The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 03, 1886, Image 8

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8 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. THE INSIDE OF ATLANTA. THE DAY BKFOHK THE GUBERNA TORIAL CONVENTION. Friend* of the Rival CamlIrate* “Minkins Hand* Acrow the Iltoodj Chasm"— Gordon and Baron Both on Haud —The Ontlook for To-day. order: Secretiry of But*. Treasurer, Comptroller and Attorney-General. Some one made a motion that the cancne de termine on ita candidate* for these officers, b 't *■ tbi* would bare called baud* on tbe little Loiter boom for Attorney-General tbe motion wm tmoth- cred. At tbe le t figuring Letter to-night count* only sixty rote*. E. D. Graham,of tbe Bartow bolter*.rehearsed tbe eiory of tbe convention tn B rtow, and asked tbe cancua to determine if the boltere ebonld a»k for a eeat to-morrow in tbe convention. He brought out no new poiut In tbe Bartow convention a«ce*»ion. Atlanta. July 27 —Tbe delegatee to the guber ...... nettrial convention ponrrd into tbe city tod., Ira Mknowteogto thnt It wa. > n.lnorttjr that mmhuted the Gordon delegates. Bis excuse for every train till tbe hotels were filled with Governor- maker* and made Atlanta look somewhat like old times. The crowd congregated in and about tbe Kimball Houae.mixed and mingled togetber.frler de of .General Gordon and ^friends of Major Bacon, in perfect good humor. General Gordon was obaerved to be present early in tbe day and entered vigorously upon tbe grand hand shake act, in which be la a conspicuous suc cess. On the hotel register be wrote himself down from “DeKalb Co." Tbe afternoon Central train brought in Major Bacon from Mac>n. Judge Simmons, of Macon, at one time a candidate and in tbe field, vii also present, and completed tbe picture. A run among tbe arriving delegatee failed to get any definite expression from them as to tbe proba ble detail work c f tbe convention, rather indicating a'diepoeition to wait until tbe cancne shall arrange tbe programme. Tbe f> lends of both cand dates will caucus to-night and determine tbe line of ac tion to be pursued bj them to-morrow. There are several aspirants for tb* distinguished honor of presiding over the convention, tbe most prominently mentioned now being ex-Oovernar James M. Smith, of Columbus, and Judge Jcbn T. Clsrk, of Cutbbert. Their friends have been urg ing them for tbo position, but it la not unlikely the choice of tbe convention will settle upon some one SAVANNAH. that act was that when the resolutions binding all taking part in tbe convention by tbe nomination that the majority who voted them down bad sp. planded to tbe echo Dr. Felton's assertion that be would not vote tor General Gordon if nominated. Tbe rtnrni Instructed tbe delegation that it was tbe sense of tbe cancua that tbe delegation should claim seats in tb* convention. From wbat was •aid in a cursory discussion, it was evident that tbe Intention of tbe Gordon men is to seat tbe boltere. There was some discussion over the question as to whether or not tbe permanent chairman of tbe convention is ex-officio chairman of the Hiate exec utive committee, but no action was t*km. Tbe caucus a-Jjourned aftc: i»l.*‘u.oniwU- session of about two bonrs. TUB FIRST Birr LB. Hotel gossip this evening indicates that tbe first ripple is the will lie caused by tbe con testing delegations from Bartow county. In that county two sets of delegatee were elected, both claiming to be entitled to the representation, both asking to be seated. Tbe Bacon delegates were elected at the meeting called by tbe county execu tive commit ««. At this meeting the Gordon wing withdrew, after finding that they could not coutrol tbe organization, and held another, at which Gor don delegates were elected. These delegatee will eek to be eeated in tbe convention to-morrow un ices in tbe meantime other counsels ebonld prevail and tbe claim be withdrawn. A fight over It In tbe convention to morrow might give additional life and spice to tbe deliberations of that body. •neb a fight tbe fine band of Parson Felton would doub l£ii bo more or lest felt TRB ATTOBNET GKXKRALSHIP. It looks to-day a* though Georgs N. Lester is still a candidate for the office of Attorney-General. Borne of bis friends seem to think there is a chance for him, although, it la under*tsod that considera bly over a majority of tbe delegatee are practically pledged to tbe support * f Hon. Clifford Anderson. Tbe Lester contingent is email, but bis candidacy is seriously entertained, and zealous friends are en gaged in feeling tbe pulse of tbe convention in bis behalf. 1 think, however. It la scarcely probable that his name wlU be placed before tbe con vention. OOBDOX Jir.X L'XL AST. At this hour tbe friends of Oeneral Gordon still aeem anxious and uneasy as to wbat course will be pursued in the convention by tbe delegateefrftudly to Major Bacon. This anxiety and nneaalneas will probably not be entirely relieved until tbe adjourn ment of tbe convention. BACOX's ADDBKM. A frequent topic of discusslm during the day wae Major Bacon's address' to tbe peuple. pub lished Sunday. It Is generally conceded a strong and able paper, many bolding that be could not. in justice to himself and tbe methods used to compass bis defeat, adopt any otbar Une. Others seem to think the address too ssverf on some points, and ml—-i-*- 1 at this juncture to do more harm than goad. The frequency with which It la discussed •hows it to be apepsrof no ordinary character, aud that it has taken hold of the public mind. TUB CHAlBMAXsmr. Among other names talked of for chairman of the convention is lion. U. U. Bingham, of La Orange. It fa tbe (mpreaalon that bis uame will bepveccedattbe caucus. He will bavs tbs sup port of quite a number of counties along tbe line of the West Point railroad. TUB MJLTOX COCXTY DELEUATIOX held a meeting to-day at the Gordon headquarters and organized. Dr. R. D. Spalding was elected chairman of tbe delegation, and will cast its vote. They will vote for Oeneral John B. Guidon for Oovernor, Wm. A. Wright for Cumptroller-Oeneral. K. U. H.rdetuan for Treasurer, N. C. Barnett for Secretary of State. This delegation will also cast Its vote for Oeerge N. Lester for Attorney-General, if he ta a candidate. SHALL IT M rXAXlMOCSt The question most discussed this afternoon and tonight is whether Oordon's nomination will made unanimous. The Gordon men show a disj-o- a tten to force this question on the oonventtoo. and at the present outlook propose to press It upon tbe Minority. They will certainly fail to get n unani mous vote In this way. and they have doubtless nlreaJy ditcovered that fact THE RING CAUCUS LAST NIGHT. James M. Smith to Nominate (lordun—II 11. lllgham for Chairman of the Convention* Atuxta. Jnljr 37 Jn®.e U. Smith will present the nits, of John B. Oord.m Mora th* Demo cratic Htete convention bora tomorrow for th* nomlnntlon for Oor.raor. U. «u selected for th. jrarpcM by th* Oordon ctnetu to-night, which met In the rapneentetlvs hill of the But* bourn. Dupont Quarry, of Sumter. in<I CUrk Uow.ll, of Pulton, will sacocd th. nomUhttou. At th. roil rail of th. nuctu th, follow Inf cowntlra, with lh«tr rvcpcctlve rote* annelid, wm Tho ilmcuu Cancua. Atlanta, July 27.—At 9 o'clock to-night, under call, tbe delegates to tbe convention friendly to Major Bacon held a caucus at tbe Kimball House. It was generally r*yarded inside and on aide tbe caucus as a very important meeting, as it was expected to settle some question* In regard to tbe course to be pursued by tbe supporters of Major Bacon in the convention to-morrow, about which there baa been some unrerta'nty. Tbe caucus was organized by calling Major J. F. Hanson, of Bibb* to tbe cbaJr. Hon. Pat Walsh, of Richmond, offered a resolu tion that tbe name of Major Bacon be placed in nomination in tbe convention to-morrow by Hon. Jobu Maddox, of Chattooga, and tbe delegates instructed for him record tbelr votes for him. This brought on a lengthy discUMlou, which developed tbe fact that very different opinions entertain- on tbe subject. Judge Harrell, of Webster, thnoght that the fight, bad been clearly ended tn tbe defeat of Major Bacon, and that there ought to be no further di vision. aud that nothing could be gained by plating Major Bacon's nm s n nomination. Tbe Judge wav alone in this position. Nr.mbtrs gentlemen held that tbe campaign had been fought on a principle, and it should be carried to tbe convention at least to a nomination and ballot. was due to Major Bacon, and due to tbe conutiea that bad instructed for bitn. After n very general discussion, in which some amendment* were proposed, the resolution offered by Mr. Walsh was adopted, Tbe next question brought to tbe attention of tbe caucus was whether after the ballot was taken tbe nomination of General Gordon should be made unanimous. Messrs. Walsh, Harrell and Made!ox made speeches favoring making tbe nomination ucani mous, Judge Harrell suggesting that Mr. Walsh make such a motion 1 cooventWn. This was opposed by numbers of delegates, who stated they had been sent to tbe convention to vote for Major Bacon, and they would not vote for Gordon in tbe convention, althongb they would vote for him in the election. Major Hanson took tbe floor, and stated that, onslstently with the position nm'utslned by him in tbe campaign, aud the unans wired charges made against tbe opposing candidate, be could not in convention votn to make Gordon') nomination unanimous. Ou bibber qnestloi of party policy be would vole for him in th* eh lion. He proposed accmpromUe to avoid any dl*. ition or friction in the contention, that Mr. Walsh, in moving to make the tiuin •nation unani mous, be requested to state to the o-uvi ntlon that there was a division of aentliueut among Major Ba con's friend* and sou* of them would wlrauiu from voting. This wae put In the foim of an amend went by Colonel Wm U. Rose, but on motion of Leonard Pbluzy, of Richmond, (be resolution and amendment were tabled and tLe matter will left to Individual delegates. Ho the bomlnation will not be made unanimous. Delegate Pierce, of Uicbmotul, w 11 second tbe nomination of Major Bacon. Tbe caucus discussed tbe nutter of tbe Bartow contested delegation but took no action. Before adjourning tbe caucus adopted a reso lution tJ be Introduced to-morrow that tbs con ventlon recomtueud to tbe Htate V* mocrstic execu tive commute, hereafter In htate couttate, to call to election by primaries or mass ui«-etlu t s iu all tbe counties ub tbe same day. a raw non*. Quite n number of but* puliuoaua ere here 1 jok ing after their feuces. Candidates for bolicitore-Oearral are thick and busy aa beet- The friends of aspirant judges are putting In aly licks. The time to get even be* arrived and prom bee at eight are already being pres*ntrd. There is a dislr* among not a few Bacon min with weather eye* hot to oppose making Gordon'* nomination unanimous and tb* Oonlon men are keenly alive to the humiliation of failure in tb* matter. No more solemn potest could be made again at tbe character t f tbe mao and his copartners than to re fuse the party courtesy a unanimous nomination. But it ta certain that the General will not receive the courtesy. Speaker Lit It. of Muscogee, t* on baud, and Oovernor ftuiitb t« to play such a high card it thought Little will be renominated. Ail the oil Htate home gang are circulating am•> the masters and eagerly looking out for '‘getting A Somnambulist Walks ofT a Wbnrf—The Alleged Tattnall County Horror- Traiup Killed. .Savannah, July 27.—About 9 o'clock last night a white woman, residing iu the old fort district of tho city, while uileep, walked down to tbe Savannah, Florida and Western railroad wharf and stepped of! into the river. She was rescued very witfe awake by tbe crew of n vessel which was moored ! near by. A report cirenhted here yesterday about a child being cooked and partly served to a picnio party iu Tnttnall county by a negro woman, and that tbe woman was burned at the stake by the negroea of the neighbor hood, is taken with a large grain of salt It is said to have been circulated among the negroes here several days, and was corrob orated by jx commercial traveler. The atery is ss follows: One day last week a negro man living in the lower part of Tatnall left with a negro woman, who was his neigh bor, his little girl, as be had some work en gaged at u distance That was the last he saw of his child alive. A picnic was given in the vicinity a day or two after the child was plACtd in the custody of the woman, aud she w*r engaged to prepare the dinner. SLo murdered the child, cooked one-half of it and served it at tbe dinner. The other half of the remains were salted down in a barrel. The father, not finding his child, went to the woman's house and instituted a thorough search, when he found iu the barrel half of a human body. The discovery was made known and tho woman was arrested for her fearful crime, when the negroes seized and burnt her at a stake. Miss Amelia E. Frost, post mistress at Hattie Ground, Johnson county, and Mu. Nanny and J. II. biggins, accessories, aud Miss Mary P. Hutchinson, late postmistress of Marysville, same county, and Henry H. Hutchinson, were arraigned before Com- inis'inner Hooke to-day, under the charge ofjviolating the p st il regulations, in orJ r to secure w more compeusatioa than the principals were entitled to. The canes were very trivia), and not having been properly made out by the inspector, James D. Wil liamson, the accused parties were, all dis- chn- ged. An unknown negro roan, supposed to be tramp, while asleep by the track of the Central railroad, near the fifty niue mile post, about t> o'clock this morning, wav struck by the engine of tho “Shoo Fly" train aud killed, his skull being crushed. We Will Re-Open This Morni \iul All Goods WlU Be Sola for CASH ISTo Exception in Any Ca? se. We trust our customers-will understand our p os if made imperative by the death of our Mr. Rice, and not a request that w ill have to bo refubed. J. TV, RICE & co. MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with Uriel regard to Purity, Strength, and HenUhtulnraa. Dr. Price , Unking Powder contain* uu Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price*, Extract,, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., flavor deliciously. price BAKING POWDER GO; Chicago and SU Louis. Again Iu Trouble-ThinTime With tbe Clt) Connell. Acqcbta, J aly 27.—The August* mills nrc again iu trouble—this time with theci y authorities. For uiouILh there hare bee, lUftgreetncbt, between the mill* and th city, about. tbe mes-urement c water. All the mill* excepti- g Algernon, Shamrock amt tho Augusta are concerned. Tue King mill has ly refusal,to pay the rent, council, ca nal committee has ordered the canal super intendent to nhut oil water if the rent in not forthcoming, Aa to the other mills, a more ouretul meHnnrcment bun been directed, und the result ot thin meannremeni will be Hunt und tho mills deprived of their water supply if tbe rent money in not paid. Bartow 4. Brooks 3, Butter 3. Coition* 1 Camp- twit 3, Camden 3, Cnrroll 4, Chvrokra % Clnjr X Cobb 4. Oolqaltt X Cnwnte 4. Crawford 3, Dade 3. Downoa 3. DeKalb 4. Dooly X Dougherty X Dougina X 3. Early X Fayette 3, Floyd «. Fonyth 3. Franklin X Fnlton 4. GUmer X Orevn 4, Gordon 3. Owlnnntt 4, Unborn tin in X Boll 4. Bnrrte 4, Unit 3, Brard X Benry X Hon,Ion 4, Jackson 4, Jasper X Jaffawon 4. done. X Lnurans X Lee 3, Lincoln 3. Lonndra 3, Monrve 4. Morgan X Muecngee 4. Saeton X Oconee 3. Oglethorpe Paulding 3, Pierce 3. Pile 4, Polk 3, Pulaski x Put nam 4. Baton 3, Randolph 3. Bockdate X ttcbky X Homier 4, Taliaferro 3, Tnylor X Terrell T.Thomaa 4. Towna X Troop 4, l ain* X Walker 3. Walton 4, Won 3, Washington 4, White 3. Witten 4, WbiUltid 31 Worth X t’peon 3. Warren X H.nil II - 1 " of Oonlon wan made chairman of Tho Neat Fanatical “Itefurm* Mnv.inent, ATtourra, July 37.—"Wbat la-going tu lie your next move in the latere.t of reform >" naked a cor respondent of the Tknvoaai'U o'a praiutnaot pro* hibittonlat when bn met bu ou the atrecu thin morning. -Wn ora going to tUo tho*. pteraw" raid be, pointing to a whole.*!, nod retell tuba-co atom. "Can yon do that?" "Tan, I think that we ran. They are * noiaance nndndtegnc* ton community where gentlemen Uv*. They a*e, at Irani, Indirectly Jsmoralu eg their tendencies People who ora tobacco colli. rate a craving for etruog drink, nndtbie In ilaelf •hontd be roOclaut ground, f.r aboliahlng the rate of tobacco and cigar*. Bralde* thla, tb* tue of tobacco ranara many poor man to epend money In that way who would be better off If they weed their wagra or more of them in ENGINES! GINS . il iDon’t wa - te your money until you get prices from lh,a qniu tern. mn iVotecl Watertown Eiio-i 11( We represent tho leading Engines and Gin3, superior! iwer, workmanship and simplicity. Don’t buy third efe pow CAPITAL niiZE, *75,0011. TICKETS Only $5. Shares in Pwportioi Louisiana State Lottery Co. THE AUGUST A MILLS rangemeute fornll the Monthly ends. Inga of TheLoniaten* State Lottery Company, anf In peraon manage and control the Drawing* them •circa, and that the aura* are conducted with bon ity, fairness, and In good faith toward all partlea id w. authorize the Company to one thl. rcrtlflcah with fac-almUlea of our signatures attached, in if edv.rtlaemanta," tirnnlnn of tho Fourth Georgia Regiment Macon, July 27, 1880.—To tba Survivor, of the Fourth Georgia IL ginu-nt: The citi iMDiof Tulhotton having invited tho vtm nua of tho Fourth Georgia Regiment to hold tin ir reunion thin year at that place, I reo- mnmenil the acceptance of their profferad hocpibilily, and namo August 25ih and 2>jih aa the time for the reunion. Members of the executive committee will give notice to the survivors of their re apectit c.-mpitu,*, und an early at praciicable for ward to C.pbtin B. Curley, Talbotlon, the buiucs of those who will nttebd, iu order that they may be assigned to quarters. The corresponding secretary will endeavor to tenure reduced ratra on the railroads forthr survivors uml mimturg of their families. Letters of inquiiy should be addressed to him at Macon, Ga. All who can should attend. By order Gkxebal 1*hii. Cook, Vres't Survivor*' Association 4th Gn. Boland li. Hall, Corresponding rirc’y. Pnpi.vs ut Alliuny, Americus, Mimtczuma, I I I a*. I • In k'll fan \V.tltl(.*a,1lA Wool, A nralll MilUMl^fvillu, Moutioellop West I\ii*t, will please pabliNh. t'auM of NVurtsIrln. It is conceded by tbe Medical Pmfenslon that im poverished nerve* ia tt»« cause of Dturalsia. When the nerves are uot properly fed. It Is an indication that tba diseetlv* organa an* not doing their work well. Himth's Bile Beaus will surely rrheve ' gcatlon. and when tba digestion U right everytbiug else will be right. Vigor aud lmpptuis* will go hand in hand., Does: Due Bean. For sale By all Hired trams do duty for "private equip* agea" at many watering places. THE O.I.C. co PERSY, OEOROLA, Is the sola proprietor of O. I. (Old Indian Cun), The Perfect lilootl Ptiriller ! This vegetable Tonic and Purifier never fails. Druggists sell it and indorse it every' o. where. Dr, Wm. F. Bynum, 8r„ a prominent ' ' -lie - *• physician and citizen of Live Oak, Fla. wrntes us: "It gives the best satisfaction >d Puf' urifiera.” all the Blood Ladies in Delicate Health Have in it a Sovereign Cun. AS A TOXIC AXD APPETIZER, Then is absolutely nothing to compare with it Judge J. J. Clatke, of tteedolpt^and B. B. Big- ham wm pat in nomlnnUo* for permanent chair man of tbe convention to-morrow. Objection was raised to Jodgs Clarke on the groandthnt the position would he tneompnllbU with a Bute Judicial oOcer, and Blgbam was selected by an overwhelming majority. Judge dark* wm ralsctod to b* temporary chains an. Jfa-k Bardin and B. B. OnbinJa* wm named for both temporary and permanent seentertee. Dr. B. D. BpnUUng. of Fnlton. wm cbneea to pm- nnnt th* asm. of BlgJum for penuincut chairman to tho cawventteo. and CoL D. B. Bam 11 ton. of Floyd, to nominate Jadgo Claito fur temporary chairman. Anoolstlontondopt tea majority rate forth* -Jraoo. But bow am you going to weed out thew atone from th* other LrancLra of bualneae In Allan ter “Why. by public nuttmtuL That was the way that whisky wm mu! to Its natural burial grounds. Public MUtimattt will pul a atop to th* tobacco bus iness M soon M It to worked up property. It will take tncra llm. to get MnUriant vgalnri th* eel* of tubavo strong anougb, but you can bet on It, that It will ceaM tn time/* REWARD! sending ns ri^bh^bJonai tloo of school Toranciee a&d needs. No troubled expense. Bend stamp for circnlara. CDUUAC SCHOOL AGENCY. 1M South Clark straaL chterac. IU. N. B. We want aU kinds of teachers for achocli and fomllUe. tv24 !» All Styles and Prices of Wall Paper F. R. PO.MEROY, New Armory Dnlhllng. Macon, Georgia. BEND FOR 8AMPLEB.m^JOcodAwly goods until you get our prices. A few SECOND-HAND FRICK ENGINES used but little, cheap. Itr.,/. (J. Pinkerton, general agent for the Som for Watertown Eagines, heudquarters with us M. J. HATCHER & CO., Macon, Ga. i JEH- Uill .IOIIXSOX & LANE, MACON, GEORGIA. HARDWAR Commlaeloi era. We. the undersigned Bonks and Bankers, wil pay all Prizes drawn In The Louisiana Bute Lot terle* which may be presented at our conn ten. H. OGLESBY, Prwidrnt Lmlnkn* Sattenal Bank. W. KII.IIRKTU, 11evident Biots Nsiioual Bank. BALDWIN. President £ 0. .National Bask. Incorporated In 1MB for 25 years by the Legists tnre for Educational and ChariUble pnrpoeea—wltl a capital of $1,ouu,ooo—tv which a reserve fund oi over $550,000 has since been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franehts* was made a part of the present 8Ute constitnUoi lopted December 2d, A. D., 1879. The only lottery ever voted on and Indorsed b} the people of any Bute. It never scales or postpones. Its Grand Single Number Drawings take dace Monthly, and the Kxtraordinnry Draw- ngfi regularly every three months instead ol Semi-Annually id heretofore, beginninf March. A SPLENDID OfrOETTNlTT TO WIN A FORTUNE EIGHTH OUAND DRAWING CT^BS H. IN TH1 ACADEMY OP MUR1C. NEW URU^ANS. TUESDAY AUGUST IU* l«*~lfi4!i Mooli*ly Drawtug. CAPITAL PRIZE $75.0OO. 100,000 Ticket* at Five Dollars Each, Frac tions in Fifths iu f roportiou. LIST OF PRIZES. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE 978,001 1 do do 25.000 I do do 10,000 2PRIZE3OFIM00 12.000 5 do 2.000 10.000 10 do LO00 10.000 » do 500 10.000 m do »s> 90,000 10,000 25.000 95,000 ArrooxiMATtox rnizga. 9 Approximation Prizm of $7.xi 6.7A 9 “ “ *00 9 *• « 250 E25* I*'I As egents, we nggln offer the pluters of this section thf celebrated PRATT GIN, Feeder and Condenser! There have been over 2C.000 Gli g of t ilg m»te used by eolton plzatere is ! cotton growing section of the world, • lot of ten hkving recently been ehipjeJtiK EVERY GTIY WARRANTH 1U00 1907 Prises, amounting to |jw,w Applications for ratra to clnbs shoald be mad- sly to the office of the company tn New Orleans. For further information write clearly, giving fal address. lvsi.lL NUTE8, Express Money Ordara, on New York Exchange In ordinary letter. Ourreuc: by etprdm (at our ex penes 1. addreraed Me A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La Or M. A. DAUPHIN, WnshlDEton, D. C. Make P. O. Muncv Orders Pays. >lo ivnil oddroMB Itcg ‘ torn to bio uiitl nddroHM Itcj;l«tored Let- NEW CHILEANS NATIONAL HANK, tfavitvalNlkv k»w Orl«ens. Ta Price re.tnoed to enit the times, bat qtutlUy as high ss evsr. prleen. Send foresltlonad mnvJnJvf "Tile Brown Cotton Gin NEW LONDON, CONIi ’L msvlw-d aat.Vwklvrm Munufacturcrs ot the "Olf 1 Brown Cotton Gins, Fi-cden tcJ C denser*. # AU tho Tcrfhtc.t ImprovenW'' : proved roll box, patent whlipcr. t brush belts, extra strung brink, e steel bearings, new Itnprored T •alaiged dust proof Comlenur. Strong, simple hicouatructLi. fins fast, runadlgbt, clesn, thsaecdje Ifcrtly and produces first c!e»« u=; ,1 DELIVEUKU FllKKOK FkLH-J at any nrecsatble peint. ikdw" draerlplian aud price llab A B. FARQUHAK A TO. A. B. FAR Q ERA M & Manufacturci-N and .Tobbor.s of CO., •Vi 1 TV. A Harris otBarad s irartitlun pmvtdlug that after th* nswitwrilne vf Oevirnsf the other toot* December and May. Ad.huvillb, Ga , Jnly 27.—Mr. Renb-n Gain,*, aged seventy, five years, and Mias Allen, aged twentr, both of this county „„„ were murru-u at tun residence of the groom I dreda of cortiflcatra of cures. Will visit HjHpNf to-day. Dr.J.M. Buchan & Son EUTMAN. OCOBOU. Privet- snd chronic JIsmim s apuciallty. Ban "Flu visit ad. dlnitcfuiKfntag yean. Marriage at Mnrahnllvllle. Mitanu -.MT.LK, Ga., July 27.—Onr H‘.i- zana were t then by surprise lent night by th* maniac;* of Dr. T. D. Wade snd Miss Vickis Walter, Rev, B. F. Breed lore i.ffl. crating Tb* wedding was a quiet r.ffair, there being only * few rslstiv. s present. The bibli Lt one of onr mn.t estimable C ing Isdiee, and Dr. Wade l as beer, ti e ling physician here tor n Hauler of PILES, iraysran. no anlvet nenrooeltovy. simple raised, Vp - ty a. tCaraan rirvera. N. V. 4 relief. Final cars In U ..and oarer rvtnrna. Bo pnrxa. f. Hnfferara will lean ot a nddnaatag a J. MASUB.3I dncaswty A PRIZE, IA goads which «U1 help all. of . that eel. IS -A mem money riztt away that, aa, thing atee Iff tL-awerld. Fortnr.ra await the worbnra ihnetnwty •ora. Trams nulled tree. Tara * Co, Asgnate. novtwly. ’ Hr «',( Hard a a vsr r JCit< I STEi M JEIVOIIVES, BOILERS, ^ Miscellaneous Machinery. Belting. Iron Pipe, Brass <" Iron Steam and \] atcr Fiftimjs Inspirators. t. <Mo'>i-n(t-<l impi-ovt-d Hion n C.'oitoi' ^ s 1 *" A. B. FARQUHAli & CO., Macon, 0*