The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, March 22, 1887, Image 1

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I ^fABUSHE5i»2ti. £D BY A WALL OF FIRE. 1ILI >^EKEs7r THEBUBN - OF A BUFFALO HOTEL. « of E»c»P® * r ® ant * ^7 r ?. f u, th. Th.m*U« r, tl,e Window#, Etc. , « Y March 18 —The Rich- find St. James’s Hall were jfjU» this morning. The loss is Billion ddara. A rmmher of »nort«<l lost and many injnred. ,TdiS)»««d at 3:30 o’clock this Siifthene* Richmond Hotel: The and the lire diraitm-nt 1 *° D reded. The house contained a reminded them of some of the finest of the ♦« and their heartrending Southern hotels which had tLis feature. The main stairways and two elevators clus tered around this court. When the fire came it found' here the quickest way of spreading. MACON, UEOimiA. 11 ft?DAY, MARCH 2:, 1887.--TWLLV1L PAGES. VOL. LAI. ixO51. -"idbe plainly heard. Ladders .‘'Ll nd ae many as possible saved. “Tiber of guests were unable to C,-.™ At 4 o'clock the en- Hotel. St. James’s Hall and in the block were doomed K'estiuction. The whole pla o tinder box. A corridor in L.< the boilding acted as a great Tod the flames streamed upwards, idfoood themselTes imprisoned ‘id of tra The 6creams of the ,Mld be heard for blocks. At many ntooU be seen frightcnel guests in jitt clothes, caUing louJIy for it third s ory windows two inn Ken by the crowd to fall back ilcM. One man jumped from the itfto the roof of a two story wooden ..^joining, lie was serionely In cite comber of persons injured is Ljn. i.n.n Hon. M. IV. liarao. of ni terribly burned about the bauds A number of insurance men CORRUPT LEGISLATION IN fllE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY. Jam« H,^°Mw^a'^o2!i I THE YAZOO LAUD FRAUDS. financially, an t after a strung ins exist- enoe it passed in 18G4 into the hands of the i-oung Men s Christian Association. After the) association gave up its rooms in the old building, in October las', the firm of 8t»f- rord &Oo.. oomposed rf Robert Stafford, P# W hittakor aud W J Maud, took a lease of the property for hotel purposes for a term of years. The new hotel was chris tened the Richmond, and was furnished and decorated with rare taste and elegance when opened for business lets than a mouth ago. One of the moat admired features ot the Richmond was the rotunda, so ca’ltd, a ioctangular op* n court in tbe middle ot the building, cov ered by a skylight. It was a pleasant place for guests to gather. Galleries are in the rotunda on each floor, and visitors said it Members of the Legislature nought Like Cattle The Names of Those Impli cated In the Great Conspiracy -How It was Overthrown. Prepared for the Tzuanura. The history of the American government since its foundation makes plain one faot, namely, that legislation by tbe people, through their representatives; duly chosen and elected, is exposed to the same corrupt ing iLflaenoes that had tfren prevailed in other countries, un4er different ciicnm- st&nccs How much legislation has been obuioed through the efforts of lobbyists we have no means of knowing; but when an occasional lobby scheme is exposed, the cpinion of tbe country is very emphatic, country between Ibe Altamaha and N I for bis vote; or for the land. Wilkerson | Mary's rivers was loner in contest hetw *en I sold ono share of 27,000 screw to David Spain and England, onl was not included I Glon, and Wilkaraon t-liowed Glen two cer- in the chart* r V. r m im« reason thin char- I title ties tor fifi.OOO acres. 1 surrendered to the crown in 1752 Gunn called on Simms, requested him to In tin* year 170 1 he K'ng issued a pro:1a- get Minn’s vote, for which ho would give mation uddit g this disputed trniirry to 1 Simuis 50,1)00 sores He said to Simms, Geor^ii. and by ’h-« rjd'p instrument all I "You am a poor man sml you now have an the lands and territory lying to the west- opportunity to do something handsome for ward to the Mniices rf th<* livers which I jour family.” He Mini he would give the fall into the sea from the west and north- tame for Wood’s vote, a Senator, burro.1 west are reserved under the sovereignty— I Pope swore Mnsgrovo told him thero wore protfction and d trninion of tlu* king.” I two *diiir* s r« *>< rvtd tor him in Cntnniirgs's before the revolution Georgia claimed no comp toy, and any other member who territory west of the s^nrees of th« Ocmul- wou'.d vote for the bill II. G. Caldwell gee river. In the wars between England, swore Gnnn told him, he, Gunn paid Jndge Spain and France the ownership of the Stith (of Snoerior *kuri)$13,000 for l U in territory to toe west of that river was con- | flaence ®ith the Legislature. Mitchell staotly in dispute. France having seized 1 swore Wylly told him ho got a likely ne on the sherds of the St. Lawrence, asautned I gro fellow, named Dublin, for ono of his & right to the lands of the Mi sUslpi i as I shares. Wylly Baid ho'd mako well as to regions further norm. Sp in | eight or ten likely negroes claimed the lmds on the Golf of M*xio\ out of his vote. Mitchell a from M Vile along the Ailantio. and the Senato , swore Gumming offered him a lull'-tie i < rni’.v .r 1 in. Atii.i'i !y. 11 g h-l.m* t*v hi-vu'i* T'ioiii .* n..ld his *-lmrca laud throat herself between, encroaching I for more than $3 Of 0 and less than $5 0<K), on both her neighbors. Of coutse war was I when he became alarmrd Robert Rains the Tee nit. The whole country was popu-1 swe rs that the State Treasurer came to him A lari’*- structure ndjoinirg the 1 otd, on b >th as to its fears and indignation. The E'gic Hint vvahtHfigioti htrcfta^niiit known '"" "I 1, in’" " l UJ "‘ ,r J “» , *' K*'d »liv.n dab « j j Al ,\ v (’rnks, rti. r* h" s, Choctaw, arnt | at.u t Id hltu it he would prevail on Mitch* !1 *JJ C k almost to the beginoing. General , lU( y Ontckasaw Indians, who were the prey to go homo ho could havo fivo hnndreddol- Washington, in hU first 1 r*B.deDtial term, tVt , rv intruder, alike dangerous und lars, pounrs, or guineas, he did hot reuiem- was made aware if this difficulty, and the I cra fj« aa allies or t near its. I her which; and every man Jho voted aye history of th« Yazoo scheme, under review, j atruMls between tho three great WAR shown to be grossly bribed, but one. Bbo*BConclusivily that adepts in the bud-I in tot iroggis net en m g i * n , , , ness were in active existence in hi. U«n. Fntce got •a<-»lb blnwin Ani.Hca The people of Georgia in those days bad 1 be lack of railroads teUirranhe eoarcuv »««1 h " c 1 * 1 ® P«l»l>rd when Wolfe f. II on no reilroede or telegrspbe, and it took some f S r 0 8 r y 3 lb. ^e of Abreh.m. She loet to Eng time to tborongbly inform th.tna.lT.. of SotorioM ■?hnn in lit« vea B bmtbe Yazm land tbe Ca'.adra and all her torn- their betrayal by their repreeonUtivoe. awindlo was quite equal to tho Credit ‘" f F ‘ n . west of tho When they did absorb tho Iratb tho excit,.- Xlnh.ii.rr.p., A.I .ho l'.eifln foh.ide efleir ILeMSSippi. To Spain ebe loet ment wai fearfnl In an addreee rnadu by SSaSSmStoaXSonmanL « tolta thTmtof Louiilana. and wna expfll.d Lx Governor 0.>orgo It. Gilmer at Atteue n.nd^nUa from the continent. TbonEcgland jield.d many y-are .Lor? be need th-eo words: motp kq eua rts . , . _ I < nil !>■*» tcriitr.rv west of the Mi.b- I “AIileH Jennir.LM wap a loatbcr-eto kino old tbo tho the as St. James’s Hall, was occupied by Run neli'e Mn.etun. The building andcoutenta were totally destroyed. . NANIS 07 THE KILLED. So far a. known, the killed are: Will.on Pnroell, formerly of R. G. Dnn A Co.; Kata K-nt, a servant, and an nLknown man and unknown wemto, wbo lost their Una by jnmpiog, and Martin O.horne, day clerk of tbe Richmond HoteL O-horne'e body wan not found, and his death ie arennied be cause of tbe location of Lit room, sod be cause be fneling through E7.ia f.Ullv ininrad Tbe Fitoh I At tbo Siatera’ Hoepltal, all bemg very ter every corrupt liwiitiisiabout eight men and one I seriously injurod: Mary Nolan, badly SiatolegielattouhaH been publicly exposed I? 47. In a nretrv bad condition burned about tbo body, may not recover; anil propi rly relinked. r.’ ' ta 1 V Mured All ..ri Maggie Mubracb, eermudy bnrmd about In the vear 17:15 the S'a'o of Georgia ex- pen. w l«nMawn erceDt r\ J wouian Two thn^ body, face and bande; a man nam-d perienoed one of thoae political convuldona theUmed. Nichole/ very eeriouaiy injured; Fanny ur moml eartbauakee,, that shockedUt from ~XS22S arm’s luugth and cried, ‘Neighbors, this is tho rop« to hang Mn-grov*-, wbo sold the people's laud for a bribe.'* The people roared iu their exciUntent, aud no human power could have saved Mangrove from hanging— if he hid not beou warned to tscapo. la j at eve y turn. &ar saccwi* in th* r«v-1 tb«* syndlnatej whiah furaiah-d the corrnp- olutionHTv war, and the declaration of inde-1 tion 'fund, perhaps the most prominent pendfuc** gave weight to tbe Georgia claim, I name, U that of J tdgo James Wilson, of ' ' ~ ‘ ed States finally triumphed m I Ptnurjlvauia. ilosigni-d tbe Declaration ,»ns with Spain and we came 1 of Iaa*poudeoce, was for years a member ipKioa.ere et the Sisters' Hospital 1 Nichole, very seriously injur.a; ^snny I ato'SSdto^ poMsilon of tbe lord, of the JontinentHl Oungr on,.ub.r of J,r,st the G.-neral Hospital. The Harvey, Perionslv burned ?““?*,? i ~"‘a,U io«a tory now embrio.d in the State* ot the convention which trauad tbo cona l- cjwu situated on the oornor of Attho F.tch Ilospito). Frederick Moore, I ‘ ‘ Alibama and LouiaUua. But sp-c- tutiou of the United S a*es and at this very ttd Etg’.s btieets, extending through I of l»J«^abotUI^ to*#, I wW^b* no leDRth of timj no I 1 P U ut ; ,rs were greedy f r this land. Toe time on« of th.-judgtsof tho Supreme Court aibgtoo street. ***** ^ H SSL 0f #5? 1 hZ Spaui.^h claim was induatrioUHly talked of the United Suits, the very tiibunal be- jbtlkved that at least twelve persons Mout., burned about the hands, f«et aind bring «4tte t .v St * te th t tbo abont to deter purcha-eis: General Giun fore whloU came aud which ho knew forced to death and raanv badly | ^1 ““ 1 - UiiUdStates Benstor was k.ow |«tlon of^s validity a uaso and preibga'o way. this statement aud *11 the this article, I refer yon Papers, Public Lauds, ind their aco rn- I House of Representatives, Googressional re-election w«s 1 Lbrory ) He aud General Gann were lnti- peedy olfirms- I mate at tbe national o pital. Together they toUl buildirg and St. James's Hall l K )hn, New York, badly injurea oj joibu* i men wuo ioiu iuo i»uu iaao *w* . ^ plot" When hissucce*a wus an* devised tbe t»chtm«a and together panhed :nred Lr SOU,000, wbioh covers tho lug from tho fourth floor—he broka his bribes. ... t b 0 nunneed in New York city it was publicly ii toompletton. N ttbanlel I’endl-ton, ilis- Iths library s-sociation. Stafford back tmd ono leg and wm also bnrn^abont AHert^ fraudulent act os ropcaled^l ‘ To.n lb. •s.trrn trrritnrjof Gw- trio! judge of United Sates f .r G^orgi^ M m M » ? ud body; May Wnto, m Of | ^body^ I Riu i. soldi • Hu sought tbo .Lotion with wa. an ooj*tntr. Matthew MoA.ta- tut I ter, tbe distriot attorney, f »r Gt-orgu, was I auotner. Wd Urn Stilth. Superior Court and re- I judge, of which Georgia had but two, *»ol*i bound'd I Dia iLllatuoeio lobby ttesebema fer$13 UUU 125.100, assemble together, at which meeting the < ffioers shall attend wLh the several records and documents, and shall then aod there be expunged from the face and in dexes of tbe books of xeccrd of the Btate and the enrolled law or usurped aot shall then be pnblioly burnt in order that no trace of hj unconstitutional, vile and fraud ulent a transaction, other than the infamy attached to it, by this law shall remain in the public oflicr h th' reof,” etc. While it is refreshing to mark the vigor ous honesty of these good people, it is pain ful to kuow that a tull record is on file in Washington city as a punishment for the cupidity and venality of these recreant Georgians. Georgia heap*:d honors on nor t* ice and filling Gunn's* seat by his unanimous selection, when Gunn’s term expired—Gunn representing Georgia, u* the State of Florida whs lately represented, at a dist.icco. Gen. Gunn came to the State with Gon. Greene’s army, and thrre in nothing npparent in his history ot his fidel ity to tno State to acoount for hi* promo tion. Thu d* vo ion of Georgia to the name of I .ck*. t ban never abated A grandson of the S nator. himself Chief Juatice of tho State, now lies a corpse in our capital city, and while the commonwealth is proud to do honor to his beiv.curt anti memory, the brightest gleam which irra li ites bis gonealogy and perso nal hUtory i* rtllccUd from the glowing patriotism and incorruptible integrity of tho gr^nclsiro who resigned 1m seat in the United States S mate to help the people of Georgia in bringing tho Yazoo land h v'uaitrH to a speedy overthrow ' n *'"* v«ar 1708. Gsoaoia, GREAT FLOOD AT BlBMAKCK. Ico Gorge* Cans** (lie Dent ruction of a Great B hmari-k, D. L’ , March 1H Waahbarn'a Gorge broke Inst night, and early this morn ing tbe river began to rise rapidly. A gorge was formed below tho city. Tho ico cur ried everything with it, and struck the warehouse of the Northern Pacific. Tho workmen narrowly escaped drowning, and in less than two hours from the time of the gorge tho wAter was in the second atones of nv* r hoarding houatH, which had been fppoariblt • killed fttltrgr. it their lives, iegoff the Ipcno&t to leap for , . . [•|Hdown fire escapes or on laddors I hotel and firemen resenors. r THB BKV1SKD LIST. river Doarding nooses, wmon naa noun built on what was considered high ground. The wnrebou^e, which is nearly seven hun dred feet in length, was raised bodily over tldrty feet and sent crashing again-t the bluffs. The !o*b «'*f tue uuduiug will up over $15,000 Meadow land south of lhsmarck, comprising 8,000 acres, is now ono vast sea, and iuo is poH-ing over a newly-made channel in thin body of surplus water at the rate of ten miles per hour. The riv*-r at this point, which ia usually three- quar'era, ia n**w over six mil* h wide. Nortb- * rn Pacific train** will ho unable to cross the river for several days, and Bismarck will be tho western terminus f »r a week. Hapef- intcudiut Graham attempted to to Mats- dan, but the water on the weat side * f the river is flowing four feet deep ovtr the track, and the fires in the engino were pot out. Maudauin submerged, aod the poo- pl*i in lin* lower part of tho city have been moving into the upper stories ot their dwell!, gn. All nmall dwellings on tbe banks of tho stream have been swept away or destroyed and steamboat* lying at Rockhaven aro in danger. The high trestle of tbo Northern Paslfio at this point has been damaged. At 1 o’clock this afternoon the new channel which wo** <”.it across th** prairie let ont th«* ice, and the river has since fallen slowly, but the worst has not yet corue. The Ice went out at Fort llnford this morning with a rise of thirty fe.*t ( the highest ev. r known. This flood will not reach horo unt'l Saturday, when there will probably be terrible destruction. The loss at the river landing and on meadow lind here already will reach $30,000. ky tU fire department. Tbe shrieks yi of tbe poor people in the upper of the burning structure wore heart- ,1 One, mad with terror, leaped. . .. . . - . »tbr4.tory window and was picked ascertained, the dead are as -Aa.t..: .11 •« _ »» i_ a Van* oar.tnh LfinnlA Kallv an O to°tho state trtllurv ooaliuon mor ey. $250,0U0 T he MMasippt meeting of tbe L gialature. South Caro iua tn hi'momnbated Coinpsry. *155,0U>; tbe Tennfswe Com- farn!«be<l also one Robeit Ooodioo Harper, r I There aro no additional details lo report, I xuu aocrce was ordered to be promnbiated ^ V J ^ Upper Mi-tssippi wbo received for h e .here 131,000 «cros-*n . except the folIowtnR revised list ot the I throughout the whole Union by anthority I ( p ^ 6 *Ll tI upton’e Con.panj) $3V I dead, djicR and injured. As far as can be of the Speaker of Another bid of *800,000* wsi offered < i aaeartamaZ tbe dead are as follows: Kate of the Senate end Governor of the State. i.rihos or no hri IN DANGER OF ANNIHILATION, linipi'i • iM). I acuva agent and nchernsr. H and I But, ther© Is ®ald to b© "no cloud without --*vn tuuuuw ituawM uiuMMi .. A ^ .... . in , rclased bec^ns« smullbr bribos or no bribes I a silver lining;” Georgia wbh bowed head i the .tone stdewslk on Main eUeet Kent, aervsnt; Minnie Kelly, servant; Katie }‘‘“nti lY//„nuon mil^to the blosh »* •» »«*<* offered to tho members. The and .addened heart, recked with ibe sUdr •el corpse. Several who suoceodsd Pierce, lervant; Wilson Paroell, of It O. ing pOitteed OOTTEptlon, pnu lot Legi#l«lnr.. s-ild the land as only contain- of disgrace— the agony of betrayed fruit and ‘”1 their escape were badly injured Dnn AOo ; M.rk Osborne, day clerk at the onr Zoom- >dr 21 UUO.OUO acr-s, but no seiner were confTJnted with the dread of even greater d. and some of those will p.oha- o^LoeXp/rt's/rvanl pelLl^oadmUthefr superiority a. to vigl- the speoula^ra in po»e..iop than tbjy M* | los, andforthor botr^.l, saw on. u| b.r fto^rtng Ja^bK^n.NewYork; fooco, thoronph nes. and impartUU-y Jg_ ‘5^ of. Whom .wore | Newport 5 | ./A’d’^aid ^Xcy*. 5"v2 th. | r** proviltn* for th.> Z m«t rf ^l- | torWum before him),jU. up In his pla^e for tho was over oiU- feloni' ranched roughly triousm try, people venal list no Junes J.ioksuu, ahv resigned hta seat in Ibe S nute to take part in tbe work, was ttirir guide ahd advisor, Tho annulling act waa passed immediately—for seven reasons: ••I. Hecense it it tbe dnly of the State to prot-et itself from monopolies in the hands of a few in ividoals. “3. limsose the 'good of tha State' meins what it >, rather than the go-d of a few iudividaaleio apernlation on the dti lens of tbe State. “3. Because it opened the door to tbe a-lltng iu formgo powers, witboat tbe power to itx the property for tbe good of the State. "I Becanse there wu no urgent neees- aliy to sell Util land. Tne tritlmg sum of *30 .lion we. not adequate to Ibe quit rente*d by Great Bnuin previous to the rovnln’loo. "5 U venae the mu • f 1500 000 via re ceived, ine e.d of *YS*,ft>* ilftied. ■ 8. U'CSOSO the Governor diu anted from a bill -xaelly similar in Dvcembtr. 7 U e.nseuo nnhlie nuttee wa* given !****■ “presd of iv.. fl I 1. . I fact that at lM(t Olrty'peni-W, I r Kftirwar.L The Leaislatnre which °* M 18 L»gt-I tor..* As soon as Gen o\i fed with tbe two from vivid kl*—.wwuiua uufc | f GO UUU. 1'elir reum sue*. “““ •••■--".r-1 . l , — « — i I-* ... 17,n 1 maun mcnrsions aoi oepr.u.n, uw hub ■ ^IrilwiS, 8 . «v« b “l?'h| U T' I KtE-K-l-T. »'»lioners. each lose1 WW | “„t„,^L.! .-d.r/'l I violation.if Dledced faiih^wee in f.otadeo leasee were TnE VIRGINIA LEGISLATURE. I ' ,e J e * nsl *“oLn U cbsp«one°! D th r e Y-wo^act I »*Eicb w« n,ad‘e kbe.mte, nr.c .kdiit 1 al. A Resolution Introduced Defjlnx tbo S«- i n p*n«n. He pn-htd it through by “the ,r *“”£‘if. " iUl n ° d l,J “' CODU ‘ , 8*‘' c1 ** A Ite.on.u<mi^ Reclston- . | infernal Die of gold.” AlteMbe annulling | or wtrie.i,K.e [tad th—" f wcre hotrible to I I alt sn, C0 ? W b ? heatd ,Jt blocks. 1 Sbd!* 4 ^ 10 lbe * oul ' le “* Ode of I y. etalioners, etch lose wqwi, | j -1 i.,„ mmn nr i a ., r I violation of pledged fai<b was in fmt a dec- ^’ tt0 B * Ter * 1 “ he w»s aliened to the Uidled Sutes laralion of war with 'b* WH W* lb s ere sustained. I N.n».ofo!ra term of .lx veers, tbe member. I explanation the e>es of theeountry were v ATITR1S. I wets iMily Wd io other.,nutU» » *• V ^u. ri? ■’“UovTmaTaKMnr. hoble v otk and confined . I H I ila I*'■t M ., * ,row limits of tho three .. * v . Mar -h 19 —In the House set wee paswd by the next L-gislatura, it Toe Oenrgia L-i a . Tue telegraph wires to ^ivalenolb) pirambie and still had strength and lenacily to end e.»dj h.ndl.i rr?T * wa? of tL*. la-lrtar I Dcifgates ,T*i L- iTr Hno*». I (’,.1 t*r.bK aud tbe DattODal C tUfls of Jnatic*» I S«r»aU*h-al o* ly t Tbt- Georgia L«?ULtoro was a small body bdifd 10 iu y* ar 1795 1 h * •en»T c«m* «rs md tbo 9r£35arSR5 EsSJS?s r w Nc,vva«—iZ ■“*** looked down r dcliberauly “* Itood * m « f g*ug from tbe 'k# mado. Pton * cupping 1 u . Uo f ah - this ** *2e!^nlL« tb * DtI * one el'JiR r-*«a»u«d proceeded i l *« L 8 titcittd in 18-55 morning. ment of tbs principal of »aid debt. cr part thereof, which shMl D0 ‘ ,^ T ^, loaded under tbe PWvWoosrftb* berger bill within ,ix month*, from t-e pas sage of tbe act, aud th* eommttt*esh»lt required to dra't a bill or bUU that’nil r. ndcr iaiff ctn.l, if po-tible, tbe of uxeaincarooV The “ l lbs table. Mr. B(ge uoiirt, bow cr, that he would call Unpegs Tuesday for tbe sole of tbe Yazoo lauds, over tw - $GDJ. Wj||j # of Effi gbeoi c nn*y, aaid be thirds of which vm retornod when tbe sale \ woo’d make t^bi »*r r*-u iik ly n*gT*jt* or* act woe repealed end annulled. j of bl« p**rt L .nga*r«»n *ol Lii In, ■ m* r Lctosgobe k to the eariy history of • b*-r, thj*t a newbcrle c'..m* ^ 75fi‘ Georgia u» aodcnit*nd tbesttbj'c. ander r*- j acre^. A certain q: entity • f L* 1 wa* • ?iew. Aj to tbe last in tbe oii/mal eh*io . lotted to **:h rum'-tr, a > sA Io i- of thirteen Suitee, it Iu* no dearly defined nothing mor. than l i, y- R *<- r ha boundaries on ibe south aud weat It waa deMkmghtfr. ru lie lot *h U *bar% t flrut cr*aUHl by cfi>*rt*-r from the King « f w i - • hs- **Mitr« t >\ t . * ^r .- Gfeat UriUm in 1732, and reached trrrn » flf y borr-l* -f r to ■ . u “tli*- SeVaiiniih rtv-r to th** h .t * j. 1‘.i* j -i - . ■< BQppvjn-d to mooli the l'acihu OCtmO. The ten, ILlS.aIc ir.m/U.iJ, t- «J swdi L« H that tbe land won Lr nolo. *’B> it thtr«f >re enacUd, that »ha said u hrped eel. pA k S«d on tbe 7 h ot J muarf, 1730, be and hereby ie d>ctarei Lull and ? *.<i, and the grant or grants, c atm or e mini*, r ght or ngbu. UeuTog, de«lu cd or u< nv*d lheftfronj, or from any elaiue, let ter or epirtt of tbe sear**, or any j art of tbf* • mu-, tura-by annelled, r ^ r&id e d *.f do tff-ct A4 the »>aiud w.s malt i fcont onoetiioti *nal authority nad frond- alen y o' Uined, i* i4 hrr* by declared of no b d g f >ree or «ff ct on tnu State or th* l>*otdtf ih*»reo'; bat la to ba OCuald *.rwi, both tLe U« an i the grante, a* fh^y oaght to b»*, ,ip»o f«cto, of th nuelv*-a Y »id, and the territory there in Bi-utior ed i« Lereby aUo dwlertd th* l»r* p -rty of tba S'alOi Ai.-», withi • thr** fl^ t -fter the J* u»nA*e >.f thii H.-t Ih*> di r fefent LrmLch'.a of the Lcgisleture shall Illfh Water Threaten the Ileatraetloo af the City of Mandaa. Bismabck, Dak., March 19.—The gorge at Hibley inland ia still intact. The rivor is still over six miles in width. Two reacuinff partiea w* r** *«*iit ont this morning, and have found soveral fsml i* a on roefa. Field glasses are^beiDg used with good re- Multn, aa nnrnerons neltl* ra have been die- covered. some of them perched on trees aud others floatiog on timbers. To-day a snow storm prevailed. The city of Mandan is completely inundated and WAter ia running through tho streets as if in a mill rn.ii Tne wur-t roming. The great rina at Fort Buford U now over bAlf way here, and wilt r* a:h this point s*)ino limo to-night Turn will make tho highest water known in thcao parU, and unlesM tho gorgn breaks at Biblen Inland, Mandan will bo in danger of annihilation. Y i • r l iy a ng**r trun with ita load of people, bound for tho Pacific coast and in- tormediato pcintx, laid on a side track here nil night and will not bo ablu to leave for several days. Tho snowstorm has been transformed into a blinding blizzard, and lt*s feared recoding pirties will be look They uxe cut in nmaii y twin. A GRAND EUROPEAN ALLIANCR. Germanjr, Austria and Italy %*ill I)^f«a4 Hitch Other's Interent. Lo.\DO!t, March 13 —It in stated that the n1lianc« between Germany, Austria and It-dy places each of theae povrtra on an t quality. All three will undertake the pro- t urnon tf individual lob-ri-nia or iufrluge- m-nta which muhi disturb the peace of Europe. It is rumored at Vienna that the E nperrr Francis Joa^ph will follow tk* ez- n i»ti\ mi I <•' :>r« r a d*-e*.rmtion on Signor liobilbiit, the Italian foreign min ister Annoyance is expreneed iu Paris that a treaty of alliance between Germany, Italy and Anatria was signed while the at tention of Francis was fixed upon Germ** ny. A former foreign u.ioi«’.- r of France •aid to a corroipondent of the Lindon Timca: *‘I should have shrank from noth ing to prevent the signing * f this treaty, which 1 consider the most serious anl ve*-*:. ill ft r UH that has Lnppeucd to the poat aixteen years. A Negro Lynched. Cbicaoo, March lh A i'mea **peci&) fmm Troy, Tenn.. s »>*»: A iu b of r.i*.sked m & •crr.ssdnd tbe ennnty j *.:1 eirly jrs- • rd y morr ing and demand'd alm:*iMon iftheahenff Iking-rtfti «d th y hrok* Iowa tbe led > -r, a» :,* : . th- r <>m of h*-jiii< r aod breaking the roc ir door de- m ... fed tbe ke}4 cf th'.- cell-* at the nr xzleo •f pii’o's* and ►uu4. C mpellicg bun to unlock the door-, th*-y took cut a pnaoa-w *rued \VU1:h xj Hardy, a mu'atto, the mar- >rar of a yoaug wnue tu*u at Soott A ; f. i,r..-r v -( k *L.i!l Lit fall, m district Nj. U 1 * y htng's! their Yi vim one and a htlf tailed north of the Union City road.