The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 21, 1886, Image 6

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THE V.ACCiS WEEKLY TF.LEGRAFB. TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. THE TELEGRAPH, Atlanta and Prohlbltlo In yesterday's Atlanta report a fall ac- BitltHO ST1RT DAT IN TUB TEAS AND WEEKLY BY THS flliffimph and Messenger Publishing Co., J7 Mulberry Street, Macon. On. Ill DnUj la delivered by carrier# In the city or Balled postage free to subscribers, for $1 per Banin, $3.60 tor three month., 11 for .lx month., tt $10. year. Tvs Wzxkly 1, mailed to anbeenbers, pottage free, at $1.30 .year and 76 cent, for atAnonthi. Iran#lent advertisements will be taken for the p.i!) at $1 per square of 10 line, or leu for the ■rat insertion, and 60 cent, for each anbeeqnent In- ■ irtlon, and for the Weekly at $1 for each lneertlon. a Mice! of death., funerals, marriage, and birth. iu Be;ecled commnnlcatlon. will not b. returned. Correspondence containing Important new. and Clirn.ilona of living topic, la aoUclted, but muitbe $rli! and written npon bnt on. aid.of the paper to k.T. attention. BemltUnces ahonld be made by expreu, petal kora, money order or regiatered letter. Atlanta 11 arena 17H Peachtree street. All oommonlcatlon. ahonld be addreued to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Oa. Donay ordere, checks, etc., ahonld be made paya ble to n. 0. Baxaon, Manager. Tag mutiny spreads. It is said that Mr. VT. H. Mcroor, of Webster county, will run as an independent candidate for the Legis lature against Hon. D. It. Harrell, the Democratic nominee. count of the proceedings of a meeting of his more proiperons neighbor. the people of Atlanta with reference to the prohibition law was set forth. It is evident that her leading citizens, many of them heretofore strong advocates of prohibition, are now thoroughly convinced that the movement was a mistake, and that great harm has come, not only to the city itself, but to the cause of temperance also. It did not need this meeting to prove the fact stated. From time to time accnrate reports of the workings of the new law have been laid before the publio, together with the condition of Atlanta's trade and real estate values. These were sufficient to con vince any reasonable man that the law was unwise, and the sooner the people secured a modification of it, the better. The me; ting described expressed the crystallized opinion of the publio and foreshadows the end of a mischievous and dangerous faroe. Atlanta will substitute high license. The circulation and patronage enjoyed by the Telegraph in Atlanta has long since justified the establishment there of a local bureau. Although powerless at thetimeto stem the tide of public opinion in favor of prohibi trees of the small farmer will be as valua ble, in proportion, as the large orchards of Lotts', new cottage coat $36,000. Tlie poor thing oonldn’t afford a house.—Cambridge Chronicle. There is no finer fruit country on the continent than is found in Georgia. It will pay our farmers to keep up their or chards and varieties. The day will come, it has come to many already, when the profits therefrom will justify all the labor thus bestowed and all the years of waiting. Ot grapes, it may be said that they are now cultivated in every section and in many varieties. While a large share of the crop is sold at home and abroad, more goes into wine, for which, at seventy-five cents and one dollar per gallon, there is a good demand. The day will come when the curing of these into raisins will open up hero in Georgia another profitable business and afford a new outlet for some of tho crop. We regard it as a cheering sign that in creased attention is being paid on all sides to the cultivation of fruits, and tho best va rieties of fruits. Whatever increases the housewife's funds helps trade. 'For Impudence you take the palm! •aid to the dude when she .Upped lil. face.—Yon- ken Gazette. "Thl. 1. something I have Just dulled off,” ..Id Monday, and was interviewed by a repre- the firmer*, wife as she took the butter from the I sentative of tho Sun: chum.—Boaton Bulletin. “What is the drift of publio sentiment in Woman', gre.te.1 flory U her hair, and .he England? Is there any general recognition ahonld be very economical ,, when ah. U cook-1 log.—Somerville Journal. •Do you favor home rule, Corrigan?’* “No, but I j D g jn England. You are probably aware r wife doee.” **8o?” “Yee; her home rule is, I that a recent conference of the EngliHh •Locked out after 11/ ’’—Rambler. | Chambers of Commerce, at which delegates Society at Slog Convict—Say, Mike, my dipper tasks. If youll -wap Ill get you the hnm thftt Bilv(?r ghould be ftt 0D * appointment of city librarian uhen I get out remonetized, was adopted by twenty- Judg# * I eight votes to fifteen. Two vears since A down-town grocer has a sign in hta window: 11 don’t suppose the “silver men’’ would Picnics Supplied.” He woa a little taken aback the I have secured five votea. A requisition other day when a young fellow came In and ordered I such as this will have to he fully consider- one girl.—Philadelphia Call. | ed by the government of the day. The ■She fondly kle.ed him under the .tan," write, f° ct5 . 8 - t ^ «P“chea of Senator Beck ami v—' u-A Senator Teller, of Messrs. Symes, of Colo- N.w^rtnov.l^,''andh.kU«dh.r b a ; k7 The rad Jone8 and othera ■> y} MhlDloa V-ehaped cut of dnnea admlt of rech culatto* ^U«t the propoaed suspension of ailver it istruei but think of the powder-baht „„„„ The 1UU Campbell Pear, A correspondent of the Augusta Evening Hews his been describing a now pear which promises to become a rival of the famous Le Conte pear. This extract will furnish tlou, which was swelled by the local press iM history „ 0 far as known The Delaware Democraoy bid this to say of Mr. Cleveland: “The Democracy of Del aware, in common with the people of the whole country, recognize in President Cleveland au honest and patriotic chief magistrate, anxious to secure the proper of the capital city, the people who earnestly desired temperance and were misled into joining this movement to obtain it, by the fanatics, cranks and timeservers, the Tele- obapb steadily gained in strength, keeping always before the people the truth as it was developed and the impossibility of inforc ing, without confiscation, the extreme ideas that had prevailed It is certainly a tri umph of journalism, that not only haa it at administration of public affairs, and entitled , Mt 8ecnred ^ indor8( . meD tof the Atlanta to tho confidence and support of the Ameri can people.” pnblic, bnt a pnblic admission of tho wis dom of its position from the leading editors who ridiculed it. High license will go into effect in Atlanta, in our judgment, within six months, if the expressed will of the majority is reflected; and once achieved, the city's retrogade movement«ill ceaae and values in all de partment. look up. It is certainly the duty oi the Legislature to cure an evil which is apparent and which threatens to ruin so large e number of the citizens of tho com monwealth In the meantime .the Telegraph will stand ready to lend its best endeavors in behalf of true temperance and real reform, Ma. Cleveland goes fishing in style. He goes in a special car provided by the Delaware and Hudson Railroad Company, and accord ing to tho description givon of the carriage, it is more gorgeous and lnxnrions than aDy similar conveyanee ever supplied for travel ling queens or emperors. It is a mahogany paiaoe, mounted on twelve paper wheels of the newest pattern, whioh travel noiselessly over tho iron rails. The berths when shut into tho sides ot the car take the place of richly gilded panelled mirrors. In a spa cious bedroom stands the presidential couch placed across the car; a handsomely orna mented and throne-like piooe of furniture, I giving along with these the best Atlanta made of highly polished and frosted brass newg published any whero. intermixed, and snrmounted by an elabo- jt j s evident to a close observer that rate'y carved coronet. The chair, of richly prohibition in Georgia has reached embossed green leather, os soft as velvet, “high water mark,” and is giving place to are mado to extend into sofas, and the our I couHervetism. A few months since it talus aro of oxpenslvo heavy silk anil real I seemed as though a prohibition wave would laoe. “Tho crushed-raspberry stained- sweep the Bute. How tho counties in glass windows," we are told, “filter tho w hi 0 b the isane is made rejectit in the pro light and fill the cor with a^oft, sumptuous portion of nine to one. In Mitchell, radiance that isveryqnietingto overworked Lowndes, Brooks and Thomaa the majori- nerves." ties were so great as to make it difficult to Ma. Cleveland appears to beat advan-1 understand why a vote was sought. In tage as a penaion vetoer: “Hi. tea-1 many of the counties that have agreed to sons (or not approving a hill ap-1 the demands o( the extremists, the farce propriating $200 for the relief of Fran- that haa disgraced AtlanU haa been re ds \V. Uoideman, who, In 1862, when peated, From all sections come a lad of twelve, attached himself to various I reports that the peoplo Ohio regiments and performed variou. disappointed and tired of a law that at one dutioa connected with the army until the and the aame time yields whisky, prohibi- ondoflBfit, are thni tersely stated: ‘Of lion and freedom from lioense. It remains contse he nover enlisted and never was I to be teen if the high license law will not regularly attached to nay regiment. What be made more dlfflonlt and the canseof real kind of arms this boy, twelve yean of age, temperance greatly delayed by experiment, armed himself with is not >Uted, and it it | that began with extremes, qnito evident that hit military service could nut have amounted to much more thau t)|| Indulgence c f „ boyish freak am The treea ore the property ot William Campbell, a thrifty colored man, who owiia a plantation of several hundred acres within a mile of Loachapo- ka. William says that when he waa clearing away the virgin foreatjaat In the rear of hU neat little cottage, several yean ago, he found a small pear tree growlna under the shade of a large oak. He dug it up, and aa it ftrked near the gronnd he split through the roots, making two trees, which he out in his garden. In a few yean the trees be gan to bear, and the frnit excited the admiration of theoountry round. People came from coniid enble dlstancee to see the wonder. A planter not from Aubnrn gave Bill forty dollan for handfal of switches to graft on other trees, and ' a nnreeryman of Nashville offered $300 for the two trees. Strange to say, no body has ever seen peon jnst like BUI Campbell's. The trees an rather small, but are so heavily laden with fruit that it is necessary to set props under many of the limbs. The pears an yet green and growing. They ripen the latter part of September. We weighed several assorted sizes and found that the present avenge weight is something over ten onneet. When fully grown some of them weigh pound and a half. They do not perfect seed, which seems to Indicate that the tree Is not a nat ive of this country. There Is little or no con the frnit The flavor Is delicious, excelling that any pear In this country. BUI haa bed many large orden for trees, bnt he cannot furnish them. He has grafted a few, bnt says It is dlfflonlt to get stocks on which to graft The above will be intensely interesting fruit-growers. It is a singular fact that frnit of such qualities should have been found in a virgin forest, bat it may bo that the Yankee army left it there, just as the sheep clover was left. Campbell's discovery is likely to prove fortune to him, and to make him famous, The V*uturn of Fruits In Georgia. Middle and Southern Georgia within the t w , a « a*. . > ,atvi decade will supply to the world a very '^o proportion ol the evaporated pram whom ha wreaeaod.te.l Thereto a pleas- d ,^uT bj . ^ ^ The nnmb cr of ant .er.tin.ent connected with thi. dtoplay treH , ct onl ud now approaching S' “ d ° blWi * b “lliUry ardor. ^ bl . arl ta ,, mo . t b. J0Dd tmltof. It and it to not a matter of .urprire that h. ^ tUo ,„ t montU ahonld, a. It ta elated b, the committee, thonttnd , ^ bMn lold , n M800D »l on( , have woeived honorable mention by name 0n ^ — ,,, 8tclion , of ^ n the history of hta wgiment, but »hen it ftonj ^ Une w h „ U propoaed, t.enty-two year, after hi. own lbriye we „ LeConte o{ mon ot on. year a experience with troop* to pay Je „„ fonn(t w , h8 „ ytt him a aum nearly, if not equal, to the pa,- k ‘ ^ not tbtiTed undcr of a aoldier who fought and .nffered all the J “ danger, and privation, of a aoldier’. life, I K France 0 f thi. puflcnlar frnit from am oonatnuned to dtaent. . handful of cutUog. in twenty yearn. The Le Conte pear bears tho name of gentleman distinguished in tho world .dense. The Campbell pesr, if it shall tnrn ont to be what is olaimed for it, will bear the name o( an Alabama negro farmer. If this shanid meet tho eye of any ofio with a tree of Campbell pears, let ns have Bnmple or ao. B1IKEDS AND PATCHES. STRIKING VIEWS ABOUT SILVER. Suvpenfllon of Silver Coinage the Destruc tion of American Export Trades, tkeju. | j* ew York 8un, Mr. Moreton Frewen, Mr, Leonard Je rome’s son-in-law, arrived from England on I tional settlement of the silver question?” “I In lit v.- public opinion is awaken- statement tabulated by one of statistical authoriti-s, Mr. for the Royal Trade Commiasion . ' : ' V; a ting. Mr. Palgrave says: "Bv this table it appears that, speAkiiw ally, every 11 uetoutir„, 1 rate f ex,-hang,- is e.p.iv,; ' '{ tion of seventeen pence 134 ‘ .**» Belling price of the quarter (8 bnshl? wheat in England." “Your anti-silver newspaper, h .. B . appear to question this statement „f consi rinutf <1.* 01 enormons consequent d< predation farm, rs crops in Dakota and 1 , th-.'l'Ml 1 Ml-I. ai. ,1 la tl.,. .■ ‘H ers.-l the S-uith; l,„| U,,., tl \ "'•'ll ‘‘"Mill, III, it \ should l„, t ' l„. , 4 millions of dollars a month—that!. lour in11 ion doll.reayear—fortb./ 11 ! «•' |'r.»lm‘.-rH..f wli.'at ai, I ' 1 this is not a fair way of question, because it does not take intn, J sideralion the immense savini? seen^i^ tbo general taxpayer in the shape d, cheaper cost ot the bread he eats ' “Remember that tho reduction In n, pnee of wheat is not only the refiucti J; forty cents per bushel on vs coinage have forced npon pnblic opinion LouUa M. Alcott has written a .eqnel to "LltUe in Europe n recognition of the forces which Men." W« know not what IU title U to b«. bnt It U I ore anpporting silver in this country, universally agreed that Urge woman are tho natural | "Oniy a year ago onr leading newspapers omplicoenk of little men.—Lowell Citizen. used to declare that Bland and his follow er* were merely the representatives of the Oentlemon (outside the Polo grounds)-Sonny, is I silver miners of Nevada and Colorado, and there a game going on Inside? Small Boy—Yesilr. I were concerned only to to secure a special Gentleman—Are you certain? I don't hear any market for their silver.” howls, or hoots, or hisses. Small Boy—Dst’s ’cause “What is the opinion in English tinan Sullivan's emplrln' de game. cialcUcivS as to the coarse we ought to _ . adopt in own onr interest*?” air. B. (S prominent polltlclanl-Cncle Baatua. 11 ,.J tbink tho opinion of those who redly want you to oom, up to mybouao and v.ndlcata nmleretend the question is, that Mr. Bland tho kitchen celling. Uncle Itaatua-W-wha' dat bas been quite right from flret to last, oud ■ah—vindicate de collin'7 Mr. B.-No, no. I don’t | that the country would do well to follow wfir ,i , n( . , ■ , mean vindicate, i mean wnitewaan tne coifing.—i him. In 1878 you were commencing to re- ' .. .A i;?. ' “ New York Time*. ' - ■- l farmer 18 l,T# forty cents per bashel on the 75 OOo i. bushels yon export to England i, oilnniinn nn ♦ V.« .uvi ml, " * equal reduction on the 250,U00,000 bn?!, you consume at home. In other word. tax payer, ia taxed to the nmonnt of tw^ll four millioos n year by tho Bland act i yet saves eighty millions a year bv'i lower cost of bread. Wheat is even now J low, owing to cheap eilv er , that v on , exhausting tbo tertihty of your vim, wheat soils to no purpose and no profil f nt present prices your wheat farm,! — losing money. And as to * railroad interest in this aneetiom things are, how is it possible that earair! can be sustained? Tho produce which th roads should be carrying to the seahoal for export to Europe is not comieg u ...„i - -I-—, are nlao so low that if t freight rates mnit itiU c First Editor—“Been after any of the fashionable resort* tbla year?" Second Editor—“Well, no, not I exactly: was out three days bill collecting, though. I , - Have you been anywheret” Tint Edltor-"Not ex- “^.”7 I the expense of Am.rica. It is 'ihT.“h“J «Uy. do; hut Tv. read ^veuty-thre. .u,.m.r hotel woald ' ba ^ h aiJ tba ' c!ill hbdincl owing (o 3Bgr 'you wholly in silver.. But aa it K the 7“°^^ J 0 ? 8 " circulars."—Omaha World. Colonel Fred Grant haa written hie remlnUcence* I Bland bill has enabled you to accumulate a ^ ere ^ * re ® c °i na g e - The British goverf the .lege of Vicksburg- H. could writ, much magnificent SnppT ot ^hT ^d SlTvLd r !f„ T, Ind , / , a r *Vn D T R7 J r0 ?,J h ^ H 'S trnnwlnnlv .h.remlul.a.n™rv# $1,. T>.1™ I A. vwvwa ZeZsZ. .11— I railroads ia Indit, in 1872 $15,000,011 jive such support to silver {n 1RH9 . House in Chicago. Fred hoe not been a great sol- that you have been ablo to keep that „ ^ dler, though he has worn ont several pairs of pants I metal from actual discredit, whill giving ■ , "* °®f while on detached eervlce,-Picayune. time to Europe to re ognize tho danger, to ^ S «H which her gold procliviti.s were committing „ r J .. ' P .„T th ' 1 " her. 1 am convinced that when to history is ,? ni J 1 * era In to the prlaoneri, elrT Turnkey-Yee, mem; I comm i ttud tho unbiased judgment of thia I q , 1 inceaBant ^ inthe Eoatern excl m.mi.v M an'plckpock.Uwl..b.gUdt o g.,'.m. | monetary criri* it will be recognized that | “^ on ^ gather from thi, why, abov.J They dote, on flowers. But there ain't no murder- your timely and judicious legislation in L,l„ ’7.^7 • T ’ ere In now, mem. The last one was pardoned out 1878 saved the world nod yourselves from i8 yeetorday. Young Lady—Ob, I'm eo aorry.—N. Y. I incalculable troubles. The Blond net did Time*. so Tlt4 one.. , neither too much nor toi“rttleTprotoc^ I'm s wretched mae. Bagley. 1 * m »»• l° f hoitfle TeihflnUon in other nation ' Sh ® tant to otber*co"ntn1 Meted with lneomnta and life la getting to bo a bur- about $10,000,000,000, and the ioterea ™ deu. Bagley—Noneoue# 7 Uiere are pUuqr of cure. | Au^* 7°™. \ th..ta.T».ment, which aggreg. e. 1 for that DsBaggs (despairingly,—Yes, there are, but I’ve tried them all Without < go to church regularly, and oven there I can't go to | u^irj" .„~T -lTv,.lTI lowtr tho P rice to which _ ailr, r fall, t! ■leep.—Philadelphia Colt 1 U “li ,^o d t U th?§^« now that there|‘ 0 8h “ d , °* J 6 K!*^ ' ^JS ^1* .■‘l!” Ot Pri p^ gt TnLuy td" greater is tne vnlneof British gold ao J Bn "Wliat la tho Imperative I coinage Germany and France may sell us I h,« BD 4 h th ° 1,1 I l“ nn0 ' ’ '''“N^toa^e^emllVunifkelv 118 Look nt ^W. 000 . 000 of interest. The efoie eher. -rhank you!' mur-1 No. that is extremely unlikely. Look nt 1Jritj8h K tales loan, snch as Mr She Got—A Texas school teacher lost one of ibis scholar* vary suddenly and unexpectedly. The class | was i woe parsing a sentence. *' of the verb to go?" asked t “Oo!" shouted the teacher. -inanE you: mur-i iiu. iunnoc»ncuioi/uuuiie»jr. ajuu* u$, i x,- tj . no Mr Kk.«r mnred the lad, as he shot out of the door before tbe present bullion value of silver. If Ger- fevr i M1Q g 8i „ bt ' 0 f tbe piri jvsif tU L MmuM h " 00014 Pr ’ PMhU Te ‘ om *^- T,I “ I STnU fn ,r»7.l^“ 0 "’ h r.„ W n°."i I overtaken onr home industrire, indie. 1 An alleged^ man; IuqublUve - . .. .. os a nation rather than the reverse. lose 30 cent* in the dollar by the tronsao- ♦ Vl Y» i *1 > •Pap* what doe. the word 'alleged' mean, which I tatio of 1 to 15J. Ills not to b« thought need to much?" Editor-’*Wsll, it meono-hem | n ? thnt o#rm«nv will >«11 « An Q1 nnns n . la an alleged business man, for Instance?” legtd business man, my son, la a man who doeen' advertise.’’—Philadelphia Call. of A letter to the N«w York Journal of I something wonderful tdcontemplate. It Commerce, from Moscow, Russia, gives alao the beat advertisement that conkl thi. acconnt of tome await baaa Ringers: dtsired for the tree, when it ta remembered “The ordinary base voice ta often little bet- that this enormons propagation haa been tor than a growl or huikineu of the throat, accomplished by thousande of people of Ho one thinks ot calling it musical. But I classes and degrees of intelligence, without never heard tenors that thrilled end experience generally, and in the face of two charmed me more than the baaaee at the winters and several dr vntha that have Temple of the Saviour. Thi. ta, perhaps, spread ruin in other departments of horti the coetiieet end most splendid church in culture throughout the length end breadth all tba Busies. Its outside ta marble and of the land. Evidently the LeConte ta tbe gold. Its inside ta a lavish display of the safest pear for Georgia, preeion. metals thickly set with gems. Tbe question arises, What will become Every quarry in the empire has eontrib- tbe vast output of frnit which mn.t result uted its beat to oom pose the tessetated from this rut growth in a few yeere? We lloor, the wainscoting and the columns of l*Ueve that the proper answer haa been in the marvellous structure. It was Irailt to dlcated in our opening lines. It does not oominemorate the defeat of tbe French in- seem possible that the demand for pears ravion of 1812, and was only recently com- will cover tbe Georgia crop ten or even plated alter forty-six year, of eonsecutive I seven yean from now, althongh there are work. Aa one walks about thi. stupendous I those who note the feet that a similar pro church and transfers his auiulratiun from pheey concerning the Florida orange hex one object of beauty to another, hta atten-1 been kept standing for twelve yean and ta lion ta suddenly drawn from everything by I to-day no nearer fulfilled than when record- a bunt of musical thunder. It floods the ed, end who confidently expect that there interior like the crash of a great organ. He will always be a ready demand for the looks all around and cannot see what censes | fruit itself. Holing the tendency tt. Somewhere in an elevated and hidden | of invention Tmd its ready adaptation, choir or behind the masaire gold altar piece it occurs to ns that the time ta not far dta- are the singers. The voioes are all baaaee. tant when every neighborhood will have its There are three or four distinct “parts," 1 pnblic evaporator, just as many hare pnb- rome pitched so orach higher than others I lie ginneries end threshing machines, end that they seem relatively to be tenon, that tbe money made in the near future Each note+even the lowest-is clear and from the LeConte pear will be derived firm. It has the sweetness ot a Ante with | therefrom. We are informed that evapora- the sonorous volume of a bassoon. The ted pears lead all other dried fruits in the concealed performers are ottering response market, and that the demand ta practically to the gorgeotuly-atlued priests, whose inexhaustible. It will be a great day for own voices are deep and melodious and | Georgia and a triumph for the men who Ulll Newman ami Ills Organ. The Atlanta Conatitnlion says, among other stuff: “The attempt of the Maoon Telegraph to make it appear that Judge Hewman is a sort of ward politician, who owes his appointment to bis political chi canery, ta a very .mall piece of business." The Macon Teleoeath haa attempted nothing in relation to Bill Hewman. It oopied a paragraph from the Atlanta cor respondent of the Augusta Chroniclo to the client that Bill was a worker of the Atlanta ring, and that he was such on expert at the business that he did not make a ripple on the surface. This authority ahonld be good, a lucubration of this eoneepondent hks had the honor of appearing in that boudoir of belles-lettres, the “ConititutionaT col nmu. Bill'e indorsements, backed by the Ring, can never convinoe tbe intelligent people of Georgia of hta anperiority in any respect to Judges William Montgomery, James Brown, John I. Hall, Joel Branham and James 8. Hook, from whom a choice might have been made. The new baby had proved Itself the poesreeoeu.. d j extreordlsarx vocal power*, and had eurcired them ‘ much to Johnny’s annoyance. One his mother: “My little brother came didn't her “Yea, dear." Johnny some time, and then be wanton It, Johnny 7" “I don't blame the sdroM tor I which, foUowtag stall oYw'ms. nud’prict”! I noL°and tons the b^ l L°ce’of W t ride ^ulna bouucing him, do jour- -Merchant Travtler. haa brought other countries tesidts Ireland ?__*’_!! / M*. 0 ! 0 ** b* 1800 * ot . tf8d * “V 1 ” ■peakiii of Ihs fscUhsTth. Chlnaae aIwsjs ore “ d E^ls^^ ra ^ dra^ng^^n^ boxes for shipping their merchandise and never JPj T °^Ubina and Chili. For these reason* it nee coupenge. Tom Bseee says the reason U that !22Sh JlnESV LTJSL^Ti# I**™ rao that Mr. Bland * proposal TTaZIi,", 1 !;”' 0 .Ur*d lnC h m^ba , 1 i 8 , a tof 8 tre folio permUted to manipn Zuflm ‘.^‘.Ure^TrJitUn'cemS" owing to Iho fact that ttwa. nawj foe .Chios- ,„?e and contract the world's currencies a. ™ msu lo (.t iaslde to held the heed up while sc-1 i h ov oltoso and when they plea*, thus 7 P ^,“‘7. , bf debt by doubling P ^ , they pltnao and when other wre outside doing th. nalltnx. Urn. lagumoajoabflng tho burden c.f ueu. oy uououug i . a Chinaman for evrey barrel, th. govnamrat the value of the currency mediumr gndjproatablsjiegta.^ ; . ■topped lt-LouUrlU. fret “Does It not aeem fair:under all the dr- L. ^tartSSl?iiinttonl Tlmreare pnrtj hard oa this route, and don't ?*■*•“?**■ ‘A 8 * ^“ 8 d °A tn° helnf^ 8 * I trndo to bo made a footbslUor AalaUe cob jo»forg.tlV'«ddaprire p«k W p^dUr<m . ^" 8 ^" lb “ 8b " iot * in h(1 P lD B 08 I petition, stimulated by th. cheep «!•< Western railroad th. oth.r dsj. “Aren't aalea I f,v». «„.t I halt... .t,„ j , I which yon will produce and won’t ootuuml, good!" was asked. ToUrebljrfair,buttlutrouhtol. , At .iim! I m Ira t.AA ; " Hicuuso certain doctrinaire economiaU w3 Jim them Boston millionaire, retaraln, from Call- that EnriLX snSn Jtoe^oo^ ll ’ ed «««? >'««• decided th. fornrn. Er.ryon. -hohujeama^atpack^^u ,C r .t^d«d^re“gho^ vref^rhtt nud " »“*>? eondhlon. of » U, s-U me pru. Uch to m. few a dells, red a half, gj? em^ In Iudffi .U7plO sil to red If 1 refuse they threaten to buyup all me V cr hasbeen and is still,^ From 1800 Tura?. on^Jhrrel stock, rsorgulxa me road red leave ms out «o to 18«7 Indio tuok silver at the rate of $75.- “.A So^n.htoo sure.. I Wish I had s place with s circus to sell 000,0UI annually, more than tbe whole veur- !L b ““ ld ^“ J h3 ptak Umonads, Nabobs cua't bluff you there."— ly produce of silver at that time. Even IJJ}!? it? fUTlSs'mnffin hnatols^o 75* Wall HUMt Nava. I now F.noland In her Tr.Hi. ,1„,„l„l nn . I. ««»•“ 106,«»,OUO bUlbelS W IJ.J Trx Earl ot Dufferln has rebuked ms provost marshal at Mandalay, who turned hie camera on the condemned Burmese red took photogrephe of them at ihe preclre moment they were being exe cuted.— Philadelphia Record. Yet Stanton hud Mrs. Surratt and her companions photographed on tho gallows and R number ol United 8Uttei officers aro embraeed in the horrible picture. It is not strange that Hew England peo ple can be fonnd to declare that they have aeon tbe sew serpent, A hundred years ago many of them—good people in their way, were positive that at some time in their Uvea they had seen the devil, hoof, horns, tail and all. As to Moore's Lynching. Harrison, Ga., August 19.—Editors Tel egraph: 1 see in several papers through the 8late article! condemning the action of Macon with reference to the lynching of Moore. My opinion ta that Macon ta better in formed about matters connected with Moore's crime than Favannah, Columbus, Augusta or any other town in the State can possibly be; and that her peoplo were the right ones to judge whether the course she pursued wee an “outrage to taw end order" or not Ho malice waahorne toward Moore previous to hta crime, and Mist Little waa an insignificant personage. Bo it waa whol ly from motives originating in the pres ent affair that tha people of Macon were prompted to take tbe steps they did. Tbe character of MIjis Little had no hear- orthy to take port in this noble choral service. I wait for half an boor, hoping that the singera will execute some long and • formal piece. Bat they do not end I re tire, having learned fur tba first time of wb.t a baaa votes ta eapabb in sacred music." have pressed this fruit if the final result should be neighborhood machinery that wiU be available in utilizing the peach and apple crops also. At present there ta money in these for those only who are ■o situated aa to command a home market With evaporation at hand the half dozen ing in the matter ao far as principle was concerned. And Moore's crime was no Ices great on account of her character. Moore’s punishment wee only too good for him, and rather than being a slur to the fair name of Macon ta an honor to her, and will, besides preserving compliance with the taw hereafter, show to the outside world that died* of go dark a nature can not be perpetrated at Mscon without speedy and severe punishment. 8o tat us honor Macon for tha steps she haa taken in this matter, and may i always be re quick to resent insult and r dy to snpprewe crime in the (utnra baa been in this G. G. D. oi that Germany will sell to you 21 ounces I - lh ^ 6 ,°“ be , no . donbt wh " c -•reported.' -pretended,' wnppoMd to W red th. of b( , r silver for nn ounce of gold, when nt ‘“in.?"rar morlfthtn m' tike.” "But I don't uaderatred, papa. Now. what homo she is receiving 151 ounces of this ? r ~7 * L u?”/ l V? u- P f rt .' L la re all.gtd bnalnssa mu. for inatreco?" "An at- same ailver in payment of all debts and taxes .'£7 wioW LA « “ tteequlvatant ol the ounce of gold The “A “ d u ‘ b f § b^tbe^elS™, tb0 cash v<5?^d: yourVxportS, red to. •xercuedthem »>!»« to enpreclute goli uud ag- ^‘to'draw! ‘The* “fianceT’ the"? cam. from taavre. en ud bondholders, ta at the aame time re- T0T tb V ?°°. P™ .teen ex^orting la any wu rllretfor 81 , on8ib i 0 for tbo geueral depression of in- t“|““ ao low Inrtm ^1^1. wifi? : "Bay, ma." What I dnHtr y nn d for tho general discontent be L D8 “ i 0 *’ ! h profit I now England in her India dominions talmavissi -kii.’. in ,„ A very rellxlou. old darky broueht tea pound, rilOTt M mud> gUvtf ye«flyM you fro ^ .^boo.UUO to more 40.O».ttX»| f *»«• Baltimore to sell, and jwunderthe operation of tlis MmL And it U tb« qaoUtl price in London of f the buyer found them of such excellent quality "J? . lt . f ^ unfortunate | Mllver OQQCu vhioh determines also wbeth that Uo Mid: "Cncla Bouboa, U you will promlao I • not to mix any h«.' freUmre In I'U agree lo buy thU matu all tha $mm fMthan you ere bring mo." * 1 can't 'racily promise o hesitating reply, la my houM' gocao-fulbcre i feather, to git mixed into tha hag to make up I American pri . BaaVen vnn'.l tiallae 'tamlnu 4m ban efnrw I .t. A 1 a If vrtn wan A^esA a "**vor ouocu wuicu uci^rmiocx Uiso , or i°. U retion of tt* 'V^-.I h * I ta-o» Of the "dtamal scirace" that L acts. It ii no qm Ulkinir wilshL Reckon you'd hotter 'umluo de t«g afore I about wheat itocks in light being .mill, L - v 1*'" ** *°? 1 “ bb * r b ° 5,, » “P * | end about the diminishing area ot Arneri | " Sam Ksodsll's Honesty. QUIPS, QU1UKM, AND QUIBBLES. can wheat field.. All that will not avail to L A °.Af p ‘aS keep the pries of wheat steady If silver into tbaajb* that CongreMmaa KAr - & commtaaion »»rUUdeldhi^ whf?,"" 88 ^.*^ cjuuuuu iu uui. The royal comm ihs ion i r—» r——rilT.'i- ^rrltudH now sitting in London, a careful pie- for campaign pnrpo«s , “g liniinary invetigation, hu retaMistud .““ut ho via poor and could not p.^ty it- “ the fact that prices in India have not l8re P°f* cd “«)‘ D B: M riaen, notwithstanding the greet taR l pita ta Just $.W0. I can give you that. 1 " I in tbe value fthe oold v duet of I uo more.” the story mar 1* *™'> 1 the rupee; and what to** thta mean? “** J*»“Y*. >> n * ‘ ha « f 8 n d „°° l ri ! 808 That a bushel of wheat to-day in Indiads ‘ b »‘ Ur > Kredull, despite all opportreiM 1 worth a rupee, aa of old; but whereas ten “ d ‘**up»»Uon» in but Congr.MU.nal “ . rupees oonld form.rly be bought for a eov- re , m ? ,D8 • "I > *’ or ,,at tl0L ' ’ l , r larxMt paper Ur Um State, a Triplett shut. ertign, now aixteen repcew can he boURht ^ I>*‘l 1 ticiarx rf that atamp ta VTere ot “or statesman am In lore with the Bell I for thi* warm- anvart it-n Tii<r.-fnru the re- ! ^.r-'-r und scarcer every soaaoa. K « tephone than with uy other girl on the turf. I ault of the full in the price of silver ta, that I '“hoi"*! that there will never 1* * Won't aomobody writ, a scug on 'Tbo Ont bale 11 can buy not ten hut sixteen btuheta of I ‘*“ Dr< > ol the crop, of cotton," ud Mt It to tho air of "Baby's Oot a I Indian wheat with u sovereign And thin Tooth." depreciation of eilver accounts also for tho Tbww ta not much diflkreoeo In gtattag away with I constant ahrinkage in tha value of cotton, The Mexican, of Chihuahua, Heem vary anxious for huahua, ' But tb.rU audit la luaiua, Aa w. have remarked beiauhva. One's kinfolks aro apt to bo on.', tola folks. Tho girls of Macon hart such sweat th. teeth of nearly re of thorn decay early; bachelor dentist iMurei the Tnjuaari. Tha Thornes vllle (Os.) Tlmee ought to h. th. I rupees could formerly Beat HU Wife to Heath. ^ Three u not much aisereeeo tngremgaway wita i wuereue Ninusigq m ute value or cotton, | Charleston, August 19-"®°|*f'f— umpire red gotttug the amptre away. T7u Uttre. maize, hide*, and other ateplew which you colored, near l roapenty in th - however. U ^.r. 8nd «!“* to F.urep., including but htaI wits to death How could Cleveland get out of appointing New ”°PP <r - *■ to copper, silver prices in Her neck wee broken end her. kuii an Lotted State, ludae ia AUreu*.h.n the old I ^ India, are atitl maintained at I J'.louay w« the cause. -- man. Jadge MeCar, U dead! theta former level, and thus the Chilian ex-1 .. _ JTJ2S? to your Notice tl) UebtOFS 811(1 Cl«U^ ca r_!r .L Hr v w “ I copper exporters. Trus. lbs Chilian ex- Oaomou. Joins Cocntt.-aU 51^. tadonlBf Um litah National coDiistion. I L.. IT vuu “t* , clalu. ■ a^aicst tba ««UU uf thaUlaichn Bob Taylor, Derewratt. K I buy. thirty per cent more silver, which ia I end re lartme who owe ea ■ tho ‘Sddlw. tbe currency of hta country Make MtUoeunt with tho > wthrettraw^iMlrairoftt^JB H I Mid rem»yw_reg*g JAMLi h. TASBURKN, Ex* - * there Who due. unit pay the “fiddlre." I Uw currency of hta country.' rrore a eaaemlwg ap of the erUreee taken before I .... , . . .. tap. Auguetn. IRH. £*2 - Sr^onT** on “^-•^ofVtotaun^tnreTco” *T^tzr^r^Th* d,. Cter teteygte. rxTT aBW . vorere; wife, WM Ulaitm‘ed In ntttbu, UU. week aiver wouldJtSdSJ^mJTu^to\b5j{ 0*SiZH^ireSlre'SSS’ 5 ‘,p* n “‘,p«' b8 i*W5; IJa £ W* 4ls*s«s4 wlfs vkoa bs bd ilsstrlsl it Russia. I silver had risen to &! Deuce Dfr oaits din til* is ibis offlf. ••• ^•.fSTSs ad doMrtsd is Russia. I Silver hsti risen to tii penes per oaace tbe I oAm, OMi^iias ‘“wt" Whm lttd * W ““ U collapsed. 1 eight White relrep. wh.ta your own fanner, in Dakota and I re maloI llir.nea ta would secure a rise of furtv M idayle) t-,Uraeat.tfre '" trfd-' 1. rent* on every l!:,hel cf ub-at they pro- n^^»«^ihj)"^*^ift mi I uticed. r I eoert. «Itness my band cnumiy_»y. vjwtt y. This I* u tid^revemeut oa Ihe policeman who I Minnesota would sleep ud don't patrol tholr baste at .U; but what UI cents e Bkott Baedad uooir dij fortfBBMsti Is yollttsus I dtlced* who win patrol thter but. at night white awake. ' "To bo quite exact I will quote yoo toe