The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 04, 1887, Image 9

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jfsTATE OF GEORGIA. ^MJIKBCIAL deal which ^0JU SE8MAKYLAWSUITS - « Ilro., of Camilla. Sell Out to .it A Kvana-Sew llank at Car- "“■•U-Martla*. of Mr. W. J. ^V,wcl to Mia* Leila Carawell. Itu, September 26.—There has been, nillii! q" ile a 8tir in onr town over a * » {I ci«'l charge here in the last four *® IE On Saturday evening last the Arm “ j jDf8 4 Bro., prominont merohants (olt cat their entire stock of goods to ‘"Vlijnnett & Emmons, also K., .mnmercial firm of this plaoe. The " ' a enrprise to many and regarded i s -..heen made at figures entirely too k" 0 .* creditors, at least of the Jones Bros. j*3t has created considerable excite* i »cd has brought many lawyers, ored- *“ to tbo soenoof actior. The goods *£ removed on Saturday night .irk time from the one store house to another, and yesterday Spence 4 Twitty, u. firm, h id tho goods so transferred, '.\ e d by an order from Judge Bower, of Abridge. A big lawsuit is thought to be lI,. T.iwxMd urn htr-* this mormno iiutable. ijiE >< *■«**< WEEKLY TELgattAPS. TOES DAT MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1887.- TWELVE FAfahh. watei, P good’iociety P oheoDboarl° it5 R e 0t>d Tuesdty laat, stopping at the Joiner. ofeducatio n «n^^r. P M.°.‘ rJ - Seekers , Hou.e, sr.d is .eprmentlntf a New York | house, “enlarging pietures. He ia medl A PLOT TO KSCAPg. now the Prisoner. In the Crowded Karan nah Jail War* to Kw.p,. SarutsiH, September 27.—A plot to power the guards and escape wm discov. ered Among prisoners ia the county j&il to- day. The jail is crowded and the prisoners, a part at one time, ore allowed the freedom of the corridors instead of being closely confined in oella. This morning one of them conveyed information to Deputy Jailor Hinckley that the plot had heen ar ranged to escape by knocking down and B*Sg»og the guard in the corridor and taking Li* keys from him. I be guard on the outside corridor was then to be told that the guard ately bigsn to oznvis* the dtv, and re- j have won nnn the good favor of tbo eeivedagont many < rders U seems as 1 *“ though *vnl rging pleture*" w*s not LU main olj-ot. over, vrWilliamson returned from New York enSiluray last, accompanied by *r two dunghters. bhe will now make this her future home. Nearly 600 bale* of cotton were brought to Hawkir.uville hint Saturday. The infant child of Judge H. 0. Pipkin died on Friday right. , Charit >n. who has been the general freight and paaae.nger agent of tbe Carolina dit Ulon of the Cen tral system. in recognition of blgh ability and ■terllng quantise as a railroad official wblcb bare won him tbe good favor of tbe management, bas been promoted to tbe associate c ffice thus cre ated of general ptMenccr agent Ills removal to Savannah from this city, made necessary by tbe dutiee of bts new oflioe, Is it neb regretted be a host of f iends, and their congratulations yesterday were so expressed The newi, however, that Mr. W. J. Craig bad been promoted to tbe position of gensrai fraight and ptssengsr agsnt of tbs Port Royal and Western Csiollna railway was recelvsd with greater favor than any act of tbe Central management in many years. He is a young min, but io bis particular field admits of no peer In railroad ethics. burglars at work. Four .Stores Kntrreri mid One Safi Force! Open-Au L'npaUl Hoard Hill. Columbus, Hcptuuuer 26 —Burglars vis ited Stale lad night and broke o;jen f >ur stores, hut only two cf them were occupied. , .. - . Ku „,u i T h “ y bl,,w f '> ,en “ sa{e in B - u Hanry’a inside bad fallen in a lit, and when the ont-!? rn 8 i-'ote, bnt qt oolj $l Tljey took a aide unard enteied the cotridot he was to j i^welry from E. F. P t’a j.wwlty Liwjera are here this morning Albany, Uainbridge, and others are , te io:i the next train. We look for 02 timOi. Vsnr ccrrespondent was at Flint on yes- V r gauday, and listened to au iateroot- nledicatieu sermon by Rev. J. E. Pew- Mvtor of a new Baptist church of wor- □oiso-ntly erected at said plaoe. « r j w. Kitehen, of Monroe county, oinn this morning an interesting _ a ia tho Evergreen Academy, six ■, oi ibis piece. ji r , \v. L. Bennett and daughter, after .Iitended visit, returned a fow days jr« from Arkansas. Turner and family, Mrs. Captain J. j Heath and Mre. Dr. Emmons have jnst Jjjraed to tbtir homes here from Ennis- i, wb're they spent the summer, tte JL rcoi and Athens hoys of this conn- of whom there are threo, viz: Carroll. ..oce and Twitty, all Qf this place, will ir-iaa few days for their respective pci, tbo formc-r to Mercer, tho two lap „U AthenB. Tbe first will enter tho £oior tbe other two tbe Junior clas3. Th_. ucathor continues dry and with no Rations of rain, WAYNESBORO. be knocked down and disposed of. Having keys to the corridor, and no one outside to give an alarm, the prisoners would be free to pass out one at a time without danger of beiDg discovered. Another plan wts to overpower the guards and escape by a back window. As soon as the conspiracy was known, Jailer Hinekley placed extra guards in the corridors to prevent any immediate disturbance and to night tho county commissioners ordered the force doubled. None of the courts are in session aud the jai} is overcrowded with prisoners. This morning, in the absence of the judges of either of the courts, the so- licitor-gsnerel released seven on their own recognizance. AUGUSTA’S PXPOSED FRONT. The Cnmmltt.e on a New Levee Slake, a Preliminary Report—Surveys to be Made. Auootta, Sopt-rubor 27—At a nioelir.g I h«M t;Catch of Pish and Terrapin— Heath of Mr. O. It. Crliner—A Cotton Train. VfivsKSBoao, September 26 —Neatly all Hon people who have spent the hot days liths summer among tho mountains of Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and up at inlops are again at home. Hr. James Barrett, of Augusta, who owns ilage mill pond near here, on Isst Friday hand the water loose ont of the pond and fitbhis friends bagged abont twotbonsand rueds of fine fish and a o rt-load of ter ra. Mr. Barrett and his Apgnata friends 1 feast on terrapin aonp. Hr. 0. R. Crimer, one of Bnrke’s most measfni and highly esteemed planters, i d at bis country home last Friday and ns buried Sunday morning at Old Churob. Cel S. H. Jones, who has been ill with typhoid fever for fifty-eight days, is slowly atovering. I Mr. lilmond Byne, who was ornshod by kit yin, will soon be on the afreets again. Dr.). H. Oliver is also on the street. [hike's new jail, now in coarse of eree- fra, will be two etorits high. It is briok lei iron. A j ailor’s to be bnllt ad- jnieg or in connection under the same B3l Waynesboro is on the boom. A special hio loaded with “King Cotton" left this Jrpot list week. This, I believe, is the bit ipecial train load ever shipped from Ibis point. Onr planters are in a better kadition than they have been for several Mrs. A good average crop, fine seasons irbstTcst, eto., will make them cgmpara- ttuly easy. Ibs ehgant new residence of Mr. J. U. lac Ksnxie ia near completion. The win- fcv glass are all stained, and in the oeutre tf each is a life-aizs photo of some poet * tiitorian. This ieplendld residence, with Col. J. H. Wilkins’, R. 0. Heely’s, Star Bell's, and M-jor Wilkins’, are of Meta design and would do credit to any *1. EVENTS AT TY-TY. this afternoon of the commmissicn appoint ed by council to consider ond report open the feasibility, advisability and cost of construction of a levee to surround Au gusta and prevent future fl rods from rises in the river, the following resolutions were adopted: “Whereas the honorable city council has appointed the mayor, the street and drains committee and tbe president of the board cf health a commission to t x inl ine into and consider tbe question of build ing a levee; Resolved, tba: tbe city engineer be instructed as soon as practicable to make full and thorough surveys under the plan of levee submitted by Dr. Foster; Resolved, thst the engineer do fullty examine into and report nuon the amended plan of Mr. W. C. Jones; Rssolvod,tbat the engineer is also thoroughly to examine and report npon plana submitted by Col. G. W. R lines in 1866; li-solvcd, That tho engineer is thoroughly to examine and report upon the plan of Mr. H. Dempsey; Resolved, that tbe engineer make tall mspe, plans and de tails of tho proposed oonrse of the levee and report npuu the feasibility, advisability and coat of each of these routes; Itisolved, that the citizens of Augusta are cordially invited to present to this commission their views upon tho question of a levee and we pledge onrselves to tally and impartially in vestigate all questions relating thereto; Resolved, that any citizsn having a plan of levee, or any suggestion relating thereto, ia requested to present it to Mayor May, chairman of this oommlssion. It will be three or fonr months before the commission will be able to report in itore. A white man was arrested ou snspi- lion to day, hut win hft- rward reitu-ed. A in “i nptn-d Hugo N irman im axrpped the Riddle U jine in this city wilbont pay ing his board hill. H-rtgi-tirid on Fri day and claimed to be from Atlanta. He kft on Saturday and nothing has tiooe been beard of him. Deatli of Mr. W. W. Simpson. W'ASHisoTON.Ga . September 27. —Mr. W. W. S.Uipinuoi-d this atternoon at 3 o’clock. He was the oldest and one of th« most highly resp.o'<d mhzsue t f Washington. Us was born iu Wilkes counts iu May, 1814, and at an early age accumulated a snug fortune, and at his death was worth proba bly $260,000 Ha has been tvieo mnrriod and leaves n largo family of children to mourn hU death. Hi, \v‘nh hii wife ai.d son. Dr It H. Simp-on, joined the Frosby- teriao church lnv: Sundry, ilie service lining t *‘‘ J " ‘ Hanoi. The romains will bo interred in a private vault iu the city ceme tery. Iltintilng Down the Thieve* Savannah, September 26.—Tbe police und oouDtj authorities ere endeavoring to break np tbo ga- g cf tLi.’vts who have ha l th-ir quarters in the outshine of ihe city and have been robbing end plnnlciug for toe past six months. Three- of the gang, nmoug them one of tho liaiors, have boon arrested and j died. Tbe r iticers are ou the tr ick of the temtiader of the gang. • HUNTING A PANTHER. toll. Ahrouful School and Ira Work-Some Cotton Yield Flsnrea—Loeel Price. It-Tt, September 26 —Friday last wm Heoud monthly review day at Mayflower tail'my, in Ty-Ty, and a genuine surprise manifested at the great progress made ty lima of tbe pnpila. To say they did *!l under Ihe strict examination they >rn pot through bat mildly exprrMee the While all the school acquitted them- hires In a very creditabee manner the class h grammar, algebra, and arlthmetio did hl'emtly well. Frofesaor Brantly request- ” fie visitors to aeleet any aentenee they *ws md give It to the grammar clue, and ■ >11 tbe sentence* given there wea not a jhetake or blnnder made that coaid have "J* noticed by tbe most critical observer. Cotton still eontinnea to oome in rapidly. »»how what ont soil will do in tho way of «>irg cottoD, I will give a few figurs* of «rind of tome crops: Mr. E. A. I’erry “•lib'Jd pounds in tho seed ginned, and Jr* S'rld of lint wsa 1,160 pounds James v^lvin ginned about tbe same amonnt of Jpu cotton and got 1,138 pounds of link , J Jr O'Deare ginned 3,400 pounds of seed If' 1 obtained l.GOO pounds of Unt, and fT'* are several others whose yield ia "Terny as good as the above. Cotton is £?** * l *>1 for beat grade*. The two gin* ur« uready turned ont over 200 bale*. School Enterprise- Stock Law lpectlon Dig Negro Campmeetlng—Personal. Cuttifixo, September 27.—School opened this place yesterday morning witha laigi crowd of students, with Profs. Gordon and Tag well ns principals. Yonr correspondent baa been informed that a stock company is to be formed to build a fine colh juildi jg. This, of coarse, will help oat town, and it is something we have needed for some time. Tbe matter ought to be looked after at once. Cotton is being bronght to town a* If there were plenty of it In the country. A oold wave has atrnok ns, and Ore* have been comfortable for the past few days. Mr. L B. Austin spent lsit week In town, Mlse Lney Tugwell, of England, i* stop ping at the Sima Honse. Saturday will be a big day In town, aatbe stock law eltotion for this district comei off on that day. It 1* hard to tell which way it will result. A negro campmeeting Is In session one and a half mile* east of town. It is eitl- mated that there were between 5,000 and 8,606 negroes in attendance. Many speak of going to the fair. firm CARROLLTON NOTES. *** Despondent—A New Hank-City Election—An Ancient Loom. CauaoLLTo*, September 26.—Farmer* »r* SJLi-g despondent over the eotton crop. .-"Went drought ent tbe Angnit crop “I thou, » D d some will not make half the once thought they wonld. n I* soon to have • national » J“ h a capital of $50,660 Onr plucky »>wsys responds whin called on f om ,or “J enterpria*. cUon fot mayor and fonr eonneil- ■*e»lll tak* place next Saturday. Hon. W*?? * or m *y«r, O. G. Kramer, W. ^?»cp. T. H Weet rnd D F. New for ^^acilmen will b* elected withont opposi- L. P.’ Handeville was drawn i,i*IT*? I, *be grand jury next week. Thle *thti»*.A 1 * x P*ri*noe in that line, bnt Pio..... ,.T ore drawn lor the same pnr- lui ***^8 °* making him foreman 0*1;. He will make a goud one. tj McGanity, living in this conn- In, “ * n, J-**«ht yean ofjage. be married 1 shi»,lA 0 i y,ar * and bought an old- ***7°*“ ,90, »- He has the it me old loom duJ VJ**?* know that Uncle Tom Chan- •ht i? “ »*gh»y.fiva year* old, i* qnlt* keen here* long time—over tSPjfe.---*! in WefiUrn rif ® Uachera and oTer two hon* GUMMING NOTES. KILLED BY A FALLING LIMB. Nr rim Mertu lutaut Death In the Woods —The Cemetery—A Fire Engine. Cochban, Beptfiaber 27.—A negro man orkiDR ia tbo crofi tio bnnineai here for J. M. Ryle A Co., «u, in company with a large number of chopper*, felling tret* on yeeterdey etening when a Urge treo io fell- log broke a vection off cf a dead pioe, which fell ou him, mangling the body frightfully and killing him irmtautly. The negro vu John Pope,from abaut Evdman, and m a good hand. Another bend just did eecipe the unlooked for treo top. The town council have purohened two more aoree of Und adjaeent to Weeping Pine Cemetery from Judge B. B. Djkts, and Ihe papere are being made outto-dey. The fiddition will beencioeed with the other at once with a ne»t f»*Loe. The old part of tbe cemetery U not filled with grave* by * great deal, but the lota have been all bought up, not for speculation but tor legitimate burial purpose*. A committee of our town council were in Macon y< aterday to buy a fire engine for the town. I lee?" *h#»y *ucc3cded. COCHRAN NEWS. Marriage of Mr. W.J. Wood Ond MIm Lei la Carawell—Cotton Half Gathered THE KIRME88. The Ileautlfn! Herlea of Entertalnraenta This Week In Ainerlcue. Sumter Republican. The Udlee of tbe ' Klrme««. M to be held this week tor tbe Young Men's ChtUtUn Association, are working with unceasing zeal to make it a great being one of tbe moat pleasing that can tie desired. It is the aim of tbe ladles to hold tbe four night*, beginning next Tuesday, the '.'7th Inst. The first part o: v«ch evening will be giren up to tableaux and music, after whicn refreebuieut* will and the rest of tbe evening to be spent In a eoelal liant affsir, will come off on Tuesday night. Wed nesday night will be Hwlss night, and the table mix and music presented will be of that nationality. | Thursday night will folio v with Bpanlsh scenes, land romantic Italy will be represented on the last nU ht of the festival. The large double store rooms in tbe Diriow block, m xt to Carter's shoe store, have beeu secured for the occasion, and are now being pat In order for it Io Honor of the Simms llrothers. Covington Htar. Agreeshly to previous announcement, the regular proceedings in our tinperior Court were promptly J suspended by Judge Uoynton at U o'clock ou l»atl Thursday morning, tor the purpose of holding memorial services in honor of our late dUtlL-guiihd ed fellow-citizens. General J*mes P. Hmuisaud Coil onel Arthur li. Himm.$, of the Covinzton b»r. I A large number of our cittz-ns, including many ladies, had assembled in the court house for the parp«s;;.f p&rtidpittsg in th- io**re*»log exer cises of this pttbetic aud solemn occasion. Kuila- blc memorial aud revolutions, expressive of the pnbl c appreciation of the lives aod characters of ■these two uoble brothers and disttn»mUhed cltizma of Covington were road and ad pted and etr.<|uent and pathetic eulogies were delivered by Colonel* L L. Midllebrook, J. F. Rogers, Cap-rs Dickson, J G. Lister, 3. W. Hawkius, L. F. L'vings^u, J. |V. Woodiou, A. H. Lee, A. H. Florence, Hun. John D. Hteaart, Rev. R. J. Cightm and Judge Doyutou. rUF INSIDE OF ATLANTA. ARBITRARY ARREST 11Y OFFICERS TO 11B INVESTIGATED. X“.v*»mU °i iSf°ruV ” mran. a »ong th* most snooMsful praotiUoner* roue lietty thefts in ths lootted hern. Ha was bora ia Monroe SaYannmhlaii* Try n Hand at Luge Game, Hu - Fall to Get It. Savannah News. Mr. U. M. Demers and Captain L. L. Goolein have Just returned from what was a panther hunt, when they started out, but a maroon when they get back. Word came to Captain Goodwin that the mato of the huge panther which waa killed Uryan neck some time ago, was roaming around in the Marne locality and committing wholesale depre dations. Captain Goodwin tad arranged whereby he was to be informed if the mate made her ap- pearauce, and aoout ten days ago he received the welcomed news. He and Mr. Demere made their ar angementa at once and started off in the Ooean (Jaeeu, Mr. Dcmero'e new yacht, for tbe scene of the panther's ueaudermgs. They arrived at the spat and were hoeplttbly recelvsd by the old hunter, who live* on the neck, aod also by his wife, bts eight eons and bis four daughters. Thsy started ont that night after th* panther and camped within 300 yards of whera the other was killed, tut they did not even bear a growl. This encampment waa kept np sev eral time*, but though tbe panther had been making blmself perfectly at home before tbe hunters ar rived, she teemed to acent danger and kept clear of the spot, so at last she waa given np and tbe sports man turned their attention to game of other sorts. Not being able to shoot a panther they went coon hunting, and in this line they were more successful, for they caught fonr. Be sides these thsy killed three rattlesnakes atfi) shot on* deer. They shot at another, bnt that deer is ■till roaming about, none the worse for the explo sion of gunpowder that occurred just as be parsed within rang* of Captain Ooodwln. Haring tried their hands at several kinds of sport they took In ail other aorla they coaid find so one morning they went rice-bird ebootlncand filled tb* game bag at on* shot, for thirty-three rice blrde fell at tha first discharge. Fiablng also claimed a part of their time, and Captain Goodwin aald that they caught more tbau they wanted, aod what daligbted blm most were the elegant ah rim pa that seemed to come up Jnet for th* purpose of being caught. They did not catch tba panther, but there are five pound* more of Captain Ooodwln than there were. THE FIRST COURTIS LEE. It Was Held U ider a Large Oak Tree, th* Judge Hitting on One of the Hoots. Smithvllle News. About twelve miles from Smithvllle. on the op. posits elds of the ersek from kurkeviUe, ia the out Chebaw plantation, which derives its name from the tribe of Indiana that formerly Inhabited that •action. In th* corner of tbUpl*ntatlon stands a venarabla oak, 80 feet in height, with a trunk 1* feet in length, end seven or eight in <* Umeter. Under this tree tb* dusky warriors of the Chebaw nation held their court* and executed their criminals. In the gray dawning* of 4>aat days they gathered there In conncil and carrlsd their deliberations far into the dusk of shadow haunted twilight*. The llmbe of thle dread oak extend far out, cov. •ring a circle of 300 feet or more; and often when the wind came with the derknese, and etgbed or ebtvered through the branebee, it awayed to and fro the lifeless bodies of criminals hanging thereon. The first white court ever held In Lae county con vened under thle oak. The Judge eat on one of th* large roots, and Waned back against the body of tbe tree. The lawyers eat in front of him on roots aud elsewhere, aod laid their brief* and books before them Here they read Uw and harangued itiant court for their clients. Here the J udge hie solemn charge to the Jury, who would re tire to another tree, e few pare* off, and make up their verdicts “according to the evidence." At Ibis time, Lee county extended from Godovs to near Albany, and from the Chattahoochee to the flint. Waahlnston Butler, lately deceased, waa •b«rlff, and an excellent officer he mad*. He lived about three mile* east of bore, and waa oonsldtred a hermit, never leaving hW hut save whsa it waa necessary to coma to Hmltkvllle for supplies. He waa a stAa«e old man of odd ways and habits. His education waa very meagre; bis tf roes severely plain, and he never wor* socks! At the time he was sheriff there wea not a public road in the coun ty. and th* office paid him only tlW a year. He lived in a sta*W pen leg house in the comer ef the Chebaw field, and appeared t j enjoy the seclusion of his soliury llfa He died two veers ago at tbe advanced age of v0. having lived a bachelor all his life. Negro Hurglara Kuu Down. Savannah News. For aotnn tiuio put a gang of negro thieves hat been at work in the suburbs of tbe ll»g ti'iim-rous i»etty theft* boldest manner and in variably inking good its es cape from arre«t aud dt-t-v'tl m. They have beeu stealing meats aud goods ot thst c trader. Hut a night or Iw i ago they began on cash drawers, and then they tamo to grief. A detective was put on the chase, and he, assisted by two decor*. *<x>n captured two of tbo gang. John Williams, who waa tho worst of the two, aald «Lat a came off the chain gai g Christmas last, but he had only been steal ng for about four month* pant. He did not get out every night, but only when be had no money. H© stole groceries and sold them to tnauy different grocer*, and he gay* the nam • of one who, he said, knew thkt the goods wore stolen and encouraged him to continue to steal and bring goods to * Mac-ox Tilvqxafh Bfiaxau, ) NO. WHITEHALL 8TEKXT,} Atlanta, Ua., heptcaibkk 37,1887, ) Some d*jg ago tbe Tbleobaph published tbe deUil* of (he arrest of Baroe Sender* aad Jrtmi s Shepherd, of this oily, by Baoh* anan and Osborn, two of Atlanta’s prohi bition detective*, who escorted the yonng men to the police beedqatrUn, where they were submitted to the indignities of being searched by the detectives with tbe view ot getttrg evidence with which to oonviot John Connelly, of wine room fame, of sell ing atcoholio drinks. At the meeting of the board of police commissioners held last night, this matter was dismissed and denounced as sn outrage by Commisrdoner Btepbecs, who sfttd tbat he did not tbiok (he polioe had Any right to s’op gentlemen on the street and search them. Coramlseiooer Brotherton was of tbe opinion tbat the action of the detectives had been unjastly criticised by the newa- papers. Oa motion of Mayor Cooper, the chair- mau was instructed to appoint a committee to investigate the matter. Iu accordance with this motion ihe chair- man eppointed an tbe committee Mayor Cooper, W. T. Goldsmith aud W. H. Brothettoo. DR. JAMK8 A. GRAY. Death of Due of Atlanta's Leading I'hyal- claud-Mome Itiogr ‘phlcal Note*. Atlanta, September 27.—Dr. J »m->s A Gray. A prominont ph^eicitn aod surgeon, of At'anta, and drnn of tho f.tonlty cf tbe Atlanta Medioii G illegc, nlso editor of Ihe Atlanta Medical aod Surgical Joarnal, died at 4 o'clock this morniug at hts home on Chnrob street, from an attack of typhoid f«*vc*r. Although bia illneas has lasted throagh a period of fonr weeks, it was not until a few diys ago that his sioknens sbiued a serious onaraoter. Dr. Gray w«m tfne of the most popular citizens of AtUuta, and was regarded as him the g > bny. A Mllledffevllle Reminiscence, Recorder. Tbe death of Governor Washington Bartlett, of California, on the l'ith ln«t. recall* an episode in the life of hi* father, while the editor of th* Patriot in If Hledgeville about tbeyevr 1Hor '33 This was efew years before the writer cam* to this ol y, but he has often heard old cltlxeiie, contem porarivs ot the elder Bartlett, speak of the unflinch log courage of the editor. Nullification waa tbe great question of the day-Bartlett waa a Northern mau by birth, conservative In hla views and a bit ter opponeoi ot nnillflcalioD. He was email in stat ure, but fverleee. Boms of the young hotspurs of this city determined to get rid of him, as they could not manage blm. and feared hla powerful pen; so they decided to whip him ont. They found some excuse to attack him, but “caught a Tartar." for Bartlett gave both of them a sound thrashing, Bartlett afterwards sold out and left. Had Meat Sold In Savannali. Savannah News. A few days ago a suspicious beef waa found In the market house, and upon examination it waa discovered that it was la an unwholesome condi tion. It was aeixed by the aathoritte* and destroyed. This Incident has caused a good many people to talk about tha kind of meat that L “ ‘ “ ket, and it has lea t la sold In tha mar- WAS MURDER DONE!. An Arrblent that Huvor* of Foul Flay—A Man's lha<) Severed from Ill* Hodj. Auirosta Chronicle. T. J. Jason, a wblta man employed ae a blacksmith at tbe etone quarries at Mthonla, was kill d at the , and it ha* brought to light the fact that there good deal of bad meat taken there. Scarcely a toad of cattle comae to this market. Market Clerk Mattox Bay*, but one at least cf th* aulmale has beau trampled upon aod badly braised. Thee* baevse are not bought by th* better class of butchers, but tome of those who sell cheap meat purchase them for a nominal price and a u them at 10 or 13 cents a pound. They are ucflt for food, but no one except a Juege of meat could tell, when they are in tha ■ tails that they are nnwhotoeoae. llobbed III* Benefactor. Americas Recorder. Beeb Feegln, the lneolsnt negro who wee toiled out with an axa helve a few daya ago, and wee after wards ordered to leave town wltlin twenty-four hours, has vanished like a dream from oar mM*t bnt “stuck" a sympathizing colored brother before doing eo. Alex. Pullnm, a worthy colore J rarmer who lives a few miles tom town, harbored ►sab when the avenging hosts drove him haace. Beeb owned three fin* mules that a gentlemai here at tached for a I4i debt a tor daya ago, and in this dilemma the good Samaritan, rulluni. again come to hi* relief, advancing the amount or th* debt aud taking the mala* to hla own lot. Scab's logratituda and natural proclivity to do com sthlng mean her* assarted Itself, for, aa Pullum allajsa. ha slipped out of th* h jus* Huudey night, and stealing tha tuulee from tha tot lit out for parts unknown. A Muscular Day at Rutledge. Angus u Chronicle. To* town of Rutledge was ou a regular breeze last Saturday. Io addition to the abooUng of Brooks there were a number of ether fights and dilficultlsa, la which eoma of tho largest merchants participated. The spirit of the day waa also la.- ntbed by soma ef the coiorad damsels, and tha way they polled wool aad tor* faded calico w$a enough to make tha gods we-p. Tha town council waa oc cupied neatly all day yesterday to trying the belli*- ■rants. Oooper, who shot Brooks, la now in Jail, with no prospects of release on bail. Brooks la aald to be In a critical condition. Hunting the 'I'oaaum. Lnmpktn Independent It ts aald that 'poMtima are getting ripe now, and we ledge tha hunters are ripen lug too for the chaw; as during several nights recently the sonorous toot of the horn has been heard, mtogied with side- epiltilng yelto from hunters and ear-dUtoctlogyelJa from hound and cur. We srcratly Imagine that the attractive featare about 'poseum bunting to tha ad jacency of grouiid-pta, potato and sugar patahee to the 'possum range. Atleeattbey to be hosted more frequently about those coi Monroe comity in 1819. When quite a young man beoamo to Aripata und nut Jsinco resided hire. He groduitol from tbe Atlanta Med- ioul College with bigb honors, and within a year after ho receivod his diploma was chosen a professor of tbat institution. In 1878, the same year that be graduated, he married Mbs Gertrude Uatklns, of At lanta, who, with two childreo, survives him. The funeral will take plsoo to mor row morning at 10 o'olock from the Meth od Ut church. The pall-bearoTs will be the faculty of the AtUuta Medio d GolU ge The intermeot will bo at West View cemetery, w ith Masonic honors. KEARNEY- DllfS. He Sinks Steadily After the Amputation— The lllaine for the Accident. Atlanta. September 27.—Patrick Kear ney, who was knocked down and run over by a fro'ght train o! the Western and Atlantlo road at the Pryor street orosxing lait night, died about G o'clock this mornii g. The result was not unexpected from the serious nature ot bia wounds. He began to sink alter the amputation of hts rigut arm at the shoulder and his right leg above the knee, and oontinuod *o grow weaker until death came to h s relief. To-day at noon an inquest was held. At ter hearing tbe evidence the jury returnod the following verdict: M We, a ooroner's j ary this day etnpan- neled, to inquire into toe death of Patrick Kearney here lying dead, find, from the evi- denoe hero prtsent, that the deceased came to hts death by being run over by a Western and Atlaotio railroad train; and it was due, we think, to the gross uegligeooe existini at these crossing* of the thoroughfares the city iu regard to tbe care of the safety of theoitixana pruning." Tbe funeral will take plaoe to-morrow, Tbe deoe«B*d WM an indnatrions and hard- working man and was employed by Venable k Go. io potting down belgtan blocks in tbe strata cf Atlanta. _ . foot of UtDODto (or LHtto) mountain, about four Corn HAS Ok Brrtember 26.—Mr. W, J. I wlto# tkle eitfe Of Ll thort*. yesterday moralng by W SaTi.«nille. r w« »«n«d hero at 12 fSSgggttt w’SKSSE o'clock m. on yesterday to Miss L“»la law* j 0 j, n plains »»• almoct on tba mao before be well of this place. At tbe first Baptist could see tb*<l*rs ma*a <h*t anmrtsted an Impend- i ’v f» H - a Uitnaev, the pastor, of-i tng totfttfy. Be pulled hie whistle wide open, but church, lMV. W. S w %a \ Q * T4ll u> a moment the wheel* of t*e delating. A Urge concourse of ponder jus euslne ware over the body, the train cucuts filled tbe handsomely decorated f ore * hastened to the scene, and a horrible aifiht £hnrfih The wedding march was eltgintly m»t their g*x«. Churcu. ICO W«I(II»KU4 *0' The mau b*d lain down with hto neck aeroee tbe rendered by Mtf* Laura lid » . rail, aedtb* bead was severed completely from tb* plifthed musio teacher in our college here, hojy *nd tbe face tembiy maraud. Braids him The wedding presents were numerous and I scettered around were the iragmeota of anno. •«lnnhlM and the magnificent gold Watch, tuoo* pert beU * the two char*** which had no* valuable aua Use magniuvau* IS u* gon * off Th* victim's home was at Lithoola. aad inlaid with diamonds, rubuw and pea , to-day ever hto rsmatoe hang a sorrowing oreeented bvt he groom to bis lovely Lnae, | wt 4 ?w U d ht# tiny girt orphans, the youugeet wee *a handsome s watch as I have ever i only e faw months old. The father bad goo* to a “‘r* 4to s T r “ioS33K;.S5JTSSSfLlWrSS nille to-day to make it their fu mre home, t btMte | to takeoely a abort rest before prated- "wSSJSftHw«‘ a - “x'S’.'Stru» ota. AN an* their cotton crop u more than nau vrab ^ obiiterateii, or that the man himself had, 1 to. u At of despuratton, shattered hto gun and then - - - -" - - tub blind tiger. jssfsutSffiS, IlSlT. ot Wamntou, Oe., again* RAILROAD PROMOTIONS. IT. J. Crate to be General Freight end Tai HDS.rAz.ot of tbeP.R. A TT. C. AanatoCknalde. l:.r :.h th. U.-V ot beetewa oo tb, of- 1c. of pwil tnV'..t ud M»nt o! tbe .'.otr.l muo, lb. i-.ctlM oi to It a.puus.Bt bare snatMrctf will br'ln rbaw. seder tbe c«» uiu|» tbe fnlsht iDpattmeot, sad Ur. K. T. Over 9,006,000 worn ilurlnR the peat six yoara. This marvelous Biiocesa Ih due—,, lit.—To tlio raperiorltjr of Corellno oval nil other materials, ns a stiffener tor Coneta. 2nd.—To the tmperior qnallty, eliape and workmanship cf our Corsets, combined With their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of various kinds of cord. Nono aro gennlno unloss DR. WASHER’S CORALINE" Is printed on Inside of steel cover. FOR SALE DT ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 300 Broadway, Now York City, ARBUCKLES’ rmruo on a packago of COFFEE is & guarantee of exoellenoe. ARIOSA COFFEE Is kopt In all flrst-olass stores from tbo Atlantic to tho Pacific* COFFEE is never good when exposed to tho air. Always buy this brand In hermetically sealed ONE POUND PACKAGES, marltelr COOK STOYES EIGHTEEH SIZES AMD KIHDS ALt PURCHASERS CftH BE SPITED MANUraCTURIU BT Isaac A.Sheppard & Co.,Baltlnore,Mi and for hale UY WALTER T. JOHNSTON, ang21wly 110 Obcrry tit., Macon, Ga. Executor’s Solo, Will be cold to the hliheet Udder, before the court house door Iu Clinton, Jones county, on the lint Tueedey In December, next, one heuxe and lot. * 1* * * ~ ~—owned by Involuntary BlaealAughter. ATf AXrA.Bept.mber 27.-Qr.nt Lamar, [^^ , l , o o w f n 5lu b 0 V.•B^^m{^l:?*' , tbft negro who hai been on tnul for the | Xermv of n*l*-On#-b*}f oaeb; balance payable p,.t t*od.„, Jfcsrgsd with tba klffind of lriat.I^m^. 1^-lUJ^c.aLJa:,..eL General Gran Andrews, a boot-black of the s tme color, was to-day found guilty of in voluntary manslaughter. Hontcnao x withheld so as to allow a n.olioa to made fore newtrinl. Death of Mr. K. J. Acotta, Sr. Bavamiah News. Mr. K. J. A costs, fir., of Blaekahvar, Oeorgto, died to thle city yeatertfay morttlng. Mr. AcoaU had been In falling health fur ion* moutba pact, and, accosBpanlad by hia wife, came to the city Uet Thursday for medical treatment. He va taken to the Bavannah boepttal on Saturday n oralng, where he continued to sink rapidly until hto death, took place abont U) o'clock. , which Leary Courier. Planter ltoyd. Captain K K. Boyd. notwithatandlDg the dlM to th* cotton crap, baa already harvested ton 1 of the fleecy to the plow. A* Captain Boyd nrae etxty plow* it can be eeen tbat ba to one of the most extensive cotton grower* la the HUto. Cantata Boyd informed at Us: he plant** for fifteen bal-e to the mole, bn*, th* disasters cam* and cut him off. MROCOn ON HATS*** Clears out rats, mice, roaches, files, ants, bed-bugs, beetles, insects, skunks, jack rabbits, (narrow*, gophers, chipmunks, moths, mole*. 15c. At druggists. “UOL'AIAI bs COAtN'H.” Ask for Wells’ “ItouKh on Corns.” Quick relief,complete cure. Corns, wsrts,hnnloM. 15c. Diuggiita. E. 8. Wells, Jersey City. “UOt GIAON 1TC'H^» “Rough on ltcli” cures skin humors, eruption., ring worm, titter, salt rheum, frosted feet, chllbUlns, Itch, ivy poison, barber's itch. 60u_E.H. W« II*, Jersey City. tonia om cats iam» Correct! offensive odors at once. Com plete cure of worst chronic cases ; unequal- ed as gargle for diphtheria, sore throat, foul briutii,Ca:aiTbaitbn*t affection*. 5<x. I UDI , v. Bold for dtoUibattoo aDong the he ire. JOB — |H>lul- —•!* 6i“-wu J. • f.aAt-T Spy* ■ hliww. li is; h .AM gul' bir «*J Educational. University of Georgia P. IL XELli, dIITd,, Chancellor* The H7 tli hOHslon Of the Department* at ATBENtf will b*gln WED NESDAY, OCIOUKIl ftvH, IMT, TUITION ritBI^ Except in LAW DEPARTMENT, LAMAU COOI), rqtl 41 ttenUrj Board of Tnutoos. TBLKOItAPHlC llUKVlTlRti. Dr, E ltrud BL John, who waa Indicted for siding in the eeospe ot McGarlglo, baa been arretted, and Is now getting what comfort be can in a cell in tbe Cook onntv jail. Hhsrifi William Mel-nno and party met John Graham and Cheilcs Blevins, onilaws, in Pleasant Valley, Arisons, lsst Thursday. Tbe sheriff ordered them to surrender, and npon their refusal so to do both were killed. Thera was ont death yesterday among the cholera-stricken passengers of the Ital ian steamer Alcala, who era quarantined in New York Bay. Another death is expected, Tba other patients are repotted to be doing welL Tha citizens cf Chattanooga an highly I ileaaeri at tba decision of l’r< aidant Clevr- and to stop there an hour on his way to Atlanta anA fflthnrt(*nrffnmtinnatMlMlna lUliATF' l.^nMUSII I Ur IlSlw i (Formerly. lHUHH, the Cnlverelty of LoutotonM St?demonstrBUou lo honor of . It# tor practical tnatractioo. ami e*p*. ID* OCCWOU, J cuiiy to the i*l*-**-* of the Houthweet, nreun- vX&rZLitt'igr&fJ!: caused by ths Oavernor’s ordering tba ar rest of an Atrsrir.n Protestant missionary. This excited ’.ativaa end they rose np again.t the snth riti-s, nverpowerirg the ganiaon of twenly-aii m- n. Csoaomptlao, Wo,tins D MUa, Aod Omani D«bmtv. Doctor. dUtutraa aa- to Urn ralaUr. .ala* ol Cod ou U <1 UjropbiMpfeltaa -tb. ooa rapoljlos atraoath aod Saab, tbe otbar SlvUitaerT*paw.eaadaaUo«eoawoi«t> th* dt SMI*, aed mtir* *r*t*DS. Dot la ttootfl boat aloo of Cod U.*r <m vlth Hapopbomlitu* tb. tot an ccmbload, wt th. .ff.-t U woodarfaL Thoo •aed* who h.aa d-rlrat oo ptnotaHt two*(t from olhor propaimUooo Laao bam cor*d by thl*. Soott’a Ea otaloo I. partMUy palatahlo aod to ao*Uy dlfootod by thorn who caoaot t .Ur.U plats Cod Unt OIL MKMttAL DKPAHT.HKNT TUItAik RMVGK8ITY OF MUII8IANA. MONEY LOANED On Farms and Town J’ropertu, Is Bins axn Aorotxixta Countsa. ELLIOTT ESTES, je!4-ly 106 Beoond BL, Macon, Qa gSTHOBMSaBFLESH XSb* tw Charity Ho*t>iui. with IU 70( ivnta Mraueuy. muaimuU l**,. P»7s so4 *(eclal inxtrnctlon li Wa. and w o -) no Loep U1 f«M>* to p»: dail* given at the b -4«ide of tbe eick, as ia no other lnatitnUon. For catalogue* *■* <, addrtsa Prof. tf. K. CHstlLli; >1 !>., Dtao, P. O. Drawer 361. M«ur o. leans, La. ul9ekyly BBVNPZKR VOLLKGB, CdCHRAk.UA. PALL TERM -Opere (to;t«Bbev *th, eu4 rimes Dreranter 334, ISS7. HPRING TiJtM—Opens January 3d, cl:see Jane Utilises. Tnittou per month. S3, |3. sod 15. Mu»ir. n«r month. t«. Board, with th* principal, per month, til. Htudeuts ere thoroughly prepared for the Junior else* Id tbe UnlvenlUee. Addieee, FAI.CMON KING. PrtncipeL JyA-<ilt w3mo EMORY COLLEGE, OXFORD, OA.