The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, July 13, 1886, Image 5

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, JULY 13. 1R8G.—TWELVE PAGES. the inside of Atlanta. iinW PROHIBITION HAS 80 FAR 11 W Vailed to prohibit. Will***’. E'° • R'P 4 on Draught and i,v the tjuart and Bottle-Tha Pro hH«tlout.W Mad, but Unable to Help *h.m»tv«s. July (l.-M. J. Mayberry, who own. a A license, and who bai been for W bole^e l,< l uor --unwed in i ho vdioleealo and retaU liquor Senww Porter * Menklu’u .hop., on the l» railroad, ha. had hla tlcenee tranaforred to v M «De;d>tr itreet, under the Kimball hen.., hare the business of wbole.aling all kind, of llq. * will be resutued. Under tbi. ltcenae, beer, and whisky can be .old to gueata of the you tell m v' ij ' ln<; 1 h * ven t fo ““d out yet. Can't I Improving American Journalism, .,t a . .. From the New York Times. l a°t.m<V^*. tom l r Mr. Charles A. Dana himselt is .umler down .Sim. *’ Mked “k« threw I suck personal and pecaoUry obligitions to ...... * Mr. Jay Gould that be is forced to b» silent ♦ « i ° , Brabbe<l a ®ni o n squeezer *nd started when conflicts arise between Mr. Gould’s .1 the order in a btuine.i like manner. Aa he scheme* and the interests ot the people of dld eo fonr countrymen entered the aaloou and this conntry. walked np to the bar. At a time when his pockets were bulging "Do yon want to aee me watt on that party and I *'tb the profits o{ a gigantic speculation in not atop mixing your drlnkl" the proprieter »'hich Mr. Jay G mill gave him an oppoftu addreaatog the lemonade cuatotner. -If you do “*'1' Intake part Mr. Charles A. Dtna Just watch me.” ’ betrayed the New York Associated Press, Turning to them he aall, -Well. centlcmen what aml P ut il > nto tl)0 enntrol of men in Mr. shall it bet" ’ Gould’s pay or associated with him in his ....„ 1 4 won it ** .• wn * u<1 1 C4n * **11 h. j Qonld. and HninntimAH rpfrmh#*n himac-lf bv «ith » dissppolfiled sir the men walked Gould, and sometimes refreshes himself by .f°l- taking pleasant excursions in Mr. Jay lowed to the door by McMahon'a pet pug. who hsd Q .ula’s yacht. ^ "lorsuy one else who applies for it. Beer ^Mr. Cuarhs A. Dana is Mr. Jay Gould’s ^ Lt on draught and aold by the quart or in A boiu th. ^ fortUCe ' m * n wije ° ever Mr Jft y Gou,d happens to The new .tend will be opened tomorrow. * :hlllme • y ° un « man wlth hi » *uch a man as Mr. Charlei A. Dana is. T°olu V « rVn. to which th. entcrprt.a I. to bo «"«*. *‘><““•‘■>1! »»• From th. New York Sun. July 2. i <> heina cleaned out and filled up. Wifi*-I . ... I Keep quiet, Jonts! iuo mmu j«« ,Urt wine and beer by the barrel will be . ’ 1 ll > | aat,hak ® the dic ® wlUl Jon for flounder, the more you flop, the worse off _ .tit in and bottled up for sale. N ne of the .-S® 1 ' I you ate, and the more conspicuous is the bniwk .iiowed to be drank lo the price in , ^ ‘ d !t * my frlena - cam ® * ready predicament into which your uncontrollable liquor a. nrohiblta it I from a solemn countenance. "I am a prohibition-1 habit of unnecessary lying has at last wL icb it i. *>»«*»•» tow probibl^it. tot X 6ee S4m Jone . ^ u „ wrong# l hjfcVe brought yotL * > b Some oft e P*° ‘ j tho nl» e i A quit * 8am chaws tobacco like a horse does oaU. I There is said to he somewh re in the but esn do nothing. P but j t - B Bmo k lng tb at he thinks is wrong, and as he western part of Minnesoti—or is it in thrown op«n lor buan ^ Vlrk frnm | ••moked moro than I have, I gnus* he knows | Manitoba/—a private rt-trtst or asylum where mendacity is treated as a disease, on scientific principles. We understand that it ?8 an admirably conducted institution A POLICEMAN. Atlanta, Gi , July 23, 1885. Whenever I know of anything that might be of service to my M ow-men, I desire to impart such inhumation; het^ce I give the following facts to the public: Mrs. M. M. Prince, living at 38 West Fair street, Atlanta, Ga., has been troubled for several mouths with an ugly form of ca tarrh, attended wi*h a copious and offensive discharge from both nostrils. Her system became so affected and re-1 dneed that she was confined to b d at my bou«e for some time, and received the at tention of three physicians; and u»ed a doz en bottles of an extensively advertised blood remedy, all without the ietv*t bem-ftt. She Anally commenced the use of B. B. B., with a decided improvement at once, and when ten bottles had been used she was eutirely cured of all symptoms of ca tarrh. « It gave her an appetite and increased her strength rapidly, and I cheerfully recom mend it as a quick aud cheap tonic and Blood Furifler. J. W. GLOER, Policeman. GROCERIES! The nndenrigned hare opened a large end complete stock of Groorics nt 1 ‘Z4 Third Street, and r. sjiPotfully Invite all in need of Snppliea, to call on Inc-nt before purchasing elsewhere. The stock inolndee aU the etaplei need by farmers, and has bowl selected j with special reference to their wants. It has been marked at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, and planters will find it to their interest to oonsnlt them. WRIGHT & HILL ianl7d1t«Vwflm VH Third Street, 0M yr.ed ...j com.alltogethrr kick tr°m the .hath. I. Ulkln* about” proUttiitlouLti of the c y, * n " 018 8U I "Well, tfacu, join me in somethtLg to drink. Jretabl. that a legal light will come onto! the What have y„„ goff, tran.fer- "Homo sweat milk Tlie town I. drv, but 1 gneo “nd ‘Bat surprising cures are sometimes The wioe* and shirty can. under the law, be I lt wm Bot bs % yi ,,, tlou of , h6 BIohlbltlon Uw t0 affected in apparently hopele s case*. Snp- mrchMedatwholeeale from the dealer, of the drink a little wet milk * ‘ U * u — ’ cur «ho hive UcenaM to .ell liquor, by th..whole ,. So mllk for me . j dnnk , om , . d ml., hot the beer will have to be ynrcbuad from „ d „ made me „ ck _ m . , lemoutde . g«„ D .0riffla and Oalneaville. Them, -nidoUltyon won't give iil)i|ilieil by Alt-..»- ! Was it Cancer ? i away. Yon aoo, I I pose you spend the summer there, Jones. Eight Days Without Food. From the Pall Mall Gazette. Tlie royal mail steamer Kinsembo, which V and thebeorahlpped back to Atlanti from 'J 17 “ refu J what 1 do * Sometimea I am afraid ba8 arrived in the Mersey from tho west ‘"""/o - V tUe May^ryllcenm exulm. ‘ W " 8t ,U,I > tro ’> bl8 h>’the prohtbitlonUt. ooagt D f Afric^ reports having rescued at Z“Land until then it U believed, lbo cou,, ™!.” 8l " mo “» d, “* forel «" arink -sea in anopen bcmU^eu who hud been privdese of eellin, liquor, at wholeeale cannot be I ^ lhe y OOOB ltf , Mr . McMabon fi^hSSS i^Wfo^p. * SutTwo Icterfer d with by th« aut o »-a. i j, ow hl> buvineM compared with wbat it waa | of them died of their sufferings » efore the from tnu l! will bo men that the avenge Atlanta I be tore prohibition came Into effoct. I Kinsembo fell In with the boat. When the wm can yet" gl»“* °* co °* be8r for some month. I "Well, the difference 1. like swapping a fortune I Kinsembo was near Old Calabar an object w come, by bus mg a quart aud calling eotne of hie for a counterfeit note. Before prohibition broke I was descried in the distance. It appeared Icicnl. to »-i.t him In dl.po.lng of tt. I Bp my ho.tneM wu about 1100 a day. Now IS 1 to be a canoe, bnt no occupants were visi- J1 Brook who Uecgwed in tho llqnor bn.lneu | wm >bcllt cover , n average day’a recolpta. My I l>le: hut for fear there should be anybody ,„r the E«t .hops, has a ltceneo that , ent rione u , l00 , m onth and I have a lea.e the tiny craft Capt. Liver.idge ordered ,V« Mm the .ame privilege, for whtoh ho haa had on tha b uiidtng for .on. tlmo to come, the signal whistle to be blown to draw their word fine offers, bnt refuse, to sell. I hsve not mado up my mind what 1 wlU do. i attention. In a moment or two there slow- • roe WHO WAS TOO vitKsH* ,„.y go to Lonl.vtUe. I can’t make a living here >/ from the bottom of the boat the Jiiib” Uunter la the pet ot tho polio, force. I Mlu „ B lemooldo , buUer mllk and , ocb arlotr.." torrn of a man. The ste truer s course was kny numlier of offer* have been made for him. but The situation, as de.crtbcd above. 1. duplicated Ulbsre tarn refused. The truth about the whole by th. condition of affair, of the other .alooue. 1, 0 .1, J . BiW r is ktlsuu could not get along without him. The dom..tlc wlno hnslnee. Is a failure, a. the I tbfpoUom of the boat ^ The two’ men ».d, m " ,lle ,or wl “*’ f* rtlc ' ,1 * rl > ‘ lom ' Mic were then helped on board, aud tho do .tor tpre. Jiiinho s duUen are to hnnt up cam. | ytoe ,. Be.Idea thl. not leas than a quart can be o£ tlie 8t( . Bme r wn8 fioon jn utUudanco on rtmtenon. are doing buslnea. without a ltMUse purchased at a time, and thl. mn.t be drank be- them. When they had sufficiently recover- M .i briuR tlit-m before the polite court for trial. yond the confine, c f tf,e buUdlng in which it ia ed they told a pitiful tale of suffering and , .41. work I. not enough to MUalybi. energy, h. UurchMed. death. They.iere fugitives from pfiuce’s p.A in hi. spar, time hunting up all kind, of Im- that nAsnu. or wnr.xr. I sUndt fle(jin({ {rom t g # ke o£ , heir p or . violation* of the law. Ue ««>«»• on the prln- A week or ao ago a report waa current her® that, tuguese masters. They were Kroo-bovs, cipie that tie more caaea a policeman makee, the I among other thoughtful prohlbltionlata. Mayor Hill- I and had gone to Prince’s Island many yearn fcv te valuable are hla service# to the force and the I yer had provided agalnat the dry spell b> having a I ago to work on tho plantatK n for nboftt a city. In devoting hla energies to bis I barrel of whisky hauled into hla cellar. This re* I year. When their period of agreement was prufrMion le occasionally geta tripped np or I port waa given aa such to th® TEUconAMt, and baa I up they said they were not permitted to to cftUKbt lu a trap set by him to catch aome ig-I since neen published in the Cincinnati Enquirer I leave the island. They got clear of the zonat |>er3ou. As he wears no uniform and is not I and other papers outside the titate. 11 island, but on the third day a tornado wuh of dlutlnRiiislied military bearing, the Idea I met Mayor Hlliyerontbe street this morning. He I encountered, and the boat filled with water, aim occurs that he is a policeman until after he I said the whole thing waa a Joke. He had even I The men had then to get out of the 1 Ott to bitten in his work. I beard that lt was reported that he and Rev. Dr. 1 bail the water. What little stock of fretb Vcwd.y while on Deoitur afreet lt occurred to MvOonetd. pMWr of the Second BapUM church, water they had was spolleJ, and gome of • a a ». * a I had bought th« b.vrrtl between them. He said I ih« rmddlt'S of the canoe were aluo lost kia that be would like to make a case (galnat tUere ... no foundation whatever for the report. Jf® —•for Klltng whteky. Aa he wae plaoulug in hie and yourcorre»]Kindeut Informed him that hla cal-1 after day pawed without bringing no kriln hov to mweed an Ignorant looking darkv lar would be forthwith relieved of the entire bar- remue until tho eleventh day of their de- krsla bov to proceed, an tgnoiwnt looking darky 1 Th . m , sor tr , atM th « m „ter pl», .nd parturo from the island. They had then stag and Jumbo conclud.d to enllet him AS a jeke. but thowgbt tu ynbUcathiu In tha pa- about eight dayt without lootl aud lathtctnue. I pers might create the impreMion that there was I , .t. some tnith in the report. water, exceptiug some ealt water, which only made their thirst more inte ise. I ha-^e heen taking B. B. B. for six or seven weeks for something like cancer on my neck, and I would not tal;« one thou- suud dollars for the benefit received. I had previously tried various ho-cnlled blood remedies, but B. B. B. is the best, the quickest and the cheapeat btood purifier I ever used. I refer to any h erenaut of Gnlfin, Ga. J. H. BARNES, Griflin, Ga. *t*j, boj," said Jumbo, addressing the darky, iBSquHcouHdential mauner, "Cau you get me r whisky) I will pay for it and pay you I Utiit in mils. -I ua’t get any beer, boss,” answered the negro, I “bsil on get you a bottle of whisky ! limbo felt happy# He saw anccesa perched on fend or his nose, and felt that in a few moments WtudMituiuor: lizeblm ky seller, «ud rutting him MACON PUBLIC SCHOOLS. , w _ 1 Not Affected by Age. Some eld specimens of Boyal Baking Towdrr that J had been kept on ths shelf of a grocery store for The board of education met yeaterdny for 1*J.~ I*SX*5jJ“ t * d b ’ *^he the purpose of electing teacLer* for the !£ 0 ‘ ( * > £dc£’J£ S3 aSdSTme. ltw M fuuad public subools. Lsuully tneso met tings i t h, t although ti** uad b purpose ot measuring tin - * gone. ItwMfountf befit exposed to at Both Hands Up. A NtMvnmiitu Suddenly liaises Ills Hands for the I'irst Time in Two Years. Correspondence Atlanta Journal. Nev.'s an, Ga., Juno T>.—Mr. Jacob G. 8ponder, an old and respected citiz -n of tni* place experienced a rather midden change in lii* gcticnlulive extremities late ly. It stem, that a little over two year* fiuo Mr. Hponcler had a ««vere attack of Rheumatism, hi* arm* became under* and, in fact, he could not rniue bi* hand* to hi* head until tho othorduy, when he called on tho drnggist and obtoiued a preparation that aoted like niagio on him, for after tak ing the first half bottle he could move hi. arm* about, and when he fciul tuk- n six bott'“* lio was sound and well. Rev. W. 'V. Wadsworth and our people generally rho are familiar with the case almost swear the wonderful remedy now. Mr. Boon- ier said the medicine was called U B, B. JHook of Wonders Free. By addressing Blood Balm Co., At’antx, Ga.. any one can Becnre free one of the prettiest and most valuable 32-p*ge book* now put. It tell, all about the bloo\ it* diseases and remedies -Scrofula, Ulreis. Rheumatism, Kidney Affection*, Skin Hu mors, etc., etc. Drop a postiu for it at once. jnn20-fri.»nn.t , rkvlra EXCHANGE, BUY -OR HAVE YOUR COTTON GINS Repaired In Macon, Georgia, at JAMES T. GANTT’S. Satisfaction guaranteed. (Freight free.) Gantt's Improved Condenser Best in tlie Woriel. Write for circulars and reduced prioea. maylfiaun Awk4m F. 8. JOHNSON. JEFF LANE7 - JOHI^SOIV «fc 3L.^ATVE 9 MACON, GEORGIA. HARDWARE ib'ES 1 '' ■ JA ■ l '-v ' > e'*s ■at '’''rTrjrtr'fb'N'* J *1 iBt v- laimuiin. “ I have been handicapped by business ot all I mospheric ctiAi.^vadurlug all thl* lira.— or itwa< -H*/cspturrngawhU- kin( j , t on this occabion the board pro- °°«fa><ctWovAu.-tta>«. of rstalug 1-ov.vtuv •»««? *» ss&x!ff£sa ■he him .olid with tha prohlht loulsta, from Be-1 ttud>t h 6 result wss tho accomplishment of I Thla'tsa most valuable quality th a baking pow. - ADtlerson closrn to the most dimlnntlve I work which has ofteu taken Up twa Of 1 tier, one which few poeseae. M*Mt powiiore ir not Ift the prohibition cause. Palling oat some I more A- yg I »*»•*» first; made are foam! to be Inefferi cort]<^ | fwi«r la tte ]>robibltlon cause. Palling ont tome I morft Jays. *r he f!r|Hiett«(i it in the darky’s band, and told | j jy the list of teachers given 1m*1ow ( it . ineffective. If kept even a few weeks they lone their t**vru!B< . —* . w , j '* I power, become lumpy or caked, and valueteui. ktm in boy him a bot lc of wbUky. and not tell I will be seen that tbn chaucos are few, the | TbU u p»rinilarly the case with "bread p epara- •boat it. I principal onra being in the Orange street R* darky took the money and ranked e« down I school and North Macon colored school: „„„ „„ Ptjsiur *t• rut, leaving Jumbo feeling Jubilant over 1 Boys llign 8cbool—U. B. Lnapmau prtn- I ture, and the eciemIQo prUiciplfe employed in (t« tb«t he waa to book M soon aa the I cipal; Miss Pearl StM>heDH, A^sintuiit. I combluatiaa. The arilrle- need in lie couiptwli^ • ‘I - th« gotten J Sri. Scht»l-Ml- R R MmlU, Asp#. I principal, Miss h. E. Gaatin, SMlStADt. I vent the action of Ibe acid npo » the alkali pr«ma Isaibo had notion* to wait The boy soon I Orange Street Grammar hanonl—3Hsa I turely, or except under the influence of Wt or stwud i Uh a ouait bott’o of com Clara I. Smith, principal; Miss Kate Gilbert, water S'ceaearfy need in cooking 10 * quatt nou.o or I >i* MnVcov MUa H ittu I The Boyal Baking Powder i* now nsrd eaten* As soon aa Jumbo inspected the bottle he I n t i? 5 I ln AuatraJia, Africa, and other low latitudes. V and after shmkin* him until hla I Folhlll, Mrs. C. L. htllUgM, MhtS Bella Abr*- I W |, BW it haa beeu found to be the only baking pow- ham, Miss Pauline Logan. I der that will withstand the hot, moist atim apuertr .. _ A | Second Street Grammar School—Miss O. | without deterioration <*. police man. raid Hunter, -and It you do not | L Andrew*, principal; M's* Je*«ie Lane, Gel her-1 * to| h isl well* I ibH-I I w» * 1 -ell ,,r.-| ■*«P*1 If,'' ■ tf-r-1 .(tho| If »“» «- «* - •» •“* - „*K,r n ; MU. ^m“ Jj/odgitin:. P«: \**V? “» — »ho sou. tt to 1 -U1 P u, lin ‘ Wannuk. Ml** Fanuie Cherry, M<«» I , . ! i ‘ l - v , Leila Aultmau. Mr*. Cynthia Shepherd, ‘ eta do that, boae, without any trouble, kon I ^ Naglo. •i vorki for John W. Hill, the wboleaale Uquor Molnerry straet Grammar school. —Mr«, **"• aDj *»ia liccnae ’lowa him to eeil by th# U K. Keonao, primipal; Mina P. F. Man- I tar. for MV eral month# to come. I bought the I go^ assistant; Mil. A. A. Davis, Miss M. H. ■ «&i«ky tbe>r», and you can get plenty more of it at I Gtier, Miss M. U. Darragh, Miss Katie Me- I Mt&s vr,ce. H Iv.. g atUr grew weak in the knees, and took ln the * ...— I * once. He had been beaten at hie own I M. Ignatius, principal; Siiter 3L C Jasanc- >a ‘*’ tiu *» fififita** 5 **- • hr be has managed to keep tha matter rather I North Macon (colored) I3DOOI.—II. J, T. bnt the 1 KLioiaars baa to publish the news I Hudson, principal; Mb, tL J. T. Hudson. \ K *i cost, I asaUUni; Mi^a Maxie Bond, Miss Ida G. «™*rath M M^u ta (tt)- »chool. —Mr* 1 W0KKING8 OF FROH1B1TION. I 51^ Baber, principal; Miss 8. II. Hall, I July5.—A half hour Saturday after* I aaaistant iaridente, showing the work-1 . . { Griflin lk ‘^>tS!m blU< r to clly * John E »Mt M icon Grammar School. —Mien Lan •».Vw^l°. , '* boBO *® 5r ®" **° °*- InieHolmw, principal; Mr* A. L. Whit., Kw for the Bonanza, waa hanging on the 1itoan Goldamith. >r Rudjing the hahiu of tha ever moving fly. I Giles Ungraded School—W. P. Carlos, ‘me # gentleman wearing aUuen duster, who I principal; Mias Susie Hodgkins, aaaistant. •t landed from a train. "Now watch me I Tharpe Academy—W. J. Heard, princi- ms pi op« out from under him.” said Jim.] p a l; Misa Jimmie Sleara, assistant ^ te a Tf-leuaim rep>rter,and then.addreaa* | Planters Academy—No election, i ™ >f - Ml ‘«d what ha cc^ld do for him. I Rardia Academy—No election. ' 1,00,1 •kiakir the stranger aaked, locking I Heath Academy—M. D. Janes. P^oprie'or’e eye. aa if he hadn't had a drink I HCatup-Ground School—No election, fita. including Sunday#. I Moffet 8cbooI-No election. ««vot tku bv.t that ever ttrkled a mu'. How.nlI DUtrict imroud to m* bv * dt- iDRuUhrt prehl-1 Maauyville 8cbool-No Section. :**tohM^.tr.dframUt.iZ.-./ MiJwavSchool-No.U*:^ '«M and U Mon M h. could gain I Chambliu School—Ml** /. rtUc Taylor. > !***• vi I Vtu.J P’d., Sa. -hi of hi., -auunuc* Mid, "W.U giva ma a I \*3| ** rc» 1 I l*ik* t' *^ r ‘ r an<i 1 d °u t care bow qoi:k you make j’^toj the train, and ^“ly day.'* . '' c, ” IJ accommodata you, stnoger v t * hjod u rich .cough to grant you 1 <«'i. a ’ pock,t u •“>« • naUorad hack ao.,..*!" 1 W ,k,Uu ““ prohlbldoa Uw. at L" 8 »■« daj." had forgotten i-uo.*" * hrohtbuion town. Wall, give P* 1 ‘I hu.V h ,rom • eow - rvfflst"^. 1^0. .‘kto’^“ 44 d bT '"I 00 * —ho ‘V" ! * ,! 1 'hai't think thot I want ony *b. - “ ®» wtoo tut. Buttermilk, swMt rtraatiariUa, soda water and ^ * k*tn two varieties ef * s? out of watfV weak I will sail you have U, aud you oSbcriS,* Mt Flenunt School—No election. Swift Creek 8chool-Noetection. Holton School—J. W. T. Howonl. COUO.ED SCHOOM. Stinsonville School—J. A- Brook*. G..o.lwin School—Hattie Hltff. White Spring School—E. F Mimn, Plcaaont Grove School—D.B. Cornellons. •saraaas^Sfet Union Church School-JarahE- Howard. Ushoro School-UanrE. UUL Swift Creek School—Andrew Solomon. Omnlpee School-No.Iectwo- HoUy Orovo 8chool-8. J. ““L-J- Bloomfield Sch ? 0, - P ' f rT7 „P*f‘" 11 ' ML Zion School—R. M. HanU. Antioch Med -R A. nn »r 1.1 Application* 1 for the ctaU -'.-no ra of j »w school*, and incr **" 'Vi. , L:i eferred to ths finance cora® ' -, mi. ■ .port next Tot- lay^ ^ fboll b^to*! PROF.CHS.LUDWIG VON SEEGER, profit tor cf Medicine tit the tioptl Unhereity i Kn tgkl of the Dowtl Anitriun Order of the iror Crotcn i Knight Commander of the ItoMIgSpanltk Order of ImbeUtt i Knight of the ItirgamCnuiian Order if the lint Eagle; Ckctolierqf the Legion oj Jlonur, Jrc., etc., taya: *»T.Ii:niG CO*H COCA BF.EF TONIC •liGuid t.ot be eoDiouaded with the hoidn of triMhj cure nils. It le in noeenee of the word a pntet.t rvmt-dy. I »m thoroughly eunwaan^with its motle of preparation and know it to be not only a leyitiniart rharmMeeuttm! prod net,but also wort hv of the high eon mandat ion* it line received in all parts of tne world. It contains essence of Beef, Cora, Quinine, Iron and Caltoava. which are dla* snlvt d in pure gesmhrt Spanuh Imperial Crown Sherry.** Invaluable to all who ere Run Down, Nereona, DyspcpMC, Bili'MM, Malarioua or afflicted with weak kid ueya. Beware of Imitations. 222 JtlwTOTC rJLTCMTI CKRKi: GITUSSn. Card bp Her Royal Wphnrn the Prlnern of Wairt amt the nobility. K«»r the Skin. Coninb-aion. Ertrp tkxi»,Cbapplng.Roughnesa. gj.OO. OfdruggiaU LIRIKIQCO'M (iiMitiliic* riyrup of Marsa* K rtlla. U guaraatevd aa the beat banaparUiatn marvel. N. Y. Depot 38 MURRAY STREET laniotua-thn-eaf Awly It la to Yonr Interest to bear In mind that one Benson'sCapcine Plaster is worth a dozen of any other porous plaster. Ben sou's plaster* are a genuine medicinal article; en doned and need by the medicinal profession from Maine to California. They cure la a few hours ail ments whirls no others will even relieve. Cheap and worthless Imitations are aold by dealers who can more tor large proflu on trash than they do for the eweete of an approving conscience, beware of them, aud of Hie "Capucin," “Capateln," "Canal* cine" and "Capsicum" plasters which they sell to the unwary. These namee are nothing bnt mislead ing variation# on the name "Capetne," Note ‘ difference, go to reputable drafts, and you not be deceived. Tbn genuine Benson’s has ••Three Seals’’ trademark and the word "Oai*tne” ci will rat in the centre. MONEY LOANED —ON— EU A R 31 @ A; ly to Lf.riOTT E.STI 1 .. .. r / # »•/ Y ;| ‘ & OBE Biliousn.i< i Itck Hudsch. lo Four hours. Otto dos. rotiovss Nou.u'ois. T*«y cur* snd pttvr-tl Chills *» Ftoor.S.ur Moniach Bid Creath. Ctssr th. S’. ln. Tone the N.rvf s. and ulvt Lilt -* Vigor to Uto system. DowiOlfi llt-AN. Trv them ones end )uu will Price. 28 cents ptr pottto. Meillstns Dtslors gensn-ltv. . price la lUn.i, postiutlo, t« iny address, J. F. SOUTH ft CO., ffanutoctvmt and Sols PtopL, St.LCVJtS.VO lohJS-staw-awly III nettr ho without thsm. o. Sold bv Orogotots and utty. Soul on tecelpt o! REWARD! “odlS-ffvrsnaKSS tion of school vacancies and needs. No trouble or stamp for cirralan. CHIOAdO mOOh AGENCY, 1-5 South Clark street, Chicato Ill. N. B. We wont all kinds of teachers for scbooli and fsmilioa. 1v34 lv A* agents, wo again offer the planters of this section ihe celebrated PRATT GIN, Feeder and Condenser! » Tbore have been over 2(1,000 Gins of thin make used by cotton planter* in every oottoo growing section of the world, »lot of ten having recently been shipped to EVERY GIN WARRANTED. Prire reduced to suit the times, but quality aa high aa ever. priiwa Bead for cutnloHUo and nsvflVigeif T^Stc iBrown Lofton Gin. Go. maylwed satAwklyfim NEW LONDON, CQNN. Slanuficturcrs of tho “Olf'-itolialdo” Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con- denurs. AIltboTcry.tatestlmproTcmcnU: Im proved roll box, patent whlppcr, two brush belU, extra strong brutli, cast steel bearings, new Improved Feeder, enlarged dust proof Condenser. -•x Strong, •Impleincon.tructlnn, durablo it ifln. fast, runs UchL cleans the seed p- r- tfectly ami produces first class samples. sjP UBUVBIIBD FRKBOB VUIUCHT ' at any nrceanlblo point. Send for full drsrrlptIon and prlco lUt* A. B. FARQUHAII A TO., Mam. THREE DYSPEPSIA, SICK HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION, - 1 Constlpatl! In M»i»d paekarta at 10 ami tTcti, CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO.- W-> '« « ILLS I • of the Liver, Hid. for all Diw—— ... .... nrya, Htonmrli and llonrla, a hPrifltpsla, Mela IfrauMrhr, f*je«\nn*- ‘ hiMoN >. joM A. B. FA R Q EH A R ^ CO., NTfiiifsietiirers a.ud Jobbers of ErvamES, IBit fftrarr, H-rclInneous Machinery, /t s< fcbliwtf Strain •ill <•<! and I 111 ' A. BOILE US, Etc. telling. Iron l*iiir. Itrass~and 'Hit inf/:, ns pi ra ft, rs. •I » ii C’onon Oinw.-Fctti j-‘ Q ( f 'O., Mm on,