The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 19, 1890, Image 7

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I THE WEEKLY TELEGRAPH: V> KSHA V. EOVlMUhll I' 1 . 1W0. (ioUfli Tell. _ r . lt os« untitM *»» osi »**’ “ , rn riul in mumd **» i* 1 i,r.vr."-W»li Whitman. hay. , far school ichoUr loin* “ Wfdjwdty dVontio* ihe .chool room, bright lcim, Autumn A**'.. far of llw*e dnpowil ‘1 i.-h01«i. *41,0111 whom *U bl.ulnp Bow." ,_ SE i0iso BV rcriL. I.w, procl.m.lioo. (Found in te L /oi it. rm ■urornv. rrcminont nrhoma. L. (wnr. lot u« oinf unt» >b« Lo'd-, c me below bie j.iouuce with lEfiwto to God on high, »nd on '’“‘if ’ .'.r good will toward men. S? JLc tneeVwr blere the., we wor- ffb to thee fortWeitglorj. O Sd God, bemuly biog, Ood the I^Bbow jooneleea Joyful unto the lTri, >11 « 1 "“ d 't re J° iM > *“ d f"o k, p”»i« the I>ord! ior it U a thiuc 10 ting unto our fied; ye», a joyful and pleuanl thing fenfu'l the lord with r v'*wL cortreth the heaven with e!redr, and prrpaieth rain lor the SSi endmekeih tbe grae. to grow jpon the niJtmtain*, end herba for the A irivetlt loilder unto the ui .nd fmirth the Toung ravene that J; 1 lUnuitetbpeace in thybordtn, i j it 1.-UI tbcm with flour of wheat. lC -"r Mr mug shall of the ioTiM-k.ticlni*»M» of the Loid; with KF mouth will 1 ever be showing thy Ua:h from one generation to Mother. :OpraUe(M mhiihulinees; praise fciii in the firmeiuent of hi* |>ower. I'tti'V i;iui hr hit hole acta; prune him according tu his excellent great- Vr»i«e him with the sound oi the Uuni|K".: praise him with the lute am! I'/ai-i him with the cymbals and tie dtuce: pr-iise him upoo the ‘tf^rwlth the cymbal., the louJs'jamhrg ornbala. \A everything that hath breath p«i*e the Lord! ir.—setDIXO BY FYPtL. The govt ri or’s ptocUinstlon. V—SOSO BY SCHOOL. it Ilarreii Time.” (Tune: “Auld Licg.Srne”) [pier»it ibcpratMof harvest-time, tsbici unu g»v* tue »c*r ■ locreaae A«J grtnft ui irugih of *loy*. ba; The harveit-Um**, tb • lurveit-tlme. in.- h>* it me of r>- f. Tu»hn v % -VIn.e, ike liarVMt time. ran do nothing else, then get down oo yonr kn-ra and thank Ood for work. It Is the beat gift that out of his plenty he can offer you.—Ruth Ashmore, In Ladies’ Home Journal. X.—CONCERT llROTATION. “The Corn Bong.” (Clam ol six pupils). Heap hlrh the farmefta wlntr/ hoard! neap high the gol *» oora; No rleosr gift ti»« autumn poured From out her lavish horn. let other lands exulttog flleSE The apple from the Dir e, The ora ge from lissiouy green, The cluater irom the vine. Wa better lore the hardy gift Our rugged rales Intnw, To cheer or, when the storm ihall drUt Our barreapnelds with snow. Through rales of gra*a and meeda ot flowers Mtows their furrows m*d», i and showers Wo droppt d the see<i on hill and plain, Bo"eat'i the sun of Mar. And (Igatened from our sprouting grain 1 be robber crows away. AH through the long, bright days of June Its Ictires grew green ami lair. And waved in hot midsummer’s noon Its toft and yellow hslr. And now with Autmnn : s moonlit eres Its harve* .time has come; Wo nlu.kawsy tbo frmted itarce And bear Iho treasure homo. There richer than the fabled gift A polio showered of old. Fair bands the broken grains shall sift And knead it t meal ol gold. the Itowl i f ratnp and mtlk By homespun btauty pf;urod! Who will not ‘haul: the klu’dly earth And bless our farmer girlsl i alt tbo proud and vain, . anghs to K:orn The ‘>fo»sli»g of «-ur hardy grain. Out wealth of golden corn! Let earth wlibh' ld her goodly root; Let mildew blight ti e rye. Give to the worm the ore isrd’a fruit, The wheat fluid to the tty t But let »hi* good old crop adorn Tli era trod: Still lot us. Ur this g liVnc-rn, bend up our wcn*» to Ood I —Whittier. WOMAN'S WAR ON WHISKY, j •i not stf.r. in j in 25BMCAL Ml All IA 1 111 ul l»r- THE W. C. T. U. CONVENTION OPENED IN ATLANTA. Dfatfncufalicd AiiibIn 2 o of Women Lender* — NIre. Ilooth rrraont- Preafdent Frances \\ illard’s Ad- dreas—Call to a New Crusade, Atlanta, Not, 14,— Not only the hotejf, out al-Ki tho residencea of the phi lanthropic temperance women of Atlanta an* crowded wfih delegates to the seventh annual convention of the Woman’a Chrintian Temperanco Union. All the old familiar fac*a a « to be m* t on every band: lira Z. G. Wallace of Indiana, tho veneiai lo mother of Gen. Lew Wal lace; Mrs. Mary N. Hunt of Mxa achus- eUs, Mr . Clara G. UofTman of |I*a» »*ri, Mha Lucia E. F. Kimball of Maine, U ^ K Green woo i of Brooklyn. Mias Lon bo E. R .undsuf lliinoia, lira. J. K. Barney of Rhode Island, Mrs. J. T. Kfiisof New Jerccy, CoL Geo. Woodford of Illinois, M<s. MaryT. L thrup of Alioliigan, Miss Adelaide H. Kinnoar of North IJ.iLo:* Numerous Boci.tirs in sympathy with the aims of the union have nl^o sent del egatee as tangible evidence of their feelings. MRS. PALLING TON BOOTH OS HAW). Mrs. Maude Uailitigton Booth is hero on b half of the Saltation Army and Mrs. Francis Finch as a representative of the Good T'mpiars. The t.mperance women of ( atnuln hare sent ndelegation of White Ribbons. Non-partisan associ ation sent delegates to demand a. ate in the convention. The contention was called to order at 10 o’clocs this forenoon in Trinity Me!li<.dist church by Mias Willard, the morniug iieing given u p to organization ■ lUv elare lie \) Atlanta, Nor. 14.—(Bpocial.] tonal speeches w re mude to-night uy Mr. Norwood and Mr. HflrtriJge. Norwood’s serious charge. Norwood, in ha a-ldie-s snn- unced th <t ho would not nln is I 7 the act on of last night’s caucus, and charged that Mb un« and the terminal were d ing wltat they coil d to “buy ft e legidaiur . He used no gross language, n.erely leading in fo the atiggoatlon and adding, “there are rumors In the- «ir.” “I deem It tuy dul>,”sald lie, “fee ing convh oed tout datiKei impends oTer the state to rai*e n:y roici in vs ning. Two friends l.ioke into n»y room la^t night or rather this morning to anumuc* thf joy ful tidings of tue nouiina ion of ratuck Cslhi un snd the death of monopolies. I am not lu re to speak in the interest of Gordon or any oilier man, but my nutiTO state.” thf. runs* or moxopoly. One of the greatest cur^s in the his tory of the English government tram th« time of Charles tho Fi-at had been n»«*- nopoliev. The Aunrcan republic, founded on n pin form of freedom and equal right-*, had osoa|>« 1 th-rn till about the time of the war, the tariff came along, succeeded by the inter al revenu*, the unjust t anking -ystt-tu, theconcw-iitrati n of wealth and fluatly trusU and mono{*o- lies sprang into existence. To r»medy these evils was organize! the Alliance It first drove out section- uliatn to clear tho way, then through ita leaders set tovrotk to evolve some schema for cttriog them, and the sub-treasury plnn was ixirn. It wua sent to congress und there treated with contempt, while tho Alliance was told that there would be no relief unie a aomo other scheme were devi-ed. T he farmer* then undertook to send men to tue capital who would attempt to and reading of the repotta of officers. r . . After a brief recess for luncheon, Pr*§i- j 0 n> Q ietliing tor them. In tins state d nt Willard d l vcred her annual uddress : t *) e y applied the »uh treasury teat to and tho auperin endenta of thu various 1 c .ndidntes ind defeated screral toc*>n» branches continued iltcir rejjorta. This j grewB on ||, at The sub-treasury evening a grand welcoming was held at; W09 p ul tlje reme-1 * ot the Alliance. If the church. The convention whl con- t j u . wvrc t U ; t .,i U . u>n to announce the tinuein se-»ion fouruayr. principle of the onler in two proidknt WILLARD’S ADDRESS. wordi he would sav. “an i-inono; o y.” Ti-o address of ti.e president cov. r» 107 i n the elect on teferred to there was pages and - at distributed in printed form I no question ot in i ojwly, nothing but to the convention. It had over *hirtv J (i ie »ub trcsiurv, and yet caodidat s had •ubdirhicne ami loci tded Mlm Wil ar .» - te«-n defeated bv the Alliance on that, annuul report aa pr-aidentof the Woild’a ! wind* was hut the remedy <f ti.e order. Womans Christian Temperance Union, j xH£ inconsistency or IT. The address oeali with the year’s work Wnaa reruedv of greater v.Uuo thin n and declared the Woman’s Christian | prinnple? Could tne Alliance retire men “ limply because they dill, r d witn it tlit-driup'.tiK bout, (liktllllus tstu. Cha: Tfee hjrrvst ttiar, etc. Tb- jonocen and th - snsUeat bore M*y j ii. t'.if untnfu. »onx; ri»:i»ri!K nine witu ib in y«t awhile, Aud Urvtst vuiaa- ere io^f. Ck.: Tbs bam»t-Umc, etc. vf-oRiaix crrnAXKiGTYnlo day. Ihs Poriisn suff ted from famine aftf r >• to tb * c .unity. At I at, after tear ot privation, they gaihtrid : b«r*«»t Ttrf had ta>u<y tens ml six of barley and pvsae, and Mtffici-nt to supply them with df-r a 1 *.g time. G .vc’nor Brad o d *cjtueadr«i th-t they gather together f -r mrpn.* 0 f prayer at d praise, and they cIuJmI to have a feast is well. H.» gna’ were nis'fe, and the bun era ot out into i he forest to find meal lor dinocr. They cat. o back loaded with itca a id wi d turkey. The Furitan- s*d o*t»* the Indian*, and they In ti xasMioit and binety of hit wa-ibra tofcsss. This was in I62J. The year ” vjs a long drouts, the crora stunted, and th-y seemed liko'v to tv« to death. A fa t day was appointed; several hours the people prayed with- stopping, and the rain b**gm to fall i.« they prsyed. The crope revived, and ■re tss a p!-i tiful harvest. Ag* n a y&f thxnk^iving was unbred b/ Gov °r Brsdfrrd. S» gnduslly the custom •ipnntiDg a dnnkegiving day after rtest to tie established, the appoint- ht> being nude by the gjvernora of the r *« alonie*. HL—ktCtTXTION BY LITTLE GIRLS. The R ght Way. «• ViS^ARKT: r ”« St!;!« r ntnVhfii ror COf ® ,n ‘ t0T# * fiis/s rr* ib ’V ,nn ’ *° r r » , °* 1 or hau * ot t>lr.t* and rills— Tbfse V.ewtiBgs Temp-ranee Union to be now cl ita best y«ar and one of its largest increase in of membership. A tfrllllaut Weddlnc at Flovllla. Flo villa, Nov. 14.— [Special.]—The social event of the seas >n. the marriage ot Mis# Maggie M. Maddox and Mr. U. Weisiger. took place last uiglu ntthe Mot hod n>t church, a.d was witnessed by a crowded hou-e. Tiiechurch was Uau- tit ully decorated with natural flower* To the etruins of the wedding mar Ii. pl.iyod by 31 ra G. U Elder, the bridal party marched uu the aisles to the ..liar, ' * . ti>«. nttomhinU m runied jHisitimia h side, whll- the bride ami groom stood in tuo center, un erneath a floral arch, from which was -uspeuded an um brella of natural flowore aud a mono gram, an “M.” and a "W.” Interwoven. Above the arch was the word “Unity,* jnat it nee mown rauy degeneration or in 2 I ^ 0 ltom much love of the AJlt- «««.. w..- - **• *”’ r> “ ancf,” [A very intemtlrg ctoee to the exercises is to cill twelv** pupils (six boy* and e x .iris) to stand be ore the school and each in turn m give a reason for it»ankluln»es: I am thankful ior health, because,” etc. I am thankful for our n> hool, Iwecatin?,” etr. Each should have a sentence wri ten out end caiefully Ira-red. F.owcrs, fruiii, rain, innshine,'church, home, etc., are among tho subjects that may be used.] xti.-song. “America” Division **r Fractions. Invert tue ultlsar, SHii fKfCCCd fiS IS multiplication!” How trippingly, dear teachers, does the foregoing eage advice fall from the lipe of our pupils: and how unmistakably rath- factory, in a certain wry, is the result of «uih manipulation! B it,' hone t injun,” now, bow many of you are aatbfied that you have given your pupils a cl*-ar and distinct comprehension t! the “rhys ana wherefores” of such “rnve.'siou, etc.?” 1 wish (ogive you the substance of an article found in tho November number of nbe Tc'cherV ItwiRute. (Er L. KuiW>§§ A Co., N*w York.) If the child has been properly taught up jo the time of fKa |ntnwnMlnn of ilivis nn of fraetioni, he will ucd-r-trud (he rela tion that each fraction holds to the unit bom which it was derived. If he does not u «1-ratal d this, you will teach it to him in tho f Mowing or in some bttur way. Draw a lino upon the board that is nin* rorhes long; Vt them think of this line as a unit or 1. Use 1, 2,3, 4, etc., sa • ivisois an*l St-cure the quotients 1, 12, 1 3, 1-4, etc. These quotients are readily prrceivtd by the pupbe. Use 2-3 as a d v»ur. 8 uw that 2-3 i« contained u the nql; one time and ou«- htlf of another time, or * [i ea which Lad Utm prepared lor the oc- 3-2 times. U*-e 3 4 as a divisor and show t cati n ' * by u»e of the line or other mesuk that it is 1 * — — ■ • c mtinvd in 1, I end 1 3, or 4-3 Mints. | 3oveI Petlilon ol %Seuld-be c»n;t Use other fractional •liviso.'s andgvnersiiae setilcra tocev. Norilien. as follows: A fraction is conuined in the Atlanta, Nov. L\—[Special,]—A unit from which it is demed as many conuuittee field down the lounges in one times as i* indicated by the fraction in- of ti.e lobules to-day, hugging the per verted. F.ilh>w thiscouciusiun with mat)/ tio» given l*elow to their broast* The teiutdy ond support one oifferieg from it a ).r nc.phV •NY hat 1 say of Mr. Calhoun is not per son'*l. 1 Mb tbo questi m above Patrick DEMANDS • rrty hoar^t snd reUat-!<* tnedl<*lnes sho^ild t*e plaeetl upon th-market. Itenn- not. tliertfore, be Mated too emphatically, nor rrpcabM too often, that all who are In nerd of a genuine Uluod-purifier should be sure aud ask for Ayer’s 8ar*apart!la. Your life, or that rf *on-.e one near and dear to you. may depend on the •>«<• at ttits well-approved remedy In prefer ence to any other pie|Kiratf«m of similar name. U is compounded of Honduras ssr- csparilla (the variety most rich lit curative properties), atillltigla, mandrake, yellow dock, and the Iodides. The process of man ufacture is original, skilful. scmpuUmsly desn, snn such as to sernte the vtry test 11-Jiclast qualities ot escli Ingredient. This medicine u nnt boiled nor heated, and Ls, therefore, not a decoethm; but it Is a com pound extract, obtained by a methml ex clusively our own. of the best and tnnst powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics known to pliarmtcy. For the last forty years, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has bc*n the standard tt^«od-purlflcr of tho world—no other approaching It In popular confidence or universal demand. Its form ula is approved hy tlm leading physicians sad druggists. Itclng pure and highly con- eefktrated. It Is the most economical of any possible blood medicine. Every purchaser of Sarsaparilla should Insist upon having tills preparation and seo that each bottlo bears tlie well-known name of J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Hass. In every quarter of the globe Ayer’s Sir, saparlfla ts proved to be the best remedy for all diseases of the Hood. Lowell druggists unite hi teitlfylng to the superior excellence of tills medicine and to Its great popularity in the city of Its manufacture. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla ruErAXBT* nv OR. J. C. AYER & CO., l-fd, Hut fold by DruygUts. fl.ftlxfS. Worth f»a botUa. THE SOUTHERN EMPORIUM Have Just Received a New and Beautiful Line of Ladies’ and Misses’ CLOAKS and WRAPS, Something'New and Worth Seeing. The Bargain of the City, ^OSTRICH BOAS at $1.50> No House in the City Has Them Save Us. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. With us. means a line to select from. Our $1.00 B.anket is the best in the city, and our 13-4 California Blankets are the Beauties of Macon. Our DRESS GOODS Are too well known to Macon people to need much puffing. We keep everything in that line, and our Trimming stock can’t be matched. Tb, ..or,nor «.n-er... 0 . A„.r 14 Yds. Fruit of the Loom for $1.00. 10 Yds. Worsted Dress Goods acori'wion’i’ntof*th. Su& jour- for 45c. 10 Yds. Plaid Dress Goods for 75c. 16 Yds. Best 4-4 Brown nil hat had an int r\iew with Mr*. Ora . Jius. ynti;ii TALKS. Calhoun, John li Gorffoa ami #vuj nalha» baa an tut rviuw with Jirc. *r.i QUp/afi^rr Cll f)D oth r man. It iw one of the life or deatu j m fell in Rome, anil gi*t» the j Oiieetl Mg TC T Ipl *UU* „,.„,„„r,r. ft- — —folio. ckto*.or,: SOUTHERN EMPORIUM. of your order. After driving congreee-1. - Vl u , .. . • muon the eul*-lmwtirjr i-^ue how cun j "i e , n mT’lt ?*1 B I t vi.u take to your ctubra e a man who to think I ha I pot.-oned her, I be- amon Will. >uu in rrg.rd to it, lundu- /I *'fSfi*" 4 ., ” n . . IWg' - - - ----- mental p incq 1 -. Dot-s he agree with you on the quealion of tnonopolica? You find hint it .lie head of < ne t f U.e grand- vat mo iopoliee i > the United titaiea, with i s 7,3.(1 wiles of r U’rsy. an octopus tucking the life blood of the people, CBinctSlNO Sl'CLCRl'S EDITORIAL. “The *io< tor,' said Mr. Norwocd, “had no doubt made a thorough diagttoeia of Mr. Cathouu's bea*t. 1 shouh eu geat that It lies sitown fatty dcgenernlion of N. Kenny perfi>rtned the ceremony in a very iiupretaive manner, Ibe attend hi* were: Mr. U. A. Lind sey and Mis- Maffdov, Mr. J. a. Cummings and Mias Ada Heard, Mr. Jeau Briuoti and Mias Eugie McG rd, and Mr. ii. F. Watson, Jr., and 3i)«* Carrie Glover. Ibe bride wns handsomely dre*s«J In a cream-colored o slum**, with train, etc., while the bridesmaids wore pink. The fcroom H tho popular and eflic.t-u, agent oi iho Eaei T#ji«c-»»e, Virginia an ‘ Georgi. rai road at this place whi.e tbebiidewaa acknowledged one ol the bellm oi the coiuiuuuity. Alter the ceremony the bridal party rep.*ir>d to (lie res dunce of Dr. J. F. Lancaster, where tie newly married couple held a reception and ircefved toe congratulations of their nuiut-rous iri-nds. The presente w*re numtr*>u*, verltd and valuahlA After Hie recep tion Mra Ijtncaater invited the whole party I \ to Lariake of the many delicn • Indeed but few tot* am it <*r «n, T’I«t hi. and ms ' !c,r idu I «to nut laae A * 0cI T mcetit lor me. A'ft ‘j »*> aybest to ice. rf,Vu. rou * b u,!% h *f>pr der, *iurni way' hut* toeeiryt'vll'd n d i viS rtSi?'* Ua jedleare», I h'*« remind i iMi to iUk hMrt 'kould IiO \\ Wott} f r - all q K •*“ hume for me. ’>"0.”,, h.ipiui b.Qd. * «%*>•. I.** hu im tUh..p, „ a«r- »u«'l fit, ourU.rU "^otssrot. 7*° SJ »v THE KCKOOI. ln Ktng iu tL. Sb.a.M - iT r* IBU AND THuftroivixu. n,?"* 1 V a u evur.t, bright ,lrl.) > k..^' hUc 5 tn -'«.twr tr'rl lorutk, .°Jr light ,od woa- kM. " r . hw « «<• b. ih.ukfut for; (Trio ,h»Y* *’ POiiliT. IhElllii II u,‘ !,*?«■« to b. th.Qklu■ lor; £ thaokfuh* questions Bimilsr to the follow log: How many tiinei b 5 U contstoed in 1? H 7 repretents thu division of 1 by what number? What fraction is contained in 1 6 7 times? A man divides an acre of land into plats of 2 13 of an acre each; how many such plot* can he stcu'e? You asy that 2 3 is contained in 1 how man* times? Pupil—-2 3 is contained in I 3-2 timet, Tuen how many timts will it be con tained in 1-2 of 1? Pupil—1 2 of 3 2 timea. And bow many timea in 7-8 ol 1? Pupil— 7-8 uf 3-2 times. What do«a an inveitad fraction ahow? Pupil—Ihe number ot times that the fraction ia o ntained in I. Analyse the following: Divide 5 6 by 34. Analysts: 3 4 ia contained in 1 4-Stimee. and it will he contained in 6-tf of 1 5-ff of 3-4 times, or 20-18 tiroes, or 10-0 times.” I am charmed with this exposition of the subject, and hava not tried to resist the inclination which prompts me to a»k a showing for it in lbs “School R icni” col- umos of tbs Telegraph. Pedagoo. Tlndrrn Conveniences. From Um ArchUrcturu sad buUilag. Sir Christopher Wren could never have dreamed of the amount of money that In future generations would be ex pended on churc hee to afford the conve niences which, in three days, are conaid- erad ncceeearv for ordinary comfort. It is said that £15,000 is the cost of intro ducing the n* w system of heating in Trinity chwixh, in this city. To eff«.rd document speaks for t-.aeli* aod U a curb oily. U eeoms ilia; some wage have told the Congo ndmirrra that they would not be | ertuiiled to leave Atlanta. Thu paper raids: ••Sod State of Oor, ot Georgia (Notiuun) “atlnutu Ua Aov 15 1600 m«m- oers «f Ihs united 8tatv« and Oongo .National Emmigration Steam ships company Awociaiion— • yours Honor-Govoocr air. We wish to have a enffmation from you. Kira can a bill lie signed Uf any arthoretios to stop this colon zoiug Association from tmbaik thams-rlvirs t» a betricountry which Wh are upon our own sponsibles tc Detire to you enable us, w Licit \v e hava heard of Authorities to atop from going But which our association is enable to go Why lets ua ga a Lich our inltDtion is to reach our lather lor .and in africa in Piece. ••Rev P F Fisher, Gen manager, K W Wilson, Chairman, Oran Davis, treas urer, John M Williams secy. • Gov. airs we are ihe committee ask ing your for proteeshun of our aseoesra- tiou.” Gov. Northeo sent word to them that if th«*y desired to go to Africa no one could s op them, and if this aaauratue did not sa bfy them they could call later when ha could give them aa audience, The Clous of a Very vnremmi and Interesting Exhibition. Gainlsville, Nov. 15.—[Special]— Tbe Hall countv fair closed last night Wonderful success crowned the effort* if thr managers this year. 3 f.s crowd here on Tburday was hy far tb# largest ever avnemblrd in Gainesville^ Tue sate r*- ceipte showed that between 3.000 and 1 1 r»t i 0,000 peopie were on the ground th-t day, tmrs Ti.e peo.ds came on the rai roads, in car-1 an All Then continuing from the doctor's editorial. “The author of tbe article will pUy r.o u&smpurtsnt part in the affaire of this country f.r the next twenty years,” “Mscune not to shoe too strong a lead ing toward ^Georgian’ criticises him a little for being a e’emoc aW- However, ihe editorial says a republic >n wou.d ci edit hia *fiitim nt§ to the U. It P. an4 it is a 1 right 'ihe ftonth wih have an oj-f-oriu icy sou che farmor be rewarded with victory.” “It seems,” rai I Jlr Noma d, “the op- ponuni y came ia t night, but many pol- ifeian* have found a big rtititrence be tween nomination and election. The sapping and ruinii gpro e slo which the Alliance has hi an eubjecte l tor the last six months has been ot late ip.ismodic, but moio vigorous than msde before, vndekiundkd uktholb. But the Gordon A Huntsman threw a bomb into the caucus meeting * n the night of ihe 4th, which alarmed the un~ went to laUndege, then to Columbus, YYaverljr and Tullxitton, by private conveyance, then to l‘o»tkk, Ala., and then to Uncle Henry McKve’s h' uwin Ihe tooi t v, where 1 stayed a »hoit time. After leaving there I went to Cussrte, McRa, Psiatka, Jackson vibe and New Smyrna, where 1 wa» capture*!. “1 was than pn-pa ing to return home, at I had fuily determined to return and I, r»»v»> my innocence, bince [l'.h.ive been in FlUD A BILL FOR MURDER. NOTORIOUS BOB BREWER KILLED FORSYTH. Ilo YYis Hired by Hall Deeply 1 llio .nurd, r \Y-« as Confevaed by pile iplralore— ll-llow ulttcd From Daily Telegraph. Nov. 19. A true bth fur conspiracy to^ murder and ft r mutdsr bas Leen lonnd agaimi Wright L.n.Mater, John 1C Lane *ter, J. ntrs Muore. Lem Dure. atorimCl m vn aud Rich L iwry, al as Rich Herring, I.uth : A. llall and Andrew J. Renew, jail my rrienda huto lean exceedingly kind tb me ” When asked if she had anything she wou'd like her Album frieuJs to know akerepiled: “No. nothing, except I am innocent, snd only wish my tri l w.-s to come eff t,. • . y so 1 could be thio Jgh »i h ft,” Mis M -Kee’slittle gtilis onlydyeara c.:.L and been sent to her cousin's l me. near Colu i*hua» whete she will ....... ■ tr ® 9b ” ,y ! T..I ntw Of TBS JCST. ocr»U of in. »i‘, xi.k... lur hn.l.iid, to ««. Tl>. Ul |.r».iil»l bj tl>. Jury h.f lm m«ht f u r tl.e fir.t iiui* «m.o L.r | tou« ®'..u.., , .r™ c. arresL He ttrosined with lur tor one hour and a half, end then left, snd baa no' been tack since. Her mother. Mrs, Elizabeth Bice, is cow in AtLiit icuniul inc w.tli lawyer?. ! whom it is thought she w ill engage in a few days to defend her duUfih cr. lli-r father, Mr. J. M. Rice, is no-# in I lor ids, wbe/e he Lae l-een building a new bom# lor the family to move intu, Mrs. M< Kee is yol u viry young w. man, being only C4 year* old. Khe <1 workm, foeCalboon .Ddfrom * D ‘.’± d !tl‘ 'th.t rm i liY .lirurik kWaT uni.! ‘ n Bom, Ibt i««l.,ian For ™ not™nil lift •!■• «•»»» * _ Kontloman .rcu.' half, t tiX/febS an h ur that Pat C -ltmun dkln t cxi-u When a man trie* to demoustrute h»t he can’t nuninate Cs!h> unnuu (hen turn around amt nominates Miu, 1 admire h a argument, lie did not belong to tbe legislature, ho was a tnmibcr cl third Houio wl^ich pend most ot her tuna in doing fancy work for her little baby. An Appling County Farmer FlemN (•hie Poisoned, Baxley, Nov. 15.—[Special]—Jesse legal loniL 'ihe oubotunce of it is intrrex Ing as it shows tl e re- suit of an investigation into the murder of Mr. John C. Forsyth and the streuu~ ouaeffoita that have been made by tho government to discover the perpetrator of that ni->»i horrible deed. Afux tho open 1 ng paragraph tho till of imklovent goss cn to asy that on thr Urt day of Septem ber, IbOO, Wright Lancaster, John K. Lancasier, Jainea Moore. Lem Burch, i hsrles Clements, Rich Lowry, alias Rich Herring. Luitur A. Hall, and An drew J, Renew, now do ea>ed, did amongst thems-lvea and with divers other evil disposed t ersons whusa names ■re unknown, unlawfully and ftion- ALL At* SQUALLY OCILTY. Under the lews of the United 8*at*a he • ompirstors are rack and vll indicted awantpt and told him that the pay was good and the fear of detection > .ight Clements and Lowry went to Burch’s hou;.o and remained there for nearly *hr*“? w«*k* hffAM tli« hone rame when the order was issued that their victim must die. IT WAR A WET KIOTO The night of Oct. 7 was wet and dark. Tho wind sighed and moaned aoiong the pint**, It was cot long after dark that l«0 men left Burch's home, one carry tog n double-barrelled shot gun. the other by his side watching carefully in every direction, evidently In tef*f of being About a mile from the Forsyth resi dence was an old hut long fallen into di»uae ar«il here tbe two stopped. They were Clement* and Lowry. . elements did nut go any further than the but. bnt handed the gun to his corn- pan!©.: and to d him to go and do the ork be was being peid fur and return. WAITED FOE TUE SOUND. Left by himself the coruplrstnr leaned against a trie and .istaned. Everything was awfully quiet. The' wind muant-d nnd Washington city and Texts to teach j m r< “n t? ^mnJnv witC 11:11 :1 color * d ton«L .nJ cipieof tbo oid r ts to elect a monopo-, lhey remained until after dark. They 1 -mm. __ j . * .! hnd bad #ojuo t ouMs about the father- 2 I kn,x « vt crop, but an am- tTnis * c,w * •^JwUoailun bad Icon made. SA bo said some time ago that Gali.outt ^ru n »nH.y J »uppoo. U. i dangerous, yesterday declared to tlrnt he was not. How did they do The speaker had been asked it he would abide the nomination of the raucua He answered that he would, provided no railroad man slion d be nomi Crumtuey* a furtm-r Mai ling live uiiiMi Jn ibis UJ for murder, and, if the eyi- — .l. -» ,1 ** -- •* -* deuce produced in open court upholds the grsmi jury, ell seven ol these men are guilty cf a capita) offense. TWO CONKEStttONH. Pethapa the atrong**t evidence before the grand jury vs* tbe contosaiun of lira Barth, who is dieply imiheated hkarsdf an l *. h >w son*.f tho to dot, if aacn a term can he u«e!, of the ruf- lian* who plannevl wh- le*aU slaughter in order that the:r ends might U» accom- pl.shei They pro.ur^t sojaie alcohol as a substitute for “tvngle fob;" m mute, and after arriving at Lome they erubib d a | ortion of it and vn retiring left the Lottie on the water shelf in Hit piaxxs, Crummev arose about 4 oVoch and took a drink. As soon »* he bail ewal- n.t«L H.WO.M aubniii If. nao «u (i,, h, uiil lo bU «i(,: -Th.t.' ■elected who represented ail ance prin oipies. OtherwLc he would appeal to the people. won't abide the caucus I do not,” cried the speakrr emphat- something wrong with this a!col<oL am poisoned. Give me some water,” and expired imnudisbly. The alcohol has keen analyze ! and found to contain wticlmine. hu-ipicion k-.^^ i-ouiin.tiou ot u.f to< tarlSSiSL'tSSslLS"JTlSTSLE nl*rht, because Calhoun isa m. aorolut. Lintomr th.t^ndL.K.t^.1 r«,mbaiene.t to wmtn im. very ak k man, and be thinks that he ts dving. This, m audition to the ho; e of pardon aa state s evidence, was one of h o greatest incentives to coj- frssios, in order dial be ought die with a dexr conscience. Tre confession of the man goes into the most m.uute detail*. »ome of which ate hi ir. le from the fact that they show the utter depiavitv and the depth of icause Calhoun is a ro*»oopolist, j*irator of the fiendish deed, from threats tiscttmwasntraplafal fur uw made sgaii st Crutuiuey in the event he rinsion. Mr. Norwood appealed did nd drvi It the crop fairly with him. night, because Cal and been Inconclnsfc to the AUinntemeo not loir cardinal principle of the erdrr. I n the name of the state hs ap;« led to them not to dhbonor Jur. ••.mocw tbs Yezoo fraud her name has been untar nished, but to-dar tbe air is full of ru mor* Above all things protect your own honor. OZIILU.N irtTESt TO DIF. Judge < lirhp Crtah* Down tn Pro- ii.,ii nr In. Itn- ttntrnrr, Atlanta. Nov. 1Y—(Kpeviil !—Forth# tint tin.e In many years tlu* death sen- i thu mernag irocounoad in a cunrt hou •*. imi roved system of heating, by mean* I The tunl exhibit sat very lice I faanireu on Jnn. u, tor tiiv niumer of indirect radiation, it ws^ required that! nn d the variety extraordinary. What do M. Bradley, tbe merchant whom he shot every piece of till* g in the church should i j 0 *v think about wstermrlons tbe middU , »n tbs Iftlter's sture last sum tin r. be removed. When this was accv>m-1 0 l NoveuUr? Well, there wsro s-veial | The executioa is to take p are between plished, trenches four feet d ep and ; on exhibition, weighing fr-m thirty t,! 10a. m. aid 4 jx nu JuUko Richard H. nearly at many in wtdt!» were dun in tho j forty p^unda App'ea o; the bee t flavi r Clarke pror.o-n d th*» sentence. The re rot tho chunk In this# t eochrs ' and wi e from cur Tiae/ards umpwd f j«‘»ne r.cited th«* nicumstanres of tbe conduits were built, byrueasof which the passers-t:/, • i rime f. r whirh datura la to suffer. How iu t air will be conveyed to all par a of I Th# ccrals, hay, turnips, potatcas. nr- i ,ltf *° u f 1 kt Bradley in thu peaceful retire* it ■ , “«*Miog to uemanain< tor; nice mice, oeieau* «t**ii jww * -nan t 0 j*. a . •tnmsn being on the face I iron pipe is Inaerted, ronne. tad with the i c • l ftrt « can’t find simething for t conduit, througn which tbe heat will »•# \« ri u. ,1* 7, 1 lhtnk lhw # oh Ood.-’ On- | dutributed to a radiator, concealed from i f * * . - * .'fll.lM, . I . I L , t M f £ ... .(I in. /I# t jHUI } dter tu r and P ’ porp.* the edifice. Ber eetli ea« h pew a saiall | ticbokes, carrots snd many other things, - *"* ~ ! * u **•“ ' msde one flunk North Ikorgia had de»paieds wrought a wonderful change in the last j. . di • *uws mrf, onuoa. v/n- i uuinouiea to • ivutnmi hwk i few years ir v. r,t iff®stsst °f a 1 hfesafngs—good ' view bv a m«ul ingot galvanized iron | Ilogacd hominy wv.s once tho dial*, J, IBo, ner the ble** n; of a brTgh', iieir.ftd to corraap*bd with the wool-1 now tbe farmer site down to a much i-' ,tJ0 her, tbourn she Uea 9# I work at the base of the pews fronting j greater variety, Jcraey cow* futn .n i if, * ' 0Qc h» tht LUasiagof mnshine upon tbe aieis* Instead of obtaining the golden butter; Plymouth Rocks and , c ’ , "‘ w * r, lt°n of those who are Icm power requ red fur operating the new Wyandotte* the tender Ir w, and brown r*fi ! . ^ beesussot. her third ‘ eyatem from tha steam-healing com- Esghoma keep the nest full of egga , la V br, *htriBf that aeons she hts pan v, the Trinity corporation will put in | put down a big >uc> ess for Gamesvil •* Rustre-t of Homebody's h*srt; and ! a plant of IU own. thU s 1 *mo**m: Arab, s.lve. Appoint^ L,.,. I i ,0: *- 'fill do p ^n t , ,r.^‘?o. r I Jlr ,coow oad sit sbl* wee mta, ore* t+T m premi es because he had isil part uf a small bill, and st fo.tlfjin,' h tn*olf whh Hinea has been arrtstrd and lodged in jaiL No u| prehension U felt that vio lence will be used on him. Imminent « non* 1 U til conduct Ihs Dansen Kilting Case, COLCllbrs, Nov. IA—[KpecisL]—Tliere have beda aa o*w d« ve.opuieat* to-day in Tuesday's lively, Maj. W. C Daw son >>f Ku/anb, the rcneiable father of the la s Mr. T. C Dawson, ret'bed the TIIE El’EDEJUtB, DOB DUE WEIL Rich Lnwrj, alias Rich Herring, is the name given »n the bill aa the a.tual twur- dsrvr of John C. Forsyth. But there is still a more #» ar ling feature in tbe mat ter. lb* hired awesein U none other tbsn Boh Brewer, the ruffian who last Chrbtams morning shot and killed two men at Jessup, and wsa tbe cause of a riot and race trouble that caused the loss of maoy Uvea was awfully quid, the' wind moani-d Wa'ULVjTon, Nj», isl and Ihe drip of the rain on tha dried dent to d«v anointed to Lo p leaves made him start at times in guilty j„h D c. Goodloe, Jr., Tu* uu FF.AHN OF II% DItOFIIOISIA. n Atltenn It ay I- Bfll«r*<t to Hr « Vlctliu of Ibe Ul*ca«r, Athens, Nov. 15.—INpeciaL)—CHrko Hilkmas, the little t-hite bey -ho --- so badly bitten by a supposed mad dog a few weeks ago. is lying dang#--roualy ill to-night at lit* home, and his physicians fear that be has hydrophobia. His throat is badly swollen and he calls for water but cannot drink it. II- wua «»>- I anntly wall until ycstcrJay afternoon, when lie w«e taken sick, and bis family- are very much ahrmed a>oui his con dition, He roll* and u*-e» in bed and suffers very much. ,v»r. TFallsr It-Unir itrtire*. Atlanta. Nov. 15.—[SpeclaL)—Mr. Y. »ltcr DsWolf of the state agricultural department has tendered bU miguation to take^ effect Monday. Aftii 1 several years of fniiufui wrilw iu iU d«p«7t- nten; he retires to go into tha fertilizer buiinre*. ss,1 rffl ‘s? ce-urci--! •<!** ihs Kennesaw Guano Company. fear, but no oue came and aslheroinutus dragged along he strained bis ears to catch a sound. Suddenly, and to tha guilty wretch, tou ding almost at hi* elbow, came the report of a gun, and bs knew that John G, Forsyth was dead. TUE Ml’RDEB. After leaving Clements, Lowry walked quickly to tbe home of the doumed man, entering the grounds, aud thinking that Mr. For-y th was at lib office, he turned to go thes* A light in tho house at tracted his attention, aud lojkiag more cl< eely he taw that the man bo w anted was not where he had hoped to find him. Nothing daunted, however, he w*nt straight to the porch, mounted it, drew cloie to the window, saw Forsyth, and in a fow seconds had killed him. Not a moment was to be lost he knew. Vengeance would bs speedily sought lie >l*ed back through the dark and drinping woods to his com; anion and told him that the money had been earned. '1 he two men then put turpentine on their feet to baffle tbe dogs, ir possible, and started on tbe race for life. They ran to a branch and s*p»r*ted, then joined again and separated, finally taking reluge in a swamp beyond Renew’a house, where, next morning, money and food was brought them by Burch. This is but a part of the confession. There are details horrible in the extreme, and much more yet to be told. A l»nrrba»lnx %s* nt Appointed for the Central DcoraU Alliance, Horn Daily Tdocrapk Nov. ta Rtpresentative AllUntemm from nine counties met at the Alliance warehouse, on Poplar street, yesterday morning to sel> ct a purcha ing agent for the Central Gtorgia Alliance. This meeting was purely of a buslm nature, and nothing of a political[char acter was brought out at all. It was simply « committee meeting of men ap pointed some time ago for tbisporpow, and counties represented were Jasper, „ w M .,„ . Monroe, Crawford, Houston, Dooly, Bob Rfesrr has for many years keen Twiggs, Jones. Tjavlor and thfttorror ot toalhwmt «Ur*to. »u4 1 ”» 1 was reported to have been killed L Gutlord, secretary of the — avi>urtcftft w mi.*w , All ance Warehouse Gomtany. was city this aftirnoon and received many j Florida same mouths ago. Not so, how-1 selected aa purchasing azent for tho Cen- expresoions of sympathy from his friends! t i )S beset is still at large and alive, j tral Georgia Alliance. It will be hit duty h*m Thf friends of Daw *n from Rus- t > ft |t rt m a civil zed community ! to secure fertilisers, fanning iwplemenu 11 county are lire in targe nutusrs, I j n blood and sttvped in iniquity. | ard stock, as well as provisions, for nd inters j iudignution exist* Among creatures deserve but scant mercy, members of the above named Allianc# at eiolen ear# content-1 •«.! jr mma hsva tratficed and f tk#lowest pos«iblerate* Hy purchasing j vice F. A. Force, Valda commission« is, Gs., VICO Wi tpirtd. Athens, Nov. lfi—[Spec Alfred Hovlston of Atlanta w anniveraarlan cf the Pbl Kept of the university to-day. Death or D. Apple Niw York, Nov. 11—D. S Appl«ton, of the pablishing firm of IX im eton .V: Co,, died this morning at his homo in Universitv Place. 11* w as stricken «ith apoplexy lost Sunday. ML It. M. DBXTIlt DEAIV New Bedford, Mass., Not. 13.— II. M. Dexter, It R, edit, ref tho Con- gregeDonelisf, died al kii ieeMiqd ia this city this morning. A t-Mtlftd, IaLiriktaD. via Calves ion, Nov, 15.— Advices are recoiled from Honduras that Gen. Bench* / has l e a ca; lured hy tiie forces un i r Pro-. Cut 1,. ran end that tho revolution n probably at an end. Ilslfaur I IrrlrU llvi tor. Gulfiow, Nov. Ii—Ia the cle<tioQ for rector of Ula»gov University, Rxifour, chief sacreteiy tor Ireiaod, lie comerva. live candidate, was elected, receiving M3 votes against 717 for Lord Aixrdt. a, the liberal candidate. mus h*** M, io fully sajserhfl* •t<>lain* ar* »r>-et oaeoalljr by our p*opt* la L. hope that I wy nay auala tksi tnea n4fMh Dior bo ha I by all. Wo kuaiwquo Urn Uoctria HSter*. if used accortlmg to dtivctloao sad Un um* t>-r-tst*i ia will brine ynu (^od Ste—tin# a»l#■+ ikodomoad/»p*-t* - at eufopay. W« noocia***l rj vtric luur# tar •iyspoMia ■*! all iUmmo* of Uver, ateaisrh sad ■Miner A BoM m Wmts snd IMS per kettle by IL J. lansr 41 boo, bnagztttx and theft. Vi _ , B ,„ r . -„ . mT - in plattd, but Ho piosecutlon will be e vig- | with the outlawed ruffian they, oroua one. . ... ^ ! too. are worse than lit. Brewer, alia* Lowry, alias Herring, is yell»w tr nearly wh ts nsaro, an-J in understood that Grrtchlui A Ciiap|M)l i f this dfr* L. U. Comer, ........ J P| mav r of Eufaula. C t. Henry U Ciaton f* c i ills said thnt it is nut easy to tell him ot Eufaula and Hon. Joe White of Mont- j , rom tt w h iu . nMin except by his hilr. It gowrry hm*o l*en eog.vceii by tha prvoo- .... - j—— - cut ion and it is Le li ved “ “ supplies at wholesale. „ 111. UMUVtti Will endeavor to give hts fcllow-msmbere a rotter »dvantage than could othsrwue be secured. Dratfi From lloarl DUrasr. TenNlLLE, Nor. 13.—[SpecieLl—Mr. J, ■ employe.'. stood tint McNeill ft Levy end Hon. n A. Little hare been added to tr.e licr the defense-1* F. Uirranl, . W. G ilmrs and James Worrtll ft* of the prrliuiinary trial has not * aitinq their opportcnity. w.ikMr A Co. and at the time of bis : sweeping out tbe store and had just sat protwbly tbe men who k "ssrsr i to ■„ h« died, without u«Ifc l-.iru ,rr iuli ot «orrow, .n*i | cbtot-diMMU, «aI **-rs with unrhed tear#, to feel thsl : fr’y ^ * ed the brain au-t j tgSSaTor «J&*yweMeML' Rto'fleaDf 'tk. If # D Thankfgiviag Day you | box. i or sols by IL J* Umar A Does. ir ym .bar* ww . » k.ilingof Forsyth. Ibns - k to Ju the werk bimerlf. but his fai • d him an t he gave it up. n the on-piratora sought out nu, «h brother was under a ears for I , Governor Kerthsw’s Ftra Pardon,“ ndar a Atlanta, Nov. 15.—[Special J—Gov- irglary. erncr Northen yesteiday issued hia fin.1 rial (Aloe oboes it la Hws vWa F* r *» t.. Ii id t rL Dr. EJ*x*» New *DffwylttSdfitlWrfl Atlanta. >»r. Beidsia >n i H«w day a| j< mid bj r*»: r. \i\v.s uf M i • ■ . .i * idft.ut a trvmof. • ».«l g\*r Irti Urttk* trwa oi U.7’ ood t 1 i bint that 1 pardoning order. WtiiM Prat, a sixteen i n . n a.:-nt in th- , r r oil white boy who bad served in t .er, • rtd so works i . Fulton chain gang five and a half of tbe c~a AStod to do the; mix suostiu untcccc imposed upon idm r ssiuiuhing * glfl, was tbe Uci iictaijr, Hrphllift, acn^ule, blood potsoe sag rWawsMsm ■rscurvl by F. F F itnctlj Ask, lUks Roes and I’utisilua.) ir roum ha cjc .4 enwa Or yon era sEwomaat, rtnoH .y s i/to.v hitt?:r*. H will ours you. sndstve A «twl sMsKlta. Sou t / all dtskrs in raoiklu*. Lamp Chimney*. I’op, c'ssh! T!:sre gees the Inmp-chimney. No need of your breaking them. Talk with your dealer about it. If every trouble were equally' easy to stop, there’d be some fun in liv ing I “PcarI-top”CI5chim- neys do not break, ex cept by violence. The maker is Macbeth & Co., Pittsburgh. NOTICE LOCAt. LEOISLATION. ititooMNiM rftowr -« to Ls 1.. t I y Iff.—wgksd wsi Uses, sr 1 t 1 t’.« i neat lo tmu nin who u, HO..I 11.y ' 1IML. can biliou. and MtT 1 isu! JAM. IA O