The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 10, 1886, Image 4

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH* TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1880.---TWELVE PAGES. HIE TELEGRAPH, (MV1B13 BTSUT DAT IS THS TliB AKD WCBKT.T BT TUB telegraph and Monger Piblishiiif Co., W Mulberry Street. Macon, Ga. Xkl Dally 1* dellverc«l by carrion In the city or Bailed i»oAU#e free to eubecnbera, for $1 per B9sU« 12.50 for three month*, $fi for six month*, •I $10 a year. nu Wiuit U mailed to lubecriber*, po«tag* frte. at $1.25 ayear and 75 cent* for aU month*. Tranilent advertt*emeat* will be taken for the D*U$ a* $1 P** eqnare of 10 line* or lea* for the g «: .neertlou, and 50 cent* for each aubeequent In- lirtlon.and for the Weekly at $1 for each Insertion. Soticei of death*, funeral*, marrlagea and birth*. lUJected communlcatlona will not be returned. Correspondence containing Important new* and fllMuitlon* of living topic* la solicited. but mu*tbe Brief and written upon but on* aide of the paper to Bat* attention. admittance* should be made by expreaa, postal I tie, money order or registered letter. B 4U*nt* Bureau 17H Peachtree etreet. All oommnnlcatloni should be addreeeed to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Ga. Honey order*, checks, etc ..should be made p*ya> » la w H. 0. Hanaoit. Manager. A Ilrutal Woman. We have never heard o! more outrageous treatment bestowed upon a child than that which little Annabella Melville, of New York, received at the hands of an aunt with whom she was living. The child was mis chievous. She committed the fearful crime of asking questions. She even carried her frightful error to the extent of picking the £»«»«»* nf the .curtain to pieces, and, horri ble to relate, she was noisy. For this she was punished by being kept tied down to the floor of a closet two and a half feet wide Placating the North. The Baltimore Sun's Washington corre spondent, who is a brother of Editor Rich- unison of the Savannah Times, sends this to his journal: For some time past strong complaints have come up here from Georgia concerning the delay of the administration In removing certain of the Ftderal official* in that State who, by reason of offensive partisanship, hare made themselves very obnoxious to popular sentiment This la particularly the caee with the Federal officials at 8avanuab, the United States marshal, the postmaster and thee llector of customs. Charges against them were entrusted to Representative Norwood, of the Savannah district which, it is understood, he presented to the profer authorities here. To-day Mr. B. If. Richardson, editor of the Savannah Times, had an ln< terview with Po*!master-General Vila* on the subject He told him that the people of Savannah were becoming very restive over the inaction of the admin titration; that the Federal official* in that city were not now, and never had been, acceptable to them; that they had u*ed their offices and power for partisan purpose*, and. it had been confidently anticipated that a Democratic ad ministration would relieve Savannah of the bur* den which it bad enduied for twenty years. He referred to the chargee against the postmaster at Savannah, A. M. Wilson. The Postmaster-Central inquired whether Air. Wilson and the other officials were not behaving themselves now. Mr. Richard s' n said yes, they were on their good behavior now, but the people had no confidence in them, and in case of a change of administration they weald us doubtedly foment strife and trouble as they had before. To this the Postmaeter-General mad* the elngular reply that perhaps it was irk some to the South to have the officials of the old regime still kept over them, but the administra tion must move slowly if it wanted to placate the North. Mr. Richardson replied that obnoxious of ficials had been removed aU over the North and West, and he did not believe the people of the North wanted oonoxiouv ninriaii kepi iu uSw in the South any more thau In their own section. Be said very plainly to Mr. Vila* that it what he said wa* as an exponent of the policy of the adminis tration, then the administration could not count I*rly Tbl Philadelphia Record, in a closely written article on the minda of children, warn* parent* against suffering them to re ceive imprettijnt that may lead to evil: The child whose smart sayings and unexpected movements betoken an Intellect more than ordina rily active Is encouraged as an amussmsnt and ex hibited to visitor* m a prodigy, and too frequently It* infantile eccentricities are given ao free a rein that general discomfort to the household U the re sult The rational and legitimate supervision which should be exercised by the head of the family is usually relazed in favor of the bright child, who. mor| than ths others, should In truth be an object of constant solicitude. The parental idea of watchfulness over the developing mind may easily include and involve errors that result in confusion, ss is seen when a child* babbling passes, by some quick transition of word to deed, into an act of wrong-doing whose conse quences may be disastrous and irreparable. Expe rience through many generations has shown that the plastic and impressionable brain of childhood may retain a distinct perception of the methods of evil, while the mischief, the folly and sin involved are Ideas which the dawning intelligence may fail to grasp. The wisest course of training, therefore, should exclude all poeslblllty of the Introduction Into the awakening mind of strange suggests which may be Interpreted by the child In '.manner not to be foreeeen by those in whom the intellectual powers have been ripened and rendered stable by the experience of years. The greater the mental activity %t the age when the brain Is easily Impressible, but unable to classify and define ideas, the more urgent the necessity for solicitous care in conveying to the nascent Intelligence the few fundamental truths which form the basis of all just and reasonable action. It la a very simple matter to' teach child first of all that be trust treat others as be wou*d hioiself be treated. Exaggeration of state ment however employed, may not be translated by the ycttfi. leaner into deeds like tho tragedy already noted, or like the act of the Georgia boy, your eUe. If your legs happen to be a drifle short j ,.<m mu.t quml mlt_Mla«-notd.Wtor-Judgo. | Wh>t t , je of , A „ SaJ|D(f Rnd Doing, arth- “Ob! if my creditor* were only like my sins," ex claimed Mr. Brown to his wife. “Why, my dear?" I — D.irien claims to have felt my creditors call and catch me every day, I qnnk« shock * few days ftgo. but my .In. always Hud m. out"—Sprtngfleld —Notwithstanding the hot weather, Homestead. | Fportamen about Montezome have been Mid fire feet long for fourteen month*. A piece of saah oord wu oaed to accomplish upon tbe anpport of tiio South. Senator Brown, of this. It wa. fastened around her waiat next | „ ,, I day. It t. understood that Oor.mor Brown favors to the akin and was too short to allow the the , nllr , aeorg a delegation calling in a body girl to stand np. By gradually tightniog, I the President and demanding the removal of the the cord had imbedded itself in the girl's I SaTaooah officials. ALL AllOUT THE STATE. A email flro In Chicago the other evening waa put having good times fox hnntiDg. out by the honieho'der •acriflclng to the tlamee a —Mi«H Carrie Beach, ol' Mi-line, and Mr. plt.-ber of beer ho had Jnat bought. It it oaay to T. L Hall, of Baxley, were married by the •ee that thla uian waa no Anarebtit.—Bocheater I He". John E. Sontell, at Bexley, Sunday. —According to the New* and Advettaer Mile. Rhea, the greateat living dla’tct actreu, the prospects for a gcod tall and winter tbroitaoa to make a farewell American tour. Bay, trade in Albany were never more oncourag can't this thing be compromised aome wayl Wa ing. ara willing to oonatder laat year's a farewelltoar, and call It aquara.—The Ran bier. At least twenty-five or thirty new reei donees are going up in different parte of Columbus, besides giumeroun tenement She gar. him all liar ba.tneea. Boy-Olmme a houS( .„. Columbus is now unquestionably manlek, will yon. muter! - Dioggl.t—--Dm-I ou a boom. •imanick. don't know, bub. Does your ma trade with me?' _ , „ . . , _ . . , ~ . a . _ *___ . —There is a man in Athena who U in the Boy--Y,a lndeed-y, ml.t.rl tegular! Bho buy. ^ q( gelUng <lomc8lio wineg mmon<> Ml her potug. .tamps clfn you. Tld-B, j. and a few days ngo he sold two little school- days ago Friend* of tbe holy cause of temperance here I boys a quart and they got drunk on it He courage! prohibition is slowly but surely growing. I will be presented to the grand jury and The day It not far distent wnen it will be hero, prosecuted. Prepare to meet lb Lay In your demijohns now while they are cheap Kentucky tttato Journal. —M. II. Bryant, colored, of Pearson, hoa Bued the Brunawick and Western Unilrosd Company for KHK) damages. It seems that Bagley la getting np private theatricals. --Sow v-pfp f e n i rom tbe train while in motion you," aays ho. addressing Bailey. -‘I don't know actly what we .hall want you todo—unless we make you prompter.'' **I don't see very well how I am going to be prompter: I waa hero on tbe minute to day.'*—Ttd-Blta. and received severe injuries. —Chief Engineer W. S. Green reports that the Goorgia Midland and Gulf road is surveyed from Commbus, Go., to Locust Grove, and that the contractors are pushing Ulea Jones—Captain Brown was utterly devoted the work. About thirty miles of grading ia to me last week at Newport. Mist Smith-Poor old completed, and tmclqlaytng is to begin this Brown! How glad bomuit have been to Bed some-1 month. body willing to be seen with him. Mlve Jonei-I —Dahlonega Signal:; Marriages will bnp- Why? Waa ho compromised by hla last flirtation pen wherever there is man and woman, with >ou?—Judge. and Lumpkin now puts up one that take* the cake. David D. Sargent, aged 85, and not?” __ _ The little who! having beeo"aUowed"to vrttoeM a'hog'kllllng! I Jel01 Chrl.t a Jew?” .aid be; and ha played with A little fellow of thro., upon trolng EgltolSS ageTfifi werTmnrrteda. play with certain hoy. across tho ‘beet, avked -Why ^ rtaWeDCB of X,£ u Stringer on Wednes- not?” “Bemuse thev are Jews.' was tbe roDlv. I .-a -a t»__ * ® imitated tbe experiment uiih fatal results, his tUe bojr *' Excb * u »?®: Because they are Jcvrs," was the reply. | lJftV nine miles from here. Mr. Stringer , boy thought a moment "Mamma, wasn't j u a j Ustic , of lhfl peace . —The ltailway Age publishes this extract from a letter from W. H. Ferguson & Co., younger brother belog the victim. Bot every flood morning. Mr. Dobbins: I supc-oao I me:/1 railroad contractors: "We have graded some Judieions parent ha. fait that the utmost simplicity rely on you to .upport me at the poller* "Kor I twenty miles of our contract on tho Savuu- detlrablo when ad-1 wluni" " Why, 1 am a candidate for a seat in Con-1 nab, Dohlin and Western Short Line, and and directoaea of language i drovsiog the mind of a child, and when this rule I. grew." "Then I'll support yon, air. What wo waut I hare some thirty miles now under way. We departed from It Is a distinct violation or a sound educational principle. Plain words and no romancing should ho the In-1 In tl>. of Congress and fowat on I hope to complete the distance of 111* miles tbe floor."—Chicago Hews. from Savanouh to Dublin by October 1,” —Mr. W. A. Bine died suddenly at his _ . . There is some doubt as to the accuracy of the • . flesh When she was finally discovered and About the same time a reporter of tho I variable cnatom in dealing with the yonng. «l»a ttal , c^ttart deacon ..a hi. es-n, home in Valdosta laat Thursday morning. taken ont she waa found to be emaciated to Savannah Morning Newg interviewed the ‘“‘““•.TT.!'’ ’"’I'!’ * l “‘ ad , I “ UK ' b * bar. been peiuog a clergyman with rotten 1 Th ‘' ”"** ““ “ H " w “ nn * nrt w * lk,ni a painful degree, and her fingers were like I Federal officia]* in Savannah and found I ^ ** 0G an u " UCMre onshijn I (^un^cutdeacon* have not been su-p«ci llir _ 1TT1Tlj tho claw of a bird. Fear and punishment them In a very tranquil state of mind. The The "Georgia boy” referred to was an *wid*tavs"Sm*» U ‘th.i!!! I “ ,e ? 1 »**"•. h ®. 7"" •f 1 ** 1 ^ » had reduced her mind almoet to a state of reporter does not give names hut says: Atabama boy and the story waa the creation iioatou Herald. SSfSSS! one “wull Ivthdnu idioev. And this in tha latta* h^f of the of a notoiiooaly nntrnthful iorroaponden', r.,u. f. a fleeting thing, a man may play brae seriously was the matter, he fell over dead. ' 1 nineteenth century and in the leading city ^ not ont tb( t!m , HU ’ t „ and was afterward disproved, bnt it will do bail, be banged or .’acted Pre.ld.ot, sod so have _ A COU ple of tuterealing . i 1 well enough for illustration, — ' * " * " ato »yc°^rbd^^T -rriage on a Scale or v, oIIIc ihv. ” r l , '.«<l J|, 1 lie bi::g--st colored Weddle C'""" 1 1 a ;bW i "u v.ino. ; , : - .1 i-arewith it. There WntiiS?* from New Orleans for tho in.??? 1 * 1 ~ stnog band imported cspeXI KOf * u . casim. and retreshmenta bv h taurant- rin New Orleans n,/ « i mansion of tho bride't father w« ,Ugb ' natural flowers: bv night tb ** - o.r_ lighted with lantamq La » tbe cream of colored societv casion, and not a lev S" 1 * 1 ^ standing were among the A»^r;x°5K“Kr* lator. The brid.'s fath^offiSj and coachman, bore in those Sir. 'I* of Sonloque. He has not ten that time, for his sngar taant»n fo1 of the handsomest and prltdwt'ta ? ' ftna ’ •U'lrec.U, tho old P slavr ds “ name, bonliwue, whereas he him? 1 :, is the Hon. Tueophile AllainS neut negro politician iu the Cnitld wo* invited to this event, aml nu sent presents or congratulatory “eh Ao Old Hnper.titlun The superstition tn regard to a piece for luck is older than D rof.J? tory. The Eoglish folk lore eibUio ii the nasumptiou that if the purree,, comes empty tbe devil will get in never will be full a{ money s supposed that the idea of the , eiuglo piece of money to exefode d,L [seal possession came from tbe fact tk.7 large proporlion of the earlier rnulu iuua Imuiuou bore a cross as a legend one aide of tbe piece. We find, lTo»„ teat the snperstition antedate ft, of a the symbol, nud we suggest ftn bad a more natural origin. The eirrar “nost-egg" best i-xulaTns it. \ fo,i continue to deposit her egga in aunt is daily robbed of its treasure as hr. theteisono left, but it all are taW will forsake tho igst and prepare a I sign. of America. The woman who inhuman cruelty upon faults common to tho whole juvenile race, I takea occasion to retumk: hi. plclura In a paper one time. Ula face I. soon one. Tho pocketmeco always vui neat-ogg, designed to prevent its deseni by Fortune, who might be driven avat t, its utter emptiness. To him that hrftj shall bo given, and a nest-egg is a i mil invitation to tho fickle j more to the little deposit. do to add v W«ui,u a. t'.nuDn, - .. r-cea occur- T* 16 ^ BW Orleans Ptoayune says ton! red on tbe afternoon of the 28:b, at the I ?" women in MisaUalpiii have il« Wuyoeaboro race oourse. Iu tbe flret I farming m a profession. Alins Eliza E< practiced this i u the meantime Mr. Georg. William The strongest point in the Record s arti- (or « otl * n - In "“‘ ‘ “ d w «J<l«horo race course In the first “^“8' a ebltd for o. .. ,, , , „ | , , . . . , .... .. I yoor portrait 00 ths bottlea and to the daily papen I race, b, tween TV. A. Wilkins s Tassel and I “ ° . a \ a mere child, for CurU(1( U,e chtef of all the Mugwumps, clo is embraced in tho atatemont that the L f nd d0 „ to „ t| , whooping and W. McCatheru’s Jim Dandy, Tassel won men. ml nlA inxrr.rulit mc»-. I a_i • _ a l. I <i^.a il:... a va _ ahj _i n » _ I ” I . „ r..\, .. . aImva flu first thinca taught a child should bo “the «.u the moat successful woatn l_ tbe State. Her term tafm»»i3 hn'tb lirala—tho first in sawt tha in-nml I above Carrollton, in Carroll count,. t other man o' donotknow. We are not an advocate of Thia ia tbe situation tut it stands. Borne I romoncea which enforce aod impress it. I take two.' capital pjniohment when it comes to | 0 | tho Georgia delegation are at home I Common honesty, truth, respect forold ago, | man,”—WorcesterOaratte. "But. my dear WtUtam, you «* J*l“ *«• ** "® “"*•• in his pockets, SulIie D EohoK of Jack Jjf. ,ea tust gang, to the lth.r ^ V* and peraonally manage., s stock fate women, but woman who beast hi,p;ts..ndhe play, with them when ho I ihe^d7rL7c u 7n.ya7d.r^^^ evor, temorto ths Hi ate. Th. b»1 hanging ta not too severs for a aiending political f enoe ,. Congress is in the golden rule, truthfulness nud abhor- L alu Iv about flv. year, of oga. Her Uncle Hury chfin attacked « big old black rat and killed uISKh^dUlimlta and command', ^ i will treat a child aa a wild | u, dewath throes, and the administration Is | lence of wrong may be planted in the young | recently died. A few days ago she same to her | it in a short while. They hunt np their | B nd most extenaive view atoool' j Tub Supreme Court of New Hampshire busied with affairs of state, not States. mind in this way. The aingls Bible story I motherwiih a bit of pa?” Faith or Tobacco. o( the bear and tho faU* of tho children who I * h*»e wrlt^n paper Iu her h«nd and raid: coloretl brethren, and attack them when- erfra) rt, e naatures and In t- >n a letter to Bode Havry. ’ | ever^thej’jire foand^andj(enerally kill them | cnrely fenc.-d and kept in beautiful or! liaa rendered a decision denying the right 1 Ameiicus has been visited by a faith doc-1 mocked prophet hoa probably done 1 inJ hop<i yoa i waut out to ths cemetery to-1 —In ono oorner of the conrt honse in I line as any in the Bouth! AU the eosS vcifttM Salvation Army to beat their drums I aad ^ doctrcss in turn has been 1 enforce one or 1 these I d8 ^ papaaud saw your monameat. I think I WatkinsviUs, near tbs judge's bench, is a I nud conveniences of farm life are fc-.slJ in the streets of any city, town or village of I Tlliud by iQ fl or i D o t rom »u P rinci P leH M>an anything else it I, real alee. How do you and Ood get rough old plow stock. A court officer be- the Echols farm unitod to tbe pleattaJ the State. The defendants claimed that I ’ I in the world, and while it is true that such I ton rnuclaco Post. I ing asked the hiatory of this humble imple- one of the most refined and lodil oral their drumming, were iu obedience to the ‘“^^“raeklog relief w M a man “*.! “ ind - ! h !' I ^^^*5** - “ I ffS-SSSSK in I ‘ he ^ The letter wo: "Deer Unde Herrj: We ora aU well I before giving np tjie fight. Mr*. Echols’s Jersey herd i» cooridmii dietateaofthelrcoDicienocsasanactofre- . , ab „ ; m wearsoff with age, leaving the principle P r °" dl hka ^ n „ r(U . uuin ' ha( i that plow stock on Boys Walpp«i by Spamm. — . wuona “ ut “ * J rooted. It is easy, however, to tlx such 7‘ f *' ,h * John, aten t | fcl . a., u. X a uiul ligious worship. Tho court held that this uIcer oroancer . was no defenst; that no act of religious The Americas Recorder gives this history | his shoulder when he was snot and killed I rroo ths Fall Blvaf Olobe, July n -worship can ho allowed to disturb tho pnb-1 oI , b# CM#; lessons without fear. The principle and ideas imprtssed upon Kv'ailaalyi "why, wliat could have happen,d to lie peace or violate reasonable police regn-1 “ Qo“IndT*lb« r the .ml. of cl.-s-a (.tump., I “*• iaf » t “ 110 mlod influence its owner meT "Oh. I didn't worry^ahoot yoo. love; hot It I gott^nO^Ttwo L“S‘ntato th?roV.tL Knd lations. This would shnt ont church bells. th„ r a« caUtd) and boil thorn uat-l thair atroogth through life. It U most dlfflonlt to uproot “ •*“ 1 wa. strata be'oto you got bach to taU(m wilI u iubm t tUd t0 them for their fight. The trees wrro filled''withtL. - ——; Itogoua Taka tbs I'qalO, aod with a proper pro-1 them, and many a man's erron in after life r 0 ” w<,oia “• ,u *“•*“• Uu " I action at the next State election. One of I ot birde, whioh stood the fun until It 1 It is a dangerous thffig for a government I , ort j on a , d0Bf Bldla . poultice for your aye. Ap- ... « Dc hored to carlv imnr,salons Itli r"™" 1 "' . I Ihe amendments does swsv with that pro-1 came monotonoua, And then orgauu J —’ ‘ L **-- linns I —- -*■ 1 J i ■ | BENEFIT OK A Hl'OMJKBATH. | vision of tho constitution which makes it I made a fell swoop upon their ' " they boautleal But Tvs ton so sastoos ta the , whitehead, and it ia kept here rts-ly for peat tear, drarT "Fetish UtUssatr raM | the trial ot tho when if oonw up. —Tbs people of Georgia have almost for-1 sparrows' neats on tke° Hill but " ' " ’ succeeded in creating s veij A crowd of boyu attempted to I themselves by throwing gieeu apples 3 to inlert. re Wlth th. barmlen recreation. 1 p, 7 lo th.canconeloth.radcbuig..vary «.n-1 ^ tU( ft 01re np^anpontbechild of its popple. Th. people of Ml oonntri. a tug For «h ,.« muvt bar. Juat two ^ ih# ^ ^ m J^ q( ^ , _ _ , „ _ I imperative that all local and special bills I They flew straight for tbe fsce,atdkt| A Bure Cur. furCeld. awdCouduriv. to a >hall oriRinaU i a t bo H otue, and tbe other gan to look seiloas for the urebira » * felt that it was a mistake to suppress the I and even peop's who did not, wars amend to sea 1 prohibition. Three prohibitionist 'State I (urn of cloth or apenge, no port of the , . l came which, although hard on the eels, I h m, day alter day, «aa.chlog sidewalks and gutte-a I conventions were held last Wednesday, " 1 ... .1 fne eloae alvveniva Tn ihniA whn <ltlMtlnn*4 hint I .a aa .ae.« ... a.. is tho only rport of the lower clarara. and £^•.‘’3,.Trah".^»“ ‘“7 B U, 1 *, 0 ’: j h • 0 ;* W . b ' Ch 'V P robibUloui ; U the only safety valve for them. In fact, it , BecordeP Bn ooe ^ r h#toid th# ab ot* | CT *, t "? i ' h tblt of mortl voi ^ vra* as great a shock to them m the tap* I ,tory. presalon of the Derby wonld be in England | "Kvary afla.-Dooo.'' avid he, 'like today, I take which they are noted are woman snffrage, subject to Grequeut colds from slight 1 ?">«>*- «■> * “uggy jannt to tbo counUy ^ i"! ‘' -avary MtarDoos. auu aw ,.«• »-»y. * —• I the Morrioon reeolution about the surplns, expoeora, tbe victim of chronio catarrh, Ig j^ 11 !' hia visi«l - rested upon the same 8 v on a long U b. baaeball In America. The gravest con-1 my ’““"d*•"’•"d“>• to™- *“» «* the I'uritan 8abbath, a national law for the ££ ‘ h ^; 0 *‘ a ’ fenl-o ih'era a n^lleanid opon 8 ahoe! he _ *“***?*• K "' pportunity the BoclaluiU ara sure to | mjMKhuloattai ^.- | Iranamut.Uonofcml service reform into | warmroom (n_ot t kot,) toUo.tojj | I Ind him to the cocda-,- 'an accomplished fact, sequ nn opportunity mo nocimiiaia »iuv I my search te loss sad waa-y, uake use of. I afterward saw a leading) “Why will Dot tobaoro or (Heirs do" Socialist, who said: 'Onr people are not I ••IthasuotiolthealrooglhM tha nlrotioa." wm I 'coraera,' the smaahing FattauiuK UM ol tVatar. Some observation* made by a «#• I col llsporttf I"* " 1k."pr™aon'o": I ' -lili fnoi-n th« .ill I l.L,'Pw«'.''Joo"d2l > imblii "j allowed to have any weapon* in their pou. the asaver. "Aa amokaro know, cigara grt atroug-r I lbe taxation st thair full value of lands held I open a j r . Be* if yon do not return with a I c 0tton 'fore now?' 1 . I aa they ara amokad up. If they an allowed to so I „!L^i . nn .n.. ra. h^.wr... Afi.s b.vlnn so,ion, bnt every Dutch workman cmi get sn luu ^S^T^tK PW,-* other tblD 8* ^ 3‘!!at« fo^f^momfn'gs^r a pick tnd shovel, and it is very e*.y to cut th. cigar th. nicotiu. lodg« la th. I mtmeron. to .peoHy,” HbTumSSSS i ST uZ nftU eold rspeciully when ono iv vetf voWI .. ..... bo commended, then is im**! believe that the unlimited ss* the dikes and destroy the whole country. I end. When ths stumps are bolted la water tho This they are eure to do out off sheer dee I liquid U mates Is maay tlmei tL-oogor than BIIRKDS AND PATCHES. , It wm aunounced too day. or more ago “ “ “ bi :fv H. furft.r . daily cold spongieg of a sensitive ‘bat CoL Livingaton had resigned lbs proa- ? h °“ , htlhe f r u „ ma lt of a Deration if the preeent misery and tSrsc-1 tobacco or cigars would make, eonaoquonliy it Is ■allvatlon te (na whoa oMchowa gum.—Hot wUh 1 throat or long! will often result most salts- menoy of the Covington and Macon rosd. I luI tlon on tbe nart ot tha digestive, • * , „ ' I more effecUT*.'* I (Ot.) Bulletin. 1 I factori* ia '**— 41 ■* — 1 — 4 1 * »*« d»»*«fu»iia **’* i 1 __ temperature water cau be borne with impunity. The<‘ The Ooviogtuu auU hi aeon. From tha Yaldoata Ttmaa. spring water, at its natural tonip not only very conducive to hooUh. '•J an actual tendency to favor a fulUtw* ^ cations continne.’" Tbe Pittsburg Sunday Traveller aays: | mors effective.' “Use ths poulticing dons you any good!** Wledum Uatens Iu cuchdeaca, but Is seldom eon- "Vac, air. Kind have bean uilog It I (Ot a I IgMttel la ntatm—Cfctoato Hosald. factorily if persistently and conaeientonaly A few days after he told the CoDatitution iUUre anJ de p l a r.tiv* faociioor-ov« followed. The cold ante-breakfast spong that be bad resigned bot the direotors had 1 , .T.— 0 . goabisf t toxicants are widely sold within the BUto’s amount of desperation to apply a poultice borders, and individuals who desire a stim-1 of tobacco to a cancer or nicer in ao tender ulant experience very little difficulty in bu>-1 a spot aa th* eye. This for tbe patient. man to cavy yoer pesaessioav.—Philadelphia cati?] conseqneoce. ltlj on this principle the I •’“*** CoL Livingston bs* no farther OnrwwA, ' Anoaat 3.-1^. 1 winding of the lsg in scold wet clcth proves I couneciion wuatover with tbe road, 1 children ofW. 1L Hanck, I''-- A blot to ihe police tbae the Anarchist* ara I |q efficacious in provoking sleep, around: •'Now U th* tim* to g*t np cl*b*^ | and it L reported that he ha. tarnod upon £rom K . uraogua. loainal it Wliuti.v. f w , JCtiE*: Hmoehm, and twoebffireu by th* ing it. In the Urge towns in Maine sly- Bnt the doctress knew thst tobacco bad chlrago Bambter. Up-honaes are nnmerons, and even in the long been known as a remedy for ions, T «ai hat a saw gam* of rartU: oea hold, tb* ro- I Al ’“7 small country vilUget the thirsty meet with alcen, sprains, braises and other com-1 roller, th* other tho rente. A coroner holds the ' "How do you like the uo trouble in getting what they want wheu I plaints. tnqooet —Christian World. Prohibits tho home In Atlanta ami Maine against it. Whatever may be hU position Gi e i e t be ’ to tbe Da* Moinsa fir* 1 ! Ai’auta JoutnaL or stt Hide toward tbo road, we atu c-n- flv? 0 f them went in bsthing- 0a< "How do you like tho BonUi?" queried * vjno-d that tho company kead.-d by Col a dmp bole ln tbe , iT «r, and till* 1 »1 journal - r Una merning of a Maine gentle- Macbtn is backed b.v huge rcsonroos and tr i— t)ia i„ lL . one, *U * n | man who ha* spent icme^we' ks in making | that they utan business. Such bring tbe | droa " -(inl<| u known to "Diver Lollc-randmnke no Onr old friend, General Clingman, be-1 i l(f7 mta u and to have hu prico, hut the I bis maiden trip through Dixie. "|ca»e no'detractor can injure the great I Ubule eitl on shore was so eonf ' 1 In one town of COO people it iu | Uevta tobacco to be aaort of panace*. He | trouble la nobody but htmaoll knows tho private | , "Very mneb,” waa th* reply; “eepecially work they have nndertaken in Georgia. | Mt bar wa . bonia> and it w** P 01 sui 1 there are fully forty places where has written a book upon the subject and mart.—Burlington Free Proas. I this portion of it" r- ,1, 7 -— vrouiai-. n er usy home, ann n . —a CoL Machen u a young gentleman of rare 0 ' e | Hk abe reached the b 'jT, d whiakycanbe had for moneyandtbe re- Ua maile aeveral preparatiooe of tobacoo to Aifrmochramorah and lavaatmuoa w* me Lnp^’ttreLindrron^omew^rf^ur fml^a Rne*of hSnoVed’Boatbernera, and iv d ^ a b ^‘ r d ^ 8d 4 ■ ■■■* .»,1 U U sa wa1l.aeUltlinl.ail faat *!..» I Ka tiaavl k> Miffavinn naAttla I • tk.itoaat»U....hiA a—a-w I «* *r‘ . ». . « ft- .. . . I J i- .L .. >. a 7 . I ' lteU * l,u “* __ quest, and it is a well-establiahed fact that be need by (offering people. aaimilareonditionofaffainpnvaUsinotherl The discovery is not new to him or to I •* hard-hotted wa-towall Cibiaa. coovluccd that hoa'diag-houa* cblckeos arc hatch- Maine borne, at least in that respect," sug-1 eogagad in th* greatest railroad scheme ol | gested the scribe. ’ I this decade. W* believe he will succeed, prohibition States. The fanatical law is dtare-1 the faith doctress. I "Wkat Alla tho Hopor la ihatiti.of aa ►mortal I ‘‘V**, verymuch. Indeed, I ted non and[thereby build s monument to.ths aa- N*w Out-savs, Augnst A-A JT-g, gurded because of its extreme measure* and I _ If the pstieut has been suffering from a I In th. Due. n...>d. It may b. hara«th^du^I I J.^y't'vi.itedTnthe^tautt AVbenerar 11 ^ ^ 1 P*tofl Ship With Yriiuw Fav.rav*'* became public sentiment in its behalf iv I lazy nloer, doubtless ths tobaoco poultice Ptvf” **>* **wa tesels.—Philadelphia Cell. yet i call for a gla of soda water tbe shutter •ays: Information waa --- « : I* smveTJ dsy that a Norwegian bell. Captain Nettaon, "'“Tu. Ml.iV. I.iint nnarantins Thureo*. not strong enough to exercise a prevailing gave him relief. It may have taken the It has bsaa dsridod by a Brooklyn church that over my left optic drops os naturally as U moral sentiment in its favor. Boch will I ntin out of a malignant sore, or even a can-1 P’*yl°( ra'dv ten't alckrd. aod tuo-thl.-da or tha I ‘J 04 ? •* home, and the beverage 11 Important Action of t«bo Coaaeii Ilala-1 Ship Island qttarantins doubtl,« bo tbe result wherever laws ar-- cor. F.ith tn ths totmcco may havs helped «>ri»iaff»H<>a haw grit wtag Umah-T^MfllDp. | ttnd ... to P<*^» ^ tlv. to SUcon and Covlogt-o Koa.I. 4 ■ "" ma-le the exp«<Ueney of which is doubted I the process, but to the tobsoeo is justly due What a abame It la that Cosgnaa moat adjourn. r denie-1 by any large proportion of those | tbe largest share of the credit. Enough | ° ( laU *' | oumbci.^ecmed t 0 bare prepared^them-1 of the Macon'and U Covi'ngton”roa?L *''lii*a^ . _ . from AipinveO. lost on **• •TJii qualitivs as does Ui.*t in Maine. Then. VaLikuta, Ga., Augoat 2,-The p. ople of "i>" her arrival at tbe " v too. my fnends hera, and I hare quit* a | Valdoste are enlhusu^tio over tho iir.rn.a-ct I ot the crew of twelve men of l* 0raa dd."t»*** In ho ara intended to he governed thereby, faith might cur# a cancer, but we ehara the **• “ hop* act.— selves against the trig* of prohibition. I duion to a large subvenption ot (lock al- tatead of auch extreme measures, wouldlt doubts of the regular feealty as to th - L ji 0 n “j5 e “ 1 I . 4m 1"* *° U lnt ',°' "*** the ccnnml met Uwia, end ?^-”r??” , ^TT B ^- lro r aW i a0CD “ . *» A aoetetr reporter rams- tot that U4tea a. If | «S!* tooUnSj^^to * " ^ I “ “ rtH of depSt «td not be much more sensible for temperance I power of a tobacco poultice to do so. people to nrge th* adoption of uniform However, the case it not without inter-1 upccu tap bead* to bethleff v«-y qutvity. Wau. aohody I miliar looking jug. atitf, to teU the truth, 11 tb* right of way thrungh the citv. I clerks dismissed Mkkk^ r toad.Shoot . teflhta, .mn-Lra-l ft® ‘ Ter * in '; 0 1 ■ Brtorfay w« M«s • * misted from - : WjamxoTott. Anqnat Of a a II I. . ..I (P<vm rJC 1 * . , L^. high-licenae laws, or ths enforcement of I eat, and a notice of it may throw temporary I Cutset. laws governing tb* sal* of rum which are relief within th* reach of emu* great euf- siready uu the statute books of this State, I ferer. for iivstaoee? If they fail to enforce the** Wsixivm the Democratic party needs a levs ItAtsr Aen tkev kntvo in vwvmnal nl aril - I e.e a .a *> on ... I ' Tb* doctor* b*r* e glje*rt***a* B^dtcio*. Uul not je slAgl* p*tt«at »t*!l **c*^». necked the city. L**t night I went ont — fttreet to call on some old frkn.K We Another (i««rgln Ulnat. sat Dxxra.xr, Oa., July 3a Eorrot Txut- fc-rson. nnniuBT f granddaughter of Fr«aio*“ ltwe, bow ran they hope to compel obedi- de tandcr in tb* House of Repreaentative* ‘■nee to more atriogent enactmenU? It can wa notice that Bam Rtndall ia given thr l ZT r,4r,<l ”7* •**■»—,**“ jy«|> enjoving the dc-naam: lUving ’read In yoor BandcnviU* ntr-johu Fwrasv a Pel—*** rLri Vr* s«ss tetrnutoad ligbtful air. and finally, going ioto ths corraspondene* of T. Wortheo, the giant, AB ga.t -ara^-Nowmseto. Wend th raw door of a I who U, in tbl county, vra d'ridS to UftSTS 25 not be done, and it wiU tail aa it hi* failed p^t of honor and danger. Whan th* A cooraapoedODt aaki: yoar to loan to play tho Aster Hot U Would you, or any of wbiakyite* and free traders have a job on fr in Oregon to S ,Ul) sheep ara on th* way j bird, they talk of reading Mr. Hasdai! out 1 of the party. CUatowoe—But ala't tho trosav-also leafft chaat—To* lougl Dsy laaadotefltaBaa good^irad closet and asked me what I tmaanrs and w.igh another vrould have. Looking in I haw a tem|Ming I Mr. Mazie Sru.ll wa* unt to array of bottftB aod gtaeaee. GUucing v . ight and measurement, around at bis wife I faintly uroteatod that it might night not be hi bi r [.king. 'Under _ the circumtUnce,' ahesahl, it ia allowable,' I at Dsehurau, w» mAXbm eooat eompled aome good liquor. Central railroad an Van, I like Atlanta; it u so hotuelik*.” Tears cl aga, 6 feet 8j Incbov high, W -A Hew doing a mere'iand* .i** 1 l ‘i;‘ | tired li->t. Mr. hLell iv 1 confirmed the Domw--” I'orter to be coloori of U>* I did & at Oo - l| pie ; b«r«. 1 ■Jbe *