The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 15, 1887, Image 1

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1 •UJ J til *dl ®!jc m e jcXcXtj l PLYMOUTH CHURCH. funeral services of the CUURCH'8 GREAT PASTOR. l,w»!t Three Hour, to O.In Ad- ,.. f Flowers IToruscly Used- TUe tloslcal l-rosrr».iiiue Dr. Hull's 1'uthetlc Oration. Fork M»rob ll.-AU Brooklyn »»a j »»l««itlon< on tty organ 8 £5jj!g"ui» I Nfw Tons. M>rch 12.-The remains of 1Di! to-day over Ihe death of ILt. , • J® lij’kept up all the time the lain Henry W.rd Beecher were taken Wad Beecher. The pnblio offuos through the chrnoh. tram Ply-nuuih, Ulnrch, Brooklyn, at 8.d0 '.^d sod bnsinesa wae entirely am- “ sla , tm « *» General in Wi r „nd ,onve»ed to Greenwood ., ,,„idin keeping np the supply of music. 1 MACON, GEORGIA, TPhSDAY, MARCH 15, 1BS7.—TWELVE PAGES. BEECHER IS LAID TO REST. At 2:301 this afternoon the children of the 11} iu iiuth school mot in the BchooLromi in ■ the rear of the church, and we “formed in FOLLOWED TO GREENWOOD OEMS- Bne and marohed through the church I TK »V BY 0> LY A FEW FlUENDS, The children of the Mayflower r?, h °i. 0l o e aD , d thosa cf thB Hell II gh School were also passed through the chnrch at the same time. The public had to wait until the children got through, when the endless stream began its lively gait pant General King gave aome VOL. LXJ.HO 50. Hut a G’eat Crowd Awaits the Arrival of the llearse-The Hotly l'laced In a Receiving Vault - Reeking Me mentoes—Notes. fin the direction of Plymouth Chnrch. J? 'JJJ c * 08ed Jhen &e offl- At 7 o’clock this morning the colonel of the v Q « notice were stationed at the ends I “° u^d been on duty filed past the I Thirteenth Regiment turned the remains I Mock on which the church is situ- f °* company *Q and a over to the Plymouth Church committee l.nd do ono whs allowed to pass f _ rf . ai? l . m f m |j er8 then passed thft bier who had charge of the burial. A cordon of IV »h« lines unless he had a ticket. I; 1 a ,00 “ a J *be beloved pas- 1 ioo police, in charge of a captain and « RiJelock the lino in Orange street /• dwroTt was cleared I three aergeants, wore drawn up blocks long, three abreast. The I . ai J d . . military j a f ron t 0 f the ma in entrance of K»rM>u were paoked with people who d ., tliu ?., 61 eDt ^ Mrs. Beecher I the church on Orange street. There lifrjond hoping that they might he d come . dow ° ^ in the wer0 Vfc ry few people on the street at the ■ i n without a ticket. ! ^ the ooffin lid will he I ti me> an( t everything passed off quietly. |°Lr- 0 f the Pylmouth company, com-1 a “ Q 'P. 0 Uou y " m remove©i to tu6 j Kone 0 [ family "cut to the church- At T»a” of the Thirteenth regiment, of I u?T % wa * n< * ced to-night that the I g o’clock the members of the committee I tufiher was chaplain, were st riioued 1 l. . y ,, d begun to change. The taco was ttn£ j other gentlemen took a last look at the L/ior of the church and in the lecture 1 rjyjr* dia colored near the eyes. None 1 dead divine, and the lid tf the ca*kot was l The whole interior was turned into I thet family‘Will be present at the pri-1 gorowed down by Undertaker Hopper. The Louden, and tbo fragrant perfume VA i?. la . termeu 7 . _ _ l4 _ _ cjsket was lifted on the shoulders of six Ln-rvaied the air. Tne walls, gal- I " ou8 ® at the corner of Hicks and I undertaker’s assistants, carried out of the AVfltn wero covered with ever- , ar * “ Bt , 40 of curiosity to I church and placed in the hearse. Rev. a. I. and o*Ua lilies. The reading desk I fitran g er8 » f^d a spend policeman la still I j}. Halladay walked in front of iho casket Iwrelwitb fresh rose* and vi eg, as I ? n tJJV* J“ rB# Bs^ouar ■is enjoying good I w j t b uncovered head. Tbe flowers which n tha chair in which Mr. Beecher sat I health ana is receiving the visits of her per- j were placed on top of the casket were al- rvmntycurs. A floral enblem was in | JJJPJ: *. n , eI1 ? 8 A ^ho unlit ry wiii ha on dnty I ] osre d to remain. Tho first carriage which P ® *. i.!». ,.U e\ . (An nf uiki.ih I till O O ClOCK SlltUrdtiY DlOrilUiil, TLO iDt( r* I n*MAlail (Vw» UaAKo ama rt I) j (.(1 py R(jTf, HV Hopper and inTheir hills. The facade of the I lor ^* I Mr. ti. V. White. There were eleven L Ils c ovtred wiih potted plants. The 1 v ** OFrscr to oaixocs aEnsuin. other carriages, and these were occupied by Vnru loaded down with timers tsd j rt *' tw lon*. Match __ 11.—Tho tttriMi I JjJm X. Howard, Hot. Edward Beecher, 1,••' Va a .cut by fri'-nds and different L ;, i"in:f New 1 urk ana urimiju i,m - I Augu-tuv Siorra, T. V.v;I.-;g..s, Kev. Tho-i EL The oosket was placed on a membership of clergymen irrespective of K .^Tleechcr, M.yor Whitney, V. O. For- INGEHSOLL ON SOCIALISM. If the Theory Should Prevail, the World | Would he a Penitentiary. Some cf tbo best and pmebt of our I race,” Hays Robert G. Ingersoll in the North American Review for Much, "have advo cated what is known as socia’.iHm. They have taught * • • and believed that a | nation should be a family; that tbe govern- mtnt should tuko care ot a 1 its children; that it should provide work and food and I cloth* a and education for all, and that it | should divide the reanlta of all labor equita bly with all. • • • Is itpostibleto con cave cf a despotism beyond th t? Tbe i present condition of th* world is bad, AT' THE BAY STATE CLUB. CARLISLE BREAKS AT A DEMOCRAT IC BANQUET. The Iflt-nt of Local Self-Government Muni bo Maintained—A Dozen Unes About tho TarliT tlueHtion—Protection a Moral and Legal Wrong. Boitojc, March 12 —The Bay State Club, the moRt important Democratic organiza tion in New Ragland, entertained Anuni) er . ... . | of distiugnUhed gentlemen at their nonual 1 ^° r ?i C ft I dinner M th. Bafer. Hoc HO this sflernoou. Chief among the guests was H n. J. (i. Carlisle, who wus the orator of (he oc- but it is far better than it could | by any possibility ho under any govern* well prison tomabjiHy would i T , 0 0 , tlu> Uoston Glol (n r ^. electea decide wbutwci should do. Tne «nmst,e | pr '. idt : nt aod It . u. Alger, secretary and trenail ry. Urraideut Taylor presided at tbo banqnot of a pilsou retire early ; they riso wi.h tbe san; Ui*y have something to cat; they are not dLipsted; they have clothe.; thej I JmJZSTSZ •c.cud divioe service, they havo but little l ^ ncei j the principal speaker of tho after* o hay about their Le ghbor e ; they do not UoD ^ Ji)h ^ G> ^ rll wbo , 0 chie{ iini.r frnm onlfl* fhnlr liftliiln nm iTfti-l • III I • . Buffer from cold; their habits ure exoelltnt, and yet no one envies their coeditior o atiam destroys the family. Tun o* belong to tbo state. GrUain efficers taka tho place of parents. Individuality is lest.'' Mr. lagers* 11 reviews othir theories of virtue, ho suid, was that he had been do pounced by Senator Hoar. As Speaker UariiBie arose *ue Woo greeted with great sp- platiHH. After expressing bis thanks for his cordial reception, ho Haul; You must permit mo to tender tho sin- Ko-.ujnn.ent and society whose ‘'dvoc>'tes ocrotll „ t]kt(c d the Kentucky Dsmoonn, have claimrd for them a now. r to *u»u™ not only lot what yon have done in tho nnivArmil nrr,anmfv* ami «h1i<n on fhfcir I . . , r . ., , universal prosperity, and which on their adoption have tailed of the purpose. His artieleis rich in sngipslious and fall of short sentcncoH pregnant with meaning. •Tnlelligenou,” ha s.ys, "increases want" "Everyman ol genius is a monopolist ” "We u nst remember that law is not a crea tive force.” MURDER IN NEW ORLEANS. i diluted their time beloje tne iloors -"TV, s-T ,r .r rr • t>nry, Deacon iticnarason, .u. r. ueaon, o-eaedin covering the casket with I death, the Clerical ColoO^ at a Albert Healy, Thomas 0 Bowen, of tho In. I,' tho valU-v, .fnsaliss, roses, BP«Mal mooting held to-day, nmm.monsly dependent, J. Arbncltlo, Dr. Geo. W. lirmb, ■ ftnrt adopted minutes to odset the atutnde of Themis G. Shearmm, 0. N. Howard, J. B. ftrns. tube rosea , , mo«. When they finished tho CuleA H° olergymsn l vestige of the black cloth coreringof | CUBAN OUTLAWS, let oould be seen. m Tut re was Doth- past but also for what they know you in tend to do ia the future. You wjll not permit Massachusetts to romaio always a Ropublicaa State. Old pr» j ad ices are p US- iLgnwiy. Miss-ichuscttfl is alrerdy uiov- ing towards a Democratic position, with tho B<ty S’.ate Club in Lout, and your brothers everywhere hope to seo her on tho n„hLn£ tin; lino in 1 (i» ntloim ii, in tho very nature of things this oouutry must always bo governed by political partied. We mod not be ulurmod, gcntlcmcu, to be known as ‘party mo ,’ if wo houoatly bo Studwell, General Horatio C. King, J. N. Andrews, A Ogden, Smith Ah* 11, J. W. _ I I Gibson, ex Alierman Whitney, 8. B. Bank* 0 indicate the presence of dtath except A ClUzcna* Committee at Key West Runs ©tt, J. B Cornell, James A Brodit, J. B. Ltiliness which pervaded the room and Lot of Them Out of Town. Hendon, H. L. Ilaydon, 0. Whitnsy, W. B. in<bed conversation of tho woikors. I Kkt West, March 12.—Elevoa Cuban 1 Collins, Alonzo B. Day and II. M. [church bad more the .appearance of a j outlaws arrived from Tampa last night by j Pratt. Tho faneral cortege procoedtd ling than a funeral. A \ hotographer I tbe steamer Whitney. They were immedt-1 from the church to Henry street, to Mon- la pietore of tbo floral dtcorationa and I ately waited on by a committee of citizens I trguo street, to Clinton street, to Third L r I ond requoated to leave town at onco and I street, to Fourth avenue, to Twenty third |vas nearly 10 o'clock before the doors I forever. It is claimed that they are agita- street, to Greenwood cemetery. I thrown open to thOM Who had heeu torn of tbo worst kind, and t‘mt they are Along the whulo route to tbe cemetery ti g impatiently three hours. The poo-1 in telegraphic connection with other des-1 tbo stnets were lined with people, and Inured by the Orange street entrance. I peradoes, wboae muu-.ion it is to ferment many followed tho oortfge to tho cemetery, ■frit four seats on the right of tho oen-I strite. Eght left town on receiviog I It was shortly after 10 o’clock when tbe 'alewtre resolved for relatives of the | notico to do so from tho citizens’I hears© was Been ciming in tho main road ^ed. Mr. Beecher’s family were not 1 committee. Ot the remaining throe to the receiving Tiult, and when tho ihut [Tiit, and the family pew was fi led with 1 ono surrendered himself to tho sheriff, 1 carriage drew up in front of tho vault bo L;V Hrs. Beecher was in tho church I another was arrested at tho instance of the I great was the ctowd that tbe police bad to Lfew minutes before tbe doom were I State’s attorney and looked np in jail end j force the people back to make room for tbe l sod left with her sons beforo the | the other aaked the committee to make a moornow to slight. Paator llallad-y «ot Id mured. I fullor examination into bis oaae. Tho com- I out of tho carriage and received tho oaske^, | tha left sido of tbo center aisle wero I mitteo granted bis n quest, but finally in- which attendant* bore to a big box that was Itoso* the Clerical UoIod, ot which j formed him that he must go, which ho im- lUodioc in tho porch. Tho coakot was iBtecher was a member tor a number of 1 mediately agroed to do if he could glvo scrowed up and u pall Oi flowers was placed V Behind these were stated members their reasons for insisting on his departure on top. Then hundreds stood with b*red L Thirteenth Regiment, and then camo I iu writing. Thia was willingly and l heads in the bltiDg blast, while tbe pastor Cbenof the leginlutive committee, who I promptly dona The committee, which I offered up a prayer for tho departtd soul. V badges of white silk. Behind those I consisted of fifteen persons, was op- He made n rery touching Clestal delegations from nearly every I pointed at a meeting cf citizens held lout ] appeal for the afflicted family, which, he "l, political or religious 1 Tuesday, for the purpose of devising some I said, bad been deprived of its chief member York and Brooklyn. There was a means of ridding the community of this 1 and brightest ornament e delegation of colored ministers present. 1 band of disperadoes, and given full power Tbo large iron gates of the vault wero 11UAJ o’* look Rev. Dr. Charles U. Hall, I to adopt euch measures as they Baw fit. 1 opened and tho attendants, led by the pas- i in white surplice and accompanied by The committco visited the headquarters of tor, carried tho body ioto tho west gallery J. Halladay, entered tho chnrch and 1 the disturbing faction, and infotmed them of tbo vault. The flowers wero tneu re- tndni the platform. When the music I that they wero known to bo outlaws and moved and the casket wag placed in the _ed Dr. Hall commenced to read in low blackrautlers, and oraerod them to leave; vault. The friends of the dead took a fare- lelaor tones the oDeniDgsontenceeof the 1 btnee their exit. Two of the bund are now I well look at the box and tuo doors wero (• •Uni Epinc ni..l limi.l atrvioe. AfUr In jail here. clcol. The doors cl tha main ontranca "fad. nhloqmriotto compoioJof Miss I ARMOUR'S BIG SCHEME to tho vault vrorocdvtred with evergreens, .1-7 ( opran.). JIUs Cavais (.Itn), Mrs, AKMGUIfB MU dUxusmb, ro.e., .mUax and easier lilies After the pt Uopruno), Mrs. ltosan ( Uto). Mr, I The Oil Trust Come* to terras and the Mills I cortege bad left the church hundreds of J, Mr. W-rren Both (Whor>), Mr Brown, Will Not Be BulU. % P^P 1 ® gathered around a; d many bvgg«S ISieva (hasaof), and a chorus of sixty 1 Cmcxoo, March 11.—The statement Ja f°^ some of the fljwersof tLe deooia.toua as !•->■»? kith** lit.riui «:hant lk <a Lo:d, Make I t.t-rc by \lr. Webster, onu of tin* tirm 1 __ - | »n Mine End.'* I 0 f Armour A Co., that tho firm has decided NINA SEES HER AUGUST. [hs It mo a was read by Dr. Hall and a notto butli oitton seedcil mills at varionJ _ ——-7 _ . b« was delivered by R v. S 8 Halla- po i oU throughout the South, as heretofore Tha Sheriff lorce.l to Give In-An Affee- [. The rest of the mu-ica\ programme I ftonounccd. This ia in direct contradiction I tionato hutbrace of i ins«r Lnds. J ■>Anthem, "El** m<1 ar** tb»* ,,f H by tli»* lirm (or <i.i)a, but the Cmrao *, Mairh h Nina V .11 Z ,n«it, or Nrud (Spont); hymn, ‘ J^sns, lover of I (aetthat tho rnilis are not to bo built sp-1 “Mrs. August Spies,” as she in«i»ts on Ikoq!; ' song, *Tbe*rd a voice” (Shebey); I poar<« to be absolute. It ii lutimatod that I being oalled, scored a victory this morning pn, ‘ Hark my soul.” I the firm has arranged with the cotton seed I over tbe law officers whom her proxy bUB- Iheorgin waa presided over by Henry I 0 ll ayndlcate to furnish them with oil-at a I band baa so often denou oed. After a \ !•: mu iiii.l li,-t» lioritti*) G. Kin^. I contiaot pne-, ahi-It r.^ult w »h hccoui-I h-r*l tight al.c Huc*-ee*lii g in hecnrit g an tu- Iher tbe fir-1 lessoo. Dr. Hall com-1 pished owiDg to the throat to baild oppo- terview with her August in the j «iU About peed hU oration. During its delivery, Jitjon aflUs. U o’clock Nina walked into tho jail bniiding pe not a dry eye in the house, and j Washington, March 11.—The statements I with a sprightly Hep and confident air. [er*l times he was compelled to stop for 1 |q aChto-tgo dispatch quoting Mr. Webster, j 3ae presented an order from tho sheriff and pit time to gain control-of his voioo. | a member of the Armour firm, wore fore- 1 was allowed to pass. It was the tour [ Hill pronounced the b^nediciioo and | *hado«ed in tbe financial gossip of a New I when the prisoners are let out of their cells. { »*st audience aloaly filed oat of the I York p*per yesterday, and io what purpor - 1 Spies was walking iotas ooriidor when his (Rfc. It was a notable gathering and 1 td to bean interview with agcntltmauo *n-1 u»mo was colled. When he Baw who it ft long to be remembered by those pres- I becUd with the cotton trust. The reasons 1 was be hantened his steps. Nina had I f.»r the failure to carry oat the the scheme taken a position in a corner of iho cage other churches in which services I were tbe same as thoso given in the Chicago j next to the wail with her face close to the s hell were all crowded to the utmost | dispatch to-day. | wha grating. ... .. . WoMh.ire.pMUy. Not a v.ouU rnt. a Ki-VMirKV LYNCHING "Ango^" »ko gHJ in a .oft, low tons, fmnnnoeupltdfoot cf BUnfllDg lo-m A KENTUCKY LYNCHING. "Nu.a," Ball litr lover in a voice foil of (lk.1. in I'lymonth Chnrch. Tn« anr I a Man Under a Sentence of Twenty Yu.r* I ell'Cliao. ... „ pding .irecU ia all directions wore I nunc hr a Mob. She pnt on. fiDgrr through tbo gntlrg I ‘'Hi with pooplo, waiting pAtiauily for iiueu J1 -4. speolsl frnm I r‘in«l^d It. wm the ne«rwl A Negro Man stabbed iu Deii'i lij the Son of a Once Prominent Republican. | MiUftu m pttiijr mo , n ▼« uouonvij uu- New Oslxans, March 13.—Ery biuith, | ]j lV0 that the principles and poll cion ropro* colored, aged 40, wiis stabbtd to death last I a oQt©d by the orgauizition to wbioh wo aro night by Thomas Rocbc, sou of cx Coroner [ attoched will bo to the interest of tho na- Rjcho, who fibred prominently in politics tfou aU( j p t , 0p i 0 . This is tho only true hero during Governor Kelloggs aominis- I basis for political parties, and any party or- tration. bmtih was 6taobod six times, j ganized upon & foundation less broad, less twice in iho right arm, once in tbo fore-1 p a triotio than this will soon degenerate into head, onoein tho neck, once in tbe left arm I tactions and coase to command tho and onco in tbe back below tho left shout- J rospowt ot intelligent men. Every attempt der, the last named being tbe fatal stab. I t0 a ainglo class, to tbe txclasion of ElmeGrionel was with Riche when the J a jj otQtrn, tho baa is of political organizi- crimo was cemmitt d. About an hour after I jJqq will ffil and ought to fail, l^roiu tho the murder Rjcho **ud Gnnnel wero arrest- I formation of your constitution down to tho ed. They were found hidden in some rub- i present time tue point of irreconcilable dif- bUb in aloft. Roche denied having any-1 i^ronco between political parties has been tbiftg to do with tbe killing cl smith, and J t b0 naturo and extent of the federal said he had concealed him-1 powers The principle of local govern- self because ho understood I mon t jg a vital part of the Democracy. An thAt bo had been accused of tbe crime and | auieuclment to tho constitution didares did not want to go to j-*U. Mrs. Smith, I powers not delegated to tho United States who witnessed tbo murder of her husband, I b y tLe ooustituiion nor prohibited by has fully Identified Ki'cheas tbe murderer | lt r bo y :a tes ure reserved to the Huteri and Grinnd as the man who ao^ompaniid J rtspeotively or to tho people. No power him. To-day when confronted with Mrs. 1 can be jastly claimed unloas ills granted in Smith, Roche and Grinin 1 appeared indif- I „*p refi a terms or by decobsary implication, f. rent, but when sho identified ltiche bo 1 u0 g Ucb grant ot pojrer c*u bo found, remaiked tb t she was a fool am 4 , did not j un ,j ^ by the Slate is not prj- koow what shown a talking about Mrs. 1 *-*- . . Bnith replied; "I know you well, T*m R *cbe, and vou know you killed u»y hus band.” Thu reply caused Roche to look orest-falleD. htbited, it btlongs to tbe State and her people, and thus tho whole round of Stale’s rights is granted in the article. “By this constitutional doctrine of 1 State r d rights tho D*mocratio party ot this At tbe autopav it was discovered that the | o juntry standa to day, as it always, and as knife blade hau broken off at tho handle | j trast will swiad forovor he.otfnr. and bad dropped down inside of Smith's I [Loud applaoho.] Twenty-five years ago, shirt. It is about an inch wide with a vny j tendency wiu to carry this doctrine to a sharp point, both edges being sharpened ns | d^ogoroas extreme, bat since then a dan- keen as a r»zor. It resembles vtry much I g© roud txtremo ia reached iu an oppostto the blade of a dirk which R iche is known | <u ro otion. Great and powerful inierosts, to have carried. Tho murder is said to havo j ( 00 powerful almost to bo successfully re- betu u most e .Id bl) * i« \ | ure coimtantly j.rthning Hg.»Ui«l tho l» *rnorH of tin; c<iUhii a .iittou and deiiiarnl- A BIG MICHIGAN FntE. I log an extension of tho federal power to a • , _ . „ . I degree never contemplated by the most ox- Saloon Kef pcraSu.peclcd of Incendlarlgm trtjmo y t d t fMiU in UftSMlBf days. It is to i*uul»h n Promlient rrohibitionUt. I q alto common now to hear gentlemen, able Detroit, Mum , March 13—A lluwtll, | gentlemen, in Congress contending for the M'.ch., special to tho Free Press, sajs; A I exercise of power by tbo general govorn- Itttie before midnight la<t night a fire waa j juoot over particular subjects simply be- disoovered in F. N. Monroe’s hardware I cauao the States rtfase to do po, or ueoauae atoro. In a short time the entire row of I n ^ thought that State legiHlation might basiness blocks^ on Grand River street 1 not bo entirely effective. The argument is between Wjman’s avenue and East streets, I that whatever may be dono by Congress or three blocks oa Wyman's avenne and a row I departments of the general government— or buildings on Ea^t street w» re iu ;1ujj»h. j iq^ that Independently of tneHO apecitio Caving inward ins'ead o ; Joulward of tho K rants of power—it is the right and duty of Grteniway block was ell that navod tho ?o-| the government to txerolto gentnd saper- mainder of the bcainoss part of tho town. I vihiottund control over all conctrns of the Mr. Monroe is chairman of the oouuty pro-1 people. . bibltion party enmaatteo and a hard work- Mr. President, this is not Democratic er for the prohibitory »in»ocment. Oo tbo (j 00 rio« a* 1 aLderscan*} it. It m*- tLscen* flret of the month ho received the following 1 tralizUton fiiat and inevitable consolidation letter: I after war *i«; and no part ot the Union is so ••Detroit, Mich., February -7.—To F. j iu(er*gted m tho preaervatloa and main- N. Monroe, Howdl, Mich.—Sir; I with io | of local unity as is Now England, inform you that yon must atop jour work I jp p© p Ar t ©f tne Union has local govern- od the prohibition era*® or wo wiil burn I neen more cffi-ccual m here. Your you out, root and cb. You tn*y pre- I town inocling is tho tutu Democratic in pare for tho woiat, as we are on your track, j h tituiion in thia country. [Cbter .] Ii f/»ignodJ ''Mill 8*ioo* Bumm.” I has nover endangered tbo liberty of Tne pronibitiontsia cordder this an »x- I R ainglo human being. The plati&lton of tho cause of the fire. As fire I town, tne State and the general engine made its appearance, a voice in a j government all have their appropriate ourt yard oppoait** Monroe said *'rotn I powtre and dmies, and so lorg os ihene are Olaik,” a&d added aome remark. A pLtol j roapected and maintained, ntitner tn- shot then gn z *d N gbt WatebfBlP Cl»rk’s 1 croachiog oo the domain of the other, there c’o hee, gLnotd on the er giue at.d bailtu J R |jj be harmony and nutty in our complete itself eguuct AL biahbecks collar bone. I H>ht*m of government. Fortunately, A MTvwr with^OLO empty chamber wus j have at la»t been permitted national and hfml he IQ EARTHQUAKE AT NICK. Grapfilr IV«- Iptlon bjr an Am#rl«an vh« Kruchrd New York on Monday. New York Hr raid, March 9. Two gentleman direct from the great earthquake at Nice arrived by the French steam*-r La Gascogne last evening. They were!’ lonel C. J. Tone and M. Burke, of Rochester. Colon* 1 Tone told how ths streets were filled with carriages and pedes* trianp, pelting one another with flower* All wore masks and costumes. The moat beantitnl ladies threw co*t'y flowers into tho faces of p< rsons they bad nover seen. An ordinary Chicago clerk traveling for his health conld pelt the face of a duchess with roses and her husband would only smile. For days the city was given over to gaiety. Confetti a sort of candy—followed the flowers in showers. It was a romantio riot day aud night until the lost day of the oas- nivul. Then came the halls. Seventy thou sand people danc d wildly all that night- far into the penitential morn of A»-h Wednes day. Tho night was filled with revelr j Balls were held all over the city, but thus were 20.000 people at tho ono great ball of tho night. •T went to that ball, and it was very la»9 when I reached home,” said Col. tone. "I was quartered on the third fi tor cf the Grand Hotel. Though it was ue uly day- ligh! 1 «nnld not sleep, and so l.*y in bed reading a book. Suddenly and without warning a roar more terrible than a tornado oame. A thousand mines teemed explod ing under tho floor, aud a thousand trains of cars seemed rolling over the roof. The noiso was indescribable. It seemed as if the world wero being groo I to and the city with it. Th** first aboe’e : r ie into >ho middle of tn*: 11 >or, which tipped np like the roof of a hoti-e. I tried to walk, but was pitched h**nHong across the room. The 1>M rolled from side to side, and I went after it. I was shaken as a Rtroog man shakos a boy. As Boon as I could master myself I managed by a grout effort to r* ach the door leading Info Mr. Burke's room, adjoining. It was locked. L kicked and ponmied, but in that awful roar could only ju**t hear bin v jice. I shout ed ns loud as I could, and yelled that it was an eartbquakt—that we must fly to the Btreot. We burst open the double doors, aud in Rome way, 1 don't know how, got down BtAirs while tlio great walla, ten feel thick, were cracking with artilhry reports. The scenes in tho corridors and o \ the fi >ora below us were liko a riot in a m tdhouse. Beautiful women, with long hair streaming down their backs, rushed wi dly aronnd, beseeching the porteis to save them. One woman, who had been the belle of many a great ball, appeared in a single garmeut with a bird cage and two canaries. Tho bird* were so frightened that they hung, backs down ward, from their cage with their eyes closed. The udy reached the street, whore some ono give her a wrap for her shonlders; but she had no skirt. Having experienced earthquakes ia Sin,Francisco, I thought I was familiar * ith them, but at Nioe the horror was beyoud d*-ncriptlcn. On the atreot the people lost their heads. Fifty liars was (.ffered for anv kind of vehicle, liuunred-t of ladies in their night garments fell on their kficrs before great rough port- mote frightened than themselves. Money could not hire them to go into the buildings for tranks. We dragged down our own luggago and saved everything. Twenty thousand people packed the nqnare. “Tho second sh* ck was more terrible than tbo first. To toll tho truth, I could not remember whether it was two Reconds two hoursafter tho first shook. Bat it waa fearful convulsion. Then tho p*tio be- cimie general. Think of it 7*',OUO people trying to dodge 20 000 building*! [ ex acted every mom* nt to nee tho oity fall ks, ar d two hoars after the doors r-— ' . J. I fjwn open !*• line was neirly a < ■a txjiln lung, or three Lutes the lr. „ IS* “»• P^tloua d*y. The people fifed I fjitook Doaoearion of Jackson for the I »“» 4CU) ° ° ■«'* w . uru . wu Jibe church two abreast, divided the file SbESES him. They moved out 8tand ptta»nre no longer ha gave in. | ‘OO Coffin, and t nn «nd not I * * 4 .k: il.. a! th* Kantni*Vv I A Negro Itangrd In Florida, cj-Od, Mid ruatd oa etui *■*I ta»*>ODa~'tb"Haa ot tho Kentnck, I i rear «f I Cuntul r.iltoul. Nrt a .hot was flrad. | °tJrh tb, moutirg rouot ia tbe .. ‘ f*'* CotnpMiy G bml tneu a‘a- , tbe aisle., anij they kept the ** • i . — °/'ier .ad made them tnoru ^•t to duBbl# quick time. It waa i.ti- people the CjlViu at the ot 2IJO p.r miiiote. We, ibe .Itemooa the Head pa.toi’s Etw.rdiind bis danghtr* pa-aed Io „ * Lt * 1 ‘ tiihia‘ <1 (vj[uu t Ul ‘ near tbe He, 8. 8 WJ h, who ce*p- n B ®, Uae Hae.lrwt ami 't wenty- _«atkB^iawnt of NVw York flonog tbo ' V* ,lw » »t the ,i.l w M m-m-UMl ‘•'l-^tunuA He w w r.b.pUn ■tthqti'iur »b-n the Union list V hi’ 1 * t "' n th,! '-t 1 * preneb.r d-lir- . “St"®' ora’ion. Mr. \YUUa i- , B.-chur w*-, and , a long distance to pay tho la.*t J matun concornmg our tntcreau. Jackson wai Uken some distance and hung Jxcxaoavuxt. Ill March 12.-h. Timff- toa tr—' when th- ur..d .l.-pened, “?•=. Enoch C-ner, eolo.eJ, io a ire**, wuru _—L. I waa hanged at O/lando, U/acge county, Armour Confirm* HU Partner** Statement. | io-day # f jf tb# murder of Policeman has fiikcoco, Match 12.—A dispatch I Beasley, on Chri*tmas eve, ~188o. i’art.*r f oui ObU«o cunUioing tbe aiaiement of j bore hmivelf firmly. Hie dying aUtczLfnt, Mr Wcbt»‘*r, of Armour A Co., that the • aoviiowiadgiLg tbs killing, w**s re*d by tbe firm baa decided not to construct c< t‘on | pcimt on the b utfoM. Death te-mllei ironi Hl . „i n ,i niilN at variocs points throughout aUangul*Ucnin fourteeu Miidabalf minute*, the Son'll, .n tbe Itra W »«»J 8 - 1 . mill, to fan lib tbeai . oountry Repeated Earthquake Shock*. I was never better governed than it is now Pints, M-uch 2 —A *h*rp shock of I [^ LerTsJ. and it was never more trai quil aarthq i»ko waa f«U throughout M*r»*Ult» j aIJ d contented than it ia now. It ia uue ye*t*-r*Uj. For a t me there was a panic aud that abuses still txht, but they were not the hau 1»were emptied t f (heiroccapsits in I inaugurate*! by thia a*, ministration. Many a few *eeooda. Tne people w*re, however, 0 ! them have already been cjrrecteJ, aud soon tea suLd. I'is found that many wall* I m B t of those that remain aro not under of budding* in various parts tf tbo city j control of the executive department alone, were cracked. 1 **lt U not, my purpose, gcniltmtn, to dm Mon IE Carlo, fliMh 12 —The recurrence 1 cut* tho rtvnue question, cp >n thi* occi of e«r.hquate to the Riviera La* induced a I ei n. It ia too targe a question to be pr fresh re ah of frightened pleasure* and hialih 1 ernted fully, and too impjrtant a anbjoct seeking tonnat* hither from Nice, (knnee, | to be trea.ei h^tily. It is en*mgh to Mentone and 8m Remo, again crowded. taeooUi>aa-cd«I mill* to funrih oil wan ►howo bv au A * sedated 1 re* r -** iUiive to Pud D Arm ur U-t unis lied fi, lOEcmsa, Mar Crying **S i. Mare r h) ia here i answer t wH-d bot* i- ling tb> Web Teas rep- ight, ' Kane talebooituoker, ai.o wa« arrested . K ..aMur« trip- 11® Lit night for c/jioo *'* •.»! •* ' *t workman ieAioni tb*t bftd : coming out of tin-H«y tl.op, vustbin t him and Mr. Web*Ur re- | nonu g ►t-r.tmcc t io tbr*-*- months* iu- tter. and eoaed by **ying: prt* nm-nt io th ;bocae of c rrection t< r er can beer*'filed ‘ ,H aulhority on cutarbi^g tho peace. He Appealed Lia All the hotels are j a**d I *ay it in concl*.bion—that in my judgment the goveinmtnt m moral or l^al rignt to in _ taxes upon its oitizins except for the pu pone cf raising revenue to defray its mce h ry ixpent-e' aid pay it* ja*»t *ie [Lmd cti«r- ] Whenever It does bey ilu, it disregards, in my opinion, the pL patpose for which the pow. r of tbiaii' w»n c^'inferred upon it [obf-trre], and l li^ve tbi-< ia th* doctrine of an ov^rwhel ing maj jrity of the Assert can Daiuo< 1 eaa*. A Fatal .Street Duel, Chicago, March 12. —A lim»fl rpecial from Fotomac, IU., sajs: A street dutl between John G >odwiu, o wealtby r, and Cbail a Moreb*ad, a yout g t ank ca-h* i*;r, occurred here today. Q.odwm had ch*rg**d that hi« fifirrr*-y»ar-o d d uihter \ m l »)♦*»•»! uroiifftd I y M reb* a 1. '] he two met about noon. They wLipptd out re* v<»lv»-ri eiouultaueonidy and commenced •booting. T«o chambers in each on**’s Senator K<-«g-%n, of T*aa* # who st.-indi piitfi hid b*-t-o emptied when Morebead . r* ar tbe l'r* fluent on the sut j*o. of inter- ft-il, motai'y wont d -d. G o«iwio «n,CHp*d Sta*e cr>n me re rtf* rm, •*«}«* *Le commit wttbonl a scratch, and anmoUsted made ' »i* ner* will not be appointed before the Lis tHCipe. I mud.e ct next week. mins. Now York oonld not stand minute under such shook*. The great blocks of pnblio buildings roso and fell liko ships in a storm. The motion was uq- like anything moved by nataral laws. Gravitation seemed entirely suspended during tho throes. My f ** t would bo in tho air and a moment later I could soe tbe tops of four-story h »uh**s as they leaned over on tho earth billows sweeping acres** the city. Fortunately for ns, Mr. Hnrko and my- «**if h*d purchased tukuia for Paris on the previous day. At the station we touud 1 s, <s people praying to go on the next train. Tho cars, holding seventy people, were Ilk- orally packed with humanity, but a multi tude who were onbdda conld not g* t near the train. As high At l.Ouof. were < ffered for a place on tho truiu. Thu earthquake hock came at G o'clock. At U o'clock word os revived by Ulugruph tiiut unoth* r shock from Romo or 8<'me othurpoint would reach Ntco in an hour. This created a fr<«h panic. in thi-ir excitement shouldered half- dressed women, thinking they wuru tranks. Women rau around trying to t**ve little trinkets, utterly bereft of Hense or judg ment and irnpl -ring the guards to p it them on tbe cars. The morning traiu did not tc.ff till noon. Then I wm hippy. An earthquake chaoges a man’s nature. I did not care if the town sank, with everybody In it; if 1 oould only g^t away." THE GREAT RAILROAD DEAL. Kc-tond Conference In Unit I more—Tho l'urtic-l|mnt» Will Miy Nulhina* Bax.t.M')UK, March 13 —It U rumored thia morning that hu iaipottaut c nrerenoe of railroad m*-u Wnij to bo held in this city duriLg the day, but a* no preminent names i to bo found on «ny ot the hotel regis ters the rumor did not s*:em to be will ded. in the afternoon, ho we vrr, it was jv-red that apirty of three wera stop ping at a ptomi Lot hotel, and that they been idoaeted for aeveral houxw wi h Mr, John K Cjwc-q, c a .tel for tae BdlS* more and Ohio Railroad Com pa. y. Tne y* nt 1« men wero a-certaiuoi to be M-*;8rs. W. C. Boon, IL 8. Ives, <» II. S'.ra>»-r, of Sir Y’ork. They persLteotly refused to *ee reporter*. In fact their pr- a-nc ? at th-; hotel w<h de- i i. but il.'-y »*r»- known to h*%**hftthe - u> to m*ut. N ) inkhug of the result of the conference c >al J bo obtain—*, nor is il known wheth-r cr not Mr. Garrett waa l.y thciu, tht ugh h'.uie aro «*: opinion that th y had an interview hi h him at his hoiu-c. Baltimoru and Ohio offl rials luva no inh.rmaiio i of m y kin t f r the pnblio, hut th*\' hay the preen hbail tiave ail desired inf-imailon at th- pr- rv-r time. Oht Hut 1 salitate , llli i ph - •Man, All *Uo4^ -U-fr -••ing tbe Hi of |if. " a pur*-ljr ve^ewahta