The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 02, 1886, Image 10

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10 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2. IRW.—TWELVE PAGES. DEATH ON THE RAIL. A HUMBER OF k*KKH>HH BOSK THEIR LIVES Oft ft FAST TRAIN. The Limited Pa^MUK^r Train on the Chl- a{o, Mdwauke.- ami et. 1’aul Kall- road I. Dorati d—v Fan-enger c-unrli T. le-cop- d UlLT.'APKEX, Wis., October 28.—The limited paenei. per train on the Chicago and Milwsi.kee and St. Paid rnilrritd, which left t. re last night at 10 o'clock, whs de railed at Rio, when about three hour* out, and thrown into an old atoim .parry Par ticulars are hard to (let, lint it is admitted at the general office of the oompaoy in this oity that or e coach and three sleepers were wrecked and five or air persona killed. Physioiana left thia city on an early train for the aoene of the disaster. It ia now reported that ont of ten persona who occupied the passenger coach seven were killed, A gentleman from Chicago and two children from Winona, Uinn., are the only ones saved from the passenger coach. Hone of the occupants of the sleep ers were injured. Nothing has yet been learned in regard to the number wounded. So far the particulars are very meagre. There is reason to believe the loss of life ia greater than flrat reported. The wildest stories are in oiroulatioo. It is said the most distressing and harrowing scenes took place after the wreck. The accident is the first one for the new limited express, which runs at a very high rate of speed. 11. Locmenbach, a job printer of this ci'y, was on the wrecked train. He says the scenes after the accident were har rowing. The passenger coach, which, he says, contained bo- tween fifteen and twenty people, was tele scoped at both ends, and the fire and smoke that enveloped the wreck prevented the imprisoned and injured passengers from escaping. The passengers from the sleepers gathered around the blaring cam. but were powerless to render assistance. Men anu Women could bo seen tearing their hair in the agony of the moment, and frightfn! screams issued from the death trap. One heavy woman, in par ticular, he says, tore np one of the seats with almost superhuman strength and endeavored to break her way out of the flaming pyre, but her strength failed and Bhe fell to the floor and met a horrible death. Only three per sons escaped from the passenger ear, Mr. Loemenbach says—a man and two chil dren. Tbs man was observed as he forced his way through the ventilator on top of the car with all the clothing on his body from the waist downward burned off and his flesh roasted and bleeding from ents in flicted 1 y broken glass. Every one of the wrecked cars was consumed, with the ex ception of the lust sleeper, which was ent away from the burning wreck. Ail the bodjetl of the victims were burned in the wreck, A MOM PCTAILED ACCOUNT. Milwaukee, October 28.—A special to the Evening Wisconsin from Portage, Wis., says: "Soon after midnight last night the west-bound limited express was ditched at East Siding, a small station about thirteen miles east of this city, on the main line of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Pant railroad. There are two side tracks at the place, and at the time the train was dno there lost night both wire occupied by freights, one by the "wild" train and the other by train No. 11, Conductor H. C. Hankoy, of this city, which had jnat polled in lrora the West to allow the limited to pass. No. 11 was very long, and the conductor was at the head of the train, relying upon the brakeman to at tend to the switch. One report says Ihe rear brakeman, whose business it was to close the switch after the train, for some reason, neglected altogether to do so. The other and more probable theory is that he started back to close the switch, bnt before be oonld reach it the limited, which does not •ft »* «■/ except large “““ ‘•“r log do Ali grade at fifty milts on ho—, left the rails at the open switch. The siding is in a cat where the road sw'/o'n light cannot be seen from the e?it nnlil the train is within a few rode, oo the engineer of the limited could not ace the switch turned wrong until too late to atop. The engine left the tragk and ran a short distance and brought up against the tide of the cu,t toppling over. Tue baggage car and the two regular coaches followed, while the fonr slei per* kept the roils. The engiue and cars that went off were badly smashed, and soon took fire from the stoves, and Eugfneer Little and Fireman Egan crawled out from uudrr the locomotive badly braised and scalded. The baggageman had a U g broken. Ail the passengers in the sleepers got ont unin jured, except slight bruises, but in one of the day coo lies thirteen were pinned in | and literally burned to death. Many others were Injured by severe shaking. The names of the victims are not yet knoau here. The whole train, excepting one sleeper, which they were able to uncouple and draw away, was burned up. Superii^eudeut A. W. Collins was on the east bound passenger No. ‘2, which wss waiting at the station a few miles this aide of the wreck for the limited, and waa coon on tbi oeeene. The wrecking train, with surgeons, went from thia oity and did all poesible to alleviate the sufferings and to save life. No. 2 waa obliged to back np to thia city and ran over the N’urthwo.t- cro to Milwaukee, via Horiiau, Beov. r Dam and Fox Lake. The same ruute has been need by the trains to-day, as the wreck ia not yet cleared. Conductor Uankey, of the freight, waa bo demoralized by the accident, the responsi bility of which reals on hie crew, ai d thus also on him, that he took to the woods in despair, leaviug his train. He has always been a moot careful and efficient man, mn b trusted by the company. It was a must horrible an.I sickening spectacle, the roasting people making the uight hideous with their e l-, while the bystanders were unable to rt-i.r.-r assistance." It waa the worst wreck ever known in the Northwest. The mail car was in charge of Jfto. lL - 'l.t of Plainfield who with his five men encap- td, though badly braised. They gotsll toe valuable mall out before lin ear was burned. Sixty bags id papers were destroyed. Of the p msengers in the day couch h11 perished except two smalt children --f C. U.Scherer, of Winona, Minn Mr. 4' 11. Scherer and her mother- in law, Mrs E -ma Johns, were in the car, and perisn-d. but were able to put the child: en ont tbrought the window In out siders. The ebildreu Were sent tome. The coach contained ahont twenty peo ple, and the meveruent of the t>U p. t.4 t>* - hind it railed the centre of it np like a tet ter A when the Cunts together, emsahing everything to pieces, aud pini-iug the people down with Ike seats. General Manager Miller, who went out to the scene cf the railway accident this morn ing. returned at 4 p. m. He and, in re- her mother-in-law, Mrs. Rosina JohDs, of the same place. There were two women wearing the garb of nuns, both of whom had passes. Ono was mother snpericr of some convent. Information received here leada to the belief that she was mother superior of a convent at New Castl6, in Fond da Lno county. The order is known as the Third Order of Franciscan Sisters. A merchant at whose store the sister bought goods, says there were three of them, and that they had their packages taken to the depot to go up on the night train to 8t. Paul. The other victims whose names Manager Miller had, were: Louis llrn-iker, of Ashland. Emil Wolderadjuff, merchant of Colum- bna, Wisconsin. The only man who escaped from the burning car was Dr. Smith, of Chicago. If the merchant is correct about there being three instead of two Franciscan sisters who were going on that train, there should TOWNS AROUND US. A POLK COUNTY HERMIT WITH A SE CRET HISTORY. He Has Home Llttls Property, bnt Denies Using Klch-lie Will Not liefer to Ills l’*»t-lle Uses Long Logs Instead ofnhort Sticks. Haralson, Ga., October 27.—There is a hermit who lives about two miles from this place who is a gennine curiosity. He is about 85 years old, walks half bent and with much difficulty. His laud lieB on tho public road leading to Seuoia, and instead of building near the road, be constructed a little loghut in the mo-it secluded spot on his place near a di -mat awamp. A few years ago he built another cabin near the one m which he lives that he might move „ . into it when the other goes into decay; he be one added to Miller'B list of victims, now has it propped with fmeerails to keep making in all thirteen. it from falling. He says he will not leave This is probably the full number. It the one in which he now lives until he is may be several days before the names of compelled to. In the spring and sammer all the victims are secured. | be lives chiefly on a boiled weed and com ment; ho will let noonesee him whileoating. Another Serious Kail road Accident. He has no horse, but makes over a bale St. Louis, October 28.—This morning of cotton each year. The only tool bo uses the Toledo accommodation train on the is the line. During the winter months be Wabash road collided witli a freight train does not ent the woo,, he burns, hut Likes two miles west of Elwardsville, III. The poles ten or twelve fe.t loDg into his cabin freight truiu bad orders to wait for the pas- and places one end on the fire and moves it senger train at Edwardsvillo, but the coniine np as it burns. He came from South ('mo tor attempted to reach Mitchell, four miles Una to where he now lives without any of beyond. The train collided on tne curve, his relatives knowi- g whither he bad gone. Both engines were wrecked, tho baggage He has heard nothing of them since, nor I in and express cars were telescoped, I does he wish to. His clothes are thin and I the inflammable nature of its and several box ears ditched, hardly sufficient to hide his nakedness. I contents the whole concern was soon a Tho engineers and firemen escaped I They are of his own make. He owns about I glowing ma3s of coals and embers. When serious injury by jumping, but tho express I one hundred acres of loud here, al o a I no one was noticing the man, who had messenger, Wm. Ballov, was crushed to I house and lot in Senoia. A great many been remarked as behaving so curiously, death by the contents of his car being I people suppose that he has a large sum of ! ‘lartcd through the crowd, and running thrown upon him. S. A. Boughman, I money hid about on his place, but he posi-1 down the embankment plunged headlong freight brakeman, was seriously injured, tively asserts that be has no money at all. in the redhot bed of excelslqr ashes. It R waa not until evening that tho wreck wot He paid for the plane when he I was evident that he would not come out cleared away. i. amount which baa been paid out to the contractor! after deducting the It per cent, required by law Is $339,063.00. Before the adjournment of the board the follow* log resolution waa offered by Commissioner Thomas, which was *jnanlmonily adopted: Whereas, By the expiration of his term of office. Governor Henry I). McDaniel will at an early day cede to hold the ex-officlo chairmanship of this board Whereas, the commission feel that whatever of success baa thus far attended its labors is largely due to bis wise and prudent counsels; therefore, be it Resolved, That this board hereby assures the Governor of its sincere regret at the termination of official relations which have bean so agreeable to each member of the board; and wishes him long life and abundant prosperity. Resolved, That we congratulate the Governor ou his record ss the chief magistrate of the 8 ate, be* lievlng that it is unexcelled as a wise, successful and statesmanlike administration of public affairs. Governor McDaulel replied briefly and appro priately to the resolution. The annual report |of the commissioner s to the General Assembly was agreed upon, and the Gov ernor requested to transmit It to the Legislature. The report is now In the hands of tho printer. FILCHED FROM THE FLAMES: A Man Mad With I).*tok Hushes Into a Mass of Burning Rulus. Louisville Courier-Journal. While Drencher's mills were bumine at an early hoar yesterday morniDg the police on duty at the fire noticed a man running around the fire, acting in a very peculiar manner, and warned him to keep out of the way. There is a high embankment on one side of the mill, and just at tho foot of thin the Excelsior sharing factory woe situated. The fire originated this building, aud owing to THE TRUTH HURTS. THE STOW ORDER QUESTION CAUS* ES A SMALL RIOT. Tho Bearer Men Try to Deny the Store Or der ByMrm m—A Fao Simile of aw Order Halses a Disturbance. AN UNUSUALLY QUEER CASE. bought it It costs ‘him very little I Mive, ftn( * Ml Charles M. Dilgor, with an to live, and consequently he must have niter disregard of his own safety, ran into some money. Ho is in constant dread that Ith» Ar®. seized the madman by the collar gome one will kill or rob him. He owns an <l dragged him through the lire safe on A Woman Released from an Asylum to bo I three of low old ruvty guns, which he says the other side. Arraign, d for Murder. nave not been fired since the war. These ihe man proved to be Lawrence Hart. HAnaranrnn P. fli-tnher 25—An Im are tlle onl y means he has to protect him- mac . a saloon-keeper in "Butchertown." portant murder case will bo tried ?n the 8 f •«*•„ He says he will leave no will g*h*J«sen on a spree for nwmbjr of York rVnntv r. iirt «» I when he dies, bnt wants his propeity to go dajs and was crazy from drink. Yester- t«nvem £o Mm McGMlaiher ^Sried 10 the State. Ho ia strictly Vnest in ,.11 be had sobered up he sent for I mosoeroim fanuer rAid.nL a few mde- h ' a dealings, and will converse freely on Mr Dilger and presented him with ..hand- from York, Two years late* » HtUetoy “>«•** hi " P” 1 , 1 >«*• ““**■“ "w? hi “ H/*' T »*., I,nrn In them Aithnnah ‘here is a mystery conn-cted with his life “ a fkiug that he was sorry he not able to buy hiln a gold one. Neither of the men suffered any serious injury from their contact with the fire, although the clothing of both was al- Belle Fonts. 1*a., October 27.—Blaine made a Bpecch hero to-day, and the town is pretty well worked up with excitement. Be fore the Blaine party arrived at Belle Fonts this morning there wasa lively time among the Republicans anil ui'izena generally. The cause of it won the store order ques tion. It was stated that Gray Meek, editor of the Watchman, posted np a fae simile of an alleged store order in the window of his office. The Beaver club seeing it, broke ranks anil demanded that it be taken down. They claim that they first entered the office and requested that it be romoved on the gruund that it reflected on them as much as upon Beaver, and nieetiug with a refusal they tore it down, but another was immediately posted np. This infuriated them, and a volley of stones was sent crushing through the window. Meek linstiiy summoned th‘ sheriff and a number of the club were arrested. A great crowd followed them to the magis trate's otliee where the accused wereall held under bail. In the parade were banner* bearing the inscription, "We are paid in easb, and Gray Meek knows it." A LOAN TO GENERAL GRANT. Hew It »u- Repaid aid the Uln;.o itton of the Money. Christian Advent,. We received a few days since a check for 500. It was drawn by the executors ot the estate of God. U. 8. Grant, and made payable by the person in whose favor it wus drawn to the order of the editor of the Christian Advocate, Accompanying it Was the following letter: COLUMBUS. waa born to them. Although apparently a I , 8 ...... ... very heal .hy child, it lived but a few weeks. I wLlch he wlU carr > wltU b,m *» **“ ««'**■ After its death Mrs. McGallogLcr retired from society aud became a confirm d re cluse. Froai a vivacious, merry, light hearted disposition triio grew melancholy aud gloomy. Oue day, nearly twelve Lanhixburo, N. Y.. September 6. ISM. Buckley, b. i> : Dear Sir: I have concluded , ply hair of the im lo-e.i tlvt-huotired dollar check toward the New Hospital —■ • you appear to rail it— in BrookJjn, sHu the other ha f t»> tire stiffen r* by earthquake at Charleston, S O , an j I will iua.1 the mayor of that city my draft on you for ■ 25o which plra«c lAUati to htt paid. Tain check Is of a letto; encliw.'. a copy marked V 1 am led toap preprint-! thia 1*50 to your hospital pirtly through your statement* lu the Chrlttiau Advo ate, partly because 1 refilled In Brooklvu from 1H<W) to 1h7.> (belug a metubor of the Kunda-Htroet church aud v Sunday fchool). but prin. Ipally because 1 hot* atul »r of Nbawlueek. Ac- mo ; t entln J£ burncd anA HartmIm - g OM ** tcof gr«t good to .Mfc-ied iOOta IDinarir. I,.,..,! unA f ive «« Ivlie.1 Tho Notorlooa llr«**<li cldnntally Shoot Columbus, October 28 —Mr. Charles F. head and face were terribly blistered. ninnti a?* tt’ „ ^ OLCM1 *u 8 Uctober2H -Mr. Charles F. This is not the first time Charley Dilger the death of her child. Brown, well known throughout the South baa distinguished himself for bravery, she made a confession that sho bad a breeder of the notod shawlneck gnwe Several vturs auo *hile on an ex cut si on murdered it by strangling it with a cock., shot himaelfoccid.nully thi. ^U-r- npth.^riv^r^a jump^faomiU eotd. The confession c.-eaied a piofound I noon. He was bitching a horse at his mother’s arms into the river DiWr sensation. She waa promptly arrested on home in Wynnton when a pistol fell from standing by and jumped overboard^seize I a charge of murder, and the remains of the his pocket and iliKchargcd! The ball on- SIS? R unW ’bo* child were disinterred and examined by a tered bis nght breast, bnt the physicians could be stopped and a rope lowered to large number of puysiciaus und officials, I are unable to tell wbat the extent ol his in- to him Dilcer lives at 518 East Green but decomposition had gone so far that it jury ia. He Is very seriously wounded, s? r e” undisThew^eLan attheNew was impossible to prove the truth of the J However. Grand Theatre woman’s statement. Svhen she was brought 1 * Aoeatre. into court her attorney made the plea ot in- sanity, and asked for the appointiaent of a commission to pass upon her sanity. The i — , —— .--J— i Are Keunlted In n trial was postponed aud the commission ap-1 " a ult upon a little girl, waa arrested last Lon i„ 1Ue Conrler . 4onru ,i, hmumry Ddol t'o'iuotruw^^Au^mdercurmLt A marriage which, unfolded agenuin. ro- TAKEK TO TU* STATE LUMATIC ASYLUM heycurricri bis man home thi# evening lovers were Mordecol Zeizer and Mary A. at Harrisburg. A few we<*kH ago, while od I where he is strongly guarded against mob Call. Both are in wildlo lifo. Years ago as Adalr.vlllc~Arre.teil on a Serious Charge, Aoaiksvillk, October 28.—Mike Martin, I I the young man charged with criminal as- AFTER MANY YEARS. a visit to that institution. Dr. Curt became impree-ed with the belief that the woman was sane. He made a thorough investiga tion, and was convinced that, it not per fectly sane, she was r.o longer a subject for hospital onre and treatment. He immedi ately ordered her discharged f>om the ln- mno asyinm and removed to tho jail of York county. Tho laws of tho State lieclar violence. boy and girl they were lovers, living on two adjoining plantation* near Hot Springs, Ark. They wore betrothed, and expected „ .. ... „ . . ... ... „ j to marry early, but a formidable barrier H. Haatily «»;<>«•* cauc.Hln«of»heM..| „ 0 , e between them, which ended in M’DAMH. IN A HUKRY. an unwilling separation. The fathers of the respective families disputed over a matter of rlel-a aud Norik llaurxu Hi mils Atlanta, October as-The Uit LegteUturt. by I poiuicH and engiged r in’ au affair ‘‘on ’tbi ^ »»«olutiou, proponed to roietee the Marieti* ana field of honor.” Zelzer wounded Cali, anu that whon aVierson * ccmo d of oriam is funnd I !Iorth 9* or t u »t'ro*d of an it dabtuduaw of $92.- that j.rov. ked a family feud, ia which sev- insaue and j»Uc©d Hi an n«ylum upon recover I providvu the road **• completed frotu L1IiJa> I , ; ral ot the sons aud relatives on each side iiig sanity to such a d< gree na not. to Squire I to the North C»roUna line la tireuty mouthe from I were called to take (iart and defend the fain- caro or treaimMi 4 to or tho shaft be re-1 JanuAry 1, lnsa. Ihe u»n»pere ot the roea ily name. The feud waa the direct cause mOYod to tho jail of tho county where tb«-1 through aome apprehintlou, p.rh*p». of no little bloodshed, and ended only crime waa committed, and placed on trial. I of the right of the Leguiature to pa*« I when the Zeiiers and Lai la abandoned their When Dr. Ourt ordered Mrn. McGiallagher'h I any *uch resolution, and fearing a | hotueatea'la for new fields, removal to the jail an unexpected obnt k^l»* I rei>eal of U by the next Legislature, hurrind up the I years a"0, aro-*e in the opposition of Dr. Gcrhardt, kii I work, and have already completed the line a* re-1 Mordecai Z- lzer went to Cuba, where ne perintendeot of the Harrisburg Ai)lum. He I quired. Recently they invited thoGovetnor to ride I " ft< * "P ftr relatives, lie engaged in sev- positively rtfnaed to sign tho m-cessury cor-1 over the r«Ad and inspect it At ttut tin.# an in-1 t ral i P e0l Y* l * ve enterpriaea aud finally be- tifleate that Mte. McGallagber was sane, or, I jaaoUon wm Mk«t by » ux p.y.r, 1 ‘" ,n ‘' ““- Uhv «« «JI - at least, did not ffQUlro hospital caro or | n j granted by Judge F*ln, restralnlug the ■ . . . .. , , ... . - , treatment. He nlscid his opinion in .lived I ^ * uevma , „ *** tnc ^ ai - almut a mouth ^ *“ ** ^ naey, which P^Fively .ii; W her »»nc. | lk , mo i ullon u uucon.timUonvl. New. while | It WiB f, lt « that brought tho old lover* Zeirzor arrived in this city yes- purpose being to visit tue tx Call was ou her way bom. of absence on tho Paeiffic Kizcciivk DsexaniKirr. Stats or nsoauiA, I coast. Sue was acoompaiinied by a relative Atlasta.Oelolwr as—WbsiwM. the Xl.n.iuuid f t „ D , the mine quarter. They could not Nona l.eono* r»lln*l h«. beeu oompl.ud mlho .. . , h > ,, anil determin North Cerolm* line llhAl I. to «»y. to ahU AoroM tb. I poesimy miss tue exposiilou, anu aeuirmm bouod.rj u». betwMn the Mat. ol Urorgia and I til to spend half the day there, tb. Hu.e of North Uandln.) *» ibosu by tho .ttitv 1 A little while after noon, when Keizer was vtlol Ro 2 8 ' *• Tulsiler. the pneldeBLJ. B Olover. I vvimdering about, he came face U , »ith h* former idol. The, stared fix ‘ . OK I iUUlrwMl Company, and m deioonstrnwa by • per «liy at t-uch other for a moment, when 1 uoviDKME, U. L, OcwiK-r 25. Lnnot-1 ^ »ud examination of Mid railroad 1 bright smile shot aero** Mary s face, chet, tha celebrated villa of Governor I f rom \Ur elta to and t*>oud the said North Caro- ••Mordecall” she excluimtd. uud thrust Sprague, at NamgunHctt Pier, baa again I Una llna, m*da by tha Huvarnor. *ha »Uoni»-y-Keu- * • »* i ’ _ 1 i Km tn/»t that Mm Inf--/ I oral and iiv nl ciUxaea of sold Btats, on tho isth I out ner nnna. ... , been beard (rota. A “®L I *“ d iwhdaysof tht*pmont mouth. And. “Mary!” he gAsp^d with surprisa, “I Sprague, the present wife of tho War Gov- I when a*. s»id railroad u« compirted to tb« said I ^ neW We nieet some any.” etuor, bought Gauonohet alt«r the death of I North Carolina Una althin tho ttma tpcctaw! and , - ramnanU to renew the Frank D Moulton, aud that a Colonel r^iuirod by tho ro oluuou of tho Geuoral to^m- J 1 *, 100 * b J: * Iew l ‘w wKatnn of rinni.lnati 1m- hly tf GuorgU. approved October 7tb, 1hh5. too old tt tme ofloVd. Ltch had MCretly George W. Wheaton, of Cmdunati, luw I ^vtng toou built, com true ted and tquippod I moined true to the other through all *th v|>eut two years at the Sprague raansiou, I to oold Uno. Aud, ..years. They drt^riuiuftd to cut the agony appearing ia with Mrs. Governor Wb*r««a. said r««olottona promise wheneyar sold I 1 .« t and aee it mac K.iroirna end Mrs Will a 8nr*BUe wife of I wad lo computed to sold Korih Caroitoa hue i,f ■Uort, avoid all lormumies, a mi see tx mug hprope amt airs, will • npnigne, wue 11 ^ ^ wftbm Uie pp cltt d intrtte. Justice McLunu untied the twain the Governor n only sou and woo is aniUt r I, UBal l roo<ilntiou) “to onnendor to said r*i'road ,.n ( l two baotder hearts never sailed ot Gt'VEKMJK hPUAGUE’tt WIVES. W lfo No. ‘J FublUUoa a Letts r H. veie»y Crlt- tcUlug Wife No. I. Philadelphia Prww Special. ----- , ■ In eal4 reaolntiou) "to suriendcr to said r«t<ruad ! and two happier heart* never sailed of the Governor a wiff, occasioned no little I coiupauy all of ihe bond* of sold railroad cumpany .i n0 a rr h * i fl r, n far comment. The gossips were further I nowheldby theHUte,<iUcharKinsih«t u.otuaseheld I J b tnuuilsa -hen on 8.11,r,Uy Colonel Wbest- | i U8 ‘ uu telinoubod that he hehl a mortgage on | f^tifoad company against the Atote. both equlhible tb. «n«ir» O-ri. ncb.1 Uid being UqoUi.r.ue. ou k voue«<.I lb. lo„ ol uouvwU:. Katl|r(ll |n . Kluld s,.t. J..I .boutforeclu*. U WMlUd^ tojttU Urn auO,^ — ^ ^ ,u l ad.r .... Surfse.. • **“'*—J •• • ^ ‘ ifliil I Pim-oiii'un I bildtui. OK '.t» 11 ItliltaTM Mil, A OKKaT dislovkry. people. Your* truly, Ciiahlea W The “copy” referred to was nf such great interest that he wrote to Mr. Wood, asking the privilege of priutiog it. It* U repro duced here: No. 3 Fai t Sixty-sixth frrnEKT, New York Cut, Ay 12 lrt<4.— Dear Hit; Your u»-re than Ur.d let rot ^slupday. check for tom, ai d pro- poslns to xr'id ilka auiuunt *»u u>y note pajabDin ne year wUhout luc n-et. Is receive' “ tlmi- w uid l»n J»f ex e«-dtug enough to p.iy one lut “ * f 1 were to leave u > he ing tu ubill the let ( AugiiMt I theretoiv accept the die k Ju«t rtt cived act tM*. it u,v »"kuow edgemeut a debt of live liundrcd dollurv oi veartroiu thin date lu the term* of your letter, Very truly yours, IT. * Ukant. Cbrrle* Wood, Evq . Tacelngburg, N. Y. WhtuGenoral Graut’s misfortunes cul minaL ri, U.rough tho macluustiou* of his 'wckwl partner,” Ward—now, to the great atisfaction*of the American people, with hair cropped close and stripped uniform doing his onlv honest work in Sing Sing prison—Mr. Wood felt moved to show b:s gratitude to General Grant by offering him loan for immediate use. Tho above let* ter shows howbenet-ded and appreciated it. Tho ch< ck shows the debt paid. What more noblo uses for money; to re- Hove one of the chief saviors of the Union iu bin extremity; to cement the conutry tor vtliich he fought by ministering to the sor rows of stricken (JharUston; to auec *r the tfilicted of every cri ed, raoe and character who may find shelter and friends in the Methodist Episcopul Hospital SUPREME Decision. KenderH~i^ d „ 1880. Uct ®bf,, . Sptnal Report by a. 0. Pent,, Leonard vg# 8t&ta< ' ' 4«r. from Fulton. »3SSj2! h totoa » to. Criminal Uw. PrlaclMU»■ B m ■StttJttSaSjrBy «•’*" -'hlo'hUim,'SnlabrSl, ,h * off «iw BArtte. According to STf*» <C£ 0 Sw 108 Crime * 67 JffiSfly *“> Up",; ••suss . Inc opinion of the m.lorliv ' 11 zxst M aaaurassi g.nirri, »n‘,'i f ° r pUtau ^ 0. D. Hill, , Befire Jndgo’u H*ci.rk B ' 1 'JJ?!J , 1 'f 0 - Full, Hall, J.—1. Where bumlarv <■ « breaking open >u lnaer do?r o?a buiSf® 111 ^ ' buslueN*. etc., the outer dMrh.?^ 4 plot t.ueut charsiug the^ bur! ' «SiL breaktoRaudentering the buSdiLu^?* Whar Crltu. Law, aec 815. ■oftcisat. n (e) While the ind ctment does nnt 1 depot WAA tho place otbnettm lku ihl company, no .jwclflo objeeuon h mi’“‘OI ground, and the off.nn mm, m U JS#*“» .ulllclont ck-arncM lo be undomtMd bv'iJ'". 1 ' 1 v '-_ 2. It does not appear from the lur J- ■ default out had t*eeu previously^convuS? ** fauna in q ie.tion in this cue or ? ,? of involved herein. ' 0P ,or th « «Utc *c (a) Nor la the plea of antre fan deut lu this case. It Is st-nerol st?, .. 1,101 wher.o. It shnnld befn .J^iS 4 Cr.andPr.Seoe. 47 to4S3. Wa », M * '-Though conftMions made by re..,,,, .. or promise, are not evidence vet lr t , ,h ' e traueous facU which .how thi thJ , '2?S b 7 inch facta thn. developed aud which I™' ! tko “rime of which tue defendant wu.i^ K ' will be received u te.tlmonv. Wb2*?? p H Sec C78; 84 . enn »t. 300; 64 Ala. 341 ° t ‘ “ (a) Ihe dl.oovery made In con.'e<,uence ivmvvs um ouuiission or tne contain. - Matt relates to such discover). The rejecting confessions improperly 0 bt ,0 their liability to prove false by reion Jr £"^ 1 tlv. which Induce, them, bin whon “hey roborated and eonnnued by tu, di.cnv.rf, , they lead the reaaon for their rejection and raUonr ceasante, Ipsa lex ceesat c 4. Where confeealous ot the defendatt given lu evidence, without objection, and • preliminary examination tou»t theireomS »d it was afterwards eecertelned that tt„ h c boon improperly attained and thin hi connael moved to rule them ont. It «urj „ for the Judge to retuee to reject to"m“nd dltlotally. carefully tnetructlng the iur, the ctrcumeuucos, extant and purpom. i„; b “ “ '’W™ 0 • ‘"<1« non. ot facta which render them evidence exlred. dire t them to b« rrjsctcd altogether; and thst wh*r. . apjfsaslonnoiufad to a substantive fact, from »Vi «ollt could be inferred or cata-.luk-? deemed it competent proof, hut thst’the fa brought to 1 glit by the confasslou must u lished by other proof than the c m esslon iu«lf « h mi the confasslou might he taken m ■‘auce in •■onneutiou wl b the fac^ thn*. c. J dwtuout affirmed F. R. Walker for plaintiff; C. 1). Hill, aolicitu mipil enntre COLLY MOOkKM KKVRFGE. He lllirn (Is It irtor f »r ti»e Cbiul HUd C1U* 8 d Hie Utll< Hl *vrn ITp Banoor October 25 —O • August 27th ih»* office ot D*. HtH, i»i Mii^'ii. it sm-.l. town of Pinoit ti'PH county, was blown u,*, and thoulIriirui. il Ui.ljr r-iu.4*(uri u luy.stery To-ciay Col »y Mo»>r»* iod dliidit K«* <ri brought to R.irgnr in iron>, ami tb» of the crime has c>mtu out. It sn-ms thst Moore, who is a poacher, iquor h»*1 and g^r.ersi Uw.l*re»»k^r, lo»*t a chilli of win tn he wah parttcnlsriy foml, uiul that ho hlumod Dr. H-tl^ the attendant puyai emu, for the child'* death. He want**! r*» venge, and I Hearn to blow up tht doctor’s < fii ■ S.-urs placed u big jug powdiri:; ;! » nW«e, at inched a fuse, made* kim'lif!, *»» •*! and anhea nf i» ' .. order It. N >-r !> a puty Hh. i7 *- tn • i. il it^rc* lupiora. .mi u d«v*»«!•**•» ti4»t .il tjriug u>r.»; Y ncs^rybsci t*i- fa-x » ..r tha*.yon i s r...,n i • u take no p *i.-. «r -nail *»• a 1 will LU r_w 'd.o wriii r • *; the it- , Inch e» al. v*. Mclntlrff et al. Equity, from v ton before Judge M. J, Olarke. Hom-Atos Notice. Ha’e. BlaM'oiid. J.—1. An application for ahooMte by a wife, alleging that her husband nfassd apply, hut not stating out ot whose Und»b* deelr the hoiurstead laid off. was good *g*m»t tLs t hand, he having notice thereof and entering no c j action, and the homestead was good, there bei o creditors sml no other valid ohjrruoD ihmtj 2. This belug so. the homestead dll notrapin th6 death of the huabaod, and a sole th-rrof. •{! 'he adopt! u of pie const tntlon of 1m7" udtr onter of tho judge of the Superior Court, tbuii at the instance of the wife, the only other btm clary being represented, is valid. 3. The hnsuand being bound. LU prut* estate vert* aUu bound, aud a sale by LU trir» Uw conld not sUud aa against the ss!e msatviD above, -ee constitution of 1H77, code5 111 Jo. ment affirmed. C J. Hlwmons, L. W. Thomas for plaintiff; W. Uulssy, Collier k Collier contra. Knit>lre Building and Loan AssocSitkm tt. dt? Atlanta Lqutty, from Fultun. lbfur* M. J. • larke. Injunction. Piscrethn. lU.ANDMtuo. J.—1 There is no Irreparable loa injury to be sppiehended by the plaintiff ubUm injunction be granted. Complainant U slmvij poM*.m*inu nf tht* property, which of its?!! i notice to the world of the title by which ti bold* land, sml the netfdency of the bill gives i.otl the claim of plaint (fa. On the hearing all cU. and equities betweeu the clt» aud the cou^Uti can be settled. Judgment affirmed w eil a Brandt for plaintiff; J. B. Ooodvln, Jo Pendleton contra. Equity, from Fa’ Judge M. J. Clarke. Faulty. Undo* fluence. Cuarge of the court. Evidence. , /.-a “ “ ‘ . The verdict U sustsinsd m 11. <t d - . I*r. iUU ir. l: .•tv«.» j kil i'Hi'io^ ts» .1. 1: wilt 112./- S n • C nk***ll in II* n nn'a Susp italnn, Kanhah Cm, Oc ober 27. Uti:e<l Hutlm District Attoruuy iicutou **.>• that bo hpnke iu th* 7 campaigit at tbo r^qurat o r ai- rn Vuat aud C*>ckrell and the State central committee ileDton ia a nephe 0 of l ItouutH Bentou. Hciiator Cockerell naya, “l don’t consider the fact that B-nton made a political speech RUtti -lent cuusq for snapeuriiMi m ai y lair inurpteiioD of the Freaidcnt’n lt|^Sl»k't»Ul», the evidence. •J. Where one was greatly afflicted in body rnlud. havii gllt le or no will poser, and con |her property to another who ha* burned iU** 1 fluence «»ver her, the Pan taction will l* •*» by a court of equity, uuless Its honsfldse bs cl shown, 'll Ga. 444. 3. 'iho charge couiplaluitd oi in ihsMxui It of error ae«lgned was lu the abstract correct.j when apidlfd to this case Ijo favoreble to sgj ant, slid hence he baa no rig t to couplsluj 4. Ihe condition of mind of ih*grsntur *m| I proper subject of in«tolr> by the Juq. « ja tints the transaction began until It u» A w , 4. A charge that. “If nffer filing nf tbs hill pi tiff made a written statement tb*t l» »*» / out her authority and she has no cs«»e o* against the defendant, such statement mow an admission against the plaintiff v msldertd by the Jury like other evidence, m La/-* comet. It properly left to tho Jwj wl,f*her eneh statement might n t ave n« t sln-d by liupotitlon as well as the deed. J ... testimony or witnesses as t*> *«t*» r I of tii * sanity of the grantor, giving M * (Ltr-for that they knew her, esw her one her t:*Ik, wss edii.lfsthle. . ♦» Defendant was n«»t competent to test . wliti . .vurr«d hetweeu hlm**u ami 1 Lr.-ntor sh beingdevl. Ju gment•*rw*«-l • *»-- . T. Fry tor plaintiff; Highy A k'. att-cd contra. Proceedinc* Hnptenu Court of Geo'* ATIANTV, Octolwr 36-—No. a. «»■>• 7I “' :, clruiilt. Argument ccmcludnl. ^ ^ No. 4. Htone Mountain circuit walker * Thomson et al. Argued. J. K. «jg* *12 tiff: H C Jo ’««. Alexander A rurnbcU^ 0 ^ No. 2. Store circuit HJJJJ t vs i’'->U)r.. Candler. r dler. for plaintiff; iloo|««r Alexaoder. cm* No f. htouu . Miutaln circuit Argued. J. T. upeuce. for P Mn«*. ROflcit rgecer«U by Unnpar *. mart tuen adjourted to J ociov* same until a bearltw la bad Ufoie " Liin ou i in a CoDRcrvable an a fiutJ. bill tiled by James P. Harrison praying tojunctleu. r «»y util- A loco mo- r. Ti 1*1 Lrauttdfc»tt» H om,r»hl*2o*lc.l , «.i. mdv.vfib. prov.eotroctit will b. ihe(iT*atest (iiHcnv- himiii til” JIIII l.o «*"• Gov. hpnqfut I Hui^Hor Court of th« chroilnw circuit, wolob t*-1 , rJ „f .op ns th>- fit.iil lit -uifl.t to the to fmtti, r berlnui'ts t o itu-ul tut. n-vtn, I .miu. the sun tnuurar from •urv.nil.ttti; t moi-tiro of thn. tunU.xii.KbwT.vlf OB the altar bond. to ~..l ‘V 4 r . * L * mon. A rrest nun l. tn a l'tnUltlj.t,.. J™ ... ^ I '-".I |)jj> r Iih* bom .xteui.ivi.-ly quote.!, pur- jiorliUK to Imv« it--eu nn iatwrview with Mr. Tqjtno-.e, but wbicb, emanntiriu from tile Mtiue bonrrti n» tb« rent, hnn oelUiUl''e.l iu jn .lice to truth aiul decency n denial in de- By her own confen.i.-n, imrity, feiinniueut and nil tbe other iuntiiictn of woiunnbood were warped und MiNldi .1 when nhe sold lierselt to Gov ernor Sjon^ne. Tree hery nud die- it were tbe I'urents of disloyalty and di.uuton, trotu wbieb naturally inanee contin inl spite. I hnve felt ever kindly toward, her, tor her notion* have given me tbe love of tbe nn- h!c-t of meu, and I would only ask ber to budute ere nbe brings into connection with ber name Whitt belongs wholly and entirely to another. I do not object to ber retialma ber friends by expatiating on her personal attractions (if .be permits her fondness for tbe antique to carry ber to each lengths,! I Hied by i.iurn F. Harrtwm ynyiug tsJtiecUen. I y Te f or i u »tnace, with n fee g.Uous ot the SSit tt” KT.!l fluid, would buye unup,ly of tuel eufficient rvtids'rv-U to in** sold company and said morbuwtu 1 lo fan It Rom A itMniiri; to Lotca^o, aad n . dts-lur»:HS. the sold comiany contnu|x>raDeousty 1 oct aa hU*uOitr would ivquir** oltly h f w th* rwwuh executing a tuU and eompUto | baneU to make the trip to Europe. A tent all clatiua of oaid companv against the Mat*, both I ... ha mad . nt an «,erU Aav e«|Uitable an I otherwise, on acmuntof tbe hiea of | WlU protmbl} nthrt ut »n Uitrij aty. BBWlek ilepeHMM—I of tb* surrender of asld b n<t* and the discharge of said mortgage Iwing ma«U-because of the stu m aforvestdof hts llnfaor, Jndgi Fain, and as a proper msrk *f I Fred urant Addre rrtpaet on tbe part of the executive to a co-ordiuate I> aastrnns >* o ut ou Luke knpsvl r St Paul, October 27. A lViuusp^ spocial iu) a u t.*K*i;r;m tr<-ui F« it Arhnr r»*j*«»rtH ah'«.vv Tho »ch»rf>- Ofi 1*11 (a m on Like Hnp ri r t **P '*1- of America” w-i* ne it •** lu> tiling n tl K O' * U .ufQ«iU Lr-'t bft-tt • v witaiutic Ofa-.ow nUo re tv m iut.1 A N ff M Uitieal ChuDDcl, but liO livce MR. DAaNA C KIT 1C IS ED. branch of tho Mato government. By the Governor. Mrs. ( lev.Unrt i Pu-’shttrg lH-(«tek. ‘•Y *u * • I . AdUl. •; !. - >.•:* i II m » **« end Letter the Knibatuiisg H u. Nkw York, Oct*»bor 10.— It ia andtratoofi U>rao —...— i} h .v c . ol x“ c, J. w ; c ;:* ntL r.v nl v K v ,n il J. W. Waaaut. Secretary Executivo Department. I Utter to Mr. Phttl DtOR, o? t!«e >ew York r/ea mti.i - ■ ■ --- I San, In reference t^* the btUr’g p%)ment of hint jp The* Capitol « «mints*Ion. | |j||| f G p eiubulmiD^ Gcu. Gr iM’a body, tuttn >. m ATLawra, October »7.-Tho Capitol Commleeton 1 Co |^ ^ eC0 nJ jitter, it iawt^Ud, c- n held Its regular monthly eeeslon to-day, all the I &n order on the praei*t*tf*t of tho Lilt- wa>U -or Mr v »!• . r . ... neither do I object to her revelioK iu (Mt ■fayijae lo aaucation, be l.std liUlo intoruit-; coeqaewte, if an® can find linteuer*, but I turn to give beyond what had already bean i demand that the do not rtf*r to my h»i»- given. He believed that twelve peraona» band in any form whatever. We extend to t loat their iivtg in the wreck. Of thcae he i h. rear .i a limited pity, which aha baa ever ; qeamr jeai oadiag had been able to get bnt Uw naiuea. | end will alwaja eoramand. » The u<al coat of th# weak to tLW data ss appaara Tbtae were Mia. Hherer, of Winona, and [Signed j “Iaxx BriUucx" 1 from tha approved estnoatra is i^vjhlT. Tha mem bars prraent. Tha board first inspected the | co j n Nfatb'nal Bank, signed by Mrs. Gen- building, and noted tha progress Utng mad# In tha I Gr.tnl, and directing bint to pxy to Mr. work. The inspect oa mam entirely satisfactory. j Raul Dana, Mr. Cbarlet* A. Dana, or to the Ksttmata No. 21. submitted by tha archttset. caU-1 Han I’nhli-hing Company, the tdiionnt naid lag for | in,499. IS, waa approved and a isgaMHl as made oa tha But* Treasurer for |11^3».li, which lacludaa tha salary of the cummDslowers for tha *h- pari II v... lf ik |»- AiLsrrx, October 2*. *• KASTKRU riux t‘4. BcMobrmx k MeMrim for plaintiff; F. O DuBtrf® gvoeral, .ontra. No 2. City an-1 Bubo-ban «'V2 T of Xstft'.uari. V*. Mayor ai"l j, Ql fl / ^.ue<l. Dec m*t k autl AiUm* for P 1 * 1 connioebam u^wra Argtt ad. »w5vfn7or L riunff. p! a ««"•*»*•• •* c S'A' Kili. v. Anm-A. O*" 4 . tains" r. 0. tu**—- Mfidtlm, for H. v.f*tra for pMniiff; F- *•- al, contra. No rt LH»ert> C -eats nv vs fl«rt»ea. Arpavd Atukta, Oct«*bcr -No. *. **** ° si?** i tiiia nt t'j,. riitrauc. With m.e ventri lint l.q l l tmu i .ft-mucutue'l t.i. Uwr, »uiie with Ih • oth.r nhu atmiulil- • Uni I i, i i Innuiirij n lx*al ■>( t^o fiagnm r-..’j'l-'.-.l ih“ i,i.Uu:-ir.g ot hi, «»t, fl- ckm nnme lint <-ff hU arm, anfl Annin-nt '-.mclo'lfl T ,. No. 7. KatUru i-irctifr ro’ll* Havaurnh. Ancnrf , , ^lnlui^r, II ■ ■ cuuuliMik-Jf.' „ Jf,|,wJ No. 8, F.«(Miq. Ir ul !► r ,„ pN A ro rr.nrA eta-'- •**“, ; . . oi n w^r ay u " »• ■ 4 No. 38, kaattre r t , , ' u ... riuK r n.l<tn-r AHB.vt I W«oI»* o" I. ga. n fovgl tor' ft -a*g 1-4. n l, r cauive IZll'eii Ctitarrl* * trnin. oi^ „ C crr thrs »#J uw' *** ° Dr*'* - l.v Mr. Dana up>,u tii. embalming bill. ( Grant’s lot tor informed Mr. Dau.i [ ;’*vi- „ t -a-iot to bis monataebo. It w .n tbe 1 Lo that tb* money bad been deposited in the : .left work <>f aiioni thirtom aocon-'s. bntl dmcor »!'»»'" V’tk bank to hi* order. It is also nmlerk'oa 11 how rndicnlri o-nr.vitg Tb l’r * .lent K-utucky. onnghi he- *' '— 1 ai tool ire oceupmts. etgM tbst Mr. Dans baa written Colonel Grant iu j waa tian.fonued Uuu a sloocb lo a state < reply again, declining to receive tb. money, neatne,,." i burned to i