The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, April 12, 1887, Image 1

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Slif ttl -^TlBLlSHED1826. SeIormon CONFERENCE. vtfiOROUS LETTER FROM THE ' heads OF THE CHURCH. SIR. BLAINE ILL. A Physician Sent to III,,,' from st , by a Special Train. w 1 L LO ' JIS ’ AP r “,8 -A private tdcpram has been received m this city from Fort OibHon, I. T., statiDg that Mr. ill,tine hue a severe cold, and is threatened with pnen ninnin Mn *->»*i;t . . 1 MACON, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, APKIL 12, 1887.-TWEEVE PAGES. I THE COMMISSION PRAISED. VOL. LXIi. r«02. ALBERT FINK TALKS ABOUT THE INTER-STATE LAW. rcitcral Leflelatlon Denounced as moms. No particnlars havo yet been re- vrennlcat and Obnoalons to the cetved , bnt the dispatch has been sent to 1 principles of the Constitutton Loionel Coppingor, commandant of the -The Church Prospering. J 0I, ‘ a0 “ ® son-in law of Mr. Blaine, askinu for facts, and they will be reported as soon , uh rt ivt-«!. nl ,o, Utah, April 8 —At the general R. 0. Kenens, a near personal fri«nd of Lrraoe of the Mormon church to-day Mr. Blaine, accompanied by Dr. H. H. „i,tle was read from Presidents Taylor, Mndd, a prominent phyatcian of this city icn and Smith, who comprise the first left here st 1 o’clock this eveninjby special .idency of the ohnrob. It congratulates tram for Fort Gibson, None of theoirenm- Inople upon the peaco and prosperity stances leading to Mr. Blaine's affection ara 'ding them Bai upon 7*5 Increased I yet known here. The inference naturally lt tb of Mormoniem, notwithstanding drawn from the faot that a j hysician has ItJortfl of its enemies to the oontrary, gone to aee and perhaps attend Mr. Blaine Liborts the people to be vigorous ob- I is that he is likely to be seriously ill. To L n of their duties and to ataud true to determine this, however, future advieea will Ipricdiples espoused from the organiza- have to be awaitod. Meantime a private l ot the church. The epistle goes on to telegram giving the statement of Mr. [that various agencies have been cm- Blaine’s physician is as follows: “Blaine is Ldtot if eel the overthrow of the church; I doing well. Only a slight fever.” ; fckebnnd and violence having boon Washington, AnrU 8.—A dispatch was din vain, aner crusade has been inau- received by the Associated Press at 8:30 to- io the form of legislative tyranny, I night, in reply to a telegram sent this an by canning adventurers I murning to the commandant of the post at , reckless fanatics. Referring to | Fort Gibson, asking for an account of Mr. 1 Edmunds law of 1882, it Bavs the I Blaine’s stokness: Iced tiren by its promoters was that vio- "FonT Ginsou. I. T , April 8 -To the As- a of the soundest politio l principles sociate d Preas: Mr. Blaine 1- suffering from i ef tbo constitution itself would be bronchial catarrh, with fever of the remit- Jifiaiseworthy and justifiable if neces- tent type. He sleeps well and has no t, in order to take political rule iu Utah I typhoid symptom*. Bis respiration is nur- Co the Mormau majority and give it to mal-15 per minnte. [Signed] [ub-Mormon minority, and having so •• (.baulks P. Bebnb, Poet Surgeon.” diathe post, it isnot unexpected when Chicago, April A dispatch was re- , ol more bntngeons attempts are eeived by Mr. Blaine’s ions late last night tu sloKcomplish their purpose. Their I the effect that bis symptoms weie still quite fsiio securing the passage of theorig- favorable, and thatneitter pneumonia nor SElaiiadsiaw has emboldened them to typhoid had developed. Mr, Blaine has blbriaost extraordinary demands for I some fever, bnt bis pbvsieian is not alarm- i« filiation. The letter says in re- ed. It is believed Mr! Blaine will be in I to the Edmnnds-Tucker law that it is I Chicago some time next week, mlly considered that no Buch law was 6t.Louis, April9.—A special to thaGlobe- kenacted in this country before, and its I Democrat trom Fort Gibson, Indian Terri ll'If l on only ht Jfonnd iu the history of I tory, ways: Mr. Blaine wss suffering from n fetel times, when men's ideas were I severe eold Sunday evening last when be jlM'lto such grants as despotic govern- I arrived at Gibson Station. A government kb chote to give them. Tbe provisions I Am’onlanco met the party at the atation, but Wsv interfering with churolt property, only the ladies ot tbe party could nr; to the intention of its dpaors, the I be taken to the post. Next morning the idea of ecclesiastical lights, the spolia-1 ambulance returned for Mr. Blame. He wai kand coafiacatiou and disfranchisement I able to ait up iu the oonveyauoe, (vomer, without even an albgation of I but looked pale and thin. On reaching the p spies! them, arc an arbitrary exer-1 post he went to tbe residence of Ool, J. J. lof despotic power without poraliel in | Goppioger, and has not been out of tbe pblic'iu history, and the pretence of tbe 1 homo since. Chas. F. Bere, M. D., post pin of Mormons that they wished to I surgeon, referred all questions to Col. Cop- e the women of Utah from bondage I pinger. That person had little to say. He ike fortver nilenoed by tLis outrugo. I nid not wish to create unncce-siry alarm. I whole bill betrays an attempt to pave I Ho said: "Mr. Blaine is snffeiiog from a Inj for the domination of the majority 1 heavy cold, nooompanied by remittent fever ^minority,becausethemajority iscorn-1 and was quite sick, but to-night has a iol members of an unpopular ohnrob. I favorable pulse.” |auiders that the relief of many I Col Ooppinger repeated that Mr. Blaine ' l ot judicial perseoni ion would be I was quite sick. The whole party oxpects to "btyenendad could the extreme lesva-for the North in tb,- Burning. A ot tbe Utah court be I train will be at Gibson Station for them at by the United States I 6 o’clock a. m. The soldiers detailed to sit Court, as some have I up with Mr. Blaine last night report him ■done. Referring to the dis-inoorpo-1 quite sick, but could not say whether his t of the church, grave doubts ure en-1 symptoms were alarming or not. , iced as to its being a corporation, and I Augusta, Mk., April 9 —Mr. Manley re- M yet decided to be a corporation, is I eeived the following dispatch from Emmons kiiibie that after the territory grantod a I Blaine to-day: "Father U better to-day und Jherof incorporation which Congress I leaves Fort Gibson Monday morning fur ■pin permitted to remain unchanged, I Chicago. (letter body can now revoke the cherter I 7 appropriate the proceed* of property I CROWDED CASTLE GARDEN. * k not. as tbe majority in Congress X(n xllou „ nd For.lsnrr. Arrive In Only •o, ara we with all the people of tho vt „ n ?’’ . . itoiits, living under government and I , °ri who ctuewe and all onrriohts as fr M ritd not leave Costla Garden yesterday were ■cijHt to the whim anf Aprice M shout crowdrftn death this morning by ■ ‘ UtferriuE to the test oath the th ® urnvol of 2,832 more strangers Tbe uji: •‘Understanding fnUy 1 there- ^ms, from Bremen brought 766; tho Cha- ,»UtheoonseqoencKMb they wK do st }"» «*"*«•. ? B,t - [• paerslly resolved to take tbe oath U?; ,,om ‘ b ® Adr ‘ a I lb ?’ l ,om ^ ” than be victims of political dema- Liverpool. 7u0. and the Lndgate Hill, from i, but Ibis willingness iloca not divest R?° do "’. T* “ti et its enoruitv or nnconstitutional I Irish and Italians, About two doz-n males -ter. The rulo of law is that & —n and females wero detained on susp oion of Jumed to be innocent of offense and ** 1 ?* P* D P e "', rhenumber of aiilvMs for ‘ton to commit any offense unUl he it yesterday nnd to-day will be nearly lO.UW. suilty. By the Edmunds-Tncker Th T; ft th ^ 0< . th »“ e wA ^ l 0 .ul H e r.u ( | by I j* i* pruumed that tbe citizens of Utah roaJ * fot polnta far West and Booth. rebut^the* 1 presumption frCdent to Chicago. ■ ft* oath. If tho osth were Wasbikoton. April 8.-A delation of if .ry and were required of dealers watted on the Pmident this P«opl* i n rebellion it might I afternoon and invited him to attend a re- ‘ ftow of justiflcsUon; but to require anion and banquet of the live stock breed- » oath from citizens who have viDa- of the Uaited btates, to be held at Cbt- law u without parallel even among eigo November 4th to 8th, 1W7. The del otie gavemmenta. In the baste ar.d I egatlou consisted of DeWitt W. bmith, of cf nidnern to destroy Mormonism all Illinois, president of the National Cattle y Principles of juriiDrudence ore dU- Grower^ Aaaoclation; Samuel Dusart, pris- '■I ann evil precedents are estub-1 Went of tbe Illinois State Agricultural So- Mtn talk and aot ns if it were ab-1 oi °tJ I Mr. Foster, president of the Ohio If to the happineM of*the iwople of ValLv Cattle AisociaUon; Mr. CurUs, of "poblie to over-ride ever* tmoprin-1 ‘ho New York Bute Board of Agrieultnrs; Tlio SuHpcnsIon of Section *1 Wnt Ncietinary to Prevent Bankrupting the Entlro Southern System-The Law's Good Points. AGRICULTURAL REPORT. | Tho Condition of Wheat Fields Less Favor able Than Lost Year-Domestic Animals# Washington, April D.—The repnrt of the Depuftmoat of Agriculture lor April relates I to the condition of winter grain and com parative bt-altafuiiuas of animals Tbo returns show that the condition of the soil At tbo tim* of seeding wbe&t wan somewhat UDfiVorable in the States of the Atlactio I nmi Gulf coasts, owing to drought during tho late s miner And autumn, m st severe BISMARCK’S ECCLESIASTICAL BILL CAUSES INTENSE FEELING. sr 'vE&xjsss: s >^ T rlXA” Ual0f 6TU ‘° tputie la cbirflv remarkable for it, ‘banked them for the invitation, and a-id T” «ths mbjcct of polygamy, to which I wha « be had a great deiirs to vidtlhs Ks no illu,i'ou whatever^ J ’ West, ho^nhlnot very well premise to * I accept an invitation for a date ao far in tbo A DUEL PROBABLE, future. HU presence ln Chicago in Novtm- Laaihlin n, ber depended upon the state of public af- ^ „ C : ,nEr " ,,nan . oloT " fair, at that time. Involve,! In a Serious Quarrel. |L Uuta, April 8.—Congressman John A New York Village Under Water. I *ot the ™ | Middletown. April 8.—The .vrijsg® of iLmi. . . 1 Ptominent attorneys in Coshoeton, Sullivanoonnty. isagain flooded, “t* *>*“‘‘*1 figures in a lit- for the fourth time this year. The ikb l *°-day that threatens serious wssther snd rain Monday night mtde high i nort i. . D Linoastar, surveyor nfe, in tb* Delawsn river. On Tnssdty (lU^f U .S ° loTer ,ot *100,000 for atternoon the water was running over Co- Cttwjil** UkiE 8 deposition* to show ghoeton flat#, and at midnight had reached ota ... Th taking of dep- q,, Preabyierian church, where tbe stream rnd several divided, a portion taking the main highway •all. 4“* Personal episodes , nd the bolsnoe pouring thtough th* vil- l;. LuMhiT!, .. th ® proettding*. I street. Store* and dwellings B«oli “f® 000 **! for Lancaster were inundated to the depth of tbrea feet f i wiiLm'^'a ^“^tthna’ way of haud- The ioe in the river bed remains frozen, ftoc’. L *?8 hli “ resented the preventing tho water taking the natural ot . tb® Congrcesman; I channel. Two ftims below Ccthocton hava If feet Ooth men iprang to I k— a washed out. There is ho oommunios- LproeJsr,***'?? befor * ' ,Eom I tian between ths railroad in Oosboeton and «Ma^k, gg :‘ 4* tw ** n tbem * nd the bridge over the Delaware except by ^OIov^ i A^‘ h V lo “ 0,,hed »3 r ' 4 Sits. A number of boats hsvs been ", sad ». r , bad need harsh ion-1 wedged in the ioe and many have narrowly ihm . , wua Lmsblio. “Yes! ■— .. J.” •.i g .f ,, ** or - snd must apologize I rrolilMtlon-Crrtalnly Defeated In Micliigi • taUlr. .'“'riter." -Ud Otovar. I Dktkoit. April S —Frossi all report. I 1 Uar "rid Lrnghiiu, eeived the EveniagJonrnal now tt_ur atl.-■ »aya if th •’ “ k >‘t i Kg »r -t: .t: ■■■ ^ op let© return* in mo«C cwn cui aown i can »•»«*• NewYobk, April 9.— Commiseioner Albert. , Fink, of the Trunk Line Ataociation, has *“ » t-orUnn of I mnaylvania, in IJsrylac d yielded to the request from the Tribune for an d Virginia, and in parte oi Texas. The his views on the probable effect of tho onfavr.rahle qpndltnns prevailed in inter*State aot He eeid: ‘There would havo I f'wR*™ MisHonri and K^idam. Continued been no difflonlty in aecnring to tho pnb- dry weather made plowing difficult, needing ho benefits from the operation of ihe inter- ®nd in looalit es wh-reti w». uuhroke,, State law it it had not been for tbe nn- when winter sat in geruituatii.n was slow neceBAarj insertion of section No. 4 in such | gwat language as to give rise to different inter- I ^kcat States of TenneEsee and MisBoari the preutionsi It is Impossible to adapt the »®<ri bedim the greater pait of!tho area was tariff* of this country to the in faTot4bl ® condition, and with Iteal ex- strict long and short hanl rule. I osmtiona th* plant made good growth before While it may be applied to many I Kflng into winter quarters. Un the Pacific roads and has been pmcticatly in nse for sl'tpo th® aarly seeding timo was dry, but many years upon ths trnnk lines and their rain came later and tho whole breadth wos connections, ft t« imno.«hl« to anply it to I pot in f»>r condition, though somewhat roads which ran through a thinly settled j «t*, r ths uauai aata. Ths oovenng oE snow country, suoh as the Southern Bnd trans-1 during the early portion of thu winter was continents system of roads, without either I better than usual over a large patt of wheat bankrupting the roads, if they comply with ». but there are from many sections com- the rules, or, on the other hand, obstructing I plaints of scanty protection daring very commerce, if they withdraw trom oompeti- I trying weather since February 16th. The tion and operate the roads a* mere local mouth of Msroh was tbe most severe for a roods It seems strange that a law should series of years, the temp, raturebeing below pans Congress which interferes with natural *bo average ovet the whole wheat area, competition between railaays and water-1 3-»»t of the Mississippi river alternate ways, when competition is conaid- freezing and thawing wrought serious dam- ered by the publio as one of the* most I ek® to the bare fields, especially in bottom important factors in the transportation Jfd poorly drained lauds. Penns]lvsnia, business It was agreat mistake to make Virginia snd Oaiosuff,red severely from an arbitrary rule of that sort, which is op- this inclemency. The general average of oon- p isrd to the commercial 4 Interests of the I Litton is 88 tbo snme es in 18S1. and higher country. If the power of en'pendi g this than at the aame date in 1886 and 188c, rale 1* lodged in tb» commission, as some when it was 89 and 76 respectively. The interpret the law, it is impossible to deal April condition of last year was 92, which with each Individual case in which it Is just "as still farther tmprovod by favorable and proper that the rule should be sus- feather during the month. The average pended Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the law pro-1 th® principal states are: New York 97, libit the making ot urjnsLxates as well as I Pennsylvania 70, Maryland 82, Virginia 79, nnjuat discriminations against individuals I Texas 71), lennessee 94, Kentucky 82, Ohio or localities. Thia Is all that can be required, 79, Miobig in J2, Indiana 90, IlliDoi* 92, and if those principles ar* I Missouri <J5, Kansas 83, CalifcrLis 92. Ore violated by rriiroad companies K on 88. The damage from the Hessian fly a method is provided for rcorotion and pnn- ! * comparatively unnoticed. Its presence!* lsbment, and all abuses which havo h reto- uienlloned in from one to four counties in fore existed should be corrected. Tho peo- Now York, Texas, Tennessee, Onto, Penn- pie aro fully protected under theee toree I and^Miomgan. sections of the lew. Only tb**© © mm wnnl.l I Ry® has withstood unfavorable moteoro havo to go before the commisaion in which 1 logical conditions better than wheat, tuo some parties felt themselves Injured, while avorags of condition being 02 against Ob ot under the interpretation given to section 4, the mme date year ago. the commifidcners would have to examine The returns of the condition of farm oni- each individual case occurring on about ,how * ^ osi B - fine 5 m °i? Q i4? D8 iiV > 130,000 mile.« of ra Iroad and decido wheth- 13.4 per cent, or over five and a half mill er the tariff is juat and reasonable i° D » ® n( l indicates oontinned widespread or not This is on impos- prevalence of hog cholera. Tho losses of sibility. Th© law is there- Hheep amount to 7 per oent, of cattle four fore impracticable of execution under tint and three-ten tbs per oent The losses of ooDstmction, and would conso a groat deal I cattle ore heaviest!!! the ttonth and on the more Jojnatice than it wan intended to ec* • * oftto far West from live to nine rect I think tho decision mado by the 1 P y r cent, white in stetious wk*r« sjcltt r is commission was a wise one, in giving relief provided and better care of amounts to roads which could not have complied I lwo aD< * B ^broe per cent, with tho long and short hanl rnle. The ’^be loss among horses, as usual, is very commission had to choose between bank- small, amounting for the wboli country to rupliug * whole system of railroads and | seven-tenths of one per oent. ruining the commerce of that section of tho country which is now properly isting TUI? \n?WQ rPHUf T?Ill?nPT? i and Herr 8eIchmaDn t editor of the fmp- IJIKj ilbiiu 1 llvill TjU11v/1 1J* j p re , Bge( j p are r Voltkefrenndt, have been sentenced to six weeks’ imprisonment at Cobs for holding meetings. The judgment of the Supreme Court of Jntiioe has been Rent to the ministry of the interior defining tho scope of the American treaty regarding naturalized citizens. It Alliance I allirniH that tho Acqnisiti n of citi/enuhip in the United States, with an unbroken residence t ero of five years, causes the loss of citi/.ennhip in Germany. Such pernons returning will bo liable to expnlHion from Germany until they reacquire German rights. The German Negotiations for with Italy—Repression in A1 Lorraine-Gladstone's Appeal to llrltisli Workingmen. A MANIFESTO FROM GLADSTONE. PROHIBITION IN TEXAS. Md^satisJactorily^Mrved under ^existing | genrt t 0 r Reagan Causes a Sensation by a Letter Favoring It. Copyrighted by the New York Aasociatcd Press— 1887. Berlin, April 0 - Tho ecclesiastical bill has been fixed as tho order of the day in I England More Concerned Than Irelamrin the Unterhans for the 20th lnti» At a K- I it,-ating tin- < <>erclon Bill, cent short oonfarance the NatiomU Liberal London, April 9.—Theanti-courcion tncot- leaJtra were disponed io assent to tho bill, 1d( , to bo iu Hydo ,. lirk Monday ptom . atter stating in the course of a®Dato that j aoa ^ biggest outdoor public moot- their tctwptanos would ho oonditiinsl ou iuf! nTer hola in LondoI1 no iurlhrrcoucts.ions belntt made. Dnr- Mr Gi ad3 tonu to-day iasusd to tho in K the vacation tha controversy has becomo ln tho nollh of Great Bli tain, a rna- most bitter. The unceasing hostile Ion- j or {ty of whom are enthusiastic f Rowers of guago of the Catholic pros has conaed a f 0 p 0W i D g lottor, which amounts invunion in tho paciQo mood of tha Na- a . H(0 * tion.1 Liberal and ConaeivaUve papers. In- ..j clDnot rf [ ra i n f tom oa iiing yonratten- stead of now discuHsio^g the acceptance of tion to n meeting which is to bo hold in me measure uh mmwu oy tueOueihani, , Hyde Park next Honda j. aoo ni wt&U I tional Liberals are disposed to underatsnd that tens of thousands of work- rtject the bill unless all of Bishop lvopp s nj 0 Q 0 f London intend to bo present. If amendments ore stricken out. In dele.- there ever was a timo when it was to tho encs to Bismarck they will consent to th® interest of the English workingman to be- adoption of the origmol bill, bnt not ro a think himself, this is tho timo, when tho step beyond. Ou the other hand, tbe Len- ooercion bil i ( if paafe d, is to be passed ty t r ® h art y b rinRS forward agatu ho wholo England’s voto alone ng Inst the vote'-s of ofBhhop Kopps_ proposals inolndmg those Scotland .Behind and Wales. It is tho which the committee of the Oherbans re- flrsttime when suoh a hill wil t .vo ’ eon fused to onteruin. Herr Miadthorats «- raised under tho sanction ot the Iioaso ported submiseion .o the Vstt on *“ ™'y 1 adtrs circled hy voters »hj were l> veren- If the Conservatives and No- f ran o biaod ht .f ore lh . election in 1885 tional Liberal gronp* oppose the entire Knd , 8Sa xu* the lint time coercion has freedom of the reoriled religious orders, in- beoa prol ,jeed without any at- cludingtherightof tuition in sohools, the te mpt hy tbo ministry to show what Centre will maintain tho war as to tha very u„ know they oanoot show, a slate of tla- points wmcu.ii d biltare.1 uppo.ltioa. The Rram or grow i of! ct i nie . jf Engmud cbaooeB of a aclfic settlement aro small. I ooercfl Ireland f«gr ciime, Ireland, compared Intense irritition prevails on both aides, to population, baa leea crime than England. Centrists »tow their rcaihufss t® 1 In my opinion the rejection of tho bill is submit to the Carla, but tnain- cven mor# D( . edpd hy England than by Ire- tain that Bismarok has outwitted the Vati- 1 jnd. For Ireland Ills a question of unifor ms, and that Monsignor Oriimbertia mis- 1D(!i and abe hnowa how t . „ uffcr . For sion was a failure, fbe National Liberals England it is a question of shaoie and dis consider that Bismarck has been grossly i, onori and | 0 CM t away shame and ilis- doceived iu trying to dominate the Centro honor j, lbe flrat bnainiH8 ot a gt ,at nation, party through the Pope. The Cologne x„ 1870 a meettog of London workingmen Gazette of yesterday prediots that Ui6marck « rs t gav® effectual force to tbo mov. inent wdl bu rendy to go still farther la the f or u u i gar |„ wblob brought about the. leo- rnnkiDg of concessions, and will yield to tion of 18y !- SIliy tho moeUng ot Mondsy the demand of tho Uentrists for, all of t i(4t ring tho doatbknell of tho moat in ; ult- Bishop Kopps proposals. Mh.i. tt Is be- . ; ug atl ,i most oaussUs coesaton LiU ever yoi d doubt that the opposition of tho Con- B ubmitted to Parhament.’ servatives and National Ltbota s will defeat the combined Centrists und New German London, April 9.—Lord Harrington has Liberals and that tho bill will ho referred to written the following letter to a Unionist n oomuiiUee, it may reqniroa doolsi e exor- I meeting: "It la of groat iuipnrtnnce that cise ot the government’s influence to pre- I some answer ihonld bo given to the agita- vent its rejection. ‘Ion which is being prompted against mens- NKW OEnsiAN risen. PBorosAiAL «* f °F .‘.h® “aintenaiioe of order . 1 in Ireland. Donbtle88 it Ih un-otly to be Thei fiscal proposals in course of prepara-1 regretted that the government ih oompolled tions for the Reichattn aro now known to I a ^aln to resort to coercivo nMasitreH, ii.elude a new consumers tax on brandy although Liberal statesmen have not sbrnnk and kngar, a bill aboMBhtng the ta* on -r«w on former occ-urions from proposing in beet root material and substituting a tux on aimilar cironmstances lcgi.larion of equal if sugar for oonsamption, endalso reformed not gIea re r a , Vl .rity. It is my firm con vio- Bonrse tax It la believed that tbe ptopos- U ou thet the disorder which OOmperiod ths nls will be franitd io oonsjnanoe with the government to rosort to this policy is not fiicnl polioy of the National Liberal party. I ppontnueons and is not caused by Not a whisper is now heard in tho minis- nnredressod grievances. Ills thereeultof terial organs suggestive of too uhnoxtous t bo determination of some leaders of the monopolies in brandy and tobacco. Irish people to prove that the government ■ Germany's negotiations with italt. of Ireland hy the Parliament of tbo United Nrgotiations for the appointment of n Kingdom is impossible, and the attempt is sneo- snorto Herr Von Kindell as German I being inailo to discredit remedial ami reproo- ambistrdor to Italy contlnno. It is reported »lvo legWatioD. In my judgment this aot that Minister Von Potkaner ha* beon in ? n K"t to be firmly res "ted by all Unionists, Rome inoogni o sir o, 8uaday last, and that | noth Liberals and Conservative, ho will return to-morrow. Count Herbert Bismarck is mentioned us a special envoy •■SStTTVto JSE of vSm Oom^'onV Edw “d^amthe^lla^ a0C, "°; l0 , m J “ 8 I on thl. point sarprhei even hts nearest sSriSftssSSssYS aasjs.'fflss.tsajt :r n f in, n o1,U-mSKal^inTci'rf the United .States is not sneoaraging so far. ‘ ® u ' 1 ’ t that anv « b l tl Severel wooden v.»eD forming the training "Tt 0 W. pariy'qneJdon of p“ hfbi° is no vessel bearing tbe Atuenean ttsg in “torir P art^ wiriTthe “fo'rtJn'eV and wbUkJ8hop - dr “ “ d A TEXAS DESPERADO. Fight Again*! charged with tbo completion of the Austro- lie Win* In a Mngtc-lluml Ucruian-Italiau allianoe. Tbo Tsgblatt I Sis M publishea nn interview with Htgnor Crisp, Cdicaoo, April 9 —A spocial from Came- Italian minister of the interior, to tbo effiot rou, Texas, give, tho particnlnrs of a fatal that tbe new Italian ministry is stroDgly in fight Thursday night near Rockdale, Milam favor of tho alliance. Signor Crisp said; oonnty, between officers of the law and a 'France, notwithstanding Its ilomocraoy, is notoil despern io named William Jacobs. Italy's enemy. Thoso who talk ot a Homo weeks ago Jacobs killo 1 a man in French-Italian nllinnet aro either Idiots or Milam connty and went in hiding Thurs- ignoramnses.” j uuy the sheriff kerned that Jsccb:: w EASTxn rEsTivrrnui. stopping with a friend named Ira Bcnnds, T. ... - - -1. !„ f_n .1 „ who lives twelve unite sonth of ItoekiUlo. J * a pr ( ea riral is in full swing ‘°'ri l y. Deputy tilierilTs John Pickett, I, o Poole The weather was clear an, countlo.s tb"'<- an i j-’rank Metbilla tailed t, make sands wero abroad. I ho tho&trcj) wc-ro ro- 1 tar ll-i. I1m dooision is temporary, until snph ftPesaitesu further iuvr.tigate the . Cmcl ' A , (J _ A ap<da , from not^piovent thmo'psriiea'wbo^ feel grieved Qriv.ston to-day wB. protibUion from applying to the commission for ro- qurntionis rap.dlyarenmingatront rank lief, fbe commission exercised wiiilom ?“°58 tb ® P ,,lll “‘ , “ u “ . Tt .™ ..^he and prevents thorny Injarioustffectswhlcb aj , , A g otherwise would have tollowed end which I‘tl* qtt»tlon to'“ ’ote of I 1 ' would have mads tho law obnoxious. I I fn ? ha( ric P Chk^imono them nre er- mnnnta’lMT uToSSd W ^^“co^rea I'^^nnt Governor Gibbs, o^ Dall u., lion. Ihifjr i^'J/thonk I Writer Graham, of Galveston, aud nolitl- SnM end t l hSweat cian> of lofl,cr nole * Wh ° h “ V ° Con ‘ t ' tated «nrm #?,« rimml Jn! uhi^h {«themselves a commitca represenUng the of oimi ^ndamin h t t Democrats ofTc-xss, and inviting prominent evidence of iU good judgment by iti Bret D eaiocrftU to attend a meotieg tbo 30th for decision. q,, purpose of calling a convention ln May THE MONROE DOCTRINE. 1 "to act forth clearly the time honored prin- ..... .. .. . . ciples of tho Democracyin its oppositiuu to The Government T hlnklng Atinut A..ertlng form , Eot , nm ptuary legislation." Tho _ B , I News prints to-day (Batnrday) an open lot- Waihington, April 9. Altbongh no I (er f rom Senator J. U. Itoagin, re P l>ing to official ooDtlrmaU .n has been received at Rn invitation of tho committee to the Department or State of th* report that att4Dd tba coming meeting. Mr. Keegan's Great Britain has threatened to **•*» t8® letter will prodneo a gcnnlue aensatlou in Tortuga* Island, yet it is learned that Uie Uie p 0 ]j t j ca i * 0 ,i d 0 f Texas. He comes out Amenoan ooninl at Hayti has kept the de- p el ln (>Tor o( pro tiblrion. and deals partmeut tu Hy infornuiUs to the natnre of om,ositlon tome berouleau blow* the British claim, nd the pircMsiing. taken £ gP Democratic standpoint. Two by that government against Hayti during Mt IUagaD ltood beside Senator tue psattntee or four years Now that the I Govsrnor Ireland, Congressman matter is reported to have Msumed aa«eri- MiU|)anl otber p ro0 iinent Democnt* in ous a ph ee, the goverbment, *lth a view s t r6000BS jy opposing tbe growth of the pro to being prepared for any emergency, is be- j h.hiiionideaoii the ground that it was a ginnhig to canvats its resources in case it I aacred principle of the Democracy to op- iutenii'ju af'uihrTaunttj'tomSmSn t b “ poao aumptuary law* of whatever charao- F, enc h preea oontlnaa to give unau'hentlc I who fell from his b'r.e.'deid Simnriane- Mooroo doctrine to * tho extent 0 £ ‘®f- Mr. Reagan* completechsngeot vleWa M eonuU of severities practiced upon French oualy the poaae opened fire upon .In-obs, Monroe doctrine to ice extent ot | „„ , M . „ nrn ,i... „. n hl « nearest , ympath|l . rai P,ioco Hohnnlohe, Gorer- i who stood onsontbed. Deputy McL’tlli ernor of Alsace-Lorraine, has iu- was wounded in the arm, while n member struct! d officers to conciliate tbe I of tbe posse nannul Barber was struck on people and never to interfere nnltoa I the head by a glancing ball and rendered there should occur an open breach of the I insane. After emptying his 16-repeating law. The French paperi announced the I rifis a', tho officers, J»c ,t>* threw the gnu wanton arrest of a number of yonths at away, and drawing a revolver ran to tbe Z-tborne. Tbe faet* are that a l rge num-1 rear of the yard, followed by a shower of ber of yuuug Fsvueu nlaaOiMuS KathaTSu it. j bts’l-is, Shd nrira-olonalw Miwnal tn tha front of the marl.', tore the German flog w .i,.is. Another posse has gone to tho ae- toahrmls and broke tbe flog staff. Five of I sistance of the olficere, who are- rcattering tue offender* were arretted and will be tried. I over the country otter the fugitive. The The ciicntar first 'ontto the lngihg n>- man Sarber cannot live. He is a raving cieties of Strubnrg, inviting their adbi r-1 maniac. openod and pltcra of amassment wore thronged. The Emperor and his wholo family attended a communion service in the palace Thursday, GILMAN BSSTSUrnONS IN AUACn-LUBBAINK. A decre - issued at gtnuburg to-day sp tho nrreht. Aoooinimnird hy a pos-o of half a dozen citizen*, they rode up to the Bounds farm un-l quietly su'ronndod thu house. Hardly had the horsemen appeared in front of the house before the door opened aud Jacobs stepped outside with Winchester iu hts hand With plied to all F sneburen tho order of Deetm- the bravado of a born desperado, ber, 1886. uceordiu • to which anyone con- I he surveyed the officer* for a moment anil in s-led With tb French acur dss ring to I quietly r»i.»d bis nfls and began a idniri*- sej mm la Alsaoe L <rraloe mnst obtain per- I h .ndtd battle with six min. His fir.t bullet mission of th* G-rman lutborities. The | plcroed tbs h idy of Dipntj-Ha. r If Poole, possible Utat on* or both of the^veeseU | Cri fa “| n ^ tn , i Apri i 0 ,-A .peHal to the ma, be ordered to the vicinity of Haytl to oi 0 *.£m^refoom represent the United 8 ate* government in I Th# wbiaky men’s State executive commit- i^tce T a D fornral ,t nrote«? C *minst e ^nroDe*n ^ m *‘ here with closed doom It has }h« wL* fndui ^ op ®* n leaked out that they aro debating whether goverameoti in tbe ANtst IodieSa I ikM u v,«n M ^v• ■ l>mI sntii m«rei« <>««<• I they shill msk* a legal fight merely over THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO DEAL the Stale or organixa forth* Con to*: with a full rigged committee. The pre enoe of A Belief that There Has Been no Serious I several Republican leader*suggests the idea Effort to Get Control of the Hoad. I that the party will nse tbe present contest Haltin'u:c, April 9.--There is * growing to break down tbe Democratic paity. They conviction bere tbattbero bu been no deal went the prohibition question made the nor will there be aDy serious movement to Democratic party issue, and the Democrats divert control of the B iltimore and Ohio | are fighting sby of this, railroad toaoy syndicate, cor to any other u ‘ l with lb© fj! ? 1114,1 °* an a faii Wl ^ ocmptl Glover ®*W|. meet him ia *jo ta L-.U railroad company. Tbe general beit~f is that President Garrett his purchased all stocK offered and has now, with two or three holders of considt-rble stock, enliro control. So general is this belief that ihe matter is no more dbcussesl. Garrett has received a letter from a gmtle- man in London expressing regret that any niovnui n: for tbe transfer ot the rood has been made, a« the Baltimore and Onio hts always betu one of the few roads that was col tntjsc: to stock jobbing opetationa i With regard io the nj>-si>s to bniid a io».I from PhllaftlphU to New York, the let* r went of money for tire amount required on tn an hour. I prohibition vote, to j „ s„,...iJi7^e, r.. re rJ . "VCo oi rev. i- .NCOS, April 1.1 A d,-., ,us eiplo- out vn -- - pdrLt. There ‘ sUm linn occurrwl m a nitr»>-k'lyc.i’iri*j f*r- Uen tory at Freiberg, ^©xony. hilled w*<l | ioj^re®! Luri.bcrcd tLirteen. Killed by a Bullion. Rockford, III., April 0.—John Hogan jMUrdAj watt exhibiting A stallion At Weat- field Corners. While so doing the hone knocked him down end plect-d his kneis upon him. Another dad who was present subbed the at Allien in the neck with a knifo. As tbe horse Arose from Hagan's body it grabbed dho prostrate mao by tbe nape of tbe neck end ebook him so that he died in ei^Lt Uiiantee. J^ky Town (turned. April 1«> .i sped 1 to tin •r m !fr- n, Kv., radon, in thet county, wu .1 by 11 alii, rt Ht 1 o’clock th: •*^ri boasfs in thebunin*- Xjorurvn, Oonrier-Joi once o the. term*) npc u whi^h Ibt gov. rn- tnent will permit their coutinnK .ce, b»i.s j been distribnted tbrongbont all tbe com- nmnr.s of Alsace-Lorraine. Societies falling to submit to tbe government's torus before THE KANSAS LIQUOR TRADE. A New Law riiijH lluvon With U •alo Os-alr rrt - It* l'rovlrtlon*. iiT. Lora, April ft —A special to fhe the 10th of April w 11 be dissolved. Tbe*.e I GIobo-Democrv from Joseph sayrt the and other mcaanrea shov' tbsit tbe govern- new law pun*, d by ibo l.\te K iL-i-ts L girtla- gient will not permit public demonstrations I turn is flaying havoc with the liquor tr ule or private conepirings in favor ot the French, in K ilmh. 8t Joseph whol( H«lo dealers ■The family of M. Antoine, tbe protestor I plain of a falling eft in trade, and a firm delegate who was < xpelled from Germany, | that is known to bo one of tb* hugest are preparing to leave Metz. They will set tle at Nan^y. M. Antoine proposes to dom icile himself st Frankfort white be retains hissUtion in the K ichstag. The govern ment will not molest him if he mainUi. H tbe same prudent reserve that boa marked his course sinoe his expulsion. Since the poliee of Hamburg discovered a secret 8oculi*t dub ou Wednesday, seizing a number of documents, nrre»tH have be* n mads daily. Th dob vis ifili t« d with aimilsr organizati h n 8to tin, K .om, berg, Hint-nan a f .d elsewhere, and m tb.- placet) many arne'.H h ivc been mad Among tbe per ’..i Uk-u iu*o custody . Hamburg is Herr Steifoot, eoitor of tl he city has taken four of its oft th mod. In Kantiaf City it in ami r- H'ood the result of the law in the same, the Kansaa trade Uung vtrluaily killed. The law nukes it nAeert*&ry for a iniiii d»-xiring toop.-uudrng store to have twenty-five women, sign tne petit on, and any p- rnoa who uhiiU to bay liqUir uiant go b« f >r«* a rotary public and make affidavit »i- tn vh-a une he will make of it, and that it i« not intended to be drunk i.t .i bt-ver.«*<e. 1 !:e St Joseph wh lesale hquor ele*-l« r-Lave in ub taken oft the road as a it of ' Blerger Zietung. THE EIGHT* OF O John Neva wa rea fur Th eralhandn-s over f'**u*r rap^ln. Is now no dvubt that prohibition L def«mt«:d. ira r leaving only j it cfltim.ite 1 at . Fr* h covered by inHnranee, j -ur Vl to have originated in a J Pn defective fi ■ » k» :ntjy arreaUd at Li< ; to Mnnugle Oopiee of Mo rttars the bi/dtf. U Lm be. l -d by the Belgian police to tu a'i uoritien. The Hockdist A a I.* \ member oi the Ua-icbaK ' ItioluiK at Its UAMt. BclvajiT, April 10.— A confiict oc nrrod here to day between a mob and a body of police. Daring the Light one man was wounded with a bullet. No other Htri'>oa ca-uuftie* are rt-ported. At this hour (mid night i the city it qufet, bat it iit »aid pre- parwti'iriM ore going on for a renewal of the diA’.urb^gwc to-morrow.