The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, January 29, 1890, Image 2

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I T1IE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: W eDNESDAY. JANUARY 2a. Ih90. I RAILWAY WAR ON GEORGIA HOADS MAKE A HOT FIGHT AGAINST THE SLEEPING CAR TAX. Tlie Atlanta and ff«t Point lKHre> m. Temporary Injunction From Judge Clarke—The Allegations »ct Forth by the Itoad, Atlanta, Jan* 24.—[Special ]—Thero Jr bo let up ia the fight waged b> the railroad* of Georgia against the mileage tax ob sleeping cars, and it ia likely vo be hotly contested until the bigheat tribu nal passes upon the issue. To-day in the Fulton superior court, through their at torneys, Messrs* Calhoun, King A Spalding, tho Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company, filed a bill against Comptroller-General Wright and Sheriff h. P. Thomas. WHAT THE BILL SETS FORTIL The bill sets forth the following facta: In December, 1888, the legislature passed an act providing that railroad companies should pay a license for pull ing sleeping cars belonging to corpora tions outside of this elate. The tax was fixed according to the mileage of the road. If tho road was from fifty to 100 mile* ia length tho tax wm fixed at JMOl tor roade 100 to 150 miles in length SlbOandsoon. In November, 1889, another act was named amending the above act so os not torequire the tax on the railroad com panies for pulling car* over their track, but on cars ownod by tho roads. The comptroller-general, the petition soU forth, notified the West Poin; rail- rond to nor tho .$100 license tax for less on or before OcL 1,1«H>. The road re- fused to do so, and on tho lCthof Docem- lier, ISS'J, an execution wa> iseued against tho road for the $100 iiceuje, and an ad- ditionnl sum of *500 no a penalty for not liaving paid it. Tho execution was carried out by Sheriff Thomas, who had Deputy Sheriff Ferknraon levy on locomotive engine No. 23, of the Atlanta and Weet l’oint railroad. TO* TAX CXCOXSTlTtJTlOfUl. The- petition claim, that the wwenement of tho $100 is a license upon interstate commerco and if any statute of tlio code of Georgia would try to authorize tho collection of such a license it would lie contrary to the provision, of the consti tution of the United States, and there fore null and void, and the petition charges that it ia It atao claims that the statulo is con- trarv to the spirit of tho coustitution of the state of ' Jiorgia, which provides that nil taxation of every character shall be ad ' valorem and uniform upon every epedee of property subject to taxation. That tho said tax is not uniform, but capriciously graded, according to tbc mileage without regard to the number of cars hauled or trips male. It is further unconstitutional because it is a tax upon Ihuw, pulling sUeoii can belonging to corporations nutaids the sum sun nui uj«»i «««»> puiii-o sleeping care of corporation* in the itate. Further, that the act of the comp troller-general in assessing a penalty of $500 for a non-payment of the license was unlawful COS T WAXT THEIR EXOIMX ACCTtOREIl. The petition then asks that the set re- Ntws pno.n OGLBMOltPre. Mr. Edwin Williams SerloitslT Ml- Carrot Mauglitrr of Dove*. OoumionE, Jan. 24.—[Special.]—Mr. Edwin Williams is dangerously ill with pneumonia. lie lost his wife last Mon day from the same disease, and this very fact is now aggravating his cos& Ho is liaving good medical attention though in Drs. Oliver and Nelson. Mr. Henry Harris of Sparta and Mrs. Pierce Turner of Augusta, relatives of tho sick man, arc with him. THEY RIVALED OLD NIMROD. Judge W. H. Fish, Rev. A. 0. Ward- low, Capt. F. T, Snead and Charley Wil lis invaded the dove fields yesterday af ternoon, and the report comes that each ouo covered iiii/iscil with such honors os would liavo caused the displeasure of old Nimrod. MACON* COUNTY SCIIOOLB FLOURISHING. Tho commissioner of public schools of this county, H. M. Kaiglcr, reports more schools and a larger enrollment of pupils than for many years. His agreement with teachers is that they teach four months. MU. OUirFIN MffCESS. Mr. W. J. Gridin has resigned the po sition of railroad agent ut I)awaon aud taken the sumo position at this place, which he filled before going to Dawson, A Ql’ARREL OVER A NECK. [Jit AM I KK t ! Vlfiliarjr LEWIS PHILLIPS, COMMUTED NEGRO MUHDERER, FURNISHES THE NECK. Solicitor-General Ilranllcr of Itriin*- vvic k Docs die Quarrellns llt-t-auko Gordon Coni in n led Phillip** Men- leuce-What Ilibrl Say*. LEFT IN ADAH’S PLIGHT. Atlanta, Jan. 21.—[Special.]—In tho »«ic© of Governor Gordon, who is in Taylor county, tho attention of Judge NecJnt, his private secretary, was to-day colled to u:i interview published ia the Brunswick Times of yesterday with Su'icitor-Gonural Brantley of the Bruns- In tho interview the solicitor general takes great mnbageat ’ •'<cent action of the governor in •tip''to life imprisonment the sentence Lewis Phillips, the uegro who was to • e U*cn executed in Wayne county • murilej t n Ike. 18, last. STRICTURES ON GORDON. That Ally Plus! Mall f Atlanta, Jan. 21. —{Special.]—The city of Atnericus and the county of Sum ter want n military company, and they are very much in earnest about it A communication addressed to tbc gover nor and the military advisory board con taining a most urgent application for the organization of a military company was in the bands of Adjt.-Gen. Kell this morning. This application is for mally and officially made by Hon. Allen Fort, judge of the superio: court of tho Southwestern circuit, the mayor and city council of AmeTicof, Hon. J, B. Pie- bury, judgo of tins Sumter county court, all the county officials and tho repre sentatives of the county in lira legisla ture. WHT THEY WANT IT. Tho petition sots forth that Americus has a population of 7,000 or 8,QC0 with no company in or near the city, and that in ca-*e of necessity, it would be a conve nient point for service if one should be organized. It is alleged that there is a growing necessity fer a well CZAR REED'S UGLY FANGS. THEY ARE CRITICISED BY REPUBLI CAN HOUK, “H. H. KICKER.” R»«d Will Know No Democratic .tlcMftiirca Culm* Indorsed by Tw Iteiiiibllrant—Ne«v York Knock ed Out for the Uotid’s Fair. Appenranro r •olkitor-geceral would now like tukuo*Uow ,h* ««uUv« 4txMt»»fl-1 eauU>«.-dIforeran;'and carnMtly remost «* <-*»* tn iu of acmence and proceed:* m tlio in* tci view lo arraign tho governor in this ow Lauren* County Fishermen Loot Their Clothing. Tweed, Jan. 24.—[Special]—Yester day morning & paityof men mot near tho house of Mr. Julius Dunn for tho purpose of 6ciniag tho ponds in the vicinity. After a short consultation they decided to try the “fun.” Despite the chilliness of tho water, several dashed in with tlio net, and in a short time landed a fino string of the finny tribe on terra firma. In the evening the fishermen went to seine another place and left their clothes in charge of BUI and Lige Currills. These two built a fire and, being under the influence of John Barleycorn, it was not iong before they were fast asleep. In the meantime the fire had Ignited the clothes of tho seiners, and in a few sec ond* nothing hut ashes remained. One of tho Currills was awakened by the tiro burning his feet and thereby saved his life and brothers. The feelings of tlio men on their re turn can better be imagined than described. All had to make for home as Lest they could. One or two borrowed some old clothes ana laughed heartily at their misfortune. Before leaving for homo they engaged in a game o( rap jacket and tanned each other’s backs well. Five suits of clothes were the loss sustained. mtOTUF.K STI’UGIK WAN INSANE, •‘1'hillipB was convicted of nn atrocious murder and justly eon tenet d to bo hanged. Jew. the governor wouldn’t let the sent* nee be executed, and while the reason for th:* is a mybtery to mo still, tlio special inquiry with me now is to know u hat investigations the gov ernor inode before acting in tho matter and how he obtained sufficient facts to justify him in commuting tlio sentence." , “Did the govornor examine the evi dence i:i that case T “Ho did not. The evidence was taken down by Stenographer titary and b still in his short hand Look. He wen never asked to write out the evidence, and it rwmaraa just as it was taken down. It seems that the governor didn't want the evidence, else lie would liavo asked for l!o didn't a»k me anything ai>out case. In fact, he didn’t even notify that such an application was pend ing before him. nor dirt he consult Judgo Atkin* u, who tried tho cats, or in any manner tuck his opinion. I would hate to think Hint Governor Gordon would decide matters of tbti kind upon ex parte statements of the friends of tbo defen dant. and yet it puzrios tun to know how he d. c:ded this cuso unlev* it was done in that way.” Washixoton, Jan. 24.—(Special.]-. Representative Houk of Tennessee, who is one of the “H. II. kickers” on the re publican side l>ecauso Speaker Reed re duced his committee rank, is quoted os saying to Culberson of Texas, one of the democratic wheel-horses, to-day: “ Culberson, we republicans have tho NKOLLING A *11 T|HY. a IXody Laid AWlV 800 Itcrore Christ. A mummy wl.ich had occupied a place for about half a century m tlio museum of University College, London, was re cently unrolled in tho presence of sev eral distinguished scientists. The pro ceeding is thus described in tho London Public Opinion: The mummy was placed on a table on tlio floor of the theater, and looeely covered with a cloth or liuo linen of a faded purple color, which had formerly constituted its outer wrapping. Before proceeding to perform tho operation of unrolling the mummy, Mr. Budge made ■■■ generally. 0 the principal methods of preserving the human body by mummification three in number. Tlie first process required qulring the payment of the license be de clared null ana void, that | the company be relieved from paying it and that the aberiff be restrained from selling the en- J.Ctarh.grentea. temporary order, and set the case for;.; .lan. 2>. A DIG DI AL IN DIHT Tfcet’e Why II. Vrala I gif Letters U Ladle*, III* Bretfirea Ear. Richmond, Vo., Jan. 2*1.—A rehearing was to-day had in the case of Rev. J. (L Sturgis, pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, who was suspended nemo time ngo for conduct unbecoming a minister in writing a letter to a lady member of hi* church. The report of the commit tee of ministers says: “We have been most patient, pro tracted and prayerful rehearing to all the testimony offered. Wo have heard tlio testimony of a number of intelligent and responsible witnesses, among them two prominent physicians, os experts. And have reached the following conclu sions: That the testimony shows the mental condition of Brother J, 14 Sturgis at the time ho wrote the letter upon Which thi* LEANT!'EY IS DISCOURAGED. " You wont to know what information wit* brought to the governor's notice';" “ Yes; tliai's wliat I’m after. Tho governor, of course, had information culUcient to » a »*fy Him that Phillips ought not to houg, and 1 think the pub lic is entitled to tiw same information, in order that it may enjoy a like satisfac tion, and especially so, tliat any false ha- pressi*.ns that limy liavo been made may w removed. 1 don’t want to appear dfc- courteous to the governor, nor do I want Following the official application nro the J-igiiiitures indorsing it of 180 of the moot prominent citizens of Americus and Sumter county. Iu reply to a question whether the ap- 1 Mention would be granted 'AiljuUnt ie ntral Kell said: AMERICUB MUST WAIT. “It is an application of a character to demand consideration and will bo laid teure the board. But it cannot now bo granted, becaueo thero ia no vacancy at present existing in the voiunteer organi zation of tiie state. At iu last meeting the advisory board adopted a resolution that no applications for new companies would ho received until sorneof tlw older companies disbanded, .Since then no cotupaay boa dropped out, nnd until furtner action by the board no now com pany can b# organized.” As n meeting of the advisory board has been called for tho 28th mat., it might be well for the petitions™ to press the matter then. THE MILITARY ENUAMYMCST. It has been dated that only one bid has been submitted for tho location of tlio statu military encampment, to bo held this summer, and that bid will be opened at the m.cting of the board on the 28th inst. It is understood the lone bid was made by Brunswick for St. Siioon's. it will be accepted unlees the board decides to readverbsx It was ex pected that Augusta would bid, but w lulu a i*ipcv wo* Mdd to be heie for filing at the last meeting of the board, it has never turned up. A CAPTAIN RENOS*. The resignation of Capt. Win, Rice of the duBigoon Volunteers, Mtltolgetifie, lias been received by the adjutant- gens ml, and accepted. ideal speaker. He is tho beat speaker that the intestine!* should be oxtmeted who (t\e; presided over this House, He! on d qmhuliued in four pots dedicated to would not recognize a democrat to make I sod* The body was then eoakod s re ! >n nalrou for 70 daye. At the end of amotion to adjourn. He would nut re that time it wu wwlwl. and then care- cognize tho demand of a democrat for fully bandaged in hundred, of yards of tellers, and”—leaning over confidential y ! linen. 15y thy second process the in- —“he is considering a proposition to u- j testiues were simply dissolved out by quire the indorremont of two republi. I taeaus of nation, alter which tho body cans for a democrat to introduce a bill. Til indorse you, Culberson, if you can small speck in the 6ky, and, having nothing else to do I watched it grow larger and larger as it approached nearer and nearer, aud finally 1 saw what it was—” “And what was it?” asked I’atrohnan Thompson. “The Strangs hoiseman with whom you had tho light. I hailed him. and he gave mo a lift as far as St. Louis. I made the balance of my way to Indianapolis on a freight train.” TO ISUILD Ml TKKUOHS. nlttee ?lapi Senate Naval f'oni Out a-Liberal Frog ■Washington, Jan. 24.—The Senate some prefatory observations ou Egyp- committee on naval affairs held a meet tian mummies generally. He described j n g to-day, at which, after considerable get anyone for a second. NO WORLD’S PAIR FOR NEW YORK. New Yorkers Interested in getting tbo World’s Fair for New York are in tiro dumps tonight over the defeat of tho ox position bill in the New York legisla ture by Torn Platt’s men. They liavo been counting largely upon tho passage of that bill to carry them through. They have been delaying action hero until it should bo passed. It hns been observed that Bolden, the lopublican manager, was letting Flower, the democratic manager, do moat of the work here. Doubt Jets Bolden had Us tip from Boss Platt and know that notiiing would come of iL Platt, like Quay, did n.t want the e;cpo*iiion in Now York ia a presidential year. A« the World’s Fair business stands here, it will probably come to Washington if tiicrois to be any exposition at all, which is doubtful. ILLINOIS SENATOR* FEAR IJAKRJSOX. Senators Farweil and Culloin have been brouclit to see the unwisdom of fighting the adminbtration, and will no longer onp<*a tho confirmation of Col lector Clark of Chicago. In fact Farw< II will huu*«lf tuotO the confirmation of Clark. Wheu your head is in the lion* as soaked in natron and mummified. By the th ird process tho body was merely suited and put into a pit Sometime* bitumen w a. used with other substances to fill the cavity in tho Lody after tlio intcotint* hod been removed. At tiie conclusion of hi* observation* Mr. Budge proceeded to unroll the mummy, which was closely swathed in scores of yards of thick, yellowish linen of fino texture. Tho bund* of linen va ried iu width from four to five inches to about a foot. Some of them were laid longthwise along tho body; others were wrapped round and round iL At tho be ginning of the procc h of unrolling there was a very perceptible sickl v sincil of aromatics, which, as tho work went ou, gave place to a mure pronounced and Ue- ,»ni Iniunn I'.l* .!(, 000 for Atlanta RmI Ihsk. ATLANTA, Jan. xL—{Special.j—The largest recent «ds of Atlanta real mi has just been recorded in tbo clerk's pfllcr. On the corner of Mitchell nnd Fornrth .trn U, adjoining U» rrelitamo of Mr. 9am Inman, i. a two-scr. lot with a frame houa. on it. Mr. John Inman of Nre York purchamd the lot a few Tear, ago for r.’O.OOdl Mr. Bam Inman ba> now Mirrlnsd It from hi. brother, * W,00a i.i . The Inmans ore sola to own large auction of real e»tate In that portion of the city. It all liee not far froin tire yards of the Central. West- investigation was Used was such as to rvnder him incapable of uodurstanding mouth don t pull his tail,” said one of tho Illinois delegation ia counusntiag to night upon tiw* senatorial back down. BUTTERWORTU ON RETl’BUCAN FOLLY. Butterworth brought out most clearly in his remarks before tho ways and means committee today tiie absurdity of our governtaeui's devoting so much time great part oi Hie linen had boon removed, Mick stains caused by tbo bitumen, became apparent, and nearer tc tiie body the wrappings had suffered considerably from contact wi-h this substance. Two small piece* of liuen with fringes were diocovered in the course of the unrolling, and these bore iatcriptioii*, more or lees impaired by the bitumen. When at last the cov ering!! had been removed, tlio Lody was found to l*e nl a »vry dark brown color, so dark, indeed, as to almost black. The skin where it remained was hard and shiny, the arm* and bands la} length wise upon tiie abdomen, whiki the h«irt oud immtioos were placed beneath tho kuee*. The feutures wlien dieclosid stood out very clearly, and ware thaacof u rathor han*lsoujo pvrsou. but tho sex could not b« dcttrinmvd. Glass eyes had bt-i n placed in tho head, ami thero \»a* u linen plug in tiie ear. Mr. Budge, at tla; conulusiut of his task, said that the mumuiy seemed to discussion, the committee decided upon the policy which will govern it during this congress in tho woik of building up the navy. This is, in brief, that a great line of buttle ships like tho English Ben Bow should be constructed at ouce. Chandler and McFherson, however, are not in accord with . the derision reached, and majority anil minority r<j- porta will be submitted to tlio Senato. Stanford is, also, not wholly committed to the decision reached. The naval policy board which tteewtavy Tt.v y ap pointed made a recommendation for the cOiislructtuu of 227 vowels, ranging ftooj first class battle ships, ten in number, of lff.lOU ton* each, down to torpedo boats, 101 in number, of 05 tons cacn, at a total cost of 8J4U,515,100. The total tonnage of this fleet is 010,310. This estimate of tho vessel* includes those of recent new construction, and the total cost embraces tiie $&LU6o,(j0j already spent. There is a division of opinion in the committeo as to what class of vessel* should first be constructed. HALE'S NAVAL RILL. As a result of the di-cussion. Hale was instructed to report favorably a bill in troduced by him some days ago embody ing the recommendations contained in Secretary Tracy’s mutual report, which E rovidcs tliat, for the purpose of further icrvusing the naval establishment of the United States, the President is thereby authorized to have constructed by tho contract eight battle ships of 7,t(K) to 10,000 tons displacement, two armored coast defense vessels, three gun boat* of 800 to 1,200 tons displacement aud Uvo firat-clm-s torpedo beats The bill provides un appropriation of $7,000,000 to begin work on the»e vessels. F.D1SON LOOKS TO GKGIIG1A. the moral character of his act. We therefore revoke our first decision of the case sending it forward for trial and recommending bis suspension, and now recommend that the case be dUroiased.” tiii: Bin otic or iui.mcil. 9100,000,000 SulMM-rlbrrt tor a Ns- ilunal Bank In F«ur Hours. Washington, Jan. 24,—Dr. Valenti?, the Brazilian minister litre, to-day re ceived the following cablegram from Ruy ltarboea, the Brasilian minister of finance, dated Itio rte Janeiro, Jan, 24: The capital for a great national banking institution, to be known as tbo National Bank of the United States of but l d«> think, when tho chief execu tive of tb« state deliberately sets aside lb* work of the courts without any refercec* to how that work was dona, and without consultation with any of tiie officers of the court or any notice to tlai one who participated in the prosecu tion, it is discouraging to the liberty and ordoc-loving citizens, and encouraging only to law Irreakent. 1 don’t *ay Gov ernor Gordon did thu, but 1 do say that 1 would he glad to know how lie arrived at his decision in commuting the death sentence of lewis Phillipe,” K? O RING IlEANTLSY’t STATEMENT OEY HIOH. Judge Net bit said in reference to Solicitor-General Brantley’s statement* and hi-? strictures upon tha aiversor's oaiui tut the commutation lusd been granuit out? after the most dotiWato In ttie Mat*’* tbtaltknM Moll*. Atlanta, Jan. 21.—(Special.l-~CapL John Milledge, state librarian, is in re ceipt of tn autograph letter from Thomas A. Ediaon, written from bis laboratory at Orange, N. J., stating tUt he whhes to obtain the beat map of tiu} stiiti? of Georgia, and abo county mapa through which pes»the tretsliferous (cits. The wtoard ot Menlo Park writ*** leiutiful band, and shows bis sound judgment in casting his eye toward greatest state in the unior, w .a may be hie ultimate puri«»e. *• < apL MIBedga, withallLis well-kDi v* r-atility, admits that he is not up rnetnliferou* l«elts, but will give matter prompt attention. and UioukIU to plnnninK tor ck>M..r trado to . (wruid .bout sw voar» betoro UirUt. retatiuo. with ttw coumri.. njuUj ot ua it lilUnl with ... J nraxljr nnd ignoring the tnvlr of Cnu.dn, our I a u ttir llmh w» drstrojrd iu oonre- next iHdghhor ou lira uortb. queue. VuU of tli. .kin ruuaiita.i upon j tho U.a.t, nod tit. boots were ntifi iu | fairly |oo<l condition. The into»iine., ftmiltm. in. l on.iitnttou. ’ n.u.liy era is the cnMof i.iwn. of high Cotixic*, 0„Ju. S4.—Thotwogre. birth, wrreplaced wiumtli th« !«gx Ifw min.T.' nr/*nirjtlion. of tho onuntrt l*r*>n cnuld not h... boon of t.ry gr«t iiont the day in co)i.idnralio)i of tho con* 1 |—-— ““ h “ Thoy ora and Atlantic and EaM Tcnnouoo,, WOJ nbacrilMd to-day within four Virgiala and (taorgta railroadw Among hour hours The capital iaflUO.OuO.OOa' th- lurmiam an to the motive for the an* qubltkm of thi. property the la tret and prrbap. the ahnwdret ia tlutt the n.w union depot talked about will probably bo located lorn, day on tho outakirU of it TltK (titAIIV gOIttlUT, Ov.r M 1,000 .ub..rtl,r4 to in. Fond - Th. .n.ROM.nt ( onnulti.f, Avlaxta, Jan. iif. —IHjwbd.)—Tha oommittreof fifteen, which undertook to raise a fund for tlio motion ct a monu. meat to tho late Henry W. (irndy, mot to day and dicidod to clone tbo habrnription book., u the time agreed upon for th. work had expired. The hooka ahow aulvcription. lo tho amount of lt7.0M.iM, and tbo treasurer reported in Lank, *.'.,000. ixHEinlttre. wore appointed noddrtal, on model and figure, nnd of Altura.y-UMi.rai Audcreon. did have th. .viduico before Uh ... it It now on filo in the executive depart- moot. There were reveral brer- ingv, and hotii oral aad writ. I wi argument waa KtfintitiwJ. Itdllip. waa rreytud lire, til, aad Urn commutation granted Jan. Ik The cuaiplain. that be wu tiie n ovovn aiMis. “ I wa3 for many y«ra a perfect martyr to Headagb* ur.'l Dyip^c.a, at. l tiui. i tli.-'.g’iii it tv..':.-! me. After trying many remedies, and Ending them of no account, I concluded to try SimmonB Liver Eegu- lator, and I am now and have been for Cfleen years a stranger to a headache. I can recommend the Eegu- lator, for it is no humbug.” —B. I. Dodd, Putnam Co.', Ga "I have suffered for five years with the Sick Headache, and find it ia the only tiring that will giv« me relief. 1 '—•W. J. Alstom, Ar- kadelphia, Ark “I use Simmons Liver Eegulator when troubled with Head ache. It produces a favors able result without hinder ing my pursuits in business. I regard it as a ready pre scription for Disordered Liver."—W. W. Wjtmu, Des Moines, Iowa. »<*e that yon set the Crnnfnr, diaia. u abe t lYrtin fr*u 1* and imp by oar r*4 : t i’.iiIi- 'i»rk ob ii'Htt of Wrapper. J. h. CARTERS stitutlon, and it was adtqffert, sscUan by M»ctk>n, but not wkhfiut mach discus- sion and strong ftriing. AUbough tho conitHution lias not U*cn aiioptvtl as a wbolo, tbrra Is no doabt that such action will ha taken when tha joint r*«nr*ntlon convenes again tomortuw. Tim salaries of tha offiovrs will ba: Pretidant, $1,000 par aarutas afaa aaraUanl, $000; secretary nnd treaauror, $1,090( tha members o* i the execativa toard, $3 per day and ex- TlJK UfllUOK HFIMH.I S. It Will Soon II* Meant In Cordel*- Yolento regards thiau . crucuxl tret of th. cunfliirecc of th. pcopl. in th. MabUity of tho now republic. raiLsii roa *1,000,000, New You, Jan. 04.—A rumor »«. in drcuhukin areun.1 Wall (trret and among variou. commirehm bourn of a *1,000,000 failure in Uucnoa Ayna Nothing definite nuld he irerntd a. th. varioto merchant.vngagwl in trail, with that country (llraxil) refured to ay any ■ thing for puUtcatkm until tlwy rccoirM more information from lluanoa Ayren rwnntulauon gi not conauitetl about tlio mutter. IU _ pre»unwil lo know tliat tlw applioalioa *•* pending, but h. did not ttk tn Iw licitnl, and nothing wn heard from hiln on tho mbjert. Tlw attorney •general, afire reading th. evidaiwr. expreared nrrpriaa that tlwre had been a conviction of mur.U-r. and tn thie the governnv joined. The governor granted the com mutation upon hi. own judgment end upon the advice of the auoeney-genaral. I 'uunu ui- Tint ana. tory Coiupleirci, Cgedhe, J*«. $4.—(SfweialJ—The cotton factory Is now about cocoplatrd. Steam was turned on yesterday ft r the first time. The work Iras been pushed rapidly, and every wheal and piece of DMcldnery has been adjusted. Tbacp- rmtivsawraawhaad, madia mf«wd*>» the busy burn of the machinery w ill en liven the “Maiic City of the PiueA” Title factory is tiie tride C“rdaie, sad stead? as the mssterpiece aiaMOjr tho numrrous entarpriee* initugunttea here and pushed to itintees by tiie in- dotolteMe efforts of CoL J. K. D. Sbipp. U b» undoralood tlist .tiie capacity of this mill will be doabkd witimt twelve months. Tho guano factory is also ready, and within live days will be in operation. Macon aud Ainerkut capital is interested in Loih these enterprises. The name of the new organization (* to be the United Mine Workers of th* K. Ia A. i»>. K. « L., and toe National Progressive Unk-n. A per capita tax of 5 cents per member waa adopted. A considerable portion of tho constitution lade voted to a description of the Unties of the several officers. Importance, because there waa neither scaraloous nor rinR upou thetiuRrr. The incifion on tho left side was still found, and was one of the moat interesting fcattmsin tho mummy. The poraao spprared to ha^D been called Bek Kan or Bek-Manef, Tiie only inscription dtoipkvrubW wss tbenaumof O-lri folded over tbo pert of the stom ach dedicated to that god, and a prayer for tiie heart of the deceased. There was another piece of linnn bearing the date, buf tiie year had been obliterated by the bitumen. From tiie quality of timUnen, its fineness of texture, ami the fringe* to the inscriptions, the niumtay must tdcs* to the ported of ThcUs srjs mifviuir. probaldy tho idaetcentb dy nasty. Too iiiscriptium were written in TH*: SNOW HLOt KADIt. I'oinn Factfir Train* Are Ac*lu Ntuck Fast In Drill*. Portland, Ore., Jnn. 24.—The Union Pacific trains are again blurkcrt. Trains coming west are delayed beyond Greon river,andtrainsgoingeast are Mocked at Pendleton. The slate of the weather is not very favorable, and it cannot b* determined bow long the btockadu will tha hieratic or current band of Egyptian bier, glyphica. The mummy wot about five lc«t rax iocltee in bight, and wa» tliat of an Kgyptian, probably txm «f tha class corre*p*io*iiJMf to tho lower middle chi:** of modern times. The body will undergo further examination by scien tific experts. vtnim.v vr thk ctitsih Itemarkebl* Advvntursa ef Tvv* In* aian*|M>U« r»Ur(tM*n« I'ror* th- larttasspoits Juiwesl. The Ananias Club got together but night at tlw station bouse for tit* first All Hand* ITere «*ved-TIie ■irons and Krlii m*«lnC' New York, Jan. 21.—A df pitch from Ixmdon to the Maritime Kxchange says tiiat tiw German steamer bavouia, whicii loft this pt it Jan. ff, for Hamburg, was abandoned in a sinking condition Jan. 13. All hitnds were saved. The Savonia carried f$ff,000 worth of corn nnd $100,000 wortii of cotton. The vessel itself was valued at $100,000. The crew consisted of thirty tuen. t hu vessel was owned by R. M. ?il« man & Co. of Hamburg. »ho was of 1,653 net ten nage. The report that the steamer Sir Will iam Armstrong had jmt into Sydney lids Imen denied, and the fear thst she bos U- n la*t is stilt entertained. There haa been no further newa of the steamer Erin, and many shipping men have given up all hope of ever (tearing any good n^w* cottcernirg her. TUB lAEiailA LOST TUI ■ f MEN. Loxdon, Jan. 24.—TheBritkh steamer Sardinia, from Portland Jan. 1, arrived at Liverpool lost right 81u> reports very heavy weather. On Jan. 16 an alarm of fire was given, canned by tiw bursting of a steam guage. Iu the meantime the funnel was smashed and the fires were smothered by the water pouring down on them. Ttrs rneu were and s third wn so badlv injured that lia canseuuaally died. Thrte other men were badly in jured. It was iiupussibU to replace tiie funnel for twnoty-four hours and in tho mean time tti# steamer drifted, Uie storm at the soma lima iocraasiag in se rarity. Tha time men who won* killed were buried at sea whea tilt storm abated. Ail tba Sardinia’s lift boats except one were smasiiod by tlw heavy seas. HEAVY WSAK SWEPT TUE 001003L H AT.tran, N. S.. Jau. 24.—Hhe steam er Oregon, Capt. Williams, from Liver pool, arrived ibis morning. Hhe left Liverpool ua tlio 7th and 3hmvilla oa the 13*4^7 Huulscb*. yet Cutu'i Lmu Lire* fu are equally **! >*'^e I* Cq*St«iIc<. •IMl prVYrntlBf ttiM *r»*yWc wfci« th»r *Wo **rri -tsa <l**>i1 Ti etlh* a*«**r*. WiuntWi* th* lit«r **4 npilili th* ho«*U. Eyob tl t ry eat/ rorsd HEAD Aebe Uwr w<mU b* sir,rat jncr «ra k? .‘s'sroKrS t*wBar ACHE It th<* hern- nf wmnnr ttm fHit b^r> we ra*ke Mir »rrct bout. Our p«U| " f'i"^rel"txmx*ij»reria« «re "V wuptreor>««., bM b, ltetrp-.0. retire jjlesralB vb 1 iJ” t* r»n ^ tn » MW1CTW CE. ST.W TsL foJi M SziUki .null fiitj location. It is tlw hope of tho cotrimit- too loose tba moanment erected at aa early day. Homo iirmnloent point ia the city will probably be selected for a aitth TBS GABS OF VOIMIL No Nlare OonlealrU Klectlon Cases Psiwd un Hr th* C'ommlttre. Washington, Jan. 24.—Th© House elections committee was iu session only five minute* to-day and did not attempt to pass upon the West Virginia contest of Atkinscn vs. Feudkton which had been set down for final disposition. Tlw case ot ttuiith vs. JackraMi, which has already le a reported to tho House, , will '•« called up for consideration bv tliat body next Wednesday If the com mittee con secure the tioor. Next week will be devoted by the com mittee to bearing arguments in the con tested electi<*n cones of iludd va Comp ton, fifth Maryland.,or.<1 TlxweaU vs. CiarLu, find Aiat.ama. A WILD UAtrEl.t FHAt D. Hew a Cowbsy U'erh*d lbs r**ple *| Dublin, Dublin, Jan. 24.—fSpecial.J—Soma few m mill* ago a slick face young man, giving his naru© as GoorgvUotwru, coiuo into town with a drove of horsom. lie claimed to be a veritable cowboy frodi from No Man's land, and formerly con nected with Cody's Wild West show*, as the fcarleus ana intrepid rider of the famous broncho pony. Ho was a jolly, go-as-you-phaua, hail fellow well met. He frequently visited tiie bar-room*. IK-re George made himself agirsfibia e» an iuimiubld teller of iddi>-si>littiug aucc- dotes, and be was so favorably impressed with W. L. Thotnar> an acquaintance he “fished” up, tliat nu a grnorous act he apjiroiiriated Thoauu’ pistol to his own use aud then skip|K«l tiie place. laut week Detective Cowart of Dublin •pott»l tiie Wild Wctht in Atlauta and telegraphed Thomas. He waa arrested, hut finally compromised, Roberts pay. ing for the pistol and costs accruing trorn its recovery. _______ National Convention or Bortn* 1:1151- noor* In Wooslow ns Cbavl*oton. ClfARL^iTON,’ Jun. 24.—Tho national convent inu of Marin© F.ngiwer* to-day elected tint following otficcra to serve for tiie ensuing year: Pivskh-nt, John H. Galway of 1*trail; \i?c-pf-r«i<Unt, U W. Rucker of Ban Fvanohco; sucreUry, J. IL Harris of hL I/iuis: treasurer, I TTI.I— V T V 1. re,. : NirTTItniNGS 1^1 ntllYUAD. George U filer of New York. TU; next uctivanliou will ba lutld at Washington, The convention haa boon m session five dots, and will adjourn to-morrow. A ball was given in honor of tho delegates to--night. On Monday they will botakaa ou au excursion to Fort Humter. and have Uen ivtied to a baaquat Wednes day owning. HIS TXIKFT HI N* If INI DOWN. LOVE LED TO DMATH. Bools Hamlltoa or BDmlnsbam Knt- eldoo Over a Lo v# A Hair. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 2L—Noah W. Hamilton went to tiie Caldwell House this morning and took a room. Half an ho*>r afterward a pistol shot w lb heard in the room, and Hamilton was found a corpse. !:• h id killed himself over a love affair. HamiiUji was a clerk in a book ■tore and watt known and liked. Ksprro* JHe»*enR*r tthlir, Alloa Ln n*r t Arrootcd In Larrda, Laui do, Tex., Jan. 24—J. E. White, formerly an expnu agent nf the United Ktan-s Express Company, running be tween Chattanooga, IVnn., and New Orleans, who was accused of being im- titiralini with*r« iit #K» ,tim1inre «/ baggage from the (Jucen and Crescent Railroad»'ompony, and who eacapetl to Mexico, waa arrested at the Hotel Hamil ton in Iaredo this morning by Sheriff Banchrz. White was licld for rejuui- U II KME*S KSLACKDBA K D'X SK1LL Maid I# Have liven I’sod as a Drink- !»« uu|T Tram the Rkhmoed Dtsrwtc-h. I should' Ilka to htquiro through tha medium uf tiie Dispatch if tlw skull of Teacli, the i.irate, is still in existvuce. A prragrapu bos bean going tbo ruuutis of the t apers to the effect that thb trophy ire HAW in n/re.rereiAre re/ 1*1 t Delaware** Poll Tax Law. WitmOffW, DeL, Jan. 24—In the xn:rt » f errors and appeals at Dover to il r , on opinion in tha ease of Julm M. : ■ . -•> ,>.‘D vs. Berech F. bpallcrow and jl*t, xph hxaiod down. Tins is the iri* • iU-l suit involving the constitu- ti*.aah;y ot the electonU poll tax coUec- ln»v of 13721 The decision upholds our judges concurred; one tioa from tho governor of MississtMi Tuereal name of White is said to he l^ttner, by which name lie was known lien employed as an express messenger. It is rejxirted that after all other schemes had failed, White was uiduced to return to the United State* by tempting offer* of investment in Laredo ra il estate. Batldtnc Association tor Wayeros*. Watckb, Jan. 24.—{Special. J—CL B. dhacntAiL Whatley, s|«.cial agent of tha Southern Home limiting ana Loan Association of| Atlanta, organ usd a branch of the ciation here to nirfat. The charter mem ber* represented $44100 in stock. The fol lowing ofiuars were vheter: A. W. COrs-l wett, I'Tseident; Warrm Boon, ascretary and Uaasurtr, and J, JL tiwant, attorney. Demorrstlr L(i't»t«lari ludlsnanl si tbo Aaii-ll«roriu scliisitr,. ANNAPOU*. Jar. H—Mnttorinf* tf diarouUast ore heard on all aides among Um doatoenuie members of tha 1,-gitL- lash It basbeen snowing heavily for tho | wrai post twenty-four hour*. There lias betn • will oooo will M Xtartw until tlw recui u 1 TbuBW0I)> UlB Ut, rnt Kquuiiioa to lb. club, weaved a bit of roiuance: none open. On th* Southern Pacific tho prospect of getting trains through soon is not en couraging. Tho whole country is cov. ervd with snow and the telegraph fines at present in that direction are pros trated so tint but little information can be learned. nt LLIlItl PODTFGAL*! I t'NY, 1 was fur live y«ara a soidkr in the regular army and you perhaps know tliat fife in tiie regular army is not a dreamy, soda-aud-crcsm existence. '*'* ONE POUND A Day. j A oxp, of a roffp a oat r« no J | CAlt uf A MAX WHO I I ICW wrww,*‘ A WO MAI fxcrw TO TAXI ] Tit at kCMAXKAttx n.rxii fxonrcre, f 10th, eocnunterlng baatwr galre All tbo W.J, A brevjr re. Mnwk th. .tmnrer iliortly miter leaving MoufUia, wwuliing brer bndg*. Oa|>i. WUUaiu. Uing on it at tlw tinw cx' (.11 lire itet* *i»l vtiitainr* lajuniM, tlw extent ol vbie’i in no. known at prorenl. Tlw (ourtli o*it,r anil revorel oi tho arenton •«. alrei injurrel bjr tninc thrown ngniart tb. vt-wW. tide. Uvwvjr io. w*a to migiit, bnnl work, wtj Uwrenn /.w fpunlrruj off th. Nrwi«UMil.nU ctnxl. mm who nr. not gtaU wbra Uwir tlw ateauter hnnn, to go lack alioat Ho years sra up and they can leave tha aor* 1 England Asoallvd In Ultfrr Lonaosgs and a Itahnss Fnnd Luibon, Jan. 24—A large meeting was _ tura as to the attompc tuads io cauctu j held in Trinity thratcr lost night to #:nrt | ifft-ket duty at the vdfio of s"deep wood* to fore* them to act as a unit oa all out!- a p ttn d (of oationol defense. The Duka and my timughUnK home ware disturbed vice. It was in tbs second year of my service—Jet’s see, was iff—yas. it was tba second year, for that’s the year I lw*d tho moasir*. t»*at my regiment was slntword in Arizona. One dork night i was on tern of a political nature. A prominent delegate says this morn ing teat tlw caucus wss called fur the purpose of kifitrr off any measure lot k- tng to th* adoption uf the Australian •lection law, but that tho oppenrnts of reform c^uld no. have done more to se cure the passage of tho bill as ia tbo genrra) wreck of [don* of the managers the members will 1*5 h f. free to net, and tiie bintimant b entirely in Istot of bal lot reform. of l-omtm prwwUled. A rommitte. of by Ure're.un.l ot . orreki^ tbnwitk tb. iMKiint* .*.1 *««• SU<U.Oly ■ bon. ud ««*» -tutel tso. contintin, ol inning citixra, and mr lHjrH a. big re . .Aval .ml military oilier., wire Appointed j ire rejre ' — b. solicit ..IwcfijiticDs to the futui. [ tl on J ibe uuui unv.rcil Ilf tree fret high. Brining uy cubtoo to A number of ^irech.. wet. mad. io „Tu joui wbtdi hbglanJ bitlerly uuil«l icr •• •Holt 1 Who care ttwre? tba anm. tb. lire followed iu tire dire ...a , tkua ; , M tb. »n»w.j. io * out. w itb I’umota! ana tbe rnneb mid Toi _ , .c., wauged like a im-putind oxu Bpaaui. taudvd tor their .ympotby with ^ tbe PoiMtgureft " ‘ Advance frtenil ud gif. Ure cou. A number of subscrijitions were made I S . ,1.. l.r nf *1... ! (erW l is now in the possession of snma Virginia fsinily. Edward Teach, better known as lUnckboard, infested the Southern nwsts for vome yoart aud was slain near Ocro- coke Inlet, in 1‘iniJieo ttounJ, North Carolina, in a band-to-hasd encounter with l i-ut. RuU. Maynard of tho British nary, Njv. J*, 17He Maynard cut off his In-ud nnd soiled into tho harbor of the Uttic town of Bath, which was near the scene of the bottle, with tlioohactiv trophy fixed to tho Ixiwiprit of lils res- btL He carried it with hint on his re turn to Virginia. Now John Bernard, in LU “Retxcspvo- tiuns m Ann rica*’ilLirjmr’s, 1»7. page 175,' sais Unit in 18CV lw saw in a tavetn on tl.e Puioutac, near Alexandras, a »tlv* r-tipped drinking vessel foriuad from a human skull, ar.d tiiis rkull nas sukl to luve Usn tliat of the pirate loader. If tbti relic of tli* freebooter u still io ex- iatence 1 stutt he glad to c jtnMttmd with I it* inston nan. J* ULLB1 I OSII.U, Tti* IV. r.T. I . Itf.ilTr PlisfUd Nrnsi. tuc lUr Orxanlsation, tCleveland, a. Jan. <4.—The ladies of America who are meeting for tha purpose of organizing a national temper- anco society adopted another name this morning. The first named agreed upon was tha American's Women s ('hrLiian Temper- onca Lcanue. Yesterday afternuen, however, tlu» title of th* sochty wo* changed to tbs National Crusader*. This morning another change was made, and for a time at Ua 4 tlw organ- ix»t|OB will la known ss tha Nuu-^g*ti- son Women’* Christian Temivianaa \« Mtrtosomsoi nr. Prior*. London, Job. 24.—It is reported that Dr. Peters, the German explorer, is at Babuka. Female tfoautj-. It Li a fortunate; thing that a?l do not have tho same ttste iu fe male beauty, for otherwise they would all roll in love with the earns woman, which would be awkward. Although the preferoaecs of men fur different stylo ■■H ot form and feature vary greatly it fcx it* owner or learn of its iustory and undoubtedly, a fact that an appear ones wanderings through tha columns uf the indicative of health is pleasing to all Dispatch. Many iaterasting legends and alike, A woman may ha without reau- lucal traditions now c-ltuter around black- Ur features, yet. if healthy, she will be toord's name in regard to bis buried beautiful to some one and pleasinr to trraautes, the number of Iris wives end olh A sallow ismsploxiMi, a dull eTs, a hi* ptoces of rettdoxvotu Hio log Look system dobttitoled by ue oat oral' dis- is still in existenca and is iu the posers- j charges, in slmrt, oil too ills attendant ston uf a dmeen tont uf oue of his crew.: upsD the irregitiaritica and “weak- timm/tz Ik WEEK*. : nmii J peculiar to the sex, cau be Lan- Jjlinv Hopkins University, Baltimore, | tilled by tba use of Dr. Phrce’s Favorite Jan. II, l«,<h j Prescription, Ask your druggist. . r» . ... t soaon ui-voiced stranger, and at that he »d rurtugnjs* citizens ] tput , tu uu boo, and red# at me. 1 lr ?* i ttlM * i snapped my gun, but it would act fir#. * *, jy* jUj*}I In un instant 1 clubbed it and darting to the fund by person* peasant at the j » ukc m bath.’ again sakl the j r, . ... | scaon us-voiced stranger, nod at that ha Three thousand Portuguese citizens ... have left their cards Spanish kgati ms ia w w Ilifir aw««i»lioo of tho •ynipAtliy wUU I ouVUdi. 1 onicx At th.rer.nfo PonoKk! ^owohy lh.kt.xcli »b iSiun. . 'm b dadKvff .ni can. at tab pvojjlo in U>. Anjjlo-I'ortugurec uta* J,,* Bg . iJlli ut I was spry enough to keep. _______ out ot h» wav. For tiiree mortal hours nx\ oii mutUT's rata. { we kept up this peculiar Lottie, neitiirt gaining the kut artvuutoga over * tho other. But 1 began to glow j tired, fur I um not mud# of mo. | unguarded swisst M I.LIt: RLV DM THIS FLY. The Globr-l’roller Kcarhrs * tiles gi •nil u on for (iailuiu. Chicago, Jnn. 2k—Miss N Hi* Bly, on her tour around th* w orld, reached this city at S o'clock this morning on a spodal train from Kansas City and left at 10AJ o'clock ou tha regular 1 euusylvania rail road train tor New York, tiiie should ar rive Lhsro about 4 p. cu. to-morrow. F1NKLD A M.tHqt'XI. E4M*arrtnott«scltll4Uonuit*sFraNcti Msrqsli tn a Duel. Paris, Jan. 24.-E Inntrd Rothschild, a son of Boron A!pi;onz Rothschild, be en rua invoivod in a di.pute with tha Marquia da Gouy. A cliaUasgc was sent and accepted, and today a due! was fought The marquis was wottoded. Medical. ouns**t 7l»|orlni^i»rjt« t'other of Twin |{oys-Griffin Note*. Mam, Jau. *t— [Special.]—SUyor ! _ Jan A. Stewart iu being elteoiiwlj the itrengre ctnglit m. Inf tire hair—X am^retuiauil thta morning—cum: j were mj luir long Urea Uk» * earn lire arrival ot a pair of bo;, tare uigUb (Xoclur—inJ throwing .ad- nr it i at loret for man; vrara Tire retaa I m „Z%. .u,u. v. ooo ire, the reraiure I t— ! A-.i,i: '• Youn^ teiiow, 1 ilk. ;reir p*«ck. I tJJJj C £jLTtoiw irSS 1 Uad ttffm* you. but y« u put | li* 5 V!b. ST* M U to ntdiae* | kUcb a lha | j O ranged my • wwwm SCOTT’S Fbsulsioh ateuareaELgpjKg'iTHaT.-tgasi OF PURE COO LIVER OIL WITH Hy pophosphitos of Limo & Sodi is wnmso uwstal. This mr has usn reams Menorca Airoora again. Palatable as miuc. En. pussati BV VTivstctABS. Sum bt AU pauoiiism Avoid«L wnrunau anb juitatiuno. -.For Coughs ^Coldi TWr* Is o* IU4Ma* D# rju-a-rirt.! tom DR. SCHENCK'S f?s IbuLmonic iblft* SYRUP. .B fit It tiiUssut l*D«**#■#* Yrk% f l.«u *ra MU*, fir. r..tMs«*r«too s*4 It* Ora*, sratw try*., A#raW Vr. J.H. Bcfconek ti Bon. PhtladslP* 1 ^ TO WEAK Mi sf ycstBfSl raweg *^| iSratiS dray. SSrekni.Vt trot. v. c- vow ust, jtoodii., t«“-. .^«C|N,DISEASES' '. J HiNOtacoRra. ,.:_-r.T.T ft »V"lTw Mm- —t— .tut I tninJ. and 1 cotnreiJetX to 3tr. D. w, ratiofoon, who roll an d n rtorsa't d<j to Lffttff ca a pair ot douce*. -..Were kire re re Lire renal I reft arm Irere, >.rel * T . . * 1 I broke bio ankle and left arm last weak, ti improving. COM'ICIV Ml HMD NBA it FIttF. A llorrtBl* stole or Thin-* In a (.rar^lA PtsinnUsri « snip. Atlanta, Jaa. !L-4%tial]-Tla principal physician of th* penitentiary baa reported to tho governor end prin cipal keeper that at the camps of He tltaa fastened a lariat around ray ( wain and carefully lowered w# toe r twcutv feet from iti* place whors w* the fight. I aever beard of hint “* and we* too frightened to ask hw ur what budimto he wo* iu.* “I was never hi Arizona sakl Patrolman Hager ami w as aticut twenty-five yean _ out there with a party of mrat w gkidoT | || || rarav MU. r \ki«i R s , Medical k SarQ.:al R.J 151 .M-ipf we* sl. **>■ ■ : ; A <W T—i *■«! CoesU empties ii SEDGWICK 1mm pocti-d to pick geld ou the burehe* the Irmoestha convicts are chained down I strange to say\ we war* Jicappotuted. I in barrauko darawroualy near fir*, and j lbs Indians killed the entire party ex-1 that tlw le*«*e to led to move th* bar-1 cept me, and IIVJ to the top of a very .... racks to • ante place whip notified to do 1 high aoptsio. I badnT eoteo oflythtoc I ,, .. mmmm XorUteM ;wir-» brt voorl Merit WlllS . to Iwtcptttiwais Peremptory orders have been issued to! lost cent I was anxious to reach dim the lessee but in the govirojr's absence I th*. While I was wrooderin* how in the offending lessee cannot be located, 1 tba world I would get home l tewtrri ..Jiitiij tjC 1 Revise;.Li.*.: PRICES RtOl'II 5 BUW1CK BROS., RICHMOND. !»•