The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 23, 1886, Image 2

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THE MACON WEEKL Y TELEGRAPH. TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER QX 1886.—TWELVE PAGES. 2BE TELE GliAEtl, niT n» T9* mn asto wtntt BT THB Itgraph nua Messenger Publishing Co., 91 Mayberry dirt*!. Macon, Ga. Tha pally i« fl»Uvtr*d by carriers In th* city or b fro* to •ubBcrlben, for $1 per •xu., $2.60 cf three month*, $6 for *U month*, tioayaar. TSX Wuklt U mailed to *nb*crlber*, po«tag* m, At $1.26 a year end 76 oeut* for *ix month*. Transient Advertisement* will be token for the Vsliy At $1 per ignore of 10 line* or lee* for the ftnt Insertion, end 60 cent* for each subsequent In- Button, end for the Weekly ot $1 for each insertion. Action of death*, funeral*, marriage* and birth*, U- Be’ectcd communication* will not be returned. Oorrespondenoe containing Important news and AlMdsatena of living topic* 1* solicited, but must be Kxlit and written upon but one side of the paper to litre attention. Bexalttance* ihould be made by express, postal Bets, money order or registered letter. At'anta Bureau 17 X Peachtree street. All communication* should be addressed to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Ga. Coney orders, checks, eto., should be made paya ble t* Q .0. Has sox, Manager. Arbor Day, | Woman Uruihel lit Vtrwout. The" Tuleobai-h vainly endeavored to get' The Vermont Hens* bill, conferring snt- th« In-t Legislature t<-, ppeiot. n s-rbordiy, frnee upon women in that State, has been such us is observed by many Shite* of me d.luatu i iu tb. se>.*ie by era votes. North and West It takes oorasion [to express its gratifica tion that Governor Gordon bag addressed himself to this important matter. The day chosen for this latitude is eminently proper, bat is too close at hand to expect much for this season. Of course the selection made by Governor Gordon is merely saggostive. It carries with it no authority, and the peo ple can observe it or not, as they may choose, lint the Legislators can icinforce his action l>y setting aside a day in each year as an arbor day and requiring the tax assessors to report how many treea or shrubs may bo planted in each county. This day tuny ba mads a holiday for school children, and it this way a growing interest may be awnk ened. It will be admitted that we have too few trees ot the proper kind in our cities, towns and villages, and that in the rnral districts the old agrionltnral system of the South, aided by the recent demand for tim ber of all kinds and for all purposes, to- Let every one who can plant a tree or | gather have denuded our forests, ahrub on Wednesday. The notice is short, Scientists hold that the planting of treea but the seas mis propitious to maagorste wa i add to the health of the country, and Arbor Day. There's health, comfort and | w t;j prevent the sudden changes of climate, money in the business. If it is not conve- j „hich of late years wo have been sub- nient to set out shade and ornamental trees, i j ec ted to, plant a few of the different varieties of Experiments have demonstrated that fruit trees. There are many waste places in I good varieties of trees planted now will Georgia that will be all tho better and more I prove a volume of wealth in the future to beautiful with trees of any variety. I those who ore to come after us. We all Heads of bureaus in the various depart- know how “ ucb ° f heaUh * onjofmeot and mentsin Wsshington are printing in their b ®, had from , tho of reports certificates and newspaper com . the various frail tress adapted to tins sec menu as to their efficiency, after the stylo t,0 “' .... „ , „ . . of patent medicine certificates. This is not I 8ome Teeks Binc ® lh « Now kork Snn bad JNfcAVS IN GEORGIA.. There was a limitation in the bill which gave suffrage to those women only who owned $250 worth of property. As there is no limitation to males, it has been charged that the House had thus declared women to be $250 inferior to man. * What the Senate means by iu vote cannot yet be ascerUined. It may have been a gallant protest against the un dervaluation of tlie ladies; it may have meant that the limitation was too small. Depend upon it, however, the worse con struction will be chosen and the female lance will be couched in the next election against every Senator who said “no" to woman's political prayer. It certainly is a striking illustration of our political system that six men have been able to withhold suffrage from 1115.39'.) people—half the pop ulation of the State. In the meantime can any one tell why a r.-fined, educated and intelligent Vermont lady is not as apt to vote correctly ns the booby who licks his fingers about the sugar maple camps? riant Tree,. Lot everybody who can plant a tree on the fourth Monday in November, so as to commence the observance of Arbor day, oeud the Ti.i.rW)ilAl'li the names cf the planters, the counties and the trees, and it will be published. In the meantime, householders in our city and our city fathers may be reminded that the season Is favorable for trimming shade trees, and that the appearance of Macon may be much improved by atten tion to this duty. DEATH UK COLON L JAMES L.SEW- AHD AT THOMASVILLE. A Sketch or Uls trietlngutalied Career-lt'.t, of Interesting Information Furnished by Correspondents and Culled From Our Exchanges. Thomasvillb, Ga., November 21.—Col. James D. Sewanl, upwards of 70 years old, died at his residence here to-day from a stroke of paralysis, from which ho has been ill for nearly a week. For eight or ten yeara he has been a great sufferer from rheumatism, unable to walk, and his roller chair has been a familiar sight in Tbomas- ville daring that time. Ho was born in Laurens county and moved here when quite a young man. He represented this county several times in the Legislature, and was a member of tho first Lepidatnre that met in Milledgeville after the war. He represented this district in Congress in 1853 and was re-elected in I860, defeating Frank Barlow. He was also a member of the constitutional convention of 1877, and one of the trustees of the State Univer sity. His polities were somewhat like Joe Brown's—when one side did not please him he got on the other side. After the war lie seems to have liked neither aide, and took no prominent part in politics. He was of an aggressive, combative temperament, and as a lawyer had no equal in this part of the country. His power of repartee was re markable, and was mercilessly used in the court hers. Since be ha* been suffering so much from rheumatism, he has not prac ticed bis profession at all. His funeral will take place to-morrow. Ty-Ty—ltunlm-HH Change. Tv-Ti, November21.—Mr. JoelS. Graves has sold out his sawmill to Mr. A. Rieger, of Indiana. The mill is situated about four miles east of town. Hillsdale is the ship ping point for the lumber, eto., from the mill. Mr. Graves, however, will erect a McDonough Notts, | HcDoxocob, November 23.—McDonough Ison a I ValdcitxTImn, *' ^ 81u >t. boom. The certainty of th* Georgia Midland baa T inrreaaed the value of property forty per cent. I LiftSt Wednesday, IlarrvRnbftwt Building lota aw b inging from one to four bun- & local character with a a l8 * co ^ore dred dollar*. . called at Olflm’a v* J* reputatin President Alexander, of the High Rchool fetock I fi. u U ,^ or a five-cent AtS, Company, U pushing the school house to comple- 1 7|* m , em » the brother of the rtr rt n.; . tion and will hare it completed by tbe 16th of Feb- *“• saloon, wag behind the hnJ?P ei * or ru*ry. The director* apeik of engaging the ier* and told Harry tha» thu Ills , titaj vice* of Professor Femtaeratoa. of Jackson. tor next cent drinks, Harry retorted D °h that a newspaper, with a cash capi- J|{ e y and that he had bonoh!**^ and dollars, will be atarted in Me- there. Sam said ho had npvir vT , >ariy day. from him. ever bou «kt ( The grand Jury of Henry county has recom- From this nnin* *i a .. ineuded the abolishment of the county court. Vi 1 ® P° , ,°n the testimony U « t nictmg, Harry claiming that Kam i ? C0Q Th* Rome and Decatur Ztatlroad. without provocation, but Sam aa °n 'H Rome, November 20 —The engineer surveying applied an opprobrious •* V^ 1 the Koine and Decatur railroad ran a line to-day ply to hia atuertion that h« wi Wm ^ * from tho .Shorter homestead on tbe Alabama road, “u?A 1 ff had “ever gnl just outside D t Soto, in anortbeavt dirootlon across _ , cent anuk. At any rate, an*,* tho Ojetaaaola river through the upper part of spurred Bam up to theghootinnw • ■ ltomo to Forrestville. They intend changing their and he pat the bullet into thA *««i**^ 0 * w l ;y. Mid «t. p,«<eos«r depot groin. Harry, at this writing" "i 11 ! ter as well a* plenty of room I wp ii Whll. 1* doiaf ior ireigns uv|m>i, jards, shops, Hide-tract* and 1 , 16 •fHOUgly hhot, it is not switches. Thero is a large force of hands grading saniy ratal, ham was arrested and Ir/" at the Alabama line, dghteen miles west of Home; I ID jail. u It is rumored tal of five thousand Donough at an early day. THE UEOIUHA PHKSS War Upon Uuano. Hawklnsville Dispatch. The Macon anil Oovinston Ext.n.w I Savannah Newa. I The proposed extension of the Mi-.... ,, . . Covington railroad to Birmineham .1 ltepressntativobimmons, of Sumter ooun- agitated. A company has bJln ty, has introduced iu the Legislature a bill Alabama, the purpose d which!. 1 In vnnn.l fha nroaAnl. lav irnninnn ilia in. I ...HI. AU-Sr . .. COQlnl^ they are imposed upon by the law—and and Talladega. The charter that the seventy-five to eighty thousand the company are: J. D. Moore ' dollars paid every year by the farmers of ly and W. A. Huudly, of Birmineh.**3 Georgia for the inspection of fertilizers is J. G. Hill and J. L. Forbes of R«' *Jl just that much money thrown aw.y, a, the The road will ba stocked and bS?l inspectors cannot prevent the frauds that from $12,000 to $15,000 per mile Th. 1 are practiced by the manufacturers. I posed route from Macon is through Another bill has been prepared by a ton to Monticello. This much is alrasTI member of the Legislature to allow farmers | operation, under the name of the M«nn J to plead failure of consideration in the piy- j Covington railroad. merit of guano notes, not be considered — e— . , ... .. , . I We nr ® P’ C18,<110 notio ® thl *t iIr - Wat-1 new m jn at oncej a . 1( j continue in the lum- only wrong, but out of taste, and tho New ftn artjcl ® on t® 18 8 «bje®t 80 appropriate to terson is back at his post again, vigorous in her business. York Sun justly says of the practice; "The our Hectlon that we re P ro,1nco the most body and mind, and prepared for active The taxable property of our town is re proper judges of the efficiency with which " alie “‘ P or ‘‘ on rt H in the8 ° wold8: journalistic work. In relation to the report ‘"'“ ed *° r ‘ be >’® ar “ Dd * J ^ . j “In tiiA V. Ast thft nrftfifji nf trrA nlnniinr* . . . . * tAXex ftre BHSt HStid ftt two &U(1 Onc-Uftlf the officers of tho departments do their 1 ° ®°‘ Profits of treo planting ot bis couneetiou with the New York Her- tenths of one per cent. Sc it will be seen work are, first, their immediate superiors, “ a J® t® 0 ®®*>y be «n demonstrated >“ a ®'n* aid, he says: at once tbnt our town government is run and behind them, the people who aretaxed 8 P 10UOU8 aniJ sinking manner. A low years n,. editor of tho Courler-Ioum.t bu no other with a small want of money. The street or „„ „ -.,.-1-. ri.n nnininna of «ohnr "8° th ® directors of the Kansas City, Fort »lro in Ufa than tb.t of purtuin* to tho end the oh- commutation tax, however, is 75 cents per L.I vnb?n Scot ‘ ®® d BeUway made the expert- Unrer , of profouton^ honor .ud duty, which 'l®«tt-r on all male inhabitants between the dinates, admiring personal friends, volun- ' . . .. . ‘ h. m.d. lor hlm.olf, .nd which h. h» tho. far “«® 8 of W “®d« J®« 8 - u . , teer correspondents, and rural newspapers, meut ot P‘ a ®«®8 trees on their Uno in east j without .bund»nt b.opinoH, »nd. Mre - Touohstone, of Sumner, who has are notrequired in the annual reports. The ? In lol b ° P ur P ose ° C domonstrat- J u °„ * c.ruto ™ For “u Vifi “ D «, Rt “ r ' J ' J ' Uik “ "• lottve8 administration ought to put a stop prompt- ln S the fitne “ 8 of that r ^ lon toT trce P !ant * humbler of wefalnee. .nd Lbor. he long tlli8 ove ®‘®« for hoB,e - ly to this ridiculous praoUce." ing, and to supply their road with posts .go put wide tho thought of public office and po- Madden lVuih of l)r. Strother ’ I and ties. A section of land was planted U**«l .dv»ncement, which were opened to Cl'MMiso, Ga., Novombor 1'.).—Dr. The Boston Herald says; under contract, whioh included also the care 1>lra • h ® ^ot^ra, ,0 hl * P°** r8 - Strother, one of tho most prominent phy- f^m^LuVtwL'bConml^Tclw.on cnlllv “ ti0 “ 0f 1110 tre 7 f0r , “ “ amber yew*. 1“ cr'.r co^ln^T th l In iffto? 8 miles'wesTof'"tlis^ll.'co! to to ho held at Wuhlngton lu lsoa. in celebration I 0 f } . ear8 after they were planted. The gen- wledom of hi. choice and »»tl.aod with hu condi- early this morning. His health had not or tho qnadrt centenmAl of tho diecovery of Am.r- cralm € r 0 , th e road has recently made dltlon. Within the present le,u. of tbe paper ho boon good for sometime. Ho was a suc- ^oZVho 0 nldp^V^i*iCfor,b.TU report of the financial aspects of the *«»»• it. edltorehtp and wUl h„cefonr«d be cecfol PhysioUn with largo practice.and orux* union soouia put up ouuuiaga ror id* ac 1 - * .. I re*ponalbl« for it* control*. With on* hand full was loved and esteemed by all who kuew cltuen. who n»r plantation, twelve years from the t“® e L, ollr . brMch „ ,„ r thou who meet him with him. Ho was formerly a citizen of middle visit thla exhibition. It eeem. to u. ih.t It might the trees were planted. He is neither a „ mU1C( , ( , C e,«od peaceful ho«tt. and tho other Georgia, where, I learu, ho has relaUvos of tha** t”k W *!* pl * n ’.i ihT 1 i"t 1C8 m U h« crank nor RD cnthu8iast > nor is ho specially t„n of club, for thoeo that merit them, and with prominence. hekTln* Washington, that th. various mate gov.rn- interel,l<;d ln tre « 8 ' but a successful business malic toward non. the ~U.fa.Uo. and th. WIGGINS TO IIANG, moot, .honld nulla, tb. occulon in putting up man and railroad manager, who looks upon hon«.to~y to all. •Ood blu. youl I 81.1. building, at tho naUonal capital which might I this plantation as a purely financial enter-1 This will do for tho olive branch of the I * ' , honied for all time In the future by tho Congiu-1 prise. Hi. report, therefore, may be read I business. He draws hie club and fires I „ Nawamher 17 The bavs and -onUH^nUUvm of ,h...var,o u . common, ^ot on,ywiffiinurest, but with entir. con- a ‘ ®WU eervio. r.form after ‘bis yo “^^ottM,“ mmuniTy or wealth.. It would bo a nov.1, and at th.aam. fidenoo fashion: ganized society, knownos "The Lime Kiln tlm* attractive, feature, and would go far I # . »>.« I Th* wliol* civil aerrlc* theory ia an linportatloo, I Club.” Every Batnrday nicht the club toward ompbulalng th. chancier ofour i’ ' * an affecutuo and a fallacy. It he, taken root In I meet* at Eureka Mills tor the purpose of donrnment li each of tbo MT.nt SUtea had at pneo paid for the land on which it stands, no m. pnbUo mind and heart «=e;t that "straightening out." They call this their Waahlogton a large building of IU own, dlridwl I an d with interest compounded at tho rate I reserved by an AU-wiao Prorldence. whoa, way, I court. They nave a code of laws, and woo into suites of apartments, to b, given runt free t° I 0 { 7 per cent, upon all expenditures, ttands, ! an paat Aodlng out, for a certain clique of political I unto him who dares to violate them, inch of It* Houston and Iteprseenlatlv.. In Don- k at one hundred and fivo dollars dandle, and dude, ln thought, for vaporing ennka The president acta as judge. They also 1 as choose toocrupy them. In add.Uon, there I ^J^n^U an ^e whlch may prope^ I ^ ™ dodge,., who | havo.a number cf."lawyers," and an im- th* «ncour»^m*ut pjnelul jnry. and they get to bj tb* President th* b,ta,to “ H t&0 Sop®llor Court bneiness the Heeoa. _ . -1 From Monticello 1 ,es. Such an act might road is at proaent being built, bv wit constitutional but it is Griffin, to LiGrange, and thence to 1 evident that tho farmers do Dot get the Alabama line. The idea is to join the» worth of their money in the purchase of road there and build to Birmingnim guanos. If the farmers were allowed to above, plead failure of consideration in tho pay- _ —r—— ment of gnano notea-that is, when sued L 7 “* D “* M " for payment, if they were allowed to swear °Z? U f“ v ' rl , , r l . _ that tbe guano had not paid them—there The trial of Mr. Joe T. Smith, on would bo a revolution in the guano business I charge of cruel treatment of his dang! in this State. cam ® n P before J ndge Powell in the The larmer would be compelled either to I Court on Monday last. ConsidereMeinti >ay oash for his guano or he would get a re- ® 8 ‘ waa ‘®*‘ * n ‘be trial and atlenf iable article, and an artiele that the manu- u P on the trial was large. The pro»eeu facturer would not hesitate tb warrant. I wa ’ conducted by County Solicitor "What There is more speculation and fraud in I and llt'Bsra. farmer andThompson. SI,, the guano business in Georgia to-day than *.8. Wilcoxou aud George A. Carter in anything else. If lhe farmers oontinne I P“ are “ ‘ or . ‘be defense. Argument lonso guano as indiscriminately as they J},*® and exhnustiveon both sides, »nd have for the last few years the whole State "u®sday morning, after a clear and ei[' will become bankrupt. chergo from Judge Powell, the case . „ , . . ■■■ , , ^ Riven to the jury. After being out a ill A Confederate Memorial Tree. while the jury rendered a verdict of su Coweta Advertiser. and tbe penalty was fixed by Judge Pot Ia tbe first battle of Manassas five men at $*00 fine or twelve months' impriii belonging to Company A, Seventh Georgia mont. Mr. Smith promptly gave bond regiment, were shot down within a few feet it is understood will appeal the cue to ot a cedar tree that stood near the centre of Superior Court Hia friends feel coed: the battlefield. Dr. C. A. North, who be- of his ocqnittal upon a new hearing of longed to that gallant bnt unfortunate com-1 case, mnnd, detached a sprig from the tangled branches of the bullet-riven tree and sent it to his mother, Mrs. Mary North, detailing the circnmstances under which it bad been obtained and requesting that it be planted out and nurtured in memory of the gallant I Rn ^e‘weeks a targe number ot emph members of company A, who bad poured ^ave been engaged around heteinp-r, out their life » libation at the foot of the , the railroad track for the winter. A« parent tree. Though several da.vs old and th f 9 forc9 wnH one Richard K. 0'Bri.i much withered when received, nagnlar to handf)orae yona(( fellow abont30yei relate, the delicate twig took root and grew When he tir.t cams here to woi off rapidly. It is now a large, thrifty bush; ^ et Mra . Charles WiUtams, th. wifi and occupies a prominent position in Mrs. 00tmtry store-keeper, and fro-a hit North's front yard by *h«m it iu treasured nuaiumnee passed there nntil he had i« as highly as by any of the survivors of old I ap t0 , position in tho family circle,*1 company A. ( I tho most Intimate friends might V Ttainbrl.iKe’* Well,. Living in the same family with Balnbrisg, Democrat. j and Mr*. Williams were the I The city conned, through a committee I aEI J mother of the huihxsj, appointed for that purpose, reported to a I w f“ *?, ‘i* 1 ®®, *5** 1 !»• cmzt-nV meeting at the court house on I "if®. For the last sta week, Willitmt Tu .-sday night last that the artesian wells I suspected his wife ofinnaeUy, uidli •nd nptklint»nA« nn tn dnt« huil onst thA ftilv I * to Cfttch hef. Tfiking U16 tFUQ DEED OF A BiiMON. A Young Man Batcher, lhe Eattre tu of the IXanbaud He U,d Wroeged. I Wuite Riveb, Ont., November 10.-1 ippliauce* up to date h«d cost tba oily I ‘ rn l’ a ‘ le ‘- . tie over $11,Ot'O—including operating 1 for Chaplin, Ont., he lef a li“» expenses since the completion of the wells, of this Itwerdtl might be general public room, wt ,part for the con- I " v- a “— "" •«-»*-» “ --v r—r—, | heppeotoholdoIBce. liet for venlence of tho cliliene of tho eeveral Htetee who I be redneed by the value of the land after the I Klvtn t) , eM and tartr vtgulce br the Preaideut the ... were called by buelaeea or othor reuone to make trees hove been cut, while the market value country would bo ■ pared any eorloue couldoratlon L ^‘ ,t ®'8 h ‘ ‘*> o y liad Wiggins TUItstotho capital. That into .ay, they coutd on lhB gr0Qn d of the fence posts which can of the queetlon whether th. plan ot repre.ent.ttv. er it The Jh.«»«t theomcial «h«H uowbec ut, is ~timated at four hundred and per* government.,lehed by th, cou.UtuUou ^ lt ^ WisS om HHh wi!. packed to Htotig and would hate on* gatharlOR point xt th* I __ , . .1 and contemplxtod by th* Id** underlying th*ro-| . 1 D ., . * .. ■* nation^ ceplmt that could be etrictly called tbelr I dollar, on aero. Here, then i. a plan- l ^ ^ , pHt> ^ . S «n. ttaeid. tbu, tt. ermruon by the «, tatlon of trees which at any r.‘e may be bjr „ trm.poo.lbta, monarchical .7- Xuto'sThey retor^Id a vlrdml ol gail.^ to rtoui Htatee of largo and haudsomely con-1 considered a financial sucoess. It will ap- tem of buroauocraoy, conaonant to » the first degree. He was sentenced to •traded building* of thta kind would 8° I p ea r, however, even more successful when I treaaooabl# coniervaUim. which would more and I aa0 g on t i| e 2‘Jtli of September, 1887. tar toward beautifying the national capital. *® d I t h 0 trc63 Krow i arK0 enough to supply the more c °u*oH<tato and centrallw claae power and Trie taw is, any one who circulates give tothe alranger, from abroad who vtait it an I nlantatlnn wim made m#,B *“ d mo ” * IC,0,S * ‘he people from tho con-1 causes to be circulated a false report, etc. Mn of the extent, wealth and Importance of tech roads with ties, inis plantation was rnaae I lr0 | of the , r c mcial «ervanU. and their Immediate I Hence, the Atlanta Constitution will be ofour federal divleloue. The Moo eoonn to no I by Mr. Robert Dongiats, of Illinois. " * I lniomt In any occountab ltty for tho result of else-1 looked into next Saturday night to see If it worthy of encouragement end tho more wo think I tender to him our sincere congratulations I Hone. Tble ta the r~lteiao. There ta none other. I had anything to say of the “Wiggins’ the more we ere surprised that it hoe not boon I y—jg success as a tree planter. I Allot ue, BopubUcace eid Democr.u alike, profeu I earthquake.'' No doubt it will share the both suggested and pul Into elocution long bofrrs I ‘ nn ,i t u. todMlreenceonomloandactaenedmlntatreUonof same fete as its ex-assistant editor, E. this- "Anybody can plant tnm, and tt. more I puM|o l>a(|I>HI „„„ u ^ u u tm, I Stone Wiggins, The secretary was re- The enoMolion is a cood one hut better P°°P ,e P Uut lh ® b *“* r ! bu ‘ th# cn >“T»‘U'® „hlevedt By the oM American ayitem of party quested to write to Wiggins, and inform The suggestion is a g , r 0 f trees, like other agricultural operations, ohMkl balance, bound np in on# general rule I ot the situation, and that it is beat for results wiU be had if tha work of supply- I ^ fi Qa noiaily and otherwise succeufal I of party raepon.lbtlltyt or. by . parpetsity of I hi®) ‘“.“"h® himself awful "scaco" in ing these buildings is left to the general I ^ ptoport i on t t e amount of intelligence, oatcehoMera, owning allegiance to nobody ‘h® 8 ® diggi®*- government By this plan the improve- d i fl t t into it . And Uok maatera u irra.pon.ibta « th.m.Mx~ and IK hi'KP.VKM oniTNTY menu would bo aystematie and more .peed- ^^“*7^7^. Z e than the pres- J ”‘ “ Uk *' 7 to U ^ HUtbYKN COUNTY. ily carried out, Many rttato con.titutions ent ^ ^ th# Qf tbil sUtim ent" Tms U tho way tho Salvation Army 1,0 in- forbid expenditures of this description ana Wb>thMb9#n doM .taewhoro can be announces the opening of a campaign: 8TivaxiA.Not.mb.rJo.-OonrtadJoun.wlyM- half a century would elapse befor. Ml ®h* I done bore, and aa the Sun says, there w u I "Look ont for to-morrow night. Tbe devil I clea could be removed. I neTer a better time to commence the work, I will howl from Kiitery to Fort Kent, The I ,nt prt,ouera found guilty, John Burae, convicted After Mr. ltiatne. I Of course, on the first occasion we shall be I General will review the main division at I i a ,“^^ e o' f *“ n J[^ I , | d *^. tl ^wfnTeyh5-! , a2auU The prominence ot the Presidential boom compelled to use tho trees nearest at band, City Hall, Lewiston, to-morrow, and all the and b«u^|» a^or .lx mentaa^^. ramTOn of Mr. Blaine has alarmed the Mugwumps, I without reference to their qualities, but any I officers and about all the soldiers in the j 0 | a uy indicted for larceny from tbe house. . —-- — •<*,«. ■> .■■■■■ -- — aid tho New York Time, reproduce, the t re~ will do to begin with. By thta tim.Uut.will be therm We shall much and I l^, 0 j{ bt u, j^ ffirTStininJ* 0 »f*BaMwlo butw^i n“a‘‘di^Tt tin” “FkSrtS letter of Mr. Edmunds, giving hia excuse next fall we will be enabled to make better *•»» mid .ing, »®d no one wiU sleep that gwMrtAtari;,from th-.s point at no v«y diiunt dsy Wmiam“liv”d long enough towk.J for Flawing Mugwump iu the tat cam-1 •election!. If the day is once obierved, night TrAmpii, barber*, aaiion, LiJ mo ntb* lo J*nr*nJ %-a for tfc* *wond orthre* *' paign. only in a small way, it will attract atten- maken, farmeniand otherex-soldieniof the mju.heln Jtorjh.p keu, We quote the most important point, in I tion, and public attention will grow into I do will all join in ana make tbe old gent | eour.ty rbtiu-«*Dg, Solomon John ton, *cc***ory this tangosge: pubtic interest. Wc hope to see feel tired. Mein»n.vsr saw the like Irafor. *. fwru ®Ky£ d ,‘^ ! have your v-yklad end welcome Iritar of th. I th. suggestion of Governor Gor- nd never wiltourain °,^r1h 7 « »ISL^ B^ft 10th. and thank you heartily for IL It ta true my j don respected and obeyed. Muuio.pil | SHRSD8 ANDPA’iURFH. I I**«ty- B Hrlnaoo. earning concealed v position wa» trying, for on reflection I frit Ural It and co nnty official* can aid in tho work, .... I •‘imooUi* oa the chalnqruig., . . .* .a . *a_ - x> l-ll al.b.t .b«U I 0 I .cue. i would be absent oyer night, but To’ the credit «id« of this aeoonnt wa have I going to his destination he •oo* two wells-one 18)0 and tho othor 1,20® teet ‘®, t “ ,ral “ ‘ r ®“ \ wa ? “S*® 0 * “ d . a . in depth, thoroughly cosed to the bottom, 1 ®d home in tho night. Going to W and supplying an inexhcustihle stream as I J 1 ® ‘o®nd his wife u,oomp»ny wjtnOo good water, or two different kinds, as cou I *}? ^“od,* Wow at the isltet wilh »» be fooud on tbe globe; a 50.000 gallon Iron I slick. O Brien quickly rscovrrjd w reservoir, affording a water preasnre anf-1 draw a revolver and,*l>o‘ fleint to force a atrium over any two-story I lhe noise attracted tbe other ocesp' building in the city, and about one-fourth I the house,’and, to ahtelu hie cnme, u enough of piping on hand to lay water I "kol lk® father ashewasenlenugih mains over the main portions of tho city; dressed. Having IM' ■««•••“ and an enitunced valuation of real estate I “ ‘ h ® °'d lady put in an appestxw* and general deeirableness that are ximply screamed. aUrtled by the slght othrr Incalculable. b»nd lying in his blood, ft* »* I Heizsd i heavy chair and atnici » The Atlanta and Hawklnavllle Railroad. I h j ow which laid her sensei*** before Fort Volley Mirror. -p 0 conclude the work he beat her sn'i] Work tn locating thta road is progressing I head was reduced to a pulp with » f aa rapidly as possible, and the outlook for I stick of Steve wood procured Iron r an ently start in grading is good. The di-1 joining room. Two of the three cb rectors have called for tha first installment I were then disposed of xrith the us* I of snbseription, whioh is now due, and I which ended the existence of ft* j should be paid at once. We are glad to see I Tha little boy, the youngest, uri I that the charter has been amended so as to I eighteen months old, wu spared l authorize tlie road to run either to Haw- he could bear no * kinaville or Thomaaville, or both, from this I against the murderer. The point. This will obviate the necessity of I then stabbed his paramonr fourdimM going ahead with tbe project, which wan the region of the heart and lef t h*r‘»l contemplated, of a road whioh was to be I He then fired tho bouse and left ba.~ styled the Fort Valiev and Thomaaville Attracted by the flames, neighbor*® road, aud in which our Thomaaville friends the relief and succeeded iu ram**® wrapcon. . K ,s. tirkft .ho.iLl I * . . 1 The (realMt reformer ef the age wu the inventor 1 ”oSof eii'the'prDomiraWed not ouswu eequtt- WAt far neuer tael me nepuuuceu u um i aQd QQ more profitable or pleasant day can of the huitta, which haa reformed nearly erery ted. They were ell sultiy, wore proven ao beyond be given to the children of the public women. eram,St mould tato u,. head, of the D.m<s K hoota than one in which the, may plant cratic party: butt couM not under uy clrcumiun- trees, xrith the reasonable asinrance they I *~»® • l0l,r potiUce or th* women. -Burling by ttrollBfnim bll wajton . eudebemlot cee ot temptation ear that I tMltared eomethtas w yj liT# tQ >M them gTOW beautify the ua ,rm Pnn - cru4 ® «“P«Une fallleg upon tie heed. about .candidate that I dM not believe, end If I . . . d nriph th Homer Oreene ta writin* * eequel to hli etovy, wentoraekeepMcbeaend eey wbet I did beltav. I iMta,. aud blesa and ennen “ e . P ^V,®' -Wbri My LovorHrid." ItwlU be.nUtiod, -tam. | u to certain transaction,, ale, or wee (*o apeeklus) H«* * a chance for the press to drop the j Qgg Upy-_Ttd-mte to refute to aaiw*.- queetioo* on tbaa* topic, it I President and politics for a day. I — woald be Mpectatly won* for th* party than etay-1 \y* shall be glad to know that every read-1 * *, , " mgribome. I know, therefore, that I dM tbe twet I 0r ^ auUcrib , r of the TxLkdkaru wUl 1 tbtag for tb. party Ural an bourat mao could do. QQt a Um 0D ^ day namedi ud will It wiU be seen that Mr. Edmund* could ^ pIeaante ln g iT ing the name of such it not stand Mr. Blaine, himself, but was per- (arnUhed ^ f tctly willing that ha should ho put upon j p < TIDK!tcI j g not wanting that young Mr. the country. Bennett haa quit saUing his yacht in order I that bappeos to a farmer when be goto eau*h‘ Ur. Edmunds had * t0 ®^ Ur ' * I to sail the Herald awhile. That jonrnalha. hu own bMtrad wire fanoe.-Bo.ton Courlra. Ions time, in common with tno enure I . . n „ . t . I ■ Republican party, and Mr. Edmonds was a I shUIng into tbo President. It now | -Do you believe In orohibtuour - Haiti*—Jti IgA Tripp* la lowo-Thaaki* ■boat* a Ubor I 10 b » Ob*«rT*d. Kianr wwiww ewe emw y •/ i ■ ■ — •—# a IV O BUAit UO UIAU IV BUMW tuav Orel V aTVMl~ I . . . , , . . ... ■ . I ZlrlAIT, NoT*Olb$F 20,—On Tburfdiy Dlfbt l$*t I know therefore, that I did th* b**t I . .nt I CAndldaU ' wooldu t It ba Utter to anb*tit«te peg* | w * had a plenfiful rain, and it did not com# b*for* -Ir^iTL er »ubacribar of the Tkliorapii will tor uck*.-Yonk«* Statesman. it wa*M«i*d. a* w* w*r* Uriag la cloud* of <iu*t —a- 4V..S r*>«M i ' I dodg* Irlpjt* i* bar* on a visit to hi* daughter. Tbo moon ba* a graat advantage over tbe ordl-1 Mr*. J. B. Gilbert, nary Uppler. When it g*te full ^opte cannot g*t 2d [ near enough to ameU It* breath. Jun*and polnterdo ' - ,n - Hopbronla—What la retribution ? It ia aomething I SayTn°Uie^ chantry f iat happens to a farmer when bo get* caught in I We bad. I think, tbo largeot crowd In town on Monday last to see Bobtnson’* Circa• 1 ever $*«. Tb* strata and store* w*ra packed, and onr mcr- chants dM a fine business, atomic* are vary quiet, only on* Uckst in ,a C*rtalnly.' What I* your reo*onl M ‘•Reason. Why, man a mannfacturor of pocket flisk*!"—Saw County polltiae are lively, eepeclslly for tax col- locter. No oppoeitlon for any ot tbo other ofBct*. The cotton crop Is about all picked, and our plantet^wUl commence to put lb small grain very “* * *■* *■“ onr I been tailing into tbe President. It now •wpacarau pm.,. says: "If the Democratic party cannot elect I "Wb. ^ , h ‘ TiDb Mr.Cl.velAnd it cannot elect «i, man to *j‘"- „ b~n defeated b, Ur liltic*. „„ p re .id,ncy in 1888. President Clove- N * w ‘ It ia just pcsaiblo that air. isiaine cannot I , . M Pa, whit's inis tnat* always in tn* paper* n**a-1 paswowui comuruev w pw w kibsu *r»in vi Mend Mr. Edmnnta, whose career as a '“ d h “' W w “® “ d C0 “* M ‘ tiT * to•Fw.lsn eadDomrattcV CstUoibeMra ^ mi' Senatorial lawyer U not ^together aboTe couree. won th. rr.p^t mid < of „ 4 -N..m,mm.f «m. uof »' da, “ y.SS!.?" 1 '^ ^ _ ^ th. country, not merely for himMlf, bnt I - Yee. u ran. too. Look at Bridget." Oolomboe Cbroalcte*. rtproacn or anspicion. , . for tho Democratic party. His administra- —, _ Coixmca November JO.—Tk*city ngiatntio. But th. moat interesting fact, and th. | . . . ™ | "Do yea beltav. In eplrttoxlt.xr eaked e loo«-1 bock .uemrad l—c elebt. Tbe total ragtatnuoa oce that ehould not be Mr. Btain. got the etreng dee pita Ur. Edmnnde and and there i* every reaeon Oral he can repeal th. performance. Yer- “d. of lUpublican. unwillingly voted lor M ^ , to u , ^ g, „ y , nt voted for him, Mid vrill do it again. I *tr. Dlain* or Mr. 8t John rather than “nek ] wlth Toun< d. Bleak’ Foot peraw-I I Bet for the Reverend Bnrchard, h. woold ‘ D * mo ***‘» “‘h* “ P “ B ’*“.1 “ “ 0 “ * kl ’ P 8 **®®***- 1 ®. k~*- ,a ~- I 1 dnya. Democrat! who desire the contin-1 tb*y cam to you that ih*y bad tenpadT Fear par- I ntii bsccaw ef their ■*"•* •*■-* ■ — • * Wnt not look to Mr. Edmonds and tb*. I xhtJ CMl p ’ t iton ly i Mugwump* as peiitiml allie*. | tha bead." sa a c*odl1sU for aid* r«um In tb* second and Hr. i. Marten Eiim witt mak* th* nem. Thomas Noinlnat** H«rOl«l omcars. Tiomuviui, Novrmtxr C Alias tit county o!mii of lb* old uckst throughout—all D image by storm in Meriwether. then expired. ^The officer. oftUl*' \ indicator. quiokly in pursuit of the fiem*, “J 1 ' Reporta come io from the country which irroeted about twenty-five m®* 8 " cre.te the apprehension that th. storm scene of tha tragedy. He denied to* Wednesday afternoon baa done great dam-1 and claim, to bo »bl. to pro** ** age. It ta reported that th. .table of the There »re, however, many cut* p-r-on-g-et Wnndhnty was blown down, 1 .orin.t him. aid it is more ftiO crushing Rev. 8.1). Clements and damaging I that he will ho lynched. him eenonely. Tha lint room of Dr. Barnes’s rrROPS- in house at 8netaon was carried away. The THE GRAIN CllUt c 'are of Hon. Henrv R. Haris, in the a tv- Tha i-roariecu for Winter Wh«> enth district, wu blown down and the fine I Yield of Corn, colt of tbe Colonel's caught in the mins. I « , . .11 Thi* No damage wu don. to tb\ uimUT A™“i *Review wUl *«f deMof timber u reported blown down in I “® 1 thi winter wheat-grewW the tenth district ud other portion, of tho the condition* *" S* y ' ' favorablo for growing grain. w and Wisconsin the outlook for f An Almoet Fatal onarret. 1*0range Beporier. Ill reported to i< Mr. B. IL llrown, who wu to badly ent ® b i?' J?^**®*. D ° by . man named Gui Hopkin. in a diffi-1 * r !l 7 n f vield of com ,*•*!■ eulty near Uarriionvilla, reoently, hu bean I ,,^S.?T® r ??7ivniJrrirei>ort*. 'flj rt tb. point of death, bnt U snpp oaod to b. 1 8 ‘W‘^y eve rag* jfq a little better rt this writing. The trouble bo f ! ^t] wu about paying for a load of corn which , Kanaas 211 btieheta^j Hopkins, u Brown 1 , tenant, had par- \ *i MilJonn 25J bujhAJ chased. From word, of diugrcement they I «?wheta Ohio 37 bnsbeta *3 came to blows, and Hopkiu plunged hit I «71 knife into Mr. Brown’, back. The former !£*9. b J?tSlgfcfE report* &»• | huflrftho country. We l.irn that »• t^crtiP^ hu . wife and uveral children. Mr. “t 8 " “® n0 ‘“ M 1 _ | BrownU well known in LsGrange, an.l hi. sule8 - friend, here wtah him a .pudy recorery | FRANCE AND 08“** Ocrnrany Will B**.' 4 prUtlon *• » ‘ M ^rauquiw. | Ioxdox, November 21.' e - 0!| _ Ycetcrday morning a negro woman nanred I k»du Zrttnng etata* 'to Robinson, who uvuon lire, A E. Bifc-Ihswudor rt Part* s tt»| gore a plantation, locked her two little chil- loform the I rench g 0 for * dren in hu cabin and went off to work. It .opHertlon lo ®* L *Ti iU j. *- J ,l wu not long before th. ecrumi at th. chfl-1 JKLiMlW . •?. y i*g**d~| dren attracted the rtiMition ot th. pwp)*fMppan * «■* - J « on the plum, and when th. door of the cib- Germany a* • in wu buret open it wu found that the statement bu < nij lt 7..mA tat rt| yonngeet, an Infant, had bwa f**?rl '“Cl* 1 burned and tbe o: r > Udly bur, i-d that tag tb.t th. G-men. m* d*rth will probably remit. Tha oldcat | told to inquire _ ee Her Old omcera, death wilt probably rre.ult.’ Th. oUwtltold to yj~*gjo W*)® 8 ~r JU-Tk* Dtsaacrau* f“j^» “ j*?***. had carried fire to the tion* w ith j„ f , ■”* ta the elec-1 hwl in which the infant alept. u tha bed the propo-cd Mghut-sU wet. | clothing were found to be on fire. | with thoe* retation*. ASJt-•'*