The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 07, 1886, Image 3

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refuses TO SURRENDER. f OSTMASTEK WILSON DECLINES TO the K.y »nd WUI Wo* Accept 1 , , » Keeelpt for the Prop. C$p iy-A T***t Case to b® Made on tT m countllutlonai Point. fi.T*ncati Kew?. a. nVlock last evening wan the tune S1 Vnnou for Capt. George W. Laraar to SJS* post-offlefe »n<l .notify Postmasto* 2? V, tint be #09 ready to take possession, f‘ b , that hour Capt. Lamar and Col. Clif- feri Anderson entered tbe registry letter ALEXANDER’S OVATION" ^«dS n-d hu physical force was necessary to nrotect THE FU,CK TO WELCOME HIM ON the rctlliljH postmanUr. It »as oncer- enr«.r l #»,.o.„e. founder t . h h r .1 deputy , marahal oonld be veraation it’w.uTdecHed tokposTmne'lhe I Th * u **’* notThlnk A1 * 8 ' matter unta to-day. Col. Wilson held os “ B * Ur Ought to Hare the Conspirators to the key to the upstairs offlco and he re- KsceatMi-Th»F Have Been OrtD-r- mained iu poBseasion and locked up It I td ,0 L ’*“ T ® Th * Country, was 11 o’clock before the parties agreed to let the matter go over for settlement. The feU over the valley of the Ohio as hiyh . WftH riftrfppHxr “• ~Ci 1 *«um«uva, Auuusi oa.—j. nuce Atexau- -r l'ittsburg. New Madrid having suf- both of the nostniRKti-rH L„n , e ’ der’s journey hme from Biatova was a series t « re , (l “ore than any other town on tho Mis the controversy withont anvr *° 8e VJ e ov * lt * 0UB - Tho people, headed by priests, swqippi from its effects, whs considered discussion act. u ^ roverK } without any disagreeable I docked to different points on th* route ot ^ I the profession and greeted the Prince with _ _ THE SAVANNAH POST-OFFICK. ►houts of welcome. A large crowd left order department and were Pottmiwter WiUon Fj-cted and Poitmutfr Tirnova to m ? efc tho Prince at a point li in the front part of the office. )u»t»u«ii miles distant, and escorted him into Ujv Su^imd been informed by Postmaster \Yil- Savannah Oa o r>^t n mid l ? e 8 reale * k enthusiasm. Tho ad- Ib n tw perhaps the transfer would not be flee Iusnector W. W L ® I o£ we l CJmiJ "^.presented on behalf Lohoot iucidont. Einco his suspension he kM^retaitie rl counsel—B. B. Kichards, Esq— ° 1 has had him looking up some cUnstitu- *?“ j naestions. Colonel Wilson came to R, coiclusion that, ashe has not been “ 0 f treason, any high crimes or nnsde- o.nnrs President Cleveland had no au- Soritv to remove him. He had given an Xiiionof this idea to Captain Lamar, nd in fact some time yesterday afternoon S notified the incoming postmaster that he (Colonel Wilson) would not voluntarily yield Captain Lamar and Colonel Anderson ‘j patiently for Postmaster Wilson to VL r * At 7 o’clock they began to think lit perhaps he had given up his plan. ‘ .t 1 liniwavav ♦ n u’liit nfilil nil mile* distant, aud escorted him into towu amid tbe greatest enthusiasm. Tho ad- fica Innn®V»Af \v usv-oi- dress of welcome was presented on behalf to-dav Mooted \ v \v:i II1 P 8< i 11 * 0 *au^ anta * of the populace, and in reply Prince Alex- offlce y aml placed Cam^n 0 « f w m T he P ° 8 - t ' ft “ cr congratulated Tirnova upon having possession! * am Pl ' lmttr ln commenced the counter-revolution in his tho'dfflce tnr , nov " I**'* 8 now “Id Prince Alexander will ‘wen” f ^“ be need, and probably proceed to Philippopolis to-day. Savannah Pre!;;Uni^ 8 f‘ U j > £’ ,t J m “ ter ? tub conspjbatobs must leave. to *ZP?i2!rS“T had ,.?°. n « 1 \ t . Bochabeht, August 31—Threo leaders of Wilson' was immln 'J 16 0 ~ natJ ! utlou ' U>« cou(piracy against Prince Alexander, tisanshin “spended for oSeusive par- including the treasurer of the revolutionary **' fund, have taken refuge in this city. The ST. JOHN ASSAILS BLAINE. government decided to expel them, 'and no- _. .... ..—— tified the refnges that they must leave. The Apostle of Pruhibuiou Says Mr. Illalne These conspirators have appealed to the U Not Honest. Kuasian legation. Telegrams were passing Calais, Me , August 27.—Ex-Governor 1 between the legation and St. Petersburg St. John, of Kansas, opened the prohibito- during during the whole of last night. W“ ‘"’■“."■'^"hnwever to wiiit until all ** cam poign in this State to-night, speak- Piince Alexander will arrive at Philippopo- Tb«; eoDdudad. howavg. to wrnt untd all ing for neatly two honrs to a lar( , e ‘ andi . , 19 to-morrow. ence. Ihe promoters of to-night’s meet- shadows or future complications. ing have hitherto voted and noted with the IJkiilin, August 31.—A correspondent of Bepublican party. The Prohibitionists th® Togblatl at Franzensbad hail an inter- made no nomination for this connty, and I view with M. de Giers, in which the Itus- as far as is known no attempt was made to | sian foreign minister said he would return diet*** nominations to either party. While | to SL Petersburg on September 3. lie advising their adherents to follow the dm- would go via Berlin, and have another con- tales of their own consciences regarding fereDce with Pnnce Bismarck. Nothing looal officers, the party will endeavor to poll final had bcea decided with regard to Bui es heavy a vote as possible on tho State garia in bis recent interview with tho Ger- t.; his attorney, Captain Lamar immedi- ticket. _ man chancellor, as it was not known .tslv handed Colonel Wilson a letter from Governor St. John to-night rend from the then that Prince Alexander would Argus part of Mr, Blaine’s speech about I return to Sofia. of the registry matter wns disposed of, and then they would close up. It was 8 o'clock before Mr. Wilson arrived, Ho entered through the mailing department, •ad as ho walked up through the money or der room Cap'.ain Lamar arose and met him, THE COMMISSION. Walter G. Charlton, Esq., whom Captain lonisrhad requested to bo present, had jut left a few minntes before. As advised otely handed President Cleveland, notifying him of his ns pension. The paper was taken by Post- 0 uter Wilson, wno, without looking at it, ngeested that they first go through tho oBce. Before doing anything else, though, Csptsin Lamar drew out bis commission, signed by the President and Postmaster General Vilas. •'We will just lay these on the desk for tic present,” Colonel Wilson remarked. The gentlemen then took seats, and CoL Wilson unlocked some drawers in bin desk and showed his successor the keji of tho office and some pspers. They then chatted for half an hour, while tho regis try clerk was entering up tho pookngee that etme ia by the night trains. When that ni over and Assistant PostmnstorHnllhnd male his regular account of the packages, Capt Lamar, Col. Anderson and Mr. Hnll began counting the stamps, stamped envel opes, postal cards, etc. That was not com pitted until after 3 o'clock While tbo re ceipts were being signed the earthquake cuie and the proceedings were interrupted for slew minntes. IlErOSINO TO GO. Finally everything was ready for the act of taking charge nnd Capt. Lamar said: “Here are the reciepts f n the property turned over and I will now tako charge of tbe office." "1 object to the words 'turned over,’ Colonel Wilson remarked, “and I decline to neeixs the receipts. I also decline to rec ognize the authority of file President to re- moraine. Thiconstituti'.n duos not give bio tbe authority, because I have not been guilty of any treason, high orimes or mis- demeanors. I claim that nnder the const! fnticn hts action is withont warrant. I was appointed by and with tho advico ot the Senate. No vacancy has occurred, and I propose not to Veceive these receipts and to tannin postmaster.” The statement was made in a conversa tional tone, and Captain Lamar replied in tbs asms way, saying: “I havo orders hero to receive tho papers and property belong ing to the office, for which I give you theie receipts. I demand tho office, and I shall act as postmaster of Savannah.” • “I shall stay in nntil pnt out," Colonel Wilson responded, nnd he added: “I refuse to accept the receipts." INVITED OUT. "I have been duly appointed postmaster, •aid Captain Lamar, "and I consider you }|T pnnrfuaio ntil •* >. «(.!>«• Ita eVilu nfflaa " by conrtssy only a visitor iu this office. “I do not yield my right. Yon must pnt me out," was tho reply. "Yon most n« force stronger than I am." Each gentleman spoke with firmness, bat with perfect friendliness, for each un derstood tho other's position. Borne fnr- thar conversation followed, in which Col. Anderson occasionally joined. CoL Wilson Itated that he had a legal point te nuke and ho wanted to do it arnica it in i La- uuo ana no wanted to do it anu My. Kerertl minntes had been spent talking tbe matter over, when Captain 1 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7,1886,—TWELVE PAGES. THE CHEAT SHAKE. Scenes In the Earth quahe Which Destroyed New Madrid. Exchange. Danug the year 1811 occurred what ia known, the '‘Great Shake,” which de- troyed New Madrid, ia this State, and . . affected the whole Mississippi valley, Tho A Clrcu * r From to centre of ita violence was thought to bo Subordinate State®— Arre«u to be ittle Prairie, twenfy-live union below I New Madrid, the vibrations from which I Tikrnova, August 81.—Prince Alexan- •itufited near tho focus from whence the I Dilation proceeded. At this period I _ . -Wf E de Giers said prohibition, and said: “If I talked in that I hs did not know what the Gzar's way people would call me a demagogue. If I present intentions were, but he was sure I were to tell you only half tho truth you Itussia would not occupy Bulgaria while would not call me truthful. Let me snow that country was tranquil. Russia’s posi- you where our friend Blaine failed to tell I tion would bo very delicate and critical, you tho whole truth. He neglected to say should Prince Alexander insist upon the ex- that six years before 1857 the Democrats ecution of the men who led the conspiracy first gave Maine prohibition. Mr. Blaine against him. would have us believe that the Republican M. do Giers spoke in condemnation of jarty was the father of prohibition I Prince Alexanders course, aud alluding to a Maine. Ho knew that be England's action in the premises, suld ehd untruth. Why the very thing I used everything that came within her reach that drove Neal Dow out of the Republican as on instrument against Russia, party was their fuilure to have the prohi- tub oiieeks rearing presents. bilion enactments enforced in Maine. - Mr. London, August 31.— Dispatches from Blaine ought to have told you tho whole St. Petersburg state that tho leading Run truth. It would be bad enough if ono of us sion papers affect to have great fears con- little fellows made a misstatement, bnt the cerning tbe fate of Bulgaria, . "where," to giguntio mind of a great statesman should qrote the language of ono of them, "there not be need that way. Mr. Blaine says tbe ere two governments, and two armies third party in their convention cheerfully menacing each other with civil war." "The testify that prohibition has been so w’ell I speedy pacification of Bulgaria," begins au enforced by the Republicans that in their other of these papers, "concerns other judgment Maine is a quarter of I powers besides Russia. a century ahead of the license I The Novoo declares that Prince Alex&n- States in all that pertains to the tempo-1 der most be prevented from returning to ranco reform. That is unfair. It is I Sofin, and says that all Russinns would en- noiorious that many saloons aro open now I thasiastically support any steps which Bus in Portland under Republican rule, where I &ia might toko to prevent him, under the Democrats for two years not a I - - saloon was open. Give the detil his dae. | WAR CLAIMS. We don’t want any high rtsolutions or bun combe. We want good faith. I*d rather I Claim® For Use of K«al Property In tho have two years of actual repression of the I Bonier tttates During the War. liquor traffic than all the jingling resolu- Washington, D. C. t August 30.—The tiona you can give me. ^ I secoud comptroller in a longthy opinion Ju*t before he left for Calais, Mr. St. I him just decided & question of some lmpor- John said to a reporter: "Blaine fan t pro- tance, relating to tho claims for tho use and ircHhivc, he isn t honest, and he itn t fair. I occupation of real property in the border He is fighting the Prohibitionists to^ay, g^t*, during tbe period of the war bf re- and will carry the fight beyond the State, hellion. He has held that the accounting He has already declared that tho Republi- officers hove no jurisdiction to audit and al- can party U not a prohibitory I i ow BUC h claims, unless it is shown lhat in the nation. I bay© n ° there was an express agreement tho result Wd are right, and thero 0 n tho part of somo duly author fora stronger than Mr. Blaine." | ised officer or agent of the government to pay for the use bf propertv, upon tbe f.ulh.'l which p' was aurr. nd. r. I The Fortun« that Awalta a Frlm-m® WI»o | by thn owner. It is also h-lil that iu tho ibsence of an express agreement tbo con Baltimore, Align 30. -Tho Sun to day ban the following s{> Oi dated Washing ton. August 20: "'iue State Departui-iil has just received an order issued by Prebi thero was danger apprebeded from the I l A eut c K* e * ©*© c utlvo of Mexico, Southern Indians, and for safety the the medium > of » circular issued by persons engaged in carrying their pro- ? en ? r ^«’ r . 1KOa ' minister of ducein boats to New Orleans kept iu com- for , e1 ?? ttffu , i t rs ' - ftnd distributed through, pany for mutual defense. In tbe middle ot n Ut |n*° ,which will the night of the of December there was doubtless benefit the Americans now and terrible shock and jarring of tho boats, un der arrest in MtxiM. The cir- -J that tho crew were all awakened, nnd °“ 1,>r of , s .® n ? r to 1110 Governors of huiried on deck with tho weapons of de- ',‘* ri 2 n8 States, as translated from fense in their hands, thinking that Indians r 1 ?m P S n “H ori8ma, ;- W !‘ 8 follo ' v , 8: , were rnshing on bo.mL Tho ducks, geese , U has '‘“n notlcoJ recently and with and other aquatio birds were thrown mto frequoucy that some newspapers, published 1 1 in countries friendly to Mexico, receive com-' w ' £ * 1 ‘ xc eedink flippancy nnd even with motion conld b shock waa occasioned byThofidTngTn of “n 1 1,80cor ? OI »l pnnishment,protend they largo mass of the bank near them. In tbe »re victims of nnjuat acts committed by morning loud roaring and hissing wns °^, r , v * ow . damage heard, like the escape of steam from a boil- wbl ? h 8uoh con , dn .t t may infl 5 l U P°? tu ® er, and a tremendous boiling np of the f? 4 , u ' lmo ^e nation, if care be not waters of the Mississippi, in huge swells, tuk ® nto r.' c «fy the numerous mistakes tossing the boats about so violently that tbo contain ? d in . tbaB0 eomplaints and in corn- men with difficulty kept on their teet. The ra6n,a based thereon, the Frosidont has water of the river, which the day befor J “en to decreth os I have the honor now was tolerably-clear, changed to o reddish t0 do ' ,h . at be "commended in the hue, and became thick with mnd thrown P 5 ? 80 o£ the arrest of 0 for- np from it* bottom: whilo the surface, f-‘S° er f ? r aD y cau * 8 w J thiu “** lashed by the agitation of tho earth boncath, , ,‘m - o£ . yoa f Gtute, to remit was covered with foam, which, gathering 1°., j 8 department as soon ns possible a de- into masses the size of a barrel, Uoate S “"“t "port of the causes for tho action or along on tbo trembling snrface. The earth '.‘'P 8 * P toce88 8 “d ot the status of tho sumo opened in wido fissures, and closing again A h ! supreme msgistrate, therefore, hopes threw the water, sand and mud in huge l £ at the K? T e r nment uudor your wotthy Jets higher than tho tops of tho trees. The f barB , 6 w ‘ 11 dic,at ®. necessary^ instrnotions fctmosphero was filled with a thick vapor of authorities. The 1 roaident gss to which the light imparted a purple At Now Madrid several boats were car- tbo c “ fB * £o ' arr . 08t, tied by tho reflux of tho current into a *d#»ys be effected by virtue of a written •mall stream that puts into tho river just 88Uod by competent authority, shove tho town, and were left on the h nd that in oriminal prosecutions against ground by the returning waters a consul- 5 rel ffi c ff’ th U' u ry f onr c , om ' erabl. distanco from tho river. Ktuner- oils boats were wrecked on the snag, while l ,> 3 ' 18 G P ’ lB °? ment i others were sunk or strandod on tho sand- fn_ C ?u ’Ilf bars or islands, A man who belonged to | the e 0TC , rnm6nt as , tbo , fllat ' H . o£ one of the company boats woro left for I t0 b ' communicated to this ile- leveral honrs on the upright trunk of an P arlm ent. ... old snag in tho middle of. tho river, L.;; Ile “7J" yonmye8l6ema " d “ n8idc ,r a - against which his boat bad beon wrecked | tlon ' [ ?51 8 ne ‘jn Marihcal. and bunk. It stood with tho roots a few feet above the water, and to these ho con trived to attach himself; whilo every froih shock gradurlly settled tho tree SHE IS TO MARRY A KING. wjm liaised by »Missionary. . . v . _ Washington, August 28,-Down in Han- be implied where military an- over connty, VirgVnin. is an African girl bontie., on aooount of the necessities of who is destined to marry a king. At tho JJ* serxiee. are compelled to Joke possts- present time .be is a memW of ?ho family 8lon o£and “• «*■» Pr»P«rty in tbe terri- of Bev. Curtia Grubb, an Episcopal clergy- tor 7 »b ch is the theatre of war. and where man, who many years ago went out from I occupation 1. essentia to Iu .ucceistnl London connty, Virginia, as a missionary to prosecution. Property to not taken in such western Afriti While there, ho end his 8a8 ««by“e''ci 8 eof nghtofeminentdomsin, wife became very mnch attached to a little bnt through the lawful exertion of the war girl, a princess of tho nation among whom po*erwhTch inheres in every civilized gov- they were prosecuting their missionary ornment, snd which rests npon the right of work, and when it tame Ume for them to Et ~ ‘ b “ b ' J trJo™ half ^'miflioti' doihirM: TfiST y Her father, when first reqnested to allow | a V““ b « of “*■1^ his daughter to come to America, gave his I been filed. There are some prior dirf* consent, it mav be not thinking that tho I missionary and his wife wero serious in ^ '““P^berhoUto that for this clus their intention of taking the child home ° £ ^.. ,1,“ “!?®®“'. r , p ™ ‘« tasr asked one of tho clerks to gb to the h^dllno 1 ! wanTher‘m* go' 111 rion^egUUUo^upon the subject rince thi Oglethorpe clubandrequeri Mr.Chsrlton ^"oMt'bu? he hadpromisedt^ai sh ‘be war phSnly indicates un inteu- tocome to the post-ofilci When Mr. Chari- 3^ ta»»« by U* S. It U . “0“ 00 tb# J** ol lbat *^ y , not , d f 1 - toa arrived Col Wilson mice a statement cardinal principle among tho tribe that » g»te power to pass npon this class of claims Mplsiniog his position and his point, re- prom i M }, uco p a ,i 0 c . in S 0 t ho hrokcD, if it Jj?. 1 “T ®. lh ', r “"“eh of the goveramenu axiking ikst he tlesired tomake a testense. R insisted npon, so the father reluctantly X be . I ‘^h C '^!;^° nd h r “^ ld ,' r ^“*h •This involves s greatdeal if my position is wt. ik. .all* I that of tho Christian church at Iadurah, ueei-led by the oourts to bo coustitutionaL" observed the suspended postmaster. He then handed bit. Charlton a paper contain ing tlie following excerpts from the consti tution: thsir oVn the little l nla ® m0Mlu > immedtotelyjafler the bstUes &tri w« ireat^ as rough of tl!: ° £ ^ D ° D ““ n same kith and kip, and looked np to the p j icaW to this case alone, the report of tbs S!;iw r ^ l Lr h ent* W " ^ ’ I audTtor r^T m «diog Jn allowan^ooflUJU nT^!.X in mlnrstinn o n ,i was confirmed in onlir that it may be ra- . Ams^ins ^ih I P 0 ' 1 " 1 “> CongrM St iu next sesLou for Oirabr uolitenois could RcUoD .b at the general rnlegovemingcUims amazing rapidity. O r p “^‘^ 1 "“ el8 *°' dd for rent in th. KtAlesjof Musouri.Kentucky, not bo expeeted of a Parisian than she si- - , w , Vlr ginls and Maryland dar- ways displays. Never cut she be induced j D '^, b e wsr^enod to declared to be as to pass In front of anyone, and whenever P® 11011 she hands anything to a person It to her ub° T e sutoa. invariable custom to first fall upon her A TALE OF THE WAB. knees in an exaggerated courtesy. She is I ——— now fourteen years old and has arrived at How » Doctor Csrrlsd a i'lece of IIU Over- the sgo when she would be eligible to mar- cost In Uls Langs for Ten Years, riagelf still among her own people. Ererl Washington, Angnst27. —Dr. Bobert fit since she came to America a correspondence I George Dryanforth, of Washington, relate, has been kept np between Mr, Grnbb snd a curious experience of hit own during tbe his successors in Africa, and thus her war of tha rebellion, snd later, while acting friends have heard from he' and she from as s correspondent in the Franco-German them. In a letter recently received Mr. I war. While serving in the first great Grubb was requested to give his consent struggle tbo Doctor was shot through tbe that little Netuo might return to her native longs snd was invalided. He subsequently land, that the King of her country might went to Europe for bis health, and remained marry her. This request will probably be I Ui'ro some yean. When the German wbt complied with, if the child herself cun be broke ont ho became correspondent of tbe induced to giva op her American friends. New York Tribnns, and in one of to .whom she is very much attached. | the battles he was shot through the (k. must wTantraUrr life. I* 8 * of the skull. Ha caught a heavy dr.peietA, oarBAtisoU diwoe, soil thcumstliiii, I cold whil.lying wounded on the battlefield, blch come, fro* acid .1 juucb »nd from tb. sud-1 and bis old wound in the lungs troubled n chsniwe to °® r him so much that his life wa* despaired of [ twoBnsd.lh.PU1. ever, l d bo „ T ,. lioi o{ „ p , d caption. One day daring a violent fit of congbing tbe Doctor brought np a piece of bis over coat, which had been shot into bis longs A CONSTITUTIONAL POINT. The President "shall nominate, and l>y and with tbe advice and consent of tho benute, shall appoint all * • all * * officers of tbo United States, whose ap- FpintmenU are not herein otherwise pro vided for, an«l which shall be established |>7 law, but the Congress may by law vest me appointment of such inferior officers an think proper in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in tho heads of de partments. Art. II, sec. 2, clause 2. Ihe President shall have power to fill up *11 vacancies that may happen during the rtc*8* of the Senate, by granting commis- Hens which ahall expire at tbo *nd of their next session.—Art. II., sec. 2, claute 3. All civil officers of the United States shall r 6 removed from office on impeachment tor and conviction of treason, bribery other high crimes and misdemeanors. Ar ‘ H . *ec. 4. Mr. Charlton and Colonel Wilson argued the question for a minute or two, when tho tott- r said that he was confirmed January *>,1883. for tour years, and he claimed that he had two years and five months still to •erve. >.j wou i d entitled to $7,700 ML, ry if j served my term out,” he ■harked, “and I think I am entitled to itl e»u*e the President did not have authority 10 remove me." , FORCE MUST DE USED, •I would decide that tbo I’re-ident hod ‘ Wtofour ot Br.D4r.ta'. E*»tjlWp«Bd you,” Mr. Ch.rlton cl - j mam*. Ihs, WH “TT “ ,8 ‘<L A lung cooler.nee ensued, in which !n, 0 iddneJULoJy. TDU jrruwjhu-.?*■***! ... —— s - - an< i h®Aitbj u«Jh pn-i ai«<i by an tcvigontad «ug«a-1 of imtailon so K-iicVcd him that be at once non from •tmpl*. bnltbfalfood. became better, and finally completely recov- | hnltb, who b®v« Uken on® of the*® 1*111® | ’iluiit for orer thirty J«UX Chronic du ur®d by ukins fro LEARNED A LESSON. MEXICO SEKMS TO HAVK PROFITED WELL BY THE CUTTING CASE. Hubordlaat® Made Only on I.rga Warrant® —An Oiflola Circnlnr. Minister Jackson'® 8aoee®eor, Washington, September 1.—The Presi dent has appointed Judge Manning, of Louisiana, aa minister to Mexioo, to suc ceed General Jackson—reaigned. Judge Manning until recently sat upon the Su preme bench of tbe State, ana is regarded as a fine lawyer. About C’npr. ,f. W. WnwmHonU f.nck In drawing $15,000 In tho LjuUiaii* hi-v i. ..fery He la aprtiRpern h fanner «»f H'ui.iw «iro' »- ihl® couuty, aud h«forn tho Jun*5 drawing •*•<mMth|qo that ho mUoiiM lnvoxi then, •Uiple of dollar®, aud in in® , on«.. No. 18 145. entitled him ai’l al prize of $150,000, and i received through the Rank of from M A. Ditiphin. New Or- nod |W. Va ) Nowh, July 21. i to tell Ml which be did l>y a tinto received tlckel t* one-tenth of the which amount he u Itavenewood. W. Vi leans. La.—lU\r*iiM The Greet Nouthern Remedy, cures Scrofuls. lUisnm.ti. n. WMt. SrvQlUDg. Gout, Goliro. Cousutunttou. ltronolntl. Nervous Delilltty. Sl.Urt., .ml all ol-s.... of. kln- dred t-smra .ri.lng (ram »n iiui-un. condlllon of blood. After'pliy.lei.ti. h»v. laUsd to curs . duple bottle ot Item, to clb-el .u.-u . ked change u to give uew hopo anil llfn. Head still enlarged, but I t-el couuuue taking tho ItoradallL.. “Jins. M. Y. Dance, RoliobiAh, V, the FAJ 111 > NOTIONS, DOLLS, TtfTS, Etc.. MatchcH, Soaps, l*ornnnery, Ktc. At Botjom Figures. 5\ SMIMTH, • Proprietor, 5G Mulberry Street. sepflwCm MONEY FOR LAND OWNERS The Florhln Exteunlon. Valdosta Times. T - rM1M „ „, MUU ^ t>biw mww Mr. B. 0. Milner, with his surveying de* per in tho mud at tho bottom, bringing I c © r P 8 » ^ aldosta lost Saturday morning him nearer and nearer to tho water, which and run tlu lr prehminary line north, going seemed desirous of swallowing him up. °, nt o£ town ncar the cemolery, and crowed While banging there, several boats passed I nver near tbo doublo bridges. I* rntu by withont being able to relievo him, until f hcnc .° , tbey went n J? lho V. nioD I 08 ' 1 * r f acb ' a skill, weU-manned, wns rowed aahortdia. 15? 4 do1 ' twenty-five miles above here, tance above him, and dropped-tloso to the I Ttttiday morning at 10 o clock. At the snag, from which ho tumbled into the boat f 8 * 8 ‘ b °y were traveling they must have got as it passed by. I to Tifton Wednesday night, or Thursdry The scenes which oeourred for several L e£or o J} 0011 ' As £ar 88 we Heard from days during tho repeated shock were horri- tbe «“ ‘j 16 ? R°‘ a good line. The people ble. Tbe sulphurated gases discharged “Jong tho route turned out and gave.them during the .hocks tainted tho air mth 8,1 ‘ ho ai<1 , ln lheir P°wer. At Adel the their noxious effluvia, and so strongly P?°P le 8 8T8 tho P ar£ y « snmptnons basket impregnated tho water of tho river dhm8r ' nnd 8 commiu oo a entonwitli them for 150 miles below that it oould i? li£to "' £o 8h ? w tbem the host route. hii-iUy be tued for any purpose for a F.f om n ton the y were to have gone to #/.Uwor of day®. W*# Madrid, H iePd]-LEp na * iAUroeptlng tbo lino th®t runs on a bluff bank fifteen or twenty feet abovo | rtOUlii w n ' jaT %hnl the summer floods, sunk eo low that the BddX.. in » Trunk, next rise covered it to a depth of five feet. Aairlm , B„nbUcrm. Tho bottoms of soveral lukes in tho vicinity b T ..» ir %» « , , wore elevated so as to bcconio dry, nnd .r&V Gyles, who have since been planted with com. " B fo 5 r or flv8 “ le * ,r0 “ ‘Lo city, eent a Tho wall* of several buildings in Cape 1 1 , 1 “' 0 . , fl,0 -, y8ar : 8l l B™oddaughter to a Girardeau were cracked, in some instances 8 dreB ?' T ^ 8 c “ ! * d r , c8cbe 'J from the ground to tho top, nnd wide fls- 18r bond n , to tbo ‘f nnk and K ra8 Ped wha suras left. 8 Tho shock wai so sovero in this " b8 tbon B b ‘ W8B 8dr f 88 ' it „ ou , t ttnd country that the fowls fell from tho trees f onnd 8 8Dak8 ' 0n Invoatigaliug tho trunk as if dead; crockery fell from tho eLelves M*" °,^ 8 ” 8ak88 W8re f8und ' «• und was broken, and many familiea left Hk Bt they are at a loss to know how thoy their cabins from fear of being crushed be- 8 °‘ tlloro ' neuth their ruins. | About a Patch of Cotton, Covington BUr. There is a patch ot cotton in Covington A. J JUS NOP, PRODUCE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 164fc'erend Htrrot, M.con, 0a, K«K>. Chick r oral K.rut P.-oduc*. mi-inn.. Corre.pondenrfl .nd con.ignru.nU .ollrlted Be cr„m;e.—.M»'i,r J, '.V CSbtnMS —-v-i— »- rh.DKe U.nk; M.?or N. Jt. Uodukhi., i-Mlrlsr'^ l »pi- til lt.nk. lundnd.wljr A NOVEL KENTUCKIAN. Ho Decline, to Fight a Duel—Tb. around, which was planted nlront the flret of June, of th. and was not chopped out or worked until Louisvilue, Ky., August 28.—John 8. some timo about the first of July. It hoe lthea, a lawyer ol iimuellviUe, is a enndi- siuce been well worked, and ia os fine a date for Congress In tbe Third district, p'ece of cotton rui yon will generally seo in which is now represented by John E. Ilnl- this section. It 1s well grown and well sell. The hitter to a candidate for re-elec- fruited, and will make a splendid yield, if tion. The convention for tbo Democratic | the fall to late, nomination Is now in progress. ......... At n recent pubho meeting at Elkton ., Crop ,Uln ' Bhea, in a speech, charged one T. H. lllte LI ” e ° llon ^“"S' with certain electioneering statement* in r me crops are reported from all over the behalf of Ualaell. conntry. Tbe Doable Branches vicinity Hite sent IthM a note asking for a re- have oiceptionably good crops. We saw traction, which was refused. Hite then cotton hut Sunday that wonl.i make 1,200 sent a challenge to Bhon, to which llbea pounds of tted cotton to the acre. Corn ’ wrote a reply In which he declined I J 08 * eplendid, and the good xmoide are con to fight a duel for eeveral reasons. One was | tented end happy. because "he had no sort of sympathy for a . code that with deliberate intent sought the I Central Oeta the Mobil, uad Girard Hood shedding of one’s own or another's blood.” I Coluxbus, August 31.—The Mobile and Another was, that the laws of God and I Girard railroad was leased to tho Central man forbids it. to-day for ninety-nine years npon a guaran- The final reason was, that he had one da- tee of 1) per cent, upon the capital itock. pendent upon him for support, andheowed The receipts of cotton at this city for the protection to her, and that au acocptance year ended to-night wero 91,715 bales, an wonhl debar him from the practice ot the I increase of 13,585 bales over last year. profession he had adopted aa a livelihood, I _ „ — ... ind would leave him Without the means of „ °”" Mor " T “ 8a w “ A,k " 1 ' support. I lUwklDSTUlshews. 1 Wilcox county, we learn, has snhacrlbed $29,000 to the extension of the Americas, Lumpkin railroad. The Tt llow Fever at lllloxl. Moxtooxxev, September 2.—Dr. J. B. I I’re’ston and Huston received a telsgrarn this afternoon amount anbscribed'u aeirenl'thonMnd rloh from Dr. Ketchum, president of the Mobile lam more than was asked for from the good board of health, staling that tho disease I pcoplo of Wilcox. now raging ot Biloxi Is, beyond doubt, yel- low fever. A telegram was also received I Tms would be a happy world from Biloxi, stating that tho people were r 88 !* 8 *? .**. ■£»«•» Bssre # V_ ii, a .* _ 1 | M a fAmilj madlciue, ana acted upon that knowl- (Uherting tbe pi-ce, ana tbat a regular I ®dg®. Ou® u»if tb® mUcrj of tu® world com®* atampedo wu* occomng. * * Hchl»7'a ltepre®entatlve. Ellaviixe, Gs., September 2.—About I three hundred votes wero {lolled for repre- •entstivsto-dey, two hundred end forty for McMichael against Myrea. bUlotun®®*, ®lck hoaditch® and D®ar»l«U. liil® U«®aa will car® ®U of tbcae, b«®lde® all mia®- Do®®: One bean. A Little Girl * fikall Cruahed* CuABunToN, 8. C., August 30 —The Politic. IB Warren. | S-yeat-olil daughter of W. U Wright *r- Waeben, September 2,-The Senatorial kuock e J .° a “*• ‘™ 8k 8888 DonalJs thn convention of the Nineteenth Senatorial h‘j?|' U 8 'J b y 8 P 888 * n I{er train from Green district will meet at Crawfordsvtlie Thurs- « , b ,7 b " ,kuU 8011 day. SeptemUr 9th, at 12 o’clock The I almo,t delegates from this county are Colonel A. I Arrant msoy poopU are eompUlolnit btturly »S Morgan and Captain John rbompson. I about th® tim*®, kmodi, etc., but iher® 1. They go nninatrnctod. clAM ot who ®r« rajoicio^. and u»*t u th In a quiet but very close pnmary.lectiou tolSkS held ychterday Malachi Noms was nomi- r. John*on k Co. of Kichmond. Many wbo u Dated hn l:< |-r.-v ntativ.! from this connty, mad®gn®Too® mUuke® can ®p®®dllj m®nd tht defwitibK John U. Hall by a majority of I fortw^bjappljiag to them for id seven. ' ' ' Tbe Dcmocrxtio executive committee met to‘day, and, after considering the vote, de- cl ved th<* result to be:, Norris 307, llall 300$ Norris's majority 7. Advice to Mothers. JJ propGscl that u Unitcl S'.at, ■Tdial be stnt for, CoL Wih deputy lariug th * u BtDl Ml® *-OL tlpvoct aecianug not go out unlee* forcibly jecwcil. His ground wuh that he thought hurcat w^y to preserve SS ri 8 ht «- Col. Iurniar stated that he did ®°^Car.j to renort to phjrical force if i l be prevented, becaune he diahked to er • peraonsl indignity under the circum- llacklen*® Arnlcm Bslve Th® D«®t Balve In th® worid for <***?**'• Bore®. UtaA Datt Klwam. Tm »rau»cw H# returned to Washington, and Irm since »rrr* l i. imi* - - T®u®r! held the office of judge of tbe Court of Ap- Cbapped ChilMalA®, Corn®, and all Shin I peals. He was al*o a member of the board irur non®, and io®it*ely cure® Hi®*, or no pay^r®-1 Q f examiners and aviiatant commisaioner of 1 **ve gnAranue. It win purely e ^^ I, r5£ST«J-'I p £ t n X‘&,£r torUl u “»* 8 i Mr®. Wlnalow*® Hoothlns BX used for children tfc«tbiu*<. I sofuzo* tha gunii. alU>« all t * and U tha best remedy for du aosOoodhwljr a®y r*fun. f Lamar, 1 An Knterprislnf. Kallnble Hons®. Istintr, Rankin k Lamar can alwav® b* I upon, not only to carry In ®tork th® L**t of ttmry thing, but to iricttre tbe Agency for »u> h article® ai h*»® well-known merit, and ar® $»|>aUr with th* I*oj>l*, thereby atuUlnlng th® r*;mtall/m« ®lw«)a enter] n.ii.g, ! ®>er MlUbK II® cur®.! the y for tba celebrated l>r. Kit ry lor Consumption, will ®*11 It on a pool- " *' ‘ eur® any and every I P and Ch® t. and b. l>U*a®c* of th* *y I c -* ofl ‘l*nc®, w® Invito you to call and get ly ®«.utant for t> a Trial BotU® fre*. 1 lanta. i " S . v.:jPS; LENTIrfTRV—Dlt. I*, is. bAHFUXD, Ko.90K Mulberry Street. Macon. 0®*»ryla, OfBr® hour®—• a. m. to 6 p. m. —Apply toT.E. R.*« t»h®ar. Thomaavill®, Ua innin«L« Conto and KutTr* j *-*r tree*. Dr. It. O. Colter, ntly located ln Macon. 1>*> \ 'I have been a great si matiHin for tho liwt t 1 to try your prepi iTerer with inilAinuiatory velve mouth®. 1 was in- ration, Iloeadall®, and I My haoda and feet much better that I T SPECIAL RATES ON EASY TERMS’. Apply to CLEM P. HTEED, Macon, Oa. No. 2 Cot- Avenue, over Payne'* dnigRtore. aprrtwSm MOiNihl LOANED R F. LAWTON. Banker. Second street, Macon, Ua. HOLMES’ SURE CURE Mouth Wash and Dentifrice I bleeding Onmi, TJl crw. Hon Month. Horn ‘ i • •• ,8 ’* !*i«« 1- ai.i'. 1 nnrtiM u*e«l ami recommended by teazling demist* Pt+ are<! by Dm. J. P. ft W. R. Holuie*. dentist*. Ms-no, I’ortnlrl- Mills nt«0 and npwarda. to make beat qual ity °f Table Meal, M|llaton®S wild HeLtMchWalerWhaels, Hhuj.lMt' and (!heai^ut hi the tnarket, hend for ntielv 11 In*, tinted circular® and see what the Mouth ia doing. « *. A Im4*>ACII * BMJ Manufacturer®, Atlanta, wly OOLLKOK OF PIIY41CMNH AND HUItnKONH 9 IIAf*tIMOItK, MI>. This School Offer* to Medical Student* uni® . clinical aud other advantage*. Mend for catalogue to Dii. THOMAS OPIE, Dean. 179 N. Howard atre juyQOwlm All HtyluH mid Prlcej) dk-t- ■Wall F. R. POMERO . j>/ ONEY L OANEi. —ON— FARMS! Apply to ELLIOTT E8TES, 144 Second ntreet, Macon # Oa, fobl8wtf S700toS25002b YEAR^cieaf of made worklnK for u*. Amenta piwferretl who can furiiUh their own horwe* and give their whole tlmn .V may!*, proStably a/: jiaVite *^.V!uSdi'2j:s2?“’' Jny27w3m »a. Olfioa Whitehall, H. Dr. J. M. Buchan & Son EASTMAN, GEORGIA. Private and chronic dl*ea*e< dred* of cerUftt aU*« of cure*, countle*. C'ouaultatlon free. PILES Instant relief. Mnai cur® mid M. HiliO. day*,and never return*. No pun®, noaalv*. no auppoaitory. Sufferer* will learn ofu Impl* remedy Ere® by ad drew* ing C. J. MASOM.TI Nasuiaii •treeet^N Y. dec^iwly DIEL S BLAttb *.iJXIK i Hi* Co.. Mai .no. I** pfTHORNS'iaiFLESH ra•»./"' lad'Tyf/ Tom»•# (<UHn, n ITmUint /e® (Aol /A* .-iftraiA. He'll® immmrnmrn/f, Bf CapC •icalui'‘iUlt'BAHD^^if: Av&ri‘ d fl A PRIZE- r-xMla wLUh wiU help all, of either mx. S ♦hi- JZrtT ,u w u Jl?, rlKUI ****•**»la th»-world Portnnewawait th® work**® alwolntelw •nre. Tennj mailed frta. TtcikOo^ 0P!U^ oAbiT ~ Mn " *• **• iL**k. a-au «.£r»rir,juX luwUt