The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 29, 1886, Image 6

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 188fi.~TWELVE PAGES. 1UE TELEGRAPH, tUSTJIHXD IT1I7 DAT IV TBS TZAR AND WEEKLY ST TUI Zils^npb and Messenger Publishing Co.. BT Mulberry Strut, Muon, On. this morning, the lint of Georgians wholost Neva, we think is a little at sea, as regards their investments in the Southern Life In- the disposition of the Georgia convicts. It snrancc Company, of which General John does not Beem to be in favor of utilizing B. Gordon was manager for the Southern this vast labor force in any other way than Tbs Pith la delivered bj carriers In kbv city or Bioe.t postage free to subscribers, for $1 per Stoats, $2.10 for three months, $6 for sis months, M $10 s year. Tin Wsiut Is mailed to subscribers, postage tut, at $1.96 a year and 26 cents for all months. Transient advertisements will be taken for the Oslly at $1 per square of 10 lines or less for the $n! Insertion, and 60 cents for each subsequent in- lUUon, and for the Weekly at $1 for each Insertion. notices of deaths, funerals, marriages and births, |L Bo)nted communications will not be returned. Correspondence containing Important news and alien salons of living topics Is solicited, but must be brief and written upon bnt one side of the paper to Uve attention. Bemlttanoaa should be made by si press, postal ■Ita, money order or registered letter. Stunts Bureau UK Peachtree street. AU communications should be addreaaed to Tift TELEGRAPH. Muon, Os. Honey orders, checks, etc., should be made paya- 01, 10 R. O. Baskos, Manager. department, when the concern went into by lease, and answers the common argument bankruptcy. The amount of these losses against this plan, os follows is $159,517.97. This amount includes only the unpaid I rtoM “ of labor, this would be the case just as 1 „„ 1 ,, . much so when the Bute worked the convicts as death losses, and the company s liabilities „ hFn , MKe . do . I( lhe state ha. n.v.r been able those who staid in until Judge Lynch has held a bloody assize, not in the South this time but in good, vir tuous, loyal Detroit. There was a Micbi* guuder pulling. __ A mono the exiled French princes is tho Due d’Aumale, a soldier of distinguished gallantry and service. Politics has sent him to sharo the banishment which ho pre pared for Marshal Bnzaine. John B. Gordon oa an insurance Agent, cost the people of Georgia $159,547. Truly does the versatile General nay the insurance business was one of the most successful bch< mes he ever engaged in. Goudon said that he did resign from the 8cnate and under the same circumstances would resign again. If then, the old Con federate soldiers and personal expenses should press him whilo Governor, we may expect to see Gordon resign again and his resignation followed by another deul. This is the logic of the case. General Gordon's miserable attempt at defense of himself concerning bis connec tioa with Huntingdon's schemes,by assault ing the Tom eicott bill, is a vile slADder upon Allen G. Thurman, the sturdy and honest Democrat, whose simple appearance in the Chicago convention had almost disrupted that machine-packed body. Gordon's affi davit would not atand before Thurman’s nod in any court in this country. “From The Great Insurance Swindle. The Telegbath presents to its readers I The Convicts and Honest Ubor. Our nawkinsville contemporary, the Aa to being brought into competition with other All men are created equal, but it bas been no ticed that some men can carry much more liquor Ahan other* without allowing it.—Philadelphia Times. John Henry, aged four, eating green corn, was bothered with the allk: “I wiih," said he, “who- to moke them p*» expenses, then when the leatees the Bankrupt Court engulfed them. We I have to pr wide for their safe keeping, it esn'i be have have no means ot determining how I expected that they can give much per head per an- many forfeited their politics when they num tor and tb ® “ nu * 1 °* them at f25 found that the company was not paying its ^ ,1?*, w , * , r . , 1 and saves the tax payers that aum Instead of bur- losses. If this could be ascertained it ( j e ning them with $120,000 to keep would doubtless add many thousands of them, la one cue It Is $30,000 made and In the dollars to the figures we present. other $190,000 lost For this great loss Gen. Gordon is largely ** 10 competition, It 1, a political bubble blown responsible.Hecannotescape th.conctasion JZSSTJZZ that it was frith in him that drew the I CO nvlct labor must be brought into competition people's money; that it was because of this with other labor, and there Is no escape from it, faith he was employed by the company and I unlesf la violation of law and the rights of the peo- put in a prominent position at a large salary. I P' 0 ' thMB convlcU » re ke P‘ ,rom » otk . »"> u,led ' t. j. * ,, ,. ... . doctored, fod and supported in idleness by taxing He used to say that it was his privilege to ^ Would b, . uavuty oo . on,moo kuow and that hs made it bis business to I atm* and jugtlce to make the honest, law-abiding know that tbe Southern Life Insurance I citizen toil and support not only his own family. Company was safe. but tbe law breaker* who are thus rewarded for Is it not almost incredible that Gen- crimw,? u If convi « 5t * mak ® brlck - . r. * > , . 1 lumber, etc., cheap, la not this in the eral Gordon, in the face of this record of tb. people. the consumer, and these facts, should upon the stump I w j, 0 constitute the majority of our people, to have point to the Southern Life Insurance Com- them cheap and thna enablo them to comfortably pany as one of his buccessful ventures? I provide their little homes ? Does not cheap mate- Can any man understand the utter fool- »“ e “ ble *°„ batM • nd «*” work t0 the . .. , . . . „ ,, . I mechanic and mason? Competition ta essential to hardiness of such a claim? Because lie was ntJ #ItotoBet o( our , n4 monopoly only manager of the Southern department, I their most dangerous enemy. It there was but one and that department failed through the pa- I lawyer, one doctor, one merchant, one lumberman. SHREDS AND PATCHES. New York clergymen will not take the risk of hay fever until they ore assured their congregations can afford to send them away.—Picayune. ever made this com hod pulled out the basting threads.”—Ex. _________ Picture dealer—'‘Please take care, sir. Your coat transfer your seat in the Senate? Did you 1 lock, who was making tnud,. » not explain those dispatcher toy oar friends fast he didn’t have* 5 time ♦ and tell them to remember well uliat was bis .. „ . * >a ' te time to mail? Ask , Governor WBto a letter; Sminl contained in them, and did not eacL mem- he did ber of the party handle the mysterious look- an interested party "to nr«.. . ' W ing things with a hearty reliUh? I let?" Now that the JoS ^ l)id all hands agree to affirm a distinct abuse a man, whose conduct» rekl and a well-agreed-upon statement in cose worthy, when Dr. Felton wm. a 10 P the Nashville cipher-er, should try to leave gallant crowd who bared th-i. you "in tho lurch?' the foe to retain the Bailroad Did you say at any time during these n«go- lost fall, that paper must nrennPA 011 . tlotions, "this will ruin my political pros- hear some unpalatable facts .C • peots. I cannot bold another office, and I out yokefellows. Point out »)?,?. lu intend to he paid for it?" place, in history, tapubUc S!„»*• When Viotor Newcomb was employing private records, where Felton pEO r*' 1 new re aeaier— rioiuo uuo twr, ■$*» $ um i * j o i ivluiuo, «ucio xenon •>., UU. don't-Ab-b,-chance-sweep .gainst mT you waa it as a secret agent, or were you line with Gov. Bullock. ItU an ■Old masters." 1 Am»tenr-"Oh-ble.s my .„„i! employed os an attorney for the Louisville fact that Gov. Bullock has W'bst, ain't, the, dry yet?"—Punch. I ami Nar.hv.le railroad? I with AT riBMT. He astand twiated Lla blonde mouatacbe; Hhe toyed with a straying curl, And ailently thought of ber other beau And he of bis other girl. AT LAHT. She stood with ber head on his shoulder Uld, He toyed with the straying curl. 9 toyei. .. She bad no thought of her other beau. N0r he ot bis other girl. —Hartford Sunday Journal. with Felton on any subject Did Victor Newcomb get so sick of his any candidate. I bold an ■ bargain that be transferred to you the of the Atlanta Constitution Georgia Western charter, for whioh you n long editorial on the .a swore you paid not a cent betore the last I Bullock. It says, "The evident- Legislature? nious nnd decisive of boundl™’ Did ho say, "Take it, and call it even? Bullock and Kimball are codsMu 1 Did you ever tell anybody that tho first Bullock allowed Kimball to borm J $7,000 that was paid you after your resigna- money and use it privately h ” i tion came from Atlanta and passed through State money on Kimball's ’nrituf the Louisville nnd Nashville office? Wherever Kimball figured there . Think well before yon reply to this ques- lock. Bullock was a Mitchell heir * DD. I thfi nilf-rn tmiisn rillrol■«u n L* ■Are w® all here?” inquired Mr. Brutal Jones of tion. . I the opera house purchase, etc^ his landlady the other morning at the breakfast I Did you ever tell a United States Senator I paid $140,000 to forty-two uewanan.^1 ^ble. tliat tbis *7.000 was forwarded “to relieve this was outside State printingT 1 " ' ‘ road printing. Of this $28,000 ui , • I think so—one—two—three—four-yes, you are nec ®* 8 ities? all here, ••why?” believe,” and she smiled sweetly; Did any director of the Louisville and paid. Rewards for criminds were m Nashville road who would be familiar with by pardons. Rewards were offen ••Nothing much, only Is ee by the morning paper I * ach ? transaction spendnny time in captures were made. Tho State n . * .v.i-tnn ». nirkiwi m. tn.t ooGide I 0 6or B'* while he held such directoiship? bled to support tho "Era" bought a™ at. human skeleton was picked up |u.t outside | You m not BtBrt to EaIO p e until the State's money. Bullcck bonZ5lT» snmmcr of 1K82, You resigned in May, self nnd Kimball $3,334,<J0U. Ther.;. 1880. Did Victor Newcomb supply the due $702,651. Bullock tried to «X money you lived on in the interim! lawyers as well os the press. B lWk Your newspaper organ imya the Of orgia | doced J123 cases. Bullock sinntd l that the city limits.*’ The smile vanished.—Merchant Traveler. An Eastern drummer who was in Knoxville I listened to the complaints of s mountaineer about I _ _ _ _ hard times for ten or fifteen minutes, and then I Pacific sent you with a large family to I gauge The penitentiary property wu»L -•■ I Europe, at no expense .to yourself. Did GruntnndAlexanderpaid$5,UwtoinilJ ••Why, man, you ought to get rich shipping green the Georgia Pacific pay yon in money or in Bullock to get convicts. The , corn to the Northern markets." ••Yes, I orter,” was tbe reply. I bonds? I say Bill lock”shared the plunder. „ Were you not sent out of the State be-1 indorsed the Brunswick and Albany b reut compauy, he is not to blame. Such ifl I on ® manufacturer, where would there be any limit ‘You have the land, I anppose. and can get the I cause Mr. Stephens was influenced to run I and lied repeatedly in the matter. HJ I tnr Iv.'iv/ipimr liv flin KirlfWiwul Xfiiliieal?! C11 “Jltl f-,. * I his claim. Did not the loss, according to *° th< > «korblULcy of ch»g M put on the pwple? _ , , , . , Again, whenever competition reduces the price of Gordon s own admission, come Ubor then ^ producU of that Ubor ftre ^ through tho Southern depart- I reduced in tbe same ratio, and thus a proper and | meLt? and conld the failure have occurred I just equalization is restored and kept up. ••Then why don’t you go into tbe speculation?” No use etreuger, sadly replied the native; -the successfully inaugurated? for Governor by the Kirkwood Mutual? I Johu Conley $11,dbd for au uam And, knowiDg his antipathy to you, were analysis of the constitution, etc. fa.1 you not retired until that little game was failed to do any gubernatorial wrong because he lacked a chance." Thai inder proper regulations and precautions, i n the main, the News is right, but it old woman la too darned lazy to do the plowing and | planting."—Wall Street Newe. Henry Grady published the fact that you slight resume of the Constitution's were one of the richest men iu the South, I against Bullock, and your corrni the year yon resigned; Baid you would sets it down to show your readers with all of which it was Gordon's privilege I fails to discuss the proposed plan for dis and duty to make himself acquainted, posing of the convicts toward which the Wilt lie | invest $100,000 in Atlanta that full. At the some t mo he published tbo fact that your .. Mn. Editor : General Gordon has told a I brother Walter would build a palace on What an admission! and what a consolation p U i )Uc miml is slowly turning, the plan 1 dozen different stories as to the famous res-1 l‘ eft chtreo stretd, and had bought a fine it must be to the poor men in General Gor- whicU Mr. Bacon, by tbe way, advocates. I iKnatio „ iu 1880, and at Leesburg he said I kow7in Vbat"iid 'you I rTpl'uTsute don s audiences to hear him say that the I It is true that wherever employed the the secret was still "locked in his breast." I iim0 nnt? John B. plantation of Gov. Colquit at a big price. will be when the regime is folly A shrewd farmer remarked the t “If John Gordon gets into the Ti__ will buy a $20,000 clock for thecapi then proceed ‘to scatter.' We trill t otUrl ), in six months." Gordon has surance company was » success I to honest labor. The real problem is to ! f; ,ason for the appointment^ except that I pany, of Athens, Ga., who were en-route to I money, saw-mill money, rice i Did " tiliZe him . in " ,Ch i : -‘r V° PU , t hi “ would resign)* KmW ioM Did they ever get bock the years that had ln competition with only the lowest critlci^ or official investigation; and Gov- appointed and you worth! get a large salary that he could get in his control, si increased their premium rates, and made I g,ado of labor, and upon such works as are I ernor Brown has always been considered as I f ro m a railroad. Yon d’d not write your I conld you expect that he would do Southern department of the Southern In- COD vict must compete with or be a burden Governor Colquitt has never given a single surance Company was Henry Grady told tho Pioneer Fire Com-1 school-book at! I The Augusta Evening News says: a gentleman of Augusta who hss just re turned from Greene connty, we learn that said connty is flooded with counterfeit sil ver coin in dollars and 10 and 25 cent pieces. There is some suspicion that the counterfeit is of local origin, but there is no cine whatever as to who are the guilty parties." In this connection it may he re membered that Greene county went for Gordon, and that daya betore the primary the agents and strikers of the ring were cir culating over the county dispensing money. I company . ..... I 1 . —- . ... , . , i „ wi.iv. jw. ..... I li* H1SU Slow BIX lUUUBBUU anil mil, campaign might do it. 1 bo compelled to earn his living^ this the c * a * when he received the office, he picked I not get Newcomb’s offer nntil you had sent I the insurance swindle, and yet with j, This insurance swiudle is doubtless re- state's duty to the tax payers demands. He hehi?reflMted^o'd°iscrIdit C on <i the n | B ^’ y oar 1 r , e8i 8 na ‘ io l Q ‘° Q “ r ? a ''’ Now - ^} l us t >»“ was too poor to stay in the Sam,:] o.,j..i .. I, mj , . ' , , . tar ne Has reneotoa no uiscreait on tne sen- how it was that Mr. Grady know it all and anybody fix on a figure less than t' garded as a success by General Gordon and should be made to benefit society as a com- ntorial position. you were so ignorant? list of a Vanderbilt or Kothchi bit copartners, whose pockets were filled I pensation for tbe wrongs be has inflicted 1 But General Gordon owes it to tho people I if y on are so poor now, what wont with would supply his expenditures? with money derived from it, in tho way of upon it, and for which he is held; this is ? £ Georgia, whose vote ho is' Row seeking, that huge fortune that you made two oial maw seems to be absolutely large salaries and commissions. inwtieo 40 , . an , t ? tel .\ them atra JB ht ' months ego in New York, nnd which was leviathan's and forever hungry i w. w V II. ...a .V. J “ , ' ... . „ ... LI . , .. and not to act as he did in the eonvict lease L 0 great that your friends met you nt the for more. Tho public works, therefore, furnish at matter, and thus continue to cover himself Atlanta car shed to congratulate you andto I am obliged to the Journal fort! ice a solution of the problem. The State wiui odium and f xlshood. I beg yon to go to the Kimball and bo ban- thrown out iu the paragraph rdob» hauled, developed aome rather questionable I owea to the people good roads, the draiuage V al r “ lm in .. l * W( J rlc * 4 “ e l0 sn B" quetted?—a la Kimball. here discourse. Take the situi&i trnnsaetions in the way of loans of which j D f b nd lnudsy^eveetf for l’ a blio protection, j w^uld lta*n dDwt'answer^onHiekstmnp or j gomery 1 specch^to gei>tlem«i°n 0 UM)r^la > be- J Gordon's* 1 ttqikcy^thei^"^?.!^^ and the execution of such other works as | in print: I fore you left New York, did you wait to get and "Bullock’s regime" would noth Ueleral Gordon, you were elected in 72, t be checks for that big fortuno before you than a little finger to this ( ' ' ' the public has not as yet been fally ad vised. are beyond the province of private enter- Wo do not doubt that General Gordon's Dr j 8B V et are necessary to the uhblic health, I an j eatneat ’y 8 °“Rht a re-election in 1878, I started? We do not desire to see tho Gov-1 thrift's loins. Tho very fact sni&nee emevienee was verv sati.faetorv 5" and a member iot your famtly-OT.d you bad eraor - 8 traded off to either a railroad scatter seem, to be bis chief tbt it I inanrance oxnerience was verv satiafacto^ j i ' ^ ' i ernor s seat iraaeu on 10 tuner a ranroau gcatter seems to be his cbiel rec ri . i lT.r. d,T ^r“‘“ d STSHynrticcote or to a political, combination in tion. Tbe crowd that fattenMc to himself, Int wo hazard nothing in snytag I cc ,nvi C U these can be gaarantced at a I by pledges and instructions. You knew dodgers and brass bands. . , ... - | „ . . , . . 1888, so an early reply will perhaps make drippings from the treasury ini that the unfortunate men who went into his I cos t equal only to the support of|y°“ r .. financial., embarrassments as I you some (proton, who are now mystified by I timo arc hungry for more. Theyi “ ‘ 1 ’ 1 well then as you did the day you threw up I the contradictory statements you and your 1 spoils afar off, and they will fight f yonr commission; yct^you worked might 1 frfends have mado heretofore. a pointer in that dirccUon, f resn Now to ques-1 Tlain Talk. | call attention to this circular. Th- Bonner-Watchman makes public thii| men of ring literature: his instance, and upon I the laborer. They cannot be gu»r- Pinkerton generally sends a detective along their faith in bis judgment nnd integrity, Lnteed otberwUe except nt a cost so Jnd main to get the office. with a traveling circns company. It might. I will consider a long time before they con-1 great as to indefinitely postpone the at-1 tion first: When did yon discover yon be prudent to look after the campaign of elude to put money into “ * * L “ 4 such another e tc-1The Question "is/ shall the State I w< ’ ru obliged to leave the Senate? Accord-I Wno Wollowed Untloek. . , , . tJmpt, lno question is, snail me state th « latest affirmation, the "mendi- Editor Telkoiupb: I copy from the At entand by reason I sacrifice throe-fourths of the value ot the caht Confederate soldiers" deprived you of lanta Journal the following paiagraph, cess nndtr his management Tua New York Journal of Commerce boa | °* solicitation. these words of wisdom for workingmen: tCoxriDOTTMt.) Ueaimjcautess Oosdom Cesteai. Casiu saenueo Auiee-AOUAMAB ul » oaut Confederate soldiers" deprived you or lanta Journal mo loiiowuig pa convict Ubor because she can get one- half yonr salary, which is known to be 1 which yon will please print again: _ ,o-c , U .UB ui .,»» .u. correction. . fonrth th « Tala « down, or shall she fMae. $« yon were Mways raady to j borrow S5S?vS?o?-MjfaiS;$R Uriiml ■All the eloquence which advocate, the Wo are requested by Mr. Bacon to state I->1'^ too whole value to the development I c 0 lg^ m « ta,m V.r^ to »n “tatta I b7 ‘ h * I “p^.Ttb. millennium of labor through legialative aid | tlxat in tho report of his LaQrauge speech, | °* bor domain, giving tho farmers gcoi | apiece U) relieve your finances, and | ^ Now it is in order to ehow who followed I {U\£ ort tfi, t ^ui X ipprw«ljato 1 tt?at«Ky aS fcl “ — " • AX— AX— a a - » " ' " •■ * ’ ' * "" *■* l on the Will." IknOWWh.tTOUrlOSa.DC.IXt.4l fastened UuMoeki.m > scheme itself is L n bli,hed in yestardav's Teleoeapu, there I I oa l * at a xmallor cost than they pay for that occurred a year or two before your Bullock and eng hour, of toil La number of inaccuracica, caused either ones, good drainsge of «"»»nd.tod £ ESklh i “ ^ t "- e ^**1 is worse than waste«L The 1 a snare and a delusion. Long hoars t . an l patient self-denial are the only minis- by tho mistake of onr correspondent In the 1 lands and levees to protect them? tars that wait on thrift. There is no cruelty effort to make a synopsis, or by error in I in telling the poorest msn that heought totransmission by telegraph. One of them « , u . pertinent question ud 1 0 *b^T^d yeTyou w« I &STi v«Tp‘^,t'’; 10^ wUct“to, I aMSSTVSTwtrW.W work hard, probably harder than he does at we deem it proper to correct In speaking strongly pnt which one of our correspond- ready to get money from Anybody that without expecting their advocacy ? * lu wl,h «|» “*5” r WMATtl * Mitt Iia stmlllll llf-nv llilllSill not I Mm in t. Pfiniw liatwaan tiitnatlf Atari flnt. I a $ 1 n 1 n 3 at I I. ail <$ 7 ln/1 Miam ItOAin laaa Vili.Vi Itwinr* I U’l,< .. Hbb.dIb lu.l.... I ** 1 place and the salary with a fierce grip. I Journal is crying “dtop thiefwhen it is I set very tnurh in 0«n. . Congressman was approached with I really advocating Bnilock'a old compatriots. I " such a proposal. You yourself I Was not the managing editor of the Const!-1 o.u. OoMon couM f.el were the Confederate soldier who I tution an appointee of Bullock, and did I mruMUy (or him. sndat work for tux : ...A «o», — - A... .. ze Ml. n proiEt 10 rurreei. au Bpeuxius strongly pnt wuicn ouo or our corresponu-1 ready to get money from anybody that without expecting their advocacy ? I resent; that he .hould deny himoelf not 0 ( the interview between himself and Gov- C nta asked General Gordon in tho columns hod tL Had there been lea* high living, I When a certain Georgia Judge was halt- only such superfluities os rum and tobacco, e rnAr Brown during the sitting of the con- Lf t h 0 TxLEonxpu on yesterday. It will | l<- !! wa «to, more economy, lens champagne | ing between the ‘jtte.h pota"ot Bullock and which eat np so large a part of bn I veution of 1883, the report represents Mr. bear repetition: J, „ v nuuw, uu.., This comes from headquarters! and more care with finances, your irieud* his allegiance to Democracy Mr Bullock’s R°t “even" also! Just imagine Mi l think nwwl n.itwinant. knnw vnn nnnl.l I,.. .......I .....I > „ tl..t at.. I till 14 M Iftn 1111 Tl ■ t. nil t lirnt'Mfi $» tUt , . - , . , i.. , . . - . -., . 3 . , think nnd your opponents know you conld I attorney general went to the town where the I to* smootliing-out process! earnings, but also forego many personal I Bacon as saying, "I besought him to dol "What does he want with tho office of have paid your way in Washington, as many I Judge was holding court and gave him to I John B. Gordon care for fifteen or oomturta that ewallow up an unwar rantable portion of his income. There is no inch thing in this country as 'hope-1 contrary, he less toil" for any claw of workingmen. The I view between nothing for mo, and asked nothing of biro, Tbis wan not said by Mr. Bacon. On tbe said that the inter-1 speech to the people Governor Brown and t h,t he had done | Governor?" It cannot be esse is a very tare one in which the toiler, himself was a very short one and that I vindication. ,. _ _ , by tbeneeded self-denial, witbno injurym nothing wa, said by cither which was It cannot be for honor, for the office he ®iS*whthhi S^to^g^ himself or family, may not nave a tnfle out not entirely proper and honorable, that resigned la regarded as being more honora- tln.l you were obliged to lisve the Ben- and farther said he was in that happy fix— k “ew he was at that time a pnonp of each day's wages and pnt it intothe|Oov. Brown, being opiiosed at the time to I bi e . ' ' * ’ " * —‘—* bank. lie would soon become, if net a I i, 0 th the other candidates, preferred him, I u _ "bloated capitaUst," at a »“*ongh otherwiae opporad to him. He np office with donbl'e the income, “and I SSSsj",* “three “enS^Te? b£id« I Woffle” dmin7'tolttAtTomM little neat egg, growing with each passing I would have accepted assistance in the con-1 one that removed him farther from the old yonmelt—they accompanied by their wives, I Bullock was executive. Now I would like i »• — —— — ... year. The effect of snob diligence in earn-1 test from any quarter properly rendered, I » 0 ldiora and their families, who were, ac- with one exception? Was there not a certain to know how many of Mr. Bullock's sp-1 cocks, to b. tossed about in anj p«a ing and saving on tbe character is worth fc u t that he bad no evidence that Gov. cori ij nl , to bis own statement, preying upon Georgia lawyer also in the city, and fre- potatoes are "whooping up” Genera! Gor- financialgame he plays. HeteUi J more than the money valueof the inv«t-1 Brown gave him any assistance. Cer.lri.ran.. " ' " * I ^ I to E%. “ who“" will say anything and he will iM thing. His word and honor srew meat. The soul takes on the “fat” faster I toinly no vote was changed by Gov. Brown bis means. To these the Txliukafh adds; It cannot I the State, once on the bupreine bench? Did he not accompany a member of yonr I over tbe field and count audibly? i--- ---- ... Whatever fsulu Felton may havo, and I *ho commission had during tne tool of the walking delegate os the ravenous boost | business. Dr. Carlton baa retired from the Con- ax ?! *02: trtdJ f °, r , th x e “ idd ! l3r v I?'.?’ gveksional race in tbe Tenth district, but circumstances; he has made no money in ..oodie. of money!' the midnight arson. He has a stake ta the | , . . , „ I pinridx or elsewhere. I Do von know at -4U11UIOUW saw IHIIIUI'K WlUt UUUlIUlakCU IUr UOUTUUI, \WiO ** "u».A. ^u« A, ■ • II -,nnnt ha hacan.e nf wealth and cast I wood anJ R eneta l high living when you endorsed and spoke for him. Tbe Daily toaX to imperil this State in It cannot be beconso of wealth and cosy | wo „jd j,av 0 “oodles of money?” Yes, Opinion, Governor Bniluck's newspaper Jnst read those two circulars ansi still retains the stamp. Colonel Harris, of I Florida or elsewhere. organ at that time, which prints Mr. Bui- »«>»** « “ is possible that you■ Do yon know anybody in New York who lock's acceptance of tbe nomination, also th'a greet.old commonwealtn »« We sav the attention is pertinent: so it is. would be likely to listen to sach a conver- says: • Governor Brown made an eloquent solute rota and disgrace. Ate J » -. 7 ■ '".* I nation with interest and who would feel I speech that night endorsing (?) the uorni-1 help these men to “help Beeoe P Men do not engage upon weeks and months enough interest in the State at Urge to re- nee.” Now, Governor Brown is our United Are yon going to put a preuuoo of labor, and demagoguery, and humuia-1 port Uj States Senator, and it would appear that | tr J> chicanery and treachery object. I Will yon tell tho people of Gcorcia what tbo "Bollock regime" has been in pi tnawet? I other persona yon met in New York, be- some time. Di l not Oovernop Bollock preservation of order, and be hu too I Fourth dUtrict, h« rcUrcd fromth. Uiktoua for self respect to Bnrremler hinl . ... .. . , _ .. - , x .v. * I.» bNtids ot hix friend!. manhood at the dictation of idlen and an nrehUtt. Diligence ban in it a double blest Colonel Hulsey ban retired from the At- craftsmen, or the support of . gov-1« * ^eprication rad explanation, ernaicnt; but lea,ls by a path o en to .ill G *“ erel GorJon * conld not ATCUUIkK. KHi^ruLP nan iu m mummmid ui *"* | f nyn Ag.(li>nnr»1»tii n CoX hllH RKCD tlODg tlld lUodCf, Without ms vi^wwm ■ .. —- — $ r —- ^ I •“»■ *'«wwvi >vyau« »»■•*» a/xvia a as wvwki i •; r —« vnrnt ing. It ptacea no vaiif reliance on banded * P' What is tbe obiect? Let as have an onawet? I °'* ier P«"ona yon met in New York, be-1 some time. Di t not Ooverant-ilnllock sp- the motive, and then ask J .. 1 - - I to a general deprication and explanation. What U the ofject? Let ns have an answer: tk j M Viet i Newcomb ami Mr. T. Eden- point Governor llrown to be Chief Justice of >'«“ fixing to bold by the nose m» The people want to Enow. | re,, Hogg, with whom yon bad a convents-1 the State? Did be not appoint JndgeTwiggs, Bullock regime on a Urger »••- 1 n? Did be, or did he not, security will you have for yo«J* »An-„ -lu, n. \roi»- when the "even Drocess IS a- into that nobler trust, which has the prom-, . . , , , , ,x e • ,x a i , , , tbnn a nomination by fraad, bnlldozing and Ue both of the life that now U and of that | ■V ,, . . 'xi x i , « I money would. Bat he could not do a more whlc is o come. I )j ecom { U g thing, to spare himielf of trouble restore bU blasted reputation any more llrown «m u-niun. j and to save the State of Georgia from And now it U in order for the organ and fa^er humiliation, th.n by sticking his General Gordon to howl .Under because I , won j through his base dram and patting 8enator Brown's letter convicts General to LU New York office by the first fait Gordon of falsehood. train. Tbo case that Senator Brown makes out Tbe man w k 0 slanders the dead and liv against him U not stronger thin others, all j D g, w |,o cannot reply to charges affecting going to show that he denies and asserts I ^ p U bu c nnd private records, who prevail- whatever, at the moment, seems best cal- eatew hi tbe presence of facte and resorts to enlated to promote bU intereal without re-1 jiahonombU methods, may purchau the gsrd to the troth or falsity of bu statement | in pport of tbe idle and unthinking with We are glad to have his true characte r j jj, e moae j e | other people, bnt be can never shown np by Senator Brown, and aboil j 0n j o y the respect and confidence of tbe watch with interest the efforts that will be gooJ ^pi, Georgia. Having failed to mid» to sccaen him from the contempt of put n p or ak„t np be abonld now pat ont. truthful and honest men. TUi mesne trouble for General Gordon, Gkotoxl Gosnox takes occasion to ro tor iu trying to relieve himself of tbe di- noiwce daring hU harangues that there will lemmata which Senator Brown's Utter be a Gordon Legislators. Will the General s him, he U sure to involve himself in 1 inform the country if there U to be a Gor don Congressional delegation? 58 . rpistlo—mark tbe act< tx I ton Hogg, with whom yon bod a convents- the State? Did be tion in regard to yonr retincy from tbe I now a Gordon man? , , | Senate? I use hu party tafiuenco to elect Dr. Miller I when the "even ’ process Will yon say, .distinctly and negatively, to the Keuate, and is not Dr. Miller for Think, think, voters, betom elect General phanraUydU.»m,.«tth. s^tttoM ranument. Uomtastea? Was that cheek for $2,000. Judge Lester ■Illxeml 111 the minimal - 1 1 nf nMvinila ill*. I e _ a.v rnm. * I .. ° . uttered ta the alumni address of tho previous day. I or f OT $2 500) lotng Gordon ? Was not | intimate friend To the Country l’***j*' There are maoy friends of It*. Allij I sworn on “the book," to enforce perpetual I tbe Bullock men, I ceived bu education at thU institution. Hera U a good place for the tax payers of Georgia to sit down ta the shade and eogi-1 , n ca”wbra ”you“ affirmed” 1 ” oU tate aome along with themselves. Were any of these persmu in 'he andi- — " " 'it won I, in wu, i;iiui lo t;c; au twenty o-rrele or nour , the "Mitchell ’ orph.- j, CMc rrenS Jcnneo. wtU ttte ^ e. thieves in on". piU, good rod holy, that )or. we.u incooent „ „ , ,auy "l iigairi " rod that yon had acted OoTiiioi Brown mji Ocnenl Gordon j y yr-nr oa|L» m r s lrIoy T. qnifed t<t traded off the South for ro "enormous load I yon? Did nut aoue ot those |- trabn. of political guilt," rod proven it Let thn 7°“ *-»•' * , rtioa “ t * d "*•/. _ . . .. * ... . .1 ••ROW hr»7f: Lew ||/' General now step three paces to thn front. Befu** Reditloos Hentlmenta. The board of visitor* to tbe Atlanta ne- —J, ..._ -J . u „ nU i> >• U . H nr. oimur zur I -—-> «•■—. - , geo college present this in a report to the | that yon did not meet n friehil of Mr. I Gordon? Was not Hon. L. N. Trammell I stray yonr heritage for tunge- BUine, and a relative of Justice Stephen J. an advocate of Governor Bullock’s llruns-1 who have been given tbe r eu Field, at ro appointed place down town? wick nnd Albany scheme? Did not Dr. for what! Bemcmber wno ^ renew of snyttiine task savored of political props-1 , Wi ‘ l J on l « U P~P'« Georgia Felton oppone him before the people of the J,onr tax moneyandfinB«r“ I Whether you drew a check on Cyrus Sevtnth dutrict? Is not C’..minUsioner * or the sake of honesty and is-i J ^ ._x— — Yield for a considerable omonnt, jus: be- Trammell now doina his utmort these conspirators! Vu 1 cultiwof thence problem. But wo moet V“ I f ore or just ufter Gen. Hancock was| ■- ” , aVZS— . . __.l I Jude* ‘how bnean he UJn . , Were then- any cipher ta.-patAura nent [ (Jovtnwif OtaalU, vVieMdA woU hU eyro, say "S clp me, God," and cry | from Naahvillo to New «: tbo timo I g/U oat it rui .i/i ..' those AUrota pcop! > veto ht’q rug you to I tint letter su n< *. an . the swindlers and in the On "'ey caiui>aign,>? h* cenl lget r! i if them. Now 1 respectfully tas^-t, os lhe bub oi the I j.Iocki es and Horn- nt the MitcutUhe.m ara in the Gorton ••re.r.d, si- leuce, at least, woul-l be si J atari Cog t..« I inachoa u refusd. • T urual in ten rare. Aak Covet =or Saritb | ’itLSTHL *nre«U6 l< JuJge iw-Mer did not h... let' r ..1||"| U « .,u the rest ride of the^b^iptt xv-unovr ofRre. vitich he irmol .rwr n J. >A . Tt.o InjancwoA •---,, Allen Fort bu reod^ttlA^^ im ere. r^/nUy hrerfW^f-,1/ ‘to enj- a Vta-reU^rtTW end the I LaVlBf * a * 10 "* id U> li. J?. Ba|-1 I will *