The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, December 07, 1886, Image 1

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JjjjU’SOF tXOlTEMiNT. • nV TIIB OLD DATS RE-EN- JJ rtD IS S.'S FRANCISCO. Eie»»oce» 0»wd*d With ,_ForluueaMade*n<l Lost Sllnatea-Sav.ral Kir mi Fill tor Very Large Sami. (lotos jilotor*' i)l F.W hixcisco, December 3.—The ex- i «eicb prevailed to-day in minim; (' B ot been equalled since 1878. Zi scecalntors who tb.ught tho (the 'widen State." had departed OAUSKD dy A cigar stump. a Lighter Loaded With Cotton Horned at the Charleston Dock, N.w York, tint fhl. Y °“’ ? cceMb er 3.—A fire broke on the u * hter “ In °t” PWI* rece *[. m 8 a cargo of cotton from tue Charleston line dock, pier 39, East JJ7?*’ „r5 so °? M the T esael was discovered to be on fire she was cut adrift from the Mttnn 8 ^“i? , B ‘ V ® U»e Ihouaanclt of bales of b tb .l r * , If thU Pfecaotionhad Sdoht*v, n t<J l en tbe dock * nd iu contents TtJSI m been consn med. The fire boat, oooTo?t yCr ’ BCnt for - but socotedcd ili fV‘?8 Te 'y ''tUo of the cotton on the nSTt .Th® 1 ? 0 had 395 bales of cotton on board, which was hnina «».» MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY. D CKMBKJl-7,188(>.-TWELVE PAGES VOL.ILXI, NO. 3G. RIBBED Ol?A MILLION. THBLAR(»8T defalcation in the HISTOKY OP CHICAGO. THE WaKHIOK Ht,l.llo. ( Intere.tlngGro'oglcal Itrpoxt on dlabimn : lloul Fields. Moxtooukuy, Ah., November 30 —The geological report on tho famous Warrior coal fields by l’rof. Henry McCalley, asaia- tar.t State Geologist, appeared to-day, con taining 671 pagra, dated from 1882 to 1884. It is the fulleri, most interesting detailed report ever mined on these important sub jects, containiig a general description of the Wariior coal fields as a whole in extent, Chicauc., December 2.—The Inter-Ocean 1 strnotnre, material, divisions, thickness of THE LOBBY IN V KSIKtATION. > Mln*r T. Ame* and a Coal Company the Victims Hint Theodore Miss the Crlmlual —A Fast Lire Ltada to Uuln nud Downfall. this morning naya: The most sensational, as well as the heaviest defalcation which has taken place in Chicago for many yiara, acsrly m seemed to only wbet I « n ‘>" George W Anderson, , lecr.-r, UI , M uenrago ana BraJfl menu. f>>r more, and when the more The fire was caused by some one throw-1 and Coke Company, at No. 142 Li Sillo Jones told them the tide was ahont Inga lighted cigar stmup in among the cot- street. Is the perpetrator t.f the robbery, they only laughed and said. No ton. which soon had the oottou and vessol that is estimated at $1,000,000, and may ex- _ l m flames. After the fire was extinguished j ceed that amount. LlVINGSTON.hMITU AND TRAMMELL ON TUE bTAND. jfor a hundred.” a the morning board opened Ophir I the vessel was towed up tbe river and act lo ( ;tl -50, th ® highest price beaohed. The loss is estimated at $25,000 1 tiuce tbe Dig SLrr* Nevada <>n <tao cotton and *10,000 to the veasel, “*■* *“ an fully covered by insurance. «beu it sold for meiired. Gould and Curry, not to be .mt np to »i3.7o, and iiieu Coo- ,j Virginia, which olosed last night ji &1 , e ueil at $32. At this moment SHOT IS ADaB-KSS HR AWL. From bis position as bookkeeper, cashier, confidential clerk and secretary ot the coal company, Mizs had absolute control of the moneys of the Oompany, aod the private fnnds of Ames. Mize is one of the heat known men in iocs' bur-iueas circle, having A ftrother Shasta Hi. sl-ter and tli. Family I n very txtenaivo acrinalntancc, and he also wr Hoellne. the S.rvlcc of a Decior. ig boomed and fortunes were to be I Flttoburg limei. has been one of the most popular men of liia set. He wa< a member of the „lte asking. The session, however, I John Collins, a 12-year-old boy living on I Union Veteran Club and the Apollo Lrfl.velosed when newB was received | Mulberry alley, between Fourteenth and I Glob, being a singer of ranch I r.i.HA Lltv to tllO ttlCCt tlllit tho 1 Vifloutill, I„ ... _a I . .. I nEWllt* (In is af. linlv atvrl lr.lnt.4 [Vir«i'ii* City to the effect that the I Fifteenth streets, was arreeted~abont~9 I ability, tie is hanrieomo, sttlieh and talent- 1.1. f(JD6 Up for A mil- | n'nt/wilr loaf ninl.i This was a staggerer and Lt outs sold off. Hardly tad they Uj from the blow when tbe an- Ermeat was made that R. C. Hooker, ,b8 htanDcbrst brokers of Fine Iml .oo-iu-leW of ex-Scnator Stew. lura . X<ievada, had |>nlled down tla bUnda, I came back with Lieutenant Ortlr to in- I ouuple of yeors from the time he entered o’clock last night for shooting his sister, I ed. bnt i“ this case itistheold story wine, Mary Collins, a girl about 19 yeWof age. I women and rniu. His employer, Ames, Officer Snyder, wiioorrcated the boy, fonnd I hid known him from infancy, being an old biio very drunk aod trying to pound in tbe I Wend of the yonng man's rather, Edmund I door of his home. He had been ejected I Mize, formerly of Akron, Ohio, bnt now after doing the shooting. Snyder tock the I li vi °g in this city. Theodore has been in boy to the Twelfth ward station, and then th ° employ of Ames since 187:$. Wiihin a bilities running up into hundreds of vestigate tbe affair. Hid this latter [been followed by (rave character, Ames’s employ he began a systematic announce- They found that the family had all been course of robbery, covering up his dishon- another ot j drinking, even the mo her, who was not at I ts, y by false entries upuu ibe books and by , W* [*•“}[ I all worried, and said tho girl ought to be other schemes. At first his stealings were ba.e been a general stampede all shot nnvhow. The girl at first refused to comparatively small, but ho soon began lie line, bringing rniu to many. I f .ay whether she was'hurt or not, but after-1 operations on a more extensive soale, and of e)v nono took place,, and those | wa rd stated that she bad been shot in the I '“I® years, it is rumored, his speculations t playing for tbeit all were given a I knee just above tbe cap, where the officers frequently reached $1,000in a single month. ales’ breathing time before the found a deep, ugly wound made by a ball About ^ —- tfook them. Owing to these fea- f roul , Bma U 22 cslibre revolver. 1 ered »8m Francisco bosid resolved not The officers told tbe family to send for a -Kb tho „ eny etssion at 11:30, bnt to have I doctor, bnt they said tbey would do noth-1 investigation convinced biui that large lit one nt 2 p. m. This was for the I j„g 0 f the kind, as they didn't care to have I »om» were missing. It Is said he then as of allowing brokers to overhaul doctors about the house. The boy's only I taxed Miza with dishonesty, and declared )boots to give them a obance to see 1 explanation for shooting his sister was that I ho would engage experts to go over the ■ - ' When the seoond ses-1 g b,o was “no good." 11 —aw mwra '- 1 ■■ week ago Ames tliscov- that something was wrong money accounts. A brief Lfity stood Vy-ntd Consolidated Virginia dropped like news was quiokly communicated fleet', end fortne second time during ittrrious panic seemed imrsiueat pnywiis r-ndered ncute when tho ■.'wnl went forth that Greenebanm ass bat suspended for nearly They were correspondent* riivakel i, of Virginia, whose failure 1 anuounced in the morning. 1 top of all this, it wo* publicly _it .’.her speculators. 1*. F. Mor- -lilkiuice Schmidt, bad impended, it ff-rrd that the begltiniug of the end ti- ami things were by no meaosim- gibtn it was learned that Conaoiidat- I after rallying apolnt,hadolosed [e lowest touched during tho I'lls statement that Morrow and books. Mizi ut once weakened, broke down, caufoaRed that he was guilty, end bad been robbing his employer for many A Taxes Mob Hsng, Tbrs. Men Accused of I y®*rs, lie begged for mercy, andjoromisod THREE NEGROKS LYNCHED. Murdi r - Furttu r Crouble Pearrd. | Chicago, December 3 —A speoial to the Times from Brenham, Tex., says: At an early hour yesterday morning an armed mob came to town, overpowered the jailer and took out Shoo Foldner, Alfred Jones and Ephraim Jones, three of the negroes implicated in the killing ot Dswees Bolton, nt Fieweilen's store, in this county, on tho night of tne eleotion, and lynched them. It Was so quickly dons that tho town was not aroused. The bodies of the three men were found hanging to a tree io the morn- It was thought the feeling against restitution, so far as it ley within his power. Httioe then all nia property which could bo found, including a fine bouse on Ellis avenue, bus been turned over to Ames. Uizo could not be found last night, bnt it is believed he is stopping for tbe present with his father. Besides tho extravagant manner in which he and bis wite lived, it is asserts' the t Miza ut various times .sup ported three other women, on wnoiu he lavished money with generous ban A coal, measures and seams, sum totul and value of its oosis. Its excellent quality is shown by analysis, experiments showing its great advantages for oheup mining and transportation. Ths counties ot Marion, Winston, Cull nan, Lamar, Fayctle, Jeffer son and Tuscaloosa are separately described as to their phv aioal and peologioal characters. It states although Alabama ranks only eighth In tho Union iu the aoreuge of 1U ooal measures, it take a front rank in the quantity and quality of its ooal, and that tne Warrior Coal field with an ara of 7,811) sqaare miles, is about taro-thirds as large as tbe ooal area of Great Britiao. Its coal measures are over 3,0 0 feet thick, contain ing fifty-three seams of coal being from a few inebes to fourteen feet thick, having a euuibiurti tuiuaueig ut iVet 125 .Cot of puts coal. It is estimated they contain not less than 113.119,(100,000 tons, of which abont 108 394,' 00 000 tons would be available coal, valued now a: ubont $150,000,000,000 at the mines, of which *30,000,000, 00 would bo a profit, being about 200 times the present total assessed value of tho property in Ala bama, and would buy every foot of Ala luma territory at $900 per uore. The excel leacy cf these coals and their ail rentage for cheap alining and transportation are fully dwelt upon, and it is stated very soon they will four lo in the Gulf and South Atlantic porta. These coals, like those of other fields in Alabama, are espe cially enhanced in value owing to the prox imity of vast deposits of red and brown iron ores, and lmieatona untqualed any' where. Tho coal production in Alabama increas- ed from 11.000 tons in 1870 to 2.22A000 t' ns in 1885; the coke production from IM,- 7*1 tons in 1880 to 304.500 tons in 1885. SSix atv, ntha of the 1885 caul production was from the Warrior coal field. The fur- naocs aril railroads in Alabama tou.timed four-fifths of it. The coke output was neorlv all onnsnmod iu the State. Tho wealth of the Warrior coal fields iu build ing and paving stones, and in it* timber and future posrlbilitie* is graphically noted. Each county named above is sketched go: graphically in detail, with full and concise statements of strains, eto. The work it the beat and most valaable of its kind ever produced iu Alabama, and re- fleets q-'-it credit upon its d.sliuguishod author, P.-of. 1 cCalley. contract. When prtoty. »od Pulslfer and Ui*» Kh nurreiidor of fholr inlerc*U tn tt The~rrt4-on I thought tho contract »ui of do ;1 tfiil propriety wm this, the directors of tho railro*d were by tho con tract Interested with ths contractor* in the con- mpuuy. The contract In the hand- ■ I . ,1 t • I va V.-. 1. 1 . . I ' ii 1„ Livingston Submits a Written Statement— 1 M Attorney for Mrs. Phillips. I decided it of rtreat imporinnro to my clienfs to Ret rid of this private contract, aod the only way to do sc was to bettlo with General or Mm. Phillip#. I also considered tho good will f.f General I lfi lips necessary to the •uocetaful urf«n»a of the rase*, which had th^ir origin In transactions wbioh occurred daring Gen- Atlanta, December 4.—Th® commute® met at J thlUlps’s mansKement tf the road I hail Nuilth aud Tratntuell Detoto I heir Attention to the Jlond Trnns* ncttou With Bager. frequently ulke.l to Sir. Trammell about th*» atti- tudo General Pblliips boro to the road, and be appear before the coth- 1 snxloua to luduca Oenen>l Phillips o set- umteo a® he bad boeu personally referred to In the I U* 1 *0“ oesse all fl^ht against Palelfcr k Oo. iu! on thesUtnd was Col. L F. Livingstone,of Cov- — w .a personally r..v... u w HR . u tentiiuory of Jatnee P. Uarrhon. a i Q time about the last of Aagutt or first of Col. Livingstone submitted the folllowing written I « ? pw»‘)«r, lhh3, I calif d on Colonel Trammell. g|‘ g| the oomtuLtee which was tsken aa pr°pos®a that be should aid tne In ftpinfe to ef- . Idence: I thesettknent. I told him that I would make Mr. Chairman: I desire to submit the folio slug «»• road or Mr. Eager |»ay him »U«0 If he could statement to ths committee, in view of tho inaccu- I orlng about a settlement. He was unwilling to rate statements that have been made in regsrd to 6 , C4iRtract or tiko cmpl.-iracnt from tho connection with tho ‘capltol building matter.' 1 road or Eager. I told him all right, that I would pay him. After the settlement was accomplished, I 1 called on Eager for the tuouey. He bad no money. ltWI, postponed from time to time, end Anally j * na therefore sent me a ai.Ow) bond. I took the adopted by substitute November ltf. 18R4. Kanktn. ' v " u ~*^ “ ** ' —* ’* ” Thornton and Tlguor were ths sub-corn- , .. , ... . - • ‘Ves fr ui tho committee on pub- thd J aw which prevented his taking it Nothing —- buildings to whom the whole msttorwaar®-I *!*rther was said about tbe matter uutll tho last of lerred. Mr. liarrison requested rue to couietoAt- 1 Dec#mber* when Colonel Trammell called on me * * preparing 1 **»d s*ld he would like to receive whatever for that I 1 Intended to give him, as hs was refurnishing sub-committee, showing‘'that under tbe resolu- I bis house. 1 told him I still had th® bond and if tloc Adcptod hr tts Zczztc. marble ccz!d ! would wait l would sell it for rmr sad nsr him. be ^ * • * iD.sUk-ouk-v^. - - - — :» mmiitee of ihe tknrite. I Me answered, fftoo. I drew for th® money, and atrecuyorindrectly the bond. Ul« positional _. rallrosd commissioner had nothing to do with hU called I eiuplo; ineut. 1 b lleved In* could accomplish a hero at other times, but If so l do not remember. I business settlsment In which I was Interested, sod severely crith lned other parties .. . the matter. I enure and mlvi-cd asalust thepr portal i ubltcstiou. lie, perhaps, deutnud * ro at other times, but If so I do nut re—. , . about tie I7tb dsv of December, 1881. as I I I proposed to psy for bis s^rvloes. was getting on the Georgia train for borne, Mr. liar- “ “ *“ 4 “ 4 “ - *“ risou’s servant touched we on tbe arm and said, 'Mr. Harrison s« nt this letter to you.’ After seat- P W ing myself I opened tbe letter, but was unable to I Ingly wet the charge and satisfied the oominut-w uiu'.e out the emteuts of the sauie, except that It I before the settlement was made. It was get rid g upon t thoroughly satUDed that we had orerwLe'm met ths charge and aatlsfled the oomi&ift-* i», except that It I b^ore the settlemnut was made. It was v> gst rid that l Mr. I of the private conter.. to obute ftea» tu. «^iTutp-*a a.u the note (or I good will, ana prsvsut biMtlUUes that the eettle- Gotohctl.., iriofflell was aworp. He rvrt»wedi m ‘it out la the ilon to the ig tbe controversy between Eager and Phillips hs fslt like doing won- aud labor aud pay my uwu»xpensos; and If he i t stloioni of Oeorge H Eager had tbe tuouey he would have off red mo pay for | $1,000 bond. Us said that dr ** my time, but ho did uot have it, aud asked me tc accept the *30 to l ay iu pait my actual expense*, Which I dll. ••A’kout one r onth from th»\ 15»h January. 18*01, Ms] Crane died. Early on tne I'Jth 1 recslved telegram from Mr. boyd, of Griffin, asking come ou the next iralu to Marsha; U. I retched AtUuta 1 o’clock p with Phllllpa but with no success. Pnlillps «ald U was bis wire's interest in ths original syndicate ha was trying to protect, and that tuisrest tea* in ths day, aud mat Boyd at the Markham House, lie informed me that Ms]. Crane was dead, and tin ‘ he wished his place. I went luitrn dlately to Gi handsof Oovarnor Urowu. C lanslTrammellttun lit usd. Allan- ] saw Governor Brown, but with no het'»* *oeees«. the same I He saw Hoke Smith, who thought It was to the id s. Us I vantage ot the road that a aettlemeut should be had* 1 that 1 and nmlth said he would see that tbe toad paid “ ------- — “imltnha Trammell a good fee. Trammell told Hu He H lit. Mutth dually told him he wo in himi>e*fitsy that he wished lhatao Atliuta mm rbonld shste I him 91.000if would effect the settlement. Tran- tbs burdens aod responsibilities thst necessarily I m®U consented and sg.ln saw Oov-rnur Brow u*ud tell on tho ioa! w<tube • ot ths commission. I stated th® protw'ttlon that th®ro®d road would pay Heoond, As MaJ Crane was an AtUnta man, th® I Mrs. i'billips HO.0UU for ths settloment original Idea or locall ytn the sslecUon of mem- 1 It ae«m®d that Goveinor Brown Lai e-.tlrely mis- his view of the matter. 1 then asked him if he had I thep i a goad one and that he weald iiR. - „ .. „ . tire men bail subsided, so that po furiher I Ar'lv Rt .rameot tnat morrow am. i troub , e wouM ooour( und SUcr , fl Davere embarrassed i* positively de- | f,rorif:Lt them back from Houston, where they bad been sent for safe keeping. There U no clue to any ot tbe perpetrator*. It is feared this unfortunate occurrence will COERCION IN IRELAND. Judin far as can be learned the lia rs of e rcb have been promptly met. cwrHKn pat or kxcitxmeut. Blea.ur- ■ Iu tnat Knit Adopted by ths Government. I.oxdos, December 3 —A cabinet oonncil was held to-day to disenas the advisability of farther proseenlions iu Deland like tco oue instituted at Dublin sgainst John DU- ira^Bifusi'isco, December 3.—Those who I again cause race prejndies and raise politi- I | on> Tho question of continuing govern POTHERING HAM. |f tut this morning rronll prove | cal excitement very high. ribin last night’* closern tbe min- |utlt rxebanges were disappointed, isrly hour tbe approaches to tbe | lh siges were crammed with aa ex- J raed, eager to leuru the news of tbe meat assistance in tbe work of ericlion ws* also considered. All the member* were preeent Log cox, December 3.—It i* believed tbe government bu decided to suppress intira! Court r I t li t Halt at •OO.OOO, Which II, « enable t<» St. Lons, Deo mber 3 —The union at of | dating meetings in Ireland, and to enforce J, ted illicit to them wonld bring I bail in the cate of Adtms Express Messen-1 the rigbte ot landlords. Uppiness or dismay. They I „,. r Fotheringhaw wot fixed in the Crimi- I Drnux, December 3.—Tbo corporttion dlocgto wait, forthe San Francisco I na \ Court to-day. Ex-Governor Johpaon, | to-day adopted a resolution denouncing the t aei promptly at 9:30 o’clock, and I attorney for the metst-nger, stated that bo I condnet of the government in prohibiting , oi&uUt later Consolidated Virginia I WO ild make application that the bail I National Leogoe meetings at Hligo and IkIit $10, quickly followed by a Go-1 0 t Dia client be fixed at $5,000, as the evi-1 elsewhere. Lord Mayor Kalllvan and Sir. ' $:(:*. Best and Belcher, which I denco uiaintt him wa* eo meagre and from I Sexton delivered addresses. Nono of the 'such untrustworthy source*. Judge Nor-1 Conservative ^members of the corporation mill atated that ho had no meant of know-1 were pretent. |4last night at $23, opened thia morn- Tl, aud in a few minntea fell to $20. Dcnux, December A—The meeting of the Nationaliata la announced to be held at , are making a savage onslaught j n( . t(, e nature of the evidence except by re- ,.U ^^•e.two «t-.cka, bnt the opinion of the I (erring to tho minutes of thegraud jury. ... mCj^Blslhal the ‘‘bulls” aro too strong and I This he would refuse to do, and, as the 1 Uallymote, Hligo, on Sunday next haa been ““ , ^W |t *"be»ra"wUliiodownindif*st*r.Tbo I amount stolen was $90,bOO, ho thought $20,-1 proclaimed. «IOiks show an improvement, the I (H jq bAil wonld not be excearive. He there-1 Loxnox. December 4.—The Dnblin agent 'devotingUhh attention to them. Th« I (ot^ flxed lull it th*t *«aoazit, Tb© oti* I of tbo Cof tikl Now* telogropiui tbnt too «bicb cloHtd'nt 16 Iftut oigh», opened I UD8tt 00 uld not fumbh tho amount nud I Irfih exteutivo, in conaequonoo of the pro- indifarthor improved to 17. Choi- | was remanded to jail. | oeodings at yesterday s *tv * •- • • ‘ :i •• 1 predating for s determined struggle against the Irish National League. Th* proposed , _ . , . | warfare, the telegram asserts, will inclade Rumor That Ilicbmon I Terminal h “ I proe Umallona of some league meetings and Abvorbed tha K. T. ta. A Ga. I irreat* of prominent anti-rent agitator*. IV, hits, going to $8,50, and Potoai (rniu $<>.87} to $9.00 ud then to Ophir was the only North end •hich showed an improvement, at $25.60, with a farther jump a later to IkUlQttH ntB'l MM^-r nffc r .. . Nrw Yoax, December 3.—Negotiation* I The ^ eDt .gj, th, t he ha* reason to be- aaaigga,^«Srarai a&aaayfw'gfe A*' nu^ihowV'tUt* ttS K Utonng oneoUheprinfipal raUway syaUma in the | “^Mlehiml Hlcka-Beacb^ehlat secretary » ut taking a hand in the deal. I SoiG*- 1 ftilorea of Robert F. Morrow, a nt capitalist, John McKenzie, a eker, and Kullman & Co., brokers, $>anced to-day. Morrow, who fur ’ ara had been a prominent figure of ' « lbn 8 a "'J , !UA l »"ra 0C .'o> I BrtMing or have been completed, however, | (’oMhe’puipoae of enforcing the anti-rent ItoiL^T ■“ Pf< 0 « , ®“‘* i, « d * 1< KT,^ heCnoffiidgtoaiy Vice-President Logan. The coercive policy of the l^thsexUntof aqnarterof a|mUlion I heh Richmond Terminal, decline* to JJoremment ia approved by Lord Hartlng- make any statement on toe mallei. U. Too Liberal-Unlodit conference. for Ireiand, returned to Dnblin to-day In oaths. I re-ponae to a baaty summon* to attend a i Vice-President Brice, of the t»at Ten- eoat eienco of the lord*, juslicee and law naaaee railroad, stole* that the report that oVc c no ( the crown. It is repoitcd that the control of the company h»s been sold I it VM decided at th* conference to pro.*- to Richmond Terminal peop.e ia not true. cnt0 tiniteea holding tenanta’ rents and Aa to whether negotiations are now pro- p rec rai m *U meetings announced to bo held lh l«*rti II liabilides. McKenzie’* loss** make any | », Kullman A Oo. aay their rmld.aual Appoiuimeut*. Mpaclto teopen in | TfAsnixorox, December 3.—The l’reai-1 tU( j (be r | 8bt , 0 ( property tn Ireland. An which meet* on Tuesday, will be asked to affirm the necessity of vindicating the law 'mix' Th ® failaraa made noimprta-1 d(bl "ojay "made the following appoint-1 HR^r'cnniereaM ban'qoeit will be given. “ wket ' . , .. _ .. Ft menta: Cbanea B. Merton, of Maine, to be Appl j wtloD , { of 3,00u .eat* have been re C»mformal tenioni cf tha Padflo F.x- “ ,„ loner 0 f navigaUon; J. B. Cald- c ^f wl This will l andi Penn- r J t- L luiuriuai session et tna raerne *»• — of navigaUon; *. D. held St 3 o'clock, price* Improved 1 ““ . i u d iaD . to be deputy second morning, Consolidated Virginia I . be treasury; A. E. Lewis, of 1*0*27. The Sxn Francisco bo^d 1 to ^ j cpl ity fifth auditor cf the v h<>id one session to-morrow, the I - . u ^ haraUou, of Georgia, to be Mraday. ao as to give broker* a "" t .Vuditor of the tre,»ury of the poat- M-port unity to enter their books. I d. Dir tment ij*n Francisco, Exchanjo yeaterday I 0 7.“, nn ci“[ ot toD. the new commissioner •lues changed hand* during tho 1 c ® rifles st Augnvra, Maine, • ThUi* the heaviest record fori 0 '?® F o.inti-I,nt for the I be the first great demon- etratiun held by Uaioniato. AN INCENDIARY KILLED. Tbe IK truetlon cf >lue TuwW Nerrcwty Averted. Chicago. December 3 —A Times special from Temple, Tex., aaya: This city narrow. ** OLD SOLDIER'S FALU and wa* I poatmastership | aa* removed. a prominent applicant for the I | y nceped derirnctlon by incendiariec night r»hip of that city when Manley I before last. Tuesday afternoon a man * t,B ' ftllwoed Steal. •33,000 Defere H® I® itettgbt. , Mirn., December 2.—A'specl«l I received to-day * c '‘“the "noteriona Journal Irom Grand Sapid* I the C -r b ‘ ‘f r I 0 naI drecripti .ii 4’ B; El wood, mail agent on lb* .xprea- [other. th L t cf ‘•Afi i. end Indianarailrowl, between I aod hmdAUting c ^ rj j per -omi dur- d tlincinnaii, was arrested nt the t0 a man who awindlad .eve™ named Barton iufuruml the officer* of the —— .i exurtenee of a plot to born th* city. A A Lait.r Freui Jto»L I special foroe wa* anmmoned, and the city ~ A Jonn "‘ l I pat under the closeet weteb. At 73D the Kaxba* Citt, November 88, -- - ,. loh , i pat under tne cioseax wncu. Ai isu MolHriy. Mo., special ; (acendurie* appeared and poured oil received to-day a ebaxactenattt letter’ft lhe WjU , o( Williams saloon in the rear a caul vv# In this f**<at city thie S bj ln- IngSe^here lj- -g-f ^ and Kidder. Eiwood i* I is dit<J f a good time spirator* mads good their »«pe. *jth ayaiematieeUy robbing lettera. I Bluff. He aaj* ho .apnu money, ^rftv# marked l,ills were found j and baa moat ofUm stmenjap* Murdered b>R>*"' f *- i.x^Ud. where h# baa a wife and I t „,u dnueaU unpUaatnt- ,«uldren. Ha wa* *r>painted four I -en. after a tmra . , „.. u a veteran soMiefi ■ltif?He ss}s be was led l*- . -- tu» nc»u »*«* I'teiySSSrid^f^ ^ 0, |^ 0 ^' 0 ^ applied a match. When the flames leaped up. special offiftr McMahon demanded the'kr of Jam** Nash, the man who ap- died tbe match. N oh fled and McMahon Tka Hulsarlu. ij ie.llon. Belosadk, December 4.—King Mi’an will ractive the depnUtkm of Bulgarian noble* to-morrow. Hie reported that the Bulgarian ngency will make overture* to King Milan to induce him to become a can didate for th* throne of Balgarto, with - view to Arranging a nnien between Sirr Eastern ttoumelia and Bulgaria. ■A STUPENDOUS tiUUKMH. eipany l’rnp.*.d Th.t Wonld Rival Tns stsudartl O.l In Power. Chicago. December 4 —A speelal to the Titnue irom MiuveapoUs says: The millers of Minneapolis nr., diacn-sfog a stupendous scheme tc consolidate all the mills under ono management. It l< a matter which bus been talked of more or less foi the past three yoar*, but latnly it baa boen c insider- ed Aotivo steps have Icon taken which are expected to result in consolida tion. Tbs sshomo posaeasca many advan tage*. The cost of buying win at and sell ing flour would, of oouis), amount to very little. Much a combination would make as much or aa little flour as desired, and it wonld oontrol such product as it placed upon the market Its tffecton trade would be enormous, and it wonld be an in- ■dilation a* powerful a* tbe Htoudard Oil Company. There are, however, many difficulties to overoom* in forming anch a company, among which aro arriving at a proper vain, (ion of each piece of property, the value of brands, trade, etc. It the combination we* formed, the eomprny would have a capital of $10,000,009. It would take in all ths mill* except the Washburn mills, which under th* will of the late GorernurWaeh burn cannot become a party to such au or gsuiz ition. At a meeting of tne millers held several day* ago, * committee wa* ap- p,rated to consider and report on a tea*!- t ie plan tor making tbe consolidation. The committee ha* not yet reported. a vrknch cabinet crisis. The Government Dtf.sird by a Sl. J.rlly ot 13-luten*e Excitement. ■ Paris, D-cember 3.—In tbe Chamber of Depone*, M. Karrien, minister of tbe inte rior, speaking in opposition to a motion for the total abolition of tbe uffices ut sab- prefect, promised that h* wonld Introduce a bill providing for a partial abolition of the office. Prime Minister de Freydnet sopporird M. Sarrien and reproached the opposition for seizing every ebane* lhat rffar-d to overthrow the government. Th* Clumber, however, adopted tbe motion for total abolition by a majority of 13 votes, thus defeating tne government, and it i* re ported that M.H. de Freyein't, Harritn and Goblet, minister of publie instruction, will resign. Thtio was intense excitement in ill* lobbies of the chsnsbcre. Afto» th* vote ws* announced tha sitting of tbs chamber was suspended et tbe instance of M. de Freycraet, in order that tbe cabinet might consider its position. The ministers are no* (5:30 p. in.) holding a meeting. After tbe caoinet meeting the ministers went to tbe Etyaee Palace aud tendered their resignations to Prwid 'nt Gravy. Paris, December 3 —The cabinet will meat to-merrs*. It ia bdievM th*t Presi dent Gravy is evrrae to yliseolrtng the min- Ltry and will ask M. deFruycinet to reform the cabinet. MM. 8arrine, de VtHe and Goblet will probably insist upon retiring. OFF TUE BROOKLYN BRIDGE. An oilier lltn JudijuIbm Knot Rlv«r®n4I® I'llrjand. New Yore, Dtctinbtr I.—Another foarth w*nt uihix to any j amped front the Broukl> a bfidjje iuto K t»t Uiver. The nffair wm kept went ®m1 the Ucm did not lenk ont until Use thie cvtiiio^. Michael J. Hm, a Itborvr liiiog .iu U.ik itnet, w«i the hero. For a w;.ger of $2> he mate the leap. Hj w« picked np by a friend who wa® waiting below. II® waa coru done. He wa® r >wed ashore and carried to a nation. wb»-re altmoUnU were peered clown hie He raviv»t from tbe ahoek, and »»ii that iu tha ix Hod b®- t nen the Itap fioui th? bridge and atriking ic« water be was not onhciona. Heta Wi the ftklooQ and walked through tha HrecU in hit wet dothea to bia home. He drank more whiakr, and got into Ud Ttry drank. Ha ia now doing a cl amount du® him. He auiipotedthal Bmlth intruded simply to dlvid® his fe® with him Hrnith sah! Hie fa® bad not b*«n psid, but h® had a $1,000 ... Marietta anil Vortb Gsoryls rsllr^nl bond he would 1 UitUla oiffcs to return to the j giro him. Xratumall r®tus®d to Uke It and never true man.' I aald 1 here no entbority to pre mat hie Qium, bnt If y«m think well of bln* I *Ui consult him. and Ut you know, lie roplted, 'cell la the morning, for l will not make the eppotet* Mu' * * “ — r 4k ‘ J. T. licn l^rton. Dr. D. K. B uJcr and Mr. i. i*. I proroDds, which he $51*1, en*l iuri*r*l aver U> T#an*< Iferrison sttndlOR at tha foot of the sUlrwey. Mr Harrison esld to me, ‘dUl you get my tehgram ' I replied, •mi.' He Mid, •! have Just sent on* •Aud for what purpose,’ said 1. lie*1. ’to help tms man i *. K Buticrj to »«carn M.Jor Crane's place.' I said I am Just fr'm tha Governor end he rays be will eppolut an Atlanta man; and there Is no uee In urjtng Butler or any other man outside of Atlanta. I went to tha Msrtbau* House and lep .rted iusJI tho ISM) This 'I'rammeU said was LLa only coonectton with the matter. U« referred lofTigeria testimony ail to talking with him, and dented that It was tMte and stated his r*Mcue lor deuylog it. Col. Trammel! read the Eager interview to th® rom in litre ss printed In the TEUtonarH. lhe rc-« port** in the Tklriieami of ttm procecdlnpi have generally been railed ou ss tbe fullest and th® moat accural*. _ J L . Col. Hammond put Harrison on th* stand again the result of my Interview to Boyd. Alter dinner I and asked him a few questions in rabid*! of I wa« tn the Denar went of Agriculture and there met Harrison and informed him that I eogges i d Ueatle Uarrt«un thought him to he a good man. Neither of us then knew, nor do I know to <lay how he(BMhtU) stood onUeorgl* marme being aubatl* toted for oolltlo ltmeeton® In Ui uijdtol nuildlug, nor did any racommsnduton orating* staou « f mine eltbor in Boyd's or Beatla's name to JNo$ anlal Lave anything to do with that question, or with Mr. liar* riaob'a wishes In «b*» promisee, nor was 1 roodviiig thirty dollars or any other amount for ao ooliig, as atated ta the editorial 1 • last 8ut day'a Constitution, aud th® evidence of thia fact wa* in possession of the committee, tn wrttiog. placed there by Mr. Hamr.'iond, attorney for Mr. Harrison. •• *On the morning of the 17th January, !**M, 1 c*llnl. as agreed bet*awn u«, on the Governor. lle ■*td to mi that ha intended to appoint B-1*. Ilnwel’, and gave these reasons: First *ibat How* II bad a largo experience In each dutl-s. end mentioned the enterprises Iu Atlanta tn which ha had been more or Irse concerned.' Necond. That be (Me- Daniel) being tbe only other member of the com* mission In Atlanta, sad with bis many and varied duties to perform, h® wanted th® advantage of that experience.' Third. ’He atated that Howell was an eoergetlo aud lnffuectUl mao, well known and wonld ttroogtboo th® corainIralon for thslr duties and I Want Lis anp ort.* Now what Oo\mruorMclUxitat lotvuded to convey by the ex* pi ration 'and I want hie eapport/ta iuy oplnt-m. esu sd*u tof ouly two ronsirnctle, ■ first, that he witUfdth® moral aud tmalnesa reipport aa chair mao nf the roiutuUahm, la tha teiullng of tha rsp ljl, cf aa ®xp®iMoced and rWty man Ilka lloeetl. The oihtr cou*tractto® wskld be that be wauled Howell'* supjx rt (other irVas bwng •tjnal between Uowo!t aud other AtlanCr man) to biui$e! f , |*®:soDally. 1 e«td to tk® Governor that his tea*ous wera gooJ and anactantfor Ueapp’lnt* rnsni of Bowel!, aud withdraw tno name of hvatte, ae ait •grata I Whvnl again met natter, be raked me tor the raisons the f» rvyrnor to bh» tut IIo«e!l. aud 1 gave tuetu to btm. aa Iwforo st«ted. without then, or now. ImpogoUg the motive* of Governor McUajlel a* to Uoweil'a appointment. I never d d, t*i ectly or ludGectly, attempt to rkang® th» min*! or a»».»i iu the formicgot anoplnlmot a member of mat Leg eUture, a* to tbec'ieug* of vol'.tie M’on* for Georgia iu$mte, save by such facta an wste |.r*«euted to Uu» sub-c* to mitt** ap|K>tnted for that pnr|*os*. L. f. LiviaiHrvoN. M Derr illa«*r 3, ISM. vofocel l.iving*MO. a* It hanien«d,bad preserved tbe note by Harrison when ha sent the gao, aud banded U t > the eoiumlitra. Tbe note wee I crumpled nrA bsdly !•***. bnt tea ■••■paper men about the table *neo**d*d in dc«tpherli.g it. The note road aa follow*; -Dear Colonel: 1 hand yon S#>. which I will sup plement aa per aarwsment with Gen 1*. noon. 1 was kept up no late I am fatigued, *t j., aod yon will pardon for not coming Hop® see yon eoon. ••Jaa, P." Colonel Liviagatoo stated that he knew nothing about tbe agreement w*th General PhlUlpa referred to, ae there ned been no sgre®aeat ot any kind so far aa be knew. Tksfwvo* the only money ever paid him. end there had never been any contract n> pay Uitoo. bat •• a rcascsa^n sen ecateg to At Uuta on llameon'e bwa aeaa be rartaialy bad ex pected to have bis exp a see paid- If be had thought to tbe contrary he wo«ld not have come. Col. Livings tow waa croaa examined Ly tbe mem bers ot tha commute® at s*meteogtb. end raped- ally on b.a line auggrated by the note. t he u.*xt • lutes* «u Hoke bmlth. t.«. He made the following statement to the commtftee: • I had been connected ee attorney with tba In- tervat cf Messrs PaUtfcr, KtgerJc Kinsey in (he Marietta and Ninth Usorgia Railroad Cxupeny from some t me tn 1*W. About the Arst of 1*4 I cannot t.« a curate aa to date *bm Gen. P. wan ro* 1 level fioiu the roslttou of acting pieenient. Thera wralUigatiou of tmport$uce eadtng at tha time notably by the Penitentiary Company against tn* Msrtetta a»d North Georgia HtUroed Company and other uu’un tn wnieh nts ktowtadg® of tecs waa becMeery th® toterrots of the r I waa anxlooe th.t r-ed should bar® the Lcneftt of hta koowladg® and g *>d wtU and sought to make an arrangameot n» nMain brn reteotioa «a tonnarl at the saiu® »%J$ry bo had befurw rwelvrd Ihte Ueuerat P. wonld n< t t>*ar to. Mr Lowe wae la tar rated to tha peni tentiary tesaa and I underotmvt that He bad et* tvtnsd some ekrek I $ Ute Marietta and N *rth i« < r t ta aod«s* Urna-enlna a t*UI to cancel tbe ouwde irau^d to Kqo, and to put tho*»ter»wtae to the head* a receiver, k me lima i . the ruiamer cf let becuna ocqtainted with the fed lb l at th® ®a_ dw*e aa tha contract for th® ooaetractteu of in® r. aJ by E*g r. another con bad waa mad® bei Eager. PnUlfer. the Keaatee aod Mr. PhtBtpi, lag he Eve aa Interest ia the aaitn Kager'a teatlmooy, but they aro not no atari-.*, lie ai*o In trod u led e*me doc*<ttiaat$ry evidence which ha* already bean rvferrod to. Tbe committee adj$,tinted tn meet Monday aft ernoon to tike additional evident*. ••••! M-mtav nigh*, by agnament. Cot Hammond will mskv hU srgn -MtU behalf of HarrUou, F*iu a ,u u uk Cot rtammowi dealraa to lcava for Waabtngton Tuesday morning. ▲ NKW IH*K 1*6. A Dlaouvery Mud*. b« iilln ils 1'hyalcuan of General loteraat* Chicago, December 4.— A ipeHal t) the Timea from 8|>riD({flald, 111., aeys: A ro- markable discovery, nod one that wilt ex cite considerable attentiou ia the Dieliutl world, haa been made in tbU city by Dr. G. N. Keidtr, a local physician and narg-oo. The case in qaeation in c.tiled aotiuomyco- »la homlnlH, or lamp j tw ia a bnman being. Tb« dixeaae infectn cuttle und other auimalg and waa drat discovered in a huniau being io Berlio, Gdrmaoy, iu 1683, and the f ireaentcaoo ig thought to be tho drat n this conntry. It i§ a fungoid growth and one of tbe proofs of the germ theory. The fougea ia a maaa of yellowish pn\ nn- taining smalt Diomra resembling svod, min gled with long filament®. The ditwaee iu- ▼adea the lung*, iota*tine* and genera! ajaUm, and if uot interrupted in its courao invariably reauUa in death, but if ukou iu it* primary aUge, aa *n tho pn <$ nt cave, it (hid be « iired Dr. lUucx, of th® Suite board of health, examined tho fnugus anil eoufirm* the diagnosis made by Dr. Kaider. CUMMiNtiK’s AUDACITY, Chicago, December 3.—A gpecial to the Timea, from Paraooa, K tn., aaya: A etrau- ger registered at C®DtiojH>lia Wedninday evening aa *'Jira Cumutuge'*und noon went to supper. When he came out he put ou tbe landlord'! hat aud depirtcd. roitee- man Kiaer was put on hi* track and or- rmtfid him near the depot. They had walk'd a short distance when tbe tnaa palled away from tbe policeman an i, step ping bask a few pace*, drawn piatel and fired. The policeman dropped, fabv'.ly won tided, aod the aauaaiu toafe hi* map* down the trade aUmpeding the crowd who attempted to atop him bv flourishing hU re volver. The poiioemaa is dying. 8t. Loi’h, Decemb r 3.-XL* dlobo-Dcm- ocrat ray* tbte morning that U bag receit ed a letter froa Jim Camming*, tl.., Adam, express rubber, ihioli its tea mat he ia tired o( beiug ebaaed eroond tbe country by de- teelivce, end promise* to return $25 000 u( tba snm stolen U tbey will let him po in pcaco. THE >»TIY» aobeMilOg Against Portnc**-— t« nrtrit» « n v.q . f rten Pat Down. Losdox, Doceuiber,*.—Aa.ieeafromDur ban xlatn tbit tbe revolt ot tba tuti., < axainst PortagnM# authority on tbe nrt c xiat of Africa, ah«H* the Transvaal m >, (j beftan abont Novcmbtr 31, and whi.-h’! , abont calmiuatin« in a concentrated att ick npon th* port town of lohimbu... i ^ be-n ended. ThePortpueaeof Inham'tM-.)- aaaiatodb; tba Governor of Hoa.mV- »ucc«d»d in defeat!UK and diaper in tfi. n .ur.'.ntt und io aopprewinp then u..i , n. The Transvaal govrraniiint offered the [*> tDKneM th.- .emcee of h coniiox'-nto' Ii, V rrrorv.. *mt tbe Portagisa* deaSnad o.™ ccpt thtm.