The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, October 31, 1892, Image 1

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WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Tdrrsph'pvl'Itta* C*’PubUthars. for the suppression of these . and if Mr were.not made pnbLc it v> i-*- cause no one though to u.-it f,,r --’A'* in- formation. As a matter of fact Mrs. Harrison'* pulse, temperature, respira tion and cough decreased after she reached Loon Lake, but the improvement was only temporary, aud the cough and fitter soon became as had as ever. Since her return to Washington, a little over a month ago, her cough has been continu ous, her temperature has ranged from 103 to 101 and her respiration from &0 to 00. Iler pulse hna averaged 120." “Can you ssy anything as to Mrs. Harrison's general condition before the disease made its appearance?" “Yes; she Inherits tuberculosis. There having been some coses that we have found. Her brother and sister, I under stand. died from the disease.” “Are you willing to make any state- ment as to treatment?" "No," responded the doctor. “We did all that could be done, faced with the cer tain knowledge that there is nothing known that will cure consumption. I am not willing to give to the public any statements that would cause comment from physicians from opposing schools. Suffice it tn say that in our consultation „ noTiviYfj ■RUF.UfS I at Loon Lake It was agreed that no lVENTh JIOBHUWt ImijAn.'.. ot]jpr treatment was possible. Dr. Tro- 1 dean Is an allopath and Dr. Dougherty . and myself nre homeopaths. So we ,. I/.;* Shadows Flee, a represent both side* of the medical con- Earth s Vain bhaaows nee, u lBivpr(iy >n( , ^ lumac]l „ we agreed, it should be enough for the world. The primary cause of death was pulmonary tuberculosis and the immediate .cans’ was asthenia and exhaustion, and it will Is* so stated in the certificate of death to officers of the district." Mrs. Harrison was perfectly concions tn the end. The final change in her con dition came abont 7 o’clock Sunrtny morning, when she had n paroxysm of VIACOV, C.A., MONDAY, OO'mi-.hi; ;;i. imkj. PRIQP TAT ji/C CRISP IS HOPEFUL A Alter II1» Canvnw In New Voik He Is Sun* of Urmociatlr Victory. New Vor: Oct. 21.-Speakcr Charles 1. GrGn ‘•ailed at the Democratic nu- oual hc i iquaner* and told about his lumping four m Xew York, and New * laid: lilis JIM Few Slie | Step Well, IN,:;on is Left Weeping and a Nations President is Left Alone. Id GOD'S SUMMONS CAME. MM. Oct. 24,-Mrs. Harrbmn 1. At 1:40 a. m. cam ® ,he cnd : AN A^ALYUCAL SPEECH. New York, Oct. 24.—Hon. Charles I*\ Crisp, of the bouse of representatives, made his first speech in New York dur ing the campaign at noon today, when he addressed an enthusiastic meeting of Cleveland and Stevenson wholesale dry goods clubs, at 384 Broadway. In the course of his remarks he said: "1 want to make a plain, practical talk to you, and if I do not do so it will be because in great part the labors . . of the campaign arc such that our coughing, followed by a period of ex- throats, like everything else in this cam- Kt. Ak * ,,v - : .« L- alnrr | t route exhaustion, from which she was j p-.-p 8r( overtaxed. It is not a quet* Sfc >“ '^Ysth with th. pa- !«■ JETwS summed ta'jlJ MfiS o'f^o m determine^by their L llirruoa m ,i 0 vout Christ- honse. Mrs. Harrison was so wesk that Uaiiots two weeks from to-morrow who l an) rruguation mnar atlTO- s ’"' conld not sneak above awhisperann a p a || control the destines of our country. |„J l,er last days wore oomparauvs-| >li# M romnlctelr lost the power of | I_ SEVEN KILLED. To New York Dry Goods Clubs. Ilis Argument on the Tariff Question Strengthened by Several Apt Illustrations. TARIFF DOESN’T 'INCREASE WAGES. The Simplicity of His Language Adds Great Force to His Arguments, So That He Who Runs May Reaa. We should determine our own course she had completely lost the power •SBSr Lou" Prudent J tw“we r r^ h 3S^tlnoed Dorn I wltoutprijudk.; No man should be so St- 1-“ -5--W S? ^conscionsness ^reV it “Xn he 'LgZZ'. 1U r bedside awaiting .... I tbronghout during the short '"•r" 1 ’ 1 * "I I policy detrimental to the country. In ■ without ta*W ,“ Clde . D w b h‘ wakefulness. Tb. taffmta quietly and government there must be a rev- -r-V. any, the nSSJte. T^wSs 1 ke the snuffing out enue: it cannot discharge its duty with- lisve slept but ^ nf „ ,. nn ,|| c . n,. r h r( . n thing was sen reel y out material support, without taxing th in ana o pereent'blo to those around her hedsido people. It is a question with us of how » nl1 n *’* r aTr * I nnrt her I'fe went oat before they had ] u rcelT we shall be taxed and for tvhat r length of time. hnelly renliled it. . nuruose . loos dreary night paiicd away simultnneouslv with the annonneement I 1 ofT nisilon. |k» U H^ Thf'p n ateat he ” « I wera lowe'rM "alid^Lml^Heememwho | The Democratic Idea is that you ought SVbite House. dLe pa *‘ m ., _ had been summoned In anticipation of to be taxed by the government a suf- «s sad restless with m tbe cunt, were stntloned at a 1 the .n- f lC ; e nt sum for it to discharge its duty , in condition, that did not range trnnw , „f the ground* to prevent peega and no morp TUe itepubUcan party Is gjatJiwo s-s I sfejwtsrsrta'is&s *c? jsrs to nil moodier* of the rablnot nt>M*nt | wh.rh rpnnwumU tho'r i.1*»u of tnvattnn. llarrl*on'* C , only D 'hrotherf*wto°^a now the tariff MIL Wo call the law a tax. on his way tn this city in the min hope the Itepublieans say it is a duty. The , m . of irnehlng hero lieforo the end oanie. practical effect of it Is to put money into satteg; hop® aid in despairing ,, p „ tnrtc j from p ort Tow-iwnd. V\nsh„ rt, c treasury of the United State- and take ,«ion was very apparent. As yesterday and I* now P**tbly a* far „ „„ of the „ f 6‘^M^tW •YMMs^teheld at the America who Mo not know what a tariff B Sy ..--”-- n. l„w- I White house W®dnes.lay .nomlng. after duty U. If you buy a hat in Uverpooi which the remain* will be tak* n to In- for $1, you arc taxi*! 50 nor ceau fnr it. dianiDoli*. when* tb«* interrment wlu be 1 — ' nt Crown Hill rcim-U-ty Thursday. prudent and fnmily bad little it! being frequently in and out of the room, or in rommunlcstlon with it. Itrr.Ue nervous strain of those who spoke at Uietn. N. Y.. Friday night and in 1 atteraon. N. J.. ou Suturday night. I must ssy ihat I never eueoun- ered more enthusiastic meetiugs. I found rhile in i Ijean that the Democrats were more confident of carrying the state than they have been in years. While the counties tout I risited were Republi can. I was told by well-informed Demo crat* that the Republican majori ie* would be reduced materially. The Re publican farmer* are not in love with the McKinley h.ll and many of them will •either refrain trom vot'ng or rote the Democratic ticket. From what I have learned mjHf I have' every reason to bereve that CrcW- r, r ,: n « on flat Hf-vf- land will carr^ the state by an ovetwhelm- lug majority is the correct one. New Jersey, J believe, w II give Cleve land a Idgger nnjority than it ever .11.1 liefore. . The Democrats have not the least donnt about the success of their ticket in that state, and I believe from what I can learn in Patterson, that Congressman Cadmus will bo re-elected by more than the normal Democratic majority of the district. Adlsj E. Stevenson, after bis vis't to New York, will return to the Snath- west, and will speak at various points, concluding with fonr meetings in Chi cago. In closing the stnte campaign. ' Congressman si-riar.-r, United States Senator John M. Palmer. J. T. Altgeld of Chicago, and Congressman XteKens'e of Kentucky will co-operate with Stev enson in. the wind-up of the great Demo cratic contest in Illinois. IN BLACK AND WHITE. A ShocUIng rtutorial From the Yalta sal Rtpsblltui It Resurrected. New Y’ork, fh-t. 24.—The following was issued today from the Democratic nation al committee headquarters. “New YVk. Oct. 2I.-The Democratic committee has just successfully closed one of the most interesting controversies of the campaign. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, n representative from Alabama, having quoted in sporehes delivered in congress in 1800 aud 1802 a shocking editorial of the National ll'-publieau published Thnrsdny, Jnlr 8, 1S80. the Republican* resorted to the desperate expedient of denying the exlstem-e of such n paper nt the date in question, and declaring Wheeler’s speeches to include forgery. The congressional committee prodnros a fso simile of the Nstiouni Republican containing the article quoted by Ucn- Whcelcr and also a certificate of seven leading eidsrns of Washington verifying the reproduction. The letter of Law rence Gardner, so retary of tho con gressional (umiaittee. is as follows: "Hon. 4'f 1 '* 1 "'li dor. Alabama— D»er Mr d'H-rler: In reply to year MMSM fiver In vntstlnn tn the d.' ini of the editcrinl of the Nutional llepiilili- A Frightful Railway Ac cident. An Express Train on tlie Reading Road Crushes Into a Train of Empty Cars. THE ENGINES TORN INTO PIECES. Cars Splintered and Piled Up Into Heaps, Beneath Which Are Dead and Wounded Passengers— The Debris on Fire. FULL LIST OF CASUALTIES. [of Mr». Harrison was at its low , sad the president's anxiety be- > irate that be felt :.V nc . sunaco, so matter of w lint char- from medical authority. So :er wti dispatched to tbs house |ijardaer, and the physician qu < kly Ini, reailiing the White House at So hopeless was his report REID AT INDIANAPOLIS. You have one dollar .- fifty cents’ worth of tariff. The do mestic producer of any similar competi tive article sells his goods at exactly the its llstu.A ills Politic, In Tsnrs of same price, and when you buy domestic “eta*- gomls fon account of tariff) you buy a Indianapolis, Oct. 24.—Wbitelaw IRold dollar's worth of goods and fifty ceuts’ __ _ nnd Cbnuucey Dcpew received a gciiu- worth of protection. president desired him to remain I Ine Itoosier welcome today *11 along the A \tco Point in Sugar. White llouw for n time. Dr. lino in Indiana they made brief Sugar Is 2 cents a pound cheaper than . ......ol „„i hrost. I •l«'*‘cbos at IoOgansport, Kokurao,Sharps- it was two years ago. Why is that? villi*, Tipton and SobleaTile.ana tonight There is oo more of it made. But two they addressed a great gsthrring of Ke- I year* ago the tax of 2 cent* a pound publicau* at IndTanapoUa. In opening wi taken oxT and sugar went down that his speech tonight Iteid aaid: I amount In price. It demonstrates that .1 nnsi .s-tm, 1 M r. -tim. I “Mr. Chairman: At this moment in when you take off tax on an article the lib.* on her hark and this city aud In this presence on* thought p^ev gocs down. If, ms McKinley says, X* M Lr trenbtad '* uppermost with us all. On. of your Jpe foreigners par tax. whr did they roke from her troubled I <nil nrffhbo , pr.t sou of sugar ai3 not collet Indiana, whom she has loaned for a wLl®b HIkail been paLlnjriin- .1,1. eees. aiul *lori™.« *° .4“® *"«•»»? BmW (hit tYLOOL. can, quoted • ••llk.’l " Ml ami July 1 that paper that we li Htn»« ment* Kerobliniu Pnhlli rlty In ymir hpfpch delitevitt In ’ • •_**;* u of Beptember, 1801. 1 k*2. and the existence of July lv.iO, would *ny \x u'w* piMof that your < :-r -i. The National wu8 atarini urn* as a R*?- ; r N-•.»ie»..-r 2t>, 1800. r) bas h.oklMl th. l-r n» cordinjrly remaned and break- I with the family. I day was clear, crisp nnd cool, and L the inquritig sunshine and dry- [( the atmosphere had somewhat i the inislld and acted n* a stlrn- She wat lying on her bark, nnd »:r «he awoke from her troubled bsatisfsctory sleep, she was con- [ft. I ”~0 "".U. "gresT” and gtetoua I iKtidE- p'dck^^uSi** I I whStTsssid S!Hb h .“5l pfanuusw sssg *3CEf3EES%sl B C°ln the maretog there was a rs- •>»»*• W ,Le n “* gLis areive here th™ tariff Id popnlsr Interest in Mrs. Hurt- • f tor '*ws coll *'l°E ■**» 0:1 ward the rrewl and I rendition. Many of tha bureau jacrod fiameof yonthfnl says before you can land three goods you Vd niher employes of tho execo- SSTLfftiSriES W. JtataKS “H** W • d «jr of 60 per rent.^ad f^artmrnii went out of their way j? happy Tnlomn. Mell, you say, I am aii Ainer- | .the White House and ask for »• «•" lcan an ‘ 1 Ma ^ McKInfcr 1 sny. thc foJ- non regarding the condition of ln tbe •?« *° ih(t I louse Is eigner pays tue tax. Tho foreigner ha* , irnt, and the* wstchSin at the ‘® Amerita th. cynosure of all eyre my wheat over there, go sndtaflft I were kept bnsr answorinc tho I especially of all youtluul eye*. Mon uot me. Liu. 5 ■ :i''*rcnng ,h0 I ,|,i„ Versailles ever tils t» France. Th# Democratic Pollrv My ,U the membere of the rtiplo- "'in''*"' - '? ^ Mland ®. r Dottwlam to ^ Democrat-. Br o advocating tv™ L-P. CM at the WWte I,.Frus.ia. ^°‘“S'“ n ^ , ‘ ‘" d ®-, « rether lean latati,,n. \V««” L"^ forenoon to inquire after Mr*. I ‘j* 11 * - y*^^*?* . I knowledge that money is needed to car- I, n bare mesxnLv* of *\nii*:i- > s hore of our continont trijr* was no fnm- T y ou govcrnnifiit. It ,, for the wMdeat and fsmil”. A !lr who was not glad In his soul of reasonaT.le. moderate^ tariff 2 y? *5* Rrt 5 ,n ’* l"’. 1 * 00 * 1 I ,a * h ,a I 4^5 onoruonste <>ne.* S They i a. 1 ®®n*tan» v Lviteboo*.retire to Wn.h- itess E*g£Sjra,ss; NU th!?’nL tl1 * excuse to ho rnut thi * r * In the UiLJS? ws. ckmed to them ItaMtu! ,h *F ""‘H ,h ®? *»• reeh^uiri ,Dd eehfrontisl two U ‘ nn * the single word: ,h ; *•«.*uf. bod- l««y tire <JVi! r * He L. J *T®!» three times to attend . *«» at no “«» than half men •‘Imltted to the P4**4®®t an romfoils- hoare 8bo k L*!5d*mtakV' 10 "Ms K It Y ,u *® ** any 1 h.ure »£•*** iu t***! she might . 'ta the Imti tqUMitW M loalS? .L* 1 ? °G» dtareae T* *f say n End* l- V 0 **^® uoarish Uf I twiuret. anulka- r" Up, iwmii ?* t. mo '" ,ur ® t° her T^swMln . .slightest relief, the* nkiaU ****° ,®f extreme t inm Pb V ,ctaB ** id 'ho bad 1 f"- - ■ col ”treo condition SlT-gg®" death in «tub 1 •* ■“‘‘when awake E *«» rr^L^J 1 , ,r ®J* d her. The Igwt .b. tt 15=r k ": JWSftimSS iMwUtatr md ‘ ,U »* 'bnn Vny lh |k | r , j ***d tv#r ittsndaL vw ** "“ d ' the ' rs Y tbwa crick-bun, in sortsls ! f® d"t*lts retanliiSg I fstliers and of our fathers he with them it taxes one thing tj make it cb.-an and both.”' , , another to mj.i it higher. It I, a , 0 rt Yon nisv not blame the n.-n nn.l wn- 1 of now you M-t* it and now you .1 men of Indinnspolls if in this city and measure. in th*» prwsonm of this universal sym- ti** 3lattsrofW«|r«. pntliv. you find tne a little Inrlinrel to The truth Is the argument in the n,m« t>nrii**n vehemence In dlscuMlng mere- of ubor u , friUl , xSTtartl dS ly t.artisan illssgreements. I ,*m here I ngaMe tb, re te of wage, Warn- lire toalght to say not a word in disporage- jugulated by oth r cnu», ifa ment of any Demoeret aa surh. If he I dpuulud . Laborera have f.’.i.n i re 1 stands by the constitution and laws of way to ml.- . .re V ,1 ‘ ‘-tt th-* onr roromon country, whatever our dlf- |a th|t iuatry is to organL Yd bV.k ferCnres ns partisans, I am Proud to f ur themselves U'ol- . , k clasp hands with him as an American. ,Xr™«oo artirt e f.n,> h L S r ' but If he does not "'?? d * l L e The laborer in this country U tion snd laws I «m hi* enemy now and . BteUiri<1 , Kdr-r-.qi-m DRmDI mi PuunwraS paper here exist. 11 as a daily up tn the spring of 1SUO, when It became n week ly, and has tx-en published regularly un til a few weeks ago. The proofs here with enrlosed 1 think would be siith.-lent to prove your stateinnti. Yours truly. "L. Gardner, Bcvmary.' Text of the Kaitorlal, The text of tba articles referred is as follows: . “Whga through the operation of the Lodge national election lsw* six nr seven Southern state* shall discard Dem ocratic rate, we shall look confidently to see some measure of justice the blacks, who bare been so long detrended oat of their light*. Heavy taxes should b* laid on the whites to develop and extend the pabla- school system in those states. Separate schools for the two races should bo abolished, and the plan of bringing the two races of both colors into «4os# and equal relations:a schools and church es given n fair trial as one of the most potent si elements to break down the detestable Ibinriwmlsm of the South. The right of the blacks to bear arms should be guaranteed him, as weU as all social rights intended to be securest to him by the postage of the fourteenth and fif teenth amendments of the constitution. The state laws against Intermarriage of the re.v« should 1m* abandoned, and any discrimination actiust the blacks in mat ter of learning trades nr obtsinr em ployment should be made criminal of- fenses, wh.l" the color,-.1 man's right to hold offir# should he s.-.errdly protected and reengnte,.,! few years or this policy would solve tbc rare problem nt- tsfnctorly. "Talk of Southern Democratic . gressmen In the house of representatives on Lodge s national .-lection law reminds ono of the fiery tirade, of Southern rep resentatives just before- the war hit the plantation whip was cracked in rain this tine. It has been a long fine since then, and Hie world, all hut I he Southern s---wion i - the United States, has grown wiser." HON. JOHN T. BOIFE’uTLLET. Til, Popular Member Proas llllih XVtlh draws (Tom the Speahroklp ■ Atlanta, O-1. JI.-ISperiaU-Ho John T. Boifenillet irriv. I in AILmta tonight, sad he was the centre of n largs rirclc of pnlltiefans an.l friends at the Kimbill. all of who'ti civ»* him a cor dial r^inr. Mr. IfoifonillH ba» withdraw from tho vpcakrrahip ii i-murh a* his arduous datic* a* mansrinx raitoP of the Tdccrspli hare ted him making an active canvas* or tne gionous icmwfmmw ^ cooutry. They are bevi* ■ 1 preveutea nmi makin* an active canvss* publican party nnd diacusjpl fram lbs gssYB^fiL ^ ua!n t l * t J« | - i f«»r the portti . ar ! he l.a« been nnahie standpoint of hi* party Ibe que^kma of ,hi» biqS i tariff nur.V trt rwh At,nnf “ ««*» toaijrUt. where** ping. etc., and predicted the re-election of Indiana's ehoird for president and dosed by exhorting his bearer* to spare uo effort to achieve that victory. ~AUGUSTA LEADS. nsl r.1 Aug i- . Oo:. 24.—The Chrenhd.t will putdi-ti Imnorrow moralng a statement wall around tW. country things in as well as out. and would Ue- »5SSi-» «.as; i - WeU. The lu. ^ili iw telicy ha* destroyesl our coi nag Ihat the growth of Augusta merce. The Democrats do not « th anufactnre* within Uie last ten years will incr.:iso wag -; thev , Wen pltenomenaL The following pve tb-in an. »pi*ortnnitv they will oi e* are given in support of the as- „ law that will inrrras. the DU-.-hssi on: It.- r. -in • ,:iul invested in i power ot wsg.-s. Tie Seri- - ' ... nr.— front ISS'I to 18:»>,_Nsdi- | biff, if p.i— cti. Would gr -nrir | sold by the sheriff today under n levy I to colles-t debts owe.1 by the thinl psrty organ. The mailing Hr ‘ ‘ ,bo Atunl Philadelphia. Oct. 24.—Tlie Shutnokln express, on the Philadelphia and Read ing railroad, which is due in this city at 0:30 a. m. collided with a train ot empty cars a short distance north west of Maoynynnk tunnel, about eight miles north of this city, nt a few min utes past 0 o'clock this morning. Sev^n persons were killed outright, and thosr probably comprise the full exteut of the fatalities. Nineteen persons were taken to 8t. Timothy's hospital at Roxborough, and several others were treated at other places. * . * The Killed. Thomas YYelrh of Auburn, I'a., fire man of the express train. Frak Stief of Rcasling. a newsboy the express train, killed In the bag gage ear. James Kllrain of Tamaqua, brakoman on the coal train. Mr*. Magaret Devine, aged 60 years, killed under a stove on the express train. David S. Herr, aged 5!>. a member of the legislature from Harrisburg. James Boynton, a machinist of Read ing. An unknown young woman, supposed to be Miss Smith of Phoenixrille, Pa. Missing: Baggage JIaster J. Clayton Epler of Pottsville. Al lu* Hospital. S. D. Rhoades of Fhoenixville. Ps., express messenger. Jaw fractured ami suffering from concussion of the brain; condition very serious. M. b. Cowan of Harrisburg, cl gineer contused leg. M. G. Leppcrt, both legs broken. Mrs. M. <5. Leppcrt. one leg bruken. Ella Devine of lTilladelphia, lacerated wound oil the thigh. Aaaie Kemp of Hamburg. P*- : fracture of leg. Miss Mary Tees, Ynffey Fore-, Pa., assure of ’eg. Annie li Sides Beading, Pa, l-g broken. Miss Pretxmsn, rorttstown, Tn, oontn- sion of ankle. William II. Embrcau, Reading; not dangerous. _ . . am. s K. Barfield. Renove, Pa., brake- man on the coal train, scalp larentcL H. C. Print*. Reading, eondnrtor of thi* MFMDffr train, fractured thigh. Thomas Fitch, engineer of the ex- coDtulwm of tho brain and bead; V *lTirarn'oottschall, Resdlhg, compound (rS^h B^wXt of Pboenlxville, '’w. 'if* BcdbnTof Pott tt own, leg broken. k ™nme* II. Chlllson of Reading, plum- her. employed by tho company, hurt about th«» body. _ tt, John K. NVyncoop, Tori Kennedy,1*^ hand ond forearm crushed and bad to be nniptutated. . William Halsey, Allentown, contused tnlurc-1. W. R. Gertseher of Tarntona, con- dnotor of the coni'train, scalp wound and bruises. . . - . Charles Billings. Tamaqua, engineer of ^Beniard'Gsitaber, fireman of the coal train, wrist sprained nnd bruised about '“"itevlL. M. Hark of rbornixvllte. ®f PhoenlxTllle. r, H. t Ib'.-W?of'Xrw Yorlh two lingers of right b*n<l broken by jumping from th A number of other person*, who wrre nn i r taiishtlv hurt, proceeded to rbtla- delnhls wi'lheni having their Injuries at- tended to . Itasv the teeld.wt {Kvwrr.d. The Shamokin express Is read® ,"P ? l Pottsville and left that cltr nt i ocloek. The train arrived It Phoentxrgo oo tic --. At this pise* order* dnt.-l Ib-a.I- ire were receiveil to ran on the north lx.and track from West Conshohockin to West Falls, a distance nf only a few ndtet regardless of all other trains from West Consohockln. In pursuance of thrv. onlers the fated train to--k the north bound track. It was composed of five ear*, a hsggtgo tn., mnokl^ JM, two passenger ears. *nd-th<; Il;;rr;>tuirg Pnllman parlor car **Crcstllno. The . LmlrSteTd t>* W..S blocked will. | freight care. »nd to tlu’ f:>: t i« Pruirerily dc- the Ctsstropbe. Train No of empty coal care started -n the .tiorth hound track shortly ts-ta r tl o cl-s-k. I Th-re is • conflict of ojdnjon ** to the onlers given the crew oft bis train. 1 be crew contend thot they bn-l r-..,>..| ... •••< tt» wtou. wht!»* thr vai'r 'nil *»tfi- SKm Ji whal may bo rv*iinl«f a* Lb# wriSff li'l 'bit is that pe..- tire instructions had been ^ven the cool trsiu that it should lio up ot West Falls, south of where the eeUlaioo occurred, until the Shamokin train had pnsied. Th>» two train* came together right on riu* curve at two minute* Dost 0 o’dork caped death a mystery. Th** hajrjraga rar wan literally smashed into kindling wood and thrown over on the north bound track in a heap with th*» enjnnr*. It caugbt tiro ond was aoou burned up. Tho next two ear* k^pr. the track, notwithstanding that they telescoped together and wore completely demolished. The next pam«*nger eonch and Pullman oar were badly damaged but not to such an extent :i* to prevent their being drawn away from the rent or the train directly after the accident occurred. Except for scratch*'* and nruiso*. the passenger* In the last two car* all escaped unhurt. * Jumped for Their Uves. As the engines approached each other Lnglueer Billing nnd Conductor Gerla- gher of the coal train both jumped from the cab nnd what Injuries they sustained wero received in falling. Gallagher, the fireman, was coaling up ut the time, nnd, by some miraculous circumstance, saw the impending danger in time to jump from the tank. The only injury he hUKtaiued was a sprained wrist. .No one was in the ,pnssenger engine but Engineer Fitch nnd Fireman Welch, rhey were given no time to think of their own safety nnd were buried in the ra ins before they knew what had hap pened. When the collision occurred Conduc tor Hamilton wiu» in the thinl passenger coach, the one next to the Pullman. JMth remarkable exhibition of coolness ho turned his ottentfou at once to the dead nnd wounded, and. collecting about him a staff of helpers, he soon hud the dead nnd wounded out of the wreck. The injured were aoou taken uwny, and wion u row of seven dead bodies wen. laid out on the M*b» of the r**rtd, let tered and torn almost beyond the hope Ilf ri-<‘iif.'nitlrin Wnnl .ah* of recognition. Word 'was sent imme diately in several directions for medical aid and in a short time n staff of phy sician* were ou hand looking after the injured who could not Iks immediately removed in amhulancr*. A* soon as tlie wounded had all beeu attended to they were removed in ambulances, those who could go home or come to the city going to tlie trains and other* to the adjacent hospital*. The dead were taken to tho city police station nt Mnnayunk. The Slminokin express usually leave* the unper coal region* Monday morning loaded with workmen uml laborer* who are employed along the line ami who go home 8..turday night to spend Kunday with tlu ir families. It wn* running ou the north bound track,* the south bound track bciug used between ronshocton and West Falls for other traffic. The truck hail been ordered clear nnd the train wn* running southward when it plunged Into engine No. 538, running north, just north ot West Mnnnyuuk tunnel. The engineer of too had been ordered to lie at Pencoyd station, a short distance south of the scene, and the ac cident Is due to his disobedienco of or ders. A few minutes after the stmuhup tlie car* caught tire. Up to noon fifteen injured person* had lieen removed to the hospital aud ten bodies taken charge of by the underta ker*. Thi* ia said to be the exteut of the casualticii. EGAN'S LETTER TO M’VEAGH. Puts on A Hull! to CoTor Up 1IU New Y'ork, Oct. 21.—A letter from Pat rick Egan, American minister to Chili, in reply to Wayne McYcagh ha* been furnished to the Associated Tp--* from the Kcpttbli'in headquarter*. It sajs: “Sir. I pcrtviie by the daily pn«*» that tho mooting bold ia Cooper Union under tho auspice* of tho Democratic Club of New Y’ork, you, a ivuegadc from your party, ns von are naid t * be from your people aud your creed, attempt to palliato your anostacy by undertaking to do that which tho Igondon Times, with ft* battalion of testimony, chief among which was the notorious Pigott, failed to acoomptidh, to besmirch my good name. With Che adroitness of a police court pettifogger you, under the pntoxt of referring to somKhing that •oronbody else said, assail roe. First an ’.a swindler, who fa Uni to account for a very large trust fuud placed iu hi* charge.' gcooud von say, Tt was well known at Washington when b« wa« appointed what the charges were, nul he had fleil from the country b* avoid arrest aud trial ou a very serious crimi nal charge/ Thinl, you describe uie a* *a okatu iiatriot ami a fugitive from criminal Jns<^ce. , To which you are pleased to add that you were 'greatly Nurpriscd aud disgusted to find such a man selected tq represent the country of high iliplomacy, ami that you not only reassert your sentiment that my appointment wa* an Insult to Chili, but that you considered it *l*o an insult to every *<if-respecting Irishman in the United 8titea. •T shall treat those coarse and cow ardly Insults «*oming, a* they do, /non mi,, of the bi>t straggler** <»f th.* Ku ' Nothing*. wb<» f.nd that there i» no place for them In the Republican party, with the same ,-ontempt that I bare shown for all attacks raada in tbc English and American pro-British pres*. IV ere it not that they were spokenat a meetmg at which figured \>« President TV I. Gilroy. William K. (5 " rc *. J ; *-J? ough, John D. Crimmlns. John C. Mo c- ban and other*, and that it was re- mrtixl that goor w<ml» won* wcnvi-,1 with ’rtimil ch-xrinr," I wouhl nrlth.r !»• ntrpriuxl nor autmjrr-1 that yon should laum-h out Into those ignorant rnlmnnlf. On ib.\ e«-tratir. «f ditary r'r* tt:i'.-taii' • I * '• *eG s ly entertained, _ bni pained UnU smaxM and nTank that tho Grarrs, Gil- ODoonugten Shn-hnnx and Crim- slionlil hav«* meanly ^at in ( *>op,'r aud patiently uiWaad to f*a. to ihit .'I. I>. ! who g*T» It the It Is 1 NOtor SM esl , VI A . wages pal Atianr.. IT j - - Atlanta 215.07 ) |ier cent. In- I f hand* employed: ! nt.. Atlanta ! 1.71 [s-r «vnt. In- Xa*h%1Ile UM.42 Au- people. t. pubU- - in th. o. 40.0) with » twribl. crash, of the djrlng rtjJiW al.ivc th. era riling of t not*, of Mcnplng .team. Th. Montana The express with ignwilHtfs The « plowel their wag throu aud ruHe-l ,b . 1 conglomerated ■**• ul - i-hiuWT- Th® ,r ‘ 1,1 of 1 i rru-h-'-l eotnplet-- 1 . j I mailer Eppl.r anu Jotea : I bor. »«*», bur;, ,’L i t ii,;.. rv from \ ut la—wflT takes ask l theL •ould Is timber u M In your great M you have been forred. .1 P*rdoro._T5 fall In* k entirely on my connection whh ill*- National movement in Ireland. I*> the Ir’sh race here and In the old land my course of conduct in this connection no vindication. To ay maligner* ither .i*l. nf it •• Atlantic 1 make no explanation-*. In my entire connection with lr:-h affairs there 1. not one that 1 would take hortt. not oue thi: I have to *pj!->x’x-' for." . nsyn *4-* tha land I segno Staff •* tata r -I *! ■** H- t **: t 1' fund of ritt W . limunitr a ■wared • w -* d the amot.t»t of tho l,v $2:*»/»'»> bv In- J: that bo I act original contribu teres: snd profit he retired from nditore. of who tb«* tr- tiri.k-. aw'itor* I*.-ar«l i «-rtifie*l to till l.lul bt: that i**r.ry»hip, the tirLDill 'ii was one, tne«s of lii« vonch- •mpliment to their never was a for* nnde **r a warrant Eng!sad: that the fainst him were by •d on tho I»ndon which r* 'iilt'-l he Ti:n-- that he his being a I time fell*. oker - ! j 1 ;; 1 l-ngth. at:.! ho ’ .-it -.f Ir tl*. Uud vt ib-.ix a l"p w:!l