The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, November 26, 1890, Image 1

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THE MACON, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 2(3, 1890. ELDER LAMB’S DONATION. urn Carlton, in Ladles’ Homt Journal. c„vi Elder Mob bail labored (or a thouiand There wero blaculta whose materials were their * r till’•‘re. 1J bit kept hi* lit le chapel full of •flames of There was brt»d that long bad waited for the * h**wnly6r« ... . , .. , _ signal to arise. • -* A - num’roos family, straight and Tuero re cookie* tailing clearly of the drear cold. - _ . „ and musty past; ,j»wercfail considered as unnaturally There wero doughnati that In Justice ’monrat .. .. . . .. .... . the metals mi«hi be c!a*s»d; J ■ s’ender wVry him nil went There were thick.«uu turkeys, that 'orili th" proclamation-- had been ou long probation, it wul pay h in up this MSiOB with agea- Now received in | U f connection at old Elder >, urge donation. I Lamb a Donation. f,ili.ybrou;btbim^biyand barley, and some They^gare his wife a wrspper made for some Sjjjp~|ogti to Led bis pony forever and a And^bejybr.^ush’ him twenty slippers, every strewed him with potatoes of incm- i Another covered btm with sacke'oth, as it L/^ixe unions ihose completeness drew the • And they clothed his helpless chl.dren In a coma * from bJserm , _ . . I wardrobe of mlsHts; Setter-more like water, in an inrea-• *-* *— * • • • HG ifil-e'u’au* 1 enougu’to furnish half Boston ladfom^ba*it# that wti worthy to bare Samp* fi.ra (w. 'JllVrfar be't the blessed Bible In a mutll* There Were Muo-s^hoae acuteness bore the sad a message dally over l allh'a celes* The r e^warn DIM-« unilsscclcd, there were mys- lSo»e«Ppi«* P««*ce ‘hat the itutnu K*(' ? h'd l-lckedi »*ell the doleful census of Elder l*mb's IL nation. lubes and turnips pressed the pump* i whose Inner-nature held the i "urni'h flr« department* with the moat And they trimmed hlshonse with "Wfcloome" And dolla-a a:l In c«shl Which ihv • xultaw n** ** >tor handled with a thrill of Wlshl u that jn filthy lucre might have come bis whole douatiou. Morning came at last. In splendor; but the E dor, wrapped In uloom, Kneltanild dicsylng produce and the ruins of E dor. wrapped in sloom, rlt amid ill —* *— hi* boro-t And bljrijiUy had uever till that morning teen For he prayed for there who brought him to that uuexp mod pPgbt. Bat • luo worldly thoughts Intruded: far he wondered o cr an t o'er • If they'd buy that day at auction what they iub ta nilai aid. , ...... 1 , gave th-ulahi below; ibnponsppr elated found tb.s night their And hi* fervent prayer concluded with thenat* “SOME DAY! 3 ‘'Well, we hadn’t very much to do, re*- tainly. Eat I mean o find tut all ab>ut him from Maud this evening.” Maud Prosser is Mala’s bosom friend; • s * “ mere school girl. I met the Proa he is i the London Family Herald. CUtPlKKUL It it the alt- mo -n t f the following day, ure all sitting down on the beach—by ,1 tuean L urie, Maia and mtie f. mrie is reading, Maia is talking to tkfco.d faced buy who s ands Ufo ^r, leaning on his woot en spade, and 1 ■ Mwingatone of the Kag^ed-schooi iu whi'-h 1 hrd packed nway in the .... d my po.tiuanteau, but sewing trr lehoreJj, 1 u u»t confess, and with ny a look 6r award. 1 have been wsti hing the yacht,” Maia w •.turning to me. “They^ have ^bven ilsb*d, and who sremed clever and well . reju ^ though hit manner was curiously enjoy, as during its performance he does not want to talk. He is a pleasant lad, and can beast of more of Maia’s good looks than his brother R ben; List his conversation docs not givu rue unmiti* gated pleasure, though I must do him the ju-tice to say that he does Lit very but to interest me. We watch the crowds passing up and down, now distinctly visible in the lanip- l'gbf, now shad »wy in the cu er gloom. Care silt ng with our batks to the row of lau j>» f at.u can s*e without being seen, except in very shadowy outline. "1 wonder Maud Proper baa not turned Maia, who has been looking out lor hei “There i> her father,” Bury Waller ob- ierv«s, n ddiig his head. In nr other moment Mr Edward Prosser is p tsaieg ch * • to ut, the man in gray be side him. He recognizes Maia at once and atop* to speak to h» r and Barry, and lh-.u ho in troduces his fri-ud. The man in gray turns round, rsi*ing his cap. The lamp light fill* fall n;^n l is fin« keen-featnrvd face and drooping fair tnonsiache. I do ncthear the t ame, but I roc an zs him in a moment. It is Anthony Monckion. Msia has walked away with him, chat tering and laugh! .g. I he band pleys on, th>i s untering listeners pass in one con- tint >us s mm, children run about, gaily colored bun i g droops over our heads, mruwn out vividly by the unfathomable night s'iy aiorr. Bejotd the row of dimly d seemed flgurts on the seawall there m-«us to be n .thing but darkmas, except where a mysterious ii^ht twinkles . • r <1 t'l.Ti- .lit .1' » •.. T • r»‘ is no thunder of the surf to-night—it will not be high water till 11—only tbe din of the Itsm in-drum-uts and the loud rat.le of the drum. They are playing “Auf liut’ii r ' again, .111 1 I ?i'. M« ! m i.,y piuch and listen to ih« music and watch the different Ci/Uphs with whose sppe 1 aui beginning to be familiar, and all the time 1 hear only one low wntm.e, tbe last Anthony Mouckton ever spoke to mr, seo only his passionate face as he bent at Mon Pi-air yrrerday, an 11 could over me on that balcony in Venice, in the • e that Mrs. Wall*r ccnsidend it quite a Mrange radiance of that unforgotlcn father in hr cap to have at h'r “at home.” | Italian dawn. Lady Pf. aaer struck me as being a plain, unpretending kind of \ ersor, Kir Edward a long, gaum man with a Leo like a gca , who larked to me a good deal about s. me b'icnt fio b ok which bad jnat b en pnb* , about tbe bay since I was down . fur my dip this morning. And now 7 bare emue to ao an ancuor, and are a bout ssborr. Doesn’t she lrok with her sail hoisted up like 1 look et the yacht, dreamily. Her can- ithowsd'Zz ing.y white against the p civine color of ihe eee, as the rieae d MU on the incoming tide. The crew iitr boat will have a good quarter cf a i to walk after they have te&ched of aeamy turf at the edge of the blue awkward and odd. “Don't you think we had bitter go in for a little while?’ Laurie surge tc-J, yawning “Tbeaun is very hot, and the 1 -rgeccngn for him to Lav# forgotten my gisrn iimkts my c«ea arhe.” ‘ Ju t as you like," I answer, though I should have been coment to sit where 1 am for h- nrs yet. I gather up my work, Maia imti on her retd hat, with its sky blue lining, and wp straggle homeward along the t-tplanadc. It a only 4 oYJo k, ard we do not dine , till 6. If Lturie is tirvd of the fresh sir - * • ya'Ilt that i-'.” 'in 1 i.’.v sun liinn, I xiu n it; aiH, wnenl •is asks of tbe little bohl*f«c d hoy. ^ have s n her takn coTif ruble piss oi n I forest his came. !’ I k.iow hc;». of ii ,• i *i«* hor-e l.nir • :i at ! j-.k a^;iv ‘And what is her name?*’ my work, I tiunter out for another r im- ThsLslege. Oarboat is the Lalage ble, this time choosing the clifl path J which rune round th.* Hoad, m.dsray i»e- JlibJ.of water-logged woud twecc tl.^nuRiu.' SmMHMM iook HR y-"*"; T eS feEWsrak*-. j 1 1 fr..iiitiiiiv ., KCi 5, r»4 "a over a "■‘.-"VSC 1 " ' :1 ’■ ' , * 1 ' * 1 *»} ot Wb it 1 .in n? IM.I1 SSSs?Sww« Barry walled away wit Maia’s deserted cavalier; bit Ldwaid Proaetrhas taken his phos at.d is talking to me. 1 route my self o listen though nis conversation et soy o.her time would here inferisted ihh,1 fiud tnyaell ankwereing “Tea” . nd “Nw” at random, wondering vagu«ly >1 Anthony Mcncktcn has forgotten me—if he even remembers so much as tuy name. It Is ten i cars since I nave ■- en him— the* view. exis.eocr. We made hla fuquaiotance in Venice, and wo l«at sight cf mm in Venice —whether be Mt it before we dil or not I nerer knew. He bad been traveling for ideasurp, like ourselves. Annt Prideaux had taken me abroad with her, meaning ot adopt me, as she waavery rich and bad no children of her own. But she bid dinl ibefjllowing winter at Pan, and I had gone back to 11 "ighvn G et>e to be iny fa ther’s right hazd in the parish aaain. and nobody <1 *rur.ed that Edna Probyn had left her h«art behind lor in Venice. It is ten minutes sin e Maia went away —the I*.mil i-t playing a gavotte * it, the next thing will he i- <IV in* Kir ! I ook He speaks in mi Ii a tone that I know whether h*is n je*tcr tamest. But I m thinking 1» -s of what he is saying than | nitan. r, ks i :»f the sound of bis voice. It r.calls thoie i ton I J new i Md days in Vt nice so vividiv—I remember 1 divid lalitioi Kgainst the «!eek blue water, i almost as I might look at a A WEALTHY LADY DEAD. ha I two ill>’ tv**ry tene of it well, ti.e perfect self-poawtslon which is one of its forem at attri'’u es, t*»e p^smve »*.*• r .nee ot high bretding which it convey-, the gravity and the tw.etnc s. o‘ it, *o iiu ike every oth-T v >i <• in the world. Iam glsd it is too dark for him to see how 1 have change ! since thoee old d its: and v«-t wbat do s it matter? Probatev he has had half a il zen love-aOaira since he kissed that girl m white satin o the ancient ha’c >ny in Ve nice, in the faint, fair golden light of the dawn. He Las not charged —I can see th t in the transitory illumination we lamp-post now and thee, and whe '• i: > ay qai-* hi art that oM love 1 forer. r. I coald no more give I ihou/ht last night that 1 n.i up. '' I’t I • II I ! ike the g -f«ed io k i ebind me and csst d-pthk of the seu. .Id k v.': mug be verv Jiard to Mi'H l'r hvn. ’ y d y,, j think ;o, Mr. Monckton ? ’ 7 l » ; wnj; ' ly, since y^u have roused mv his cool, plratant er. The silence bo- J — 1 ,»dV T .Wm7h. d ;«j DtATH 0F LADY ROSEBERY, WHO it answer mi nl{ ‘ I t' ink thit'i at Mn*, PUi-ir, (0 . had vottcbkAfed ; WAS HANNAH DE ROTHSCHILD, their breakfast hour at convenient hour.” \ An Heiress to Million. Recollections was a patron of (he turf, bttim ‘ -5 year, of a K e « the of herlStfl he.d and of th. be.rt' StahST m ff > •'“^•"iraprrUl, vnKaca , aod of (lie llrlllfnuf ' nd of turrstile Ua i- from the el'tl- U« ( t(t| RC , When Married lord Rosebery— a frank and charmin* m.ina.r. Ala*, i dun c-orrwpt'nd.nt, writing of ha drool ’ t year ago, said: Robert \S slier 8trik»*s a match to ligftt L cigar—* lies tme fine high 'red features,the stun* 1 ’<ik of d« t« riuMiat hi shout th a mouth and chin, the • *m- cl- wly cu*. f • ir hair ard vesther-bcat^n complexion, the samesmil* about the searching eye> 1 fancy he look* hard at me wLeo the fight of our little ball lamp streams out upon the door*step, and the clasp of hia hand i« very friendly as he wish ajme good-n f ght s » friendly that it oomii.ns me some how, tl: ugh it scatters the Is of my dream. CHAPTER IV. r ing to fird the at liberty to give . oi tne nonbu” 'I hr night ui his dialogue be h ok n M-aivard very atoad'avly, L * turju and lool.i me gravely lull fragments . ey. a ‘•M * Probyn, will yo I qac-tiyi?” ti you mean," I cc Fmm the Thlladelphi L»ndon. K«»v. 10. - Lady Rosebery, wife of Ix>rd lioseArj, the well*t>nown 1 Ural atatesma >, die i at 0 o’clock this morning. Lady Ua.nd.-rv has been ill for Mime time, rili* wna toe only ilaugli- tcr of iho late IJatop Meyer do Roths child. and was ra..:r:ed to Lord Rose- i-ery March 20, lSTt TH K NOULK LOKl 1 Laly Koe.isr rouncod in tin- nrCH LADY, death ia a^* . ch, wfljr a h 'iit»roftho EjgiUii branch oflW sga glnci but I I wale up next t shining as bright s: therky as aerrnely oeoeoacinasof It is very early—not 7 o’cl ck yet: get up and dre*« my-elf, and lak hit from thnpeg in the hill. p*»« out into the cl- ar early moahioe, whi!e the old wo man who “does” for ua is tnkirg in the milk. The tide is very far cut: there is no shadow on the duncolcrcd m« d«, lying smooth ard soft ns velvet from the line of half dry soa-weed under the well to the edge o the faint blue, nnutfileJ water a thor mile away. I saunter a little way up the of ?i Uesd, to wh«re the em oth gra^-v scopes "A •wtepdown to meet tbe cliff-, and here 1 . likel sit ir.c d mn on a rocky boulder to watch I My jrnvrntioDal rr«.erve and vigorous “the wide aea sparkli' , g,” and *0^ drink in native iri:j-i i;y stsnJ mt hi good stead, lorgdrsurhts of the ddic oQfbriov air j Lauriebe-hclf c uiJ n t Lave --l.own more ‘L.dv ^ opportunity of b tne » pow.r in Kjcjetr’ ’ rlio nii.trei. of moo.ouo a jar in h« * on n riglii, anil ih. owner of . anlendid t cliat.riu m, cram mod I full ef art treaanrra—all Inheritrd from ’ tiT.fatlirr. the late Baron Mner da J .foil. _,-o. o._ atuiri to ‘ ot, socially, | Sho i* of tha fair, languid t;p., andaukta SiS?™? 11 ? sloutfor -e*. Although Roth child—she might. >-n air.ioet nniquo po-ltL, Lady Rosebery has nevei mormaity stout for her age, Althouah Ltfnctiy intelligent and most kind and 4 ftD'wt-nutured at heart, she is quite! dill* « cieniJn the mysterious art of leadia* genteel conversation, and at offldnl tZ i d?sp‘.° D * h * r manuer somiWw to 1 Th«tr|_ pa the caste of Vere de Tare “DiJ you wonder wh7 I loft you abrupiy—that time in Venice?” Il at must speak of dead p h*. it is | tu j i-t will i a; wel to speak of it noiv as at any Other j *•().,| T U e r t(f eethe;.i titer. I-. n.»y even I e well to g t it over, | shouldera*- if alia ton to it i» inevitable—it not to a 1 -1 nel lu-U-1 it nil w< uld be iuoreawkward still, i “1 thifek it ‘•V\. did rath r wonder what had bn-1 you null, Miss nriHgUaomr, reiumii.^ his -Not sneeriAdtUnyb-n.', perhaps *" --ouni tf compo— I though womso *« sinl to he dcfic lent : oo ( seci- of homer.** or | “Th<y aie mlflilhakVkcreature-. fatuous l fa mlv, fi< ir.g^ den en lant of Nat an Mover RothsjbhlidJ who lixod h * tesikn- e in Londolt in I'.ON and win ouu ,f :hu lice ton ^t the or.gmat founder oi tlm gnat linonc ui li ii e ut Prank lor L Lady Ui.aeherv I t!2L - . _ w. h ti..- o tv oii:M of H ,ron MoS-f de ! P r . e J u,Uc *: •E-inal every R- lb-child, wn , d<d •sri, „,h1 u .|, , ; rights. I think if *Hm> fi-urth pnif .Nathan, tuy iuuudcr nib’were to .peakimr in pubilo * > would immediately con- * rc& And «o it baa oomn • ly Roeatarr worships her ' her children, subscribe* Urgily to maty charities and' auharas in ^jdiatinctly aubmissive and doneaile ceadfutt Icok with tie whfch surr ri»ca mvtelf. But 1 Tiianntion which be ,1 *r forgot me in two days, very i and petty, pdeed. My aunt very often spoke I;- j ing ii 'thing had ha; pened. • you were a -’.ranger in \*euice, It will bo a v»ry warm diy—it (s warm already, even here among the dew wished j an wer.lo king past him a grssws and brambles and long trails of blue fc ttre c ing to tiie honeysuck'eon the slope of the great bill, ahsdu p oil in shore to tender tbe very face of the great splintered rock ! gr*- -n- behird me iswarm to the touch. Above “No me towers the Head, gl omy purple with of y« i heather, goiden-fringrd with gone, p’ctnre- Wf kr like in it» bnadth of co’oring thro n out an! si by its background of intense bine sky. But J He it is the sea which fascinates me, tha tei^a { ati< k i ,.d i which I gaze as I sit an the brown beoldcr I hia k-*ei whith has taken me in “a chair of alls tic* J haj. •» f(^e verr rate and absolute,” leaning fo with my elbow on roy knee and chin band, in mv faint hlus clinging gown. theunrufll <1 -lioaling “Kea dream*?” a voice My* quite cloee to j that it 1 is not of :r,y aMe to- “Ir nl iil brill Ion* . R o," 1 i ■ lpic. of ' ,r.l i EU*u whl ' 0 1 ... n to*-f* »*»*• V 1 , gat: h|l*l (^*.1 i I lock ronnd to find M-M'kton atat.ding i:. the narrow pathway , looking down. “Yes,’’I answer,quietly, but glad my | hat throws aurh a ihadow over my fafl*. 1 ,,~j “And like the hu^htod and wife in Tenny- h *nd nt my *•> d»»’- ——• hi„— ., l! *r. v or .. 1 ,rf* V. u. certmnlyv - .H iu. kiialrk sharply on w: '!' “SJ^'VNurk. j- >•» « 2SS !, ’-?ijou h.'.io’s i- '■ 'J 1 !",' e nog **». ,r .1 r !r„ If. r forjlveDtta, I 1" ' no1 uu 1 ■'“gfortt.' lowing at mt now, if, but without “Think you, Mr. J ‘ i hjy are so small and yd. they can Mructidn. Ob, I »il that i» good did.. But r-hava had msoa la Min Probyn.” Thors U about mo * good a ceh brated writer eaUs lor.rd, pruJish. op#B*air, En^frahwotnio,” Lonrfe.l MnDt.Aer we camo 1* from tU th.n fcmeoody had blptsd that Moncmou was, or hod bs#n,><ry wil do not know why sho teld tt; hat sho •*y »; V»d si I romombar it now 1 m.^seli Jp a liuls stiffly. • 7 c: ...r.rcrr. ‘kY—. aiusi oavo bcon nntortnnato tn 1 1MJ, Iierhaps he renlly ; your reiperiencos, Kr. Monehton. vOi H.e farrier which that | coursd there »re good and had **»«*,as t hsi raised betwten us, | there arc good sad bad men.. Baton* con generally choose one’s own sbhipty. lie smiles slightly, walhing V th* ground. ^ Mcttcrnicl, herenivaf tho dignity of of the AnatfiairEmpire at V*cscs, nn-l w bcn'he dfed h'S descendanta I '.‘r illusion by royal license from the Udy Howb*,’. married wa. s^Jo»- d. Brit that has ... pUm i«"r: I tell you I free will tha: Ljwilb iiiiryeso of England to bear tho snip style and title of tiaron. This fotjdkdof lira 1*1 house of Rothschild lived In N.-tv Court street, Swithin’s lane, er] tno othce of the firm still i« and on*- 1 rem'-mlx-rt-d those days relaSsS Unit V ing the beron. as of that deceit* found t-.c floor strewn with bars of goM,-w»HMt liad > con temporarily placed fur security in her own boudmr so tiiat she .bud her i h i-Iren trod literally upon gold, Tl was tho Baron Rothschild of tk* dl tho moat capaide and trusted head'oft eminently trusted family, 'I hpro was grcit ado in Lnnden when Hannah de Rothschild married the pop** »r !x>rd Rosebery, known in the pee rag* f* An^bald Philip ^'rirurosw, fifth Earl ■ ;itcif » much attention u 111. wAJd'nj ii took pUce tn London on March 20, The papers of society, and *ven the |fe>ro KoLd journals of events, devoted ico tailie almost dally chronlole dei-pic* ‘ It was not sltogether ^ l *<id, and then to go don't think yon would say so il yen knew r • nuc Y naco tut tiie almost dally chronlole - irftb preiiminariee, and people * Brlii \ gere not ashamed to ao* - ° kAOW \ .V * Irumiont im.iul In fcL. everything. You mu t ;iot bellm all yon J'fOi I ke»r abon|jie^|ps Prekyu.” i»ly of Uto J.wBh faith. And time 1 know (tot I am jprowtngoil* 11 * Sagoagea^ LtSBU. iMr. •tun col.. i drrnk Um leva* * * f.:.. t;a =-. UaU, uIc.a«.oUL ^ ^ j. S-BUy M.u t.ThV «»'• ssffiiii3v!«- taUw ” *"“ , TB —- v -"' c, j.u y—p— 1"0* lh « *< nllcmin JJapd so do L * Hpp log l0 * ar(lB ur L^tnnnnaln hvr while lh “juloophon k« SSis» - ^ rim, and to.o nt^Hn P ,.«n, . lrUBd ,y . I(m« (lie crows Wll.ifi u.„Ai n n ' a* r* 7 : I*.-].- lAMtisir .7dvrr. r .j m im. ^ w ^^aem does it carry H .incrrttr «cti uuth. I .hall 'not Ulte.o u 1 chill con>i ,n Uif i.;,.,, the na.itcn- :„r A t ;.A ^.n«i rv ur««-*jr *” —... i .u-». • *it-jr »*»»>* •••«- tcmiwraiuro about la,itu.le 4u n that tl>o easterly . i. ... r.. . l ’ - i iin. i i ^l.. lu- . r I I.FH'. 1 ' '"V r ' hi , U th . ftnt u.lit I bate ulten lie- , lectnnU^ fajl |J&kl-tS. r.Y/^rlVtautn. I ' ’I’..'. . . .MMnbo. ■ turuion to rth anti lh»« which »il* anxlu'i. Io ,c«n.r b.,|i....xp*"«o; But 1 thlnl. ail the ilinii linvele. , , irorb” eutul Uh which ...I m! ' 1 " lake n. &SiTitoke. very ..rlynoko- ^ ....,. U«. ST»tKta*‘teZ.Th .ay.,.n.:“life;S?Iw.!J7J?S«4»• • l\ to U ” J S2toHrTWot. ml on 1 f H n , with enjto-* «- I “h. t ih.t, *'•<» •-? ,r ‘ rnJ * ting ,1; *n “ ‘ , narrow P*Un cottcioo. of U. !in. ..'in .1.1*1 . D “'; ni.h.lf. '^r 1 ^ — 1 ,htn * ouU : isBSsa .i-veheett —; _ Jh. ^0^ 1 V*2S^ 1 ” •«" i him. . . r f f r.iin* | V 1U ™ J7 r .logaher^ onr hit , i;r i r k ( Ta,’h.;ci 1 ’. ih# dewy darkness are *L tin* bcu*t» slorg • ft tht dim royno fJJJL uTu"*h a IhlVa were not | knowledge, sou • LMag-. and , t)e •span—^*.-r— * into the night SSSI-«•««•!/!* cf’.bt’choyuau, iiis cyw. io i-.-e W u»« (» ' “■■••■ - ' bl “ k to’Jkitn".hink th."«h*»old^*“ are which reluaia. | untie Ion never to 1ft red for him '-.“an.. --«- 1 , ., lh 'Tud -b.i sFttSXXfiZ 1 ^.hcuM.iiAtk --as- - -*• la I have olteo tri - uhl *aj *• recollrclion o! tent ' Only ■ i. o. mr* ‘l" , ,,ll Cel' rtXnfotp’u^^^r^oJanU J-S B-J ^£ ,*• tbe to.o; 111. Ikiff retnra* to the yacht,' ‘ J’.clO th. (art that h« ■*a t »■» , do no , h tl that mil pr-KOtly weiee.lh. •• •'"l’.°hh he! ‘VlL‘turn a iaiutaher comc.uu. oi l |.Uh.rwhl.«l...utnkcahc.MOd r,d« lDll . lit* !,!. , . ( h - rtuietty at »,tch r, h.r buw<l'ril .harpoorat r. aod I J*"*’ . / u arri.ed lorg ui the krc.t O'ff. .' ^ « . .-1 I>-,kiug_at h.r watch. "I^wouO.r : tbuar «- -** 1 *- ' 1 •>** • rot (tut in .o api-araac.., • He any hn. *on. home, Mata >-« dkunieU my lover, u l am haw ivi— of an indefinable - i .m ii her couitiou* «» “• Ihey turn a l am ia . iu U rg " “ "" A .‘i'xt'tt. v M.u H-uc-ul • f,e. lh , ,.tt norajc, hl . „at , ha art )oto«- _ l . cc kTrt „ ry , when Mm Korcfol, h.H rrat l.cti th (b.1 little. 1" k '"' „1 by if- ly face. .half. We have 0 hi* I ■•grirTamefur kti b ni „, b i e 0 f «J- j At ,’he cr, *t uercr *> - ' ff»».'y, W.U« <^ a lbl.e but coot, !'• r 7. 1 fn |„ V . M’.ri- Old Head towers, world f b^«W » ,k# V .1 ciean in the uvsh n « rn r- a great mmy pf P a .r.l • IT '•> 1 lyop u* h'tjgo.thcl.on. l. pr.b.odary *S mot rf | K'r’ea' .ilt'l.a < 1 hrhtlj til ■"•• n •; • taste. tney ■ "””r"’GuH tiiat lalittid., .oil r;*be careful, o no’ to go further 0 Labrador curre them. Thoy n their journey stream as long tt« U >v th.’N then-fore aim J® *'. 1 ’where the ii ..taint Newfuunulan** lwuU . ...r. i.t of twenty or i" lu (lull htream ( u • , ^ the vessel tj.flve mile* a • o. v r\ iLleadofagOtnjl^ m making Orcour.., uvery 1 , iBlulial lh , oceau the c .1 u! a (tip I' ' jd 11 in Lb, and tho help ,, 11 f Miomn .* j day ■hue thin 1 walk r c l the what ho ♦»»;* '* i . Ji , , in vonr own toil, jcu u«. answer unrssdj- any n ' c 7 great | ^ _„ a „ ri M en 3 a«h f« r you .her . 1 . 1 V , L ro free to cor e and go a ( lor, U aA 1 It’... r. wbj»* a.rthHU^.uV.Ui^owo.wi^ M'l, a batht. *"he •tehee»ght of have l»' yon be v , ry .ahu,- cc. • -■ r y . - n “r k 1 , ..“iV-i.:; -«»- - v ‘ make m the -IU .ft .o remember that old fooilsn , . ... o l utf. ..*’1 tho T.rtcir ■’ I ■* rl ' 1 - j. !( anc tioakinsutr • 1 ' ‘/VtY ■ hti’.rt.twh.fh th.. - •“'! - ! L , .1 , r I- , I ' ot ia ;v riagu t'v.t.wr. ; room, f" 1 ' ' m,rl.«n bunt m >o ,,..1.110 ■*» / w „ a boy. I*- [ to aavj hccu con.tJci ^•,3,; it alto »1 ':r‘n V '• V.... ■ * ,7:uc- ■■ v ,"' •.. • • ‘"'"-'l n-i n 1 , '• ' r , V-‘ l V‘ e n the conversation turned on . , the tole h- ires* of \ ir . T.Utt, when the coi Kor ’S k ^'»ld!«»ob W m.bHodly.’’ ,or 2 •JSrTjSib. iiUitar.M a* • b0 " , Tl b Zl n|«.o. K-sk, UJ • i d : ( n slid, though , .1 ■: >- ■' • 1 iut-1 * scro-s rbe s<a* p e«*ntiment Wallea e'^AniboDy Mooektan h tv.- fallen upo* V ;ir y uV ll0 w tbit ikai * , kin /i n t. • grave, S?i!3^iig|j*^fejgs55iaaas5ijteai StSVhS KsVSSJSSfwKrs r an old matJ itorm in summ 1 r, » ■ ■■ > ; i.c «.-• •* a«t y mhere be would he mo*t .tk« j ‘ u gel them *w»y . .1 in i - in' oat the ’ast iirag"** u ► . . .u — ^*( u-, aaj h< promiaad to brio* oat ihe Ur,hill.’* r^iTtfivTiyr--“ijla- O. u«a.b-i.b-J-^ I rt k »uth an intereai in a 1«f whe#* the L r . ii to day. Tnere mu*t taisgpriiphclic In it I _ ..rt. aUcr.artU, «T~* »- caTna’ion. Wf-bj .fcb 11 bejo. «rrrS5. 8 t.-.v 0 ./ r ^ i »*-«■ STb.L'VxarVh. S iSLow in •»U^hairSf had not Mons ne » spirit we i •I?Vu(b. «•*» tM '-* 7 1 1 hul but. ^ •’Vhcth.r ,< yuur^ el'f- hfif, aud ,b nj.iwl *■ I ‘“ ,e 10,1 -1 tuppetc you , '; c .io,‘i r .'h„:rr.-;»i^a »t, x l oa* mr , * n * hiD *- W u d I kr.o« -1 snppasef relative term, t think pewpl o tbjn? ote yon amid * 1 ,, | v I. * • . : » ' 1 w- JewLh Miss ll.nnah de l have de - t\ tbal tlk’.cg, ‘ and, (she Roe . » al.ii g U f , btren.tttH n •• whch Uurleaaj* Ml wn* cbMicUrl.Uca • , , aw lh. compl!;t «» l ol •r am bottbomo™ “ 9 a . ^termination^ by, bl. J" fint cam* Pcohyn wh«o ih* , Bui I think ,bk , th. did ten year. anpeersd to <®*® dhi'w - r , lb* Kali ol -F rgm ,--;r ?x Wu>i - n.Tc» &&& 1 ‘«- i • - m L, , u bbna.ll ri*bl it hare forgo’tcn ali alutl i- ■ 7 ,* ,... I (mnnot leftist the "m Au lhi t i-haKol (hat .topO i very T little c nn'.ry gu imigin. -b* 1 “F .:::>■• V. .v■: a:.-;:yu- rv 7'V v ...; I... IZV.i,. .U ^ Knt inti* (*#» **•— -• , - • . in th* iace “** .“r:*; 1 . -(J Dai log saio vu»b **• «*■*»— •th thv o il kc It b« Lira led rather a .agabood We I hivr , the. tide, my heal resting ■ pUHi einihtir qnsint it,.; K td sewing to go » vet-ring with ll vgaicat one of the old ml stretched out befote vvllow sand'boots, my Ijinr in my lap. . _ p . ‘ I *opp ' e he has gone up to the 11 • ' . M i - -tx* ni'd. ’iv. ,a v - Mua Pn ban an I 1 hti«* hern pi u l"« MJ bnina .boot I iem lor lhela»l twenty utin- do w Th. Wnlier* ». •- • ' pi ’ .•irk alro'ly b.itd p’ay „,„iu« • ;v • quarter cl H* 8 1 *’ ii xv on w.ijhtlv— *u » in ‘ ‘ The evenings ■ b«ln , Mai* id 1 i ;.hich orbi twdigit whvn 1 k and Berry AW • time, the other j l i.'.T behind. By-nnd*by • cavalier, and yoorg left to bad the p “ langl — Vv'u lined that kind • f hie, ’A.'.'.',. Lik* “Y. hare had r*rr .. . . — - . - iaon- •harpiy.torniti*r,mndUjjiB«- [ • ^ Utiixe the groups or * “ n " ‘ \ nt h .bert **aage.i incuuve*«-*—« jcompantOB e^J 0 ? litl’e do,” ... cirei* °( iatJI Jly e I rclB ch lh* hard •'•at, and long lme* « Merger, un- ptirie, cw» •Then why m i-dde, ,.d Ms l in con vena ' But l heiieve 1 pn'. i t \ from the mere oread ,f tired of that tov. < k u fmeih*n. - * ’ii-enc^, -hith u.y 15V 1 * },»,» V* } '\f;C1 of anti wtich I, (so,• Irhritte eo.i n mil d <ut ] * W*’ l ^‘mVi , ime b o| ,g otber, J it ,'tl 'r ' n day to find an uno^cnpi ,1 l take povet-n n Tht “Yon are not a - V‘i‘ Wn"Ti***| ,!A'^rnTn'n’ ligd'ly anmaadl-ok I l»m*m , .c( tn-munK 11 inoiAci aft* i, with sn tttt H*d<w l ■ ‘ ^.‘^r^mo'hJr'r.: d our Iricoda-'.ip on Ihn ru led n nappy, ~ ,. "loiebery, and loi.r t ..union—Iw°g*r san . i l»i»band—a prominent 11 rv li' c*. and Ol*° n , i Jo well known to need l ( i. y < i 1 •: 1. 1 , f his col re Ur.,’ Idinr lb.I I"'” 1 * ,P‘ rdUt. Maiea..." bo com. r au a|'|’ear«'l- , ' ltlV A,l. r 1 gtee you? , B.U»Ca„v**, irsssrsr»iS;Si ,, 4SRiSK that dead p«»** “I have been I M'nck on, and * out fur a uron*. “I ihall b« v ‘ tio.w...’«od»*-b. Maia is ° k .‘“ *v”* (.liter on th* meumtog Mo . k’ou ia , all h«r damp . it look. i‘b* * L . chnk. am a. mtoow aa all her yb ndtr pliant 6 with airy ir-*-, l must n trine your yacht, Mr. foutth E , you would takn u. 4> lSdS. ndfith*r. (be I po'died M»vvh I •Blindly i •Then jon “But I ha' p mt ot that’ appy, Mian AYaller,” ill cire I IthaOarii’« > l ^rward'.” And uiilitarv ** 1 * v »ud leaped | dared the * - lv« r.l! In lili bo w. ,■ throw younelf oat of n.wrred the guard.aun, u are,’ I >“"••• - r- c il.- ..ratal lo pay «roa.p.tnwM* , UP „ ur ,ol*r ia ud lite 1W- J* **“ 1 Mill Waller a Intim of youj a ia n pupil of my aM tl,* Walters ate lru u la ot "»” r t , „ ff P r *. u, L r i.V'.V Maia.” I ob, y«s; P 1D 8 * e *t thechaoew" tp-sing i • hi' b pn mi; ‘OU. no, tl was drowned She turn* 11 dauii.-* *d r at “I** 1 ‘ • \ t.uv J «dU*'.* in ; l " J 1 “fiEiSd the br»«l ’ 1 breast sml « ed the king, expia : m » -Kvirybody i ti. mg. * tiiat idea. And yel „t,i much more than lie ig Lrebk* fs*t fo ,tli a 'b.0* of \[ ....kmn h !k at Ue wa atrt.o. ,be wall, hi' grave alrto pro llr i k that ' « nt • I ha. bree.’m« ‘".'."u'lir the Fatherland:'’ ,tod)tl- .lo’.e contaia. a , tor Herman ulieexa oltbaprw i or ui»uy I cut. ..<1 t-> 1' I Lin i. tud on i un^eutlcuiiuli sdetainiog Iriend. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castorla,