The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, February 22, 1887, Image 9

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H $ T me Ccatnea Kuo Erspt* Hoof ii 8cre» Vs SwitW Sadi!e6 riles. TAND* rwbatl» Ml POP* atu met* »ucha=e ioaralft* imsaidk Utos tf WW«^ taloos' boss* U* U-U K Htwin* u.rasUe tiuf irlH WU*** it LA dlBP^ it tusw" teM*"** tliWiUK* e. ■n*'* try. »“* aandto-* «»m<H THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH : TLESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22. Uft>7.—TWELVE PAGES. f WO' •unelri** fsrfiS KJfi«e ■ TZ& ■J& an B3U- MB. MAHHISO’S UF8IGNATION. Correspondence Hetw.e,. tbePce.identand the lt.tlrlng Secretary. Wihhixotom, February 15—Tb* follow, log .nrrespondence between tbePreaident »d.1 Secretary Manning in regard to the Ut ter a withdrawal from the cabinet waa made public thia afternoon: “Tbiasdbt Deuabtment, Washington February U -My Dear Sit: Iu view of the near adjournment of Congress, and in or- derthat time may suffice for the selection and confirmation of my successor, I desire again to plaoe my resignation of the offloe of Secretary of the Treasury in yonr hands, and trust you will now deem its acceptance no detriment to the public service. When you requested me last Jane to delay insist ing on the acceptance of my resignation, as again in our conference last October, yon honored me with such terms of personal consideration and expressed so grave a decision iu respect to the require ments of the public service that it was as impossible to question my duty as to forget your kindness, I have not spared myself in tho endeavor to comply with yonr wish and to contribute to the support of the policies which bare illustrated your admioistration. The approaching end of the Forty-ninth* Congress marks a period in your own term of office and in the divisions of our politi cal calendar. If a change must oeenr in the heads of departments and at yonr oouncil board, it is clear that yonr personal convenience nnd the publie interests are best subserved should it oconr now. More over, the financial situation is seriously different from that which opened before THE TOWNS AROUND US. among small things is ;the pecan. It Las ITTfD L’lT T’PfWf Wi OTTIVPTfiV been demonstrated that tho pecan will grow " IlllaU A ll'JJI 11 rtOIUiau I (Jit. to perfection in this part of Georgia, it is EVIDENCES OF GROWING PBOSPEH- “ 1 ! arJ y n ,\ tee , “ the hiokory, to which it itv iv , t \ l c\r11 i u> I is closely fuiiou. It will Como into bs&tiDo 1TY IN GAIN V 8V1LLK. Jn f oar or brt yenra . It wi „ inoreaso in 1 yield each year, and tho qnality and size of 5flilDEj)F_ArLANTA. car iKS FALLS THROUGH AN tfVAWB *«>** AT ICIBBBB ■s It.—A serious and ATU>ff tel accident occurred about 11 ery P u “ f ,_ISnB in the wholesale house by which a well- f & A “• of Cherokee oonnty came ;no*n C ‘i hSufe. Major T. D. Evans. ie ar losing 0 {tizon. apparently 70 ibo i8 1 Ige n w« wntwng on toe first floor tears of *(!«• gentleman in tho store, talking , noticiog it, he oame upon » b A'"\e.o Dt ning and fell through into jhe elevator opting ha the boeement ^ toum , «» . B nstained some aerions injury that he b»d“ ‘ wa s at O noe con- i® to the office of Drs. Westmoreland A njea u where Dr. Dan Howell examined n ° fe '.,S ami found the traoture of the the ,. one This was skilfully reset. rigitl nduot of the patient was wonderful. Tljeconds °e ^ ^ an d evident i y ilthough l b injury and the doctors' (e<b i?;„» »nfferinR great pain, with perfect hacdlitig, cb(lt|ed w itj, friends while fc,t .' ^ nroi*iiratioD8 for the operation, with ^WpPnt interest, fils strong will **!. avert the serious .•onseqnences apt to ® frnrn snob an ir jury at hia advanoed "“^nr Howell thinks his patient will be «?; bear removal home to-morrow. oaaker Milter Tsk-a hi. Departure, w Febrnwy 14.—This morning ATU!i f A f'akirJaoob Miller, who fooled tho I u» »ben the present Congress entered tbe gr .a« „ther day and who has been repos- upon Us life and upon opportunities ore- t0 .: Jill at the station for three days I attd by thB transfer of the people’s trust to rcgiusceiia was ordered before the now hands. In this most critical condition “A 1 (nnlice 'it was at first intended to the c ronmspect execution of a wise fiscal “ little man for cheating and policy or of administrative reforms in the beating his landlady out of collection and disbursement of our ’"t wuta’ board bnt a case conld not colossal revennes is not alone demanded, several wee •. mor ninc the chief though labors snch as these have exacted )"““B | i, * ... mho hod Inst h«,n ^VnmutMtthe grit at once, Miller, government; but there is also aa exhaust- erary and 8oeiat Clnh. for the promotion of “/ a ““ tlo '" gtntlTml!n'noTexhTbit- efhern ocople With yonr lies about beyond my present strength. I therefore | has a nice unit of rooms, well furnished and I Wbynoi. when the ssylnm b.cinern peoi ,— j . I stlbnl it to yonr considerate j iu asking release by tho 1.1 or as soon ns yon may select i I fulfill a dnty to my family ... Jess’j ^rwTssE^st’ssKesifai re all consumed at whole barrel of Hour to make them, bnt made them by ma chinery, however, and had a man to help. Yet It took only about three-quarters of an ”•* 15S5 AK” , rSs,“.Z.'' , "K addition to that he makes six him- Sti 'col^Cronshaw'saysIhat Mr.”chap-1 tetary of the Treasnry-My Dear Kir: Yonr I turned eleven trne bills to-day and ad-1 bretl eve^ moraYng. '‘hVi. %°ytrj rapW m,n came into his office and asked him if formal letter cfreaignaUoa, which Ibave jonrned for the term. bak .naming m „ lo time him, I found he intended to remove Deputy p*rry recetved. thonghnot snt‘tely , The dtrectore of theGeorgiaMidland met that he milde tb^ loaves in jn.t forty- Chisolm. He replied that he did; that presents the reslity of the severenoe of onr to-day and declared the second installment eight mlQat es. In addition to that, they he bad already given Mr. Chisolm nearly official relations and causes me the deepest of S5 per cent, of the subscriptions dne. ln the maln kito h en 2 ,400 pones of two months notice,"and unless his resigns- regret. This is teffi >eied only by the The board of trade held a meeting to- oorn blead daily (1,200 twice a day), to say non was li dded in the 1st of March, he knowledge that the rank and friendly per- night ,nd took steps to pnsh fotward the no thing of what is made in tbe male and would discharge him. Chapman said: «onal relattons wmch have unorokcnly ex- building of the Columbus Sonthem ndl- oanyaicoent and the negro kitchens. oTon ought not to remove Chisolm. He is ist*d between ns are still to continue. I road, which, it seems certain, will be bnilt. So in bread a i nnP , we see that the State has the best deputy you have.” Crenshaw told refer to these because MoK „_ M .tho<ll.t rjua. terly Conference. » P'* “7 >«B« tefld ' Tr, ^“‘omoman'^u’h totermeddling »nd plewnre the world affords, and be- Mclla^Fcbrnary H.-The first quarterly Albany News and AdTerliser: Frank Hop- C «n?d t hB a insisted that Chisolm oanse I feel it to be almost superfluous to conference of tbe McBae citcnit eonvened kins, the frosty porter of B. A- Collier, the C s Up ,T J Li ^^rren.haw^T,? speak of the aid and support yon have here Sstnrdsy, Itev. J. D. Anthony presid- g™cer, while on bis rounds with his dellv- ’■ TJ, h„VrnTd ^. n v^lm l P hen g^en me and the Ti.tsioe yon log. All the interests of the olureh^ were Ury wsgon yeaterdsy, dUcovered the stable Cbs^mto remsrkS; “If yon do| baVef urnished to,the admini.trationof | l.ookedafter.ndjrovWed^ f0r.__Th_e_.e5-1 of,^. il Davis on fire, snd, without I will charge that yon Chbholm because he seized yet Crawford's still in Clayton oonnty and ex-1 labors ^vour"achievements' I ed the'msel'vorfTr'meinh'ershipAamoug tho I stove room wss on fire, and ho stopped and Inal. InThe intereSof hUW.uTrihS toY.p“^UUonand ’gratitude cl I Cam m .a,-D..t h of Dw. «. 8. BUley. | they had got under good headway, and hi. “ • * 1 •* Sinco I moat at Jea»t THK SEN AT B STIF.L P13CU83ES SHIPS AND OUNaS. Gainesville, Febrnary 15.—Yesterday a ptt nnt also increases. It is not perishable cold rain begin to fall and freeze and soon I ll * nature, for dealers say it is better the trees \»eie loaded with ioe. This morn- after seasoning for some months. It is easy lag is mariner but still cloudy. I 1° handle, for it can be sacked or barreled Tbe burning of the chimney flues in the & n( * a convenient season for tranapor- Gainesville Cottage raised tho alaim of fire tation. It will bring a fair price in the and soon the whole town was in stir and niarket. Last year dealers weie paying the boys had out the engine ready for work. I from $3 50 to $4 per bushel. Twenty busheU Gainesville ha< escaped tire for more than a to the tree is by no means an unusual year. We goner&liy have an annual tire. I ytald; and at lekat ten can be counted on. The engineers for the Augusta and Chat-1 From the^eville Recorder's “Asy- tanooga railroad are arranging for imme-11^ 01 • Dixie DuBignon, who got hit diate work. Ahbood as the camp equipage I elbow dislocated last week, wab out yeater- arrives, they will start out on the expedi-1 fl®y b* 8 friend '‘Harris” and bare hia tion. Mi-jor Moreno, of this place, has 1 arof rebandaged. He was in true English charge of thi corps. He mill survey from I style, driving Prince in his buggy while here to Harmony Grove on the Northeast- I bi* followed on horseback. He said ern, and then from this point toward Chat- I be was potting along very well, though he tanooga. Gainesville is attracting often-1 still carried bis arm in a sling. The tion now, as people ate coining in wanting I weekly dances and other entertainments to invest in real estate. Seme is obnnging I which hnvo been suspended for some time hands. | on account of the measles will, now that Charter! for throe different corporations I the fine weather ia eoming on and the are now advertiz -d, viz: Building and Doan measles disappearing, soon be reanmed. Association, Cotton Faotory and Shoe and 1 They are Fonrces of much pleasure not only Leather Company. I to the inmates bnt to many visitors who The farmers have arrived at that stage In I frequently attend. The approach of their work where they Bre buying and haul-1 spring is making the front icg away fertilizers. Next fall when they I yard at the asylnm quite have to pay for it, they will vow not to I pretty. All vegetation i. putting out buy any more, but they will as soon as the I rapidly. The spirea is beginning lo look time comes. I quite pretty, while tbe croons and hyaointh The best feature so iar is that no com has I dot the gronmla with yellow, bine, pink been shipped here. Corn And oats are sold | and white; the birds fill the air with music on onr streets from wagons every day. | and tbe sweet violet with their delicate per- Corn sella for 55 conts and oats 45 cents | fume. The measles, which as an cpi- eash. 1 demio has been raging for some time at the rr-^nr-n-—-r asylnm and in the neighboring environs of WAYS * SI unto. I Jij dway and Moselyville, is declining. It A Social Cinb OrgamiMi by the Yonng alcn I has not been a severe type, and as far as WavsEFBono, February 13,-The young I-can learn, ^-bas bren no deaths TUB ThX INV>SITUATION. A Nmnb r of Wltii*«stn Tmtify WAflniNOTON, February 15.—love 1 * of tho tilleged po’itical ontr»gw* i' ingtou c^uoty, Ti xuj. b*guu b; o imuiti^e of tli»* Be i'to o *rarai Tlio Tchatiotcpro Railway Sthcme^Spviiker j PnviU*g**a and r\- tiODB t'ai lii r. i g I'hft CarsUle M .koh » DacUtoa lhat Prob- lnVCBiig ilibg C ;uiuutte« coDbitt bly bimta Oat tho Blair III!!— I ^**5? (°fl* lru * atl b I«B< r, Spoon . Uiuau't NncofMor. WasHisoro*. February 15.-In jn-| of the joaioi .ry o maoiuce. Judge Lalay"- Senate Alt. Jones, ot Nevada from he etle K J , rk 00 ' ntv n ; Washingtii committee 0,1 duauce reported back ttl* 0<mnty Tex^.aud Leals 11 Bryan, auiw- Honae ame-n linenta to the trade dollar 0 t B« U ham, were r re*s. nt... .* iina.l btU, with the recommendation that it be the ( |,. feose> aUll T. D. Jordan, au ut- non-concurred in. Tne amendment was torE tll j, ranbami waa pr ,.„. nt , 0 s , tve in non-cononrred in and oonfe.enoe asked. thn h ’ mtl lty [ot lb , F pwMontloQ . Messrs Jones, ot Nevada and Morrill and SUrrtha ,| % )okar , a ftt ^ Pr of tn dopon- Beck were appointed conferees on the part denw ,_ Washington oonnty, 28 years of age, ° ii a 1 n a i it ,, . , an independent in politics, testified that he Mr. Hoar offered a resolnlion anthonxing wag in ‘oomp.ny wteh Colonrl C. I> .Spann, a sub committee of the oommittee on privt- 0Q6 o£ lhp j* dg i o{ ela!tion of LoU *^ pre l eges and elections inquiring into theI W«»H elnal, oirrying a ballot box to HreLham. ington county, rexo-, lrjull‘S to inqnirn wbrn tt M . b, % was taken train them by whether thole baa been ,any attempt mukad Hn ., „ tau , d meni wbo b t ld ,h, m up by the Uuited Satus pistrioteAltor- d took £fQm t be j r wagon tho ballot box uey ior the western district of Texas, or by 1 .. .. 8hcotH h the United States marshal or aoy of bis “ t' ^pann, a Democrat in polities,toaU- (lepnties, to interfere with or obatruot the flf( , to th S*,^ e .ff -ot as tho previous wit- invesUgatlon or to obstruct and intimidate ne . indaddedthatb0 hadn f 0 re , 90n to witnesses. Laid over nnde^.... anticipate any snch thing until about d The Henato took op ^r- 0 , bl1 ' ociuck on that afternoon, -Cut, be lieaid to incteaso the naval establishment. Hale , . - . Pugh and Eustis. All v^rro nre^ont darii i* th« morning ►o.stiou. but Mts-av. Ev,i t* anti I Pagb were oalltjd away to attend i ! rtf Ilia vtirilsvt ft imintffnA to incteaso me natat esiauusumenF. tbat DnRr oes had murdered Dowe,s Holt .n offered an amendment, that If the apeed of in a neighboring precinct, and that the b vl- ?he '.Zl ,Lw« 5?sr(!!w f^ lot b01 Orehs‘,1 precinct, wo. re tlnro the contractor ahull reoelve loir,000 for WM „ Urgfl 00 | orad mi .j 0 Hfy. had been da- every additional quarter knoh and U it gtroyed. The witneas hod intended to d<v II ^vIa "nlintraot 11*JT «H *be following Saturday the transfer of tbo box to tho authorities at Brenliam, *50,000 for every ^" fr .kno below 20 Lut tMa luteUl oa , h,.,, t ., B . ar , i once. LotCs precinct is heavily Ite pub- Uoal me^are. U did not i“olve P the! Uoaa * Oa cross ex.mlnalion the wituoss abandonment cf the 20 knot did encourage and stimnlate enter on this great work. Mr. Van Wyck characterized the amend- I that greatparty which has called yon to its 1 are both progroisivo bntlncss men, and »wW.U Stonley make more liad. I Fhali atid hope to follow its fortune thfir estahtuhing here demoDetrates ^ brrekZl He nsVa whote Under vmir snccessfnl guidance with a fact that Waynesooro is bUU on ths forward | “'rektest. "* nsea a wnoie (orNewnan. yrdlEHMi OFFICIALS ENGAGE IS A , , LITTLE FIGHT. under your successful guidance with a AieaST.1 February IS.-This morning fellow ottizens’s loyal ptide. Very rerpeot- mareh. aS«iu ‘J o’clock Collector Thomas C. Cren- I tally, yours, nU^anfl Ravouno Agent W. H. Chapmau j ['Daniel Manning. L,‘i ft uenonal difflculty ia the office of the I Dresideut, Executive Mvnsion. « ^ the enstom house No blood was "Executive Mansion, Washington, Feb- ltailroads. p™rd. but C- be^orCrenshaw was severely | wavy 16-Hoo. D^ttel T.,M«na}ng. | . Columbus. Feb. 14 -The grand ju^ re-1 dted OULUMBUS. ;—— ri—p,Vi. . I. I all wmr/vinnirrmen Since I must at least I Cummino, February 13.—Dr. Samuel 8. deliberate promptness prevented any alarm trintory, when Crenabaw said. That Is ,. * - { co ntinuanco at Bailey died suddenly at his home In this I being given to bring ont the fire depart- not true. Chapman jumped up and seiz-1 relinquitn my nope ot your Louuuuom.o aj j lUa n. 1 1,,-tanoa sm i r a Chapman jumped up ana sets-1 ^‘‘“',1.““oQQ^poi a nd" coUborer, and I pUoe’ this evening' of heart disease. Dr. 1 ruent'in either lhaUliOe. ing Crenshaw by the arm ydl«l,. .jJ ca j c »nnot onretion the reasons upon waethe fattor of the two yonng Judge Adsms, of tho Chatham Superior yoo, at th« L .Itia.Tu\.£Lt ladies so cruellv murdered bv Eugene Beck. Court, has astonished tho gamblers and L_ , _ ‘“TF* I I, \ said there were negro candidates oo both S ‘ ‘ t ckets. Due ticket was n straight llcpnb- nlate contractors to | Ueket ana the other a mixed ticket. Thera wm no Damocratio ticket. Some ot - — 4 - .*» ... 11caadidatee on the wi&ai&gtkilMlbadno Beni-oas furenibtog to- a^mmuuo lo or .p- si . ; - =< fcds-rtd-T^ hvfcoth parties, hedse, or tho Navy Deportment to g, j Bonje ° { tb# aocB3aa j a j candiiDtes woro or the oontraotora to hedge sgMnst the gov- cn , nretl The witoc „ ba , n0 kr . 0 wl- .nl. .VIm . P t,Z l » lima U g»*s to which party was responsible for thought the Senate should show a 11 le lb “ c o! th i «, 0 i In a £, wc . r t0 Mr . hes:tehcyubout thu b il and. Kpnoner, the witness said Washington He btlibvod that the real objeot of jbiau j conntJ . bnd nunslly g-ms K-rrahti *an »ineo t^haUtovof ihetwocompa^ncxlnenoa ; thr „ )tl ,,, n .. n . tu . bills) was to deplete the trewury so that I om[ • T *, W , H d v „,f lorad ^ tUu toougu too witotoE opprevsive tariff duties. IcouIJ not say liSw largely the OermanE a,*^ - tY'®hl«te£ < \^re«i«n™tolnn!iv«r Olathe balance of powsr. He had never ‘i l. ‘ it. i i?„ !?!5™i known a straight Demorratio ticket to be life anooccatnl during tho last ten years until might XhteS l off r ' B comractora Z ^ ^ ■»»«“ *“ — r| U- °*l?i tr °te. B nvtelkino J** , nTer #, vri& I * M Jones, e colored school teacher, 23 Ifaiukiugitovorandt^kingit oW. with of 8 ltrorn . He c k rk of an honest purpose of getUng the > »*»ftoe‘ election to Klucnnty voting precinct at the ships we had off "*i* e h “ J? laat eleotion. One hundrml and liftvnino practical meisnre; » D<J bo though, it wonl.l , wcre t bQt OIlly mxty-nineot them commend Uaelf to the good aetise ot I bad bee n counted when tho ccmut was iu- honate. , I terrnpted by masked and armed men, wbo .a tSi?^. ?. I threatened him wllh firearms, and ho ran railroad bill came up M unfinished busi- ftnd did no£ retnrn _ j t was at this precinct I2 ® 8 ** , r ;^ I ? rga ,^ k! and on this evening that Do von Holton wan providing that nothing to th. ec. .q~l ,bc klUe(1( RJ WM by p 0 i kH ill,» oolorod nnw h.v^ond^r »nv ,aan » who was ln the r °om wlien tho dis- the United Statoa may now have under My ( , a j wd maQ entered. Hill ha.l been at the hwtji ktieloliire made with Uelio °-1 oofi* armed daring the day, atul witness Adopccu. _ , . . ( had seen him vote with a gun on hi* shoal- Mr * ^ I d er * WitneftB had heard that Polk »fill said providing iUsnofeoitifisut© of stock jhall he kUled Bolton# To Mr. Spooner thn wit- iaVi nDtil I??™ SS5?n*^hat ll inn nfM >*id Bolton was one of the dUgulaed ptddforln“°“*y v^ 0 *!Intruders, and had a phtol in Ida hand b0 .“. d ? ‘“uliT .2* nnui «hon ho was shot Bolton's father was a paid In shall be authorized nnUl snohcapl-1 nd i dmlaJo r offlcoaDd biH nam , was on talihaU amount to ten million dollara, and 1 b b tickets. Ha was, however, badly tbst no bonds shall be dtspoaed of at lest 1 ’ ' nntil ThnradaV. VttiVMU. another oolorod man, waa Hnally bill went over_until Thursday. , B the t00m ^ 6Q tho lntrU(U rH c amo . Tho □oa» of lt.prMntatlres. I witness did not see him bavu any arms, lie WasniNOTON, Febraary 16.—In the House, j has atnoe been hang, the Speaker annooneed tho appointment of I ■ ■■ ■ Messrs. Feale, Skinner andFarUnvasoonfe- „ "liotetll ON hath," tees on the Indian appropriation bill. After Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics, nnts, tbe disposal of buainess on the Speaker’s I bed-bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack table, Mr. Henderson, of Indiana, called rabbits, snnrrotvs, gophers, chipmunk*. suspended the imprisonment clause. L. L. Tbe Swift mill, at Columbus, will soon I Hoover, who had pleaded gnllty to keeping ‘ You are an infernal liar, you are armed.” I lion shall take eff^pt, ana mat you wui ao | jg j ana { 0 tterv. Whereat Crenshaw turned his pockets inaide I regulate what remalne to you of offloial Chremin 0 Tii t w^l*not°haS l v 1 eD?thets measure of" fraedom m from v^xaUon, labor a id machinery anddo its own spinning. I open a tippling house on Sunday, and to Chapman he would not bandyepithets meMmreoiiraeaouiireBiv™u« Nowit is devoted entirely to weavingcheoto, retailing liquor without a license, was fined vdih him because it waa beneath hia (Cren- anv new SlsKiS ‘ *300 or aiz months for tbe first offense, end Chtpman thin recharged* Crenahaw with path of life yon may hereafter follow there Th. u.o.sia Preaa. *Qmal BaldridaA*who ^had^elso pleaded covering np frands in his department and may be allowed to yon more of oomfort and The October adjourned term of Snmter I L kSniaS enm a ttodtowhonsa on ^ked 8 o^fi—not, however, Eefore Uking ofimethan a oonrelenUonadischarg. of 8llpetior court convened Monday. SSSS^iStt!® «monZ ZX Mn hand from his pocket, disclosing to dnty hew permits, I nm, very sincerely, I The big clock bought by Palsski county I Racon convioted recently of Urccny from view a knife. The abt v» ie the gist of the | your friend, „ Qro¥11B Cl zvzland " for » h# coor * hon * 9 **«lng pot in place. tbe bo 'ase, was sentenced to one year in the 45 President will nominate Mr. Men- After a detention of eeveral day. at penitentiary. skew's office to'see him about ChUolm’s re-1 ntng’s successor before the adjournment of A“J ,ion ** DeHaven s oirens is again on the old Vat Not a Lov.r. u . Dibble, ot South Carolina, contended moral, and that Crenshaw got very angry | Congress. | a Jnn | atehal),meerto_ i _ fli tbat the Henderson resolnUon involred a up the resolution discharging the commit, moths, molts. 18c. At druggists, tee of rite whole from farther considers-1 “KOCOU ON COKna." tion of the Senate bUl granting a pension Aslt for V\ ells "Ilouglt on Corns. .. Ito Mary L. Logan, and making tbe bill a rellcf.completc cure. Corns,'tvnrts,bunions. I.peclal order for to-day. Against this rrao-1 15c. DruggisU. E. B. Weils, Jtraty City. Quick lution the point of order wae pending that "BOLGHON ITCH." it did not present a privUeged question and "Rough on Itch’ cures hUIix lmmors, was not entitled to immollate oonsideia-1 eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt rli- um, tion. As bearing on tho question, Mr. fro#tod feet, chilblains Itch, ivy poison, Hammond made long citations irom a de-1 barber’s Itch. BOc, B.S. Wells, Jersey OUy. bate which ocoumdtn the House ia 1882,at I "lODUlf ON ctt.tUItn» tbe time of the adoption of the rule known Corrects offensivo odora at once. Com* as tbe “Pound” rule. This was the only plctocuroof worstclironlccasos; unequal- occsslon slnco 1704 when the direct nnee- cd as garglo for diphtheria eoro tiiroat, tion wae raised us to whither I foul brcatli.Calurrliul throat iilTccliuns. 50c. notice ot a chango of tho raise presented privileged matter when called np, and upon /.nnrfABY’s office joni h coc.s'rv. or.onou that oooaslon the weight ot argnment had IU Ci.nm>«, <)»., j-ouerr mb, tvti.-v been ao great against tho affirmative of the I Aeianda L.iMlIiar, fnaailaa of her .-liiMr-o, to-wit; it. p„„nd Wi-n.l- John »• Milter. Fonnio Milter. WUtbua n. Ufll.r, proposition that Mr. Found, of Wisconsin, E i U ,reth Y. Miller, Lnla-L. Milter and )-.« mii- anthor of ths proposed change of the rales, I ter, foraarly minora ot Jmmtek Muter, bad voluntarily abandoned hia proposition I appltee to ma for dtemUilou; and gars him the lie, and that then be choked him. He stye that he told Cren- sha* that it wae repotted that ha intended' to remove Chisolm be came the Utter bad aeized Crawford's still, erpoaiog frands; tost Crenshaw than gave him the lie. A DANGEROUS UUUNTKHFHT. Mr. Frank Carnegie killed a 400-ponnd ] I bear on Cumberland Island, near Dnngen- ness, a few days since. ItU doubtfnl 1 St. Valentine himself waa ever in love except with abstract vir tue, or ever exerted himself as an apoatla notable degree. Bnt 'ly men, it U mUN to as for Altai—lom and permitted Us mcaanre to be referred to! There sit to etu and sduoaUk a 1 .- ;n raw -Lmliiu .. «,!«« eemed to ebow autre at thlaeO... if .nj. i),,j t„„ tie committee on rule*. | to the. - nuvr. on «r hr tb. im Uumw m ij.rcb. ‘— Wttaaea my hand clficlolljr. A Uo*as Coin Thet Daeetved the Treasury I Polioeman Higginbothem, of Bronswiek, I of matnmony in any notable ontotata. | bu been found gnllty bjr a jury of volnn-1 being » wiae as well as a kind!' Fuiladxltuia, February 15 —The United I tsryman»langbter in killing a fireman of I easy to imagine tbat he mnit have favored States mint here to-day seenred a couuter-1 t ba ateamabip Reva. I the pairing of the sexes, in the interest of It is impossible to get at the foil details I felt *2 50 gold piece of 1852, of which it A> B . Mulligan, who shot Mr. Stnekey in ham *? h *PP' n .“? * n , d th «fnlflUment of the vhich led np to the trouble to-night. ba» been In qneatfor a year for the pnrpoae B Ukely a few days sines, ha* been bonnd S 01 *? 1 J? w “' h h ® duD S 80 bravely and ao Crawford is on Crenebaw’s bond. Chap- of oompletiug its cabinet. It wu presented over lot trial in the snm of *750. The In- « edl , u “ T ’ m V\ J“ T * ^ ao9n ! J? 0 * aon w« appointed nnder a Republican I to Snprrintendent Fox by L. H. Taylor AI j arad nu te fret recovering. that ln toe nature of things the selection • ” ‘ ‘ think—and [ Co., bankers, ’bo Rot^it lu a ^lU.OOU lot | For tha b , lan0 . of tha .^.n, theatrical I iti rtalnninnta will ItA ntwan In A nnnafa at I . *7. adminUtration—Hayes’s, I think—and Co., bankers, who got it in a (10,000 lot _ . . of wivea and hnsbands waa a process in Chisholm wss appointed bv Andrew Clarke, I from toe snb-treesnry yesterday. This For the balance of th« season,. theatrieel ro i r jj,g many chances of deception *hom Crensha, P race«ded I smonnt of gold was^^orwardeJf to New ln Ab S“V 1 “ “ d disappointment, just as it does I York In the afternoon, and this one pieco *“ P roonr *d from at tba ptt .aent day, nutwitbstsnding ait The Oiorata utdland. | wu re tnraed this morning as a counterfeit. I Mr * D*Gtve, ot Atlanta. I tba ( n tervening triumphs of civilisation. Atlanta, Febraary 15.—A number of the I It wss pronounced genuine, and acid at the The Savannah military are making And ao, perhaps, it bo had been living directors of the Georgia Midland railroad sab-treasury subsequently fsiled to show it preparations to give Governor Gordon a when the yonng men and maidens of were in ths eity to-day on their return from I mything bnt good. At the mint, however, grand reception on the occasion of hia visit ' tha directors muting held yesterday in Co- I the assayer declared it a counterfeit, I to that city on the 22d instant. A banquet i—i— i . • .v- . dangerous I end bell ere emong the features of enter- " ‘proposed. , aatia of WztkiasTills are greatly “lent of 25 per eent. for tbe second twenty I gold,” he said, "yet its weight Is that of I excited over new developments that have mile section'of the read completed. I tbe real artiole to a hair, fte size is exactly I recently taken place in connection with the ___ — 1 toe seme, save that the genuine coin is burning of thet town. All aorta of rumors the TEXAS DROUTH SUFFERERS, slightly thinner at the middle than the I k re afloat, and nsmu of the highest reepeet- 0 j oonoterfeit, sod it^hsa toe trae^ring of the | ability are mentioned as having had a hand Among Thau-B<ialt or Investigation. The I ^STb,“ ’the’Tiead’npon il'ThVt I rought commissiootn appoiotod by Gov-1 v tyle of bead ot liberty waa not printed I colonel Machen atilt dck. but octtine bet- prep'riitettttalnra «“ ‘Andteh-fpleo- fif M6A" {“tor^n.SS^ Si «! People in^he dronth atri^ien' dtetriel of Pr.rea.ra BoteareO. SKVW to .‘¥?«“y?*tb. midnight| 0iLctrrt a. February .^.-Twenly-fiveI pUte hte U “rs neTwuk fcrai D '« ht ’ “ d *P*°‘ Bnnday U^ d of the seventy five thonaand pris- ^ bat, luting for Latlaad county yesterday. oneM -* present confined in* different I “ J 8 ®. Swaineeboro railwad, The commiadooers began their labors it ?£te" throughout India for different of- ‘ £ 0 »»2 inspected | will be releated to-morrow « en act | ^^T^"^o°nly A «te^ d nUS5M* prindVVhi^ toS ““ b “ Irai.nS'to femalee. AU peraens ^gdara seed and feed for their stock, and ‘® p ^ n ed for debt throughout Jndia, in | ll0 ,^““ c ^|* l4<,t ^* passenger coach bonght, however, and ‘ the traveling pnb- no . t P 0 . w ‘ r . ? r .»°- where the debt it nnder 100 rapeee, Milledgeville Chronicle: Mr. W. L. St..,, -reremewu UUUIUWCI ul Bu ,'MM wnere me ae«* *’ u “ r*-i|_ . -------- uoriiy to fornix u UNBf u 10 Leffialatnra 1 -m »,* hbewtfd to-morrow, also in com-1 Horne saya that tbe negro fonnd must have •Ia r ? ,ti8Ud ,h<! “ to furnishing flour I *‘ mo . a (( 0 n of thejubUee, end in these | b«en old men Dave Batts, who started from and la «fo»l need of bread, -- jh, government wtU psy the debts. “‘e tka required oath to toat | . OATARBK OURKD. *eatf22^iil?“ rear* ef reftrteg torn I sasrS a A ^ | hMltuT)itoH?*!*to ter. :j.lenc», lit frre re -w,;-'•a Tott. %;:i Bra Joera ™ * capital fellow. But b. ni re e«ateaa*adly<ai«w 1 T bat kte IrlHute all tetoobbla^ Even bl. lacubreit »be rtrebblm. which m»dc poor tenlowOIy bellow. Now, u-i. i.*t»teteoan^reMc^. Who told btm to Uie MIlMtra And no. Htui.l AI "‘ 5“JS?S« Soar th? “tpl i.mfd the bteFth. the por belli.. hi* p'aco on Little river to go to Hancock oonnty about aix weeka ago. Tbe descrip tion answer# his well, even to the patches on hit pants Ha hat not heard from him since he left in tis boat to fo down tbo river, and from the fact tbat the oid wan hubject to fits and finding Li* beat loChC iu the river sometime after, think, he Lad a fit and foil into the river and was drowned. 111., kiiheer '1 imee TLe coining industry ltllud of Uno Ext. OIqIkv Democrat The people of the Sooth ate wondering what right Speaker Carlisle has to prevent Congress from considering a proposition to. abolish ths tobacco tax by an arbitrary re fusal to recognize any member wishing to off«r such a bill. They might alio inquire how it hsppen* that a member who desires to make an attack upon too system of pro tection which ia doing so much for the de velopment of Southern resource* be* no difficulty whatever in eatching Mr. Car lisle’* eye and getting a chance to urge free- trade views and pnrpoae*. • CONSUMPTION CURED. An old pkpitctaa. ntlrel from practice, having bad plarad la hi* band* by aa Eau India will ns- arj tne formate of a almpte vegteible remedy foi the ■ ran ot ConaampUoe, Branch.-.i*. Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and long aC-etlon., also a poettlvo and radical N* r,.j ; ;;tj and oi: .a. n&-i, Coiu: lain having treed lu wi.n.i.rtal curative i->.«n. In thoa-.h'te of ceere, bo. f-;t It hi. du-y h>n.akelt Acring t-. owb. ActnatSd by thte e and a da •nd trre of ■ to i J alt wh eg. I , III Pow.r*. Block, h. ■ heater, h. V. chango of tbe rales, and therefore presented a privileged question, after dne notioe hav ing been given. It had been deoided over and over again that a report from the onm- mittco on rules making some mcaanre a epecUl order waa privileged. There was nothing in the rules which made reports of that oommiateb privileged, and their privileged character wu not derived from ute committee bnt was inherent ini the anbjeet matter of the report. Therefore a resolution making a special order wu privileged without having been reported Itrom toe committee on rale*. Tha Speaker then rendered his decision, in which he reviewed the question involved exbensUvely. At the first session ot the Forty-eighth Congress, he said, tbe present occupant of the chair had rendered a decision on a similar point, and ho bad than decided (quoting too decision nil length) that a notice to change tha rales, when called np, did not preeeutapririlegret question, uui. waa subject to ill the re!** and moat be referred to the committee on [xnlea. Tb* chair had reviewed not only that decision, bnt all other decisions acces sible, and still adhered to the construction he had then placed on the rales. The chair thought that no matter how a proposi tion same before toe House in tb* fiiat instance it most, when again called np, go to ths oommittee on rales. He thereforo sustained to* point of order. Mr. WUli* inquired whether it would be in ordtr to refsr tbe proposition to tbe com mittee on raise with certain ins tractions. The Speaker stated that it would not, and on tbe operation of th* Speaker’s decision, Mr. Hsndtnon't resolnUon wu sent to the oommittee on rales. Mr. Hammond, of Georgia, submitted n conference report on toe anti-Mormon bill, and it iu ordered printed and laid over nntil Thursday. The Honu then went into oommittee of the whoie on tbe diplomatic and consoler appropriation bill, upon points ot order raised by Mr. Burns, of Missouri, practically all items which iu- cretse any existing salaries or provide for each contingent expenses of foreign mis- rent, pot! I_-, teiecMn.-, clerk Li etc., were stricken out; a’so iteme provid ing Ilt tho ere,-:ion or repair of legatiou bnildinga. Without completing oomudera- ticn of the bill, the oommittee rose. M, e-rv. Cobb. Van Ha ton and Payson were appointed conferees on the NoriLern 1'actfic Und forfeiture bill. Adjourned. nuDiiuBr* office, cbawford county. W Osorela.- ticker,a Yarborough, aUruluLtr.tor (it th* aetata ot Mrs. N. Iteb.eca usurer, tat. ' .aid county, dacsss'A baa applte.] lo in- m due form for IsavstoreUtbs land, of estate of salt Uo,-..-I, known aa tb* Oeorgs place, adjoining th. Culvir- boare lands at.d laud, nt John H. h.t„i.r,ir and than: Tbat* in, tbmfore, to cite all p.r«m> at Intact to ihow eauaocm or before tho fir.1 in 'anb, n.kL why court of ordinary of reid county •hould not grant Irere to reu. as pnijed i ,r Wtt- nare *qr band and oli d .^nature n. January ft. UBV, OKO. L. BAWYKIL fobt-St Ordinary. fab! wklytd R. T. R”8e. Ordinary., ftitDivaavg office iones ogusit. oeoroia, UFobvoary 0,1,1IWT —Wh.rere Mr.. Katbor Landy, wifs of II ,b*vt Laody. of Jonre county, Georgia, applies lo me for an rxempti-.a of and „idi sad Vlfbauonef o li. : -lea l of re.lty rr„m in. tends ot said Laody for herself and miner children: And I will paaa epoatheaauoat ihp. a.eon Mon ‘»v. tb.ntblul , at 11 o’eloek a. m. Witnwnr Lab i li.’iiiUllr. tillllftwid It. T. BOW, Ordinary. ARDINiRYU O^FiCKj CHAWFunU CoUnTy! U UtofaU.-WbMtM Uenry rt.Turfi-r h*8 Aijpheol ia wrtUn< to b« appotnted p«nn&nent aauunutr*- t e»UU of L-jve/ I*. WbUtiU(( mi, UUj cf aai.1 Hf. i The-mi »r»,th«r*for*.to notify all per«oaa at In Urett to thorn cm** *t tb» n*vl*r Al«rch terta oi court of ordinary for Mid c ianty wt.y letten •bonld not 1mh« to m!4 »ppl!c»nt. Wltae<* tuj band and oficUl tlcnatanthl* innutry Y7.1H8T. feblwlt OtO. Jj. HAWYIlt, Ur.Jlu*rr. !»7 attbU office on or Ufore IU« fir*t Mo . _ March, nest. Witneu«my band officU’.ly. feblwtl 11. T, BOflfi Ordinary. AHDINAUY H OFFICE, JOIH COUNTY. OA.. U Oelotai V, USL-WItinyL Ihm M. lOdB \ bfOoka,M -le utorof Mm. Milury li^Mouk. d»* c«Mcd, »p; V.m to mm for dl-i,..--i,,n fr. m uakI ««- lb«M to eite All p*r».>n* < ’.n. erneU to AU tMf OfcjMtlOMk IfUftMJ !.••'’ Ui« . .Mitr^ry, In ttk liw oa or Ik tat m ia, k. y next. * ItMM my bAnd offiftUllr. uorT-wiu. Bo T. BOHN, Ordm*ry. OFFICE SKS JUNTY. <ik ^ l-tr**'. ^ 1*. Cilo*«r »pi,ii«« to me tor diauU*- i tr ,-i.i Ut® mum of John J Ultwr, <!•■<«•*<*«?.!: tu-*. *f thdTvfortj to Mflmonuh mihI ciu? all p«p- * ‘om'orncti to abov ■ if «o> ih+y have to . *<ntnary, *t UaIm ofliu*? on or by the ftr»t MondAf Yiummm Uj> h^nd offic