The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, June 29, 1886, Image 9

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. Vot* for Gordon-A Terrell How Damn Men Are Slandered—“aunblen. cadlo* * rrf .poodent'a View*. lllack-Lr e a and Vagabundi.” t " vonr vote for Governor, we Cullodkn, June21.—Youwillpleaseallow o-fcre castlD ?„ view disnnshionatcly, the me to say through the Great and Good Tel- £idaik y - .nd then support that oandh ' ' ‘ ?»• . .. ill ».*eufe til ,.n ctite ■ J Vfc luc **»> oung ior Ua» Lt*t ef ° ur „,,, n i C ation we do not propose eon. They are both tender-hearted meD, Uitbi* aouof the past records and could not bear to hear Gordon ask for , B ter into. but to view calmly the mercy and tell of his heart-broken wife the two WP'”* * h cft0 h is a candidate on acoount of his heart-broken wife, on ac- I.hle reasons »») | count of tbe Bland ’j • 0 bau» r ' u w*. mi) Bu-utut-u bmuaer8 in re- fore tb e P‘ / ;,,i refer to the candidacy of gard to himself without being moved. And. f rst, *• as you know that this is a free country, iDfud 00 ' ,", impossible that either the founded upon a free government, they Xn his cas© n' * t0 be gained, or the have the same right to vote for Gen ets' o', . "lived, should he the moving eral Gordon, through sympathy, that I have daret° fftt exceeding those con- to vote for A. 0. liacou because T believe . Honors ^norehip were hca j, ed him to be the purer man and the more i by I .. Georgians until he was sur- competent. Lot me further state, however, bilU i,. J nfd enough. . “rat we are still bravely fighting for what jted, “ oli c , s0 [arns to thrust npon the we consider lustice and right, regardless of Ho even wens thR c fli 00 D f Senator the charge made by an over-zealous Gordon ’>' eI0 ? r .s» tieonle had elected him. man of Culloden, who says that nine-tenths , tLa'* 1 1.“® 1 Jplain as the ‘‘handwriting of the Bacon meu are gamblers, black-legs Tbe n ' 8 !;.”, h at some motive back of all and vagabonds. Such threats and epithets the wa 11 1 General Gordon to ran? as theso will plainly show you and the peo- - pronip or jjggy bPi lie B j a the pie of the State how well General Gordon . ^tl be unfolded in the due course is carrying out the assertion that he was bIlt * i,„i,t.i ho be elected. Meu that coming to Georgia to consolidate the Demo- events, 6 “® jj ed to believe that some cratic vote. jjjare coB F . CUD ji,i, lc y vhiohim- l 'Ve still believe that Bacon will carry old :ct lies ben Monroe by a good majority. But for fear els him 10 r n e v ital importance to tho tax that some one will differ with us, will post- Qoestum? Bte to be decided in the pone judgment until the third day of July, 1811 Prominent among these is when we propose to find out how many !l * 5 base of the State road. To this have of the so-called vagabonds in c_. sale or 1 « tbe country are greed- county, if it pleases the gentleman to call - “TJo and they would be glad to | us such, t look Sfeasy tool in the chair of state. ‘ 0m k“ws bnt that tho‘‘Bullock jlEgLEGT, UBO® *b<*» kgraph that there is some doubt about two ", .inn will best promote the of the surviving sold ers, mentioned in mv eIcc “ I article to you of the 1st tost., being for Ba- BACON. • Ill) i bout which tho conscience of HU Splendid Receptions—Washington and • nature i» not entirely easy) may be Ltncolnton. ®* K M light? , .. Washisoton, June 22.— Major Bacon nr- . bc urged that on such questions rived here Sunday evening on his way to -’ivernor has no vote. \\ hue this is Ltncolnton and was met at the depot by vet he has the influence of a message about seventy-five citizens. lie spent the i ,ie power of a recommendation. night with Hon. F. H. Colley, and next Tilths average representative, this would morning went to Lincolnton, accompanied aft -ient reason to secure his vote. by a half dozen young men of this place. % l«ml. t -r would argue that the Gov- He returned Monday evening and w as »ho ba I devoted bis time and atten- called on by quite a concourse of people. " t’i the study of these specialties, had a He is highly plcaBed with his trip to Lin- relit to know what should be done coin, and although it was a wet and disa- .- (tie legislator),who had given such greeable clay, he h .d an nudieuee of he - sons no thought. , tween 250 and 300 people, It is confident- ‘,, T tbe wise, a hint is sufficient." j ly asserted that Lincoln will go for Bacon j or tlie candidacy of Major Bacon, next Saturday. He lett here this morning * un aspiring man, and the highest on a special train for Crawfordville, where with which he has been honored be will make a speech at noon to-day. ascr of the House. To him the is stated by those who accompanied him „ of Governor would be a distinction, Lincolnton that the people were charmed t distinction which he individually with the man and his speech. Ilfis backed by no ring. Hois “mive.1 7'“'*'"** »i b no clans. lie has had the man- i^l’he mnd npon General Gordon's record •j to stand up and advocate the right, was there;bofore,the;eampaign opened. the chances were against him, The chairman ot tlie'Worth county ex- when n° other noble Georgian eentive committee has Dot yet called a [Id dare thrust, himself into I meeting. Bacon still has the lead to the breach and oppose the combined | county. influences, whose unhallowed powers | Neatl y M Qeor?ia wcnt „ wet -. ycs . 11.2 of Georgia, pause, you cast your vote against Major A. O. Hern Geoboiax. Trtstu. Coustt, June 19, 1SH6. CRAWfiORDVILLK. Mr. Bacon anil Colonel Walsh Address a tvs. Audience, Basaktt, Ga., June 22 —Major B icon ar- ad muacuvvn,— .--- nearly ail Georgia went ‘‘wet Mtf-n to de.troy the body politic of oar terday, but it is tho kind of wet that sets St iotngue W and U t'ricker^ after hav- ^ e Tce“rSnty. Dg ““ J th ° **“ h ° e - tatll“ < be quietly submluedto the The people of Georgia can never forget done and the insult offered, and political {(tends have oiton- Mrt’d tho nominee for the good of the Uud “ bon ‘ Mr. Bacon the fonlest blander Cratic party and for tho interest of ever bought against a gentleman, indi. Will the time not oomo when “In his Valdosta speech General Gordon inrisDs, seeing the wrong they have in- said the next Legislature wonld be a ‘Gor- •ted upon him, will have tho manhood to I don Legislature. What does he want with reel that wrong? Against him, as an I u‘Gordon’Legislature.”—Albany News, man, there larks no breath of sus- I When tho bill to create an agricultural No man dares attack his record. department to Georgia was up, the vote stood Besides this, he is a candidate from onr I 7o yeas to 70 nays. Hon. A. O. Bacon, the put of the State, nnd we should tcel a local I Speaker, cast the deciding vote in favor ot ' tiered ill his cleotion. I the bill. Sk.ll Atlautahave everythlngbceanso Bko I After reading Gordon's address to the i t Mdr enough to demand it? If^ so. let l)TOp t e . o{ Valdosta, we c m e»aily under- a» do sway With all nominations and htun j that were he Governor, his messuges -»pl, uk the ^UnU OonstUntton to to , ho Legislature would read like Min- trotont tho shall receive onr sunrnge. I essaya. rtflect before I . . .. * The Athens Banner asked this .pertinent question; “How about the politics ot the editor of the Constitution, are they the same to-day that they were when he was a ltepnblican solicitor general holding his commission under It. B. Bullock." The Savannah Nows' work for Gordon be- _ hind a thin veil of preference for a dark nTtUt Crswtordville'to day on the fast bom, to still another funny feature of the in. At Barrett he was joined by Hon. ““npaign. How nice it would be for Bacon U»l,h, who accompanied him. A large founUes to send uninstructed delegates to ctond was at the depot, with the Craw- the convention for the ring mauugers to ’tdiiilo ijriiaa baud, to welcome them. I wor * upon. , wrre escorted to tho hotel, nnd at The efforts of the Luutsville and Nasb- Uf put 10 they proceeded to tho court ville railroad to get hold of tho State road im, which was literally packed, nod for yean ago, failed because the law placed the vuit uf space many could not get to. He I management In the hands of the original '■ introduced by Captain Flynt and ad-1 leaseeu, regardless of what became ot the fofehlat least four hundred people to a I lease. Even Gordon as an adviser could ’*? fer.iikle manner, and his remsrks not help them tlten. But Gordon as Gov- M well received. He indulged ernor and adviser can help wonderfully, ' 1 remarks that conld give when the road is pnt up again, s J.°i f ‘ bB “pr 1 .. " kt 'J’ tioal - . In Tho Constitution has evidenUy given up raliegwuh General Gordon he used no Twiggs county, since it It begins to accuse i«et testtmony but that furnished by the th* honorable executive committee of kmiself through his own organ, trickery to calling the convention to moot onlv logical;bnt , t BufUrds Instead of at Jeffersonville, ^wwcrsble, and conld not fail to roach a Bullards is upon the railroad and easily t 1,0 contrasted the cesaible and Jeffersonville U not, the Dun ST d,«! h ^* .? a *: he S'**? 1 lin and Macon roid being aa yet incom ‘Wr5sis.“J”sixS“ *“ - Wsfasnaara *sL5is3“ atsw-' r-** •Wk« about two hours. When he conclud- Uor J 5 “ “ “““ w » « h *“« *> ke was the recipient of many handsome p Sf ,jr . ,u Jmp|Wt4. Many calls ware mLl« for Mr be *‘ wa >' * ,0 P *•*« trouble would be to *l>o responded to a very spirited * ‘^vi^ra’ml wh" Fitter. Me lieu. Iinenl ib„ ,i,eti,mis used I Ueor i{ u . times. Wuere and when has Mr. »certain elemeut in the State to .... ““C 011 •l° ne an y m uil slinging? Georgia is '■Hoar clacdonVand no » the only State m the Union where the in- ottae |if 0 r,u r ,1 “P , P 10 H! P* ‘ ves‘tganoa and discussion of a candidate's ^k> but that iaUaMrro Jill' bc y r Pu^ record i. cMlod “.Unde,.” and tffud •“^ites mitructeil for Bacon. slinging. — I Concerning the font slander circulated LaiHUNOB. I against him ky Major Bacon's enemies, Men rkJ,e„ W. mention of which baa been made in these Xcb K,nl colnmns, tbe Angnsta Chronicle aaya: , fium present indi.aimn. «. “Has it come to thU to Georgia? Are the “'irsble ter the electton^f lllmm cndl? people to be shocked and politics debauch in this tCoweV^ cd and private character blasted by the '•it, stitt m ^ I petition trom foul li,si of fetid .Under? ,Il *ARth of thoir *** »*ifamou» falsehood which con never ‘-“'•t I * h0 “7 ‘““P^ It is .crashing '■“« ilhjor lUcoe's llffrcllL h’erc thlrl “ortificstion to Major Bacon and to hU u tie .loubt but lha? rninn’tw* will faiuil J> ,or which 00 political honor.or pri- f>“ II Mon .;u ty i »te reparation can ever atone; it U malic- i'uk l, i. i “ r *“*d ““‘•TU.-d contemptible.’, S^ U ] ater ’ 68 teU daily uoinlnu uionnd. I Tha Milledgeville Union and Recorder ot’V ,4 71'srses but that we do not hear “)•= “Tho po-ition of Baldwin connty Mev.,7y'e W O'lOretts. HU speech bad in the pre^nt errata u nomewhat peculiar. .1 ‘Wtifal effect here. It was statesman- Phere have been times in the past when her • JP ‘“r and open-handed, and caused I inlereaU were hanging in tha balance at the J to tktnk for themselves.^ St ito Capitol, and more than once the Hon. ‘--it, l rwte dioga of the Warren A. O B^ion baa coma to her hel|t.oni.nch (‘Uctioa mtthodi and 1 occaaion 11 , and by muon of hU hi«h HtaUon •JkUvrtnce of AtlanU men *nd ability m a ipwAer bo haa rendered her ‘ -—'— secarod her a thoir , . ^ oi Atianu men ',7 election day. in beverelv ciiti-1 important oenneca and perhapn socarec -ri h u condemned to tho strongest triumph to the contest in which she ,i7 "I all f„ir minded oennle Atlanta engaged. The time baa come when wi who do oppose him. Ten dollars, nay fifty, have been used to secure his election whore one has been used to favor Baeon. Aa far »» we know, and we have kept pretty well up with the' times, no carriages have been en gaged, no brass bands have been hired to travel with Mr. Bscon, and where one Dem ocratic bolter or Independent is supporting or advocating Bacon’s election wo can point to ten who are among Gordon's followers. It is p-etty tough for a life-long Democrat, who never in nis life voted ngainst the nominee of his party sines he cast his first vote for James K. Folk, to be accused thusly, and wo think it required a great amount of cheek for the Journal to make it.—Madisonian. The Mndisonian hns this to say of the vile slander npon Maj »r Bacon now being circulated by Gordon's friends: “For those who know the m in personally, his exalted refinement, his tender devotion to his family and hii lofty character and known chivalry, it is needless to say that this is a lie of tbo vilest type. Bnt to those who do not enjoy the personal acquaintance of this eminent Geotgian, it is only necessary to say that he has been honored repeatedly by his people at home, has keen before the people of the State in several campaigns, and nover has even a suspicion been created that his devotion to his home circle bos not been all that conld be exacted of a gentlem in of highest instincts. It required tbe Gordon o tmpaign to mannfao- tnre this base slander. We do not charge General Gordon with circulating this slime, hat when a man misrepresents his competi tor from every stump, ho lavs down the gap for his viie supporters io walk over and besmirch that competitor with their infernal belchtogs. A man who would thus invade the circle ot one of the happiest homes in Georgia, is too low to receive de cent recognition. Every person caagbt circulating the report, should he collared by some friend of Major Bacon and choked till his tongue hangs out. The Athens liauuer redraws the lines as follows: “The true issue that is presented to the people bv tbe candidacy of Major Bacon aud General Gordon cannot be too often repeated. It is a contest between a few politicians in Atlanta on the one hand and the people of the State generally on tho other. General Gordon was bronght out and pnt into tbe field by less than a half dozen individuals in Atlanta. They laid the plan, they selected the candidate, they sent for him, they entered him for the race, and they a'e now directing the cam paign. It is a fight of Atlanta politicians agiinst the State. They are shrewd ond experienced. They know tho peo ple well They kr.oiv how strong an attachment rxi-ts for the heroes of the war. Hence they selected a man with a brilliant in ilitaryweoord. This c ird they are playing for all it is worth, ond they are playing it well. They are writing littet 8 into every connty; they are sending emissaries; they are organizing clubs aai workers for Gor don, and in some instances tliey have, as wo are informed, even hired the carriages, buggies, vehicles aud horses of un entire town to haul voters to toe court house. All this is being done from Atlanta politicians. They are playing a desperate game for the control of tbe State government, and if they succeed. Governor Gordon will be a tool in their hands while he is Governor. WgRET/JaIP MOST PERFECT MADE PreparM with special regard to health. No Ammonia, Llnio or Alum. PRICE DAKMC POWDER C0. t CHICAQO, GT« LCMSS* H Z c SPECIAL- MOST PERFECT MADE Parest and »tronrr*t Natural Fruit Flavor*. Vanilla, !>mon. Orantrt*. Almond, Hoae, etc., flavor aa delicately and naturally aa the fruit. cuiuuo. Price Bakin* Powder Co. bt.locw. decKSiredthurfrUnn i j r «i» omDHge them without IUadoa delegate* -- ■“htf, reoces, aud netsl no sosist-1 wiu tt * m to us a graceful aud proper thini '‘-t s. nrce on too day of her *° Jo to view of tbe Mtvices he has ren ... Hit .v of onr best citizens have I dered to ns to the past" “-t it themstlvs* as to this matter, I The Atlanta Journal aaya: “Genaral Gor- Hu n m vn com. hue with the in- don ia opposed by a shrewd, selfish, un Haw, .PPOMOI interfering with the I scrupulous faction, who moat rely or “ftt ,, ''“ne they may look for the I trickery, the corrupt influence of moa that may be Tbe people eyed corporations, aod other underground *»Ui« their interferences, but means f-r the am ecu of their schemes, Wits.k 1 ,r r-‘ any and all leu.” Well, this is an exceptionally rongb *J, ,Q o “ ‘h® utmost respect and roar-1 accusation for tbe paper whoa, chief editor “8 «a they are “bands off.” I ia not the man by far to mako against tha Cmzxw. J majority of orthodox Democrats of Georgia SIXTH GOaOKKSStONAL DISTRICT. Procae<lln|?4 of tn« .UntjUnc^of the Ueino- cratio KswcMtlTe^CommlttceT In pursuance of a'c&ll from ihe cinTTiuau of tiic executive committee of the Hixth ConKreiatonal dlatrlct, tbe executive committee of a*id district met in the parlor qf tbe Edgei-ton Home at 3 o’clock yesterday, when Col. J. D. Alexander, chairman “ tbe committee, called the meeting to order* Judge K. T. U *aa, of Jonea county, nominated klaater D. 8. Baufocl. of Milledgeville aa secretary of tbo meeting and be wa« unanimously elected. , Upon calling the roll, tbe following commtttae. nen anawereu to their names, to wit: Judge D. B. Hanford. Baldwin county; lion It. I>. Hmltb, Craw ford county; Judge Roland T. Road. Jonea county; Moaara. J. U. Bhiuaxy end W. A. Worabem, Monroe couutv; f’olnnel J. I». Alexander. Upson county, aud Mr. T. D. Tinsley, of Bibb connty. A majority of toe couuliaa of uiw district beloi represented, tbs meeting was declared organ! by tbo chairman and rnady for business, when Judge Hanford, of Baldwin, offered tbe followlxg resolution: Resolved, That tbe Dsmocretio executive com< mlttae of the Hlxtb Congressional district of Gear gis, now assembled In the city of Macon, upon due notice, do hereby call a convention of tbe Demo- cratio party of said diatilct to meet at tbe c-rort house lu tbe city of Macon at U o'clock m., on Tuesday, tbe 31 day of August, IMA for tbe pur pose of nominating a candidate to Apre«eut said district In tbe Fiftieth Congress ot tbe United States; and that in said convention each connty composing said district have double as many votes as said county has members In tbo General Asesm bly of said State. Judge Ross approved tbe following revolution, wit: Resolved, That tha thanks of the Democratic aentiva committee of tbe Sixth Congressional dis trict are hereby tendered the proprietor, of the Kdgerton House for hie kindness and tbe use of tbe parlor for said meeting. Mr. T. D. Tinsley, of Bibb, offered tbe following resolution, which was adopted: llisolved, That the Democratic pa: era of the Fifth Congressional district be and they are hereby re quested to publish tbs proceedings of ibis meeting aud to give no ice that .mi It will be tbe duty of laid convention to elect appoint a new executive committee for tbe two suing years. Ou motion of Hon. B.*D. Smith, tbe committee adjourned sine die. The Ilia l)sy Almost Hero. The little boys are saving np their nickels . aa they do for a circus. They ara going to tbe Park to attend tbe Fourth of July entertainment. Tbe mechanic is looking forward to tbe day for then be can take hi< wife and little ones to the Park and spend tbe entire day and have plenty to see and enjoy, aa well as get a good barbecue dinner and ail for a small sum. Our friends in tbe country and in the Owns around os will come to Macon and see tha sights. Ibe committee ia hard at work fixing np for tbe day. Every preparation is beiig male, aod noth ing will be left undone. ?P*ort Huron, Mich., m tanking progreaa- Ito enchro of real benefit to the world. At a recent contest the booby prize coniUted of a t m of co tl and a barrel of fiotir to be f irenentedby tho winner to oome poor Everything in summer goods is being sacrificed to close out. J. W. Mice $ Co. | Farmers, Ruin Your Crop, Or SAVE IT by using the Best Plow in tho world, “The Poor Mule’s Friend” Can’t run it on point and ruin corn crop. PROF.CHS.LUDWIGVON SEEGER, Profenor of Jftdlrine at the t >oyal Uniter$>ty Knight of the Iloynl Austrian Order of the Iron Crown; Knight Commander ofthe iimnitk Order of iMdrlla» Knight of the ftt plmPrutrian Order of the lift Eagle \ Chevalier nf the Legion of Honor. Jf., dc.. tays: •‘I.IKBIU CO’fi COCA BKHPTO^ir should not be eon touaded with tbe horde of tra»hy sure ells* It W in noaensr of the word a peteut bly conversant with ‘m I am thorough] mode of preparation and know it to be not only a] legitimate r hanmteevticsl prod net ,t n t also wort b> of tbe high commendation* it has received In all parts of tb* world. It contains aaaraee of Beef, Cora, Quinine, Iron and CsliMva, which are «!|s solved in pore geaeiae Spanish Imperial CYown Invaluable to all who are Ban Down, Kerrou*. Dynp-P’ie. Bilbao*, Malarbins «.r aflwlrd witi. weak kidneys. Itew arc of Imitations. ESS ILilCTTS TA7:inZ WBB11 CLTCESHfl. Used bp Her RoyaUnphnem the Fhrtnarm of Wale* and ibe aototlUir. Fur the tkts. Ownt4*xtn«. Krvp ti.,r.<.Ch.»;»plng.itong1m—. 91.00. I.IKnHS t'O’M C' liuhip Hrru MlillSa N. Y. Depot 38 MURRAY STREET Jv£.l“*.n* (hu-uUelj Is tha bout Plow eve? itvfnted. Never had an adverse oriticism. Endorsed and oom- mendod to the Formtis by Con nlssionors of Agricnltnre for®Georgia ond South Garo- Una, and all for $1.00 for first; CO oenUt for next. M. J. HATCHER, Macon, Ga. Most of th« diseases which afflict rasnkind am origia* ally caused by a disordered condition of tb* LIV E It • For all complaints of this kind, snith aa Torpidhy of tbe Liver, Biliousness. Kervou* Dytpep^a. Indices, tion, Irregulsrity of tbe Bon»jjs, Constipation, Flato- lency. Eructatkias and Burning of tbe Stomach (sometimes called Heartburn). Miasma, bixlaria. Bloody Flux. Chills ar«d Fever, Break baas Fever, Exhaustion before or after Feven, Chionio Dktf® rb®a. Loss of Appotite, Ueadacbe, Fad Breath, Irregulsnt es tnciilental to Females, Beaune-dosns Pains, Back- OT* r. t O ache, Ao., Ac, ] islnvaluablo. It is not a panacea for all dlMsees, but yximrj nil cliaen60sof tbe LIVER, willwURC STOMACH and BOWELS. It chaagse the complexion from a waxy, yellow ting*, to a ruddy, healthy color. It entirely removes low. gloomy spirit*. It is one of tbe BEST AL* TERATIVES nnd PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, and la A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII r<*ukbjailDrcjzliti. rric.itl.QQ tmbottta, O. F. STADIGER, Proprietor, Mo SO. FRONT ST., Phllad.lohln, Pa mulldom&w Cm JLoio l J rices Will Mule l K FINE LOT TIMOTHY HAY - $1.08 FEED OATS 4So NEW ORLEANS S\’1U’1\ per Rallon 36, WATER GROUND MEAL, per huahel 60o 14 rOUNDS WHITE SUGAR i 00 131>OUNDSGRANULJlTED bUGAR 1.00 HUDNUTH GRITS, per peck 26c 26 BOXES MATCHES 85o, porgrosa 1.86 All other goods to proportion. Call on WAKE & OLI.VEH, ltli) r *i , lilefl QipAnf iMitonn £1 1UO 'i’lHrd Street. IH neon, Ga. “TALBOTT” EiiR’inesi, Boilers Saw and Grist Mill.M \ND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. t CLINCMAN’S TOBACCO y REIVIED8ES THE CL1HGHAH TOBACCO 0INT1TM THE CLINQMAN TOBACCO CAKE THE CLINCMA/l TCBACCOtPLASTEf: comp-ronded with tbe pami Cr»up/nrsMl .rnuat or lotUmm^tun rr-lAcbee s«w •’•urn waeve. from too <Ubc*t*a state of Uw »y*.aw •I" rslust a BMliblo iMrih>Mr"acwipi4iai | * I o«T.ibaeeoCaka Fur Haailsrbearo«b»t Aetas nr.d Pales, it is invaluable. I’rlrr If) rl«. AAyoordrugxist for these nn**Um. ar wriUtoU* CUNGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO DURHAM, N. C.. U S. A oct38 tem-iwly All that Helene# nnd Skin conld do to make Benson’s Capclne best ponma plasters, and also tbe best tern si remedy In the world, bae been d ever it ts poeaible to improve them It ie done. Ben- son’e plasters are not made to Impose upon tbe credulous, bnt to core disease. Their eminent suc cess has procured for them the voluntary indorse ment of &000 physicians, pharmacists and druggists throughout tbe country, and tbe outspoken prefer ence of tie intelligent public. They are prompt, powerful, cleanly aod certain. They cure Where no others will even relieve. Refuse iiuiUtioca styled ■•Capelcin,” "Capsicum” or "Capuctne” plasters. Reputable druggb>ts only. Tbe ‘'Three heals” trademark on the genuine and tbe word "Capclne” cut in tbe centre of the plaster ‘Ilostf’ Cotton Presses SIMPLEST, SAFEST nnl MOST DURABLE. All Machinoiy fully guaranteed. Do not hnj without first rco'ng m, or Writing for our price., naming just what TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, Ga. .I. C. WRAVEIt, Blminuor. jtinl4-tf CAPITAL PRIZE. $75,000, TICKETS Onlr $5. Ihar.'j in Proportion Louisiana State Lotteiv Co. ‘‘W, do hereby crtlfr Uial *• nsarrlw tha a> rantamanU for all tha Uonthlr and Qaartartr Draw Inna or Tha Umlilana 8tata Lnttarj Oompaaj. anO In panon naniff, and control tha Drawfnn than aim, and that th. asms an .-ondneud with Iron Mtr, falrneM, and In nod faith toward all partln, and n authorln tha Company to an tht, rartlSeati with fa»,lmlllnot onr .Itjualaraa attachad. In Iti Comma, to nen We. th. nnd.raltned lunl. and Bank.n, wtl pay all Prim drawn In Tbs Louisiana mats Let tarln which may ha pranntad at onr conntera. J. H. OOI.KSBT, PmUrat LnMaaa Fatknat Bank J. W. KlUKKni. IV-Mcnt Mato Katlmal Bank. k. UALUWIS. rraUaat I. a KlUnil fisi.i. Incorporated hi 1M8 (or M yaan by tha Latrlala tan (or Educational and Chart tab!. pnrnoaM—with a capital ot ILOUtooo—to which a ruerr. (nnd •: over $<w.00u has atnea ban addad. By aa oranrhclmln* popular rota Ito (rancMu waa mada a part ot th. promt Htota conautnuc, vtoptod ItooemUr M. A. D„ IMP. Tha only lottery ever rotod on and Indoreed hi / lEOBOIA. JONES COUKrT.-WHEBEAB. JOBS t J Bradley, admlnletntor Jr bomU, now with will enneied. o( eetato Oennle Bradley, d.ceaeed, her applied (or dlrmUetoa therefrom. Throe an there (ore to cite end edmonleh aU pereone concerned tc toow canee. It oar they here to the contrary, at thte <JBce on or by the Ont Monday U July next. W it oero by hand oOetolly. It. T. BODJ, Ordinary. March 11, lma-epra lawlm nEOEOU, JONES COUNTY.—WHEBESB, JSMEE IT T. Jamro aa administrator ot rotate John Jerr.ll ot nU conaty, de.-rarod. applies to me (or disrate •too. These are therefore to die end edmoolah all parsons concerned to show canee et this offlee. U any they bars to Uw contrary on or by tho Brr Monday In Jnly noth Wltoero my hand oOcially U. T. 11081. Ordinary. March Ik ima-eprt lowtm HOLMES’ sum: VUUE Mouth WtLth and Dentifrice 1 Month. Bor, wadbr Or*. J.MV.B.Molmro. drailau.Macon. Oa. ror ealo hy all drnototo and deattota. only lottery the people ot say brers. It nererecalro or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawing* take place Monthly, and the extraordinary Draw ings regularly every three months imtead ol Semi-Annually ts heretofore, beginning March. IKRfi. ^ A SFLKMXD OFFOtTUXITT TO WIN A FOKTUHE. HKVtSTII GUARD DRAWING CLASH O, IN THX ACADEMY OF MUSIC. NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY. JULY 13tk 1W0—lOUh Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $7X,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five DolUra Each, Frac tions in Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $71,000 I do do 35,000 1 do do 14000 S PRIZES OF $6,000 12,000 • do 3.0U0 10,000 10 do 1,000 10,000 100 do kJO do so wo do M AkraoxiMATiog rsizes. • AppmxlmsUoo Prize* of $75*i.... v . l ao.ouo •MQO 26,000 26,000 6»T«6 1H7 Prix*#. amounting io S26M00 ApplicsUou* for rate* to data sb.mM be m*d« onlv to tb# ofkc# of tbo company In Now Orleans. For farther information writs clearly, giving foil addrass. HlSTAL K0TEB. Express Mousy Orders, or N*w York Kicksngs in ordinary letter. Curreccj by sxpr« *• (at our ex pens*»# sddrssssd M. A. DAUPHIN, New OrlrHiim, Li Or M. A. DAUPHIN, Witeblngton. D. C. Make I*. <>. Monev Ortlem I’nyn» tile and mltlreMB Hcpihtcrcil Let ters to HEW ORLBAHH NATIONAL HAXK, Keyltwedrothw New Orleans, La, JJI^PAKR! a hook of^oo pea-e. Tha hut book for e.i edrw IfililirDTinittn t,M r to (■•'(•edit. liUVbnT S NG 'or hr- rV- 5 - Itcci.uins u > new .paper, end rouinsiroor ib» cost of ..l..rttolnm wb ® w ‘“!« to .pend one dollar, na£ *■ *» Bfformattow ho roomr.., ,, , r„ r him »>» ln.rot one handn.i •• ,i„iur.i. adrerttolnf, a rohamo to indicated which wUI mro, i n K* rroqulromarit. or can ba mad. to do to by rihthl churo easily arrlrcd at by oorroapondenoa. On* hundred end ntty-throe edition, hare been 1 - •ned. Kent.ja,at paid, toaay addrroe forme. A> ply to QEO. P. BOWLl.i .. ,. mw-, ap,:k *£ Vl-IillnlhO HU1 EtU 10 Hprnce Ht. (Pilnttn. RniiieNq.l. New York. tenrf.d Awlr it + -K A Fit I END IN NEED. Ur. Sweet’s Infallible Liniment. Prepared from the reoeipt of Dr. Bicphrn Uwaet, of Connecticut, the prut netnral Bone Bettor, tiro J**"* 1 tor more then So jrara. and ia thebro, •lhaiimatlam. Keurmlitls, H| mine, nroieefl. Cots, Buna, wounda end all e, tern at in Jutes. BOLD BY ALL BllUaOlHTH—TUY IT. m Xkrot-hiro-thnrehwt Manhood Restored iMsoXFoame-Arteilmofy. u r N.rvou. DsWuSTI! decytUM tba son swly rr known «hkl> h* ’ork DU/. UIHHH NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Yen nr# allowed a free trial of thirty ,ta v * ot tha tu# of Dr. Dy**s « < Ici.rstol Yoltsio I • U with Electric Suspensory Ap^llan-wa, for tbe -|» ctjy rrl'rf and paraunmi cure of Aenvus I)> bilit j, loss of Vitality ar.*! )i-inh end all k ;r. trouble*. Also for mai’.r other Ulo ase%. Complete r.ntora- tlon to n*-alth. and Kanboo<l ruarbiitM><l. No risk lx Im-urnM], lilu»trat*-d |«rnphlt.-l In sr-alcd tnvelope nui!l«-«| tree, bv nMr«—■• i VOLTAIC) BELT CO., Manholl, Mieh. tn-Um-sat-awSm PEOROIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY-JAM EH M. IJmmnrone, administrator of tbo route ot l-l^ar E-Stmmone, Uto of sold connty, deceeeed. ropre- —“to mo that he hss fnllr di.chanted hi, uoai, nnd bee applied (or en order dUcherpina him ea each edmlnlatrat r. Therefore, all |«ra..i.a con- ceraed are hereby reqnlml to show can- Ufore ■aeon the ftrot M-n.dey la Bepl. mbernnt why aeld order should not he paeeed aa preyed (or. witness my hand end oBtotol signature this lath .lay nr May, IMA OEO. L. 8AWYEH. myaiw > : :. ary. (dsBiT mt Oa |M#M# Uok ll.KV IK