The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1887, Image 8

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1HE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH TUEbDAY MORNING. CCIOBER 4. lBSl.^-tWElAE PAGES. THE STATE LEGISLATURE. The ProceeJInc* of Hoax* Ytotarday- No Senate Proceeding*. Ibo Houee met at 9 a. m. with Speaker Little in ““a nonJirtr of Beo.t* bill* were read forth.MO- 0 n M r Ul McOora. of Biehmood. tlTered k ireolntton "rtdlna fornl*bl uulotii. < caturday, on li iffffwedBMdiyth* JMhlBkUat. °Mr Howell, of Fudoo. moved thet the rciolutlon • referred to the committee on rule*. Mr McCord hoped that the motion would not nreralL he wanted the resolution adopted. P Mr Harrison. of Quitman, said that he waa op- r>o«ed to the resolution. If it wa* adopted there Sould be no time for committee meeting. It wae ardenough now to have committee meetings with t wo aeeriona drily. I here were now over two bun- red toll e before the committee. Howell of Pulton, Arnbeim of Dougherty, and Preston of Jasper opposed the leeolution. gtvirg practically the same reasons for doing eo that weio advanced by Mr Harrison. , The yeu aud -Ay* were called and the resolution was lost by a vote c*f yess 39, rays 60. MrMcCora ottered a reflation, the Senate con- currlng. that die General Assembly adjourn Octo ber Btb. Referred to the committee cn rules, Mr. Harper, of Carroll, by unanimous consent, ni allowed to introduce a biU to charter the Her- -was allowed to Introduce chants' and Planters* Bank of Carrollton. Mr Watte, of 8tewart—A resolution appropria- Ins 1126 for the peyment of clerk hire for the com mittee on the Westrru and Atlantic railroad. Re ferred to the committee on finance. fob mm-ihxm>-nw*. Bv Mr. Bmith—A reeolation for the relief of It. If. Ti»on, former tax co.lector of Glynn county ^Taeblll to amend the charter of the Atlanta and Weet End Railroad Company was taken up and the Senate committee concurred in. The bill to levy and collect a tax of $1,000 on all nhyeiclane not permanently located, end reported favorably upon the substitute, was taken up and JU»t, the measure failing to receive a constitutional ^Vhe Henste amendment to the bill to Incorporate the mutual Insurance Company of Savannah was bviir. &«,*-« H, cf Fultoe—A hill tn amend sec tion 12il of the code as to duties of the committee tOT ', , iir th Horu. D o ( 1 » SSTfir lb, nlltf of The House. The House met at 9 a. m. by unanimous consent the bill by Mr. Perry, of Gilmer, for the relief of E. W. Coleman, of Gilmer, was tsken up a*ad considered by the House fitting as committee of the whole. Mr. Perry moved that By Mr. Morgan-A bUl to define what Is posting lands in this Bute. Passed. ^ 8 ur. ™./. Mr \ Of Oathsm-A bill to provide for an. of Gilmer. appointment of a surgeon for each light bet* House sitting **** of artillery. Passed. rv moved that I Mr * Humphreys. *f Clinch—A bill to appropriate T to pay Mr. W. Caswell for an artificial! jpssssErsEsrsrv mms-s i aBarasarsjiisr sspssl^a -rasauwawsr the bill to prohibit the operation of '-bucket ■hope” °I anotlmr without consent of the owner. Ew2s»£Sslbsk a JR£»*8s«MiaBSs but only to prohibit gambling In th«M enterprlto*. The motion to reconsider was agreed to. I sne none* teen aajourneq. On motion of Mr. buseeU, of Polk, tbe bill intro duced by him to Impose a Ux of $1,000 on itinerant physicians, which was adopted yesterday, wae re considered. The special order of the day wae the considera tion of the bill of Mr, Huff, of Bibb, to eaUOiUh a permanent penitentiary and supply farm. The bill SHE 8PLIT HIS SKULL. How an Irish Family Restated Eviction- Hallway Track Torn np—The Inquest. ruiM*«w» * — Limerick. September 27.—The military was taken u*jT*nd read, the SotTse sitting ss a com-1 and police were present to-day at the eyic* ... - •— —- .w. *» — L r ** ’* “ * ‘ mittee of the whole, with Mr. Clay, of Cobb, in the tion of Mitcbel Lane and family from their € «fi. .apply form or prloclpk! penltontlar, U to be managed by five trustees, three of whom shall I 010908, this county. The Lanes made A be practical farmer*, one a contractor and one a I stubborn resistance and during tbe strug- good bo.ln*M moo. Tb. ■op.rlntand.nt of tha I g i, Mrs. Lane, with a poker, ap’.it open the ■ *■ tint l«ie thnn Ihlrtv vntn nf I _* » . . r . ‘ . r* rt UDg 1ms tbon J,ooo oor more tboo 41,0 acre. of ikod I *ne work of eviouoD. Mrs. Lane, her hns- ■ not nacre than flo per baud and brother were airested. When ocro. Tbe flv. trn.t... to *>oo .Mb par the police threatened bis placs, Lane i^?o”'frem ti^pr^ n u.M" 1 *tS.«{>7rtntoiid* dared them to come on, and when they ad- ent to receive $1,0 0 per aunum. paid In ssme mao- I vancea be fougbt them With a club. His ner as the trustees. Should the public brother-in-law assisted him to resist the road geng become established one I police. They were Anally overcome bv the Bv Mr. Baeeeu, of Polk—a Bin xor ©» J> H. Bobbkrd, tax ool'oetor of Polk county, After much dlKiu.loo tb, blU Wk. tabled. py Mr. Well, of Fulton—A bill to prohibit any perecn from ronnlog k "bockot .hopTb* objecte of lb. biUw.r. explained by Mr. Berner, which ni to br,*k op tb, bucket "bop boitneea In Oeor- ■to. Tbkf.llof.of the Atlanta bucket .bop re- ocnUyl.kKoodkrgam.otin favor of the paaeage of tb, bill Mr. H.rriioD, of f)ultm*n. cppoe.d tb. bill H, tbcogbt tbkt tb. p***ag. of It wonld Interfere with tb. legitimate bkodlltg of cotton, .nch eiac.M when o former m11« hu cotton to k m.rcbkot for delivery in tbe f -11. Mr Berner Mid tbkt the bill did not kpply to case* of that character. It would not Interfere with any trade in which there was actual delivery, The measure prohibited the selling of cotton, corn, aheat and meat where futuia delivery waa sot contemplated. Mr, iiamsou tnonght that there was no difference hetwe n a man who deala in spot cotton and anoth er who deals in futures. Mr. Gordon moved that the bill be recommitted to the committee on finances, which motion wae lost. Mr. Gordon oppowd tb. bUl. H. hoped It would bv loot. He thought tb. bUl went too mr. Mr. Berner Mid that kit there wu In the blU wu them prohibited Ibo keeping of k boo.* In which tb. slo of future, wu made k bo.lo... of. Tbo bill dll not touch truuettuno where tbon were actual Oji'Vf ties. He mate an abla and exhauetlva argument In favor of It* bill. The sole object of tbe bill ia to hr*ak up wut is known is the bucket-shop. The millionaire o’ the North controlled the prices of wheat, corn, fteat, lard and such articles of food; also controlled *h» | rice of cotton In such a way as to lnjura the producers. Mr. Berner read from Dr. Strong’s book, "Gar Country," and gave credit to the extracts quoted. Mr. Arnheun, of Aougherty, wanted the bill re committed, so that tl« objectionable feature* of tbe bill could be taken oiA or so modified aa to meet bis Ylews and those of tbamembeis who opposed bill. He read a decMo* from the fifth Geot where an agent may secure from a principal expended for ootton future*. He also cited a case In the 71at Georgia in sknport of his position. lie moved that the bill be wmmitted to the spe cial Judiciary committee. ^ Mr. Qordon said be opcoaedtha bUl bee wiped out prednee and ootton exchangee. enterprises were sustained by nferchants who com blned togrth* r for the purpose »r informs tion that thvy could not get Udtvldually. There were hundreds of thousands tt dollars wot.h of ootton and provisions bo ugh land sold dally.not tor ■peculation, but for protectich. The buyer wants to protect himself in these tSmsactione. He wants to know that he la going to set bts oottoo or provis ions on a certain day and a/ a certain price. The bill waa striking a blow at the export business of the State. Mr. Harrell, of Webste* said that be could aee a great difference between the man who bought spot 3H|M and the man who bought a future delivery. In tbe purchase cf spot cotton the cash waa paid and the money was distributed. Ibis was not the cue tn the putchaee of future*, aa the only benefit deiived from the transaction waa by the agent The deal ng in futures was a gamtling transaction and was Injurious to the morals of the people of the Stats. Mr. Wheeler called for the previous question on the passage of the bill. Tbe call was auatained end the twenty mlnntes allowed to tho ccmmltteo wore given to Mr Dsraer. of Monroe. He read dUcnsiione from the fifth and Tfith Georgia. He wanted the Legislature to pot its seal of oendenination on the "backet shop" . ^ police and their arms were held and they Tho fln»U6* sections of the bill are intended to 1 were beaten into a condition of non-reaist- carry out the act of '76 by establishing a central an CO with the butt-end of Runs. from which they .hell b* drewoi with the eicep- Lork and Yongbal, which the polioe must tion ot the women end children under ic it pro-1 travel Be in order to reach the Ponaonbv ea- pore. no iDterf.renc* with the prerent 1.M*., h»t fates from Cork for the purpose of aidine •«« the eviction, to be exSoo&d there to-day* surrender or fonciwo ihv ©wu&Uta or Judicial were torn tip la*t night. Telegraph wireH circuits may claim and work their convicts on I were also cat. Captain Plunket haa arrived sasssws vsur&n":& sis •* w «»• shall be eetablished under S'ate management. The I hot no troops hAVO got there yet. counties or circuits take convicts free of expense to At the hearing in the Mitchellatown in* tbe Bute. quest to-day Sergeant Brennan stated that ofthJuif‘ret T of t i8Te**ka*5Iown by he had charge of tbo polioe who went to QSeXTZU* 187<1, “ ,t0Wa hj the assistance of tho party escorting the Mr. Terrill opened the argument In favor of the government's reporter towards the speuker’a 1"4- Ke.Hd tW.w.r.twu leading propooltloo. p utform. The reporter's helmet was pierced InthablU. Ha aald that ho no hemtation In , witnc.o .«id mil win™, kin, reylng that there wu legislation noedod on the oyo- wl ‘“ stones, witness said, and witness him- tern. In oppoaltlon to tho preuot .y.tem, ho I aeit waa atraok with stonesandUalnm with wonld not go into tbo legal point, involved. The sticks. When he retreated to the barracks he “srt* ‘ he b ,^ dln g,ro u i d ^ ieTeUt !i tbit th. BUt.lhS5u pnni;h hJ own criminal. Hd over the heads of the pol oe by the orowd not delegate that power to private persons and cor I ana be nted in the direction of the crowd, The rest of all violator* recent investigations O. L O’GORMAN &7vT Gentle Header: BITTERS Combining IBO.V with PCBE VEGETABLE TONICS, quickly and completely CLEANSES and ENRICHES THE BLOOD. Quicken! the action of the Liver and Kldnejs. Clean the complexion, makea the skin smooth. Itdoea not Injure the teeth, cense headache, or produce con* a tip* tion—ALL OTHER IRON MEDICINES DO. Pbjtidane and Druggists everywhere recommend it. D». N. B. Rroours, of Marion. Mass., Bays: "I recommend Brown's Iron Bitters as a valuable tonic for enriching the blood, and removing aU dyapeptio aymptoma. It does not hurt the teeth." . Dm. R. M. VZJJTLL. Reynolds, Ind., says: "I have preacribod Brown’a Iron Bitters in cases of anemia and blood diseases, also when a tonic was Beaded, and it haa proved thoroughly satisfactory." Mn Wm. Btbns, l» Rt. Mary St.. New Orleans, La., aays: " Brown's Iron Bitters relieved me in a case of blood poisoning, and I heartily commend it to those needing a blood purifier. Mm. W. W. Mon a ham, Tnscnmbia, Ala., aays: 1 MI. n. ir.AuiiBia, luicumuM, aiA,. Ittl! 1 jave been tronbled from childhood with Impure Blood and ernption on my face-two bottles of ‘ " Bit tars effected a .perfect cure. I T this valuable medicine." Administrator’s Sale. poralioue. Tbe sentence imposed on a convict waa I wheie the body of A man was found. He that ho should be punished by hard labor by tbe I * n uiii Hu‘e; ag.ln, t. thought thet the convict, .hoold b, GEORGIA, HOUSTON COUNTY.-By virtue of an order granted September 6th, 1887, by tbe Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public out cry, before the Houston county court house in Feu;, G*.. Cu Tuesday, the first day cf November, 1837, within the legal hours of sale, the following lands, belonging to the estate of W. E. Oollier, de ceased, to-wit: Lot of land No. 120, In the 8eventh district of originally Houston, now Crawford coun ty, containing 202K at res. more or Iras: alao, the aouih half of lot No. 60. In the First district of Crawford county; said half lot containing 101,‘{ acres, more or leas. Alao. that tract of land lying In the Seventh dis trict of Crawford county, Ga., commencing at the northeast corner of lot nnmber (48) forty eight and running south four hundred yards (400); thence west (605) six hundred and five yards, thence north (40C) four hundred yard; thence eaat (fiofi) six hun dred and fiva yards to point of beginning, contain- *“ fifty acres of eaid lot number forty-eight (48), that tr«ct of land beginning at the northwest corner of lot number eighteen (18) and running eaat to a corner establish, between Jno. D. C<>0] Have you never felt that you were in the ahadow of aome unknown though impending event that would be interwoven with your lit. fashioning and giving now form to your deatiny? Perhepa of late while loit' « ering in the mountalna, yon gazed from the aummit of aome lofty peak upon X the wide-spreading viata below. Suddenly, myaterionaly, one partioularapot U in » u that landaoapeia impreaaed upon your attention and you feel, you know not why, that aome day tbe cirole of your life will touoh that far distan* point. Perhaps by tbe far Bounding, ever reatleea aea, you have watobed the great Bbip3 speeding hither and thither across the main. Of all the stately ahip* that pass in review your interest oenters on oue alone, and a stealthy convie- tion oomes that a faotor in the problem of your life is in that vessel. Reader we oannot to-day hold your hand, look you in tho eye and advise with you as we would. Do not rejeot these subtle intuitions as mere phantoms of the imagination. Yon are on the verge of a ohange. The falling lea', the hollow soughing of tho wind, tho withered flower, tell you not more certainly than tho rent lawn and the vanishing lustre of the satteen, that summer U no more. Reader, we have visited the land you saw and we have traveled io the self same ship. We were then scorning tbe marls of foreign trade to lay their beauties at yonr feet From the mass of Parisian and metropolitan styles we have gleaned the oream, and to-day wo offtr you the handsomest selection of silks, combination suits and dress goods ever imported and offered in Georgia. We want yon to see them, we want yon to buy them, and we in- vite you to call and examine for yourselves. Respectfully, C. L. O'(101131 AN <1! CO. Ml and punished homaoely.** He did not take any stock tn I this statement groans were nttercd by any alleged mamlliog sentiment that was expressed. I spectators in the coart room. The ooronor The convicts are the slaves of the ftate, and ebe I ^ ashed to oleAr the room, bat he refused. ‘^r^ r i^dL m o n o\^uj'oldthe banning of the inquest.the log of money oat of these convicts, a good ob- coroner and Harrington have each received JecttoQ to the system was that It interfered with I several letters threatening revenge for their free and honest labor. Her* in Atlanta the btlck I manner of oondticting the case. He aald there vu /large margin In convict labor. A ^ a League meeting at Dublin to-day Should not this margin go into the pocket* of the I Lora Mayor otilliVAQ congratulated tbe Burn ? A. It wo, thi. morittn now ko«. into tb. I members upon tho fact that 6very proclaim- I £< * branch was ciutiLUlng to hold mootings I •©**• wonld pay more money, not there wm | , ... . , « , . ' guarantee for this. Combinations oould be I M usual, although some had been inter formed by wblcb the State would make no better | fired with. Ttie movement is Btronger trade than it did J»*for*. It waa nothing tmt Justice than ever as a ocnrcquenco of the govern- to tb* people that the large margio made out of the I m „ n i JI n^raf-nnl-nn He did nnt knnv handling should go into tbe pockets of the people. PJ ll J Jt*on. Ue dta not Know u was certainly right and just that convict labor I what action would bo taken against officers should never be pat in competition with the honest I of the euppresaed branches, bat he was cer< laboring classes of the Slat*. He thonabt that io I t^n all would do their duty. nukipR kotaug.. thk LegliUmre .hoold bjjgj | The evictlon cimpa i Kn 0 \ th. Ponsonby to a corner estabiiab, between Jno. D. C' oper J. F. Duke, and running direct across said lot land number eighteen (1R) to where the public road intersects the east and west line on south side ‘ said lot, containing seventy-eight and one half res (74)t), more or less; the same belrg part of“d , c r oS?t7^omifc“it“STO r M th thi“c5iii« Grasses of all kinds, Cotton Seed Meal, Mixed Cow Food Cooper pUc, nod known k. k v.ry tolooW., pro- ’ x:u(JU “SSD'cSot' Ji55«%SSSSI "goawateed sound;” Harrows, Rakes, Rollers, Spades, Shov months, with 8 per cent, interest, as parch may prefer. Bonde for title antll deferred ment is completed. H. C. HARRIS, eepJ7«4w Administrator. U ‘iT"m7°io l rito™of thk m.n on th. P n bIl0 1 *iU bs pr.aentUrwtoeasth^evloUon. roads, there waa no doubt aeon his mind that they should be placed there. He wanted good public roads, and that bli " itog could be secured by put* I Soree, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, * * ‘ Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It la guaranteed to give perfect eatisfac- 7 refunded. Price 2A ee " — U&nkin h Lamar. GEORGIA, JONES COUNTY -By virtue of an sr from the Court of Ordinary of said county, I will sell at the court house door in Clinton, on the first Tuesday in November,ntxt, three hnndrrd and fifty (350) scree of land, more or leas, belonging to tbe estate of Anderson J. Mlddlebrooks, deceased. Situate in the northwest part of Jones county, near the Ocmulgee river, and convenient to railroad. Fair average land, with pretty #ood improvements thereon, being tbe old bom* place of aald deceased. AdjoiningH. B ltldley, —Go don,Dr. An> enon and others. In good neighborhood. Hold to pay debts. Terms cash- W. W. BAUUON, Sentember 16, It 87. Administrator. *ap27-4w Th.j wore thk lugut Ux tkjlog coanUM In thk I S r noonn refunded, fit*to. and that wherever road WOtk WSS don* prop. I by Lamar, Itan erty waa known to enbanoe la valne. 1 Mr. Hoff eaid that the length of the bill should not frighten th* Hones. He thought that It was safe, perfectly feasible, and perfeotly practicable. He wanted th* bill considered ooolly, calmly and ooneldi rately. Be regarded the blU under consider ation a* aeoonflary in importance only to the dis position of the Western and Atlantic railroad. He wanted the question considered and disposed of as a burines* proposition. There were but foer leading ideea in the bill. Tbe measure proposed to take from the lessees the women and the chil dren under 16 sears of age. He proposed to show that the lease act and the contract was an Infa mous swindle upon the State, snd he meant what he said. Th* original lease act provided for a per- manentjpeoltentlary. This the lessees have never es tablished, and never Intended to do so. He pro posed to show that there was not a Bon ham but* In the Union that got eo little money for eo many vlcts He pre posed to show the Governor of the » cents per box. For A call forth* yeu and nays waa made and ena- Sained. On the passage of tbe bUl the yeas wera 80, nays 30. Bo the bill was lost. House then adjourned. arm* oow sxasiow. The House met at Ip. a, On motion of Mr. Glenn, of Whitfield, the Uonee took vp the substi tute of the feenate for tb» Glenn co-edccation bill. Mr. Olenn made a short speech to opposition to the substitute, concluding bla argument ty moving that tha Uoum refute to concur In the action of the Senate, which motion preva'led. THE TBIIO TIME. State had charaderxed the lease aa the most damns- | ble outrage ever put upon the BUte. He said that no leaas like that of Oeoitfa had I been made by any Southern Bute-the length ot I the leas*. The lease started out with a twenty five I dollar rate, and now we get down to a ten dollar I rat*. One of the main provirions of tha lease waa .... nga I Democratic administration. This act provided that | the BUt* should pay for a principal keeper, i this waa to be the only expense to the State tn c nection with the management of tbe eonvlcte. lb* I y shall work not nevtron Sunday act provides that they ten boon a day, and never on Sunday. Hewoi prove that thay worked without recard to the nu ber ot noun to a day, and on Sunday time and ti GEORGIA. JONES COUNIT.—By virtu* of a , der from Court of Ordinary of aald county. 1 will I •ell at the o.nrt house door tn Clinton, said ooun 1 u tbe fine Tuesday lu November, next, five I red an * * *‘ hundred*and fifty (850) acres of land, mere or le«e. county, Georgia. This is fair avenge land, with I SlinnllflS. comfortable build logs thereon. Plenty Umber and I water. Surrounded by goed nelghW*; In _ healthy locality; within one mil* of the E T., V. ft for genital distribution. Terms caab. J. B. POUND, Administrator, Will Annexed. SI 5 K Administrator’s Sale OEOBOIA, JONliH COUNTY.—By virtu* ofknor- der from the Court of Ordinary of eaid county, I will eell on tbe tint Tuesday In Novsmber. next, at the court house door tn Clinton, oue hundred and . fourteen (H«) acre* of lend, more or leva, belong- BEST OPEN DRAUGHT lng to estate of Thomas L.Barker 6eo‘d. Situated on Falling Creek, near Uraball. Fair aver ge land, with fair Improvements: in good neighborhood, By Mr. Reid.—A bill to incorporate the Blue Bldg* and Atlantic Railroad Company. Passed. By Mr. Stewart, of MlUbtlL-A bill to pay If. D. * >t Mitchell act December 4, 1876. Ihla bill waa considered In the committee of the whole House. The committee made a favorable report and tha bill waa passed. By Mr. Dodgen—A bill to amand section 1580 of the code. Passed. By Mr. UarreD, of Webster—A bill to make It penal to attempt to prevent any person from pur suing a lawful trade or business. Passed. By Mr. Howell, of Fulton-A bill to to the Georgia Terminal Company. Passed. By Mr. Preston, of Jasper-A bill to ratify and amend the charter of the Macon and Covington Ballroad Company. By Mr. Harrell, of Webster-A bUl to amend the law with reference to tbe returns ot tax collections to the Comptroller-General. Tbe bill by Mr. Bret, of Burke, to amend tbe con- Mr. Lamar effered a resolution, which was special order, end that tbe afternoons on such days be given to the reading ot bills for tbe third time and putting them on tneir passage. The House then adjourned. TUB HUFF SUPPLY FARM BILL UN DKR DISCUSSION. The lessees Sunday working and they could not run their furnace*, brick yards and other enterprises without working them oo Sunday, He dared any lessee or any friend of a lessee to deny It. There was hardly a provision of th* act that waa respected by the lessee*. Three or four yean before the first lease expired we find Tom Alexander and Joseph E. Brown monkeying around POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thtipowdar naver varies. A marvel ofpurli —gthand “— ' ssksssjuayaarrs Ktn - ***** Muktuun Uonu with Judg. Urea, koil other. Ox-1 ““ “•. 0rJ1 “r7 > la 4*.. “ a <*=■““ *■* 1» lng up a twenty yean* lease. Tb* latory of the formation of penitentiary camps wae rich as a nut. uStoSSl?fftoS in this con: SSS* *«»• 00" 1 u been told that 2 and 3 bad been I He had not been ncction. He haa started with four convicts out or rui-1 ^ -y- ^-v r~r-i -w—r —w -r* ton oonnty jail. Tbe records show that I | 1 I ( V I ’ I 1 I » these camps were organised with nine oon-1 I i I I I I 1 I | \ I "J” victa which had been secured for General Phillips. I ^-A. -l-.A. I .A 7 of the Marietta and North Oeorgla railroad. He been told by a prominent leeeee that the long ‘ * id had been effected to secure the convicts am anyone else from getting them. Mr. Harrison, of Putnam, called Mr. HuflTa atten tion to e decision of the Supreme Court Gentlemen in search of fine 4 > Bna < ihM l cMUa > n.d I> ^ I My^iK!hkt a# knkv j re&dy*nuido Suits will find Scut that decision. Hs shew •h" d*l!v*?*A <t I " it. Md wooid tiii u; j that our stock will comparo all about that and how he cs Legtslature ell about It. Ue had ploughed all. !SCr,Sri«SS*|f™ably with any tailor made. We cmtrol the sale the devil to point ona There wae no D^nitenttarr. and thelemeea wanted . none. Judge ItKee had told him thuthe act d5 0 f tllC WOrld renOWIlCcl tlnctlyprovided for apeetteulUvy. ftiew he wanted ■ U WUliU rouuwilCU to know where tha penitentiary wee bhubrick laughed when he waa asked the question, and said Messrs. Terrell an<l Iloff Speak at Length In Its Favor—.Some of the Salient 1'olnta Offered by lloih Gen tlemen—Notes, Etc. Macon Tbleoeafe Bureac, No. 3% WritEEAU. f TEEET, Atlaeta. Oa.. SBmMEEE 27. 1887. Tbe Senate met. President Davtoson, presiding. the Hoaee The Senate took Bp for consideration the Hones resolution by Mr. tolack, ot Oordon, authorising the sale or lease of certain telorglng property to the SUte at Calhoun, for the purpose of erection of a cotton warehouse by private parties. Tbe resolution was favored by Mr. McKamy, the Forty-third and Mr. Northcntt, of the fifth. Mr. Hawks and Mr. Hand, of the Tfti i Thirty- Kitbth, Botreto. of th. FcnrtMOth, f.Tored tb. tre- olotlcn. Lkld ob th. tkbU. Tb. till by'Ur. Jrekreo. «< lb.Tw.nty«.r«nth. to omtod *Ktion MU cf th. cod., «u 1ml AIm, bill by Ur. WrlfbL of tho Vtre.t to prehtblt trenrectloe. la fatara., ud to pro,Ido * poaklty for tbortotktioa thereof. Loot Bykfr. Dm». cflh.rorty-recond-A kin to catuirdkakct to aroint the of nil rood trxin. by oioroorktd offer* or ■ Bonre tabby Mr. AtklaMB. to ootkbiuh thk CUy Coon of M.ooka. FkkkOd u kageodui. UcoMbtUkooaa u tho Coafsdmto koUltra' hfU, takklng k(preprtktioao for thoM aho ua khted, vu uk*a a, forooekldanttoa. IhocoaiBdttMoa tckBcoaad 8*o protxMd ikttou. laalairb. vbtcb ware du- IbyawMcradutre. SonhcaM, Fov.U ud Ink. 1 ;i. till sa-..k1 by k docidal akjortty, kod thk th*r* wm noak. Uoy.raor brown, wtio h. ukrd him If tb.n bid bMO uy kddltioa>i InjUlkUui thk oonileU oould# of th. 1mm keb uld yre, tbkt tbira bod bMa na# kod tbkt h. robbtd by lbr v '-Uto. U. vkatrd kgkla to B>khk thk kk- kertioo that k more tnfretud •• lodl. hid rnrer brea pot on a Stklo, either North ur Booth. A duplicate SOHLOSS BROS. & CO. I Clothing, and a garment made by them is guarantee that of inch k triaaketion would not to found la the Will bO elegant in finish, Qr history of any country on the face of the earth. I ° Toned r * in fit and correct in style. Wo are showing for this season tho handsomest line of Be referred to toe scene now being enact*din the I tlftlic Supreme Court room. There wee Oovemor Gordon, 1 on original leeeee, presiding, with the Attorney Oeneral athla side. There eel the lessees, becked by ato of the abUet lawjers in the Bute* Why. Uu Governor said of the system, that the State wee be- smeared and beemetoched from head to foot with the filthy thing. The committee then arose, reported progress, and asked leave to act again. The House then adjourned. Tbe House held Its session this attorn' on by gas! the COUIlterS Of & SoutllCtll *^The Senate amendment to the bill to Incorporate ctorp the Bank of Hewkfnsvtlle wae concurred in, as was. I c also, the amendment t> the kill prohibiting practic ing attorneys from acting aa jury By unanimous mnwot, Mr. Rimaaona. ot nn inter, ip. p , . . bad passed hie biU to amena the charter of | r 1110 GOOUS Ulld OUT StOCK AmerLne. I Metandon, of Thomas, to appro- the trusts* of the state Univereity We are making specialty Tbe bill of Ur arlkU U.W* to >■ for the purpose of cumpieting the Agricultural I Collage aiThomaevlile, aamded by the committee making de i tatkecomjkUtM of tbe itto uul leurakty re- Wbea tb.bill wreuk.oop by lb* Hoom MTerkl ■tatupnaum mM* for ud #«4luttk. open for yonr inspection. EADb NEEL,t CO., CLOTniEBS, HITTERS AN'D HBNISIIEES, Sebiu kAJoatakd. Mr. Mkttb.we ektM tbe ynrtcM qaeettoa. eo4 I apoa tb'.e tbe ,ek*koil Bin were celled. Tbe r. • olt ruiaito, uy. 40. m th. bUl wm fkMed. by Ur. Lamer-x biU to , By Mr. Leiber—A MU to kauad eretioa I, kf IA. Awtt ceoerrl Ux ect !w 1M7 kkO 1M. FkreeA. I MflMUqtBtCTU 557 Cherry Street, Bfaccn, Ueor(-Ia ‘Npoo-g) Ajq pug ONION BETS' Seed Rye, Barley, Oats, Wheat, Burr Clover, Lucerne! Administrator’s Sale. ols, Forks, Wheelbarrows, Hand Carts, Wagons, etc., at th] Agricultural Warehouse of SOUTHERN SEED COMPANY, Macon, Ga SOUTHERN DEPOT Watertown Steam Engine Co] .Administrator’s Sale. SMITH & MALLARY, Managers, MACON, GA. Carry full lino Steam Engines. Boilers, Saw\ * 1 O /Ami n Dnl tin » T #>/ii! All » J If . _V_? '_l_l Mills, GristMills, Belting, Lubr eating Oils, and Machinists rail o*d. Cun be made * valuable term. Sold jiayO ATI ofRcft Wltll 11 fl ■ traneisldistribution. Tamil r«ih. UUVU UU UUUeU W1LU UB. Mr. J. C. PINKERTON, oneral Southern Agent, will September 17, 1887. eep27 4w WILSON’S CHAMPION Arrester in the World. ARE.ESTER. MANUFACTURED BY THE Administrator De BonU Non. I ri#nc * g0 ^ covering two months' actual use, I am IKON AND MACH IN PHY COj MILLEDOEVILLF, OA. Sax ford, Fla., Hurch 17, 1887. September 22. 1887. Administrators’ Sale. ■By ylrto.ofeo ordu from th. Coart of Onllnuy of Jonre county, OMrgtk, w. will rell .t court bom. door In Cllaton, .old county, on tb. tint Tuadky In Noi.mbkr, next. tbre. bnndred kod fifty kcree of load, more or lot.. In Jooe. county, .ltumed on Coney Cre.k, bkloocto, to eeuto ot MklUrk Jock too, decokMd. Folr load. In t tklr >Uto of cnlUn., tion; trdlukry lmprovem.ou, plenty wktkr kod | O. K. UAMl’HKM.. timber; kdlolni Tbomee Btzemore. TboUM Oor- doo, Dkatel Jkckaoo kod other*. Bold for dllUton. Term. cub. WM. JACKSOS. 0(0. W. JACKSON. September fi, tfifiT, AdmloUtretorx. i.p37- ‘ Ipxrk Amater. I dMlre to uy tbkt u lir u W I km utlided It U #11 yon claim for It. WILLIAM o. coma. Diahoxd II i Lt., N\ o„ October 11, MM I have race tied the gpxrk Arreeter yon rent mk. ud It flte my .tick ill right, kod don't etop L drought. It la #11 right J. W. TBOMrt. VxnoKA, Hui., November I». 1"< IncloMd Bod >21.00 for Bpork Arreeter. W. bought the Arreeter tor k Mr. J. L. Jobmon. He* ■— LOWBYBBOA 0 TJ r * U ’ 7* * U, " U *J con I t h0 '? 1 * It work# #11 right, kod bo UkM It aplendldly. Mlntnn uld Minnta mi fka floa# Taka^aw I ^ *ylU Cm * " R. \V. WILT, Agent. D. B. JON* CAMPBELL <fe JOUSTES, Administrator’s Sale, OEOItOIA, JONES COUNTY.—By Tlrto. Of ka Ob der from th. Court ot Ordinary of raid oonnty. I will Mil ot tha court bonik door In CUntoa, on tbt Bret Tukodky In Noi.mbkr, next, fifty (SO, ocreo ot land, more or Mw. belooglog to tbo route of lebom Etheridge decreed, ettuktk tn Barden'* dutrtet. four toller below Orlewoldillle, oa tb. Central mil- rood. Adloloe W. II. J. Wood ud, overage load, with log eobla thereon Bold fordlelrlbottoo. I onglfivky 3m T.rma ceeb. C. B. DREW, Admlolatretor. Bepumber 32, lSel. icp27dw Cotton Commission Merchant A os .jJJ to oGO Poplar Street M!acon 9 G-eorffia. TONES COUNTY SHERIFFS BALE.-Will be sold . tl before the conn-house door in Clinton, Jcnee I Fnll Pat*pt Flour, por barrel REA D THIS LOW coasty. Ocorsta, telws tbs !ws! hcor* e? -«!•. en I r,,---.- p,— n , p, s — tbe fint Turedoy la October, next, on* ocre ot land ^ Q P-t«e SEmiSStI—i la Bk0d.Fi dtetrtot of ee Id county. Brer Bagor mu, I *'.* « etent rioar, pef barrel, with tb* itorehooM .Itnotad thereon; arid lot of 1 2a pound iuk PEICES] \ $ 9 r land being % on th* north side of tbe public roed 11 Lr.unds OraimlatH Sujut Swto^d.K4te^ta^r^b. a iuZ 5o“ HadnotOrito, per dontfoger UilUtora LovUdone. tb.propeity of I 2u Box Hitch*. K. A. Oordon, for bU county ud Butt. uie. for 11 Dozea P.Dcr Unxea Maiehe. BIIO, - ! tbo ner UM. mid tran,f.rred to Q. T. Powell for W,II r.ee1»« " i'' ;' XV " ' i".'" 'mil L'.' Wl 40 and fl value received. *.*vy mad. by T. o. Bmltb, coo- ~ W|1 ‘ (f 0 ®'. ,® "’K" lo * Ttxto ruat proof o»U October lit. Whl-ky tor t Sheriff Joe as Connty. Oerggts. GEOROIA-—Where**, appraisers duly appoint ed by ma to set inert end **etin to Mn. Ntnej C. Oorr, widow of Kdarird M. Gurr, lit* of s*i 1 ecun- tj and ber nine minor children twelve m nihs sup port and i euffleienev of th* household and kitcb-1 •n furniture out of the W- B. WA HE- I have moved to 360 Third street, near H. D. Adame ft Co. W«. URGING FIELD. .1. A. UKUINUFIELD. estate cf said Kd*ardM Oorr, b.v. filed their return In tt ii oOcet-rfire. an tbervtore to ctl. and odmonwa all pe Ureated to k* “ “ tobar term LOUIfi BKOINUrlUJ BED INGFIELD BEOS., Overcoats ever placed upon a^SS-pTS bow cure. If ooy they can, at tb. Oc-1 of Coart of Ordinary of Mid county, I irn of aald appralMre aboald noth* I t of tb* conrt. Witaaaa m [Okture, tble Animat 32th, 1883. QEO. L. BAWVfelL ordinary. WboI,Ml* amt Itauil IHalttk In Of Groceries and Planters’ Supple 'JIllRO 8TUEBT, MACON, GA. OFFICE _CRtWFOBD COUNTY I _ We take this method of informing our friends and the pablie of oor eommsoriRf v GEORGIA.—Wheeea* Hen nr s. Turner, admin-1 would rti^setfallj solicit a share of t.oto Datronace. W* uropnee to keep th* v#»/ heet I* Utrator of the estate of E. W* Turner, late of eaid I sell as cheap a* anyone. ^ nVflS, “«»*’• d - c ***- d ' 1 REDING FIELD DBOi writing for 1mv. to mU tb. bud. IS ■•uu. There are tbrea'orv to ciu'eiuf’wJuu.Lltb I xntE -w« nutr a ,ptclillyet prreTWO STAMP U(|COIW all p*MM at to ter m to * bow ***** If aay they ctn, -I- 1 -” on tb* firet why leer, la 1 ^ dl obould not h. (reared m prayed roe. wimrea I /vokdiniRY'k nmra_A>.ww,.» ykaid and official kUaaton tble kbgaat 1>, ImT. I () COUNTY, Mptfiw.L QEO. L. fiAWTEa Ordleary. 1 J ' i wl “r—- “ T -”— H«>7b T«™r. .doTlii I 2m F. Wbltttafftoo. Into of rtlDlNARY S OFFICE. JONM COUNTY. OA. to irltinfc U -WItorta*. B. H. aadS. A. Oordoo. adminUtrv I eaid estate: uoa * » of J*mM*tJo*rdon,ofii deceered. Apply to m* tor dUmUetoeu itbArefore toclt* And admooUball ] tot dlemUttoo. TbM.ltto.uiafMtot.ta ibow reiw7lfAOr ttor reo%u ** mocMBwi to Abuw I tb. fint Monday la OctoberYext .krhiHfewU •Ml. at tbl* »mu. If ui tb» bare to IB. am be «renfedM^.yMri7* r 1 " ^ . WlttM. m, band *aT2Eir.toMtnre tbt* ClAllf. A Of. U IMT. B. T.BOBB, Ordinary. "if*am my I Akgwto w. lMfT. teptfiatb OBO. L. BAWTE*. ordinary.' AIMXim OFFICE. . U OEOkOI*.-WbMto*.»«i»-‘J~£i r.DISthY'S OFFICE. CkkWYOBD ifiK Admoniib *11 perim* *« (fjgy'Sto? °S^Si any they can. »t th* Gctobjrj»J"p BfB i^dJ court of ord.onry uhy hW Hri)ry # r fPJ SSjdiSbTlA intAdi u h*jS Sij-jf m^baad and ***£££Si«& <*** Mpfiwlb