The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 01, 1887, Image 4

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAVfi. TUESDA1 MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. IKK 'pJ JiJfJ. /)*^ PJJ, | which eta be relied upon for sjadicions j LIFE IS SIBERIA * ®J“ em of *•“»*. »® believs th.t much more now PMpl . lit. la th. Colde.t Inu.blte.l an «imr wnmniiui) t.uli " ,1,Unee °®“ b ® obulnod th » Q nnd ' r ,h « '» to® ,j tB1 I present plea, which limits both the effort to Phlladslphu tm. legrtph and Hreaenger Publishing C*. obtain and th. method, of reUef totndi- W. Bchwtaj, of tte Uni " M * 00B - Tid “ U iDd 1 i “ tl0 “* 0d dUcreU “ n - , 4| I Delta, in Nortowestern 8 Uri* to dearer —— We would not disoonrsfe the chsntably t Q tbe natives gifts from the government of xu Dally U dellvsred by carrier, Is the ellr or inclined from givieg freely upon all occa- the United States to repay them for the ■teed postage tree to ratwcribeii. for *1 per gionil wben tbe , baT# tb# means gn a dia- » id they rendered him in hie eearoh for the suit, ,2-10 cr three months. II for six months, . . . . w „. missing members of the Jeannette party, llOsrear. P“ lUo “ *°. do “• W ® “**• however, to ba> re0#ntl , retarned f IO m there, lie say. Xn WxixltIs mailed to subscribers, poets*. | suggest that much of what is intended Ml that Ibe town of Teroyoek, Siberia, is the ate, at tl.u a rear and T* cents for six months. charity in this dly is misdirected through coldest spot in the world. The thermome- rnnelent advertleoments wtu be taken for th. unworthy bestowal. ter 6tood > eighty-six below zero when he was *.nr a. .t p.r s,sar. if » Unra « H- for th. Th „ b „, a „ Southern communities is SSMJ “"l VEfuS?to. ^.r^ Int Inaction, and Wcents toreachaabeeqoentIn- . . . ... . miy below. 1 askel nun tu-i otner day Urton and for th. Weekly at tl for Mch toeertton. 0,0 t « ndcDc y t0 idl ® oeM ‘ T ®P»ncy «> d «g- what the people did who lived in this bliss ■otloeeofdeetha,funerals, marrlagm end births, abondsge. Whatever teuda to incresee and ful spot; what they had to eat and how IL encourage these evils diminishes b, so much I tb JJ!,,k® <1 !*• ... . .. .... MJSCtSd communications Will UOthS roturnsd. | |b— labor of rwrr rnmmnnitv and .. ® \ 3 ^ LUMGKS ABOUT CENTRAL. GENERAL SMITH'S BTATtMEST. n.rr-pond.n^nmh.m* tartan. | £ SZSZttJnnonhntretire* th.paparto b «®‘ “«‘ bod of awieUug the poor who are w?nd«“h.^^oUfM whew able to work i. by obtaining .mployment f b ^d -^-hat P~P{® for them, and so long as this is within reach climate, and pine for a stiff northwesterly it U an ankindne** to them and an ioj ary Artie gale. It is wonderf al the amount of and wrong to tbe chatitably inclined, as I ©old human fleeb can endure. Tbe natives Brief and written npon but one aide of the paper to lire attention. VamJtUncea ahoold bo made by expreaa, poctal gate, money order or registered letter. Atlanta Bureau 17K Peachtree street. tJaO commonicatlone ihonld be addreeeed to TBJB TXLEOBAPB. Macon Ga. Htnerorden tUi\% eto ^honlJ b§ made paja- IX 0. Hivao* Manage well as the general pnblic, to feed and clothe Jj! ^3**° country it’tr-ux-s every President Alexander Hays He Has Not Ilrrooved From Command Tlironah tl.n. Hoard of Any Combination. lintler'a Inflames-Grant Intoxicated. Savannah News. I Bcblikotox, Y*,, January 20.—In acorn- Th* statement made a few days ago by a muuioation to tbe Century Magazine for S cntleman intimately associated with Presi- last May, General William F. Smith eom- ent Alexander and the new management rnented on en allnaion to himself made by of the Central railroad, that a big move is General U. 8 Grant, ii one of his war ar- about to be made and that tbe Central holds tides in that magazine, and as a result of the key to tbe situation, put the publio on the controversy which arose from that over the lookout for a startling railroad sensa-1 General Smith’s removal from the cona tion. As yet nothing positive has developed mend of the Eighteenth army corps, he that affects the Central, although there are has given to tbe Free Press for publication all soita of rumors afloat. a letter whioh be wrote to Senator Foote, President Alexander is still in New York, ot Vermont In this letter General Smith but is expected te return here tbe latter says: “lam extremely anxious that my part of this week. friends in my native State should not The New York World of Saturday prints think that tbe reason of General Grant’s an interview in whioh Gen. Alexander is relieving me from duty was quoted as saying that, although friends of brought about by any misconduct of mine, bis who were conctrned in the Richmond I and therefore write to you the terminal deal interested themselves in «e- facta. About the very last day of June, or curing bis election to the presidency of the the flrat of July, Generals Great and liut- Central, he was not aware of any plan for a ler came to my headquarters, and shortly oombiDstion between the Richmond and after their arrival General Grant turned to Danville and tbe Central. His friends and General Butler and said: ‘That drink of himself bought the Central stook, he said, whisky I took has done me good,' aud tbcu for investment, because it was to be had directly afterwards asked me for a drink, cheap, and they believed the property to be My servant opened a bottle and he drank of , ... , , ... country ic fr-i-z-s every them in idler ess. night. It is mneb oolder in the Lun. Delta, Let the association be formed, and after- yet tbe people manage to keep oomfoitable, wards let it work with an intelligent deter- * nd “J™ d ] e email pcx aud sourvy than mina'ion to assist the worthy only, and to fr ??* tte . eff e« to , o£ th ® ‘“t®nae cold. Yon , iuT. i ! “ seldom hear cf anyone freexing to death, one of the best in the Sonth, and for that it. 1 was awsre at the time that General l8r| lhfl MR. WATTBRSON TELLS A t Dow ho Pt-raonatod Mr. SlsitUad I tervlew by n World Hep,,,,"* PiniADKLPHia, January 21 ..." know that I oan say anythin, th.. --.,’ of thrilling interest to the pnblic* 1 Henry Watterson to a reporter^ . r •Hi tali, you a story. A few Marat Hilstead, Horace White anduJ 1 went to Boston to h«ar Cirl S'hm, his oration on Charles Sumner It after Sumner's death, and Mr. Schm," 1 one of onr party. On onr way back tan York we picked np Sam Bowles atu S field, Mass., anti he araom7«&‘ m Now York, where we h.d a& a party at the Brevoort House.—\y dinner was in progress, and the m01l tiicato problems of national gorZ! were being solved by us, word was hr. in that a representative of York World desired see Mr w Bon. I went down into the hotel'ofl* there fonnd a little bald-headed who said his name was Oxford asked me if my name was son, and I promptly told him it > 1 politely informed him that Mr w*i son was engaged and oonld not be d «i_ ed. I told him my name was Halsteid . expressed my willingness to oecomnL him if I oomd. Mr. Halstead was .| U ill matter in the country, and by jndicions Grant had within six months pledged Mal management the stoek could be made to self to drink nothing intoxicating. After donble its present value. He end his the lapse of an hoar or less he asked for ** friends, be said, bought Mrs. Hettie Green's another drink, which he took. Shortly after! _..m •} n f er - * stock outright at a figure somewhat above his voioe showed plainly that the liquor had ' i .. ..| w e ’' ,.. r ,' 0l * j rd. I q the then market rate. Mrs. Green hold affected him, and after a little timi he left. t‘.„® v . If' 1 *? 6,400 shares ia her own name and 300 I went to see him upon his horse, and as Pj _.x 11 £a,ot of i . . . frezin in oollstersl, and they purchased the entire soon as I returned to my tent X said to a nin , ,f A t ^ ad ex P re «*el a to death in the United States than in Si- i block of C,700 shares. In answer to the | staff officer: “Grant has gone away drunk. I , cntI *ooy * u d beria.” I question whether tbe fntnre management General Butler has seen it and will never Is “Bat how do they manage to keep warm?” of tbe Central was to be a part of a general fail to nse the weapon whioh has been put llriS* Uo !ll.. and d * -------- r 1 atinn . ..root niim.i 1.1. u. i •• r co in isvor ot State righto. Thera ^liamnabie Mubodi,' Oocaslonally we have a boat with onr I contribute ss fir as possible to forcing able I iud then it is only those who expose them- esteemed bnt misguided contemporary, the ! bodied beggars, mats and female, to work I selres imprndc-ntlr. More people are freaen Detroit Tribnoe, over the question of mor- j or leave the city. >n *" **'“ “■ ’ ally and methods and the merits and demer- When it is once understood that contribn- its of Southern civilization. In some way lions will not be wasted upon people who I “Well, in the find plaoe"the Yaluts are I plan for the formation of'a great railroad I into hisbands. ... . . - — the Tribune seems to have gotten the im- are able to work bnt are too isiy to do so, I an enduring raoe, and are born in that cli-1 system in the South, be said: I Two or three days after that I applied for v jji 1 n ®f ot pression that Providence has set it up in there will be no trouble in bringing to the P 0 * 4 ®' .^ btir b ““ ,es ®f® bn [** logs, I “Not that I am aware of; bnt these are leave of absence for the benefit of m y reporter left me he was fnil nn to ih v i tt.iLn.i -n amoatofi over on the outside and inside with times of consolidation and combination, health, and General Grant sent word to me ff 8 luu n P to ll >< business for one specific purpose, and that relief of the needy all the assistance re- mn j_ Ioeachcabin is a Urge fireplace and there is no telling what the future may not to go if it were possible to stay. The I X sized him up as soon _ _ ww . ---- — foltowiogJ of onr missionary contemporary, ought to I not beea devoted to the interests of^ the I «oow out'sids, with the'thermometer 60 d£ I fore been.' ” ” " I GeneirM Smith"was ^veneommand amd Bnt- !S?{.r \r Wb H n i Wodl ' be reformed and weeded ont. . people> but haB been U3edin traveling about P'«®«, b ® low zero . than ®1®®P >“ °“® »f these The interview was generally commented | ler sent to Fortress Monroe; that in a pri-1 g Ir 1 H .j, tead bad fnit Nor. as a matter cf course, the Great [rom plac9 t0 pltoe makiD(! prohibition and Good TxLEaaxpa welcomes disin- 1 1 I JHU luioivtuw "nil iqCiiciiiiij iivixiuiciiicu I let BcDv IO »OritcHs alODIOC, iQnl ID u prl* I tr. Ililjlaad l. j • . » I huts.” upon here yesterday, aud men who claim vate interview General Grant admitted to ?}. . been dining i. “Have they windows in tbeir honsei?” to be posted as to wbatis goingon said that the writer “that there had been a bntcaery ?,i w7ni!?,,t.„ —ii L® .* i la ?. ,I P‘ I speeches, telling of the giarions benefits of I ‘’Yes, ioe windows. They nse ice as we a good deal may be read between the lit.63. at Cold Harbor, bnt that he had said noth- 10 01111 m ® oot ' bot he floi tarested workers in the moral vineyard with prohibition in Atlanta, and anathematizing n "® K ’ a *?- A ol ®* r P lece is selected, about The statement was made, and came from a ing about it because it conld do no good," ® open arms. Let the good work go on, we 1„1,„ ... 1,.„. V.,._ I h*® or s ' x inches thick, morticed in the reliable source that 32J0 shares of Central but defended General Meade, whom General •av with the utmost ao that can be had *,® “J a Been bold enough to widow opening in bloeks two feet and some- stock, neatly aa much os wai reported to Smith had critiz zed. Tholetteroontinues: . J* ir • I hold opinions opposed to his own. I limes as large as four feet Bqnare, and with have changed hands here last week, went “On my retnrn from a short leave of ab- All honor to tne woiKors. Hoe tno rowont | He has not been quite bo conspicuous in j wattr is malic solid. The water is as good North on Saturday and are supposed to | sence on the 19th of July, General Grant sent I THE INDIANA HENArORSHIP. to the end and keep in the middle of the tb j, business of late but the aonliances for *’ P nll y- When the window becomes dirty have been bought by the eame people who j (or ine to rtport to him and then told nie row. Tear ont the weeds, wood ont the j • p I they strape it off with a knife, and when it I have been buying steadily all along. | that be conld not relieve General Bntler, The Deatllock with ao I pact of an Early Cnsugs,, Im.,, January 2t - Indiana Senatorahip is as far from s. I had so severely criticised I UJOnl llii ever, and there is no imrnei Presidential boom are in- has been scraped thiu they substitute a new I A gentleman who has kept track of the I and that, _ w ro*lr Th« “ivn«.arvitor” !• I none " I stock moTem.nt eays that the parties who I General Meade, ho had determined to re-1 prospect of a change. TbeGenersl controlled 26,000 sharea at the time Gene-! lieve me of tbe command of the Eighteenth ! bly met in joint convention at 12 | engineering tares, turn npthe subsoil and keep every-1 dnatlioo ,i, gt work. The “type-writer" is I pane. uiog in tn« vineyard upon tno jatnp from ^ e i D g nsed. and the "faodmile hth 0 graphic I “Docan'fc the window erer melt?' . *arly Monday morniDg until IaU Sunday i*.#,.®®«. Ug,| ntt t» «tsz m B1«m yoa, no; it ia freezing cold that ral Alexandtr was fleeted President, now Corps and order mo to New York city to ou ® bQllot » whichresnlted: Ti night The«« are our working oolitic* |*« 4i Sb g circulated. Ab ® re ™* r I far from tho die. I£ the room ever got control 34,000 and 35.000 share*, and that I await ordere.” I 74. Harrison 70 f Allen 4. AU the mem! t>_a vinjtvAvri !■ orv avfansiw < w\*s * j indications pointing to the fact that the | Wurm enough to melt th© ico tbe Yakut I an effort will be made to buy up the re-1 General Smith then proceedn to show 1 with two exceptions, were present «ut o lueyara u an extensive one, ana I p ro hibiUonhiU are organizing for the cam-1 couldn’t lire. I maining 2,500 or 3,500 sharea to g**© them I that General Grant knew of all this before I ▼oted. Worrall, a Democratic R-prest recently we were forced to call attention to poign of 1888. I *‘Howdothey Bleep? Do they nndrees I a controlling interest in the next few days, I the former’s promotion wa.4 recommended, f* Te » ** detained at home by akkness, the fact that the Governor of Michigan had \v« „ a « „««« ^ I when they go to bee?’* an l thata9 soon as this is secured thcro land says: Since I have been in New York, ^ P a \ red with O’Brien, Republic m. aDDcaled to the Legislature to heln him di«. e nave perore us a copy of a litho-1 «*Alwaye. They strip to their shirts, I will be “startling” developments. This i» I have heard from two different sources— J® 4 known how much longer th« f ^ . .. B jav u I B^P^ 0 ci*CQh»*» which has been widely cir-1 which are made ot a thick sort of Russian I one of tho many tumors afloat, and, like all I one being from General Grant’s headquar-1 friends of Allen will continne to ca*t arm t e Fcnoiars ana teachers who were | agisted, conUininn a number of queries as I ©loth as heavy as our canvass. The men and | the rest, is unauthent’catc-d. | tets and one a staff offioer of a General on | votes for him, bnt it is considered ou. earning and using deadly weapons in tbe to Br ohibition and ita tfficts These are womtn wear tho nauiu kind of garuun s , 1AIB .„ MllIll1ulM111 s. BB nnni intimate official relations with General B., tbe y will do so for several days y*t,i public schools. We also.eferred to th. 3, v . ° ALh.. H.™ i. .h.,1 -V® and never have more than on. at a time. HOW THE SECRET LEAKED OUJ. thu Genewl Bailer went to Grant and | b ® pfospec of an .taction ta^nn^ Ll Ih.t vonntr rrlrl. war. l..ln„ c.„l..l I “ e . y ® id ? dUh ®*’ U .® r0 “ Wh * r ® th ® I I »<>ok.Bp a lot of thick flannel for tbem, | W h.t . Flramanl^^ard o„ . c.ntr.l I threatened to expose his intoxication if the | “>«■ “ >«*» ^e-k. . 3 , , “ eu “ I peach pot pie is supposed to sit: I enough to last the rest of tbeir ltvot, and to I , Kaitro.d oieepioK Car. order relieving him from command was not into upper Michigan for immoral-purposes. Should such a national party In 18» nomlntto I will be a great deal more oomfortable than I in.-ubSin. revoked. I also learned that Bntler has I tvaur and Mobi. Tbe partionlars in the latter oaie are, as I (or of tbs Unlud Bute. Senator Colquitt, I the native staff, although they don't like it I When tbe papers first gave the news of I threatened to make pablio something that I Portni*ht’y BotIoA. stated by a member of the Michigan Lcgis-1 °* Ooorfla, and for Vlos-Praaidrat Oansrsl Clinton I at ffriit. When they nndrras they get int I Gen. E. P. Alexander's intention to be a wonid prevent the President s re-election. I have a great belief in the efflotey of»,.ikn n m™. I D. Puka of N.w Jsrsny, wool I th. tamperenc. men I banks built in the side of the honse, some- aandidate for tbe presidency of tbe Central General Grant told me that behad heard engines against mobs. Wet clothes lainroo lorot 10 uouso judiciary commutec, ot tht Sooth *.lo witblhs timoarano. minor th. I times a man, bis wife and all his ohildrea railroad, be was at a loss to understand how that General Bntler had made some threat ardor; few men are brave when col as follows: I North on tnU ticket 1 And whatchancs wouldUure in 1,10 ®* m ® bunk. They have reindeer the information was obtained. The Morn- with reference to the .Chicago convention, wet, and this fact is so well known. • There is perhaps no other piece in the | be tot carrying OaoraUi I under and over them, and curtains ot ! tug Newe is enabled to explain. Ou each l whioh ho (Bntler) gold he had in Us breath-1 oettain French politician living in ., onnnttv' said Mr Breen, ‘where inch n Th... K. M ;..ii n n i« «™.in,p.i the eame hanging before tbe banka. The of the engines whioh draw the through pas- e« pocket In a postscript the writer rays: I during the period of excitement was in oonntiy, said Mr. ureen, where incha| Th®reoanbsno objection to BcnatorCol- liItm(lll 0 ,wwSn t0 undrcMhange Ji the sengcr train* between 8 tvsnneh and AUinta I hVranot reforrid tothe state of things I habit, a. soon aa he row, of . . j j ... - ... I last man or woman to nndress hangs all the aenger trains between Savannah and Atlanta I have not referred tothe state of things habit, m soon as he rose, of lookiozonl etste of depravity exists. In new settle-1 qnltt preaching prohibition, end tinging I olothingot tbe rest ont doors over a polo I two firemen are employed. The rnn is AI existing at hesdqnarters when I left, end to I the window, and if he fonnd that HI menta tbe trade in young girls hM oome to I abont ita glories and besnttea also. This Is I that Is kept for that ptfrpoae." I long one—300 miles—and one fireman conld the foots that General Grant was then in I raining, would exclaim with a sigh of bean established business. Advertisements a matter that concerns himself. Bnt pro- "What is that for?" not hold up under the herd work required..the habit of getting liquor in a surrepti- lief: “No revolution to-doy." WealsolS ... n ...i ln „™t„« I iiuu„ i. I “To freeze the lioe. They oonldn't live Going north one fireman is nt work until turns manner, beeanse it was not relevant that when Louts Philippe was rep and conning deviooi m need In ooaxlog hlbitlon is not a cardinal principle «t the „ jj,,, dtdn t do it Th , u /, 8otlatl the | tho tram reaches Gordon, and then he re- to my ease. Bnt if yon think, at any time, Napoleon's statue on the eolnmn U. working girls from their home*. Tho girls I Democratic party. Indeed, the design and I far, and that is the only way to get thorn I tires while the other “fires" nntil Atlanta is I the matter may be of importance to the I Dittos Vendome tho Napoleonistt as-.eal aro kept in rongb board shanties and tenta. I determination of the Prohibition party la I out. By hanging tbeir clothes over the I reaohod. As a rale, the fireman off dnty I country, I will give it to yon. I continually in excited crowds round] There arc a dozen or more in esoh nlaoo A I in nverthrnw ihn Demncrnlln n.rtv If Sen. P°*® ®very night they can koep reasonably washes his face and bands, pntaon his Sun- pedestal. The crowds were, however, f .. 1 10 ° ■ r °7 Pyyj Km from*them, bnt th. for fills up «ali d.y clothe, snd goes back to th. smoking MCENtS OF TERROR ON TUB ICE. dt.per.ed b, copious stream, ot wsteriJ system of fines is in vogue by which tbe ator Colquitt desires to bo president of the the ntxt dsy." car to enjoy a rest pumped on them. The material effect] poor wretches are kept constantly in dobt to I Prohibition party, he should be consistent I “Do they ever bathe ?" I Going ont of Savannah one night the fire-1 81x nnnderd Fiitierwin Caught on tha I stream of water projected from a firs ssf tha overseer. If a girl does not get a man and manly enongh to get the Prohibition “Never in their lives; they haven't any | man off.dnty was sitting behind two gen-| Broken surface of Luka Brie. | through a hmie is considerable. Ne| to drink she is fined. If she does not get party to give him s Senatorial oommlr.lon worrif orbathlnuln their Ungtage. and the Usman in th. smoking cm, quietly puffing Bcvtalo, N Y„ Jsnn.ry flOt-Tho grest- «“ al “ d MIm, on tk .. n „. l °_, j uiwi.t— .« j 1 impossibility of keeping olean ta one of the | s cigar. | est excitement prevailed here lata this alter-1 o>pi«_toat tbe mlsbapsof others «3 •They didn't know me' Use to toll the story I noon on socoant of an ies shove nt this end I B ?* D beings s certain smoant of sstiafac “an I didn t know I of Like Erie. The weather until last night I tb ® m ®“bera of s crowd are sure to 1 him to dance she is fined. Dogi aro kept I also. He eannot serve prohibition and I graatesVbardships of Arotia life.'" to guard against tho girls running away. In 1 Democracy at one and the same time. Xt l “What do they eat?" I in the fireman’s words—“an’ I didn’t know l 0 f Like Erie. The weather until last night I one case, whioh had been fully invest!- wonid bs better for all concerned if ho “ltoitdeer meat, beef-they have cows, them. They talked pretty loud, atT I was down to zero and tbe ice was from »t , «®|ng their companions wetted, _ (rated a girl escaped attar being shot in tbn would droD Demoeracv < l nMr looki “B animals about half as large oonldn't help hearin wbat they ssid. They twe lve to eighteen inches thick. This morn- orowd * hich t begin, to langh cmum I gntea, a girt esoapea alter using soot in xnn wonid drop Democracy. i u onr<i wltb k hnmmook on their books were disonsam the Central. One of 'em ing it was warm and a wind of tke velocity dangerous. I would therefore suggest« leg and took refngs in a swamp. The I „ . _ , ,, - like a camel—fish, bread made of black rye said he'd bought ail the Central stoek for I of titty miles an hour blew from tbe South, ® Ter * ®« rion * disturbance is amici; dogs were let loose bn her trail and the I . . . , flour, tea and an Imported food mode of I sale in Ssvsnush, but he still didn't have I a nd tho shove mast bsve started fully one I £ ® w ® D B t »es should be plaeed at the i gxng of overseen started after her. Bbs | Anl0D 6 f°Uies II U IO be asksd | chopped beef rolletl into balls about the | enough. T^tall jrou,' he said, 'we've gotto | hundred mile* np the lake. | of the polio*, •l.nt In Hi* I to pcrpiotrate, the Demoentie party is Ufis of a marble and covered with dongh. I be qniok o» Baonl and bis friends will catch At 1 o’clock this afternoon the 600 or Siepi in ute swamp one nigni, nnx wait i . . ,.,„ w i,i, _« no i nn . n >nn ui. Mired with reindeer meet it makes a sood on to onr gam* General Alexander^ I mnn C.h.rmr.n whn want in <n n .i„ I Slept in ins swsmp one nigni, nnx Mked to provide pensions for the RepnbH- lined with reindeer meat it makes a good on to our gam* General Alexander • more fishermen who went up to tbs main ^ , I finally banted down and taken back to tho I 0 i ork . now i„ offinn sonp. They often eat their fish raw, Of in New York hnyin all the stock road on the take early this morning found T A I den. I personally invesUgatod the way in ', . ... *. . A eontse they freeze solid ax soon as they are he oan find, and onr man in An^nata s the ice was fast breaking np. Before they I'it j/jitj lYB A\ I which a Chicago girl of undoubted respects-L T ^® “‘f 11 * c< thi * ‘cbeme is thus «t trien ont of the water, and the native, par- doin' the same thing. Yon an me, conld get off, and when they were six miles ’ h . , I forth: “The government clerk does the Uentarly if he is on the road, cuts them off 11 reckon, had better stop in Macon I np the lake, they were ont off bv the chan-1 • ■ ” - .. - — ,, ’ de001 ^ least work during ,h. shortest hours, and «n .harfog. a, thin a. onr ehipped Jreef and to-night an' see what can So den. there. n 5. of wLtor/ Th. prineipsl rake rs A,Ul " ^“® nt for th. best pay of all pereon. of similar “T'!.* “'!® *?^®' J,Unlin « C '" ei t Chicago girl of undonbted respeota billty was kidnapped. Bhe was from an honorable life by an advertisement offering large wages In n boarding bona* un. , u a , JT /7 oipaclty in this eonntry. The hoars When .he had nearly reached her destina- . ‘V 3 , Uon she for the flrat time learned the honi' ble Ilf. she wu going to. «d songhtto turn I "'"d'.'hrirbonra tendanoeln Washington are from 3* ■ p. m., with a half honr la tbe middle book, bnt was oompelled to go on. From tbe ytar are excluded all Snndsys 1>U Cutleura. “In order to stop this Inhumsn traffic, a g gQd tarioa , other d *„ RepresentaUv. Breen and «»P« a ®»UUr. I hen n,t*X psnon. die or are bnri*!. snd I half days before Christmas and New Yean Thompson, ot Delta, are urging two mi ore* In there effort, seconded by In addition etch basso Cireutt Judge Grant, of Honghtoo, sod . . . .. . ... t.. , 1,a «>MI. nnlnl.-n nf tha Ilnnnr Panin. onntt »X ' CaT0 ° f thirty days With p.y. days by the publio opinion of the Upper Benin, •nit. Mr. Breen makes tha statement after having perre.mll, investigated th. I private individuals or corporation, work. ±\ - “‘-j ai ^ 0 d . 5 .»u,. nta . hour. and n reasonable nnmber of sick leave, It necessary, also with pay. The avenge clerk employed by serve that the weeds in ita corner of ^® I j 0 the dsy, ot 9,790 hoars in the year. The vineyard are np and .boat. “Damnable | .1, j_li.. , , „„„„ Bcsima, orHaUBbism, with Its afoul Is* and banting, lutsall/ rsliivsI by a • nltb Cutleura Hjip. sad a tltul* appllon'l llcam. tbs srwt Skin Onra. Tb's r»pswo4 . _ with two nrlbrsadasatar Caitcura Siao.r of the native cow that looks and tastes dUeomtln' their plans In the smoker, bnt | D o time the cakes were broken no into I “ ,0 °® w keep too bi nd c ul, 1IL _. i .i I t. -, 1 iV.... ,1-- tl ^1 .1 TM 1 . . . . U H I •Dlratton nnro and nBlrritaflsa It, tua.1 It |“ W 7 v . “"“•' government clerk is employed no more then methods! Why man, school toeeh.n In 8 dm |q gnd . h al( honre Georgt. don t wield anything mere danger- • or 7K> hon „ , dlf . f.»0..0U,«« tour, yemly, equal to 115 scholars only nse tbe Alabama iliORl “Damnable methods! trade in girls here! We are pretty bniy jut now, bnt onr days of nine boars each, or neuly 160 gov- Why, there Is 110 mBNQt jiji igiiost the onltidtr. The oat* more like cheese, and the, prise It above I that wm the biggest piece of news I'd ever pieoes, mm, of whioh were not over five SJuJ? “dwTSSSf wu wa'twl all ot her classes of food. I caught on to. As soon as I got into Atlanta or ten feet rqnsr* bust. kum Mw. l‘m “Thetr drink}, the Russian Yelk* almost I went to see a reporter whod done me a Eeery time there will jam the fisher- ritu*. Vi-ild Uoad. Pondrna; sad seer/ ip-n pure alcohol, and they will trade their f tvor an' told him what I’d heard. Well, I men clambered toward the shore, bnt I Scalj aud Pimply dmon o(taaM<i; shirts for it The liquor is scarce and ex- sir, the whole scheme was in a dozen papers I aeons of them were to be seen going down r£i!idtl! l fiu. U “ b *“ p61,iaaU " “ 4 * ul; pensive, so they are ueeeasarily a temperate the next morninI the stream. Tho dogs used to draw home I peoj l *." The advMtage this story hu over many fhh ware barking and the men ware callicg ECZEMA. '•Howdoihepolitical cxileeliveand how | others is, that it ia ahs'iintely ttne. I for help. l ™ufaUT ertaaniidn nwy ire ia tbe oouotrj? I iiouiiu»*«r uo JTr«ucn Valor. I The life-aating crew pat ont with light Ptli Ktnan, oa Wd, nick, (im, irai imi *A great tuanj—aeTeral In every aeitie-1 [ekiffdazul at the government bnttkviiur {*•»: not»bi« u*«ikcuipt <n j ment When an exileis sent into the coon- General BouUnrar distributed tbe reward* helped many to places ot safety. John S&’VZ': a n ^i ab, *, ,!,k, 'l ,m i try the government determines where he th . other dsy at a meeting cf the Salvage I Cavansn^h with his skiff rtseaed seven or iranounTS sS^ •ball rettde, and requires him to report bu Kocielies. Iu an address delivered on tbe I ‘igbl, and msuy others on both skies of the I bj IbsCnttcunkamaALa. ' L whereabouts at frequent Intervali. They occasiun the Minister ot War said: “The I river worked bravely until after dstknesa I WILL McBONaPj live M the nstives da, reoeivs so maeh a meD 0 ( these corps have over soldiers the I *ct in. There Wss the greatest ooasterna-1 Mil Dearbua Strosr, C yesr from the government for their support, I inestimable sdvtntsgs that tbeir laurels are | tionon tbe island, and the wires of tha] hT7tr\IA and work •rih'-ir trades, if tbep have them, I not neeessarilT and fatally blood-stained fishermen ran abont wringing ( gam, a» month. t h a .>" and if the, haven't, get such jobs a* the, , nd wgptd in - th# tht0 :. of the coualry. their bands. Cxptaia WUiiTms" g'nilSS ®f n * In other province* the txi.e# work in j|, e y gni Q ulory in aavieg their I ^ Bfe caving aerviee Aom not think n«:or».ltea^dw« la mje*««of Mv«r«Obro_ the >ninea. At yero)an«k I eaw an exile I |unj j Q the flay* of ptace, which are no tec-1 live* were loat, bat aome of ihe men I t©-*a* chcerfoiiy * who had been a Uwjcr ami judge in R a »* eeiery to people* that lho*e who bare charge I w ho were seen thU evening were fteriol W -u» mil .k- •wwsll -.a* r .. .. ..." I aW-a a*--#afi.-t. , . |o y0 W aide clerk U employed the greater number of y r w v UU% Ta I kon» daring the year by nearly 53 per section of lh. rimyardU in fair .hips, and ^ u< , ® ut J, hj um(t hi 0K , 0 r a dhengh Michigan tasllta. out of oot w.y • d f ^ . ^.^hl, Ira. .alary wa den t mind re,leg that if a few hundred Qn ^ ^ btnd lh# w of . goterl)nient 'A* ST* “ 6 °, TtL ' a ' kra “ clerk U ® fall cqnivsirnt for th.rarvic. ran- ^ draued strictly for moral pnrpora w. will d „ ^ bl , eiU uicamonlh with »-. e nd them free gnU. into upper M.eblg.n. which never varier." When U oomea to fighting * k damnpble| B 9 A Watch Fr#e. Yon can get an improved Waterbary Watch I with a chain and the Wmni.T Tsunmapn one yesr tor $3. For particulars, see odrtr- methods" no man seeks aid from ns in vain. OrK«»kMl Chart*y. We cote wilh aitufaction that a move- ment is on foot in this eit, to organise sn | ‘ in toi.~U.n~* •saorialion for the purpose ot Improving tbe eondition of the poor and caricg for tie doing oirpenter work* and all tbe tool I 0 | g>VArnment ahoald ntcaro it to them I lhat certain of their corn tide* oitne down I be had v ah an ax. I took np borne preeenU I a l a undoes—any saorifl ?e that does not I ifl© rivet after oightfall aud were drowned, for sever*1»xtlee who haA te © Q ©* •** ce 1 touch the honor or the security of the coun-1 A Urge number landed above Btoney Point, I Co the Jeannette party, hut had to obtain I |yy. H conolnrion, General Boelmger I others a®* the 8i&d Caroh. On* man, the permiaMoa of the Governor before 11 greeted thoee preecnta* rtpreiwntiog Preuoh I named Haley, waa teen struggling in the conld deliver th»m. I vg ]or t eomponnded of chivtolroa* generosity | water, and it ia feared he wae not able to A P«r»ouA! application. | and gay, carel®-** * ... - * * 1 ” *“ the speaker, a» otbtrN. rEttSA* ESBXCBlt t30S Pm&i Avtout, Lt. r ECZEM 4. ^ 1 kave ■nffp-f J from Silt B team for i »r*lHi* he ointo, '•which," a»U I No one know* where he llrre, to J •jKsc^h-eehS- * •, ‘‘will be the stamp of onr I « » »mpo>fcible to invcetigate. Edward.I coriand foarb ail-« iuooIvodI bam•atir«:. f | liu>t aud -"My deer, that ia elocg motto G*u’i*h race aa long a* Prance shall be— Inland, of the life airing erew, came near “• ® f ^ d, ‘\* f u l yon ere woiktcg.” Wife— "Yee, John.** 1 that ia to say, a* long as the world *hali I Icalng hi* life in reeoaing other*. Nearly I mu. jouk THllu Wilts limine fishermen lost tbeir flogs aud | CUTICUKA RBMRDII » The FlrewAu** Aaoiiloeal UUh. dratltotoT M sn o'rgsnl.tUon toonld I hu mnUed ftom „ have been tffeeted long ago. I , (mp | to CQ , aD electric wire daring the In all eommnnlUcs, and Macon is not sn | progress of a fire In Naw York, the victim sieep'.ion to the role, toe work of relieving this time having bran sn experienced line- u Imnadol hv two cliaxts' First. “®“ to 'bs employ of sn elect no light ram- the need, is Impeded b, two cuss . . , { |nc ^ geeld e nU occur to experts toes# who are able and who are n»w ulln 8 , n practical electricity, what conld be ex- to give, and secondly, by a class ot profes-1 pected to happen to s' fireman eager only to slonal beggars who make all sorts of ap-1 clear away all obitnieUons and do the work _ to th»-ir ebarxeter, n<* •-»iitie*, eto. I Bzxd a .veru.semriit headed A >\ \ a \ r rnminv ont; U some ceutr J agency oan be supplied, I Free," elsewhere in thU iaxn* He reads on It: ‘-While the lamp hell* out] exist 1 to burn, the vilest sinner mi, retnrn." “ta it to be hnog in th* vestlbnle of tbe church, my drat ? ’ ‘ No, John; I'll bang it on tho ehanielier in ihr hall." “Rorcil ON PILES." ■ 'Why suffer Piles? Immctlinto relief ana cotnpfetccure guaranteed. Ask for "Hough on Piles." Sure cure for itching, protrud ing, bleeding, or any form of Piles. 80c. Druggist* or mail. E. P. Wells, Jersey City. ■ 9I1N, "IISrwBMjt What jou’(raid s*t What mat aa jrou tbaka and -Ubhaer • Lvw, ob Ik, 1m got d* him Atd soldo tr plcllbhwr.** '•Wiropkkbkr? foapty. I dots’! UOW wbffii JiAX ttaaffius; But yoa caw cum your a*uo By Uklo« Mamti’a BlU bwna. “ bit* a bottte; do«i*i |«y mirot sledge* Are sold bj oil rftuidalr Ptlcss CnUra'a ft Would Marry No On. no, Rebar.I ^.®»gi1 A young couple called upon tbe Rev. o-Bd lor “Howto I M—iwalt* it Sylvanns Stall, of Ltnctater, Pa, list Sat- liKA t I T1 ,' Y *k® Oomplsslao a urda, to bo matritd. While the ceremony | < “ !n « 1UCalte ra ®°* p - l CAN’T ltltKATIIX-- YoaM *et dem at da dram u’a ator,.* tbs tuo't rcobotblcal aud baat lelusdy for a*u«. as eebta yrr bi t Is Pare a aud Stall ItuoDy Nerdrd. Wells? “IlealiU ltcncwer" restores health ' New Toeb Wcrld. & vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Men tal and NervoaslX-liiliiy. For Weak Men, Delicate Women, Rickety children. (L weli.v tt v i it itALxaar. If gray, restores to origtnalcolor. An elo- . teiremony I wss in progress and the man bad said tbe | important "Yea’’ the minister detected the odor of liqnor. He immediately stopped and told Ute expeelent groom he would have to ask him another qaes-.ion: Usd be bran drinking? Tho m m st first denied, bat finally confessed tost he had taken one Cheat False, Nnwbseoa fCfl Harkto, Ooc,* Aitbma. T ~ I /id V IsdaasutUHi nlieved lo < ■ * ’w s h r lbs Cniknra ai il l - , .... I Zotbtow libs It. At dm..’ i - - Potwr Dni<aud CbesiicdO*- J oat wbat Francs wants to go to war for I ala-a. Tlte minister declin .1 to env-od I __ ,a “‘ T ‘7® , «;- Ff-’mth®firatof January with the ceremony, stating that haR^Hd (JjaL^j^^iw^. «***>-■ to the end ot June, 1846, there were on., a resolution never to marry a man who wm pilea to mo tor asmtautia'ioa da b»u® * Mrtos than death* in Pari* Ia in any wa, nndcr the influence of honor •"P**® 10 *•»•*». “< ertax* ot BUa-m re® s. Lyon* Bordeaux, Tonlonee and The situation wu embarrassing to all par-1 i.h it sen* ^ pLfrVnd2* co “ : ',u , i 1 bntlh ®s r, * ch ‘ r p®^. esJSmrito^ftVsfu^ of birth* Peeoesnd matrimony retarned the boons* and the pari its went I P®'? ®> tala oSt^o on se baton ua dr* k- , hair coming ont; strengthen* cleanse* *r® "hat Prance need* not war and widow- elsewhere in search of some one to nerform M iJ cb - ®>»- ! heals scalp, eradicates dandruff. Wo. hood. I the msrriage oeremonyl 1 \ SrefiTS “ 7 h *° 1 ° acUllJ '