The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 21, 1886, Image 9

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pjjoilBirM a failure. ,ts OF THS HNFOHOKMBKT OF *^hjUQP° b laW 1S ^kokolv. f itronkenaeu isnil Crime end or F^lrdro. of 3lercbants—Atlanta's '*e‘«r*rnr«of Only Ms Week. W very Disheartening. Times Speclxl* w ([ i August U.—For a “dry city," to be wonderfully “wet," rng MAro\ WEEKLY TELEGRAPH : TUESDAY, AUGUST 24, 188fi.-TWELVE PAGES. Steisia: ssaara eodol clt haatosnffer from the Doliticd corruptions I« convinced the UwconM ***««* cnlorced were it not tician“Ad pi,,L a the , ‘* tere8t 0f P° U - I lived for a short time near a town in v I Xl Ch Tit tU V*^ er '' local °I >tion Pro vided. The inhabitants having 1 voted no 4$ Prohibi. 9 THE INSIDE OF ATLANTA. city wber. prohibition undertook lory law went imoTff^Tfo^ year" Dur “ a ! or k of lessening crime the record is ing that year the number of croton# in' litJune was the last “wet" rm.«l fr„™ 7. 5“ groganeps in. ^ rrtlinPK* J“ ao 1 * t,e S .ndowing to the near departure of ■‘•'d^holmoch diiuking was indulged a mere spirit of bravado. The po- i» ft0 ® r j s show that during that month «re 433 arresU made. On the 1st ^"ir every one of the saloons were closed, . Ij.ibition reigned save in half a dozen houses, where less than a quart not be sold. For July, the first pro- when the cl& offleen,. Sho prohibition partisan*, were anxious to “‘if sBoodrecord for their eante, the ar- etthdenly jumped up to B80, being an Sr.rtiue of 25 per cent. tiieh facts as these esused one of the city „n. to say on last Sunday morning: ^Eday is the 8th of August. It is thir- udayssinoe prohibition went into I.Less money in the city and State Tories; less peop 1 ® in the ««7,! le <* busi- rTbouses occupied; less morality; more Jmnkenoess; more climes and criminals; poor people out of employment than More; more taxes put upon the peo- 1L more extra licenses imposed upon the .reheats, and more dissatisfaction among 5l classes of people than ever has existed " ihc Evening Capitai. which was aproui- Ktion organ daring the campaign, is also 0 [ sorts, and says: “There is a limit to straight-laced purl- ojloo but the city rjonncil docs not seem 10 know it Th*y find more time to charge enchants for drays, dodge the technology alqicstion, sit still and sleep while city of- feuiiciake SI 30 fi fa. oppressions, make kfj that if a man sella liquor legally he jpit be fined $500, and do a score or more N allv nnprogressive things; but when it Smu to benefiting the peoplo or advanc ing the interests of the city they are not at ^Tiding to the state of affairs thus strong- b'liitcd is the fact that Fulton county, in ihich Atlanta is located, shows an assess- sent this year of $800,000 less than last jar. THE CONTEST FOB * CHANGE. The newly organized Conservative CInb iiin Association of citizens who see that city is being knifed between two sets of butics-the prohibitionists, who would nio everything to secure the suooess of fieir hobby, and the Liquor Dealers’ Asso- onion, who would have cheap groggeries is every squaro. The Conservatives j .ro ute to draw a middle line, and, by com- faiag business experience with a desire for Stainfarm, to bring about, by probably k(h license, a state of things which will ■she a menace to business. Their ranks si being tilled by recruits from the ex- Hosts. A ticket will be ran for the city txscil in which the issue will be clearly fata. Tbo Conservative candidate for ■ejar, it is generally understood, will be E»J. Tyler Cooper, while City Recorder laknon is the man who is looked forward ksthe leader of the prohibitionists. Tb colored people have made an almost sfaltle change of sentiment When the yabUion campaign opened colored tabs were the popular reaorta of Can- afavorkers. The preachers were ilat- Minto senrice, and, being invited to sit del by jowl with their white brethren, kyfclt that the milleninm hadcome. Pro- toko# became their sole topic. The whole pmof “the church” was used to compel kugroes to vote dry. Now these voters fath, white men getting all the liquor fiqvsnt, bat the Africrn citlx-n is at s tout. No “blind tiger" will treat him. ukepiently he looks npon the whole sf- Wuswell.devised white man’s trick to •a? him out of his dram, THE LAW THSOCOHOUT THE STATE. Tlnnghout ths Htste the law is almost <faly defied. In Elberton, for instance, Jb uid that “If prohibition is to be judged wiiseperation in Elberton it is not a suo- •u.” Liquor ii sold every day in the town, ** the prohibitionists are despondent, hey town along the Richmond and Dsn- railway ia dry, yet the traveler can atep *» “®ost any atore and get what he wants *U looks like s man who can be trusted. *“ i ll « of kegs and jugs to be seen at "uy station, consigocd to ths local sxprews •tots, shows that tho liquor still finds its •*J into the county. utha recent legislative nomination in “Iks county, the home of the late Gen. uoBbs, the whisky Issne was brought in. “»u defeated by s majority of 137. The S®[in ull parts of the State is agsinst prohibition. Not only is •w in Georgia, hat it is also manifesting r~ “ South Carolina. In Bsrnwe "*My the Demoeratio convention, by a ws of ul tj GH, decided nr on the repeal of |ttwfioSto W " U ‘ ****** hJ AMASS MKRTISG AGAINST PUOIII- Biri )N IN FULTON C )UNTY. A Fla Ycvterday sftsnoou about i o’clock a cracker drum in i r. Audio* th« veatlur t>o wtrm for cr | fort. *topi>eal at Baer’s comer. Cherry atreet, l employed a little nejro boy to carry bi« black lenUixr uaiuple iraFe. T*«iliuit the boy to carry U to Dnnwody lire*', atore. he walked on alte ul, wiping off the pereplratlon that Ho® **.l lu rivulet* from hi* brow. When hr. arrived at Dunwody’e be looked arouud for the ooy. 1m the boy, oh wheie wan he! The drummer rammed hla handkerchief in hl« pocket and looked everywhere for the black aaraplo caae. It wa* nowhere to be aeon. Then ho ruahed up to the police barracka and informed Chief Wiley of hb* loat. The chief waa ready and willln * to lend him any a««ietau e. but wanted the drummer’a Atlanta. Augnat 17.^—The prohibition movament I niU1 ® addrec*. that ha tulght know wheie ■truckrsthcr hsM mckat tu. u.„Uugof th.Con- munS‘ rrr Tt 1 , Ul ',b. , ‘ n,, «r l uT° l“, wouH aervatlve Citiae.m*’ AwociaU *n to night. Men Wh $ Voted f.»r Prohibition Prwylnc to baltelleVvd-A Hlg >lr*tlog or Kep* rvaetitative Citfzei a at DeUlve'a Opera House Laat Night. PHOUIUITION- IN MAINE.. I ‘W.ll-Koown ClwrgFUUMS Ips that Mato I Tail. Ilow it Works. | *»» Ih. Bonos lUcord. > i» surprising, it is saddening, to ses ths I v.m_i , r-—is .a eRuueuiDK. so sto sow I j8“ or »Boe which prevails among IsE?** rKihiblttonisis in regard to tbs I kssj* working of piohlbitoiy Ihem defend their theories, I Jf? •••aiisble aa tbeorice, one would lrul.v Uler * w “ n °i » epoton (hie I slA*!? 1 ® P r °hibition had been tried snd I m, “bIA observe its praetieel ISS. haa been tot Eevenil veers I :L'r ‘u7 ** w on the statute boon of IiUm’ i.. ™ out Prohibitionists do I fiau ' They do not make (or fit. U* : kny iodepemlent invtsliga- . lta *orkings — |hL?J5rt®®tod report I Sfi* w,, h blinded eyes, and bear srith I Ms tiiif **!*■ Ths minds of the public | •* the working of tbo pro* T,k '’ for *zumpie, the vase I ttssT^ 0 .V™* n, l hie recent visit to this I visited Portl iu l, was taken in I CuZ!*!°1 ths leading Prohibition- 1 Lu} , result II. return to *4 it.“**•*■ the moat astonishing hteaaja *t»tementeln r.g irl to liquor U^feteone-in II due. Wf iTlr*^ *»»*»« for over ayear snd- towns of Maine of about •Mks)rr u ? ta - This ia what I have ^n sksitnrL record of my own peeocsiel 1 Vi'i mix!* °°® itra^tg within on® min- < i1 Alke. .. .sees 1 Vi A creseed from twelve to foart^ aid the S‘„°.l D W Uw no-license was carriml by I Ue m ? 8 tbo rnmsellera themselves voting for prohihiUon. Baying there were no restrictions and no taxea and hiMto^'u* 1 * 00 ' Wbi “ ky UD,ler a I,r °- ,A n nonolusion, 1 would draw attention to these three ststemenU, which I believe to be inoontrstsbly true; First, Public sentiment can do more than law to regulate the liqnor traffic. Second, Only publie sentiment can en. foroo the prohibitory law, and public senti- ment is not with that law, for, manifestly, prohibition does not prohibit. Third, The prohibitory law does not ed ucate pnblio sentiment, but only de moralizes it. J A Clerotman in Maine. DU. HAWTHORNe/d VIEW. The Jewish Itahbl Writes a Very Pointed Communication. Editors Constitntion: Will somebody please rise to explain what is the matter with Preacher Hawthorne? What fearful storm hag raged ever the lofty brow of the doctor to disturb his gentle spirit to sash a degree is to make him forgetful of his sacred calling of preaching the “Limb of God,” is evidenced by several editorials in last Thurs day's Conflict? Did he christen his paper “The Conflict" for the purpoae of sowing throngh it a discord and strife among the good people of Atlanta? When Dr. Hawthorne took eburgo of (he editorial chair of the temperance paper of this city we felt happy in the idea that he would logically and calmly reason the people who stood in need thereof, into tomperate, moral and frugal habits, and he himself feel happy in doing tho work of a good man; but, das! change has come over the spirit of our dreams.” Instead of his paper becoming a power for good, he prostitutes bis sacred trust as editor-in-chief of the Conflict by abusing and slandering the fair name and fame of some of the best citizens of Atlanta. We hope the time had not oome yet for Dr. IL to feel chagrig at his apparent failure s prohibition advocate. It would lie rather early in the day. Ho has only just begun his work, snd is still s long way off from having reformed the habitual toper and drunkard into a sober and industrious man; and we thonght this latter to bo the aim and object of the so-called prohibition party and its great leaders. What possible irofit can aoerne to a noble canse, if the oremost leader therein inaugurates a shameful crusade against any and all the good and loyal citizens who homstly differ with him regarding the methods and means employed to bring abont the desired issue. This is a free country, and everybody hat a right to bis own opinion. If tho city is to be at all benefited by prohibition, then the good people mnst be made friendly to the canse by logical and respectful argument and moral suasion from both the ires* and the rostrum, hot not an- agonized thereat, by any means, more eopeoially not by lta leaders eslllng re spectable people bad names. Any blackguard can call names. Besides, an advocate of temperance should himself first cultivate temperance in all taings; temperance in speech, no less than touperanco in habits; and we are sorry to find Dr. H. sadly want ing in tho former. It is bnt illy befitting the preacher of the gospel of “Fesce on eortL and good will to all mon,” to be car ried away by bis ill temper snd to bring abont strife snd oontenbon among the best people of the city, in whose midst he ex pected to find a happy home. And pray tell ns. if von please, what had tho Jews to do with Dr. H.‘s prohibition business? What has caused bis ire to be aroused agsinst them? Is it perhaps annoy ing to Dr. H. that s number of first cla>s citizens of the Jewish persuasion are mem bers of tho "Conservative Club," inaugu rated for political purposes? The preacher of tho gospel of Chiist, the priest preach ing and teaching salvation throngh Jesus, the Jew, only should ly all means be very circumspect In his language against the Jew. If Jesus was the ''Israelite with out guile," and Dr. II. claims to live in im itation of him, we do not see how he could fora moment even apeak or write harshly of the Jew, the brother of hUSavior, Jesus. Aye, “it is a nasty bird that befouls its own nest." With certainly justifiable pride we claim for the Jew the habit of temperanee, for which canse Dr. H. claims to labor For a thrifty, sober, honest, loyal and pnblio spirited citizen and man commend us ths Jew, snd Dr. IL knows it well. Why, then, tell ns, please if yon eon, why Dr. IL ridicules and belittles the Jew?" “It is bat s step from the snblime to the ridiculous," snd Dr. U. seems to have taken the step. Tbs sags has turned into s fool snd tho minister into a minstrel, for the joke re garding tho Jew he perpetrated in Thurs day’s paper is worthy the genius of a negro mioitnl We call the entire Chrietian community of Atlanta, Dr. H. included, toj witness whether any one of them knew* sngbt to gnashing of teeth snd furious shaking of tho shaggy man* of this self-sufficient lion of Jndah. or better Juilss? Dr. 11. is almost s Goliath in height, and he may yet find bis downfall at the hand* of ^soae, to „ — . not giv®. Ue «u fluttered and a mor® ex ;it®d man At8o’clock tho operations* wa® well filled with | ,® d *y representative citizens of Atlanta. ^ J mxM """ It would bn impossible In this dispatch end at I wodjr’s stow Ls 'was’tiiero “witlTuie samplo caso this hour to give the names of tho well-known, sub- ] waiting for him, aud a happier man than the drum- •tautlal citizens who mado up the audience. They were In full eympathy with the proceed ings, snd they let It be known as the speaker* I sounded the no'ee of the approaching conflict with fa. resales, elenien, grip oaths I ^n?.“ vitals of Atlsnta. Ibe meeting wai called to order by E. A. Angler I Row on an Excursion Train. Qolte A row occurred on an excursion train on Virginia and Georgia railroad ~ and 8a- tllla. It eeema that an excursion of negroes left Coch- — » night to sjvsnd 8unday 1 “ „ - --—.a trip a ditllculty arose I Kua PP* I gro named Woodward, working in a mill at John- The first speaker was Captain E. P. Rowell, of the I eon^llle.and other negroes on the train. Woodward Constitution wh-ms nuns.* *,^v -n«K - • oon became enraged and fired Into the train load LoMtllllUon whose pxper took ,ach s strong .Und of , ICU „ loIlUU- .goau,,, of , h .m in tho Deck. ror prohibition in the oontest. He deplored the rs-1 one In the stomach and another in the arm. One suits the law has already brought upon the city. I of the wounded negroes wss from in* and the other lie bad never seeutlis t*w» so A h „ Baxley, tbo latter being shot fatally. One re- ue nau ne or seen the people eo divided or the I port aajs the negro was not arrested, and the other town tn such a condition since 1861. Borne remedy l aay* he lumped from the train and made good bit wan demanded and he favored a modification nmhiiiitinn 1.. .k.t ■ ■ I It la also reported that one of the exsurstoniats pro “ ib ‘ tlon Uw ** would I f e u frop, the train near Jeenp and was run over eliminate lta unjust features and bring the people and killed. t gather. Ha cltod Uiacua at the Atlanta,, The ' M . eoa , Dd <JaUlo . n Uallroa.l. to lUa.tT.ta tha aaWroai. ot the Uw. The pro- , n |rawn taa^l from the major the citizens pie ■ money is in the enterprise, and yet a city of of Tv Ty met and the following committee* were elxty thousand innabltants can buy and do buy I epP°* nU *l “<* resolutions n»*»ed la be half of ths toer .Ue except from th. AtUnU ^ f * COrP * U,, “‘ oun ‘“ d brewery. I Committee on receprion~0olonel John Marrow, He Introduced A. H. Cox, who made an eloquent l T # 5; W.E. Williams, 8. N. Adams. J. L. speech. lie compared Atiisti -- ;*>• —* •• I Toole# .... . — | %yuuitui$MN» wu Muuniig * lu u m uf w»j—Captain J. the la. The city la sick, and needs a doctor. Ue I L. Matthews, W. K. Williams, John Morrow, Jame* •aid it was useless to aay that Atlanta is pot losing ft J yhHtlngton. E. A. ground, toning trede, losing people end cspiUt. Uws. rosilred bj'iJ fpnwal'rU?' Her people are dividing and fighting eacB other. I 1- Resolved by this body. That we use *11 eflorts Atleot. noedi to f.o. ,h. Tucsjon ^usralj wlUiont "SS •ubterruge or fraud, and her people come together I ing itat this place. E. E. CHEATIIAM, j <Jrorcr A- Cotinittfuion A/irr/umf* 90 BAY .St. , S.\ V V N x 11, O A , Follclfs consignments ofPOHLTRV. ) . m. HIDES, wool. FRCir-. V O.fAl i. * nii kinds of l'H .Dl’tK gitek-vi “.si. i ; r.m., t n . i. ih. Hend \ lur quotations. IIORPRiCES SPECIAL 0m fXTRftClS FLAVORS I MOST PERFECT iV^ADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and IleaUbfnlnessf Dr- Price’s baking Powder contain® no Ammonia, Lluic or Alum. Dr. Price s Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc, flavor deliciously. PRICE BAKINQ POWDER 00., Chicago and St. Louis. and lift her from the condition in which she z road, and that we will vie with each other In eecnr- ‘ ig itat this place. 2. Resolved, That we do all In our powor to make e surveyors of said route feel at home while with ii and to this end be it rstolved, that the town be flonnd.n- Ho on certain unnamed par. ,h * •“"•X™ of *»ld rontn foal at horn, wlitln with si., -w , - , .... . 1 , I us; and to this end be it resolved, that the town l»e ties who are denouncing the people of Atlanta, and I placed aqtncir disposal and tha doors of all our claiming that the city ha* been regenerated, Is pros* I houses be thrown open to them, perous and tnovirg forward. Ue Impressed a spirit | Qf concession upon tho people upon two extremes, and suggested that they could meet on this ground. I First, to license the wholesale trafllo; second, to 11-1 cense the retail traffl % confining It to central bosi- blocks and not adjacent dwelling bootee, providing a penalty I selling to minora, to intoxicated I persona or to any persona who are In company I with minora or intoxicated persona, or for telling I on the Sabbath day. He favored putting out a ticket for the Legislature of men who would go to I the next Legislature and who would advocate the nwm jjjMBBMj y.'wtntgun CLINCIftAtM’S qpa *i I i the i. pd I!tfgOa»' t <*i,-l Thick- l fir illu traL d circular. Dealer in all kind Fruits and Vnmtable*. Also, Flab sad Oyetgre IB •in. Resti^ me vour order*, wblcb will h tvn my best attention. K. E. CUf!\TiI\M, aug^oiinkwktf MBayvtrect, Hnvannah, Oa. Ty Ty, Oa., August llth, 1886. Once upon a midnight dreary, I was tossing weak and weary, For I had a fit of ague. And my bones wer orysore. Had tenly i read a iauel, Of a me Heine on my table. Rut to reach’t I scarce was able; I was so infernal sore! Took I just oue dose, 'twas Bile Beana; Soundly slept I and did snore. 2S cents per hotilt. Bold by all druggists. A Good One on Mr. Delta. The Atlanta Capitol baa this: "Search everbodyt _ of an amendment of this kind for Fulton I My pocket-book’s gone!” cri-d a gentleman at the count j. H. U-o vropoud the oSee ot Inspector ot moraln*. u he ra.hsd into liquors to prevent the eal* of any a<la Iterated spirits. The next speaker wu ex H.jor Ooodwln. who L ^“*°if M jj ld ^*. l l 0 |7*' made a strong speech, urgiog a reunion of the p«o-1 all his pockets, pie of Atlanta and® check of the fanaticism that la the business office. The gentleman was Mr. John Q. Deltz, of Macon, whole here to attend the seetlou of theOraud Homobody asked Mr. Delta if he had searched In * his pockets. 'It’s no use,** he declared, "I never carry my now ruling it U. referred to the vacant hoc*., I QftSSS ft"" '*+''*** people leaving the city to mako tWr HnS* fortunes elsowhere, the depreciation of value* I the pocket- kind, attributing prohibition of the prohibitionists to keep np the fight and fore® It into politics, and bwllsved they ought to meet It. the brteat pocket of his coat uiuuuuu u w ro. I W.U-Sl;." hS.XcUtm^l. "I luir. buocurjlns ,, ”* , “ .. . I mj porkn-book In mj pnmn pocket for twantj Bra Ue referred to the effort. I ,en«." Oxx of the oldut end aoel rollebte enb-erlptlon book publishing houses lu the Boutn la that of B. Us arraigned, not by name, bat very unmistakably, I F. Johnson A Co. of Richmond, Vs. They issue Rev. Dr. Hawthorne for the attitude be ha* taken I attr*ctlwud popular books, .' vT , ■ ‘ uo u . I being adapted to the wauts of the Bouthern people and 1* inking, in a manner far from compliment-1 which accounts for the excellent success of their host of agents. Both members of this firm have Hoke Smith wu caned out bnt spoke ...j . few 1 ?SWf momenta Ue said he was opposed to the liqnor I the public. trofflo u It formerlj exletod. end wu oppoud to Aockl.ui.lij Shut, prohibition- He WUeved In plnclnff the trofflo nn-1 Leonard nlsht operator nt the Telephone der strict regaladoa. Ue voted for prohibition ho- iuchan«e. noridenbUj ehot Ml- Manila Minton, s ho thought it preferable to the nnro*nlntod »ho wu vtatUn* et hta honu. hd. Uvuneerth. I reservoir, and yeetsrday while handling a pistol I which he had found in a tmnk. he let it bill the I some way. The plttol was di*cbarged, the traffic; prohibition. not He vote for prohibition occupied the same position, entering Miss Mamies side and glancing downward V,,. . ' Mrawt . I nieklng a severe but not dthg-roua wound. Dr. believing it eeater to come from prohibition to a | 0^5,00 vu called lu and attended to the iujury. strictly regulated sale than from the other extreme. The time has now oome when Atlanta should take that step, and the conservative men of both side* •hould meet on that platform. An Knd to Hone hcraplng. d Shepherd, of Harrisburg, I received ao much benefit from 1 Ing race 1 reel it my duty to let suffering humanity know IL The meeting adjourned after this speech. The | Uave had a running sore on my leg for eight ysen; de*r tondenej end manning of the mutln* Is » vigorous ersr on the fanatics, end 11 msj be said | |.utt£Mof Klr. trlulllttan snd seven boxr. Hwkl.n'e that the movement is not engineered or led by I ArnlcsSalve, and my leg is now sound and welL llu 11 or men or men Interested in the liuuor traffic D*'* trie Bitters are sold at fifty cents a bottle, and ii juur ibcu or iu uqwr vmu t jj ack | #1| . g j^t^i |^|, at 28c per box by Lamar, but substantial business men who are alarmed at 1 nankin Jc ism!? 1 Tb. flsht t. elrudj on ud 1, will be »u .null of-1 WU.Tj™- Mr. Tb, conservative citizens’ uovsmeot will | Hotel. Mr. Jopu ewepsetadspertj. nt wrote bi I bin nt, ujlog tkstit would not bn hmon, those no tk. eta,, wrro: Hon. A.ber.... ^ro^^^bjU^T^S. Cox, ex-Mayor John B. Ooodwln. Hoke Hmlth, John I auspected man. A. Fit ten, John H. Mecaslin, Jack J. Dpaldlng, I —They tell it on a certain bustneaa man In Ma- °7,* n ££ u , w r2;“^ A - w ^■L^Tof’S^'S'sl word, P. D. Spnldlkff, CoL Irik P. Howell, Jamu | i,o conrlujed the otn.r dnj s. tlmra were dalL to O, Collins, Louln Obolstln, Joe IUrocb. Ed C. Pt I attend a certain plcnlo In tks^ coantrj, that ha taro, Stoobu Hjm. John lljen. K. VsnUlskU, W I ’ D. tlhs. O. J. Hancock. Znch Cuttabwrj, M. L Tolbert, Paul Bomsro, L. J. UU1, Lnaront DsOlvr, Judge John CoUier, It. H. IUckwls, Adolph Brondt. Major L. Mims. B. P. Wjlj, J. B, Leeter, A |soruiiM<^n, 'iiT Bk.nii"F;i.r1fc)‘M,"Tuter; P. Thompson, Bob.rt J. Lowrj. Jobs J. Doonsn, f John M. McOnlrk, Dr. vhnrlu I. WUsoo, John J. Ljnch. A. C. Wjlj. Tbomu D. Brmdj, W. P. Elliott m'moov rofmstad. mo. ss or Jadge O. H. Tenser, John IL George end CUrence I seta bj Lunar, lunkln A Lunu. KILLED TWO MEN IN SELF-DEFENSE The DmIi* Murlneon. I ■ Atuxta, Angust IS—Colonel Towers, principal Ur - Lister, of C«yn B s, Mlu., Kills Two ds- •tiised that sooet bad llurklrn*. Arnlas Helve, The Best Helve Is the world for Cal. Beats.., Bat Jobnsoo coDtisaed to advance, Dr. ■lien. Ue Mid sothtaf had been done u jH, MM oMbtoMmaumkjton tk. Snp^ Court Of th. tod sot taH Mar. | ^ t ^ n “^ k jef^bebtod’hiTho^ the troeblr. When tkecoort comuea Joan and i q t^gn sppruscbed from sronait Bcholn will be jwuntad la the frond 1«T end Umj ^ bMd of ^ hor J,;, Q d wllh 0 kolfe cat wiU be Indicted no donbtewdtrtad for sasttnj. Lte Ur twice.*, iu the breast sod on.-e Court mo. t-> th* Fstr Vx, I in the arm. Lister then opened firs and him. Inslanlfinmt appesrioK Darid; am may b# a Snmsoo In strength, yet eom* to prinf at th# hands of the prohibition Do llish ho is coquetting with, for “as s man xowethsoehnU h.rcsfc^ 1*AIINELL AGGRESSIVR. n. Summons llTT l-.rty lo b. 1-ron.l.t lu AltssSsee* OI » Pnrllnni.nt. London Anirast 17. -PatocII bn* request ed sli Irisil member* of Parliament to b* orient on Thorsdsy *t tbs ressesmblin* of FsrfUmenL Hessysibst In «•* “•* ersve snd pruning condition of public af- Bv. It is very necessary that should he lull Attendance of th* Irish oonUngent. f PL« Dublin Freemene Journal eaya lor- ueU psammous stTows that the PsrnelUtes tstdl condition of tbo Urnlrl L^l HAlLbnry most «- Wn how b* InUmUto mrcttho conUn. tSM So w-rt keeper of the penltesttaiy, wu found this afternoon on the shod j aide of the cpltaL seeled la e cene- enllisnts, and le Acqaitted. New Oblxans, August ltt —Ben Johnson bottomed choir, making heroic bnt mantis factory snd W. O. Finlnr trern killed hy Dr. LisUr, efforts la get coot Tone, wllh e new Csjngm, ilt«., Bstnf lsy night Dr. vtaw of dlncttsff the Colooer. wind front th. hut. Lister w». on^ bis wey to nm npsUent, Uurobv relieving whet appeared to be net coffer-1 b« wss bailed by Johnson, wbosjv- lug. Inquired whst h. hsd^ecldwt to do wllh .a. pronebrf with n drmwn pUtol Myloglhnl ring leeden lo the recent mutiny *1 tbo Dads cesl fo^'tUs wdthron. d notktn* hod bun don* nn yet, u I JfV* ““ Avuno, Angnotl**—Toareononsmdoet look o I killsd Finley. After tb* fourth fire, he ns down the central juierdoj moroins, end u dropped bis pistol nod secure! another, with Orifflo noticed en Incident wblcb epeeke well for which ha killed Johnson, after firing three the gallantry of that road toward the gentle eex. shots. Dr. Lister wsa tried this morning. When the train, which U tha feu one between At I »»d disohuged on the ground that he had Us la tad Savannah, had proosoded a half uUa nctsd in sslt-defraao. marly below tha Grtfan depot It wu dlacovend I tkat a lady bad failed to get off, and wu greatly | dkttnaood. Tha train coma Ion atop, and wui rapidly moving book to tho depot to dopoalt the fair 1 |imeo|ir It la a— a wmknem of all relltonda lo I extend tkle kind of oowisuv to tap trmrollng public, j Atlantis and Capital. AnaWTS. A asset l*.—Okarlu Arhucklr. of Bow I York, pfobfatly tha laigsot Importer of ooffu la tha | United statu, who wu boro a few months ago • log to loon money oa real aetata, altar taking a I Mrd'aoya now ot Atlanta la bar prohlbMon clothea, detarmtnad not la loach anything kata, and left for Chattanooga, where he hae placed loam emoaallag I to fco.SOO c. S per ewat. Interaes. Tbla item wu I famished by n wholesale grocer of Atlanta, who j mat him while In Atlanta. Tns Dlga Atlsnta, August It—The tas dig—t of Caloost | OKN'L DAN llACaULBY At borne el Ik® OEDXEY HOU8E, HEW YORK. Breederay sat ink strsot. Opposite Casino snd Metropolitan Optra Hoots. Rooms II » dty sad upwards. i«uk*i Howi in tfcweUy. Reeuaraai of oa*orpeas®d exoslleocc. A home for families. A resort for business men. Mac AC LET and Dow ua, Proprieton. This pepor in resdlmt room. Brostivsy ran peas tk® door. Advico to Mothers. OBACCC KES3ED8ES i V H J- :: Itri 5 r THE CLISGMAN TOB.'CCO 0IKTI3EN! fl'AJaMBlETfaraWVIA f»r Itrhtitu I'i* -• Use t>r\rr UUrd **• *r»*. utimiw fw.w. WU. ran Ar^l Ul.w»r» All-re- V'fatuU, 1. tfs-r. Halt Rhwini B«rtwr*s Itch Utnr •*i*au. Ptmplm. Horm «n«l lledis |'rl«*r .ill rl* THE CLINGIViAN TOBACCO CAKE NVri’HK'M OlVN USIIJIV, fore. . *t»rt.noe. Cot-. Browu. knniiu. Kmlpelu. U •: :.ui.M’,!vg f.f IrrwvU, Ac In fact »Baf* a 11 IumI lirVUIlan f~f’«ra»tttoo fmoi r««a« Price*-'.!- I HE CLIHCM AH TC8ACC0 PIASTER Prwpurrd nrrjir-dius to tiir mr.i •rlrutui r.\V” r „.t |, *‘ *’• “W SrMATIVi I SuUlihttNTis cfuup.'undcd wttk the par-. I fdfSMM 9to. awd ii spM-i*llf in«w nd *1 f Orsrip.Weod C* UAksof ths Brea* snd for that c a f . irniADt or t(*nsmmstfr> msls4ao^ Z«kM s< • and Pains, it to tevslusbto. Price Ik rln. Ask four drucsMt for UMSttrsnudhw ororiUtrv CUNGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO DURHAM. W C U. &. A •ot2Sdrm-kwi* A. J ESSO l*, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, 164 f ccond Htrect, Macon, Os, Eg®*, rhlo>ens. Froltn. Ve^rtsblcs, et*-.. and «*n otn. Furu Ps’oducs. t-j • t Uil n’.t utl n t>i Hinpplti; tuelons. ^ ii* n^i He srenras—Major J. W.^daMnosH. c»>)ilf>r Kx cliani'i’ lUnk; Ma?orN. M. Ho«!, i.ii U1 Bank Jan • HOLMES’ Mouth Waab SUJtE (J L ItK mill l>cnf HrifO X Curve Hl- ' din;: Gii’hh, TT]c< r-. H.'ro Mouth. Hor® Tbrost, Cleanses the Tooth nn<l Purlin-* tho lirostk; lend recotumended bylesdlnir dontints. Prw- eradbyDrs. J.P.kW.R,llolmes, uomi -h. Mscod, For sele by all dnursists and dontlsts COLLEOK OF PHYSICIANS AND BURGKONH UALTIMOltK, Ml). This School offers to Mvdiral Students norar jmfawfil i liukfal »iitl otL«.r fadVmuG.K* c. Scsd fer caUtotfue to Dn. THOMAS OPIB, I)fan. 179 N. Howard atre JaySkwlu MONEY FOR LAND OWNERS SPECIAL RATES ° ON EASY TERMS. Api»ly to CLEM T. STEED, Miwon.Oft. No. JOo ton Avenue, over 1’syce’s drunstore. n; rf’wMm REYNOLDS’ JEON WORKS. Iron autl Brass Foundries snd •>ltit'llins- Simps. Imq Ridiinr*. i »>•»• Miii**. S i up *. KU*a I • • - - . t •' .,l I: I r. Ill- t r I.IIIMII S/s of all lEMhk MriklMty of nil k.imI-. it:-.i m,iu. h*. pntrtng*»•••»» euKlnesnnd msrhlnery s niK'clnlt/. iron end bf castings of every tfadertoaon* u fnctenyan* iverytking that It made or kept In Aral dsMiron storks. The proprietor has had an experience of ovw» forty yean in the iron buAluens. • ®*V“ ’ " '.miu. lu h. n Mill i'h:m N1 illu clivapat ban anybody, and that thoy will givn ;.. i f. ct satis taction. A. EEYE0LD8. Proprietor. Cor. Fifth and DawtkotMstn ou, M** ou. (la. OCrifl-W-tf rtuPA, Loss of Apjwttte. llradi IrrsriUnt it tneioMtal to FSa AURANTH Mast of tb* dlmiM* which afflict nunlind are orlfta ally caassd by s d l*nrdvrwl oufxllt ion of tbs LIV E R. For all eon plaints of this kind, such ss Turpidii 1 ot ths Liver. BUhiWiw. KVrvu-ts Py%ps>;«u, Imtwpw. lion. Irregular, t r ot ths Ihrwwls, Gjoatipation. Plata icncy. Knicutiona snd Ilarnln* of the lUomsck inoolimM nl)«i llsartbarn), Miawms, Jsalsris lil-uuljr Flax, Chill* sad Ksvw. Dreaklsons /'»v»r. I Kihsastlnr bsftfiw or after Fsvsn, Chroolo Disr- ■ IkdMla Fool Breath, ll*iartac«kraa achs. Aw, U Invaluable. It isnCK-panac«s 1 t-'it pi in C a'l asM.ioeb f i • LIVE ft, w.ll VUnfi STOMACH ai I BOWELS. It ebsnc*w the cun; litre, from a W*iy, )«tlsw ttege. to a ruddy, healthy c*4.»r. It *nth*-ty te-K'yv«s luwr. ni r; in it i- ,.... ■ f ti • BEST AL TERATIVES and PURIFIERS OF THE 0LOOD, and le A VALUABLE TONIC. STADICER’S AURANTII ► it sals Ijy all Dn:**ut*. Pries 11.00 per botila C. F.STACICER, Proprietor, 'do SO. FRONT ST m Pblludniohla, Pm marlldsmkw 6m A ninyi; S i d ,U rei-.u for pmUi a and J It* |,.,cIra fri'»« » mhUy l.ox of I II. of I-Itlier BCX. to mornn*>*y right away tLfau «<:•• ta this world. Fort-ires n sure. Terms mailed frM. novlwly. REWARD! tion of school vacancies snd need®. nxpenM. Bend itatop fur rlrcula RCIIOOL AGENCY, 1M South Clark i III. N. D Wo want all kluils of mach and famlllea. 7 C! KoBtnrl-y TTnlrerxIty, LEIH1OT03, KT. lantd , -I r‘„u, Cliear.cot -ion V w- H’-l'sea. MOISEI' LOANED Ii. F. LAWTON, Banker, Second strreL M»* ■ SMITH'S CT URE EUh’-iMi; Sick pr*dacl»e HFoerbenrd. Oa® do®® ri Here* Rcu;i*. I key curt aid prevent Chilli / fnsf. Star *to»4th #* Itf Breath. Clearthe IWn. Ia««th« H?rrev, *?»<t oi.e U?« > Vlgcr to the sytteei. DommONKBEAN. Try tNamt ted yon *•*•? hr toPho.t them. Price, 25 cent® per kettle. Sold hy Dfi*?; * s ar.c Medici .e Dealer® peaorrMr. Ser.f rr. r ;aipt «' price ia sta-wp®, poftpnid. to tny addr J. Y. WIITII ft CO., irntfactu-rff M StHtPay II. 1’6 % wit s of tho Blood. It « REST EQUIPPED In th* N EW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY 0F MUSIC Boston, Mass. THE LARCE8T WORLD • l in;.. r . i EE^SSEjsya aswaa 1 • • - ’ • E.lll T.-rm ' . • • faU lire., 1. 1 1 »l llJl.L 1> f , i in.* . .« , l»tj3 l yjS, D.u S700toS2500A,r;,V-5."':*-Kf )■’ ' r '••• ' u-8 I*r. r.-rf. .1 toh.. emn furnish th* ir own bones and vivo th« lr time* toikebiMBem. foam mocanMi WrMMlkHf * rty hiSwi 1 .^ I "» t Trin?im ni i5f t Sv P| 13 b i I’J ■ i«bjT ua Sen VIKKIt-sl. UKI'.t KTS r.N r II LANK UN IN KK.SITY oF !.t»l I>!\' lid Ulf I t~i'. i J. A. i UAILI.K. V. D . Ih