The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 07, 1886, Image 4

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THEMACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 7 iRRfi.—TWELVE PAGES. 1IE MET THEM. A CENTURY OK COTTON. A arauger'e Kxperlcuco With Sleek-Loolc- | now tho First Spinning Jenny kVa. Exhibit ing Men a. Told by Himself. Rochester Democrat. A short, thick-set man, about 55 years of ed In Tlilladelphla. Oath In Cincinnati Enquirer. We have no industry which appeals to age. with a little twinkling black eye, a both sexes like that of the cotton nianufac- short, stubby gray heard, and a very red ture, because women make and use a great face, alighted from the Falls train Saturday proportion of all cotton goods. It was just night. In ono hand the little old man car- at the eve of our independence, in 1775, ried a massive oak walking-stick and the when tho firBt spinning jenny was exhibited other was engaged in clutching a old-time in Philadelphia. It spun twenty-four carpet-bag that“had evidently done service I threads at one time. The Philadelphians for ages. A wide-brimmed aoft felt hat, thereupon formed a joint 3tock company to from under which now and then a strag- manufacture, iutenued to make cottons. gling lock of yellow hair could be seen and I woolens and line ns. The celebrated Dr. a red handkerchief around his neck did not 1 lisuh was the president, and immediately make the farmer a beauteous creature to there was demand made on the Continen- look upon. tal Congress for the exclusion of British When the train had made a stop the old goods. Near tho close of the American gentleman commenced pacing up and down revolution spinning jennies were manafac. tho platform in an excited way, muttering tured at Worcester, Mass., and thereupon to himself. Seeing a baggageman, he walk-1 the Rntish Parliament renewed a statute ed up to him and striking the oak stick on forbidding the exportation of any machine, the floor with a force that would have been engine, tool, press, paper utensil, or imple- a credit to a trip-hammer, said: mont, or any part thereof which now is or "hay, my name's John Graham. I'm hereafter may be used in ihe muslin, cot- from Dutchess county, I am, and I'm think-1 ton, linen or silk manufacture of the king ing of a bustle to git hum. Can you tell dotn me whin the cars go?" The penalty was mode $1,000 and irnpris. Wh»re do you want to go?” asked the onment for twelve months, with forfeiture baggage fiend. of the machine. In 1782 a penalty of $2, Ter Poughkeepsie, by gosh. I own a 500 was put upon the exportation of any rattlin’ firm down there." On beiLg informed that the train be do blocks, plates. eDgines. tools or utensils from England for the preparing or finishing sired to take left at 11:30 the old man start- of calico, cotton, muslin or linen printing. ed for the vaiting-room, where he met a re. porter, and asked: Convictions were obtained qpdnr these statntes os well os for enticing artificers to "Say frietd, where can an old man get a emigrate either to America or the Conti- drink of water?'' * nent. Tench Coxe, of Philadelphia, had After folloving the direction indieated, all his brass models of Arkwright’s machine and relieving Ms thirst, the farmer returned ry seized in England in 1786. Nevertbe to the platform and astonished tho station i leas, now and then a Yankee wonld slip men with his fonts of pedestrianism, as he over to Ergland' and learn a trade in order ov from uuu eud or the station to ihe i to bring > ihe kuuwieuge of it. Tue other with prod'gious strides. Finally he same yoar, 1786, Mr, Orr, of Massachusetts, walked up to a number of men who were brought out Hootch mechanics to make for sitting on n track and again asked about the I him machines at East Bridgewater. train. After being told, one cf the men asked him where ho li»»d. The State Legislature assisted to set these men up. Providence, Beverley, Mass., and DEATH IS THE BUSH i Spon- THh SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY. "Doan near Ponghkaepsie,” he an- other places now began to manufacture swered. cotton and to introduce a single carding "Been away on a visit?" was the next machine, which thencost £1,100. Proba- question. bly Providence, 11. I„ was the first place in "Yaas, I’ve sorter been visitin’ my dater the country to commence the systematic np in Berrien county, Michigan. She got I business of manufacturing cotton machin- married and moved up thar some years ago, ery. Scotch mechanics were generally and I haint seen her until I went np thar. nsed. The great Brown family aronnd Mrs. Desmond Donated Alive tnneous Combustion of i lold Du-tle. New Yobk, August 27.~When Coroner En- man makes un official investigation as to the causes ot the fatal burning of Mrs. Kate Desmond in tbe public streets Wednesday, facta of peculiar interest to women will be disclosed. The unfortunate women died in tbe belief that her clothes had taken fire through the carelessness of a smoker who sat next her in Becond avenue surfaco car, bat it is by no means certain that the fire originated in that way. The strangest part of the affair is that Mrs. Desmond eonld havs been literally roasted in a public thoronghfare in broad daylight, when surroundeo by a crowd of men and women Dying to pnt ont the blaze which enveloped her. As she related to Rev. Father MoGrath, of the parish of St. Mono- ca, who was called when her condition waa declared hopeless, her nearest neighbor in the car waa an elderly man, who was smok ing a cigar. After riding a short distance, she noticed that the seat she occupied was unusually warm, but thought it had been heated by the sun. The baby she oarried absorbed her attention. When the car stopped at the corner of Seventy-oighth street she got off, and was surprised at a sort of blistering sensation on the soles of both her feet, but attributed it to tho heated pavement. She had barely stepped on the sidewalk before some one called to her: “You're afire.” She canght np her skirts behind, and, shaking them out, saw they were ablaze, Much frightened, sho ran down Seventy- eighth street toward home, carrying ter child in her arms. She tried to get into a house where sue some one at cue win dow. but, as she told the priest, admittnnje was inhume nely refused when her plight was discovered. Her running and a strong current of air through the street fanned the fire into a blaze, which completely envel oped her. There were quite a nmnbnrof people passing at the time and others were attracted by the cries that a woman res burning up. Anton Mrikamns picked up a piece of carpet (and hastened to Mrs. Desmond's The Flan Adopt iiittee to id the C k at One A meeting of citizens was held in tho Su perior Court room yesterday to receive tho report of the committee of twenty one ap pointed at a previous meeting, held to take i in tin- I-.; tt*-r < f s « upn,; tin- locu tion of the School of Technology at Macon. Mr. Washington Dessau, the chairman, stated that the object of the present meet ing was to receive the report of the com mittee, and to present a plan that had been formulated by a sub-committee of five and endorsed by the committee of twenty-ono. The report was read by Mr. II. Horne, and was os follows: Mr. Chairman: Your committee appointed to drawupaplsn by which the Laboratory property may lie obtained and repaired for the purpose of offer ing to the commission In charge of tne School of Technology as an Inducement for locating the school here, beg leave to report as follows: Recognizing tbe impossibility of raising the esoary fun is through city or county aid, we would recommend that a stock company be formed for the purposes in view, and that subscriptions to the stock be solicited from every one interested in the prosperity of our city, and that these subscriptions shall bo from twenty-live ($25) dollars up and preferably in multiplies of twenty-five. Eaoh twenty-five dollars to represent one share of the capital stock end entitle the subscriber tc a vote as Is usual. These subscriptions way be paid in full or one-fourth in cash and the balauce in monthly installments to run flitien months or levs, st the option of the subscriber. The total capital stock to no limited to fifty thousand ($5u,uuu) dollars and tbe first Installment to be paid and notes for the balance given on the day when the commission ■hall accept onr proposition and agree to locate tbe school at this point The building put in good repair—with, say, seven teen acres of land to offered the com mission—together with what additional mouey that can be raised for the purpose of furnishing equipping the school. The balance of the fund then be ltid out in residence lots with streets mud alleys and can be s<Jd as may best serve the interest of the corporation, the moneys realized therefrom eats may appear. I’m on my way bum now, but I’m a blarsted Trovidenco got its start from tbe manuf&c- old idiot, l am. I’ve been robbed, skinned tores. While we are considering tbe sui- right out of my njoney/’andhe jammed tbe cide of Mr. Gray, near Boston, it may not Htick down bo fiercely that ali of auditors be amitm to recall Wiiiiam Sprague, the assistance. Ho threw tho strip around her and then tried to tear oil some of ber clothing. Gatcbing bold of her bustle not too gently, be was astounded to see that it perceptibly raised up and there was some- AtUnts Morc.lmntfi In M of L. Cooen fc Co. Afi n, and luarlng of tbe c I Of L. Colli n .V Co. i m Atlanta, both gentle Tli ct the t since prohll for busl > long : i Improve in bus! is out au inducement inhetmer said he would there, and if the city did not ho would como down u> Ma il r. It Benfehl nail If ho could get a vac int ■tore In a good locality in Macon ho would come down now. They said they had watched Ma*on*s slow bnt ■uro progress, and complimented It in the highest terms It is now more than probable that within a year both of these gentlemen, and perhaps others, will have their names in the Macon city clrectory. Accident to Air. time. Mr. II. A. Blue yesterday received a telegram i nounciug that his brother, Mr. Aleck P. Blue, hod been badly injured m Atlanta, and to go to bim at once. lie left on the 2.15 train. The following special received lost night brings the gratifying in- ] telligence that Mr. Blue wob not so badly lcj ared i waa feare l: A. P. Blue, roal master for the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia railroad, met with rath r a novel accident this morning. In which he received paiuful but not at all serious injuries. Mr. Blue nod in his vest pocket a small blast cartridge. In the same pocket he had several matches. While he was fumbling the cartridge In his pocket it ex ploded, tearing open his pocket and wounding sev- | oral fingers, besides inflicting a painful wound in ! bis side, me nature or the injuries are bruises.* Combining IRON with PURE VECETAltlp TONICS, quickly anil completely CLEANsd! and ENRICHES THE UI.OOD. quicker the action of the Liver and Kidneys. Clears the complexion, makes the skin smooth. It does not injure the teeth, cause headache, or produce con stipation—ALL OTHER IU0N MEDICINES DO. Physicians and Druggists everywhere recommend it u» 0U -V: Sambo* \Ss: ks.* I cubitM I,, mtrcl I ud BOP 1 I » 1 ' I &i*» at Tli© Cheese Wag llancld. Tbe drummers who start out on Monday morn ings for a wees of travel *nd trade always havo a new alary to tell the Tklkoiufii man. This is the latest: A negro went Into a store at Tennllle for some thing t’eat. After buying some crackers, he spied some round boxes of axel grease ou the shelf, and asked whst it was. The clerk told him it was cheese and was worth 10 cents a box. A trade was •Me. sod the negro with hi-lunch of crack-? and axel grease went out. Some time afterward he Dn. N. 8. RcaoLF.fl. of Marion. Mass, s n . •? recommend Brown’d Iron Bitters as a valuable tottii for enriching the blood, and removing »U ditDerdL* eymptems. It does not hurt the teetu.” Dn. It. M. DlUOiAw Reynolds. Ind., WTS . « T lave prescribed Brown’s Iron Bitten in e**n J inasmia and blood diseases, also when a tooioMa needed, and it baa proved thoroughly aatistactWe M» WM.BTium.MMary8f NewOrleaniu. says: “Brown’s Iron Bitten relieved me of blood poisoning, and I heartily commend itt* tbn«e n—uing a blood purifier. w Mx. W. w;Monahan. Tuscnrabla, Ala., aan- -i * are been troubled from childhood with Irapom '^nraTSSSra°eff ™tod*o^pSi^ct^5!7 cannot speak too mgniy ot this valuable medicine.” Genuine has above Trade Mark and ernewd wdlinm on wrapper. Take no other. Made only b» BUUW.V CHEMICAL CO.. BALTIMORE,Ru, I n-UW' Urrivi I ivi only b I g, £i.d tl CLINGNlAfti’b Youroomialttoe believe. that some forty or fifty I WMMon by the clerk, who asked him how he Ilkod I thousand dollars can be rained in this manner and I the lunch. ^ Be replied: “Boss, do crackers was | Legislative Announcement, Clinton, Qa., August 29.—To Messrs. H. J. Mar- A. £. Boaromw, 8. T. Coleman, W. A. Huvr, C. B Willingham, H. Horns. Committee. Mr. a. H. Jcmlson sold he did not want I * allow tha p.a otmy mb. rod ■hall, W. P. Glover, J. F. Anderson, James Hart I and others—Gentlemen: Having received your peti- I tion asking the use of my name at a candidate for I ltepresentatlve of Jones county, I have, after due I consideration, couacluded to accept your petition, I to allow tho use of my name, and In accordance | with your wlshi-s I hereby announce myself a can- l . ...» „i».J ^ wwu your wisni-s a uereuy announce inyaeir a be understood OH opposing the movement Uidate, subject to the Democratic nomination. hn throwing any obstacles in tho way; I Yours respectfully, bat he desired to make the point that the James W. Slocumb. plan proposed did not meet tne emergency. I —a meeting of the Democratic executive com-1 He said that property for the school must I mittee of Bibb county wlU soon be collod to decide I 11»; 1 I I IF*'? 1 thing not unlike au explosion ot gas that \ )e tendered to the State free of all inenm- U P° U th ® d *y of primary election for . Governor of Rhode Island, who has been followed. After that tho clothing burned brunces; that tho commissioners could not couuty “How’s that, friend?” asked one of the driven from his extensive avocations by one more rapidly. Inspector ltonan, of the receive it according to law upon any prom- ■jumped. lie tenors. thing or another, but who seems to liavo -Som. time (luring Sunday night , seabird of I “When I left hum,” replied the farmer, managed to beep his personal integrity in “I took about $!X> with me, besides what it money matters. Samnel Slater, who was one after tho cars left Detroit, I was sittin' in whoever conlil make cotton-carding mn- tho seat and n kinder good looking sort of n chines. IIo bronght neither patterns, draw- man came in and Bat down next to mo ings nor memoranda, relying entirely upon and commenced talkin', and I'll be | hi. memory. Brown invited him up to Kpennil aVAnna lino j named from a nass- • t t t • R r « some kind new agsloit tbe elsctno li e tat tower on Second avenue line, jnmpea trom a pass- 13 , g or i.OL’s. In making the tender of the Wesley.n Female College and killed lt.elf. It ing car, and, pulling off his coat, wrapped I property it must not be said we will do I was picked up by Dr. Bass, who considered it the it abont her. A pail cf water was thro wn g(J aiK i g0i but must say wo have done bo forerunner of. »torm. over her and the tlames extinguished. Ske I aU( j g0 1 —The bnlldtng of tb was nearly nude, her skirts and appar-.l I « r . a. E. Bosrdman said Mr. Jemisondid U°XVo“r mi“bUdm“^ Tob»t t*im. come” having been burned throagh to the corset, not understand the plan, which was that Tho addition will famish smglo accommodation which was also badly burned up tho back I subscriptions should be made, the company I ^or all the children in tu»t section of the city, and on the left side. A blanket yraa P ro “ I formed, the money then to bo paid, the I — In the recorder's court yest© day Mayor Price cured and wrapped about the vKstim. | property purchased, and then the proposi-1 Harmon and THE CL1NGMAN TOBACCO OlSTKEST for Itchimr PH-**. Has never lttile J ntonjps relief. ^WUl ArM Ulcora, blorstcd ef he wasn't a darned nice fel- Providence and gave him an interest, and ler. Biomby another man o~me in with a the mill went Into operation in 1793. They valise and asked if tbe other aeat wns made oordoroye, ribs, denims, cottoncttes, taken. I said ‘No,’ and ho sot down. Wo jeans and fnstiuna to tho amount of 8,0 (I talked and balked, and I got qnito well Jnrds in nine months. Alexander Hamilton ncqnaintod with him, and wo eat lunch to- bronght his powerful mind to bear upon the Mr. Malkamus thinks that tho fire was in- [ iol ; wouW be m ad’e to the commissioners, .n^p^a b5?b‘^“« I tensitied by a cellul°id bustle °r corset, for Following this was a discussion of I fln«fflftj dollaneach. a few othercases otminor the blaze was too hot to be fed by light Uhe plan aud the question raised importance were disposed of. j clothes alone. Camphor and ch<*micaU I Jemison, the result of I — Paaswnpera or the 4:20 train from Savannah used in tHWcomposition of celluloid mako it , ‘ Hbat the nlan waa Bimolv to I aftornoon brought the information that a nnSM 1,n. .h« smeg. „n,l " ulto w . um “ h ‘ d keen brutally Moulted by » I gctlior. After n while one feller took ont a manufacturing problem, and in 1791 had tho _gas. If Mrs. Desmond wore » eeUuloid til8 proposition' to 'the com-1 rimiludttTats i«ty of ararndmen'wsra'scouriiig bustle, that would in part account for tbb I missioners, tho committee having con* I the country aronnd tor tbs aumiiant. . . . roasttng blaze created, for the gas would I £ err ed with the owners of the laboratory I —The thirty hands engaged in making tbe exca- manufacturing company; at that spot are have intensified botti the heat and tbe ftnd mftdeft Batisfactory arrangement ^ith ““*• 11 Tvo just picked up somothing now, now made most of tho American silks, flames. Tho caso will be thoroughly inves* thom I pot of the B. T. V. * p. railway, friends, and I don’t mind showing it. It is which have nearly expelled tho cheap silks tigatod by the coroner. * I much faster headway than former little box and laid a paper on his kneo and Legislature of New Jersey incorporate a said: a neat little gag.’ "Ho had llirco little silver things liko a hall ent in two, and a little square button, and tho trick was to tell where tho button ont 0Mh 11 BMNfiA five or air times and hit it ovory jump. Bimcby the other man beta dollar that ho could guess, and of Europo from tho Western world. A QUEER KUEAK OK NATURE. A HEART-RENDING SCENE. Agonic* of s lleatittfal Woman In Farox* ysma of nydrophobla# . CnicixxATi, AugUHt 27.—Ono of tho most he guessed and rot tho chink. So I bet 1 pitiful scenes ever witnessed in this city was ° . S . . . . . I ll... At- W Vnn Cl. n .. for the freight d»- . are now making I . . much fa«ter headway than formerly. The sutxrin- Tho report was then adopted. j tendentof the work U txperlenced In blastiug. and I It was then decided that tho chairman I the citizen* in the vicinity are not now subjtctsd to and the committee of five meet and appoint I danger as heretofore. j three cltizans from each ward and district I ^ “J to canvass the city for anbscriptiona as per comer Mur wwible* K iur Hu iM*v«-r luiled t relief. Will cure Ami Ulcers, Abucii*! pinitn, Salt Rheum Hr.rl^r’n Itch. Rt&r rras. Pimples, Horen and Boils. Frier 50 ft*. THE CLINGMAN TGSACCO WRl NITBBPS OWN IM VIJIV. Carr-. *.► . Hiruat .Bunion.«.Curtis, N*-ur»kni. Rhtumolira Grchitu. Gout. Rbwimatio Goat Cold A (JonthV BMuehlbs, llifir Lmr. Snake sndD«»r BitreTSS r.f Inneets. Ac. In fact «ll-->* »ll local Imutiwan* i-*n!Animation from nhatfvtr cauae. Frier 2., rl*. IHE CLifiCMAN TCBACCC PLASTER Prepared ncrordlua to Ihe ihomI arirntirr r 1 .'’. r .t 1 .’?f."; he rllUEHf Hi.DATm »XI It I.DIE>TS compoanded with the pur*.:. ? <.b*cen Floor, end is specially racornmniM !> ' »fl.'P,W«rd or CaL*of the Bieut. and (or that-.'tm J ‘rrtack or *n-.tamwinter? o»a»*d»^, >nhaa him wnetw, fr -n too debcate a itaM of tor *y* c tun pir-mit u onahlo t« hear the Mninu-rappltcv * y( : n* tobacco Oak*. Foe Hesdarha or otbw* Adm «nd Pains, tt la totslmbh. I’rWc 15 rU A*k yom drunrist for thrae nrmrdio,. rr wntatc^a CLINGMAN TOBACCO CURE CO DURHAM, N C , U. A r»ot28 lem-awly Boston, August 26. -A negro, apparently I the plan proposed. Tbo committee will I mania for Mm. tlm. Uwy ooucluded tn'w liwuuot I 50 years of ago and weighing about 2001 meet this morning at 9 o’clook at Mr. I scat and after a n. It proved to be pounds, walked into the 6lobe office this Huff’s office. S“22lSaK*?.MJSS& n^f n ;J Mo bn/ntL iS 1 Tlu, Sul.o.tlc, Committed -PwU- cam” la fmm naUaaTyWtwdv In order to mxk. a thoron«b. compl.1. and rapid | 0 ' » warrant for Tbomu l«i, of what makiog tho following remarkable statement. I canvass to secure an amount that mny be required I *■ known as tbs Cold neck district, beverel “I’se got two heArts, two sets of ribs, and to seeureths School ot Technology, th* following I <**?■ *** struck Robert Brice on run mv heart ami pulse to suit myself.” gentlemen have been appointed a committee to I tol ! wlthsfsnce rail, sndllriosits is now said like' n dirned ole fool, as my wife says I llt homo ofMr. W. Von Stein, on Betts nllerswuH, nnd I got it. Gosh ! I kept street, whore his young and beautiful wife right on b’ottin', and I'll he blow'od ef l was ntiuggling with the physicisn* In psrox- ' i’t short about thirty dollar, to the boat ?»“» ol hydtophobis. Through tho cltiacd calcerlstiou, Bnd thoso fellers arc havin' a d °° r <» uld be “« ard tho b "k» of good timo on luy money. 1 don’t know I nnhatipy woman. whst Jolm’ll do when ho asks me to pa; tho tlirnshin' bill Oh. bnt I'll an old fool, just as Mehitabln said." A fow friends, Dr. Uavogli and tho dU- t' acted husband wero gathered aronnd the arm-chair, in which she was firmly held by Tho old man then went and sat down on « physician on each aide. The poor wo- a baggage truck and talked to himaolf with | battlirg desperately for freedom great virulence, much to the amaaemont of {rom terror whieh posseesed her. The tho baggagomcii. NEW ENGLAND’S IDEAS OF THE OLD husband, a pale-faced, trembling yoting man, stood near by in s helpless sort of way. The maniao's eyes glistened with tho A iio.tou Journalist*. Opinion of London fl r° rabies and her thin lips quivered o» . . I she ■hrinkf'd: “Tuicn that tint? ilwav ! l)n Orel or* mill .Iourni«ll*t*, New York World Csblo. § I..NOON, August 27.—I met Mr. Pulrif«^P^!f!!!!!f!!' the proprietor of t*m Boston Herald, to-day. | x^Ltenni she shrieked: "Take that dog away ! Do yon see ho‘s biting mo? Oh, he’s biting me I" and she strove to escape tbe grasp o! ! --- - ..... a . r. ■ Tho unhappy husband, In a voice scarcely He visited tho House of Commons for the gndl hlc, mnVmured: “Hhe hod overexerted first time Tuesday gening, an^eard both herself to-day, and seeing a dog that looked [stone and lnniell. IIo was greatl.i I ( i, 6 O no that hit her. brousht all Ho rlnimril that ho wr.s voar« old and mako the canvass in tbe different dlstricte of the I *° * ^^cal^ condition. Ihe di lllcultjr grew - ^ county and wanla of Urn city, and tt UwnMtty o^of^o '«>.«>,“ “rlc. had tekeu np Kin. Ilayeil in Worcester about tho time or the I sop^f that Ui« genii.won named will nrve. In or-1 he** bclon*lng to Loe. audmg of tho l’ilgrima. King George roal- I deno outline a iji.lem.tlc policy, —About five year, .go Dr. J—. A. Demon? bought ly is 48 years old. Ho has an imtnenxe mus- jp requested to meet at the office of Mr. n. Home tu. Kll. plsco, conaliUng ot five acre, of land, cular development, and pokkcescb pbyfiical “|* B ’*di>MtH oc lock. I mliee from town. He paid ixv.zNwJnrw n i V:„^U "*"1-**** ^ A - I****. John M. $2,375 for the place, and on Saturday he waa itculmntips that are Droving a puzzle I Walker, Walter u. Chapman * —— * - •* — o some of tbe moat celebrated of Boston el Second ward-Jamee E. i .... r .. r physiciaos. He went to-day to the 1 I itaoif in value. The sa dance of Dr. J. J. Smith, of the Massachn- jo^'oVwmlnih.m i? ” ^- -?* nlw> D '» ro ““ 4 M « on ’ setts Gonerol Hospital. As soon as tho 1 p^rth w'»rd-B.V Brown,^'w. u. Salomon. Earn n^MiririiMnD W p!»uJS»Jt^Jui' bad strippe , I Warrior DU strange proportions. Below his natural nba Bttrkett * w * Du W‘ horse tell down, breaking one of the ehafte. Thu there appeared another set of ribs, extend- RnlUnd District-Jerry Willie. P. W. Btubb., mg to the prJvii, as immovable as those Jamee Hoimee I above. IIo then asked the doctor to place | ..y^vlt^udgoT.a W.rd._ w. A. Hoff, | JftjTrtS! offered $4,600 cash for it, bat refused toeell. Thne I Schofield, Mike O’Hara, I In five years this property has almost doubled I n •— ~ seine may be said of all I Gladritotio pleaaed. I „u orator in America who was the equal of I ^h 8 v “ 0 ontinnedr "ThVre Uno'bopafor Gladstone. ’None, unless It bo Conkllng, n0 or Rosa " nnd sobbed bitterly. Dr. Its- , , ,. ,. just liko the ono that bit her, brought all ked him if he thought we baa | thp, on ber." He broke completely down hishand over his heart and said: "Now feel H HowMd butrict-i^lLPric^'c. W. Howard, Dr. I — Ur - Frank a curiosity In tho ship. 1 00 ae light aide. I Loo HoU | Of a wsteruslnn. W ien ent y—tsrday It wu found This waa done, and a clear bnt mon rapid I Oodfmy Dl.trtct—John & auta W. H. J.nktn., tu»t two of tho ml h»l aprontod and two mu. 1 pulsation was found there than on the left I J»m« -- . I ?‘n« w.rogrowlng nnely ln.m.. Tin contr-t t*. | tion, IrreguUritr of tb. Bowele, Ooortlpetlom fW* loner. EmeUtlnn. .ml Ilurcin* of tU Isometimes eslted 11—rtbom), Miming Muk, ,.. - . ,, " I poor Rose," and sobbed bitterly. Dr. Ra- sald he. Oonklmg U the moat »«factWe ^ wgg lloiDR uig to qQ i e t tho mad . speaker wo have, and he U not far behind llo[ h. d womM1 .V fore g0 ce ‘ t . 0 and V ind aide. His abdomen underwent strange contortions, and tho heart on tbe left aide apparently disappeared from its regu- twora th. gnon vine, anil th. crimson moat we. pretty. cpecUlty u th. Undrtts of tno vino bad forced their throogh tho red pulp. The boil must I r, saltiest dened woman, before so gentle and kind. He apt lied liberal doses of chloroform "What do you think of the fashion the her QOgtriIl . It wgg ilow « ork in , Violating the Huieday Lswi. I not oe rung on this story, lar place, and moved down to a point I Asensition was crested St tha recorder’s court I —Tbe fast mail Ira Savannah due In Macon iubt ubovo bin left croin where tho tmlna- J® #ta 'S»y , ® ornto « w i«*>5 0 "'P“dss werenrrsigned yesterdny morning st J:*i arrived on tlms not- tions*could be plainly fclt- When th.^ I I **• “ - London papers have of pubUehing in fuU , nch a dogporat6 ou,, bBt tUo po*. tb»pMlUmgntary d»b^ta*r erfnl sna.thetic conquered, end .ho ve- “They do so at tho expense of almost all | ,1^1. *.,a .*» Two of them, Me*srs._JU>nla Greenwood and M. | culout at Ogeechee sixty-two miles from Havanush. I freight train on a side sleeper staving a bole I (sometimes called Heartburn). Miasma. Bloody Flux, Chill* and Fever, Breakboae Kxbsattiop before or after Fever*, Chroole Dm* rbces. Lorn of Appetite, Ilendarho, Fool Erma, IrreiriUnt ** tnci l.-nts! to F. males. Pains. Beak- f ache. Ae , Ac. J I* Invaluable. *miiuk-k—— ..... 1 nil diseases oftke LIVE"* 'e* incldenUl to Females, li4*ric«-0«™ smTOii lUte. It h no--P— VT hod gone back to its natural position again I FlUg*nld. w.r. found gnUty and fined fifty dollar, I While leaving that atulon a ft tbe negro placed his h»nda on his bream. I that they sold | tr-k bqcbglntoth. A-laqk. tu. 1.0.1:— Li. l.„, I tbe wuUsy or otnarwise violated tbe law. Thecssw I into it. sud breaking > pmon. stopped the beating of bis heart entirely, ^U,t Mom Onn and l-.u l>.rmon won eon 1 # p •• 1 IIIy tio so at mo expense or aimosr an ,v__:i„ . , „ ni - - jp p . other news llut the EnglUh people wonld V on mem and her .is- Dr ' 8mit ^ “‘ <1 - vr. it« to cream saloon, and when .wiipcv. uin onumg o, u» ncint cuurc.y, . K^n.l Mom (town and I’etv P.rmon wore con-1 pu-ngu. lu^dlmnon. wmborLTh.^ and apparently guspended animation for I tinned until this morning. In tbe Utter esse. Her-1 sengers were trentferred, tbe sleeper w»i then side- ptsaenger ear. Three of tbe I mon says be will prove an alibi, that be was in Rest tree ted nnd tbe train arrived on time. t ID IT all diseases 01 me ui vc n, SjOUWC. STOMACHuiJbowels. It change* the completion irotn a waxy, I* 00 * tloge. to a nuldy, healthy color. It rr.’in_7 ! low, gloomy ipirtts. It Is one of tbe BEoT At TERATIVES nnd PURIFIERS OF THE BLOOD, und le A VALUABLE TONIC. ment than anything elae. The, want ever, rtmnt mT«r. .tto^d t7p.Tk fine New- word thatls uttered. It is qnito the reverse a„, Ibis is the moat remarkable case I eTer I iJunh.Ylqu’r! “ d conK, l“cntly could not bar. I _ A m j, te rtoa« dluppcxmnco U (.ported from 1 la nM hlr Vw uZ focndlond dog, belonging to tho owner of (7i‘A“nTml inr nnv n^r the «»loon. Scarcely had abe tonohed him ton Herald or any other American paper I w jj en ic-apctl nt her and sunk his teeth ever pnbliabed, daring any recent se—Ion I ; nto i, tr w hen dri . en of Congress, tho speech of any single Sona- I into her arm. When driven off, an exam ination showed wonnde in the.middlo mw- tor or nopresentative InfnlL Bnt may I £ « ^ .^»^d tow“h.ioZ add here that I think onr papers go to tho | „*nIs __ extremo matters] much. in this respect ething from onr hors. Rat onr methods < paper are in ndvanco < handle onr work much moro saw. I am convinced that be bos the power to unspcnd animation. He did it twice and I eonld not detect of the heart or _ to move hla heart •gainst his groin and perceived tbe presence I wwrw prrwtvmv.d In court. worked np by n detective from ".l * ^ la Agency. Ut. tcumony w», fi STADICHR’S AURANTII Fur —1. by .11 Drugst^rL Prlc.SI.00 pcrbstl. esn learn som- English neigh- tod parts seemed to heal rapidly, but still “ e 'B n ; I the phyeicians had serions forebodings of a I terrible ending. The entire medical profes- “-“JzfiSl-.i.* “ ion *dl be deeply intereatedin this dia- . n,,.. s i, - nqi, p r.,.y> | grtaaghViAauL'ajgi enUblislimen.last night, bnt I didnt learn in bigt0 _ of Cincinnati. oi mi organ that reaeibled the heait full,. SJ W ST. It was the only pulsation to be found on Unralptnf nnm.mtulrttM^Mm* of^them from Wgon. n dnyorao. but nu tu not that aide of the lody. It wonld seem ea if m «d wb? CS “ J Ud ‘ n, ‘’ h ~ rd ot ,lu,,r tho man had no diaphragm. From what I * h,i ' »h* tetter,, complaining of tb. I nnint isdnvelonoil hin Ksonnil Rernnd r\9 I Bund *T wbi*ky trafile. Tbo police have been I ^ point is developed mi second second gel ot uurocctM f n l in msuy esses from tbe Luri that s m nba I cannot determine. I nun in uniform is constantly wst bed. Even wlUa this disadvantage, ssverel parties bava been ar raigned for this violation of tha city ordinance, but it waa seldom tint there w n a conviction. C. F.STADICER, Proprietor, teto SO. FRONT ST., Phltadolohln. P* m\rlldemAw Cm - DEAD BY Uls OWN HAND. SMITHS r 3 •Sou* .my thing. I hoped to get a hint from their stereotyping department, but I discovered th at they required thirteen or fourteen min- FOR THE DROUTn SUFFEREBS. It. 0. Obampolllou, Hanker Corliln’, In-Law, Commit, Suicide. Newpobt, N. II., August 27.—TheCorbin f irm here was tbe scene of a tragedy lost night, Mr. Rene C. Chainpoltion, son-in-law I rmd. Mr. J. II. Power., on. of lb. contractor, tor tbo I grading of tbo Savunab, Dublto and Wiwurn rail- _ _ road, ba, returned from a month*, trip to Now of Mr. Austin Corbin, the New York bank- .. — 1..: _:a i. \r„ m... n:__ I capitalist, wbo ere Inter—te.1 in the enterpn—. Utes for their atereot) ping, while tbe Bos- 8L Louie Take, a stop to IIolp tho Toxaa ton Herald's work in that department is done in seven or cighL" Mr. Polnifer is sccom People Affected by the Dronlb. Sr. Lome, August 39.—8L Louis is about er, committing suicide. Mrs. Ghampollion had not been in good health, and the couple came here a few days ago in order to get | f , r °*?y* P * ^!SJ the benefit of tbe mountain sir. and will remain without (unit.. KtTort, were made to got a settle ment. bat nothing satisfactory could bo arrangod ..... ■■ ;o to N«w I . accompanied by hi* family to offer aid to the inhabitants of the drouth Daring tbe evening, while tbe other mem- Sid Mr. Powm dsetdod that bo would go in I,or. I in oovcral weeks. ] stricken diatriots ot Texas, whenoe come re- hers of the family wero down stairs, Mr. I v..rk.!.d—o.iutlybow matter. »t-jod. Cbampollion went np atairs to get some-1 TbarMultof bteiovmtigat'im waaa aatteffictory tilln . V. . hi. —is. t, r k _.i,i ,p h . . I otxx and be aays tba toad will be bnllt wltbont a thing for bis wife, it is said, ibe report ZS. ts, — or is. ..ono— or r-s. IIo then goes to tho ContinenL He hao poru of great suffering'for the ordinary been most kindly received by London joor nalists, and is having a very good time. i Mouey. Spending A. T. Stewart* Saratoga tetter to Courtrr Journal. Judge Hilton is one of the very few per- sons of wealth who never tires of its dis* pi ty. Coming into possession of the mil lions that another mw had spent a life- time in accumulating, hois jnst as pleased to-day with his belongings as he was the first year. Mr. Stewart disliked idle, ex travagant young men, anil yet bo hoarded, that Judge Hilton's sons should live like prodigals. Each one hi* own traps, as they style their wagons, horse* and grooms. They are fat, grom-looking men. and ap pear many year, older than they really are. Ju Ige Hilton msk. t a jolly host; he will hing Pits songs to the girls, and diuite S'ir- gtms breakdowns for their amtisemenL His guest. Judge Brady, i. a jolly Irishman, draw* jig. and recites in the Irish vernacn- « ,7°Z °’ 4 «dn Hilton's daughters, Mrs. Hughes end Mrs. Rnoaell, have their OitUgfa is th* Woodlqwn Fork, and th* eat at the Jaiigc'e table, gr • ndchildren. The ladies of attaining life. A com mittee of members of the Merchants Exchange has been appointed to collect and solicit subscriptions, and they propose to secure subscriptions of seed wheat, flonr, meal, clothing and other necessaries of life, which will be sent down in charge of a com mittee of distribntion, whose doty it sill be to see that the supplies are placed in proper hands and distributed where the greatest need exists. It is expected that a train consisting of ten ears, loaded with pro virions will be sent to relieve the suf ferer*. thing for his wife, .it’to Mid. The report I ^'tTYnYTi:-c( u.. .io PW . of toad* w- I of * pi«tol WU heard a four minutes Inter, | the resnU of a complication which vu not foil/ Geronlmo Ftemdlng for Terms. tod thoso who went tn ascertain the cause of I understood by Mr. Underman, who piojtcted tbe it found him on the floor dead, shot in the w £*v •"*** InruhrmA Tb* stowul ,.t,lWn <lnn« witK W IU _ toave _,MdoB on the __4fo of ►•Ptember forehead. The deed nod been done with a 32-calibre pistol, which the suicide held in bis band. Before committing the fatal act he hod removed hto cost and vest. . i*t>w—. WHuemi mat to any a.ant taa Mr. Cbampollion was a sufferer from 1 mM :aT will b. beraaome Um.ln HeptemUr. U. and will ptobably arrive In New Pork abont lb. 16th ' up tb. bomte. Attar that time all nMdad | will be torthraulnia and tbe work < road will be reenmed by tho rt ret of October. Mr. Poweve WMaMursd that In any rial the rhenmatUm and erysipelas, and hto snieidal I left but al*bt for Savennab to Inform interested act to attributed to mental aberration re- parties at that and of tha Una of tbs molt of bu suiting therefrom. He married the eldest | TU ** daughter of Mr. Corbin abont eight years ago, and two children, a boy on! a girl, sur vive him, with their widowed mother. Th* Now Hospital. ftSl jAwNg *5#wos? I'ORPRICES SPECIAL *i lunoui ^URE DIIIousp-ss: Sick Heaf-ichrJS V0 Ono doto relieve* Mecrateis* gut prevent Chills Fevf r. Sour S.cnu.. Brer'.h. Clearthe Skin.Tonelho INfigfrKfs. Lite + Vigor to the *•; stem. Po—» Tnr them once and you will peter be Price, 26 certs per battle*. t*M 5/ fSc-*=j$ cl Medicine Dealers generally. y prlco In stamps, pcttpald, to any adar-$s. J. V. SMITH A mjfaclurer* an *. Solo Prop i.. ' ST* LOUIS, A®' The county coumUsiotxere met yeetenUy lit the ' disenstmc the plans for fie new bos* I nations*. Some f purpese of dlsenasun pits! or elmabonss. A FRIEND IN NEED. Dr.Sweet's Infallible Liniment- Prepared from the rei-elptof ,.*B« of Connectlcat, ihe great nsturxl iwn* * | tbaofO J®"** i tune sco they *4opt»4 I Wilcox, Aiuzoxa, August 30.-CoL Wad.- u Motbodtet Tbaoioglcsl Seminary, tba riMte-umdin«plan. mrt when ib. toU l.rta .M .11 sb* ; B*iH.i.. l i*ftiin I co*etn»ction were oponod It was foonAtb** t below* I MOST PERFECT MADE wn rsaady frr uh.iiuau«ni.^ewy**jjjjjj t }S "all DXtiooists-tl 5, talk aleodtr nnd much handsomer than u,cn of the atmily. ho* ronnded up *11 tho Chlricahmui and Warm Spring Apacbos, numtxring 420. He ho* them under guard, and will, nnlcaii some accident occurs, carry oat General Miles's plan, moving them ont of Arizona. Captain Lawton ia in elo*e proximity to Geronlmo, who has asked tor better terms than an an conditional inrTender. (rns siim'AL ohocxd* maiixd. Nouales, August Ml.—Gcromino ba* sent word to General Mile* that ho will meet bim at San Bernadino, ranch to arrange terms of surrender. i evt bkl wm c-raeldeiably larger thin tba —Um.tetl It ha* been decided to form an education-1 cost. Ihte troujht .bowl a ret m-Ueratlon ot tbo ai association for the porpooe of bnilding, M«- at Wayman Grove, 23 milea from Baltimcre, a theological seminary to train young men for the ministry of the African Methodist Ttotetdaj tt wm decided to do eway with tba UrK.*n*la building, sad the cottega plan waa adopted. This call, for a nan' ~* ■ eottegM «ltel to the wuu Prepared whhttrlct regard to Purity,Strength, and KlcaUhfolne—- Dr. Pnce'a Baking Powder coaialce ap Amamate. Lla— or Alum. l>r.Prlco'. Extr,c:j, VaniUs, Lcoos, orange, etc., flevur dcUcUbily. PRICE BML1Q POWDER CO., CJUcopo end SL Lculi Episcopal Church. Rev. D. I’. Seaton, the “■*WyAffiLISglV general .np- nntendent of the saccocsfnl ^fi,i M r ',^ npenaun tent’s cotaz*. <u-. ■ - MS* Bretth »1 campmeeting recently held by the a,locu tion, wag appointed financial agent to as sist an execative committee of nine in rais ing fund'. It to Mid th it $2,000 have ol-1 ready been subscribed. plan, —w ia tba oteee ot Cterk Salih .bow pUln ills—I little four-room better., to b. tuitt with I metal efawn to tbo tl of peeplo who aoek I pcotoctloo under tb. .Mitering wing of tb. cownb. It will be a lit:!- Tillage, wbl tl ea» at any Uae b< .did to, a. tho cuicr.vncy may di HINDERCORNS. PterI*te. r"?EES!S. ,l “u!£>***■