The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, July 06, 1886, Image 9

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7I[ii CHICAGO STRIKE. I lock ami key, (or throwing the mail train off the track Friday night ““ — hiTn 6 m “ D '? ! he 5 b * 0 *fto jail, who gave I1PIU 1S CHECK BY POLICE b «n»uieas John E. Sullivan, U Ed Sard M0B * AKMK1> WITH Hlf LtS. N“ckdp’ate h a 0 hoi“tw di ‘ 0h V 88i frolu th “ ABm nicaei i .ate hhopa two weeks ago. CaDtain - f Iuut b ®'' 14 Stat « warrant for him for P rob- , c , Read ami Crawls of Strlkln B bory. Kearns is the engineer who was in tf>* BIO' - pirpersed—Trains Mov- charge of tho Milwaukee and St Paul ! ''" Ch Voder armed On.rd._Th. engine captured by the str.kers and sink. Virtually Ended. naed in pursuing the Lake Shore , Yearns claims that the strikers l j ,lacel tke muzzles of two revolvers to his Om-ioo, Jane 28.-Preparations for a head and threatened him wi.h death in case *mined effort to move trains on the of hU refusal to do their bidaiug. nmo “ e Ashore road to-day were perfected by A local paper here says thata new stock Officials of the road yesterday. They jobbing scheme has been discovered in con- .onewbal elated by the success at- nection with the riots. An enterorisino Arm rXCcfforts of Captain Hunt, of the of New York stock broke s! sS toe g strik“e nlle Park police, m protecting the tram begun, has represents ivea on the grounds, H Sh .-as taken out late Saturday evening, and every attempt made by officers to move n the fact that so many arrests of strik- a train is instantly reported to the central " a lu j their sympfituizeiB had office. unmade. On the other hand, the so fcbtheb trouble anticipated. •liters presented a bold front. They re- To-night Lake Shore officials reported ,« e d their determination to stop the everything quiet in their yards. Although 7-ment of all freight trams at all haz- a large numoer of strikers were congregated They still pro ess not to be respou- in the vicinity of the yards, no apprihen- for the trouble of Saturday, aud are- Ulon was expressed that there would .1 has been offered for the discovery of be any serious trouble during the S man who ‘ cocked" the switch on Sat- evening, it being their intention to ' , postpone until to-morrow any further ef- shirtly after G o’clock this morning Billy torts at moving trains. A total of six trains Pinkerton, in charge of a large number of freight had been successfully to: warded f special police, were taken to the from the city, and several had been received ,Ln of Lake. On their arrival from oilier Slates. This done, the comp my •here they were sworn in ns special officers, was content to rest unlit moruiug. Tairtv switchmen, to take the place of With a single exception the day had passed irike’rs were als0 seut ^" wu - About a without the making of any show of resiat- kaodred special police arrived in a special ance. About 4:30 p. m. lour rear ears of min o£ three car at 8:30, and were also one of the outgoing freight trains were de- uien to For.y-third street. A dozen or | railed at the Sixteenth street crossing. The more impo *" “ * * I THE MACON WEEKLY TELEOK A PH : TUESDAY, JULY G, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. 9 THE RPPUBUCASS* REPORT OF THE TELr PiiONK INVESTIGATION. The Altorwy OfiHTHl Held by the Rej»ab- licituii to Have ISrtm Swayed la His Conduct by file Interest In the Pau«Electrlc Company. GARLAND CONDEMNED. ,rted switchmen were also on cars were boa.ii. . . l b y. 8 °“*» thrown from the ~ track one “zig-zagging" the Tliere was this morning an undercurrent switch while the train was passing over it. d ej-itemeiit and suspense that boded j line of the cars was so badly wrecked that LitiiiK developments during the day. it had to be left. The others were put hack 1. '"(iwn of Lake detectives on the rails aud taken along, started through the yards, repeating the There were a number of police and Pink- .. ...uilu' “All von npnnlH mn«t -- uioitiugfuimuls: “All you people must ertun men on, aud they at once deployed 1).; not congregate in groups on the to captor* the offenders. William Fritch, in fe or crossiugs, or we will be obliged to one of the strikers who ha l been arrested tike means to disperse you, and we will do Saturday, and was out on bail, aud who it'oo." The crowd moved back surlily, and bad been servel with an injunction war- omentanly increased in numbers. Some rant, was arrested and locked up. His resistance was shown in moving off was tho only arrest made. Poet street, and one man was the company censured. aeverelv beaten by a policeman. The ex- Sheriff Hanchett returned to the city this ciremitit rapidly increased, and at 9 o'clock afternoon. He said that hiB actions in con- lie crowd was ready for anything. m otion with the settlement of the strike of Shortly after 9 o’clock, the town of Lake the Lake Shore switchmen, two months julice cleared the tracks and streets lead- ago, were known and approved by its to them of the crowds who wore on the officers of the company. Except for them. Just after this, Piukerton, with 121 their bad faith the trouble of the past four d his men appeared on the scone. Many duya would have been averted. At the jltbtm were armed with Winchester rifles, proper time, he said, he would make it 11 a. m., there wero fully 200 police | statement, giving fall particulars, ltd specials stationed along the Lake Shore As between list uud 51st stretts. About Washington, June 29.—Three documents in the nature of repoits will be presented to the House by the Pan-Electric Telephone committee; bnt as no one of them will be signed by a majority of the committee, technically speaking there will bo no “re port” before the House for action. The report drawn up by the chairman will be signed by himself, Oates, Eden and Hall, Demociat-i. Itanney has secured the signatures of Millard, Hanbtok and Moffat, all Republicans, to bia report ; while Hall, a Democrat, baa presented his views in an individual rep rt. Chairman Boyle's re port will not bo made public before Thurs day. The report signed by the Republican members is given out to'day. It is a very long document and treats the evidence in great detail; after which it says; ‘ Takiupt all these things together, it iloes not adaii- of a doubt that the Solicitor-General, acting as Attorney-General, was by some means led to grant this application without the usual reference or inquiry, without any pretense of competent examination, with unex ampled speed and in violation of the prac tice of the department. In an ordinary case, such action would be held to be positive proof of fraud, nt least proof of gross negligence, which in a person of his position is equivalent to fraud. There is no reason why that rule should not be applied here. “It cannot be forgotten that this request, granted in so extraordinary and so unbe coming a manner, was a request in which the head cf the Department of Justice and a Senator of the United States, who came in person to the Solicitor Gen- oial to make inquiry about it and seemingly urged speed, and other govern ment officials, fir two years had notorious-1 had vast pecuniary intorest. “Upon these facts noone of which can be disputed, no jury would hesitate. It is enough, however, to say that it cannot be tolerated that the business the government can be so conducted, cannot escape observation that Senator Harris and Casey Young acted just as men would act if already assured of wlmt was being asked, aud that the AN EXCELLENT APPOINTMENT. lill were the regular _ police of the Town of I uorcrnnr Thompson, of South Carolina, lake and Pinkerton a pidjce, and nearly | b« cornea Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. /• ei'h Springfield breech-loading muskets. I „ 'V* 88 !*"?* a Jone , - J ‘- W !j! iam E - iThfse men are guarding the round-house Assistant Secretarr of the treasury, mdlrat-Va of the Lake Shore road at inter- f • a® ? re8 " vils of afty vards, and no one is allowed to ffjf°t,r ,ci'?o,l Q 7*et t0 «i" or P r °l )ert y° f lt “ I pful iLrnelpidis Lof Mmitobl lUilroad 2m rf h a 'r n it rTo eftr -l i l F-irty-urst »t‘e»t «J>ortty A successor Hon. Hugh S. Thompson, Gov- T£SHS the 'strike* began that Ty 'a'ntKanand rei ° f lh<> h “ V ® Jlr - Thompson is a man of much ability, The chief deputy read the Hat act at four ‘““A!" nMe'nn«don B e Srflv.:! strect^nnd Uo'T *!“Li s ‘he educttionsl interests of his Slate, aud is 10*1 ud the pol ce and ^P u ‘‘“ now serving ont his second term as its Gov. Eoil-Iiv* A««r7h» k to Jhno n? th^Jh t «rnor. He has resigned that office, and t | th 7is t U , expects to be able to assume the dnties of L.-ltin the vicinity of OSS&Si “ “ oon “ h “ “““ h * ve be »° ■iMuti ,h ® Ui,y limiU “ f “ r ,0ntl * “ Charleston. S. C., June 29,-The News Thlr al at...» i„ and Conner has received to-day specials Jg™* y* 0 ." j» from oil paru of the State and from iiij dn- 14 1 '. - slot el'^antl, S^lt-V ' D 8 State* expressing the satisfaction ot the Ivih-T , M |' a ' ^ * tar ! e , "““th 11 ‘ people at the appointment o? Governor Ifire he re f„ c ; .°, i « f ® , Bttnntes be- Thompson os AsslaUnt Secretary of the K?^ U * il !. ,t .l ,ted . fl T* uf . I Treasury, and their appreciation of the Lm,, , ‘ compliment to Sooth Carolina and tho th1 U ;^.^d° oi. W w» P^cd The appointment U everywhere re- lader arrest. The others moved off. I 8 4taBa The Hrikers congregated on State Mreet “1 intimated that they will attempt > nppointueat i I as a wise one. ANARCHISTS DRILLING. ointration in presence of the armed Alleged Preparations at Chicago for r now on guard. The railroad company I Another Outbreak of Violence, brought out tight engines and has sent The Chicago News print! an interview <k*h the road, each having on board a with a well known resident of the West my sheriff aud a rquad ot men armed Side, who claims that within the last " Winchesters. These locomotives I month at teaat Ally shooting galleries have 'eqdoyed as scouts, to see been opened within n neighborhood a mile ’he tracks and switches tre I square in the Bohemian quarter, and that ted and ready for the passage of regu- they are much frequented by people of that freight trains. No molestation baabeeu I nationality. He also claims to have dis- 111*1 to the men ou board these engines, covered that large numbers of Anarchists Tor Like Shore compauy nt last succeeded I are drilling secretly in dif- i fitting a freight tialn alerted from the I ferent balls and have pickets sta- at t Root street. At half past I tinned for three blocks from their o'clock the switch engine which meettug placet to give warning of the ap sft >» ..hi cm At. . a A — .. A.■_ . .1 I — — - V- .,* W tenn -a.. I - . 1 MiWa 4 . . I I tJ r 1 lor 111** I j KT'W res» jolt 1 G» jur-U' ^ hetn making up the train steamed proach of strangers. When asked what be "i" side-track and the regular engine kuew of the numbers he said: “Not a man I*) to the train. Special police, with |«sa than 9UO are well drilled, hut -I don’ viachestcra ready, stood by on the think the drilled men will exceed 1,290 ii Ihe guns were too much for the I number. Those are the fellows who are voMhd no attempt was made to in- drilled in marching movements. Twice If " bon '• v,,r ything was in readiD'sa that number are the patrons of the ahoot- i T s f‘rt a detail of 1‘iukerton men, ling-galleries. The return of Fursons baa jet »ith rifles, climbed on the engine 1 emholden.-d them wonderfully, and I know tops of the cars. Their appearance several of the more intelligent ouee say - icene a warlike appearance. Jast that the Anarchiata wonld come out of the '«the train was ready to start the trial stronger than they went in. Nearly i« ctigiue to which th« cabo me was I every Uoliemian there thinks the Hay ’b I. also heavily guarded, steamed market affair was a victory for their cause.' '“teond^V^ori^to^ SKW HAMPij.lK* DEMOCRACY t° Hoath Ctiieago. The _ tmin I Ttlomft , cog*well Nominated for GoTernop— •nRlewood at 12^20 p. m. without A Itn*otm»oo In Favor I»f (ilndatoiie. igthemw ‘ . th ,® Fi, ‘y ®"‘ ,» lr “‘ Concord, N. H., June 29,-The Demo • reached ' Al 8oulhCmc*g > q- b lo llowing resolution was adopted: »Y no “rione opposition ha.1 ih ,i tre. Bsmoertailc c nventlon n,, .“''"•ftered. There was a large cr isd jjew H»iup*hlrs offers tu corjist sym B.i 1 ‘“ "nt the yards, bnt a large squad «f thy to itladstoos In hu n Is FjJc Psrk police prevented even the mm- sinatsU tor horns nils !u Iralsad. tor tbs dooms ‘ “"'r »t disorder l Tl7 1 res-ton that it .eksses Ib. peoplo (mm bonds«e. I |L„ , ,- r ‘ J' 18 train will begusrd- uJ pr.^ucslly asssrts ths Dsmoerstlc doctrins up- he Indiana State line by armed „n which our union was founded. »hat hums hsva “"OU board. | a itaht t“ regutats their own domssilc affstn. ‘■rand freight train of .!» T“« plaitonn pledges an|.port to Presi- ,i . . 8“t train of twenty-six t)eut clev ,i au d's administration, and con- THE CONtEDKRATE DEBT. Judge FulWton'* Ingmlomi Argament In Favor «if It* I*ayiii«*ut. Washington, June 25 —s\f»er Judge Full erton, the famous New York lawyer, deliv ered his argument before the Honse com mittee on war claims iu favor of the payment of tho Coo*ed**rate debt by the United tttates govtUiiiient Ue was rnpiested to bubrnit hii> remarks to the committee in printed form. A bundle of these cheerful pamphlets was damned on the oomiuittee table at its meet* tog this morntog. The argument is brief, covering only six pages, bnt it is intending reading as a marvel of legal and literary iu- genuity. The members of the committee will digest it at their leisure. Judge Fullerton says: “In disoussing the liability of the Confederate States to pay the Confederate debt it is proper to say that they never refused to lecognize their obli gation to meet it, nor did they even request aDy action on tho part of the United States to relieve them trorn it. As between the holders of the Confederate debt and the States creating it there existed a binding obligation with which no third party could properly interfere, much less discharge. Notwithstanding this the United States gov ernment, unnecessarily and unsolicited, and iu the exercise of a superior and arbi trary power, stepped between the Confed erate States and their creditors, und by amending their organic law provided that ‘Neither the United States nor any 8tat« shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion ngiinst the United States, * * * but all such debls, obligations and claims shall be illegal arid void. But in declaring at the same time that the Confederate States, who had created it, should not pay their just and acknowledged liability, the government not only acted unwisely, but committed a stu pendous blunder. It not only relieved the guilty party from a just liability, but it, was a wanton destruction of a debt it did not owe, ard with which it had no rightful con cern. Iu doing bo it ussmned a fearful re sponsibility. “The United States should, therefore have stood itloof and left the couiracting parties to adjust thoir own affairs, without inter ference on their part, os best they might It follows, if these views are correct, that the effect of this ame ndment to the constitution First to extinguish the Confederate debt, and secondly, as a consequence, to create n new liability for damages against the United States, measured by the value of the property so wrongfully destroyed. This act of the United States was uudonbtedly Advice to Mothers. Mr*. Wluslow’* Soothing Syrup should always be uaed for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allaya all pain, cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for dlerrbiea. 20c. a bottle, Jy24wly Ur. It. O. Cotter, Permanently located iu Macon. MX Second street Diaeaaes of the eye, ear, throat and noae. Former* ly aaatitaut for four year* to Dr. A. W. Calhoun, At* lanta. DENTISTRY—DR. H. B. BARFIELD. ALL FIRST-CLASS Storeteepersnow keep it for Sale THE 01.0. CO., PERRY, GEORGIA, la the sole proprietor of O. I. o. (Old Indian Cure), Tlio Perfect Blood Purifier I This vegetable Tonic and Purifier never fails. Druggists sell it and indorse it every where. Dr. IVm. F. Bynum, Sr., a prominent physician and citizen of Live Oak, Fla., wntes us: “It gives the best satisfaction of all the Blood Purifiers.” Ladies in Delicate Health Ilave in it a Sovereign Curo. AS A TONIC AND APPETIZER, There is absolutely nothing to compare with it CONDUCT OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL most easily accounted for on the aMsump- tion that he understood the matter in ad vance, and had predetermined upon his course of action.” The report then recurs to the subject of the opinion furnished by the Attornej- General. It charges that it was written with view to deceive people in the South and West, and says that it was a shrewd view; that the people so believed, but he, the Attorney-Generd, did not. The r*port goes on: The beat that can be said of him la that be lent hltnaelf to thU acbeme, because be got bis stock for nothing. If be wa« no; active in it hlta*elf, be suffered bin name and lulluence to be nued by >lben. IJe was then only a Senator of the United States. He was next placed at the bead of the Department of Juntlc*. The man from whom bo uad received a balf million of stock, wanted now to borrow the name ot that depart* ment and get tts indorsement; then an ally axked for It. then an official reprefi- n alive of bis company aefced for it. Soma man would eaelly buve found a course for themselves. He took one also; but bis asMOclates who knew bim AND HI* EMULATED ON HIS I'll AH ACT Kit. were ceruin they would get a bat they they wanted, aud they did. Ilia intelligence told him there were two thlnga he should not per mit. aud 'hen bis fa H ating will let him argue that be might stand aaids and see his office do them for bis benefit. He bad not strength to deny what bia asto.Mat s asked, nor to return the stock aud lease. He bad not the boldness to do personally what they thought waa fair service for the stock he kept; but it was done by bis depart* ment as each a thing wa« never done before. Ibe r\l ienre la more star <stve however, and the facts, according to ordinary rules of law. are ditect and positive, and unlesa contravened are conclusive \voot that all es parte government action, at least, was affected by the iuflueuce of those interests, or knowledge of them. Of the results of the hearing before the Secretary of the Interior^ the report bolds that the Secretary's conclusion was unwise and that it did not javtify the action of the Department of Justice. He might have awaited the conclusion of the New OUeus suit, and not hAvetaksn the extraor dinary step he did. He was, however, but the friendly adviser to the Department of Juatlce, and the re ponatbiliey rests upon the head of that do* pertinent. It is plain that the views of the Beerstary were is EXCUSE, EOT DM EELIAMCE. It is held that there was no sufficient eaeon for bringing _ the suits. ecutive ili tlon. Th for suit f proved fs EJec’ric was not o and th*t t keep it ni Justice, t knew Uu solely fn allies, at held that achieved! called a c tary, tree S tone i nator! Yanbeati National Ur lean*, that end colon aa decelvini been invariably reeeuted to the ex* idequAte consider*- thlug ite application The National 1m- he aid of the I’an- At the transaction i public inspection, > have It done anl the Department of n 1500,1*0 in etock, U ,000,0.10 tu Siuvs, i brought and need company and iu bile good. It U waa the result and not inappropriately Casey Young, eecre* the Fan-klectric Tri lug in U’e behalf th him) and Wata« n id acting for t • i Company of New d and operated to holding all false we of blinding and inly. The suit wae MUSkt ~ud obulnid oaten.IMj In Ik, IntMWt ot intended to punish those who it was sup posed had aided the States in rebellion by the purchase of their bonds, and it adds another noted instance to history where an attempt to injure has resulted iu a beuetit. "Before I conclude I will answer a ques tion which was asked by n member ot the committee, viz: IVbat is the amount ot the Confederate debt? My answer is that t do not know, nor have I have I sought to know. I deal only with the liability to pay that doht and not with the extent ot it. It wa* also suid here that it amounts to bil lion. Even so; it does not affect the question here presented. The United States cannot afford to deny au honest liability because it ia a large one or ask to be relievtd from it on that account. The ninouot of it should have been ascertained and the liahlility measured before tho dangerous responsi bility was assumed of blotting it out. Fo.m Good Halm, In the Little One,. From th. Good Qon,«kMplng. I am dnily surprised to see how many thoughtless, careless, mothers there arc, bringtne up their litt'e ones (aa wo might say) hnp-hazzird, with scarcely a thought of anything beyond ths present. Our little folk, aro entirely creatures of habit, and if good habits are not formed early had ones will certainly be formed later. Every mother, I care not what her station in life or her duty to soeiety, should have the oversight and care personally of her children, and as soon as able after their birth should bathe, dress and feed as nature intended her own baby. We who have doue this for each precious one know tho pleasure and labs faction to be fouud- in the work. The bath should always be given ut the same hour in the morning, then the little one, tired and hungry after it, should be fed, when it nat urally follows a long, quiet nap will be the result, nnd thus (to use a common expres sion) begins the day "right end Brat.” Let this become a flxed habit and let it onee be broken in npon and watch the result. A shorter nap, eroaaer child, a harder day, and worst of all a fretful and worn-out mother. Try the same experiment with older children, and what follows? Tho next morning tells the story. It ia harder to get started for school, the hour for tho music It.con seems longer, clothes don't feel right, books can t be tound, tears are shed, and everything goes wrong, all for the lost hoar of the night before. Early hours by all meant for our ehildreu; and, iu theee days when our girls are full-fledged young ladies at 12 and 14,1 (eel os if every thoughtful mother should lay this matter to heart and help to keep her daughters sweet, innocent-faced little girls. Let na put them to bed with their dolls in TO PARENTS. Many baking prnrdem are very pomlolniw to health, and while every one rrirarH- his own, he nhnnld also have a care for the tender ones—the liltlo children. SEA FOAM contains none of the bad qualities of baking powders—sod* or saleratus. It contain, no hurtful Ingredient—no alum or ammonia. SCIENTIFIC. All ChemUta who have anolyrod Boa Foan commend It, Housekeepers who have uwd it will have no other. Cook., whoso best effort* have failed with other powders, are jubilant over Sea Foam. Saves time, wives /ahor, Mver money. It ia positively nneqnaled. Absolutely pure Used by tho lending hotels and n-tnuruntj In New York city and throughout the country. For sale by all flret-class grocers. GANTZ, JOKES .0 CO., J7G Duane St., N. Y. maril?-a*t&w3m MONEY LOANED R F. LAWTON, Banker, 8*oond atr**L Mwon, Oa, CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. TICKETS Only $5. Shares in Proportion ‘ -w . Louisiana State Lottery Co. r*&g«iuA!itii for*11 the Monthly xml Quarterly Draw ilnga of The Louisiana State Lottery Compw.y. anf In per non uimhum* and control the Drawlrv* *liem | eel vow, and that the Maine are conducted with hoc f, falrneM, and in good faith toward all partiea we aiilhorlxe the Company to uaethla certificate I with fac-aimlUee of our aiguaturea attached, in it* advertise went*." j 1 '.:.; been n f | 0 «!| 0Wed V**.; I gratniates him npon its success, declare* - *«nt t WM1 l_ "P ** dovotrou to the doctrine set forth iu Wire,IS mth *vi? • , '“t*a specials and ( t jtemocratio national plat- J h ® V'’' I fom that the F. a. ml taxation "‘V 9 ut poi, bif at " h »»’ b4 for pnblic,and lr fabt™,i a k . should “® Lhall not exceed the need, of the govern- 1 "f IbrekerL'n Htot ® U i n ®' ,h * ment economically sdminUtered, aud read- hu.V.ree'^.v.." 0 ' nicn . I £mm«ut of I he tariff is asked f,.ron the ..that's*.*** l' oillt 10 B °* rd bLi? that the d.mand, and ri-hta of labor riM . “ bStadMedand cherished, and f- wr» successfully gotten prr judicial to labor be repealed. it P***ed South Chicago with- P J 0 ... t A SMOOTH KtVKltKND, J^'tdatth® Lake^Hhore*yarcU Rl the IIow a Colored Preacher Wrerhid the I In,.*. Motual Beo*nt itacket. notice to accept MsMents. Jnue 2L—A coloredpreocher They ,ut, that they nam ,.l H. H. Wilburn, who has been want- kolbn. nk ' U '“ded. Th, ,witcbm> ti I „d by th, ,beriff here for so_me_time,_haa I**-., o * ***Haion. and viu tlipr th**v I tea! I.een hron. iuul * "*** ion ‘ *nd whether they j 0 st l*en brought in handcuffed. The ir should be used in any wa> to;eff,ct legis- jxte any farther move, it is not 1 „ood shepherd was found at Dackbtll, Miss., ution or otherwise to further adrance tnetr TiX'- whSe^be^Ud’ orgsreixed an aaaociation or saTcanil’a tun. called the Doited Order of Earneet W ork- by the Hyde Park I era. Uecbargol *3 down, and buturilay’s rioting, p.ninext September, snd hadJuttat^l Tue other. „e Mtrij W “® ffi^it^lfltng | ()t ,«--ua"s» Than nt rallied i iega woi inteiMt the that not thiol ment wb auch tbii for, or ai It is not who ougl nothing a fact, for tho pur* velyi TV BED, oltevo, wo feoleoi ut. that the proceed a*ked or alioood, had it not “•Electric Tolophono ciaU, and for a largo held by tho head fiutico. Tho plot did their anno, nnd don’t laugh at them for coddling them, for toon enough we shall atretch our empty arrna groping in vaiu for our babies that have grown away from us, l*o ms this seems the saddest time in i moth* r’s life, aud each day let ua pray for ttrength to guide aright* that when that time shall come (aa come it must) they may not get ho far away hot mother’a voice and mother’s love can call them back. iC* But tho groom tc ed can not pormlt luoncco to be nought to ostit and avdl. t**>nally intewted, it. aay that thoy did mg. ▲NtVTHEQ EKP1JRU Hall, of Misaouri, makes a minority re* port in which be saya that wbi:e be cou> curs iu many of the atateuienU and con clusions of that portion of the committee represented by Chairman Boyle, yet he cannof concur in everything it cootaimi. Touching the foundation of the Pan* Elec tric company, the evidence showa conclu sively, aays the report, that it w-m purely a speculative adventure, • d there is no evidence to be tuund tending to prove that the gentlemen connected with Rogers ever anuripeted or Intended that their official position* would TUe National Credit la No More aolldly founded than the reputation of Benaon' Capcine Fla*tera. They are known, appreciated and umsI everywhere in America—ite hospital* and iu home* Pbyatciana. pharmarfada and druggteta affirm that for prumptoeM of action, certainty and rang* of curative qualitiee they are beyond compar- Uou. Once need their une^ualed excellence recom mend* them. The publiy are again cautioned againet th* cheap, worthleee and ebameleee imita tion* offered by mendacious pertiee under the guUs of aimilar Bounding name*. »uch aa “Capet. cin,” “Capeicum,’* ••Capucin/’ ,< Capeiclne, M etc. Aak for Beneon’a, boy of re«i>ectable dnigglat* only, end make a personal examination. Th* genuine baa th* “Three heal*" trademark and the word lapclue" cut in theemtre. enterprise. XVill Try to Faa* Penelon Bill* Over the Vatoee. Wjwiiingi- v, Juua 2'.—The iovali-l pen* ■Inna com Ii-itteC of tho K i'hv Ilk»• ? tO-daV REYNOLDS’ WORKS. Iron ami BraKH Fotmtlrlcs and aiacltlnc Sltops. Iron Balltua, Can. Mi IK Hyru|> CffiM.Htnsn Eavtnea, SawYtUU. bon matt Air bnlldlna ot al klnda. ma-tilaary ot all ktuta. Ortat Mill*. Ila palrln* euiOti-v anil m.i< t,l:.. ry a ■i«claltv. boa and hr raaUnfta of avarj deacripUnn. ft fact any an * nnythlns Uiot U mod. or kipt In dm clooa Iron aorU. Tko proprietor ha, bad an aiparianca ot oral forty year. In tb. Iron tmalncM. 4d-Ws Kaarank, to Mil yon Can* Mill* ebespa hujuybady, and tbni they wffi *l»o parfectaotl, A. BEYNOLDS. Proprtator, Cor. Fl/th and Uawlire.rna atraatt, Macon. Oa. ortffT-w-tf Newspaper lAPVERTlSlMQ Ttfc *.1 **i In U the who will Invest AbfkH.Jl'iiJIWNi Vt $ bOivk for an *d?e/ U*«r to coneult. •ip^rleocert or HgHH^Ivbe. It contains and eetimatee of the coet o! v! venimr; •«r who want* to «p«nd on* dollar, find. |A| --* * Ih• reqetrea, while tor hlr Lnndred th<>a*a£d dollars ml*’ inomaa»mitu movcAi, kl *7.r^' M* : n n. ih *Z. b »« KTidt-nc* I aly robberj of hia »»«•“* t «tvtct Frank Day, who is under • then *“ altogether unhealthy. 500KST0VES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY E1GHTEEE SIZES AHD KIHDS ILL PTOCMSERS CM BE SUITED MANUFACTUKED BT Isaac ASbeppard & Co. .Baltimore,!!! AND rO**-"JJBY N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARGEST tod BEST EQUIPPED Inthe WORLD-100Infftrod-tonaSOWStadmiff list yt*r. Thor- np leur—tiepia TemlMad Imlimeeelal BjfcrlfiHil Organ Tuning, Fin* Art*.Oratory. Lltrrnttirr. l'rwnrh, Otr- inau anti lultan I-af/ua^r*, Kngllth BranrhM.QrnnaMle% etc. TulMon,f.Mn|'j(i(bo«nlandroomwliiiMfani IPatand addrtM, E. TOURJXE, Dir., rntakUa Sip, bosiON, kia*a may20d*od2mweowfit Oommluloncn. We. the underalgned Banka and Bankers, wiL pay all Prize* drawn in The Louisian* State Lot- ierlee which may be presented at our counters, H. 0ULK8BT, Preaidrnt Loulrisna 5stlr.nal Bank. J. TV. KILBKKTH, Prealilcht Btate Natioiul Rank. A BALDWIN. President N. a National Bank. Incorporated In IMS for 25 years by the Leglrle tare for Kducatlonal and Charitable puri«>*e*—will a capital or Sl,ouu,ooo—to which a reeerve fund o; over f500,000 ha* elnce been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchtit wm mad* a part of the present Btate oonzUtutlot Sopted December 2d. A. D.. 1879. The only lottery ever voted on and indorsed bj the people of auy Btate. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Namfiflr Drawings takf dace Monthly, and the Kxtraordinary Draw* ngs regularly every three months instead of Semi-Annually aa heretofore, beginning March. 1SK6. A 8PI.KXDID 0PTOUTCN1TT TO WIN A FOETUSF. BEVFNTil GRAND DRAWING CLASH G, IN TUJ ACADKMY OF MUHIC. NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY, JULY Mth Rfirt~l<Mth Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $76,000. 100,000 Tickets at Fire DoUan lack, Fn* tions in Fifths in Proportion, LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 200 100 10 250... $75,000 25,000 10,000 12000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000 SO,(XX) 25,000 25,000 c,7» 4.500 1250 1W7 Prise*, amounting to $255,600 Application* for rate* to clubs should be mads only to ths office of the company In New Orleans. For further Information writ* dearly, giving tub ldreee. POSTAL NOTES. Express Money Orders, oi New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Currency by express (at our expense), addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, Isa. Or Mo A. DAUPHIN, Washington, D. C. Make P. O. Money Orders Paya* hie and addretsM llegistcred JLet ter s to NEW ORLKANB NATIONAL HANK, MayHwelsatAw New Orleans, r-n. A PRIZE. ^rl^-a^T.^ h\ goods which will help elL of either sex, to more money right away than anything else lx Bridge Notice. Oeoiyio, Jane* couatj—On th* Bret Tucalar Is Jaly at 11 o'clo-k m.. before th. Court II. >. door In CIlDton, t will Irt at pabllo outcry la tk, lowaat bidder a contract to build a fiat bndM over I'nlUnjr. at n point known oe t’orri. in cold county. Tko bridge la to bo 1» foot loon and 1< feat aide, wlik new and Brat .-loan timber iknawkont. Bond, with (ood and euAclent lacurity. will ka required to kaep tho brtdd. In a.It cr*oln« condition for •oven yean from th* day It la receirad. rk, work to b* Bnt.lied and turned over to me by toe let of Tko right to reject nay nnd •erred. For pankrulare apply to Ik, undenireiwt. Tkla, th, tataay of June, M, BICU&nD joint PCX, jnnl-wkyW fhentr Jndea MONEY LOANED —ON— FARMS! Apply to ELLIOTT ESTES, I t t Second street, Macon, Oa. feblBwif A. JESS or, PKODCCB COMMISSION MERCHANT, lflt Fee nd Htreot, M .con. Oa. Kggs, Chickens, Fruits, Vegetables, etc., and gen eral Earn Pioduot. Ept-cUl attention to shipping melons. Correspondence and constgnmsnta sol'clted. Re erencea—Ma'or J. W. ( ablness, csihier Ex change Bank} Ma?or N. M. Uodgkini, cashier Capl* tal B*nk juosudawly •1* ^ Portable Mills $180 sF-J- and opwerde, tn makebret qual- «' • < let 1" >1. el. wild DeLoachW i«i« i U |«« ,>u. htinpJrrtt uml ( lint; «at in the market, bend for finely iUue- lint* <1 cirruUrM and sco wiistthe . South is dolr. j/. A ‘ '^WACn A 1IHO. • Maijufscturers.AtlsnU. f—wly TO MEN^ inar.ltiMiil, vte. 1 will Mm) jru-t a rilu tho sbovs fl isMSM.*iso• divec tion* ter «rlf-« ehargs. AddmeapK^ F O *''WLElisMo ufTrringfiotik thset* t* Cif Vlji.i;. i ar il «!«• ioi5 All Mtyics and Prices of "Wall Paper! F. R. POMEROY, Kaw Armory BulMlnf, Macon, Oo^ rata. BEXD fOB 8AMPLE8. myaOoodkwty Dr.J. M. Buchan & Son Kastman, oeoboza. Prtrata and chronic diaoaacc a ■reeclallty. Ilan- drede of ccrtlScatce of curca. WOI rttlt itnlnlu, countina. ConeulttUon free. Medicine t>> mell of DON’T YOU USE And ettp worrying ertry i GROCERS" SELL IT. E. LEVKIU.NO 4 CO.. ll.U.TIilOlLH. MIX J nnlO-UmrasnnS wAw MONEY FOR LAND OWNERS AT SPECIAL RATE.S ° and ON EASY TBRM8. Apply to CI*RW P. BTEF.D, Macon, Qs. No. 2 Cot ton Avenue, over Payne's drugstore. aprfwim STHORNS'i^FLESH hr, fteCspc Jd. Hradlot ■ to iiL UUAkLlt Df.On.. AILAXT*. Os. nniBip Ui-lluary. nOsiT uriyiji 1,1 ,f f 1 *»•*»« S«lrk)f mil PILES. !^l^:l rr nEOUOIA. CRAWFORD COUNTY—JAM w 11 mrnniona, tdmlnlatratar of tire auu of I .Ivor k.Mmmoo,. lata of cold county, £4 n£Z oenta to me that be baa fatly die her.-■ t hu ti urt aad ka, epplttd for a, order fkmadm tgU mb admiabtretcr. 1). ,.r. r-. .11 ‘ “ cernwl ore required to ebow me on tko Bret Monday to h.; 1. i,.b.. r next why aald ordwkonulaotneremUM. r.' . i , r SIJ U , , E!«““ 1 thU JMb da, ot aay. lm. . oEu. L. hawyeh