The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 21, 1886, Image 4

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fHF. MACON' WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. I HE TELEGRAPH, V «VEHT PAT IN TBR TXAB AND WITALY Prohibition ami the Jewi. Dr. Hawthorn's temperance journal, The I Conflict, in a recent issue contained what OVER THE STATE. is regarded as [U1 assault upon the Atlanta I THE MUTILATION OF A DKtMATIC Jews and has proroked a card from Rabbi I TKOUPK’B PROPERTY, _ . . . _ Jacobson, which in its way is one of the Ta wrap i ami 'Publishing Co., mogt vlgoronB .flata 0 « the kind wehave | Anwrt of ti». \.. important « Mulberry Street, Macon. Os. ... , . . • , ,, seen in print In closing his article, the Ih« D*Uy is delivered by carriers In the city or 1 Kabbf says : “We call the entire Christian «.u«l postage free to irabecrtbere. for |1 per comnmnity of Atlanta, Dr. H. included, •anth, 92.CO for three months, $6 for six months, ...... - ., . if 910* year. to ^toeaa whether any one of them knows m* Waeklt Is mailed to subscribers, postage I ®nght to reflect discredit upon the moral fire, at 91.2A a year and 76 cents for six months. I character of Transient advertisements will be taken for the | It may not Witness Kernses to Appear, and 1 Posao with Warrant Fall to Find Illm—The “Compromise.** AUpaha Star. ,, . . The Dixie Dramatic Troupe is composed the Jews in this city. I 0 f the leading younp men of Alapaha. It — .j be amiss for the I is a recent organization and was gotten op 0 ail at 11 per . V mro of 10 line or lew for th« I Telbobafh. which hag o Urge circulation I mainly for the purpose of aiding in works ■ ft insertion, and 60 con ta for each subsequent In- ... . .. of charity, keening the church in repair, lirtlon.and for the Weekly at 91 for each insertion. m ca P lta ‘ city, to bear testimony to the eto< <phe troupe iatended to give its flr;t aoucet of deaths, funerals, marriages and births, g°od character of the Jewish population, entertainment last Thursday night, but for •1. The Jews of Atlanta, and not Atlanta alone reasons hereafter stated the performance Dejected commnnlMtlon. will notb«returned. but of aU America, are noted fo» their di ‘l“ ot _f* , ' e P’“ e %,,. Ospsapeudenes containing iaportuit new. and , obrlety ob>e rvanee of l,ws, love of peace u mistuasions of living topics Is solicited, but must be . ** . , .T ... academy wun now oariainf, ana u was tlrltf and written npon but one side of the paper to I and tho infrequency with which any of nicely arranged for the purpose for which arte .twotion. I them appear in the criminal courts. The I it .was intended. For a few week* past the ■sretttaaoaa rtionld be made W«pre-. poaUl Jew everywhere is a good live, and appro- *£ we *„ tb T 0 wn"nto the a£d“my ciate * the llbertie “ inuimteed him under unti i flnally tbe aid of the marshal was .e- itunt* Bureau 17* Pescbttee treet. our constitutions. lie has become, in the cured. Thii had the desired effect, and u 00rjmn “ l 011 * tub ioe'baie. Southern Staten especially, an investor and preparations were being hurriedly made for Macon, Oa. | house builder and ia ono of the most valns- tfrmTschool opened last Mon ble members of onr society. j ay morning, and the Dixies, The man who attacks the race as a race ! fearing their trappings would bo in the —- —— I writes himself down as an ignoramus, or I wa y. eurl y that morning two o' the troupe A costempobarv says that a war with ® I went to the academy to roll the curtains Mexico would cost us $500,000,000 and w ®™*‘ ... , up and otherwise free the stage of anything make widows of 100,000 wives. A man I w ? ,U8 P ect thal Dr ' Hawthornc is opposed | that might bo in wayot the school ex &oney order*, checks, etc., should be mads pays- si. t* II. C. Hasses. Manager. SHE VltlNU STATE EXCHANGES. News of tire Slate Keiiorteil by the Country Papers. gentby'h mill in asiies. Saturday's Haralson Danner. Last Monday night n'mnt 10 o'cloek, Mr. George W. Gentry's mill, located some miles west of linchauan, was burned to the grond. Mr. Gentry’s family had retired for the night, and was awaken by tha roaring of the flames, which soon enveloped the wooden structure. Mr. Gentry ran to the mill and turned on the water, which saved tho water-wheel. Mr. Gentry things ,t was set on lire, and also thinks be has spotted the person. Haralson has no better citizen thau George Gentry, and he has many sym pathizers in his loss. He says it will cost at least $2,000 to pat the mill back. His corn and wheat rocks, thresh and gin were all consumed. We hope the party guilty of touching the fatal torch will be brought to justice. Mr. Gentry's neighbors arc assist ing him in rebuildii g his mill, and we hope eru long he will be able to grind again. He will also prepare login soon. FORSYTH. Berner Lead* the I^glilHHve Ticket In Monroe County. Forsyth, Gjl, August 17.—The County Demotfratio Executive Committee met to day and consolidated the returns from last Saturday's primary election for Represen tatives, with the following result: 11. L. Berner received 661 votes, \V. A. Worsham 472, J. M. Johnston 408, B. H. Napier 243 aud C. F. Turner 97. Berner and Wor sham were declared the nominees. The committee also ordered a primary election to be held on Saturday, November 27, to nominate candidates for the county offices. For several years past no nomina tions for these offices have been made. ■Waynesboro Military Company. The Citizen. Pursuant to a notice of meeting published last week, quite a number of young men met at the court house for the purpose of organizing a military infantry company. Mr. E. H. Callaway was called to the chair and W. M. Wimberly acted as secre tary. The object of tho meeting being stated by the chairman, npon motion to en roll tho names of members, twenty-six nun— wtrapUoed on tho list “Waym ... o Yi* iii.i to 1110 Jew kecauso he is not usually a pro- ercises, tho principal of the school having I f ' hlbltionUt or a friend of any aumplLy Uven the manager of the tronpe pertnia- not mind little things like these. . . _ * * .. sion for the curtains to remain there so i *. Umm » _____ - ~ law. Absolute freedom of thought and ac- j M they were kept out of tho way I ^ }»c ar d angry words, followed by a pistol I U °“ th# 8aaranU * Pr0t * 0ti °. n I I ^ried H ooll“ UoTmKdtnd^ over to That Supposed Murder, Darien Timber Oazette. About tho hardest case and biggest liar I boro Guards 1 ’ was by vote agreed on as the of the age is now confined in jail in this I name of the company. Upon motion, the city. His name is Perry Hollingsworth, chairman appointed a committee of three, and when he was first jailed, at the instance I to which the name of the chairman was of several colored men, who overheard Per-1 added, to correspond with the Gover- ry’g talk of robbers and murders, he claimed ! nor - That committee consists of W. M. to have just arrived from Mississippi. He I Fulobev^W. M. Wimberly, T. D. Oliver told the jailer that when passing .a house I and E. H. Callaway. There being no other on the rcud about 15 miles from 1 business the meeting adjourned to meet Darien, before daybreak Sunday I sgAin at the tmme place, at 8 o’clock, Friday morning, he asked for a drink of water, and I evening, the 20tli inst, to which all inter- found about thirty negroes gambling inside. | ested are requested to attend. Bod Taylor, i Knocked In tho ilend with i Haralson County Banner. •Ts,- i me muruerer. wno qnicKiy maae ms escape. » «u*ij uvgiu, mt.* » thA wlSt 2! y . I? After bearing his story* (lie) two other col-1 quorrm witu Ed. Howard, a white man, -tne wreck WnS com- I J ** 'j « • • t l >.«. I nan* Draman Waslnoa^ar nr,A ilin namv, l.if office during the canvass. But Bob sat in I him after centuries of bloodshed, oppres-1 ^bh pocketknivea, his office and pulled tho telegraph and Lion and robbery. He will not rashly sign nlete ° r0UB ycon . -— --- . . politictl wires at one and the same time. | away any liberty bestowed npon him while P News of the outrage spread like wildfire, exdtemfnz ^.VthSfrtlSJ ‘thTfluSw^iSd considernt.le gash on Mr. Howud^ to! I I oonoooted. 4I»wever,. it was soon M cer- I The negro then^ttempted to hit hi, B4MIB U’CORUCA’fl.N,.. A New Machine that tob Succt-M. t from rrUay*a New Orlean. Tlina^n, The cultivation and maanfactU* 1 promix a in the near future to ■ HH'.'Tcl t! ii.t.r. l t„ , v grow in abundance and thil kind of fibre. It hae beenkn.ira.^S n«su for centuries, and has been* ' interwoven with their silk untiling impojunble to tell one from the other »' the Oneutals its preparation hx A been done by band. In this conatl problem of its decortication has n eidcred one of vital importance genius of inventors has been be’nt"\. the manufacturing of a machine that! accomplish this result. ' So far only partial success has ^ their efforu. Machines have bell that broke op tho stalks, partw J them, but left tha fibre and woodil stance all clinging together. Then 1 comes necessary to pass the ml through other processes or have the I completed by hand. To ubviate thii I culty and produce a machine that h continuous motion wonld effect theS results, turning out the fibre its « length and cleaning it of the crush?! broken particles of stem, so it won,.! marketable article, has been the lit study of Prof. Voegel, of the Aeadei Yesterday a publio test was given i foundry of Dudley Golem in, at the I Clio street, and at the Jackson depot. Tho machine ia a very simple one I handl'd and extremely radical in it«'| tions. The stalk enters nnder a con iron roller that crashes it to pieces, passes np under a oovered dram,, whioh are the blades and scranerth it I fli r*. As the mangled stal' 1 the Bat him with "Suppose old Dr. Johnson, the lexioog- tbe memor y ot tbe8e wr °ugs remains, i atate nr evnitemanx. ann sannneta i — i i - , . - . , ranher were in stick bis bead no out of the tar «» that the Jew is temperate. Did any ff Tcri8b 2® n ?“ c,a ' taiued that the two colored men were in no », Q iron weilge, hut was hindered by a gen- rapher, were to atickhs head npont o the V b>i ' U°n« °f Oe of the deed were w . Cl , utlected with tho HUpo8e(1 mur ,j er , tleman nearby. The negro was arrested gravo aud hear somebody yell: 'Boycott the “‘n ever know or nan; a aozen ln I d eep an d Severn, but just. ^ I and consequently were discharged, since I and carried before 'Squire 8. L. Craven, aoab!"'exolaims the Syracuse Union. Very I conrt {oT drunkenness? Monday evening the tronpe hml ^ two I u„||i n gsw,.rth has been in jail ho has told I w ho bound him over to the Superior Court likely he'd refuse to tumble to the racket, The reply of lUbbi Jacobson is W#U * T^^hlowli^conoInriv^OwUi'o'to “ do ” n d i«“'e“‘»*•*. »“ d «U differ from nnder a bond of $200. Jack Beeves and an ti mod ami the rebuke ho delivers is well ’ a of an irnlormntwUneLsrie ‘he first. Sheriff Blount is of the opinion "thmr gen loman brought the negro o deserved. The™ is a crest deal in th. I &!. I tta* Hollingsworth U an escaped coovlot | Bnohanui Thursday an<Tho WW lodged in | question Ho is cer- and vamooso the ranch. Double Net of Teeth. Texas proposes to roil np 150,000 Demc< cratio majority this falL It is well enough I 0 ‘, m MeTa() to , noble cttU8e « tbe tonmost I th ° Bbont . th f re « .“* ile8 1 con fi^d out" more abont“hi^'. no .s cer-, ^ „ to have a Democratlo majority, always, but leador tbor( . in inangHra t C s 0 shamofnl orn- 1 f°, m ft??: ua tainty a villain, and wo hope the sheriff will 01 ^f n En “ rI ’ ri “' , ... onoof this size does not denote a healthy H1(lo flgainst ntl y and a„ tho good and loyal ££!£?*riShim, .Id h 01 ' 1 h |™ nn * il turn. up. o, | Tberejs a man living not far from this state of affairs. Close contests are LUowed ciUzena who hoDC stly differ with him re when they arrived there ho could not be Lnil^to’InfiL* U ° by bettor admi istrations. gardiug the motho.L and mean, employed ^ «? they were forced to return to be 8>““‘**8 tojnd_ . .. — .. 17 $ i • t a , , ot , „ J , town vnthoDfc him. Tho mayor at once I Knuia Acquitted. Tnz Fhiladelpjua Press strikes a respon-1 to bring about the desired issue? Surely ii8Ued Bn attachment against him for con- Milledgovill® Recorder. sivo cord when it says: 4, The territory in I n ° 8°°^ Cftn com ® to the cause of temper- tempt, and some hours after supper a pome this nock o’ woods la hot, too, but not for an— by reason of it unless perchance such started in search of him, but foiled to dis- * ’ I _ I n Aw..> lilo ■horaihnnfu Thu la an nnun ilacc who is woll supplied with tooth. In lis upper jow are two distinct and complete •eta, the one being just back of the other. The extra set is composed of teeth ss luge and as well formed as ^tho others, and is Tho trial of Sam Ellis for tho killing of n»« d >“ masticating food precisely TL«nn 1 r Mnrulial Y Ifitrirnml In thia niiw I fl . st Ret IS. TllC StlDOflltlOnS tlTtll Glass doors are coming into very general me in Paris. Although they cost more at first, they are found cheaper in the end. Tbe rooms below can often dispense with — I I vt utriicivi nuu mg ucicuro by 1 that Dr. Hawthorne is taking tbe surest iho manager of the tronpo, in the presence bon Beese. D. B. Sanford and” J. F. I least of it" caught on tho top by one. scraper derneath by another and cleaned l * end to the other. Tho work is pert with neatness and dispatch, the baa fibre being completely stripped, atulL entirely freed from woody substance! feat is accomplished by the revolatl four blades that knock the hroke d out of tho passing fibre. The ni when completed aud put np at iui, will, without doubt, be thorough work. The model in use yesterdi, that was expected of it and shovj decorticator had been made that !J continnons movement prepared the jute or ochro ready for tho market , tho necessity of after handling, solves the problem of ramie, and ia all flbrons plants whose material < ntilized for the manufacture of c!<l nettings, line*, ropes, etc. It vil decorticate tho centnry plant, whic nishes a strong, straight fibre thatril the stontest kind of rope. All present were entirely satisfies the machine and convinoed that tha felt want in that direction hod at U-n filled. About the Size of It. A New York youth having claimed which he said he wonld repeat at the trial: J" S ,T™ Brunswlca Bmezs. in a "Two of uiwuro nttho train Sunday even- J f ii a f Hon. J. E. Dart leaves this evening for in * I In„ when tho train loft wo wilkoAnn to. I r.l ultu ' E .'. II .'. rb ? m “' J . oh ". boo 8 i . n « A ' L I Washinctou. via Atlanta. He has received Oootl KmulU ln EveryCiif.| D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper deeler ol doorm, Tenn , wiitei t'tt he vm lerlool? I with a eerere cold that •ettled on hU It tried many remedic* without benefit, duced to try Dr. Klns'e New Diecotirr I ■umptlon. did so and wm entirely cared b * few bottles. Since which time he lu i hie family for nil Coughs and Coldi with I his family for all CouRhs and Coldi wltl suits. This is the experience of thoonDi lives have been saved by this Wonderfull> famous Atlanta ring and h» gone to hl$ m#n of oxlraordln „ y m^oturi wMir JZX’StbXSf IS S V ^ roward. An official. sneakiDtr of him. I ...... . I curtains with their knives. >> ben they fin- i.rmtnU n ™^Vo shall SftsTS!? election.' “ d SS^S»S% xS K br ° n8M ‘ „ • shttll mlM U1U in oar elecuon.. I t Ur o n(( hont his life delicate In health, thence by Dr. Kendrick's, and tU nc-o I K Ile woa one oi the boet^rorkers l ever saw. I lbongb witb a atr0Q g T j ta )i ty and much | around Midcom McMillan's corn field to | _ __ A Hug. Turi It was ail under tho surface and ho never I I I AUpXmSUr. * I “ r,le ' rippled tho water as ho worked.’” I ^_“!! . .1 Seventl waek. Mr. Parley a Tatum curtain, with their knives. When they fin-1 ^ortSS-HMTt i“n“a“v?rd1a‘of “‘no“t | T . , Ur , ,#r °' 0r ‘;‘ “ . i Th 0 upland corn in Lincoln connty was never better—a sufficient amount to "sap- ply” the wants of both man and beast. Thomaston Times: Bayard , , , _ j ..™ | -«». . M ..oy S. Tatum 1 "The brave*t are the tendercst.” Pro’ man, aud so also ia Dismarok, but Disraeli This is atraigbtford and conclusive, bnt I was fishing in one of the large lakes above I he never tried to eat a game rooster, oonnrspoxDEKT furnishes the Tele- wm middle height only, end Napoleon I if any farther ovidenoe is needed to make it I tbe McMillan bridge on the Alnpalia river, I n.mni™ P.I onAru this morning with an sieged sketch »unaparto wm short, while Wellington was vcn t to b£“or‘'“S* ‘TS. ’“hurf'/trtX he will wade no and down of captain Whack Hatley, in which it not MU. Jefferson wm tall, thin, L ZSiZgSSLtfS VtiZ^ br °° k ^ ^ is slatod that ho Is a “drummer,” angular, but Aloxander suco—s. Tuesday it was abandoned, but ster logger-head turtle. Tho hook had got .. . ’ . _ born in Lochanoka, Ala. There have Hamilton was slight and considerably un- the effort was renowed on Wednesday morn- fastened in its tail. Tall hold is a good one m been "drummed ^ roae to the dignity .Utmid.He stature. Franklin was short and ft comprom , so bttMWftFS? 1 * 2Z3KS SSi of captains, and it may be that at some K »od Peter Cooper was only abont 5 feet „esday at noon. Tho father represented ono ton which. ,em,le ***•■• to »»«k«t. timo Captain Whack was a drummer, hut I 0. Commodoro Vanderbilt wm tall and of the sconced parties and a brother-in-law I Tho turtle weighed C8j pounds, and was Darion Timber Gazette: Joe Mansfield wo rope! tho asicrtion that ho was a cracker commanding, but Jay Gonld ia short and the other. These acknowledged tho guilt the largest ever seen in these parts. After is tho only white man in the connty who , 0 repcl . , w “ . » in M. of thoso they reprowated, and agreed to tho head bad been severed six boors, Mr. wants to go to the Legbdature, and i * drummer. What worries ns most In the I nnimpressivo in his phytical sppear^uce. I ^ .do.! damage to property. The tronpe, I Tatum inserted .hickory axe-helve be tween I btlieve he wonld rolltn the mad to knowledge that bo wm born in Lochapoka, I Grant wm abort, and so also wm UcClel-1 by t be requirements of the compromise, ao- its jaws, and when it relaxed its hold tho which is tho ludian for "he goes slow." loo. Fsmgnt was a rather small man, but knowledged too great haste in having the helve was ruined. It must bo admitted of Captain Whack. I Robert E. Lee wm of a commanding atat-1 guilty parties arrested. The damage wm| The head now hanga in the ourioaty do- 'Geinesville Eagle: Grap wedori go. are very of Captain Whack Robert E. Loo wm of a commanding atat- «“Hty parties wrested. The damage was Tho head now hangs in , . . „ . , fn,.,i. n „„„„ L-.if—-1 assessed at $1. Tho assessing of the dam- parlmcnt ot tho Btar office. that bo far as moving on Mexico is con- ure . u w*s »>*" Lharlemsgno, bnt Uanni-1 ^ to tbe pr0 perty wm left to the parties oornod, ho goes slow. HU regiment has I bal was very small, and Julius Ciejar wm who represented the curtain cutters, nnd Blood on the Moon, I not ebovo medinm height. | their assessment wm far below what the | rr ^ B B»“Pten Enterprise. been ready a whole week. — abnodant in this market. We have never seen finer anywhere than are offered on onr streets.every day at foar and five cents aponnd. Brunswick Breeze: We nndorstsnd Mr. "But, really, there wo no areat men of olub t b ° n K b t It ought to be. Everything hM a war-like phMO nnd the E ,|.. , That settled tho case between tho tronpe atmoephero begins to smelllike gnn|>owder F. . ll . 1 ,?. f ® r “t*“8 ire. There is no and tbo cnrUin .UtUrs, but it does not sat- and the ann beaus to g int like bnmUhed ‘J“““ . b “i_ b b "„„^ commence Tnx Philadelphia Times, noticing that all either largo or (moll stature „„ L„._ I.,, b . I ana ino curuun sillier., oui «uoesnot Ml-1 »su mo sun ucaus ui g mi use uuruuaeu i . . h the Congressmen were busy writing letters I ulsn who stands in alt reapecU above bu I i»f y the Uw. That yet remains to he satU- steel. Home yean sgo Hampton boasted of I w ®|* ° n „ , , " “ oa , e ’ during the last days of tho session, furnishes I f c n owli and wbo m we should call I fied. Onr laws are not class laws or sects-1 a volunteer company, “Hampton Guards," I Rnssell BegUtor: Mr. M. L. PattersoD, tho sequol in this: “As tho days Went by Lroat if we know tho limitations rian laws. They were made for tho protcc- well organized, with Mr. Mat Williams cap- °*.JJ 8W ‘ 8 “ < | e > 18 rebuilding hlsstoamginand nnd the IcUor-writing continued it wm m l 7 a .v ““ 1UUo “ turn of all alike, withont regard to their tain in command. They were woll uni- “M. He has never been able to find out , tetter wnung oonunuea, it wm hi, character and the hUtory of hU W eeltb, their standing in society, or their formed and armed by the State. TbU week «>• perpetrator of the awful deed that rob- ntiuead t jat no great pnblic meMurc 1 shortcomings. If the exact and particu-1 religious predilections; and to. too, were I Adjutant-General John A. Stephens or- I k* 1 ! him of his gin house and mill last fail. , who wm sprang by tbe writers on the Honesi I j,, biography of every men accounted I thejTmsde for the pnnUhment^^of all offend-1 defed thegnns to be shipped to Atlanta. I Valdosta Times: Mr. James Ktnmp, w Clearly, then, they wore not drafting bills, „™at was wrin.n wiihnne .< oi«ri era, withont regard to thiir wealth, their PostmMter B. P. Thompson, who wm holds a place on the Capitol police force - • ■ • ■ ~ -1 8r “‘ w “ wri ‘ ten * U,00t Bt ^ m P‘ 8t standing in society or their religions prodl- bondsman, sent off the guns on last Friday. WMhington, U at home on a visit for six l—ia n... I / will deny this Should tho Mexican army now invado I weeks. Ho U M jolly m over, and hU sUy inn's denial will I Hampton, hunting the editors and other I in the Capital City has evidently agreed with • c ■ —————— ” | him. DaIIos New Era: Marshall N. T. Bullock is getting np a company ef volunteers I hold itMlt ln readiness to answer tho coll , — ¥ o , . KI cui. wtw wmuiu wiiuuui. uuciupw ui K lori ~ I i: n< , i n urt(% not oven private pontiou bills. Borne of I tlcntion. or extenuation, we should find that I toaUons Nr.ana man the keenest observers noticed also that n h ie was ouly a poor and feoble mortal after I proposition; an insane man’s uuuiueV of U$« most lojml henchmen of the I aad that what w«* attributed to him as I amount to nothing. I newspaper scribblers and critics, we wonld | Congressmen visited tho capital, engaged in bis alone wm largely the contribution of L ®‘ rwto .T ,he *■“ bri . cd T- Two | bo eutirely defenseless. earnest consultation with their mMtors and I others who had"leut themselves for his jS* toSSSJn depmv^Mt! A ,,ojr Kon ° r,r by ThrM Tr,lln * then lmricd off to their respective homes, I hntlding up, or of whose abilities be bad pick their time when tha good peoplo 0 f I AJ»»h» I the government in case of war with* tha almost bursting with the importance of the taken advantage. Ws should find that wo » b ® to *“ are assembling in the church . L—tBnnday morning thebody »4» “®8v« Mexicans. Ho proposes to call it tho Geor- secret thev carried. Jmmcdiatelv there-11...11, . to offer up their hnmhlo petitions wyw^mnnd on the rutroad track near -j qv lesboro True Citizen: Jndge II. has gone on a summer upper Georgia. The Jmlgo rest and change. He bis recent ly been confined to his hones for ssveral consented to attend the reception -biefc I- and cut into shreds sixty or seventy yards Sunday morning' 11. been eonfln. U mica ui euiuu cue icnpucw wuicn great soldiers, for rnstance. of cnrU i na vb i cb belonged to those who the corpse before it w»» discovered to stop 0 been connne his eonstitnenta were pining to give him "All we can My is that in certain qnalj. hail never injured them in any way This »° d thus three trains passed over it. The d »J* wlt h fever. on hie return, and that to mto rent and Ues, moral or intellectual, ono man towers I done, they reach the house of God by a I ^ad and arms and legs were all severed ValdosU Times: Mr. L. A. Haynes hM other incidental exiiensos, he bad generously | aboT0 ^ fellows.” I circuitous route and mingle with the con-1 f ,0 “ •*“ body, and the body itself crushed | made from something over two aoret $210 offered to allow the reception to be held at hie home.” BUBED8 AND PATCHES. •To-day ts a food daal ckwer than yMtorday.’* said Ssfltfi «o Jones. 'Tea," said Joaea, “lt'c nearer." Lowell Courier. ____ Moncure D. Conway n swing o lectors about "Adam's Third Wile." Be might paraphrase the tilts, foe variety, ‘-Boms Other Ire. — DurUngtcn Tree Press. Tbs only suits that aru|oeuig tried by our legal aathvfiheajaetaonare Lathing ealti. aud they are highly eaUatactoiy became they cast be car .ltd to a higher court-Tbe Judge. Merritt—"I Bee you have a new eeriraut gtri.” Little Johnny (conBdeutlelly)— 1 "Tee, aud I toU you ebe'e a corker." Bridget (epeektog uph-"IadadeOi sue sot. eor. Ol cum (mu Umerick.~-Judge. SomeRdy hu laveuted a musical attach meat (or thebUyctr, It la Intended to Imltats ae much ae possible the eailuue look oo the Mcycler'e (ace. by diverting bis mlud (com the perils or the way-Bui- hagtow Tree Pwae. ■totooMeuggreti that tha bembaU dabs should "* toetr aerricee to defend tho Celled States ••Slam Mexico. That would never do. Every lean ™sm weald bo gotag la (or a homo run as aooa ****w—InpraHlui WostoePoeC **** * >"“« tody- Hymen to T “ whkh •ateiheeZV “^to««J "epeudod: Toladl- ^toetbeelrey, mheUnm (orpeoplouhe ■"vj-''—laleh, rawieierelal»Ad into a ahapelcus mass. The mother of the I per acre on eollard zoej. Mr. Graham's Extraordinary Experience. I ° \V a chtUenge denial of .single Msertion I hoy was MUii' h ' on tbo embankment M tho ] seed and sells them to Northern seedsmen. Mr. John Graham, a youfig man from we make. They are all susccpUblo of proof. Gain ran over tho corpse the tost time. Is there anything that will pay a bettor Go., wm treated to an experience We bars, through respect for the famiUee DUa( S^ri,.meerary. P* 1 ‘“J” 1 " “ a “^' J men ever snrrire, while bathing to tSTJSXSl'XT'S the surf some days since on 8alUvan'. dn ty ms journalist and mV cltiien ImpeU or «>f it. size to the Bute. This 'M seized | ns to do no lea. {? «P«^» weU for the size of onr hnstoess when to deep water by gome marine animal SAVANNAH. Oliver Cl.irke. Senator from thia^tricti I w^r 7“'* and hie foot and legs frightfully lacerated. Trouble Over Libeller the steamer pilot I presided. On the third ballot, J. T. Waters boa * xr “ * ‘ rm * rom He owee his escape to his skill as a buy.. lioy-oucrry rakes nu omee. and J. L. Phillips, both from tho country, „ an 1 tho i frmnt action iJUxMotj i Bavawnah, Augnit 16i— 1 The steamer Pilot I were nominated. . Phillips is a Baptist Btunswlck Breeze: Some young ladies and the prompt action of his friends, who ^ of u« nfort “ wai het8 to . day preilchor . ^ £“»• new drowning in the canal Friday. dragged him out of the jaws of death and (bj Captain Cook, of tho tug Amanda, for An executive committee waa appointed by 7“®* *5 bearing and one of them got the monster and carried him senseleat to 650 damages for collision two weeks ago. the chairman. Good humor prevailed, and W®®? “® r "P“ Bcr ^ m6d he p; the hoteL Deputy Marshal Harris took po*senion of I the crowd adjourned, seemingly satisfied. J 11 ® olher * we “5 to ,^f r M»iatance and in —_ .. —I the steamer, and Captain Phillips, her Soma pi edict ancotes for thin ticket. {,V\t^ !, ir m * d i 0r i! 1 i? p ‘ T* 1 *! wtn rescued The monster that madethe assault U aaid m .,tcr, went to the clerk's office of the b T Ur - u «nry Smith. to be a shark, bnt it is hard for Charles-1 United States District Conrt to give bond. | prom ^ UnMln umN.wi I a w ‘I n “ boro ,True CiUzen, Judge tonians to understand this, tines no man- The captain wonld not employ a lawyer and Mttogaharit hMererbreh known to inred. ^g obrt“s. the bathing pncincto at 8alliTan'a Islan ' thing bnt a legal bond. Captain Pi and the Dr. J. 8. Lane , . . ... . S. Uodtxe has rigged himweir out too showed a number of bU with abicycl<| tob# tor ripid pie of the ore from bis mine motion, in order that he may spin ont his . refused to take ,ri *.?. d * • “ m i MO 011 “” °™ I morion, in order that he may auin om Captain PoilhiH ‘ • dT “ t ^*' heard There is another theory which seems to n* more acceptable. Three weeks since a mon- stot lea serpent appeared off tbe northern caret of Maine and wm viewed by a Urge number of people. Since then bis snake- ship hM visited in regular order every seaside resort between Maine and Norfolk, where he wm last seen. A careful calculation of bis rate of travel shows that ha wm due at Sullivan's Island about tbs tims ot tha biting. Mr. Graham vary likely U the only man living who baa had bis toes down the throat of a genuine gas serpent. then got mad and went aboard hu boat, I gdttoring with the yellow stuff, l-vcry Xt- er j remark that the Jim, ordered tbo marehsl ashore, and stoamed *''. h J v«ry gracefiUy. There i back to Beaufort An officer Beaufort to-day to arrest struettog an offlear in the dnty. Hel sat hU machine some talk of get- fficer will go to I* “ bejond . doubt the riebest that on, Ud ' to ilk. .public 7^,1 Won ot Phillip, forob- ?“*•.?? * b t * •killful perfortconcoa for the benefit c di ^8« of b “ 35 of^rytotog hS dl Forint _ . ifenry Brown, a 1 boy, wm run over mgro boy, by a street car to-night and badly injured. United States DUtrict Attorney DuPont I comc ' Gnerry took charge of his offion to-day. cunld not have favored a more dreerving I —5*P* $1,500 a week U no insignificant in- G° nt more to her bid 1 ’ the school of technology. OUI m< will be rev 1 of technology. OUI memories ived and friends iff the historic Monroe's Megtoe Named. old town throughout the State will bid |., r lirook. County Uoe. Wet. I Foggr mi. August 1G. Kell returns from I God speed. Atlanta, ae she coutemt l it,■» 1 ,■ i 1 i'.ii,, Augt.vt 17. I L..- prohibition ail tk« dietci.'te »h. ; w that K I. Uti.t » . I tn- tr.. pr q ,n. ; |.-r n election passed off quietly here to-tlav. The 1 W. Worsham, E* were dobimUo for | aapitol RfoHint? (rota an annual tax ni on antis carried the oounty by about fit© han- BopreaentatiT**^ from Monroe connty in the the neople of Georgia, would do a graceful dred. I prinary Leld Satnrday. I act by coming to our aid to this matter. PROF.CHS.LUDWIG VOU SEB (gkt v/tke /lojfal Austrian Order of Crown* Kniakt Commander of the Order of Itahlla i Knight of the R . Order of the tied Eagle; Chevalier oj Honor, da., dc., *»j $ t “IsIF.niU CO’N COCA BKEI* should uuiiM er~*lKllHWiwil , • tbe boH*' •ure elUe It* 19* **ee Ithenmd remedy. X a_. ihoroofblj mole of preperetiun «na know it lo U leRitimstn rbermiiceut »c»l product,tat* ot the hlfh eomtnendatlnf ji it has rn*i' parti ot tne world. It contains «mne« < Coca, Quinine, Iron end Calim/e. xdVMl in pure genuine Spanish Imr-* B berry N^spapeRj I/Imr PDTiem r» ‘ 1 Invaluable to *11 wbn are Ituu Dowa.SJ Dy»p^ptie, DUintt*, Malarioua «w afl ‘ T weak kidney*. Ilevrare of ImtUtl* S£3 UAJZCR’S TAVCStTI C:^W5 I Used by Iter Rnyaimphneu the fYtnwfj ' • nobility. Pur tbe B LIF.nia CO’S Genuine HyiwpefJ pnrilln. la Ruaranleod a* the beat ban*P" the market. N. Y. Depot 38 MURRAY STR d.cOetu»-Uia-asn-»w!r •v boor CM •; beet boor (or re| feEmsiHsSsJI new*pap«r* and eeumat'wof theeeetaj The adrartlaer who w*ute to epeod oae *^*1 Itn It tbe tnfomatlon he r*quim f yJ who will invert one Unndrea tboeeea* advertlting, a scheme 1* IndlcUed wbkjw hie every re.inlrement, or eon bo — n J IVKBTIfllNO BUREAU ggggMggU Mn-»e M I > *f*ree V^"V Manhood Restor ^^0 A. Fit I END IN Dr. Sweet’s Infallible f Prepared from the receipt of DrJ of Co&Metlout, the great been uzed for more than g known remedy for Bbeumatt»m. N«*[J i J^ Brultee, Cota, Burn*, wound* aod** 1 T »r n Juries SOLD EX ALL panooi«»-J“£ w. TfANDERBILT UNM V Boren Di.tln. t Depeitmen" J I marine. Biblical. Law. F!l * "TZhid his nearing, MbUesL —- T Dental. Erse tuition to studs." » 1 W^fiy-wSBas ^ villa. Tenn. JDr.J.M.Buchan & EASTMAN, OEOBOU. *»n' for piles.