The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 21, 1886, Image 8

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8 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, AUGUST 24. 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. GARLAND'S PRAYER. 11K rH AYS THE OOURT TO RELIEVE HIM OF ALL INTEREST lo the rau-Klectrlc Telephone Company— lint An.ner to a Salt by Roger!—The Attoroey-Ganeral So»ra« Am- too* to Wash III* Hands. Washington, D. 0., August 1C.—Messrs. Morris, Earle and Pugh, as solicitors for At- tornty-Geneial Garland, to-day filed his answer to the bill recently filed by J. Har- lis Bogers against Attorney-General Gar land, Senator Harris and others, for a set- tlem nt of the affairs of the Pan-electric Telegraph Company. Garland in his answer denies in detail every material statement in the bill, and calling attention to the “scandalous and impertinent matter in the bill” says he must decline to answer such portions un less the conit directs him to do so. In concluding his answer the Attorney- General says: That being Invited by one or more of lila co- defendants to become Interacted in aiding to develop certain patents of the complainant, he did on or about Febuary. 15th, im, attend a meeting of the parties Interested, at the residence of the complainant on Fortr-second •treat N. W.. In this city, and. that except this, he attended only two other meetings, and that it Is ex ceedingly probable that there are many details of this business whereof be Is wholly uninformed, and sa to all such matters be would relf with more confidence upon the books and records ot the com pany than upon his own knowledge. That so far as he was aware, all agreements of parties as between themselves relative to this business were reduced to writing, and are fully and completely M t out in the contract dated March latli, ISO, which on bis behalf was executed by bis attorney in fact. Isbam O. Harris. The Attorney-General further s l ates That he baa pa d the sum of money therein agreed by him to be paid, and in addition thereto some further turns on assessments made, and all that were made by »*«rttae to the contract named, and In pursuance thereof, and for the pur poses thereto set forth, and he entered In no other agreements of auy kind in the premises with the complainant or with any one else; and he further aays that he was Impressed by the ap parent usefulness of the Invention and has great cot fidence in the legal validity of the atents, and believed that their validity would be THEY DESCRIBE THE SEA SERPENT. THE TELEPHONE SUITS. Happy by »| Fifty Persons See It twlmmlps Along tlio Pan Electric Feopl* Made Coast of Massachusetts. I Patent Olllce Hull Boston, August 13.-Mr. G. IL Putnam, Okba-Bamocral nwelal. master of the Franklin school, Boston, an- Washington, D. C., August 13.—Big de nounces tke of the sea serpent I ▼elopments in telephone matters are coming, off Pigeon Cove, Mass , yesterday after-1 R1* The report is current that the noon. He says it was first discovered by • Patent Oflice has practically decided to re little son of Calvin W. Poole, a surveyor, instate the Gray patent. No official on- who brought bis powerful transit to bear uouncement has yet been made, but there upon it, and was at once satisfied th »t it a ®®ois to be foundation for the report was a veritable serpent It was about one- &uch action at this would bo of the great- was a veritable serpent . — „ fourth of a mile from shore, and about two *•* consequence to those who are fighting miles from where it was seen last month, j the Bell monopoly,^ Prof- Elisha Gray’s I un it was moving slowly in a northerly direc-1 claim antedates the Bell patent, and reii_ tion. The distance passed over by it statement at this time would give the gov- while it was being observed was at eroment almost a prima facie case in its least a mile, and the time occu- against the patent. The probable ac- pied not far from twenty minutes, tion of the Patent Office was made known With a marine gloss it was possible a or two ago to t ie counsel for the to observe the serpent’s movements, which government, and this is the explanation of corresponded fully with those described by th® telegram yesterday summoning ex-Sen-1 Dr. Sanborn last month, as well as by other a &°r McDonald to Washington. In view writers. The head was frequently raised °f tW® important development, a consultn- partially out of the water, aud the move- tion of counsel for tho government in the ment was a vertical one, showing ten or fif- pending litigation is desired. The news teen ridges at once. It seemed about eighty has reached the Pan Telephone people, and feet in length. within a couple of days telegrams have been There were about fifty persons who wit- B ®nt in all directions, summoning interest-1 ncssed its passage, among them Samuel ®d parties to Washington for a conference Bullock, master of the Bunker Hill school, 1° be held to-morrow. Boston; Prof. Stephen Emery, of tho New *h® P*n Telephone people are all in England Conservatory, with his family; nigh spirits over their prospects. At first Weakness, J'ncriry, etc., it 1 r • null Ir n m* -1 > —THE BEST TONIC I.nsiliude,.. I.nck of iGUAL, and is ro* n•iurioiii. lea the ll IIAm.NO, 1 Captain Jackson, an' artist, and several I glance it is difficult to see just where their m tubers of Mr. Putnam’s family. There I benefit comes in from tho veinHtatement of | chr* tho Itlood. Inilporntes tl System, Restores Appetite, Aids Dlgcfttlou It does not blacken or injure the teeth, caune head ache or produce conbtipatUn—other Jrvn tnediHnetda Dr. O. H. BnrxLKT, a leading phjraician of Spring- "Droro’^ironBittera in athortmghhrgood medi cine. I nee it in my practice, and find its action ex- coia all other forma of Iron. In weakness, or a low con dition of the system. Brown’s Iron BUtera is usually • positive necessity. It is all that to claimed for it/* Da. W. N. Wattes, Hit Thirty-second Street, Georgetown. D. CJ-, aays: “ the Tonio of the age. No •ppetite, gives strength an ENGINES! GINSTi qiiaiters. ** m0ECy Until you get ' P ricos f ™m fieoj IN’oted "Watertown JEn< »ni6s,J Wo represent the leading Engines and Gins sunerm • power, York mac ship and simplicity. Don’t buy tuEd?. 1 " goods uuil you get our prices. A few Clds * SECOND-HAND FRICK ENGINES used bur, little, cheap. , ^ J £ Eiuhm ton, general agent for the South for Watertown Engines, headquarters with us M. .1. H ATCHEB & CO., Macon.* Qn. were also a small number of hotel'guests. I the Gray patent. There is probably a good Mr. Putnum says; “After the serpent had I ‘» ea * do*®* relationship betw* en the Pro- disappeared. and while we were still look-1 ^ B80r Mid the Pan people than shows on ing, a school of porpoises pasted, so that j *h® surface. It is said to be due iurgeiy to we had a chance to compare their appear-1 lb® vigorous work of the Pan representa- snee with that of the serpent. I apeak of fives that the evidence was collected on this, as it hfts often been said that the I which the Patent Office wi l reinstate. The former was mistaken for the latter. 1 shall I granting of the patent to Gray ccffifan on never doubt that the sea serpen? is a fact.” bim the monopoly of the idea. The Pan 1 improves digestion. 1 Genuine hxa shore Trade Mark snd crossed red lines m_,.. -- *sonlyby patents, ana Deuevea mat inoir rsuuuj woum no Judicially isnsUlned In any litigation instituted for the pui poor, and that In that event they would become very valuable if honestly managed on bus- 9 inem principles. That until their legal validity vraa thus Judiciously established it was by himself and his co-defendants deemed unwise and Improp er to issue the stock of the company which bad been duly and legally chartered audio which com pony said patent had been legally assigned lu pur ■uance of agreement. That the written contract hereinabove referred to, the original whereof will be duly exhibited on the trial of this case, was intended to and does carefully guard against such a premature and tm provijent issue of sorlp or stock, by providing that all of the stock should be held Jointly. Uo submits that said contract does not constitute part- ~nerebip, bat that it Is an agreement betwe-n par lies thereto as to the validity of the charter for epe elite parpoeee, and for the management of certain . this pJtrtn-rsb'" will nmlmliv I Inge of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, and Annapoub, Me, August 111—The cere- come before the meetiua to morrow. ' if tho I “>“»*•'•»* control hwmwiM °r*bw ,he ,m « a,lon in ssrasWdMaMsjjis Kalb atatue to-day caused this histone old stituted by tho government to test tho va- and we authorise the Company to uso this certificate city to awaken from the lethargy with Hdity of tho Bell patent is much ►implified. M* 1 * f^lodlies of our signature* attached. In lb which it is usually enwrapped. Fully It is t e'i ved hat the consultatlcnof conn | advertteemenu. 10,000 strangers were in attendance, »nd sel, to which ex Senator McDonald has been the city was gaily decorated in honor of the colled, is for tho pnrpose of deciding npou occasion. .... , the course to be pursued in view of the The statue is considered the best work Q ra y reinstatement. Dr. Morgner, who the yonog sculptor, Flepheim Keizer, controls the Pan Telephone rights for llli- whom the work was given by noi<, and is largely interested in the Mis- Secretary Fi elinghnyser. It repre- Louri franchise, was seen to-night, but he sents the German soldier in U„id ho oonld tail little about the meeting to continental uniform, with swerd upheld, be held to-morrow. He hud been summon- and is a magnificent bronze work, measnr- e d by telegraph, and understood that very tpg nine feet in height, mounted on a gran- imnortant mutters were to lie considered, j pcucotal thirteen foot high. 1 Iouted, Lo woulfi not have como on at this It was erected on a knoll at the south end time if tho call had uot t ecu an urgent one. ! the State house grounds and faces due To the inquiry if ho thought the result ot 80Ut fi* I the conference was likely to result in bene Interests thereof when chartered and trgaulzed thereunder. And he submits to the court here the proper legal construction of said contract, that The ceremonies opened with a pa* fit to I*an lYloplioue stock, the Doctor TTrmvnmwlnTi+n/1 \-ffi»noi5Avi f rade, in which part was taktn h wiled and said* “Yes* decidedly.” I I IipiCCCflCDTCU AtlrftCtlOfl! ...J ' U Over Haifa Million Distributed der and In puvsnance of said contract the I'sn- tifleates showing thst dlfTereut In lntereat were entitled to a certain number of shares of capital of the Fan Electrlo ny of par value ot $IU0 each, as soon as the and marines, all the State m litia, Knights Pythias, German socioties, and others organizations. The unveiling was accord- to ths solemn ritual of the Masonic ler, and am* in charge of the grani lodge dity of thi litigation ion Instituted for that purpose. But this oerUflcstn is not transferable, except with the con sent of the president and secretary of the company indorsed tUcrcom lie further says that complainant, instead of de- •voting uliuaelt to the perfection ot the invention, os by his contract he woa bound to do, sold inter ests in his stock-as was admitted In his bill of oomplalnt~and In sundry other Instances besides those admitted. In violation of said con tract—as will be shown fully by proof hereto--and became anxious to have stock Issued, In violation of the contract and against the Interests of ths company. Thst finding he could not persuade de- Delaware's State Convention Passes Reso lutions Indorsing; President Cleveland. „ „ Dovxn, Deijlwahc, August 17 —The Dsm- __ Maryland, Tbnross J. Sbryick, grand ocratic btste Convention nssemUni here to- mcmpttalor ,t,—to whtcli a raurv. fnsdol maishal, with Beausant commandery, I day and after se.veral hours of indescriba- ■>. fc...i,,_ Knights Truiplars ns a guard of honor I blecontasioa <ff>cted permanent orgsoiza- a part of th. trrHut nu'e con.tltnUot The veil was withdrawn at bulf-past 2 1 tion and proceeded to ballot for a candidate I adopted December ad, A-*D., 1ST,. 'clock, wbin tbv m-tioual salute was fired for Governor. First ballot setilid the mat-1 Iuonnd 8lniri« Number Hrawlcm will tat., from the naval academy. Secretary of ter, resultin^in tbe nominating of ex-Con- State llayard, who vat accompanied by the I Ktouman Ii. F. Bisgs, nafollows: Bigg, 101, Turkish minister, received the statue from I Hubert 70, Chandler 8, Dr. Black 12. An- Sculptor K-izer. other uour of excitement resulted in the nomination by viva voce vote of John B. A TKU1UULE EXPLOSION. | Pennington, of Dover, for Congrats. A platform was then speedily adopted, tba and o and malicious statsmsnts to bo published in public press of thsoouutry.b thasto defendant t as to tbe business of Ibis company. 11s also avers that the utter disregard of complainant for his obligations, os manifested by his violation of his contract as well m his general conduct herein set out rendered him an wholly unreliable person with whom to hav* any business relations whatever, and this defendant having become fully satisfied by tbe * * e bi ‘ groes misconduct of the oompUinant that tbe Wi nces of the company could not be properly and de sirably managed, bad decided, in February last, to ii! give away his stock In said Pan-Uectric Telephone Company and be rid of all association with sold complainant and had prepared to do this, when an Investigation of this company was instituted by the House of Representatives of Congress of the United Hutes. and ho deemed It proper to continue to statu qao until that was concluded, and each In veetlgntlon having been concluded, this defendant now unites In the desire of tbs complainant t« close out and wind up ths business ot sold com- pany, nud whether the oourt after consideration ol the contract shall regard and treat this association as a partnership or corporation, there should under said contract be a full accounting between each number of ths company, including ths pro ceeds of any and all stock or Interest •olil in flotation of .alii contract, and ptnvlilon made for Urn payment of any iUbllUlca of aald company, ami if acoMMly lo aocore dtaaolntlen and ,tba winding np of aurh organization, bn nakn tblannawnmaybcdoemnd nnd considered ncronn bill naktng pwoa-1 relief, end this defendant walr lmtamlnnounclogaU teneflt. udndrnalagmU wblrli bn may bn entitled of auch nooonntlng. ami all rtkbt and baoeAt of auch company, brings Into court ban a coruscate for Interest In said company. White toady and willing to stand id perform sorb deem aa the court shall deem after llie pany, by application thereto of tho scrip tuned JP .ant. luiany If nace-ary, any ponton that may remain o( tba aerlp ot this defendant ao brought raby int -■ -----— - tetenriB Into ruyb'or Shy Utenet of this defendant thereto may be cancelled or returned and enmndered to Pan-fcleetrla Telephone Uomysny, or other wise dbpoeed of .a tho oourt shall the end that thin defendant may bo absolutely rid of thB complainant, and nabl Block and all Internal therein or In said company; and for tho parpoooMi procuring by judgment of the conn SB this proceeding Anal end complete adjustment and settlement between thin dbfenannt and compl.tu| ant and said company, and the termination ot relation a beta ecu thin defendant and otbar rSW pUluama or aald company,this defendant la «tiling and hereby offem to account for all pecuniary Ohm Hie and money to ha. rcceircd from said Con or by reaaon of hie tnloreat therein, aud to! said monty into court whan thereunto nq and this defendant fnrtbn answer, all ether mat Ura set forth in complainant's aald bill of ■■ plaint; this defendant has no knowledge wtaierer and t.-a no lntimaqon aa to tha aama ian by tuiu* DE KALE'S STATUE. e P n?for^ B rovent«:£ h ° a noth?n J a Tile Capital PlUZC $150,000 ent for improvementa, nothing is more Secretary llayard lUcotvca.ho st.tnc from | sWd^ol 1 ’taSST Baines's | rangemeots forsJl tbe Monthly and Quarterly Draw- «rtsiniog to “ ‘ M| ' ■ ‘ * ^ ths Sculptor—Th« Cerrmontes, EXCHANGE, BUY OR HAVE YOUR COTTON GINSl Repaired in Macon, Georgia, at JAME^ T. GAISTT’8. Satisfaction guaranteed, (freight free to Macon.) Gantt’s Improved Condenser Best in tlie^Woi*I<l. I have a fswgtna of different makes, Vfhtch hsve been remodsiod with rnvimnm roll-box, and are now in first clasa order thr< ngbont. Guaranteed in every oarticnll.’H rock bottom prices. WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. J particular, a| Write for circulars and red need prices. mayHSmtnAwkfn OommlMlonsn. W«, the undersigned Bonks and Bankers, wli pay all Pritos diawn in The Louisiana Bt&te Ltd teries which may be presented at our counters. H. OGLESBY. Pmddrnt Lcabdxna Katlenal Bank. J. W. KIliBKKTH, Frreidrnt State National Bank. A. BALDWIN. Freddent S. 0. National Bonk. f. a. JOHNSON. JEFF LANE. JOHNSON & LANE, MACON, GEORGIA. HARDWARE BAYARD’S III iROUGH. Louisiana State Lottery Co r postpones. Look lOCth GRAND MONTHLY own ran Extraordinary Quarterly Drawing In the Academy of Mode, Ken Orleans. Tuesday, feptemtwr It. 1KS6, Under tbe personal anperetaton and management nt Holler In » Carpenter shop Explodes I u ftcr which the convention adjourned. Killing Five Fentons. The following is the platform: CutcAOO. August 16.-The Times, Aah- The Democracy of Delaware in convention an. | Gelt. G. T. BEAUREGARD, Of Louisiana, tnd land, . Win., apodal .a,.: Thin morning | ■'^^.i^jh^^h.^ to tae^rtnojgo. Qen JCBAL A EABlY( of Virginia. C-t;- AuMwErr ''“-•-ii.! - . ., j ... JiJ | ' ' j • uj \ -' j M ■ ifu W- V-iy;. > < 1 - ' - Jf. m ■; - r.. rWmmm rrific exnloHiou I ©nuucisted by the ustlouolDemocrsUo vohvtf tlon, wen. JUuAb A. LALL1, 01 iiruinlfi. Ilf u 1*11,. a». I !*•!• lu Cblcsgo la l<to4. aud lustot that tho'r faith- „ „ _ _ _ _ of r«inl«r] ;^r“^“^n°iC'prS I Capital Pl’lze $150,000 ibis city was stavtlcd by a terrific occasioned by the bursting the carpenter shop or rerinier i t« essential to proper gov*vt meotH 'Webster. The boiler honse I ty and ha.-pibeM »r th« Aiurriuau i vopin. Federal taxation can only be rightfully inipoeed J” killod wn.l I P^ridefor the necojiasry eij»en«mures of the men and boys instantly killed snu v®® I guverumeut, including the payment of pensions to woanued, as follows: mine II. rerinier, I pereons entitled thereto, the uaituiuaucw of publia Alex. Periner, sons of tbe senior members I a0 ? lbe yred*»*i redu. tionof the unbiiodebt. rtf tVvza ftr.,1- Traassnit M.-T nnuhlin #.»»,, flll i n I therefore, fsvor »U0i> reductloo and modlflca- !!! 55}, q \ vTufi5f“lL“Y^55151 M on otow **** •• «i<> of ♦w-Nolke.—TIcket» are Ten Poltare enly. Halles |5, Fifths, |*2. Truths, $1. v Mux or nujuu. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OP $150,000....$1W),0C0 1 ORAND PRIZE OF 1 GRAND PRIZE OF I fi LARGE PHIZKflOP 4 LARGE PHIZES OF fiO PRIZES OF 60.0U0...O I 10.000.... 1.000.... of tbeahop; O. V. Johnson, wooJ-tnruer; I xir c* untry fe m uoueceeMry burdens while pro- August AUon, workman, kilted; Nelson I Vldlng oecewarv revenuee to meal the legitimate Fore, foreman of the working crew, 1 demands upuu the public treasury, dightiy wounded in Iho leg, and B. ^urf’XTK.te ?. lUiley severely. Baitey is now in I Cleveland an h-neat and patriotic chief magUtnie, the LoHpital with a fair show to reeover I snxtoue to iscu*w the proper adnitnutration of I 1,000 Tho oau.e of the exploglon wan lack o! wabllc .g. | ? . . D| l OTtltted to the conadenc and ' appoxiMATlow prui*. Wttorin (hff tmilf-p * tLinnlnw th« bnilor I Ih * Am#rltfWI ^P 1 .**. I I<» Approximation Prizes ot ffiOO.... $fi0,00C water in Ute Doner. Maiuruny tno nouer the Democratic party ot Delaware point with I loo •• •« 100.... Kkooc was blown off and pumped np after clean- jn.t pride t>> tu ruauegeioent of the affaire of th* I 100 • •« ff.... 7,Bot ing. As usual the fire wan built this morn-1 *j al ?. f ” t ^®j art tetf^rya »a the •trougfit po#.t- 60,000 90,0(0 90,000 90,000 90.U4 BOO.... 25,0(0 SU0.... 90.000 W.... 40.000 100.... 60,000 10,000 ing, when it was found tliat the injector I SloSffS wuulci not work. While If j lug to fix it the I **° pU ol tt * BtoU ' explosion occurred. the support of the I L979 Print, amounting to f 522,500 THE AFivHAN QUESTION. TIIKUF.LKAST BIOTS. j the KnglUh Papers Wiyit a Speedy Settle ment with Hum I a. Loxnox, August 17.—-The P*U Mill Ga- I zette says it is glad the Afghan commission only \o the office of tba company in New Orleans. 1 For further Information write clearly, giving f - ... teu... ”--^7Orders, full address. POSTAL NUTkS, Expreee Money New York Exchange in ordinary letter. Ourrenej by exprsM iat our expeneel. addreaeed «. A. D-VUl'HIN, New Orleans, La. Tho.Mob Quiets, Hut There was Stoue* Throwing Sunday Night filirl’, t!3 *!& I J" -si ~sa.»« —»- ~ \ —„ c | QK . HIM, th,D tl» (It, u,bf«i U>—-OP-I " ^1 • quiet. Kohmtab, dl *^ c * ne ’ ftldko P. O. Money Orders Pnyiu A man named Jarkaon.who waa wounded | lon “ "* twe * n Lomlon and fit I.term- j |,j 0 aII( i lulilrosH Kcjjisteretl Let ters to — •M****™ i»stimjii,nuv reran reuuuucu I i in Hunuay morning’s not, ia dead. The I , , ,, other woundtil men pragraaa favorably. . T “ %/•»» <*»»»• “J> qncUon Thera waa aomeatuue throwingliuit uight, h ?i m “ lt . waa vat no one waa aerioualy ihjured. There I fhonths ago. Rtuaia claims are ominous signs that cause the authorities •« ««- n 18 ” a ait a to fear aUempta at reptiaals to-night on to ® Te ** U P- \ c0 SH. ct Z the part the moba. PnhUo bouaea lire be- °oenr a* any moment, and it nata with ing closed and other precaution! are being England to aay what it will and c*n do to taken. Score, of priLmen have been aent | plundered. NEXT ORLEANS NATIONAL RANK, MsylS vsdsatAw New Orleans, La. As agfnta, we again offer tho planters of thi, section the celebrated PRATT GIN, Feeder and Condenser! There have been over 20,( 00 Gina of tbia make nsed by cotton planters in every I cotton grew ire section of the world, s lot of ten having recently been shipped to Bums I Fri. prices. reduced to suit tbe time., but quality »s high aa ever. Bend for catalogue sad taiogue ,y30d±w Tlae Brown CSotton. Gin Co. !'-p|P^ ' O NEW LONDON, CONN. Manufacturers of the “Olif RrlUbte" Brown Cotton Olus, Feeders snd Con densers. All the very latest ImproremcnU; Im proved roll box, patent whipper, t»o brush belts, extra strong brush, csit steel bearings, new improred Feeder, enlarged dust proof Condenser, g. Strong, simple Incoiutruetlon, durablf mavlw- d sat.XwSly.Xui A. B. FARQUtlAR A CO.. Macon. Oe. to Kilmaiuham jiul, at Dabliu, to await trial, the local jails being full. The Cethoue newepapere cuae the Orangemen of com ■trancing Sunday’* attack. Th* Pro task of Iddudeigb, foreign secretary, I will be easier when he ia relieved of this I here ac-1 snd embarrassing com mission. 1 Tbe Globe aays that nothing world eult I uieueiuk xu. a, BM,i * b ‘ ,t * r ^an to keep the Kahniab | Ustant pepen. aay that the Oreng.m.n | *i oelUon 0 P« nto WTi#w » b * n acted in avlf-dcfsoso. 1 A MUKDKItKR LYNCHED. A. B. FAB Q VELA JR ^ CO., Manurueturcriw an<l Jobbers of ,.U naofa but of complaint, and leaves comp ant to prove the aama aah* may be advised. [Signed.] A. If. Oaslasd. 1RLP 1 OR THK 8UFFERKI18 By the roreet Wires—They xvill All be Cared For, Ocotrro, Wta., August 17.—The measures relief of proposed for the re lief of the sufferers by the eonfisgratloh, lbdtude the erection of homes, furnishing them plainly, living a supply of fuel, food and clothing tor the coining winter. Then in the spring they will l.e given seed, snd some of them bortes. Fortunately few ot the farmers have loet their hone* and cattle, although many of the cattle ere suffering from burn ed hoofs. It is estimated it will coat <100 a head for men women, tnd children to sup port them until harvest time next year, in lit l evuc. Depore and Istwrence townships, the burned out families probably number twenty-seven, while in Pittsfield, Buemlco and Howard townships, there ere about Mity families who will need more or aribistance. Secretary XVhttner Taking Steps for Con-I manly Lyocb.d, atructlrg llatterlen for Net. Ship* of War. ClXCTOUTl, August 17.—Davis, the sta-1 WsaatxoToa. August 16.—The demand tion agent ot tha Ohio and Mississippi road, I * bat-| atUurn station, Indiana, was murdered I ramp. The man I r _ _ a braggadocio air I and buildings of the Washington navy I making considerable noise. Davis wav I yard. Secretary Whitney hka directed that} dosing in hi* chair at the time. He wet ilia-1 aU tbe shops, machinery, tools and tnrbed, and on rousing him sell, ordered I for ore »the tramp to get out this waa raw. nted, I construction and some hot words followed. Davis said | t> AM1ISGTOS, Allguax IU.— 1DI aCDlDQ e'u u, no weu for increased facilities for constructing bat- at Uurn station, Indiana, was teries to be placed upon new ships of war I early thi* morning by a tramp, has made it necessary to increase tbe shop* I came into’the station with abiagi appliance* ' " assigned of the bureaus of RIOTING IN DUNUANON. Cnrelng the Uuem ItaUes a ltlot— Si veral Faraona Il,ju Dl-bun, Angust 10.-At Dunganon to-1 JfelaaSenl Xf.Hea.llel. jaeaAaAllia PrO-l tm’uitt ouatler of tho town, shouting for home rule and cuning the Queen. A riot broke out and .everal person* were i;. jur.-.l. 11.. | h. • l..,d t,> ( r. . tl.. ir ■- ■> between the Prop e tan in and Catbohe-, thus preventing d.-l light, line N .ti 'l, slid, with a knife in bis baud. A r. the I- lear.-d. Party feeling is intense. TO COhSTltUOT 11VTTKHIES. A Tramp Kill, a Railroad Agent and la Sum- and repair, ot tbe steam engineering yards and docks, and equipment and recruiting shall be turned over to the control of the bnreen of ord nance on tbe flret day of Oc tober, I860, Such of the|m*chinery, took and appliances aa may not be required by the bureau of ordnance will be transferred to stations where required by other bureau* or otherwise disposed of a* fonnd beat for tba public interests. A THEATRICAL SUICIDE. An Actor, chagrined by tha tllaaea of ilia Audience, Kills Ulmaelf on tbe Huge. Lou dob, August 14.—A real tragedy the theatre has occurred at Casals, a town ot Piedmont, in northern Italy. An actor, who was playing a leading part, failed to please tbe audience, wh > display rel their disapproval by prolong'd bluing. Th* actor stopped suddenly in bk liues, and, advancing to the footlights, drew a revolver end shot bimarlf dead. HU wife, who we* seated in a box, wit nessed the tragedy, and in a frenzy at tempted to leap to the floor beneath, which waa quite a distance. She was restrained by several friends who were in btr company, and waa finally carried from the theatre uaccnecions. if be did net go bo bim out He wea dared to carry out bk | threat end both men prepared for con flict. Davk took hold of tho tramp, endeavor ing to put him through th* open door. Tbe | men drew a huge knife au I stabbed Davis I several times, so severely that he died in ten I minutes. Parties living near wao were attracted by [ the sound of tbe melee, rushed to ib* scene j and found Davis dying. The murderer was I found a a bo ft distance from th* station, I and with little ceremony waa taken to a | neighboring tree and banged by tbe indig nant citizens. Mnch excitement exists end the town i. filling with people. Tbe mur- lmq w dercr k still unldentifii Ullour Fever From Colon. New Oautatm, August 16.—At a meeting of the board of health to-night, a teli i tba board of btalib to-night, a telegram I cotia at the lower quarantine atation. STEAM 3ErV<GJ-ITVE:S, irrwM^.fr £££\Hardware, Mhceltaneons Machinery, opjCl'1 tub EVE RY GIN WARRANTED. dmnkt ooreP 1 a fast, runs light, clean* tbe seed pee [fectly end produces first class samples DRLIVKIIRU run OF freight at an j ncccaalblo paint. Hcnd fur fsu dmcrlpllou and price lint. SeotU nineteen her bad four on board.* Tha sink were removed to the hospital, and on* of th* name waa, — , pronounced yellow fryer. The vessel ■- | (raj" 1 lit' V . i •! be detained at the- lower qn ran tine elation or wUl be sent to Ship leknd. J£tc. BOILERS, — , , , -M. L Beilina. Iran Pipe, Brass Iron stetun and W ater Fittings, inspirators, iicbrjitt'd Isisj>s*ovo<I Brovii Coftoi _ ton Gi u|ii A.'B. FAItQUilAR & CO., Macon, Ga ,-@t