The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 10, 1886, Image 5

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^VICTIM OF SURGL11Y. THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH : TUESDAY, AUGUST 1ft, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. B BRIGHT of a dissecting room CAUSED A STUDENT’S INSANITY. |. m.rkalAe Case of Dr. Churls. Rich- ' A student’s Mind Uubalnncetl ,r by Shoes Rc.tored After an Attempted huicltle. aa tt Nested to irrib-.t-j the patient, but, he "ashtid closely looked after. With the, usnal cunning of the insane, he waited his opportunity. It eatne after many weeks. Ike regular keeper had been taken sick and a sow one, who ha 1 formerly been in cuarge o the harmless inmates, did not ex ercise the proper watchSlnen. The pa tient during the night got up from hiB cot, tore up a sheet and hung himself to the door of his cell. He waa found soon after wards by the keeper, unconscious and nearly dead. He waB at once cut down and efforts »• „■ York July hi.—The canso and cure w ®f? made to resuscitate him. Rubbiug.lical, .^insanity of young Dr. Charles Rich- I Hr"®—*, respiration wore tried in vain jidelv a patient io the insane asylum galvanic current only produced ni^k well's Island, where he has been for {•*}“• f nU8RQl “ r contractions, but p.s long ■•mouths under the special care of ft ?"• ,,® “ e ! irt hept np Us beating, though *° alist noted for his cleverness in the JN ‘his treaiment was continued, sud * C1 of the insane, presents one of attar hours of labor the patient began to I e **r«nue freaks which nature so peculiar- , F eat “ e regularly. The color returned to out once in a while with no appar- . Iu the end he became cou- .r»asou or .determination. It was in the 8C ' 0U8 - Hi* uncle, who had been sent for. •i»r of ’85 just after the beginning of the P?‘ t0 l “ e asylum about the time ho opened comae of lectures at the College of . ®? e8 ant ' Jotk charge of the subseiinent -® 80 . • n . ftD d Surgeons iu Twenty-third I J rt ‘dinent, which consisted for about twen-1 Belief That Duffed for Mm • that Richards was admitted ns'a sec- r,v oat .“ onrs tonics and stimulants. tier, Is tttiti Ailvo. ‘Tvesr studeut from the Medical Univer- lbeD ~® effect of the great shock had I Charleston (N. c.) special to New York Time. - He had become dissatisfied with the worn °ff ad the youug man recognized his It hna leaked ont here since the execution lt\. ^ 1 a> ..I.. .. _ - V _v i I Illicit* IlHiI tintk 1..M Ha ... ... —1 * - ce in a whil« hon»*fttv Hrootlmn on atn and r.hamp, IIih amirche’tl and ruined until®-— Which wan tUe most to blame? He? or Bhe only? When June and Winter wed They shoe Ttmo’a meed with lead; Small wonder tnat aho lied 1«) love a:; 1 lain To Life's full swirl and stir. Though year* must brlug to her Even a bitterer, Moro sordid ‘‘After.” Only the stace-wom play! Light Love will have its way. Its own mad course, nor stay For name nor station. A woman rashly bought. Ambition coldly aougnt. Passion and Greed—navo wrought Tills desolation. —It. Armitage. DIDTHKY HF.ViVJS HIM! learned that i the h-. st policy. I.otig Rranch flirtations arc ipioted at par. ar is keeping out of the way at present, Tt is too st on to interfere. An Amador county (Col.) man has np- plii d for a patent on a process for making butter by boiling tho cream. The son of Sarah Bernhardt is danger ously ill at Rio Janeiro. It is said that ho | i» suffering trorn yellow fever. An English angler explains his devotion I ... , -as . to the sport by saing that it is “tho only aro getting to a point where they will not much longer brook | amusement Ashes ever have.” Baseball players are not allowed to drink tho trilling with adultorators. In this COEuection we wii-h to ico water (luting the nrnt. “No ice water | in the pitcher” is their motto. Mr. Patrick Itergen, of Fullerton, Canad*, I potatoesYnddo^mlur wort t0 ho6 Baking Powder Company, for their effort, lioroic and single- ssidua^^bu^ JZtnl: handed as it was, to bring the bread-1 aim erg of the world to this is the unsworn circulation. . . . Mr. Logw says be is out of thoPresiden- exposure and.conviction. The issuo of their war was purity tial race. We should say to, and the event 1 took place abont two years ago, Hon. James G. Blaine will be invited to Exposure and Conviction. Tho information contained in Iho report made by the hy gienic authorities* of the Nation on food adulteration is not only valuable, but suggestive. The people of this country say that wo behove tint tho public will not forgot the Price in human diet, ani tho decision of iho National Food Ana- 'mieflon at tbs latter plaoe Mid changed I ? nc }° "G talked with him. lie seemed to I of Jack Lambert on the ‘Jib inst. that then | a tt,-,ni the‘oi» I'ff'ThvMinmi'mdi^,.- 0 I Iveta wno flint TIP PPTPV’Q PRTJAVt Ri YTWfl POWHl’P “.Ws Mcounb He had just passed bis dazad * >>ut spoke in auatural manner, waa a conspiracy to save his life notwith- noslUon onTffuS next ,ontf, P V 613 " aS ttlat PKlLib b LllLAM UAlvlNU I 0\\ DLK “ntv^rstbirthdsy, audios in many re- S® 7“ closely, but it was evident sUnding the public hanging. Tho lest rc- p0 f,° n0n '“°" d0f n Y l m0nUl ; .1 . "-./a remarkable student. lie had nn “ at tis •« slowly improving and quest mads of the sheriff by Lambert sml A Bsagor (Me.) man has constructed »was the Only One they Could rCCOmmCnd to £C fjjjjj,knowledge of the symptoms of | were entertained of bis cure. . I his friends was that the --drop" sboubl lu-1 “^“.c^e^w^c^b® intends to place a | .... "‘IVIh'at is rarely met with. He was a I ^*> er « was no trace of the former dread tn&ds as short as possible. In fact, the fall I 8aju stesm tugixo aud s propeller. B -t class anatomist. He bad a memory w htch bad possessed him, and he gradually was only twelve inches. It was suggested A poet asks: “Why are thy spirits thnB I s - i. r. tamed the history aud practice of srew height and cheerful. In a month he at the time that tho application should have concealed?” Because tho bnr is positively rkieli retinue , J r - I sieme.i .. *->•—. *—*- *- - —«-* - - * I closed on Sundays, unless you know the knock. The King of Portugal is booked foi , it.e utl d the experiments snd progres-1 seemed as well as, talked freely about been made fora snfllcient drop to have d* "/the ersud study being made, all over hi™ 8 *'/ end his feelings, and professed I severed tho spinal cnlnrnn and thua caused kn 1 w - or liI. Ho was a close a tu | ““hj 113 mind w*s o blonk about the events | immediate dentil. That the prisoner pre- i ie „t lu his general and special re- j tb ® months that he had been confined, f. rred a slow death by strangulation n> j to Loudon next "month, and during .laments, be bid fair to reach a ,1 wa8 ««®med safe to discharge him from thought to be novel and strange. A few his stay ho will be boused at Buckingham ition of prominence in the profession ho I , “ eas J'him. and about a week ago be was | days ago the rumor became current that * bn chosen. His uncle is one of the best I 8et Iroe - flays after be got home he 1 Jack Lambert was seen on the Sunday after Young R ebards entered upon sstk in the College of Physicians and Bur- Jmds »it>> K reat enthusiasm. He had a j tto Will Renominate tt arming disposition, which made him a favorite with his fellows, although bo did not join them in the famous midnight or- CLEVELAND MAKES A RULE. One Who lias lleen Rejected by the Senate, few inebesaud tbns prevent the neck fiom s ^ az ®* 1 that will hold a stand-up oollar erect being broken by » drop of several feet, and | ?“ “® “«* of a f“t m<“» when the mercury by having a physican present who would have him cut down at the earliest possible > up to 95. A Rock Rapids (Iowa) youth arises in his The President told an Illinois Congress- moment, and then revive him by nil the sleep every night, and if not prevented will walk into the country for miles, always re turning to bis bed before sunrise. foditAhe rounds of dissipation that I 5Sft?IL^ determined means known for rssusoiUtion of persons v iical student’* aro orodiled 1 with, and n to ^* no “ mate * ot “J position ft person apparently dead. The physician in qnea I turning to bis bed before sunrise. r,»Jh-mide to feel they must enter u“u - 8 n en ‘; e h tion ax-os'pronent st ^request of th- The Apaches have for peace, to I«jiofml ir in the clas-s. No one felt eu- *“ The ?, 6ck w “ , t,rol ; en - ; and Eveu 1110 imbtmed red man is np to tho 1mof the progress Riohnrds made. He " B -gf? 1 ®* 1 .x”**? 11 * 1 ®' 1 aft «r hanging fifteen minntoa the phyatoian times, end tecognuea the fact that there motivts, but that lU action waa based upon listened for the beatings of the heart and j, a half holiday movement abroad in the good and snfllcient reasons, the result of felt for the pulsations and findiug none de-1 land, careful inquiry. In most instances he had I ciared to the other two attending physicians 1 scat abend because he couldn’t help it AMiirrtors roR tbs first pkihe. It was along in October ttited to make a strenuous oJ the prize for the beet dissection bead, neck and right arm. For several days | the State. ^ A hnrso shot a vajuero neer Nogslos, be k-pt a close watch for the right kind of felt strongly inclined to moke an exception town that remarks were made of their * subject. He wanted a body which indi- the eaxe of Mr. Goode, who, he thought, cag-nsc-js to get away. Th* body waa laid Cited cttenglh and delicacy. He found one was the victim of persecution by Sonator h n a wagon aud was driven out of town up Cai., one day recently. Tho animal was , t last It was the body of a girl wno bad I Hshone, but after advising with a few the Tuckasego rivor to the mouth of Deep I tabbing a flea off hiR hide against a tree, been found frozen in u lumber yard. Her friends it was considered inexpedient to ro- Creek, about halt a mile from tho place of when the gun slung to the saddle wont off, u;e wa * a>»out *20. She was not beautiful, | nominate him,_ He said that in c<utea^whoro | execution. Here thero was a fire and pot*» I fatal results, tbcogh she wonld pas* among ordinary the Senate took no action before adjonrn- { Q n of boiling water, two pairs of heavj 1 —————— people, and probably had led a fast life. No I ment and no good reason appeared for woolen hlankets,anelectriobattery, brandy, cue onut- toclaim her body, and the city was I doing otherwise he wonld reappoint tho I aromatic spirits of ammonia, and other mu- tcxile $20 ticher when the bargain was made | persons, as he had a perfect right to do. | terials prepared for the effort to cheat th. with the morgue keeper. On the record law. Tho physician was along, os was an- its went to “Potter's Field.” As a matter | Prohibition »# Seen by Clergymen. I other imported from Tennessee, who was pf tact "he was carried to the College of I From the Pituburg Timo«. not at the galiows. Tho body was quickly Pcysiciani aud Surgeons. | An interesting contribution to tho discus-1 taken from the wagon and disrobed and tli the weather was inter sely cold. The I sion of the prohibition question is made by work of resuseibttion commenced. The I body bad been frozen in a Bitting posture a correspondent of the Boston Herald, 1 brothers aided the medical experts with uni .-etaiued this shape. The face of the whom that paper vouches for as “a well-1 every act that loving hands oonld do and girl sore a sort of idiotio smile. Her left I known Maine clergyman.” He says he has active minds suggest. What was the result I bind wus cramped over the waist. The been living for a year and a half in one of I of their labors is unknown save to the four) light band was raised behind bar head aud the towns of Maine of abont 5,000 iuhabi- or five, os the case may be. ' held firmly there by the cold. Toward t<nt«, and gives this os the record of his Pntting all these facts together, it is not night of the day following the one on which own personal observation and experience: strange that there should be hundreds of I the body was brought to the college, the I Than er* on ons atreet, within one minute', people in Jackson and Bwtdn counties who | ktewr, according to order, carried tho body walk of each other, and as new tho elation, three I believe that the kindness of the sheriff in to the dissecting-room in the roof and making the rope short and cutting the body placed it on u marble slab. Richards had “uEi , . OU I f w*. , l 0 km« W b h ,Tn.“ , ot°mi‘ XhoJ.'J: down early, and the efforts of the relative., I ’ the lower hnlf of the body, having I run* I bsd besn the e three months, when two men 1 aud i)b)'HiciftD8, brought Jack Lambert bock I (or it, and after ho got through the Kolng in tamed mid Mid u> ms: ••'Won’t yon | to Hf e . *“ , '“ nt l ?. * b ® d jf- 2?*;,“ “' Tk« iUVu iSSr 0 "M 0 h.'^! th the divide sml yet for jssrs thoy have bad a tsmperancs I of Lambert .*jft-Ufcd aud the body ex-1 ...... JO parti! to I mayor, a reform olnb and a law and ordsr lesuns. hibited. Th" brolbem of Lambert have I the pirchuer. The lecture had been late *• *•»° unusual thing to sss man staggsrlm drunk poinU d out the grave, and have li.dignantlj tbit night, and it >u nearly 11 o’clock | StSamHH* P “ blta oce * rto °* “* “** of | refused Jo diaturb the remaiut and are | PR0F.CHS.IUDW1G VON SEEGER, jenoral funiily use, being freo from ammonia, lime, and all drug taint. Persons doubting tho truthfulness of this can write any of tho Chemists named: Prof. B OGD>X DORBMU8, M. D., L L. D., Bellevue Medical College, New York. Prof, H. C. WHITE, State Chemist, University Georgia, Athene, Ga, Prof K. O. KF.DZIR, I .a to President State Board of Health, Lanniug, Mich. Prof. II M. SHEFFKH, Analytical Chemist. St Louis. Mo. Prof. CIIAULKS E. DWIGHT. Analytical Chemist, Wheeling, W. Va. Prof. JAMES F. BtBOOcK, State Anayer, Boston, Mass. Dr. ELIAS II. BARTLEY B, S., Chemist to tho Don't of Health, Brooklyn. N. Y. Prof. CUltTlS C. HOWAhD, M. Sc., StArling Medical College, Columbus, Ohio. Prof. M. DELFONTAINE, AnaljPnU Cuemist, Chicago, Illinois. Prof. It S G. PATON, Late Chemist Health Department, Chicago, III. ! *l»»! I .x \j. hi i'd A Y, .M is-M")ir* etts hisiitiiir ii| T# f’liiiol.igY. Bo:,ton. Prof. R. A. WITTHaUS, A. M , M D , University of Buffalo, nTY. Prof. A. H. SABIN, State Chemist, Burlington, Vt. Prof. JOHN BOH LANDER, Jr., A. M , M. D., Professor Chemistry and Toxicology, Co'ilegu Mtniiviue nii>* Sui^viy, CiuOiDunti, C. Profs. AUSTEN A WILBER, Profs.Chemistry, Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Prof. GEORGE E. BARKER, Prof. Chemistry University of Pennsylvania, Phila delphia, Pa. Prof. PETER COLLIER, Chief Chemist for tho United States Department of Agri culture, Washington, D. C. Profs. HEYtt A RICE Profs. Chemistry, Ontario School Pharmacy, T( ironto, Canada. Dr. JAMES ALBRECHT, Chemist at the United States Mint, Now Orleans, La. Prof. EDOAB EVERHART, Prof. Chemistry, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Prof. E W. HILGARD, Prof. Chemistry, University California, Berkeloy, Cai. Prof S W McKEOWN. Analytical Chomistry, Youngstown, Ohio. Dr. HEINRICH DEITMEU, Analytical Chemist. St. Louie. Mo. Prof. 0. GILBERT WHEELER, late Professor Chemistry Chicago University, Chi cago, Ill. Prof. J. H. LONG, Professor Chemistry, Chicago Medical Collego and Chicago C. 1- lege of Pharmacy, Chicago, Ill Prof. G. A. MARINER, Analytical Chemist, Chicago, Ill. ‘‘TALBOTT” Eii^inct*, BoilerH Saw 11 n«l GTi-isst iVXills** \ND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Boss” Cotton Cresses I SIMPLEST, SAFEST and MOST DURABLE. All Machinery fully gnarimtoed. when hi iUrtfcd throngh the dim-lighted I “ ‘u^ experience ha* led him to these con- watching the grave to prevent its disturb- dh»*ctiti« ioom, where, upon tho twenty-1 olosions: “First. Publio sentim**nt can unce. This refusal to satisfy curiosity tonr »UU, were as many bodies exposed, do more’than law to regulate the liquor I bus only added confidence to the belief that in trtrytUge of dissection. I traffic. Secontl Only pablio sentiment I Lambert is alive, and there is talk of nu in it Vos not a pleasant place for a nervous Lg en f orce j,, nrohibitory law, and pnblie »* stlgatlon Into tho conspiracy, »s It is tuoRid the night wna not in keeping with sentiment la not with that law; for, maul- died, by the next grand j nry of the Superior Wiugi of merriment It waa stormy. I featly, prohibition does not prohibit Third. Court The «tud bowled like a demon through the q' be prohibitory law does not ulucate publio 1 ibr.ttu and along tho root Hail and mow sentiment, hat only demoralizes it" upon tho glass in the windows oa if dc- q't,. n <w York Christian Advocate con futed ipirits had returned to protest t ^e observations of a Methodist ■Klimt tho mutilation of their bodies clergyman living In Dover, N. II., who, on UTbanla moved quickly to the slab No. 14. r „ mo viog from u liconso town, in Massa-. lh«e was the girl with her frozen smile chnaetU, had comforted himself with the P®?' , . ... . uttiog upright The body was nnkod. expe- tstion of a very different environment, A rough drawing —A .logger palling a 1 ™ studeut felt tho cold flckh and pinched I “becaose Now Hampshire has a prohibitory cart. »to let if It conld be ent. law, a model of legal and stringent caacl- Suspended animation — Tho girl In the Tns student's notlT. ments." lie has lived In tho State “long hammock. The body had been alightly thawed, but «o.»oi(h to take in th® situation," and makes Young ladies at Saratoga call younger *“still too hard for the knife to ran ^Is r*P° r D „ . ._ ||An . . , *on* chips. ••ily. Richards waited for a few moments 8 r a r ch hl . b qu’iuo^ui 0 ” prorak. s .mU. ta The man who aches for a fight frequently •ad tben made np bis miud to wait until I uir city or lante tewo tn New llaupatiir*. Allklud. I ache* after it. 1 the next day, but as he was about to go I of liquotsare «..M with-ut re.trilutorri»r. Moons | i.: c . n -, s of it *»« hs notieeil a v«.v awelllmr » l »* P ubllc h*™ »r« upon tto uixin .trMtaottbo 1’ieture* oi u , ' ,e® P° l ‘ c 1 f " 1 a ,T® y XD.1 ID gn-.t number.. ,Tb. well at presouL . pan the right leg of ths cadaver below the 11,, OTorctoos ao oouxtrxliitupon tb. Minos, rasspt I .. , ., i. io.xim- — ., I Wp- Hit oailbtUy being aroused, he | * igaMo meal | slipped OQ his Iona black UOWD, took out a -hocks the rowmuntty into arowsd settoo. Yarn out ot a round ttcac. *».ll hnl'e aud began to cut sroond the *? t 1 ;r,‘‘^!°L b l 1 . ln .'°^*: i^'ST^SSSS^. ,Ths moot popular hell at a watering ■veUtttg to de.ermine Its character. The | u .u.Uy p*U pmmpUr. and thn bu.lne.« of MUtng I place is a dinner boll. I fltsh made the work tedioiH, and the | got.on so botorci.^ I Brodie wonld have made an expert bounty A small country seat—The milk stool. Tho moth exhibits mnch taste in dress. It is a wise cork that knoweth its own I Pictures of tho North Pole would sell I ProfiMor of Medicine at the no#al Unirareitpt Knight of ike /loyal Austrian Order of the Iron Crowni Knight Commander of the IloyalSpunish Onler of Isabella i Knight of the KogamPrusekm . Onieroftheltnt Eagle', Chevalier of the L^yion oj I J/unor, etc., Ore., mji : “LIEBIG CO’S COCA JlEEF TONIC ihoulilootb* c«-^iho hord* o( tnuhy I •urs nils. It ' -j W- ! thf word ► p«t»ut I remedfs 1 a. thosoapUf wtwmt jk its I mote ofprrj rtrntlon nntl know tt to by • ^#nljr n I Imrinirftiiiral prwluct,butataoworthy I ot ths hivn enininetidfttlaait has nesirsd in all parts of ths world. It curtainsMstnee of lbwf, I Coco, Quinine, Iron snd Coli.vtjra, which are dis* ' aolwd in puro genuius Sp.iuuh Imperial Crown 8h*rry.” Invalusblt to sit who are Rnn Down, Herron*, Dyappptie, Btlion-, MMarions or aflltriisd with west liidusya. Reware of Imitations. m manrs umm eonasu asenm. Used by Her Hoyat Wphness the Prineets of Wales I an*l the nobility. For the Skin. Complrxlon. Kmp- tion«.Chapptnf.noaithneaa. Si *00. Of I.1E1IICJ <?0'H fScnnliio Syrup of Hnrea- . pnrllln. U guoronUeU m the beat baraoparUia in Cite market. N. Y. Depot 38 MURRAY STREET ]anl8tas-thn-aat&wlF Do not buy without first seoing ns, or writing for our prices, nnming just what yon want. Address, TALBOTT & SONS, Macon, Ga. •T. C. WEAVE It. Mutineer. jnnll-tf GliOCERimT Tlio umlonriguod have ope ned a large and complete stock of Grocrion at 1*24 Third Street, and respectfully invite a!! lunged of Hnppliim, to call on tucm boforo purchasing elsewhere. Tho stock includes all the htnidis u 1 by fnruu rs, and has been col toted with special reference to their wunta. It fits been marked at PRICKS K) SUIT THE TIMES, nnd planters will find it to their interest to consult them. WRIGHT 12/ Th ird Janl7dUAwflm &r HILL, Street. josorer the body, cogrossed iu bis work. ^VtaMudmmtsMo'Mi.bnw.r, I stove hu head there was a obsoje. The w ;th a terra tuxnufactorr lu tbe limtu of the city, •Pl*r put of the corpse had tbawad the | .a. tloetod aud now un u ao major. ■tsj. The mmoles in the right arm, the J»ud of which was behind the head, re-1 TlmCoinluic ouf*tl*»u lu Canada, l*i*d end the* weight "caused 'tbs Ibaud 'to I rtom lh “ IIamll,ou Spectator. •Bp from bebind the bead suit Many years ago th. S[>ecUtor charged | ^ it DtTeI wtur4 fjlxo toeth. lt.chard.tlid not know of Of the 3<5 colleges of tha United States 150 publish newspapers. ; Walt Whitman wishes he had studied | plnmbiDg in golden youth. The great trouble with the buz*saw is I EXCHANGE, BUY OR HAVE YOUR COTTON GINS Itoiuiiritd in Miicon, Georgia, lit .1 A M u;s r r. itJ ViNTT S. Satisfaction guaranteed. (Froiglit freo to Mncon.) Gantt’s Improved Condenser Best in tUe World. I have a few gins of different Timlo-s. which have been r* I roll-box, and are nowin fiot cImsorder throughout. Guar I rook bottom prices. WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD. Write for circulars and reduced prices. nodeled v mteed in < ith my iujpr< very particul Latest burglar alarm—fear that the bank I *H.Ud dh^raradthera" beforaTe^. ? ‘»®or and b.nt lower over the body to «“® tha •utj'oelt cam. the band, ^^1 The stiff dado collars are worn to help the ST-Sk h no Q ui SlSr The chan-e was thou dcni«l; but Uop dude hold hi, head np in ramiety. •oddeolr the bwly°inve*a little jerk^nd the now there is . prutern.' of den,si _ H®opl. st oummer hoteU most gen, — ..v.ura. nu ciaicuea iao iro/.t*a , , - , from failing and then be slowly drew dependence, tueu | of it. nead away and loQked at the corpse, I erta ? r y point out * u —M-. • V. —i. I * | J Vl ■UftUCUlV tllt> lirmltf rrnvn .1 inrk mil Him I now IUCTO IB ovatto m j-owwo-w «. . ictjpo mnnmmu geOeTOUS J h luuifell tlat^upon the young moa*. that such are the aims of the reform partv, with snubs lire in glo** houses at home. ft«ck. ^ ^ I wbila many mombers of that party openly I A Boston journal for the blind contains I tte .hock was something terrible. He Anvthi^ * BC<ubln 8 * CTttd decoUetU * dreg#4 *' «ttldnot»Ur. Ills blood seemed to freeze I P^rpoua Tf /ot SI Money is a handy commodity, and it *KK1 dependence/then^nnexation. It isunnec-1 enterprise midralf-deuUl to gut much The more disgraced soma fashionable the higher they bold their I the most slow in making a I w the anee of it. ‘■Heaven lie* sbont ns in onr infancy—" snd onr neighbors have been lying sbont ns ever since. A woman at Peekskill, N. Y., tried to I Becould not itliwt nl th» means absorption into th. United Slates. He who is tho most slow in nuking . r*m anv V* t tT^. te. „n»n The Toronto*Globe and the other pro-lteil promise is the most faithful in tha perform- * iu bS ,c D l u. e°„ P n e “ journals *« outspoken in their disunion- “ fd aShU neVld hta h th e e um and coaraely P offensiv. to the moUier WJJRJSS Tifi WsV^tTiiu "wSw ?o doubt of the^suii of an elcc- ^U^hmi at the hl“ and tried to d£ U° | A woman av x raa..;,,, t.,m„, to w die llltuion. Bat the hand remained. ^rieraUon 1 "ThS 8 digger U that“while mnrfer her bnsUnd. Shi tLew ’a mince “ ,,D OKBXIAKCKD. tbo R f aime „ will secnro every man who | P>® * l D,m - Ktchsrds went to bis room, bnt not to I amis Britain and every enemy of Canada, »Li?i. e ? imd ,u alled wlth * horror .e B honeit B „d patriotic reformers will be con ¥ n,t * hak ® off - The band of _, oled otber cr ics until the mischief is •nili ” °“ hi« neck always and the idiotic Jo J ne Tbt . re DO doubt that the question _ WouM U hi* ahonlder wherever he ^ ns—that it has entered into prac- married a girl of 17, lentL *h® following day h« was ah- ,, noiiiigg. The reform p«ty as a party to his wife's mother. to th^n ed *' u " 1 melancholy. Uedid not go | s * rt . ot di-union nnd annexation. Iu — • • • 4., 'Sf He mew worse from day to Ieaa ^ cu-riog to the Fentan element Of .uiJi* I two we * k '* having shown sign* f popoiaUon, and are working band in C. R? 1 “ aaU * he was sent to the oajTloveXh those who affirm Kiel to have hi M , Ttr 7 roticunt all the tinuaad J cen % palrtoti » buio and a tusttyr. The uu neck at frequent intervals with tim# [Jj f or those who have Lojie of Ti.“" if to take so instiling away. n»niila and who desire her to teu»m e *»» in*!? ““ifestation of hie dementia naiu ,i coontry and a part of the BriUsh ‘he exhibition of the most abject for her StegSy. The dis- *orL ... c ? ndlt ion lleoame gradually party U ono which wo cannot afford SI eJuf. Uu> I - 1:a “ w,ui loo l te ' 1 "IT 1 to despUe. if •x'r**’ hothmg eec-meal to he 1 r : heuefit to him. He Ooly two cuuto.iee ego *he wt, bZ 10 h, r-arcfully watched to keep him 1 ..t.m.t.A to be one-ten .ti ot Lk c *. C 'i rrtXi ‘ tt ‘ E K iniflide. This strict vigi- ’ w,JW tvcr, vat relaxed alter a whiie, Only ti were estituat.d to be rld'i* popiiUtion. N • nn^.thirJ. We read in the market reports that butter reformers will lx* is strong, which is just what moat of people do not want it to be. A Bath (Mich.) man, aged 69, bos just aud bit sou L married The original meaning of the word Hali fax ia red hair; of GaUax, block hair, and of Fairfax, blonde hair. A bail storm in Pecos Valley, N. M , So reported to have killed ‘i,0UU bead of aheep belonging to one man. A goose has been in the La Clair family lor furtv-one veara died in western Now York the other day. Lodiea at Bar Harbor h-ive been playing !“ A* r : r y, b:.t •*..•: w.i-. • bent-. We forgive thorn. The little Newark bo 5 from a l«*>iy whoac i t,*/*- Mortof tho vehk 'i affiirt ra*nklnd areoricia* all j caumhI bjr» dt«iml^rfwlcon«liiion af tha LI V E R* lor ail Cot:i'.*initiU uf k:u J. 8QCb M Torpl-lfty •" thelJTfcr, BilioatnnM. N«rtro< Djvpepau, Iadtir*« lion, Irrn* iUri* y cl Um li- * ®*U (X»n»ttp*tlon. FUta- Icacjr, Eracution* aod Burnin* of Um fiCcauell (•omKira-4 cAll*d Heartburn), Ftiuuu, Malaria, Blood/ Flax, Chilla and F*w, Brvakbooa Favar. Kihtaatiop W r* or aftor Form*. Chronic Dior- rhiPA, Laaa of AppaUta. lioadacho, Fool Bruth, Irr-rU*m *>a ImeUmVkl to Famaka. I^arin«Mim»o STeTA. STIDIRER'S ftUBIHTlI UtnbaiuaUSd. !tisno,-paa«o*oilduaem bu* /ha inr* ail diceaseaof Um LIVER, will yUtKB STOMACH an 1 EOWELS, It ehnngm Um ccnploiion from a w**7. r»lk>w tine*, to a ruddy, haaiUi/color. U actlrnly mnoves low. gloomy »i>inta. It la ooa of Um BEST AL TERATIVES end PURiriERS OF THE BLOOD, and \n A VALUABLE TCN'.C. 8TADICr.R’3 AURANTII *w xxla by tfiDtokHU rrie»,I.DQ uwbgttl. C.F.STAOICER, Pcoprlotor, MO SO. FROHT 8T„ Mlii-cilSpMW, Pm starlldsatAv Sex SMITHS JL Er L, _ NERVOUS DEBILITATED MEN. Too or® allowed a free trial of thirty d i of iht nso of Ur. Dye's Cm 1 Vottaic i: U with Elsettfli Baapanaory Arpliur.oo-, for ttw fpeedy rdaftfid MraiinMl «u# af kerrorn DrUNta Mu of rtteitta aod Manhot f.m.d altklndml tr« urdna. Alao for many other »ao. €• rra • i •* non to Baalih. Vkor aod IBmumI narmwd. No risk lainni-ri- l. Ului r.. * uaUd n tl'*- l fn < by ad i r< r® YOLTilO BELT CO., K .ri.-.sll, Mich tn-thn-aat-awtm I ** ^ -6 -J if A PiUEND IN NEED. Dr.Swcet’8 Infallible Liniment l’rtpor d frcia th® roceiptof Dr. ht*j hea Hw«A cf Or :i .*•, ti :at, Ik® great Batnnd Bor.»* •'e-ttc*r. llat boss used for mor® than 50 yearn, and la the beat inown remedy for Bhoumatiam. Neuralgia, Hpralna f mi lass. Cats. Barns, woanda and all nt^mal in Juries. BOLD BY ALL DRUOOLSTS-TBY IT. Jan SX-aat-tuea-tnt.raAwl Manhood Restored rv. I'n natur* Daca/ f N«rroa» Ixmi Mkoboed, 4 •.. harinrf triad in »*ln ararykr -n amMMiiAwwawMPiwAw* M *> ,l *?A w EXCELSIOR OOOKSTOVES ALWAYS SATISFACTORY EIGHTEEN SIZES AND KINDS ;ll purchasers can be suited Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltimore,Hi AND E BY ho d $: jr.ntl, / r '*URE Blltfl’isr *». Cl VM v'j 0’#» c j.-j *- t^au Htwroi prevent C».i* b F»*?r, S B-*^th. Oar S’- ' Life a Vigor ta i) < In !ham one# a .J hou will ne. Price. 25 cer.;* na; bj S- Medi.Mn® De: ti: r t‘f. price in siemyt, (c*.t r . ., *0 3‘ j. r. **un :t a labJALtaw awly UOLJIBS’ EVER CLICK aiontli AYitsh mttl Dentifrice I COLl.Kttt: OK rm’tlClANS ANI) "I ItOKONS rt.Xt.l IMOItK. MO. Thla School offeni tn pa*** d rllnieal and otlei catalcgue to Da. THOMAS OPIE, Di Jujamlm IT'j N. Howard afreet. A. JESS OP, PROMO; COMMISSION MERCHANT, - ! .Hi. M. or N. M. U-.l.k