The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, July 27, 1886, Image 12

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12 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, 3'ULY 27, 1886.-TWELVR PAGES. DR. HAW'fHOBWB ARA1N. TVliat He Don’t, Know About Prohibition In Atlanta. Atlaxti. Jaly It.—There Is much Indignation ex- jnvesed hero In comequenco of the following re marks made by Dr. Hawthorne, paatorof the First Baptist church of Atlanta, In hla speech at Colum bus a few daya ago: ••Well some people hare left Atlanta; I admit It. , They are the gamhleni and loafere. ldlera aud^har- | detailed to carry water yesterday forenoom He tbs naice of Thomas Brooks, of tbo offenoe of bur* glary, and, *wont np for one year. Ho put In the •trlpea J’.me the Cth lut. Tbo i>odge camp la at a saw mill and baa sixty- lira tonricta. On tbo place are erected stands for the guards, about ten feet high, to enable them to beep the convicts under obaervation. One of the stands was occupied by a guard named Mitchell, from this county. Brooks, the yonng convict, was lot**.* and doggery keepers. They are gone to Texaa weD t to the stand where Mitctell kept guard at and Mexico, and Macon and 1oui**4}®..ft* * £® r M ked him for 0 cent* he claimed he ow< ar.d Macon and Louisville. I knew they would be pun iabed some day tor tbelr Bins, but I never had any him, Idea they would have to auffer such a punishment ^jy aa that.” 1 asked him for Mitchell 0 cents, go and get cents he claimed told the boy but gave it to change. While te had him to the boy AN ENGINE'S FIRST TRIP This is considered a direct charge tbat the only I g 0ne> th© guard,who was armed with a double class of people whi have left and who arc leaving Atlanta oonalata barrelled shot gun, was engaged In oiling the lock, both barrels of the gun being cocked. The boy "gamblers and loafers. Idlers and harlots and dog- ( AmQ Ul j a tood Immediately in front of the gory keepers." Now all of this stuff may be ^ ^ he gtood QDe bam , of tha ^ WM poured Into the ears of people in the cities In dlichtrged< the W hole lead of buckshot entering which Dr. Hawthorne makes his wild and extrav- th# breMt Qf the hoy kU j ln g him i n *untly. agant assertions, but it is safe to say tbat only a After an investigation the coroner's Jury made a few of his hearers believe one tenth of verdlct of ..^cWenUl killing." The convicts at this camp are held under lease of W. B. Lowe. MPchell, the guard, seemed to be greatly dis- Bays. Three slanders may give the Doctor unllm ited satiefaction, hut he makes no friends by uttering them. Dr. Hawthorne has been ^ ^ occupying Uic pulpit of the Flret Baptixt I trM|ed 0Ier ih. occurrence, church for two or thru, jmm and ■honld bave learnel by this time tbat the people of Atlanta do not take kindly to any one who c ?pt<* their assistance and courtesies, and then travels from one point to another misrepresenting and slandering them. With the view of ilustrating that the Doctor Is **a little GUB BYHD KILLED. An Atlanta Iloy printer Killed by a Train in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa., July 26.—Augustas Byrd, aged 12, of Atlanta, Oa., was struck by a passenger train on the Pennsylvania railroad, in the northern In hla Itttanmu, It h only Decenary to Hole I p , rt ,,f the dty, lut night and lniUully killed. Ho Kansas City Getsa Slice of Smiling Fortune _ _ , With the boom io tbe general prosperity of tbo Over tliA Covington an<l Macon Railroad, | ^ty taken into consideration, our city got more and How the Itead Is Progrrsatug. | her share of the Louri'ana State Lottery June Yesterday morning at 10 o’clock one of drawingyretordey. I, °- lMW drew tte eapiud tlic handsome cow iialiUin CDRine. of the gjg|- fig®. WMffi oovwgton and Macon railroad, left the has been demonstrated that money cannot get away Central railroad yard for its trial trip over from Kansas City. This f 30,uoo makes about $80,- tho new truck. Tbe part 7 on hoard consiettd “»<•»»»'^ h r re > lnM ?“®«7 of Pol R W PmU mns-oi rean.„„, n Anna M. Cross is the lucky possessor oi the s ip of otL-ol 15. \Y. FrobeU general manager C. p^r which by yesterday-, turn of tbe wheel enti- r. Jsaker, engineer, B. C. Milner, Jr., hisixt- ties her to $30,000. she is a widow, aged about 35, ant engineer, and Marion Fitton, inspector, and *he has lived here for about three years.—Kan- The object of the trip was to test the new I ■** City limes, June icth. engine aud to give Col. Frobell an opportn- _r otiy ,r, Solid South: In a dlfflculty b-twren nity of noting how the work was being Mr. /sell Butler and Dr. F. U. HcCalla in tbe But- done and how it was progressing. ler h«u«e Friday night of last week, Tbe engine wa< nns nf tho two tacoiva/1 cut tbre6 time, Dr * McCalls, * “ ®le f. l .w n i~ Jv?® 1 j breast. ou tbe hand, and once on his thigh, recently from the Baldwin works, and McCalls was struck <*n the head with a stick. Drs. which have already been mentioned in Travis and Rn**er dressed Mr. Butler’s wounds the Telegraph. They are of the strongest | 1111(1 be 11 now * bl ® b® ouk eg** n - and latest pattern and are eqnal in The .niy 0l d fellow of forty who deck, out 1,1. all respects to any locomotives run on I pudgy proportions iu knickerbockers and a Norfolk Southern tiacks. One of them, tho Em- jacket *nd struts about finder tne impression that pire 8ta e, was carried to Cain station on | be is an Apollo. Wednesday, and its running qualities were all that could be desired. Engine No. 2 started at 10 o’clock yester day and ran ou the Central’s track to the junction, three miles from town, where it I Henry’s Carbolic Salve, went on «ts own track and ran back to the The ***** «*®d in tbe world for Cuts, Bruises. Pile*. Horen. Ulcers. Halt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped river where the bnildinr* of fhe hridoo Hore1 '- KUeum. letter. Chapped river wnere tne nunuing ot tne oriage was 11wjiK cbttblxlne. Corns, and all kinds of Skin inspected. In six or seven days. Colonel Eruptions, Freckle* and Plmrles. The salve is Frobell thinks cars will be running acioss guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every it. The bridge builders are losing no time cane. ** BUn * on * et Henry’sCarbolMpBalva, as aU • repairing tbe damage done by the freshet others Rre but aud counterfeiu. a few instances In this connection. had stepped from one track to another to avoid a A month or two ago W. J. Willingham, a r promi- trR i n and did not notice a second train coming cent lumber dealer and contractor, closed his bust- from tbft direction. His companion, ness in this city and left for Chattanooga, where he | Edward Curran, also of Atlanta, es.aped death by lying down between the tracks. The hc**2 !r;r! os th*!? wsy t A '•** York,, whsro has opened up in tbe lumber business. w u. w^ii, another good citizen and a prominent lumber merchant and contractor, la arranging hla I bad boen promised employment, affairs to close out by August 1. He will go to Chattanooga and reopen in the lnmber businesa. FOKSYTU. Frimou .nd Scott, re.l retate .gent, of tht. ContenU of K Kii»ii.Huk Cujiturod In 1X01 o ty—both of three gentlemen of good stand- ftng—have gone Into the real estate business in It* stored to tho Owner. Foimytii, July 24.-On July 13,1861, while retreat- Chattanooga. One of the firm will make his home in j nfl at tbe battle of Garrick’s Fort!, on Chert river, thin city and conduct the businesa of the firm. iu Virginia. Dr. A. H Kneed, then a corporal of the George Adair, ageot of this hero since about tho time the Indians broke camp and moved West, hss or r».i, Quitman Guards, Company K., First lleximent. prominent real estate volunteers, left bis knapsack with tho . ^ Georgia Volunteers, left his knapsack with tho city, who has b-en I W Mon train. The train was captured, and the knap that sack fell into the hands of A. It. Rogers, then cor poral aif the advance guards of the Fourth «>hlo Regiment. Borne weeks ago Mr. Rogers wrote to will soon open a real estate office in Birmingham, I u i6 po-tmaater hereto know tbe whereabouts of and some member of his house will have charge of | Dr.lfneed. Ji corw^ n denc^enTO^,^^enI)r. the Birmingham bueincas. Bely Bros., elothing manufacturers, are going to I children, a diary and a ranch-prized needle esse presented to tbe Doctor by an aunt when he left for school at East Hampton, Mass , in 1844. I he old soldiers are anticipating a royal time at Cincinnati to conduct their business that thoy now engaged in. L. Cohen, one of Atlanta's moat valuable citizens, I the reunion of the First Regiment Georgia Volun- hM gone to Macon. It is true that Mr. Cohen’s Hors at this place business, that ot selling ’tquor by the wholesale,haa * been outlawed by Dr. Hawthorne and othercitlzens I only four candidates for the Legislature in this August ft h. A basket picnic and barbecue will add interest to the occasion. Our present information 1* tbat there are now of AUimU, who . B ree with Mm In M. extreme cunotr. viz: L'.|,taln I) H. Napier, W A. Wor«h»ni. I ” re.,... h.. .1. K«1. Colonel K. L. Ilerner M. Jobn.tou. views upon some measures, but Mr. Cohen has al ways commanded mmh respect here. He le the j will reconsider its action of last Saturday In calling mssterof Fulton Lodge of Masons, and his chsrac a nominating convention and order a nomination ter and good deeds will compare most favorably I * former Monroe county with ihose of the Doctor. I boy, now a prominent lawyer of Jacksonville, Fior- When Dr. Hawthorne’s years in Atlanta will nnm- Ida. is visiting his father's family at this plaee. « n .... .. I Mrs. John Newton, of Morgan c.innty, Mrs her n» many as Mr. Cohan s, it wlU be time to com- V j ckarB> of Washington coui.ty. and Mrs C pare tbe good deeds of the two and seo where the I Barrett, of Atlanta, are visiting relativeain Forsyth. rm %r a\n u Mattie Hlngleron is visiting Athens, and Ml*s M.f« U another ««d who conlrm- ";« r 8 ““ h ** ,n « u ~‘ of Ml “ C “ rl « plates leaving Atlanta for Cincinnati. He la re-1 col. and Mrs B B. Willingham are spending gardsd as the grandfather of the public school sys- couple of woekr witbColouei v»iUlngham’e pareu! • .ml a nw.M hlnt.1v I TflOIBi SOD. It is probable that the executive committee tem of Atlanta, and a more valuable or more highly | esteemed citizen has naver lived here. Dr, O. W. Harris, the dentist. He is going to J Washiugiuii City. He cams to Atlanta from Chat-1 tanoega some yeare ago, and daring his residence SAVANNAH. A Baltimore Hoy Drowned— A ‘Waterspout Near Martin’s Industry. Savannah, July 25.—Willie, aged twelve, h« mad. a good eltlren nmreu | i0n g yj oi thi ~ ‘ “ htefimer William Cranr, waa d row nod oil frienda who win rafrel to leara of hla dapartura. Bat Fallon, tbe contractor and houee builder, tbe Baltimore ateaiushlp wharf tliii cTenlug. another man who haa left Atlanta. He hae gona lo Hf wu plnvina with hia little aiater aod ran SaT.nnah, where he la doln ( well 0 g the wbKr(| (ftl | inR lnlo twenty-five feet In hie line of bnatnere. Already ha 0 j wa t„. Unacccoaafnl efforts were made haa eontracla for a jear'a wort, and when thte la to recover him, a diver going down eighteen thr. nfih ho will no donbt art aa mnch more as he times. HU bmly wok scooted by grappling, want,. Then, again, U la aald that a aon of Dr. I |>nt it was impossible to resuscitate him. Hawthorns hat left the city. For what cauie I His father brought the children out on It ia not poaitivety alated. but it la ballavod I ploaanre voyuge, leaving their mother I that hla aatimatlon of Atlanta haa decreaaad I iiomn in B dtimore, and 10-night he cirriea aimw prohibition went Into cffoch Dr. Uawthomo tho little fellow's corpse home by railroad, also announces that propany hi holding fta own in I Captain tVright, of the schooner Douglasa valoation equal to any other city. Thatthla state-1 Honey, which arrived np to-day, reports meat la not trua any ona who will taka tha trouble I seeing an enormoua waterspout a few miles to do so eao and that tha Doctor haa again wander-1 noriheutt of Martin's Induatnr yesterday, ed from th. real f.cte In tho case. Here are a few within 200 yards of the schooner, sainploi of the value of real aatata In that | should satisfy tha Doctor: All the Rnna and pi4tola aboard were got Mr Jim Lyn.t this year pays Wt.50 per month I ou, i rol >dy to endeavor to break it by eon 4 . 9 cus.dou, Lut fortunately it came no nearer, more taxes than be did last >«ar on the aaiue | * J THOM aSVILLH. which carried away a large portion of it. After the inspection of the bridge the engine started toward Cain's crossing and although the track was newly laid, the riding was much smoother than over several other roads in the State. The heavy rails had been well laid and fastened, and the work of the hands in gruding and fin ishing np tho track had been firat-clais. At Cain’s crossing tbe manager found the largo force at work making good headway. In fact, Col. Frobell expressed himself well ploastd with the work hs well as with tbe engine*. The party returned in the after noon. In this connection the following is taken from the Covington Enterprise: Tho people of Newton county stand ready to ful fill to iho lotter every o infract or agreement made with the so-called Covington and Macon Railroad Company, and would like to know if the company proposes to carry out tbe pledges and promises made this people? Ofco irso, tbe capitalists who are building tbe road have the power to leave Cov- lDgton "nut in the cold” on their line, and if they bate done so, the managers of the road should have tbe manhood to tell us s-« in plain and unmtstaka ble terms. The time boa roue to look into t « cussednessof this farce and tomfoolery on the part of a corporation thst promUes to do everything tor everybody and has done but little, if anything, for anybody. Oar peop.e are anxious for.this r >ad and willing to do all In their power to secure it. yet they do not believe in being always kept in the dark about a matter which so deeply Interests them. • The Telegraph is in position to know that tbe road will go to Coviagtm as originally intended, and carry out the irotuiHca made to the people. Colonel M icben is expected in Macon s» on, and on his arrival the uow president will probably be named, and his name will be a sufficient guarantee to the people of Covington and all along the line that tho road will bo built and Covington will not be left out in the cold. A Watrrmtriou Transaction. Editor TKLr.oRAPH:-On tbs Cth of July I wrote to I,. C. Peers A Co. at Atlanta to furnish me quota tions of the melon market. On the R:h of July I recelvrd tbo following: Atlanta, Ga , July R.—Dear Blr: "We would respectfully soltclt^our consignments of melons, cantelopes and fruit which shall havo our best attention, quick sales and prompt returns. We would be pleased to keep you poeted on market prices. Correspondence solicited. Melons to-day per 100, lift, $18 and $25. Respectfully. L C. Pkkr* k Co. On the 10th of July I received this card: Atlanta, Ga . July lo.—Detr Sir: Tbe weather is very fine now »nd you need not be uneasy u> ship. Melons worth to-day $18 to $23 per hundred. We will wlro you Monday, l'hlnk we will he able to give you satisfaction it yon snip us your melons. Wo can sell from three to five cars per day. lie- Bpectt illy, L. C. Pkcks It Co. On the l th of July, while loading my car, 1 re ceived 'he following telegram: "Atlanta, July 12.—Melous to-day $18 to $25 per hundred. Ship. LO Pckbs k Co” After reading this telegram 1 would have refused $160 for my car load of melons l.nUO, averaging H pounds each. aU fresh. They reached Atlanta in twenty-six boars after the receipt of the shove te'e- gram, and were sold at once, as the account of sole* wtlUbPV •AtiXYa, July 19 —Account of sales T. P. Rhodes: July 13,1 car melons $80 00 Jnly 13, freigut |2* no Commissions ,8 00 July IP, check on New Vors 4s iw 'NANCE Aril) COMMERCE. Ibon5 to OJcj er lb, refined 3Xo basis, LzjlD 7c per !b. Muonrai*—Per nest fl.cO. Nails-$2.f0, basis of lud. Plowstockb—Hai man’s $1.00 to $1.10. Ref a—Manilla, Ific; 8!sal, 10c.: eotc.n, lfc. SBOxe—Horse $4.50 per keg. Moieshoei $6.60. BnovxLa-Amen $10.00 per dozen. 2uoT—Drop $1.60 per bag. StrtTiw—$t.26 per do*, f raaL— Plow e&c per lb. TcBA—Pointed $2.60; cedar $4.60 per doif n. FisnnoAUDs— $1.26 to flJO por dozen, tifBLL Bcgxjcts—$4.00 per dozen. WONh-Barbed wlra 5 Kc peroofl. American. Futures steadv Cia 7,100. Future* cIohhI si I July | inly-August okred'iitrldv'- ^ law.. » 15 S4—jTTrTT - ” kn<iin-&ptinnb*r!!!! l s IJt? •gtohw-OctnbM-.. IU-,4 0l | s 15«l I October-November.... I Noveniber-Pecemher.. D<>cember-Jannary.... January-February ... I Septemtier l iP* '•4 Par hundred 90c, OSrBje- F*:t: c.-saio OtolOK 9 to l c per lb. Ootrxx - wivaucing. Choice Rio 11 to ilfeo per lb; good 10** to Ho per lb; medium rradoa 9*4 to 10c per lb; xommon 9 tr>9Hc per lb. Oobn—White milling &• to 62o by car l'rta; very scarce and hard to get; l3j by 'rr.sll vt«, mixed 38 to 69; by car lots; 68c by small lots. 5 1'-M-Huil. - NXW 1 okk. JuiTvi -re... ---^LL 8 17-6. 155; mlddur-- -.(i.rd. og 1*-mllKii* 9 * *— ondonlet «at trm: uIm n mo* **■ New Vobx, July 21—Greuii B*Co ... .low xud luU pxrUculwly nreV,’ “»= Il, u S ID- - 1 7fe 1U, «*- 1 U™rpo u l.,“5S f ^*”»‘ M ;. Thi ‘ d i lc f: ln<l " llorl ‘ lucliiitill to T°W' I Heavy Uiuverho. Tha following are atrictly wholesale prioest |a00«—ffides 7Hc P*t lb; ihouMer* psr lb. I a *i ow udlin . * uo - *»v: 1 HOLT 34*ato- Htrong and advancing. Bulk rides notkJsWs maitt 5Kc; bulk shoulders 8*o 1 notlc,,, ‘ b, ® *'***" was an nnA.r* tJOTTwn—Oieo/uargarino 18 to JOo >dgs Goshen boo per lb; country •htiMtec 20 to iftc per lb. offeneg, The foUnwing Ub.e shows the o^ "' lng quotations; pooing and clot- 9; by car lots; 68c by small lots. “W-l —L&at catch. No 1. naif bbls (80), $4.75; lnarter bbJs (40), $2.60; kits No. 1, 76c; half bbli 2^* ' to. 2 (ft)), f?.76; quarter bbls (40), $1.76; kltaftfto; noe' talf bbls Ns. 8 (Wj, $3.60, quarter L> An (40), $1.60; I —^ fits 45 to Si)c. 1 ...... Puxm—Common $4.26 to $4.60; extra family *5^ York, July 21.—The followlns t. ,v W.OO to $6.26; fanoy family $4.36 to $6.60; fuU »i«iWe supply of cotton for the world; 8 " ^ 0.63 64 0 $9 I I 9 4'J-50 0.37-38 0.34-351 ttay..” 9 37-381 luue ^itock $6.75 to $6. rl 0; fancy patent 16.26 to $0.76. Sajis—14 *.bs average purin 13 / > 4 to tf}*!) per lbs 10 lbs average 12%o per lb. Hat—No. 1 Timothy, $19.00 to $20.00 per ton; 97 .....107 107 M ACJOU jlI\HKWT BKPOKT8. oiooka ami iioiius. i saal market corrected daily by J. W. Lockett. «. (a. 1989, Jan. and July coupons 107 Vsw Georgia 4 >4 per cents 108 «s. 7s, gold, quarterly coupons ....Ill I l ts, I860, Jan. and July ooupons 1S0>4 Cl XT BONDS. •tauon fa, quarterly ooupons 113 AVaanih w, quarterly coupons... 'olimbus 6t, quarterly ooupons.. tUanta Cs, quarterly ooupons Ujuria 6i RAILROAD BOND*. xnuta nd Knoxville 7 per cent 112)4 cft-.m steamship 6 per cent, bonds, guarid by Oratral railroad 102)4 .uantlo ud Gulf 1st mortgage, 1897, January sad July coupons 118 untsnt railroad consolidated mortgage7s, 1893, Jxr.oary and July ooupons 112 «»c]£a railroad 6s maturity 1867 to 1922, Jan- vy end July ooupons 107 fat i!b and Girard Indorsed 8 per oent. 2d Uorigsge, due 1893 110)4 ozr^cmery and Eufaula, lnd. 6s. 1st mort, 3u* 1909, January and July coupons 106 * m*m Alabama 8s, 1st mortgage, due 1888, April and October coupon* 106)* •uxa-vtern indorood 7s, 1st mort, due 1893, M*y and November couoona ji-mhns and Rome, Indorsed by O. K. B.....102)4 BAOJtOAD STOCKS. Ixnts and West Foist railroad stock 103 Hants and West Point 6 per ct certificates,ex 's rarest 103 •gneta and Havanash 7s, guaranteed 175 enuid ex-dividend 76)4 totral eerttficates W ruthweatern 7s, gnaranteed, ex-dividend 132 iec^ia railroad ex Itvidsnd 186 SARK STOCKS. tidtinge Cknk 24Q ItpUol 86 lintralOeorgta Bank 93 ftrel f,H»<iirt Bwir 126 Itttn Barings Bank 100 MtaOKIXANROOa MfOCKS. Ja«n Gas Light and Water stock 100 tfrb Manufacturing Oo. 1st mortgage bonds, pat and Interest Tsele/tn Female Oollege bonds Ill Cannetl Goods, imBS—$ lb cans. $1 per dor.. ,;,ioiMX»aiT*—2 lb cans. $1 per dox. 0«i«n»XR*—2 lb cans, $1.16 per dox. Joan—S lb cans. $1.86 y Jr dox. dom»*D Bkkf—$1.85 per dox for 1 IN, $3.60 per <a for 21b. Don OTSTRSfr— $2.20 per cane of 2 doe lb cans, ad $3.75per case for 2 id cans; 1 lb light weight. 11.90 to $1.86; 2 lb light weight, $2.80. 0 nroxxsKD Max—Per case of 4 dox., Eagl®. $7.76. |g as, $$.<)0, Diamond, half*. $3.76. tfiOURXL—1 lb cons 90c. per dos. Fbaomks—2 lbs, $1.16 to $1,2 * per dox; 8 lbs, ^0 to $1.86 per dox; pie, 3 lbs. f l .06 to $1.10. *•4*—Vsrly June. 2 lb cans, $1.75 per dox. ft arb—Bartlett’* 2 lb cane, $1.80 per dox. *!BXA*rLK»-2 lb cons. $1.66 per dox; seconds. IX 'I per dos. 9 rrrxn Ham—70c for «»d $1.88 for K>* ft t .*Bcnnnca—2 lb cans, $1.80 per dot. $4 axon—1 lb cans. $1.40 to 2 lb cans, $3.60 6* 14WBNXXIKS—21b cons. $1.60 per dox. grass Brans—2 lb cans $1.00 per dox. Tonatoxs-11ba. per dox. *5o: 9 Uie. $1.15 per Total visible supply is .^ . , Of which is American , ToUl visible supply last year !'S5!*!2 # , I Of which was American I'SSS’S prime ftlMtf to $19.00; balodstraw, $14 to $16. ReceipU at aUiuterior towns .*.*.*.! tS Lard— 1 Tierces family 7)4o per lb; cans 7)4o per lb; I B®ce»pts from plantations ' Olboone 7*£c par lb; 6 lb cans 80 jer lb, 8 lb I Crop in sight..... * six 8 *4‘c per lb. Naw -xobk. July 24, evwum(.-oottlft SIS Miujf—fn hotter supply than for some time, but I #M3r; 125; u Pl* nds 9 9-16; Orleans ov* —»*•«—» m.. ireire. *n *- C °75*?^lidatod^wceipta 2,141; exports to Great ^Brl - „ , Galvbnton, July*24.—Cotton market aniet- mM Una-booi |o 5J<op«r lt>; rrlm. *.< to 5«e | »•' eomIjm 15. grou U* Xo mat rreof now In market ftXCB—Good AH to 4*0 pet >*r lb; fanoy head 6)%e per lb. nab*—ilw lb Tu^iuia «oc; i 17 ib aiwuiuu Ll«sr Noaeoi K. J«1* 2i.-CcttCZ market »Louv- mu. pool 75 to 87c: Liverpool 96c. 0\r loaolots ate loss. I Jltog® 9,H; net receipts 21, gross 21; stock iris) BmtAB—Market a littie easier. Out loaf SIX* L“!?* M; ® x P° r “ ®o«twi*e 72. ‘ ^ SMS * ““ " c.; White | JtUy Y4.-AMton market qniet »tj gc, nominal; Jriddhnge 9 9 16: net reoelits -- dm! e 45 to 48c 1 1 ‘ 0; —19,m; to spixuers 60; exports XZXX powdered H.Hc.; granulated extra O 6\(o; light creams AHc; browns 6 BTnrrs—Fancy New Orleans open kettle per gal; other grad os 23 to 40c per gsh Mlscellatieoaa Groceries. Arts Gxzasb—$2.26 to $3.60 per case tvai dozen. Bab Lkad—6\c. Bxxr—Cornod cocked, 11 cone $1.75 per dox.; 2 lb cans 2 2\ Blacking—No. 1, per gross, $2.70; No. 4, per (Totm, $6.00. Bmocwa—$1.90 to $4.00 per dozen. dllngs SJi umnem—*i.wi» io e».w per noztm. i fltnr v e ^ buoxKTB-Vainted, $1.46 to $1.66; paper, $8.00 per | ' Oandlkn—8tar, UKc. property by reason of the advanced aaseeameuts o#» h's real estate. He says that ha can't estimate UU lore lu rent. uh.U to rent uy of LU | R*«n‘ I'rohlhuren Kl.ctlon- A Con- property that was made vacant by reason of pro hibition. Jlr. Jerry Lxnch bid . rtore th.t h. rented for re-1 »,7ur f'i jla -Bre''inmdTrel'UrteV tL«*a *b » purposes. Ovsr the saloon wsre ^wo rooms servntiva XVoplr. TnoMAsviLLR, July II.-Thomas county went wet” yesterday by a majority of 913 in a total _ . been polled befora tn the county. A careful estl- pled .nd for which good renU boing yM. H. «d“‘IS? whftS.* Vh.”?,'wU'''*’ also rented adjoining tha store a small building I u r|?t oea and 764 whltea-tha whltaasUltU dry. usod for a butcher shop and green grocery. Two I negro** very weL Ihe vote was fully 800 heavier ““ “O” , ^ 0 , brin *7* rTh.~ o’rSSTSd rreim, thro.,bout th. good rent. The total amount received for rents- campaign, the election, and since the result was from this property was $110 per month. Prohlbl- known leads ms to tha conclusion that Thomas $80 00 Dear Bir: Accept our thanks for yonr isvor. We did ids bMt we could with voar melons. Onr mar ket bos been vary roach crowded with melons for the last week. Please acknowledge check. Res pectfully, L. C. Pkkoa * Co. During the time my melons were in the hands of . L C. Peers k Co., 1 wrote them oue or two letter* and wired once for prices, a« I had morn melons i sell* They made no response. Cowment I* ul necessary. Let tbe pnblic draw their own conclu sions. Resuectfully, T. P. Rhoukm. Oconee. Gs., July 2frd. tlon br. k. up th, cutlre retit.m.nt, ud now h. I conrerr.tlT. clUrea. uf th. dote not get a dollar out of the Investment that 1 Mi only a short time ago paid him $110 per month. The Haralson Bros, have their lota asi fl.Oihj for taxes. One of them waa sold at public outcry a abort time ago and brought $375. A commodious building with two entrance*, one a Lin* street and the other on Decatur street and I ® nd , HAWKINbVILLE. A. Meeting In the lutarest of the Prrjoeted Atlanta anil Ilawklnavllle Halirmul. Uawkinsvilln, July 24.- A masting was held here this mo ning in the Interests of the projected At- hawkinsville railroad. Speeches were . ^ w. ww . , , . I made by J. N. Dunn, A Haas and O. w. Adair, of fronting th* Kimball, which has never before rented I Atlanta, and J. E Laidler J. B. Mitchell and An- for less than $2,000 a year now brings only $1,900. 1 dersou Newsom, of this place. A reeolntlnn was a deduction of $800 a year, while the lncreaeid | valuation of the property made by tbe Hn u $5,500 more ihu hit jmt. or u Ui of IDO.yrer ^Uaal. doereored nnulot$H10. A building on Brood .tract, centrally located and WAItRENTON. in a moet desirable portion of the buslnere centre Death » nd Bur,al * f MptmmW M. II 1 bharlej. Wabbknton. Oa., July 24.—Don. M. H. Bhnrley. representative from ibis (Warren) county, died at bis home at Norwood last night at fUB) o’clock, or of the city, sold n short time ago for $2,100; less | than the assessment. Stores In the Kimball House tbat eome time ego I rented for $125 per month now rent for $26, and | rhen»*Hsin ofjtho fo™*^]*?™** there Is no competition for them at that price. ^ ^ " " ' * Tbe Holland property on MarietU street, known | thU afternoon at 4 o’clock, as ebe “Old Box Factory,” which le ax- teased at $11,000, was sold a abort time ago for $6,900. These are only a few of eooree ot instance* showing how property has decreased In Iti real value in Atlanta. The figure at which n*wp6RJ ^ ***** hf Recounted for in only ode way and fix'd UttUat. ill view of the feet that the law prohibits on increase in the city tax, high a* »•: - meets have to be resorted to for the purpose of securing enough mohfty out of the property owners of Atlanta to make np ndeficitot # $7<k(00 in the city's revenues by reason of the abolishment of the liquor business in Atlanta. The prohlbl- tioaiste ore responsible for this lose in the revenue of (be city, end ore also responsible for the in creased assessments on all classes of property. II Dr. Hawthorne will pay th* Atlanta bureau of the Macon Vulkokam a visit th* staff of Ihtt po pe r will cut a watermelon, give him e glass of arte sian water and thoroughly post him with reference to what le going on iu Atlanta. He can then con tinue bis lector* war and have plenty of facts to give to hie hearers. Typhoid Fwvcr. Charles Hartford, of Nsw Castle. Westchest r county, N. Y , suffered with typhoid fever, and waa given up to d *. He wea restored to health in one week by taking five Brandreth Pills ever; nUhtand drlnkiog plentifully of oatmeal gruel. A few does* of Brandreth’a Pills will invariably core any kind of fever lie- Connery Prod nee aertBo—Dried 4 He; evaporated 8c. HiBSAGB—-8 to 12c per (read. DxirdPxvoHrs—StriMly No. 1 peeled (leper sue- s to lOo. wtareuns—Choice geee* Kb to .'3:; mixed 38c 10$. unions—Yellow and red $7.60 use bm fBae—White $1.75, field $1.10 to $1.16. Fkutttx—North Carolina and Vo. %>% to 6, Ga. *6X«. PokaTORB—Irish. tl.Olperbhl, r^cTTBf—From am nanda, yonng rhlfkenx, 12.S to *■»* hsna 2.V each; live turkeys $1.60 to 4. /air. live gee** «0c; ducks 26* tfat—Choice Timothy. $1.00 to $1.10. Urogs, Points ond Oils, riteze ANoDrzaTcnea—Indigo, best. Tie to Me; .adder. He to lie: salts, 3«e W3c; blnsaton*. 6Xc Sir, slam, *Xc to 4o; cochin#al, 58c to 40c; magne- tacorb, lOe to teet floor sulphur, itfe to let roll Blphnr, 3Hc to 4c; camphor, 38c to 86c; copperas, Hncklrn'a Arnica Salve. The Best Solve In the world fer Cuts, Bmisea, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Bhenu, Fever Sorts. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Coras, and all 8kin Eruption", and pxlUvsly curt s PUeu. or no pay re quired. lt Is guaranteed to give perfect aatisfsc- r money refunded. Price 3» cents per trox. For *) |,y Lamar, .ntH. a t.m*. * Rankin k Lamar. A Georgia Giant. SANDEnsTii.u, July 21—Wo saw on the street yesterday T. Warthen, who Urea in thia county near the Hancock line. Mr. Warthen is nineteen yean ot age, six (ret nine inehea in height and weigha K<2 pounds, actual mcaenrement hTATE MEWa 1TKM8. ' —Thrae or four handrail men work tn tha Dads county cut min., nail thay di, ml 500 ton. ot coal •T.ry day. —The peat aortal featnrea ot the A then. Unlrcr- alty war. the Chandler , rac. p* A Convict Accld.ntalljr Killed, hmaara. Jaly $3,—at boos yeatentey Colonel rmtr*. lirtuclial kmper of tho penitentiary, lT«d a dtefwich from th. cantpat Oram lltlte. I. cl^» ematy. Inturmla* him that a coovtat had ,n i.ilad. C.toa.1 lowaraleft tha city o. tha »l train, uiucted th. pter. laat Bl|hL He ul d th. mnmtt and Jury ready la eater apea tha TaatlfMion. avalttef hte anteal. The lolhnr- f u * tha pmtlcalMi aa rapoeted hy Cokmal Tow* thentoraad today: Tha amvlct kilted vu a . nren hey. Xdateeh H. ... under rich and tbe commencement belt Dr. Mell’s real- dencn woe thronged Tuesday night with the repre sentative people of the Htste. and the aoriads of Japaneea lanterns in front surpassed any stage ef fect ever seen even In New York. Tbe commence ment ball, where th* beauties of several Htatee were gathered, was another dazzling scene. —finmter Republican: A negro man named Lum Mill lit. on Mr. Rufus Hooks's pi*:*. In Leo c»uu ty. woe shot and killed Thursday night. It Is said that he was sitting tn the door eating a water- Bselon when some one fired, the ball entering hia head and ha fall dead without a struggle- lie wa» a quiet, bard-working and honeet negro, very hum ble and obedient, and hie death, or tho cooee. Is a mystery, as u was tboagh$ u had —Lincolatoo News: We team that a little negro fell into Littie r.ver last week whil* «ndeav«.ring Iu * walk a log” used aa a crowing. Her brutal father accoiup«nied the Uttte nogro aad her brother to the river and bade thorn croM one at a time. To the child’s affrighted re a oostrencee ha answered with curses and blows. He romp»Ued them to crow, and. when about half way, on* of them fell ia at. woe drowned before the Csco of the inbamsa wret h. Whan ashed as to the whereabout* of urn gM te ssid that she one fn the trier end war useleee to concern huoeelf further aUm “ The body wm found three days after Waah-up uu tho Coutral A wash-up on th* Central railroad, within four. miles of Gordon, waa occasioned vesterday by the I Hi **n chon Mix, 35c to40c; iodide potash, W to The train from Atlanta, arriving in W.W; rhubarb. 76c to $hJ»Nia »125 to $L60; 1, waa ordered not to proceed on tho I WMkM* *. «$MMi«M*o$li Wnemaaa, 4*- way to Savannah, and preparations were according-1 » $0®» ®*orphlne, $8.05 to $8.10; chloroform, 80o 1» made to stop over, but* late tel’grom directed I *•} —rior oil. lUlto ll *•- • • r 1 Faxnti. rro.—White lead, strictly pure, $6.60 « $7; furnlt ore varnish, $1.60 to 8; conch varnish, 9f.$0 to $3; cabinet glne, lOn to 40c; white yloo, “ tet$e. Oils -Llnieed, row. Ho: linseed, boded, fie; tweet oil, $1 to $3.10; tarpon tine, !6Xc; cylinder oil. iMtohftu; rtignol. 6».*c to fide; West Virginia black. Ife; lard oik due toCftc; cottonseed, 60c; ho ITj; tarcseno, lfc; txeatefoot, 78c; machinery, 36c j i rte: mineral seal, S*e: oottnneeed. red ned. €$c- flutn, Newlonndlond nod. 6* c. Dry Goods fiannr BHumNos—WaynmanvOie, K. 6c; Avon- "MM? sunnava—WKynaucvtlte, <t. 5e; Avca- |t . Irt, IgA 1’uuu.ld $atart«a»-rnlt o( room, X. Wo- n Hnra*nvo.-TLrd wLl., Fruit of Loom, « WuaautU, lu.Sc; Lou.J.l., 1>;c*. ttehot «H'e. tteua’.’uot-C'irlnlh an! othra.teod5tdh.uA,, : oa to: 1 oa 5<jc;l o«. i^c. Jtiv^Ar.dr-'<o.vto. Tltei Bsckport. :Vc, LoccnU, «!v»:S»niuk«w ratOMn, JXa. Patna—r»cl0t, 5c; Vlodaor, t *: Araold., te; <M, tKo; Amulewu, IK": Bomtlteo, Cs;c: Conn, orv, 5S£ti Lodi, «Koi Charter Ook, 4S-: Borwltk, l$* Bxiiupo, 3 l ,C. iaianao Plum-Utirlaittt tciAatiteta, Hie, kaohoc, Oanm-tteacs*. esc; Aubon. 5So; Katoo- n^-Cennt, extra, 14c; Oonrota, extra, X. jwe: fihatneket H, 6c; H F H, 14c; ThocndlkeO O, lo; TfccTT.dlke OO No. 130, 'anoy. $Hc; Amoaksag VO A, 16c. Knntockt Jxaxs—2) % lo «4e tier yard. ;La t f. Tnokad— Fogle and PheBdx. perfect. 25a —Yesterday a negro driver for Mr O. W. Mmsoy, driving a wagon loaded with cruse-ties for the Cov-1 ingtun and Macon railroad, was met by a passing I train. Us Jerked the hones to get ont of the way. I when one of them f*U beck on hi* Uuuches, break-1 Jn$ both hind legs. Excitement In Texas* Great excitement has been caused in the vicinity of Paris. Texas, by the remarkable recovery ot Mr. J. R. Corley, who woe so helpless he could not turn in bed, or raise his head: everybody said he was dy ing of consumption. A t lot bottle of Dr. King*# New Discovery waa sent hi?. Finding relief, he i bought a large bottle and a box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills; by the time be had token two boseo of pills and two bottle* of the Discovery, be was well ond bad sained in flash thirty-six pounds. Trial bottles of thia Great Discovery for Consumption free at Lamar, Rankin k Lamars. One More True Musks htory. Speaking of the great strength of snakes, a few days store, in th* presence of a worthy and reliable citizen of this county, he gave the crowd the fol- lowing instance in illtutratlon: A few years ego he owned a dog that form'd the habit of hunting by himself, until the occasion cited. An a'lseccfi of two day* aroused the fears of tha narrator, lest hia dog waa hung under aoa -clay-root.” whither be bed pursued e rabbit other varmint. A search wee mane, w hi. h revolted in the finding of tie do?, cold in the dottb*e mb brace of death sod a s«.e»-foo« block former produced by tbe latter. bat the strange part of the affair woe the discov ery that the snake we* dead eleo; nr thy or from any wound Inflicted hy the dog: but hie enakeehtp. tn the heat o* pasvton and vehemence of hte o*- aeult, Irna hie coil around the d'»g‘e nock with hie head A rot. sod had a turily wound hie bod; aod tall eo rapidly a.d firmly around the enam; tbat be had choked hiouM>lf aleo Ricid in death. , the embrace of the victor waa eo firm that iw„ I strung men with difficulty unwound him. ccmitwU. 50. "" ■ Mport. BonoK. July 24.—Cottoti m«rt.t qnl«; mldaiiM »»t roci^te 253, gtoM 4T3; min !_? •tuck 0,310. 1 WiLMXNOTON. July 24 —Cottua market quiet; •nil*. tags 6; net reo#:pu ; gross itOCk 5 5. * PHiLALKLPnu. July 24.—(lotion msrket trm- UtiiliUing" 9*,; netreocinc* 1.779 grem 1.779-jkuk 11,511; exports to Great Britain 1,762. Uva>n*u, July 24. —4,ctu)u utarkot quiet; mL;. receipts 80, groat 30; sales —.. Mew uai.irtNs, Jn’y 24 —Cotton market dull- nlud Riga 9 3-16; net receipt# 36, pro** 36, 0«ra_A«.rt-. m VteaM. • »toe: t« iarnla | Cimuxo* Biaa-Fra lb, 12 to 18a. ■IlillniH 1 «ljl), . mar to quiet hut steady: 1 7: grost 7; iaIfi I Mobil*. July 24.—cuUou i mldaUnr" 9; cot receipt" stock 4,3"2; exports coastwise 326. Mutmi". Jaly 24.—Cotton market steady; tic- dlinge 9 V. receipts 68; shipment* 885; 499- $2.75 to $8.26per cane. . CmxcKxna—Uurmltage and Rxoelslor, 6Ho; milk I o uutterand 7 xlffS t^anI July24.—Cotton market firm;nid«iai SSlf Sr JSftSSVSwi wi C J?9 16-16; receipt* 30; shipments ; tale. 1,}**. 1 map*. 7 H to 8Xo L X and XXX lemon croama. 7 X to | ohaslkstok. July 24. -Outton marzei qaut; uuittw-iw. middllnff" 9; net receipt* 2, groex 2; vales —; IUcauokz—Domestic, loo per lb; imported, lltfc I * tock 3 ' 112, yer per lb. Mack—60o. Maronxt—Slide 60s, ->6o; round wood 11.26; 800*, $8.60 to $3.78; 400*. $4 60 to $4.71; 600s, $5.60. Ntmtxoa—60o to 80c. OaTXKAL-Per bbl, $6.76: per half bbR $3.00. PsrrEB—20o. Purnc* 8aco*—66c to $1.10 per dox. PxoKLca-Piste $l.on; quart* $; h barrels, plain and mixsd $6.00. Potash—Ball, per case, 14 Grain and Provisions. Chicago, July 24.— Flour quiet and *te\dy. Wkeg opt-ued easy and closed 1 & lower th *a > evUrdwt July 73?4a*6J4, August 74’ 4 s74^, Beplembvr 74k. Corn opened end closed weaker and lower: Cub 39?g, July 39>4a40. August 39«{a40, Heptemter 41^. Oats opened active but closed • eak: Cash 27. Jnh 27a’J7J4, August 27*^. Heptember 2M' a a-2H) a . Hms pork oi>ened quiet and dosed weak: C**h |9.N, - , August $9 33, September $9 42Ks9.43. Lard ere*! $2.25 to $2.56; 16 J *a*y and rinsed lower: Caah $6.52)4. MtgnatflSJk, ot. $z.6o to $2.76; Damson pure, $2.86; Bterling, Heptember $9 60. Bhort rib sidae quiet ami imfy; n — . . . »_ \ Caac fC00. 11 .xed meats steady: I>ry raltalCori- 8alt Book—Per ton. In lota, $15.00; lem quantity dera $6.06*6.10, short clear $6.46*0 50. witty 80o per 100 lbe. qniet at X112. Hnsare steady and unckzsfri: 8a*diwxs—American $7.76; Imported $18.02. Granulated f.Ji, standard A 6 BNAMUtft* Baoe—Two bushel, Uc; 2)4 bush 22c; ht. Roms. July 24.-Flour dull and easy; rutfir 8 bushel. 250. . $5.60s5 60; choice' 18.28*4.00; fancy liteaXIL Boat—Common to fancy, $2.00 to $6.60 pe box. I Wheat opened active and closed tower. 8 9 .j ni 80»4-Kega, 4Kc: box**, 1 lb, 6M; H lb, b%: cash 74)4, August 74Ka75X. Heptember assorted. 6*0; lb. packages. 6. Bnigo—lOo. STABon—Box** 4o per lb; 1 lb boxes t *4 to 5c. Corn opened active and closed Hal), lower thae yesterdav: No. 2 mixed cash SOsUri,. AiiysstteSa 87, Heptember 37^- Oats opened very daU md . ... --’m — —• ■ at, puinnunrr «•». uynuctj irii unu wu Bacm-LcntUradX Jan 8no: lib «1»m Jar. 80c: t Kal.',' low.r: No. 5 mltM ca.h HSJi, Kw« ^andloiiBn tins Me. j»r Ib: Wraaana-. HBotcb j«j: bi-t. at *107. Pm.l.ino. r«j Mo; Scotch larce bladder, itec .mall bladdan Mo. doll and nncbaaud t Pork .tearir at 110.50. Ur< •ma-Iiaprrtal. itood to cb°l^ J» to 05o; rm arn) at *« » '" powder. eoo,l to r’lolro, *) to 76c; Young IIy. n i OD , cl ,, r . jood to choir., aj lo Mc: Knulteh br»uifa.t, iood to bond lota: loncclear SAM .hort rib. (IIK mmmrifsfig— “ - " .hortcl'arlM6. Dacon orater: lone cl«i tin. „ jo onoic*. xo io iuc: aacan. wooo to “ choice, 88 to fiOo, Tobacco—Market du'l; demasd moderate, We ... „ quote: HmoklDg. Me to S1.SS; chewlun. common, I $.85. Wb«t w»ak amt low.r: No. » ml !*•“. •omul. 3S to a»( madliuu, 40 to Mo; brloht, too to Cora .trady: No. arniird 40V. OoU .tra.lj: So. 7«c; Bn. fancy. Me to K>»: oxlra But, 90c to SL10; , mlrad ot. Port lower at (10,lSI<a|:>JA UHt bright navlH, 4Bo to STc; dart navlrN, too to SOo. I Tomato CaTtOT—Pints, 90c; quart., ,1.15. JSPS Tcaa-p» *1.50 to IL15-. No. 1. BT.Mnar ,uortrlbatlM.clcar*1.80. Whl*»t«l« down: No. 2. $A36 por doaan; No, , BAM par dos. maai .tcadn Now ortean. 8atH- Hi*, steady; Twiwr—Ootton, Inc tosaetjuto Me; papar, 11c: rowmor. andlljhtll I3.l90;paclrlu,andb<.irtwf immi ^ July 21.—Orali .tcaly and qni.t: WbMt—ho. 2 nd 71.' Corn—No. 1 whit, to, uij—! , i 3 mixed 07. Oats—No. 2 mixed hwiPw nirtra, Wool, Etc. atrady. Bacon-Clara rlbo 1090, Oteatddra IIX. nmxa-Omon aalt pt» pound, s dryaalt abonld.r, |#.H. Bulk maata-Clwr rib .low oar pound. Do to 10c: dry Bint par pound, to to JA47M, rloar aldoa «6.H, abonldraa I*« u "« pork 111.00. Hama—Sngur-curad llUOall*. Lard—cbolca (8.00, I — — hxw Toax, July 24 nontQ.rn floor nncliaisH: Lxaniin in Bonuu-Bldaa, nor pound l« to 18e: Common to fair extra ri.03a3.M, good tn ttowi whoteklpa. parMnnd. Me to Mo. .xlra »3.9<aJ.4S Whoatrctlvaand low.r: No.lnd FnaawSxiaa-Dry. porplsco. WctoiOo. MuudH ■" ~ ' ' “ Bnaaauxow-P.r plw-a. to to 10a. lowor ” Tsllow—Par pound. 4o. I Arm: . ■ Bnawax—Pun white and y.Uow, por pound, 18e untet: Common to cbolco laid ikiBte. _ ftlodnll: No. Hto 7 8'J.S , July 87.70 Hosarta'l woot-PIrra and adranelnk; Nlrwco, llnrry, par u d unrhangad: Muacori^o 4V, l’orto ltko Ht ponnn, *>to rtoi narashad. per pour.d, 1m to Contrlfugala e 5-1A Enxllah Uliutd. 4U-14: te» —-itmt. Mr to 30o: WMboA llurry. too to Me to good t-Bnlo, 4’taS. raBnad Brm: C l\* ra f a.yaa.1 o w ueai scuva auo tower; o»u- * •— (tut 86 > 4 aH6V, Heytembar . Corn »« io rer: No. 2 July 47>;a47«, August 47).MM. 00* n: No. 2 July 37)4, august 34‘«*34V HjW Leather, white extra 6, ydlow 4 )«o4^, mould A • & risoMie A 8M. cut loaf 6)4*614. crushed 6)4*«»4. f m Molaseeedu 1 and lower at 17)« *or tehgJ Oak sole, Sfe to 42c; hemlock. 3ic io wh- French Rice steady. Ootton seed oil 35*26 tor erode. calf skin. $40 to $60 per dox; American. $26 to $86 36 for refined. Hide* firm: New Orloan* K M dox; kip. $30 to $60 per dox; horuMis leather, I Fork qntet and utichan fed at $10.87)4*10®3v <3, ■to 46a : skirting, 40c to 46c per Vh; topringe, $» I old. $11.25*1162)4 for new mere. Mxidte® , 4 ^ |to $16; liulnga. $4 to $6 per dot. ^ 1 ' *” *—• -—_»..*» ami cl Lime. k’toHWsr amt Csmsut If aval Mures. - HavamraN, July 21 —Bplru* ot turpe#tt»® 5«" u32!4asked; sale*— barrets. Bomlfimrib* utu, finwraiiui,! mi ULw w—• — , . a Lout door $7.00. Lord opened rieady and rij** uuchong-d: Western prime steam spot •• •*> August $6 750*6.7 •, Heptember $5 84s6 and li->sei.daU $1.75 to $1.90; I If!" : Cottol » *° per steamer 944.1. Portland cement $3.26 co $3.60. 3 IIaim—40 to fiOo. I.r :r.-Alabama lamp 11.10 par bbl; Ctotgla $1.00 | Pnaanta—Caklaad $2.30 to $2.00 par bbl. Liquor* Rye $1.06 to $4.00. Bourbon 11.06 to $4.00 Be-IEL.^!*. ii xtii distilled ire and com $1.10 to $1.60. Oin and nun 2ZJ!S!? f 1 Vr'JSSS J tunas*** tlAQtoUM. N. a corn $1.40 to $lu». ^ OyaaLWTON.^ Jjriy TS Bbandt—Peech and apple »1J0 to $2.80; cherry 1 m. ®l®Ady. fitrainefl and ginger brandy 90c. to $1.00; Prench brandy y™ j nT - refined difi HjWto $'1.96. Domestic hrandy $1.76to $3.00. S SktJl%tS^MteaduRjri34‘.sMft. t^Wi«x—Catawba 9$ to $1.00. Port and sherry $1.36 | ®/1 irpreitlne dull at wilmnutob. sniy x«.—opinta m quiet at 32. Rosin steady: straiued 75; 40ou so. Tar firm at $1.30 Crude tnrpeotia* fins - TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. STOCKS AK1) BOKIW. LoxDoy. July 31, noon-Ccneolr, money 1011-16; account 101*4. • 3 p. u —Console 1018-16. , w-^-. Now York, July 34.—Blocks dull but firm; I HolleUs roosignments ©fjPOtLThT. jyjj Money *a^ at 1*4*to 4. ftxchinge, k*g $4,83*4.1 HIDKB. WOOL I RUITft VftOftrABLOJ short UM%. BUte Unule dull but firm. J9*eru-1 kind" of PRUDVCK. Quick roles sad pro»F* menu dull, vith quotalR-na sUa* 1 /, turns. Bend f^rqu Bvening. - xaebaage tet\. nuey D4 to 8. I HA" AUM*, .UIT 41 — nt"U ta.aas. M I Bums 27 to 31‘ pnllM li tn :n K. E. CHEATHAM. Oroctr «C Comutl» l< it 31rrth*»u n DAT ST., SAVANNAH, oa. ‘ <97...00. cureaaay UnmUy Hbaving a Navalty, Toot, ft. T, Jaly U.—William H. Lyn charged 1 HLV with keeping hte barber s.p open oo DulIaj by < Caj ( the Bartera’ Protective 6ae»<Uikm. wee dtenrieeed I OA hy Pi .lee MajU>tra*s Jenysh this mm*In*. I Tanns—Flint River fitKc per 1 Fruits »rn Note. Otraos—fioe. jBAjisauujCM—Gape God !»«). Jcsuvxa—7c. Oatae JtolOe Fiw*—Lajtr choice l« to JOe. man— ^ pet tea. ft ms—Temgona ounonda Ue uer tb; hu«ti» pa- 1; shell 24a per lb; French waunto f» te IS* per | cocoas lOe per Ib: fhmslls 10c p»r lh*. coeoanate ft It to $40.00per 10UR Fgpvx— 9 to U!4h fta neats—New layers $3.00 per box; new Zero-Ru. yxri ftUO per bw; loner, m-uestels $3.09 per bo.. Hardware* Ixxe-Sftwld to JT^Odaroa. ftUL Loas—7c. per pound, rezera—Paiated,f!.« per dee; cedar 3 hoops Jvtv'-'aeury holoncee: Gems $30,392,01)0. Governtc»*t *.*0. ittee dull; . “"“INK: «K aanteliOlij WJ. but* bonds dull but Bnn. bank rtitimr. The weekly aUtemant of the associated beaks shoe* the following changes; Reserve. increaM*.. 669.37$ Loens, Iiutw" $ IN6.41M* fipecie. tncreese 164.300 Legal tenders, decrease 73,800 Depoaita. de«^va«e l,915,li>0 Circulation, inerra* 50,100 The banks now bold ir. excess of qnireminu 14,270,300 Tho tol'-o vui wt-n, wi n'oraaa gaotatioaai Ala. OUm A. 2 to a li 4 iNaab. aad Chat.... K‘: UlM. I'.fa «.l« N, O. Fratflc, la.... ‘ HotglaB. 102 N.I. Cautrxl ia.1fc mnrlM. Hi I Norfolk k r.praf.. N. CatoUr. (OL.f. >Nraibna I.OteiUraion.«j. <D I •• cm* B O.Er:.oA - i. i ' . '.>«,-!•<MU1......... fenneroa-r • , t’v.iirtg .... VbXUiia w 4 . .u. A.aut Alteak'y. . '• t-mcMiwa ta di^b.raia Dan 112 >-w.an10l. ... a Dkfc. and W.It uMmo .n-i li fth 1 B't'.'Pwkl-.tead i!»’ rtc. |K»-..,m.d.... IW .Bt. K-aul 9 Dalawara and Lack lv7 1 **!» . IJ>, Texas S-ac'flc.. IS-^Twm. !t, a... CnlHt Vv.;Jc,. . {-•’•’ XrartkiiwT Cm I IMR. 1.1 ul. M»J VlM-'jr: iurtfl, I H..VU. i <-,at f. in. D. ra.^ran I M/JJl. azOUtio » MX; •D:l. »$6 Ofi per dozen. heavy rain*. Tbe - • «r X v- hbutltg jewde- $i.7X. COTl’OJi I LttKxKMju Joty 34. nooa— ixals SXli; *.: id ^eralsTfeh i.d export MOO; r««.«ipu m «j, all Jn)-7»aax