The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 15, 1887, Image 1

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IE BLGGAR BILL BALKED. , s n VETOES THE DEPEND- kIi PAUENrS PENSION STEAL. , , overrated »» to the intention In *' L „,y of Smell Greenbacks- ' Privsts Bill D»y In the Uoueo —The Senate# . February 11.—President r *f nrt'i message to'the House o: K >pre- "W d 1 .at an titled "Am m< to eurviving soldier*, few in number, venerable in age, after a long lapse of time since their military aotvic", and as a parting benefaction tendered by a grateful people. I cinuot believe that the vast peaceful army of Union loUtere, who having ocntentedly resumed their pUoes in the ordinary avocations of life cherish a sacred memory tf patriotic ser vice, or who having been disabled by tbe casualties of wnr justly regard the present pension roll, on which appear their names, as a roll of honor, desire at this time and in the present exigency to be confounded with those who through such a bill as this are willing to be objects of simple charity and to gain a place upon the pension rolls through alleged dependence. “Itecent personal observations and expe rience oonstrain me to refer to another re- 11. relief of dependent parents and bon- tojKged soldiers and sailors who b i* disabled and dependent upon their ihbor for a' 000*words The I which will inevitably follow the pass- st e0lb ^ i ”L L the finl f^n *Al bill I *8® ‘hUbilL It is sad, but neveVthe- M"** functioned by Ooncress since I * fc8S . * rae * °^ r *ady in tbe matter of pro- wSSSttinSe ««»»« ?«“•»<"» ‘here ««»« widespread '^“^Mleraand aaUorewhoaerved disregard of truth nnd good faith, stimu- ,aonto aoldl B ,rvioa and I U*®d by those who as agents undertake 10 lUt . 'riirabUUy alone and In the entire olai “* for pen-ions, heediwalv. t !nr injuries received by casual- ent *7 ed n P° n byexpeotaat benettoiarics and •"I'iii auch service Several • noouraged or at least not condemned by ! u'for it exlstTbowever**n our leg-1 fboso un willing to obstruct a neighbor'. ' ,..qi oucr.aivc and which I’ lans - In the execution of this proposed *"• ’5if?„U,t biuLbraces all who nnd ®* any interpretation, a wide field similar precedent lews- I *?u!d be opened for tho estab- crave notici ■ k ‘“TbTprfsidtnt proceeds: l»hment °f tacts largely within tbe knowl- early day. £*■sTarstdav of July, 1886, 365,763 o£ claimants alone, and there osn $3,000,000 “9“ were upon the pen- b ® , n0 donbt that the race after tbe constr. S of rtom 805 605 were survivors P« n ‘ i . onB offered by this biU The bill appropriates $1 of the robillion and their wonld Bot onl y stimulate weakness and The Senate, at 12:60, ttdd'penfUnts. For the year end- protended incapacity for labor, bat put a tion of the posUfflce PUSHING THE NAVAL BILLS. | !they are learning sense| discretion of tbe Secretary of me lieuaury, POWDElll.V’S LETT Hit, INTRODUCED ONE DAY AND RE PORT! D THE NEXT. Appropriation r f Over Thirty-Five Million? Propose d— A Mruxsla for Frvced- enoo In the House—The Trade Dollar Hill. ■WismuoTON, February 12.—In the Senate, Mr. Cameron, from the committee on naval affairs, reported back with amendments the bill (Introduced by him yes'erdaj) to in crease the naval establishment, and gave notioe that he will call it np Monday imme diately after the morning business. The amendments made by tbe naval committee have the tifret of fixing the. bonne to be paid the contractor for tbe ' first knot in tx- eess of the contract rate of twenty knots to be allowed l y the proposed new cruisers, at $100,000 aud for each additioial knot at $200,000. The aggregate of the appropria tion. $21,800,000, has not been changed. Mr. Hale repotted back from the naval committee, with an amendment, tbe biU in troduced by him yesterday, to provide for an Increase of tbe naval establishment and gave notioe that he wonld call it up at an Tbe amendment appropriates ______ for the armament of vessels, for construction of which the bill provides, bill I The bill appropriates $16,400,000. 1 — “ resumed considers- | | appropriatiou bill, ..eismesio h«« . nnrn . | eurtber premium on dishonesty and * men-1 the question ‘ being on the ameudmentsp- Jan«30, lSd , $ , . nsye PP The obairman of the House com- propri.ting $5 0,000 for mails to South for thid purpose horn *»“•• «“ P« D “ on " chutes that the num- America. Mr. Morgan moved to amend the f imonot expen F f I her 0 j p eDE i on6W under this bill wonld be I subsidy amendment by inserting, instead of jr^JiwLiMout sSaTMtsum S'105 and tbe increased annual cost $t,- I the word ••built,” the words ••owned and CTanivi it is now pro? , ' G7 » 120 * This » ^P 00 the theory that only officered,” so that the sentenoe will read, K lSih/bill under cwnsideriUon to thoa9 who » r ® ‘■“‘•rely suable to work “for tho transportation of foreign mails by b, J** r iLomston to “oldiera would *» “® beneaciaries.” American owned and officered steamship.;” s ®” P in which the The President presents a few striking also to add to the paragraph as follows: , *1 b — n .nonoed ino udlna B *»‘tollcfi illustrating how completely at "Such steamships so owned and officered ^^ths'wMof tbe‘rebellionandto 1 tault have been pterions advance estimates shell be entiUed to be enrolled, registered conns the war or me reneiuon, ana w | nf tll . „» n .r.: n ni.d.i.M nn I ... n a .. American bniit ship*, are employed io of euoh contrac'.s “'themTa 'oivenThirtcen I bU1 * 3£0 «pt those utterly unable to work, 11 for the transportation of foieign mails.” MtJ . i.Mh« it has b^n f«ntahedto «n®»ti»tt* d that the cost stated in the dtl- After a long debate, which drifted into Lvother war twforaa Ur« mate referred to would be many times mnlti- the question of tariff and free trade, a vote KrftobsnlfiriuiM Iwveld?^ piled, and with constant increase from wss^laken on Mr. Morgan's free ship yeartoyeaxjandU those perlially unable amendment, and It was rejected-yea. 1<J, tax mKLry^ ^ earn their support abpnld be admitted .to | nay, 31, as foUowa: ; ti l nrrics of three months, without any I tl10 l’ rl '‘ 1, v- ( -s ot mw b, provi led that ‘he reo iasae of trade dollars recoined under this set shall not be con sidered at part of the silver bullion lequired to be purchased and coined into standard dollars as required by the act ot February 23, 1878. Hiotiaa 4 top-ala all lawaauthor- iag the coinage and issuance of the trade dollar. Tho House then went Into committee of the whole on the diplomatic aud consular ‘appropriation bills. Points of order were sustained against items increasing the sala ries of mini.-tera In I'Mnt, Turkey and the Argentine Republic. The oemmittee rose without farther i.iaon. Messrs, breckwmno', Mayhnry and Heed were appointed omtereea on the bill .making a olos-j >eo*on t rr macketel fishing. Adjourned. Tn« Foretsn Malta Hability. WasHiNoToit, February 12. —Tbe follow ing is Hie ttxt ot the foreign nitil i-ttbsidy amendr-cut to tho poyt-offiev appropriation bill, as adopted to-day, for tbe .rac-porla- tion of the American foreign mails by Americau built and registered steamships: “To secure greater frequenoy and regularity in tbe dispatch and greater speed in tbe carriage or suoh mails to Brazil, tbe Argen tine Republic aud the republics of Uruguay aud Paraguay and other Oenirai auu South THE ENGINEERS AND BREWERS RE FUSE TO OBEY ORDERS. They Will Not Work. Though Cotn- uiKt.dtd to Do Ho by District SO—The Readers Ackoowtedge that the Strike Hu Failed. Nt.w Youk, February 11.—A visit to the breweriet showed that all tho employes were at work, aud it wen «tatod by the men . . • _ that thiy ha ’ positively refused to stop to loD 8® r ® Bd ‘ ho *‘VfT « v " lot . take a hand in toe groit strike. pub icatton yeMerday. It is as follows: . , KnlK’htn of I,nlnr Aucmblld Mnit Not.Vot# —a*riVkt t hF Mrjiiihi ktt Alar-** -- ilererN.SSn <'^SS J A Chicago special says: It leaded' oufc 80irie few weekn Ago that T. V. Powderly had written a letter to Mrs. Rogers, master workman of District Anserably No. 21, of this city, giving explicit instrnclionn that tho posaiDg of resolutions and tho voting of aid to tho concaemue.l Anarchists was Against tho principles of tho order. T>ko all Knightly documents, it wam secret. Now, however, tho instructions having been f ally carried out, the necessity for recrecy no > great t The order to tbe engineers employed on the steamship and railroad piers to go on a I ,le ® np° n i nnoirs m um^go a strike has, so fur as the piers on tbo river seriousiso far as tho order of fronts is co Doomed, proved a dead letter. ** ooncerned# I have no . ' T. . ...... I i-wf fhn ift innnlti T ronrlvn nrn •If reports that come to me aro to bo ro lled upon, affairs in Chicago arn becoming - * of Kikkti of no donbt Home of tbe statements I rtcelvi- art oomeh It is reported that assemblies are paasiug reso lutions in favor o! ansmby, and that dcra- A visit to tbe ducks this ntornieg failed to fiEd* single instance of stationary eugi- _ _ . _ _ nesrabavrog gone out. luUons ln favor of an»r«ihy Tbo thgineois have refusod point blank onstrations against the judiciary aro cf f ro- to obey the orders of District Assembly 49, * "" ‘ "’' n<r Knights of Labor, to strike. At the head quarters of the Assembly this morning the ... , ,, , , r<-ports cf the deli gates who bad been sent I theanarebtsta trial, to see wbat steps the engineers were taklog I 1 wr “? 10 J on *® in the matter of obeying tho orders reported “ 10 “ “ n l that the men refused to quit. The leaden I °°?“ lok ® of tbe strike made every tffort to keep the matter secret, but groups of sueu around va quent occurrence, end thst money is being drawn from tbe treasuries of IooaI end dis trict assemblies to defray the expenses of yon as master workman, to any those things arc wrong. They are in direct with tbe lundamelttal law of the order. Every delegate to a district oiseat- blr knows he is to teach that this order is American republics, $500,000 and the 00Tne „ Bd ja&nt to the headqnJtos an » r “y ° £ !»•««• “ toiiow8 lh,,t Postmaster General is authorized to mske, | and tbeir cxo i t#d conversation plait ly told I 00 1510 P* rt °* members or non-memhers after due advertisement for proposals, anoh that nutoethiag had gone wrong. Reports cannot be approvotl or excusod. For years contract or contrasts with anon American 1 f rom jj, e different breweries w?re equally Chicago adherento of tho Anarehiet stesmshius for a term of not leas than five dui00t , rag t D g t and it WM generally admitted ™“ have maligned, opposed and imrolted years sod at a rate of compensation not ex- tbelast effort of 49 bad proved a fall- KnighU of Labor. Ilto moeting rooin of ceediug for each outward tnp$l per nautieM ure. An effloial in anthority stated that ‘he assembly was abandoned by th^ claes mile of dt.tancs in the moet dtrect and the fngincer , and breW ers had been ca i| e d ff people for the low beer saloon. None tf feasible sailing course between tbe terminal 0Q a , tQ„ j ate a jj b frankly ad-1‘he teachings that found expression in tho points as shall be found expedient and de- mttted tb>t tbe 6t *^ k8 vu a mn n. f/cots of Cnicgo, tvrinr- „ .. «-r <l»v« nf Birmolo to secure the enda above act forth, There were ether signs of dissatisfaction e 7, er , b ?1 rd but every such contraot shall be subjtot to „ ltb tbe executive of 49. A promt * be modified cr auBullcdby sot of CoDgress. neDt momber of (hs Fr.'ight-htSidlers mauutacture of explosives or the thioaiog One of tho lines of steanuhtpa to curry the u 0 j on there were two or I °* fwUQ bo practiced by our menn ,"Z‘entitled to the benefits of the not of the probable effect of pension legislation, and Uoensed as IS?JM per month. Ho far as it re- “ d 80« oo to »ay: I “ d whtlo they j tom of $13 per i to loldiArs of the late civil war, the If none should be pensioned under this I the execution mails provided for in this act shall be re- , brce men boldin , ank in 49 who wnnted be", and had they, in obedieneo to the nulled to sail to and from a sea port of the ^ rnn lnf , ® bnsinsaa for their own tcachics of such doctrines, found them- Sulf of Mexico or the Mljdfrfppfrire*;" «‘he position they now occupy, it la |h$ —M -f debate on the foreign . rnnnd kMSnnittsii and several onenlv would havabcon our duty to detend teem to the appropriation bill, dec ) a ^ d thof iheyMSontd go to work tinhs-i ‘® ‘ho extent of our ability. Tbe revorse os tbe chief opponent of fln anoial aid from the unions was of * hl3trae . , D0 . mnlte ( how much wo In the oourso of debate on the foreii mails amendment Mr. Beck, who was tbe chief opponent ot | flnanoial aid from” the unions wna tha amendment, said that a majority of the gr e n ted them. The outlook for these mou Benate committee had Men fit to assume „ dlseoursging, no matter what they do, that the language of the Postma-ter-Gener- There js ^3 ay no nnmS niigeablo bill, the probable iu- Yeaa —£eck. Deny, Call. Cockrell. Coka Ensile, _ - — Mazer. Vaaoe, .. Corner. Tl - ,Y-hn la 'allowed to enlisted I ““W ai»jv«sx ol mu esiuiun I Cttllom,, uoipn-, way, »»ir, FerwelL Frye. _. The pension ” allowed to eniisuxi Uea w *rcburdened with tax-1 aonuan. Brie.Uom.Ids.1iw Mcmitat.. wahouw ea who have not suffered the least injury, I account of laroo bounties paid our muisa kiitcteu m or.K-)u, Uurttu, raimer. Piatt. ttbilitT loss or damtffe of any kind in* I on w wuaiOJ wso oobdun r“° our I Piamb. KIddlfbOTger, .-awyer, Mhkrman, Bpoon«r, urtd in or in snyttegreo chargable to I '? dl *‘?, : , Rnd 'he hoedfd d ®b‘ thereby ore-1 IeU , r . wiilUtus, ana Wilson ot Iow.-:il. air military service, including those who ?‘“ d ? l K l oathlorM 8 ^!^t'thorwol Pairs were announcid between Aldrich tver reacted the front at all, and those X fLiSm ^attom n^toSfV^ib^ ® nd Whitthorne, Colquitt sad Ohaoe, Jones .charged from rendezvous at tho close of P‘°' , /tk. t, .VXiutJ. WilumsThS I o{ Atkansas and Harrison, Hams and Ed it war, if discharged three months after psogethM that dteeoU^jrijdmon theta mnniiai vast and Hawley, Cameron and ilutoent Under the last oaU of the U ,tU1 * . * Butler, Gray andVanWyok, and Uandeno* »,hat for troops, in D*e«b«, lM4,h^!» T ?*?r ’ ‘ \J ' and Blackburn. ,» j ,xa men were furnished who were thus v “ th .® Mr. Morgan moved to amend by adding he would now read to the Benate. The the railrol( , companlc9 from points within PobHo chmorandpaRBions aroused nod Postmaster-General says, in this letter: “A onA t.tinHw»a xmlM of Ni»w York and created a sentiment which had more to do fair reading ofmytwoKcports. one ofl885 X h go home eve?; nightand 1 " — 1,3 - and the other for 1886, wtll show, unlessil tnrn ^ work in thi moiniug, bt law, with its tromoudjna addition to Morgan ipoved to the .Si n H to »tnMMlm4.Dt the word4, -* ( Oae sgxs^svasistt | fJhmmmrfrmm I z ".yet jrSSSarsjss to our people will, and perhaps should be, I ot Jlcxtoo or the Miasissippi river. ” seriously questioned. It has constantly A „ roed t0 wilbou t a divUion. Kttsl«physical disability not the result b« n a canae of ooogratulation to tho Amer- After still farther discussion an amend iu.... li-i— »..ui. .. ...... i icon citizen that his country is not put to I t offered by Frye was agreed to without the charge of maintaining a large standing I di , ilion \ t the committee army in time of pcaco. set wo are now amendlnen t apply to all South American I iwaw faw whiah hna tusean fnl. I - _ . . rr m Tfa# mb* , was then t follows VfM-at 1-100. liUlr. Bower, fall. Chenej, Confer. fine months and ’honorable discharge I those seeking the benefit of the I dull be sueh as are now or I hue of ter bs suffering > from | ffidrotn vicious bsbita or grors care-1 mas which incapacitates them from tbe I Em rs erth E Z P"l» of the country, the demand for i U £°°,“i* tl , D 8. p r °°t of tho ta.t, bo I * reduc ti on 0 f tho burdens ot taxation upon I on the list of invalid pensioners of I a . .. .mi inninniinn ins innTwofiln mom nmenoe from ! fie iprool Ooka, Fair, Ooerxt, M.z.y, Ksoauni, eaala- WU«on ol Maryland—H. Lotion Of tho burdens or taxation upon I ccii oolt II.WM. polpb. Edtunods, Eo.Ua, Evaru, naiuTiu.t^ 1 every labor and production has increased in Fry-. Oonuon. Orey, H.’». Boor. lasalls. United States.snd be entitled to receiyel . , ' j Ma not w iu| nR to MoMUlia. Mahone. Milter. Mitctu-ll or Oregon. inch total inability to procure tboir snb-1 ~ t( ob i eo . Motyao. faltoer,, Flstt, Plumb, Posh, led- sues by daily labor twelve dollars I »P! )t0T ® * P r **® n ‘* D 8 |“® dloboiger. Sawyer. Bheimau. Spoouer, leller, wu- and .u.u *n.i™ Aill ‘» M to which this bill is subject, and IUmtt * oaW Uwmofiowa-5f.. elftn n? «u„„ Which, moreover, will have the effeot of Nays-Boek. Berry.Ooekretl. aw uom tbe oato ot 1*‘» Q K I |ii|> anDO intinff tbo expectation of tho poople I Hampton, lUrrm, Kann*, M»j application in tho pension office, d “W°’ ‘. 8 .! for relief from I bury, walthau, and w lUon or l . toof of their diaabmty then existing, » nd X“ ti d n in time of P peare! In my lust In addition to the pairs announced at the leaattaue during the existence,of the *“^“ ^ 6 tho fcllc^h^lauguagj ™ preceding vote. pair, were announced be- ae la the degree herein provided. P«>- *^dT patriotic heart respond, to «*<•«" McPherson and HeweU not vision. Alter a seurut session the Henste ad- adjourned. ___ __ M or mis-1 Hoaw of R- pn scntatlves. We are all tempted by tho con-1 WastitsoTOk, Febraary 12 —In theHousOj e.uuerot ionatonsin snen term as no t thronsh sickn- ipresariba, receive the benefit of thla | ”“® l “8 ®8 W o' rji ‘X temnbd “It ii mmifeitly that statutes which r . r°w®be liberally admtnis'.ered as mess-, ... ‘“I beuevolenoe in behalf of worthy wSciariee should admit of uncertainty as J®'““J 11 awtiuuvt . , Z a I AhlllMPlU^I, K Vl'iuai; *« —AM kUtmUIMC, of tho utmost imnor-1 temptation of such a condition to B °PP>7 I immediately after the reading of the jour- hieh like n-ir-ioa laws I relie£ > 11114 , ur ® o£ i e “ 1I ?P a ‘ lcn j , ot I nal. Mr. Heott, of Pennsylvania, demanded ImlnUter^ ss mmw* ‘ b ®... pab (‘“ & the regular order, and cJlyd up the Senate one lit tbe desire t this feeling of consideration, I | 1 myself of the conviction that if [ _ regular Ull<for the retirement and recoinage of the trade dollar. Mr. O’Neill, of Miseouri, raised the point ' st the oomntluee on labor wu the floor under n prior special 1T “, it aeeme to uncertain und eh conflictinw | enonta no gramtu uuu.« »» -- | thirds vote, sna ne eoniemiea mat it coma be ml i^ct to^snab I ‘ b ® 1»*. not in evasion of It; nor ahould I not be a He by a tnajority vote of tho applications as to atone "furnish anffl I * uo11 worthy objecU of care, all equally en- I H , n p 0Q a resolution reported by the rpitoations as to alone furnish snm-1 ,'.,i.,^t to ihanneoual oneraUon I 0 n rules. Huoh a course woull making of a special order by at»o- >tu into a farce. Tbe oommittee SSr-^i: I dlscfonlnatioM-' I do not think that the I conId nnIufy ft, ccrion of the Wamt^iof nnfaiX.w unfaotdiMrimh I ““i®®*** ooudiUone and llmitatlone thue nouee and to-morrow report a rceolutlon “hen, and DMmtao "uu’e^ I euggeeted, aro contained in the bill under at , tt i DK u i d u the remainder of tbe eeesion ipiniia ss to iu econo ImM hv^memXw of coneideraUon. I adhere to the eeotimenta for ft, oonelderaUon of one particular job, (Sr ssj-rswartt “ftisttsaafissras v> ».,<**, wlac than to briug to tbe consideration of sy best efforts of thought end constitutional sjk■Six*?snsss “• jausjssjai and liable to b® “hrimtd aa a right, mid that each teller I p, D ,j 0 n of the rulee in May leet by a two- end "honld be granted under the sanction of {£, d Tote and b , contended that it could constructions, and . ° tt eTM i 0 u of it; nor should b . t ;, H( • L ‘ *® ®' .opinion that it may fairly be P°°leaded that under the provitione of thie CX? whose faculties c! mind kx boj, kf--eT*T*.-T— *l~Yr“ 1 tnia meeauiu my hot*, enons ™ umugu. auu i Hea! , „„i tha committee on rulte, had act ssaastsssas a gas * — that, charged with great reaponaibUity I ft, g.,,, f or 0D , day to tbe committee half of the people, I cannot do other- I on i, bor bad bMD made in May lost, and . . - -t .a—-et * iUy woe a continuing order. Hubeequently the Ecu;-, tM tha eommittee on mice, Laid eet H Of e oauctuary of tlio Knights. Had this order taught that tb* aympatbizo \*ith them as fcllotv baings matter how much wo may feol tbo illegality of the trial which condemned them no matter though the police had committod an interference conllict—no trim tn !$t am very greatly mistaken, that the only ob-1 ^od"freo". U ‘Ma‘ny of“ them” were’ Bright jeot or purpose in view in my suggestion. I handler , at local .utlons. Othcrsare conn- 1 with reaching a verdict than tha evidence which wan resented, it stillremainn a fixed fact that tbo order of Knights of Labor in not responsible for snch action. As indi- la the fast report was to obtain the carriage I tr^'"uborers” V rn<r""me”'abio'and"williug I viduale wo may nw Wings as we of the mails to tho bonth American rt-pub- I w S r fc ew Others aro men who bavo de” but oa Knights of Labor w« imixt Hi mkk - J — f—a- ini -a — u 1 * not commit tho order, or any part of k, to tho teachings of the unarohistS. ’ Mr. Powderly then instructs Mrs. Hod gore as to her duty in this cuho, and direct** that tho lettor b« read before every asHembly in district No. 21. In clobing, ho anks her to hoo that only tho true doctrines of the order Uoa, with a doubleeeryice to Bread, at snch „ crted tb , >trik , and 800g ht employment cheap and economical figures as wonld be wbet , not kn0WD . At a ju.jorlty of pUces neoeeeary for the pnrpoee, und thst no ides mon kuown w baT , , lrack r Iso where havo of ft subsidy for the mere creation of n lino of trade and travel viu proposed. TLere arr oompanics propost □Imuly been routed when they applied for work, borne few innitnoea tlu i o mon have b(v n *7 i ,, no “S*v! y r u 0t I 'rtJloomod back to thrir old places, but if actually of foreign organlzeUon which I be- th 0 gtri ke should b« ahandonSl at once a lieve would oompeta for this semoe and 1 furnish it at comparatively cbea; I believe thst if that competition mitted an American company would aeoure the service instead of a foreign company, bnt at s fair remuneration, not as tbs recip ient of a subsidy. • I think there is good reason to expect this result, if opportunity bs afforded tor it, and thst an enUrgiruont of our postal facilities may bs secured with vicious course of subsidy legisla tion to bring it about majority of the strikers would have great | h* tangLl <S°°«| reforms nen be iu this belief that the suggestion the last report ot 1836 was made. I cannot anticipate what may be said, un- « b *®P Ji8«»j | difficulty to finding work at their old trade. "" “ ’ This ie true also, but to a less extent in re gard to the longshoremen who loud and dis charge vessels. AT XX END. It is now an open secret that the long* i shoremen's strike on tbe East river water | front (a practically at an end. Id an inter view with one of the officers of Uoion No. It”” was I 8 to-night he unhesitatingly contented that I stion in I mon> ‘ban one-half of their 2,300 members 1 bad declared their lntenticn of resuming work to-morrow, provided tho mnnngora of secured without tbo explosion of a bomb or tho strike of adnggor. WORKINGMEN’S MEETINGS. The Brewers Practically Hecode Froaa SS — rnn. r Trad.., Nxw Y'onz, Fobrnary 13.—The Brewers' Union met to-day. Tuoutcmberx * -re out spoken against tho lenders of District A»- k- 4'.', mi 1 tlu-j could not timloe- stand why the brewers, of all trades, had been orderod to blip bolster a forlorn canse nt ilu tl- i-nth hour The Hccri-tary of tile fairly perhntis, iu criticism o^ tho report or I ‘ bo compnnies wonld allow them to. Ho I National Brewers' Union expressed the bo- in support of the sssetUon that tho eog- Jralleged a« a reason for their reemsion that I n 0 f that tho strike had been woefolly mlo- gestion for Ute new serriee is inconsistent I J mijority of the union were Kmgbta of managed from tbo start, and it was doomed with tbe position taken in tho report of I Labor, and that they discriminated against t d i H , u trons collapse from its inception. ■ >. I think at liatt tbut I see a dtstino- I "bo were not members of that order I Tbe brewers would not striko because they —that tho distinction itself, la clear distribution of the foodfor tho I wct0 earning good wages, and would not auu substantial, and that tbe tx tension of I striker 1 relief.the dudes and Italians, as I risk these iidvantages, besides breaking the postal service may he secured aa effect-1 ‘ h *y termed them, reoelvlng all the aid, I thrir contract when tho result would only ually and de irably without tbe payment of | "hilo the old members were totally ignored, | be an addition to tbe oommou low. Re.olw- a dollar of sabridy bat only by giving a fair remnnerat'.on for a very limited mail | carriage at the beginning ” KABBAH PROHIBITION. LATCH. 49 to-night declared the great striko at on end. New Yoke, February 11.—Tho Hun, to- The cioelnEofaNaloonCanovstbeMobblnE 1 morrow, will say: “District Assembly 49, or Two Prominent Citizens. Cmcaoo, February 12.—A special from I tiocsembodyingtbrsoopiuionawi re adopted The executive board of District Assembly ® nd ‘bl« action was supplemented by U 1 official determicaticn that the brewers oe- gnuizalion should withdraw its delegatee from District Assembly i' 1 , whlnb it praeti- c.dly secession from that body. The beer drivers’ organization having put forth all its powers to extend the big longshoremen's strike in every di- Letvtnworth eeye: Yesterday the laigeet I nction where extension was deemed practi- saloon in Leaveo worth, known as the bars- osble, and having faded, declares the strike toga, was olosed by tbe aberiff upon com-1 off and lays the blame of tailors on tho on- plaint of two representatives ot tbo Law I gtneers. Athousuud longshoremen, to it aud Order League, Oari Muller and F. M. was estimated at the Ocean Association Anthony. Lost night while the two were I headquarters yesterday, have already gone' pas: log the place that bad just been closed | bock to work, but not at their old plaoee.' by tbeu gee the and thur efforts, they were set upon by |h*. ‘ " ' organization, at a meet ing l.i'i-r m II.-• it.-y, to. k action idi ulloal with that of tbo Brewers' Union. Delegations from the longshoremen'll unions of New York, Brooklyn and Jersey City t... 1 n convention Ibis afternoon. Thfc irn-ii wen- m . four hours and they decided not to return to work ease at fully e- Ilfs !" r l , ur fi r day work Hint sixty cents per hoar for over time. There wu ot roughs, who down, tore their otherwise maltreated knocked clothes | them. .led In tlie Carcase of a Dead Horse. | developed a strong nudertow of feeling against these who led tho nun into tLe last fruitless strike. horrible discovery waa rnary 9.—. mads in GEURGIA < A D1DATE8 not scatter, however, and were to asianlttha two again when arrived and drove, them off, taking Muller regained hta feet pulled a phtol and I county, thia Bute, test Baturdey. Tha fired one that, which took effect in tbe leg I dead body of John Keeth wu found wrn;i- I of a gambler named Ryan. Tbe crowd dia I pod in a tlanked and concealed inside the I Foromco Under th.aes inter state coat. ' ■-* 1 carataa of a dead horse. It te snppoeed | that be wu murdered end bis body oon- cealed there by tbs murderer. Keeth was end Anthony to the oountj j >il far proteo-1 a brother-in-law of Wm. Deripaio. He had I tion. The cloaing of the saloon has en-1 been miuing for several days, bnt no searoh I commerce bill. gendered a most bitter feeling, and there U I had been made for him-1 a frieuds sop- I entitled to and *„ no telling what m id be done. It te said that poaing that he wu ewey on a visit—until a I pointmenta. She bum her chime npoD all gamblers and roughs will be ordered to I dog belonging to Wm. UtHpain earns into I the tact that she oontains mere mil's of leave the town at onoa. GERMAN WaM OP PATRIOTISM. m*rc« L*.w, SavANsaii. Febraary 13.—A lively c-rotest I te being made by tbe Georgia upiranta fur tbe eommiuionership uDdcr the lnUr-Stat* J oommerce bill. This Htatef believes she h frieode sap. I entitled to and will receive oife of the ap- boiineas. He ovennled the point O'Neil then railed tbo quutlon of consideration. The Boom decided, by IProJcr 0 ^^ M^ TiD 8 ‘hi* be ‘k® I^S'rlJoeolMnf ^te^county, seven miles I yidirg that the recoinage of trade doitari L^i I ThiZ* have bran thorengbly | ,uotn> undrr U.U uL ahallnot be con- f tbe eilrer bullion required and eoined under the pro- Bland law. The vote on tbe u I amendment wu ytu 127, nays 99. The is. I bill, a« no amei-ded, wu passed by 175 to 36. to I As pused, the bill piosidu in its first ESStoBavara Us2«flPifcx» , af , J g ss^®?SS2a'!B«» il pioi section that for a period of six months alter ihed for. Tho | tho passage of this act trade dollars, if not ntilatod or aUmpod, lop — al I porta hate boon ttli u —»-— . ■ . ■ , h*®7id , b !;“ Bl H 1 !r^ , *“ , ® : ^ U ^ receive! et their f«e valne I vebetlion hi»« If* DE .i° n B ®' d tere °f tbo “, hal i» 1.1 0 sufficient quantities to In payment of ell dues to th# I teorided for Lh? tJrai* !“8T * xUD, l I m2?Siv reauiremente the* the mineral I United Btatee, end shall not again be paid Umutone . reek | out or in ^lyotUr manner Uan^. C I mnea 3ncs •°R*‘her, free from the rntud t V’; ? d ‘; lon * hlch Attache, to tb# I briers i, £ ' ; u£ L '-- : ““y, and that ntier K® iroi U d U to ry< ' , ,‘ tc “’“““Jba, it I biw-ta 1 b rend-r . i r:.- nt a ,1 based It* ! PPO,t o£ any of IU sol lit ra taeett. u.‘,i tk Upon “"iiary eervioe so I ffpesrut .« i* r *. , 8 e * *°d drcuniHiiincM I Rnhaito “bttle to dtcaad 6U „ b H i,i. Bc “ relief h«« been granted tbe bonu on Batnrdey morning carrying 1 railroad than any other of the Suutl Bouiutulug is his month, which, wbca *x-1 stairs sod nil, of the Llll'a nriccipri nmtned, wu found to bathe band ot a man. I porters was Representative 'Crisp,' of ” DiSpein tracked the dog to the csreu I Third C--r .u-- tonal i old bone, and wu horrified to fiod I the nromitient cant dtetrioh them sop- U* Mist of The North aormau Uaasile Contrasts the Proneh ami (Rrmau Parllamaotr. Beelin, Febraary 12.—The North German I the body of his brother-in-tew therein, half I ment are W. O. Ka mi, t x-pro • !en$ Gozettu says: Bines General Boulanger is- I •‘‘‘v 11 »P by dogs. It wu a horrible sight I of Ute Georgia Central Uoilrovl and Bank. * t * m .i w.v— t_ in . a I Tkn m vslnvff et tirndtrul uri 11» ♦ h>> affair cm SI I I n - n l ....... tf c 1 ..Ill. of tbe French wsr office not The mystery e nceoted with the affair will log Company; ex sed without meosnrei being I probably never be solved. K-etb was a I and Bumntl Bti ent tne offensive Hrengtta of married max end the father of six children, eighteen years ■ sained charge a day hu pseud taken to augment tne offtnsivo strength tho Frcceh army. Tb* patriotic attitude of the French Chamber ot ILpaltti and of the Fr. neb press lowc'd tho credits General RAILROAD BUttl’ri BURNED. ' I <!.'■ -I nil - ki l.oiilh Brrnett. Rionl ins been eighteen yean with tbe G “r,;>. Central ayetcci, comprising 2,2uO miles ot rou.1. For four years he wuils pro-id.nt, hut wu defeated fox re-el eet Ion K-t month, the Boulanger thinks necessary ought to Mver I The Havwnnab, Florid* and Wettarn Halt-1 company having L. in bought up by a New with shame tbe ProgreutsU and Catholic putiit in Germany, which, when the Rlori- one creator of Gorman unity declares that I and machine ahopa road Hxope Dratrorsd. | York syndicate. Although HaviNWAB Febroarv li—Tho blacksmith I token tn active pirl in politic.', he has strong Jd machine shop* of the Bavennah, Flori- poUUcat backing In Georgia, Bcu'Jr OaroUna tbe sacrifice be edu from tlie nation has no I da and Western railroad were horned this I and Florida. otlnr aim than peeoe, refuse him theneoee-1 morning. Tbe building wu a one story I a imuiiui b»mui a«id»t yasya?,! kt._u, 0 u, sen n father'.. muni to defend the frontier of tbe .nl TMR Lac. I in it D F.LLORY. •““ ■■■- sSJJSU-J? * 70000 porcabhi uwBiU « tta fenTof L Dt ^Bht. wealthy turner living eight mil.. XV,, _ | Comvxnj ot London. Tho origtn of the fiSTkHtaSC Mc.Tflow to^uS. yutar* are Whlrw.d Fw>-1 fir* te unknown. One hundfsdTnd fifty dey.ooTputof It eouing opeoWri^l 11 or vote. I brear. eitir.iioB his heart unit killing him Ten La law a, e Lrlmlrau Italy. WiLunoxoN, February 12.—Tea p risen era senriesd at tbs recent sea*'on ot interim!- nil Court for larceny were publicly whipped I Bi men are thrown ont < .2fSi2 -i itv onened up by the die- value do' for dtliarln standard silver I each, [ra* srusnt indication Vicksburg doUen, nr in scb-iduiy silver coins, nt the | Riven e ry. From ] optionof the bol-lrr. HectiOBfidirects that i 1-iry , (cr latarrii tu Dr. *•€• • Willi im II Baker, bone thief, w i twenty lashes sod au hour In the pil* | optionof the Hection 3 direcin Il.iI : 1-iry and 4‘. Cooj^r amt Fnnete Bejard tr*-ie dollars r.-ceived by ihe govtrnu, n: in ! srere ktood an hour in th- j i h.ry. The payment ot data or in tichaug..- ,u«li not ! u*n*l throng witnessed the wLippug. UelslDu'a Pr*p«ratlene fir War. Bxusaxu, February 12.—It te announced alt tbe forts in Belgium along the fron- * France have received ampU war armaments. Preparations have been even ^fie extent of mobilix itlon of the troop*. K ng Leopold will be commaoder- in-ebief ot theB. l„un for -.-, with Oencral Bzivalmont u chief cf shift. The Count ct F.under', troth'r ot the King, will oom- mud the first HJn.y c.i ih, and General Von dc-r M. u the second. brut, exposing bis beert und killing inst intly. Another p.. -:e carried away part of tbe heed of Mira Thompson, a young lady who had gone to tbe mill to udl tne men to dinner. Bbe died in a tew boma. A final With Awards. K*w OsutAlM, February 12. V duel waa fonnht to d*f b*t«toa BoU rt Uomiu, son Ju 1." \i'r- i ii« .rau, aud St.laej L Hnta'd, H -n of lion. Frfiiil K H. Sht^rd. Tha i i wrpj untli (twordn. Hhfard ro- Cetvod a eliKUt tlcnh uoana in the hand, t$iad iLo wifi blopped.