The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1887, Image 2

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1HE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPE.*. TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 4. 1887.-'TWEjlA E PaGES. THE TELEGRAPH. WBXicato rrziT day nr yhe teas and weekly by tue Wegniph [and Metsfnger Publishing I Co., «7 Mulberry Street, Mscoti, Oe. Xbe Dally la dsUrered by carriers In tbs city or »-ii~i postage free to snbscrlbara for $1 per month. |U0 for tbioo months. 15 (or six months, or $10 a year. The WmiT Is mailed to rahscrtbsia postage res. at ll.M a year and 75 cents for six months. Transient advertisements will he taken (or the Body at »1 per square of 10 Unee or lass, (or the drat insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent In- terttcn. and for the Weekly at II for each Insertion. Dosth. funeral, marriage end birth n^tiees fz# Bsjected communlcatloni will not be returned. Correspondence contain lug importan newe and fijiMUselone of living topics is aollcited* but mutt be brief and written upon but one aide of the paper 0 lafo attention. Bamlttanoee should be made by express, postal ■etas money order or registered letter. an communications should be addressed and all nosey orders, checks, etc., be made payable to THE TELEGRAPH, Macon, Ga. Tax early Presidential boom catebeo tbs froiL Tbi evils of Russian government are •eon on the setf-face. Griffin wants a water works plant We •aggest the pond lily. Thibi are no ashes of scandal. The cools of malioe never die ont. Torino, Alx , Is hot for a railroad. There ia lots of gain in Tnpelo. The suspicion is strong that the Bob Lin* ooln "boom” was of the fly-by-night varie- *7- Tax Dooly Vindicator ooold lexe n V, and still not miss it in ita rs 1 mission as the Dooly Indicator, Gov. Gobdom Is sorely paving hia way to waeleotion.—Perry Home Jonrnat. Tea, bnt not with convict brick. Tnx Tbiatle waa close upon the Volun teer at the start, but the latter got Scot free before the first mile was sailed. Tnx Nashville American fought a brave battle againit a common enemy, and defeat baa only strengthened it with the public. It la alleged that the body of Napoleon baa been stolen from its vault. Time had left nothing bat the boDy put and the thieves got that. Gxmxbai. Butlxb’s sympathy for the Anarchists is not snrpriiing. Ben knows that when law and order are aet aside spoons can be bod for the taking. Well, after all, to repeat the chestnut, the Yankee did bring that Thistle down in mighty handsome style. There are no flies . on tbe Volunteer, bat she's a flier. Ttra President saya tlie press baa made Beoretuy Lamar tho successor to Justloo Wood, of tho Supreme bench, and that he does not cue to make Issue with tho press. Okx cent a month for every day aerved In tha army, is the rate of pension asked In • general pension bill to be sent to Con gress from Ohio. Although that sounds small, it figures very tig. 'Tbxsb uo many ont-aimtd and one- legged veterans scattered aboutthe country, bnt statistics show that out of every twenty' one of them about twenty are victims of accidents. Tha railroad u worse than tbs field of batUe. Hot the least attractive feature of tbe President’s tour will be tha payment by him of tbs expanses of the trip, Usny people have seen a President, bnt Ihose.wbo have seen a President traveling xt his own ex pens* have mostly died ont. The Protfctloolst Coon Treed. The strongest point the proteotlonists | have used to mislead and deceive their vie-1 ^xheVne 1 lines Old Watch, I Salats You! Your honeet open (ace It ecarred bat opes and time, the farmers, ia that protection creati a home market for their prednetr. It baa been speciously argued that manu facture could only thrive nnder protection, and that manufacture created a large de mand for agricultural products to feed the mechanical labor that the mannfootnrea support The hypothesis that there would be no manntaoturee in this country under low tariff, is a oommenton American genius and enterprise, that history does not justify. To impugn the Yankee commercial acumen and the Yankee power to c:mpete with tbe nations of the earth in any field, would at once arcane tbe ire of the most prononneed protco'.ionUt; and very justly. Is It not the idlest nonsense to try to stuff down tbe throats of the people of this country, that they cannot hold their own in the marts tf the earth. We have ontstripped all peoples in ma chinery for (educing the cost of manufac ture; onr labor-saving machines disoonnt the appliances of all other nations; we lead the world in advantages of oheap manu facture; and yet, with these advantages, wears assured, in lngnbriona tones, that without protection, our industries must languish and our laboring elasses starve. Capitalists batten and grow wealthior un der this protection, while the masses hnn- ger, and grow cold for food as well aa fire. The ontrage la too great to brook a patient hearing of theepoi smen. Not only is the farmer a victim of the sophistry, bnt the labor of this oonntry is in no better condition here than elsewhere, save in many coses whers onr boundless farming lands have enabled them to create their own living. Did any man ever fled any rkilled labor from a free trade country seeking employment in this? Wherever skilled foreign labor has been needed, it has had to bo sought, and faney prices, af forded in some few instances by tbe enor mous tariff, paid for tbe Bame. The poverty of which we hear so moeb, is more or leu oonfined to oongosted agri cultural districts; and evtn protection will not make a five sere farm support a fifty acre family. There ia no more poverty In the cities of Europe where trade is unre stricted by privileges of royalty and tha like, than tbero is In tbe great cities of America. The poverty of Ireland to-day ts not in the olties, but in the congested agri cultural districts, aud this, too, in spits of tho The flue tines upon your rtm ere almoet rone. Yon ere se bold there oa tbs be id of the grand ,,m gentleman who once wore you in the (ob which ins rotund sole! kept closed with on uuendlag it not an unvarying pressure. Hls picture bouse In the hall, a pompous, a state- lr old fellow, und a pendant band o( gold with Ite heavy seel Indicates whera yon reposed. Gone? Aloe, yea; theee many yenre! He thought ho knew what wm required ol a OeorgU gentleman and when tbe Meste war cloud bunt, ho got out of hie broad loppelled dree. coat, removed the enormous stock from hie neck, pulled off the aggressive col lar that some one hud always to button (or him, aud doming a gorgeous military aprareL hackled on n revolutionary sword and tea hit away. company I never laid eye. upon him, old friend, hut they toll of him that, with hie high, equsrs beeilvered and bespangled list, whoso gourd looped hls chin —with bis heavily laced and mn y-battoned. navy Line uniform—he wee the picture of martial valor; as fine a man an ever followed two Addl* ■ und n drum into tbe paths of glory. BIGGER AND BIGGER. repaired, fainted and whitewashed nnui they are wondroutly beautl'nl. The track will soon bo all ready for tho fleet-footed racers, and when com. THAT 18 HOW THB 8TATK FAIR IS *nd the fencing imilti nnnwiHn tiaiiv , and Farkkeeper Fennel liibusy mowing the grass. unllWlflU DAILY. | cleaning off the 1 ayes and trimming up tho mag- ntllceottrees. Tho old. dtlnpidntsd, half-rotten stalls al l bo rebnllt, and evsry rorufort and eon- .Such an Exhibit of Agricultural Imple- vrnloncepoeslble will be xrrxngcdforthe eib'bltori monte will be at tho State Fair | JET .ftetoiSK nerer witnessed before. The agricultural display In tf self unrifl Ian tsrr.ef h a whole Solo aS ako si" — will Hive Never Mo«n Seen at Any Fair In the South. In itself will be worth a whole fair of the ordinary T • At. - . | Coma If They Have to Walk. In 1688 than a month from to-day the Hawkinsvillo Dispatch: Him# of the old Con- State Fait Will bo thrown open to th© pub- I federate «oldlera In Pulaski declare that they Intend .. 1 • to go to the Georgia bUi© Fair to see old Jeff Davie once more If they are compel ed to walk. j t ff It is a pleasure for the Tblxobapb to be MSSSiSW WaffSS^tfg able to assure the people of Georgia, from a year* of age in June next o? ref ol study of the situation, thnt theBtate Ample .,co mmod.tlon For AIL Fair this year will far exceed anypreciding Baroeaviiie Orthodox Dei ocrat: The 8t*t* Fair pmW I in Macon la assuming inch lmienae proportion! * ' prospectively that inquiry baa been mad* aa to Thcxa i. Let as ICtfi CZ brestiss OT boom- 1 Whether Macon can bold tha vaat crowd! which are w tare to go. It Is pleasant to know that the " have been fully aroused f the largest number of death's* the thunderous havoc playad about him. I rr ho a ,4 rtn is n - ft i M ,' a g.binflkt.Ty in, « I • assembled at a Bute Fair. Ev ry ho- Pre*enily be waa alone among the gnna, pulling I a machinery entries far ex- j tel aud reataumut k eper In the city will make and blowing, from hla ponderoua exertion*. cell the faintest idea one could cet except • xtr » nrdl " w T arr»ngemenU to feed and lodge their "Surrender, you y«llow rascals!'* he aaid, 'and - . . guests. Kooowand hall* have been rented for tha yonrlivea will be spared.” I from an actual catalogue cf the exhibits, occasion, and tt la believed that every vlaitor will i h u*^ o J.y ,h to\ M fl±i""“i“Ato» n M p .ri h , in 8 in «*• “ aet ‘ ion | mwjwmsh! waa upon parade. Tbe command melted away into almost tbrible any fair cf recent years, to wur doty to take oara oft .. at.. ■ _1 . r. I • " I Y ■ tnn itnr BkwmhlBrt ■! a I There was a mocking langh, and a acore of bnl-1 xe\W ho on« of u, A I leta went through him. When hla body came back 16 W111 00 0De 01 We through the lines yon came with him, old friend, | most interesting exhibits for farmers that, but your pendant band waa severed and brown with f a ballet mark. Tears, not time, burnt and blackened face. Another blne-e«-ed medallion folding front, when find ample accommodation. Death of Mrs. Cublmlge. Hob Lincoln for President. Bob Lincoln is the fayorite of the G. A. B. for Fresideut, If the assertion of the tit. Louis Globe-Drmoerst may bo relied upon and it is bnt fair to «ay that la matters of assertion in rogard to fxou, the Globo-Dem' ocrat is entitled to belief. It lx awfully off on politics, and its political economical theories amount to pnjudlees. It is, bo«' ever, a poisonous opponent of tbs South and Its editorial fangs are fall of malice and hatred towards th. Booth. This is by way of pleasantly with an enterprising now»- paper; bnt many a truth Is spoken in jtsL If the printer should, by typographical er ror, make jest readjust, he'd be forgiven, for the eake of trntb. Bo the G. A. H. are for Bob Linooln for President! Well, that, at least, puts tbe Booth on notioe; the war is to be fought over in the next campaign. Certainly Ural ia all the preference for Bob Lincoln can mean. Tbe man himself baa not the ability for tbe position, nor baa he earned distinc tion by service in the party ranks. He made a fairly good chief clerk of tha War Department; bnt dearly discovered the fset of want of great executive ability. His best friends cannot deny this. The advocacy of him for the FrrsiJcncy cannot bo board on anything bnt th. war •enlimenL Should th. Grand Army of the JU pnblio fall to nominate him, bnt control tbe nomination of tbe sueoesefnl man by tbe convention, tbe Democrat, will kno' where to aim. They will be prepered for bloody rbirt campaign. Tbe universal pension bill will be th. breastplate of every Republican warrior. This formidable pension bill will be a for- mid able issnefor tbe Democracy to meet Tbe Republicans will be for it to a man, to mass the G. A. B. vote acdlLfluenoe. The Democrats will have to oootend with enemies in 1U own camp; for Mr. Randall not onlv voted for tbi- bill, bnt voted to override the F resident’s veto of It Should he rally hls forces, small as they be, to this undemo cratic measure, tbe Democratic party may be embarrassed. This of itself shows tbe menacing danger M r. Randall U to the party that be affiliate, with. It i. something to b. thankful tor, bow -over, that the Democrat, are forewarned the enemy. SJSSS"*'® will have ever been in Georgia. Tho poul- . . Fl " ule . Mtt ' Cubbedgs died cleansed 7°" . , . . ” * luat night about eight o’clook, otter an il- try entries promise s display that will be nes , ot gever# i her wore you then.on Watch, » straight, tail unequalled by nnyu.excluaive poultry exhi- While thin aononnoement ha§ bpr-n px- hidnwIv'inThiofdieratepi*?? SJPin Wtlon ovor Focn In the 8outh. The very peetod for several days, it will bo road this [front, when you. too, 1 Jo to 7w*U among breedi of fenoy poultry aro entered, morning with puin by tbone who knev the the sacred relics of the past. You were with him The finest birds of the most Releot breeds little lady. The death is one of the saddett lln s*a d w L th a ^ to* kslr I will be seen. The oattle department has that bn* occurred in Macon in intuiy years, keepViieofwhUa the heart buffered SS^tha^rain ^° 06 almost beyond satisfactory control of owing to the position Mrs. Oubbedge held tolled paled in death. Do you* member I the superintendont The stock entered »u the hearts of the people of M«oon. Hhe Yen lay upon tbs Uhls at his side.! will aurpri»o manv who have fiue stock of wa* natnredly bright and vivaci- onecame, and, resting athln, blne-ltned, I their own. * oui, ot aweeiesi diepwiiliuu, aud ^SSLiSSJ35SSd Th. ladies have taken ab.olutepora.sdon won fiieDds wherever known.* 8ho the arrange lost smile of a bygone happineae cr-ep of every inch of space allotted in their dc- became the wife of Mr R. W. Gcbbedgo, ontof banishment and bloom upon thoee line again, I pa tment. Th<F3 ia do question that no I ^ af *t December, and many were tbo w« 11* ».drhSS O n* , f*^2'nf l «s 0 Jl« h rt ever beheld f.uch a display of tbe wishes th at esmo from the people. A f»w and umxuowlcg ebufl; tbeebodows^oMbeCeiiertoo I handiwork ot Georgia women as will bo weeks »go she was taken with tjphoi-i f v room awed me, and the tick-tick from your golden I seen at the Fair. It is a fact that there are vor » though n*r c^nd’.tion was oar.s* l- boaom seemed atrange and threatening, a H lready entered aome of the most beautiful ®wd c.itical t u r several deya, she waa not S> £chT 1 rotMd lta "SS novelties that woman’s ingenuity and taste given up Hy htr tibysioitins until Tburaday Presence sndVtood S.Jre “ll^L IlYwJ ever framed. night Even ;h- n they had some little That mneb I knew; the re«t wm myetery. Dot a« 11 The Old Soldiers’ D*y is exceeding in in- hope, but death came.last night, etood ihne bereft and^ opjrereed wltu unk n ° wu I tercst tho bravest hopes of Colonel Northern I The news will oarry sorrow into many o^ ”vidm K m«nb^'c.m’;°St or it,”. I <=«ry bole sni corn-r of the Bontb | honrehold. this morning. o»«, and. benaloR tearful there, I saw that won-1 are letters received every day making inqui-1 _ . drane amlle. From me then, aa a tupping mantle, rios and giving aamances of a large attend- * W , , “ ,, t r ' » nce - Ills safe to say that there will beL, TI >« , fo WM »« n ‘ f ">“ moralnS ^m OM wind. f55nJf lotaSl sntvivora wtthia this and adjacent Msoon to the Bevsnnah Nj-s: that day. States that will not be in Maoon on October Macon, Ga , September 29.^—Considerable T~ 2Cth. ounoai'y U «xpreased in thte city as t»» Ool ■«nt you to tha work inch full many** Ume, *fo'J The lighting up of tho grounds at nig ht U. ^mar’d fatnre field of journalism war la but a panning jest compared I by eleotridty is proving vory popular, * n ^wn that ho ia too valnabla a wlth dang.t.of eolourn with boy, when first they Ther(( wlu be fireworks und other entertain- fnr=« to remain dormunt loog, and that he wear their watches out. llut back you elweyecame I t already has several fine offers from leading reproaching. School, college, bnelnete. eun.hlr.e in ft features overy night. tonvn/l.ta Honth t. «I!d and shadow -how we went through them all! oft As to tbe racing, there are surprises in jonrnau in the Somb it vs understood, did you lag when sermons were dilL oft did you I store for the very best horsemen of tbe I however, that Ool. Lkmar will tAkeavACA- symiin«> the mlnutea away, whan bafora the blaxlna statn. Thia atatement will bo fnllv verified tion ' w hich be aadly needs. H* has been at "rSow^SwtTSle^U ;mm ^^o'rVrit’^v^ri priut of Moll's first b*by. H*t ha! hal Barred yon I the weekly press of Georgia, and one from » overworltea. It is very l.kbly that right. Could avar rwauge t# Anar wrought? I ibe Loniivillo Courier-Journal. I “ e Wl *' f ’ eT0 * e Msure to writing a his- , .. . A . — . . A wm tory ot Georgia politiot since the war. No h.«'US*M u id»^ ,r M^!, SCUt WS MK - DAY1B coanso ’ SSSXtaSsrJ? r i?t 0 h th work cion# to bar pink ear to hear tba "little boy crack-1 .. a a. „ , I . ** ‘UtimaUly acquainted with the men THE STATE FAIR. SOME SPLENDID ENTRIpy 0 p ,v T J IbT MADE YESPEUDay, NT ^ A aiusnlfloeet D.lry Exhlblt-1 the Ground " erh,.j I foot that the agrioaltnrsl prodnots of Ireland bring a higher prioe in the market than does the prodnoe ot the average Amerioan farmer. Even in those manufacturing distriots of England where protection optimists see so tnuoh wrotebedntif u "the result of almost beggarly wages,” tbe cause Is not in free trade, but palpably in the fact that the ag- rienltural distriots being crowded to suffo cation, tho labor market ot the manufac turing centres Is overstocked with laborers; and that nnder even the hlgbrat protection means low wages. England and Georgia have abont tbe tame area. The former'e population is thirty- seven time, that of tho latter. Surround Georgia by water and pot 56,000,000 population in her territory; docs any protectionist maintain that she would benefited by high tariff. Her agtioul- ture would not support the population, and it she closed her ports to other countries her own mxnnfsctares would find no mar- kot. Georgia wonld afford abont one acre of land, mountain and valley, rook and sand-btd, to the support of every individual of Eogland’a population. Surrounded by water and foroed to that problem ot support ing one person to every acre of its area, does one see bow wsgra could be high, or how protection could help it? To tha reply that this Is arguing free trade for England, the answer is that tbe argument for protection Is England under free trade. England baa the warts that we can get oheap for our surplus agriculture; but we do not propoao to give two bushels of wheat for a plowshare that can trade one btuliel for. The second bushel is a tribute to the pampered manufacturer ot this ooontry, sided in this nnlswful levy by the power of the Federal government But the termer only gets the value of one bushel in retaro for two buihels. Now, how hoe Amerioan protected manu facture, which the farmers were looted to maintain, aerved to give a home matket to Amerio n prodnoe? These are the figure* from Fedetsl reports; ‘Twenty yean ago we exported I'd per cent, of tbe wheat crop and now 85 per cent; twenty years ago we exported 90 per cent of the com crop, end now 8.95 per cent; twenty ,ears sgo we exported 02 per oent of the eotton crop, and now 09 per oenL” It is needless to panne the sabjeet much farther. Tbe prioe of wheat and ootton is not higher under protection than low tariff. There is no protection on the** products; their prices are regulated In the free trade market ot Liverpool, whilst all the farmer hu to buy is protected. Protection prom ised a home market for the Amerioan farm- era’ prodnoe, whereas the imports have steadily increased in percentage. Thna the promisee of a theory fall to the ground, and with it goes the protection theory. lag hickory note" and searoh for him when i I A ” Atlanta Sp*el»18»ye Hie Coming to Mn- I w ho havo made up Georgia polities, and the tprnngyonrsolden shield wide open. con is now Aesureu. ohanees are ho will Rive to the publlo a very Poor Midget! How tlmo Moot My bend wen I Loulivlllo Courler-Joornsl. I vendable nnd velnehln vnlnma 1 ' upon hoe burning wrist, whoso pule# Late fir out- Atlanta, September 28.—From tbe beat | reaa ’* t,l ° ana Tamable volume, galloped ronre, nod yonr flngen Indexed the sp evidence at hand it is now ntisured that ex- p rosen of ** «on*^ I Pr*rident"Davi« ‘^tl' ^n"M»^n'«' no-1 M ' 1 ’ K^NEDYJN KAKNFBT. elm's, there came eurmoantlng the tome that same I Uoonoed, during the State Fair. The article I $ Freeing file Action Agn'ntt the ICev. Sir. •weet ensile and lingered there—a-, angel's sum-1 recently pnbliihed fr- m the Biloxi Herald, I Warren. monewritlnflnentcUy. But hark! Tho midnight I to the effect th»t Mr Davie comoUinnd New York Times. bell .treks echoes o'er th. town, end both w I John H Kennedy to determined to pn.h tho ' •* point upwmrd, tolling a doubt, truth per-1 ■pn-sentationa^announcing bt* prtu?Dce I , a-U on of th* legality of the Her. B. Walpole . Thus do they wind my mTerio up. end, ee I at various places, should not be regarded aa I Warren's "Importation" to this o untry by Holy -no do they wind my reverie op, .. . S _ one good torn deserves another too, why. 1‘U wind I in any lenra applying to Hon. W. J. North-1 Trinity Episcopal church. "1 havo given luitrnc- — ” “ " 1 en orestdent if tbe State ARriculturel I Uo ? , .. t 3. m 7'* WJ .! r ''’ “ 1J h *- ’' t0 f”*" lb « matter. Th. Now Telegraph. | Hoelety, of Qeorgln _ In that intraview tho ^ d t^?y‘^SId“XT.Ilto^y*^. P ^ U l”w I simply M saying no p«rson*l fwllng agAlnst Mr. Warnn. and an j«ra. Oraonsboro Herald. Tho Macon Tklkobafk hu been sold Campboll for thirty thoosAUd dolUra. ibllc - * - . Herala quoted Mr. DayIs . , told to Mr. J. H. that Mr. Northen tued strong Arguments to “ ot ydn* in tholntaraat of tho Bar. Dr. Tyug. nor —v.r-iii ’ ’w w s a^!‘, ,n tecure hia attendnnoa upon tho State Fair, ut^^Vu^aUe^oniVb^^ i*Sihad 8Sitelln5 , . 0, ^l“iS laeSSSl conOlUoMl upon his good health the Ttsuar. Front tha strongaat advocate of p/oten-1 had promised to attend Mr. Northen, I to too repaated. tion tha paper nlll hereafter bo found on the aide I upon hit return to Georat*, stated precUtl I .. ®{* Andraw’a Society, mi at S^eT'ra?.- d”raS? B f?5m“th. p ‘ p * r D ‘1‘ , 7°?re' d t 5, d ft , 2V “ A^mw.^fA»mG,“.^m7tl..o^nS onunlD theputonqneettone of pnbUo ioUor iD R ytt S prominent the fact that Mr. Davis a I of this law, and. l-taemuch as It hoe boon enforced non. cau dlsomdlt Its abUty. For Incisive loci/ he alth was not good, and that duo precun-1 in the com of other contract lehorere. I do not roe brilliant rhetoric nnd sparkling.wit thoTiutoBerH tion would be used to makn his trip CM- JR** “!• Jt. Iw eximpted. stood nt tho hood of tho UiL The paper wee a hard fortsble, ^'A" - B °. con ' hltur. We hop. tha tamo dletineul-hr J abllltv I i I tract, but they will not deny the exletoovo of en will mark IheDeper nnderUio riSmo that hii 0n *« Ttr al ocooslons nines the interview Implied oonbaet with them, which to enfflclent to — " — ed repute- reported, Mr. Duvia bus given expressions I toolnde the rector-InitheInhibition of tba law. An- _ --- - - . . J reepleufl to bis purpose to attend, nnd wilt oertninly S'odVr* 10 'V '* '^^L't W “Ir n h *” cherton tho latter, and°wtih*tk»t te now'hande Utey I revi--w the parade of the Confederate reter- j vie*?* Ilk. ^‘00,0?' .““‘SS^r. W will Iom non* of jhtlr brilliancy nor laatre' I an ® Macon on the 26th of Ootober. Per I parmanontly. X contend that If tho law la obaarvad __ . I hnn«* never ainca the war has there b ion I havo t » rrtarn to Knglaud. Hla caso te Tho^oScy ot the paper will also bo chug*, but Aucha gathering of ex-Con federates as will tn what direction has not yat boon made manifest. I be in Ui'.con on that day* A prominent so- I tract for hla skilled aarvlcM. Collector klagono Mnnda«'flT(f IHiaiPM rtulait.c I tliA final snnnnnen. 1 I A Via a It ■» * « ■ i I ... « • . * Wlin,o Cnueually In^rr.u'J 1 ? 1 Yalonblo 1're.e Extrect.. * 8tftoF.'lr.‘ ,,g ^ 40 b “ 0,1,,,1 **kth« f The grounds ere In perfect condiuoe MblU ere ceding every , Bcb 0 , ^ It to only three weeks from to-morrow l Fair will bo in (nil bleat. Tki. , (v ,_. be In place on opening dsy, M oily dev one can come, be to cerhlo to... of tb. IWr. eo fa, exhibit, go, M waek. Tbl* is a Mtiled fact. 7 A DAIBY EXHIBIT. Mr. A. M. Walker, of Carsonrlllr, o» best and most highly respected uu^, °j State ef Georgia, writes that he expects u>* the Fair and to (how Holstein catlle, Aa£ “ ahd Scotch collie dogs of the ttcstf M |,u, breedings, and Pljmcuth Bock chtcWrs. p move a portion ot hla elaborate dairy to th# He will *how a revolving churn, and tin exhibits cf butter funking on ihs frountftS'j pec'pls see how to nnk** a first-cla*. article ter iu ita granulate.1 form. He wUlataorfS mode of handling milk and raisin . ^wUl»xhlblt samples of hatterandS^J Nov this will be a most tnterestlnir .,>n „ wilt b« worth a trip to the F*lr ir M ]f. ..‘J was full uf such meu as A. M. Wtfke ,i T vlUe, we would h*ve a tlate squsl to’ an. United States. rnoraasoB hopkucs biohlt pliastd , Manv new entries wero made jeaterjav’ Hon. 1. 8. Hopkluv, of Emory College tt fj of thehcU'-olor tecnnoiogy, was m th h*,* day. lie says hls school will have *t the n? t« an engluo and teth«s msnufsetured by th® i also a great miny patterns, etc. h* u v pleased with the ground*, lie s*}« tbsy am ter fix thsu he ever before saw them, and »i part of the state 1* wrought up can?limb all who can, will attend the State Fair. SCHOOL DISPLAYH. Miss Mollis Mayson went to-d*y with Col Klsbet and Inaptcitd tue upper etury o( u.J turers’ aall, which ha* be> u set uids for and college displays. Wesleyan, L*Gmite y Ct'Uegeo land Lucy Cobb lostltuts. of Ath»ti all hit'e aa exhibit The most accompli»h$»d pile with f>p*clmmsof their work In art, ** c be at the Feir. The Academy fur the Blind have the school well reprewnted. aud will \ hro. m«, bottom chair* and other work dim b blind p iplls. With this great attraction tali will be very popular. XSASOXIC CESTEXXnX. This la the couteanlal year of Free Masonrv indence In Georgia. The grand lod$?e will Maoon daring Fair week. Grand Mukr H David a in will deliver a m«gal4ce&t Is this Focaslon. Our Macon lod$re should u. vantage of this cheap transportation and h, grand conclave of maions. No better time placo could be aecured. Thlt movement u a root, and will be carried through early next the full partlcoUre will be published In das pair xotks. Mr. M. II. Rusenll, of Garioll county, w county will have the grandest display of ever seen In Georgia. i W Thompson, president of tha Florida Colored Fair, writes that hls psopla will B ud display of the products of tbs flown »y have bean awarded apace and wl creditably. The perk la In a better fix for th* F*!rtL. fair grounds In th* South. Every ball will be to It* utmost oa- sclty. Premium Hall down is for oounty exhibits, up stain, la th* individual agricultural exhibits and ml_ plays. The east end ie for horns lndosb; grocery displays. Manufacturer's Hall, down stains, . plays; up stairs, schools aud college* with displays. Floral Hall ia full and overflowing. Tbe Atlanta Starch Oompaay will gtv# aa ralum. one case (UO packages) of thslr-.Hoi queen Olosa Htarch" to tha lady who baa tt lattndrted shirt, also, one ease (loopack***) of starch to th* lady who baa tha bed lam.dried* This company la the only one ot its kt&d — taring in th* tooth. ___ The lllght Man. pen' ink country, but he _ . the second time with out a contract. The law la nothing better than a .— ——— | iism vuivtiis mi, w Hsv.v. ■ sop to tha Knights of Labor." wV The sadden itnportaooe which the Gear- ..f’°' l t ct ‘? r ”*« 00 * frid jeeterdsr that tw did not XLv?;^MUUcS^toto^f U.r;.5 £lnl5i! State Fair hu aranmed 1, dn. to tho elec- a, ' nl1 ^ aoy anthortty to act In th. » M . Srara r.', U h2 ■S, rSiL“a d nd U WM A2rionltnrol NO Ka“on Pm For nt rav.rel POLITICAL DRIFTWOOD. Wtohe. for lu eaocM* bote flunctolly red othor- ^re the usociarion hra ^ra, loalng gronnd »*0,mond Dtopraoh. Oarienvllto CoaranMmorlcan. somewhat, owing to the effort of politicians ,f **"• Cleveland really did ennb Forakar eheeet It wonld seem from tbto announcement that the I to divert ill original purpose. Tho pres-1 * •temple to tho preplo of Ohio, new management propoao to make the paper I on t fair was started under there un- h'orfold Landmark. 3°lh. P |Ia!I?hUh“ 4 tXI.bra«”^5“toHn'a'tS favorable ansplocs. A charg. In th. man- The littlegenetal(Mahons) to no mean reUgo paper »1U no donbt wield a broader laflunoe and agement wan dMidrd upon, when Mr. ntot end he con be bwteo only bv tho moat unltea attain gnater enpeeae In n flnuclal sente. Nnrtbeu who Is on. of thn most ■aooratfal I ,ffort eyetomatlo work yoeelhlo on oar part. nore*Jri!Smd!:Zdret h L“-J d ra^raun b / fsrmer. of th. SUte. was trailed to the head. UnUsTUl. OourtorJoarnal S^toM“pm« o^n )«rAll^ of aUnrt? uSi «• fond » rival fair in another city under »• »t Mow Fork require the Improve- it will not soon be foreolten. Its ooareemade both way, with President Cleveland u th. groat I o$ »h* “a* 1 *- ba ,t «h.I).moerotooda"wUh- rrtsnds red snemlvs, 6nt nobody ever doubted the attraction. Without noli. Mr. Northen ??,*, *! d .' .. Th - t . *• •??.•Plrlt of atma: w^itas KWgi Mr davw r u. ’SSSCil ’ ,p,, “ U, " H7 - from tts columns. Ills v 1*0reus and facile pen I to attend, and inside of three week, had I Dr. Wm. Everen, leader of tho Mueaehnea,. will not Ions remain Into, it win, we trust, soon I inch arrangements i crfcctr d that tbs Gsor-1 Muiwumis, "re*nu that he will be unable to vote gin Farmer’s Fair will be a complete sac-1 ter Mr. Iaiverinf." the Democratic candidate foe I Ocvernor of that (Hate. A Mugwump so tenderly sentimental aa all that mbiht u wall 1 .* a Kami tilt ALL GEOIIGIANS PROUD. I 2?. Oeorgls WlltoSurtla Mr. Campbell la a floe business man. and vtry I ceaa * liberal. Iu taking charge of tbe TELEoaara be outline* th* future cooduct of th* paper by stating he regards th* pr»*»nt tariff rates as unnecee will bit him with a feather. lortl7h'iref Th - Htuta Felr Shown In Ite Trne Light and I Jeckeonvllto Tlmee-Unlon. l- Short 8 pace. raSe^'n"^ g^-^v !?»**. Ds-nocrsti j party lu their effort* to reduce the I Cuthbert Enterprise. I iuatilcertlpof tSeSnprem* Surt^r •mm. Gao that the paper will support Governor | AU Georglaus are proud of th* State Fair, aud I too mcompUahed anS^uSful a tiblnet otoJS hi Gordon and tha Legislature la their efforts toad-1 from tha way tha people throughout the old com-1 apared. 9 a i *t officer to be vane* the welfare ofthe State. I monwealth are ruing to ite support, there 1a no I *_ Fair^rSeteigrandrot ^ItedalpuiaRecord. ilk* state. Exhibitors are demanding I ora- ita iat* auuur iu chtef. eVra/rari AJU.-; uhjsw hySM every day. BfMbef a|l Mato win ba I Sfix- tl? 0,1 h dtetiugutehad himself aa the beet In-1 tbe finest and most extensive ever seen in Georgia. ( on balls wUl to crowdad a* never be-1 dUc imam I Hurrah fi r th, MaoonTsuwasrs I It hu bran I doubt hut that the eom naFsl asmt red good paper, but now u tosrins to be a ,vu hold In the ntoto. Exhll botur on*, lu mis suitor iu culaL C^L-u-'. AtUpt! u<. space c Lamer, hu distinguished himself on the hut In-1 the floret red formed political Writer to the South, hat ho and I The oxhlhttton halls Col. Itotnoe wore wrong ee tho tariff. Th* paper will now ho In fall nooovd with tho Democrolto party of Ooorgto. whose Beprauototlvre In Co*. . „ ^ - - green favor a reduction of lbs tariff. Harry Ed-1 opening to th* closing day. Thou wire deal a to I ih. d ..H^L J™ 4 ' , . wrtde red Hobart Haydn are writers, and Haydn I make aa Inveelmsalof n tew dollars tan not spmd I “* U»' to a straight oat fre# trader. Tho boya matt now I It btlur nor bar. It returned to them qulcfsr. I • r V tK>1 *» open competition with all the world. undo Ool. Lamar's work. He having converted the I with Unfold Increase, than by pot- AUuU Constitution and I ha Hlarksbear Georgian I ting it In tho State Fair. The I GEORGIA EDITORS’ OPINIONS. to tho high tariff policy, we elull now oxpoct these I need trip (are from Cuthbort, will be two dollars I — twopaparetobaracamvartodby tbs laLxoaxrn. I and thlrty-flvs cento. The acoommodatlone tn Ms. I Perry Home Jonmal: President Cleveland hat Barnes Till. Orthodox Democrat | ocn can be eacared at nomlaal Sguraa, and there to I refllclent strength In th* Demoeratle Mriy a In- -Kw aearetlaeo,.. In M*ra mmh. I IBM file IWtmlrtaHnn ran.l rara * While no one ia tbis coantiy believes in free trade as tbe protectionists love to cherge tbe low tariff men with believing, it in quite deer to ell that low tariff (tariff for ravettoe only) ie tbe theory cf the American people, and cn a square issue they will so declare. Til tragedy near Malison Satnrdsy night, in which Aleck Morris killed his fsther-lD-law, totally wounded hls mother- lo-Iaw, and dangerously stabbed his own wife in the neck is calculated to reflect upon the character of oar law-ebidir.g peo- 8 le. Only speedy justice can rave oar tote’s good Dame from tbo disgrace of tragedies like thoee of Woolf oik and Morris. W, havo t store ret erred to th* highly probable I no ruenn whatever why every; farmer In the conn-1 euro hta nomination and re-slocDon. success of Mr. Campbell to rev newspaper or other I ty cannot attend for n tew days provided they can I Dawson Journal: Bv refoaiiu to nu. .a. onterpriso which no might nedertakv. Under bis I lure homo nt all. The Fair to strictly tn the Inter-1 but. the Denote Indicated that tola a^walk management the prosperity of the Txuoaarn to 1 ut of th* farmen. and oipcaeu have bun placed M 7 Wa would prrair more nunhorS re* t!2 usured. Conservative, sngnetou nnd faunrnl ho nt bottom flgraw te order that they may be enabled I poUoy. 1 “°** ““»«« »»d torn nerer faUe to etrUwth* pointer chords In lh* ad-1 to attend _ W. hope a large delegaUon wUl go np | oolnmbue Enquires Bnn. n material have been not simply a drain on°there a* manufactured goods hut also on those of th* mwafectenn themulvu. U "“ k ,ll »‘ the State •fraOreand aua-ttc railroad for Drtn * with or without bottsnnuU, to th* hlghut bidder, and retire from tho railroad A Historic Army Horse. I hnslnsm. edUor. red th* policy of ths psper to slmost sotlre-1 wonticsllo kin When th* Fsdemln cstns Into I Augnite tlsuite; Tbs gnat Irishman. Daniel ly cheogvd. Itt* Aot decided yet who will b# sU* I Uicon in AnrlL lk!S thev Irontht a number of I O^Oonnell, laetneech et (Javant (Uniraii p„ , t r iL-CJilsf. W* extend the right head of fellow- ££2 SSm wSn ooTor dlrabUd end fortyWnan tHZ ship to the new management, end to those retiring ^^3 JJimSttt toffeteS dieln thoiJnbSbrof w* extend oar hast wishes for thetr fatare eoceeea-1 |b# citWm They were Uken poMssslon of by the | «v*n if some of hie oonntry men. who ere no! ■ .. . ... _ ' tl , I boys, for there were bnt few men at boms then, j think otherwise. Whet was trne In 1X43 is much In the Hands of the Socialist*. I nnd n few of U> m nuneged to ke -p them for I more menifcstly true to-dey. “ Chicao% October 2.—"We ere in the I weeks. The Federal* would tth them *w*y when I EUuvlU* EnUmrlss' il III .... ? antis of tho B^UIUU,'’ ,.7d a premtnont J-f £ ££*£3 “^ U *^ S ^“"are rt !!bu‘*ff.“ K. of L. flelrycate to tha Usflrs Mteombly IT^cJrr^uhm^red^^^ iMKSSrjysss&£5 !r£I£ SSfiT <ratete7or*£3Si£r^I Shffj -*» ■M»«*hrarayhla lyandtoohhtochaaool au personal Interuu. the animal out of town. vomey of tha righL OoorgU may ho corgntnUted I from Handolph. that n.s thsTnuoaorn U to be placad on a llns ... , _ . with the national Democratic party la advocating I ,, -«P ®’Uum In This, tha late note of on people and section on th* Ur- Perry Home Journal: It now so* mi probable that Iff question. I four-fltths of the white man ot Houetoo county wUl, . ... ... „ Pony Homo JonreaL I attend tho ttoorgte NUU Pair. A larger proportion I ehotUd ull the W,stern and aua -tlc railroad for The Mscon TxLxtiaai-n hu changed hands by I of th* Confederate veterans will attend. I *l>*tlt*llltete«. with or without betterments, to purchase, end Mr. Jos. H. Campbell bsoemss mrea 1 I itekuuui, a « ger ot the paper. CoL A. H. Lamar to no ‘ 1 editor, red th* policy of the paper to almost strength. Th* complexion of tho Chic-go delegatra to tho HlnnsapoU* cinvention U decidedly BocUiWlra The Morgan resolu tion referred la, wm a rewointioo tnlrodnood by Thomas Morgan, in tho trades Msenbly to-day. aaktng that 30.000 copies of the ex- tracts from last year's almanac bo printed. Ths extract conveys the idea tost all wealth is prodnoed by labor. | a. tee re'ria. S°tl^ mjtogajmm,th.Fair red tot u mrach'U?L jj,? -rereu-n ' W SPSSSS aleerodoa of the tongs. Dr. Wnoorety" to a posture at tela stm*. If taksa ho Mood, heal tea ulcers ' and renoral* tea whoto Woodbury Hot Blest: President Norths*. < 8Ut» Felr, is rarsW tbe right men to ths I piece. He will edd many sew features to T ready grand fair, and our rraders may dep th at th* State Fair will be agreed sue ass Ikl Nearly every county ia th* mat* will b* tepi ed. which la ae It should be. and old Coo a soldiers by the thousands will be on head. A County Do egatlon Coming. Louisville Farmer: Jefferson I>evis will r State Fair at Macoo.and as th* old vsteraas si tbe State will attsed to do him honor eed 1 viewed by him. It 1* proposed that e eowpsi from this county* We have been requested u nounce that a meeting will be held at tka house on 8*turday. the 8th of October. Ie asr 1 many will go, and to mak • arrangement* If i pa&y oan be organised. Let us have e full w The railroad fare will be very low. And lo a to seeing Mr. Dev!a. you will have aa oppo t> to see a magnificent display at th* Fair. Coo the 8th and say you will go. To (ho "Old Robs'*of Randolph ( Outhbert Liberal: Quit# a number of "01* I having signified a desire for e meeting la Cota to organise a Confederate Veterans' Associate the purpose of visiting Macon on o.towrfl see Hon. Jefsnou Davie, aud ail having to morrow week, Saturday October «. • suitable dav for such meeting, tt la r nounced that a meeting will b# held b bouse in Outhbert at 11 o'clock a. m-. Octt W# bop* to see ae many G mfederat* »unW can possibly be present, ber# on th*t dsy. will be tbe last opportunity evar given to "• 1 tba living President of tbe dead Confederacy*! organize and go aud bid him farewjU* L everybody! Don’t forget the day-Octw*| 11 o’olock a. m. in tha court house. Exhibit or Georgia Rrsourcra. | BUkely News: The StaU Fair promlassto l jest exhibit of Georgia's resources ever tn addition to this ex-Presldent of Davis wUl be there on "old scldl-rs d,y ton Iha Confederate survivors. This will die*wj crowds to Mscon to do honor to th# graac e who still remains true to th# principle# cf tf “suae. In Go<h1 Shape* Fort Valley Mirror: It to baldly M. ■action to say more about the eomiag Macon ou October ?4. as •v*7 bo l?'** f thslr arrangements to go up end perttopw* v grandest show that haa ever been P****®*? Mtate. buffice tt that everything I* nicely, and wm ba In good abap# oa opj Th# gathering of the Confederal* vsferae;' 98tb is to ba one of the no*t not^l* u 1 the week, and wui briug 4M**t-sr • of th* nouth tha prominent Confederacy, to meet and abate!J old comradea of years goo* hr; "I*** 1 dents of camp and field; drop the fewjf ot lost hopes aud frtsods, and bid sdjj- time, to thoOH whom they wUl uol pr» again thU side of the dark rtver. It •»'» 5 caalon la. g to be remainbervd. end me bop* aa many old aoldlera together as possiws. Let tier Roll, !»lr. Thf> #r | Iu behalf of tha ettisrtte ot »n wa d astro to call the sttentlotjoftt* _ waaa. Virginia and OeorgU raUroad sc to this card: HAWKimnmxs, Baptambrr proa erlty to you in *ha Of te, > KLKOOAF11. Iwret root tbo ni rearers ■ f tbo East Tson»^-~ - , Or orris roll real to ri T * •• * J-Y?,, Wvr fifiutprox.. to go toilscoo. *•***? least throe hundred. Wa wtH b have beau writing Teylar, th# w * will not promise teglYawag^Sijoe line and ert thoM » c***W_.^*t tb Our ipccial will ba ander the w«pW* m , fsfls lfwscsn ret te. train, res « » ul crowd Into Macon. Yourfneoa, The Last Ksd Bites. Tb* fooeeil of Mrs. ^ ' it' ity morales eras a pec«llarlr»i»"£ < d at lb* resident* ( Mr. ^ I ee* cere roodn-ted by to. *• , krm 4S Wells uofltee byrao. "****-"'^- mkoea Tboreoasareotoebteof « tee mrey Mb* •* •‘"L/i*. 6 uflbe < ■aaktoteiretelotbe breov. Tb laid away in Oak Bldg* warn the pdlrnWr^^TT Stewart Jons*, WUl films, Georg* Barker. Claade Haat- Why tha Called brill. 5 •«•:** SSj^blrerM* « tKra Ntato ) fllr. h« * ° meet to trio Ntato ratri bo's ‘ ths gull d Js*lss •