The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 25, 1887, Image 2

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TIIE MACON WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: TPESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, I8S7.—TWELVE P^G^P. THIS TELEGRAPH. CBUfniD.XTXBT DAT IS THE TEAB AND WEEKLY bj the Tele?rsph‘*anl MtEscr^cr rnV.Lhiu? Co., 97 A Molberry Street, Macon, On. The Dally U delivered by carrier* In the city or Balled postage free to aubicriber* for $1 per month, 15,§f! for three month*, f 5 for alx months, or $10 « year. The Weekly If mailed to subscriber*, postage •*, at S1.00 a year and ; C0 cents for six months. Transient advertisements will be taken for tbe Daily at $1 per square of 10 lines or less, for the flrtt insertion, and 50 cents for each subsequent in sertion, and for the Weekly at SI for each Insertion. Death, funeral, marriage and birth notices si. Bejected communications will not be returned. Correspondence containing lmportan news and Alsouaslons of living topics is solicited, but must be brief and written upon but one side of the paper o karc attention. Remittances should be made by express, postal note, money order or registered letter. AU communications should be addressed and all Money orders, checks, etc., be made payable to THE TELEGRAPH, • Macon, Oa. The Georgia Southern and Florid* ltall- road. Tbe progress beicgmsde in the construc tion of this important line of trade and travel between theGentral City and Palutka Is very gratifying to tbe friends of this en terprise. Balance the Account. An exchange, which is edited by a misera ble old bashelor, says: It is aald the busbandi of the United 8tatei • >end annually $28,000,000 for silk dresses fo heir wives. What if they dc? Most of the silk dreeaee are bought by persons who can aff:rd tbe expense. Extravagance is a human failing, but we doubt if it is half as frequently developed to a danger, ns degree among women as among men. More households are saved from suffering by the thrift and eoonomy of women then by tbe energy of men. The alleged figures for silk dresses look large when considered by themselves. Con trasted with tbe expenditures for masculine extravagacoo they would shrink into insignificance. The MACONS HONORED GUESTS. [CONTINUED FROM FIRST AO*.] of the Jack»on artillery, and in this bis daughter tenderly joined him H. 8. KnwARos. THE bSCOUT COMMITTEE. Somethin* About the War Ilecord of the Member.-A Happy Selection. When Chairman Smith made hia selection of the committee to go to Beanroir after Ur. Davie, he did not think of their war records, bat appointed them simply as rep resentative men of Maoon. It proved, however, a happy selection of veterans, whose participation in the straggle for the oonntry of which Ur. Davis was the chief executive. Tbe fallowing is a brief sketch of each of them: S. B. flics entered the Confederate whiaky end cigar bill, of onr men in one | n ag # member of J#ok|oa month wonld elotbe all the women in the country in silk and satin for a year. M«ny a man who sulks and quariela over his Artillery. He remained with the oompany from Besaca to Calhoun; then joined Key'd ... u „ , , H . ’ “" Battery from Helene, Ark., Oranberry'- wife's bill. U of en found spending bid Claiborne's division, and was substance m no ons living, while WQnnd£d n6ar Marietta on the dav Lfi0Di . good woman sits at home darning his socks dag ^ wgg t p , ice wgg ghot or devising plans to make her last season . . . „ __ . .. . . . ... ..... , tu .u _ * n *be bead and sent to Maoon hospital, bonnet endure the vicissitudes of the (her- where be remained until Stoneman’ raid, mometer and the tortures of feminine I when he left the hospital and fired the can- criticism. non on Fort Hill. He returned to bia com mand at Jondsboro, and went on Hood’s campaign to Nashville. Afterwards he re turned with tbejbattery through Mississippi The Slate Fair. Tbe Atlanta Constitution has these gen. erons words for the State Fair in its iasne I to Maoon on the way * to join Johnsto'n'a Most of the right of way has been already of yesterday: army !n North Carolina Key was in oom- secured over the outlie line. Much of the Sow, 1st us tarn !n and ir»l>- the State Fair. ™, an .^ ® R grading and excavation have been done be- which open, to-morrow morning at Macon, a grand SattoVp“«dP»t«d S in T aU the^battles ivftrr BIR I'U-PLACE OF TIIE BOOM. A HALF-BROTHER OF THE SOUL- SEARCHING BLIZZARD. llteak Manitoba Itespoualbl. for If. Ap- pearanro-IIow It Roamed .Snnth and West-Th* Wreck, Left In It. Wake—It. Final Collapse. tween Maeon and Valdosta. Eoongh enece... MlnneapoU. Cor. N. Y. Herald. The real estate speoulative craze so ram pant at the present time in the West and Southwest, and extending from this city and SI. Paul to Kansas City, and thence on A tangent to L’.s Angeles and even to San Difgo, Cal., received its oiiginal impetus as f >r north a, tbe Qaeen's possession. Winnipeg,Man., was tbe first American oity —and this is used in its broad, North Amer ican ocajs tince 19*01" i-Tparienne a gen uine, although delusive boom in town lots. Dakota farming leads began to appreciate in value in 1j78, and this appreciation was maintained even as late as 1883 Wild lands in that distant Territory where the soul- searching blizzard roams at will, having, like death, all season for its own, were quoted all the way from $2 to $10 per acre, 25 per cent, cash, the balance morigige at 10 per cent, per annum interest. Purchasers flocked into this virgin ter ritory through 1880,1881 and 1882. Many of them bad juat enough to get to Fargo, make the firat payment on tbtir purchases and a partial payment on farm machinery. There were a few holders of large tracts of Led in tbe territory, and they were practi cally banded together “to get all there was in it." HKa OF RAILROADS. O! coarse the railioads did all in tbeir of the beat sixty-pound steel rails have been purchased and paid for to lay the first twenty-one end a half miles out from this city, an lm-1 poipi. Calhoun. At New Hope Church Mayor power to foster the appetite for "homes” That It Win be A lucce.. In point of exhibit, take- p,j ce fl tod b j s g„ n one hundred and four notablv the 8t. Paul, Minneapolis and yond question. Let tbe people rally and make it. Um011 . Manitoba and the Northern Faoiflo. •ucce.t in point of number, equally certain. M«-1 jj £ p ar k, was a college student in | The generally received opinion is that facturiog town, whereas St. Paul is more thoroughly commercial in its aspects. It is also the headquarters of the Minnesota railroad system. But though real estate values in both cities are much inflated, the expansion has pr.cao.iiy touched its limit, and actual tales are—inactive, not to pat too fine a point on ii, "THK NIOUT COMETH " "For thepaBt three months,” Bays a most enterprising real estate agent here, “sales have been lagging. People are hoping for better times, but it seems a long wait:'' Does not this indioito the boginning of tbe end? Both cities are beautiful and enterpris ing They are a credit not alone to Minne sota, but to tbe whole oounlry. But there is a limit to Hpeculation. Town luts do not blossom profitably three or four miles from the city limits. And tbe railroad companies ere to blame for much of this false ixpsu.iou. Thera are more railways already con- atrao’ed in tne Northwest ibati aie needed, Bnd more prej ctod than cm possibly pay in in tux. fifty years P-ople who live iu the Wrst see but the surf ice of events. Toert- is constuutly u good deal of bustle in our Western railroad towns, and it is so easy for one living, say in Omaha, to believe Oui.ha is the only town in the universe, that self-deoaption is born of naiatentional egotism. In Kansas City there are nearly one thousand rail estate agents. Bach of th-se active “lustlera" ought to make at least $10 per day. He oan't keep going on leys, con sidering his environment. That is $10,000 per (Uj iu commissions in one town of not more than 150,OIK) people. This means n daily average of $250,000 real estate bona fide transfers. How long can this thing last? And how iong will it be ui present rates before K sn- sas City real estate operators are platting “Topeka additions” to Kansas City ? ContinniDg west we have Leavenworth, Topeka and other towns enjoying the same has patronized the Exposition well, and our j lblll, and joined aoomnsny from Tuske-1 railroads are built for transportation par- fever unfil wcreachLus Angeles. Califortii, pie ahoniu stand by ue«. T.o Bute Fair repre-! gee, Ala,, and reached Virginia June 12. 'I noses. Nor did the managers of these roada which has probtbly experienced the effects mense number of croestios are already scat- 8e “ u Qeorai*. It .how. what Oeorgta can do »t 1861. He was a private until his company ever for a moment overlook the advantages tered along the line, and everything in tbe nature of a claim against the road has been b«r be.t, aud it ihould enlht the prido and .up. re-eDlist«d for tbe war at Yorktown in I to be gained by trai sporting everything port of overy true Georgian. I April, 1862, when he was nnatiimously I that offered. Bntit is equally trno that The programme for .porta and sightseeing at I elected second lieutenant At Seven Fines, they moved heaven and earth, in season month later, his oaptain was and out of season, to unload every possible killed early in the action, acre of laud, all of wbice they had received, promptly paid upon its presentation to date. 1 Macon I.. .plendld one, nn.urp...ed by »ny that The construction, engineering and inci-1 hue been offered. The city haa thrown open her _ dental now cell for about fifty gates to the people and all who go will meet with | and Park commanded the oompany during of course, as subsidies. ental exp now ° a o t y ^ w ,icoroeand cordul ho.pit.mj-. President the »est of the engagement, having thirteen To use a slang expression they were giv thousand dollars per month, to ssy nothing wjU mtjoll!iS „, c lhar ., himM men killed aod twenty wounded, and t fo- ing tbe public tho “double croea.” 'The of the cost of the rails already on the .,„.h ..ihliiaii hundred and five killed and wounded ia bin settler most have farm machinery and ground, or of the new engines aud flat and A’m. " h. is .ulu^“.;«T.“ 8 «uong re K ixu 0 r,t. He was promoted to fimt lieu- other supplies The railway complies ..... , , . .. . mnA n «»oiA tenant next day. He inrticipated in tbe mnst transport these Hnpplies. And then, box cars—some of which bare already been hupeopla. W..bop. to .« Atlanta and Oaorsta g0Ten dftj(j bat( f eg „ onn 5 Richmond, ai d once a man got establ shed on one of these contracted for and will be delivered within w,!l1 wprwmtej ** M.con, There I. h.rdlj >mui commanded the Bharp-shooters, of Bhode's farms it was: the next twenty days. who win read the., word, th.t"F*™ * d»y | Alatiam>k brigade, at Gaines’s Mill, where Ah, there! There will be nnl into the mad r nnnt I ° f tW ° rm “ I “ l the »'“l eD J 0 ? I he c.ptured twice as many prisoners as bo .Stay there! •rivwwi • . P ... tho Hue piogr.mmo of .porta at Macoo. had meo, among them a conrier from How noiilii he do otherwise, still owing, 3o(X),U0<) in cean by tbe construction com- Wo appreciate the kind assurances of tho 1 McClellan to Gen. Kearney, bearing im* las he did, 75 per cent, of the pnrchoHo pany, besides tho tnbacrlptiona and dona-1 Constitution, and trust that the entire staff I portent dispatches. He was in the first money to either the railroad company or lions along its line amounting to about o£ tbat a bl 6 and emerprising paper will be | Maryland campaign, anil aft«? Chancellors- some individual land ownet? *9Tnnnn m „vin n ... „ . .. i * t. villo, was promoted to captain, being then triple cojimumcai ' * present to witness and enjoy what wo be-1 jg years old. He was in the battles of | Having continued tbe boot million of dolls-s before the road expects | ji 6 y e will be an nsanred success*. — to pUce any of its bonds npon tbe market, And as these may be sold every dollar aris< uuivorwYl N ;rth lot and land boom with greater iuteosity than any of Us neighbors. There i« a limit to expansion of nil kind*, be it financial, phy ictl or mural. Che bubble bursts at last, scattering u thounmd wrteks. Winnipeg wan the firm toHUCoumb. MiniienpoiH is begiumug to experience the rtitubliLge of tbe c 'tnUiu dtorw. Vhen St. tul will tollow. K tusas Oity will prob ably next get luctt **io earth,” aud L »e Angeles will tremble, heavo and collapse The tremor u uot unlike that of nn earth- ipiake, baglniiihg in the Northwont and p issiug grtulnatiy to the tsouta and thouoe \Vttii ana lot-ing iht force in tbe Puctfij. M iNYLIV S LOST. ueorgm, ouavuem wm ciuuaa rauroaa, i ^ memof y # Few figurvt in the Iftte war | James island and then on Mcrns Inland, I goes, was there nry c which will be 6 per cent forty-year gold .,w mtn , h i_ h nnalitiM Aq a vben l be regiment underwent a tetrible I parallel line to tbo Mi bonds, aud commuting a debt of only C °“ ,7 u , eannonadlng in July, 1863. They resisted But specnlat on is, ““ T'",,*, m "f general he had few equals. As a man he ^ obarB „ npon l0lti whioh wote at . 18s0 a na!uber o( flu rUjt.Jper mile, aecurod by a first molt-1 wag be ] 0 .. d as much as ha was admired. I tended with onoh slaughter among the ool-1 together cud concede gggp. on the entire road and all its equip-1 m g bon bt . a , t tender as a woman’s. I ored troop.. He was retram fi rred ta 8a-1 nug the Gauadi Kiient, property aud franohisea, will become Th ,, M .. iD ri on 0 r b i. death from »» nrl * and “(enoo to North Georgia, par- practically dead. , i„va«im«nt both at home and I » ? ^ ,, , . 1 tioipating in all the fights from the Etowah I eonsi.ting of curb a favonte invealment, both at home and the Newa and courier tells what manner of tiy ' t t0 Marietta. Ue was wounded iu the treat people, m abroad, and parlicularly-aa tbe prompt pay-1 ^ , I ri,to), .e T.nrreMnnntuin inlw rm miti-be. I inan. n.inaiA a COMMCRICATIOHS. . Having continued tbe boom to this ex- Fredericksburg, SpotUylvania Court House, I te-1 tt was, of course, found necessary to . and was with Early in his valley campaign, build additional railway facilities, to open A Monument to J. r- u. Mnart. and ’round Washington. He was severely np new territory to the dear settler. The , . „ . ... . The Stuart Monumental Association has wounded at the battle of Gettysburg aud “Manitoba” road, with astute J. .1. Hilt at lUgtrom nei sale III el steel in I completed a rraLgements for the erection of I dangerously wounded at Winchester, whero I ita bead, with a view of hording off all pOB- oonatrnction and epnipment of the road I a monnme nt to General J. E. B. Smart | be waa eaptnred. He remained a prisoner aible rivalry paralleled it. own traik from nntil its completion, and noeffort is being I , I until Jnne 14,1865. I St. Pant to tbe Canadian boundary. ■pared by those having the enlerpriae in ^ « ranUe *, m be e "oted in honor of w , IUal r. Rol(t „ went into service at He thought he had the situation ™ .11 ft- LJT^iir I tb ® K reat c “ Talt y commander on the I Savannah in 1862 as a member of the Tatt-1 raled." ebargo to have tbe toad and all its t( l nl P* I S pot where he fell neat Yellow Tavern. I nail Guards, of tbe Firat Volunteer regi- W D Washburn et al. have just finished ment iqual to the very best. I n enera i smart is entitled to an honored i moot. Olmstead, colonel commanding. He a railroad from Minneapolis to the north- Under this favorable aspect the company I ... ... aervedon the coast and the batterlea around west, which runs between the Manitoba’s onnfidanUv .xnrcl that the bond, r.f H . I P * mong the Con “ d ' rat ® dt ad, and 8aTannah f 0I a year, when the regiment was parallel lines. Now this latter road was J P , ... ,, . I this monsment will be a fitting tribute to I transferred to Charleston, atationed first ou | certainly not needed, nor, ao far as that Georgia, Sonthern and Florida railroad, I bb| n , emo j,. Few figures in the late war James bland and then on Mcrris Bland, I goes, was there ary crying neeesatiy for a —u.u -m v. n —— r* »A.»- i i _» *t-_ —«- » —-*— * - 1 it-i ii_- a- - Manitoba. ia always expaDgive. In f financial adventurers got . — slaughter among the ool-1 together end conceded the idea of rcauacita- gggifouthe entire road and all its equip-1 m g bon bt .»rt waa as tender aa a woman’s. I ored troops. He was retran. f. rrtd to Sa-1 ting tbe Ganadiun Pacific charier, then ’ * ‘ ” ’’ ” ’ d. A syndicate wan formed, i-rtatu o! the Bank of Mon- . . , . | , >v — —, ,i E n, r „ r «, notably Stephen, McIntyre, ■broad, and particnlarly aa the prompt pay-1 mjn b# VM . I tb |g b a£ LoatMountoin and was on crutches I Augur, Donald A Smith, of Winnipeg, and ment of the interest on tbe bonds is fully | 0n hu Cr.thbru ha ww aa auelffah aa during I up to tbe oloie of tbe war and six months I James J. Hill, of St. Pant guaranteed until the road itself ia enabled hi* Wa There wa. time own then to give bta after. I These enferpriairg gen'.lemen aneoetdod to nav it from ita own earnings. chargereto hie etaff, and to pane* aud think whioh W. W. Carnes was in the gradnatiog elas* in inducing tha Dominion Parliament to to pay it from Ita own carnioga. I WOBldinlt on , oncer and which would eulUnother. of the United Slates Navy when the war give them 25,000,000 acres of land and It ia believed that the Georgia Sonthern w „u B , p, anect that the euiait Confeder- oommenoed. He resigned and went into $25,000,000 iu money to complete the con- and Florida load, when fully completed and “^ ch l c.reHna wom« “.m g “"n hli, Confederate aervtce April 23. 1861, at em otion of the road, in operation npon it. entire line, will add Th., h “onld “,ru‘ mU McfPtis. Fuat «. ? ned to dull Tenne.- Twentyfive mlllicn acre, of land! . i . „« .v- r. n r..i no. I r. L. . ... I see troops, and then to Jaekson a Battery a* I What possibilities for a boom were here! very largely to the trade of the Central City .could be returnd to b». A. hta hreath oame fltgt At Belmont j«kaoa was John II. McTavi.n, of Winnipeg, waa ap- of Georgia; probably not leas than from 1 thick and fast, Fmldeat Davla stood by hta co • I promoted a-:d Carnes beoamo oaptain of I pointed land commi«sioner; A. B. Stiokncy, seven to ten milliona annually. Macon can I * nd tenderlyaeked him howha felt. Rtuart re-1 , be battery, which took hie name. He par-1 a personal friend cf J J. Hill, St. Paul, w a therefore well afford to do whatever maybe pU * 4 ln w ° r4 ‘ »” wo,, kr •» *!'“ 1,0 “ ticipated in all tbe battles »ud ski/mi bra made genera! manager, and General Homer, ***• . , . , . . , I the memorial column: ' Leey, but willing to die, tf I 0 ( J he \y eatBm aim y up to Chickamauge. I of Coutederate tame, waa made chief en reaaonably desired to bring about anon 0oil , n a m , country think I have fnlftlled my dee-1 -phero he waa promoted for serviocs to com-1 gineer. magnificent results. I Uny aud done my duty." I mand a battalion of artillery, Stephenson’s the first boom isacouratcd. ' .. , „ „ I ,,, I division, and commanded it at Mia-1 In 1881 tbe first boom in town lota in the The Republican 1 rere. "J” 1 ' ..... aionary ltidge ou tbe right, losing Northweat Was loaogutated in Winnipeg. The purchase of the New York Graphic I Our friend the Montgomery Star, a y . I n0 guue. Captain Carnes bad a commia- Auction salea were held day and night, ami by a get of rich Republicans Indicates a I J. Itandoljih Tucker wants to meke polygamy a 1 4 j on j„ j b# regular Confederate 8 atea Navy I all of Lower Canada went crazy. 1 Politicians SDnreciale thevaluel crime everywhere in th* lulted Btateo. he -Ul 1 as lieutenant, and had, up to this time,! Tbe fact U, Canada bad never experienced .-J i- wYork tho Introduce an amendment to the national conititu-1 be en entered in tho navy register ur a fur- I a real hearty boom before. There waa of the political press, and in ism x j tlon (or tb ., purpore in tho next Congreee. I toughed soldier without pay to setve in tho I onee an imitation boom of oil lauds in Pc- Republicans felt their weakness in this de- j A| j[r. Tucker ia not a member cf the | army. While the army waa atationed at I trolia, but it waa such a little one it dldn' partment. When the New York .Times Pi . tl - th Oonoieaa it U hard to understand I Dalton ho waa peremptorily ordered todnty I oonut. Republican ranks and L _ lhim * i- out lo ,he an<1 went t0 8 * v an nah - Tai * In 1881 Winnipeg was a pretty ragged, . . it! :«r„.-r„. .l* .« bow l hi* programme will be earned out, I wag . Q j a euary, 1861. When Savannah fell I decidedly ni oemf.ruble aod altogether on beeame thoroughly independent the <Sect cannot be done by Mr. Tnek-1 bo waa in ccmmacd of the gunboat Swan- j inviting place of residence, was peiceptibie even to those who were ar > ( i c fl aeDC e in the lobby, beesnee I eca a) Leater’a Ferry, on the Sxvannah 1 Thero waa a large bait-breed population reluctant to admit it. The Times probably I exertions ever made I rivnr. lie took the boat up to Augusta, I the streets were in ttnible coudittoo; thorn control* more votes than any other paper I , ,• . aod * continued to serve in the | was no drainage, and during the stormy <!« .vT n k«T. b!f lobbj °“ ,b “ 1 “ l! “’J until General Forrest, in the aeaaon it waa almost impossible to get in New York. It la a clean, honest, ablo I bt en in support of polygamy, “iho I spring of 1865, applied for him to | around. The hotel accommodations were The CmimlUn Fropeiler Ontario Loit ami a\II on Hoard. Shedovoam, Mich.. October 22.—The Canadian propeller Ontario ia reported blown to pi-ices by the explosion of her boiler in the north channel, noar Bruce, Mirn , aud reiriy-five persons killed. No particulars can be obtained, it bring isola ted from any port or telegraph atari on. Two Men Killed in a Collision. Chattanooga, October 21.—A eollision on ttru NaihvilL, Chattanooga and St, Lonia railroad, between two freight trains this morning at 1 o’clock, resulted iu tbe instant death of A. W. WalUoenndan un known man, besides injuring three other persona ou one of these trains. One of the uolhding trains belonged to the Mempbia and Charleston road, which nsea tbe track tf the Nashville and Chattanooga road to this city. The road was blocked for fifteen hours. in new iora. ii u a vi-ao, nonet, auio i be en in support of polygamy. “Tbe|ipripg of 1865, applied for him to I around. The hotel accommodation* wen paper. When it tenonnetd ita allegiance to I la { a ts” have the money, aud they apend it I be appointed chief of artillery of his cavalry I simply horrible. But to this ragged, nnin. the Republican pariy it left lue Tribune the u .i,hlT lo protect their darling Inatitntion. cor P“- «* »g««ed to accept the poaltlon viting frontier aettlement people (looked it chief organ of th.t party in N.w York. Th. Mr T L* th . molt “ ion ou, foe !“ *2«!Wa... _ ^ 0P8a ® °f that party to New York. The | Mr. Tuokex was the moat conspicuous foe I pS^poaeT *The sui'ren-1 The moot insignificant Lower Canadian Tribune, however, holds one allegiance I o{ Mormoni.m iu the laat Congiess, hut ho der found him at Smithville, Ga. He was I hamlet conti,bated ita share to the specula- above its devotion to the Republican party. I j, tow eujo>itiK a rest from pnblio tabor. I paroled at Maoon on May 10, 1865. The I ticn, and all tbiough tbe hitter winter of IU first thought ta ever to be faithful to the | lateness of hi* parole is explained by the 1 1881-82 speculators were driving to the fnr. llrpubllcan PbllsdelpbU Record. a duupeltfu. ccun.fDt lveuud bj the Republican committee, of Sew York. uiiAleatljr claim* that tbe U«pubiic*u party “baa practically glteo each dti- uu a free home by tocurluK tha public domain from the monopoly of cApttal.” Aa Mr. Pqueert remarkb?L ‘ Uare’e rlchiien«." Since President CieveUnd wont into office, two year* and a half ago, hi* administration baa been buelly eagagad iu the etlottto reatore to tb«,peoj>le a portion of tbe pub lic domain that the Republican party reckleealy a«in **nlcr«*tl In land grant* to railroad corporations or ponultted cattle ranch ayndlcatm, HphuUU grant cUluianta and fortigu earth-hungett-ra to ■te.d. Coiumtarloner sparks, in hi* annual report, eatimatee that in thla time tno General ‘laud office hae recover* d for tho goeen«ment and reatorrd the land fcriaiur in area than the entire Htato of Now York. This work of land restoration la etlll going on, and a far larger portion of tbe ■pollated pubdc donulu will be recovered tinleu the adminUlratltm *hall be driven from vower or balked by a Republican majority in the Henate. Such I* the vivid commit between tbe Republican profcitlon and the Democratic performance in tbe matter of public laud*. Tha Atlanta Police. Colnubns Ledger. Tbe reports of the police stations ln Atlanta are sickening ln detail. Men are ent, stabbed and brulHmt by drunken 1 rawlent. For a prohibition clt>, this la a singular spectacle. Galveston New* The Maccu TKLCftiurn *ay«: "We have no Idea wbat the At anU policemen will do next, but we are determined not to be nurprUed in any event." They will probxblr do wuat they are desired to do intereaf. of the great monopolies whieh, — . I biek 1 ayloria command in tbs’ Southwest. I gibit bargains. have been bnill np by an ontrageoua tariff A roUlng pin g,thers a good deal of donih— 1 Kt n aio(i lh»k Taylor had initendMed, he I Lota ftonling SHREDS AND PATCHES. A New man now claim* to have seen a woman's face in tbe full moon. Women are crowd ing tbe men in all departments.—Ttd-Dita. Tbe Weetem piper* bate made great Htrldes dur ing tbe peet few yean, but some of them bate not yet got over tbe habit of referring to a drowning system. So well ia the Tribune under-1 BonurvlU. Journal, stood that it can never become great popular power under ita present •napicM. It U the hope of the gentlemen who have bought the Oraphic to make it the Republic in thnnderer in New York. The power of illustrated journalism must I diVa.t.r u a -Loloe*a>t."-Ea(,a> t'l.M. be admitted. The cartoon atung Greeley Ib . «. u ,a rma^Tthre. . pu ,.a. at when the beat jeditonri ammunition did ci.wi.nd has ta.u an«i iso. a great mux not affect him. The Gtapbio ia to be a I ntufasod, will to grid to letro that a rwreke- picture paper in which Demooratie princi- throwing wlf, can b« mada an.nabl, to ths taw— pies and personalities are to be oaiieatored.! llo,lon 1><Mt It can hardly hope to compete in force of * h “ *«•“ ta a Sew York court illustration or keenness of wit with Pnok *" ‘ «!• auppoawithat». uiu.irmuuu or *»uutw oi w» wim xoca |tnU(mu urrlud th. plwuber lo dtanor and Ur.n or Harpers Weekly. Both tbcaeI tt f W ^ to pmy blruforih.UmoUtookhuatoMi engines of satire are operated I il—Yonkns sutumaii. in the Intereeta of the DemocraUo ‘ „, unMlln ^ a mM1 „„ ttc „ administration. Then there is De Grimm, 1 , n q th, money that hta family ought lo hav* who does splendid work on the Evening I »id Mr*. Cantw.ll, "hut If he can go and win Telegram. He has made the beet recent montr I don’t think it u »nj .one than spreutat- car toons of Blaine. Judge has been the 111 ffaU pictorial jester for tbe Republican!, but it I Tho porti n. of iho *0001 which have sweet ctar. has never rivaled Puck in force of conception which people cm e»t and get fat os, would ho tho or aptness of illustration. It ta evident that P**" 1 • toe * ,or * U *” 1 boom “*• 10 C “ or apincaa 01 mu.rr.unu. 11 u e.rueui uur lfornla _ ^ ^m coltapead tho owaors of the Republican* mean to reinfoice their I ^ nal d h... A.m.ihtag to live os— press in Now York. The fact that some of I Omaha World. Mr. Blaine’s friends are Interested in the Young mtn sho tailor, will be purchase and control of the Graphic ta aig-1 gtad to lown that tame F. Furtt,. '-th. eoltactor, nifieant; but no cartoon can make the “tat- wb0 ‘ , “ n * ,at taymewt »t hwl hut. on postal card., , . _ rri.- hu hMB h,ld (or Ubol oa toMo grosndA It ream*. tooedman spotleee. TheGrephic, Lm tarn Fur.i. 1. ta doM himmii. md to a .Moon ita new arrangement, haa undertaken • big t , rt u ,u,Mt. job- K«cp It Oat of Politics. Legislator Felto* U borne again after I Camilla Clarion, hta faithful service in th. Long Parliement ASH? He has stood the test well InVvery way md * *0. mta. taT SV a. IU. ur, m wcu ra crtij ' 1 tempereaw men ere tavefkiedsd. a»d our brer, he* mads a fine record. I a«nucr i. emowg iho foremost of tact that Captain Carnes wu trying to reach | (beet confine* of the town in search of ell- (ou the principal street ad- bv .’untrolut asuthorlty. Ylonlaom.ry atar. The pollireiufu In Allmte era .ol cure o. vlotallou of th. prohibition taw th.t they halt. man golna .long II*. street with . bottle ta hi. hand, .ml If h. doMO’t .top they bang . w.y .1 him. There .uisri Aleck, will on. of thtM uky kill m Innocent turn.nd willhkv. their neck. It danger. A poltcemrn who wlU Are imn.ctrr.rily ou m unuroi.d mm. guilty of no offenu, ihould bo rev.reiy puni.hed. The Attanta polic.m.n ui dmldedly previous. went into Mtcon, where he had married, I vanced to *1,100 prr foot, and sore proper and suriendt red. He ta now captain of the I ty four miles from the toon was platted and Maoon Volunteers. I .old as town lots, end as high as $5ta) ;»r A. It Tinsley went into service with the I lot. Oglethorpe Light Infantry, Company B, I Think of it! $3,000 an sore for land miles in May, 1861,— Bartow’* regiment. He I and mile* from nowhere served fifteen months in the ranks, and ] the mists or the morning. then in tbe adjutant-general's office, Long- j In Febrni ty, 1882, th» bubble burst, atreet’a headquarter.. He remained until I The “millicnair.s" of the morning were the surrender at Appomattox. He waa I paupers when the snn set. And ct a l that wounded at tbe first battle of Manassas, I motley array of capitalists not one is left to where Bartow was killed, file was tempora- day on the solid rock of good credit. Not rily a prisoner, while wounded, during that I one. They have faded like the miata of the battle, bat escaped dating the Federal re-1 morning. treat I There were a few effort! made to Tbs sixth member of tho committee wealths falling fortunes. S!e;k manipulator- 11. 8. Edwards, of the Ms con IxLEORAPU,who I and auctioneers even came to SL Paul enl waa too young to go into the last war, and I (his city anil endeavored to enlist American aaya be ta now too old to go into the next. I capital in Winnipeg lota. ;— ■ Bnt the Yankee* wouldn't have IL A Noblewoman. Bat w hsthaTe the Yankee! done since LootsOlnhe-DemocreL I then? hjh‘preire^ta. , w* , ll!mh t u"u M^.ck^ik" SLPanl and this city and Kanina City are beet known to American rawlon by her "John H«l- I notabla tXAtuplf8 of the current inflation, ifax. ti'iitleman.” on® of th® half doz®n really sac- I j n SL Pani had 41,000 people. Minne- r:^, , : 1 ouV^kX^ssj: , 7:i^ k *pre , Er ^ bly had a larger aodlciaC* thaa any othar wonaa pie iff fOQbd DOIflMri iitDemine time, lo- novaltst other time, and bar ftnffaeoca «u alto-1 day UinneaDoUs ciaima 250,000 to 160,000, R®tb®r eoandand wholeeoma. Tbla lattar fact,_ by | or poasiblj 200,000 people, according to thu while art for art’* aake alon®, as advocated by a I equally mod eat , . certain school of crltlca. ta all very wall in theorv, it I |t la (air to State that thin city bit 145,000 la tha writers witbadiatinct moral porpcaa, new- I MOD i # - DJ j p -q l »bont 140,000. Ihmud cno.t'ten-tariy | been.* woadcrfui .increase in to Ale, | seven years. Bnt 8L Paul and Minneapolis (-amine Hum, to in* a» both badly Inflated. • - 5°”! * -1 There ia this to aay for 8L Paul: The unlnsaUbwitrengthtouMtihe^araunasnature real eatata operations there represent a nsaka* upon it. maajayoung wocu retanskew. I gieatar pet eentage of the cash payments from tha re rare rental attain of acbool wtta a (boa* of Mtnneapolta, which it ema- hSS tlally a loan of down East tendencies. In wt47y’ cowualed and iten the benefit of Dr. 1 oth:r words, it 1* a trading town. One ean FWrea’e ‘Fatojit* Freacrinton” her bodily detel- n t i almost tbe beat piece of real estate in The Work of 1'rotectlon. New York liuiea (Ind.) Th® uncompromising advocates of an extortion* ato tariff hav* had a f real deal to aay about th* ben< eflta alleged to have been enjoyed by coninmera a® tbe result of free competition between protected home mannf-teturers ln the home market Assum ing that couenmere nave ro»li> k«Iu«u ■otM*thi&£ by such competition, what will become of the ben efits when every mantifactmlnc Industry shall have beeu put into a trust? The work of creatlm what are virtually monopolies m many field* o manufacture by means of trail go bravely on Pro tected products, such aa leal, lumbar, auger and •alt are now eoing Into trust*, which are created to ■title competition and “maintain prices." After a ■core of the most Important protected products have been eo ’trusted" that there can be no c Amn »- tition in the business of euppMn* tbtm, pt the people will begin to look for relief from abroad, The protectionlata who are bually engaged ln mak ing trust monopolise should give a little thought to thl*. Chines* Meaa-Meetlofi. Waehineton Star. The Chinese ln the United Htatee have caught the local Idea of uiMi-meetinge and popular protests, In their own country, doubt lees, they would *4 voon think of hanging themeelvea by their pigtails as of gatheilng in large number* and making pub lic proebmahon of their grievances; but in New York city they complain indignantly because their consul does net approve of tlieir bolding a me meeting to denounce Dennis Kearney's speeches __ false and nnjuet. It doe* not aesm to have oc curred to them that they are at liberty to appoint an orator fo deliver addreaeea to th* general pub lic precisely as Kearney dee* it. Moreover, if they are resolve! that they ought to have a maee-meet- ing. nothing their ccneul can do need prevwatthem. Tim Am»n *n people who flock together to enjoy some new thing aa enthu«la«UcalIy aa the Athen ians did. will tire unbounded anconragement to a catch-ae catcn-cen oratorical set-to between Wong thin Foo and Denla Kearney. Though tt may ba tnat John Chinaman can eurels make hia speech before be goee. Plant Trees. Philadelphia Times. Encourage tree planting. If even body pleat trees with judgment every body's he nee and every body's furniture would be cheaper and tbe whole country would he healthier. Pond’s Extract, only In Bottles with Buff wrappers. •HE INSIDE OF ATL\\] ACTS TURNED OUTBY THE COVn. OR s APPROVING pen. £r Coroner’, I nqUMt on th . I Crossing—Caplto, Com llllwlon b « lnesa— a gpr.lned MlnU-A Notable Exhibit. Mic 2" T *“o«»Pa Ecktan | A—£fiiSS5ssfa;?ar Atlanta, Ootober 23.—Tna Go tigned tbe fallowing sots Saturday, An act to ineoiporaie tho S uthere l nix Insurance Oornpan, of Atlautl Amhoriz ng the board of conniv e oioneraof Mitebeli county to snbmiu “ qualified voters of the count, the of Uamng bonds to pay for a cent? C of VUta Rlo^ n * 0t 1DC0rp0r * tiD “ *• ta| To removw the disabilities of W m mouaend C. H. Ammons. To amend an act to provide a ha ,1 assessors for Richmond o muty. 5 To oonfirm the Florida, , Georgia railroad chatter. 11 To incorporate the town of Hi' Taliaferro oonnty. To exempt fifty members of th. C lJ Light Infantry of Ktohmond conntv 1 To incorporate the Darien onl Tvo Telegraph Company. To amend the registration act for counties of Floyd, McDnffl-, Bark, dolpb. Elbert, Greene. Waainngten’ „ ton, Morgan, Lowndes, Emanntl laaki. To make the town of Conyers a citv . To incorporate the Col rm bus and ita Vlata raiiroau To pay the exppns»s of tho Weit. ra i Atlantie railroad committer. To au horizs the mvyor and cnnncil Dublin to appropriate oertain money f| special tax.-a to school narpeses. * To prescribe tbe dnties of telegraph J :anis as to receiving and trisisi, dispatches. To establish in Richmond conuty formatory s hool. To inoorponte the Savannah, Vuj berg and U -den railroad. To provide for .he regulv.icn of votej Bmke connty. To incorporate the Eatonton and itl Riilroad Company. To provide tur tue registration of rots rhuaias county. To pay expenaea members ltmatis as] oommittee. To incorporate tbe Columbns and N.vtgation Company. To supply the loss or defects in the lio records in any e ntnty in the State. To appropriate $200 (or Emmet: Bi for bia stenographic services with the | tei tUr: oommittee. To ineorporate the Dupont, De-star, bams and Florida Air Line ratlrcad. To incorporate the Angtuta and t Plains railroad. To incorporate the Rome Steamboitl pany. To confirm the Mscod andCoti: railroad charter. Amending oonatitntion inctMsing her of jndgns Supreme Court Authorizing State Treasurer to da certain bonds. To provide for the registration of Morgan connty. To provide for the reglitration of Campbell oonnty. To incorporate the Albany Stmt road Company. To antborizs tbe oity of AnguaU t the streets. To incorporate the Progresi, I provement and Mannfactnrieg Cot ‘ Macon. To amend the chatter of the Atm Preston and Lnmpkin Railroad Cod To incorporate tbe Merchants and ebanies' Banking and LoanCcmfi Atlanta. To amend tbe charter of tb< Cit Snbnrbao railroad of Savannah. To provide for the registration of in Brooks oonnty. To incorporate tbe Metropolitan Railroad Company of Macon. To amend the sot incorporating tl vanoah and YVeatern Railroad Compi To provide for the disposition’ of andforfeitnrea in the Connty CourUt ter connty. AN INJURED INTBLLKC A New Madneaa to Which Atlanta 0 Female* are NuliJtcL Atlants, Ootober 23.—Yist.idsy woman appeared near the artsrim wi created mnob excitement oy walking' down tbe street oar tracks, switf' arms wildly and endeavoring to When asked what was troubling said that she waa preaching. Her of oondnoling herself auggsated its that she waa tbe advance guard of * Salvation Army. 8he refused to give bn nans spoken to by Patrolman Abbott ‘ 00,10 “ cor " looked np a charge of disorderly It ta ta believed that she is cr <?. atander says that he thinks the of tbe txposilion baa “spr*intdl« The Manufacturers' Ktcord Atlanta, Ootobor 23 -On* cf th aomeal exhibits iu tbe main hmldi:) Piedmond Fair waa the booth p«' arranged at considerable WJ*** Mtanfactorcre' tt- cord, of H** UB0 paper haa n-neb to bmld no* tise the renouro.a of the Sontb, work in thl* direction l« praise. They bare, after $«*“** privilege of doing main building and«bibrifd (r« 0 ' copies of their journal and their pnblicationa on the Bonth. The exhibit baa been in charge Hinton rn-lpcr. to whoitg^' admirable appoarance and U>r aionit made on tbe pabiic * H iper ta s very bright.andown* jonrnalist, well known ° ‘“ d ^’ P r , by the 8 nthern preas. It ® •* the local Atlanta press h*" " 0 * £ tbe Reoord’a exhibit and enterpn*' tice tbey oertaloly intnt Th. Mm Killed at <»• Cr«-“ Atlanta. Ga . Oatober J■ Dick Hayue* held an inqaeet oO g of the white man killed »' 1 » street crossing l**t “WJ* j. Th. dead msn wm ' d *“ “'n^ d b William*, of Panlber*ville.D a , Joe Brooke, of D- Krib w 00 ^ 0 , MoWilUama when he *“ d Kd killed. H ?»*y;‘ h, l tb J on their wore creasing * hB ’f taking the d< pot for tbe pWP°“ " «a* for homo wh*n a fl**6j’ . vl i down on McWilliams »®^ ka to death under tbe wbte.s. A Huodred BM:■ ( Atlanta, OoU>ber - J la ^ i an<l hie efficient «6‘ is I office, Urn*. K-MUm " ■on are bard at ^ or * i t* Bt?-s left by the IrtljjJjJJ5 i-t - - dre-lacta. TbeL*- 1 * , larae bnndlft of d»J8 ►- signi-d *11 tot will not sign- Democratic