The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 27, 1889, Image 3

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5 THE WEEKLY TEXEGRA PHrirEDIiTSDA Y. NOVEMBER 27, 1889, GE0R6IATR00PSCDT DOWN WORK OF THE STATE MILITARY AD VISORY BOARD AT ATLANTA. The Companies Cut Down From Nine- tjrCo Nlxtyl'ilglit Tlie Fancy Drill jriusl Go—Poor Prospect for New Companies* Atlanta, Nov. 2J.-^SpeciaI.]—'The afaL military advisory board, after be ing looked up in cxecutivo session for two days, lias at length concluded its labors and imparted tho result to tho world. Tho board declared thirteen white and one colored company disbanded. All but ono wero infantry ommanda. In addition to this quite a number wero piven to understand that futuro exis tence will defend upon their standing the most rigid inspections. Ad j.-Gen. Kell expects the work the board has done to keep the stato military hence forth up to a high standard. It wan decided to authorize tho organi zation of no new companies till eld ones drop out, • bl’MMARY OF THB PRpCT.KDIXGS. Below is a summary of tho proceed ings, which will bo found of vital in terest to military men: All stato commands are to be notified that a rigid inspection will be held in May next as tho beginning of an earnest effort to augment tho efficiency of tho military force by weeding out commands which fall below the standard. The use of “Blount's Firing Regula tions," adopted by the United Hiatus Armv, is recommended. All arms, accoutrements and military property of the state which has become unserviceable, is to be sold bv the gov ernor and the proceeds applied to the military fund. All applicants for authority to organize companies are to bo notified tlmt the state at present is unablo to meet the ataolufe needs of thoee which already exist, and her policy will in future be to add new companies only when old ones ate disbanded. The adjutint-genernl is Instructed to advertise for bills for tho location of next summer's encampmont. Bids must bo submitted by Jan. IS. mi st keep a report hook. AU companies shall be required to keep a “report book," showing the number of officers and men attending at every drill, parade, etc. To this record the in fecting officer shall have access. When the inspector submits an unfa vorable report tho company interested shall be notified of its deficiency, and should it prove a second time deficient in the same particular, tlie matter shall be laid before the advisory board. It was resolved that twenty companies, with not less than tlie legal minimum complement of officers and men, shall be pul into camp at one time, and each c fintnnnd shall maintain its minimum strength during tho wholo period of the encampment. A majority of tho board having given written consent (nr tl»« Troup HutBfS t" I ■ ••rgani,• • I. | ri< r to tin* ad.ptm:i <■: • !n • iw•!iiii• *• i r.-fn-ii g I" < «'n,j.!rr lui 11 mi appii al.i-iis t >i il ai cha: ;i< (. an exception was made in favor of tho command, and it was admitted as part of tho stato forex ' Tho board also adopted a rcscluti- confining the exerchos, tactics, etc., of tho state troops to thoso observed in tho rcgularormy, doing away with fancy drills and manoeuvres. COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Of the companies cited to appear be foro tho board tho following wero repre* sen ted: Whit© companies—^Quitman Guards. Hill City Cadets, Spalding Greys and Southern Rifles. C'lcitl CuL.pJ!**>■£—Dw^*a» *.•> id in fantry, Attocks Light Infantry, Atlanta Washington Guards. Georgia Cadets aod Governor's Volunteers. Tho Liberty Guardi, LaOrango Light Guards, Atlanta Zouaves, Piedmont Rifles, Atlanta Artillery (white), and Augusta Cadets, Columutt.i Volunteers, Rome fitar Guards and Augusta Light Infantry (colored), wero retained as part of tho state forces on account of their improved condition sinco tho in*pcc< tion. Tlie Ilill City Cadets was nut on the footing of a command seeking ad in is- Iowa, general host Bean, Creston, grand captain James V. Taylor, Luthoraville, general grand principal sojourner; In tho afternoon the delegates wero driven about tho city, visiting all points of interest. Tho entiro general grand chapter and tho ladies accompanying the delegates was photographed OfBcm- bled in front of tho newcapilol buil ding. Many of tho visiiors.somo of whom wero in his command, visit* d the gratis of Gen. McPherson about two miles beyond tho city, V MASONS AT A BANQUET. A magnificent banquet was given the Masons; both of tho general grand chapter and tho general grand council to-night by the Mount Zion Chapter of tii-* Royal Arch Mum ms of (hit • it y. The toast. “General Grand Chapter of tho United States of America” was re sponded to by tho mo&t excellent general grand high priest; “Svmbolic Masonry Our Foundation Stone” was rcspon«’c*d to by tho Most Worshipful John B. Da vidson, grand master of the grand lodge of Georgia; “Our Di rtinguudied Ouehth" was re-ponded to by lion. Mr. Chapman of Boston, Mass.; “Tho Press is flightier Than the Sword” by (Ion. Hoke Smith of AUacta; “As a Fraternal Bind We Know No North, No South, No East, No West; From Hr nee .forth and Forever We Are One and Insuperable” was ro- fp jnded to by Henry tlrady. Tho following were retained on prolo- ti»ii subject to tho spring inspection: White Companies—Quitman Guards, Spalding Ureys, Southern Rifles. Colored Com panic*—Douglass Light infantry, Atlanta Washington Guards, Attocks Light Infantiy, Georgia Cadets, Governor’s Volunteers. Three white comtanies, the ModisoQ Home Guards, tho uuHignon Volunteers ar.1 Blount Volunteers, and three col ored, Georgia Artillery. Bibo County Riues aod Colqu^t Guards, will bo* ..lit*i upon to show cause why they should not be disbanded at the board's next mooting. COMPANIES DISBANDED. The Warren Rifle*, Walton Guards, Crawford Guards, Thomson Guards, City Guards and Jscktoo Artillery, all white companies, having *tuif«vm of their own motion, wire dropj»od from the roster. The following companies, which failed to respond to the summons of the board, were judged from tlie inspection reports and ordered disbanded: llsncook Van- pud, Baldwin Blues, Orilfin Uglit Guards, Koine Light Guards, Tatnall Guards, Wiley Guards, Omstitutional Guard* and Central City Guards, all white with the cxccjffion of the lust. A resolution was adopted, revoking the roaimL-sfcir** of dtahanued companies and wstruciing the adjutant-general to call upon them to immediately surrender all #^ms, acccutmucnt*, or other state prop- •rtv in tltvir pua-e&don. Tb* work of the I ward cuts the state •nlitary down from niuety companies— Mxty-cight white and twrntv-t wo colored "•to seventy-six companies—fifty-five ’•utte and twenty-one colored. No doubt spring inactions will shar* off an- utner dice, but under tho circumstances, Hungry men regard pruning the only *ioIov>dic treatment. TUB IlOY.IL .tltCII NfASON*. Da>’a Proceeding* of the •*.nuu « uaptcr in .UUnm, Atlanta, Nov. 91.—'The second ses sion of the general grand chapter of the Arch Simons was held to day. After hearing the reports pn appointing ►tending committcei and electing a jmr- tial lut of officers the chapter took a re- c v*s until to-morrow morning, when tl. w °tk will to completed. THE OFFICERS ELECTED. The officers elected are: David F. Day. Buffalo, N. V*. general i ' ll pn* -i; Jam*** I*. Horn. r. • i • . .1. | .!•> Ml.ll j_. .11 1 I.IJ.-I. Priest; Geo. L. McCalmn, Baltimore, pneral grand king; B njamin F. Haih r. >;emphu, *.• rat grand *•< nt *•; Ib ul« n • I/'ian.'i::, . I -io, O., c*ntal grand treasurer; ('i.i-iiiopl.rrG. IViry. Buffalo, A PJtlCliON Til Lilt ||i:.tD8. Gordon Offer* a IN. ward for (lie .Murderer*of Haiasotn Gordon* Atlanta, Nov. 21.—(Special)—'Tlie governor has offered a $300 reward for the apprehension, with p corf to convict, of thu masked rufiians who deliberately and without provocation shot down Ransom Gordon, in Harris couotv, on tho 2d of October last. The unhappy Ransom »raa quietly boo ing his cotton whin fired upon. Harris county, it is said, is greatly — cited over the atrocious deed, and the petition on the strength of which Gov ernor Gordon offered tho reward, cover* several pages of legal cap, bearing the name ot nearly everybody in tho neigh borhood. A noted desperado of that locality Is suspected, who has of hsto established a little reign of terror on Ids own account, and so bullied and maltroutcd thoeo who came in bis way that ho is reported to havo started a negro exodus. TUB CASK AGAINST POtyOKIIIA' lie Talks About the SnM Uro tight Bj Callahan. Atlanta, Ga,. Nov. 21.—Mr. Pow- derly fays of the cose allcgol to bo brougnt against him by Callahan that it grows out of n newspaper attack upon him made by Callahan and is probably instigated bv McGaw, recently expelled from tho oruer. Tlie knights mot at Harrisburg in 1987 to look into Pennsylvania legisla tion. McGaw being secretary or tho meeting ho was left tomakoa report which Powderly says ho scetus to have delayed doing. Callahan was in the legislature and asked for the report. McGaw, so Pow derly says, blames Powderly w ;, l» tho delay. Callahan attacked him In th,» newspapers, and Powd?rly replied by printing in labor organs Cal Inban’s news- paper attack and litters to iP^wdrsly. Powderly says ho knows of no ci against him. THE LEADING ROAD'S WORK. Powderly has received information to- ni Jit from Byrne, who is charged by Callahan with being implicated with Powderly in tho alleged cou^jn'racy, t< tho effet t tluil h** was goftig lu Srutttl.ilo nt once to face tho charges. Powilorly says that the additional hifonnntinn leads him to bellov# that tho power hark of Callahan in tho instigation of th attack is the Reading railroad. LAST OF THE K.OFL Mr. Powderly and the members of tho luuii uf iis Huigiits ui La bur wero in session to-day, clodng up tho work of tho convention. Almost all tho delsgatss have left tbs dty. Tho others will lcaro to morrow. PYROTECHNICS FOR BRAZIL HENDERSON FOURTH OF JULYISH IN THE PAN-AMERICAN CONGRESS. Welronirt the llruzlllan* lVIlh i Sprrsd - Fagln llcsoliitlon and Sprrrh Dili 1* aiitiiinarllf Sat I'pon-lVork of lli«* Cougmi. IT WAS SOLD FOIt $800,000. Washington, Nov. 21.—Secretary Blaine called the international American confereuco to order this afternoon ,but immediately relinquished the chair to Dr. Guzman, the dclegato from Nica ragua. While tho minutes wero being read Sendr Valcnte, tho Brazilian min ister, and SonorMendoca, the second dele gate from Brazil, appeared in tho confer ence room and took seaU near to but not at tho table. FIXING THE RULES. Tl»e report of the committeo on rules wak unfinished bu$innt\ and its consid eration was iiuni .1 lately entered upon. The tint rule fixed the hours of meeting of tho confereuco at between 2 and 5 o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri day*. Delegato Coolidge of the United States proposed an amendment fixing the days of meeting as Tuesdays, Wednesday* and Thursdays. Delegato Quintana of tho Argentino Republic objected and favored the original rule, as it wonld afford time for preparation ef thu record of tho pro ceedings, Delegato Silva of Colombia thought that aa a matter of courtesy to tho United States delegates, their wishes should be respected in this matter. ENTFB nut BRAZILIANS. At this point the subject was laid aside temporarily and after tho appointment of Ilenry Douber, secretary to the dele gate from Uruguay, as interpreter, Dr. Valcnte. the Brazilian minister, rose and said that the Brazilian delegates had l*en prevented from occupying their scats nt tho preceding sessions for reasons which must have been apparent to tho other d* legates. Tliey wero now here, however, to lay before the president their credentials time they might'be actod upon in due courts. [Applause.] HENDERSON WELCOMES DUAZIL. Delegato llcndcram of tho United States offered the following resolution: Resolved. That tho congress welcomes t’n- I nilid v.ius '■! I I.* .i mi-, tin* sisterhood of American republics. Del. gale Hurtado of Colombia said that this might bo construed a» a recog nition of tho new government, and it w as not proper for tlie delegates to do this in theatseuco of instructions from t'.fil- own g..»«ii:in I'Kand . -!'• c ally os thero was no official notico of the change. Therefore ho proved that tho resolution bo tabled. Delegates Castellanss of Salvador and Ninof Uruguay supported benor Horta- ■l"'- f not I * ... Delegates Romero of Mexico and Car negie of the United Stntes offered a iuo- t.«M t ■ tail. . a*, it ua* ». ||. ,i. a tl..- icrolution could not bo adopted unani mously. WHY IIENDER50X OFFERED THE RESOLU TION. Delegate Henderson said that be had offered tho resolution without consulta tion with his coll^agueii, thinking that tho Brazilian leprc.-rntativcs had au thority to come into llii.i conference. Setior Valcnte of Brazil—And they have. 1 Applau??.}..... Delegate Henderson—-Then that coin- pltlCH tho circle of American republi.*<. Continuing, he eat.I that he was sorty to place any of tho npien ntativn, of am other goicmn.-nts in an ti\\ I. ward po-i- tion, but *0 far as ho was concerned ho should hail with equal pleasure the an nouncement that bpain or^ England or ulk} uwiwitw; IteJ aJopivd rqi lican institutions •]x to his credentials sent to-day and prt await thu mail. im.VZJUANS ON IIKNi.f.lC-O.NV RESOltON. Thu Brazilians aro entirely Mficd with t!iu action of tho conferoj on Henderson's resolution. -They sjtlio delegates had no right to do anting which would imply the nroguia ot tho new government. That was lint- tor for tho homo officers. Th( ap preciate Henderson's motive, but rard tho action of the conference as the pper thing. A resolution of mere synjiy, they say, would havo carried. An Kit HA TO It II. li rim l|. The Work of ItThabillIMIng «H*e- puhllriiii-lliilned >•»> l*rogr4og Itaptdlyr. Washington’, Nov, 21.—Theod<j D. j Wilson, chief of the bureau of cotiuc- j TI.'jE FOR KINGS TO QUAKE. tidal wave of democracy to SWEE PTHE WORLD. Auttrallnfo Shake OfT KnglUli Rule ant Canada, DUguiled With the English Nobility's Foulness, Nlajr Join the Republics. :Vlh,rt Iioullon of j 51“ cdKS-oSSi't- I . to tiou and repair, in his annual ri Secretary Tracy, presents a Ion; ment in favor of increasing tip ciency of tho navy yards as indica the estimates, saying that this tion should not close any navy ils. Tho report inys that after eight years there will Ik? no wooden \>•*.*(re maining in active me vice. ’I turreled monitors ure to t>e woise th .a i.m I, ■» ptatc, and the ik»rt recommends that s<^inetliiug be with them. ODNDITION OF THB NAVV. In conclusion Commixlore Wilson tho following statement of tho con of tho navy: The United States has at present • I . mi is ; .| ■ | it, h v in commission. Thu Baltituoro, ' ' . 1. iul .•i ,l ( liuii- 't.»a ha\c their trial trip* and may \*' expend soon to take their place-- in tl fleet. There are tvcnty-oi steamers and serso iron ate useful and serviceable. Will plolion of tho Toaek now bu appropriated thu Unite will possess ten nrmo sels, .thirteen singlo turn* tors, twenty^ n • stwl or gunboats, two dynmniti a practice cruiser *lor c armored ram, <>no flrst-cla*s tor] o boat and soven iron steame NAVAL WORK FBOOKF.s t.Ntt RAPID!/ Tho Wt rk of building tho navy is greasing very satisfactorily, and thu suits Lorotnplishcd during tho past months are n suficient guarantee of -,•< { the »j< |tartniciit to ailva|-e tin* wmk with tla* attn •.-? raj iditv energy and of its bucccss in tho per :■ inanco of tho task. THK TAB IIKKI fKNTKNNlAl Great froHitmi ihr onatltntlon C< i- tennlalal Fayellevllle. Fayetteville, N. CL, Nov. etteville, tho metropolis of thu Capo 1 r section of Not th Carolina, was tioo<|d to its utmost capacity to-day. Tlii* the great day of tho centennial of ratification of tho constitution of United State* by North .Carolina. lt)s • -tin. .*. 'i tiiat j„ r«on*, were pn • ’-t. N n;,r,.r Rai.van delivered an on North Carol ina’s position ratifying the constitution. The town Is alive v*,;St nuiiiui\ aiii visitors. Thu cadets of tho Dovh sch dl at LaGrango arrived hero to-day, 1^) strong, and otlier military organizations and bands uro also pre*enL A oisplaT of 11 roworks took place to-night at the fair grounds. A letter from Hon. Jefferson Davis, ex- pres^ing his inability to bo present ard commenting ujioii North Caiolina's posi tion in latifyiug thu constitution, i read to-day. , Scnat' r N ance arrived and will do'As’ci' an addrt'Hs to-morrow. Hie I 'mted .State* marine bond gave a 0 -in ert tin-, evening at tho reviewing htand, which wa* attended by a tremen dous crowd. Cbicaoo, N AlGjry, Australia, is in tho city. To reporter ho said: ‘ Tlie project of consolidating the Aus tralian continent into one jiowurful state is -lowly hut surely gniuing ground. Within two rears a definite plan for founding tlie’new nation will bo for warded to the colonial office for tho in- duiM-menl of the crown. Roforo long and without the biighlcsl eouiinoliou in Kngland ur Auatiaiij, the try will s WORTH'S A CORN COIRTT. Tv Ty. Nov. 21.—[Special.]—‘‘Twenty busliols to the aero!" Tho above w as the heading of a short article in Monday morning TelkoraFU, second page, fourth column, credited to tlie Sandersville Progress. Now, the headlincH of tllCOibtdve* were Hot of h moment, but just to think that mi men t thereon OUT OF AFRICA’S JUNGLES. can-es sumo Of Worth's good fatm/rsto smile all o\ cr their faces at the iuca of on v one farmer m the k«kk1 old county ef Wishing toil ls?ing able to get that land while tho 1 tnds ii county yields i amount. Why, ?Id that i this old w in. . • d. ui I what woul STANLEY WILL REACH ZANZIBAR IN ABOUT A WEEK. He Ha* Will* Him 7-NO Perwon* of Whom si*if are Children Import ant DUrovrry About Victoria Njanza Poor Day* Fighting- I/iN’DON, Nov. 21.—Mr. Mackinncn. tho head of the Kmin Pasha relief com mittee, iias reccivfsl a cable dispabrii from Henry M. Suuiloy announcing hi ai rival at Mmvnpwa, and states that ei •acii Zanzibar in four oi «*X|ieCC live da Id of n «1»I* erthe' ■*pii>' this great group of her] , , ; ’ lo the ».v nation of th. laud 2 o UlhcU . ui county tanner think orty-two bushels oil tntl nd’of tho county; But it M. Who! \s IMPORTANT Dl.-k di .j i/.ch al o ta 1 off nth- . , . .. | laud 2.2 bushels. Tho only fertilizer . I " leu Mates of Australia. nrtwitlM ,»unds of gbanu to Uio aU-traUA Wants to dominate the j * cr e. And then again Mr. Jou Hunan PACIFIC ! made, after lie had cut a rplcndkl oat “Like your country, Australia will br j crop off of his land, twenty LushcUof practicaliv free from invasion. Htr f?®* heavy coin to the acre. I couhi I , . * , , , , . , I cite aevcral others that havo done pe. pie have already shown a desire to U lUal;y as wclL TIie two mentioned h- supreme in tho Pacific, w hich cannot; *how what Worth lands will do when Ik? pratiliod unless her government | properly worked. j- •-,-c i means of ruling tile d#- One halo of cotton to the acre is a very pendencies not admitted to pobt-teal commun yield, while two bales and more pitlity. New Guinea alone is a king- j imro been lu.ide by beveial farmers of >ui in area, and rightfully belongs to this district. In tho language of 4 1 l ,, Dt republic | ono of Worth’s good farmers 1 would . ik n c that hi scovcry that Nyanza. nzihar teh-‘- l fo HENDERSON A FOURTH OF JULY MAN. Continuing, Mr. Henderson said tint to him all places wero proper and all times convenient for the enunciation of his desire to *eo ail countries repuhli* He was sorry that any of his friends felt that their position was such that they could not give tho resolution unanimous npprovn). if ho understood the Brazil ian people they* wished unanimously for a republican form of government, aod having created a republic the conference hould welcome them. Atlanta, Nov. 21.—[Special.]—The reported sale of tho Union street car linn of this city for tho priucely sum of $800,000 is suggestive of tho very re- nmrkahio discrepancy which at times appears between tho real value of prop erty and Its estimated worth in the eyes of tlie owner when confronted by tho tax gatherer. It seems almost incredible that this enormous property should lately liavo been given la to the county receiver at $53,000. IT WON’T BAFFES AGAIN’. The comptroller general thinks that I h |,ouM they delay giving eiicouragouieiit the new law putting street railroads on to this great revolution which ended tor- a footing with trunk lines, so far ss tax- ever nil idea of monarchial government ation is concerned, will result in a great Increase in the tax returns. Under the act, which goes into effect next year, re turns must be made directly to the comptroller. Hu has shown a strong disposition to make railroads toe tho mark, ai d will doubtless seo that tho street companies make a proper showing. HENDERSON MAKES THE EAGLE SCREECH. lie cared not where the republican standard was raised. If this great change had Ijcoii accomplished in Brazil without bloodihed and her representa tives wero here, why wait for thu au nt uncetnent that the rqpubhc had been form idly recognized by other govern* nionts? The delegates were here not ni ministers to tho United States. Why INCREASED VALUE OFRAILLOAD PROPERTY The taxable valuo of railroad property in this state, by tlie way, has .increased enormously in tho paat ten year*—from 39,004,000 to $34,000,00a GOOD N1AN, GItOVKR. Tlio Chilian delegate agreed with Mr. Henderson's idea generally, Lut felt constrained to iKatpono the matter out cf regard for tlio official character of some of tho delegate*. THE (BRAZILIANS' KKPl’DUCAK CREDEN TIALS. At the suggestion of a delegato Mr. Romer > read the credentials-of tlio Bra zilian* showing their appointment by tho Fmperor Pom Pedro, and aL o a cable gram duted at Rio do Janeiro to-dsy nr.d addretsed to Valcnte, reading as follows: “The provL.ii-n.-d government confirm** the power* given to your excellency and sScnora Lafayette and Mendonca. [Higned.] “Bocayaya, •‘.Secretary of Stato of the Provieional “Gove*nnlent of BraziL” Mini-tv r Valcutu added that Secretary Blaine hud set-u the cablegram. A vote was then taken u|»u the inotioa to tol4u Mr. lleti'Ier-oo’s revolution and it pro- \ i:|. • I, ul r .» an 1 Hauway, N. J., Nov. 21— 1 The Jackson- an legion of democratic club of this city, at its meeting last week, elected Grover Cleveland an honorary member. At to night’s meeting the following acknuwl- fro roMr. w<u. .raJ: rolicj in IS | “Newt York, Nov. 2 j.—To John Ilsaly, * Secretary—Dear Sir: I desiru to ezpn-»s I <k>n>jderation of slum ebsimed. my appreciation of the action of the The credentials w ere then referred to Jacksonian legion in electing me an hoo- tho proper committee and the considers- oranr metntar of that oiganization. I j tion of the rule* was resume I. lil^iho.l I reO puno ^uriholMi. n-- te C ooliJ«« «iil. .row hU ■ “ I " 1 ■' L >• 1 ail.i luliuell!, til- I r-l .ul.- , ■ '"I" ■ 1| ‘ '' 11 '■ • ' ,ll» p.-Il.iv tl.. r \\ il!. I";- 1 ! " z ■' «' 1 t ,..ui.»mi •• •• bf.i '■ • :.iM iy . .*i ... i *ww« ■ ^cuiuviat). tuvu wr» truly, “Grover Cleveland.” the LAty WILL !i!LL TTX82X. fivu While .*fen lo llauc In Ed-rllrld ruuiltf* ’"•uili * aroliiia. CDARLK-ton, Nov. 21.—Wm. Cttrpen* ter and Whitfield Murrell were r ;nvicte<l ! at Edgefield, S. CL, yesterday of the mure 1 dir uf Pre-ton Youn* o in June la t Thu I uiiirdoi' wis moot brutal and uii{ro- vuked. Tbu jury deliberatetl three hour* returned a ver i' tof guilty with r*t inundation to mtrey. A motion n in arrest of judgment was refused by judge, and tho priMjmr* wore .-ent» t t<> L* 1 tanged on *thu tM of n«*xt Janu Tin aro lb** titht white murd* (•t.cral grand by lvcstcr L, l years. icted in Edgefield county in forty d:- s . ii and a critical examination, which revealod time errors in tranaa- lion rc*|Uiring correction. QUINTANA IS ATAUOOL Tlie«Ighto rule, prescribing the meth<xl of recognition by tho chair, gave ri-e to . ”j more dehate than any other, Delegate “ iS of tho United*-* fc.-ukl.ig to ' have ordinary Ieginlativu pta* ti**o l,lc adopt*, d and s*.*nor Quintana ot Arg*ntinu ro- contending that if tin* wore done the I United btat* * delegates—t«*n in numi«**r in«l j —might bo unduly favored, owing to thu mi- . large representation, liually the rub? ide 1 uan m'-iiI t«i tin* rommiin-u <>n rub-H and the the conference adjourned until Monday. 1 i S-nor l.afay*tte, Brazilian dc!***? io the* l'an-Am. rit au conf* rt*;u *, has •!«*- infer- W ARDS OF TIIF. NATION. *tsullauuu* ifc« iiuirrn-j I ment aiul < ii«ri»kr«** In m .Ruddle. I n Taiii.k.qi aii. I. T., Nov. 21.—In former * r ‘ diijAtchcs it l.a* tx*en htnt*>d that mat ters in the prceont negotiation Ix-iwrccn tho United States and the Cherokc wero growing more and iiiotu compli cated. This statement w n* completely verified yesterday, when n rcH'ilution wat intro duced into tho lower branch of thu coun cil, authorizing the appointment <>f a joint commission to meet and open nego- lintions with the Unitnl States commit sinners, thereby doing entirely away with tho Henatu commute** on foreign reationa and creating a now course of procedure, which will neceseitnte the going over of all the work thus far ac complished. mint will Ira a mighty maritime r. Sin* i.i to ecttlo and govern tho 1 ml 1 ;•*>- •' .. . - v.:,i Euioi-* hu- tidt f<«r thu next conquering power.” CANADA MAY rt/»UT ENGLAND. TOO, New York, Nov, 21.—A Montreal • dal says: Apropos of Brazil, quits a number of mch. |Mi)x?rs inclu ling the La Patrie 1 l/Eveiili.ellt,** thi-. IMlllllllg A\or of a ( ana<li*n r**j.ul>i <■. 'll.e lie.aid of thin city, tho chief organ of tl.u dominion op(>o->itioD, says that tho Ei.iihh iKNiple are slow to*make con- fctit|tionnl chungos, but adds that it is if* t«> hay what the forco of example lithe in* ren-ung intercrureo of Great Babin and America, hacked by further i-kguurdism of persons in high jioai- ti* nt might not do. • TR MONARCHY MAY GO FOR CANADA. It Won Id of course make no difference whoever to Canada were tho English niuiirchy to give place to a republic bo- you- thu imjKtuv that such a change niigk giro to thu tram of thought that icMclitlu* thinker to the conclusion lhat Itislrarly time (’an&da busie«l herself al»oij her own mdej.* n l.-no*. Airetiali.i. whiA is a l«tby among nations, i-alre.idy cornering the propriety of establishing an Jpstruliau nation. OKRMANY Ml PDLEA IN KKAZIL I A'don. Nov. 21.—Tho Berlin cor- rf>i«uh*nt ot the < fir* ni- -a\h : lU>u i» g**i etally expressed here that in *« event of a spit tp the 200,000 Gerlans in southern Brazil will ask for Girmn protection. U is not improbable tlistn sttempi will L* mad*- with the hehof tho n.lnnial party hero to secure put Rl if not couipletu in<le|*rmleucu. VIE ri ALLOT INIVEHSAl. Brail's llrpiibllran Govrrmnrnt es ■ Drrrff LatabllalilUff I nl- *| Muttrace. UE Janeiro, Nov. 21.—The provis- tovrrnment has iMued a decree esta, siting universal suffrage through- repllhlic. ■•syTk^-r.'vi*ii*)n;d government ho* prom- S 177res|htl the prinress' inatriinoninl tract. un«l also th«* |K*n-ions couc***led wior by the Emperor Dorn Pedro. 1 Brazilians able to rea«I anrl write •ntitled to vote at tho elections lor gfeminent hange remains mialterej. s nsvr, vsirr vrican con ft* i !dfd to remain away fr«» It is understood that he is t**> i l well to accept the telegraphic renewal of ^ KNGLINII I I.EHKN BIST GO. Cotilrncf Labor To Ro Knforrrd AcalnsC LiiclUU < oiion Grader* lu Virginia. Washington, Nov. 21.—The United States district attorney at Norfolk, Vn., was to-day instructed to bring suit) against certain English cotton brok«rs for violation of ih»- nlien contract law, provided ho is sati-ti«*d such suits can l*j aintained. These suits are to dftennino the h*gality <»f ti»** | racti. eof rertaiu Englhh hrokerdof Stiij lnjaag in tho par- t c ilarly Virginiu, dorks or grader*, whoso busine-M it i* to da*dfy cotton fur thu English market*. These men uro s|*ecially trained for this business and arc M-nt to this coun try from England. npain hid not rkddlb. Cuba's Governor-!.rnsral Aajs He llasu't InU-rlureil lu lbs Key Weal Strtlcc. Havana, No 21.—The governor-gen- oral disclaims that iiu has in any way aided the striking cigar makers of Key West Many of them, it set. ms, asked to ie returned to Cuba and for tout rea->*ia gunboat was sent to Key West to cany luem back to their form. ; homos. Fleming’s statement. Washington,Nov. *i -Tito statement of Governor FTanci-* P. Fleming of Flore ida in relation to th** alleged interfer ence by th** Si ai.i'ii «omul at Key Weal between the cigar im<kei* and their em ployers was receive*! nl th** Statu Depart* ht this afU rniA'ii i>rrl rufeired to tl departm -nl of Jnfitt tor investiv “This C«*n».-i llnpplns." “This comes , li*>|.|>.iig' U) find yo it leRv.-rt mo at tin* pre-ent." aint finish to many a letter in gone by. The “hopping” was «>dd .-]-*lhng for hoping, linn c*Miies to jioint some w«iry woman, the vi* ti n of functional *i* r.ingement« or uteri:..* troul.l***, internal infi* nmation and ul- ceratiou orany other admeuls peculiar to tin* m*i, th«* way of ho|>e. health and happi ness. Dr. Pierces Favorite Pre script ion is the only medicine fer wem- an * peculiar weaknesses and ailments. Mild by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacture!I. of aatisfactioas being given in every *a*< or money refunded. See guaranty printed uo bottlo wrapper. the Wsthfogtcn county far to couio f outh before they starve trying tolivowdure land makes only cigbi bushels of corn to'the ac re. Apples of a very driicio is flavor are still U*ing sold in this niarkeL I mean apples that are rai*ed right here at home, the equal of any ever stnpiK?*l from the N« nl.. rn n.arkt t. ’1 lx r.- has not !•. .n a day fciucu thu 10th of May Lut wnnt there has been plenty of fresh fruit in tho markcL on tho oth. outlie tilt • -tilth dn after l.i->d- partur.* from Victoria Kyau/aand ih.: lWthday after leaving Albert Nyanza. THE PARTY WITH oTAN'LF.Y. “In addition to tho nanuv. already tele graphed. Stanley has with him Hoff mann, Emin's dnugiit* r and Fathern Grault and thddnze of tho Algorinl inis- • ion. Stanloy l**it Mpwapwaunthu 12th. eling th. i,t by id 31 we Kemhi “Stanl-v made erv of n*al xaluo i of’Victoria Nynn west. The utmost out" . f:n outh DKATII KODK THK MTOIIR. Ncwbfrnr, N. U lirtinrd by a «'>• clour—Out* Klllrtl, Several Injured. Nkwberne, N. CL, Nor. 21.—At 1 o’clock to-day a fearful storm struck Newherne, coming from the southwet-t. The plate and pulp factory of 8. II. Gray, in which there were sixty land*, was leveled to the ground. Ono em- ployo was instantly killed, another mortally wounded and eight others in jured. The factory was valued at $01.- Tb»* diwnag.* t.* th.- hou.M-aml M»m k is estimated at $3,000; that to the ma chinery is not yet known. Thu wind blew n perfect hurricane, unrooflug hou*e* t biowing down chim neys, trees and fences. 1 lie damage to the tow ii, while not definitely know n, is very considerable. IIAKHIF.D - IIV A NTORR. A nifcMstrous rjclouo Passes Near t.ror|rioHii Our Ran Losses Si,- 000. GsOBHETOWN. N ,V. 21.—[Special.]—A tcrriblo and destructive rain and wind county this morning about 1 o'clock, blowing down fences, uprooting trees and destroying houst-f, Mr. W. II. Gorsuch was the greatest siitrerer. S.x hou-e* on In*, placu were demolished, the roots of h.c cril» were blown off and his dwelling badly dam aged. Hu it: d three rutiles killed in their stables, and right bah * of cotton in the reed, w Inch ho had (Kicked in a house, w ere blown away. lie dors not believe he will l*e uhle to recover more than a 1 al* *»f the cotton, lie estimate* his loss n: J.'.ih 0. A UMTIJIS I NION l llllg Thu Ten 111 Mary of tlie Nc\% A ark lint* ** In Flaiur*. Srvr YroWE Nsr. JL—?2rc latitud c Nyatizn anHk t. 3d,0X» 2. IN Hi is bring' Vi rtoria within loo mile* of I^iko Ta Thu area of tlie extension st(uare miles.'' SIXTY CHILDREN IN THE PARTY. According to advice' received In the foreign office Manley ha* with him 15) iM-ison*. of whom 200 are Emin's follow- ir*. There wen* al*o sixty_ children in the purtv. Stanley lost eighteen nwu during the march fromVictoria Nyanza. He had four <lays”flgliting near U«a- kamo. The ct|K?<htion isexpecte*! to ar- livo at Bagamoy in a fortn gat. STANLEY’S STHUUNO STORY. ZANZIBAR, Nov. 21.—Stanley, in a let ter to tho British consul nt Zanzibar, gives, in addition to tho nows nlivudy cabled, the following, lie says: •Every prevum* e.\p< diiion has soon a lightening of its labors upon nearing tlie sea, but thu long string of iKunmnck lab*. Until tilings in oi thero w ill bo ■ •I it i* tiiat w lege of rdiowi ing lighting loft, driving their prey ovet mountains w itli every strain they flip through dio in their years old, til tells a d jfer can ph in party on tdupb st for • s. Tho worst had not tho privi- you at Zanzibar the full labors. After enrry- llreni 1,« right lie AVnrausau from range alter range of hnnds r. mocks. Ono lady mother of Vakiel, died Sufferers P r OM Rtoinach and Liver derange- * mi nts—Dyspepsia, BiliousneM, Skk- llcudache, und ipati^n— find a safe and certain relief in Ayer’s Pills. In all rases where a ra- t hart io is needed, these rills are recom mended by leading physicians l>r. TT K. Hastings, of Baltimore, says: 1 “Ayer's Bills are the best eat liar tic and aperient within the reach'of tuy profes- . John TV. Brown, of Oceana, W. writ* .' : “ I hav<* {ircscribeil Ayer’s III inv prarijee. and l.iwl them cx- nt. I urge their general use in • •ied various JESC, Tded me any relief until o* AVer’s Bills.”—G. 8, r.intun. Ba. Ayers Bills for the pist id am satislied I should -day if it had not be*n v cured me of dyspeimia lies failed.and their •as kept in** in a healthy suite.“—T. B. Brown, n subject, for years, t*» it bout being able to find • hut fried Ayer's Bills, h a i ty atid a pleasure have derived great bon- For over two years ken one of these Bills re retiring. I would r the- W. t., Carlisle, Ba. “A\< ;■* I’ll 1 ' have been used In tor family npwa U of twenty years, anil havo Coml !• tely verified all that fa for lliem. In attacks of piles, fioiu whi. h I suffered many years, they afforded lire gi* ater relief than anv rued- *"■ AJ ““’ Ayer’s Pills, PREPARED CY Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold by all Dru/«..laauii lHalera to Msdicioa. I’UI OIIT FOR FO In North Usu*k, stirring a time anywhere rna, wo had fur four days route. There intinmnis fighting during riio greater jrart «>f tho daylight In foolish natives took prejudice against I insisted tiiat tliet and had cornu purptjse. Talking any attempt ocountald** m s i*coplc. They were canaibalH for no good was useless, disprove their I Pv in imililii UUJ'. 1 UT. j-ni- - — - ——— —- j nd of Boron L’orruba and Viscount in the tenth story of tho Western Union j impresHloti only cfiovo them into a white heat rage, and in*! Imto flinging theins<‘lv«‘i' on us, they : nil* n«l Hnerely. I mu advis«*i that tiio Scmbri ami Mwene rmit.* h tin* U 't f*»r m curing an ahumlan*'** of f«H> I and therefore 1 pr*»- g.r fr<» «*ks bv th** .* l oad has recognized the change of eminent- The baron has sworn a **giaifiv to the republic. unt Oto Proto, chief of tho d*v ! «ed imperial ministry, has left Brazil. THE FLAG OF TIIK ItEIM IUJC. Hie republic ijtional colors enty-< f$*ent n of Brazil, i irds: Order and progress.” Thu government stomps now bear a ue lobe enclosed by the w ords, “the | to the building building at i o’clock thi. thu Aisociatc*«l I’ress wires were slit for tho night except the Wtetero. floor on which the lire broke out filled with Western Union records. Unit l» th* Uio olill. Hioll r mi"" || *<l . . in getting ho»u up to tho burning lh with tho addition of | it.^e Ki.rmnded It took only Stanley on. Mpv I J’.Y TO WlssMAN. in Ing t<» (apt. Wirtsnian Ji r tluU* of Nov, 11, I ate » .« I hut afte htars, reprei. nting tlio dir- # | 10rt timo to get tho (lam hiatus of the new United * »»-*J It is inscribed with tlio public of the United States of Brazil.' Brigadier Gullyo has been named gov- of th** province of Matteogro**«>. ut.-Voi. Jaqut-H (Jar it two has been ; »pointcd bucrctury to tho chief of gov- Gcn**ral tranquility prevails. ^ PEACR REHRCL AHINoton. Nov, 2L—Dr. Valcnte, ter from Brazil, called at the State j lepaitmciit to-day and informed the i eretary that his lat- t advices were ami tranquility reigaod and mt the new- govemnu nt was receiving pp«»rt of the fe*aplc. Dr. alente al**i received this morn- »g iiutbority from (he prov>*i« nal run,*-nt to i mtruct the -"iitativesof Brazd to thu interna- iial Auu-ri*au congrew to continue to for their country in tlio ** -* «»ns of congress. It is supposed that similar nstructiou* have Leun sent to tlio dele- •ates to thu iuternaticnul marine confer- AMERICAN SHIPS FOR BRAZIL. Thu Navy Dej>artment as a matter of precaution lies informed Admiral Gillis, comuiTml of tho South Atlantia >n, that !c was advisahlo for him Brazilian waters with tho Taha- an«l B c unond. him. PIF.IK’K GKTM Till: 1*11 I f.H. Ilf-'s hntru l iittul Ntntrs Hmstor From North Dakota Pig hi fur Sec ond Flare. Bismarck. N. D., Nov. 21.—Gilbert A. Pierce was elected senator by tho legis lature to-day. Tlio Johnson men at tempted to force a voto for tho ««•<*<>n*k senator in tin* House, but a motion to nd- l urn was carri* d by two l.q p ,i. lican conference committer* have i**on np(HMUt**d to < all a caucus. ),ut as it is a tie, no < .dl w ill l*u iMOkl and tlio second Miiatomliip will pr*ihaU\ l.axo to I* tought out in the legBiature. JIAM-LLD BV AtfKTOira. A Louisiana l.adj Klllt*«l In Frasrnro of Hrr Daiiahlrrs. New Orleans, Nov. 21.—This after noon a street car containing nino pas sengers was struck by nn engine on tho nuoote Central railrea l resulting in the in-taut death of Mrs. Ja liua Beale of Baton Itouge. She waa knocked down and horrii*ly mnngh’d. Tluecof Mrs. Bealu’s m.irri* t daiighl'-rs were in tho car when the ac cident occurred. I ba-tootiKlit li'i'wljiiiM each other. I Uojw it will still U* au Bplcious and koop you until 1 liavu the I duasing I'ppori unity of knowing n col • agii" who has laliore*! ***» nnostenta tiously nud well in u similar Held, undci the *a:n" royal pitronage." Beg.irduiK Victoria Nvan/a, Stanley sn\» it i* 1,800 oijuaru in lie® larger than fiportod l*y Si* ke, wh< **» tnteiu nt re* panting thu si/o «»f the lake was nup|K tu Ik* an exaggerut inn, l.’riji Al which Hi* k** »•> liglitly sketched, ' lake,* -i LsianUtt. THE WISH BERUN, Nov. 2 tung.says that I Mp ro was little or no excitement ex- aiming tln^ women and gills am* 1 m the iv-t.'inraiit ul.o u re euth tl<<or, ‘11io damage i« $1,000 and to st-,. k pUiau, M-ramUl I'. lwn, Trtivr. SerlUMMl. •««■. Mr. *•***•' o—rfui »u.i »n LxPPflflAN 3R03., Proorlotorot AVTICLSHALE DRUOOICTA. tfcof«n nti»*k. '4VASNAH. CA. For »alul>y Taylor & Daniels, Ma- ou,Ga, FOR KEN ONLY! i"CSiTiVt C«a«r%l ln*l jimowVio^S t cube r^jassaass For a disordered liver try Beechsm's l.NCLADA, 21.—In a *hsp* tch from th:.t several of tlie pow ers will send ironclads to Bio d«* Janerio to protect thtir subjectfc in Brazd. The Brazilian (mriiamerit me* tu early in Ik*- ceml«r to cho*e a j»i"»i«lent, BLN'S GIFT TO BBI NSUKK. He .Wakes Jobs H. Dfiiui, Negro < allrelor of ( mionu. Wash IF )ToN, Nov. 21.—Thu Preside nt i attacks tire *chc to-day ajqointed John 11. Iievaux «.f J d id Georgia to be collet t-r of customs fur j Joeejih Ygl- tho district of Brunswick, Ga.. ami Wm. national Mortg; i O. RepasH. postmaster at Wytheville, | | Ma t malit. I Va., vice Alex h. Heller, removed. [ defaulter in tlie sum oi fctO.CQU.