The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1887, Image 10

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10 THE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TlxSDAY MORNING, O TORER 4,188V.—TWELVE PAGES. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY FOR OPPRESSED IRELAND. Benute Adheres to It. Substitute for the Glenn lllll—The Resolution lor the Sal* or Leas* of the State Hoad Fall? Discussed. friesd> were trying to depreciate ita raise for a pU J3e°r" membered well the applanae that eounded I To amend section 2131 of the code, by inserting I grass to the mile, and on the Western and Atlantic all orer the State on the completion of that magnlfl-1 after the words erldence. In fourth line, the words the grade was much less. Any man knew what this cent property. The people felt that there was the I "warehocse reeeipts. elevator receipt*, bills of meant in hauUngbearr tonnige. The Western and property that wonld relieve their descendants from lading and other commercial paper symbolic of Atlantic was now shorter by 13 miles than the East taxation. This road waa the pride of their heart, property." Tenneeeee.VirginU and Ooorgta.and it waa on record They thought it was a valuable legacy to Tor the relief of the Home Provident Safety Fond where the roadmaster of the Western * ' future g " ' “— ” W " L be lefttof B generations. And now it was on- Association, of New York. and r Macon Telf.okafh Brwur, 1 ho.3>» Whitehall-thket. J A TLA XT A, <*A , 8EPTEMBEK Ah, lhh7. ) The Senate met at 10 o'clock* President David- von in the chair. Mr. James moved a reconsideration of the Con federate soldiers' pension bill, and supported his motion in a strong speech. The motion was lost by a motion to table; ayes 19. nays 1C. The resolution to provide for the lease or sale of certain laud belonging to the State in Calhoun, Gordon county, ‘ * ‘ k * passed. The following was also passed repndta.. __ — their children this handsome legacy. At this juncture Mr. Harrison Introduced a reso- lutlon providing for the continuance of the consid eration of this bill at the afternoon seesion. A substitute was offered to make the bill the con- tinning special order for the morning session, hich substitute was adopted. was taken from the table and To mxke county official* incompetent to sit on grand juries Mr. James, of the Thirty -sixth, mtde a few re marks, explaining the object* of the bill. On motion of Mr. Jackson, of the Thirty-seventh, the Olenn bill was again taken up for action, as the Hones had refused to concur in the substitute passed by the Benate, _ . V. Gary. East Tenneesee, Virginia and Georgia by slightly J. W. Gary and 'James Jordan, securities on said changing the route, and at the same time do away bond, and to declare such bond null and void. with six out of the eight bridges now on the road. To authorize juries In certain felony caaee to rec- The hour of adjournment cat Mr. Watts off at ommend the defendant to mercy, and for other this point. purposes. I afternoon slesion. To prohibit the sale of splrltnous liquors within The House met at 3 p. m. four miles of Mount Zion Colored Methodist A number of bills with Senate amendments were The oommlttee on finance made a report favoring I Church In the Tenth district, Meriwether county, taken up and the amendments concurred in. The .^e passage of the additional appropriation bill to I To authorize the olty council of Augusts to ool- deficiency appropriation bill was passed, mpply the deficiency In the appropriation bill for ilect by execution, to be enforced and have the The report of the joint committee appointed to .887.88. same lien upon the premDea as executions for inquire into the business before the Legia'ature. The House then adjourned to 3 p. m. taxes, sums due the city council for water nsed on with the view of fixing a day of adjournment, was The House met at 3 p. m. premise# from the Augusta waterworks. read. The committee repi.rted a resolution favor- The bill to regulate the manner of conducting Bills for first and second reading were then taken ingand fixing of October 20th as the day for Aral educational institutions in this Bute and to protect up and read. adjournment. Tne unfinished buslnesa reported the rights of the colored and white people and to | Senate adjourned to 4:30. | was: House bills and reeolutione 018, Senate bills provide penalties for infractions of its provisions, Th H and reaolntions 108. Of this number 275 are in the (known as the olenn coeducational bill) waa taken inc uouie, bands of the committees. The report was received up on motion of Mr. Harrison, of Qoitman, who I The Honse met at 9 a. m. and the resolution adopted, urged that the House insist upon ita refusal to The consideration of the bill to tell or leaee the By Mr. Hunt—A bill to amend the charter of accept the Senate substitute By a unanimous vote Western and Atlantic railroad was resumed, with Jewell’s Mills. Lost Yas 70, nays 20. the House ralured to concur, and Insisted on the Dr. Felton, of Bartow, on the floor. He said that A resolution to hold night sessions on Mondays, iginai bill. be wanted to again pat himself on record as being Wednesdays and Fridays, commencing next week, The bill to authorize the wardens or the Kpleco- bitterly opposed to the sale or the property, and he was adopted. The Bouse then adjouruei. K il church of Columbaa to sell and convey certain believed dial a majority of the people of the State property, waa taken up and the Senate amendment were with him on this question. He wanted to see CLERKS AND POLITICS, concurred in. | (he representatives from the mountains and the wlregtass sections gather lovingly around this road They Cannot Maintain State Associations THE STATE ROAD SALK OR LEASE | fwmthe agenclrawho were seeking | without Violating the Law. The call waa sustained, and the Senate adhered to the substitute by a vote of 21 to 14. Those voting In favor of adhering to the substi tute were Messrs. Atwood, Brantley, DeJarnette, Hamilton, Hand of the Ninth, Hand of the Eighth, Jackson, James, Livingston, McLeod. Nonhcctt, Peek, Powell, Pringle, Kicthle, Roberts, ltosk, Sim mons, Smith of the Sixth, Wofford. Wright. Those who voted Against an adherence to the substitute were Messrs. Brannen. Courtney, Dan iel, Bilwortb, Paver, Foster, Onerry, Hawkee, Lampkin, Lewie, McCsnte, Robins, Smith of the Twenty-fifth, snd Wrlg t of the First By Mr. Lavidson—Wherea*. the people are now •ngiged in a constitutional *tmg.le for the right of Iwcal self government in order the* thay may be wfeure in person, property and the pursuit of hap piness, and ' Whereas, the present governing power in Great Britain has suepended In Ireland the ordinary op eration of law, placing the people of that country mercy of an Irresponsible conatsbalsry i the cbair. wwmwu w niuu mcir»»ou mmuuu. xne urm-1 j . hT er * *r® not able to bear any more taxation than they 1 g T °BDd that It wonla be hD impropriety OH The following new matter was introduced by j WOTe to pay. The gentleman from Web- I his part, as b© is intrusted with the admin- Penator Dflworth, nf the Fourth district, which ie a J tter (Mr. Howell) had only a tew daya ago intro-1 igtration of a non-partisan law, to partici- - ill to remove the civil dlubilltjr of Wm. Ammon., Jnced ebUI.towen 188 .bare. rmlroed pate in a patt i 9an demonstration. He main- minor, and for other purpoae.. TheVtl tu me public school fud. The public aohool 8 ojMem taiDS that Ibis rule holds good also as to read first time and referred to the special judiciary. 1 * *- * — - - # . .. ■ —• « at the mercy of an Irresponsible conatsbulsry and wresting from them the acknowledged privileges of BMish citizenship; therefore Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, that the me st heartfelt sympathy of the people of this State Is extended to the people of Ireland in their laudable and patriotic struggle tor home rule. Resolved, That as people of almost exclusive English origin. Inheriting pride In the struggle which, beginning at Runuymede, has bnllt up th* constitutional fabric or English liberty, we protest against ths denial to the people of Ireland of the right of public assemblage, of free speech, and of constitutional agitation for the improvement of or their condition. Resolved, That h's excellency, the Governo*. transmit copies of these resolutions to the Earl of Salisbury, to Itt. Hon. Wm. F. Gladstone and to Cbas. Stewart PanelL Adopted. The Senate then adjourned. The Honse. The Honse met at the usual hour this monlng, with breaker Little in the chair. Mr. Berner, of Monroe, moved to reconsider the action of the House yesterday In defeating the bill prohibiting peddling on the Unde of another With- out the consult ut tue owner, watch was sus tained. lbs House then took up the special order cf the day, which .was the consideration of the resolu tion by Mr. Haralson, of Quitman, providing for ths sale or lease cf the Western and Atlantic rail road. Mr. Harrison took ths floor and briefly explained the object* of the rviolation which as to adver tise for bids for the lease or ea'.e of the property, and that all bids reoelved we*e to be presented to the next Legislature for their consideration. Mr. Hill, of Meriwether, opposed the resolution. He thought the resolution was premature, lie thought it was the beet to advertise whether the State Lad any road before one waa advertised for sale. The lessees had threatened to wreck it. He favored the settlement of dispute between the • gad the State before advertlsti g the property He was opposed to the sale of the road, and did not think that any steps should be taken to release the property until the present lease waa over. He said that the resolution meant u ithlug, at It forced something on the people that they could not do. The State could not sell the road, neither oould it lease it until after the pre«ent lease expires and the condition of the property known He tiougbt that thp State Road wonld rent for 150,000 a month, and b» favored leasing It at ths proposed Ume. a 'McLendon said thstltwas not pro oaedto r sell or lsa<e the Western and Atlantic rail- road. The resolution provided for the ascertaining jm< which price the road could be teased or sold. Mr. Buff wanted to know what was meant bv the words‘subject to acceptance or rejection laid that thsae words looked like butlness. Mr. McL ndnn said that they meant that the neit Legislature waa t) dispose of the property to the heel advantage. He did not think the Western and AUantio rail- *o*d was worth as much as some people thought, tr would tease for |5»,om). a* had been stated on the floor. If it waa not for the Lon’svUl* and Nash- villa railroad, which was largely Interested in ths business of the Bute road, this progeity’s business would be a mere bagatelle. Since the construction of the Eaat Tenneesee, Virginia and Georgia the bu*lL*se of the Western and AUantio railroad had Mr. Huff, of Bibb, offered an kmendmeot that before advertisements were publtehed for the sale or laaae of the Western and Atlantic, ths Gover nor shall appoint a commission to consist of two practical railruftd men and one real estate man, cUiaens of Georgia, who shall take a complete In ventory of khe property in detail and in bulk, and th «t before the property Is either sold orlessed, ths voice of the people of the State shall be secured, either at the next g neral election or later, con tainer at the next i neral elm firming or rejecting the sale or 1 Mr. Uarrell, of Webster, favor .favored the resolution, He wanted it ascertained what the property could be sold or liaaed for. At the nest election the peo ple* who ore the stockholders of the property, oould elect a Legislators ee a board of directors to carry out their wishes. Ths Legislature had no right to sell the read without consulting the people. He th nght every member of the Legislature would be elected with reference to hie views upon this sub ject. Mr. Felton spoke in favor of hie eubsltute, which wu reed when the bill came up on Its third read ing. and waa mads a special order. Abe substitute provided for the continuance theosnenhlpof the property by the State. The majority report was taraningtess. It was vague, without opinion and without a policy. Hs believed that the resolution hal but one purpose, and that was to sell the West rn and Atlantic railroad. He called upon the Legislature to come up like Geor gians and legislate for the beet interests of tbs peo ple of the but*. The members who signed the ma jority report, without exception, be said, favored • the sate of ths property, and that w-s what the * resolution meapt. He said that ths gsnlteman from Thomas (Me London) et the teat Lestelatnre offered a bill to sell the Weetern and Atlantic railroad for 96.OUO.tM>, and imidmI carried away with the idea of selling the property. Interrupting him, Mr. McLendon stated that Maj Oam obeli Wallace had named that fig ore as th< value of the property. In answer to taV*. Mr Felton said that the opinion * of Msj. Walla;# on this subject bad no mors effect upon him than did the opinion of the gentleman from Thomas (McLendon). Jast imag'n* the Oov- amor of oar State placarded In front and in f rear with a sign, "A railroad for sale or leas*, don't know which, standing on Wall strata near corner of Broadway, ringing an auction ball to tract the moc*> sharks. Mr. Spe-.ker, just imagine oar Governor standing in tL* middle ot th* strata winking at Jay Gould and pointing at ths placard. '•A railroad for sate or leas*.** You know Jay Gould la always in ths market when a railroad is for sal*. In the test campaign h* did not support Gordon, but h* wan rad to say that bis word as th* Governor of th* State ainc* his inauguration was. in hi# opinion, th* most honest and th* pure*! of any Governor Oaonria ha* had In years Hs btateved that G*or- fia'a Governor, Judging by his past racord, would vtao any bill looking to th* **te of th* proparty. He characterized th* majority report of th* finance com mittee *a a mongrel production. It meant noth- th* lease the claim for betterments would be |3 t 000,000. He characterised the tetter ot Senator Brown publtehed recently upon the subject ot bet terments, th* most impudent, exacting, domineer ing and insulting doc-, meat he bad ever read. It la held that the road should be sold to pay off < debt. How can this be done when the property hampered by an Unmans* claim for betterment* Th* triends of tne r*Hreed syndieetee are run ning down the value ot the property. An are teg tt for a purpo**. U* wanted t • know if *111 d*rs tol*aa* woo'd not b* anteff by thl* claim htatsrmsnte. Th* net earnlegs of th* road teat B r had decreased to |35>JO rrem $60,000 the year or*, and h* thought that by th* ttm* the teem «Firad th* directors of the road would show by prop*rt | the meet rateable of ite thereur owned la MU South, and knows the railroad syadicaue and their . to get it away from the people of the State. He w" , RESOLUTION. | gretted to see a member from the grand old county WASHINGTON, September 20. — Civil I SsrTioB Commissioner Oberiy has writ- L« ngthy Discussion of This Important I els B. Bartow, of uhatbam, led the fight in oppoai- ten a lsng letter to Ch irks L. Spencer, - I Son, mart.*f'rGeorRla’and'ber'pre.ect prospertrr 1 who, on behalf of the Illinois Democratic .£32%ESS ffaSSSTSSSSSSL A “ ocia,ion ° f thi3 «*•* had invit6d ob «'y been an Alladen’s lamp to Georgia Is now to be I to address the aSHOciation this evening. Association is a one or the mein pillars of the educational fund of I political organization of clerks from the the State. If this road is sold the I^gisliture . . . . . . must resort to direct taxation to maintain the pub-1 State of Iihuois in departmental service. ™"“ e, ‘ ,10 °' ClOC *' | Oberiy declined*, address them on the Measure—lioth Sides Fully Presented — A Rush of Business Inaugurat ed—Minor Matters. Macon TKLr.aRArn Bureau, ) No. Whitehall Street,] Atlanta, Ua., Hzftemukb 22, 18»7. ;) GEORGIA STATE RAJ OCTOBER 24-30 -AT- MACON, GEOKGKEA. Most Liberal Premium List Ever Off ere l Any State Fair in the United States. SPECIAL FEATURES EVERY Da Wednesday, October o 6t WILL BE Confederate Veterans’ Da Soldiers by* 44 dayth6re wil1 be the Iast 8 rttn <I review of all surviving ex-Oonf, Ex-President Jefferson Davi On this Occasion there will also be present most of the living CONFEDERATE GENERAL! There aio bnt fonr surviving members of MR DAVIS’S CABINET. ^f7Al“! , f^.?.^“-Z a l U .',Pf Tia * nd . H.i. fared th.Ut| PUl T „. -.mvv, w was being jeopardized. civil service examiners, and that they have Bills for a third reading were then taken up. I He reviewed the resources of the public school no light to take anv part in partisan meet- The following House bill by Mr. Russell, of Sttaf^The uSSrtaE UfYflJojo JM^he'orvera in K 8 * The Illinois Democratic Association, Chatham, which is a bill to allow the sale of prop-1 nearly so; and he thanked God that the mate of Uq- he said, was an organ’z ilion of odise hold- erty In trover where neither plaintiff or defendant I **• going, and that rapidly; then there was the ers, and it cannot, in hia opinion, exist n pl.,lu. in th. urn. manner « U now p.rml««l * ithon ‘ i , U „ 1 m n e “ bar f ' , . h Tl0 i- “,?« a 7°' al o£ In esses of levy under attachment was read third I 186 sh-res of Georgia rail-oad stock going, the tax I l * ie Clauses of the civil eervics law. time and passed as amehded by vote of yeas 27, from theatrical performances are din lnlshed under He maintains that the law forbids such or- 0 | the rules of the railroad commission-all the fund* ganizilions. Honse bill to Incorporate the bank of Sanders-1 proud of Oeorglathe lovet?hU State andTbe?^” • 1*- ys: ‘ 4I J 1 *]’’ 6 come to the c^ncln- vil’s. Passed. I P* 0, Loving them as he did, he could not but, ro- I « 0D I c#n I accept the invitation of the ai.« wni k 81 * against selling this propertp. Illinois Democratic Association courteously Also, a bill O provide for the registration of vot- lhe tt|m who TOtM for thl# bill votes extended to me bv a committee of that •s In the county of Floyd. Passed: yeas 26, nays 0,1 to doom the children of this State to permanent I u .s»L f . n fr vinlutincy m v c ffi,., »i , a The HU to prescribe a remedy for supplying ths I Illiteracy and ignorance. If he bad his choice he f 0 ®y» ™hout Violating my cfficul obliga- defects arising from the loss ot conuty record* wan I would vote every dollar of thl* money from the I tlOD. Ine commiisiou bolds that entrance read the third time, and the following amendment I lease of this property to the educational fund cf I to and continuance in that part of the was ifferrd by Senate r Wofford: I thej State. He would consecrate that great property I n ivo civil nut vice kno*n ua tl.o chad. ••Provided farther, thut no court or auditor pro- to the poor people of the State. The gentlfiuen n X • . ,. . A n “ vlded for in this act shall be authorized to enter I ray th%t they want to pay the debts of the State. I U^« OtVll lervioe snoUla be upon the merit upon the hearing of such "" * “ ~ ‘ “ “ " - ---- - * * “ ** 1 “ * Interested in or to be cstablUhed shall have p petitions, and »uch service shall be made with-1 tax whlci la levied for edocational purpoits I AUO - , F U " IUWU ,B - , - sixty days after the psiitlon Is filed, and at least I amounts to nearly nothing. I considerations, all of Wh ca lead twenty days be<ore the hearing." I It wa* stated vesterday by the gentleman from I irresistibly to the OObelusion Mr. Norihoutt, in boLali of tee bill, spoke m fol-1 Thomas (McLendon) that the value of the property that the civil service aot of 1883 was enact- “In order to mret ti e wants of the counties of I Mr. 'McLendon Interrupted Doctor Felton by * or ^© PUr^CSe of providing auou-pnr- thls State the gviitral Judiciary have hid this bill I stating that th-figure* was named by Major Wal- I tisan service. It follows, therefore, that deliberation fur several weeks, **>d after iookti g I lace, and was the minimum value of the property. | this law should be executed ill a strictly . all the dectatonai bearing on this so’ ject th y Dr. P’elton continued by saying that he waa will- non-partisab manner, and from this prone- have ncommendad the adoption of this substitute, I ing to accept the statement of Major Wallace ♦ which only refers to public documents made under I through Mr. McLendon, as the minimum value, I *y aOHOWS the conclusion that the sanction of au oath. It may be said that it may I and hoptd that he would be eo understood. I an officer charged Witu its execution can't pen ths door to spurious tecorda, bnt f we look I He thought that there was a wonderful similarity I be effective in the discharge of Mur. duty if lose Id the matter w# will see that there will be I between the scheme pn posed by the majority rs-1 hw unlit* nsirtirin«tinn in tmrtv nnlitin/ hA ten thousand chance# to one In favor ot detection, port and the one that was engineered by Bullock. uotive participation lo party poutiw, h«J There can be no possibility of harm In this I Kimball, Bryaut and Foster Blodgett; neither of dMtroys the cObUaebwt of the pntilie iu h» measure. I them fixed a price on the property. If the road fairotss and impartiality. A civil service ••We all admit that we should have some remedy, I could be ranted for f 60,000 per month, and Gov. I commissioner, or ciul service iXsiuintr and the committee have recommended th s as the I Brown says that it Is worth that mnch, and suppose mm be*t remedy that orcurred to them." that you oould get good, honest officers to rnu the as . “ mBW oc a . poUMOfil Mr. Roberts—I* it not true that the records would I road, in fourteen years the Btate debt would be I C MDIDiMlOD, or 8S member, patron i secondary evidence? I wiped out of existence. By eeUlov the road you I or eLOOUiagcr of a political association Mr. Noithcutt-Yee. eir; that Is Iras. Theorigiual atop Vf flowJnto th* pcckete of the people of 0 f persons in the public service, all mem- deed would be prim# fscl# videnee. I Georgia ffi- O.UCO per y#*r. Gov. Brown knows I X .* ___ _ Publlo nscssalty nqnlras this msasurs. Ever I more about that road, when he le Impartiv*. than “f** one P°»»tiO»l party, organjz .a for since th* days of Magna Charter the people have I any man In the State. Gov. Brown, and 1 have tIs I tAe purpose of putting certain political opposed anything like a monopoly or th* public I statement for It, says that if that road waa sold I partisans into and of excludirg certain Utonqn»itl.nott b .«.ofiu.ur 1 W®"** <»» 1 “*• «<» «*• »“«>• »«th. o, her political partisans from office, wonld peoplo on onssids and monopoly on tneotner side. I btnte would never meet. I ^ j If the amendment is adopted 'suggested by ths I Mr. Harrison asked tor the date of the statement. I °* r . „public Nenstor from the Thtry-Aftb, It will destroy the I Dr. Felton sent him one of his historical scrap-1 would be justified in tho cooclusion that, effect of this measure. I books to Mr. Harrison, and continued by saying, |q the diSODarse of bis ( ffiotal dutiee. he Mr.Wofford-I do not think It Is right to hear this you wi-1 find ths whole story there, written In Boat m «: ht htlkr * ta naUticid anno part. .TldraM. I hop. th), amendin.nt will be I tuterritln, raanntr. Ibcp. joawUlraadlt. Too I “'BJRoo" aniatrlj against poltucat oppO' Ulopt-d. I will And tt ..rjr written. Xb, ipnku ..nt to I Bents. .. „ . Mr.8ob.rti—AUltwimnitpl.ldtoatisolat. nw*>-1 tbs clerk’s snd bad resdu. putufbUsrsn- At great leegth Ur. Oberiy atated that •llr, and omit be b, (oruul.ted to meet aeoesstty. I meat .ilrecU of statements made by bens-1 >be coDjmtSbion do..s not rtimire tLet anv lu nlnetr-nlne cues out ot a hundred the pertle. [ tor Brovn noon the nine of the property when t* ... i_ ih» ,nt oloa.ittwl who own the property beve the deed, and tbl. U I we. IhkiI; the Impronmente put on th. road from I “J® .J 1 theHOTorom'ht elaasiaed Strvico tb. primary eetdonce. In ord.r to im In tbla proof I time to Ume, end tne itatemeniof Julia. L. Brawn. I shonla saentlco the nsbll of a citizen or ra yon mn.t proTe that yon bivo lo.t the orlftnal I attorney for tho lews., made before the Inreatl-1 fra to from ezpreasiog his opinions at proper deed, before yon no tue the .econdery evidence. I (eUo, oommlttee In lb*). dUelalulng may tnUnUon ti mta 0 y ezercidos bln orlvileiiM. bnt num It mlitbt occur to an Isolated rue bore on attempt I of miking a claim for betterment.; eUo recently h ’ a „„ wonln be made to palm off spnrlone tecorde. It I. I wrtt'en letters by Ooveraor Brown tbnatantng to Sf, ,Pf. , “ “f 0 ?! 1 *' .f. “» T I°8 •,P°- a rule of I .w that yon must prodne. be beat tvl-1 wreck the roil unless he was paid for betterments. I lltiefu object M a Tioiation nf the law, where deuce. Dr. Feltontb-n contlnned hie •ntnin.nt He 'e-1 it problbitn tbe levying of ossemmenM for Mr. Wofford—Wonld not the ort,tnil be reantred I femd lo the manner In which the leaee, by some rinrrmin s in .Very ceae? Tee; It wonld where It wu available. I kind of hocus pocu. «cbome. had baan perfected. * * W. have followed ont the rule, ot law, and by an-1 mere were two parties U will be rvm.mbered, who I The Steer nod the locomotive. illness will prevent his attendance; bnt it is assured that the other three win h. i The entries of all kinds of exhibits * mree wm be here.] EXCEED ALL OTHER Pair A olose comparison of the premium lists of ail the other State Fairs show. Georgia State Fair’s Premium List is 110,8 “* Larger and More Liberal Than any offered ia the United States. Horses, Mules and Jacks. A. T. Pctsam, of Brunswick, Superintendent. In this department the . itries more than quadruple any previons voar in n. tory of the State Fair. In this^department thereare offered $1,000 in Premiui The entries for JERSEYS are ten times more numerous than ever before. Be the liberal premiums offered by the Agricultural Society the American Herd I Society offer $100 for the BUST HERD OF .1 KUSiiYS. The herd to consist of one male and three females. Besides the Georgia Jei entered for premiums there will be several oar-loads of Jerseys on the grounds thi be offered for sale. The entries of Ayrshire*, Devons, Holsteins, Grades, Miloh Cows, Goorgivn Fat Cattle, Sheep, Georgia-raised Fat Lambs and Swine are surprisingly numerau. premiums offered for each does are large. In this department the premiums «nwn Over $1,000. v Poultry. Bees, Etc. i road. There was tbe Macon, headad I - ■ . _ , . Em, cut must yield to kurronndln, clreum | ^ B. John.on.nd * j Mtlner. u'J^SS.« on tne> end ‘ h H. b, .h G o OT, Sd' it.ted with him Pennsylvanian., Ohlolana. I after U^ha'^naaKd Mr'Thomaa Puk.F. Sir. Prealdcnl—Tba ovarahadowtn, intewat in ridicala. acelAwas., aplrlta black Hid aplriu gray, a JJJJ* iS‘g?Soa dlw«w»d>'ran*?tti«?yw thla caae by th- pnblle lend.n tt naraa ary that I mstlay erew. lb. Uweeai never lhvsau.1 one dol- inmnrfon the track In front ot thl. bill ehonldpees. 1 ear that it may he poeetbl. lar In the Ua..of that road^or In the taprovamenU ! “*g r d V„7no°kM up totb. atr r.a" , m the for e act of .purtona rtcorda to be eat up. bnt It I. on the proptrty All of the Improvements were the .mSkilt" k. In fUlmo hUhiad wm* alwpomlbl. under the .alellnz clrcnm.UncM for »« bJiwin the on*uT w thi beam to inub thi party to for,.ad^dand haVi Up., on r«ord. ] Ha wS?ld haw«twT fwaSiMBSSSS '^'r Th. oommlttee wn,bt to meet the obj«tton property If the ends of inetloe bed not been vLurfm^nt m’ .team and ricS o. if Ihtvkrta l K« rnonaff nirtl (a nn>H Ilia anhania »B»uniu | m vu iwam auu puiveum, «« mm/ three all** distent, far- i pilot, or cow-catcher. When ... ths hands extricated the steer and found that his shoulder had beau crushed and X" 10 tt * Th. bu*.S2.a? 0 « Sh™brokl^ff’ H.waa tbmkUlod Md.old rav.nt th. In- I bad no objection to making Governor Brown a pre I gied tone? Uia’damamto & downer ^ 00,11 "** All mmm I favvaA 1au.a it wnitlrf r-omw r.ifwaml Ilk. . l.tfl. I taUed to VkJ U.B 0*mig* lO U* owner. committee sought to meet the objection raised by th* ttenator from the 1 htrtjr-fiftb. There ta another remedy, the parties have a Ugh' to go before the court before tbe report of the audi tor Is made and give In their evidence They can appeal from the auditor’s rei Superior Court and there eel op their el No human or legal Ingenuity can prevsnt »■ m- ■ »»m uu uujwmuu w iuhiui uuwiuvr uruwn • pn i . troductlon of fraud In many cases. AU we can do I ferrad lese-e If he would come forward like a little > is to frame such laws as w* will think will apply to I man at th* end of the letae and say to the Stat* ■ fse cases. I Just 1st me continue to run this prop* rty. and 1 will Now, so far as the records In the oounty of Fnl-1 give yon I40,«00 per month. AU alo g tbe line ton are concerned, 1 know nothing except that sev- I various Indu-tries were bsiug developed, and Gov-- — en books aie misting. That thing may occur In any I ernor Hiown wa# helping to devtlop* th* section I thing, bnt to secure the agency for auch articles as county of the taateb and If you refuse to pees such a I through which th* road ran. The g*uilenun from I have well known in* rtt, and ar* popular with the law as will rtnrdy this matter, you ar* apt to pis*# I Chatham (Mr. Oordou) bad tUked a tow d*js *go I p*opte» th*ral*y sustaining the reputation of being the peopl* of any county In th* Btate in the same I about competing Un«a, th* Goodwater, gweetwaler I always enten*rlslng. and ever reliable Having se- * “• * *—' * * 1 cn*sd tb* agency forth* celebrated Dr. King’s New An Enterprising, Kellabia Ilunsa. . ( Lamar, Rankin * Lamar can always b* relied various indu-tries were being developed, and Gov-1 upon, uot only to carry In etock the best of every Cattle, Sheep and Swine. Peabci House, Dalton, Superintendent. Samdzl Ham, AtlirnU, Snpetiif- nd-nt. | D. M Owkwr. Athens, Tenn., Judge The exhibits already enteted ttnerantee that iu thi. depui iiaout will be tbe ] i-est Poultry Sliow in the ht iUl). There are u.iw being prepared over running feeiol Coops for Poultry. There ate T1 premium* r<'d in this departi Poultry-Kaisers from all ver »h< South nn ! W»st have si,cure! snsoe. This exbibi certainly exceed ..ny EXCLUSIVE POULTRY SHOW ev«-r cocn hi th* S—th. B« tho ntemittiii* r-tf-r-d t>;e Agrienl tiiciety, there nre a lumthtr o: ([AND; PBEUIUUS cffvrtsi b> it. icannt* ot Macon. Field Euoiis. Countu JhoiiluiiH ami Home Inilitatry. J. 0. Waddell, Cedartown, Snpt. The vrhr le of ibis department i* iimitet to Georgia prodnetion, and all ar exhibited must o« grown or tu ut- l>y thn exhibitor. Th* preminin* ate: To the Conoty making the largest and heat display of Products, grown or pro duced by resident* of the Connty $1,1 To the Conniy making the .rcotitl best display a« ai-ove To the Conoty h.akibg the third best ilisplsy aa above ! To theIndtvidnul mukitig tho largest ar.d b at display of Produo’s, grown or produced by him or her, or nad-rhis or her direction To tho Incividnai making the second best display as above To the Individual making tho third beat display as above The ailieiea entered for County or Individual displevs. most In grown dorir year 18H7, and shall not be entered for eptcial preminms, or at any time be detached tbeae dlaplaya; lint the persons oontribnting to the Conntv or Individual displays enter and compete for special primioma by fnrni.hitig >id-ti’i<"<,«l samples of their eh There are now seven oonntie* entered lor these PRINCELY PREMIUMS A larger number than ever before. The contest for tiieso premiums will he oi Intel, terest to every individtud in the S:a'» of Georgi*. Needle Work, H H. Cauv, I..Grange, Hnperintendtnt. We have the aunrahee nf Mr C*ty that the ladies of Georgit are mere enthnd over this dr|i*rtment than ever before in his long couueo ion with it. UebDiki thorongb oauvass of tbe -Hat*- Alr-ady th-re are a vrry large nnmbor of tbe mist derfaliy beantifnl and onrioasly novel rxhihiis promised. Thla departmsul Inc' everythiig that a woman can do with her hands. In addition to the long list of r urns publirhed in tbe preminm pamphlot which can b* hod ou application to ths tary, are offered the following i xtr.i premiums: BY THE SOCIETY—For tbe Urgct and best display of General Handicra 1 any lady in the State, to consist ot Piaiu and Ornamental Ntedle Work, artiolta of I Industry, Economy and Art— Firit premium tt* Second preminm 1 Third preminm. 2 (This display iceladea tvtrj thing made by a lady, an iccompllshed bosMwib. mistress of a home.) Fine Arts. Fioral and Merchants' Displays. W. C. pAbc’BAL, Dxwrod, 8npcrinten<lent. Iue siuended in some respects which will ba offered I of soui* t iheoi. Tbe Wrateru *ud AiU tie rallr«d I Mvc guarantee. It will surrly rur* any and every by the Henator from the Forty-second. I waa agtant. able to cups with «t>) rlv«l, *ud in Ita I affection of tim et, lurifs wm) i-heet, »nd to show Mr. Deau, of the Forty-»ccond, proposed the fol-1 msjskty Isnsbs at sit «ff >rts to build cumpetitig I our confidence, w* invite yon to call #Ld get a trial lowing amendment, to-wit: I Uum or injure it in any way. jbotUsfre* 1 ^ ^ Amend vecti m 2 of sabkt.tuts by striking the first Mr. Hpraker, If lv*i th«* Gr.vrrtor of Ororpia fltv.tu wtirds ihsrrof a<»d iuiprtlug in lieu thereof: and anyone made an attempt to pull up » rail or lo Tbh department inr.lodfs Fitto Arts, Fhotographj, Drawings and P*n®* t Map Drawirgn r y pnpi s, Htatuiry fitid Moticls, Oahineta, Jew#*liy and 8il»« •Th# oidlnary of th* connty Is hereby authorized." I move tt fixture on that i I would put biui in the I words: be dUcretionary with th* court to order the whole I th* l.*gia!*ture, Mr. Scott, of Flovd. moved to make N cr any part of auch records established or to refuse I tb* mluiucu v»lne of the lease 935.000 instead of l to ostabtish the whole or any part thereof, as in Us I 925,«K wbteh w as v »t« d down. Wh-n the qurs- 1 isound Judgement the public interest may require. I item of pacing the les««ra at the snd of tha )#>*« for II Mr. l>*an spoke In favor of the substitute aa I betterment* cam-, only two vote* were cast against I amended. tne motion to strike out that paragraph allowing I ■ Mr. Jamee also spukw iu f*«o« of ths bill. ! b-tt-rtnent* Tha amendment offered by the Senator from ths I Mr. Glenn, of Whitfield, said that he thought the Forty-second was ngTsod to and the bill waa pass'd ( majority and minority reports were Utah prams- | by * vot* of ayes, 10 pays 3. I tare. He thought th* valuation that would b* put 8 Mr. L*wU Introduced a bill to incorporate the I on the propert;, tt tbe uisjority rap-nt waa carried I Augusta and White Plains Railroad Company. I out, would tend to 1 jura tbe valuation of ths prop-1 —~ -*-• * ■ j time; | arty. The road was Dow In ths po—**iiloa ot the | How’s Your Liver? Musical Instr'’m-1'ta. I* luting*, Cnemiwla, F orsl I)'unlayi, Flewvr O-rdeos, (*"* feuiooal) Cu. FI iwer., ProfceioDal Uerlera and Cm, and Meichaots' D <1 MANUFACTURES. J. Q, Block Auit ricu.s Superintendent. Thi#* department inolcd^a ail possible kinds of mannfactaref. Send for tive PrtmiuTxi Lint. MACHINERY. TOOLS AND IMPLEMEN' lhe following bills were read the third To amend th* act providing for th-* r of legal voter* of Telfair cennty L Pa»**£ | qaastUm of whether this clalo > waa a goo* one, and | special order for Wednesd »y. I bid In th* face of tbe claim for betterments. Too ua motion of Mr. DaJarastte it was agreel that I bill practi.aliy gave ths teas—a a corner on bidding th* Iteuate rnsta tils afte rnocn at 3 o'clock. I tor tne property. Tha bida hind bo one. bat tt pat* To appropriate 95,0 0 for the purpose of repair-1 a value on the property No bidder will glv* much ingtb* branei of th* University of G*orgta/taI forth*progeny until tt te shown what 11 con Dablouega, and s*v*r*l other bill of Uk* character I stats of. wsra mad* th* spocial order tor next Wednesday, I Th* Lrglalatur* should take a position‘on the and continue until disposed of. I subject of bet erupts so that th* tats can be I To define tha offeus* of blackmail, and to pre-1 uuderatood by th* least**. This action would pro- I scrib* puni«hm*Lt thsrafor. Pas**d. | asrv* and s«cnr* this property. He thought that | To raqutre th* clerk of th* Superior Court of each I tho majority and minority roporia were weak, county to procure and keep * duplex Index book of I Mr. Huff, of HU>h» offerad the following raoolu tho written instruments of racord in bis office. I ttera: used I Beoolved, That at to time, nor under any clrcum- Benate adjourned to asssmblo at 3 o’clock p. m. I stances ehall th* Western and Atlantic railroad *var lag but sale. arrenvoox session. 1 b* sold or lasted to any person or ccmpany of poc- Uefening to tha claim of btatarmsnto put In by Tho Senate met pursuant to adjournment, ths I sens until all questions of dispute as to betterments President brown for Improvement on tho property, Praeident in th* chair. I b*twoon th* Btate and tho pteeent lesee*e shall hav* he said that he had no Idea but that by tho end of The following tails wees rsad third Urns and I bsso fully and completely disposed of. sothat when *“ ** * pat**d: I tb* said railfoad property w • ff«rad for sate oc lease To authorize and require the registration ot all I tb. nuts .hall b. tn anncltionto offirthe asms voters In tkeeouotv of Bartow. I er.Urv'.j free from all eacttmbtaacee ot aor kind Tie provide for the amandmaat of affidavits to I and chamcur. If ao eueh eettlement cut be tusJ. fcrecloee Usee. I between the lute and the prwent lie before To amend an set establishing a new charter for | the present tasMeiptme, then no ante or new lea.. the city |of Atlanta, approved rebnmrp >«. I»f4. thaU b. made until the eipirstios of the present . T *>i ii,,, Conntitiaiion -in I end the MvMai ecu amendnlorv thereof, ao as to law. at which Ume the Mete -III com. tn-o tall and ««, Torpid ,V 0 “ U1 , “■ r~» 1 provide for the election end service ot anothm a.-1 eomrlete rrmaealnn and control ot tbe reed, and I hardly ever nee anything woe, end have elaUnt Ui c! raid city. Instead I will ih^. bopmpondu •eUorlaweth.umeteihe I never been dtaeppoinied in tbe effect pro* ■ b M , r?wS5?*«f‘2S!;2r-d that... .W I dneed; It Menu to be elmoet ? perfect core I Ia the Oriental aniuUtint, knnaing that good health cannot txint without n healthy Liver. When tbd Liver ie torpid the BowoU ere sluggish and connti- pated, the fond lies in tbe etomach nndigented, pii- ■ohing the blood; frequent headache ensues; nfeeling of Isssitnde, despondency nod nervousness Indicate how the whole system is deranged. Hitnmuns Ltv-r Begnlntur has bosh ths meat s o! rratorfeg m re people to health end hsg- E in ess, by giving them • ealthy I. ver tbu. shy agency known oh earth. It ecu with extraordinary power snd effioecy. G. H. Joels. N irctou, Superintendent. Tbcr- are liberal Preaiinm., Mtda's. nr d Diplomas offered in this 0, P*‘ Send for dtscriptive Premium List. SPECIAL 1 REMLUM8. Id adJi'ion to the premium, offered by tbe Society, there ere e very l»fg* 0 of moat liberal praiuiuaj* • Here*! by tbe eDterpriiiog mcrobaoU of Ificoo. HOUSE HACirVO The State Fair Rios Trick l » § no eqnal in »Le Krutb. I? i* b fnll*®^ la ao old, weil-beaten Track; and the City of Mhcod, at np- n^, '* n pot lo tbe b€*t possible racing c iLditU n. Tbeie arc and better •*’ i •lay than tb*-re hHV« » em at sny two Sr#»e Fur- her«to r oie Tb* pf^n-trnrt » . and the beet stock of tbe Booth, lododiDg KENTUCKY and lENNESbLL, of two as at prseeuL To autitenzs tb* etty council of Auguste to pave I Mr. WtM, uf n»w*n, said that th* pro;**ty was I , “ iK« Rtnme+h and macadamlz* ths strasta wbru petittoned *o lo I not now lo cuaduioa to b* titbvr sold or loaa*4. I ^ dl*e*ie« of tne btomachiand Bowels, do by im owner* of tb* property. I There wm qa l* *n auoa&t ot property setat rad I >>. J. licELAOY, Macon, G*. “ usaod s*ctiou 3513 of ti»o coda of Goorgia as ! taong tb* line *ad loc tt-d id ObaiUaoo«a not boc- I ........... ttuoADCM. P.Mcd by substitute. I essary to tb* mad. sod which wm tbs property of I UnnUUllS^ tii* ralte? of Henry J. Lamar, of tho county I tbe Atta*. tbta could tatber sold or teaaml. He I . . . # $ of Bibb. I wao ta favor of strtppiog tb* roxdor a:i proparty I hasonr Z Stamp to red on front of Wrapper, reqtarx d*f—danta to rj*tam*otcas*s to with-1 not a*c*s»*ry *o if ustaulc*** and Ateporta* of tt. I _ .. ~ n n Pkii.j.uu. r- affidavtti of forgary made to pumufT» daoda. | Thors waa nobecoastty of tatbor *<lltox or teasiag | tl* II- Zcllln LO i 1 (lll&MptilJ. r*. Bulk PnoraiiTona. Price, $1,00. laowest Railroad Hates The KiUroede have pat ths rates within ISO miles at M.oun st ONE snd for disui ere fnrtfa.r then the*, within ths tv tie. ut $3 tbe runnd ‘DP- the MOST LIBERAL KATES KVEit OFFERED ia the eon h. Bpecisl y rstee will be given to sli without the ritaic. NEVER BEEN DISAPPOINTED. OOOIllIllO da tiOIl-*?»• , . „ , , A committee of s'tiz'Be i f M.ejn hs* Been appointed to nr v de etnpl* A* s general fsmily^remedy jor Djrepep- , dntions for nil vi.itou. Thete will he no difficulty in entciUimog 50,000 STRANGE^ For all timber information on any subject, address Tii* C. GRIER, Secretary* Macon, G* or & Or W J. NORTHEN, Prestdent, Mocou, (icorj:' 3 - OQlce oliSrcretary, lloom'-.Hotcl.Ltitrier,