The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 08, 1887, Image 6

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THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1887.—TWELVE ?AGES/ 7f>K TELEGRAPH,I HU II ITUl DAT t* ,TE« TUX AXD WIlXll BT TUB Ictnrb And Messenger Publishing Co., or Mnlbarry Street, Macon, Os. Clerli* for Congresrinro. A committea of tbe House has reported in | An Old Whig lVho Cannot be Resurrected. Just now while the Philadelphia Record favor of allowing such Congressmen os are I and some KewnanvilUans in this State are not chairmen of oommittees to be allowed threatening to rob the old Whig graveyard erks. I it may be interesting to hear from a lively Senators have already been provided with I Whig of the ancient time. Zeb Tance was these conveniences. As the Tiliobapb one of that grand old organization. In XU Diliy U dsilvered by curler. In the city or I favored the motion when made in the Sen- North Carolina he is considered to have ■ Illsd portage tree to subscribers. for »1 per ate, it also indorses this one. Not on one been many, a whole team, as it were. Re- talk, aa.60 cr three months, 20 for six months, 0 f t he grounds presented, that Southern cently he hai been indulging in memories SICsyou. Congressmen are poor and cannot afford ;to of the past at a terrapin dinner in Haiti- Tss Kant ts muled to P?* 1 *** hire clerks, bnt on the broader ground that more. He gave in the hand of fellowship ^fgMsjmat*adverUsementTwill be taken for the this government is able and should afford to the Democracy and added: y St 21 per sonar, of 10 lines or less for the all facilities to the Representatives toattend “I was not always of this opinion. I was e>.,< insertion, and 60 cents for aaeh subsequent In- promptly and properly to the business of I once a Whig—one of those who believe in __ ■ a sl. iVaaVls s4 fas atsii i n aarii fib. I. las l, s* s ■ n 9. • *n.;on, and for tbe Weekly at $1 for each Insertion. ^ i dlest of deaths, funerals, marrlagee and blrtbe, I OAR WINDOW STUDIES. Reflections From Without anil Within—A Staff Correspondent Southward Hound. Ordinarily, a railway dash at 6:45 a. m. is attended by a delightful sense of exhila ration and some little feeling of triumph. After all, one is apt to think early rising has its charms. The fresh oool air, the hurrying workmen upon the street, the brisk pace of well rested horses seem to mark the first hoars of day with a peculiar charm, if you are not need to them, and usually a rash resolution to adopt early rising as a habit brings np the rear of this train of thought—to be forgotten before the day is past its zenith. Bnt this morning no such feeling went with me aboard tbe train. Tho day was foggy, the ground wet from the drooning rain heard in the last hoars *-e]teted communications will not be returned, owretpondence containing important nsws and I or indifferent, (M«f ill written upon bnt one eldeof tbe paper to ^ j ncreaa j n g. ten attention. Frmlttanoee ehonld be made by express, postal BOS. money order or registered letter. A Heats Bureau 17* J'-acbtree street £11 oimmnnloetlons eaou.u be ad drees ed to THE TELEGRAPH. Uaoon Os. i record well. It came from the Saragossa sea, np through the Gulf, along tho west coast of Florida, across the lower part of Georgia, and passed out below Savannah into the Atl&ntio. I think it was an Octo ber storm, and occurred eight or ten yeara ago. Two things impressed me in connec tion with this scene. There is a little run ty-ty swamp—thirty yards wide extend ing along the track of the cyclone. The oypress and the pines in this stand un harmed, hut on both sides every pine is down as far as the eye sees. Nay more; in one place the swamp sends out an arm one hundred yards to the right, crossing the wind track at right angles. The trees in this are un harmed. Before and behind it all are dawn. Why? The other is of no importance, being a mere conceit. Everything nearly may lie down with dignity, bnt a pine tree, recum bent, looks humiliated. I think it must be because it is so grand, upright, and because its roots always uproar a great mass of dirt, and this with its Hero at this station is an idyl. A teacher leans in the school honse doorway, and to one side of her two little darkies see-saw standing np. One goes into the air three feet from tbe end of her plonk, and return ing, fires her companion on equal distance. The white light casts a heavy shadow across the teacher's face. I cannot tell whether it be black or white. The day has worn away. The sun shines should pass, it ought to I upon the minority, burning their home* I onl^thoughte ihen ritttng tr ** CM^ah^ows^afhave no end. We provision, under which and devastating their fields. I then doubt-1 dovr of a rushing train, jt matters not what \ look Ib^StthanaMimffe™! pages, doorkeepers, ed the right of _ r „ t blacking bis boots on a Sunday morning It is not necessary to stop to inquire if and blowing his nose like a trumpet in a of sleep, and the few gapy passengers were tbe measures before Congress are good, bad red bandana handkerchief. I continued to tand^croach^d down "fito thrir Beato“and , the fact stands that the buai- be a Whig nntil I could be ooe no longer u, the fi ra t hoar glide away g-i nutans of living topics is solicited, bnt muet be ne88 has grown to enormous proportions without breaking burglariously into a luna- through first honr glide the chill and tio asylum. fLaughter 1 I saw and fog. Bnt after awhile a more cornier- * k o J I rvvmrj nnnn no rPKiAria ia c No matter how rioh a representative may the practical effect of the old doctrine of I JnljJen^rigbtMMT^faireHight There is a upon tho be ho cannot personally attend to the pub-1 Daniel Webster, that the constitution was I barren fields, and a little patch of bine lie business and tbe demands made upon not a compact between tbe States, bnt an looks down throngh tho vanishing mists, and gives promise of better times to come. The streteny feeling begins to wear off and him by hia constituents. His oonstitn- emanation from the people at large. I _ , «»ts have no right to ask of him to spend found that this doctrine, while it would j,™'Emi lm riStatandless fre- , ..... ■bonifl be made pm. bis own mopey to attend to their business, do well enough in peaoe, would not do in quent, and when at Fort Valley we sit down ' . ' ' HO.Hu«n Kuki He should be given all the aid necessary, war. I had believed in the Weheterian doc- to a good breakfast, mattere had mended to . and should then be held to a proper respon- trine once, bnt I changed my mind when I fbis extent that we are willing to admit that camp.*,. Unity. The expenditure for these clerkssaw ,he majority of the States-larger in circumstances, “ .S . I— bill Advocate says: contain _ Xhl. m..Un, at th. Academy of Mtuto tray to ^ oIerk , ghoaM Kt regarded M the formal opening of ft campaign in I , , Kaoon in favor of prohibition, and It waeln.many messengers, etc., thereby relieving the to coerce another part, respects auspicious. I House of an army of useless officials. In I then they were removed when Stemi„„ frnTYi an r«nwetahls a sonree wo this way the contingent expenses of tho age of American politics came, 5 —AAV A A UOIUO. * IUOU UUUUIT UUW OI U rUSUlu^ WU1U, lb XllUl’.eiB UOl WllttV I yp. {_ ‘t M .l-_ l_ rt V ol.rvrst At*« nassan mam one portion of the country be the f«tswitbont. Th«a m. .ugg*Ure “ 0 B h b “ J t 8 b im Ie h ler part. If I had any doubt. Teefe u^fhta ehrekfa^ tU stimuli ^ that reptilian o£ mot i 0 n. These bring their attendant ^e roadside, with their stdl watera, i, called the fanoies, whole troops of them, from—no H*® Itis their moral, personal and legal right hardly favor tho bilU Non. of these clerks b »^ of the Federal * govern- UK.t““ to do so. It is only a queation of time I should bo permitted to become newspaper I men ‘> «• “ke what little treasure had been I B£r j n „ together the thoughts of one man the honr, for the shadows deepen and night comes on. In the distance a tuft of flamo I correspondents. left ns. I felt that if Hamilton could have SIE.7 What B chain Of nvi appears in the woodland, and another and when tbe attack shall begin. Now with this, in advance of The hold that the free traders now have dono a°i be would have turned over in his any excitement or feeling that may I on the House, is in a great measure due to I Rfave and said: “Jeff, I beg your pardon, follow the campaign, it may not be in- their corps of clerks who ars newspaper I Daring all tho period whloh followed the opportune to express the wish that Macon | correspondents. No newspaper should have I reconstruction not there was heard every „ — — The blaze ot the hatchet and the shall not witnoss the tactics employed a correspondent at Washington, who is not now j »nd thon some small voice which ihrt' wSn^'mtoo to h^nm-°and blaz8 of tho f 018 * 4 flro is saddening all In Atlanta. The issne should be kept free able to pay for the privilege. Oor- pleaded for constitational law, and that t[i[U toQ j. m n()t ta _ t0 8 tring 8 them all. 8ont b Georgia. But in this scene there is a from local politics, and there should be no I respondents whose bread ana voice was always a Democratic voice. ’ ’ _—1 I "uggeslionthat destroys melancholy. The .nch .Ug. play a. putUng a genteel little meat depend upon the success Finally Jere Black fired off hi. Rendons ~ IhehSndfjs.IndTheyre^^toras^tho girl droHHod in ragi on a pnblio stage to of aome individnal or ayndicate, will not I First a township was carried, then a I jj ea jj sm B eem to trnst itself far; it I eye can follow. A camp it seems, and as sing. Nor shonld the yonng men of the send out proper and reliable news. Tbe I c44 J, *ben a State, and finally the whole I m0B t ba yo attractions before it condescend- I the rushing train moves, in the tree trunks 1 1 •— *- ■ --* *• to act; and realism is BtrangclyoonVenUonal I see the shadowy forms of warriors darling — here and there as they stir the chunks and _ _ cook the evening meal. And so half high, with four littte'old fleld’pinea standing I dreaming, T r* on, and suddenly the in'it and a pool of black water in front—mel-1 lamps, and its «ta% and the life of Jaok- an'cboly imbuod with shape and being. No sonville break upon ms, and the day is one would ever think of painting snoh a | done. H. 8. E. scene I am afraid. It melancholy were aimed at, the artist would have secured a dead j.laoe be induoed to exhibit themselves as country is daily deluged with false and I country became aroused and.secured to us to act; and realism is strangely conventional iemperanoe orators in the oarly part of the trashy matter wired 4r written from Wash- a 1 oration ot onr ancient rights." after alb ^ ^bore goes^a Uttle scene flitUng evening, only to be trundled home in wheel- ington to various journals Ihtonghout the barrows at a later season. I country by men whose pay in whole or in There should be no ooddling, feasting part depends on one or tbo other branch of •nd bedecking of negroes by the ladies of I Congress, the city; bnt the issue should be met and In this common people may read how oonlested as between earnest and reasonable that a fellow, who has pushed his way people, I to Congress with scarcely brains sufficient But why precipitate the contest? Tro-j to keep from failing in the fire, is speedily bibition has been attempted in bnt I blown np into the shape of one of the most ono town of any considerable size in | useful, accomplished, able and eloqnent the Booth—Atlanta. Does any dejlre a reprodnetion of tho soenes 1 provision we should be pleased to see the daily enacted there? Shall the jng train I bill pass. It wonld provide a place for SHREDS AND PATCHES. Th. wares roll hack on tho deeolat* eh ore, The ships return from over the sea. And the child returns to its (ether's door. And the cattle wind home from tho lev The leaves return with the spring time bloom, And tho light returns with the day— Bnt the oaeh th.candidate spent on hit boom Is gone forever and aye! —Lynn Union. Fallacies About Food. trie and stretched its limb's against a sombre I donnudet Iteocnetrnctton. or dull grav akv. If it was to be “rural” he 1. That there is any nutriment in beef wonld paint l'eaves on It in gaudy colors, I ^ Thero “ on « run a stream underneath and add cows or I J*bato ver - <!• That gelatine is nutritious, a boy on boraeback-the horse drinking 1‘vrill not keep a eat aUve. Beef tea and luiusoxui, nwuiiipiuDuou, 00,0 Dim cajuriai Mr. Holbrook has written a book tolling *'How to 1 water. Perhaps there wonld be two boys I gemon*, however, possesses acertain repar- one publicist* in the conuntry. With this ‘ir«nBthen the memory." H* o“l»* «■. meet pop- on the horse and a dog barking at the eows. “‘‘va pow«, we know not what. J. Abut D«— 1 ... bold Ular method: by tying a.trlng about theforefloger. To make a summer picture, he would “ «M!« —St. Alban* Ailvertlaer. iacludo Macon, and are we to have the decayed and defeated Congressmen, and I Wh,D w “ *°ld *>7 ber uncle Oeoige, the 1 0 j 0ui i rolling up in the distance, agwio liower and the tiger blind of both thus relieve the eleemosynary In.titutions I nLT. 1 ’on wonM“t n “w‘«>° I J eU! » nmm D ef count™ bccoc' eye* from an over-indulgence in domeetio I of the conntry. Republics shonld not he I m e to be eneh a tease at that!"—Boston Tranacrlpt show a wagon in tbe distance, and ‘bat every riok person can eat eggs. Many, a man pitching hay on tho wagon and a especially those of nervous or bilious tern- • - ••• • - • noe Dear I peraments, can not eat them, and to such ever see | eggs are injurious. 4. That, because milk naint-1 ' 3 80 important article of food, it must be * I lurnn a nhilanf Voml itinf a nannn wine? ungratcfaL summer country ed, that didn’t have Th. Tenner ..n.raiinn of Am.rte.m to a.* -J on, or sleek horses, or a man with a fork ot cannot endure will not cure. 5. That ar- Tho younger generation of Americans to-day, is ? Did anvono over boo a oiotnro of nr-1 row root is nutritions. It is simply starch i Redaction of TaxattonUarlngtiieBeulon 1 they read tha long llatof pensions grontad .ach 1 ejiopjnV, ( n£o action that the man | and water, useful as a restorative, quickly It UmltUkely that there will bo any re- M "* T,r *“* °f th. mMuld- on the wheel home wa. not falling forward, prepared. G That cheese i. injurious in 1 cent proportion, of the Union Army.—Boston trav-1 helplesely? Or cavalry, that one man was »“«“«*• }*■ 1 I *. “ » »wl«, contra-indicated, not falling baokwards from his saddle, hie being uauiUly indigestible, but it ia ooncen- sabre droDDina from hU nerveloss hand? I 4t »l« d nutriment, and a waste repairer, and If we are to oredit concurrent testimony I NoKw i 0c ti O no f TaxatlonUnrlngtheBeulon they readthelong llatof renalons granted each prohibition has been a benefit in mote ways 'I'rA°tUnLTd”L 0 HtoThfeffe“t*“ thM I t«.UoTd7rtoi toepr«a'n7.«- town. Senator Colouitt cells upon the “' on > now bmlted to less than n short I jfumchnietU le to have a new oolloge that will I sabre dropping from hia nerveless hand? I tmted nntrlment, and a was to repairer, ai . . . „„|.|/| 1,1.1 . , month. Mr. Speaker Carlisle predicted rtrll Harvard. Some ot the beat football players Or a soocoast scene without an old hulk ly. often craved. 7. That the erartngs of Atota. ‘be assembling of Congress. It is | in th. country hare already b«n.»g,g.d. and | log inebore^nd a .^disappearing In the | jg* 5*J**j*£ l *ji erahle more quitt, hold, that it bn. injured th.i place. | “ “^“““c'ha^*t. Drown has property, Colquitt baa not. Gan a fair trial be bad in six months, or even two years, especially in the face of open and powerful opposition? „ . „ , , .. I tins at mo nssomuiing oi uongress. 11 is i in me conniry naro aireaoy neon ongagee, ana mg uuuuxo n uu >u . - - - • _ . . . Senator Brown, who haa consid- in cnntrnl Other plaeoi In the faculty will be ft Had aa quickly distance? Did anybody ever see a picture f be B ‘ 0 “J®b often needs, craves for, and ire judgment than Senator Got- P i“ n th *‘ ‘ b \ f ' e “ I » der * l “~ ntro1 „^lbta -PhlUdrtphiaJreer of. deserted cottonfleld with its innnmera- digest, article, not laid down in any diet- |of theHousedonot deelre any^legtilatlon I “P 0 ""’'* i nuau.ipma crew. I hl„ dead .talks, and the winter sky cupping I ^7- Such are, for example, fruit, pickles, such a character. Dlner-"Here, l thought you said this was lob- j t M w i £ h a transparent oover of pale gray- cake, ham or baeon with fat, cheese, It is their capital in trade to organize and croquette-” Walter-"! beg pardon, I thought b l ue ? when photography learns to deal in butter and milk. 8. That an inflexible .in. , tt ... .. (. , 1 it was; Z eee that I made a mlxtako. I gneee R la I colors, realiam will toll a broader truth than | d ‘®‘ m,i y be marked out which thall apply mtrol the next House with 1U rich patron- pmer-.iso, it un't .w.eiVread; if. now. U.ever, case. Choice of a given fist control I age. Mr, Morrison, no matter whot may I , 0 qib hind ot meat." Boston Transcript, be bis weaknesses, is a fighter on open I of articles allowable in a given oue But, as Mr. Howells would say, we are most bo decided by the opinion of the Would it not be far more judiolons in our . tI . „ t .»«.ait» 11 u>ok * 3 “ worlh t° hnry tha last I nlsb iDc on “into tho candor ot a summer stomach. The stomach is right, and the- 1 i nhibition friends to dm their resonrees to | , u , ,![ vm I " h .° 41 ! d Vorh. Whan somsbody | day whtoh has no reserves,” and I feel | ory wrong. and ths jndgmyt admits no ap- , - 1 nounced his opposition to the bill of Mr. I U kad Douglas Jarrold fora atipanca to bury a I af/eah tbo warm south wind in my face. I peal. A diet which would keeps healthy lrojp it on Atlanta, where they have it for ltlln daU which propoees to take off sixty bailiff. Jarrold replied: “Ban's a shilling: Ti vn vaam in amaf ♦ o ntaka a IhATAiinii fr I ' * * ... _ .... ... ... five yean in order to make a thorough test, than to waste time, money and strength in a doubtful contest in Bibb? millions of dollars from tho burdens of the people. _ . , He has begged bis friends and followera F.ithapt if Atlanta got. a big prohibition t to ^ tohla mortification b, the sup- b icm, other places may on. W. m ^ U ^ aot b. wp - IlitAv nnfc IhoiM amyrysutfInna in all lrirwin«haa I * throw oat thene suggeations lu all kindm •n.l sinoerily. | ported. The reliable correspondent of ths New two!" The moral Is obrlona Boston Herald. Editos Dobsbbimbk ia sounding an alarm Orleane Picayune at Washington write, to with hie editorial gong. He aaye: “Speaker I that journal as follows Oarlide, Colonel Morrison and Mr. Randall, “Mr. Rindail expresses to me to-night this is tho day for you to join hands in do- ‘he opinion that he could in the committee ittg something to redeem the pledges end I °f the whole suooeed in getting the Honse save tho honor of the Democratic party, to ooneider hie general bill. He regards, If tax rodnotlon mast fail, let the odinm I however, s special bill to repeal the tobacco rent on tho Republican Senate. But we be- U* »» one sure to succeed b, a very large liero that tbe Senate will not dare to paaa vote, and, left to himself, he wonld prefer any reasonable measure adopted by the I bringing forward this single proposition. House of Representatives.” A little while “There would be great difficult, in pass- hinco and be was anxious for Mr. Morrison, ing »‘ ible session any bill embracing a assisted by Mr. Carlisle, to read Mr. Ren- nomber of details, dallontofthe party. The indications are “It ia not Impossible that some of the that the party ia likely to move on and I more extreme free traders may favor a re leave Mr. Carlisle oat where Mr. Morrison peal of the tobacco tax u an isolated propa- ir. There will never be any tree trade, and aition. T think the south wind,” says Chari-s man heslthy might kill a sick msn; and Dudley Warner, “ia the wind of memory diet sufficient to sustain a sick man would . and of loncioa." Here are two thoughts 11 not keep a well man alive. Increased quan- One of tbo most vociferous tblnsa In this wotU I |tr j nR W Rh mine from thia idle day to help | tity of food, especially of liquids, dors not la an emvlj lulpiu Lour before tbe people that 1 oa ] crai might as well bo called a I mean increased nutriment, rather decrease, ■U la front of It bear Ha demand. mlntaUre bun- j BUmmer we ue wishing headlong to I since the digestion ia overtaxed and week- dredi of mllee away areinre that tbej have beard DH| (he northward moving summer, and I cnod. Strive to givo tho food in os concern a call for tbeu to come and occopj It -SprlngSeld ^ south wind is her breath. I shut my tinted a form at possible. Consult the px- "nion. ___ I eyes and seem to see the painted bntterfiy, I tient’a stomach in preference to his tastes, Onaatlwbohaa been •lecantfjaerved with almost! hear tha mocking bird’s song and gather and If the stomach rrjreta a certain article notktB])—Now waiter, that 1 bareitrenled tbrooih the perfume of roses. It Is, indeed, the | do not force IL eleven coatees of eat (lata, silver and air, I begin wind of memory and longing. Onl onl onl lianhdiviUe, Montezuma, Bocb«i.r H.rMd. 4 ,u ^ pWn a Americas, SmithvUle, Albany, and many a A young ladj Ttd-Blla. First lady—Yes. I bare trio2 three different sew- .. lad, and a small boy entered smiling little village glide back I street car on Lake a venue yesterday after in the white light and are I noon. Ths lady deposited her fere and the mg mtcblaes In the past six months. Second lad; I goon no more. I am impreeaed I boy’s, and the bell rang. “Aunt Ella,” said —What pasta these sewing machine sgsrts -re, I with tho happy faces seen everywhere, and I tho boy, “what mikes the bell ring?” “The ain't tho;? First lad;—Pester Wb;. if it wa-n't I the number of LeOonte pear trees. I am I driver rings ths bell,” was tho reply, for them 1 should bare had to bn; a machine ten hardly ont of eight of a LeConte pear tree “What does he do that for ?’’ “Why, b< years ego! A man In Minnesota who bad been struck b; —f* .rr* W ™ JT I » •»«« to my thoughts “ThUU a great I minute. Presently th. bo, ^d country for fruit,” he “bnt they are that round thing up there?” “1 Hto .k ri *?^ W t?^! ,T S ? tt,pri ^ ,b,h ^k . ?' “ 0 ‘pbmtiDg it fait enough." What aooun- register." “What is that for?” “Toregia- as the; thought from hte^former^ escapes that be | ^ f gr j 6nct8 i £ ig, and how queer they I ter the fare,” “You said the ringregis- look, fences to right of us, fenoes to left of | toted the fare." “No; I didn’t say that.” "Yes, you did, Aunt Ella.” “Now, Johnny, the taxes cannot be reduced in the face of | present and prospective expenditures. One of tbe ablest of this coterie declared to me last night that be regarded the istcnce of a anvplnato be so greats nuisance Tna boom haa got loos, and is running tbat he wouUJ( ln ota#r to re a U ce it, either around lively. There’s talk of Atlanta bav- , he uriff ot the tobacco tax, ai- ing a baseball club with the money of other , hoD8h be did not W8nt do „ ay wlth folks, and the Augusta Chronicle ‘bua inlern8lreTenneUle8- aoanda the alarm of the approach of the <*The friends of the abolition of tho la thing in that latitude: "Last nights meet-1 ( 8nu j revenue taxes complain very much ing wa. held privately. It is not, however, o( tbe oppod i i!)n o{ Secretary Manning and tho intention of tbo committee to keep any- Ul8 Commiseloner of Iuternei Revenue ” thing from thepubUc. Ite objecte, we are And wiUl expreesion free trade, informed, were to create harmony in our reform> revenue reform and reduction oommnnity amongst all elawa of busineea, I o£ uxmion will be curled over to th. for the general good, and to give confidence FifUeth Congress. There is scarcely Urns sufficient to perfect the appropriation bills end necessary legislation. to all in tbe adminiitration of public af faire.” "Pin paff. ponff, term, pan, pouts. ■ is sals mol, Ls Ovustate Boum " i Or the coon to auceeed Matthewa the A Okoboia Democrat chronidea in the New York World eaya: “Peter H. Clarke, Maeon Teucobafu that he often hear* inch ot Cincinnati, will no doubt be the person expreesion. as theae: “I’ve done m, hut I selected in the event the President dees not yelling for e Democrat," and “I don’t see change an opinion expnaaed by him some that we are a whit better off than before.” day. ego with reference to giving the office If yon were to have half your counties un-1 to a colored min. Clarke ia e professor of der negro rule as they were fifteen yean ago one of the prominent colored inetitationa in you would see whether you ere any bettor Ohio, standi well with hia race and ia gen- off than before,—Mobile Register. In just- orally respected by the white people, He toe to our correspondent referred to, it may has not been e Democrat a gnat while, be replied that the nigger and bis friends, having deserted the Republican party in the seelawtgs and carpetbaggers, bad all 11861, whan ha came out with a strong cam- been disarmed before the advent of the | paign letter favoring the election of Clere- Cleveland administration. alldayiong. What is to become of this vast does it to register the fere.’’ “What does lumber section we have entered when its I he do that for?” “Because he has to.” timber is gone? Some one seems to speak I “Oh." Then there was a silence for half an anawer to my thoughts. "This is a great minute. Presently the boy laid: “What ia country for fruit,” he aays, “hut they are I that round thing up there?” “That is tha NO LONGER SLAVES. Colored Men Protest Against Mr. m tbe wa’s Rejection, **’ WAsnraoTos, January 31.-A commit**, of prominent colored men are prenarir,-, full account of the Matthews casefcM: * tribution among tha oolored people of tv conntry. It is to be printed in' pamp^! form and will contain a plain, concire .,*! truthful record of all interviews had prominent Republican Senators in tha «... ter. It is said it will show concln»iv£ from the lips of theso Senators that tW was nothing against Matthews’s chatretel or ability; that there were no charml against him; that the fact of non-resident did not enter into tho matter; that the oK. jection was that ho was a colored Demo orat, and that it would ho dangerous to e oonrage colored Democrats. Fifty thonsand copies are to be diatrih. uted in the most circumspect manner A prominent ex-colored Republican offl gives it the appearance of lying cial Baid to-night; feet higher than its bead. “We are getting tired of this sort of no. i litical servitude. We are weary of hems kicked and cuffed. We are free men aJ propose to assert onr rights. We have been too often betrayed. We asked for Mr. thews' confirmation not on political ground*, bnt becanse he was a colored man, and iS 1 appointment by a Demoeratio President 1 wonld prevent our being any longer a bona I of political contention and wipe ont tha I color line in politioa. We believe p te8 :, I dent Cleveland Intended to do this. W ha I lieve in his honesty and sincerity. We an. I pealed to those whom we thought onr I friends. They told us wo were degisdintl ourselves as Republicans in asking forth,I confirmation of a negro Democrat. We an I appealing now to tbo President I “The pamplet will contain all the inter-1 views of prominent colored men in differ! I ent parts of the country and all extract! I from the colored press. We are doing thj|| at our own expense. We have not forgottal the treatment Finchback • reoeived, and vt| do not propose to accept such treatment! again from the party of whioh we formed| the only loya! element in the lime n f it, prosperity. This fight has only just com monced. It is the young colored men < the country who ara mostly interested.” Sam Jonos In Boston. Boston Travel ler, January 20. When Mr. Jones, the Georgia revivsL, opened his meetings in Boston tho Trait! ler ventured tho prediction that he would snit hia discourses to his hcarors. As 4 man of good judgment, wishing make his mission a successful one, L wonld naturally do this, after the examp! of the greatest of the misslonariee of 1 cross, St Panl, The prediction has be verified. He has indulged in plain talk, t Bostonians can stand the truth presented 3 strong language, when the speaker girt each evidence of sincerity us Mr. Jones hi done. ' Those who hear him once wish t hear him again, and his plain presentetioj of the Gospel has disarmed much of t 1 irejndioe which wonld have prevented 1 ; rom holding meetings here. He has al: brought home to many lukewarm pri ors the consciousness of neglect of deli and there seems to be in many of churches that true revival which prece and prepares the way for conversions. Otl| tgonoies ore also at work, and sines t week of prayer more than tho usual am her of evangelical chnrchcs are boldingnc meetings that give evidence of a devoti spirit, and in many of them oonveri are expected. Cholera In Sooth America. Bio News. December 21th. Unhappily the cholera reports fromtl Argentine Republio continue to be verj a favorable, and the danger is now greal than ever before. In Buenos Ayrei tl epidemic seems to be partially under ea trol, though the reports from that city t very conflicting. Some one there is ad a great deal of unneceeiary lying. Tbe d vate and official telegrams rarely ever s as to the number of cues. T private sources wo learn that Hague has not done much dst n the better portions ot the city, I has been confined almost excluiid to the poorer quitters where little I tention is paid to cleanliness. In RtmI also, there hai been a decided decree-:! the reported number ot deaths from c| era. The disease, however, baa been ifrt fug rapidly throughout the interior, tl Tucuman in the north to Mendoza it 1 week In the last named place a frighft cpidomio appears to be raging, and no f seems to know just how many dealt* I occulting. In addition to this Ilia Bif n minister in Buenos Ayres telegrq] n the 21st that four cuts were repor romChli. Ia Montevideo there seecj be no new cases outside of the b asylum and the sanitary condition city is said to be excellent. Ratals Wants All tier Horn* St. PmasnuBo, February 3.—ThrJ eminent has forbidden the exportati-l horses from Russia. The French g°1 ment haa made large purchaaee of Btl oats for the use of the French eaveh?-| haa chartered a number of iteamentof them from Baltio porta to France. OUR LITTLE GRAKDC1IU Cleansed, Purified and Beautified Cnticara Remedies. a hay wag-1 forced upon a patient. Food that a person Ad IcquUIts Hoy. vfts dsstinsd to be bftofod—N. Y, Graphic. A hard-np looking man, who had accosted a cm-1 UJ, fenoes almost”in front of US while the •an on Canal street for ten cents, was answered I train rattles and thunders; snake fences, , . . with—"Use bare, didn’t ;on bit ma foe a dims onl, I horizontal plank fenoes, upright plank boy,” . "Well, that’, what you saii^ *a three days ■got” *•! belters 1 did, sir; but do ths 1 fences, ilab fenoes, picket fencea.brurii jtlenca of two minutes followed. It was i*t keep my expanses down to ^****°" ^ tb V bt * I shonU tho brakeman. "Say Aunt Ella, what mado you ■ I toll me that the ring fogii The T=lsc2ath’s ~>rrs«pondent at Ty-Ty | Urod the fare?” “Oh. I don’t know.” “You very beet I can X can't keep my espenera Ism than threo and one third cents per dsy. dims Is all gone.”—Wail niresi S««.. : The T=LSC2APH * ~>rr«SDOn A CtnelnnaU speculator went over Into Kentucky is tbe moat indefatigable, hard-working, to take. look at an .11 spring which a farmer phtaa-taking correspondent that any Mwa- clalmsd to have dtecresred .. hte tend. Bu „ | p.^.r U. * .tend, tejday^without few hundred inhabitants, and is in the piny woods, world. Yet it is -IAPH fails to enough, the surface of ths water was covered with . . oil, sad oil could be triced along a crash far a mite, ••Well, what do you think!" , 1 u.rtte lh. f«m.r af- off f ^ h ^ Q , ter a long Investigation. "Why. I thlnh you hare ' seldom that the Txuo nred about thres terrete of p.treteum mound co ^ vey t0 lu refers new. from Ty-Ty, bare,” replied ths capitalist. "Humph. That shows QeW( rejected; facts of in- how awful Sharp yon ore! I didn't nan bnt ono and terest. Often in the lonely nights when I a hall."—WaU direst News, I need (o edit (he TxuuiBarn's news depart- Why anybody onxht lo know that It’s tho short me,l ‘ 1 wottld fl“ d corralpondsn00 scarce. • .1.. . It had been a dull da; in Atlanta, had haul that costs ths most Ton see 1 am sluing In “ “‘r* . i> X.I.. mu.. . Urn tdmd in Savannah, twai the day after 2TS2 the clrcM io Auguste, and in OoluUus a card to a frisnd in Orscon. Now. if X can gel that | a7Lwx*A th« nnhlU card to lbs mall car ms. lbs govern men cenL Thai If ths quarter to get ths porter to carry It to the piatal I ne ^ raUroad, a new church, ”.”•‘difficulty' car. That's the short haul. Then tho porter loses I gathered from the backwood, items picked It on hte wa; or forgets all about tt. That’s ths up along the line of its single railroad, a shrinkage. And there you hare the whole trout-1 negro sawed in half at the mill—something! portatioo In a nutshell. -Burdette. Most Excellent. /. t. Atkins, Chief' of Police, KnoivlUe, Tens* writes. "My family and 1 are besiedcteries of your moat excellent medicine. Dr. King’s new discover, for consumption; having found it to be all (hat you negro sawed in half at the mill—something! The Ty-Ty man never gets left I regret that hie name has escaped me. I went out upon the rear platform and pasted the of his labors with uncovered head. Nothing I have ever seen has struck me frtiStetewhSSnure*^TuJ^ted trZLX M mor * d rc“7 than the path of an old at, svsfjr opportunity." P | cyclon® when viewed in n pin® foreet I thinV thin path I® a mil® wide. Thou- atssd to curs Coughs. Col ls, bronchitis I butiAs nrvm ihoUHludj they lie. creel “tndTiu'r.*”tvS*botu2r(wl at tt trce tranks, limbs and verdure gone, oil t Lamar? Dreg stoc*. Larg. hue. SUM.' pointing northeast The cyclone wrote its did say so, didn’t you, AuulEU.;” “Yes, Johnny." “Then what made you say that you didn't eay it?” “I didn't say that I didn't say so; don’t bother me, Johnny.” After another brief silence the boy returned to the attack: “Say, Aunt Ella, did yon go to Snnday-achool when you was little?’’ "Yes, child, of course 1 did.” “Did you taka any prizes?" “Yet, lota of them." “Did you tell wrong stories as much then as you do now?” “Johnny, yon are a bad boy; I shall tell yonr mother.” “I wish yon would tell her two times; that's what I wish.’’ “Why, Jonny?” “’Cause you wouldn’t tell ths asms story two times; that would let me out” A gentleman in the other end of the car turned away hia face and giggled, and the young lady blushed violently. No Clue to tbo Jersey City Uarglare. Jxbsxt Cm, N. J., February 3.—No due haa been obtained by the police of the burg lars who attempted to rob the post-office. The safe, which withstood the attempts of the burglars to crack it was opened this morning, being taken apart piecemeal. The contents are badly smoked and blackened by powder. Among tbe papers and hooka there were 16,500 worth of postage stamps and 6100 in postal cards. They were rained. x! Haajroar child got ths erenpt Dt. 2. H. ’■ Tar Wise Lung ltelm ts a safe and offsc- t to take and rapid ta Ite me lt affords ms pleasure to gtre yon this i io cars ot onr little grandchild hr yonrO smadias. Whan six months old hte left h ran to swell and had arsry appearance of* boll. We poulticed it, but all to no About Are months after It became a renal ■oon other sons formed. Ht then had t*o* on each band, and aa bis blood bscsms n mors Impure It took Iras time for them < ont. A sore cams on tbs chin, beneath tti] Up, which waa very offensive. His heed ' ■oUd scab, disc bar slog a great deal. Tbli condition at twenty-two months old, wbssi] took lbs can of him. his mother barter d-*f be wsa a little mors then a year old. of f? tion (scrofula of conns). Ha could w*B'L but could not mors when in bed. harlot hi* bands. 1 Immediately commenced <W Cuilnuta Bcmcdlsr. »*••". the Cnticara *-* X ra Soap fre* ly. and when ha bad tales—J of Concurs Itasulraut, hte head »** t--| cured, and waa Improved in every way. vary much encouraged, and continued ts*J thsnmadtaofora yearand nhalf. One "I snot ter healed, a bony nutter formlof “■ thus Avs deep ones Just before he*. -| would Anally grow loess and ware taker e they would lire) rapidly. One of theeejl formations 1 preserved. After tehlngs*. half bottles ho wsa completely cored. *f; I at tbs sga of six years, a strong and r** -■ Ths scare on Ida hands most always bands ore strong, though we one* (sen* * never bo able to use thorn. AH that phr*J for him did him royood. Alla; * before using tho CnUcnre Remedies «* 1 chUd now consider It n wonderful rt"J above (sets are of any ns* to yon. yon ■"£T tonao thorn. MBS. K. B. MayP, 16M. 612 E. Clay St.. Tbs child was really las worse < ho appeared to hte grandmother, who, him ovary day, hr cams amasteasadite MAOOlEBOr* CUTICUKA. BKMED 1 * Ara sold everywhere, CaUcura, tbe •OcttU; CaUcara Boa®, a® «q«W» fisr. 25 cants; CaUcura Itesolvent. tM 1 Purtfler, fl.OJ. Prepared by lbs Po»w ChtmlcalOo.. Boston, Uni* head for “llow to Care Sklo 1 ITCHS&bJS&ES OR ! MY HACK. MY L Fate. Inflammation and »Sjj| k »te“ntehy £ S,U^«A»^|