The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 31, 1886, Image 5

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY, AUGUST 31,1886.—TWELVE RAGES. §15,000,000 LOST. TO RESTORE ALEXANDER, | ALEXANDER'S DEPOSITION. 50,000 PEOPLE HOMELESS. ^..UOUBl'OBaOF PROPERTY A STRONG MOVEMENT ON FOOT TO TEXAS STORMS. | RESTORE PRINCE ALEX MACON WANTS THE SCHOOL, TfcB IMP* 1 ’ w »t«r HO f ***»*'„^Ib. Flood or 1873— ot tM St0,a ‘ - terj-It !• SaM Ho Will im Landed ^ru.u a Yacht In Buraia—Turk- l«h Wat Preparations. "I SEE NO FRIENDS I I CANXOT RE SI.iT," HIS Kl'l’LV. MANDALAY FLOODED J!Y A BREAK IN A KIA’EK EMBANKMENT. AND TAKES THE INITIAL ST FI’S TO WARD SECURING IT. lbe Frlnco am Taken Completely by *nr prtoe— SeeniA to linee Insti gated the Conp D'Kt.t—The I’eoplo'o Love for Iltra. Tex,. August .3.-From a i E! ,na, August 24. — Political Corte- ’ t^eoni** the saddest - news vet re-1 spondt-nco (a newspaper), of this city, knot the storm- Dnnng the height I pnnts a dispatch from Giurgcro, in Rou- rtorei ‘ he ,iR ?r °i ffl I° \ W Recd °Oio “m°“ ‘t® DiDnbe ' opposite Rnsticha, 11 ’’Lina with it Csp4 J. A. llced, tlio | which says the Bulgarian troops in Eistern and Dr. Roaencranae. both of llonmelia have issued a pronnncinniento in The fire broho out among favor of Prince Alexander. The dispatch extended for blocks on further sajs the B o Roumelian troops P have •o'Srt o’- *® destr n 1 n ? r™,?v proclaimed Colonel Mutkuroff the head of * imoRR *' biclj were D. II. Regans tho provisional government which they store sml Dr. Lead s exten- have omniied to oppose the governmentot IJ^Lvablishment Dr. Uwis was in karaveloff, and adds that the inhabitants of fSXtog at ,he if 6 iLIa w if; ^burnte * nd . Tirnoviahave publioly declared being burned to deatb. but ko was for Prince Alexander, and tho movement ^oentiy drovrned, bis body being found I for bis restoration is spreading. * , be learned, the following is I ™ vranaroca facet. '•,7 li.t of the lives of the whito Bucharest, August 24—A yacht, sup- a f rw J. A. Reed, signal officer; I posed to have Pnnce Alexander on board aa * el ? t LL.nse of Elgin, 111., formerly « prisoner, passed Giurgevo without stop- 11 IndiaDola; Mrs. Hodges, and P‘ n jf- It was expected to touch there. The 0 f Dr. Hodges’s family, J*oht was signalled this morning r eai SjjdttS - 9 " ' l It is supposed that tho revolu A llreak In the Irrawadilj River Embank ment Three Hundred Yard* Long Floods tho Capital of Hannah —Operations Delayed. The School of Technology, and the Plan Proposed to Have It Located lti Macon—Committee Appointed to Look into the Slatter. Jl^'.iJnncat Indiana!, with Hodges; I tiomsts intend to land Prince Alexander Shennard; two children of Mrs. tanitory. lB "Jv“nf Cornua Chriati; tr. Davis The Ronmama government has taken all .Lather, et^ori Uermsn pcceasnry steps to p’otect Alexander, if he tffthe k »bove, the bodies of ten col- U® landed in Ronmaniiv The yacht was ,,s«tnea . . . 1 last reported at Reni, in Bessarabia, at the 1 junction of the Pruth and the Danube. 4 VSm was found yesterday. ‘ This is Russian territory, nitiles <>f track is washed away, ren- tub ports riiniiAmsft roa was. • it impossible for trains to approach I London, August 24.—The Porte has or- siola. x uerc i= much <W«4«tlon there icrci ttat . BsiT srsil Mussulman ccuscrip- lutbe poorer classes, who have lost ev-1 tion be proceeded with immediately, and ukt,- tbeyposaissed. The depth of wa-1 (|, a t the reaervsa be summoned for service. Eaportad a® great as it was dating the ] The occupation of the frontiers of Macedo- of 1875, when JndianoU lofit I ufo and Roumelia has been ordered. L w.!Xe doomed town waa so rapid that I August 24 —Thu Journal des De- 1^1.0 beers after the first apprehen- baU annonucra that Prince Bismarck and ®every street was submerged “• de Gitra, Russian foreign minister, have “ '”r * 3 I arranged to have an interview. Antonio the loss to property to Report* are current hero that Servia haa ■»CI>iO I bcRDU 10 P' ice ber army on a war footing i'll Kloresville the loss is $100,000. la second provisional Bulgarian govern- I Itnr before waa the lower Texas coast I went. Ltd by so terrible and destructive a Constantinople, August 24—The second ie. It extended fo- two hundred miles provisional government has been set up in #i destrojing thousands of houses I jjnlgaria, with headquarters at Tirnova, inrol'iug pecuniary Josses of I t b a former capital of the country. This ar millions. Among tho poorer UO vernment is in opposition to that of mi great desolation must prevail, as I Karaveloff, and in favor of Prineo Alex- »fcv were sblo to save any considerable I a nder. Stambnlofif has been made presi- o of their small possessions from the I ( i eQ f 0 f the Tirnova government. He is —J wreck. I one of the gentlemen whose names wexe |Pe entire crop of tho present year is I printed in a circular issued yesterday by nfcally * J' n * t <ltal of suller-1 ,b 8 Karaveloff government to convince the grist ensue, especially among the ne-1 people that all prominent men of the conn, ri, most of whom are without means of I U y supported the revolation. fflkA . .. » I OBEKCK STUPATniSES WITH AI.EXANDEC. London, August 24.—The Greek news- papera unanimously side with Prince Alex ander. Railway communication between Turkey Vienna, August 23.— Nows of the revolu-1 Minoii.av, August 2t—One of tho em- tiou in linlgnria caused a heavy and rapid I bankments of tlio Irrawaddy river burst in fsll on the bourse here. One rumor is that I this city yesterday. Tho break was three l’riuce Alex&nd, r was imprisoned ot Wid-1 hundred yards in length, and there was din; another is that ho was placed oa board I such a flow of water that in a few minutes ship whose destination is unknown. I the ci'y was flooded from four to twenty M. /.mVoff, who is tho prime mover in I feet deep. Tbs engineers at once cot the the revolution and tho nominal bend of the dam at the sooth of the city to allow the ;overnment, allows only favorablo nows to I waters to subside; but the result of this save Bulgaria. I maneuver was useless. TUB EEVOI.VTION AND THE UARKBTS. Pri^oeAlexanfer of^llui^rialnB'Mtounded I gtroyed" , * n * dtb6r °* ^ the poUttciaus and finandera of England. of pmoc , , ele fliowued by Consols to-day have fallen three-eighths. I ^0 sudden onrush of the waters; how many do 7 n on ® P"' 0 ? 1 • has not yet been ascertained. “5 U ?', sh “ d ~ ‘“uu" Tho flwded district had within its ter- ihI h i«B°t ritor ? ot th ® food-iupply stores, and ^Vienna 411 theM Tete ■ we P t awa y- this, morning rear co^Pdent'Th.^tory of thedepo- homel^^e 10 ^ l ° aition of Prince Alexander ta told aa fol-1 f.A til fetred that many more peoplo wore med »t Imlianola. The lower end of iptainsula is completely washed away. VpJopi. are missing, and nothing can be learned until the waters [ttflcrm came in the shape of a hurri- h Ih. waters of the Gait rose up, and iMlours the whole peulnsulaon which i is situated was under toa feet of I’firi total loss, sa far as now known, to sfrorn the Gulf storm; ibu jives lost, 38. I Wo crops, *10,000,000. IbkSiecitj and town property, $3,400,- J ha to shipping and harbor improve- |sm,tMi.o»i. ban antomo. I Lost to that City by Friday’s storm—Casnalttes. I la InuMo, August 23.—The damage ntaslyby the terrific cycle ne of Friday BKait-d at $2,500,000. No low of life pitta reported. The work of reparation Idmfyio progress. Inwitb-kurronntUDg country oomere- u tut the cotton crop wu seriootly in- id The plant was blown down ana the *VWtn out by tbo rain, and blown Putengen on the Aransas Pons ’njfrum llevlUe and FloreavUle report X tinges by storm at both point*. At ift, boast a in the course of construc- • *tn demolished, and old ones were idtd ot otherwise injured. Two its st FloreavUle were completely t while several store* and dwelUng* • dunged seriously. An aged couple ttuptiog to crow a swollen stream in r*. quarter of • mile from FloreavUle, • ueptdown tho stream, and tho wo- • drowned, llLtHBED FLORIDA. -Bu Not a fabtio ltulldlnc la the Ka- tlre Slate. “**S«»r°A8<*r. L*» Workers might weU envy Floridians, P™ that portion ot Gothamites who fcSu Bri *'• E. Ftyar, of 84 Angus- ^Wd me rect nUy that tho aggregate of 4 eounty and municipal tax in that • ns only twenty-five mill* on the dol- ‘“dber, that real estate wu u- a Ur Wow it* actual value. A* an uuon he mentioned a case where «! that was actually sold for $38,1)00 ■WttBed for but $12,000, and in another ■m orange grove, for which *50,000 WMed, and which rctnrned an in- P* 1 anuQla > saaessed I Petri* appointed or elected/’ LfeH »hd the lea* a man knows of T£| ~? t *> tbe higher hi* qaaUflcatiooa Florida's bonds are not an l, **™* 1 ’ “d light w the rate of taxation m, ^L u ®bthe public treasury are al- 1and iD cash, too, rince ,e n °t “ked * penny from kluT e . K“Vtrnmen4 and to-day there pttia^. enuwBui0 [ ,HE C °HttI?PT MILITARY RING. Hi*- secretary of LlonL *“* llo °** OI Commoms. Sal 23.—lit Hon. W. H. •ijj;' ■‘“T, for war, in answer to ,b ® House of Commons b P 8ir Julian Goldsmith. tt |taember for South 8L Pancraa, ?C«V,»,iV ™ charge* made >,thii •* * mUilary publioa- *«f 0 A'^ n >P* nngexiated for the con- V disbursements, and that Tk* C0B1 Poe«d of eminent K si Rovernmenh and mem- i!vh,7. ™uu*m Arrustrong’s arm* •-W1* lnwil ‘» ‘ said he hadcare- » Sewif? ?*• 'barge*, »nd so far had ' it amounted to a specific ‘ 0 '° mi Ptioo 1 malvenation in t5f «-?-■ "j*B t *ceful conduct i S2f®“ r department or officer, jstonS “?* , h « had invited CoL ^xately imparl to the war de- be had in his possmh ^k’insny way the eon either the ordnance or in promMaf to pi*** th* C>>iit hefeto faff |mm tMi*®bmitUog the matter t tiki i ^ trial, if matter cool, -or a prima facie and ltonmelia is interrupted. THB RUSSIAN ntxss’s OPINION. Sr. Petersburg, August 24—The Jour nal de 84 Petersburg, commenting oa tbe Bulgarian crisis, says it hopes the poll ticians of Bulgaria and UoninoUa wiU havi the wisdom to understand that tbe desti nies of both nations depend on the behavior of tbo people. “The powers with whom rest* the decision ot their destinies,” adds the Journal, “desire above ail things peace, and the good will of these power* should bo secured. Politicians should ab stain from agitation and should not attempt to hamper their good intentions.” The Russian press generally doe* not be lieve that any of tbe other powers will in terfere with Russia's direct pacification of Bulgaria. The Novoe Vremya advocates sending Rnsstan dignitaries to maintain order until a successor to Prince Alexander be chosen. A BASH TSRACHSRr. London, Angnst 24—The daily Tele graph says: Tbe Russians raised tbe 8er- vian war scare with such success that Prince Alexander sent his best troops to the frontiit, where the plotter* read to the troop* from Sofia a false deed of abdication. THE rORTB APPLIES TO TUB POWERS. Constantinople, August 24—Tho Porte bet sent a circular to the power* concern ing tbe Bulgarian crisis. The circular uys that tho deposition of Prineo Alexander haa left Bulgaria in a position whiib inter ests tbe powers a* much as it does Turkey, and asks to be informed of their intention* and opinions respecting tbe situation as soon as possible. Tbo troops in Eastern Roumelia and at Bbnmla disapprove of the deposition. Two thousand people, who openly favor the restoration of Prince Alexander, met yesterday in front of tbe Russian con sulate in Pbilipopolis, the capital of Eastern Roumelis, and made a puhtio demonstra tion of their wishes. The deposition has divided the population ot Sofia into two hostile parties, one of which ardently sup ports tbe revolution, the other a* enthnsi- Hhticaliy espousing tire cause of the Prince. The partisanship on both side* hs* become dangerously heated already, and it is feared that puty conflicts of a serious nature will i The river will not full sufficiently to per mlt ®»y sttempts at the reconstruction of tb . e I tbe broken embankment until November. Alexander that the public opinion of Bui-1 qq, e British military operations ore serf * Priced Al^n interfered with by the overflow, demanded his deposition. Prince Alcxan-1 hart dead bodies washed ashore. d °T>nhi?c meeHnte»° Wn'^iren'hehrVnHofls I The damage dono by the flood already ril of th?rn oews amounts to $5,000,000. Many dead bodies reUtiDg“b.ugeofgovemL“D^wMrc- “ re bdn 8 '°»»tantly *“ b « d ccived with faTor. The people rejoiced | later. over the eoun d’etat, which they say ended | It is new estimated that 1,000 persons an intolerahfe situation. The Bulgarians j lost their lives in the flood, to*eorurammate*Uw unton'whlchThey think | BOW ALFXANDBHWA8 DEPOSED, it is the Turkish design to frustrate. He ts Awakem-it »t Nlsht and Hurried Prince Alexander was taken completely I Aiv»y * Prisoner, by surprise. He was astounded at the sud-1 London, August 24—Authentic dis- den bursting uf the plot upon him, | patches from Kcfla show that tho deposi- Karuvcloff badinagsgnl the whole affair | tion of l'riure Alexander, ot Bulgaria, was with such secrecy that tbo only indication I accomplished daring tho nighti A-cord- of the coming storm was tha mutinous man-1 log to thfse advices one thoroughly Rai ner noticeeble among the people. 1’nDce I nhmizcd regiment i.f cavalry waa detained Alexander had ordered to be stopped the I in the city after nightfall, when the other circulation of papers among them, whicli I troops retired to their barrack*. This regi- openly declared that he alone was the only Irneut, perfectly under control of tho obstacle to tbe uni in, but bis orders iu I revolutionist*, surrounded the palace about this regard were not obeyed. The affection 1 two hours past midnight Prinoe Alexander of the common people for Priuco Alexander I waa in bed, and the palace wa* closed. The remains undiminished. I revolutionary leaders, with tho assistance A telegram from Bucharest says the 1 of the soldiers, forced their way into the Roumanians are very much excited over | building, went to the Prince’s the Rnlgarian crisis. King Charles is per-1 ante chamber, and had him aroused. They sonelly presiding over a special meeting ot | bluntly made known to bim the purpotte the cabinet, hastily summoned, and tbe 1 of their intrusion. He was stunned, hav- premior is retnming from Govdra with all 1 ing been taken complete'y nnawares. When possible speed. I be recovered hi* self-control and realized Russia expected THE coup d’etat. , . b ,?. nt , , ® r helplemmse* of hi* situation, he ST. Petkbhbubo, August 23,-Th. Rtm- ^P^bed hi. captor, for their .fan prew wa. fare .urpr^ ri the deposlj Wh.t followed U still rather obeonre. tion of Prince Alexander than it^w« whcrU T|ie MT olutioni.U declare that Alexander Itoumanla revolted ln lBBa The ne«n #l cJ a ,„ rmal lbdicatio n of the throne. Lh?S5 I Others, however, assert that he firmly have believed tiiat the political tenmon in declined to sign an abdication, Bulgaria foreshadowed a catastrophe. I $ *. * r comenuenco of his The Vledomreti ray.t Rureia mustnow “ d „, th *‘ 0 a prisoner shako her weighty I J® d “ ,® b * »nd confined in a remote prison, being told w '» b te> lose ““teol of I he would be kept there nntil he complied TheNoversti •»/*•.. 11 J? FJ®*.® b \®,with the demands of tho revolutionist*. Rural* wfll intervene direetiy, and «teWi# b ft u (>id ^ ^ Prmce wu removed from «m'-1 t° f a 0 * r Xbr4" lr ° n8 C ‘ Ttlry “ C ° rt ,<>DB her firtt step yeeterday to ward securing the Technological school. This school is to be a brunch of the Stats University, for tho education and training of student* io the industrial and mechani cal arts. It is to ho governed by a com mis sion consisting of flvo persons, and tho commissioners are subordinate to the gen eral board of trustees of the 8tate Univer sity. The act creating the school snys it shall bo located within or near to the cor porate limits of that city or town in tho State which shall offer the best induce ments for such location. After tho loca tion boa bien made and tbe school in operation, a course of practical train ing in tho uao and manufacture of tools and machines for wood and iron working shall be provided for all the students in tho school, and no student shall be permitted to remain In tbe institu tion nnleas satisfactory progress U made by him iu the oplnb-n of tho facnltjr. The act farther says that the sum of .ialy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof a* mny ho necessary, be, sud the same is hereby appropriated for the establishment of said school, and to carry this act into effect, provided, this sum shall only be available after the first day of January, 1887, and shall then be paid only out ot any fnnds in the treasury not olUcrwiao appropriated; provided further, that this reive a hauil-uiue Intvreut ou our invoetuitnt every year, much hotter th*n tho ■anio amount could now lx) in* vetted, without tho adviiut*#* ot j$ threefold in- errato of tho original outUy. In thin connection X cannot refrain iron mentioning the enterpize a»»- plr'od by onr aiater clt/ Athetm. Miron will not *4* required the projector* of the u'-dertikintt to contribute M mu. h nt that little city which hM only one fourth the population nml one-twentieth the ftdMntape* of onr own city. Macon's quote will amount to S**,UnO. that of Atlim* from tH'i- to ftl(<9.000. Surely we will not per mit this little city of pluck to outstrip tie. If my proposition meets with Approval, lot a committee be appointed at this meountf t» carry nut ita ir.i\M ns and perfect all detail* in connection with it The time la «du rt, and cilia for earnest sud prompt work. Aourlogyouif we j 1,». c our proposal tiefore tic* Tei liiioloKi- al School Commission In the manLer state*', we need have no fear of the result*. Commltlng the matter to your • ar«-, 1 !•> i/ up •• it y”ur earnest efforts, and may aucceaa crown them. Mr. \V. A. Huff waa in favor of having tbo school located in ^Iacon, and aIho fa vored tho plan proposed, but lie wanted to know of Mr. HurrU if tbo aonnity from tbo railroad cotild be npproprintod by tbe city for such a purpose Sir. Harris did not enro to participate in tbo deliberations of the meeting, inasmuch as ho waa a iLembcr of tho cottmtixsim, but as tho question bad been ntiked of him an a city official be would Fay that bo bad look ed into the question carefully, and felt satisfied that the city could appropriate any moneys not derived from tux- vttoo. Ho disclaimed being tbo father of the technological school, and said that the idca*spr«ing from Macon, and aa be was la the legislature tx tho time, bo did toll in his power to have such an institu tion created. Mr. Huff agreed with Mr, Harris that whatever appropriation tbo city might mako toward the school, must bo taken from in cidental incomes, but ho wanted to bo cer tain. It was nn important question, and ho wanted to bo sine. There were other attorneys present at tbo^ meeting, t and lio ***S *9 1NDIAS8 YOB FLORIDA. that party enane. Railway service between Constantinople and Roumelia has been auspended, and or* den havto been sent to Adnanople suspend ing tbe issue of tickets beyond the frontier. LATBfr—Al*XA*DO A MUSOSW1 AT BEWL Bccbaust, August 21— Prince Alextn der bos been landed at Reni a prisoner. PREPARING FOR COKBCtOK* Four Additional lteglmenla fteot to Ireland to aaatat in Eviction*. Dcbun, August 24.—TheCumgh of Kil dare, a great plain owned by the British crown in the heart of Kildare county and need for military purposes, ia tha scene of unusual activity at preaent Tha place ia being put in rradinees to receive additional recimenta, one infantry and four additional regiments of cavalry. Th*** Iresh troooe are to be used in assisting in the work of eviction during the earning winter. The authoritiee expect that the default in rents among the lmh pleasantry this winter will be unusually gwat, and that the present force in Irelmd will, unleee much strengthen^ prove totaUjr in adequate to the work of protecting the in Urcata of the landlords. CUTTING* HKLgASR The Federal Ooverument OfBclally Notified of the lieleaie of tbe Editor. VfisBiNOTo*. Angwt A—PteBUUD*- partmeut ba* retired offlaslnoUce of fae reb one of Cutting. The release will not affect Mr. Sedgwick’* mtetorL which i* to fan all th* fact* 1° ih* *•*•■ ^h® in, nt tlcel not at present <M » C ®^ ib “‘ f with sny question of damage* dneLuttir s. bat .ill OS* the informiUon it may e» lb « through etdcwfak to ne«oti.ti"n* t<>-.. chAiiF. '< ‘ u ,?“ U»- uhiM they h.I.l to 4’• riKht to try Amen • in citireM for act* com anted witbsn American territory. The Airwnrre-Mondragon marJer is still the snhject of corirapoodenc*. 'with Alexander deposed, wrigarian eym- u>juio ^ pathy with Rnati* will revive. , l The people did not become aeqnalnted Most of tho Russian papers observe that | even tbe fact of tbo coup (T ctot nntil foreign government* maniteet a^Mtaton "SX tbe Urincehai been re- of ideas respecting tho relations between mOTed bom the the three ompires. Telegram* fromlViddin say there i* the reason ioB THE w»o*ition. I much discontent among tho Bulgarian Bona, Augm-t 22. — Tho government troops over the change in the governmen4 paper*,onnounciu* the deposition of Pnnce tnd that a largo proportion of the troop* Alexander and the reasons thereto■, de- are disposed to restore Prince Alexander, claret that “he rendered great strvioe* on I ha* alexanpbr committeo suicide? the field of battle; hut, politically, ba te d I August 25.—It transpire* that too little regard tor the Bulgarians position — 4 att£mpt m** made to depoee Alexander •• 8f®»»«»«thamalntenMQ* of relation* u * lH)Utlho mlddleof summer,hui with RnsaU. Hu deporition on ^ ®°- u,e plot failed. Frince Alexander'* father count wu a necessity. I received no new* relative to th* Vienna ruauc sEXTUUHT favors the Trixi e. I bourse rumor that Alexander bad committed Buchareht, August 23.—Advice* from suicidet The Jlorning Poet denies that Sofia My that Karravel, tho provisional Turkey wu a party to the deposition, governor, realizing that pnblio sentiment I the frixcr a STATE pemonee. remained favorable to London, August 24-Tb* Bundsrd’s caused s oiroulu to •^‘• Iterlln correspondent says he bu seen a the people, called a ministerial Ret, contain- BncbMtrt ultgrem which aUteothatl’itace ing tiie name* of prominont men of *U Aleland#r i, nd# d fa Russia, re- parties and dura* who, tke document de- cr| , ed b th „ ll0) ui*n imperial authoritie* dared, were in th* now “®7®“*"JV |?® and dedued to be astat* prisoner, purpove being to cum a belief that the i : internment wu receiving general support. Such » combination i* not oonsidered pos sible, u many of those named are known | They Will t>. Removed Prom an Arliuna to bold such different view* u to render I u.urvattoa to ut. AuguAtln., their coalition imporaibl*. I Waxihnoton, August 24.—There is no The garrison at bhumla I lori-er any reasonable doubt hot that the remains faithful to Prince Alexander, and I government haa fully decided to perm$- refose to reoognU* the provisional govern- nco ti. remove from tho territory of Arizo- men4 Number* of Bulgarian* and promt-1 ns those member* of tho Cbiiicahn* and nent ;Bua*ophobi*U have already fled to I \v,rm Spring band* of Apache* now on the RonmnnU. Tbe fngntive* include in their n*erv»tion. number, many Uuuian Ntbitiat* who were ’ serving u officer* in the Bulgarian flotilla. It is now believed that l’rinoo Alexander la confined in a monutry near 8ofia. It U rumored that Premier KaraTalcff hu been placed under am*4 Only certain tele- ;t*m» for RuuU are permitted to leave the inlgarian territory. ITALX inrATIUB WITH THE raixtz. Rohe, August 23.-The Itdrui pros* un*nimon*ly .ympathize* with Prince Al exander. AUSTRIA TO ANNEX HEEZBOOIVN* AXD BOUU. London, August 23.—r*rsi*t*nt rumor* are current in every European capital to Ur* effect that Austria i* about to proclaim annexation of Uetzegovina and Bosnia. CUTTINO SET FREE. He U Summoned llcfoc. the Court and Told h. I* Fine. El Paso, Texas, August 23.—At 11:30 o’clock this morning Cutting wu taken once more before Judge Cu«t*nar**’ court, when the official minulu of th* Chihuahua Supreme Court, which had arrived this morning, were read to him, which recited til* decree releasing bim from further cus tody. The decision of th* court is baaed entirely upon the fact that Medina, the offended party, had waived hi* right to civil nit for damages, tbe coart holding that this ced'd th* proraention of the State. When released by the court Catting raid: “As long as I am not farther daUtoed a prisoner 1 accept liberty, and I request that* enpy of th* decree of the Supreme Court be given n e tor my future no*. This, th* court consented to do, in Span ish. Judge Ciutenada* sent a copy of tbe decree to Jefe Politic, who sent back word that ha in person wonld give Cutting hi* liberty. „ , To a reporter. Cutting uid: can't nnderetand what all this bu to do with oy card in the El Paso Herald, for w i icL I wu solely am*t*d, for fonr weeks inevreerated ■ n.l was being IT..--1 st the time u.j c .ve-“ merit ms la the demand tor my imiued release.” ..... It ia »ddon the other shirt el the n thst th- M- lie.m constitution, probitmog lbe rtwidsn** of sgiutor* and u:n, r dan on* th»r*i-ier« iu the republic, wiU he torced sgAinil Cutting. S apprcpres’-c--! with tho tjnd»mUnding —.--Vv -fnST to”"hesr" their opinions. He that it aboil pay all tha coat of grounds, I umkratoofi that ho vould go an buildings, machinery tools and appliance* I ^ flr ^ fln ybody toward getting it for Ma- neceaaary for the establishment of said | i )Ut w jj en cftin0 t0 drawing money school and Its operations for one year. I 0 ( municipal tmnuy he wanted The commissioners requested that propo- tho hi g h GHt x^x authority, sitions from the seterol cities Bboulu xeacb j j emlson Bft id thoro were many ditVi- thom before the first of October. I cu Ulcs tbe^t lay in tho way of Mr. Horne s A meeting of citixens was held Yesterday jj efL jj 0 BUggeB tc(i that a committee be at 12 o’clock at the Acad my of Momc. It I appointed to adviho with legal counsel oh to was called to order by Mr. Henry Horne. I question. Mr. Harris had given tho On motion of Gspt. W. W, Carnes, Mr j | aw correctly, as far ns It went, but thero Washington Dessau was called to the cuair. 1 wrro 0 ther points to bo settled, and ho On motion of Mr. 8. H. Jewison, lmdgea 1 wou ],j t therefore, move that a committee l»e Smith and J. D. Pound were made seen** | appointed by tbo chair to investigate tho*o tariet* . I points, tho general (tasibllity of tho plan, On taking the choir, Mr. Dessau request- <m | any other p j an might be proposed, ed that somo ono more familisr than he j ^ t y. at ^ ,-^mmittee report at an with the object of tho meeting, nbonld I ^i oum ud meoUcvd to be callcdhy tho chuir- htate iU object. Mr. Henry Horne respond- m ^ n od and bis remaTk s were as follows; Horno said ho had consulted with Mr. 1 have prepared no »pMch touchlug the workings I Harris as to his plan, but if it failed be would of a school of technology. I have 4 J» a oQe to give $600 a year for twonty-flvo SP&SM year, to wardi securing ft Ho wcjld do^at m .note timtlter with tte work ami the character I or he would top tho list with as much tbcraof tuon any other Indlvtdtol in JJrmoney as any man. uunobteetforutn ib«Lcyi.Uttir«_hss Mcaredltl cncourwriM talks from Captain M^rLRE&e 'STtZVSUS.'S: Csra l ;»\n“o® M lho mrasnl ad- school. Tbs msjority of you have somo idea of it* I jonrned, after adopting tho reHolution to prscUcml worklugs sad beaeyto woog-1 B p^ & t a commit ee. W The following w.-ro appointed tho corn- ii will b« . triumph w.U worthy ol nr truiibl* au<l I mittee, and lire requested to moot in the .sntDM w. may be put to. I h»r. MidiaTorwt lo I Superior Courtroom to-day (it 12 o'clock: S.tloatorath.rt-^aralMn.Meredthrepstero' \y ‘ A . Huff, W. Cnrn.-x, W. B. Hill, S/ir.^ SSSSrffiSSk 2e » Hure Itorn-, f H Jomtoon T.C.Hsn- bio-, upon th. .utraprtM ot oer cur it wrpfcipl. I <Inx, J. I. Huiwon, I».uiC Hardeman, O. B. did not nut. wm .ffort to rarer* Prtss-1 Willingham, L. A. Jordan, T. D. Tin.fay, Nothing .tumpud, nothing s T ^ 0 | emBD H n J Bqn ,. B , W. F. I'rico, ff^u**gn*5£rg&It F. Lswt“ O. w. nltin, J. A. Orrno, cannot b##$Umated, at Worcester, wh«r* a tcbool 1 \y. O. Solomon, A. K. Roardmau, R. II. of tbte order baa been tu anco^fttl oparaUon. p^nh Ren. O Smith, uumorou* imlaMtrial Miterpr*tM hava ba# put In I — ■ - —■ opamtUkii* and directly aUrlbatabU to the achooL I —Tba fall vote tor member* of the IsririilB Tba retail for that city and ncbool *tanaa a* a I from Macou coanty ls> been ooaaolidated. O monamaot ot ImpefUbabte teatlmony to the fact I ivumi raeetved 4«1 and ttathevr Ft$kh 1 that wore patents are grouted to otadeaU nuking Colonel F*lu>n'* tn*J-»rity and itTadaatea ot that tebool ti>*n M® J UarabalWllta dUtrtut Colonel k’elt granted reople of any d r In the t uioa. We have roim ^ ^j r# Kngli»U one vote, a auflktent number ot oth$r educational branch**. I . .. .. — — - There are too many doctor*, lawyer* and otb*r pro-1 _On opening a box car loadod with bagging feoalonal graduate*; there ore too many uk'U m hool I r«niri®M<» > Vlrututeaud UeurgU reUroad ttrAdu»te.*ct»iMi*«ll®d rnrd-itlck .liuUon. lfi „ j^i .rrt.Vd frJiu OsSra. a hup *U ... In irj good. houw.. W. uuMloakla olhra ooon-1 u .t»l oa .holt ot lho luoc.rli».l tsUlon. lor onr children. We want more or tneo> I ,„#□ .i.v,o d.), ou tho Jo«ni,> bom Beats*. »u trelrad In th. mrahanlcrt rat* red th. rawnre of 1 ,j OW ,, tread ter -hit length of tfm. «ithont 1*^x1 c •nglorarln*. W. crenotreUin.1. th. good srahool I wAlsrlanhAlUptiullnstbe train h*i sflS* kind Inc •’’* l a onr lutd.t will nreompllah In th. I trelblngot our children. Lrarn thnn Ip P>ndnM wraith and mtucte, red do not tettlum d.ptnd loo much noon wire. Ood bu commudU oa to urn onr brwd to th. ot p*r brow, hot hr.-til U not product! that wu to halt of our , ’*W , i'mnnot afford to tit thl* opportonltf pram Th. pr.ctl.rt Un.SU are num.rou., arm more I cm recount .ntervitM-a-ther I noaufScturing ini DR. O'KKILLITB DILEMMA. Hi* llUliop'e Canon FurbUte HU Retaining Oflloe In tho National l.eagu*. Now York Uerald Special. ,»»».. umunrenrare^ - D*t*oit, Mich. , Augsti 20.—Ever since it. Zsook st our uercaouie tbe Rev. Dr. Charles O’Reilly was « —— —« —■ ctawded. Wo mustdev*tep | treeaurer of the National Lotigno Bishop manufacturing IndeaMee. Mmoou, tiie Central Uopgees haa been inw..rill v cliaiini/ moiuu- Cite, loc* *d In tbe saruena ot Georgia, baa yroa* I , u, ‘ u, h " uuv perad more than an/ocher city In tte HUte sue I what over what bQ deemed was an improper - proepev. We coauot aCurd to l connection between tho church and p<>U- Ooonrd and epwwd be tics. As it happens the synod of the *’ innni* that mu it haeintrd to I . ... . . 1 1 .V . The only important qnrstion, is said to b* where shall they be placed. This ques tion, which to regarded <u» a very.important one, bu received earnest and thoughtful cocsideratioD, and there now seems to be n probability that that they will be placed on the Fott Marion military reserratiott at 84 Augustine, Florida, wboro Chithtongn and bis band nro now quartered. Tbe snullnees of this reservation to, however, regarded as a serious fault and goinoother, leu objection able, may yet be selected. It to atoo stated that the President bat given bit willing consent to tbe change, red bu placed tbe details in tbe hands of Secretary Lam nr and General Sheridan, and that he warmly approve* of tbe vigorous policy of General Mile*, red believe* that he peace of the Southwest demands thst tbe Indians should be pursued nntil cap tured or exterminated, and tint Geronomo, when captured, should be punished u other perpetrator* o) bigb crime* an punished. A POLICE OFFICER KILLED Ilya Well KnownCitls.o or llontgomery, Alabama. Karly Yesterday. Moxtooxery, Ate., August 24—Harris Gunter, a veil-known citizen, entered tha polioe headquarters at one o'clock tbte momiog with a doable-barrel shot non to to kill C*p4 Martin, th* night chief. He fired and Rilled officer Montgomery. Mar tin was not in the room. A desperate straggle took place between Gunter and two offi~TS who di,.rro«d and placed him in n cell Gunter wa* on • spree, and bad, earlier in the night, been arrested by Martin. Friends weut on hi* bond and got bim out He went borne, but came bade in hto night clothe*, with the abov* result Gunter i* now in the county ieiL No preliminary hearing bu yet been nod. M kRCHINCJ TO THK WUUK HOUSK. Sixty Bvteted Tra»nt* viarch In a Ikxly to, th*» Workhtww. Draux, August23.—.Sixty tenant, Lrt l L*-® ri • v ,cif<i ir«ju ti.* t r L<»ru»-R on tin wtut»-«»(tl.»! 1My, in \V«:ifor.l cuter»*'l t-i-iU), $$.'• ocipanirti L an nn.j rx-.-i'of: 1 .r hundre hor*« tii«a ‘tFr®- iu hue, arttl uiunic wo fur- uialiMt i<v a uuiiil^r of tra-n l>-$i«ia. After at tend i:.*; a |» Au.'ul meeting tk« ewcU»d tenanu luaiclitti in a body to tbe work house. gggaatnjaaS^l^ & Ing f!***>* wa »«ak hava maw comata. Tkagvadu-1 ** tba National m< » Un^ in Chichi atas from tl*u sefcoo! will more ti.»u likely takn aU- Every priest of tbo dioccs«t ih expected to va&Wga of aorna of out AMfia of na»mf*ctttrl«« au^ | \ IL . DrMe nt nt tbo h\ nod. i * (arprtMo. pvoaparity of # ourpaojiS I O’Reilly wrote to tbo Ilighon for A permit, _>vaaiublad ihamtoaract of purchaaa Uuirm I n-mlinj® bw letter to thl Epiacoptl pd »<•» ^toi T ^ l ^re‘"lti“hrellre5 UB 'raI'iimre I °° Wushington nvenuo. liishon II,,rg<*M tli*y formerly wcuplal mn*t to# occupied I ^®t TQCmTO tbo Iatt#r until tha day of by n#w-cora#r#b If not to ramaia Ml* au*t I Dr. O’Keilly’t departure for Chicago, when L# a harden instead of a mean* of income to tbe j was too latd to AUMW#r. zss: sssatr* ^ «u.o Onr cUUeo# bava dono noLlv by man/ enterprteee I principle of ‘NiUnco flftt councnt, that bav# been eocured to klacun without city aid. oil to tbo convention in Chicago. When WtraAAirtAirnraylktt^**-***^* 1 ^^ 1 *■ * 1 ~ * r * K*t1tuaUn» Ite aorth. I < ■tating that it* value will — - eecunog of any deaen enterprise* of e different oa-1 comment, and before tbe hen don lure. Uureeoei * ' " •*» •--- ** — -- . - - Id “,V;. ,, iV, Ud Sandwich yrate iwlllb. more toe. than lh» ,! “J - 1 “ tbt ' r 14 Bully* aheenco c.ium d much ■ ulsfvrlu. o( • dlCareat a.-1 commant, and before tbe m-tuion closw .ran Ui»n uy trtlmwlpro)rat Now I Uuibop Rurgres proiunlgatud a canuu to lh< kurewwete.reraie w.l only P~-< »I effut that no priest mint in future Ik dlecnMton of ' them t# uitldpiM I ftD y p°^ l ical office. This Li rtgordod a. to by tboea that favor or oppota ihrm. Let the wiU | settler for Father O’Reilly, a* tittle doubt of the mejortty prevail, to# ft for or agaliut them. I U had that bis position ah treasurer of tbo 1 have no ax to grind. Th# good of Macon 1# tb# I National League is political. •- I dz.^ b« „ot returned home plan eux.'reietl by eom# on# present that will meet I f ro,u tbo Chicago convention, and tbe re- tha pira^ncat want. I port that be will now resign from tbe Within th# city UmlU w# bar# neither a bnlldlog church to enguvo in tbe practice of the Uw fcfftsay&Sir JavtiTSfe **?*« M. un there n. build Is* awrt aultabl. In .vray Uf « re. t. I r. f. r » IL. lA-joreiory 1 r.. t • rty In \ m.- <111., built null a vtaw at auaertn* A |.arj. the Doctor uid this creing that Dr. O'Reilly was contc-mp! ding .oca n step, iasa1 il,)Q0 bustle of city 1 y.t within raiy .core, uf .11 * tly, from which I precikrt lafur-1 prey with iso,- My propoaltlon I. lo form . ■* OOUca; .1 lo imrehu. th.JU.-ir.l- .-y propartr to Vlnreiuc, rt Ih. prlre which It to rttered. <1<: Ite, OOU which .111 IhstQd. th. balldln*. >nd UT ran. , eSSwteStwffi I equip It with .lUuhl. mrahlwy ud .ppltoncra I ratal ret Inrahcrtl.of thtoordtr, which will not -.1 in c*t ». si. 1 lo i zp.n-1 r-.OWcneot- UJ~ 1. :...1 I- r il..- ir I - r.uftli.r. red In tender it tsthe techno o/icai cou.xuiuiuc luert ry del* 4 r-. ly f-.r the - ifeuio Car. Dnirn n fforty Toot llank. Hun.-. f'mtA, Mi. u , August 21 This morning uix miles wist of here, a freight train collided with a pa*.« nger train (.11 tho Michigan Central railroad. Two people were badly injured. Two Wagner ooacheH . Three freight cars loaded with lumber red suit went down a forty foot bank. Defective air-brskoi caused the seciden4 is^j£ , i^dTJsv t Js^z | PIMOSlORGMS oetheeohool in Urn# may requlr*. We will ra.pure of th# dty of Macon AipraraotcM appropriation of U.OX) per annatn for a lam #f tmly-gv# year*. I to to eecnred toy a pl#dg# of the annuity of I A u K a$t *ml S«ptei»lrrar. A grand* 4fc# Boot rtcn#*#e#» Virginia #ad 0#qc«U rsdlroed I ooq worth of L Unoe and Orfaxu eold In and th t Ifaoon and Oovtngtoa mitma, with auai-1 | worm left to b# rioeod oot by i At Half Price Until Oct. I. Oar Clf»n<! Ctenrmnc« Katoornttaoid tbr«>*.nih eold in tear taasib. WWI . .. MfirONMn Uonal guarantM that la «•## of default t?.- annuity I matt k*» at m me price, mil r»g»r.u •• . t vklura. derived from the Central BaUroad and Banking I home alni<j*t new, neeil a few montl** fiuly, Company may be subjectU> make good any dedcit I need one to tlve j «-*r». nuu® prime mk «md bauti. in the guarantee to toe peid from tl*e other roads; thoroaghly tet*ired, and made good . ■,«*. th#remaining Wncreatob# hetdbyU—ntha*^’. fu.i.M. t f - i i it.,orgwne. |i« vance tbe S*)k<LO-to be Mbdividr«l in after years. I f hi. f3*1 Vi to f lti aa may meet the will of th* majority of 1 or on eaay terms. PUno* i l to f l®» mot tbtoe at intereob Thee* 117 acre* platted oat will I |3 to fd monthly. I .u>. teat l wltiteua a new city tpringlng up alth an lnduetrtjkl | r*(andred if not vatiw'acuiry. h'i< r u ><t sailed t>y any. I (/*<. Write quick. Men tiou this -asl.' H|M»t * K*h The guarantee (rum tte city t -iUij 1 It U in the pow< council todo U Wuh the relief now proposed to b* obtained by $ntm'<i<im*n(tn<iur bond codglltiiop act o city ca*. ««dlj rnaVr tSte appropriation, and at t and tf t%«*bty-f*v# year* cur tncreaera m «~&ltu w find our c.t) fftrsj fr>.n. debt, a popuisttou ut S*?.' t> M.<1 ut.« •*■4 f‘<r b*auty ou t pr> pmty by any in the H*.«»th. Without aoterpuae* thia kind we cannot b" for rapid prngree*. I ptvdtoX that mithtn fifteen year* *ach a c»irc« f»*r ihla achooi that the a. rm *4rruui.diLg t •• b»l will ha$* au apprwc* to e$ery < f 1 f<>! 'very ‘ nake up th« »moiiiit of i lhter*«Ud. W« will ac- tow »««k to attain, and re- U'DDBM k BATES ><» IH'r K!< XI ®10 HOl Pk. MkUlL'.tl. ilKI'.a K t M r..> $ Tl'l.AJK I’MVGXSITT ni U'll.SI.VKA. t'.rtuc’rly, te.'T l-ii, th« l uwnltj of Loutaiaua j It*. osfvanUt?*-* f.»r pr» tb-al in*trurt$on Id ill*- Art*-«<if the H-mth W«-«t »rv unn*ailed. a» the Uw if *ii|wrsh«irtdant r»at*>riala fr»»ra the irr*at hanty Bcepiul with vu T<-» Wiia. and *».*a« pa- p-uu aniiuall> mu.tet.u hate no bu«piu! fw# to ay $ntl <ji*> i$l ttktrncu ia U daily given at tha miauls. ,, tb* H i, Are IU Q‘J ot »#f IfaSUtUtl >n. ko* AioioKUa or infonuaiion, o>i>lr»*e Prof H CUAILLK. M D.. I teen, •drl*. <* Lraavr *ftl. Sm Oiuau*. Lo.