The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 29, 1886, Image 5

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BROWN ON GORDON. ™lA ACC>N WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 188G.—TWELVE PAGES. ... T 0 <KPHy f Xr OBURB |tS^ E slvioit OF THE SOUTH.” . coll»*l““ W*M» »**“•>«»« l«* rf “*,. th ,r. III the Orent Uoneplraejr 1 '"w lhyOov. Tttden W« Ue- mailed of the ITc.ldeucj. ■ May 2.1*77. IlD*" , v nisi?. -Editors Constitution: In 1 *}■; *J u h have appeared In your paper " l have n far red to the counting Ep»f ,,r Tllden an.l the OOUOtlag In of Gov U«fO t,T ® r ^ president of the Uuited 8Uten. A ■•■"f «ae perpetrated by thin trauanction up. r ® 1 ...u mill non.i'iitl i w 11. rm Um omyrftoBtataM and South Cwollna .houW b, r with'.ut coming to the concliulon that there w«7i lw?.n‘t r h'1* *f‘ d i “ r,ou * hegotiattou CTlcc on Ue tween the I>»ni« In reference otue th* FiMltoDtUI coant and the remorJj'oflki troop, from South Cerollna and fcanUta.t * ThI evidence eetebllehee that pruo>elti<m toe clearlJre require further c tuimiut. but Hmi.i,,. n 4*° ■*>., “the charge that 1 a^ajwsffa-jB-sB Brein ‘, MSSrtSSSSSs confidence of the Democrats in him (Foster), and in hla authorlx.tion to say what he did. oompoeod the representative*, sudctu«ed them to remain un shaken in doing what they believed right, etc ” In other words, it strengthened them in standing up tor the completion of the conut, and the Inaugura tion of Hayes, But th« re is another sentence in Senator Gordon’s letter to Colonel UUlups which throws additional light upon his connection with this transaction. H« says: "My only agency, my only effort iu this Presidential count was this: when 1 saw that Mr. TCdeu's cause was hopelessly lost; lost by waut of concert of action, prior to the passage of the dec ree what the Won » . .. toraibill; loat beyonIthe power cf rescue, by any bout Bonator G?r w J ° hn ^«>ung man or set of men; I determined to do all in my power to save from the >!wreck, local aelf-goveru- „ ik, v aten, including both colors. And Ik‘ t , .Vrif, la decided majority of the Electoral i^bsd tarr _ aUr vote. Yet. strange to say, in ■c#llN e f ‘.I.hce undoubted facta, he was count P* outoneut, who carried a minority JJJjular vote and of the Electoral Col- F^J^Jutcd in and inaugurated. IWM,* resDomdbility for thi* transaction rests J Ab £ y .E2liners of some of our public men. and I*?'Saner tin® the people will bo apt to lo ate l^^ P Kuty where it belongs, and to roward T^lic servants accordingly. I*** 1 ' uosttion. in my articles above referred ^thia mponatbUity resU mainly npon the 4*^ * of the Hon. John B. (Jordon, United I*?*. iLnitor f rom Georgia, and the HoO. John Representative from Kentucky: that ■jcuu p ( ; r )d j uto a contract, or capital under- 7~ with the Hon. Charles Foster, and post*!- - of the Republican leaders, to permit the IV 0 ?,. , m .ceed. at a time when the disposition I*"*,}: Democrats in the House to prevent mj Completion waa •« strong that they, Pj°5 P Ji seen that the count was pro- IVjVnf fraudulently, and when a large proportion T| Jpftrncratic ItcpreseuUtives wero ready to ■£fMt Ur consummation by dilatory motions and l-HtiimeaUry tacti s. could scarcrlv hi controlled. l$Xt tne result of this bargain, contract or cap ■ aaderatanding wae to count in Hayes, who would not have boon counted in: and to -ntoutTlldrn who otherm U«twould have Wu in- . sated And that the only consideration that the •r w orthe Peruocracy received in return for this r * vU the promise of t: e removal of the \ s„uth Carolina and Louisia>a. ami 4 no constlera ion, for the reason that ITiftt set of President Tllaen’s administration h* rA Iwon to make this very removal. These C*»nbstt!iti»lly the points taken in my articles the appearance of those articles, there was Lblihed in y ur paper what purported to be IF f % letter from Senator Gordon to Colonel 4. in which the Senator make# the following denial as to his connection with that i. I ijuoto his language, t a member of tho House; had no vote m uud therefore, had no responsibility lithe matter of completing or defeating the count Ibfp.i* lent I never inrtueoced nor sough-, to in- Iftem-e tbs votes or actions of those geutlcniGu iu la(ii. tt<9 who rosi«ti*d tho •filibusters* nor of any ■aialttm-. nor did l seek iu any way to control " Utotw or action* of any one of the latter cla-s." dhe c'iargo that I made any bargain of any sort, t*Uuy understanding of any character with ’oitrr whom 1 saw, or with Brantley Matthc Ivioai I ilia not. ce. until after the iua gur-atlon, il- either to tho Presidential count, or to the i .if any Democrat in reference to Hi- future iution’of the House or na ttes •« basely false sjltahle and in every sense, ** Jr.- i* * full and cmpliauc denial of the charge [ Gssrisl Gordon. Why h.< should go fuither ii dijijr tb/at lie either did or agreed to do any- i reference to the future organ I wit: on of the r psrtte*, I do not know. 1 hat not made . ebar^r, aud ►ad not seen or heard of auy iscii iu this hltste. l he Senator seems to have had i.: owever, for adding to the denial of _ ben* the bargain or understanding, the ftrrrdtui.l that he was to aid in the fntare or- of the Ilousa or parties to suit tl e Ite- I am not discussing that quest on, and B*»S»u.allegation iu roierence to it. \ But I »«iiiu:e the burden of proof and shall pro to ttUblish the charge uisue in my said atti- th« hi wis a party to the contract ur ML Qautntauding, in reference to the Prcsl- atulcoMit. which has already been mentioned mte rare 1 shall have no difficulty in nub of your readers a* am not his •tvurtitt!:*, that the evidence of hisconnec- ith that affair is Irresiatiblo and conclusive, the denial 1 aha.l bow quote at considerable length from tho 1 iiteuient of tho Uou. John Young » Kentucky, who was the otlmr party act- w&^utor Gordon in making the bargain or •MiiLuiM tho understanding that resulted iu jmiCrrtNiernor llayes iu»o the Presidency,when rally denies“7.1hall agiiu onmim? *° •» u P h *M* “»•*»« to South Carolina and Louisiana.” as contained In hU imMiahili ° W . n „ Penult me, iu all candor, to inquire how General . “•“““‘•I. Ilo oaj,: I Oorilou .aved from tbo wwk lot-al Mlf-gov.m- Ph*Vt L e v a 1 p !i b J!* h . tbe letter* of the Hon meut *° LonlsUna and South Caro- ,ey M, “thew.. aidrewaMu; I liua * if he had no connection ? or . don * ,,(i tn>a«lf The circutn- wi,h the bargain made between Brown and Foster nlwK*! ftteadtag their origin are in brief as follows- and Matthews, by which tbe count was to proceed. n?»» l ‘ bruirylttU sent • page from Hayes to be inaugurated aud the troops tube re- of Representative ♦ to the Senate chatu- 11,0vedT He says distinctly, he never Influenced tier, for my distinguished friend Gen Gordon, and Uor * ou gbt to i- ft teuce the votes or action of those ue came over iu a few minutes. I told Utia that 1 Gentlemen in the Houa who resisted the filibusters, I?Sm Kti®*? Tl 1 ew i »Bh the Hou. Charles Foster 1 “or of auy one of them; nor d<d he seek In any VAlen I desired nis preseme. I outlined to Oeu* w *y to c0n,r ° 1 »*»e votes or actions of any oue c f (Jordon what 1 intended to say to Mr. Foster: and lhe c ^ uta - No one can doubt that Fresh ho said he wonlu with pleasure aco mpuny me dent Mayes removed the troops We found Mr. F ater in the room of the committee cordM we wi.b that understanding °»» appioprUtions^ No one else was present dur- I NEIGUBORROOD NEWS. THE RACE FOR CONGRESS IN TIIE FiRSr DISTRICT. Imilcatlous Uofavonthls t« Col. Norwood’* lte no in Ination—A Coinbiuatloii Against Bavammli-N* w* from Augusta, Co lumbus, ttud Other roint*. troops, in ae- . Jdiiig. It Oor- vl" -rr - r—*.•••“' «uuuoe»# vu prcHuut dur- I do “ vm no party to it, he rendered no aid Ing the Interview. in securing t^‘ removal. In wbat other wny agalu he saxs, “I told him (Filter) that I desired d,d ho save local self-govtrnment to the two nnfor- a written assurance from iiitu that the policy of Mr l tunate States above mentioned? Will be Ull the uayes would beta indicated, and from him sneeb cou “try how he did it, when he did it, and tho ally, hv reason of bis very intimate relations with me * UB UMd to do II. or what act he Gov. llayes His reply to all this was frauk. full d,d which contributed to that end? Cer- varnest aud satisfactory to my frieud Gen. Gordon biloly the public is nut informed of anythin* and myself. Indeed, Mr. Foster said he had a let-1 el " B exc *P' this trade or understanding between ter in his Docket, just received irom Gov. Have* him and Brown on the oue part, and Foster and thanking him for the speech to which I have ai*. Matthews upon tne other. If he had no con- luded, an 1 endorsing it. He offered this letter to nec U°“ with them, was not a party to any contract, Oeu. Gordon aud myself to read, but we declined I or to at, y ““de standlng about it, aahe nowaCinui*, then what right has hn to claim any credit for any- Agaln he says, “He (Foster) promised to meet me th lng he did to restore local self government to that night at my rooms. He earn* about mldn ght I those States, why put on peacock’s feathers and aud said by rtssy n of his interview with Geuerai Mtrut; or the “kin aud attempt to roar over an Gordon and myself he ha i that evening p ocured 1 *c*devement in whi h he took no part, a meeting of some gentlemen from Louisiana and T1,e tru,h tho statement of Geuerai Gordon, South Carolina at Wormley's Hotel, at which also t ' ou talned In the last quotation above, amounts to the Hon. Henry Wattersou was piesent. At ihe I * u • dm|4,ton on hia pwttbatbe was a party to conclusion of the conference these gentlemen had i lLU “ioit uefortunatu and nnjmrtlfiablo trausac- expieased great satisfaction at what had been said tioD ’ b >’ which the right* of tho national Democra- to them. On leaving ho remarked that 1 should cjr * to in * u K ur *te the Iresldent of their choice, have the letters next morning.” I were bartered away for the promise that the Itepub- Thc-»e quotations show conclusively that, while candidate, when inaugurated, would do an Browu may have done most of the talking, Gordon 1 5®* which no one doubts would have been per- was present by previous arrangement, aud a party * oruied President Tllden- As I stated In a for- to tho whole transaction; that the atatement WM I *“®r article, we were sold out too cheaply. We outlined to him before it was made, and thst he * ot no consideration for the Immense concession fully understood it all. Th*» Interview was private, | mild ®* ,* oster. Gordon aud Brown alone being present, and In this whole discussion I have dealt with only Brown sa. a It was long and earnest, and satisfac-! the public ac’s of General Gordon s» a s«*n»t«ir. it tory to his frieud Gen-ral Gordon and himself. I has been no psrt of my purposo to make any as- Ba. the letters themselves also show Gordon’s I aault upon bis personal or private character, that counec-ion with the transaction beyond all ques-1 lias nothing to do with this discussion. But I tiun. ihey are addressed, not to Brown alone, but I notii-e the attempt is being made, by part of his to Brown an 1 Gordon, and read as follows: I little putting brigade in Georgia, to divert populv **HiiVs* or Hkprksk2itvtjv\s ( Washikotow, D. C., I attention from tho tnm issue— his public seta—by cebruxry 2rt, 1HT7.—Geutlemen: Referring to the j assailing me. 1 shall not permit myself, however, e uv-r-dtion nail with you yesterday, in which I to be drawn away from tlitf d.scus»ion of the point Governor Hayes’s policy as to the status of ocrtslu j iu i-stte by any of them attempts to get up col- Savannah, June 22.—The mdicTation* are uii Li voluble lo Colonel NorwoxVrf reuomi- nation in this Congrcssiooul di.stric. It is claiiotcl that Judge Meishon has already fifteen voteg in tho ciiuventiou and will probably have hevtiul more. Captain Hradweii’s friends, in addition to Liberty and Bn an, claim Echols, Tatnall, Bullock and Effingham. It is said that the country is determined that no Savannah man shall have the nom ination this time. So far, Col. Norwood’s friends are only certain ot Chatham, Mcln- tjsh and Screven. There will be forty votes in the convention, and if the two-thirds rule should he adopted, it will require twenty-seven to make a nomination. Should the majority rule bo adopted, Sav annah w ill have very little showing for get- ting the Congressman. Vaiious rumors about deals affecting Savannah aspirants to different offices have occasi'-nrd much interest in political cir cles, Developments are expected in a few uays. COLUMBUS. Boiiti.ern Hastes was dlscusstd, reply that we can assure y •ssible manner, desire to say In lateral Issues. I will attend to them, if they should In the strongest I deserve attention, at tho proper time. Nor shall 1 ‘ desire to be dra vn awsy from the issuo by the attempt of Gil be h a policy. ’ Cuaulkx Foster. To Hon. John Young Brown and John U. Gordon Wariiixuton City, Feb. 27, 1877.—Gentlemen Referring to tho conversation with you yesterday, „ ,, have adopted auch a policy aa will give I any of his newspaper scribblers to shoot elime at to the people of the etates of Mouth Carolina aud I me from pop-guns. I am dfaliug now with the Luii auath* right to control their own affair*, in J public acta or General Gordon, and not with ike G.eir own way; and to aay further, that we feel I private assaults of bis over-zealous partisans, authorized from an acquiiutauce with aud knowl- As I have seen in a Journal claiming respectabil edge of Governor llayes aud his viuwa on ttila ques- I ity, whu h cornea to the define j of Ueu. Gordon. « tion.^to pledge ourselves to you for him that tuch | suggestion that I desire the pla :e he now occupies ~ aqd that 1 am assailing hla course hecausu I with to no elected, at the end of kta present term, to fill the place; and alio a reference to my course in , 1MT 8 » I WUI simply remark, ou those iiolnta, that I in which Governor Hayes’ policy aa to the status of I am ,,ot • esndid*** 5 f °f election to the United Stites certain Houthcru stale, wa, ducitaaed, we dc.tre | “ 0 » w * a !».?«• to my that we can mum you, Iu the ktrouaeat f* ^*° eapltatlon ot hta term; nor i» It my purpoao poMthle maimer, of our aro.t drelie to have hlui to be a candldata lor that po,ttlon. adopt tuch a policy a. will elve to the people of the On the other po nt I will only Mato that I «c<iu|. Htatee of Uouth Carolina aud I.ont«lana the right to I Mce R In the rocon.tntcttou acta and In the pro- c jntrol their own affairs in their own way. .ubject poaed con.Ututlonal amendnienta In Jude, be. sure oulv to the conetltutiou of the United btate. aud difficulty, the lae, made In putauance thereof; an.l to aav an, l I a.:u.dth(' n In ^ood faith with the party that further, that fro u an acqualutahce w«U and tb .® ctr ? ,l * cut of those mea-nrea. At knowledge of Governor Da;e. and hi, viawa. we “ 1 » t the long doubt wblrh .Ido have the most complete conhdenco that auch will I he should take, Gen. Gordon, if I am correctly Id- be the pulley of his administration. l(e«p*i tfully, To be Hangul for Murder Friday—Thieve* nt Work, Kfc. CnVeBMfitm, Jnn« 22 —Beale, Ala,, ia to have a haugiug r n Fr Jay. George B. Da- via, white, who brutally murdered a young white mnn numed It. am*, a few moutha ago, ie to pay the penalty of his crime on thut day. Tho execution is to bo private, thongh many people will be uttruded to the place. Davis in taking hi* impending doom calmly and does uot seem to reuliz j hi* awful fate. The ColumhuH Gun Club need composi tion for targets thin afternoon. Mr. F. J. Jenkins won the fust honor by breaking 8 out of 10. The hall of Mm. Brady’s residence was visited by thieves last night and everything in reach vu stolen. A festival will bo given Friday afternoon by tho ladle* of tbe First B totist Church for the beat tit of the industrial schools. BfA8LKY MATTKWH. ClIABLKS FlMYKR. To Uon. John B. Gordon and John Young Brown. Now I submit the question to every honest, can did citizen of Georgia, who reaja the above quota- formed aa to his position, assured tho people of Georgia, upon the stuiup, that the Democratic par ty, which he thou supported, would set aside uU those reconstruction measures; aud that the pro posed constitution*l amendments were unconstltn-| tioual, null and void, aud would never carried into effect. Mince then, I ■k could uot have been counted in. - P*Wp»Uwhat Mr. Browu eaja relating to ■••wo&vctoruuderataudltig Itaelf, leaving Gen- ■mKiwrtaoDtof that pail of tt; and shall then ■gcviitonLuwbl* conuectlou with the whole af* I ^ '***<"(1 how the interview was brought ■twetb-urtn hituaelf, Gordon and Foster, lirown ■bus *nbtUm« ,)t the transaction l he fol- KeetuMi ^ 00 * * re Ube0 ^ rom published so- _ 504,1 Mr. Foater, that I ha«l, as he knew, been ■y-f 'G cstall dilator/ motions, and had in a IEr tbe indexible execution of tbe IJT' 1 ,®* 1 blI b Lad suted in the Dem>’cratic caucus I!?* , ': u " 5 "u v^to if I wore tho only man from |i* !b'.tll lo do .o, TftwtMjr Mid to him, that tk*re was but ry.yb'b vould change mo, aud that was, if ,5 **t by voting to complete the coat ■ Z“ . t0 frsult iu the inauguratlou of Mr. If*/' 1 **®ld h- aiding directly or indireitly iu (be umirpatioua of Packard •ndCham- IWi 1 la Vi® • S, *“ , s of Loui-una and Mouth 0 ro- e. ."i e r<,Ttr *® toy action and do my very nt- tucirfru the rxecution ot the bill, regardless IL. ^ l ' le|,c, ‘** '■•lau.ltoua to the country aa 1 be- ■•y tbs, would be. IJt[T U .T ab ' e uM him . lb at If I changed my ■ i .; eW uf ®®vonii prominent geoilemen j to ® : • nd M »t that critical in ur, Ik it “Igbtly scenes surpassed by ISwtw w,ld excitement and violence, ■juinufuf wjtnes.^ 1 ln thrt | fKl- j at i te bl . lor , o( B RLff" » try ’ ,n ® °f ***• Goujocrau who were ■ C? “ r. x . ecul ® Uw should be broken, it stampede among them, and Mr. Ins4hi! 11 v b ? mor * **® President teau he, Foster, I 8e believed this. Ikhm hr ! h ) k ’ h ® ,t restHjct for Charles Foster. I la-tu ' > V, l» 0 “orahle geutleman; and I twni, i . 15 •e® nry confidence iu him that had 10 “ “• fepreeented the district of ajS . Uy r , u ® I***! J“et made a manly and ahlch he had said, that, under lhaugurated, the dag shall float ■ Wt, 1 * n ' >t Pvovincaa; over freemen, not aub- leetto *“*1*18 speech, and told him I had ■•"uv./T, 1 *** 0 * b,n » •rtlten aa«urame that If lesaig r *.r« * u Inaugurated Freaidrnt, he ■•tSiffi.wn 0 "? Ml * lu the States of Ieoutal- llha-ehn,,!? C4 f“ , }* 1 n. and that the people of those Ini, * th,-ir ow ® affairs, iu their own Intervention by the Federal °f Ghio. Thla conversation I J**aade«ne*L Ituolilon’s Arnica Salve. The Beat Salve in tire world for Cnta, Bruise*, Bore*. Ulcers, Malt Rheum, Fever 8- roa. TeG**.-, Chapped Hands, Chilblain*, Corn* and all nkin Eruption*. *nd positively euro* Piles, or no pay re quired. It 1* guaranteed to give perfectsatisfacH n or money refunded. Price 2fi ceuta per box. For sale by Lamar. Rankin k Lamar. “We more than hold our own,” says n boatful exchange. Why don’t yon let go of the part that dees not belong to yon? Scott’s Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil. with Hypopbospbite*. la remarka ble as a t lesh Producer. Tne lucres** of flesh and ■Ilength, la perceptible immediately atter com- meuctng to uae the Emulsion. The Cod Liver Oil eiunsltlcd with the Hyperplioaphltes 1* moat ro markable for lu healing, strengthening and flesh producing qualities. The Salvation Army ia being jailed at St. JohD’g, Mich, They detted the edict of the city fathers not to parade the streeU. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wlnxlow’e Soothing Syrup ahould always be used for children teething. It aoothes the child, ■ofteus the guiu*, allays all pain, cure* wind oolio, and la the beet remedy for dlarrhua. 26c. a bottle, Jy24wly Sarah Bernhardt, in her new play, ia aaid to have ntilized m tny incidenU in her own life to give her work interest. You Can Huy for 10 Ceuta sample of Simmons Liver Regulator, for trial. * sure you get the genuine. A man never appreciates how very badly things can go wrong until tho pill he ia tak iug rolls into a hollow tooth. Dr. It. O. Cotter, Permanently located in Macon. 126X Fecond street Diseases of the eye, e*r, throat and nose. Former assistant for four year* to Dr. A. W. Calhoun* At Don’t expect to tuke much out of the pawnbroker. Everything that goes there generally gets “left,” DENTISTRY-DR. H. B. BARFIELD, No. 90>4 Mulberry Street. Macon, Georgia, Ofto« hoaro—9 a. m. tu fl p. tn. -Apply toT. K., TbomatrlUe, Go., for ■.nulua L. Coot, aad Kuffe. pear tma Cheap ornamentation of any kind in out of style, mid it in no longer good form to wear trash iu jowels. ALL .".li lUT Tilb STATE. A Untie weighing 25U pound., with 124 gg., was e.ipturetl on the beaob »t Cumber land recently. The LeConte peer crop of South Georgia promises wdl this season. Eventho young trees are hcuvily laden with the fruit. Cadet George F, Cooper, of Atnericua, who recently graduated at the Anuapolin Naval Ae-uteiuy, standing fifteenth in n class ot twenty-five, has been ossigued to duty ou the Valid diu, now at tbo Brooklyn navy yard. John Brock, an engineer on the Bruns wick and Wctcra railroad, wan shot while tile train was stopping at Lee’s Mi hoc Wednesday afternoon, by Ben W. Furlong, a mid inuLuger. The men had some dilil- culty previously, un account of a small suoi alleged to bo due Fnrlong by Brook, and when the train stopped, llrook went into the depot, and Futlong followed, abusing Brock. The luttrr wus about to strike him, when Furlong pulled out a self-cocker aud shot Brock, tne ball entering bis tight side aud pissing out on tbe loft below the navel. Tbe wennd i, painful, but not serious. Tie Brans «lcl lUtkld says work on tho Gi-otgiii and Florida road ia progress ing ttnely. The right of way for every foot of the lino from Hart’e road, Florida, to Mill oil, Ur., a distance of ISO miles, bus Itecn secured. Au important feature in the contraction of this road ia thu aub t .u- tiai manner in which ilia lieingbuilt. Thera ii not a gr ide upon the whole line to er- ceed two-tenths of an inch per 100 feet, or nbont £fi inolics to the mile. At thin rite there will bo not any one grade oYl t). whole line (hut will nrnon -t to a foot in all, The bridges across the Satllla, Ht, Mary's and other river* are heit'g built of Ironb; the IVun Bridge Company of Beaver, Fa. THE OK1U1NAL TtEuTpHONE. An Inv. nMnn rateuteil by Itoynl E. llnuie, lu 18ilH—The I'atentbiuw Uvpirnl. Bkiihikiudt, June 20.—lioysl E. House, who invent, d tho original printing tele graph, which is figured out in all the old school works on philosophy, ia a rmi.Uut of this city, where hi* oon* cirry on the manufacture of vurion* invention* of their can. Iu conversation with a reporter to day, Mr. House op.ossel the wbl that the public might in *om<i way bo bone filed by the expiration of a patent of bis, this patent, numbered 77,882, and dated May 12, 18118, ha* expired. It win for an . ihvi niion or improvement in fl. ctro-phon. it to, why'w*. it that t’u.t.r and Siatth.w., tb. I lnvoivLu* a quMllon ot auch vital tiupurtenc., re- .tic telegraph, now called telephone. It wae •pwlal friend, of Go».r»or llaiw, wm ao “>*; untr. that you .bonldglv. them that opportunity, .mtenti d for a rcceiviug in»trnmeut to r«- tuu. to tati.fy Brown and Ootdon, Ih.tU.yri, if I You can n.litarK-noll your friend by altruiptle* ' . , InamraretMt. aotild ramor. th. troopa a. Ib.y dr-1 to .opprrM tb. .vldaoo. aoalo.1 him; oor can you " 1 **v»rt popular altaatloo hy ralalu*r-'"-*—* ‘ _ - _ ba guilty 1 That 1. th. qnead a. vlct ry wa. already woof Why I hy lacontrorartlMo avld.bca that In thi. Kir. aipre*. partnlaalon to make any are of 1 tioa an rnonuooa wtisbt ot potitlcal mild re.;, tho tettare Ithat Drawn might drelre? What necei-1 apoa hla ahouldeni. ■Ity for their are. ana what poaalbhi Rood could 18- 1 ■nit to tba It.publican., by RtriOR each wrlttao aa- lion, frujn Drown • tmbP.hed atatement, aad th. | ontorlua CoDgreM, be h». .worn to .u;r l.lteiijddrei ed to Brown and Gordon, tbo one port the coniUtutl' n with tho.. amrnd- .iRue.1 by loftier alone, and tb. other by Ko«ler and lutrita la It. aad tb. Democratic party, In Ita two Matthew., wholbtr there 1. any roem for i ut national plattormi, have mupiaUardly and reawliabt. doubt, that Senator Gordon fatly unreaervedly acaidOKtid lu th. amiport ot the re- uaderetood tb. who • m-gotlatl a. and ooi .tnu-tlou mealnre. aud in tbe oonitltnlloaal naueactlou, and waa a parly to the I aineudmcota. In tbo U.t national platfotm of the bargdn. lontractor undentudiog, call It what [«,ty; adoiitM al »t- 1/mla. tb.v ba«..rrnrv you ma>, by which It wta a«r ad that the oonnt 1 prr...d devotiontoeaid con.iltiltioual ani.oil. •liolld proi-eed aud llayM ebould be ln.ilvuratrC; 1 Ihi. 1. fiir’lirr than I have ever rmuo. a- and when Inaugurated he nhaiild remove the troop, already elattd. whl o ttim party fomiht toa llyaRalo.t from South C-rollua and LouDlana. l.tberwl-c I them. I did mu .ii-t iiu It; hut no aion a. It dail.n ' why were Brown and O.ifdon dlacllrelng tbe policy | U acqulKK-euce iu rm iu 1.71, I acted with ot Uayea’a adnilaletraUon with Kiwter before tbo I aud have doue >o.... r .luce. In a word. I new - couut waa completed? , , I mom; for abatidoolnv tho poeltu.11 which I hu 1 Ocn. O irdou cauuotracape by .litglna that h. uk.n la 1"C7 and ISOS. Wan., the DemcreUc party »»l 1 nothing durlug 111. Irau.acUou. It i> tnic g o.tier.l Gordon thought proper afterward, lo Brown doe. not are HieI language of Gordon, but be chang. thrlr courr. and plant lliemwlvcv UI „,„ tbo teila u. that be ontllued wbat be Intended to avy to ] ,ame poeltion of ai-iini-.-etfeiire lu 111. rtcon.lrui-- Fo.ter, to Gotdon in advan #; and Gordon .aid be I tiu L njea.iirea .lul the con.titutloual amradmrat. would ro with him with pleaiiure. Gordon wa. I which I then occupied. pr..ent durlu* the whole i-imveraetlou. beard It j i have never at any lime, ftlnce I have be-n old all, aud doubUeea participated In la Ae Browu 1 auoush to vote, tailed to .upport tho Democratic .ay., It wa. lou* and .amort, and eattafactory to I candidate for Pre.ldrot and vice Pictdeut, cicepl hi. ftlend Gordon and hiauclf. I tbe caudldate of ISOS. At that time the then «-> The duty of alienator lu thatcaM wae vary plain. | called Democratic party etotd upon neither the Wti«a Browu outllnetl tbs Btateoiaiit to biui which I putiorin of the Democratio party prior to lh« war, be lutvttUed to wake to Foster, looking to this bar-1 uor tbe Deinorrattc platform of iH7i aud lH7it. 1 Main, be should promptly have rejected it, and re-1 have, therefore, never failed, in a single (dnuuic#. fused to have anything to do with the transaction. |o support tho nominee* of the Ifc-nioc-rsUu party He couh> with ipeat propriety have aatd that the w jjen tbe caodi Ut e stood upon the principles of honor of a D utocrAllc benatcr of Georgia would I the Demotiratio party a* rectvgnUsd prior to the not permit him. to consider each a proposition of I war, aa at present recognized, bargain and salo for a moment. I General Gordon’* partisan* cannot, therefore, Ihen he could have Justly denied that he made I Justly charge me with any auch act of disloyalty to any “bargaiu of any aort, or had auy understand- I the party aa I have proved he commit.od. 1 never iug of any character” with Foster looking to the 1 WM » pwrty to the aale (call It by wuat name you Presidential count But h»w cau^ be do so in tUe I of four years of Democratic adQiiuiHtration ln the face of tbe fact that the 1®****® I mponsibWity, as he did, of making a trade for n war* both addressed jointly to him and I party if 1 could not make a better ono than was Brown, referring to a conversation had I made by hlu. aud bis associate. ““ *’*’ 1 I ask as an act of justice, thst each pepev In — - . . die Mtate which pubtabed Geuerai Oor Ion’s dt- dlacuseed? Part of the House were AllbnaUring to I nial of the charge I made against him, put»l»»h thla prevent the completion of the fraudulent count. I reply, containing the evidence upon ahi. h !• x»aa | H| |n— 1 — ”~* w H| 1 •• tied. If some of you as editor* are not my i, or if you are even the parttsana of Oeu* ral aurance*. and auch permission tons* them, if there I ■ ^ a! l,U IL Ikh. „» ke came to my desk, lu the liny iLgyyMMM* and handed me an un- ■••Hnarmri ! r *® d R t«»ok my pen and erased l 0,d hlm *h*t it could be made fru *“ *h® honorable men ■ «*** PJ «;I faith, it was sufficient. In an l!*n» * ®*ntto his desk and be deliver- I , ®t»»nei th*?*>y btmaelf and Mr Matthew*. |N u * different ha- dwriung. I *• iq.lkd 8®®®raUtl«e I di I 144 **. *** l * h »»we h»d rewritten S ana I**’ ud i * *• Intended to cover the whole P* th wiU be no doubt If* I«V’ i of M U»® Meureuceelhav# I* 1 *. id' *1, L0 **^d the original lttur on hie With ?. lKn “*** M,d ha Aa I was having he u IT.n* taUl m ® that President Grant trtwV.V, ***• r “®nt wa* completed, issue a liy-hdiLta'TAugnr. in Louisiana. He l5^ b xtsie«-: l , t0m ® tt tion this fact for several ■5** of thTlHj me permlsaion to make to wf- j®**«ra I might deeire. The order ' f the bjr Freeldent Grant I gave *° General M. C. Butler, u **• ■ !*•»*them (ram tba hite- IZ* ’’WonrtJS "Hrvtolon by the ermr 1 Tt*atthe Pne-dent; bat |5»k«..tlJi , li“‘»»tettae» the ra.uU wonli 1ST<H tI^l2^' k * , • The eoavereettott and I iTt'fi' tt4d * k n“wn to bumx- I i-tnoereu In him end In ht. -hot he did aHumeed •*- whS'l^*!5. ,h «» t» rareotn * 155?»hfcci2X- UU *" d «“ right. traiBw.- heroranraithhl ji-tm E. BauwR. KUL'N‘> OUT THE LOBBY. .M nu imi—ihle ih.ut-ft fur Tiideu? If e>er)h.Kly Tire Hpooker Ajm> .tut- » Cntamltl.e lu In- In. w thut 1 Udell .t od no ehenca why WM It nee- I ve.tigwt- l>.. nra.elun.l Attorney.- MW9 for Foeur and Mitheiratoelva written u-1 Warbivotos, June FJ.- Tlitre have been ■ l‘n^.Vrewh^ln^^l:rw ld h, b ^iS 0 r^ uMmU(otooutplaioUdariD« the vrlhUr hratu''!' 1 tunlveme letter, end tad Ur offer to .how Brown end Gordon, who belonged I of the DotoncB* ahd open aun»o of -I »Un rt' lt ; M t the Honorable Stanley Met- to tbe onpo^Uon, a letter from Governor 1U)«« de- privilege of the floor of tbe Hotuc by' tx' • moult the central pattof tho i)l*pk,*#ra ■*'" ■ Onlng hU (wllcy? II th. vln-oor -- elremly woe Tbcjr are permitted to H o "U held in equilibrium bjr* £SihUDSuCTbybUMti!” d ‘be floor after ai^nioR a dccl.irntion that jgjyg| U “■ tran.mutnr But tuuwe. tret iru. ileye.’. praej-ict fir <1. I they are not intirretid ia t-enilm* ir-ginla- feet by drUy In thoUoUM wMjtllf Imminent, end (i on Kotuo of tbo limit lin»crnnuloll)i !u't‘ ‘u”re* S'?rau‘ '"n-ati. of railroad corporation, arc tfaceo sumpede would defeat the completion of the fraud I ix-niembcni x'lio m*t un lobby istj arnl Ulrnt count till tha 4th of March; Lone# their Upcciitl attorney * It is rc^XODublc to stl|>- rradinssa to negotiate an l their anxiety to give sat- . )OSO |Jj U t eI -mciubcrH who on tho tl cur tlihSSm *VMh*E!nSi*tZ ImrUurinaiSitir nenriy every Jav, nn-I »l»o arc busy aa. h utiduiH>»ed h of. they went* to uagotiattng; an<l talking with t • utbuH, «lo not go :h»*rp in,i Uruen raid Foeter, In .ubelence, the; („ r their own peraonal ainuemcnL It If he dtd not cet the written ““ unul “" is fair to presume that they nro loblrjLU do m “hi. nfme.T 0 to ’’defeat th. .Mention or apedal attorney*. Delegate Voorheta of tho bill; and If he rheni-vd. eeverel prominent I of \\ italilnifton Ti-rntorv, who ie ono r.f Rvntlemen would J..ln him. end if a f-» raiier-d. I ti, e mo st viaorau* r.iiponent* in the Home rn.!>Mtawouldbecomogenerahaed the work of o{ tbe Wetitirn land and railroad riaqn, wa,U«md n U ?more Jh.n ora be freeideot .bin determined tome weeta age to drive the-, be (Foster) would. Foster agreed V> all this, by lobbyists, if po«s»bb», from tho door. He taxing be btlievcd it. And alter a ’ long and ram- I intn-dneed it r«-»t*lut:on calling for nil in- r.»” conversion, F^terajP^to giveth*dc»»ied veatigation of their character ami buhiaet-s. dlmLideJ^d w grt Midthaws. whoi.the rsUtive lit procee<let «I»on tho theory that th- n- bv marriage of Haves, to sign It alth him. Thu momberH who K > th t.-for pri p*r motive^ l-aikvd »t leeet like the nenoltaUvo htl reevhed the Wl)U l,l „,t lie ulrv drag to go U-fote a Cor.- “wJi’J’dSSS’L Tllden. rad both the gnseiuDal committee. 'I I. hc who go there n-rn, vrata rad lU-nublu.n. knew thta, why »il thl. an altornejH he weut&.l driven fr.iia the nenotta.ran ? end why did Brown rad Gordon, Ho,,- a* conld t 'tally ha done if the rule It-edln* Domocreta, meet B o. > '.th ef m ndid', j, ■ w<[# cn f orCf i Jlii resolution putsch ernor 1I.>... Tho Sp. idler, howev.r, bae hod difflculty SjLbl reMut’-ht L’etimre referred to in Brawn’e in making UP a committer. Members wero ALL FIRST-CLASS Storeleepers now.fceej it for Sale TO PAUGHTfl, tvn.ho Hlloiild olso liftvo a care for the lender ae*—the little children. SEA FOA9X contains none of the bod qualities of taking powdera-soda or aalemtus. It contains no hurtful Ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC* All Chemist* who have analyzed Fca Foam commend It. Housekeeper* who have u*«l tt will have no other. Cooks, whose best effort* have failed with other powder*, are jubilant over Sea Foam. Save* lime, save* labor, have* money. It ia positively unequeilefl. A haohitely pura Cued by the lending hotel* and restaurant* In New York city and throughout tbo country. For sole by all tlrst-closa grocers. GA2TTZ, JOXJUS <C CO., 170 J)tunic St., X. r. THE 0.1.0. CO., PERRY, GEORGIA, la the eole proprietor ot O. I. c. (Old Indian Cnre), TIiu Perfect Blood Purifier ! This vegetable Tonic and Fnrilier never fnilu. Druggist* null it and indorse it every where. Dr. Wm. F. Bynum, Sr., a prominent phynicinu and citizen of Live Oak, Fin., write* tin: "It given the beat satisfaction of all the Blood l’mifiem." Ladies in Delicate ITcaltli Have in it a Sovereign Cnre. AS A TONIC AND APPETIZER, There ia absolutely nothing to compare with it and is iii iruin'*. n lVH tbo ffitlea It (Vmb aot blaoksn or injur* th*tMth,c*ua» h**d« acb® or pruJnee constipation—othtr Iron »t«Ucine» an Du. G. II. Buckley, a leading physician of Spring* ” Ltu..n it ir. -n Bitter* ts a tborotifhlv good modi* etna. 1 um It in my practice, and find its action ax- c«?la allot tier funns of tmo. In weaknesa, orakiwotm- dititm of tha system. Brown’* Iron Bitters la tuoaliy a posUir* nec—nty. It I* all that 1* clahnad for tt* the Tuuic of th* ag*. Nothin* l- tu-r, It craatas appetite, gives strength and improve* dicaatioo.” lilt OWN CUDMIVAL CO., UALTlMOUS, AID. Tliar* are it Few Druggists who rare n:*»ro to make a large profit on a worth lews article than to wait for the proiperity that ultimato- ly results from honest dealing. The#* aro tba man who, when tuked for a Benson’s Capetne Flaator, will tccoiniucnd some cheap aud trashy substitute or Imitation, saying it l* ”Ju»t a* good. Sometimes tliev will do up and sell the miserable imitation xiltiiout remark, allowing the customer to suppose be has Beuaun’s. If tba valueless plaster is re timed, Cheap Juhn will say he made a mistake;—I! not, he ha« done a good stroke of busineaa. Th* f i'ihllcare cautioned agaln«t John and all bisilk, tny of respectable dnigginta only. The genuine Bcussiifii plaster has "Three Seals” trademark and tha word ••Capclne” rut In the centra. Whv tha miduLtht ui'vtiutn referred to I „ . ■tatatarat above Mirarad ? Why Foetar cwll to-1 no t uxioat to (erva. Theta W*t« too Retker a portion of *8* 4H*friioafro« RoethCMra 1 w bo had friend* among tha Rfccial E,^? W U k1fotTM etrara.J. who .ran on the floor. «-• hSIT^kiire ra i *urvtawwu8 the detaRraoM lf r . CarlLla ha* at 1 at anuuunced a from three urate., after the I »*** It l* coMptntcd of Bichardran, of ■ad Gur.rac, bat to B” JJI Tenne-Ma; UcCrea, of Arlunn*; Gamp- ;«rid cMOiti Arad I hell, ol Ohio; Oia tthf-r, of WUcooidn, and SsSSSSS^y^SsSS 1 ^^^ SSS 1 tB min mencj oa that poiatforafew I fots them. Appetiu goo* ^ I • bard#*t What ia tha] days, one utliomfl nbtiuei —.« iI .. *.. i *.. tin u* tit'.tirf ar> SyG^TOaradirtitre. who ere TuissSJiJsSSTw^ft—" i,w 1 c “ "* r rr “ a I* etarrlBR with * fraU table be- Riktw^ Alrabttloo Itooe! Ufa rt fee U. _ ;e Uf. ebrat held, ere throw* tack l*ta the to bo 1 blond, whtrii ehoald to thrown,.*!, kulh'* tile ■*twiMleta tho nver to ao lu work rad bed breuh will per bottle. AlidrvRRl.u ceivti uieaeoge* V>y eonnd, hv Mureo e gnale of letter*, hut uovurthelei* hy it* construe- lieu it i» fitted to tranamit to and fro utet- e.iet-H by arUcniate aprreh. Tha invantioo ho* two ancouztio cla mant*, ono of which i» a Jg held uiaf.hrrgm, the other a Round reflector H or piece. Tlic-c eucomtic tleun-nU atere- ) I.i- tiv.jly arranged and combined at each ■lotion ot the telegraph line will* and be tween tho receiving uiugnet end the place for the cur of the operator. With a closed *mu mag netic forms and acta ** a trwnamutor liausiuute cleetrical vurietians to oorre rjH.fident nonnd wave* tnat are confined in L’.i rel dirccUoDH as the.' luuvo through to the place for the ear, where io* eonnd* aro m a to more dUtinclly audible. TUL Wl'uaKY WAIt iy IOWA. Fear HeloenUI. Mail hr FroblbltlontaU— ternchlog T.iked of. Cuvtom, Iowa, June 22.—Iu an encoun ter yesterday between •aloouia** andIptolii- hltinni*t*,fonrof the former, named Forace, Fuldraiion, Hurt and Borad*. were snot, but none ol them wero lately wounded. Marshall, Jndgoaud Frank Hil- lerrnan were jeiital, cbar<wl with doing the firiog. The sulocn element last night were threatening to lynch Judge and nillermen, and declare the j til will ba blown np, If nece-uary to get them. TO BOYCOTT UNCLK S,VM. Rallwtr Pwul Cl.rk. Drzaelile* to Crip ple tbe Melt Berviea. — Lawuxxck, Kax , June 22.—Tha poat. it,ester at thi* piece ha* received reua'da informeiioa of the orgeniuhon of *n eseo- cietion among th- postal clerks of th- mein line* ol weatern read* to hoyoott the postal si stem. Kich member uf the es.oc’iUcn, epon bectroing such, eigne a reeu-nation ol hi* pueition in Ut* ptxtal avtvice, which ia placed in the bands of an (xeculira committee. Ae toon a* the organization is complete U i* eei.l tha first remcv*l will b* fallowed hy a demand upon th*Pottiu*at*r- General for th* eaa<* therefor. If not itt- isfaetnry all the resignation* will take ef fect, laaviug die mail eanrica in tb* Inch. Tbe ring'.' odor ur- known, and will b* re ported to tba VcLoeeiwr-OtncraL MONEY LOANED Oc Improved Farm and City Property. Vor termi apply to R F, LAWTON, Bunker, Fecond stmt, Macon, Oa. )ON’T YOB USB !iHl Levering’s a-flem hmm Ku.’ -vmrz'jfS: yx-nag Ant Mop worrying every ^tnrarolaR over a poor CHOCERS SELL !T. *g“ Head 10c. In stamp* for a complete set of Levvrtoj’s Xew Cards (00 original dsaigna). K LEVEEING dc CO., HALTlMOUK,MP. JanKktbunaanSvAw /UW AYR SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS iLL PURCHASERS CAN BE S01TED MAN L'FACTTKED IT Isaac LStappud & Co.,BaHlioie,ll AND FO**.Binf a prize, saran r\ food* • ich will help aU. of *- -»■ mor# i ney right away than a SefDtl six ctou for p> auge, a-iC a costly box || of ei:tvr SfX, . •oybing else ’.«« await tha work aw abeolately ***<*. T' -nui loflad free. Taus 4 Co., Augusta. mar27-saUkw3m REYK OLDS’ IRON WORKS. Iron nitfl Hrus.-t Found riun uud Hitcliluo Shops, Iron Ratting*, Can* Mills, Syrup Kettles, fH**m Knginea, Maw Mills, Iron Front* for buildings of aU kinds, machinery ot all ktnda, Grist Mill*. Ro- polrtng engines and machinery a apeoioltv. Iron and bf coating* of every description. In fact any an * avery thing that 1* mod* ur kept ln Aril class iron Aorkt. The proprietor has had an experience of over forty years in the Iron bustnea*. g#“We guarantee to sell you Cane Mill* cheaper hsn anybody, and that they will give perfect sails taction. A. REYNOLDS, Proprietor. Cor. Fifth and Hawthorne streets, Macon, Oa. oct27-w-tf .Bridgo Notice. Georgia, Jones county—On tbe first Tuesday in July next at 12 o*cl<v k tu , before the Court House door in Clinton, I will lrt at public outcry to the lowest bidder a contract to build a list bridge over Falling, at a point known aa Carr's, ln said county. Tbe tridg# la to be 120 feet long and 14 feet wide, with new and first clas* titular throughout. Bond, with good and sufficient security, will be required to keep the bridge In a ft rr.aslng oondltion for seven veer* from the day It la received. 1 be work to tie finished and turned over to n.e by tne 1st of September next, when the money will be pa d. Tbe right to rrjrct any and all bids 1* hereby re served. For particulars apply to tba undersigned* This, th* 1st day of June. lHMfi. RICHARD JOHNSON. Junl-wkySt County Jndc®. MONEY FOR LAND OWNERS SPECIAL RATES ON EASY TERMS. Apply to CLEM P. STEED, Macon, Oa. >’o. 2 Cot ton Avenne, ovvr Payne's drugstore. aptCa :ia !?THORNS!!fiFLESH Ageei* IwOfwiSootbemKoteaace m6 .... ’ ■ > HUBS AMD B1UJ.H-. . -a/tea AY La XT A. Ga. Opium and Morphine. Opium and morphine habit cured in two weeka. No cnre, no pay. Tiro cure in safe and poaitivc. No failaro in a aingin chhs where patient* have been trailed by tw. Addrce* Dr. BBOWN, or Dr. I'LElLS, in. trorintendrat, Rmyrna, Ga. *pG«4t Portable Mills $80 I and upwards, to make best qual- r . Jb tty of Table Meal. HIM.tone* VlT Hlifl DeLnacIiWwtn \\ I «* H. » 1 himnlrst aad Cheapest ln tbo /f ■■ ’ ikTJ' i market. Bend for finely itttu- /•W?a0| tratvd circt lor* and see what the ■ I South tad. 1 r. . A. A. Drl.OArll A )lKO- f.rargx.- ^ T8SKEE5 ts»uii'w>d. ate. I will s«bdyoaa valnaM# chsvga. AddrMaPrpr V- < irijr il«ciy, lt#| ’-tnat gtej ’’''WXJULMoodaa.OMn. AU Htylca mill Ibices of "Wall Paper! F. R. POMEROY, New Armory Dalbllng, Macon, Oeorgla. SEND FOB SAMPLES.myNteodAwlj Dr.J.M. Buchan & Son EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Private and chronic disease* a specUUty. Unit- dred* of ceritficatea of cur**. Will visit adlc ii. ng coontlao. Consultation free. Medicine by uisil or einree*. janSxwlyr MONEY LOANED —ON— FARMS! Apply to EL' IOn ESTES, I •’oml »tT€ctf J/. <ori, iht*