The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 29, 1890, Image 1

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Iu heavy laden drays and expire * they ouj ia- through In a sicauy •“ h MOiboaoi that the exhibits wore , vet comolete. »uJ judging from tl.o rt'tbet tiier still continued to arrive up ,. 0 ,ing time yesterday morning, it ,v:einferr«-d iho buildings v.ill filled »M» fresh exh ' its to-day. Vj *j o’clock the num-erof pe *p!o r»y- ;wluii*ioa t- ftTL ' fc ouni guarantee lor a »t •uocesnful opening car, and to Lae Hi ide ti.r •- ruuuda was lively. ^ru’k splendid Macon land occupied Ljr *ymu ami made the echoes rin : ttaring music fiom « ne end of t! •k to the other. Tho cries of t ie c w.iitg showmen, “Truce ch os tel, six lor a dime;” “Try your fCCth. try your strength!’’ *<r “llere'a a dance ior u silver headed cano or xA cigar?" and half a d< z> a ott f ri of Bine kind all shouted together ;.t the irtrne, hndao much ct a familiar imi a* '.o bo nimoet welcome with their ord mt jungle. he banes vriiich had not been exer- dti.e previous day were being trot- around by their attendants and nil'll to enjoy the fun rs much at any r visitor, whil .* a crowd of lo»f r. r-f e tleah stood around in knots and ted out the good cr bad point* f ii animal at it paired, mm within the walls there ram© a ad of hammering and | reparation, ryone was putting tho finishing ties on their exhibit and addin- to mho fresh detail. The crowd hero . large and tho number of new fat es x d that the state was well rep uted. iio event o.' tho day, howevor, was T n THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. ~ ItT “a u MACON. (jtA., WEDNESDAY 'MORNING, ( 0TOBER 29, 18<i0. v;.n.vf N KNCOUK AO IN i OPENING. HE SPLENDID SPEECH BY THBORA- | TOR OF THE CAY. *>•« .v f r Prominent Speakers — The ' 1*^1/ p,cf»ainl the Trotting Dog “Doc» j£ en 'j Attractions and t»e K>ual Mention- I’r. gramme. n d its hand, •ty of i th ducts u! ur.«i*!e roibilniuies u tii la i ••.,*,• -. tf our eta: •y rivalry trim'-* here thetriurr.i irovoi a. dprogiu ireoullure wi * of profit and mcpirai i n* of ho; vtn ent m agriculture, which f dominated id dar ■ contro.led by other clita d the fruita < f new that fro;n tho aid* of new inveuti* ns On every si'err* abundant evidences of a quu hi n* d life that is p dpiuting in nil of its department- and po nttmi its ent rg . to ; n <*n ,ie-s progression. And not !■ • late J gratifying than these exhibits of a ferti .* •oil, t eso invitin-r evi nres of marvel ous oppovtuni tie, is tbe knowledge tha wit: m hcriordirs sh» poueaos a citi zen hip equal to them all. Ibeiuiauo feature of our state O' national life ao teas ith lowly, th.-se who&e wrongs were too ityof*tl. much th a are ii * | *1 ho r 1 ; trial int .polio of tho orgamra-.i n of the; whenihe era Alhauco as .i ile/rinined and lls at jj ;i . 1 effort t:. ..cure rei of f.oui ev.te- j (lur ,^ rj robliery unu r the forms of lawn. | aheadv ii behind advance- That ne did not share the mis .mug* en- i j, a ,j Iiev , , ined by as toll,.- n«u.tof tho the South |«opU intiMeatP. Tlie r« a so ns for the labor, r. stiii/, and important. j and We*t. i l growth of our Indus-, l*s s was demanded Million of affairs at tin *vv order of things <aim* upon j lo e of ibo great civil war. ; has m n<; Iturai inteissi-. were than convict rly well developed, while it t' 1 ® syll this : outli I publicans Alliance . •ers of tbo North lio\ fur. i ui 'ii al | v n* of > minds of tlu* re- I 'F ->r art larke Mav 'tlung about do.: • That i .. a Telecrapb, Ost. 2 L Nature smiled a little more b-niguly , 5atiooal and Ueorgmuay of tl V>nrl*y nornlKR d»wn»d clear, and pglni tluoucb ihe.cutrt.i.H Ij, dr.v.a belera a .tiff #4»t wiao. . p,in was gone, it is lo bo ho pod, f. r . rrt . of the week, and by the time the _ ,t« «tncd at b o’clock U was evitl. nt ; daunted spirit that, pervades tl In ten •* ci feeling finned y souk o: it» life, i ; tiiiiato that tiiii ' float all otlu-i .o' excite the ! ] m: w inch w as not , „ n i bo fir.-t u;. I lie di 1 not ii niuvoment w« idered deairablo !• eoura e manufi'cttir ng i' declaration i f John the South wanted “no a lo-ier,'' l ad been no lair had commenced lie to Bravely iimi they wn ftatienUy bad they uservative sh Hut tbii n he bad an abulinj om. in.egrity an agricultural cl that w-e bad jji.e attention to the . ture. Thus situa sell was t ought o 10 I'M?.'],IP. I were th y crav«n. Ly . Hom ai..i he :• . i h iv»* i ecu enoti^i ,tIi--\ 1.v • etner, o ! vv.tii a t . t •; ful temp r and a hop ful Sir. doBiinon mid, that misfortune* they weald i short time which he was expected to occupy, ! r.ot be Le could not hope to t-xprets nio-e tl .. ono of the thoughts which lure ap . That with no desire to chid a cngie in pulse « ireeled t<» t .e dirdoptneoi of hi i.'iocrai r>* .nr,. •. v it i ro wi-h to i.i courage any enurpriso which koks lie satd that be d,<i not fearany disruption cf tl. party. That there was wr. irj f r whi-'li r lr. • w v\as not denounced in thi plei •t lopment of cgricul-[ p °hd phi !. ali that we bad to j enemy a th'M? living Iwyoml ! Ri •*> g*° ii almost -verv article j ** ‘h • 1 by us was im.nufactared at j wiihou- .1 or in a foreign land. We wore ! within t ucin-iident upon one industry— ! have a i that the McKinley tar.:1 f^rux-rs .id fa ten tho i, W bat Utt.r can wo ask’ great w «.i k is being n<* in and ^ Vco-t. t .<• do i me ratio a^ Ketch t I 1 t tl. ; i the institution if slavir; • 1 tin, old sy.-teni could prov; Ihe order of things deman • to t i n: ii w .■ tin | . rt; > : < n>ni party of our forofalm rs v\ bo : d transnmtf'd to us tins go, ,ilj sn to 1 heritage. That all that’ i tin* past, all tii .t olook( of her | ro the da id children, that other roaN rimmi mm, had betii the . it was jet to him a source of nc ' i i ng .t - .i • o . t.i. t n tun* t a . m.- ro Ic amid tl, - | rltrrai ly m., o oui stale rn agricultural i r.rty. Timi or e *itb a }eojtle devuud t-> its pur u.t*. inent since a 'ii..tin ay .: g vv ■. *.ot 1 i t; udism am of tl • molar.c 1 oly fact that weary year* ntents upon of toil had jnldesi its pursuers ou: a p.*c,r ^ates and the return. That .t vvns undrBiabiy true 1 Lavo led to luxury. ie, but as discour r. iig as evtr-rtcurrmg effects of uurimorod causes, the truth remaiu^ that throughout the unequal struggle a Iraveaa l patriotic citizenship bad b* eu preserved, and that while reaping fer then reives but a icanty livelihood there had Iren garni red for the stato a rich harvest of virtue and of civic w&rth. That if in other icc- (Ibr.s of the union colossal fortunes were made in the smoko of imrem ng manufactures and the din of resroun j looms and hamrmrs, tl; that .ml,,; > . ;; v. ♦ 11-ro B led civilization m <r *ts w.-:o nioreujUHll'. .i st i the South have m .igoti our agriculture i«Vv I Dtr.igglmg tor •: r 1 iscs o! the national , en.. ted during tho war, n ;ve tiian any law ever i v> ■ (irenviilo •* n(> | the Di»mo i.itic pi ;*• i .. j of uurlilx r lea an i t\ ,,* 0 ! try. fo-1 <■ fir«t. r\ 1 ' Jv . j the up’milHug of til i cal inter*- t*. ,i.l Thole rd the strong limbs, d.« ]» elms o k to • of • ng power, and is. . pel,or t i• i i ii ••-t !.i .ii ),<.. cm,n- 1 okir. With an ns'< iart a dri* m;.« cr a* c-v* r handled j-vs vv. o i; hi hind him, 'utiful s. 'ht when the i,;hl red i.iyj back Ids ng li.e track w ith the .• I red Iruh setter, Mill ; plenty • urpri^l IImIo Ho.:.,. ,l “* r ;‘ I'an . and • t •: u ng i .^c alty of sood style which i*s »ii , instrument a O'l or. i.i i,i d. offbeK u»h tho uoar futu bounty Farmers club fr 1 Jacobi of New York. Tim m in crops u | Clark?, while they are not in . , nkiind i '•* t.iia as in ctlicr Cuiituy exhibit the h v ]K,1.( 1 I T he; uuder this proto, t:■ support othe. imli; t pr'nch*! 1 lTrm- r' Milan j is ;hu samo °i i principb« , u .. r _ ! Democratic part .■ f ,. n e j that hav teen i 11 f.* , i*n- I u hit hgives it t.. gt r live in VI- i g.| j of her pi North hns if," .1 ' JI I of fioe .'oni snd Aerial and ] oliti- ,dcd, the same nd vitality to j nr.d tho toml » wul it, too, ort as much n ai tho reii • and a go ui hiug way of a*t«*r along in -wheeled Ttbicic. at is ■ n;o trotting, without a uIIy good nitutol ho i his little Tln- ii f. '■ ^•i.. ’• ;b ! in jail into the* j to h, and ( ian Lane m i'll j roduce ih ■ : >tusion. ; jar ntly • l.ttle concert in 1 h ril Hall ii ted to the (> ii ia 11 mi? Ji e» . -* J morning at 10 o'clock and local talent In entertains tin* | ul lie nil day long. Tho ' c >u : organs exhibited by tiiis house attract j T. i: much attention, not only for tholr ton*, I Hnuc but for the beauty of the workmanship j in ch on the case. anil tub cor.'-rnr Yt8Tr.*Diy. ] cou-i The large r «•: u I that I , ■ n seated «: r. in^lus. Hall greeted thetumisof t'•• i. , * - UGnrre In, -,’k College o: t„ ’ll (ir i. :i.*> •* : .■! i : l i' : j.. out Macon :.r l tbo audicn o was select and aprreciatlre. stalk, To say that ro * r e was d:sippo:'nts 1 je ». idcr- * would be to : cht* c tbodc id no trU drta I should , i >r defeat tbo tl, h con of.d, r il THE JAI Of all tbo a tractio > ;i I t - A ,;,,i os 1 •* uidit novel an 1 ir i»e Jsj 3 is an artist and bid i, iy too little. Tht gintl, men of Io.( uticu* that showed ti v.d right _ r tho ;d rights of the iioie imperative - party lenity. rue to ourselves, faithful to *,ur id> s vvns lull of slioug in noble onxisa CEREMONY. 10:30 o'cb ck a crowd of represent- pM’ect had gatber.-d at Pros!Jens .hen’s otlice and that genial o»- or-dect vvns the most sou.lit nf;cr -nth^?grounds. He was sluts* >g is sod pasting a pleassnt word w.- rjroue, while at the rum** time lo *ie»(Jjr to unswir tho qtustioiis of the "fr «*xhitUuM art I employ.-s who nl a Music Ibll a largo crowd of vibi o-.s ! s^rmblod m. i awnitt-d the iiri'nl •peaktl-. - iflrttlu* t.nnlorii ier-d a number of beanttful ore . .. taelcctioos, intersr«.ed by tlu or- tm music furn»i*hcd by Lkird s band. 11 o'clock, President Norihen. ac- auitd Uy iir. T. (iu Bigr-cn. Co;;- unnn-tUct Mitchell, Hon. \V. Y. At- ol Avery, Senator Brown’s rate secretary, a.d nrtntl Otk t 1 I dif-d vi-otors, passed up the ccutrr building, being tendereil a hearty ti*.n by t! • i.iuemblcd nti :i« nee. liter another eelection from the or- «rt. 1'ifsideut Nortlien stepp d Kr- d and intro h eed lion. T. du Hignon itew wvrds, “nmr years aoo," lilt* condition of agriculture in Lrgia was at a low ebb and it was reen i few ent, rprising young nun t at condition must and could 1 o im- d. That the people of the state ild le m t in a better financial tond:- and that some such nsso. i-ti n as i* tinted hero to-day would h lp to rt the ugricultural inlet c»t 1 in a Letter Year after year the Georgia Agriaul- d S* cit-ty existed and bdd its »«d#ions ty i»»o yean, at which sewior.a nie:h- i«e:e dneutsed until finally tho mm- I Mae Fair waa inaugurate* •• At Dir yesr after year, aa we find il to ■ tla* i .ur gave practical illustratio. a th-; resources ot tho state, and year r year it increased in importance, u >a;rL-uliural interests of the grand t-inreased, 'Yesterday, which is to-day, was irgia day, but owing to the uufortu- *■' wndition of tho weather, it w poverty and wretchedu krentr i veause of a mo-t painful trasf. Ti nt tbo condition widdi had rendered a favored fow more indepen dent than princes and richer than nobles h id givea to many about them and lo ti.cir children i at an everlasting inheri tance of hunger. 5Ir. dulUjrnon spoke of the demoraliz ing effect which the greed for wealth was exeiting u; on nil the occunatioca of private life. That an tnbt-altny lia't,* was riidiiiig i.:l 1* ',tim..t»* 1 min ili< gmm ,!»• in* t‘.o.i -. 'i hat not only v. . it p rv.iding ali priva'.o enterprisra but was polluting, vviih its bul ful lower, th-» very Bourccs of our national ex'stem:**. Tnat in certain HcctLomi ol tiie union to day the growin? power in local ami national politics was the power of aggr.*-» v. oalth. That it Was not a lu p:*f ul .linen that t»io ir Cln.el»r.d, ti-u <>iil* chief e\e un,#* who buddari*ii upu u>» vtxmlard of the p* -j •It*, lias tl, no. cssiiy for unfa v That if we wer<* or; loyal lo our pnvilc conviction#, all ei-e hope, full of promise energies. Thai a maivelous future of materiil wealth was insured .to tho South by the advanta.c.s with vvhich rmluro had bleaaedlier. Ittulbetlirubbinj;young 1 f« tlint is boon t,» contr, 1 and direct her atlairs, wo can entice thebe higher sen timents of hie which nave animated her peoplo in tho past, th* n indeed would loo, exi t d I tho king of dav in 1 is couise m i not j .....fgj tj (C . [ upon the glories o' th s much loved land. LOV Following Air. duBignon, IloN. W. Y. .T1UNSON delivered an able addri question: 3ir. President, Ladi b i great objects f r r* jcli ci ! reduction of t'»e ta currency to an 1 svver the demands of the people, tbo fni ! of wo lth, tho ut liftlrg an ct ,y upbuilding of t o reat mass of our poo deft gh l tboM ) tho prices in a protected market an 1 sc-il a l ; tli :r c* .n products at the lowest price, ’'became at a pi if* fixed in tie "open mark d of ti;e world, unalTect.d by the pro.c live jolicy, 'Hiey havo b drained of o.ormous sums of m which luvo been paid out t 0 ‘ ph* who f ry alou i f pcn»i(.i,ori in other sections D f ! their wrongs, ll. -s-an- v,rungs wh ch n the union. The contraction of In- cur- ; !t of ;hM Democrttic parly c lency has fallen mo>t heavily upon the ||* r i«hU Ihcyara h- fruits <>: rapu v> - g fnrmo . Contract on •n-ich-'B t o cro.l- ! lican nn-rulc. in** Dcm cratio jar y .rtment from tbo counti unii imiioveii-hes tnc* doctor. When , wo|| l‘* I-mg a/o I. we given tho much There are, a Iso, two or threo ! * | K — ■*“ 1 —pa. drawn by the pupils in ii th ir studies in g. o rar frames, have :e c« nv«nt!oazl coua- and jellies foi . but to a keen appro- to the exhibit iced ^c edingiy interesting in ti **i • os well as in their wor BIBD COCSTT'a S IIOOL 1 In tho Ar: Hall D a go rork from the public school n . 1 -i' • < cunty. 1 lie *i.-;. hieflyof written work lr I,;. : • tl.o | ciotion of tl. ..::.e and I I he cla-i was introduced by President nr convex- : No-t «'t; in a fovr words bearing on the object of tho introduction ot this excel- EHiBiT. I Isct feetura into the State Fair, which 1 ui j.iiy of "'■» to provo to tb® v.*itor» from every of Msccn I P*rt of tho stato and from other : the la nusu | whs I Georgia wae doing for the educa tion of iu women. PKOORAXMEi 1 Chrras— 1 “Ob, Sins ye Jeliovsh's Prsibss.” tho (Oinuivn ial world in ' n«*ede<t r u-'f uu l it be n in control of tb first o.i] pho i and what u le t. if any. ia threo departm«ms ot government. Let loaned to tlie farmer. This r« suits nat- j '•' •’■i d Ly none that tho uraFy because t!,** commercial world is ! °? an w "° «*t inds upon the democratic Hcreii on tho school id Gentlomen tural i nrospe -s’ l.e t custerner and its demands ! platb 11rd honored. Reginning ms the iu, with her system of labor dis- l and the strong hand of the lout at tho throat of her agricul- toriats. tho marvel is that vv« can n increase in our agricultural and that ho ninny men have * l iu spite of opprev-ion. It hns id that th i wonderful growth of 1m «> hiy-earned iud r»*mt nt of h<« fMintrvmtn. That the benal® of t'-e Suited :?utet, th® gramle»t forum »n human affairs, tbo tuc®t exalted plana from w l.ich r>ipu ar self-go v i r nuu- ot n: ay . him tlu atMiiive oar of the w<*iid, was rop.dly be.uraing a degvr.crate show piacs lor .icc imu ated millions. He raid that t.utoiy tau K b; us that n it er weal;h nor numbers could even make a people great; tli.t they wero great only ms they cherished great m? ti ments; venerated great examples and were loval to great priidplrs. that mo contemp’a'bn of this Bouthlaude iu- lure development of matnial wealth was half so dor to his heatl u® the r^corJ «*f bi r i>eoi le’® past devotion to tho *.ro.»t principles of constitutional governme t. io those objects of iJeal interest around which the Iioii. st recollections and too most sacred in- uiorie»clu»t»r, and which wi ro the only high tnulives to rtSoit and the only true shapers of couduct und character. That he htd often thought that when tfco gathering forces of conlliciing iutcr.Ms. which are each yiar assuming more gigantic proporii »ns and more ho*tiloatttu e*, shall tiy to their uttermost tbecoliesive johcis of th e governuunt, that i will not be to the luynt.iUd tra e, to the scenes of seiflsii gre- d or t * the iutie&< h- menu of caj aal, * ut to the quietude of her hills sod valieys where dwell th® tiHer® of her soil, that she w tll turn the prv* *«—-• »*—««*• i if her a . J tu necessary to combine Gtor- perpetuation of ber institutions, with National duy. Therefor., * *-•—«—«^i—•*. na«e to weicouio among u* toniay r»i resen tattvo-eket fr« m tbUsta e, I menu-era i f the general asacmLD. * tun nivinLcrt-elect of tho national ih« credit of what has been done In 'wh re»*3 with those wi o are gone. HsdLiiitKsoi tho future liewitu tho *S'r men of this state, and I think they hue no better repre*ontn- * l, ‘‘ u gentleman whom I now the pleaaureor introducing to jou— *- U. liultignon,” k, . hi’ iuu.non'h Fpr.nciL ; r ' ,iQ H g« on ap ke w ithout notes and 1 •uletantioily : •*« uu| also to follow tbo ®tri-.t i-ro- ni/ surroundings i» rvstrai od • fuRecUon which will comiacnd later should it fail of appreciation Maul i:g as you dc, Mr. Fr.sid nt, the tiinsrhhold of tbo exalted obi e Untiring constituency with . d that *11 that b® had sai i le 1 to the iivruneDt inquiry: Why was it thut those who La • Leen the bulwarks of th«> natuns, wh » nin tlie conceded hope <»f its future, received least consideration iu iu counsel* and exj*eii*»nc©d oppression rotber than protection in its legf^ i„11 n? Ougl.t tb;s U it tho design cf return a fatal and perpetual necessity, 'ihe iruducers of tho great stsple of the ecr d > markets—these who by thooueat of their crow crowd a l the ibonoels ol trade—w ere U*o-e wlw received has; re turns frur.i the treiaure® which their ow n hands dig from the >uil wLich they own. ins cotton ir* in BoutLcrn tields w. s .he iiioit woaderful talisman in the wi.r! b u was adding to iu trade and industry as nothing c!jo does or ever did. By i transmutirg power their nnmial pdgriintigo to tliiNt.|ut test tht loving inti-re-1 if Georgians in the growth ot our utate and tho progress of our pcopK Hero each year are ex hibited t*o many c*f our pr.xiucts as to furnish evidence ot the diversity and grow th of oiir industries mid tho success un i wealth of our agriculture. 'ihoKi who repvr to this charming park on these ■/evasions t-uruh tln-ir r.iliceut oxhilii h ami rvturn to ll.o.r homes with brighter hopes for <>ur fu ture, with vi-ious of gr.ater poMimtu*® growth and progrvfii. hi" display « t harvest del : . all in the langur go of magi.iflrn: achievement of ou»* increasing we.U.u, industrial skill and, commercial great- TIi'j pro«p*rity is not peculiar to Geor gia but i® shared by ever/boulbcrn state, wnrrever you nuu ii«aw puiw Au^k- Saxon stock. vliHi in-lie ihe South, un der the old order of linug*. the home of ulture. indrqivnJoiice a..d >tito®man- ship, you li r .d a people who moit tho Ut- insnd* of every emergency nn l have proven themsvlv**® without a superior n:.i ng the p«op e® o: the earth. V. uu an energy tin«i.r|>aft-ed, with courage unequalled, with a pride inher- iledfrtMtlsUoshrtof ancestor^ the South woe quick to i ruUr away theaebee of desoiatioi), to rebuild her brokin (or* tui. -. o to . -• •• j'*'vei:y w it ti pro-.;., i- ity. 1 ho value cf the taxable piOjerty of the twelve Southern state* of Ala- lama, Ark i sa*. H rhla, Uooigta, Ken tucky, Loubtana. MLetesippi, North Car- otiom,South Caroliu*, Teniieseec, Texas and Virginia, was: ia 4«.iS4.mrm loeieas* for t«n yexrs 9i.5>4,was:3 ( Aa tan save of 74 • per cent in ten years. «uii« thr iBvica «■ ui percents*:, uf |k*i»ui. ti'*n wo* SI Tb® taxable property of Ueor^a wa*: jn fai.kM.SM In Isuu It Is more Uiao 4u),v0u.a0 Iu 1NW the twelve S mthern States above named owed i - fr.'KMUSff toire*..- msa** Decrease fa debt during bids years of. 9 HMU» xaiiauAU iruBM. The railroads la the twelve Boutbern^statee rW *’ • S7,l-v i.illw. 40,U.Omflee. Inrreaa* In tew years »uw talbe. RaUroede to Ueerjtto were in South ipiiai ami Nwiiieru i i. 11 us. To this l enter a nhurp and emphatic 1 tieniul. Our condition id tbo achievc- of Southern energy, .South- pluck and Southern genius. Of tli ■ iiiJcr?e.-i ml tho {'rinci}ilc stcuro democratic *uppurt. ur safety. Ou this we plant our nop*. None but tho Democratic party b’lt-uld nsstimo to direct our cou or e* ntrol our deetiny. In our content* __ tliero slu.tild be noproecri'ti not demo- of hi* spring ba rats tight for prin i- | which hi> la-.t entered, for premiums, by pupils of the • duals. There are, also, in tho oxb bit three hnn !.«ome |icturc- cf pi • • ■' 1 buildin -* in the city, nn i a largo nup uf the county, showing the location of tho country scI.ooIh of tho m bt**in. lerintondent / *uler in very proud t Plaoe Solo — • P laaal of Hancock in the menf, ?i siZo(i !>.-of !l*r,■ : •,* ti in dependent* largo and exha;i tiv • < vhii it of tarn prtoduco as her ink: i di- l l'iy from her j ,f. i;<,, con fectionery, hay In twenty v , ,. S splendid arn»' r..* t: !: • ro a selected • - ; ‘ r- iflt- r« -1 in |, ut the old saying tint Bulo bundles is;.; pi n.i :n tiii«instauco. crat*. 1 ot pie and th* demaiil. un tied ei^cwiu •••forni* vvbicli the peoplo i arc nrrati. e I. The in.l leave tbo Jel.iils to l*e set- | every t* a> her who v uerc. As to detaiK. it umv be j conv&niont form rj tied only by cnutuaTconcession : 1 .*-t arinuui'report of*the eclu fa i l nvTomiae. Fo pr.-tend t<> settle i ot the (Jctobir number of th of t!.e l.RWallvc imrml/lj | Kdocational Journnl of w liioli 11 only *4 i»e whert* the i.nttb* id to 1»« fougl.t is worse liianfoliy—it h madness. In ail the tiiaUcf our history Georgians havo been uli. ru i-nnltfci *qu« «o tho dem*Bdi upon tli.-ir patriot- North. I their w.bdom, I>et them uot .•er tent, iron* tho .North. . .j 7 i no .South led in this growth. The j ra VX. . . . North did not come, to her aid until | Lll! 51°!!.”"!: .-Miutiieru genius iiau demonetiated that | f,“ r , * r? 7G“- *■ lierowM , fluid for |.rufilBl>l. inrr.f- Oa-ttwhcU/rn juiltr, Bnd con- 1 lervff.ain. They will act with urotlera- tion c \ uudom. Georgia mu»t not share fate that threatens South ( r- j i«!t*rtVGi'iv»ia.«j;ind.v i s Jiislr I dotiied i.i iho riche-4 garb of nature, trndont Zottler i-. editor aro al-o in the exlul^t and for general diwribunoi among those who feel interested in 60(1001 lllUttiTS. PROMINENT VISITOR-'. Col. F. i.\ M*, ttreiident. aiid Col. Thomas \V. Uailoiv i this glorioiM Southland ne- neMtowed her tr*-neuree with a ) n .V..TtedVAV"/ >>*1 Ji "Fo■nit iron me mined All of marble* and minerals vvlilch rill ntl t clicx fcjhe spreads !/• fore us in mining, manuiac- ttu.n, ,,nd i. ri* uii me. hi every^siry and trade, itossibUilies whose liinit* ex haust tt.o i agination. No laud gives fairer promise, no peoplo po-S'* s a . i ln*r I e* 111 it f. d ne* gi * at pro re s n thebouth sine•• tl.o war U*g n with the* r*-i n l.e I ii; o<,ia ic party in l.e; local g-vernmente. It baa bwn achieved .11 t • f the un ,-t gruuli ■EES Ji|**d vviih tie ?.h «*f art, rich with the wealth «»f rce ami aertnoitarr, wirh out- ?Jn-l».s Bill uplifted ♦ yes le.uu- h Invo for her children, pleading unity of her sons, Hr brotherly ontinued prosperity—for future nations of the federal government l,.* ,1 i. I’loctu Hi * * .MU " lull t! • Kiutbem Anglo-taxi-n stoo»l at the helm sni gu-ded ttio ship o ita nan u ami °PI r l ruugut i die/. In every H -utl eir p.osp nt. began with w hi e supr> it i .f i- n o :.n 1 f(»itrrod by j o'-ra ic turn. To «os growth wo must have good g< inn t, u* have th>s t .ere man divisions among tho Southern pco]i ronqaii-on with tiiii e bcn i-il to: ern ruwth all other : i'aderd, sink into n bconec. Tho M.intw.11 a! TtimniK win o r.oxt sje.iker, II*' devoted hims-lf t r ly to lie j oiibilitM-s of Georgia ns un ugricultum fctuio i.nd tint#who board him *nidnftorWtr«l that tho speech * wni i . o of the efforts of h.s life, I 1 l.e b eech «f .senator Ju<** ph Brown 1 a- be. II « a «-rly 1 oked or t»y the peo- I | le of Gcorgi i ever oince it b*is been un* j dcistood ii t ho wn< to speak st in-fair, ‘ “ l * T j‘o ' »nd it w an n h**ui l • of regret to everyone that tho “llW.1'1 for {.KSmUea 4.4S4 mike locrease ia ten ytf r*8,0M mlks. eorrus rAcrbatxs. Id lB'O t’i«re«rere fa tbe^twelve Southern states ■smart: Mi teaks. 6U.HH sx;.*^r* oull of all that should be easy it were ita p.roduc. prosperous? »»u*4 (ubRuuvuoj w .in . imh w» r* i—-—- all that psuiur ntiaaioiity lisa raised you, i j comae from the sou the paoue octbe ^ s peiiupd, rccognire the official bouth, he raid, were rich. No . , ** u * a sndulurets you as hfs excellency - j ] o*a; ’n* cr partisan and class legi>.. t.< n ■• i tie serene coupe euro and a d-s- j iouM cotenme thefistneasof the cl-u is 11 • patriot!: purrioeo utoi I or shut oat thegi ry of the skica T\wj *“Mof ». ns slmnt ••'*• tlurt I lied a tvmforuU-lo living, but UfW>i address them as meuberv-dec t} this, tlwy were. poor. Uespoko oi tee ‘K Ueral Assembly, liutai ., t!:cr i ex)*urts which wtrie daily trani orled ; ' u «* present, in no inccnsi .era*, from the heart of the fco .tu, and of the «'• either, upon wluao coun.n - gold and silver which followed in t. eir u snxiety ia yot deciplurtbla A ‘ train, nnd n- -*-d what became of tie -hhuioaal contortion m the OiBcee j money. . 4 . < filled, an J f r wh h ti ev are in no lit* i; * rd to discuss the tar 1* 1 r«-s]*cnsi! le, forbids that I | cju. *. • .mat the money was eduree* tlie® all ot can ... atci- Use . fr . .• antry and Iron* 1 •? h matters not that to such as nr# ]^coplo to cniLh the seat cf the Am* ri- , ;r eito reeurne tho quiet walks o’ cao system of protection, lie taH j years .... ‘■ e life that the conviction wi.l j that no economic theory co*.ild| • -t ty t o , per t!s*ee bl*ie years the pro ‘7 mtue that, after all, office is Lut governmental act which taxed one man, ©f utr.ui'u.e Mar* t; * * ia im la icA«e to nine jears 1.3. r,:. T>,X? I i.o prodnetimf cf pig iron in Virginia, North Car« Iina, Gvwgia, Alabama, Texas, Kentucky and Touucssee (seven btsteei was: Ia **.M1[tons tn ;>wn l, too*. lucres** la etoe years tooa Aa lacrea* a of nor* thxa <00 per cent. In the rtontli tho amount invested in maiiiiGcturew was: la jw*) - 9)70Jy sw io:ne grt*»t wrong to h Iscrraa* fn nine years— -2,770 ; Tor ;t » cx-stence. just aalMWaneef lmper sees, e .»*» m> -n d • it a* to resu Ihe total value of all ] rodiu ts of the jhe , t l , hucli a inove.ii«-nt I ai 11, . among<*ur po ;»le. however gn-at, purcliuou i ut i of democratic unity, would l in/, U.iiuiiiog cur«*. Tt.ose Southland w ould under ui\r ; for any purpose cr»-u:»* striie is a traitor to his country und hit raco. Let tlii- reign of a ph* I •• :ccee b d by di cord i is*.t uns an*l every inter-vt paralv»i- will strike every onerUbed institutions wilt every industry will wither, are destined to bo tho leaMing »tates the union—divided, our growth ai ccelrd by decay.our future is firajie i gloom. Tbire U i.o n**< ••^s.ty fo div ion. If prudence and pit no: consulted, tLire wi!’ ’ i zuoseU can prevail, un. oil ] •; .**. 'io do t os every d» crat acknow'o i^e that all human* institutions his allegiance is duo to the Demo.; party. If properly ora nnd properly treated by good in t trs movement. There can lu po; ul rr movement so widoa* embracing itn riibh unable ta attend. c y I IN M/.AIoi: mows n ABSENCE 11-1 Col Avery said: nt j ••Feilow-i t.x ri of Georgia, I Lear to i‘* I you hvurtfolt greitu.g from that veno^ j no itteJ BtAU**iiian, -i:at *r Jos ph K. | in Brown, woo will# ou clo»o l<y Ids own in- choice long nn*l il rintri us pu Ic ue*. at * to o; ca or in your .-eivice. He arcepted utter iu^iK - with |*rofo m l pi a-ure tin* invitiation of of no policy your lurored prc»idtnt, farm t..e b*s of n, r ele t ot tbo state, to U k I b. the reitt- usi tne country, 1. it a i H-h office of speaker. It ill;] rates the dMpre-:i; tliU thB bad »«:her in l-l. tM1J ,u.u ol abi.ity, 1 del cuto health ke«-,m bun fr* m meeting *' i un* . face to wall hi id in the lich and do Lb v .ir." CLARKE COUNTY EXHIBIT t. * c i*. ftumii nn tm left of the entrance I to Piemium Hall, and tb* w»ll knotn I 1,1 ' . beery ft and voice of Dr. Edwin T ♦mpty tsubie and a ■•{on en occasion s*» auej l • ti , I 1 • ui so komi l c zoning une^e » . V *‘ ll » outstretched an..a, l w. tild ; tbv medium *f even suggesting o i ;• , t ti.e wtialuuu B, on I. w.t I j r:.i • rr.-l •i nil, ai my id, mt, th t -an rfM you, oci ®*c; i . j tl.o ntal act which taxed one roan :.ta d encourage tho i t r. That no argument < r p .11 ate tin* legislate oney from the p the r.t. tiu* ] i• cut .NioKitff.’v i .11 ; *-•• in. *'• U' p«*r frciiitno r.«rri *-r-. ti i 1 iU rur-i tu gi\e to ■ the favored manufeci burden wm ph**d o:; raj i'aii’lH t f the ecu If a mml if :-s icritlcin; ting on tlio but clear Go thou llersepta sea pkc« ^ and storm light as wave-swept sho o a th# ford U excel Uot, a email, but most ent of th# Farmer*’ dui*| piece, ,J^ lra F^, couuty, can be seen and heard Tfi . c *1 lemons. long line of ex- The pupils of i *, the ball some hluition a largi i the door. | sketches which of the most enter- ■; in i be state of may be found tli Iu i and Mec a nud in another part same nuil ling. Athenj and .unty can boast of tb» most ex ent system of public ecboole in charge l*r f. *«or E. U Blarwtoo. There are rral of the manufacturing industries ;Ulfc» rrnrosented in this exhibit. Athens Manufacturing Company i a very tar^e exhibit of checks, jasns cottontilce of their own manufac- which will compare favorably with i in every talent sur; rising n from 8 yeere of a h e. liou it is unkind to select, and IT notice is made of* individual drawings it n**.-’ht uml to dwcourBg* ,U..a wlio niuit nec- iMBtllrb«ooiitt«d. ill. I-0-- llu *- ever, that moet of th# young i « m in after years receive lav. r—.o uu nnon . r pictures in larger c.\»nL:iious and Irons more able ethics- go, -1 i - its *•! colieo- for tho iiarveit queen 1 peal. But that it i statist i it, ' R n* j r ulU.r.H u upon the poor and Ui« bouth Hie t With such a band of -d never go abroad r music to deli >ht her guests, Y#*:er- iv m* rn>tig all nature was happy; t! *> 1 fuUs enjoyed iheuis*-lve«, tho ciul- wa-. boseveri jp-..i:*.*i on the filial liy : oren were lull «f laugh,er m.d even ti. • Kitty. tr*«-:. tbs gt A-.hes »nii tbo bmiH p euud 1 *ih*» pool ,#lifng had nothing wildly ; to nod and wave and twiner their up- ex*, t-ng Hbout .t. tl*** *j-/ris !»eiiig a|e prol»etion of such a k ene <>f innocent parent,v tiuiuiuu-. ul-uut laying <*ut th^ir j »mui* nun: and guarantee of inciesstu^] u «...«» United titstee or abroad. A xr * t »smples of wool dyed eltb til. An i-n-- AUkm Uanu- factoring Company. , ihe Gtf rgia Factory, on the Oconee river, tho Fr nceton tactory. on aiiutM# Ocuree river, tho Athens Foundry and Machine Works, the Athens Pottery uud >, w.t I’»i«o Manufactory, tl;e Athena Bobi in 3iills, the Ati.ens Tannery, and otboie from all over tbo couuuy orerep- ru-4 nte-l ia the d.e, lay. .. , , - In th. cvDUe of t:.a*xkil I tk« U. • •-• »•'• * not is »can»l«»* I- ‘ ; Unc^ tb, pdei a ad Doan upeof the throne illed to ove r- grand bar- tion of portraits, which, and at tnis t ' . I' -! * the pointing was ex is a mo6t f •-'thiui J grows younger eve hie present 7'{ pieted ia luencement piece a roonochri act of fetrik Jciuisou Mill liio rapid-UtrfcDgtnen the Democrati: party among 1 spare cash too reckleseiy. This feature, prosperity, Irrssed in a beauti'ul the w ork ol the Ladies’ of Athens, whicu ba- l„, teli t a U'luiiiul exn. it of l.eir w*.rk. Tms inaiibituii is luritable and its patr*-..»-ss« , » o* lndo ihe Kav'iug e.cwty l*»*its >* .ktheofc. . „ i l aiouug i Hung in good politicos on tnc wails,