of: •^2SH?eh« iSor residence at the He declined to express any opiiiion a* to »*>et|>tr he expected a change in to-day'" ruull. Aa auetysia of the vote on Mirrison J ot on to go into committee of tue who! for the purpose of cuUaclcnLg tho tariff I i he wia prating the Secor residence to the 11:10 train on the tiue. onto waytoiov^ m ,, a^nt.t Nurthwe “tern railroad; both.will no douLt Lave a dhatu-m to exploiu why he did not coll for help when he wa* so severely hurt. i' « of *L “The Waterbury.” FOR 663.50 vro will send To* Weebly Tkleohavb .a VLa liiroai and Month. *!*<»**»*. Tu- i . A . , . morn, Carbuncles, Ulotchea, Korea. Hciirvy, Wa*ttn« Thta propoation la open to oar subscribe of the Kidney* and Urii arjr Orx*na, D opaj, Knn * —" *ol4, P«*hility, Chronic Kbruiuatt«tn. Cou>«tl|iatlon t and File®, and n oat dl*eahM attalnit from impure or Itnpoverlalitd L'oudliton of t*:« Blood, are *(>®#Hf fly cured l»y the Cuticura Itc. -lvci.t, the new Blood Fnrlfler, In ernally, a*alatr<l by Cuticura. tbe nr®*t t'kln \ ure, and Cuticura Boap, an exaulaite bkm Beautlfler, externally. Scrofulous Humors. James E Ulchardaon. Cu>t-m Uou e, Naw Or- leans, on oatn, aays: -In IKTo fkrofu oua Ulcer* broke out on mi body until I wa* a ma**ofoor ruptlon. Every thins known to the medl al faculty tried in vain. 1 a mere wreck. At times coild not lift my hand to my head, could nut turu in bed; waa in conatau—*- * * * * “ life a* a a cur*#. No relief 1880 I heard of the Gntlmra Ilemedit and wae perfectly cured.*' bworn to before U. H. Com. J. D. Crawford. Ono of tliw Wiimt OnsoH. We have been celling your Cuticura lie tetdle* for year*, aud hava the Aral complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. Oue of the worst ca* a of tkrof- uU i ever saw waa cured by (be u»e of flvs bottlen ihiUcura Reaolvenr, Cntlrura. aud Cuticura 8oa;i The Boap tokee the "eake" herb. M a medical soap. fPAVf <111 L»ivr..l. w. ... a- * as well M those who are noh A_ct ^Promptly. The above proposition* vflll bo kept open for limited time only and ftartien who wish to take a vantage of either should do|HO at ouco, 4^-Unless otherwise directed wo will send tl watches by mall. packc«l In a *tout pastohoard bo and our responsibility for thorn will cod when th aro deported lu the poat-ofllce. They can he reg tored for ten cents and parties who wish thi* do« turu in ted; wxr Id cuniteot iialD/aQd leokfti ff|ion ; hould inck T U ‘‘‘ *“°“ dC ” will reti; 1 the w - In ten year*. In I b F •xpreee, tho chargoa to be i»ald whon Urey a Her, used them, delivered. Address THE THLUORAMI. Macon. Georgia. Make money order*, check*, etc., payable to H. C. H ANHON. Manager VurlrosPtl Hero I>". My wtte th. Cuticura tnmeilte. lot a icr, liv. crur^I l.y varlooMT.ii!. with .nllra and |>ar- (Mt Ratnfaotloo. Mrs. Juhu riaraty wMateo curM of a Mr. 1^ of long .tendlnr by Uio umotioat- m.ut. JOHN M.COOl-l.H. IlmgjlRt, Ore.Dfl.ld, I1L Cudcuni Kciiif'dlcs Are Mid I’rlre: Outlcnm, (0 note; Cutloui. Hoop. 31 route; Cuticura HaaiJvrnt. fll.OO. Pniiargu by lb, Putter Drug and Chemical Co., Do. ton. Send for “now to Core Skin Diseases." Noticc-Stoc i Linv for Jones C- OtDUUWY’* Orrtcr,, May 2f>th. 188*.—An slecU is ordered to be held at the court ground In e* Mdltts 4 Istrlc of Jones county. Os, on tbe fl Wednesday In July, 188*. nr *TM • fen* for tho entire couuty of Jones, and each voter by law required t« vote in hi* own millda dlotrl Taka r rotico thereof accordingly. Wltue Offlrlallv. nOloAND T. KOKH, Ordinary May Oth. 188*.myiawkytv Notice—Leave to Sell lun n EOBOI A, JONErt ^OUNTY-Fonr week* after d VI wo will apply to tho Coart ef Ordinary of a county for authority to sell all the r« miltilng lar of tbe estate of James Oordon, dercaeed. of * county. B- II. UOKDON, no aoiik. or pain, on driii.e, on Strain, or MoarulteW-akuteit but ilrld* In lb. n-w, urlgiu.l au i InrMllbl. pain all.rlitlng luuper I.R of th. Putteura Anil.l ain Pluler. A curatlv, wont cr. At druni.te', Hflc. Your band, ilk, tbe Imvm c And wa ll to ulllnt to tho*. fair land. — ‘ ra atlai. On the north and wr.t th.y an bonnd«l by rrat. On tb< KUtb and tb. r«.t by ilrram.; XU th. ooantry Id.xl. wb.r. nolblug te rail. Hut everythin* only IHQ1I. Ju.t drop down tb# curtain of your d.xr ojm— Tboao ovm like a bright bluo boll— And wo will .all oat under tb. .term .Mm To tho land where tho felrtee dwell. Down tho river of .loop oar barb obaU ,wMp TUI it raacbM that my.tlcel UU Which no man hath Men. but where all bxvebMD, And there w. will patuo .while, I will croon yon » mu, » > wo On»t along To that oho re that te blaewd of Ood; Then hoi for that fair land, wo aro off for Ural fair land— Thai brauUful Land of Nod. —Kite Wheeler Wilcox. ALL SOitTsT" Ilanlan’* favorite row is skiff. Tb woman question—Wktt shall I weal? Tbe lightning strikes, bnt it doesn't boy cott. Effectual destruction of weeds—marrying a widow. Nature's most becoming dsets—the elote of the day. Tbe beet thing yet discovered for eca- sicknera ia port. Flies and bald heads are getting on speck ing terms again. A f utnre dryness will be tbe reward of tbe present wetness. An essay contest can be very properly called a skull race. A Boston plumber has committed enicide, Tbe season ia over. It is darkly hinted that Colonel Limont catches the most fish. The first lady in tbe land does not oaie very much for fishing. Better to have loved a abort girt than SIMPLEST, SAFEST and MOST DURABLE, never to have loved a tall. ....... Do not bny without first vee ni yon want. Address, nEORUIA. mini COUfiTY-WI».ro... the VI pratsara appointed to sat aalilu to Mr*. M Pomaroy and hor minor cblMrim a year's * port from tba ertito of Danfcrih W. rnimtroy, 1 port friiin tba eetito of Uanftnh W. I 1 of aald rountv. deceased) havo lllod tb aamn in my oiltcc: Thi* 1* to clto and ailraonlah all paroon* li e*ted to ahow rnn«u b«foro mi*, if any Ui«y li on tba .3d day of Jun^-. Inm;. a by MMb r»* auould not b- inado tliu 1 judgment of tho Com Hr ! ti ir\ «.!' --i um’.'-r u.) li ti. I - *d naturo tbla May ’it, 11WL ’ * **" mav3*wfc-4t J. A. McMANUt rdloi EXCHANGE, BUY OR HAVE YOUR COTTON GMIST^ Rcpulrctl In Macon, OcorBln, nt JAMES T. GANTT’S. \ Satisfaction guaranteed. (Freight free.) Gantt's Improved Condonaer Best in tU© World. Write for circulars and reduced priced. maylgsnn.twktf Then there was a brief recurrence of tbe discussion of yeaterday, Hivcoek, of New York, reiterating bis statement that accordin'! to correct estimates there would be at tee close of the next fiscal year a deficient from eh-ven to fouttevn millions, and . ■ >r riaou. “f lilinoii, contending that th, re would 1* a sarptns of at leant thirty mil lions. Cabell, of Virginia, offered an amendment The man who has a volnme in his voice always speaks by the book. The Grand Old Man, like Frederick the Great, will profit by defeat. ‘That tpa n ia a terrible ester.” “Yes, he believes in ate hours' work." Attorney-General Garland is as afraid of a dress toil aa women are of a cow. Joseph's was a cost of many colon, bnt an editor ia a culler of many qnotes. M. Pasteur never amoke* a gift cigar with out first inoculating it for dog'* nose. The flower season has been an unusually successful one in New York this year. The fund for Psat-ur'e hospital in Paris now merges closely on a million franca. The hri-berry season in Se# York is not so pt'-lific a* early indications pr united, A colored normal 3-t* x.luiol to . oat $190,' CO will <w l-.ntol «t Loair-til.. •■What diil yon' r rave yon -uhtahe cael, Par “i'cttU, ho I Jtme an oipfcev " You -Ci .1 always UUkusttyuvUinM by the wa^ he carter * gh out. .cn. “TALBOTT” En^'inow, Uoilor Saw and <3-i*iwt JWCilliM \ VND MACHINERY OF ALL KIN1 Ilosn” Cotton Press*. All Machinery fully gnarantc us, or writing for cur prices, naming just w TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, G;i. .T. C WEAVER. MniiiiL'or. Jnnli- Thc Brown IS-in Co NEW LONDON,CONfl Mxnufactarers of the “Old RcIUhl Brown Cotton Gin*, Feeders ua*L G dcruen. t All tbe very latest Ira pro th:i ivi:ui::i y ui:-:of fuk»cii at an / tvrvrmaibli* pniul. >< ntl for I »S •.rrl.’vflan mini price lint# I aUQUdAU A CO., iUcon, G*.