The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, July 06, 1886, Image 4

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■nm THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, JULY G 188B.-TWFLVE PAGES T UJb TlZLKijrltAt'U, ItJBLUBXD ITUT DAT IX TH* TTAB A«D WKXKL1 BT TUB Tilsgrnpli and Messenger Publishing Co.. 07 Mulberry Street. Macoa, Qa. IA't the Honest .'Ivu Itally t Georgia cahoot afford to elect the Lou isville and Nashville railroad, or Clews A Co., to govern in her borders. It cannot afford to have the great high way bequeathed to os by our fathers fall into the hand of an enemy. It cannot afford for the Louisville cor poration to own the highway from the t,^ at »l.M*y«en«n. cent. for.t. months. which , ^ ^ M into ber tretta . Tnralent advertisement* will be taken for tne Thr Tilly to delivered by carriers In the city or Hilled pottage free to subscribers, for II per month, $9.60 for three months, $6 for six months, II $10 » year. TM Wkult Is mailed to snbscrlbers, postage tiry. It cannot afford to elect the agent and Xncslent advertisements Oslly at $1 per square of 10 line* or less for the Iret Insertion, and 80 cento for each subsequent in Itrtton, and for the Weekly at $1 for each Insertion, notices of deaths, funerals, marriages and births, adtiaor of that corporation the guardian •1* .. _ . . of that treasure. Rejected communications will not be returned. Correspondence containing important news and The friends of good government, of purity llscuselonsof living topics to solicited, but must be | j Q 0 fli ce ftn( j Q f honorable methods—the trUf and written upon but one side of the paper to hats attention. friends of Georgia—have need now to rally Bsmlttanoee should be made by express, postal ever y polling place to be opened in Geor- Itts, money order or registered letter, atlanto Bureau 17X Peachtree street. All communications should be addressed to Governor brown or any one connected with road pending that matter and in connection with It!*' Answer —••Yes, sir,” Question—"Did you ever receive any money from 11.1. Kimball in the connection with the lease sod the matters before the Legislature? Answer—"! have received money.” Question— •Will you state the amount?” Answer—**I do not remember the amount. I received money from both sides.*' No winder the paper is able to run a governor's campaign and pledge itself to "make it even” to those who are also willing to sell their swords for money! By Mr. Walsh—"Did yon pre. sent any bills, Mr. Hemphill, at so much a line?" Answer—"No, sir." By Mr. Peeplee—"Who did you make out your accounta against?” Answer—“When I wanted money I called on them.” Mr. Hemphill is the financier of General Gordon's organ which is so fierce ag& nst railroads. The railroads may have made a grave mistake. THE TELEOBAPH, Macon, Ga. gia. It is believed that the turning point I in the campaign has been reached, a point beyond which corruption and bribery can* ■onsy orders, checks, etc ^should be made payar not go, except through the neglect of the ii 9 w» H. O. Has sow, Manager. patriotic. Let the people seo to it honest, law-loving that defeat does The right Will go ou. Titk Atlanta Constitution, while criticb-. . „ . .. . , , , ing and endeavoring to throw diic.edltop- uut lo *« ‘*-' B lu G * or 8 ia th » Btandard of on tbe Teleorahii's table, is engaged in right, else may it be expected that the Era- spreading far and near a rnmor to the of- pire State will become the prey of robbers feet that Mr. A. O. Bacon has withdrawn I a[1 q [ u . r prosperity ceaso, trom the canvass, and this in the face of yj pn D f Georgia, you who have paid taxes the fact thatheismeeiiug ni» appointments ...... . and addressing large audiences I and wri ‘ hed for y ear » nndcr ‘ bo °l'P re881on about the State. These tactics are of a corrupt government, you arc confronted in keeping with the methods of General hy a worse peril! Gordon and his organ throughout the cam paign and will surprise no one. Mr, Bacon has no idea of withdrawing,and never had. He has yet a fair chance for vic tory and relies upon his friends everywhere to gather at the poll* and defeat the evil combination made, That Mistake. On Saturday last the chief organ of Gen cral Gordon gave vent to these modest ut te ranccs: The opinion of the Conetltutlon to that tbe rail road corporations of Georgia bare made a tremen dous mistake in forcing tbe coramttnion issue into come sponsor for the convict-lease camli- “Let ihem Try It on. date for Governor, to tell you bow it was Home Ccorlsr. that Gen. Gordon, who bo soon fonnd ont | Says the Atlanta Constitution: it was wrong, should make each desperate not against him alone, but politic. * * * We repeat, the railroad, have made against the people of Georgia, their prop- tremendous wlataka la forcing the commission luue orty and their posterity. Falsehoods, mis- Into pollUca. representations and silty bluster cannot The reading public will not forget that the avail if the good people of the State realize opening note of this campaign waa sounded their peril and act accordingly. ®‘ Talbotton by ex-Governor and ex-Bail- The Atlanta Constitution, Gordon’s organ, road Commissioner Smith in a furious on- is full of frantio ad,vice and appeal* to bis slight upon railroads, in which ho declared friends to "work." Why work if there is no I «>»» the railroad question was to the para- opposition ? We hove no doubt that a | mount l»«ue of the coming campaign. Wo Nlgatficaut Talk, We hare beard a number of life.: jug Democrats, men who fonght In the front rank, of the party when Republicanism held fall sway throughout the Slate, assert that thay would not vote for Cor don If he received the nomlnaUou; and a man who bad Just received one of Gordon's autograph let ter., ..pressing gratification at having bU support, etc., declare, that tl the man of the 12th May re ceived tbe nomlnaUou aud an Independent came out he wonld vote for the latter. There la plenty of that kind of talk lu wlregraaa Georgia, and doubtloaa it 1. the Paine throughout the State. Blug rule aud riug method, have well nigh crushed the party, and a tudden change for the better la all that can eave It.— Alapaha Star. This seme talk comes from all sections of the State, and is growing in place of decreasing. It is n matter of record, that even after Mr. Stephens had become alarmed at the position in which he was placed, and had called a conference of his friends, which finally succeeded in placing him npon a plain and satisfactory platform, at the elec tion the people protested against the ring, by scratching the name of Mr. Stephen from many thousand votes. General Gordon in his speech gives ns a fifteen minute argument against the salo of the State road. If he should be elected Governor ho would give us a two and per haps a four years argument in favor of the Buie. efforts to get conviota three j ears before the contract he signed with Gov. Smith should begin in April, 1879? What was his haste, if he knew it was wrong? Gen. Gordon, Mr. Lockett and Mr. Lowe were the parties who organized under the lease law of 1870. Mr. Jordan got out before it was organ ized, but Gen. Gordon staid in, und is in to-day. Mr. Lockett snd Mr. Lowe persuaded General William 1’hillips to agree to take four convicts in Fulton connty jail, which the said Phillips swe <» were never in his possession, aud which convicts were only assigned to him that he might refuse them, and which convicts Phillips duly refused, after Governor Smith's brother in-law, John T. Brown, had offered them to him for the purpose set forth by Lockett and Phillips, allspeaking under oath; and af U r snch bogus assignment was made and a bogus refusal bud from Phillips, James M. Smith, by an eiecntive order dated December 21, 1876, turned over these convicts to l'enitentiury companies Nos. 1, 2 and 3—and all of sai l Companies gave General Phillips a writu u obligation that they would take no advan tage of bis surrender of said four convicts. Sworn to before Judge Uiliyer 12th October, 1881, by W. B. Lowe. Governor Smith swears he talked only with John B. Gordon for peDiteDtiary No. 2, in negotiations pending for the control of these conviuts; and Lowe swears that be and Lockett (Gordon's partners) worked tbe four convict trick with Phillips. Mr. DuPont Guerry can call on General Phil lips und Mr. Lowe fin verification of _ There I are one or two Bacon organs -to be precise I the Macon Telegraph and tbe Rome Courier," etc. The Constitution is mis-1 taken. The Courier is not an • ‘organ" of anybody or anything, but is and has been a staunch Democratic newspaper of the straighteat sect of the strictest Jeffersonian school Oar idea of an "organ" is a newspaper 1 that one day advocates free trade, simple I and pure, and next becomes an ardent sup-1 porter of a high protective tariff and then dc-1 nounces all tariff reformers as free traders; | a journal that one day, for example, de nounces 8 m Randall as a blood-sn ker, a lobbyist for the monopolists, a packer of I the ways and means committee, a tuan who us Speaker relieves the monopolists of the 1 necessity and expense of maintaining a I lobby, an assistant Republican, a Democrat linnr Or’iay-B'fSY' nm,. if Pig Iron Kelley is one. etc., and next MUb 1 rtntrELl foiADE day eulogizes him as a pink of patriotism, prepare* with speeui recant to health, perfection, parity and statesmanship; a No Ammonia, jjmo or Alum, paper that opposes the adoption of the PRICE BAKItIC POWDER CO., Ittilroad Commission law, then supports it, CH1CTCO- next advocates its abolition or emascula tion, and again declares itxelf tbe special defender of the law and proposes to the I people a railroad speculator as its candidate I for Governor, and declares him tbe especial champion of the commission; a journal that exhausted the vocabulary of abuse I against Gov. Brown, Bnllock and Hi Kim ball, and afterwards wrote them up sever-1 ally as immaculate patriots, etc., etc. This is what -ve call an "organ.” Does the | Constitution agree with us? The Medicine ot the Future. ttiis statement, anii Governor Smith cull | Prom the New York Herald. — — — — ■ also say whether be testified falsely or In a small volume from tbe pen of the Prl 0 ST PFRFlC i p/IaHT otherwise. It either partyjspoke the truth late Dr. Anstiu Flint, of this city, which I —-—■ - ■—..— — ' - - , i— | — —| Purest and atrontreat Natural Iran, larara Vinir. 1 whea their hands were ou the Bible to has just been published, the distinguished tam;m b oramre^»mmHi.iiua*,.tc.,flavor aadtiicaujl make a faithful exhibit of their own acts, I author makes a remarkable prediction re-1 chiuou. Price Bakins Powder Co> si. weal it is obliged to make General Gordon u .specting the medical progress likely to be perjurer aud falsifier in tbe Chronicle, in made in the Dext fifty years. Ho expresses the Working World, aud through Mr. Du-I g-eat confidence th it the principle of tbe Pont Gueiry. telephone will, by and by, bo applied to If be knew it was wrong he wilfully per- intra-thoracic respiratory und heart sounds, stated in the wrong, and he is to day an so that they will be transmitted to the eur active lessee, drawing fifty bales of cotton more distinctly than they now are by the a m*i ttwiei ts nrtmiiair every year from the hir ug and sub-letting I binaural stethoscope. As consequences of I of sixty convicts to C. B. Howard, of Craw-1 this advance Dr. Flint points out that net I Sam Jones says -'there is something wrong when a preacher gets $400 and a pitcher $5,000.” Doubtless! And there is withdrawal of hi. opponent would do.>ot quote the precise^language but give . revlTallit gets be a very welcome event, but with hi. the idea, which Governor Smith bos re- “ * . d . )reacb * strongest counties in front of, nnd sixty pented more than once since tbe campaign I k 10 odd votes behind him, Mr. Bacon will not I has been opened. retiro. The battle will be fought totheend; The railroads were put upon notice of the his friends need not fear that they will lack | main issue that would be relied upon, for a leader, and unless the signs full, ho General Gordon a Lessee Now—DuPont Guurr>'a Candidate Punctured. ford connty. I only will these sounds be transmitted from I B. G. Lockett is dead, bnt he has friends the patient to the physician, no matter how I who can say whether tie lied or not, and distant the one may be from the other, bnt I his word will stand in any place where John I also that "the sounds from the chest of a B. Gordon's is contested. patient may be phonograpbically registered, r In August, 1878, Mr. Lockett was called transported ever so far, and made availa- to Atlanta to te.tify before the Nelms inves- hie utter an indefinite period." As illns- tiguting committee carried on by that Leg- j trutive of bis meaning he cites a case re* islaturo. The lease law had been so manip-1 Parted in which a physician summoned to ulsted that General Gordon’s company, of I visit a sick child at night directed the p.i- which Mr. Lockett was president, had been tient to be brought close to the telephone, in actual possession of oonvicts since Do-1 an< b listening to his cough telephoned his cernber 21,1870—nearly three years. prescription without tbe necessity of tnak- | Mr. Lockett was asked: I ln K n night visit. "At what time did General Gordon withdrew?" 'Ibis soheme of utilizing the telephone, Auawer—"I don't know that he has withdrawn.” phonograph aud telegraph 18 not Utopias, Will Mr. DuPont Guerry take note ot this aad > il *■ 11 be hoped, tuny be realized much statement? If he believes General Gordon I "?°“ er than Dr. Hint believed it would bs. 1 found out tbe leasing of convicts wsa } fth ® suggestion is ever earned out count- I whom the patients could never otherwise consult all sours. Editor Teleorawp.—Mr. Gnerry has wrong very soon nnd withdrew," what will {«** l 'f we8 of dangerous disease might be re- m Mo. a » | jg&s s^sstsstinr. ttsssu ' 5=1 =- «=» —III ntinn with a maioritv 1 declared that all of his personal intercuts I speech lit Coweta a few days ago: “Gen- Quostlon—"He took at the time this convict camp ’ were in railroads. It was a very light eral Gordon says he is opposed to the con- w “““hUihed arertvin i«.mon of Uoconvlcur speech, for Gsn. Gordon is believed to ben v *ct lease, and soon found oat that it wa> Quertlon-'Can youstateihow many*" . Vacation Noon Four to One. I v , .. .. . , . . . . I Wrong, and got out of It. But Major Au»«rer-'T think about forty were dellrered to I >ucatiou BMMon. tl*** .i mM t Mhatutod our iiAttoncB In cor* P au P er » and 1,10 attempt Is being made to u acon voted for tbe leaac and never found U- •• wh*n Ooveruor Hmlth dto- TU# attecdanc* at the churchoe to growing very reTunX ~ tSZZSSS the Ma- pension him upon the State. out it was wrong until the formation of tbe | 1 U, ' n - son TRutomaMihsi been dstnltng tuelf sad tb* | Bnt ho aUo said, at the same Urns, X'Xreview General Oor- I don's connection with tbe lease and place authorized time of lta»iug. under the Uw which J And the pastor to disheartened who to •eekiogsouto I Answer—"Yee, e*r.” QueeUon—•'Filed In the executive office?" Auewer—"I d n't thiuk it to." Quostlon—On page r.'J —"Doee Mr. Howard keep hie convicts in Oeneral (Gordon's c*mpr* Answer—"Thst's uijr nnderstaudlnK. They were hardest k'» It brings but little money to the contribution box. What though the timuiy weruings aud the texts around be strews Dut 11-.tie meets his vision but tbe empty rows of | pews? turned over to Oeneral liorJon, by me, aud not to I What though of future happiness or misery be Ilnnrsvil ” I nrs.„liM.f prearhes? limited public who rely on It tor nows. 1 that he knew Mr. Bacon wss a candidate Bat fit 7«t«rday monijngs Tsmoraph an rt-) ot the railroad corporations. When this | ^temaeMon“ta immedatown^rtw^ tempt Is msdo to correct . I waa apociftcally denied %nd he was called I the official facta, and there will be shown a W ^qha OonsUtaUon olT jMtorday pats down in lta I a P 0 “ f° r profit to make hi. charge g^oi, U«.| ****** •«.'» f thing, if Mr. Du tahlo four votssfrPlke. whan the county only osato General Gordon was as dumb as he is in the ..poodle" campaign two. In this way," ate. face of the arraignment of his public and i„ no t the least important factor, and those Of courts thl. 1. not tr “■ - ' “ ... votaa In the convention, puts IL Messrs. Dakar ben la the last Legislature, and there are two voice I euitor-m-cmcf ot uencrni uoraon a cniei | w jjj tho p U „p] 0 0 ( Georgia for each member. Tbaattamptof thsTuLnosAm to | organ, which contains thoeo words; I manipulation of herlawfnl revenues and confine Pike to two vote* lepert of the wicked B scon le dlrecUy oppoeed to your viewe on the ‘ho absorption of the money that these con blundering wllh which 11 hsabnlltand maintained I commission, and If be to slsrtsd will an* I Mbould b« hired for, now when tbohe I MUbllisbed there by Oovernor Colquitt at the In* I 0 ff«*r its little Uhls. The figure 9, with which it trie* to M rnmmlMloiia -. %bo f . Tor 4h . revennen and that money U turned gqnarely I etonce of General Gordon. 1 know the convicts I * . t , , in Utue rnoie. Ane nguiws. w« point tuen as commlMlomirs who favor the mil* , ^ Ux-unvt w to nut convict I W9n turn#d orw 10 «•*»•»! Oonioa ss Oeneral Cain is supposed to have b«en tbo first misrepresent Pike, protoeto sgslnst the outrage as n§dm without a doubt. The manageraof theOeor- a| B”" 141 COOV1CI ieiWet * I Oordou'spro rata of haude.” striker beet ltcnn by eUudloR on tte head tn the ttble. M ^ r>UroaJ tt AuKUaU , » n d the Central at 8»van- tn i?® , , , | .i*“*tten-"J>id yon hart any latareat to them Most of tho diseases which afflict mankind artnrea [ ally caused bjr s disordered condition of the LI V CR. For all complaints of this kind, such asTornditjrf the Liver. Biliousness, Nervous Djrspepma. Indgw. I lion. Irregularity of the Bowsls, Constipation. >Tm$. I toncy. Eructations snd Burning of tbs Strand I (sometimes oaUed Ussrtburn), Miasms, k»k% I Bloody Flux, Chills and Fevor, Breskbnn* Fmz I Exhaustion before or after Fever*. Chronic Ihr. I rhCM. Loss of Appetite, Haadacho, Foul Brwt J Irregulsnt'es Incidents! to F Pains, Bask* f “ ache, *0., do, 1 is Invaluable. It Is not a panacea for sDdMwa I but I DC nil diseaaaaofthe LIVER, I w :i bUrit s roMACHsadBOWIU.1 It ehsngea tbe eompterion from a waxy, gte I tingo to i\ ruddy, healthy color. It entirely imM f low, gloomy spirito. It to onw of tho BEST Al* TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE I BLOOD, and la A VALUABLE TONIC. I Howard. Question—“When was that camp established?” I Tto vain, bis flock has scattered to the mountains Answer—"! thiuk In January, 1h?h.” I aud the beaches. Question—“It to reported Uordon has sold hie I Let tbe pa«tor fold hto vestments and lay them ou interest to Howard?” | the shelf. Answer—“/I Aar nof come to my ItnowM/f* if he I And to the bench or mountains take a summer trip STADICER’S AURAKTII Fcg sale by all Druggists. Price 31.00 ptrlottk. I C. F. STADICER, Proprietor, S40 SO. FRONT ST.. Philadelphia, Pa J marlldembw 6m himself. —Judge. ' R yu«tl°n—"1. not Oorton'e camp a le K .l part of Lil(Ut i abor _ C leanlng the lamps. Auswer—*T don't know, sir*, that branch waa j Sleight of band—Refusing a marriage I GLINCKSAN’S can be seen by referring to theTalegrsph of yMter-1 art B tnmgeet workers in the State. Ha day. I would not be In tbe race now but for the help hr J 1 .* T * U *". |l . h I eipscufromtht. loltuence. Letra. hear from yon | j^ w „ Gordon bid $125,000 for thorn all, They I striker. Tbe convicts were leased on Jane 21et, I atur thiy ware turiid ovar”tiTutLerit'u'oriron T"~ I Wathingtonians are happy people. 1870, by an executive order signed by Jus I An.wer-' No air." I are all capitalists. M. Smith, Governor. Loekett, Jordan, | The first fishery seizor, waa the one in | Answor—“Yes sir, Oeneral Oordon's statement I which Jonah figured. . ... . id idea was that he wm a lessee snd wlshad those I fTK«. t-I Lurn.inpriChrM.“hx“ u .'t ra , .sr^w°L h «o u si, n aaarnai J?n*ais$SLtr* therottn,lbinK ■ OU ' 1 ° U 0<,r40, ‘ CO,,, “ ,, " A, ■ I Hilly Glenn, one of O.n.rri Gordon's rear I the convicts were Iced "without hi. knowl-1 ^d‘S5Sphj b ;2“?2i«SS U “ ^ ' ^h^^oode'.Ustof counties en- guard, ha. repeatedly stated on the stump, t^ritelStom tuI°UUm.nTb«h>ra I dm [ ^•SmdlSL'd.mta!'. SMK, m $1"“*** “ ° 94 ' titled to two representatives doe* not in- that Mr. Bscon was the attorney of the tbu Mode. tST 4 . -'-tt- wlthf Mr Beocher attribute, much of his good I dad* Pike, l’ike took the place of Houston I Central railroad, whtn in fact, he has Governor Smith divided the oonvicts into | jouti.ii?" | health to having avoided baseball in his | Uhl* rt*ht, but wa want to kaap it measurably ht)p , w ,„ g,, tw , (or outilon. Your frlaud. atralsht. and urns it, tharatore, to five Pike four Evas P. Howell. vote., and take out the little npelde two that now | p g,_pi tu , lbov thta letter to jour eon. by a later apportionment; hence the error, never receive.1 any basiness or a fee from ° r foTi f*°ithml «“• ""u-'Did h.'«t... reperau hood r Tb« Teleoiuph admit* it* mUUke. that corporation. Billy Glenn when chal- ny s . R i-iIikSLJ i t Auewer-“No sir. u wm a joint bond. Oordon BooqneU of jonquil* or daffodowndillit* Bnt the. Conatitntion is spt to raise s I lenged for proof repeats the slander. I Gordon was a leasee, an original leasee or I hatutaat tuta cop; a personal bomi7uot for >ht.| London, smile when it tdk. sbont "wicked blunder-1 Tb. only psrt Uken by sny railroad in | p.«ner, yet to told the Workiug World his | | Tb „ DArJ h „ bfen crdfwd to ^ | smite aoeui ~ “‘“T* “J was not menUoned in thenirtn*. —»aay ont th. peeper auu««awt um rare." Tbe navy hut been ordered to Canadian InS* 1 " “ 'ong Mitconllnne. to pnbh.h a the campaign has been the giving of low *»»• ^ryiilll^inthe ia, Mr. DuPont Gn-rry. General *»**", -5*pecUl policeman wifi go atong table that givsa Btchmond connty only two rates to Gordon meetings, which were not cb f OII i c . e (or the letter spoken of, under Gordon told you and yon told the people of to protect him. Tot**, and Hancock only two. The fint of | extended to those of M*jor Bacon. I date mentioned, and look in tbe Working I Cowetn, he *'*oon found out it w** wrong I ™o find the newest book* out go to a dr* these is entitled to six; the Utter to four. There seems to lmvo been n mUtake I World, of a few weeks ago, he will nee both and got out of it," and CoL Ben. Lockett, euluting library. The newest books ate .. , . ... p. -mki.Ium >,„| („ I„„„.„ i. will I statement* over the signature of John B. who went in with him in D- cernber, 1870, “ways ont there. It also give. Dodge and Pickens respee- somewhere, bnt to attempt to locate it will „„ (UU la conlrol of Gor j on ', t^ nd fu We hear a great deal of talk sbont the tlvely four and six votes, when they are en- deceive no one. Some people may think Jamel M 8luitb Governor of Georgia in 1879, August 14tb, and Gordon waa notonly consumption of fish. We wonder they t itled to two each. I it a mistake in Mr. Wadley not to have paid 1187fi, made a statement on oath before W. co-lessee, but president ot the convict I don't try cod liver oiL ■ Oar fanny contemporary confesses that I live thousand in AtUnta, when the Rail-1 Hayward, justice of tbe rwace of Fulton company, on Taylor county plantation. He Thesmallboy learning tbe alphabet U it U "hopeless of ever getting th. Tele- road Commission bill oould have been de- £2S?SS3 sul^l.Tu'ngto “ ne« JSSf “j obapb'k table right" Wear® Dotiurprucd. I feated for that amount Railroad D UI m| m reference thereto with John B. Gordon, I Jaunmry, and it the "boolle” putHLiminihe [ b n . . * It cannot get it* own within four errors of gers are rery *hrewd men, and are com-1 Joseph E. Brown audTaoma* Alexander, executive chair, he will take an oath which I w l ° 56 . Won D -V— ■? — I ponent with these gentirmen while nego- cover $500 for — v —— " ' 1 — — Iff Jp'- THE CLHGHU TOBACCO 0I1TIE1TI «Mrki* lur POm. A^. „ , 1 kit plish anything for the "Great and Good.” They certainly could not go to the nncer- Now when John B. Gordon told tbe once with Cox and again with Howard, so I long been an old, old story with oa. stitntion's table, snd then wss one in the | whtn they might accomplish an; purpose TauosArir proportion, complain. TheTsutosAPB does not oven complain warned them of this matter. During the One or the other has told an untruth, that he hu. persi.tad in violating ton years, i The croquet girl and the lawn tennis mrl that the Constitution gives l’lk* county two j coona of the ▼otee in iU own table. | piece of history has been reproduced, all | ^ M exectt tiTe, gave up the | ton per annum—all growing out of tbe | ^ W th l ^ e DfeW Coloesl Devos, th* New ieney weather * raUr °« d - Colon * 1 Avery, when | oonvio.sof the. State ''.ntijeetto the r rovU-1 debauched, Tweed-like condition of| Thiil . « v . prophet, says; "July will enter with heavy I nnder °* th ' “ ld: thunder showers, clearing off cool on the W. A. Hemphill told ★ ^ day, th* 3d, for on the5th scold rain storm is likely to set in, aud it will be more oorn- fortable by the fireaido than ont door*. It will remain cool until tbe 10th; then it will grow very hot Farmers should ent their I p.ure sad have It hnahsd op. Whan the Common. I sixt; 08 i*rt vtte Sti-vi with AW »alm Uti: «Uy de t F.O in t l THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO CAKE iiiilPiil «f Iwwcto. do. Inl«-tiU«}*i THE CLINGMAN TOBACCO PUSH* I'rrpnrrd nrrnr«llnq l» Ihr mmmt •rto"{l r . [ . , „ . . . r o each Kubletting. lie ha* A contemporary announce* a new story, c^wlSS'cjBJI There are four glaring errors in the Con-1 tain expenditure of money in a campaign I tUtions were pending were numerous." I sublet twice, as the public are informetl, I ®ntitled '‘The Need of Money." That hss I trtttyi^ e> toflf I • --- ... 1 * * * “ ’ ... ..I — ..1 .min »{t1. Uom.a.1 I Inna lutan nn nisi nisi ml. ,ro mitli na I . %,n * »«*•**, fTQM too dsbcitn * I PxitM vtMie. tea^MMtorio * torie wwjj I nmEiiwS CUNGMAN TOBACCO CUBE CO DURHAM, H. C . U. S. A mni— >i|> January, "»uu»u irom mm« r. *1 is now a enme in u* .kmU as n 118 i9, and again sublet with sale for eight I Georgia to prusveut* criminals. It is treason , , on lner«gi*-| very heavy thnnder showers I wttnaas who conM prove Ut* (act. Mr. Hamt.hlll fyears toC. B Howard on April 1st, 1879. to defend honesty. Oh! Whan th* rebound Jj* 0 "" 0 ?' very nasvy uiunaer boo ar i to ow to *tva him a daaial (?) ot tbs tbara That contr a t is in f nil force at this writing come., when tbe State assert! itself, it „ “ll‘i .l . ^ ? a large portion of tbe L nita<l I ^aat Wm, m faru IcooU aat sutauauato tkm! I Now. Mr. Editor, there ia a he ont, or I will be a Y«no fran.l «™.„« «.tl“ do “® a . rrow mark that he had | hay or grain on the 9th, 10th and 12th. I wraith mads thaaa charges thay awnlluosd About the 13tb will occur over rablKatloa. Nut mantles than appaand The stags is not going to be bullied by I HLT,i I l *)l*. f I u " Vt . rD “ r »“>«> “'• “•*« him under-1 u .uitiacU for the Stale ot Georgia? It I | Governor Smith did net nuke him under-1 Itax Itapllra, OoiJCTBosrs, Juna29 — I simply wish to I with reference to the letters of Hon. It as pec table UraigliU tne puipit. a wcu-anowucumeuiwu aw* sue I sad asked a,»i a ™, *•*• ■*•““** H*®*! convicts without a peualty of *500 fine for w: A. lUrria and other, nubliriisd in the 1 Uu.puMUt. bat bmureof tkaCWa put two ytnrs has carefully clipped snd Ha sad Coluaal riachhad rud thu lata r , Tery lorh lu bl*fJng, what were the nego- Constitution of the 21th lost, that what I "9 > P* 1 : pasted in scrap books all the reported mis- “*** k *f Uatiotu about ? have stated with reference to tbe selection tallyow it CrntteuaSEythr ■amsre'tkmaui deeds of c ercymen that he taw. Now I ***?* „* “ Tha lease of 1874 had three years to run, I of Mr. Gnerry on th* conference commit- ■"**'• OspcraaHssfc-'.eravaa batter. They tab . - .• i I - 1 *® a 8**“ “* 1 *° *°* ••J*** | whan the new lease law of 1876 was passed. | tee in tbe convention of '83, related to the I aS! ?? ** IO ??.*f** i ‘”1* “ a raw to the organization tm.* n^ JTibriirpw pJ^US^ Cook’s trienda. taal aad high eaniiv* qualTtiaa la tba reaalt ot . . c I wttba pencil, aad Mad to Sad mm Not Sadias when the new lemie Uw of 1876 was ra-V-T waenh* hears of a sermon on the immor- j am ha rwbbad it sen bat aat sa tba prtatar — M Thl Irti-t" 1 r the leas* Uw of 1871 ality ot the stag* he at once tends the I sot read tt.” preachers Uttar ffllel with ataUst cs as to Let as pal Mr. Uempblll oaths .mod. Mr. th* nnmberof preachers in jal, the number Hatopblll awm: ”tRJ yea ease reeatva maaiy that ha thinks n.ght ro be in jail, the Baton of thur situ and cninss, and Uka| ,„mtoabi«aralbaL.«laU«reuwnr Aaswar- "Xo nr.' occurrence just proviona could hold the convicts, all tbe convicts, I of th* caucus of General until Apnl 1st, 1879, when their lease ex- Their statements nUte to what occurred I *jsaj fyy'.wyvtw^t sad koaotabl- daaUase ow pirad by Umitahon. in the organized caucus when the election TL?-*?? j;®??** 1 *—! But Gordon’s company could not wait. | waa unanimous. lUx. I IwZtZZu. wree.r«TSSra.if ■—TT.. . *T** Thay must have actnal poeatasion imme diately. I Jay Gould has developed a talent for Ask Mr. DuPont Guerry, who has be-' photography. Jay takes everything. Tin; I.IV1-1R. TllHKHlMiYN. , TIIKHTOMACI1 Tin; iiowi:i.8. a rusmri cccs run 3 DYSPEPSIA, : CONSTIPATION. "S J SICK HEADACHfew/ ; De* t-Ooe la taa t, aipoonf ul <• Haaalaa Cut Oacsaas Sam la teal* -4 packaata at 19 aad He: t. Dire alna Salta said la balk. _ __ Crib Orchard Wlltr Co- Pro I S.8. rwxa. Maaetv. Liiwetl'a. Vi t ions of the Uw under which the lease was I Georgia politics. Honest men of Georgis, I . ^' ) * r B f an ®^ ac Jory I . . , msde." Now the lease Uw exprvsoly forbids I are yoa going to permit it ? Plaix Talk. I J®JSf*? London, England, where I o ....Uab-letting or sab-leealng. General Gordon P. 8.—It would not surprise me if Bs- ^ often in store at I a PRTimn TN NEED# i 2d. Those who deaire to enjoy their fire-1 f 5,000 C ?“, tl * u l Uo " Uk 11 1 »Bo so soon found out the le*.ing of I con wa-* presented to the public as Hunt- OD ® time * A FRIEND IN I I . . st,-, n(T nn o.t n . ln •«W»ortof the imm from u. i. KtiuiixiL Georgia convicts wss wrong, according to | ington's “man" before the canvas* is over, I E»rthqu»ke» ore reported In New Jersey, Hr RwflAt’fl Infallible LiHlUl^H works hid better touch them off on Hatur- .. Wbo dU he ssy paid him th. mos.,r bis own statement in the Working wJrld. hy such ss Mr. DuPont Guerry. He is now but it b probably only tome of the inhabit VT ' ^' Y 6(518 iniaiUUIt LlUim *“ * “ An«w»r—“Mr. H. 1. Kimball." laud echoed by Mr. DuPont Guerry at I the guilty man in the convict lease—al-1 ants having their summer attack of chilli I Prsporsd from the receipt of Dr. r '•At s aubacquMit ttise when the pepen were mv- I Coweta, and who Ulked with Governor though he baa never enjoyed a dollar of and fever. c^ConuMtkut, ths «?Mt nsmralBa Oftly attacking Mr. Hemphill he exptMMd some Smith as the head of Penitentiary Company I it* profits—and every convict lessee from A Tonna m knowS^mld* SSpKS^miiim^migia fTTI apprehension sbont this matter getting ont. snd So. 2 in the negotiations which led to tbe I Gordon down are yelping against him. As u Qi J ths* £BratoM^ata’^rM^wtmnds^nd *U H Mid he wm going to wm r.ororner Brown snd Mr. contracts. Vet, General Gordon sublet io Tweed's time, honest men have to u U m2^v5 r l urt ^ BOLD BY all iMOOPBiH^S ,y convieta to EJ« aid Cox in J M ua 7 , "stabJ from nudvr." It Isnow a .rim. I® ferab Orchard^ r WATER._ Jkisl mi Pfelfl Mr rfrreSsrar ttifzsrjz loathe word'•Chprine.'* DIKE'S HIUBti