The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 20, 1889, Image 7

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THR YVFEKLY TFLEGRaPH: WK1 NtSOAY. KOViCMBKR 20,1880. CANT FOOL THE FARMERS. their congress against SHIP SUB SIDIES AND SUGAR BOUNTIES. nrsolnflon* Favoring tho Repeal of the Interna! lteveuuo Tuxfi Alio Defeat cd—Deep Water Gulf liar* bora Favored—Other Actions. supply all American wants, including the better claw of carpets. Kcm»lvc<), as luxuries are entitled to !;• f la ti a .'l lanci pr<»- duetM, that the tarilf on wool imported to make carpets should at least bo as Mol* as that imported to make coats. THE CuGin.fe‘8 ALL ltUltf WANT. Remixed, That if protecti n id this ex tent be denied we will call "upon the farmers of the United States to assert their power at the ballot box an t other wise to right Urn wrong and m justice of discrimination against them. If they fail iu this tbo wool and mutton * producing interests will l»o so seriously crippled that they will be in a lur^o measure defrayed and the farmers w ill no longer have uny interest in protection for il.o manufacture of wooien g« ods, hut w ni insist that they riiall ha\o no larger n.eature of protectiou than is ac- cold, d 10 the w'ool muustry. inottlding anv kind of wool. Resulted, 'that the farmers of the Ui Itud . lutes me n«.t called upon to sup per., tne noiiuuation of any man for PlVwi- THE PEOPLE DON’ P COUNT. THAT IS THEY DON'T WITH THE RE PUBLICAN PARTY. Sljoxv iho Kc [>iibiles ns by Tliclr Fraudulent Methods Defy Hie Popular Will In (onuertlcuf, Rhode Island and Neiv York. MoNTOOiTCRY. Ala., Nov. 15.—Tlie Na tional Fanners’ Congress ndjourned to day, and tho delegates left on a special train ihl> evening for New Orleans. The day was devoted almost entirely to the coimid ration of resolutions, thoeieoiion of otiicers, etc. The new officer* are: president, It. F. Kolb, Alabama; v:02- prisident, A. W. Smith, Kansas; secre tary. D. F. Clayton, Iowa; treasurer, Wiliam Lawreio*. Ohio. Vice-presi dents wire also <1 crid from each state. The emigres* dead d to hold its next Dueling In Iowa, tho place to be here-1 djjt. senator or repteteuuthe in an- after designated. A p tltion of the Na- w *‘“ * m,Un “’*‘ l •'‘ , - ionol Floral Congress, held at Albans, Ala., relativ* to L.e selection of a na tional flower, was presented. A rie*»- lotion by Mr. rhbor of Color ado that Use chsir appoint a comnmtee of one fr.nn each iia e tosug- pn»t the means of wlecting a national flower, the con m tte© to report at the text meeting, was ad* pled. IN'. Elt'.Al. KEVENCK TAXES. The resolution to remoro the tax on tobacco came up on an adverse report of the com milt- \ And the report of tbo committee was concurred In. The resolution declaring tl a*. the gov ernment dots not need the mouey raised bv internal revenue taxation, and that this tongrtaa fttYors the rept ul of inter nal revenue laws, and that tie taxes ruis<d from whisky aud tobacco I o rele- pat»d to the different states isbeve them of loc^l taxation was taken up, and an adverse report was coLCurrcd in. A resolution that tho grange, alliance and all agricultural organizations should com ine to injure legislation de m. d necessary lor tue b.-noill of tbe** organi* cations was adop eJ. A r K.iutiou that copies of all the mold.ions r» questing onigrcsi to take action be forwarded to both bouses of lgus* w»i adopted, Resolutions naking ©ongres* to estab lish deep water harbors on the gu<f coad lor the purpose of facilitating .tue growth of trade Utween this iomtry nml tl e of South and Central America were adopted. CHICAGO SCORES A POI5T. A resolution wav offered by Pabor of Colorado aoktajr congress to select Chicago ns the U S point for the locaiio of the World’s Fair in lb 3. Kelly of Kansas offered on uinendm ut striking cut C .icago and interring be Louis, which was lost. The question coming up of locating the fair m Chicago—thu Tutu by staris stood 2>l wyes, GJ nays. A resolution that Investigatiuns le iiisilo (u reclaim the arid p.»ri* of the Northwest meets with tho hearty aj>- provai of this congress tuiu»«* edwpLru. A ie olution ii-questing tho Diri ment of Agriculture to Obcettuio the causes of swine blague and to recommend remedies was adopted. . ’ A nailition asking congress to re duce to the newspaper rate all matter published by th*»tatce on agiicuiturai subject* was adopted. NO STEAMSHIP SCmiDIKt, A rcsolu ion favoring goremment aid to steamship linos to build up trade b.*- tween this country aud Central and .South America came up aud aa adverse r. |-ut v.. * «»flf»;**• •!. A resolution nq jesting tho Army And Navy 1 Ojarrimtiu to advertU* fur lids in farm supplier, was taken up and an adverse icjori concurred in. A resolution favoring unhui t U coin ft ’t* of silver met with un adverse report and was indefinite!* p sitpoued. A r rotation n quisling congress to investigate the great number of accident* to trainmen ou railroads caused by u»iug the old sty It of brakes and from coup ling and uncoupl ng cars, ami to tuks thu legislative action neceaary to pro vide tho latest app lme. 1 ■# fur/he sutely of coupk-rs and biaaeuum was adopted. A resolution favoring tiie organization of a narional l ourd of agriculture ami ttar appointment of two litlegalrt from each state represent* d to co-operate with such rational board ot agriculture «is adopted. AXD DOWN ON CUOAE BOUNTIES. A resolution favoring the bringing of L roducvi* and coiieutiicis into closer re gions wm adopted. A resolution fav. ring live pay in: of a bounty to sugar producers met wuh an a» rep. rt. Tho riiietitute ghat this congtets in- d« f ice the aotion of the Departn.e it of Agriculture in aidiug the development the sugar Ir du try hy sd.-ntidc iu- v^tigations wo* u<h*p:ef. A resolution asking the legulaturew of thudltfeient states to pa«a Uwa to piy the rxpo*m-» of (kiegates to lire national farmers' congress wua adofited. The fuhuwii g was intu duced by Ihe^tr of Jainois sand unanimously ad« pud t It s-dved by the farmers’ congress. That it favors a comprehensive scheme h r the inipruvement of tiu» Mississippi river ami the buikUngof a ship caool gre s who wiil not, to his utmost ability, ma in currying cut the objects of the foregoing levolutions. Uts-iived, That we favor commeic*nl treutu-s uhich will disciiniinate in favor of button* wliich i.ccept silver us legal tender money ns a ell as gold, nnd against those which bavo demonetized silver, THE MINORITY REPORT. The fi (lowing wus presented as ti c minor.ty report: Kesolved, B.v t o farmers’ congress of ISStUhst we demand of our senators a id nj.rerent.itives in o igreas irom our re- *T* cm estates that riiey slrnl. u*e their Ust efforts to re lino thu tamf to n strictly r- venue basis, and that when I rai iicab.a it shell no removed from rite necessaries of lif and placed up^m luxu ries. .(•1C'nzio of Kentucky offered the follcwiug us a suoautui* for thu who matter: Received, Tliat the farmers’congress reconuiieud tithe congnss oi theUuit* d btuies iiiu euaitmeut of such ju.-t laritf luwh as will m cure au equal diHiribution of public burdens nnd provide a suffi cient revenue for the governnient. The vote hy states w«s theu taken on k!c«\e-izie’s sub. tiiute nnd it wnt lost. The miuordy report was aLo de feat! d. The vote then recurred to tho original retudut.oi s, and after considerm 1 j Uis- custio.i a uivi.-i' n wus agreed uis ii so us to take a teparaio vote ou the silver reso* lutiuo. THE VOTE BY STATES. On the majority report, executing the silver resoiuti-m, the vottos taken by states stood os fol o.vs : For tin? resolution as reported by the c uumi.t *—Colorado 5. H.-r.di 2, Illi nois^, Idaho 3. ihoi.iu* 10, Iowa 10, Kansas If. K ntucky ?. Maiue 11, Michi gan 15, Oh a> 34. Ihnmvlvun.a 23. Mis souri 1, Utusie Id irul 0. Total ICO. Nays— Alub. mi 13. j-lurida 0. (ieorgia 10, Indiana 10, Kentucky U. Texas 4, M-mouti 1?, NfrihLaiolina 11. Total fctf. Tne silver ic o.utiuu tuen carried unanimously. NEW OltLUtNft 11LAZES. An Entire Square In the Crescent City Is Uurtird, New Orleans, Nov. 131—FIro de stroyed all the luillin^a on live square bounded by S(. Andrew, t ranxiin, Lib erty nnd Josephine stmts, except oue, the Gvrman Lutheran church. This same square suffered a similar fate ten years n„o when the only building left standing wav the same lltlij church. The heals estimated at (8U,000 and iu- surunce at t^o.tOA BiocorotnnE. Fire broko out at tt:.5 o'clock a. m. in tho furwani compartiueiit of the British sUauivr Meiciiaui, at iue iua.i o. oi. Andrews stieeL Tin re were 1,2 0 tales of cotton »tured n this com|sirmu nt. ail of which was d*mazed liy lire vr watt-r. The loss will approximate $.U,U0, fully covered by in»tirance. ailOT AT Flton AIlBPIfl, An Attempt tn 4»sai.*liiats Mr. II. G. < larks or Hawkins*tllr. EiJto, Nov 10,—{ypedal. J—Mr. B. G. Clarke of Uawkiu« owns n public gut about stx miles out of here. Wednes day uigtit as Mr. Ourko wus returning homo trout hi* gtatnry an unknown per son fl td upon huu with a suotgan fioai a thicstft. Mr. Uarke escaped uninjured, hut bin horse »a* hit the lir-t li t 1 . Mr. CUrkt- did not think it otpvdiri.t to riturn the lire, as be could see to about aL nw ruiTit'hit I'BiKvrs. Archblsliop IlfinU Mairnirut Creates m ro-usatluu in flexlco. City op Mexico, via Gulvcaton, Knv, 1 -.—The sermon of ArciibLbop IL an of tbthidelphia at Iktltimure Sunday lias caused a great sensation Iu m because of the aio ihksbop's support of the right of Catboiic writers to criticise the faults of Hers Archbishop L l-mtids has ex- c< m uunh'i.ted a quo... r »,f ( for iU^i cr.udsni, and charges l ecu bit higiit sgoinst him iu Borne for so com* TWO KILLED IN A WUCCB. scniS' (tie ststu of llitnoU, connecting Fireman ami liaalnerr of a Frelshi live river an l Lika M e lij vn, sn-1 it is rinrommendeti that the Unit d hutes congress maao liberal upnropria- fioos thervior, JEREMIAH RC.rg COMPLIMENTED. On motion of Clayton lion. Jerry Rusk, secretary of agriculture, and Hon. J. R. Dodge, sUlUUcikO of Uw Depart ment cf Agriculture, w«rs unanimoudy ckcisi h«»m>rary .cm mbers. A resolution indorsing farmer insti tutes and recommending tl eir intro luc- tam into all statos, an I that the notiunal p vemmtnt through the Deusnmeutof A jririLturo aid in this matter, was adopted. T ie president nj p dnted the following coumiittee to prr|ur» rules for tbe g»»v- «rari.cnt of tlio congress: Ms-stm. JlcK- n rie of Kentucky, Wink of Ionian*, Law rence of Ohio, Corimt of Georgia, and hb) ton of Iowa. Adjourned si tie die. text ni vna nuvv uimmot. Tlie following is tbe full text * f the ft vol a lions 'elating to the tariff adofited the oongrsjs. TJiey were pnejwred hy Hon. Wm. Iawn-nce of Ohio, who u »f«l their pas-age as reported favor- khly fr« ra tiiecnmtairiee: Resolved, That while cmgresi main tains the policy of the pr tecrirs tanlf, w« demand that sll farm pr--ducts shall he a* fully protected as the rood favored cf the manufacturing industries ' ifesolved, Tliat whies* now the pro tective tariff b maintained which syb < i. |-r.-t.> t, tl.- i • (■ r it • <’i forv«gn carp-Uan.i many other articles <4 insnufaciure«i goods, wt demand tliat the dut e» on inuium, shrepood wi oi of *U kinos shull le inrnmstd a* to * (uaUy prohibit U.e Imponalio i of n.u> ten. sr.d wrooi of » *cry kind which can u; d r a pn-t^ctive tariiT 1« suflit itntly pruduced ut faiily reman- tratiTo prices in ri^ L'uiud states to Uttled tu a 4'«.ltlstttu« WASDIXOTOX, Nov. IT—Two freight trains, largely made up of cattle cars, collid'd at rite Uuasian branch, opposite tbe Bull Run b.ttlefeld, early this morn ing, killing Engineer E*t« • and Firrman J me* Murphv. both of Virginia. Hr.- man Frank Ellis of Alexandria was in jured. A large number of cattb were Tbe wreckags blocked up the track, and trains were greatly delayed. The a- ©Ideal D said to have been due to a misunderstanding of order* The freight trains w ere running in sections, as busi ness was very heavy. Virginia** Silver Convention Dele* gates. m Richmond. Vs., Nov. 15.—Governor Let* today appointed th j following dele gates to tlie silver too vent ion which wul meet at SL Louis on tbe 2-JiU of No vember: Judge Robert W. Hughes, lion. John L. C« hrsn. B Cc,mmbrioner^Fatter- Bar Lour and Hon. J. W. Porter. Trolled a Fast Mile. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. IT—At the exposition groumls in tbe 2.20 else* trotting tl^ race for tbo purse of KOI, with $: 0added if tbe mile was moue in 2.10 vr better, Pdry N. Johns' black ma s. Gypsy Queen, won. making the mile in one mat in 3.11}. Tills is the fastest mile evty trotted in Alabama. rravld:ux far Rfextee** Debt. Cmor Mexico (via Galveston), Nor. . 1\—Tho gfSaVMMBlhig place*! .n Lu- i many other artUn rope, through the Nttinosl Bark, tbe Washington, Nov. 15.—To ono unac quainted with the facts, it seems incio 1* il'le that New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island should go democratic time and time ozuin, and still be represented in the United States Senate by repub lican*. .This anomaly is tbe mult of ingenious and political ariangemcuts, the object and effect of whi. h are to nul- li y the will of a majority ot the people. Take the state of Connecticut. The dem ocratic candidate for goveri.or almost invariably has a majority in tliat little state, but by a trick imbedded in the Mate c* n ititution, tho minority invaria- 1 ly control* thu legislature. The mem- beis of the legislature are scut from a certain number of towns, and each town has its uumlcr «f n-presei titivea lix-d without rt-Kaid to population. An i i- crea.-e of impumtion in a given town has no effect i '--reuaing ;ts representuti* n in tl»e legishiture. The roprehentaiion is stat om.ry, whatever be tue distribution of voters. AN OURTAOB ON THE ITOPLE. See how outraged s.y unjust this wa.rks. A member from one town may represent 4 .0 0 votes, while a member from ar.oil.Oi* town wiil r-pe^enthuL f*»riy. The ttheme may hmn Ueu f«ir cuou,.h origin dfy, ri*e stale wua young, and ail the towns small; but Inal it shou d be pe^isUd in now for parly rentons. long mbr tvwn» have giov n into l.ouib..iug cities, is uujustuud dsmocftetic. The law of Connecticut alfo requitei that it t an..Ida e lor go-ermr moot re ceive a mu^othy over ail <» Candi dates in, or er to injure I.L election. Ointrwise ilie ehct o.i «t governor goes to tue leg.: la ure, wli.c.i is ulwuyb re* p.mlican iu, bin uot in pri..ciple. n tho p.inciples ot ie,-ubli> nu govern- uieiit wore fully applied, C»une»ticut would now have a aeinucrui.c KOvcruor ui d two liemocrutic svnu o.*a ut v» w»ii- ington. MOITEN RHODE ISLAND AND NEW YORK. The enormity of tills diriocalioii of representation is disguised tomewhut bv tlie audacity with w hich it L maintained. Tuko Rhode Island at tin-recent election. The deuioc.atic caadiuste lor governor of hhude Island leeeived 4,0a) vole* mote thurt liia it-publican t titor re- leived. Yet the latter was mane gover nor by a vo s of tic legislature. Tho state senators beta.; cl.caen to repie-ent the towns, will o<t regard to |N>t*uiatioii. the popular voice i s in tonncticit, U no. soveietgn in the choice of aguvtr LOT. Jn New York th© fame systrro obtains. By an < Id a)potion item, which wav even unfair u was tint made, the rcput lica' S were ennnled io elect a ma jority of lhe legislature. The sccumuia- iiou of i opulation in the cities has given tla iu tii-s. under the slat© couriiiution, to a largely increased reprisentutioii, and the constitution prescr;iK* u census every five years, with s view to n quiu- queunlnl apportiomnent of n presenta tion. As a mw apportionment, uowever, v o I'd give the deinociau a majority in lie legislature, that tody tefusea to have i* Tlie mult is that Messrs. Evarts and lihcock represent New York in the Unit* d states henste, though for years post the governor of the auto has a democrat. REPUBLICANS RULE BY DlSTRANCniSlNO hortA Tiievo facts are not without a pnu llcol hearing. Tho six from the three states here mentioned have su\iplt d the repuUlcan imj -rity In tlio t enate si \\ a-hingum for years pa. t, though, us lias been shown, they obtained their lection by frsud ufM>n the people. Tiiey »a\e n<4 only aonulltd the ii;uts of the majority in their own statet, hut, bv their vacs to d> feat the Mil;* hill for tin* r» diicliou of taxcM, at the lust session ut congress, they k vj thwarted the will «»f the majority of tne people of i a . iituo union. \VT*n tlie r%construc ts;.. of the Douth Is uext attemptc«L it will l>e the duty nt the rfcontlrucliaibli to have tegard uf tbe evils of thL sort in the North. Now, let ns see liow br^s a maj<*ritv the minority purtvr cot. a-, li jk 8. Cl-v« land and Ihurauvii reuuvod 104 electoral votes, aud Harrison aud Mor ton XtM. t'b vHund and Thurui m, how ever, received nearly ri.too.O 0 popular votes more Hum Harrison and Morion. It ia gtnrndly conceth d that the i lcc- t .ral votes of New York ami Indiana were ot tained hy the lavish exfeuddurs of uumey raised from th© uumuiacture.a of the country. In HDO, one year after, when the protection tairons bud no in terest in the result, and put up no money to «l* baud, tue l>aiiot, eight of tiie rin states luring are swept by tne demo- TIIE COUNTRY It DEMOCRATIC. Koike bow strung the deuocrstic srmiment of the country is one year after tlie fiaudulent eUtuUin. Thets only the ft Rowing »titcs went demo- crat c, with tlie eicvtotai vote as given: Alabama, A-kau a-, Connecticut, fX la- ware, Hoi Ida, Groruia. Kentucky, lOJirisna, Mr.rylsnd, Misrheinid, Mis souri, New Jersey, Noith Candies, Buuih Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vir ginia, Wet Virginia. T*tal electoral vote*, ILK Now ml«l to this tlie fultow- ing state*, winch vOL-d lost week, with the electormi vote of each: Now Vu.k Si, Ouio 33, Iowa 18, Colorado 8, and we have <5 electorint votes, which, added to 18b, make;. 2>1; or Lu more than r.- ceiveit by Hsrrisoa and Morton. Take the 75 votes off ot llarriaon snd it leaves him with only ».W votes, to2*3 lor the tl m wrats, with a |mpulsr majority of 3 uo »CM again.t h.m. I. II .ninja and his eibtaet and pri vet.* i.eretary can tind any c. n-ol-daro in the obove ugurrs, they are wexouie. THE DEMOCRATIC STATE-*. J This is not alL There are to-day, by the vote of 1888 and ifc9, tbe democratic/tates in tho union: Alabama, Aikanvas, Connecticut,.Colorado, Dela ware, riorum, oeorgu. lows, rwemu> xy, LouLuna, New Voik, New Jersey, Maryland, V ^Usippi, Missouri, North Carotins, Ohio, Tennesse, Texas, Vir ginia, West Virginia and Montana. Total twenty-three. Tho re|Ublirsn« have Caliornia, Illinois, Indiana. Kan- oat, Mane, Mswrhnettt, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Nebraska, New Harrpihire, Oregon, Pennsylvania, IUio<ie lUanu, Vermont. Waslungt* n, Booth Dakota, N« rth Dakota. To at nineteen. On a fair representation, tbe twentv- thr.e derooertetie states would give the democ at* forty-six u mbrrs of tbe Sen- the MtGito .iiuriioiuvrs, Third Day** Kessleit of Hie A. III. E# Conhmife at Mtlledgsvlllc. Millbdolyille, Nov. 15.— [Special.] —The third day's sesrion of tlie Macon annual conference of tho African Meth od st Episcopal Church assembled this n orning in Wesley chapel, and after de- vot.oiial n-rvices by Elder George Under of \Y rightsviliu, was coiled to order by Bi hop Uuiiics. Tiiecmm.Uca on liomoand foreign mLsiuns rtpjried tint the cuurch bad not oqualru its opiiurtunities; tliat if it desire* to make substantial progress, it mu texevuuk) more oi its |iower and in- llut-n o in inutetoii work; thut material OstektHni-e shoulii bo rvndereU to the mis sions at liome and m.road, und that in- cleared ctf. r.s should be made to fosibr operations in liuyii uad At raft. After a spirited com. st with Warren- bm it. Joliu'sChuich at Columbus wus selects an tlie place for holuiug the next set*••04 ot tlie utmual conference. The sum ol > was vot. d to tlin Metro politan Cautv.. at Wushiugton, D. CL, which wu* built us a-uiuiumieut to Afr. c hi Melbixlisui m this i oautry. E. ii. Powell, A. 8. Martin. F. I F.endug, ’i humus Uuward, C. P. Bukei , Jefftr^unT. Ur- on, Bwinduli*. Timothy T. Turner, .Suuruel U. Olraries- ton, Charha W. Maxwell, Bibj W. Mc- Nral, li .beit A. WittieiU, Aloaza Z. HcUls, G. D. Walker. Kou. it Miller, W. T. lianis und Kichard lkglmtn wire each examined a* to tlioir gifts and graces, nnd being recomiucudc l hy tbe coninntue ou miuiissions, were received into tiio confeivucu uu trial. Tliero was u liitlo breezo over the re ception of Ruv. Kiciuird Biglism, who ctnuo from iho Methodist Episcopal church, bringing ids flock w«th him over whin i be instored ut Culumhuw Uis Age, 40 years, was the a leged reason f. r objections, hut tlis vigorous manner in winch some ot the prominent m.Dt> teis opposed id« a< 1 m s^u*n Iceuu d to ba ti.c fear, as Elder E. P. ilolnu s expreAftd it, timt i> a merit might place him in some of the better places, to tlio d-sad- vanta.© of members, which almost cats d hisnjejuon. Tin influence of rite bis In i|, judiciously vxerci o i, pre vented the uuileuncu from doing an In- justice to a very worthy applicant, who uiler preaching the go-pel on the couti- niHitaof uud Africa prawntod himself wan ut a b o nidi. The committees eu tirst, second and third j’s Ktuaies report* d in favor ot pushing a number ot ministers to tao next year, which report was adopted. Tbe conference tuu«atioiml meeting bei.i. ht was a sue*»it in urftw mg a crow ded .congelation and in Uis ability of life speaker*, w ho dincu-md tho sub ject wit naeptar.ce. Exce'U nt speeolit* MOHS OF TULTON JAIL. THE PEV0LTING STORY TOLD BY A RELEASED PRISONER. IS>svo©*sre Furnlriirtl With XYMJiy nnd \\ Ren DruuU Umtally Wflp i he Fsvv While Prisoners —They Minn Joint CofTcc. were made by Bubop Gaims, Kov. W Decker Johnsur, D. D«, of Athens, the iiiiuceof Afr.cuu Metliodirtorators, ml k. v. W. C*. lisnton of Forsyth, ono of tiie progressive young min who is an tclleciind (lower. GOLD BV Tlllt BUSHEL. Atlinta. Nov. IT. — [Special.] —A young white man who has just lieen re leased from the Fulton count/ jail has a stcry of the condition of tlii< gi in that Institution which, if true, should mult in a radical change in its muuagemvnt and (Ucipline. The young man is E. E. Poling, and says that he was confined in the jail fnr flve days on n civil suit, and is now out on bond.- • NEGROES WHIP THE WHITES. According to his statement the negroes in the jail largely outnumber the whites, tl.eie Uiug seventy-two negroes and eighteen or twenty white men. These negroes manago to get whisky occasion* ally, and under the influence of liquor they become quarrelsome nud dangtr- OU4. On theso occasions they are cs| o- dally hostile to the white prisone^i lmm they abu*o aud whip, treating them most outraseoubly, Tlio negroes an- under the leadership of B li Doo.y, a notorious i n 1 desperate negro critulml. On Monday of tost week tbe^oegMos whipped tape Pa tie .sou, s white man, until the blood rail down Ills legs. Sev eral other white tuen were whipped, among tut ra the McKinney boys, Taylor \t bite and Will Cathy. On another day Bhl Body knocktsl two white men down, and »lapped another uun iu the face venu tunes. BUT THEY UAYE COFFEE A WIDE BERTH. TT-mo negroes, bud a* they were, stood In fear or one of the white pri-oners. That w s John Coffee, the Noith Georgia tv: Mr. Tiwy not ouly do not molest Cutfee but give him ft wide berth. Pol ing, tlie young man wlio telh this story, sud he liad a knife and th© negroes dul nut t mild© him. Bill Dooly h4* a knife and uno of th© oilier n©gro.*s a pistol sad they have preity much their own way. COP FEE NON-COMMITTAL. When aaked about this story John Coffee was, but admitted ihut matters were pretty rough in the jftih Jailer Poole and hjs assistant, IU. Os: ome, however, laugh at the story. While there Ls some quarrelling at the jail, it ii nothing hko Mr. Puling repre- scuts it to be. MBLRS OlT,^iu c K IN. Ilsrrlson^sfjrian ‘isges < hsrge of the Hsnlialihlp To-dnv. Atlanta, Nov. 14.—[Special.]—Col. Buck will clutch the tuarahubhlp's staff for the Northern district to-morrow nnd on influx of new deputies is on the pro. grauiiu?. Numbers of the old deputies who do not cxjo .tto lw continued in oxnc© ictt for home to-n g it. . Marshal Neln s retir©.» formally from efliri.l lifo u>nigbL Tl e occasion wus ait interesting cue. At un early.hour nil th© deputy m<rshaU gatlu red'in tlie Cmted fifties court ruom totako leave of tin ir chief, live re were present, among otkors Col. Buck, Dial rid-Attorney Dor* TUB <’ONTie ACTS MI NT GO. nasrbalt l.rsQiie to Rnforco Ilie He* »orve Itme hy Lcsal .ficans. New York, Nov. 15.—Tlie leaguo convention adjourned at 3 o'clock p. in. to reconvene Jon. 33 at tao Fifth Avcnuo Hotel, All of tlio last day's region was taken up with a dlsctUbioii of the brotherhood qucMi <n« Jot in L Rogers sakl that it wa^a notorious fact that a number of phivers reserved by tlie leigue ciubj had dot bred tlu ir intention of violating •aid reserve, notwithsten ling notice by theirj respective cIuI-h of *ai«l reserve, and of the Lt er’* option to renew the Usual ferm of contrail with such play ers for thu seOMin of lbkO. Also, thut tbo opinion of eminent counsel had been received affirming tlie legal und ©quit- ablo rights of tlio league clubs under said contracts to the services of their ro se rvu players for tho season of 1810. Rogeisoffered the following: Resolved, That this kagne hereby de clare that it will aid each of its o'ub members in the cnforcuouUt of tho contract rights uf tucli clubs to the ser vice of its reserve players for tlio season of lflOO, aud that a committee uf three bo appointed by the league with full power to act and to furmuiat© and cai\y A REPUBLIC'S THEIR AIM. REVOLUTION IN' BRAZIL TO OVER THROW THE EMPIRE. ItovoluttonUts D«-*lr«' in Bstntillslt » Ilepublto—Ksporied Tliat t»*« Min* l»ter Ilna lleslffnod u»d Iris Army Is tn foul rot. London, Nov. 15.—A private cipher cable dispatch from Rio Janeiro states that a revolution has broken out there. Tbo dispatch gives n© partlewUra Other diipatches from Rio J .m-iro con cerning the revolutionary outbreak as sert tliat tiie movement ip favor of a republican form of government Las re cently been strongly fomented, and is the sole cause ot tiio upriring. Un to tho prevent hour, huwevc-r, tlit ro is little information oi a tangible character. Tim announcement U made in cipher cables already at hand that tho Brazilian ministerH lutve tendered their resigna tions, and that the situation is coetrolled by the army. THE REVOLUTION A FACT. Inter dispatches from Rio Janeiro power Vi net anu to lormuiaie ami cui\y ... .. .^..,4..., ,Tho out the bert methmls of the enforce- eonflrnt the previous reports, ment of mid contract rights of said revolution aims at tho overthrow of the cluu, and that said committee be an* government and tbo proclamatimt of a Wines or Fnbuloii* liletinrsa Dlsrov- cred In North € a roll us. Ralcioh, N. C., Nov. 15.—llio Caro lina >Yutchman, pul-ILhrd at ballsbury, ha* sent a mining expert to klontaum cry county to investigate the rumors of au important gold flud there, and he ro- ports that all the statement* about fab ulous wealth being found there are true. Tlie tind k sukl to be li 0 il best ever discovered in the state. ihr«o parall veins were found about half an inch is , thkricmst nnd only a lew feet apart, Tuo neli, Di-trict Clerk HainiltQn and the ore p5*u»a lurgo («rcfi*ntage of pure goi>J. Now Circuit C.erV OUie Fuller. a BuatKL or rCKS to n. I nelmshem muki ed. Tlie Witch man’s r. presenUtiro ascer- Dcp«tv Mnrsliat Carter was Oftllsd to laincl Hint a bu»Wl of »ol..| E uld lm.1 >>'• ch» r, .ind W. P. UR', In <0 nj; tborized tod »w on the gmiisnue fund of the let gae for such amount ns may be necessary to carry out tbe intent and purpose of this to solution. Tne leiclution was unanimously adopted, end John I. Rogers of Phila delphia, C. Li. B roe of Brooklyn and J. 1*. buy cf New York were appointed tho committee to carry out its design. BIALDINQ'ft RESOLUIION. A. G. Npalding then presinted the fol lowing: Resolved, That no league club plndl from this day enter into, negotiate or cornisit with players not uudvr the league reservuticn. nor enter into nego tiations with any club for tbo transfer of anv its pDyers until Feb. 1. 1* 9). Iksulved, That a committee of three be aupoiuted to lie do ig rut tod as tho ne gotiation committee, o which tbe prcsl- dunt of the leaguo shod bo ebsinhan. to which shall be referred all iq plication from piayurs iiositJons ou leagi teams, os well wit applications from <fli mumbers from thu uational agrtruunt wuhing to dispose of or rcleaso their Thr.t«tho chairman of tho committee shall bo the c: o.usivo chun- ntl through which said s|)|>ticaUons und negotiations ©an bo conducted by the National League or any of its ciut.s^snd toe arid committee sluill ascertain tlio terms upon which any such lease ©an be procured or such coutract executed. Resolved, That all kagu* clubs, hs order to secure tlie services of such play ers, ihall IndicHte to thu chairman the positions to bs tilled and tlie names of the (flayers wanted, and npun tlie unanl- m.tos vote of said c< mum tee a contract may be executed between the chib and any player so ii|*provvd, and promul gated in the usual manner. Resolved, Thai thu ouimulUv* by Its nnunitnuus vote bo authorizml tn^ ilr.iw from t'us guaranu-u fund uf iiis ham? such funds as may bo necessary to carry out the purpose! of thu mutation, to be paid raiu lunda by tbo dubi peneflted thereby. 'i ins was also adopted, and Nick YoUog, C U. Byrno and Al iteacti were named os the negotiations committee. Thu convention then adjourned. ihould huve taken pla» rcu country and titore ii iiitce of tlie rights of of property. Our press i. in thu v, rd of c n ment i Id. has !.• • in ; s cornu into p • goremment that was to mx st liberal reform?*, if th re wer orms y*t n« e led in Brazil. THINKS A REVOLUTION IilFi SSIBLZ. 'A revolution in a couutry like Bra zil must have some cause, and w« know of i volu government might be e ctod, but It ac«'ii:4 to us as imposaiblu as s olution hi this country. riCANC i; 31 BA Ns BUSINESS The Govern t ill Auk tlio ciu tleal. already been taken out of tlio dep Tlie place is owned bx the three Fandets brothers. Two of tln-m bare been living in Texas, but lutve started for Balisbury in response to telegram^. Grout excite- m"i>l is r.-i4>rDd in tho nsuliburhood. uud the (wopl* uro leaving their work to search (or gold, WEIL PAID Ft It in* WORK. Il is stuted that one man in two hours’ work r< t out twenty pennyweights ot purs gold snd was then compelled Ly the owucis io leave off the work. DEATH CF MR. FALK. One of Ilawklitstillc** llesi Citizens l*a**es A war. IIawkinsvti.le, Nov. !5.—[8peelaL]— Burrow pervades tlie town. John Pale bdesd. Fur the last two days it lias been generally conceded that the light uf 1H* of this honored ©.tlsea could burn hut a te w hours, and today at a few niinuris to 11 o'clock, surrounded by sorrow tag mend« nnd a grief-stricken family, he br. arii d Ins lust. Uo had U rn sick but a sho.'t while nnd died from cun^efluun ot the brain and»o*vi-. Mr. Faiu hud been idvnritad with Haw kinsvilie and iter imerosts aluio* (rum the daiem tie« founuarioo, ana few ol her citizens weio letter known or more beloved than he. He wua genet- oils, kini and charitable, ml many there bu in tbe humbler walks of iiie tliat will keenly fs«l the mas of him who wa. ti.cir friend in devd and In heart. Mr. bale was a Royal Aich Mason, aud wel; known ikroug out the country as a giaini worker in tins order. Tim arrangements (or tbe funeral are not com (dried, l*Ul tin burial Will hk.- y U« on hunday, ana be conduced by tue >.NO\V»t LAP Ni:w MEXICO. Great SullVrluc Aiuoiix ilm sticsp Herder* « au.ed by Ilie IllUzarU. Clayton, N. M„ Nov. iO.—Dr. Louis Bacon, a prominent anirii sheep raissr uf Ute Ciaek, has just arrived al ihU (lice. He gives a very ra/1 account of tue iftts blizzard In that region. Hvo Mexican sl.e.qr l.crdtrs perl bed In his neighborhood, thu i cxiLt of lour having been luund. hcow co>npk-tety covered the groan t front Clayton to tue Cansulan river, a dut nro oi 1:5 Many Mexican famduiu are in des.itute circumstances. Owing to tlie htavv snow thev are nnabb* to move (rum tiie.'r piazzas in order to lay m a supply ot >»r. D toon says other bodies will be re covered as soon aa tho suow melu, as several aro mUiog TOPIS OF WAIL KINGS. A r*l*i »• •••*« -•*• iiufMi- ln< Id* l. AO. II, if. Richmond, Ya., Nor. 1A—Picrrepont Morgan of Drexei, Morgan ft Co., Jo.m King, president of the Erin road: M. F. Ingalls, president, and II. \V. Fuller, general passenger agent of Urn Chcsa- p.-ake and Ohio, and a number of other New York capitahsu Kft here to eg lit ooatuorof taspscti ;* flbiGbM a 8 and Ohio road. The paity will rku the Natural Bridge, Wuite hu'ptiur Springs aud the coal mine# and iron formic** along the line uf the rood b priato speech In tahalf of tho deputies, pm-cnted CopL Nelms with n codly »il> v.rteu scrvii.*. The relations lei ween tho ns ska! and libs deputies have been always pleasant, and tiio marshal s re- •l?onsc Lm very affecting, lie did nut cuw without a Imtidsoiiiu tnOute to Giovor Cleveland and bia administra tion. Ue said he rou!d not wish the country a Utter thing Ilian Cleveland's «e-t Lotion. Col. Buck made a brief speech, In w hich be prahed Mordud Neluu as a aau and otttoor. BXL3C*' GOOD ADMINISTRATION, Dbtild Attorney Laroell foDowedln a speech in which lie complimented tbe rvtirlng marshal, dec! ring bl* arlminl*- UMtion had U-en faithful and cllicunt ai d theo fas was ia as gt?od condition a. any in the country. Other speeches W©r*» made, I* , ring tastimony to ih« SLc<eviul adtninbtration of the uffic* by Mmshal Nelma The d. puty marol al* alvo presented a handsome tea service to Cukl Deputy O. E. MitoUlb ^ Sctisel IIohss on Fir#. Atlanta. N v. 10. —,Special.]—^The work of educating thu m%ro was sus pended for a rime this morning in a •rbool lionon th© corner of Maple and Maikhatii fttroets, Tlie building caoght firo unilmrout from a defective flue, and the forty colored children ru-lo-d wiUll/ out of the luiiding yell tag ••flier’ Tlw department responded tu the alarm and extinguished tbe flro in a few minutes. Lu Nalls Asylum Dialler*. Atlanta, Njt. 14.—(f p*ciab)—Dr. T. O. Burnell, sutwrint -ndeni of the lunatic asylum at Mil edgi'Ville, is ia the city ou otttvdal bowtaesw it is underotiod he will submit to the sro' e nor a s;*cUi report on the coodiii* n uf ti»© in-tituuon. Ilie new board of trustees of ilie asylum vti.l probably be announced hy the governor tomorrow. \\ HERE’S JUin ANTHONY? Lincoln! ov. Nov. 10.—{Sprdal] -Ono day la*t week Mr. W illiaui Dozier of Uiw county Wft hunt on Uidnssa m WiUii- ingtoo, Gs. the night following a young, negro aaaiedJo«t Anthony, in bis employ, at tempted to rape hD wile, Ttm negro was Wd to jail tii© n©xt day bv M •. D* a>r. On tbe iil^lit ot Nov. 12 »l>?ut Ally «I© gu mkI men, a*ter deco> mg Uis a* e. iff out by ItflUag him Uis jaii was un tire, forcibly took the keys from him and car ried the |»ri on»r, Anthony, off. As yet il lias nut uevn s>c. named what was dune with him, but he h hardly in tie land of the thing. Everything ha* been very quiet about tbe whole Uuinesa TUB AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Shortly l eforu 1 o'clock the A:u MH iatiot. t *»k it races.-* for an id tho prucve-iingv ut the mortii: ricin wire mado public. After th< tn it of 1’neljn ol Louisville pre? i-I* Bu«n, Jr., of the Culuuibus clul muds vict-pmddent, and tho fullowing committers were elected:** Br-rd af tji»—•—■—sAUb n«ltL more, Columbus and bu Lnuk. bchedulo cmiumilcc—Athletic, BL Louis and Louisville. Finance (ommittca—Cclumbus, Ath- 1* tn ui. I t. l.« ti . i'omniituo on (flaying rules—DalU- m re. Atlilctic and Louisville. lot until i toon s round km-/Cock i’halps of LuuisviU©. W. 11. hitaker of tu* Athletic* and J. J. O'Neill of be Louis. Committer on uu p res Haiti more. Athletic and 8l Louis. Formal applications for membership in U-e association were received Irotu the Detroit and byucUMi duh* uf lint miner leagues. Tliere was very little done at the after noon sufeiun. Thu matter of the oppii- catio.» from the ©tabs for memhermip wm refund to the finance committee, Wl.iLik r, loizarus and VuuderAhe, for conskieratioa and Anal srUon. 3Ian* ngrr Barnia of Uu? club was ai d'd to the toaimiUse Tor th.s s. ectal work. Tbe revisslon of the constitution was referred tu Phelps, \V hitaker und Knruie, who were instructed to report sa toon as possible TUB RWmiERUOOD LEAGUE, Albany, N. Y., Nov. 10.—ArerfiAcate of incorporation wm filed in tbo secre tary of state's office today, a* follows: The New York (limited) formed by Cor nelius Vankoit, E twin A. Mc.Vlpin, Ed- win C, Talcutt, John Montgomery Ward snd WiUiaAi Kwing to.* living baseball exhii Lion* and otlirr afhletki coatasts in New York. Capital 1-O.U.U, emuem fixed. New York, Nor. 14 —Kansas City this afternoon withdrew from the Amer ican Aiiociation and ten tuiautes later wm admit »J to premiership in the Western Association. HUMXOWmi TUB Bt OntERItOOD. PtupDELifHA, Nov. 14.—E. J. D*la> l.aiii? signed tlio Lnt her Stood contract to-day. Arriiur Irwin of the WasSiing- ton dub was Itcte to-day ami stated that bu had tignvd Mattliew Kit.oy uf tiie Ba.ritnore dub Lr the Boston Brother- republic. The srpiy supporh government. A provisional gov ernment has been established, including Lcnors da ^Fsnscca and Ben jn min Constant. Among tho dwnntca' S received, but not yet officially conflyincd, in one stating that Baron Ladario. minu ter of tbe marine, Iim Iwen killed. T.1EY WANT A MtPUBUC. New York, Nov. 10.—diaries R. Flint ft Co. received tha following cable gram lato this afternoon dated at Rio Janeiro: “A revolution has broken out here. The Brazilian armies are in con trol. The ministry Lav resigned. Tlie revolution is foe the purpose of fdrmtag ft republic.” roWDERLY’8 REPLY TO UYIHOfTOlL Powderly’s reply showed that he Is thoroughly in favor of federation and that he will urge somo plan on both orders. He urged tha! tlie ends for whioh they wefo aiming ware identi cally the same and tliat some sort ot co operation is essential to tho welfare of both. He sakl that tho day w hen tlio fartndnt and mechanics should stand side by sidu and work for the same ob ject had always beeu |he dream of his life. It was a regular lqvo fcM, and tho strong p tats piode by nil tlio speakers were loudly applauded hy the knights. The sentiment In favor of federation *ls growing. No important action was taken to-day. Several interesting matters were taken up ol t were referred to dif ferent committees, MBS. BARRY PRESENT. Mrs. Barry of the woman's department wm presented with a picture made of minerals by tho LuodvUle miners. This was accompanied by a postu composed bv s tnint-r. 'Hard ft Rand rocfived the following from Ida Jamiro: "A revolution haa i i.,k« ii < m.I l.i i •. Tii.- i' ? * - i ... 11 .u * •»i ■ aro in control. The ministry hM re signed. A minister has been shut. It is au attempt to e- tahllsh a republic.'* Similar dUpatches were also received ly Ariucklu Bros, and Joseph J U Donohuo ft Sons. HTARTLED THE CO FITE DKALTK 4 *. TIhso dispatches wore roceived abot t ,,M,, k. ju-t ufi« r tl..* roll Iui»i« bad olioKKl f« Paris, Nov. 13.—Tho Chat Deputies has Tslidatod tho eh ction of 448 of its members. It is expected that tho government will send a commumion to tho chambers ou Monday declaring the neco.-hity of a practical busmens policy for tl?** chain*- bora, and Bust the ftpstion* « i th© n- vision of tlie constitution and tlio separa tion of the church and btato inuA l>o abandoned. Ihu government promises to introduco bills relating tolaod taz.i'mii and li-iu- r duties. Tlio government will also de mand a vote of confidonce. HOCK MEN It lilt) TO ■‘LKlfiE, A 1'rospert of 3Iore Trouble with London Lonz*h*>rrineu. London, Nov. 15.—Tlio dock men de mand pay for the time allotted for moaH. Tbo directors refuro tlio demand, plead ing that this claim Is specially debarred under tho recent agreement. The directors, in a letter to th»* pipers, complain of thu mens tyranny in refus ing to work with non-unionists. ihu Tilbury dock men bavaetruck be came tho foreman and clerks refund to join the onion. Tbe Tnrks and Cmperor William. Constantinople, Nov. 15.—Tbe eulUUf. has issued a proclamation in which ho states that tho sympathetic t-plrit shown flap of i by tho Turkish people 'toward Emperor ^vflliant during his recent visit to Turkey Is a proof of their loyalty and devotion to'tmnself. Flvs Hundred iialra Cotton llurned. Iayeiunxil, Nov. 15.—Firo broke out in the cotton on a (iuion lino steamer aft this port from New York while sbo was unloading nt tho Alexandria dock to-day. Fiva hundred bales were damaged. '1 ho vamsI sustained no Injury. A Collapsed Iron Doom. Glasgow, Nor. 15.—The boom in tho pig iron market has collapsed. The hull account was overburdened. Warrant-* havo fallen 13 shillings. At Middh s- borough warrants declined 18 shilling* and hematite 14 shillings. That Allen Labor Act. London, Not. 10.—The Lirerpoo 1 Chamber of Commerce hoe petitioned Lqrd fialisbury to eudeavor to procure a n u indinir of ilia action of tlu coIIlcIuT at Norfolk, Va., regarding tlio employ ment of English classifiers of coiiuti in violation of the labor act. The Damien* Famllr Heroic. London, Nov. Ilk—Tbe late Fnt!i«-r Damiens, who died in th# leper asitle- mrnist MolakaLSaDdwkbleaRR'i', "ill be succeeded by his brother. • (ho i UmUr" itk'.-iv I o' l ■ * ' i > ■: ,’i'r k< „n tl.« CXcl.nlige il | While tho dsalets gonernll ho|>eful strain they cxliibited signs of i unesotacss. > # "iiiii. i* ii.v fli-i iiiilu. Jluit »« jy*, had of any trouble in Brazil for uiauv a year," said J. J. O’Donohue to nigut. “Wo received infunnatio.) about a year agiFin our oorrospondenco from Brazil of a rumored uj ri lug of slaves In various parts of tbe country, tut nothing more was ever hcaid of it. and since then tbe news from Rin de Janeiro luu been of the most cheerful character. Mote/ on* the Brazilian exchange luu been nt par for more than n year pest, something tha! Iim hardly been known in the hiotory of the country for yean put." WILL CUT OFF THll fcokVEk SUtTLY. •The exchange close*! thki afternoon with coffee steady at 1\Q only a few moments before tbo dispatches were re ceived. Ilie new coffee crop iu Hrnxjj la almost ready to bo lu»rv« >ud, and tho supply on the market here la conse quently limited. If a rovplutk.n has broken on! add port! of Rio do Janeiro' and Santos are blockaded, seventy-five per £ent. of the coffee supply of this country will bo cut'off. ihu will ba productive of serious consequences ti.ii.M-ltuat the country. Wlien n con firmation of the report is read at the ex change to-morrow from London, there Is likely tp bs an unheard of scene the floor/ UNHEARD OF FRICRS FOR COFFRB. Wm. IL Grossman of Crossmaa ft Co, had not recsivsd a dispatch but bad in formation through corramondencu from Brasil of n very recent date, which gave no hint of svea anticipation of trouble ^■wAMtof ini' rest du© ou tlis national j ih-tm* ratic majority in the tfetut debt Jan. l,u -a 1 eight. the ytpmtntaticn was lair ta I'niiclii SOU rolds. Tito • who nr©sufTeitag from Cbngfrs,, > r> ll*r«-.«t, it- ., »hotild trr r.. •• • - I'ivjnluial Turx.Ru-i. told cn v iu us>xcu, ate to the nq ublicans tiurtv-eigl.t.«r a and BunUngdon, W. Va. luetrip wih * — * - h* extended tocinrinnati, tbu western _ terminus oi tbe rood. Knud© Id in i the iv-nut© (would.he demo- cratic by twelve. This mim r.ty rule is all owing to tbeoutrageou»g. rr'ymaader of New Vcrk, Ohio snd lotorsiio and lo off* rings the town rcpn v -*»i.Ut***n sehvmc in Con-1 All w..r< necticul and Rhode RUnd. 1 lor i| k RonflsOITrrrU and .rifrplfd. VfAtHlXOTON. Nov. 13.—The imnd to-day warn 1133,'0 :©( leu at 137 (ur Fa aud Ido} Iuim Port In a Ulau. St. Johns. N. F.. Nov. I A—The Span- i*h steamer Nlceto. from New Orleans to Lireip «of, w ith cotton. Iim mrrired here, feurtem diys our. with her cargo on fire. The flames are emfinrd to one CDtmwrtment. and it is tliojght can be •xltaguihnl without injunug the re mainder of the car»a Hasltulns W**rk«*n Hte French War Ships. TOULON, Nov. 14.—Barbey, the new ministry uf marine, has amt orders to the dock y^rds here to hasten tiie «ork on the war ships now in coarse of con- ■tract i— i | , r**l' , fiii Us*I* Not Vary III. New Origans, Nov. 15.—Jeffers, .u Divi* is u isi-w«n;**r on the s eamrr | Lcatbsrs. hue pboued Bayuii h.»ru at 0 j * V* k thi* ry« nmg nnd will arrive her** , u* su>. o|* _.mto*on louimrew. U.. u:lljr mil-1 I ixi.D! tio.u (..auml I ri-nu. uu CiK j. Not. IS.—H»m «'li. of the SV.ibmx.a Ui o *11 da > toCty ugiuJ with lb. UuKalu plain.' clul, rim.HN H.Rilu lii iiNKD. An. Amon— Tti.m IT., (ho rim.u troll.r .l-.loirooil Nawtiu B, Not. 5—JimM T. GUV dmtrojnl t.jr fire Id all 0(imd Ur.® Ioud won bon**, au»«£ Ih- f.tnoiu trod.r btagim w. tj.1, V.llMll at f i.UA Tin total lo.s will be H0,<0), with no iniuianc. Th* H|i*rl*n Vlrlu* or F* Mastbs tws—4 Is a* «v*tewf]HPW asat < 55gstfaaftast dltiflu*!. NuswarasL*miAelM#-h«c smnrr- ih Hisssy ef stteb ■■■■ cj*r**Sb mvsi as a a ~*i* sf nb iS» k. h »rtl rat Shill had Sad *»;4jr If the report Is tree,” said that gen tleman, “come is likely to advance to hithertounlieanlof figures, aiui when quiet id again rcston d in Brazil iac inous shipments are likely to cause.a 'ihe blockading of Brazilian port* at tending tbe revolutioa in that country wiU re*uU in the cutting off of more than tnrs£-fourths of thu satire India- rubber supply. BRAZIL’S MINISTBIt ASTOUNDKXX WAhHiNOTON, Nov. 14.—The report that ta the Brazilian revolution Baron Ladario, minister of ti:* navy, had been killed, wm shown to tbe Brasilian min- hterat mUlnifcLt. He was surprised at the intelligence and, upon being asked if tliero were qny reasons why Min ister Ladario should hare bten an espicisi object of attack tn the part of the revolutionist*, laid that he wm utterly unable to acouont for it and could not beiisvs the reports of a THE RtrUMJCAN STRENGTH' He added: “Tbe republican party, to which th revolution is ascribed, cjxtld not have grown sq Urge aa to b(ior about a re vo lution. At the last election not a single member of that party wm chosen lie tirst ballot and uu the recood only two or throe were elected front a afagla province. That election was entirely free and or^n. There wm no Iz.t* rf. r- enceon the usrt of thegovernra nt, i.o ftsmhsals. no attempt, to casteu >«»t. r*. A rvveflution could »vM have <<. urrsd in so free a country a* Braril u Const anting ?lx, Nov, \.\- of the visit of tho Exup.'ror V ne*ty to tho Cretan taburgenu. l*orlu^»I*« Qtirsu Ha* n llnbf. Lisbon, Nov. 13.—Tho queen gave birth to n son today. Both mother and child are doing well. I Fesrl Hinton .Makt r* Strike. Vienna,. Nov. 15.—One thuu and mother-of-peatl. button makers ha\*» struck for shorter hour* sml higher wages. The strike is likely to become gtneraL Turkey and Orr^tf May Gnaw Crete. Xaindon, Nov. 15.—ThoHtandanl * < «>r- respondant at Constantinople any* tl.<» powers havu informed tbu portu it. it they will not interfere with tlie Cn can p flicy of either Turkey.ur Oreecn SFItED OF T?l K LTV LTI >10It IS. io Skim* tha .Wars NWlftly her Second Trial. PniLADELTIlIA, NOV. 13.—Tho now- crulser Baltimore, wrhlch aho^ed such surprising speed on her recent trial trip and yet was found by the trial U.anl to have fallen short of the requireiu'.-nu made her second trial UmIov. In a four hour*’ : !.. run cn a north, axtly course from Cni-t Ucnlopa tlie speed she duveu.i.d was even more u than oo her first trip U-ing 2»J.2 knou nu hour, against 18.8 knots befur. 1: whether she developed more cr Iro than the 9,010 horse power call* d for by tlut cootrset cannot be t6id uatil tliu remit* as shown by the indicators have bei u carifuliy worked out by the government lt wm estimated at 9,409 or 400 inure than required. scoot* i i* thi: hi: fob mitts. Aatl*Kerormer» Capture an Au C i:s;s Ht-rorm MeeUn; ul. :.» lu Aellou. AUGUBFA, 1? U 1'. —L s l ‘‘cial. J— g V. third ward reform ui©k i - >va- to-night by tlia frit-n i s .f C. J. Rooney, tho administration candidate for couu- cil. Rooney’s fri -.<■ i i t - tnu t- tag. and ta ton -v ilvu i»>n Uuk, up In a rt .*. u ». . pc» U were liurt witli ^ The reform.ri au i.unl nut and nominated Andrew J, Met arthy. The other side nominated C. J. R«um-y. Th# action..: . .. ii ndat,.?' ,\ir. U’.Hjnry in invading tbs naeUfpg of iiw reform committee di. n«.t trongUnn hli te in the community. of Millard Ft nt of tb tonight of apoplexy i lit exact age bt n« M'-t pa- la « of iho Immediate-: »nfxll outbreak who.! , it was lime, might 1 leaders wei dot. The verc ly g in them which >.ive* any ini: what i« reported «x.cui There u lv rv v <iiy at«' \Y i nmgh* Ban i has L- ♦ taule I N. l\, to f • anJ -x i maliuu | c*«.;«nni A ■■ Ifd. j Of tl'O < ■ Ml elution l by Nvrih Car . •• Marine ■ tt.-vdle, t ti « ."iki, 2l«t l**iug lire th.- ra.ilkulioix : Called bums