The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 07, 1886, Image 9

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PI 1JI 'I I !i | jjjf CONTINENT SHAKEN THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH : TUESDAY, SEI’TE VI HER 7, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. 9 s j,.W YORK TO THE OULF fB ° M BY EARTHQUAKES. Conntornstlon In Macon-Clilmney, joppled Over, Hen Alarmed, Women Frightened, Negroes Terror- Stricken. aL L GEORGIA. BADLY SHAKEN UP, t Ftars For Charleston—No C Ration to be Had With It- ports From All Over the Country, A GENERAL SHOCK. I AtMup. The Kattluiunke Felt In the Towns Around LaGralok, Ga„ August 31. —A terrible Macon. enrthquako shock was felt to-niglit (it nine Baiisesville, August 31.—At five min- °’ c ' oc “> lasting one minute or mora anil ac utes to 9 o'clock p. ill., out little city I oompanied by n louil tumbling. Building- " ' ' make whiM, .... r„i, and chimneys wero shaken and Tisited by an enrthquako which wm felt Bnd chimneys were ihiken mid cracked to very sensibly by everybody. The occupants tbe ' r foundations. Terror reigns among the of tho Mitthews Home were terribly fright ne Kroes. Tho greatest exciteuiont is among c-ned supposing the city clock in the tower ftU classes. t Tlie f 0 '? 0 ** of the Colored At in ereatconfnS’ R li.‘i! lnrch wa ® broken n P Eastman, Ga„ August 3!.—At five roin- i>,,r it... i 1 i 10 i?_’.^' 1 ?_ COD ? re K a t'.on think-1 utes to nine to-night a heavy shock by tho shout, and cries of the negroes could bo heard alt over the city, lint little damage wua done, a tew chimneys were shaken OUTSIDE OF GEORGIA. Macon felt a severe shock last night. laree regulator clock in tho hallway -the union depot stopped at eight min- ° * to 9 o'clock; the first shock being felt at that hour, the motion being C scat to west. It was felt perceptibly in every quarter of the city, and caused #!?occurred at an h° nr w hon the few mor- * tg who keep open door* after dark «re about closing up, and when trade had ’ ed consequently there were few per- sons on the streets at tho time. In a min- nte after the shock hundreds of people were L n running to the middle of ttie streets. Slid confusion then followed, and people about excitedly, wondering what would * Out in the residence portion of the city Ma nv people who had gone to bed rushed homes without taking PANIC IN A THEATRE. Tho People Inn Terre H UUte Theatre Wild with Fright lltuh f»»r tho Doors. Terre Haute, August Ill.—Two distinct down. The noise resembled that of the Tho shock Fe,t 1,1 Washington—Reports approach of a cyclone. The people in gen- From AU ° ver the Country, eral were very much frightened, everything I Washington, D. C., August 31.—At 9:55 is quiet now. to*night a very decided vibration of the — I earth was felt in Washington, and in a few At s«vannnh. * minutes advices began to arrivo that the Savannah, August 31.—About 9:30 p. m. I disturbance covered almost the entire thisicity was visited by a very severe shock I country. As yet no reports have been re- of earthquake, which was followed at inter-1 ceived from north of New York nor west Vais of two three minutes by four others. I of Chicago, but all the country south and People in the city weie thoroughly west of those points was effected, terrified and rushod from their houses into I There were two shocks of earthquake, the streets and sought the open squares and I The second shock was of longer duration other places, where they would be out of and moro severe than tho first, and a few danger of the falling buildings. The ne-1 seconds later. It was felt in ail parts of groes were particularly demonstrative and I city, and created considerable constorna- ran about the streets wringing I tion. Several meetings in progress various their hands and giving vent I parts of tho city were broken up frightened to exclcmations of terror. Several I members, thinking tho buildings were fall- chimneys fell and many buildings suffered I ing, rushing from tho halls into the street*, other damage of a similar nature. Clocks I At Albaugh's opera house a large audi- were stopped and lamps and ornaments ence became frightened by the shaking of shaken from tables and shocks were felt. The shocks were about ten seconds apart and each was of about twenty seconds duration. Wimlowa’rattled, and in several casts plastering was dis lodged from ceilings. A large audience was present at tho opera house attending a minstrel show. The building shook until the people became panic-stricken, being under tho impression that tho structure was about to fall. Those in the galleries felt the shock most severely, and they rose and made a rush for the exits. The crowds in the other parts of the house followed. Women screamed and there was a strug gling and rushing for the doors. Almost tho entire audience fought their way to the streets. Several 8acce88lori * policemen who were present Btood in tho doorways and attempted to keep the fright ened people back. One man was pushed over the gallery, but saved himself by catching the railing. No one vras seriously hurt. Reports from various quarters of the city state that sleepora were awakened by the swaying of beds and Tattling of windows. IS CHARLESTON ENGULFED! XVater Thrown a Foot. Jacksonville, Fla., August 31.—Tho Times-Uniou's specials from tho interior of the State report the earthquake shock was generally felt at about tho same moment, causing great alarm. At Cedar Keys the shock was heavy and distinct, the houses and earth trembling vi olently, moving cars on tho tracks at Highland. Tue sbdsk threw water from tho railway tank, tho surfaco being ten inches below the edge AtMcCleney two shocks were felt, alarm ing tho inhabitants greatly. The soond was heard a full minute before tho first shock. At Starke, Olustee, and Waldo tho shak ing was very perceptible, with a heavy roar ing noise. At Baldwin three f hocks were felt in rapid N«» I>ain»*f;« lu •iHcktfouvlllft. Jacksonville Fla., August 31. A severe earthquake shock was felt here at 8:55, p. u., shaking buildidgs so that the people ran into the streets in al i r m. Tho osceUa- ti( ns were perfectly regular, lusting more than a minute. They H-emed It Wrn Iuiponslble to Hear From There Tills Homing. New Youk, August 31.—Since the earth quake rijock there bus been no telegraphic Windows mid Lamps Broken. Louisville, August 31.—At 9:13 p. m., city time, a severe attack was felt all over the city, lasting about thirty seconds. In the fifth story of tho largo I'ourior Journal building the first motions were very decided oscillations, north and south, which settled into vibrations. A general stampede occurred, and people left th.-ir horses and ran into the streets all over the city. Several public nu•• vn< ri« hr •k«-a in and tin* uudn-iic»*s rushed wildly, frightened into tho streets. The streets were crowded with fenr-stricken inhabitants, who would not communication with Charleston, South I go in doors until after the second shock, Carolina, from any _ point in which, scarcely perceptible, occurred fifteen No buildings far ns is mantles. I ‘he bailding and stampeded. The occupants „ >B country. The telegraph authorities minutes demolished I of the galleries, mainly gentlemen, jumped, laye boen „ J nabto t o set preu dispatches I window, later. ’ Furniture was moved and i I tr\ J5= u I —»« sv get press dispatches windows and lamps were broken in various £22 mdmwZnTi faSSa or other commontoatloM from ttere. This hotels, but no serious damage is reported. p m. no lives wore lost or injnry to person end rushed pell mill down stairs, falling clrc timsianee occasions great concern. That E°. ne “; . , .. ' I over one another in their efforts to escape action of tho country seems to have been * their homes wilhont taking | E-patchc: f.-cm surrounding towns re- from the building end stopped for no -v. ^ o£ a „ aLtuibutt. • nathor no nnvthina in P ort aQ experience similar to that of this until they reached tho street. T u J*-—» tt “ e , 1 fhinn P y 8 tlIe city. in tho part of the house "The city council was in session when tho „ Au ?? St , tb « c “‘ P 08 * 1 P ri “ oi Pf ? ®* bul lne cuy e Th nalties here resulung from the earthqnake less frightened shock occurred, inere are two heavy ore I were . b and few left their Great Excitement In Hemplil Masram, August 31.—A violent shock o? Savannah, Cm., reports that the shock I earthqnake was experienced hero at 8:5f> was the severest ever felt in that to-night. Its motion was from north to >me from th tiuct rumbles, was felt at 9:03. No north' th uery dis- ight trjmor eported. t 9:07 to- an earth ly seconds. At. Auburn, Ala. Auburn, Ala., August 31.- ai^bt, standard time, thero w luake hero lasting thirty or ft 1 he largo brick building of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute trembled violently by upward impulse s. There was a rumbling sound at first, but if it continued it was not noticeable amid the rattle of windows. The trees quivered continuously during the shock. Very Slight In Mobile. Mobile, Ala., August 31. At 8:50, Mo bile time, a very slight shock of an earth quake was felt in this city. The movement was from the south west. It was noticeable in tho tor floors a houses, making tho chandeliers swing ard giving people a distinct sensation of mrv- ing from side to sido. One shook oolyoc- curred, lasting about two seconds, f i tin rcrna rc- . . _ The audience but they were I locality. It is known that a bridge in the I south, and lasted full ten seconds. It had . j . . ““j* gjl enes, vicinity of Charleston was shaken from its a rapid oscillating movement. Great con- UTimera stored in the basement of the'hall, | : « , . , . . ,. , .. and lew left their seats. The foundation and wires all lost, but that sternation was felt. Many who w» re within iSTt was thought at first that one of the Lucy Foster, wilored, tnghtened to death, went on with their piece, and quiet was k not 80 8eriou8 ^ the fact that their offices and residences lied into the S»mer.w»s being rolled ont Attheseo- , Gmnt, colored, hit on head by soon restored. No one was injnrod varions other points throngh which there street. Nnmbers wh> hml retired, fsol n 1 .hock which came a half-minute after, * nok * £rom acbimne y» and seriously in- People on the street did not feel tho communicated with that city, are ing the sensation, rushed on memberd of cotinoil left tho hr.ll in a Jkred. shock, and the first knowledge they had o£ | nua ble to get anything from them. of their dwellings, not waiting to dress r Tinomit bv tho front and rear leov- -Jane Fields, colored, thrown Into con- the occurrence was ohtainod from tho sight B — themselves. Giles's at tlio Peabody Hotel hnrry. g <Mngout m tno I1rent anu rear leov- val9ion9i o£ the frightened inmates of honsos rushing «®o™ Break Loose From Supports. hnrried down 9 , 9it think i 0 g the building ingonlySIayo hnildlno ahook and 1 Joseph Pope, hit on tho head by a brick from them into the streets. Tho Western Raleigh, N. C., August 31.—Earthquake wn9 fulling. Itwrstho same all ov-r the mined chamber. Tho building shook and from ihimney. Union operator at Bowie, Md., nhont 20 shocks wore felt hero to-night beginning at dty. and many women wont into hysterics Ktorv of the hnillino sav Mrs. F. J. Smith jumpod from a two-sto- miles from Washington, telegraphed that 9:50 and continuing nearly six minutes. It w08 t ho Boverest shock ever experienced An the MMna swtryoi h B ’, B0T . ry wiod^w with fifteen months old child the earthquake cracked the walls of his sta- Buildings rocked, walls cracked, lloora in t hi 9 section of tho conntry, ^Shcso nffl1em P 'rolled ont o? thrir I aud severely injured ' **“ — 1 1 beds and came flying down stairs, without | At New Holland. tiTKOBBUBo. Va., August 31. A. vfvy pro- nounced shock of an earthquake was folt hero nt 10 o'clock this evening. House* swayed, bricks were shaken from chimneys and a great many poople ran from their beds into tho streets. Tho shock lasted fully ono minute. Only one tfbock wan dis tinguished. A heavy rumbling noise ao- companied tho shock. If UrHiilifH .11 llwaukee. Milwaukee, August 31. l arge buildings wore shaken to their foundations hero, ’eoplo fled in affright to tho streets. Win dows wero broken iq numerous buildings, and pictures fell from the walls. No par ticular damage was done. Tho shock was felt only in the larger buildings and only in the central part of tho city. It was most severe in tho iourth ward. I tion, and stopped the clock. I broke loosejfrom their supports, chimneys Professor Simon Newcomb, of tho Nautl-! tell and lamps w«r« overturned. The ! cal Almanac, furnishes the following figures I shocks lasted over five minutes. The | Ficturrs on tbo Walls Sway. St. Louis, August 31.—A very distinct stopping JjJ the 1 barracks said the I ^ E , w Holland Rprinos, August 31.—The | regarding the earthquake: The first shock | motion of tho earth was very ^decided. Tho | earthquake shocE was experienced iu this lte pnsoners m uie^ DarracKS i^l the I people were thrown into tho greatest con- occurred at 9:53:20; second shock about I streets rapidly filled with with people, and I placo this evening at 9 o’clock, and lasted little hntiding m which they were connned, j gterna ^ on jj ere to-night by a shock of I 9:54:30, and lasted until 9:69. I screams of frightened persons could be for about a quarter of a minute. The shock rocked like *J 8Ul P »n a siorm, ana mey I earthquake. Tho hotel and cottages rocked No reports of any serious damage in the I heard. The negroes were in great I was not at all violent, and resembled were ternbly frightened. | a 8 jjjp j n 8 t 0 rm. The dancers in tbo I dty have been received. I l®ar. Snob decided shocks were never felt I the motion of a series of water waves, time before tho councilmen 1 Vvnil.mnm find tliA onMt« InnVinrr nn HaiI I _ lludHon In Vlnlteil Too. Hudson, N. Y., August 31. Tho earth quake shock was toll boro at 9:57 thii It Mas of about30 see mils duration, luildings oreaked and people who had re tired, wire awakened from their slumbers. The second shock war felt at 10:13, lasting about ton seconds. Tho vibration ot both shocks wns from oast to west. . .. , I ball-room and tho guests looking on fled I h-.., .. TT>t# , I1 rr7rr^r n „ VT m 1 ». fc - XT .-n-e I here before. The reports show that shocks I Guests occupying upper floors of the returned to their desks and order was re- terror-stricken from the hotel and cottages. | PANIC IN RICHMOND PENITENTI ARY | were felt all over the State. At Wilming-1 Southern and Lindell hotels rushed down stored. n . . . I The ladies and children screamed, and sev-1 Ri*ht Bondred PriBou* r* Frantloally limn-1 ton they were very sevore, and came near I stairs badly fxigbti ned, (soring that soms The rooms of the xoung Men cnnstian I era j tidies came near fainting. Negroes! mer on Their Doom. I wrecking sevoral buildings. It is safe to catastophie was about to occur. Association were fluea wnn^ yonng men, I rU8 hed madly from the dining-room, where I Richmond, Ya , August 31.—The shock I say tbat no such excitement was over known I The Masonic Ilall, where a com bat the shock was scarcely tell oy 1 them. I ^e tables, chairs and lamps swayed for of tho eartbqunko was felt here at 9:55p.m. here os this earthqnake has created. P*ny of Knights Temply wire They say they thought tne alight vibration I geve ral seconds. In one cottage, high up Houses were shaken, and in somo The shook of earthquake here rang the 1 drilling, pictures swaged inward from the of the building was caused by tho practicing jj 6 a baby carriage was lifted two foot I instances severely. Many persons I church bells. It also threw down plaster- walla. Tho shock was also felt in tho Mis- ia the gymnasium room. I n tho air. Tho building was raised one I ran into the streets, some half I ing and rang door bells in houses. The souri Republican building, und at other The shock, which lasted about three | on one The shock lasted about I drossed. Tho shock was generally felt I second shock came at 10:04and lasted about places throughout tho olty no cosnalities niautes, was accompanied by a low, I one m i nu to, and took place at 9 o'clock. I throughout tbo city, and the excitement I balf a minuto. The third shook did not I have jet beon reported, rumbling sound, and this, together I people are now standing oat-doors in I was intense. It is said by many persons I come until 10:30, and was very slight. It* rith the general shaking up, cau JJ d terror, excited and discussing the situation. I to have been a heavier shock than the ono shook houaes very senribly. The move- Not Mach In Now York. tie wildest excitemont among the No persons injured anil no material damage which occurreaUcro on the night of Decern- ment of the earth from the first was I New Yonx. Aneait 31.—A very percepti- tin negroes. They ran out of their homes | repor tod. I her 22nd 1875. I ▼cry perceptible. At the first shock tho j bie earthquake shock, lasting about tou ber 22nd 1875. ~ | tery perceptiblo. . To increase the excitement the prisoners houses soon acquired a swinging or oacilla- seconds, was experienced hero at 9uj7 this .. .... . . * . I At. _a .1. _ 1! ,C ...1.: I . It w.d in tiin nnavnlinn rrtrtfii the negroes, mey ran out ot tneir nomes reP o r tod. in Uq;e nnmbers and falling to their knees 1 — in tie Streets began prajing with all their KtV«W°^ , I in*the" penitentioiT. about'800 In ^'umborTl UngwoTVn'.enC the steadluessof which waaTeveniniL It was felt in tho operoUng room might, fully behoving thut tho world was Valdosta, Ga., August 31.—Tlio effe“q bccam £ p a D io stricken, and began a great remarkable. In theNewB and Observer of the Western Union building where the comirg to an end. ... of an earthquake was keenly felt in val-1 ou tcry and hammering on tho doors of tbo office, shaking was similar to that felt in switch board was awaved for a second or Tit pnvato watchmen in the business dostn to-night at about half-past 9 o clock. „ * The cnatll9 on dnty cn . the press room, whero tho enginea and so. and In the Associated Press rooms in potaonof the oity ran away when they felt Those who hod retired were aronsed by the I deavotcd to qniot them with 1 presses are rnnniog. There was a pause of tbe higher story of tbo Western Union tie ikock and heard the rattling of win- trembling of their honses and the falltng I effect, wheronuon tho fire alrrm was I a quarter of a minute in the first shock, building the undulations were quite start tow of the plastering from the walls- Manj' (nrncd to at0 use the citizens, and soon when the earth seemed, as tbo phrase oan ling. sro drilling in their left their honses in their night c,oth «i, J° th^dtera coll for the military whs sound -be used, to bolanco itself. l’e TUSmthern Cadets were c uioq, in the Ayres 1 . .building. The build- great was the fear that they would be ‘aiTtbe tobdlL ThTcJwaspromptly hjiiwk with such force thnt tho windows crashed under the fait It has caused ro y dcd to ftIld , u 0 fow m i nnt J BO idTerc is L’ersons while walking experienced n diz- Tho excitement at this hour, 10:46, zy feeling with a sensation os of falling. s | cruanea nnaer me iau. is uas mum i ^gp^ed to nnd >n a fow minutes' soldiers | is »ot all abated. Very fow peraons Thero aro thus far no reports of damage, ntM The boys were brought to atten- much excitement and uneasiness here. It f ^tening to the scene. Company af- asleep, and nearly ail the housea ore and it U yet impossible to tell how wide tion md dismissed They lost no timo * n i n nnw iLa sniiwwit nf aaii vatwiIi on in all I. ® . . . . *. .* i . ...m am. . c I ii,« .t,/,«v. ,.vi„n/i ,>,i P ‘ttwS7*b«lng held In tho Syna-1 it on the streets. “At thU hour, I »» I SSHf t^Vh- !ina I The F.m l. Char..«u„. w..t V.rg.n. pgue. When the shock was folt the build- 10 o'clock, everything Is again serene. No , D on t)ie B t rcc , a leading I There was rain at 8 o’clock, but at tho time I CnAnLEvros, W. Va., August 31.—At u>S vm quickly emptied. damage has been reported. , tbo , ie[d ^ n ti arv woro orowded w ;tu peo- ike shock came the sky was unolouded. 9wo this evening an earthquake shock was The Wmlejan Collogo building was mncli 1 At Aucu,t» plo excited to nn intense degree by dagger- Chaulottic, N. O., Angnat 31.— A Severn, felt here. It was very severe, lasting fully lidtnnp, but no damage was done there. _ ited reports thnt ono ct the walls of shock of earthquake was felt here at 10:15 three mtnnten. Mnny people who hadro- I« Viutville at tho residence of CapL 1.1 Adoubta, Ga .August 31. A * CTCr ® I, lj0 nemtemtUry had fallen iu and this evening. Several chimneys were dn-1 tired for the night were so fnclitened that B. English tho shock was perceptibly felt, “book of »n enrthquako was folt hero at number of convicts, I moli,heJ and the greatest excitement pro- they arose and ran from their houses. 1 hero Holt'eu shaken <low C n, id0n0 ° °' ^ T ’ U I “ ra»W into the I “4 that many of them had gotten out of | Crowds Pthercd int^.trcctsand | ^ h * “ r {our dutmct ]anl P#0 p U ta ,hed into tho “ a “y torhsif an hour there was much eontodon this hour no damage or deaths are reported. of Mr. J. a -treeU and to. principal thoroughfare, are ^ “, 0^^ This is the first k of an eartl,quake Now streets, “ be unfounded. In half an hou’r'S time shocks were t&, the first Icing the most ^ 1 8igna^Omcer wllUa m . rc“ t.n di^ f ~“ *• *3EJS2P ; and Unct.hocks at 9:51, 9:52, 9:59, 10, 10JBI, . V, [reel 10d7,10S1, 10:27,10:29, 10:31, 10:45, sov- ° U ,M^ S'*.™*' Cbimaeys at the residences Bruner, corner Mulberry and , Sin. J, Mercer Greene, on Poplar street, lit W. U. Rogers, on Collego street, "" «■ Itonroe Ogilen, on Georgia avonne, Mr. Norman I. Brunner, on Oak street,, J ..... ... - rue tb,ken down. enty fifth Meridian time, Bricks were shaken from tho chimneys on At For,yth in l H.° rea , r , 0f ““ W- Foaarrn, August 31.—Al 9 o’clock to-1 When tbo panic first occurred nbont fif-1 w»s*fiSlng." 1 Th7ahockwas"nnUe I this city to-night. wT g5S-*P-?,^?- l ?. U tt- , SKSg 1 "Igtol ronjih experienced quite a .evere| teen prisoner j got ont of their eelU by Brca ,f blo E ,Xe tolephono exchange ami U 10 o’clock tho Court IIoumi Tower Swhjl Indianapolis, August 31. Tue earth quake shook was distinctly felt hero about 8:62 A portion of tho oornioo of Denison's Hotel was displacod, falling to tho pave- tnent, i*1111 tin' tower of th«» court house rocked to such nn extent that the fire watchman ou duty tied down stairs. How It AfTtrtiMl Cliultanongn. Cuattanoooa, August 31. A decided shock of enrtbqnako was fvlt hero to-night, which lasted fully twenty siwouds. Tho gas lights in tlio Timos office, a stone structure, swayed to and fro, and the windows fairly shook. Considerable ex citement was creuti <1 in the city. A Newipapor Force Hcarrtl. Detroit, Mien.. August31. At !> o’clock to-night usliock < f c.irihqu ike caused eon- siderabls oxoitement in this city. It waa ot short duration, but was distinctly felt iu different parts ot tho town. The Free Press building editorial force mado a stampede for tbo strocts, A I’ati'c In Cleveland. Cleveland, O., August 31. This evening nn enrthquako shock, lasting about one minute, Liih just occurred hero. 15 Hidings swayed perceptibly. No damage i.s ye t re ported. People left tho theutrts and ran into tho street, ami gnut excitement pre vailed. whir. Very MlUl Id Cincinnati. .... . . . . , ,| ''iminmii, August :1. At )I. m., setne, but before he arrived everything hod clt tlm a ,ii ght K , hock ot ea ,thqnaVe wos become qdiet, the military being on duty w ( bct ^ The printer, in the b'tra office, . _ ana the pnsonen in tneir cells. _ _ ... I started to ran down ttairs, thinking tho I distinct shocks of earthquake were felt in ' •" ig. The shock was quite Ibis city to-night. The first como exactly perceptible at the telephone exchange anil I at 19 o'clock tho second twelve miimtca dtement exists, and tho people of tho city aro sitting up waiting another shock and the final result. I Scranton Gets h Uttlv Taste, SckAKTos, Pa., Angu,t 31.—Two very Three Hliock^ lu Knoxville, August 31. A Severn shook of earthquake passed over this city at 8:54, rattling glass nnd driving peoplo *frotn tho houses, Tho second shock was felt at 9:03, and tho third shock at 9:07 iu the direction of cast to west. Wi vi ) • ” — ,, i Dl li u ‘ run J lu leeu yswvuu** wu» 1 i pereoDtiblo at the telcrmoDO exchanco and I ociock iuo h« conn twc ivo minutss 8r 8 reiiidsnce, No. 90 I me street, earthquake shock accompanied by a pocu- breaking unzecuro bar* of trtnwm* over I ottsrlmUdiMii, but it was not noticed later. In tho editorial and composing bar -miliar sound somewhat similar to that made | the cell doors, .but ,‘W I much bvne^Aa inthe.tTetls I rooms of the Republican Vdiee. ik t " 8 ' e8 ' d,DC ®* on Cole street, were j iv a pa^sjug locomotive drawn by a coal were soon secured, • eB °“ I burner with blower on. The sensaUon con-1 much tronblo, the gtiord firing several toots I re ^rt e Va’ a t'the pohoo headquarters'lD the I pended objecU swung to and fro. and c u- . much by persons in the streets. rooms of the Rent without | r, SCISS1TIl August 31.—Tho officera end in too fifth story of tho building, sus- A I.,,.,, ... i i , . ouruer wivu uiuwet on. .u, awanan. w«-, uwum ui— i fepbriirs at the uolioe beadqurun In toe i ponaou oojeote iwnng to ana ngusc n- Jhap on e Uble et Mr R. O. Wilson s tinned for BCTer el seconds, dunng which in the air to bnng them under subjection. cil l y bnilJi ‘ m ‘ ade ® atam n C do from the eidcrnblo consternation prevailed for a wiwncs was turned over, but was caught I windows rattled, plastering fell, bucks I Tpl«mim* from Danville. PpUmbtiro. I i_,_ *%._*_» . I ei,Av> tim« Ti>atioa-u-s. ui u verinm bj Mr. WiliOM lin-r VA if A limn all a» .• .LI - * iTMV^wnZr u ’fT*V n 14 * I*; ''•“ar: I Winnows raiuea, piaaieriug wu, uiwmi Telegrams from Ddnville, Petersburg, Lhakinc building into tho street, as tho short time. Tbs shook was felt in various tteboiudiDfhoM. r nv A on p!5nrth , w *" tb *“ wn chimney* end hanging Norfolk end Ashland ud other points aUte has been expected to collapse for portions of the city, especially in tho higher ^ D lodTxVo^b G n7 T to“rcwiS ““P* T ‘ b ™‘ ed SV " ntjngnUhed beforo any damugo was done. At Atl.nta, renorted from 30 seconds to 3 minutes end i „, ,e 0r ~ U * °w I Udeettlen* Peel I« In Brooklyn. Bdtles were shaken up in the drag I Atlanta, August 31.—At 9 o'clock to-1 .S rso was from eeet to west * I ^^1 1> * ai11 ® be New Yoee, August 31.--~Tbe shock wee In VV. T. Shinholsor’s etore, on night there we* *n earthquake shook in I ■ narlnwto ° amtS' ^t' 0 Itoucks^All The fcIt in Urookl > D « tb » motion brim; severe Jjnrth Street, a lot of canned goods fell Atlanta that crested e greet sensation. COLUMBIA, 8.0. n i“ r ,°*, ? ,t* T iu , . ' U , C T*; , , I enough to rattle chandeliers an.lVro' Very bin the shelf. A few bottles fell from the Business honses on yarione etroets wero Th# Coart nou« Wall. n»dly Cracked-N.- J. 1 ®® , in l 5 8 ., h,!,? PU oI ' cm 1 “nso pedestriaLs to halt in the streets nH «t L VV. Hunt A Co.’s drag store. I shaken up, end the inhabitants hate told gro.. Fraying in the ntreei.. ficestopned *t 8^4, etsndara time. and wonder whether or cot an explosion rn Ml the drag stores that were open the large etoriee. The trothseems to bo toat Colcvbia, 8. 0., August 31.—A fearful rahubly tho Wuls l I had occurred. Thero wai no rambling “iuds in the large jars were teen shaking on Alabama street and at the Kimball Bboc i, c j earthqnake swept over this city “®. ^'1=, . ,?. M r sound nor any noise, but tho fact that a wieveral minntee after tho Bhock. Home and the immediate vicinity tho f rom the southwest at 9:48 to-1*2S***“, 1 ” ..j’ r ?. er , C '! l Ln)?J /P .i t I genuine eaithqnako had been feltwasrt- . Mte.. W. X Wylie, living on l’me street, shock was perceptibly felt night, shaking toe bnildioge fearfully, *“**■“•*• “• “2“*? “• I garded beyond dleputo. Quite a numbirof ^t«d and wai an nrn.tmted that Dr .. " . = and sinco then thero have been P. nntc .™“ d » d " en or ?° J nm l >cd .. 0 ? t . of electric UtoU were ex Jncuishtd. mated and was so prostrated that Dr. •fiker was colled In. At Wait l*olnt. ten violent shock,, but none bavto, the {SjAP?i?. Mrs Willir^n* Di n .-.»maai I Wkht Poixt, Ga., August 31.—West | *>,* ’rm.. .im-w u«»m1 I building, a distance of six feet. One of I Th® ltoat Conitrucied iiuihllnK" Slink*, l^np.tair, when the shock occurred | Point wravUi^tod ^^“ini.turc^ fa „r,i irc . 0 ml?u ,ea. and it looked aa.if the | ‘^’“^“t'ba^brai.ed in hi. heed, Moow-^ALq^UgiatM^ 8:48 ccptibly f. It in this city. lie din ction Litited.f.Uing down«rerod.t^ quake to-night at 9 o’etoek. There wm no STtotoiS dowm ^ but w.s not serfomlyhart badly braised. mistaking the low rnmbJng noise or toe c j,i mnBJg were thrown down in Pittsburg Radiy l . , . Miu 0’IUra, livinu in Kandv Bottom, hod I vibratory sensation of the house* suaaiug. I diilc-rout parts of the oity, Pittobcho Angnat 31.-At 10 o’clock to- 11 omod 101,8 «* u,t to W ** L Ti e motion w*. « bit toe bedside^of her brother Tom, r “‘ he l^ a ‘ . of d .°°" , i f *V a ® 8 „ lb,! hut so far no cxsuaUtie* are reported. The nightTn Tarthqiciko shock wss felt in ail f ?*‘ lo b«»‘ «m»truct#d budding, of too ‘bihu bren seriously sick for seversl Wling walls. The shock DsUd about 0Da I stneU were filled with pooplegMting sway pSto of this‘city and Alleganey. The “ d laateil several Mcondic S qe *I‘. ADd wa* going to her room to retire minute, from their ahoking house*, and childreu .hook lasted about tl irfv seoends, I b oaJ “ rocked snd tbe peopls ran out of night When she felt the ahock she At Haw kin.Tin*. screamed in terror. Tho compositors Und created the greatest tr-c dion in them. ««peci'dly from the upperdloom. The “d fell, anataining slight braise*. I HAWgwsvtLUt, Angnat 31.-IUwkluvilie in the Register office bod hotel* and lares building., i., ^3 Hj'..1 wo, not lelt by those on to* ground i-i, ,*' >od <l*el of plastering fell in many I wa9 terribly toeken to-night at 9 o’clock by | to leare their cooes several tiqra, MM the I Anderwn and Hotel Daqueane the guests ot l ' lde w *“* ‘Wings. In the offices over the UQion| v hatis buddosciI to hive been an earth- building seemed to be in emmment danger, ra n into the streets panic stricken, and in WilmlaKi | JPot when the night operator v * • TO-" .. - . l.. J u,L^.L.Ai.i.aai, M u . - • ' * *•- w 1 “ Wllmlagtou, N* « Docs Not Encspc. Wilminoton, N. 0., August 31.— A se- »c,Hi -80* operator was at work, quake. Botttos were shaken from the and in the direct hneof the ahock* n large th* upper storice of the Western Union . niutraoTO,, «. u„ Aogust .11.—a *». t,°“ of the Plastering fell and fright- .nelvee and plastering btoly cracked, bnt pnbUo meeUng was being held in the court telegraph building the ewajing ot the vere earthquake ahock wss felt hero at 9:50 him, and ho soon left the bnild-1 no serious damage yet heard ot tonae, but it adjonrned in a panfe. structure waa quite diatinctlv felt Dewitt p . m . Windows rattled, bricks 7„,, • — The walls of toe court house were C . Byiaby, of Medio, hotel Vere shaken from ehimney*. and tut Macon the ehock was felt fully os At Fort Valley. erased, and one portion boiUy so Dugnesne, was sitUng in the luted thirty seconds, was followed by two '•‘'•south* west aide. It created a| Foot Vallkt, Auguat 31. T A very per-| Tk* eolorod peoplo awembled in the (room of the fifto atory I others a t inUrval, of ten minute,. ’Ihe i u. . " went hiae. u erebicu. r. i rum >aw**i •» u b“" “*■ , * , * » . i . * * l . . . . Uk ° ,v i oiaers ui i.u< rvaui ui itu uuuuicit. iuq a... ™*‘ ,0 “»mong the factory operaUvee, cepUble earthquake shock Ustod eeyerml etroets prtj rag. with his son end daughter. He says the fl„ t .hock w»a oocomponied by a heavy *?,* booses in which they were moments was felt here to-night at9 0 clock. At this hour, 10-^1 ociock, people are I recking of the bailding made him sick at rambling noise. Tbo .hock was severe at rocking furiously. It shook doors and window* in a Urely congregated on the streets and In the yard* the stomach. Looking ont of the window bmttovillu and along the eoa-L Jbe oldest inhabitant remembers but ono I manner and even extinguished lamps; feanng a recurrence of the earthquake. be saw the city hall, an immense stone liA'iL* in Mscon . and that woe oniy n billiard tabs woro seen rolling screes tables. COLUMBUS, OHIO. I •*»'*'»» j«*t oppoeile. tremble end ewey * ’ ilMNdtl I’M MWlHS V.- InMy hark fitrlli On t l m Knntli thf* I Pr tivmm V J A In Kfllinu, AIrIuiiiia, Selma, Ala., August 31. A shock of (artliquakn was f<&‘along suet- ut 9 o’clock. Buildings <,t'"tU ot Fur- story rock' d buck and forth?®' *■ rushed wildly Into tho htrcetA?' damage was done. e , Meny 1‘eopf. Kilt ,v„t Know Nasuville, Augnit 31. -Two a ,liin’ks nt i..trtli,|iiuko wero felt lier. night, tho longer one ..t 8:5 IA ami shorter at 8:571. It wa, very pcrceptil to ail in tall Iniildine',, but not felt l.y 1 majority cf the people. Slightly Shaken. NonruLK, V A., Augnit 3L A well.markod enrthquako ahock occur Another, but leas severe, pr IU. No damage hue 1 1 hocko, but coiiMlernblu 1 Heated. 1 hero at 9:51. ■••lured at 10:17 ulted from the to ment is msn- -Vearly Ita'f Ulnato in temi.yin.. Loti.vrutK, August 31.- Ado i led enrth- qu.dio ahi.ek w.„ I. It I.. r • .:t 'J-|3 thi*evening. lo-Ung nearly ah ill minuto. north ami Tho vibrationi! south. No da orted. Tho Qsalce K< New Haven, Cons., Angqsfc 2 ahock was Mt here, uml peop high houses were l .111 y fn rnnhed into tho streets clad ia clothes. • i-tlout. I.- A ne vere •' lt\intf ia ■ * 5t*u»:<l and their flight Not Many I'artlcuUra From Fhll*ri-| p hl«. PiniADELPUli, Fa., Au ’-t :t1 Al»out 9 ^>3 this evening at-' f ( . r*’ .ju^ke was felt here, lasting about thin . i^omis. Tho Nibrations were from west to e.wt. Not lUil ot Lexlngton/Ky. Le \in1111.\, K\ , Au^iiwt ::i. A slight • > • t • it! |U t »> u.ti Mt iri t! u city at ' .1 - j*. i... li.: Miii .ktiijii t lasted fifteen BSOOCdl. The )5artbqa%ko Did Not Do West. New Yoke, August 31.- N.. shock wwi felt at Omaha, cr h’an Fr;.:icUco. It was very light at Chicago. SEDGWiUK TO HaYAI'.D. *f d children hcddllng to- [righten^L i %j ij? 1 ^ return to the homes | 1 ° _ 80 hurriedly left. Down A * ^ ahock I chandeliers were swayed two and fro with l^^^ bkd -od stood i“8Tonp.| i G oapo». AngMl f 3L f -jCon,id 1 wg^two Unto force U-,t they continued waa so strong that rocking chairs on the * floor were made to start in motion, and | Folk. Vary Kxcit«t at M.adrdlt, Meadtille, I*a., Angnat 31.—At 10 p. m an inrtfcqnake riiock •» as felt, foil', veil im I oomi r i di- 'Uidr.g the | of an n ^ d ‘everabodT) ‘ or B0Ir ‘ o lime, attwward in motion. | m< !i au-ly by a sh. iit. r ahodt, tha »hol «“>• I Theto aro samplc-a of the sennivtions. I lasting about twenty seeoivis. The streets Tele<irai*h office frightened U-t*d • *’ * I qv*i*h<»r» at the Blind Institute refused to I were at once filled with people. GueaU * 0F nows from other tec-1 as Hoax*. I return to their rooms after running to the roahed out of the bot< U in tb»-ir night MMaalght people could be seen | 1L—^We bad an earth- main audience room btlow. At this point I clothee, warn so and children were cryi *or a timo the saloons and I Rome. Oi.* angwi _ hnildimm so that | it wa* acsompanied by a low, heavy, rum-1 and eerraming, and every one more or i !*•»«•. in*** .““"‘y- an nnuaual oc- qnako which ah..o«J' 1 '- 1 , cTere bliug eoumL' The time given at the FUnd | alarme«l. As far as learned no djiiL.igu L ^together it canned an exciting men ran ont oi them, uu re t - ( j^J luU at Rock Bun, Ala. The surrouddinir, tinct 14 *•*•- A w • F « V>*» ^ same j Jame*xi»wj», N. Y.» Auguxt 31. was I town waa eeversly shaken a; 10 . an earthquake which l ifted about twenty icconds. Large buildings were bhakkeuand the people rushed into the streets. Chairs were caused lo rock, chandeliers vibrated and several persona experienced nauaea on account of the undulations of the earth. AVajhhngton, , State Bayard rece g am from A. G. oeotly sent odm | tiding that tho him Were ri iuloa I'hlv I to that i : tin n l j tu S» cretary of •* moon a telo- vfio wi*a rw- in to Mexioo, cul.vtcd about nd that proof i • i whenever •• titcielary of The time i ( j:i2 local. I been ilpne. UlriMlDfham Urt« off Kuy. It:: 'TIN'•ham, Ala , August 31. A hligbt but iliditict nliock of earthquake wu felt her.; to-night at " 57 o'clock. Reports of timilur <» irrence come from surrounding to'a nn in .ili di recti' n.i. NOTuINO sxii; AT TIIA LEOATION. C’uv o: Mtur o, Auguat 31.—Sedgwick, him ial American envoy, bad another con- Kultation with Miniater Jackaon yesterday, tor the purpoae of procuring data for Lh report to Secretary Bayard on toe Cot- ting auto;. At the American legation nothing ia Haid regarding the rumors in circulation concerning Sedgwick. Minister Jackaon i has taken no part in the matter.