The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 21, 1886, Image 10

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— — — THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 188T,.-TWELVE PAGES. [0 THE SOUTH. CUTTING AND MEDINA. “B HUBS WICK STEW.” TIDE OF IMMIGRATION ALREADY TURNING IS Why Cutting; Wrote the Article That ha Cauiicd the Clash. | The Origin of One of Our Most Delicious s—First "Matthews’ Stew." I Petersburg Index-Appeal. It is probable that the tomato is served El Paso, August 6.—A representative of j and cooked in a greater variety of ways > News called on Mr. Cutting in Paso del than any other article of diet known. Just I Galveston News. El I the _. _—_ _____ — _____ w i —j — riri ., — TI1rI1r v . r BJJ vUTr And It will continue to Orow-Talk with a jy orta pr igon to-day and had the following here hangs a tale. It lias long been a die- K< «1 Kutato Dealer Wlio IIa» Ueen conversation with him concerning his nr- p„t* d point ns to wlint was the origin of the We»t-He Think, the People can rest and imprisonment: Brunswick squirrel stew. Now, gentle Introduce Oood Labor. I “How came^ about the trouble between I reader, don't he startled when I say that the you And Medina—what was your motive I fc ,j U irr 1 stew was made some sixteen years la f° r ca ^ n 8 him a El Centi- before the tomato was known in this coun- Montgomery. Ala.. Advertiser.^ a | nela?” „ try. During the war of 1812, between the >*T+ in Iaa lAtirr n tlnrv lttir nil I TT..H . j 01 _ J J . u _ ... _ ***— 1 — will!a Sfrinofpllowhas iuit returned me uuo w -«u —-- —- .. j »»• v*.vmj ««•*-« — — * i uoubh asms uoiue. uui being of a roving teen States during his absence, am g tried to.' disposition, and a man of refinement, he rest New Mexico, Arizona and C “Well, let us have it; newspaper men I waa ft moa t welcome visitor wherever he He reports that his trip was entirely saus- have taken grcat interest m the affair, and stopped; in fact, made himself useful in factory, and that he met with encourage- anything concerning the preserving of tho doing little odd job* in the household depart ment beyond expectation. ‘art preservative’ will no doubt be well re- ment, particularly in the kitchen. He was To an Advertiser reporter yes er ay ce ty e d by them.” also a great squirrel hunter, and it was his morning Mr. Stnngfellow said. . . , “To do the subject justice I must give an WO y 0 f cooking the squirrels which gained “In Kansas, the principal State to wmen out ij no 0 f w h 0 this Medina is. Four years him such popularity and eclat with the immigration has been directed the past iew ngo ho wa8 editor o{ El i> rog reRista, owned ladies. His mode of cooking the squirrel years, I found that all the lands worth set- by Xnoccnte Ochoa, banker, published in was quite simple, as follows: After dressing tling have been altogether taken P* Paso del Norte. Mr. Ochoa has told mo it nicely, the squirrel was set to cooking early on the borders of the State, where toey had (hat Me( i ina "soaked” him near $3,000 in in - H * • VIA U1B .< aaavasao*.. , : .— : I IU UlO JLiUtlJlIJR', DU t-Alttb lb UilOUb UU 1 up to two jeara ago * terrible droultt Of lour I lwo yearfli hence he sold the material nml f or n 2 o'clock dinner. It win keptt years' duration. I wand also inai tne tnrned Mediua adrift. 'Twas the old way ing C ontinu..lly, water being added to greater part of the work done to mance im- o{ . do ; n( , a propt ietor np.' Medina would ply evaporation, until it was so thoroughly migration has been done by tne ranroaa uke w&tc i 108t jewelry, flee clothing, any- done tha* the llesh would separate from the corporations, who hod laige land grant* thing, in advance on advertisements, then bones, which were taken out nnd the stew from the government. In tact, most oi ine wben tbe quarter's biii was presented there seasoned to the taste, not having any vege- work has been done by the Atchison, to- wou i d remain a considerable balance in fa- ta bl e whatever in it This was tho first peka and Santa Fe ndlroaj, wmeu owns vor of the 8 dvcrtisor, which would have to Brunswick stew of 18tG, nnd continued to and controls nenrly 2,000 miles ot track in be pa j d jn caabj Two years passed without be until 1830-'32, when the tomato had be- Kansrni. The company for tb ® P“ l n paper in Paso del Norte. I was publish-1 come better known as a most excellent vege- years has bad in connection with, tee road jn({ B dai)y , ilH:0 i umn advertising sheet in table. About this rime a man by the namo au immigration department, which has now E[ p asDj t b e Daily Bnlletm. Sir. Ochoas c f Xed Bliih (from the same county) con- been given np because all the land has ion . in . laWt a. N. Daguerre, offered to bny a I ceiTed the idea of improving “Matthew's been sold. One of the leading membersol balf inter est, move to Paso del Norte and 8tcw - by the addition of the tomato, onion, the department, whom I called to see polish a Spanish-English weekly, El Oen- oorD potatoes, middling, fresh butter and m search of Information and to »«k him his jj udik> Now, Mr. Medina is s cousin of jightbrsad. opinion os to wbat con “0“® ” Mr. Ochoa, living on the boanty of tho I will now nrocced to give the original torn the tide to the bouth, gave me great Ochoa-Daguerre family. It was expressly rec j pei after the tomato was know i to bear encouragement, stating Aansas x 8t ip Q lnted between my partner, Daguerre, BO j m p 0 rtant a part in luxnrions living: would find all available lands taken up, yj r 0oboattndnly8elftbat Medina should Take one sqnirrel fresh and nice, h half cheap land in that Statebeing a thing of the jn no way be connected with El Centinelo. p „ und 0 f middling ent thin and with past. The only lands in that parwn tne j Ir Qchoa used the expression, “He is a and water in snffleient quantity, nonntrv now availablo Bto ont next to new j 80 onndrel and dead beat." on at 8 o’clock to cook for five hours,when “Ah! a small bnnoh of “sonr grapes” be- (be flesh will leave the bones of the squir i— »- Iggm an " j re i f which should be taken ont. Now add oonntry now availablo ■, - , , Mexico, where there are no agricultural ad; vantages, and where perfect titles to land I „j n <, t Q ] oom np. cannot be seenred. The gentleman whom ••Thefirst nnmlx r ot El Ctntinela was is- ono qnar t of tomatoes (peeled), ono smsll I visit'd gavo it aa his sued March 1st, this spriDg. Before the onion, ono half pound of butter (fresh) opening ofthe Indian Territory would Ibe the I third number was issued, Medina had a lot on8 Rood 8 j zed x r i 8 h potato, two ean only thing can now rttard or prevent South- 0 j c j rctI l a rs printed, that he was going to o{ corn with the grains split down ern immigration; and on^ revive the Progrcsista, an d asking the old e a c h row before cutting trom the of some of the In 1 d ‘““ patrons of that sheet to withhold their pat- co b. Then a sufficient quantity of sweet na, I was assured that there was no possible ron8Re {rom Centinelo, etc. Wo paid no lightbread should ho added with tomatoes chance ot suchis chango tai..cgplace, i attention to the circular or 'prospectus. j Ualone hour before dinner. Now season found in other Westernbtotes a, gr^t deaJ Foar more weeks passed, when Medina is- ^ togto with both black and red pepper, Ot interest and inciui ry AhoutlanclaintU 0 gued anot h cr (laming 'prospectus; that he andyon have tbe genuino Brunswick sqnir- Sonth, nnd I feel katisfied b^ond qucsnoD, wl8 inR to pa bli a h the ltevlsto Internac- r ,q b t ew . i t h, a remarkable fact that no that if she only makes an effort toward m- ioua {; Several hundred were printed and ot h er flesh will impart the delicate wild fla- dneing immigration to her . ®°‘'' circulated in the Eastern and Northern T or as the squirrel, hence thore is nothing large tracta of plantaUon property now bc- sutos: moro In El Paso or Paso del Norte, whatover to take its placo. It is truo that ing mined by careless and thnltless negro Tho .p roa p eclu8 ' W as worded so as to con- a Rood 8lew can be made from fowls, veal tenants would soon bo divided up into small f(mo( f it witll our legitimato enterprise. or l 4m b; bat I think that tbe best made 1MPIUNTKD BY LIGHTNING. A RUSSIAN'S STRANGE ROMANCE. 1,u ww W..W » * . « I lUMJMsnviwun. •* “V “—• » J, I VlUVMI U1BU, lii 1 111 1 111LltJll Ul LUO ^rUlllUn Blv*, having as she now has natural and dlversl. tho party i aan i nR it, 0 no E. Medina, Bnt an epionre will detect at onco that the fled wealth and advantages mat no oinor i ^os a fraud; that ho did not own an ounce I w ;i d squirrel flavor is wanting and cannot rests with the peoplo of t had not a dollar to start a paper, be imparted by any other flesh, great transformation and Ul!lt b is ‘prospectus’ was issued to I Tan Heel. can boast ot. It notf rests with the as to whether this shall take place in Alabama, and if our 1 b 0 rt my business. Two weeks pass-d, next Legislature could only bo indneed t° I when I was arreeted and forced to take it „ » m , - -- -— VEAZEY'S INVESTMENTS, make a respectable appropriation for form-1 back, signed a 'reconciliation before the I ing an immigration bureau, wonders would yi cxlcan judge, etc. But the next day I Tho Ex-l'otiina«ter of linlilmore Causes tho bo accomplished in the next few years. Hnt I CKM8 , d ^ El peso and published in the El tho pooplo of the North nnd West are “j" 1 p a -o lleruld two cards—ono Spanish, one Full lire of a Finn. on the part of onr pooidc, or thlngs I merit that F. Medina was \ fraud, and I J^7n”J^yPra«dont^leveUnd to'sue- remain in tho future as in the past. Onr I a d d cd deadbeat; that if he wanted American I .[.L Colonel Harrison Adrion, nnd re- cities have be .®? h Rt “! r '"“ '‘ whidfStM afi hati,t<lc ‘' on 1 ,, , on } ,1 b ® P 1 . , '“® d hi “ umined in offico .-boat a year. Ho became the expense of tho country. wbich, after all, at any ll!ne and place and give it to him to weU knosvn herB becansoof his long contest is tho sole support of the cities. Gar p o- hi3 b eat t s content, etc. with the Cmi Service Commission over his manufacturer* exhibits marked effects by F tho »oo R r mananemenTof is- ‘' Th ? n 5 on w ‘ r0 doin E wbut m ?* 1 methods of tnrnlug RepuhlioaLs ont of long continued action of even a feeble- dif- tcrests over to Uiei poor “ J* any other newspaper man would do under offlce in order lo pnt Democrats In. IJis fused tight. It is not, therefore, impossi- nornnt laborers, who are stealing from its I t b B circumstances?' condnet .seriously condemned by She! b!« th** snob »n intensclv actinia imago as xoilits vast wealtn. “Yes, exactly; trying to protect my legiti- commission ns a violation of civil service would be projected from a brilliant and Picture Taken In a Thunder Storm—A Girl’s Face photographed on a Tray. New York Tribune, August 15. A remarkable freak of lightning recently in rininlit-hl, N J. (’..ruliuii I). _'anl lives in West Fourth street. Tho shatters In tho boy window in the dining room of his large frame house were open, and in the centre of the window stood n small stand on which stood a polished old gold Japanese tray. Upon this tray the lightning imprinted the photograph of Miss Lillian Pan), a young lady about 18 years of age. Tbe incidents attending this rhenomentn are best described in the fol- owing statement which Mrs. Paul has pre pared: “I havo been requested to give an occonnt of a singular phenomenon or freak of nature that occurred in onr honse daring tbe than- der storm on the evening of the 18th of July. The family had all retired early, with the exception of my danghter, who was sitting np awaiting the arrival of a servant who was expected at home any minute. Tbe violence of the storm increased, and the lightning was so vivid and continuous that there Hp- peartd to be no cessation between the flushes. My daughter on stepping into the dining room to close tbe windows saw that a tray that lay npon a table in the hay win dow was attracting the lightning in wbat seemed a dangerous manner, being in tbe centre of an almost constant blaze of light. Approaching for the purpose of removing it, she was suddenly startled by a fearful flush, and hastily turned away, but, waiting for a few moments for an op- portnnity, she succeeded in drawing it off and covering it with a rug. Nothing farther was thought of this nntil next morning, when, on removing it, we discovered*pro file likeness of my danghter appatently burned into the lacqner of the tray. Wo cannot account for this except on tbe hypothesis that the picture mnst have been photographed by the electric light at the time my danghter drew back so suddenly. Some prominent electrieiana are investigat ing the case, and we contribute these few facts in the interest of science. Fannie W. Paul. "Plainfield, N. J., August 11, 1886.” The well-known electrician Leo Draft, who lives in Plainfield has taken considera ble interest in the matter. Ho has exam ined the tiny, nnd has prepared the follow ing as his opinion of tho canse of the phe nomenon: From a carefni examination of the cir cumstances attending the really phenomenal case above referred to I am led to attribute the result to the secondary rather then the primary effect of electricity, inasmuch as there were none of the signs of a local dis charge visible, nor, as far as I can learn, were the effects of “shock” experienced by the young lady, which would certainly have been the case bad any considerable charge been received by the metal tray, since it lay on a dry mahogony table without any metalia surroundings, and her body would thus have formed the line of least resistance to earth. In rejecting the theory of direct electrical action, thatof the change being dne to heat mnst also be regarded as untenable, not only from its extreme im probability, bnt because the opposite side of the thin metal tray appears to be eu tirely unnffected. Wo are therefore appar eutly compelled to accept the only remain ing hypothesis, namely, that the effect was dne to light, and this theory does not pre sent the difficulty of even apparent conflict with natural law, sinco it is well known that certain lacqnera, especially thoeo con taining coloring matter, are moro or less sensitive to light, and in tbe ab seneo of a proper analysis of this par ticular lacqner I am led to anspect that tho substance known, as "Dragon Blood" waa use t, which in combination with cer tain germs commonly employed by laqner ‘ ' ;hibits marked effi THE BOOM IN CEJ ntral, I What Well-Posted M Stock Movement, i tbe S&ranu&k News. s *y About He Deserts Wife and Country an<l Wants to be Kennlted to the Latter. Yesterday a Russian Jew, with an unpro nounceable name, appeared at the register’s Fl office to tako out a marriage license. To Centra! railroad stock was c-a • l Captain Heber, who supervises the hymenial by brokers yesterday at 1011 Th* department, he state 1 that ten years ago he still reported to bo going North * was married in Russia. A few days after blocks, and the moat of it to on his marriage he was drafted into the Czar’s gentleman who is we',l p isted army, hut, tired of addiDg military brilliance movements said yesterday* that th"* to the “Little F ither's” domains, he desert- his opinion, no grounil for in ed, and succeeded in reaching this country, tendency except the reports whict He came to Pittsburg, where he has sup- afloat about certain mysterious mo * ported himself a d laid by a little money The boom was started by parties 1 by peddling notions. ’ nab and Angnsta, and canned tho* In the menntimo the young wife hnil take a rise. Parties North caueht heard no news of her husband, and had bait, and a demand from that been granted by the rabbi of the temple in caused further advances ' which she worshipped a divorce in tho form investors there were of ut oral ili re- iii tin- pn si-m-e of theooc-1 >8 investment for their surplus mane* gregation. Syme months ago tho wife de- they thought a 1 per cent, stock »■' termined to come to this oonntry on a Bearcli prospect of something better every no for her husband, and a week ago reached then, was good enough. There is n Pittsburg, where slio finally discovered the ing, however, liow high Central woi object of her search. Tho divorced couplo bat, the gentleman stated, it wfli were willing to live together ns man and to a deed stop before the middle of wife, but were informed ny tbe rabbi that month. it world be necessary to go through tho Another party, who is supposed to marriage ceremony again. The nun there- something about tho inside mauscemr *1 fore applied for a license. This pluced the Central, 6nid there is no cause ° Captain Heber in a quandary, as in the advance os far as the business of th event of a divorce, it is necessary to pro- prny is concerned, nnd it looks as enre a copy of tbe decree before granting a there is some truth for the rumor of license to re-marry, and in this c .ee no copy | era trying to get control. There is coul l be obtained. The matter was referred slightest cbunco for any syndicate Noi to Register Hoerr fora decision, which he I elaeivher-j gttling controi of there will reader to-day. I dictating its policy by controlling • minority vote, Lurge blocks of stock been purchased when tho stock waa BOGUS BEER. Charges That the Importation of PUsener I tho railrol ami on.mbacher 1. Light. | Htock “ f tlU , held b ?. ‘hem From the Chicago Times. The I lishe 1 a t i. ooicsgo min's. their interest. The stock which was be . „ - . , , bought here is small holdings, from nn Chicago Frie l>resse o£ yesterday pub- flft 8hftre8 There is eh 8 ’ * ro “ a review of the beer trade lo which tleI ' nan Baid Ia lhe , holdings 1 UkeD f £“ th0 , re r°i rt ? Tk « broker, aro making money all ar of the statistical bureau in Washington that Besides buying and aelliug Central only a very smr... par. c- —c _ecr ss._ .n t - uey 8e j; t - UH [ alter £uoy RL , nera jj y ' this country as genuine imported Ptlsemr, the money in somcother security fo! I Erlnngcr, Muenchener or Cnlmbacher beer vendor •’ Tho brokerg . block “ J has ever'seen the cities by whose names they I ”*e«fnl*Iookto‘spiw“cffth. P M«i3S M interested w ’““I are called, it is ciaimea oy men inierestea . lh( , ro ba8 not been ' 8nch B pion j c in tho sale of so-called imported beer thut I •< Rrea t Central boom " * n 5 ( It is claimed by men f so-called imported beer tnut I .. teot Centrnl boom this foreign lnger meets with such favor J ° > from the beer-drinking population that it is not only sold in saloons, but also served at ^ the tables of firHt-closs hotels and used by I from MarietUannouncing tuekillingcf iTubiv many families at home. This has led to u I j. H. Lang^ ■agerintendent of the tMtoriea at y 1 i, __ _ _ _ yearly sale of more then Cl. 0,0,0 gallons of I ?'*'• 8*ined,I "imported lager" in Chicago olono. The £5 U *,_ ad m eDg.gMffiTbiikiV; 1 ! Frie Presse, quoting official figures, proves, I broken and be was drowned, however, that most of tho beer sold I waa twenty-five yeani of age, and had J in this country as imported is 0 f brother, lu Macop, Mewr., W. T. vuds.j.w.t. American origin and differs from the home-made article only by its color and its irTj.MlDRm o( ''to* eSStweuuEt^iLL price, which is twice as high os that of tbe I chimney twenty-five feet high. Losing bin uurl American beer. “While “imported” beer I Jjf on hta head and waa badly bruiaad abP to tho value of $2,OUO,OOU U sold in the L‘" d bl h **' but ln * , *«»twhlta n..,T twelVe largest citifs of the United States, , Tvbtt Tueidav nlaht . eem -J the report of the bureau of statistics states I j| elt ,y ivtnt-m wmt to a m-lahbor't bouu.audit that during tho fiscal year of 1885 there have I a sirl out attor a bottle of beer, lie took s drink] been imported to the United States malt It ndeoon.tierdied. Wheherih.beerbtd? liquors of the vain, rf 41,097,18*. out of wlnoh amount «98o,54G were for ale nnd | _ Col . R . K . Blues ha. .t hi. offlce »l*Con h J porter from the United Kingdom and Can- lbll „ th , ur*e.tMen In Macon tbta Je «, .9 ada; $111,C38 for 1>< • r from runny, and lo prove that Bibb county toll u btL $21,406 lor bur from AlWUU. But the edapM to thia variety of peer tbao that arul _ *a !_a„_ qo a- „ #_.a lo iTTtArl lbomMville. The pear waa picked from a treal most interesting fact can be learned I lotl( , lng mu. jp,, lUilehurst. I ‘h’*, . —A Macon gentleman hu removed two visa I consular officers. Wttill tho most ^favored | from bla faco and one from a finder, by a alng, befon brands of the so*called imported beer are I proceca. Every morning on arialng, represented aa coming Jroin 1‘ilsen, in Bo-1 Tbia remedy wa* told to blm by Dr. Poa, who hernia, and Erlanger, Culmbacb, and Mn- , nicb, in Havana, tho consular reports from I , 00 - iy lived and practiced In Macon, these districts mentain only a very smnll nlgbtaa Jim Chapman drove np vi&l export of beer to this country, lu mlilitiou to I back iu front of Ed. L. Brown's store, onkni' thia the hooka of the Chicago cu.tom bouse R™»L.a state that the valno of tho imported lager 0Ttr l8 .'brMik. Tb. bora, to nnlojumt \ shipped iu bond to this port of entry during I driver waa frightened when he taw over tl tho fiscal year 18&-188G was $2GC. I board that hl« home waa sinking out of tight. ■ I —The county oommltelonen bald a nuttlngl THE SULL1V AN-UE VRLD FIGHT. Unlay and in an informal way dUcuewd tF I plant at to tho building of a n«w hospital. Odds OfTired on the Champion—Both Men single bulld og and the cottage plant wtrt fitt ed- but no definite conclotion wat arrivtd. thoufbt that since tne sum required to erect tl gU building U eo great, the cottage plan r*"" In Fine Condition) New Yobe, August 16.—The glove con- test between John L. Sullivan and Frank | ulopud. Ilmrlil. which is set down for Angnst - J Schnelzen Bark, Union Hill, N. J., i» creating much interest among sporting ■ , s men. Beta are freely made with odds 1„ San Celc.tUl. Win lu a Si.|< favor of Snllivan. All day a largo crowd I Tournament hoa been around SallivnD’* headqaaitere, | Ciiicaoo, August 10.—Chinese sp«i foreign pauper element, bnt the progressive I ji otft (fly” bo W ua flnancially embarrasKed. He was days or even weeks of anbdned diffnaed and indusirtoua farmers from the western I ••T ba t hi the sum of my offense. Thoy succeeded by Mr. Frank P. Brown, tho I light, and thus produced the image by te- nnd Middle Slates, who want cheap land* 1 c jaint that breaking said reconciliation; that pre8e „i postmaster. ducing tbat partionlar to the condition nnd a mild climate, and who can sell the I j be a ,tielea defaming court official*, appear- The story of tne badlnveatmenta' which whioh time will develop over the whole farms they now own at good prices and I ([1( , BOb . e quently iu tho El I’aso Tribune, ] put VeeZiy in <lolit to the largo amount I surfaco. t .. r>._ come to n» welt supplied with funds as well aIa0 lbo Rreat exc itement I have cawed by Mema a i moa t incredible. Starting nvi vq claiming United SUtea protection and ig-1 ft , a i , wycr , n li.Jtimore. with good ALABAMA AGRICULTURAL BOCIETY. ^ng O. j“)« d1 ®^" « f ‘ommlHed'in a J cttoa *j l b ® h J d , hl * b,v t ° h r ' I Two rarniu... Nick with Fever and Ue.,, . , court to try me tor an offense committed in i He mar riod a MUs Gaddea, a tiatet of the s . lt An lotereatinE Heettng Ye.t.rday-Oeortl»! the United States, all'have been entered pre8ent memberof the firm and a daughter I . „ Drl '' e,, uown SiUt ul ’“ r * i».ie K a!..m Attendance. against me aa aggravaUng circumstances, £, tbe fouud , r . About ttv* years ago Ex- Tort *“• Talladeoa, Ala., Anguat 18.—The St* 1 ® 1 which ha* neceaaitaUd a hard sentence and I United States Senator William Pinkney I EVANSVILLE Agricultural Society of Alabama, at HI tine ^ be imposed." White took him under his wing, and when weeks ago, George am o'clock thU morning,wns called to order by he was elected mayor of Baltimore mode I era, were farmer* m Meade couuty, Ky., President J. 8, Newman. The ,Georgia j CULTIVATION OF THE SUNFLOWER I Vea ,. ey ci i y aoUdtor at a salary of *4,060 a »l>ont twelve miles from the month of the delegation included Messrs. Geo. M. Htn-1 ■ -- 1 year. At the same time Veuzet was a tins-1 tlalt river. Their land waa poor, and it was demon, Hugh H. OdU|Blttv M. I v colauibUn who hue (Jane Into the Hu»l-1 t©« of the McKim eeUte, onto! whijh I difficulty that XhtJ Green and J. C. Mflillebael, of the I of lUi.iug bunfiowere. I made $11,0U0. His financial trouble* data! EURnKTrtlp fteipenn Georgia I ureter. Addresses of dambu ttestiin. back nearly ton year*, hi* first bad invest- d * t fP° t °g? *9 l ^n° ^ VmUt a small coino anil responaea by Mayor W. II.Slang*, 1 __ M .< planted I ment being m a farm in Cecil connty, for I dition further Went. They built n Hugh McEldery, nndil.jor A. V. Gardner, thi. iia.on Jnd the wb“ch he pdd raveral thow.nd dollaJi and bon. and on July 25 both Mt^onjW. were made. After the appointmentof* J®'[- turn(K , ont flnely Ha baa aevera l from which he realized very litHe. Then *“8 “* 'theTr littlebllong- commUteeon credentials ndjournment wax j tb( rt nt.t of which is the “Mam-1 he built iwo row, of in lUltlmore, | f bdd ”!*.,^ The afternoon session President J. B. Newman, | plote with uaefull snggtations DYING ON A STORM-TOSSED RAPT. nst 15.—Until three John Bnsb, broth- pleto witn UMIUU sugg.suoun ti-r nnd that he has found them very Dro- paper atarted in the interest of Senator »•«*mum,.*, — I'-r--- experience and obuervatlon regarding the “ na lUttl n ® IOBUU > - {jorman, a year ago. and lost every dollar of necessary medicine it Boon developed into iD puntln8,on ‘ l -“®£ ^br r rej^ mons'ch^M^for ra^lecTion. Ito j The’oUv^l| l Coldon 11 S«ed a, Ui l l D CoLu > pany e haH | placid $3,OlX) e in ) iI 1 *Somh W C*roUna'r'*ilr<md J ^^^h* 8 t ^^J 1 r r < '^ ) ^^[cas 0 *w^*'s*f'q dae'thrinitUl'and present co^riete or^nb I B P» c ‘ j j^^ a jj,* jiiyatir compinyi* wh^ch n dll! , not J anray'by'tbe^iay) s^i^rtheTrooT Uk«m off zation of the society. Dr. N. 't. Luplon, ^ Bade 0 f sun- p.“ and*"S «hi ZeVten year, he had During this night Mr. Bush «,dd«^ Htato chemiat, deUvered an able addre.. I . nmer ” maaa I l«n borrowing money to cover Interest Kr®* *9"® .1 d > 1 , K GOOKliOAUH FIGHT. Fifty-ninth street and Seventh avenue, I c i rc lea havo been gieatly excited onr trying to get a look nt the champion, who I outcome of a cockroach tournament wr ia tratoiug there, Sullivan has been taking ba 3 been going on in tho basement good care of himself nnd looks strong, I down-town laundry and Chinese club hi bright and cbeerfnl. When asked his oplii-1 ( or the past three nights. It it the dot ion of Ueorld, the champion smiled and an- tournament ever held east of the Pi swercil: I coast. It haa been engineered and “He look* lea* like a fighter than any 1 ducted by a party of Cbiueae sports » man I ever met. Of course I am going to I i 0 (t San Francisco three weeks best him it lean. I feel us if I can," bol«ith nearly fifty trained fighting i with d. 1 roaches. Last night it sm reoorteu It is said tbat he will give you a hard the Kan Francisco party bail left w* S fight Wbat then?" I York, having won several thou.»ndtloJ "Well, that’s a thing 1 don’t consider,’ (rom tbe local Chinese betting men. Sullivan answered. “But if ho does tbe San Francisco Chinamen who came sporting fraternity in general will see tbat 1 informed before they started that l can stand np and stay, and will find that I were a large number of their col loin stand imni.hment or long-windi* -1 Iue n who would enjoy and liberally pel coute-ta as well us the beat ot them. Any j Z8 u tournament, ln Chinatown, at way, I shall do my beet to win. 1 don’t I Francisco, an old Chinaman baa WB* know who the referee will be, but I hope I ducted a Chineao shoe shop, and m it will be a square and fair man, who ha. I hoars maintained a large number of »om» knowledge of Queenaberry ruleA lu 1 ing cockroaches. H* was ordered1 to that ca e I don t really care who he la. But I pure fifty of hia ablest fighter*, wmea t I do hat* to go againat llearld and the re-1 once did, delivering them m a wicxet fereo. I aoale now about 218 pounds, ket male espeoUlly for tbe P ur P°JJ’ | and hope to meet Ilearld at 200 or 2051 thia baaket we fa nearly a hundred«» pound*." which each roach was kept separata He-uld is taking hia dally breathing) at I hia companions. Far It ickaway, L. I He looks npon the I Tue Celestial sports airived here conteut a* a very aeiiona matter. | (heir animal), without mishap, W* "I don’t say I cun whip Snllivar," he I day. In two hours it was known to said, “but I do nay that I am not afraid of I Chinaman in this city that the tourm him, and will do my brat when I meet him. I woaldbtgin Monday night . I am feeling well and am in the best of I About 11 o’clock the tonrnamca^ h-> h, and will appear in good and perfect I opened, a feather-weight hJ®*?’ condition. I know Sullivan ia the chump- I watched againat a middle-weight on. and tbat I am flying at high game, but I roach. Bator* tho Insect* were g” I might os well get the I againat each other they w» re u" 11 if I am lo get beat I Among delegates pre*ent treasurer 1 “* w Mcntgom Russell kins Gadih’s upon died together and all contending with ma larial fever. In the midst of them lay the dead body of an ag.d woman partly ile- composod. Over thia a piece of rag corpe’. had been thrown, the living ceonpanta De- ay til- __________ ^ m _ ^ w — ■ — „■ „:.), | suntlow.ra." ” * I UMlay they drcide-1 to demand an av-Uu eq iu.-.»tiint comptroller of agticnltur, “Yon think they will pay as a crop?" ment of the Guides firm, which is thus i j—---^r,.. ; . B u his sccomph.hed lady. The member* are 1 *nt (atiified of that, and in-1 made reip inaible for all of Yeax-y’a truna-1 ln 8 tendered, nnd wiU probably accept, an »n-l . ^, a ro , k1 cr0 ,, next year. Sever- action.. The finu’a awels are placed *M ”,¥ , .lL n " m di* Kh ‘ J U * ^ vitalion to an excuraion to the Clifton iron ^ c th*r dtoosbavt tried them, and also $50,0ll0. The balance of Veaz y’» Indebt- olherB * iU _ mins and other poiule U>-n*orroy. bHOOTl «u A PKfcSIDENT. intend to plant largely next year.” Sacrificed Hereelf far II»r Affianced. [ ednea* to the film U eQppOMd to bo bor rowed money. A Letter From Abe Lincoln, i tbe New York 8nn. A llarslar by a Wnurtn. Sak Axtoxio, Tkxa*. An^net 10.—Due of the bravest deeds tv.-r enuctod in San An tonio by a lady occurred thU afternoon. Mrs. Andy Battle i* tbe name of the hero- Mai.miall, III., AnRUnt U — One of^ the ”n autograph letter that I would like to I ine. She" ia the wife ot a Faille express ur^nt fi^d . revolver I Welch to h.r grave to-day. Her cavc ia one I own was shown me a few day. ago. “A. driver. While ah* was alon- iu th- h.m-e atre last night a ui m. • • • The ball “f the saddest on record. Two year* ago Uncolu ’ was boldly signed at the end of it, this afternoon, and vouud asleep, Antotio almoht point blank at hie head- Th® bmi ^ vu ^ picture of bealtb and lbbt wisdom waa there, paragraphed in Lopez, a M.xtr.n borglar, entera.1, and af. lriuted mob attacked She then engaged herself to Eghnim Dick- this wise: | ter securing s bundle of bousehoM goods * " • _ * m “Do not worry. *d(we' now as at some future time. Htarld weighs new about 192 pounds, and txpects to redace hiuuelf to about 180 pounds Ed. M ill h u.. Hearid's hacker, says tbat if Hearld proven the victor, and lie ia confi dent tbat he stand* a Li r chance of so do ing, he will take him to Europe with an open challenge to fight any man in the world fur trom *',!*>' to $10,100 a side. J one* Wukely i* certain that Sullivan will win. After seeing both men he said that there could be no doubt of it Chas. John ston, <f Sria.kltD, who recently returned from Europe, ami who baa refereed a num ber ut the flglita in which Sullivan took part, offered > esterlay to le t m m Si.000 to *5, ) 00, at the r.L> of 5 to 4. tbat Sullivan would whin Hear il • a lly, lie bad a strong idea that It-arnl wnnld be knocked ont iu the first r nad. Henry W. Haskins, ot Winnipeg, Manitoba, offers io wager *1.0 0 to *600 on Bnlliv.n entered the ‘hewonld-b* asusakfand maltreated ^im I »ut». * young farmer of EdgarrouMy. They , terribly that ho died shortly afterword* hL°n G.roalmo haiag for !’«■«. j failing in health, and she finally grew very Dkxteu, Aognat 19.—A special from Al- despondent aa ehe becema wore*, and aval- buqu. rque. New Mexico, sajM The Demo- lowed poison. After she had taken tha fatal crat has reliable tel.grai.h information from | done she told her weeping parent* that she scouts that Gerouimo and hi. Un i an-1 thought it bettor to die at o. ee than to Uve Frontons* Mexico, endeavoring to and be only a hnrden to her hnabund. bh* n«-«r Frontenaa, Mexico, < i.iieavunng to auu i ".-“j ■ >• *“• •••."—“. --- mike p-ace with the Mexican autL nin s. I directed that her portron of the estate of The Jadians eay they want peace and are I which eh* wm an h-r he v’vefi ter aflj- . , . _ ,,--- wi-rn ont and th.t Gtroum-o u baJlyanr.aL Her p.-.rc-nts and h.-r lover in al- - bnt, my fri-niL these, I reckon, will ^iv. crippled. 1 moat frantic with grief over the sad affair, yon a good lift.' Eat three eqnara meal* a day. "Say your prayers. “TniDk of jour wife. “Ue oonrtootu to jour creditors. “Keep yonr digestion good. “Steer clear of bilonsneee. “Exercise. “Go alow and go easy. “Maybe there .re other thinge that yonr eepecisl case require* fo make yon happy. One OfMMt lure* l>*-»rrv»«* Another. Sax Feakcuco, August 18 —Th* steamer St Paul, which arrived here to-day from Oonealaaka, Alaska, brings news ot the •eiznra on urgent 1 ot three Buinh acinain- “B” ...... era by the Untbd Miles revenue uierGir- he tried to toko her pocket-book rom b.r win. for violation ot tb* aedfiahl. g la-e, \l ban alia fi r_t wtk ebaVIfiil an*) ill.. e. person. When she tir.t awakened »ho dil covered hia presence, and drawing an old Derringer pistol, not loaded, commanded him to drop her property, which he did. .She then held him safely until the arrival nf a police officer. The burglar U now in jsiL The bravo little woman has been heartily congratulated. Talbotton New Era: Mr. Charles W. Leonard, of Macon, is in town to remain nil after c»«tmg. Ue is looking well iu Behruiga Sea. The*, schooners _ru tne Tnornton, Onward and Cor-diue. The crewe of the eeixed vearela were sent to Sitka. Hath Mortal!/ Wounded. Etxxsville, August 17.—Daring a fracia Quong, a Chinaman who had had _ prtience in this line in China. , minute pair of aeisaora he ehppto wings, and then, just before fa* greased tbeir bodies with done to prevent tbe insects c ® another, as they will not touch th portions of each ether's bodies. At n signal two champions were a t into the pit. This was a large urn, ^ -ikes pun-h boal, and 8 r ***V l i 1 , edges. The fir.t fight wee one of» f , of tbe whole tournament. , u|| the two fighting roaches ilu'PP^V^ bowl thau they »P'*ug . ia( , the fierceness of Bull dogs bt**» eleven minute* after the fight h k big roach was dead, "heu h ever, be mortally wonndtd h the last Struggle, and despite s _ caused by the effort, b» -UJ® p. manner that hi* leit jri . 9 8 , be <*2 from its socket, hut in ao do a Dl it hi* adversary by tbe throat >■ , etant he dieil, cor- red with # the little victor eUgg-nal u “ ** ent iu Id. throat . fint ■*! E ght b.tilea were fought the n^ ^ it being 2 o’clock bdors the ^ fini.bed The bebtlhg _; n ncre. muij of lb* local men *”..t-« w***l t..u : —.tit r II.T .lib. 1 ll ’ ' " contests and laded an h ' mr „ e ‘£r u k*. third Dight there were the when the tournament at Francisco “*' 1 0 oo tb* railroad train between Huron ecd I mooey o< the local epo Shoal* to-day. Dock BP-vene and Bart I It was reported •***, , j i PUree engag.d in a fight Ooeth-I brass I Chinanmn Qnong, wno ^ engag«l in a fight knacks, the other a knife, telly Injured. Both are mor- u graeehee.'badpUjed.toh ic viait'in) and drugg'-d