The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 08, 1887, Image 8

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I THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. fCESDAl MORNING, FEBRUARY N 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. EXPEDITION ANNIHILATED. ANOTHER BLOODY TRAGEDY IN THE AFRICAN DkSflUTS. ~TIie Attempt by I’tllin and Al>j#»lnl*n Troop* to Kallav* Kttitl* Foil*— Three Gompanlea of Knropoan Troopa Kutlrrl/Cut Off. A HORRIBLE BUTCHERY. Roms, February 1.—Premier Depretis informed the Italian Chamber of Deputies to day that there had recently been Berere fighting in that part of the Soudan whose occupation was being attempted by Italy to understanding with England. He said this fighting had resulted in almost complete disaster. The Italian forces were engaged in conjunction with Abysainian troopa in the work of ettempting to relieve Kassala, which baa been besieged by hostile Arabs ever since the beginning of the Sondan war by the late El Uahdi. Going into details the Premier said the general commanding the Abyaainian troops, aeoompanied by a email Dumber ot Italian soldier*, attacked fiooti on January 2d, last, A hotly fought battle enaued. It lasted three boura, and the army of Uasasloula waa repulsed. The Italian loss was trifling and that of the Abysfeiniana waa unknown. The next day three companies of Italian troops left Hon. hullo to carry provisions to Booth The Abyssinians again made an attack and a desperate battle was waged. The Abys sinian* were defeated and the Italian troops were simply annihilated. This statement made a profound eDBa- tion in the chamber. Premier Depretis then added that the Ililion commander re called the troopa from the advance and con centrated them at Massowab. The Radi cals laughed ironically at this. The gov ernment now proposed a bill for an appro- F iliation of one million, with which to send tallan! In Mn.nnwnb. The ohamber at once approved the bill by an almoat unanimous vote. Borne Radicals having cheered aaroastioally an allusion to the valor of the Abyssinian troops, the whole house rose and cheered the govern ment. The Radicals cried out: ‘‘We must retire!” The majority rejoined with oriesof ‘‘never. ' Two nays Murdered and Their ltodle* Bidden In a Creek. A horrible story of human butchery wan brought into the city yeeterday by Mr. P. A. Bmitb, a farmer, and several othen from Jones county. It seems that on the old Henry Roberta place which ia located about two milt* north of Griawoldville, and four teen c.r fifteen miles from Maoon. and which ia now owned by Ur. Ed Horton, Jr., Uvea the Rivers and the Bivins families of negroes. 3everol years ago Taylor Bivins, well known throughout the section as one of the most desperate characters, was shot and killed by Green Rivers. It is said that Taylor ad vanced upon Green and told him that he was going to die. Green drew his pistol and said if Taylor advanced a step more be would pnll the trigger. Taylor threw open bis coat, and baring bis breast, told him to shoot, and at the same time made a step nearer Green, who pulled the trigger. The coroner's jnry cleared Green on the spot, and for a long time the people W6re sending np praise for the riddance. Green Rivers had two small half-brothers, Richard and Nan, aged twelve and ten re epeetively. They were sent out by their father, Charles Riven, on Saturday morn ing after ligbtwood. It was enstomary for them to go out into the woods and split off splinters from the old pine stumps. But when the afternoon came and the boys had not returned, there was much anxiety in the River's household. Bam Bivins, a seven, tesu-year-old son of Taylor Iiivins, who was killed, waa sent into the woods to look for the boye. In a short time he returned and reported that he was nnable to find them. By this time something wrong was suspected. Charles Rivers, the father, or ganised a party, and nightfall fonnd them searching the woods and calling the names of the missing boys. There was no re sponse save me screeching or hooting of the o«U from the swamps ueiuw. About I o’clock, when the party was about worn out with fatigne, the bodies were fonnd. Both bodies were lying in the shallow waters of a branch or creek. Richard was dead, his head having been crashed and OCR ROADS TO FLORIDA. How They Are -Going Ahead With Their Work—Th* Athens ISranch. Messrs. W. B. Sparks, H. J. Lamar, Jr., and W. \V. Collins left last night for New York in response to a telegram from Mr. Jeff Lane, who went on a few days ago. In reply to the question as to what was being done by his company, Mr. Sparks said yesterday that his mission to New York was to close some negotiations that bad been pending with some English capitalists. On hia return, which would be earl; next week, a large force of hands would be pnt to work, contracts for supplies let out, and the road bnilt as soon as possible. He felt oonfident, he said, that the real hard work of the road wonld begin within a week. The Covington and Macon extension will also be pushed forward. Col. Frobel re ceived a letter lest night from President Green saying that the road wonld now go on without delay. As to the upper portion of the road sufficient iron was now on the way to extend the track to Little river be yond Montioelio, in Morgan county. Every thing points to a large amount of work being done, and to the early completion of the line. The Banner-Watchman of Athens, has this concerning the road: Athens wig feverishly uneasy yesterday over the railroad situation. The Dews has reached this city that Colonel E. C. Machen, the inaugurator and backbone of the promoted railroad from this oity to Macon, is seriously ill end that there is but the slightest hope of his nltimate recovery. The question is, what effect will his death have on the railroad? This is cer tainly a serious conundrum, and one that it will be difficult to answer. If Col. Ma chen lives, wo feel no doubt but that he will carry the enterprise to a success. If he dies, it ia An undeniable fact that the main spoke in the wbe 1 is broken. We went down to Mayor Hodgson's place of business to asoertain if he could throw any light on the .object, bnt were informed that the mayor had left tor New York on Baturday evening, in response to a pressing telegram from Jndge W. B. Thomas, and his mission was to look into this very mat ter. He gave no information before he left save that he was called to New York at once .^?£nF'“l"Vofe , c^l GREAT SALE OF SILKs® In the . Simmons presiding, the following were disposed of: Eli Turner and Sam McBride, charged with borglary, pleaded guilty. Will Singleton, alias Ginger, was tried for burglary. It will be remembered that Gin ger was caught on a fence breaking into the windov of a reeidenoe on Walnut street. The jury brought in a verdic . of not guilty, and Ginger has the rnn of the streets once more. He was defended by Messrs. Blount and Duncan. Tom Hicks and Robert Knox, the two Birmingham negroes who weie charged with stealing tobacco from Messrs. S. B. 200 Pieces Desirable Styles. THESE GOODS MUST BE SOLE. Prices have been made so as to sell them on sight. Si]] separatelyr^ut n hoth fotiud^uiity'and ‘b^I « re now fashionableagain, and an opportunity is here tenced'to Twelvemonths 'tho“county I f-ented to secure an Elegant Silk Dress, for any season, at* cb The g ^ecfjim Robinson, ch.rged with trifling cost. Our Silk stock is immense, and we promise ti * ' ““ make sacrifices in order to sell the goods. No reasonab] cash offers refused. The goods must go; we need the rooi and the cash, SILKS FROM 20 CENTS TO SO CENTS] Worth from 50 cents to $1.25. No Humbug About Thin Advertisement Come, examine the Goods, and invest your spare cas Lyra »TU>~ I bail. 1 J OJftd ,a r?” L-vib l]-ht l»i J»«U« lad" 1 ? itisfieJ L yeH*' |o»‘« tdiu*t T*nd [be 6re intent to murder, «u set for to-mosrow. Ben Jones waa a capital fellow. But he waa ao confoundedly tallow 1 0 hat hia friend© all forsook him— Kven hia aweetbeart abe abook him, Which made poor Ben loudly follow. Now. Ben had a friend ntmed UcQneena, Who told him to take HtsUh'a Bile Beans, And now he’s as r jay as any pink poaey. And baa married a woman of means. Bile Beane will clear the complexion and sweeten the breath 25c. per bottle SIckuesM at tha College, The patrons of Wesleyan Female College in &acon and throughout the country will, be giad to know that with the exception of before the opportunity passes aw»y I New Goods Arriving Daily. Miss Taylor, whose reoent attack of scarlet fever h»B been mentioned, and who has suf ficiently reoovered to return to her home in a few days, there ia not a solitary case of sickness of any kind in the university. hetuhof the inmate's more caiefuUy looked I Particular attention is called to our new Torchons, Ham-| after or governed by stricter sanitary I burgs and other Laces recently arrived. hM^wonflerfu?heaitlfre*™rd, and i°n° the | ( Splendid line of Fancy White Goods will bo opened Monday. Call early and avoid the rush. Respectfully, I:- 1 V tenki fcnir - ,pli it* ||edi loot -rill lildii few instances of sjekness the cause was similar to the recent sickness. The young imi, t ame to Mauou aud euiered the college with the disease in her system. The young lady will return home the lat ter part of this week to remain nntil her convalescence is over. frightfully mntilated with sn axe. Nan was to see about the Macon and Athens road, not quite dead, though he was wholly nna-1 and could not tell when he wonld return. hie to speak or recognize anyone aronnd I We feel assured that if anything can be The city is to-night ia a high state of ex-1 him. Ia the stream near where the bodies I done to further the interest of Aihens in cUement, bordering on frenzy, over the I found was the axe, which had also this matter that Judge Thomas and Mayor news from the Soudan. THE DANGER OF WAR. Th* Drllllra ot German lloaervc*—Franeh- ra-n Stopped at the Prontlar. | been thrown in the water. The bodies Hodgson will do it. were taken up and carried to the house and I Wo next called on Mr. G. W. Baldwin, Dr. O. 0. Gibson sent for, but the boy was I who had seen Judge Thomas only a few beyond all hope of liviog. He died about 1 days since, on bis visit to New Fork. “Yes,” was Mr. Baldwin’s reply to onr inquiry, “I saw Judge Thomas at the Con- o’clock Hunday. ... , „ , _ While the bodies of the children were be- . —,, „ Beruw, hebruary 1.—The Cologne Go- U p to be carried home, Charles I tinental and had a long talk with him about sette, in an artiole headed, “Are the War Ki rets card uliy noted the fact that there were this mstter. He did not express "ny doubt Apprehensions Justified? points out that I t rackl( leading from the spot and that they about the completion of the roao7“ for an- France is preparing to form in the shortest I we(d the tracks of Barn Bivins, who was I other company stands ready to advance the time possible in the event of war in the I 8 j, 0 „ member of the searching party, mony, in the event that the present psrUes spting, a strategical lino which she I jj a nothing, however, nntil the I fail us. He is in close and confidential re- delayed forming in 1870. Germany p at t- reached the house, then openly lotions with Colonel Machen. I think be mnBt therefore either take I charged him with the crime, and at the I looks on the Macon and Athens road as a needful oounter measures or summon I mon tion 0 f it Sam vanished. This circnm- I settled foot, and is now working on afar Franco to reduce her frontier garrisons. Btanoo confirmed the suspicions already I more important enterprise for Athens, and The Gazette farther announces that the at oused in the mind of Charles Rivers, and I if he can make certain trades it will be a government will take the necessanr steps to jt wu no t long before everybody in the I success. He is not ready as yet for the prevent.Alsace-Lorraine from being over-1 neighborhood were of one way of thinking. I business to bo made public.” iran by French troopa immediately aftor the Hoa ' oh waa t b e n instituted for Bivins, but 1 declaration of war. it was not nntil Sunday that any trace was The Berlin TagbUtt confirms tiro an- fouuJ o£ him. He waa caught by Mr. nounoement rf the calling out of the re- W esley Pitt near the Macon and Angasta •eryea and say# that the drilling of the men rajlro ^ an d waa carried to the will be lx gun in the western province#. house where the children had been token. Frenchmen traveling into ANOTHER MIDNIGHT BLAZE. The fire seemed confined in the gallery, K noise made by the glass e pictures and the fitful ■ ■ V ltlackahcar's Photograph Gallery In llntn© -Other X*oM of Proparty. HWU ., « At five minutes past 12 o’clock last night German jje denied the charge most emphatically, and a great volume of smoko was seen issuing Lorraine are stopped on the frontier M>d aai( j h e knew nothing ot the movements of I from the top of the building known as sent back unless they can prove that they ^ boys. While Mr. Fitts was on his way Blaokshear’a photographic gallery, on Cot- are not liable to military service. The gov-1 ^ (ju^ton with Bam, Mr. Ed. Morton rode ton avenue, near Triangular block. Tbe ornment’e motive in doing this is to pro- a ^ort distance with them, and when be alarm was sonnded and the firemen soon vent possible future soldiers from gaining WM al)0nt to leave he told Bam that as it I responded, bnt owing to the difficulty in knowledge of tbe topography of the an- au pI0 bablv the lest time he would ever I scouring ladders the streams were slow in nexed province*. == „ sec him he might as well tell the getting direotod to tho blaze. A Dispatch from Fmis to the Pesther wll ole truth about the matter. Tho fire soemec Lloyd says: “President Grevy and Premier I Sun ttiaa to ] d tha ,t or y that and the popping Goblet are making superhuman efforts >o a,, two Rivers boys had a dispute which I and frames ot thi prevent tbe outbreak of war.” led to a fight, and ended in-Richard striking l glare of the flames within gave rite to the The Berlin Post’s article yesterday on the hi , br0t h 0 , on the head with on sx. Seeing | rumor that a man waa in the gallery trying situation in France hog produced a pro- what he had done, bo tried to kill himself to get out. As soon as a ladder could be found sensation throughout Europe. w it b th 0 ox. but finding that he waa nnable, procured a fireman broke open the window, Bziixjn, February 1 v—- *ia-i-1 - - -v- -• - to-day gave rn audici the Prussian Landtoi,, his remarks said: “Onoebefoio we had to I “'shortly after telling this story Bam told I tire gallery was' ablaze, and nothing what- diFsolvo tho Reichstag, owing to Us refusal Mr pitt J ih at it was false, and that ho was I ever conld bo saved. An effort was made to vote an army bill, and then the differ-1 y,,' murderei. He had a fight with the to go upstairs, but the smoko was so dense enccs between tbe government and tho par- v-ovs aud killed Richard, literally chopping as to prevent. liamentary majority were only brought to him to pieces When Nan saw how his Tbo lower portion of the building was an end by a foreign war." brother was served, he ran in the direction ocoupled by J. H. Birch,jeweler and pawn- PkHTB, February I.—It is officially stated of h oma .creaming with all hia might, but broker, and Blaok.hear A Herrington, sew- that tho military credit to be submitted to 1$ 0 ovt -taken bv Him. who dealt him a I ing machines and sewing machine supplies, the Ijnngari.n delegation by the B°T*rn-1 hi 0 w*w(tU the ax on the back of the head, land by George L. Smith as WM U tor twenty-five million Donna. orQa hlDg the skull in frtghttalty. He then e merchant tailoring eetabUshment. Tho exportation of horses from Hungary 1 a raccc j both bodies to tho creek, and threw The doors of both stores were broken open will bo prohibited after Haturday. ■ -* *• *• —I — a —.u a. n throughout Europe with tho ax. but finding that he was nnable, procured a fireman broke opon tho window, imary l.-Empcror Wilhelm oal | ed npon Ham t0 k m b im. This Sam but could not see any poraon. i audience to tho president of did b v striking him several llcka on tho I The fire must hove gained good headway Landtag, and in the course of head.'' I before discovery. In ten minutes the en- Dr. H. O.Cottr, Permanently located in Macon, 136g Second etreet PUoesee of the eye, ear, throat and nooe. Former ly oeeietant for four year* to Dr. A. W. Calhoun, At lanta. Uea and Water Improvements. Tbe Maoon Gas and Water Company held | important meeting yesterday. Tbe amendments recently passed by the I Legislature were accepted. It was decided to build a ten million gal-1 Ion reservoir in East Macon. The company will confer with tho water | supply committee of city council in refer* I ence to tbe twenty years contract with the I city, whereby two hundred hydrants and twelve drinking fountains are to be used. It was also decided to put in a new gas I holder, which will be several times as large | the present bolder at the gas works. ‘Brows’# Bronchial Troches’* Are widely known a. an odmlratlo remedy bronchitis, boon.ona cough, and Uuoat trotblc*. | Bold only In bole*. Capture of a Gin Burner. On Saturday last, Detective Shackelford j arrested Lafayette Johnson, (colored) who | confessed to the horning, on the night of I October OUtb, 18811, of the ginhonse ot Mr. Jackson Roberto, of Jones county. The I ginhonse contained 26 bale* of cotton and I abont 2,000 bushels of cotton-seed. Gov-1 ernor Gordon has offered a reward ot 1250, [ the ordinary of Jones $100, and Mr. Rob erto $100, making $(50 for the arrest, with I evidence to convict, of tbe perpetrator of I the otlme. The prisontr was safely lodged | in jail at Clinton. What Home Hoy. Fonnd. The report reached the Txt.iotuptt yes- ] terday that while some boys were out hunt-1 ing last Saturday in what is known ns Pumpkin Hollow, the other side ot Me-1 chanicaville, they fonnd a dog devouring tho body ot a small white infant, supposed I to be about four or five days old. Tha dog I bad devoured its bead, one ot tbe arms, and waa tearing the fieeh from one of its | legs. C. X. cep!24&wt£ O’GORMAN Sc OO.I everything that is rasr loJ^ offered and ii'.ii.'.Ti'.s described In our I CATALOGUE No. 235* which this year we tend out in an Illuminated cover. Tha Catalogue! lit replete with new engravingt of the choicest flowers and vegetables, many of which can only bel ■ obtained from us: and contains, besides. 2 beautiful colored plates, and very full instructions on! I all garden work. ^Altogether it is the best ever offered by us. and. we believe, is ihe most complete! 1 publication of its kind ever issued. Mailed on receipt of 10 cents <in stamps), wnicn may oe de*| | ducted from first order. Please be sure to order Catalogue by the number. q PETER HENDERSON &’G0. 35 *SS4IS£. st - rjhe Waterbary” SMITHS ’ Braun, February l.-Under the budget wuh ed all tbe blood from tho ax. tbu sx in aftor them. The running water I and much of the contents removed. 115,480 reserves arc to be drilled in the nse of repeating rifle# in the following order: 10,300 for twelve day. 12 915 for forty-nine „ tnt Wal lhla W6ek | days and lt,2(,5 for fifty-alx days. The opening of the now Reichstag is fixod for March 10. Pram, February 1.—The l’eether Lloyd saye it fears that ths negotiation, pending between Kflnia and the Porte concerning Bulgaria vreic initiated by the Czar merely to gain time to prepare for an Invasion of Bulgaria. Adjoining the bnildlngis the shoe shop of Bam waa aafelv Disced in tail at Clinton, Mr. Eisner and tbs millinery store of Mrs. where ho will bo y kept until his oommlt- GUlon. The family of the Utter resided on * 1 tho floor above, and all had ample Uiuw to THE SUPERIOR COURT. I Yv’hen the fire department got to work Th. Kelly erne Poatpauad-A nog stealing mnch good wm done even in spite of the c.—Th. Valamlar, Kte. ineufflolent UddeM. Hora waa carried to v^ i r 0 ning° n On’Thund'tod rad^v' iW-uUm up^u^e'foof ^ much I property. The other stream, were kept Capital Prize $150,000 menu for all tha Monthly and beml-annoal L lugs of The XaOuUiana Bute Lottery Company. uC In person manage and control tbe Drawings them* aeltee. and that the same are conducted with bon* •■ty, fairneea, and In good (with toward all parties, and we authortae the Company tousethUoertlflc&fc with fao-slmlllee of our signatures attached, fa th' advertisement*.” A Watch Free! ^ ou Th”i /ryllRE; Sick tleodach. In Fear hour. \Q One do-o rclletet Neur.igls. They cure «n* prevent Chill. #* F.»r, tour ttomuh .‘Bill Bruth. Clear th. Skin, Tea. th. N.nei. end |li» .It*#• Vigortethesyit.m. IhnmOBKMEAN. Try them one. and )0U Kill never be without them. Price. 28 cento per bottle. Sold by Druggist* and Dealer, generally, ‘ “ JCBkCiUDJ IUUIUiU((, vUO UUUUISU UBUva nwi I,, enty-five jurors were present, and ont of I I Mv ^!***™."!!**3* io be thrown on the oft dye hone.occupied Paris, February 1.—La France publishes I e . X0Q,t * wet ® nnmeroue and in many to- b _ L 0 * en thal and the bnilding across a statement emanating from M. <fe Freycl-1 fl „ t on th . waa lbat tbe all.yth. lower floor of which is occn- of Michael K«u" chS^ed with complicity * C ° m ' t mn.r ^ | JL“52£33 bTMs^nraL JrofiiTF The buJ? “bnUding w» ownil by Mr. n ft II Q £ C I T Q ? respect for the 5 d \t 1 H^lern.n B- 1*- Henry and waa folly inenred. The I (a (I (l t Ml U I totempplnlon to trii to.t he I ““ onn ‘ o£ i«nreuce on th. other burned ■_ V V 11 -ii L - ienerai toouiangors i 57”," 7' I property could not be ascertained loot night. . um • conclude*, it U no Mr. T. fe. Blacksbeer, who owned the gal b I SS JnS; I Ury. U out of the citL .. .. port him. net, repelling the charges wbloh have been made against General Uoniingor, end prole- ing him for his steadfast endeavors to ful fill his duties with strict respect tor thi government's decisions. Whatever opinion may be entertained ot General Boulanger’s character, the article absolutely necessary to eland by and enp-1 POTteDes-W he Ibadl leorae.Uhat Judge I Ie ^ 8 f ^ not b* ih.nT.VnM £ Afeuror DrT Wn*L It is evident that it orlgnated in _ _ w« drairoue of hUing the Wal proi^ tom o. ^P^ne^n tt two i n‘ld‘°wor«rh.“ d - PoVn^t Vh. bufiding. - roU he would beer PToferoor Dely °»rr. The wotk of the firemen wae the secret caucus of the supporters of ex-Gov- on the app UoaUon when it was made. Up of mneb PrMee. ^ ernor John Ireland, hia name wee with- 7. #-.» p .. • •• not .., uilod - D nt it Tbslossns wiil foot up Suout *o,CC0, drawn from the^ conteat Aa soon ae thc j ,to be’geucraUy underatowl iat the | “*“*» ol which is covered by insurance. Mis continued for the term. Expecting to follow the trial of Kelley, Hr. U. L. Bartlett announced that he wes J.F.SMITH tS CO. Minutacturars end Seta Praps., ST. 10UIS. MO. tab>Mitow-awlr U M for HOt _■»! too $$4 o rr#o on4 IWtlXIto. U otoU J— t Frwo Vtnft of my KBAGAH ELKCTKP 8BNATOH. Knongli of IrrUnd'4 Kupportort to Uive Him m Majority. Aohtjn, Ftibraary 1.—In aocordunco with the determinuiion reached lut night rooMrif. liivo MfMWM • 'Mbs il O.^UOUT. I Pootl «L, X«W Vorft hovOObbI toB thrAw»w» | M anhoodSS55Ia3 II W I cwualDX PrwmoturM Domj, Ntrtvai DoLUlty. M Mobboost. #$*., bBYlog trtosl Ib **ln ovary two houses assembled the twenty-fifth bal lot was moved, amid a great deal of excite ment, and resulted as follows: Reagan, 49; Maxey, 49; A. W. Ferrill, 36; ex-Gov- ernor Roberts, 2 The twenty-eixtb, twen- ,ty-seventh end twenty-eighth bellots re-1 ,>^,77 salted in no material chongti. When that twenty-nlmh ballot was ordered henators Douglass and Abercrombie announce! that Mr. J. It. WUllame AHlgut. Mr. J. B. Willisma, the well-known frail, not ready to proceed with the trial of the I fish and beer dealer, and proptietor of the ease against Eugene V—* on the same I Commercial Hotel, announced yesterday 1 that ha had made an assignment to Mr. Bavares, of Barannah, and Ur.^Morelein, of CinelnnatL To a Teucoufu man, Ur. Williams said Perhaps an Important Captarn. After several days search,Officer NVignon, | they would vote for Reagan, after having aided by Offioer Bailey, succeeded yeater- that he was forced to such a‘ coarse because voted all along for Maxey. It wm ti peeled day to capturing one Charles Dongle.*, h , found it imp^sible to meet hi. paper. this would ptoduoo a lUnpcdt (otl * nis*«w»#Mtd» ■>b« •*»* ■♦**•- • *» - - -- -• • ■ • Keegan, bnt the bellot stood as follows: Reagan, 62; Uaxey, 46; Terrill, 36; Rob erto, 3. hBVtnjr Irttod la vbId wm I known rtn«4y, hu dierorMi^d * •impl* Dfirpurw, J whltfh h« will mtdI FREE u» hU fellow anflltrvfB. c.». wy j octl3nod*wly knowledge thrlr own luferiorltj by ettempting to I butW upon the repuutls»n of theprlfflnnl. None UriRlne uulenn bearing thin Stamp. JAMES MEANS’ ^ S3 SHOE. sites Dunwoody, who was want*! for atrol- He txp «nded quite . Urge snm on tbe hotol 4 *~ u * e , J. H. I pud im prove meuU, and had nndergone a Willi*me. The saddle was sold to Mr. ra niarkablv dull season. He wanted his Tsi lor at Hicks’s stables, who gave the polios creditors to be peid, and hence the a*eign- On the thirty-first tsllot, Beegaa leaking I a deectiplion of DougUas. Officer Wogncn I ment Hia property has been given np to but three votes of an election, several discovered him yeeterday on Mulberry uakt g0O d hta debti The exact amount changes were made, amidst great excite-1 etreet and the arrest followed. mint, electing lletgan Senator. IX INDIANA. makegood of aueu and liabilites la not yet known, but will be made public to a few days. The It is learucd that Douglas* cazneto Macon „ during the late State fair with ebont$l,C00. I haul v ui continue is heretofore, 'and the Ixduxatous, February 1. -The Legists- He went through with this money and waa ash an j f rait bneineee go on as nanal. at tore wtnt into joint oonvention and took I seen abont town dead broke. Since then I i t **t for tha nrroent. Mr. WiRiems hones one ballot for United States Senator. All he has pawned a diamond necklace for $80. to be on hia feet again toon end deeply re? the member* except two were present, end e di mood ring for *60, a gold watch and tfreU Hie misfortune that has overtoktn the bellot reenlted; Turpiee 74, Harrison chain for $80 and sold a ring for $35. He him. 70, Allen 4. I tried to sell the pawnbroker tbe neck- 1 in saw nun. I leoe for $2. The police are now endeavor- TaxwroN, February 1.—The Steto Senate I ing to find oot where all this valuable jew-1 Yeeterday Judge Simmons, of the Snpe- met today and organised by the election of tlncame from. | rior Court, considered the motion for a new a foil rot of effioen, and the pretident ap- When Donglaee was carried before Mr. trial for Cicero Darby, reoeofiy convicted pointed committee*. At noon a joint meet- Taylor he waa promptly recognized as the 0 f murder end aeutanoed to imprisonment ing we* a held by tbe Democrats, ee uaoai. | men who eold him the a-iddla. | for life. The motion wae overruled. The Supreme Court is now the tut resort of his ,. o, „ I counsel, Ur. J. O. Blount, who has been 1 untiring to behalf of hie client Xv-«.- furm.itlun bow to bcI tbU ■Mw« In Ts-rrliory. We will mall ft NIckel-Bllver JWat*rimry Watch ot I th© *tylo represented in th© cut below to ©ay on© who will tend ob © clnb of Un *sw Bufocrlfon to | Tan W««n TxLxoftAm at on© dollar each. This will cnabl© ©ach Bubscrlfor to ■•cor© th© p©p©r at I th© lowest dub rat©, and at th© aam© time com pan [ «ate th© clnb tgtnt for bla troutl©. Oxtr kkw •CMcBiBnu-th$ t 1b. tho©© whoa© j names an not now and bar© not b©«n within ©lx month© previous to th© receipt of th© order on onr ] books, wiu. ax cocxtkd. Ths«© watches are not toya, bnt accnrat© and s©r* vlceabl© tim©-k«©p«re. They an ©impl©. durable | and neat Th* cas«© alwaya near bright. Ten© of I thousand* of them are carried by p©opl© of all | class©© threnghont tha United Htataa. For S3.00 I w© will ©end Tub Wxkklt Teuco bat* cn© year I and on© of the above described watches to any ad- I dress. This proposition Ik open to our subscriber* | a© well a© those who ax© not. .Act Promptly. Th© abov© proposition© Well b© kept open for a limited Urn© only and partis© who wish to tak© ad- | v&s!s£9 cf githsr should do •*> m mum# #©"Unless otherwise directed we will ©rad th© watches by mail, packed In a ©tout pasteboard box, and our responsibility for them will end when they •re deposited in th© post office. They can b© regis tered for ten cent© and parttea who wish thia dona •bould ineictoe this amount, or w© will seed them by express, tbe charges to b© paid when they are delivered. AddrrM THE TEUCO BAPS, Maoon, Georgia. Make money urde s rbreks. etc., payable to novlwtf H •' IltNSON. Manager. Commissioner©, We, the nnderetrned Bank© and Banker*, wlT> nay all Prise© drawn In Th© Louisiana state LtV- teries which may be presented at onr counter*. J. H. 0GI.K8BY, FmMrnt Loni*UuA hxticiud Btnk. P. LAHADX, President 8tate National Unk L. BALDWIN, Prwldtnt H. a SkUottel Bank. TTnprecedented Attraction! U Over Half & Million Distributed. Louisiana State Lottery Co. Incorporated lnlMifor 25 years by the Legisla ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—with a capital ot Sl.ouu.ouo—to which a reearvo fnnd of over has sine© been added. By an overwhelming popular vote It© francMi© waa mad© a part of the present HUte comtltatlfi* adopted December 2d, A. D., 1179. The cnly Lottery ever voted on and Indorsed b> th© p©opl© of any btate. It^Never\8calea nor Ponti>otteR.| | It© Orand Bing!© Number Drawing* text place monthly, and th© tomt-Aimnal Drawing* regularly •very six.month© (June and December). A splendid opportunity to win atortnn©. SECOND ORaND DHAWING, CLAM* II. in th© Academy ol Music, New Orleans, TUESDAY, February 9, 1887-20ist Monthly Drawing. Capital Prize $150,000 STliro-Il^kjtraty-tonararot,. Wms|S Lieror raxxxs. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE OP.. 1 ORAND PRIZE OP 1 GRAND PRIZE OP 2 LAKOE PRIZES OP 4 L.VKOE PR1ZE8 OP 20 PRIZES OP •0 100 •• •0,000.... •0,009 20.000.... 20.009 lOlOOO.... 20,009 •,000.... 20,00 j 20,009 29.009 Lioo.... 900., 200., THE FAIR! —DCALkJI IX— I Crockery, Glassware, Timvatm Th© Darby Case. s targrr quantity _ tfsHoe- ■button . ^ -V ,n ,8i 7SS!i t?»25Sk 1 . , »Sm“ Tajik! BUGS Bejale aa*ss»oaca*a te Durabuw. ■ ■■■ Fl’LI.LIXEearTUEABOVEStIOUFORKAUDT It. F. SMIMTH, l.aillSd HIITAIt.KKS H iBROtianocT tin: cxtrui sraTut f-bi am 30 AbUtt If Yob WMt .^ AriM . aud 1 for Bibbla. The meattog then ad-1 ot «,« t.Wco m .o. lourntd ntUl to-morrow noon. I kL.*™* “ ,0 * CIH) ,L8.r0tS, Etc. MtitcliFK, Soiiim, Peifitmcry, Etc. .At Buttosi Figuie*. Proprietor, 56 UnlberryiStreeL sepfiwfim aLTrarM. w ,.71*1,73 “ ---'-Tt”, f i-rnr.^ ia.waiiaaa.iM 40,000 maw ; — ao . . SO.OUU APPBOXnUTIOJt PR1ZEH. too ApyrexlaraUeaFrlasaec $10*.... $JO,OOC »W " $00.... m«* too ' " WO.... 10,000 4.17* Mam ameoattog So JMI.OOO AppUcattoua for ratal te dub* ahould be mad* only to the oOoa of Ik* oompoa. In N.w Oriaeaa. rat further lofemetleu writ* clear!/, etvtnz fall addnas. NFTAL SOTkS, Zipera. Soui/Otdora, of New York Exchange la ordia*#/ tatter. Cumsey hr expwea (at our upoaa#!. qitdroeead' M. A. DAUPBIIV, New Itrlaapi, te. Or M. A. IIACPniN, WaatUactan, D. I, Artitren, Keflatered Te'teritO SIKVf OSUASAXU NATIONAL MAME , Naw Orlaaru, la. rfmembeu ‘hadrawlora ia.fuwaatoaof .Uelute tal»*rtt/, tlial th. c banco- aiwatloasal im© can noesibt divine what anmner* inchsrgeof tire draw fairness and ti and that no on© can poesib will draw aprla*. AlIpartlaa.t iar.fora advcrttilu to (aanata* prtiM la ill. Lotto/, or holdiaz out oay other topoa.lht* tudicSuiiU. or* awicdltn, and col/atm todacotnaad defraud th* tmwr SOMETHING WORTH HAVING Oavatoami forUWT. Thacnt/rU- 22?; .^.X' B d**“ * 00, aMdMro.'ca^od 68 H. rroeutncl ud 100 Arch *tr*A PtUadelphta, P*.