The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 12, 1886, Image 2

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THE MACON 'WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1886.-TWELVE PAGES. THU TELEGRAPH. »JV**«®D.«T2T|T DAT IS XU* XT IQ A*2>^T*BBL1 BY TH* lic/raph and MeaBenijer Publishing Co., ■T Vvl'+nj Street, Macon, On. ?)• Dally la Callvored by carrier* In the city or M tiled poetere free to subscribers, for $1 per II nts, J'J.floi ;r three month*, $8 for six month*, It 91 j a year. ta. WxtxtT la mailed to snbicrlbers, poetoge »i, *•. 81.78 a year and 78 cent* for *lx month*. Transient Ad vert! a<< menu will be taken for the D Mi at 91 per square of 10 line* or leas for the I r. insertion, and 60 cent* for each subsequent In- lir'lott, and for the Weekly at $1 for each Insertion. Hoboes of deaths, funerals, marriage* and birthr, 9h Hsj noted communication* will not be returned. Oorroipondenoe containing lmpoitcnt new* and flltcusslon* of living topics la solicited, but must be Brief and written upon but one side of the paper to Ibti attention. BsaltUnce* should be made by express, postal Ills, money order or registered letter. Atlanta Bureau 17 Peachtree street. All oomuunioaUoui should be addressed to TEX TELEGRAPH, Macon, Ga. If cney orders, cheeks, eto., should be made paya- Me. to H. 0. Hanson, Manager. A Disappoint leg Convention. The general convention of the Knights of Labor, which has been in session in Rich mond, Va., since Monday last, has not at this writing perfected its business organiza tion. A Crazy Hamlet. ■ A School Dock War. , An Arain't *»n the Pawls. People who believe and hold that Ilnmlet | Every now and then, in different sections, • Mis* Rote Cleveland, the distinguished wm really crazy, tnay find some support! there is trouble over books for school chil-! editress of “The Literary Life,” has in the I and comfort in the late episode at Rich- | dren, especially school histories. Last 1 last isnie of her magazine an essay upon | mond, Va. The town had almost been j year the editor of the S mthern Magazine I poetrj which is bound to attract considera- thrown into a bloody riot by u stage Ham- | made a vigorous and just ps?ault upon a ble attsntion, at least from the poete and I WAIT - FOR - DORIS I TIN I >O i ;B r rELl)Y COMING, let. Mr. Banfimnnn, an actor whom Home school history published at Cincinnati anil of our ploy-goers may recall, makes his ex- much used in the public schools of the pl&nation through the Richmond Dispatch : South. His arguments and illustrations BiruMosn, October 7.—Allow me to make a etate- j were conclusive. Now a spirited warfare meat in reference to the -colored delegate" of the ig I8glD(? in Newark, N. J., against the "Knights of L»bor” who occupied an orchestral , , -n . e r ... chair in the of Mu.lo during the perform. • d °P U °“ of Barne » 8 Britf Hlstor y o£ ,h ‘‘ ance of “Hamlet'* Tuesday night I do not think it United States as a text-book in the public right that others should be blamed for any action schools on account of its alleged non-Union ot “to®* sentiments in reference to the civil war. TUo colored delegate wan there upon my Invito- The strife hftg beconle B0 bitter that it will tlon, and I am solely responsible for it. When Mr. , . . . . .. ... ... ... McGuire fkod m. whether I would Admit him I b * 0a " led mto tbe <=“? eleoUon - wb * b anewered In tho affirmative. Beld Oetober 12. In explanation of my action, ae fere* It concern! The battle rages elsewhere also. Senator the Mchmond people, I hag to assure them that Cn'.lom, of Illinois, has taken the issue to nothing further we. from my mind then to cut a the stamp ud in ft recent gpcech j, quotcd alur upon thoir cnatoma. I have come here a .Iran-I , .. ger and an artiat to tolled thetr patronage, and ench 89 tollowB • Intention, would not only be unmanly, but foolish. ,,rb e h 0 * 1 * nd tW b « Xor wu It done ont of any political motive. I am th * lM * on * ot ,h » " u " Tt ‘ u "»» n0 ‘ “7*”* «“* no politician. AlthongU an American citizen elnce th 'T shouM *>® **ngM *"J ,Wn g of bttternueor 1857, 1 have only voted once in my life, and for one h,tre d. bal tb »‘ “‘.y b * “ IntelUgent Idea of man. and that man wu Grover Cleveland. I have tb0 w “ » nd ‘tofreeulte, and be taught to glory in no taeto for politlce. th * achievements of the Union arms. My iota Object tn Inviting the colored delegate There were two sides to tho late war, and wu educational. I have devoted my life toward, no one has yet arisen to write a just and educating and instructing the maaae., end. If poevi- entirely impartial history of the great hi. to .ten. th* torrent of the low and degraded gtrn Senator CuUum uo taste Into which the larger portion of the amuse. 00 ) uuuut ueauc poete»»es of this bonny liu?d. F ull-Uledged to tli© Sunnny South 1 TllA HloffTAuf HvAaflkU# 11,1,1 lei All mui a < rare. . H , ftat Ev c J MisiRose is troubled in mind over her I , ... . .. , >7 inabiliy to decide what constitutes genuine I . * ‘ ........ . ^ lilnjrs tlid Best Show poetiy, and her responsibility for any mis- tskesehe may ninko in giving pnblicity to counterfeits. But let ns have her exact Exhibited in this State. langtsge: “A' once the question strikes home, What am I doiog toward relieving this poetry market of counterfeit currency? "An; 1 producing the counterfeit coin myself If so, what is my crime? sin of tjneruneo or of deliberation scions iheating of the public? F Ui v fi°U, OCTOBER 22] JOHNS. DORIS’S ration and oo .‘IGreat Inter-Ocean Circus] •‘Am I an editor or a publisher, nnd! Menagerie, Museum. Gnat Racing Carnival atul World's Kama \ nsinj the market to be flooded with conn- n f Xoveltlo, pos ‘‘M OGVJE and OIVI^Y SHo^ eanatoi terfeit mrrehey by putting into circnlation . what tlese counterfeiters bring me? And -®- AAii, if »o, ib I do this innocently, not knowing | „ r , , . what Ido, or criminally, as knowing my- WnlCll il»Xl) lIlLts 111 LllU dOUtlieiTI Cities self wlat I do, bnt knowing as well that tj, 6 Bame Performers, preeisely the same Huge Tents, precisely the same M«. so maty other people will not know that I Railroad and Lot Equipments. “musoI I can fnd plenty of buyers of my bogus ^ immengeI jHietry and shorn of nothing; it Am I critic of this counterfeit poetry ? will exhibit preciesiy O'rest ment eotng people of thie country hu degenerated | Northern youths to be tnught that the And if »o, how do I stand at the bar of Par- M ><• <JW this summer in —to lead It beck to a more wholeeomo, moral and | Souvlieni people were trailers, who rebelled j sassne' Will ray indtre pnt on his black 9 elevated character. It ie for that purpoee that I against the flnest government the world cap ovir bis ambrosial curls, and sentence Bnt during this period much has occurred play in mueenme and theatre., at price, in reach of over Haw withont cause or justification, me to ie hnried down from thence, where on the outside, calculated to embarrass the He would have them taught to consider and to all eternity I shol throat ineffectual fin- proceedings when the body shall have been I n ofulMlUad cullu „ who chMrfu i 1} . J utm , to call all Southerners traitors. This is the | gers ioto my immortally acute ears in the. gj finally organized. | , n ubor | main idea of tho war as given by Northern I vain endeavor to soften the clamor of tho Boston, New York, Phil- sS Now England States. It would appear that the “irrepressible I i recognize In this .trnggle the noble work of the I histories. I millions on millions of bogus poets whose I ndelpbia Hid other Mot- conflict” is about to be assumed by other Knights of Labor aa the sole eolntton of the great Southern people cannot consent that bnsiness it is to chant their inexhaustible I ropolitai Cities, hands. “ * 1 M ’ * ”* Tho one and only recognized na p. 1.^' Institution which yearly visits J 1 question of the morel development of the future edncatlonri point. lheirchiIdren “ hnl1 be Clln0ated to look numbers to me throughout all eternity, u ,nv or. , j, tt-t ; , I npon their parents and kin as bad and puniihment for xnv‘favorable criticism' in -*-»* *' A. fJi vw n il !I T'* 1 t!w Oiotrinjj o ,: - «f King Cotton. The only shoi wdlieh Soatbern . rends make Excui ww'- stoz their patrons Sfe*a*S»all points. Courts Adjourn\ Factories shut down, Schools aro dismissed, and tho first families form fashionable Circ parties. A show exclusive in all its novelties, requiring A CITVOF 8NOW- WHITE OANVASiohold its mnltifarione marvels, ehowingeqnal patronage with the GREAT SOUTHERN EXPOSITION. It was something of a shock to the poo- bTno dUferaw H P on tb<!ir P arentB an <* ki “ 08 bad and puniibment for my ‘favorable criticism’ in pie of Richmond, a representative and , n b)ood or colot j hm , n tho Eut lQ(IlM wicked people. So far as histories are con- the upper air?” leading Sonthem city, that a negro should I before thonn»nd.ofblzck«, who were better femllizr I corned, particularly school histories, the The striking fact in this buret of editorial have been marched into the dress circle of with the works of tho Immortal bard than the aver- North and the South are as far apart as ever, anxiety is found in Miss Cleveland’s belief their music hall. All the surroundings u Bnt the ennnine Mr. Blair has discovered that the writers- of bogus poetry are to be , ihiaAnwlA lAnd in iftla mnMnftinn th*! if I Therefor*, If I h*x© erred, it wx* the error of th* j . , , , ” , * I this epsode tend to this conclusion, that it l ntil tt,iMf end the aritet. not with eny Intent to | a wa y to brid 8° th ' 9 yawning chasm. He doomed to everlasting pnnishment them-MUST’ADDED THREE OF THE LARGEST. GREATEST AND GRANDEST was adeliberato and studied attempt I oMk s* *lur upon jour in*tltutlon*, although i proposes to take charge of Southern schools selves. [ PHANT8 IN CAPTIVITY, LARGER THAN THE FAMOUS force the issue of social equality. A second f nn kly admit that I would willingly, withont the undcritho provisions of the Blair bill. And Now if anyone deserves a reward in the attempt of n similar character would have I .lighten remuneration, piece the work, of Shzke.-1 iu this endt , avor he has been aided and up next world for literary efforts in this it produced trouble, perhaps a very ^£^7™°TaTTi Vf 1 sundry politic!*!, her, and there. seem, to ns that th. writers of bogus Bnt this is not the onlv incident colon-1 letluu«r and ignorance, and lneplre them to vigor When his bill shall have become a law poetry will stand in for a share, “d Lr'JTqs’TTpr’-jr.r’ TT’fiiajB . . . ... ^ , , . I and animation. I there will be no difficulty about books, Tbe that the reward will be something better f'—e _tiii.vJl.JL ? ^*0* ®P r °fi re88 ° 0 0I \ an ’ It is but right to state that tbe managers of the I same treasury that supports the schools and I thun the torments of the damned, zation in the South. We roproduco these Ucademyknew nothing of th. occurrence. ' 1 exoerpts from the Richmond journals: | Your* truly, . Danixl k. Banomann. Tuesday afternoon four white member* of th* JUMBO, QUEEN! I teachers will snpply tho books, and the I rule the writers of bogus poetry ore well WE CHALLENGE tlieWORL] , , , . . . , .. boys and girl* of the South will be taught to meaning people who try to sing,, but un-1 To produce such a fearless*, dashing and valorous Equestrian 8aehem as i» i vi • , „ t ... , . . . It must bo admitted that, giving Mr. their blood and kin. ancoeMfully, the atraina that they hear in _ _ general assembly ^of theKjitghta. ^c.mpanledhy B andmann full credit for entire sincerity, i I common with their more skillful brothers. | JAMES ROBINSON ! betook a very inopportune occasion to * ' a colored girl, get Into a hock tn front cf the poet- < thoa i amend I racted tho driver to take them up town. They were I Best role, and the colored Knight may have I ® aDU,ua,0B tor canewnip in i I and ciathed distinction never before accorded another artist in the profession. U.t raen going «p Pra.kUn.tree! enjoyed its representation. Mr. Band- ** Pomt ““P* '““r r' witLSen^^iXt^a Shall these A TI “>^ E OF TWELVE GENUINE BRAWNY TURKS, FRENCH TB017S I A reporter who called at a house in which ' ' A Dri c a of the ticket The tlon htt8 resnlted in an “> fl)n o r ol “ 8 °f of- »>«> their ileparting foottalls. Shall theso CYCLE RIDERS, TROUPE OF SIBERIAN ROLLER SKATERS. Knights were entertained, after an inter-1 Knic hta 1 will Hcarcelv eniov tho iniurv t flce ™’ nnd th,t th ° brai “ 8 ot ‘h® J onD K ] the f* d tho h 0 ^ 0 *;^ 8 a ^‘ 11 f< i * nd | The greatest and grandest exhibition ever organized by JOHN B. DORIS, tad i ivnignis were emenaiueu, nm* »u . ... «niov th« iniurv w * a,uo W4 i , ' . xne greaicsi uiia grunaest oxni muon ever 01 view with the landlord, relates this expe-1 , , 8 . - , . J .J , , J , army, the eonrage, enterprise, ambition, tbe unskilled, the snocesstnl and the un- donbtedly the most magnificent ever conceived, riew with the 01,010 which h« been done to their order and Mi the aoldieriy in] fortunate, be condemned to th. lower levels “ ,, . „ T - ^Itawent to a book room and brought cat .b ta kP'*’ a “ M, J7” hw « suffered if R I hUd cU aro In the officers from the South. °f eternity? No indeed, distinguished hut OUIi GRAND STREET PARADE ‘: hl t ,h h"*d °' mrclerici «,k^ ta. b e loTof folly “ Tbe Oongre^men from th. States lately in ™MUng contemporary. We have an idea ^ lftoe „ 10 m . Don . t m „ g lt ElcuraioM on gU raUrogdi . Tw0 1 female who doe. th. clerical work of the | ble piece ot tony. rebellion invari.bly send their best blood lbat pross wnters are in fur more danger an0 ,., ( i,aiy. Admission 75 eenta. Children, under ten years, uO cents. A few r An old Friend in n New Form. t 0 West Point. In looking for a boy to I to* 11 rimpl* hearted poet* whone offoxta I seats 25 cents extra. house. 8h* opened the book and pointed to the name registered “Joe Borne. Uallowell, Maine." ae th* white delegate, and dlroctly under It was The Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter, of milke g go ij ier of thgy Iieve r think of se- t0 fl - v oul y bring them fails, •O. D. Freemen, Augusta. Mo.." who ehe said wee I New York, pnblishea the statement that I lectlng one (mart in .arithmetic, and who the colored visitor. Tbe reporter asked Ifther r • Yee, sir.” "ind sleep In the same bed?” "Yes, sir." _ .me before?" "You don't Uke me for a fool do yoat Tn* bnpremo Court of the United 8tates | h c owe* mo more that 20.000 franc*! "—Farit Wit* 'Do throe turu certain French chemists in the Antilles, can repeat .. Ro i Un . g Ancient HDtory.” is about to tackle a heavy docket. One of. who have been for some time experiment- They i nT#r iabIy get thoir boy just as they the judges ean now retire on his pension, if .. s „, J™,'U.n Ja chanw." 0 ^renprepra. ing with the sweet potato, have succeeded Ket their nc iQ K colt*. They look for blood, j he pleases, and another will have the option to follow Jocrnolizm aa a profeeeionr "oc.. no. in extracting alcohol from this familiar I u n( j er (he different syatemi North and [ a year from now, bnt it is understood tliat I »tr! 1 only wont to write tor the paper, to support vegetable, in the proportion of abont one I ot iapp i } i n g w Mt Point with cadets, I neither will exercise the privilege, and I n ‘ T "* 1 < - h11 * 1 * n ‘ »“ education.'’-Ohic»*o The convereatlon ended here, and the reporter I gallon of spirit from every sixty pounds of I ( t j g eIuy j 0 tell where the control of tho 1 President Cleveland will not be able to Hambler ' left- I potatoes. United States army will be in ten years have’ono of these high places to fill unless . ltl *, 800 1?!**" of eu * n '* Tberu's nothing new in this. Wo made (rom E0W . Mr. Justice Wood, should quit the b«eh membere of 4h are lodged with their colored broth- wbl,k y oat of everything during tho Con- j Time wgg w j, en Sonthem Representatives | on account of ill health or die in office. In | f« m ,i Mn. Cicero paid for her own Tho Ulg Tent Needed., Orthodox Democrat. Lost week Atlanta nominated by on whelming majorities three antis, mUpledj to favor legislation virtually repealing p hibitlon. This week the city council paij a resolution granting penniMion brewery to seU and deliver beer in c ties not leas than a quart. Dr. Btw had better send for Ham Jones i (teat tent, or the show wilt be our brio ae can get there. or. Farrell, revealed e eight of social equality and I fcderncy. In northern Europe spirits arc I re g ur q t -d cadetships as one of their speoial 1 such event it is not certain who would get I and the bills were never sent to her husband.— enjoyment, the publication of which In an evening I distilled from woods of different kinds. I per qchiiUM, and they appointed boys who I tjie appointment. Attoroey-Gonoral Gar-1 Norristown Herald. paper here to day wea unnaual to the eyes of the I p 0 tatoe» will hardly competo with com, rye, I bad exhibited great dosire to be soldiers I land haB been spoken of for the next va-1 An well at UMoore. Dakota Territ-ry. I. uctoot virgin ten. On. young cotorad « lrl *“wheot, apples and poaches soon. gnd who had perhaps shown some marked cancy on the bench, bnt the position is “V 8-1 *^ pUylfig on emtlodeon. while another,* member of 1 • 4t * .* . , .1 . . . ., „ . „ I quellllee of the water. It U mIJ that 1U use will the choir of John Jasper*, church, wee .lnglug | ^ About the mo*t tbominabi® made | qUft liflcatlon« for the soTvice. Thta'day ban | quite w likely to go to the Hon. J. Ran- | pat *n eud to the desire for alcoholic drink*. We SHREDrt AN1) PATCHES. Wiggins la now churned among the settled Mug- I wump*.—Chicago InUr-Ocean. hymns. A email group ot the members ot«» eel during tbe war was persimmon brandy and |)Mlge a, and these cadetships, for the most dolph Tucker, the eminent Virginia jurist,’ earnestly commend tbe nee ot tht< water to our around enjoying the muelo, while one of the mem-1 pea whisky. A distinguished Georgia j part, are pat up at the South as a prize in | or to Mr. Carlisle, of Kentucky, both of brethren of the Prohibition party.—Philadelphia ben woe off In a corner with a comely mulatto, I j ar i.t, having siunplcdTboth, rcmaikcd|that I competitive examination. There is no I whom would adorn this high judicial triba- I ^e** 1 whose lrandehebeM ta ble own. as U»< t h e first tasted Uke awaliowing a cat, and I (Unger that the South will control the|md. | "lb to'tae^oftUiMnooiigiuoueep^ucleof long rows ot 1 fh® aeoond Uke pulling it out after being I The South ii the Weakest aecUon in chesply-i'slnted cofflne reminded the Jovial party of 1»wallowed. And the beat domestic liquor I aimoet everythiug. the brevity and uncertainty of life. At tbe 8t I we ever saw waa brandy made from wild I jf great wan shall oomo to the country, Cbarlee HoteL where some ot the Belttmora delaga-1 p ^ amg (j gr roU county. Wo will continue I great aoldien will bo developed, some of, .... , _ tion era eterin*. ther welted on the proprietor end I . . I I If there ie one thin* the! quicker then enother | tnsleted that their cMored delegate shonld eat in the I eatonryamA I them Uke Forrest, who could stand no kind | wU) , u to dr , nk lt u lWrit ._ ut ,, j Rambler. dining-room with them; but this he declined, eaj Ing j Florida I'rult. ami Hour to ltalae Them. I of an examination, and who had never be could live the colored men good room. In the I Under tho above title John F. Morton & I studied the art ot war. back part of the house, end let them eat In the I c LouiiviUe, Kentdoky, furnish ns Groat soldiers, Uke great poets, are born, e^ontt' dining-room; and eo molten, eund. ^ I with g revised and enlarge . . In view of tbe facta as set forth in theso I jj e i en Horcourt’a valuable work. It is a are not confined to any section, climo or extracts, it is not stTange that a Richmond book |bllt >honld ^ in y,, of eTery oonntry. Knight has this to say: "Tho Knights of I gonjj,,,,,, man Bnd women interested in tbe | The “New Sonth” which some people This initentaneone photography i* a great thing." mid a skilled amateur. "I've taken the An- lsh to a race. I've taken a j«nk rabbit ontheJnnip» Fxe taken a flash of llghtolug, bat th* macbine’i too elow to take a glass of whisky whsn U’s set before a Kentuckian. Ills action la too rapid.”- The Knights at Blchmond are naturally en- I veloped in a little darktyneaa—Boston Herald. “My de»r," he hlcoonghed, while eh* was giving him a scathing .lecture tor being ont eo leu and coming home In ench a etate; **dou't be-hie—too . - ■ .... „a ,u.„l A damaging edmleeion—lotting a lot oi tough. 1 bwd upon a fellow. I’m not eo bed after all—hie. enlarged ediUon of not made at military schools, and ‘ b »y toto »^,,,^1, CO u V . n u OII ._WMhlnfton CriUc. Olv. the devU hi. due.- -l m giving you yonr * * * A ‘ 11 Jt - I due,” ehe said, and he expoetnlated no more.— An enterprising agent might make money this I Boston Courier, fall in Mexico selling American flag* for door mate. —Baltimore American. this city are juitly indignant, and the'* P»-1 growth of frulU. A foU history and des- prate about, U fast picking np the wont. |a eeug for th. ant Mme a ealf H-Oh! sition aa hotta only restrains them from an j cr i p ti 0 n ia given of the orange from seed to | things of the old North. | mv u,eee mu*t be the little .owe that give con- outburst of righteous contempt. Most ot I groV() from to market, including Tuj( Q tw kinsviUe Dispatch says- Fnr I denied mUkl-BapUet Weekly. *.5 jr-l ..-—-t—r-?—- • —irssEsssr-—•— Baby—“A-bwa, a bwa. a-bwa.” Blo'.hef—"Bolre, bolre; what oan Charlea Augustas mean Y* Father. - "He * going to be a toper, Angelin*. Bolre i« French for drink.” Mother (anxiously >—"Oh, wouldn't it be dreadful if Charles should turn out If of theflwt op- UeJ4 u Dgt protecting, gathering, packing and Atlanta aa the enterprising city of the State, V6rmonl cot *P l ® * beautifully worked motto, * word be to No.-49 the re- Nothing ia omitted. Rut . .. j;. u . I “Fight On."-Borllngton Fre. Pcm. “You met Charley on a yacht, they i portnnity to administer bake they action leave tbe detract have yet to meet me nrst man, wmte or i t TlJue now ^ enterprise hat colored, Knight of Labor or otherwise, who 1 betn gtilimUted ln the South. The volume has expressed anything but the severest K bgn dsomely bound and gotten np condemnation of the action ot No. 49. In- thtoaRboQt in , flmt-clasa manner. Price; deed, aU have come respect for FarreU; for cloth botmdi $12 5. the othen contempt." “Looomo- CAFITAL P-K1ZE, ?75,M0. TICKETS Only $5. Shana la Pm> as—^r r zrw r -’T't I raTmS Louisiana State Lottery •We do hereby oertify that w* *ujP*ftte*JkJ rsni(omenta for aU tha Monthly acdQoarta^D Inge of TheUmlslaaatiute Lottery 0*m*** In person manege and control the Drs*ia,j w •elves, end that the earn* are cendastei «« ■ ssty, fairness, and In good faith toward w and wa authorise the Company tousethlesj with faoslmlllse of our signature* 1““^ advertUemeuta." We, the undertlgned Bank* and pay all Prime drawn in The tertea which may be preeented at ** J. H. 0QLK8BY, President J. W. KILBIUhTH, PrteUteut 8UU ABkUWn! hwMcat». a lutirail *»»»• I? A 8 " !" ?, as ranch as that of Anguata. But such U a 1 gpgU ^ Uat wor ^ eUW ._s,w York star, fact according to the American Bankers’ Manual for September. That authority | Th. Mtiallig Steamer, Despite the aasnrance, of the Anchor line The Iron Trade Reviw says; live, now run into Jerusalem. The roar of I 0 fBceiii in New York, public anxiety over the engine, through the street that once I tbe missing steamer Anchoria eontinnea to echoed the erasodert’ tread ia a powerful increase. She ia now twe.lre day, over due, historical antithesis. Not leaa striking ia I m d k as not been communicated with by the eontraat between the armorer’s Cham- u j of ^e great ocean travelers. The her, whence stepped forth armed cap-a-pie, chances are that the Anchoria has broken tbe knight of tho fourteenth century, and I k ,r machinery and is progressing slowly un- the erecting shop whence iasuea the mailed det ^ g bu may ri de into port at any giant of tbe nineteenth. Underneath the-1 nioment, bnt ships equally aa good have medieval breastplate tbe might of muscle; g 0Qg dovn in tho deep, leaving anderneath the modern boiler-plcte the uo record of their fate. The anptemacy of mind; and both within a management of these great steamers ■pan ot five hundred yean, that has at one I by ^ alone ia not an easy matter. Incom end the tower of London, and at the other fog gb i p , r6port heavy weather upon the the Iloldwin locomotive works. There is a I occlin ud th, Aristomne met a hurricane strange, vivid analogy between theM two, I on September 20th. What would be tbe so vastly dissimilar. Each ia the epitome. I ^Oe of the Anchoria in such a storm with of an ago, and each age grotesquely at vori- her engines disabled, no man can my. The ance in methods and results, yet controlled moment Is a trying one for thoM who have by th-: iiae human motives of dominant | relatives aboard, and there are many of and eonqaaat, Bfit what the crusader con- t hma, OS the return travel from Europe has ild not keep, the locomotive 1 begun. tght-"-Tld Bite. There goes the weakest dale to town." I ’* *“ l,rald - Bobby," .old hie mother, •that . 'What makes you think eo, BUir “Became he I when I teU your po|» what a nau«hty boy you’v. pats tbe banking capital of the three cities I u(t lh . mortgage that non hn ahivt at tho htta today, ho wlU pnnUh yon aaverely." “Hava named as foUowa: I Unndry."-Koutncky SUta Jonmal. yon got to nuhlmr'artedBobby, “Oh. Banking enp.talot Savannah |a,sts,ooo| 1 . |ree:IahaU teU him Immediately after diner. That of Angnete 6,85*000 That of Allama “Dasixl? “Yes, sire,” and the Secretary fixed his Im t It cartons that the men who an always (Xh , ^h 0 f concern upon Bobby 1 , face deepened . hBaAOOO | telling how many thousand dollin ns he saved unUl n bright thought .track him.) “Well, ma." by not smoking an, tn nine earae ont of ten. poor U. sell “give him n bettor dinner then nenal as church mint-Burlington Fne Press. I Yon might do that much for mo/’-Horport only I tho people ct say Mots. It never scales or oeetpooeo. . - . ItsOrand Single Number DraW«y place Monthly, and the EitrxordiniO fngs regularly every three montlu is»» Semi-Annually u heretofore. It Is Mid tbet the humen race is destined to be I Hsxer. mellow eyes upon the Chief Executive, •* I bold and toothless. This need not alarm tbopeo-j The loUowlng attempt to prove an alibi waa mods he laid down his pen and straightened up I pie aertonaly. A grant many have been bora that I tn a Bock Island court: “Where." asked the in hia chair. way. and the race Is none the wont for ik-LoweU tor the defense, eiamlnlr g n Swedish farm hand, 'Daniel, what do the people say about I Times. ______ I “rls your boos that nlghtr' “I could not aay,” re- our hsvinc suffered Getonimo to escape I It ta now Umo to tabs nptho (lowers from the P u *d the Swwde. “Did yon aot tail me down at tho I front garden and transplant thorn tn tho bed-room. I foot of th. stair, trading to Ih.conrt-room thetyoo .a . .1 U- VI I In case of o domestic bottle a good-elzed dower pot would swear he was at home that nlghtt" “Maybe. 'Shall I teU yon the truth, hire™ J u far more effective than the water pitcher for I free • did. The bora fare me. pair of Iteve bat “Alwayl speak the truth, Daniel." I hn~-nng« mnn —nnlm j tons If I aay eo. The sleeve hnttooe not good. I Well then, sire, they say it’g>U right; ,. Ucw deeieeV^hT sold, dUMtanglin, I W ”' °“ m '**■"-<*'*» nobody expects this administration to kill a W meelf. Then bo stalked to the eud of the vena- ”• *bra Insulted to my fees oh art now!- ox- back.” | da, and fiercely demanded: “Boy, what uo yon | claimed Masse as ho walked np and down in front CAPITAL PRIZE i>76<( 100,000 Tickets at Vive DoU«» Uons in Fifllu in Froportiw. v tut OF PB1H3- 1 CAPITAL id that there ere 3K At exchAng. oavs Uint "Almost every-1 lerkton abont the gate for at this Urn. o’ nlghtr of hla clothing .ton tn on szclud monoer. -How ass V. -a n t. 1 ,V ••Homin' papers. iti!"-X.w York Son. -by whomr "DU plac .braids vkae for rant a. body bus heard some school girl or boy I yon toe. A itranger comra okrar nnd looks it recite the thrilling glory of the burning of 81 ! h * sod daw he ooraaa oop to me nod rayt ■i —■» a-pris:5aarrstbsjst'uTrsr. L know that some of tbe great (Ire fund *UU ^ thsoretoni* to the dty. wsltteg • d H loota tato dft * ithor ® Bfl4 remains. It h** juat bt«n votod by Law | to^ear thulheoUpUeeluebanhedlotbe I $!•, '.'\G ? toll retxte, Mam» v to ms wbAt then U of tho Uioaty for tho ChAriootoo oArthqueko suf- forts*. The fund Amounts to $15,000, *nd tho isUnot h*A been used to support these i |H-riu»bfiitlv lr.j'ir-.i in th- lVtuLf-rton j in;. 1 Awaa in Ism Amlw /ins «l wlmm 14 ItOV After the Merrlsge—A tri»n 1 of Um f—ally takes tbe ferlter of tbe M4s est Jo, uti ssye: “Do y«m know that jo* r eon-la-'ew to n terrible bed case. beck* oodi egnta end **ys: “ •Um! dot settl Lk2f -* plM ■“* * m tokrap a .lock of Frotnliunr C«plUIUt Dr«ul. , , HhfngoirD, Va., October 10.-Robert H. dc to*.r “ftoe firm of It. B. Manrrv i Ox. m ••-•-a.nof tt j b.nkern and stock exchange brok-r- |of t‘..m bur to pay Uv dtjr, died sudfionly this .tfternoon at hia on didn't w*rn ! re<1 deuce, •gedTUi ZPB17.YriOFI6.MO.. 6 do A“5- 10 do 1.000.. l'.<7Prize*.amounting to..----jV'JP* AppllmUona for ratal to c^" ( orlr to tbe office of ibs coesFJ*/ g X’i. raw n wtfte rbr further tnfonnallcn eddrora. PHIALWT»fmm ■ UorkfcchMgela ordtraff^ M. A. DA' Mitk« I’. O. ' bio itiid ttrftirf 's it< )- lilo iu tors to —-A NEW OBIJtAJf* N- lT ?, 1 , IfayU.rauUW Or-< jtataralBut I a capital ot Il.tMV’W-towblohia n«ni‘| —V laao ooo has since been added. By an overwh.lmtcg popaiax ■ war marie a part ot the prauat^ ■ « A A SPLEIDlO OPPnkTTtrTT TO UD 1 ELEVENTH ORANDDIUWlND g^j- ■ ACADEMY OF MLS:c. SEW OBLDgs. J NOYEUBKH Sth l!*0—lMth MootWI »