The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, July 13, 1886, Image 9

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rating the fourth. .niNY HAUj has A BIO CELE- tAMM BuIr.ONOF THE HAY. c.u, Vane. Itaodall «o.l Tucker— culur.-l Mlllterr of Virginia Make* Flue Oi-Play »•><* »ro A<nlr«.e<t l>y Oov. tee. r„i y 5.—The Fourth was cele- SF 1h\re to Juv with the usual noisy bB ‘..tradous, btgi“nmg at an early hour ^moostra - lil6 WCtt ther was Hue, rfti \ U yarm g The display of flags and though ■ ri( was universal. Ex- 5 B " 0 * courts, federal buildings custom and aholtsale stores were all closed. L ;B,e * ■ uu a enthusiastic assemblage A .7„r the celebration at Tammany Hall. The chief si»-ak‘ r» were Senator Vance of ,volma, Congressman Samuel J. v l ' rt |all of Pennsylvania J. ltandolph Tuck- yiiainia and Congressman MoAdoo, a ,’ si? Jersey. Senator Vance occasion to score civil ser- IW reform os undemocratic and institutional, his remarks being tsnaiastioally received. He also referred A w th« tariff, asserting that with freo mdeNevv York would Boon be the great- lT c itj ia the world. lo-.a.II spoke very briefly and raado reference to the tariff. He I0 ., *wt the predictions made in tho a-aeawn of Si. that Demooratio I „• „ a«v meant disaster, had been proved fuT since the government was now man- K’vith greater economy than formerly. Bespoke in favor of home rule in Ireland ! did all the other speakers, lacker made an outspoken free trade Rneecb, prophesied eternal Democratic an- ittuscv, and amused the wildest enthusi [ m by’getting the band to play both 'Carry Me Back to Old Virgiuny” and also Vat-kee Doodle.” L-ttvrs of regret were reau from President evtliiud, Governor Hill, Mr. Tilden and ; irv other prominent Democrats. ‘president Cleveland’s letter. Xfw York, July 5 —Tbe following is the '.‘.ijeuts letter to Tammany Society : UTT1VE MASHlON.WA8HlNOXCN.June 2H,*1885.— p Henry L-tigro, Grand Hacheiu—My Dear ily i.ubli • duties here will prevent my meeting the uiHiibcr* of the Tamuuuy Society on the of Julv. to celebrate the birthday the republic. I should be very tojcin those who. on that occasion, will “re- taeir pie ‘gee of devotion to the principle# for ■lithe hither* of the republic fought.” Tbene ibleit bad t>o relation to personal or ambitious schemes, but wete Pted mid cberiHbed because tholr enforcement iwi«ed p. yi-perity and greatness to a free and tori-Ht* people, tor these principles the fathers of •pub!lefought, in the full hope audvxpec- D*tuat th* ir descendant* and those who should i»v the fair land transmitted by them would ' iu unselfish pnde and noble ioti-m, f< ster tho principles wb ch in,11 • illt ir government aud the cltixenship h h id nude their country great. In the dm- -,e ef the soletuu duties thus laid upon us, we ul the only guaranty of the reallzat on of all Lai orcu \ romlsed us under our form of gov- h-nt. The danger arising from a lack of ;h:u!tifks and vigilance in ever pres- aiid abuses constantly threaten to it the gtowth of patriotic sentiments. [Hithru Uiost fit stid prop*r that at the celebra- oaot tLt- day which inspires such noble thoughts ad oh »n occasion which suggests such lotty »en- smts. our pledges to the prioclples of our fatb* r«stiuuld be aidemnly and sinwerely renewed, and ir love of count’)' be renewed and strengthened, very trulr. [»fgtted] Oroveb Cleveland. a CAUaT. j-»£MACON_W E hKLY TELEGRAPH; TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 1.3, HYDROPHOBIA OR BEE 8TIKIJ t n . olING, J He form 1 Reform!! Reft Pa r allowing h citing In an Arm Bit- I ®' rctn *he ** ew York Journal of Comn ten by a I)og Ten Montho Before. This is the cry on every tide of us, and ” ““f'no.N. 0., July 2—Bobert R„w„ ! words in the langit .go come so often to son, the lb-yenr-oldaon of Col. John lips. Civil-service reform is the theme Sid, has just died here of hydrophobia, r," I °i Congressional eloquence, uid we are August last a strange dog came to his hn---,. ‘ dd ‘hat re.'urm is needed ia the tariff, in and attacked one of the yard does U* 16 en.toms service, in Unaneial methoda, went to tho rescue of his dog, and was hit ' D tba poet-offloe, in the Hindi and Patent ten on the arm by the strange don wkt„h offices, in the treatment of the Indiaus, in then ran off. It attacked several other tba department of excise, in ‘the consular dogs while running away, but was flnalte service, in short throughout the entire ad- killed. Roberta family feared the re u „i.„ ministration of State affairs at home and of the bite, as all the evidence indie,t fa I al,ro ad. that the dog was mad, but so lorn, a time I Iu more private life the need is said to bo elapsed without evil conseonenets ti,„i I e< l' la ">’ great. Our school system needs their fears entirely ceased. 1 , mending; our judiciary, with its cross in- On Tuesday the voung man was stnnoliv j unot * ons ’ ' u * on B delays, its leniency to a bee on thearm bitten by the do-, Itohn.i noted eriminals aud its harsh dealings with suffered great pain. On Saturday inornino '•token-hearted suitors, its erowded ranks while engaged in conversation with lihi ob “Horneys, counselors and proctors, ready mother, she observed that Robert had fallen “ Qd « 8 K e ‘ forasniiable fee to make the. into a strange mood, laughing freonentlv wor8B “i‘i ,enr the reason, its never- outright aud iin'Moderately without am,ar cudin 8 appeals, now trials and postponed eut cause. He admitted there was nothino Hearings, its enormous expensive™ ss, and to laugh at, hut that ho could not hilnit ““chinore that makes t a stench in the pub- HiB father being informed of his neenlisi- io ntHtrils ' nntil tlle na,Q « of jilitice in the oondition, and at tho same time discovered] C0Ur . 1818 a , mocke , r >- i» » o -yiug evil, call- unutiUHl nervousuegs in the patieut, sug^ “ ‘ h “ oa,<l1 ? ni1 rHllic ? 1 renovation, gested taking him lo ft phyaician hut t»rX L Aledical reform is urgoutly demanded, posed tirnt to give Robert ^ a ^ 18 * true ^ at method has milk toddy . to quiet his. nerves I b l e . U 8*®*^ modifled b >’ the innovations WB.—TWELVE PAGES. above them the house in which they are fed and sheltered. There is not ft hand so feeble that it may not aid in this good work. No man is-witli- out his iefluence upon others, and to this extent he in rusporiMble for their content; but every man i-j lord in his own kingdom, and hor»* he may command implicit obedi ence to the i* v of truth and love. And this good Work may begin at once. We need not wait for the millennium, nor for a change in the constitution, nor even for the next election, Tho man may be a more obedient and faith f ul son, a truer friend^, a gender husbaud,. a bet tor father, a brighter example to his household of the nutnlmr virtues, a kinder and more courteous neighbor,.* fairer dealer, a more patriotic citizen, indepen dent of pariy chains and partisan motives, a humbler and more consci* nrious servant of the Great Ruler. We hope that some who read these words will begin with, the tusk nearest to them without any further delay. We all Lave need enough, and there is nothin.? within the compass ot hum n skill which has iu it such a promise of good. Let us have reform! SUICIDE IN THE WHIRLPOOL Evidence That Drowned Herself In Niagara. CAPITAL PRKE. $! TICKETS Only *5. Slum 5,000. ’ro portion Louisiana State Lottery Co “Wo do hereby certify■ that we aaperrlse the ar rangementa for all tlm Monthly andQ’iarterl/ Draw lngs of ThoLouiiilana .itato lottery (’omi-any, ,.nfi iu person manage and control tho Drawing!, them ■eh*©«, anil that the aacne nre conducted with lion e«ty. falrnesa, and In good faith terird all partiea, and we authorize tlie Company touiethiicertifiraU with fao-similiea of our signatures attached. In Its advertisements.” FOOLING HIS WIFE. i-.utfctled In Getting a Chic o Per»nn* Burtied •». Death In a Fire In h (liicago Lodging House, i, July 6.—A fire was discovered the tear of tho basement of the restau- -tot Burkley &. Milan, 102 and 104 eoutb nrk *trcet, by the watchman of Kohl A iddlttm s dime museum, about 4 o’clock a Lorning, and the alarm was immedi- A) turned in. Tho fire rapidly comma 4 with the # levator, and, bv means A it, »H to all the floors of the build- mix tn incredibly short time, and the •mokmdiUuieH rushed from the rear to the NUiuiditre pouring out of all the win t; the time the fire department ar- Je! on the ground. n.l, third, fourth and fifth floors powerful opiaUadminis'fered^nd ol(l forbidlleQ fover-stricken patients, even the profuse appHcatiou of chloroform T , h ? ll } D< ^ t U U stinR . ‘'s sheatb, and the atle.1 to keep him quiet lorn at a time. He Iff 1 ,?* c ,f°. mel !* “°u th ? chl f f 8 R e0lttB for foamed at the mourn, gnashing his teeth iu a tboll ' 8 l “ *->eh flesh is heir; but there the effort to bite the'attendants about the “L, 1 * 0 d ,' Q , 8 ,“**?, a ‘ bedside. In his lucid intervals, although hnt llft8 . > et betn “oomplished. Beat hnef, the poor victim gave every evidence regimen, and al tha is implied of intelligence, talking with those around “i carBl . ul nurs ; n « m" 8 ? largely take the him of his awful condition, and, realizin'' £ „ 0e i° £ ,hebolni * aB , d ‘he pellet, and the that he must die, he expressed a res nna. P , eo P le mU8 , t be tau « bt tbat nature and not lion to God's will, and prayed that all oilers J he d ? ctorls tbB only restorer of impaired might ho spared the fate that had befallen ,uuu,lomi and dl90ft " :d t "’ 8ue8 ' him. In eoclestMtloal affairs the need of re- I form is equally imperative. In religious services there are two extremes; one insists Handsome Milliner tbat >, “ ,be only object of true worship is »lf In Niagara a “P’rtt, there should be no material forms Nmoaba Fails, July 3-A letter received e , mploJed ' aad “> a >> a art »hou|d be left to by William Poole trom Walter HuUett of 'n TrZlu Z rT' 1 "o °f \rlrlnn \firvh ,l .T * . Ike other would prescribe a ritual so elabo* that!Mias Franeaa^WwSlt.^?'“ft tba , faCt r.te that the worahtper is tilled with sen- oommittcfl Kiiicirlp in till ’ ?• ^ J } ce * Uual means and surroundiogs and cannot, ra lid. In'Shieh r«ltn w f?l 01 in many eases, get beyond these into the death Wh -^ ebb . met bl8 ‘'anctu Ty where alone is help and hops. Falls on Jmm , tbB The one Is cold and bald and forgets that manner She* rlmrA * 8in 8 ub J r the soul is reached through its bodily or- maelstrom 1 it,.. tin'' 06 !. ? b<> gans; tho other tusks these outward minis* maelMrom, and the last time ahe was miss- ? rif ,„’ 60 hedvily , h(lt tilev 0lU1 d(l notlliu Ul mrk N Th. l^t‘ \ b,r . ,1, ?“ 1 Ftfliftthe spirit. It heeds no profound J ,, ,P at p 8 ?*’ wbl ,'r b “ ld ’ philosophy to show that wha ever stirs and Htitkens the soul in ita aspirations fora t m w o tb .l Wi ? a *’ higher life is at. aid to devotion, and that and nervously refused to go down the sti V r- #u Vsid.s is worse than wasted, being only Mtsa Whipple was a brunette of tbirtv- . . , . : ,, eight years, well dressed and very intelii- T liere 18 a c . r >' for U form 1 , ncrecd8119 wel1 gent. Her identity was well established by 88 *? ,or “ 8 o£ worship, and a still greater Sheriff Whitmore, of Adrian, who made ar- need ' P e,h "l H ' ln ,be relations of churches, rangementa for the recovery of the body. “ “* h Mr. Hulett in his letter says that Miss .. , , .... . Whipplo was a milliner doing a splendid >? BreBd and roli £ ,0 «H nt ? 9 tb “ morB bo9 : business and of fine capabilities. She left “J 0 tbB ? Renerally are in the matter of home the day before tho tragedy to pur-1 ekuroh fellowship. A varied pronunciation chase goods in Detroit. When she left her oE , 8 smgle shibooleth is a higher division nged ttther and mother she ktased *hem wal1 ' oftentimes than the dropping of a affectionately and said: "Don't worry j£ I greut urticli) of faith, a'ld meniW 8 of the do not return to-night." The next day 8 eno 1-/^1 bg^tat the f .rd os Ephraim and telecram came* Gilead did of old when there is no reason Oort* win h* Vm* u ♦ # v m Mb the wide world why they should not be aou.EMtiwiilb.hcBi.ia.toftUwwk." loving brethran of the common household Mr. Hulett says tbat, besides her affect- 0 { f^b i n n g a P. ar . liD , B '.u 8h6 't ,t h * r * atoh - ‘in mercantile life there is much which and best Clothes at home, takingyerylttUe tbe moralist feeis called upon to censure, money with her There seems little donbt .. W aj, that are dark and tricks that are t^hat she B tther^camede m ente d through a V ain" have too often taken the place ol taip attack in the head, to which aha honor and fair dealing. Trade is too much ,, Jbject, or that Bhe was fascinated by given up to speculation, and “every man haveboet| her3U * W a ’ “ ° the ' 8 befotB I‘or himself ia written over the better 1 n.« ,11 |fff- taililing are o'cupted by Benton’, W' ttl, vbich w„s tilted up as a cheap lodg toll, n-e. The upper floor* were formerly I 11 "! m storerooms, and were converted in* flow tputmanU by frame partitions, luhtg a veritable tiro trap in which thirty I 1 "pie were sleeping. A a,a named Charles Speech, of “ "Evaogeltno Company," rnshed up aroused as many as he could [ shouting and ponnding on the doors. »’« very anon dtiven out of the hotel I Sjaoke aud llames. Ilia efforls were re- fc.'-t I,y seeing ten or fifteen persona pua j the house. L 110 '’ off from tho stairway, forced rkyUght and come out on the roof. lltt tried the • front fire escape 1 the fourth floor, but was dtiven the roof. He was slightly > Another man rushed from the a escape and came down through an » Wilding. a at first thought that ten or fifteen HI" “-I been horned to death, bnt aub- vat search by the firemen revealed only dead liodies. They were boti, “f middle age who bad •sleeping in n bunk. They were ' s?, i ntbe door * n ft niidd '® room etttth floor, and one waa burned he- ,‘r»»ilion. Tbeother one was iden- Etitig the flames, four firemen JcTjj,hurt- John T. O'Malley, of the It “A‘-adder Company, was severely tle shfinhler by.a broken plate glass. ims .a”?” of ,bl tire is a mystery, as all house was out. It is probat ly able to the Fourth of July celehra- lue lnaa to the restaurant owner is ,Y; w fully insured. The loss on ug t» about *10,0(10, partially in *buUJ,i r-H | A ^EGKO UITtlalKQ I 'j' 1 "' 1 ln trk*u*« bat Qaellevt by '’"“St Action of the Officials. Ed Ui*' dld Y ^—Thursday last, , a it, , ter * on ‘be Tate plantation, pu , t ', n 9 , btlow here, on the Arkansas Pnafiv ^-1?! on the wages t-i r p ’" ‘P ‘be neighborhood. Tuey r -■,; : is ! IU " l “ lion ' prevented others 8 Sheriff Wo. then -w' ,} , planters for protection, CU Bj;,..!" 11 «rly thle morning AImu O'' ,, .‘'M, 1 Us'etnblcl front neighbor N> ,1“*'. bf kau making threu's th»t Lille'!. K,> 10 -°rk or be arreated. SEES ski l «*ad7r"5i.* lUmp,Bd to arrest Gill, the in j *7.° rfc et-vtest, and was ahot by a 4 ; arm«. Daring the afternoon s went down from Little Hick lteavi- valeg n, n ,b ? "keriff anceei-de-l in r 9 ,Uo ' , »nd arrested what »lo w-t t . prot . e • Reneral upri iug. htof, V' ron kbt to jail, says be las 118 and it is nudi-rstood that “e .'i *. 8re Knight-, there b*ing .-tj ,IB * m that portion of the It L,,t-n . , nr taj IfWtrk ? ?•—A special to the Pqat- ^ew^ Ll ; llB “>-k, Ark., state- -rid*% on « S l oc, '"'oned by the not 1 vi.^x r * ,e P^tatl m oodHoned I'aa-W tb * - ker.ff nor any of U bf-c-i bl * P°**« have returned, kt-st , r , ar ® trouble baa orenrred. furieui I, 1 plantation sUtes tv negroes still anr- Itovv ties Senator Good It,oner. “It ia only about twice a year,” remarked State Senator William E. Mason the other day, “that I’m smart enough to fool my wife. Last Monday I played a trick that ought to serve us a capital suggestion for other husbands to eondnot operations on. Along about -1 o'clock in the afternoon I begau to get faint aud hungry; I hud been working hard all day and was ns famished and ns fugged as a hunted wolf. As I sat in my otfiie chair wondering what I was going to find for dinner when I got home, till entirely new and marvel >usly brilliant idea flashed U[ on me. It broke upon my intellect much as a stray plank duuces be fore the despairing vision ot a drowning man. It made my mouth fairly water as it developed its details in my greedy brain. I made a bee line for the telephone and cnlled the oentrnl office. Give me fioU8,’ said I, and then I chuck led aii over, and my mouth kept on water ing. MONEY LOANED R F. LAWTON, Banker, &pr4dawlj All btyi Second street. Macon, Go. •s anil 1-rice.s of SAVED BY A RIG WAVE. motto, “Live and let live," which ia the only true foundation of commercial inter course. A legal contract has come with too Brigantine Fast uu u itref Taken off liy a ! many to bo A better security than the Heavy tea. plain word of the dealer; and suppression of II.u,ir.vx, July 4.—The hrlgantino Evan- the truth when itshould be spoken ia not, geliue. Captain English, at tuia port trom As it ought to be, regarded as twin brother Montego Bay, hud u very narrow escape | to the utterance of a lulsehood. from shipwreck on the passage. The sailed I In the relations ot employer and em from Slontego on June 4 for tnagua, where ployed the world ju.t now ring* with the she was to load salt for Halilux. When cry tor reform. Capital, it ia claimed, is beating to windward between Jamaica and cold, and hoirtle-s, and retdy to wring the Cuba ahe encountered a violent easterly life blood out of the heart! and serve it, if gale, which lasted for three days, accompa-1 it can thereby increase its profit*. And the nied by fog and rain. The vessel lay to employed are conspiting to wither the hand moat of the time, and while in this position that give* them their wugea, an i to ruin -truck a reef on the south side of Cabs, the business which makes sue i industry The sea waa rootling high, and commenced possible or remanerstive. They seek not to bresk over the ship. only to make their own service lighter, but The first sea which boarded her filled the to dictate such terms as shall make the cabin and Mrs. English wua nearly drowned. 1 position of tho employer utterly intoler- The second sea drove the vessel further up able. on tho reef, but this was quickly lollowud If we come into the home life, the list of by another and heavier sea, which carried I subjects to which the pruning knife or the her off the rocks int j deep water, w here ahe I hand of restraint needs to be applied is so made her escape. | long as to be absolutely appalling, and we Th ,„ canuot therefore recount them here. In Tbm « * 1 * I dress, in manner*, in regimen, in reverence iNWANAroMS, Ian , July 5.—Thi* has (or potent*, in the training of children, in been a fatal 1-ourth, although tho cum.iRie- hospitality to stranger* now sowofnlly neg- eneven remotely caused by the ltct ‘ ea , in sp„ch of neighbor*, in a false ,°‘*7 da Y' „. . . I und vain ahow at the call of vanity, in cou- h. 1’olmer, a yon epibpty, fell train in received fatul injuries. have not been celebration of tne day. I and vain allow at the call’of vanity, » Edward L Palmer, a young man afflicted f , rmity to fashions that dwarf allthehome- with epibpsy, fell from Jllier virtues, in substituting the world's freight tridn In a fit, acd I unreal and unsatisfying excitements foi ‘raised fatal tujnriea. the true peace and sweet contentments Fred Hellish, a farmer, drove in the river I c(Qn< ,t give—these and many more come to wash bis wagoti, waa swept off by the I cra> ding npon our thought* as we take our current and drowned. plsce at the tamily fireside. J. D. Connor stepped ont of the way of a 1 , iuo> ing train on the Union track* only to ,'^ B * a ? not H° * nidbB ‘ in onr enumera te ku<“ked under the wheels of ono ap- U °“,°* th ® ,T , re rm8 i ha . t ."n 8 .*’ prot.cbing in the opposite direction aud 9b * P ‘ bt J **}. b * effected? Y\ bat mighty mi , ” I Hercules shall be eummoned to the task ol I cleansing official corruption, and where A DOUBLE TltAUKDY. will *e find a Perseus whose water* will —; I suffice to wash the foulness from legislative A Man Kills Ids Wits and then Butchers lobbies anil the ante-rooms of justice? Himself liaugeruu-ljr. \fbo shall breathe a new spirit into re- Cbicxoo, July 5.—A special from Monti- ligious worship, and teach men to rejoice to- cello, Illinois, says; A former named Wild- getber in the great truths wherein they agree man, residing in Unity township, this conn- instead of dwelling with such bitterempbssis yesterday murdered his wife and I npon the little things wherein tb> y differ? t tried to commit suicide. He I Who shall lift the veil from sedfiahnesa and made several gashes in his Ihrca - , I worldly pride andshowhowceutemplihhi narrowly missing the arteries, and finding I the spirit of greed that recognixes no fonn- himself still alive, he furced the knife np-1 tain which hes a drop of refreshment for wards into his mouth. spH' ting bis tongue. I any enp but its own? The whole world Some time since Mrs. Wtldman, by the I needs reforming, does it? Then a ho shall death of a relative, fell heir to *12,(100. I be the reformers to whom the task sb ill be She did not regard her husband as a proper alloted? custodian and*o willed it tbeir children. I There is but a single answer. Let every The murder grew out of these fact*. I man mend one, aud the world will soon be After the murder be sent one of bi* I mended! It the office holders are too foul small children to a neighbor with the mes-1 to reform their ways, the remedy would -age that his mother was dead and that be, j still be ample it every 'oter yraa bent on the murd rer, could be found at the farm. I simple honesty and cared more for it titan Then be began butchering himself in the I for party lines. He conlil make hi* inllu- Manner shove stated. At last account* he euce felt without wailing until be rescind woe suffering intensely, and hi* wounds the poll*. It half the recogniz'd mouth- will probably prove fatal. He had previ- pieces of Christendom were preaching the ously borne a fair reputation. I gospel of a'rife and contention and reltgi ,us — ... intolerance, there would l>» little disorder The United Suites treasurer of the Irish n n the on* fold of true believers proviled National League yesterday forwarded to the each one of the laity would take bte broth -r Parnell Parliamentary fund truatee* *15,UJO, | Oy the band not by the throat, and would that charity which .oiceth in the truth. Employers would take half of the bitter out of the life that aeea most of the i'srae'l fsriiaiiicnisrj iuM'1 cw,----, . ,,y me nano set uj tne ti making ilOO.UOO sent within the last ten pilc tice on the plane of It day*. j ihinketb uo evil and re joi C'on-uuiptloo Cured. bt^gaaiiiMMbb J^SatUaSi* mlselomf I tempting fruits supposed to be the rewards Wtai foncuta Ota Simple r««ruM*i#wNlrC.w the Of industry just above ita reach if they eceedjr aod pennsaetit can of «*«»P“">j;• J">«T w onld pat Ibem-elvea once in a while io Uie £S» ' • hBf ' 8 pb “» “ d "C what U required of memlbuur aeSaU aereueaeomplatats. sttwhev- *hem as it looks from that side of the line, la* -H-d 1 * -ooderral earsore po»*r» ,a I And the employed, if they thongtit more of •end* ot e«M. has ,, '* a i l ‘xcoILJd rendering faithful service than of what they Li 2 diui’to ^u^' kamon .n«3laa. I to get tot it, or they can regulate the ffm eead tree of ehirse. to sil *iw d-tre tx ml • i nks of other*, and would sea tbat unless recipe. In German. PreocS • D L* ,1,li s£,. affilii 811 industry ia allowed to be profitable It directs*— tor per partus snd nriM- w will not give them a foothold upon it, they , * onId reckleaa'.y seek to‘.ear dowS OommlMlootn, We, the tmderslfmed Banks snd Bsnkeii, vll S ty all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana Ruts Lot rift# which pi ay be presented at our counters. J. H. 0GLK8BY, Pr»*sidfnt Uolstetia National Bsnk. J. W. KILBRKTO, l'rexident State Nattonaft Bank. A. BALDWIN. President N. 0. National Kauk. luoorporsted ln 1868 for 2ft yeurt by the ture for Educations! snd Cbsritsble pun ^nes—witl s capital or A1,0mo,uuo—to which s reserve fund ot over $860,00© has since been atlded. By sn ovsrwhelming popuUr vote its franchlM wu n^sde s part of*the preneat State conbtitnUoE adopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only lottery sv«r voted on and tndomed by the people of any State. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Numlier Drawings take place Monthly, and the Extraordinary Draw- lugs regularly every three months instead ol Semi-Annually as heretofore, beginning March. I HSU. A irUOMD OPTORTUKITT TO W1S A fOltlTM- BEvKSTIIOUANIUjHAWINOCImVSS IN TUI A0A1IEMV OK MUSIC, NEW OHIXAN8, TUKSUAV, JULY IJtb 188t>--lWth Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000. 100,001) Tickets hi Five Dollars Each, Frac tions in Filllts in Proportion, LIST OF KMZEH. "Wall Paper ! F. R. POMEROY, Now Armory BalMIng, Macon. Georgia. SEND t oil BAMPLEH. mrsiimtatlmrhwly QH. 0. J. TOOLE. DENTIST. All wort promptly executed. Office—Second Itreet, Mxcou, Ga. HI KE'S UEAltll ‘Bur-r-r‘ went to the telephone. I put my month duae to tho funnel, ami iu a ebrill, falsetto voice asked: 'Is that Senator Mason's house?' Yes,' came the answer, and I recog nized my with at the other end of the wire. " 'la tho Senator at home?' tasked, in the saute feuiiuine voice. Nn,’ was the reply. 'Well, then, ia Mrs. Mason there?' I in quired. •Y s, I am Mrs. Mason,' was the answer. 'Oh, is that ’ on?' 1 cried; 'how Uo you do?’ •Why, how d’you do?' responded my wife, hue I knew by her tones that she hadn't the reiucteat idea whom she was talk ing to. How are all the children?' I asked. They’re all very well,’ said wite., ‘Well,’ said I, ‘I happened to ho in town shopping to-day, and 1 thought I'd go over to your house to dinner.' "Well, that sort of staggered wife. 8Uc mustered up voice enottgu to ask, ’ ‘Who are you?' 'Then I a towered: “‘Why, don't you recoguizo the voioc? ’m Sirs. Mya-yali!' " T don't catch the name—speak louder,' ahe pleaded. “•Mrs. Mya-yahl’I repealed, and with that, in order to preclude ad cuibarraasing complications, I ahut off tha telephone ua tight as I could. Tbeit I throw myself into a chair and laughed till I like to went into Apoplexy. Laugh? Well, you ought lo have teen the plastering fall around mo! But, to make a long story abort, I reached home abotu 5:45, and of all tho dinners 1 ever clapped eyes on—gosh, it was a ban qnet! Wife hud her now black silk dress ou, and she hail slicked the children up so ttutl I could hardly identify them. “ '1 think we'd better wait dinner a while, my dear,' said wife. “Why ao?'I asked. ‘Bless you, I'm as hungry as an alligator!' “Then wife told me she waa expecting lady guest, and she repeated the details of the telephone of the afternoon. It wua t fearful ordeal, but I managed to look iuno cent, and of coarse I wondered who the lady could be. "•Indeed, I don't know,' aaid wife, ‘but her voice was strangely familiar. I'va been puzzling myself nearly to death trying to guesu who it was.' “Well,we waited fifteen minutes and then we sat down to the banquet—and a royal feast it was! We had sonp, aud tt-h, and a big roast, and akont a dozen little aide dishes, and wife had sent out and bought a gallon of pink ice cream and a frosted cake for dessert. I stood it just as long as I could. When it csrne to the pink ice cream I couldu't stand it any longer. As 1 was slicing It off l looked at wife kind of sidewise and said a falsetto voice: "My dear, I'm sorry Mrs. Mya-yah tl'dn' come. 9 ’ Wife dropped her D eaden china coffeo cup as if she'd been paralyzed. "•William E. Mason—you brute!' she gasped. "The children enjoyed the joke just as much as I did—yes, and wile, too, got to laughing about it after awhile. Our boy Louis said; 'Do it agaiu, pa; it'* mighty jol ly to have a big dinner once in awhile.' "But look here, you reporter; you aien' taking notes on me? Come, come, now, that's not right; you muatu't tell the story on me. l'nt it is on somebody elte—put it ou Bill Campbell!"—Arkansaw Traveller. llKiT 1‘rlxcs, amounting to... 1306,000 Application* (or rstes to clubs should be made only to the office of the oompsny ln New Orleans. For further information writs clearly, giving full sddress. POSTAL N0TK8, Express Money Orders, or New York Exclisugs in ordinary letter. Currenoj by express (st our upenael addressed M. A. DAUPHIN, Now Orleans, La, Or M. A. DAM-HIN, Washington, D. O. Make P. O* Money Orders Payn. ble and address Hegistored Let ters to NEW OKI*VLANS NATIONAL HANK, Ifey 9**dMtA-ir N»-w Orleans, la. Scott's fcinuUiun of Purs Cod Liver Oil, w tb HypophonphlUs, in Pulmon ry Atf«.*tlon* snd Kcrofulou* Dteessee. Dr. Ire M. Lsn* N-w York, ssys: •*! have prescribed Knott's EtuuUion end used It In my family aod am greatly pie t»ed with it Have found it very servir*»t.i« ' HfMfulous diseases snd Pulmonary affection*.” BITTERS Combining IU0X with PUKE YEOETABLE TONICS, qulekly snd completely II.KANSKS and ENRICHES Till! 1ILOOD. Quicken*! the action of the Lifer and Kldneya. Clears the complexion, makes the akin amootb. It doe* not Injure the teeth, came headache, or prod see, itlpatlon—ALL OTHER I BOX MEDICI.N ES DO. Phjsktens aod Draggfcta emyshare recommeo Ds. N. 8. RrciLES, U~Marion. Mam^ pm recommend Bnms*a Iron BitUnuiul tabled t'ir mncLio* the Unod. an l mn- flrr »U armtbeUeth/^ I Ms W* Btxh. »s8i. Marj Be.. N«y Ortfes*. U, «u»:“B»wni , i Iron Bjttrn rrhrred m* to • eaee at blood ».;•>]*, and I h«*ruly SSSMSSod it to the— wMdtiw* bteid purifier. .. ■ ila. W. Vf . M"Vaiuv.Tu-ombte. AU.»«j fiteldhrwvl with t ...... - m n H.iu-rw *tf-. *-i * fwrrfect curt. .A • - * f i:. , v. .a ■ ■ a abm*Trsde Mark and erweed rM lines 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $75,000 do do 25,000 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF $6,000 12,000 6 do 2,000 10,000 10 do 1,000 10,000 20 do B00 10,000 100 do 200 20,000 800 do 100 80,000 500 do 60 25,000 do 25 25,000 APPROXIMATION PHIZ PS. i _ — —.; o^TTZ Z T~~Z 9 Approximation Prizea of $760 MW Pll jKS Inatont relief. Final - •« « boo 4,600 A day*,And never retnrm •• ” 260 2,250 A book of 100 pa^e*. The \ bof.t book for »u Advet ilaiT to commit, xperteuced or h r- wi*e. It contain* t* nawgpapcnt and estimate*of thscofitof Ad*ertl“ing. The adv«*rti*or who w&nta to spend one dollar, Audi .it It ‘ '■ -• I. it, I. In ir. - , .. !.•!, r.II h«m who will InvMt one tmndmd thorn and dollar* In odrertUlng, a scheme in indicated which will meek ala every re-jutrmnent, ot can be made to do by alight chAtiym easily Arrived at by corraffpondeuje. One hundred and Cfty-threo editiona h.w* been I • sued.- Sent,_poat-paid, to any Addrosa for ICo. Aw- 5l2 to flEO. P. ROWELL A GO.. NEW.SPAl’KR AD- v’EBTIHINO PUHtAU 10 Ht»nice Pt. (Prinllr As They Cnnnot i*on*ibly make a rerun* p’aster having anything like the medicinal tjualltic* of lleuinin’*, the camp f«»ilowcni of the pharmaceutical profession produced ton* of worthless plasters, aud give them nan es v hich re semble In print tbat of the genuine, wh»>n carelessly stKikeu. sound like it For example. iy the (?boap J« hn druggist* will offer you tm«h varional styled “Capeicnm,” ••Cspslcin," ••Capfiidne” • “Cspucin” planters, prefaced sometime* with tl name “Bar ton'*” or "Burton's." We c-ernestly cau tion tho labile against the whole tribe of them. They are absolutely uncle** a* lemedlr* for <flt-cn*e. To l»e sure they are cticap, but plain inu*lln i* cheaper and Just sa efficacious. A*k for Besson's. WAb’hthe “ the centre of of the gennina. word "Cspcine,” which U cut in iu 10 davB.sud never returns. No purge, u" salve, no •nriionlta.ry. Suffciom will learn of a simple remedy Fn-e by addreMtug C. J. MASON, 78 Nassau *treeet, N. Y. doc'J2wly MM " wl Mittwlf nt how,*yuh Uy ».-•» I'. D- ll|l'i“U Of Ch» IfM-Wa | WFSI'MIN iu 1 NII !•'.H MII.I.H, nml I’m GKNUINH COOK’KVAi'Oin-Oii. VVt.JmvnIh ( .I«r^ra( " t.i' Mill*, etc., fur Hutfixr Cimn nud Burgh made by any works ln the World. THY BLYW1YER IRON WORKS CO NNATEOHIO. ANOTHER WEEK OE BARGAINS The unfavorable weather of the pfuit week prevented many from avail inn thcmHelvoa of tho immense bargaine displayed by up. Wo had a tromcndouH rush, however, all the week, and mill state for the benefit of those who couldn't get out, and all others, that The Slaughter Will Continue! There hasn't been a scmblanoo of dull times about our cstahliHhm-'ut ibis hmihod. We Hell everything so cheap that our fotce in kept constantly busy waiting upon the crowds who avail themselves cf our summer price*. Come In This Week, whether you with to Day or not, and jtnt as* bow cheap wo arc selling things. J. W. BICE & CO. Farmers, Ruin Yom' Crop, Or SAVE IT by using tho Best Plow in tho world, “Tlie Poor Mule’s Friend” Can’t run it on point and ruin corn crop. la the best Plow ever Invented, Never hail nn adverse criticism. Entloraod and ocm- mended to the Farmer* by Commissioner* of Agriculture for Georgia and South Caro lina, and all (or *1.00 (or first; SO cents (or next. M. J. H^lTCFJER, Macon. Go. Low Lrice.s Will Mule! \ FINE LOT TIMOTHY HAY ,t FEED OATH ' ' as« NEW ORLEANS BY'RUP, p< r gallon " 35, WATER GROUND MEAL, per bushel ’ " a>)« 14 POUNDS WHITE HUOAU ' ''' 1 ,*) 15 POUNDS ORASULATED bUOAll \ (j(l HUD -UTS GRITS, jier peck ae i", BOXES MATCHES 25c, pergrosa 1.J4 All other goods in proportion. Call on WAEE & OLIYEB, fot’runAwilm I !4;» T'Orri Htroret. Mat-on. Oa “TALBOTT” FaiiH'ineN, Boilers Saw and Grist Mills VXD MACHINERY OF AI.L KINDS. “Boss” Cotton Presses SIMPLEST, SAFEST ini MOST DUIUU .E. AU M. hin y (nUy guaranteed. Do not Imy wiibOOi fir->t fM*ng m, or writiu'j for cur pri •• uimin» ^ust what you want. Address, # TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, Ga. J. C. WEAVER, Manager. junl4-tf