The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, August 23, 1894, Image 1

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¥•'«(•«Miihfwt i*m. f|»®T«Iegrai»li Pabll«Mn| Co. Put>lf«h*r* 4 MACON. GA., THURSDAY. AUGUS'. the free bills HUNG UP TO DIE gince Secretary Carlisle Expressed His Views on Free Sugar tho Eill Will Not Pass. CHANDLER AND HARRIS IN A TILT j-h* F.fTnrt to Flit 111. Vacancy In till Finance Committee Uoi Ilia Slain Feature of (lie Scat Ion of tike Senate Yciterday. Washington, Aug. 17.—There wta n jilr attendance ot senutora present uf the opening of the day’s session. A« soon as the Journal was- read. Mr. Har ris. acting chalrmin of the finance committee, moved that 'tile senate nil the vacancy on the finance com- t?C fey Mia rTookiilt of tlia Wit* Sonaiior Vance af North Oaroltna by the appointment of the senator frem Uiiiforiiiit, Mr Whnf. Mr. Chandler objected to the oonsld* er.itiorr of the motion now. It whs ro sily a resolntio.n and tut such should go over until tomorrow, under the rule. “1 take it," said Mr. Harris, that this Is a privileged motion, and is noit subject to the rule as to ordinary res olution*.” "Has the senator any authority for that proposition?” asked Mr. Cban- dk*r. "It ie privileged,” mid Mr. Harris, in the fact tha»: it looks to the organi zation of this body/t ‘it is rather tete/ln the day,” said Mr. Chandler, sneerlngly, "to tulk ibout the organization of this body. Tr*e rules require rwointious to go over one day, under objection. The va cancy has exited for moutns, and now, tM the session is approaching Us close, It ia proposed to till it.” "it is not necessary,” Mr. Aldrich isuj, "to make *uny argumem in xavor of me position taken i>y ioe senator from £»ew Hampsaire. l take it for granted thak we wul not now enter on u revolutionary proceeding in a matter of mis Rind; <uiu 1 beneve mere will d» rcaiaiauce to any such revolution ary process, but l presume mat me f lics ot tae senate wul be earned out, gnu 1 take lit tor granted taut rne pxe- wuuig uMcer makes no iuruit p augges- Iet us ha ' naultatlon, as before, agree with ^naior froni Tennes see, that it is natier—not that of th* 1 other ride ol dv lumber. It Is a matter whioh we A,M dispose of Uiselves. I regret tf, ,y ®? thrown into the senate tlie idea that* the other side riiould be permitted, suttttantirily. to select a Democratic member of a com mittee. We should settle It ou this side. It Is wfoerthdt we should consult in regard to Phis nwtter. It can do no harm, and It may do much good. "Since the commencement of tariff legislation there have been blunders. A few days ago the chairman of the committee on ways and means in the house, presumably speaking ex cathe dra, was demanding of the house of repreaenttitive* that there Rhould be free sugar. The Democrats of the wuntry recognizedd that voice ns the voice of the administration. Demo- convention® met in different states, and Mie very driy ittoat they were pacing resolutions in favor of and committing ttve party PULSE OF TRADE IS QUICKENING The Passage of the New Tariff Bill Has Ended All Lack of Confidence AMONG COMMERCIAL BODIES •’lly motion,” .aid Mr. Harris, "look, lo ill,* iistwiM.Inn of tos iiriinluunii ot mo* body, aim 1. liui, m my opinion, subject to un, objection whhn me sen ator from New ftiopdln niuk ... It la ttY.ii profound untonlsnmrni mat 1 bur such con Objection from tile oiiher aide of the chamtier. During the eigh teen yrore tliat 1 lutve hud the honor ot lidding a seat on this tloor, no mai ler which party wus 111 the majority, member* on the other aide have minted alt will, without objection, crit icism or question, «uch committee rep- resentatives aa they were entitled to. And no vote- was ever heard on this side of the chamber to tAUect to thla arrangement. And Mila aide of the chamber, no matter which party waa in the majority, has never uttered a *wd of complaint. Thla la the moat rrvolutloiMry of all the revolutionary | Iras that I evev heard since I have | hud ilie honor of holding u a**jt on this ",et the clinlr aedde the question floor, : | as the clear think, parliamentary rule* d-nund. But I cannot refrain from Patting on record the facta aa I have stated them, and the expression of my profound astonishment; and If 1 were to Indulge myself I would put on rec ord language which would not perhaps he altogether parliamentary.” Mr. Hill reinforced Mr. Chandler. "If m* caucus agreement," Mr. Hill aitd. *Uh a -how of passion, ”U to bo rent twin, and if n-*w bill* are to be piwed, in sections, I deal re to bring to the attention of the senate certain amendment* to those bill*. I desire to ^JJ^i vote of this body on proposi tion. which were voted down not be- rau.e th«» were disapproved, bat be cause the senator* felt that they could vo,e according to their Judgment consdence. I feel hound. If all '(treeim-nt* nrP now to be cast f “ ,V*° pretent files- questions again L r J' 1 '’ eonrideraitton of the senate. WMa have been referred to .1 rommltie. of this body ngltiut my n„ .Lj J'.™ "tiling to have tliem taken . dlipoeed of without either fctv- X* * favorable or advert** report from inina el"** eommicitv. I need not re el,,, JUlZ tonat# of the complexion of » mnjirlty of It ngnlnet «tllb,? t n ' t .***• And ,f ‘ A " y h3t! fclt St IIRo-e "*• II ICll toZZS lo **** •'•conrttng to their Inve’w ,nd couuceoce, there would PoroJ?^. n ; n "dvsree report to that to 5 ‘he Mil. What are you aeck- J®* today? To pack that commtt- tk.' ’? °r!r cny proposition for bef 0 r]mL of *]•* Income tax shall com port’ sif ‘TT*® w1ttl * n adverse re- •» varon i rPtofrtr *’ in ,l “‘ appointment 'ntttelT e f- on conmiiltees, the Demd- ° f tW « body tav * b ' v “ Ik. When vneaneik's were filled other- - on fit® commerce and MJrWSS w ® "®re catted to- •Pvrinl eonferenre. and the so called JU‘l2n>,^'^’tnmittea mibmilted to our 2?m- >>rfcre they h... r?'j5t lw» the open s. is| a t lev °f BO »nch eonsultatlon •ai*t. ‘Z. n *' m ocrattc members of this Hut wiill^. no: b ** n c *H®d togeih t. '“v or>re.re7i.. my krK, -' ! without for .-oneuliatlon, it is isnrei. .!* mo mtng to nil this va- !>»■)» wis—® "Uggnatlon of I don’t '"mt,,| l 7;l >m r p, ? w ® ,,| V of the steering It’ mil » i anaume that to b<> Pmirse I. 1 . • know why a diderent f£;££ rv*ht to he pursued In the .twt tomoskant vacancy from othwr ln milng of those ®f I erMt* 110 !**' * npifwnutlv® POPUloua state, the most hire h,v ’ ,n to- union, I might Jhiaijb" f“***tod to siu-ge.t wist r *- Pos., „l* ‘r®" eonaulted I rlo not bn Of to speak of rite rompb'x- - the ateertng commmtee * f kit J W,M *••>" end speak hereafter. If It shall be ** PirHrol/o '* m > °lf »» h | lUton question of this reaolu- 1 ffn*u S , he RtHnntn to point to bro%’l»|oo In ftc pi*: -* n-iM. ii th r n,,, ac ^ a mil to ttnat principle, tl»e Democratic h<*c- roccry or t-hi* 'Treasury wiih sending •J® 1 "* * proKv*t again at placing augar ^ * ret? W®t, as a suicidal policy. It strik«H me that there In id better be nx>re consultai.icHW, in order that we them® things. If it is ueccs- sary for liae treasury tha* there shall be •.hi* duty ou Kugar. there be consultation on tt*» subject. Let us mark out a policy on which we can all agree, ir wx* can. Let us try to do it. . ”, of tkirmouy which should ’ }. * u ** est to niy Democratic friends tluH we should adjoilru and have a caucus on this sublet" Mr. Harris put his mptioii in the form of a writ.en resolution, which he oncred, and whiuh, ou objection by Mr. ‘.'mtndier, went ovc-r uuiii tomorrow. conference report on the detl- '; y «^comnpending concurrence iu the amendment reducing ihe appro- pritnilon for the Southern Paclflc Hali- r ouaCoinpany to $1,274,246, was pre- the^bfll ,in< * rt * Pee< * t0 * ^ u * dl *Po^ng of The vice-president announced his signing of the auudry civil bill. Mr. Murpiny (Democrat) of New Twlr I oflri ‘7 d ° resolution declaring that. In view of Secretary Carlisle's statement thsk the estimated surplus Vfar would not exceed $16,000,000, k is the Judgment of the seuate that no further legislation or change of revenue laws should be made at this e.-sion. khat rcaulution lie over,” said Mr. Cockrell, and the resolution w. nt over till tomorrow. A resolution wras reported and ugretvd to, instructing the committee on in-terHtate commerce to sl». during u J?®* 1 * a,1(1 to inquire and report whether the Southern Steamship mid SKSS AKaoc!a tion was violating the interstate commerce law in regurd to UQ d freight rate differ- WM for the repeal of the pt'ovision in Uhe new tariff bill allow ing a rebate of the tax on alcohol twed In the arts, 'was laid before the senate and rend the first time. "If there lje no objection," said Mr. Ifcirris. acting chairman of the Un tn^e,. "I ask tint that bill nviy have its sert>n»l rending today.” "1 object,” -.ild Mr. chandler. "Let It go over till tomorrow." "Then 1 shnll tek for a second rend ing tomorrow," wld Mr. Hirrle; ’’amt I*tP* notice that I shall probably auk me "••line to • ei lei n i * m , rr\v.” "I hope," aatd dir. Chandler, J1/ -*!y, ":hiit no acctdem or 111 health will pre vent the eemitor from doing that.” Notice of .imondmi'iits w H given by Mreara. Clwndlor, Mnndcreiu and Gray to the free sugar bill. Mr. Ch tn- tMrr'a w.1* to repeal all thi* provlaloaa of the new tariff bill; Mr. Mnnderaon'/t to continue the sugar bounty un'.ll Fehrtinry. 1W5. at the rate of 8-10 of u cent a pound, and Mr. Oriy'a wit. to strike out the differential rate on re fined sugar. And th"n. on motion of Mr. tlnrmnn, the eenmte, at J:tO p. m.. adjourned till tomorrow. When til. mil lie ICBTecllv. Tiler tii-au,I i.Hri'1, of TarlfT It.- rorin—Ti.,1. ho Nctv Tork, Aus. 17.—11. G. Dun A Co.’a wceUlj' review of trade tomorrow will says: The new tariff hill, If signed by the president, an expected, provides a detiuite basis for business. No suie piehieutul legislation Is thought possi ble until tbe next year at least luirge improvement lias been expected mini any settlement, trud more because of u vast amount of biis.uc.<s deferred from week to week In the hope of more deti uite conditions. While It Is not wise to look for a great boom, there Is warrant for n rea sonable and prudent hopefulness. It is too early tor effects from the new situation In the great, but the gradual recovery which has ap peared for some time is seen in u bet ter demand for products. Cotton man ufacturers have been carrying extraor dinary goods for the country, and tile strike threatened nt New Bedford will not alarm them, but the reduction of wages seems likely to be accepted at Kail Hirer: A smart Increase in transactions is reported, buyers uud sellers having at last u common basis for Judgment. Re sumption by iron uud steel works which were stopped by the (trikes continues to depress prices of some lintshcd pro ducts. but With more furnaces operat ing prices of pig iron arc not Comparisons g.ven today show lu prices ranging from Ji to i cent, in Iron nml its products tin toiler, lWHl. which sufficiently ni for the idleness of more than a tl the works. The demand for stn forms seems smaller, does not in for railroad uses, though train proves, but for some other prod Is better. The boot and shoe iiulusiry In others lu recovery from depr I ol, , \p ii ,n, lease spc.dili larg'ly, the nnauctni situation tail WASHINGTON GOSSIP. The President I# at Gray Gables With a Hls Family. Washington, Aug. 17.—The sundry civil appropriation bill waa sent lo Gray Gable, today for :h* signature of tne president. It waa signed by the vice-president ami Speak-r Orlap this morning. It la neces sary that it receive the approval of Mr. Cleveliod by next Mondaay morning, as the Joint rewlutlon of congreaa extending the current appropriations will tarmlnate then and all work depending upon ihls bill would then have to cease. It I. ex pected that the president will sign the bill tomorrow and then the messenger will return with It by Monday morning. The general deficiency appropriation blit, which passed the enwte today, was the last of the appropriation Mia to receive llnsl action by congress. The river and harbor appropriation bill la practically a law, inasmuch aa it cannot be returned to the house. In which It originated, with a veto within the requliiie ten day*, which expire tomorrow, u the house of repre sentative* has adjourned until Monday. Senator Murphy of New York offered a resolution providing that there ahall be no more tariff legislation this session. It went over until tomorrow. The Re public.ns In conference this afternoon de cided to Indorse Mr. Murphy'a resolution If he modifies It. This he baa agreed to do. and the probability la that a vote will be taken tomorrow on tbe resolution, de- mi. "" m, * n ®®- I will not remind you daring It Impracticable to have any more there waa a majority of it ngnlnat tariff legislation at this aeaston of enn- It will carry by a good majority. and. as Mr. Brice put* It. thla will be notice to the whole world, Including the house of representatives, that the senate la ready to go home and will do no more work. MURRAY 18 THE NOMINEE. Washington, Aug. 17.—The Republican congressional committee baa rendered a decision lit the mutter of contest between Robert fibnall* and Oeorge W. Murray, the colored (loath Carolina leaders, both of whom claimed to be the regular nomi nee for congreaa In the First district of South Carolina. After a full and careful Investigation, the committee nnda that no question was raised by either candi date! a* 10 tn * regularity of Uia call fur the convention which nominated Murray, and hold* him to be the regular nominee of tbe Republican party In hls district. The gold reserve has Increased by tUt,- KJ, bringing It up to tM.lU.ME the high est It has been since August 1. A rteady gam ha* been In progress Mnce August t. ton In the rule* whirl •f a vaoincy on a com- uiiru, _ rr °* Privilege. Lett the “'ion r> over 4111 bymorrow, and HUMOUS OF HHSIONATION. ,Tulifont-a. Aug. 17.—The minor 1 fr. elj- pumovl around at the capital (inlay th; t s • rotary Carlisle would ru lin' from the catnnet aud that Ilia plu.-c would lx* Liki n bjr Mr. Wilson of Wual flry-ma Of course no venira- tlon or ccxitmdlctiuo of this rumor could be had from the persona uo chiefly Interested, hut. In discussing the protabiUty of the rumor proving vv.-U founded. «oe eminent S.mth. ni i uutuaamnn stated that Mr. Carlisle expressed hls opinion that the sca nt,. t tr.ff 1,111 was • ( the I <*t meas dim «tm •dap&d.jutf .that, bolding '' i(y a lirvwe-il at imiiaoce with - Ol the prim .unit. lllltcult. 11-1. ,1 .-x|. Iris si 7.'.G », MU illy lit- cuupe of thi* htavy su^.tr Wjtli low dtitlcH Hi- arrlTOl of in* i- chand se i>» meet the long delayed «l**- maod will be larire. while even phe nomenally low prices do not take® out products fpeely at present. lu July $ 12,solvC’*' j Kold went abroad to balance miportattiais of goods, but the outgo'has erased, tiot because ex’* porta materially enlarge. Tbe striking feature this week Is the atrong increase iu demand for commercial loans, de ferred operations of all sorts being en couraged by art.un nt Washiiiigtoii. Silver is also strougcr because of the Knstvrn demand, whirl) the war In ChJ* na is expected to prolong. I.-iabilitles of llrms failing'm the v.i®ek ending August 0 are a little larger than of latt®-4:t.2tM.tisU-of Which *1,041.491 were of manufacturing and *l.'j»is,ius of trading concern*. Full returns for July show an aggregate of *11,291,"a The failures this week have been 220 in the Fiiltcd States, against 453 last year, and 4."» in Canada, against 27 last year. DRADimtEErrS revie\v. New York, Aug. 17.—Hrsdstrcet's to morrow will esy: The apeclal telegraphic tin ! mail advices summarizing Interviews with ‘ more than 600 leading wholerale dealers and manufacturers at forty-seven cities throughout the country as to the pr««*R! It any. of the prospective tariff settlement, and the outlook as to the effect of the senate tariff bill ahorfd It become s law. Indicate relatively lea* enthusiasm at large Eastern centres, ex cept at New York and Baltimore, almost uniform satisfaction throughout the Southern states and similar advices from the Central and Northwestern states, ex cept where serious crop damage has taken place. In the far West little Interest Is manifested in tariff legislation, notably at Denver and Helena, where stiver at tracts more attention. Portland fears the result of the reduction of tariff on lum ber, but at San Francisco an Improve ment in tile demand la expected, and considerable freight la offering for ship- ment to China. A feature is found in declarations from manufacturers ot woolen goode, glassware, pottery and Ironl and steel at various centers of production, that wages will probably * be reduced. Aside from probable Improvement due to the ending at the uncertainty in business neither noston. Providence, Buffalo, Phil- delpMa. Pittsburg, Newark norlt oches- ter merchants Interviewed expressed note worthy enthusiasm as to the trade pros pect. While no gain is reported in trade circles it Houthern cities,, several thou sand coal strikers bare gone back to work In the Bfrmtafffsra district, several railways are calling for more coal, and Southern 'ron works \re shipping more iron than a year ago. It is report*u at Atlanta that hardware Jobbers based re cent prices on Ihe Wilson Mil, and the proepev®tlre passage of the senate bill will make a difference tn profits In conse quence. I4ttle Rock expects Kv<u®n* cot ton manufacturrs to buy more freely now, and three leading Texas dtl®*, In view of the excellent crop prospects n that skite, and prospectively the largest cotton crop on record. r?ejrd the bus!- ners outlook very favorably. The pro. pooed change In the sugar schedule ex erts material depresrion in Louisiana. The region west of Pennsylvania and east of the Mississippi river reports al most uniformly favorable trine condi tions, with gains In demand and in In dustrial® activity, except in Indiana and Illinois pottery Industrie* and among In ll.tfu t*i»r If n ftrt :®”®s. Who report they expe® t to reduct w'm-i laoney at nearly a*! the leading financial centre* has hardened. The demand for shipment to move and carry the crops has to exer* an appreciable Influence. IMant plan t > tin® dotrlopmont of th< m l tin plate liidiM rlcs. wive been held In almyam is .ire now being put iut«i uisidernble eagerness is Indus d.s- 1 to invest money lu this d»rvc- R. Goldsmith, a t.n importer of Xou Y**rk uud Fortlaml. - in Pitts burg, and proposes to Invest *200,000 in the biL^tnem in this "iclnlty. The plans for Mr. Goldsmith's plant coll f6r four mills with a capacity of twenty tons por day. Norton Bros., tin plate manufacturers °f ' 'liicac't, .ii' '.i ll t” Ik® if^ot .ning for tin® purcha** ->f Oliver’s Fifteenth street mills, the intention toeing to con tort tin* pi int Into black plate and tin plate® w o&a Ii is also* reported that the linn of McIntosh, Hemphill tS; Co. contemplate entcriyjjpfcuto the manufacture of tin pi.M'v In, 1 let have been II ftfle several foundries aud machine shops for eMimktet of tlie cost for the equlp- ment «-i plants for the mauafjicture of blncU pint* and tin plate. the d» EFFECT IN WALES. Aug. 17.—Many tin plate S'hjfh Wales, which Pave ty*en r *s>un® time, are preparing to fkk in view of the • assage of uan tariff bill Ju Washington. ACTIVE SILK MARKET. Lyons, Aug. 17.—The silk market is tremendously active In view of the pa- - of Uie United SUtez tdrllT^bi;!. -Big oro«|i mtv tnm yitveu at Tuiw- hamti r >r raw silk to be worked up for the twite J States. PORTER REJECTED. clary Cominittt-e fie fitted to i Cleveland's Appointment. tor, douj Judge fo trie is ..I bases its : ii.— for i! the time Wcbiingtcu, Aug. 17.—The' senate gnulittce ou judiciary h)ts again ex- vistril its h gh privilege of rejecting l appointment made by the pres.dent ► n Judicial office, the unfortunate uni nee th.s time being James D. For- mtctl to be a United States the eastern and middle dis- renne»wt*e. Tlie comm! t trie iction on the question of tit- t place entirely. Mr. Porter ) of age and has n-it prim us It was reported to tlie ftx many years. He was at his nomination and Is now gid business, the pres- it of n* of the SoiUhem roads, •tag tint former adnilnlsttntUm of Clou la .i-1 h»* was nsslMant hecre- ..t 'i itc uad«*r Mr. li.uaid. !'• i dors not l.-.o in tic® -I stn -I l > w h.« h was appointed ami this, the OOtri- loit li *iii*\ i. 1 i ted the home iuie ry to wlikni the party Is pledged. -. howeu*r. did n -t have any we ulit n the mimlttee 'll the disposition r!\ in this - ■ n «e limit and placed are, bcllevhur that » appointed to the sed that time of ■t' tl •I V tin ;tl-» op.-ra west Tin. in \ti: i\d >USTBU ■■ .I' ll. I.I u -.11 I.rotaiblj Jlu:« lly mljuuvuu. ritOFBSSOIt 8PRNGKH PHA1SBD tie JieofClO Geologist Attniets Vtteii' turn By a Fnper iieMii lu liruoitljra. New York. Ana 17.—.'In Ii Inter h:iu been nr.iuavil In adentilli' clirlim lien' by a pap«T n-.nt before the tleix l.iglnil Society of Atnerti-a. n iw In i» xou .u Itro clyti. by • l’roftms ir .1. W. Spcnrer, fonuarty state geohiKlat Geonthi. All the u.U’l'Mn'TH aix'uk li.nlily of tbe essay. The Times says: “One of the moat Interestlni? paper* read s> fur was that by CrofenMor J. XV. Spetx-er, lieforo the GeoloKhuil Society of America, in thla paper Proftuwor Spencer luntli* the an u mnivmi nt tliat the Amerlena obntl' neut Ih slowly s.nkmc. If hls theory Is correct, In y«ira to came there Will be no American ooolbient. I'rofi— *r gpeocer has made expenmeota at tlie mouth of the Mississippi and In the Gulf of Mexico, nml these experiments have convinced him tliat Louisiana ami other parts of tbe aurrotindln* country are 8,01)0 feet lower than they were ortfinally. In referrmit to the Weel India Islands Profess>r Spencer said that several of them had hail two or thris* periods of re-elevatlon of from •Juri to ..oO feet, anil had since aetthsl. The prof.-si r had il- • d•'• red that there were many evidence* that ttie land In Florida had been much higher with respect to tbe s,-.t level Hum lit the present time, ami there were nlao Indication* that - itue ot the laail hml sunk within comparatively recent times." The Kmi save: "Th" addTOM of Pro- fes-ur Spencer In*fro the Geotofflcnl S.ic!ety on tbe ’Slnklns of the American Continent’ attracted much notice.’’ BUDGET OF NEWS BY OCEAN CABLE TUB GOODMAN TRIAL. Tha Ol-.* Will Be Rut.mlttfl to the Jury Ttita Afternoon. Richmond. Aux. 17.—A Covington apo dal to the Dispatch say*: Rut two nve kM/t'hri are tb be made in the Grolm-anf» b»®6>re It is eub-.ltted to tbe tgetve men who upon the Ixw laid down by the court and the evidence of many witnesses are to sty whether the conductor committed a crime In taking the life of Ool. Frroons, and If so what punishment Shall he mgted out to him. Craig of the prosecution and Mhmix Orumo and Amlerton of the defense have had their siy. NT»w It re- maln< for Mr. Parrish to make the final plea for the priwmer nt ihe bar and for Mr. Alleu. as commonwealth’s attorney, to close the argument nn behalf of the sUte and Its violated law. Each of these gentlemen will mwume several hours, m the case can Wily be sub mitted before late on Saturday China and Japan Are Negotiating Loans With the Big Banks of Europe, JAP FLEET IN CHINESE WATERS Are Holding the —The Cltolerih I. t»ptrutting in Germany hikI KumU. London, Aug. 17.—The Shanghai cor- respondem of the Central News says that by speciail decree the Japanese Im perial government has authorized a loan of $60,000,000. The Japanese gov ernment has promised Admiral Fre mantle, who commands the British anii.’h.lT<»n in Aelattlc waters, to give forcy-e.ght hours notice in case the Japanese fleet bombard Wei-Hal-Wei cr Case Fee. The elg&t vessels that passed Chee Fco westward bound on August 14 were the Chinese fleet, which was flee ing from the Japanese cruisers. The fleet went to Lul Kung Tao, northwest of Chee Foo, where it has been left un disturbed by the Japanese. Toe finding of the court of offlcfrl In vestigation at Shanghai of the sinking of the Kow Shung is that the steamer Kow Snung was sunk on July 25 by u Jupense naval vessel, and that Capt. Gaisworthy and the other officers of the Kow Shung showed great a>olne*sl and Judgment under the trying condi tions of the conflict. Tne court added that the Kow Bnung's English officers ujl® a-ii tne means an their power to avert the and deserved high tor their efforts. Torpedoes 'will t>e placed ot the en trance ot Tokio and Nagasaki harbors early 4n next week. GOOD WORD FOR THE JAPS. London, Aug. 17.—Capt. Ingles, who has Just concluded a a.x year s service as naval adviser to Japan, said in an Interview today: “The ships, oiUoers and men of tin* Japanese navy are ccwnp.uuoke to those of any Eurojic.-in navy. Tne offictrrs arc energetic .tad studious, the englne«®rrt are esp” .'illy good and the engross ure edmiiabljr worked. I have the Nanlwa worked 100 revolutions a minute, whn h .v t r i'll II dt.UIgM’ ll ..Il Hpc '1 III 1 .MK ' T . • Japamj*®* are very srmir. w.Ut ;ne htrnd-ork-l gun', but d » ivn t.ik * J ) r'vniily •» lin* hytlrt'H'.a ^un>*. The arc entirely im-O**' Tne J.ip- noon. sod If there U much deity In reaching a verdict It cannot be gotten tn before M ••Slav. Evrryt, -1 y connected srlth the trial is naxboua. (sowever. to not tbroufh this weak. The anroment. whlnh waa vlar- orous anil able, attracted large crowds today. Mr*. Go.>Im in occupied her ac- ely •I. xhtblt mlrably equipped great dash amt st-.j(Hn«i» hi fights and under tire and their dis- !- pbne Is etrcmely good. The artillery Is rvnr.irkably well served; Mr* driver* are fearleaa and the gunner* ore smart. IVayalojily the Japanese are (deal sol diers, with strongly developed legs nml tithe bodies, and they tire untiring marcher*. "I do not bellev* the Japa seriously mean to attack ihe Chinese forte. They are too wise and value their Ships too highly to do that. I nm of the opinion that the recent affair at AVri-Hal-Wet wjso reconnalaanoe.' I believe the Jape will crir tire seas before the winter and that tbe campaign will be mainly on the land. The uncommon place re- marks about the certainly of the ulti mate success of the Chflneae owing to their number* and resource* may be true, but It la not easy to foresee the reault, Japan's modern progress bring a new factor tn tbe forecast." THE JAM IN EARNEST. Yokohama, Aug. 17.—Tha Japanese aer bre.tklug the pns*i*s In the part of Con n with itie view of prevent ing th” entruice of Clilue- • troops- The Japanese fleet ta seeking the Chines? fleet. U to 'the present time the anarch has been unsuccessful. . A LOAN TO CHINA. Berlin. Aug. 17 —The Post ears that the syndicate of Berlin bankers which met at the DUconte Gsxelachaft yester day has received t cable message from Shanghai accepting the syndicate’* term* for a tl.OVO.MU loan. SILVER ADVANCED. Amsterdam, Aug. 17.—Silver In thu open market today advanced from t7 to 4S guilder* per kilo, line, on account of the Chinese loan. CHOLERA SPREADING, vAmsterdam, • Aug. 17.—Three fresh cases of cholera and one death from the dteeaae have been reported Here. At Rotterdam one frean <uae of cholera la announced and one case ta reported from Puermend. At ilaeatrlct there tae been one death trom camera and one death from the same dteeetae is report ed from XVormerver. St. Petersburg, Aug. 17.-Cholera ha* broken out at Riga. Ten cases of chol era are reported by the authorities her*. London, Aug. 17.—A deaah from cool er* wus report'd today to th* authori ties In Chelsea, the southwest suburb of London. . . Lonaon, Aug. 17.-A dispatch to tha Times from Vienna aay* that during Wednesday and Thuraday there were fgj cases of cholera and 1*1 death. In G ti. -ia. and 51 new caaas and :i death* tn Uukowiiaa. BerAn. Aug. 17.—The police of Schnexdemuhl, in EJM Prussia, have sloaed th* public baths and forbidden the us* of utfbolled water. Vienna. Aug. 17.—While the troop* belonging' to the Cracow garrison were m:trobing through Sileela and Galicia to take part In the military maneuvers eight soldier* were (attacked usRh oooi- etu at Bledts nnd taro at Owachln. Th* populcae la greatly exoitad. fearing that th* troop* will spread the disease. WATCHING THE VIGILANT. London. Aug. 17.—Tbe Pall Mall Ga- aette nay* this morning that there te much disappointment In British yacht ing circles at th* unfrequent appearance of the Vigilant In races In the Sotent. It also siya Mr. OouUI will build a new yacht to defend the America’s cup If Lord Dunraven challenge* next year. FOR THE WOVERTON CUP. I, Aug. 17—TH# match between the 1 end the for the Lord cup will " sailed tomorrow. b'tlnnlnr pr bably at noon, Th- r.ica •■.ill be■ _ fifteen miles to windward and 1 h *' unrt will be made from the - N ’ 11 ’ ""I < the wind be easterly, tn win Ii ca*e it will be made from Nab. All hr, -nt Indications are that the wind will favor the .tart from the Needle*. SOUTH AFRICAN NEWS. Capetown. Aug. 17—tA dispatch front Hr™?*- Tranevaal. aaya "the Kaffir atanaudera have defeated the Boers aent out by the government to .disperse them. The battle la supposed to have token Plate yesterday, as the users Pttriy was expected to come up with the Kaffirs yesterday afternoon The Katlli-a continue Lj mutxler. burn and pillage In the farming districts. They stop mall ttnd passenger coachea and murder *the passengers. FERRETTING OUT ANARCHISTS. it H ”[ llr V A "’V 17 -~ AI1 yesterday the po- Pe had nude domtclUafy searches on ‘" e strength of Information obtain”,! through the arrest of fourteen Anar chists 4o Wednesday. The reautta were beyond all expectations. Many 1,-ttera Ptenltof, ci ‘^ c i'" lv elv Uie Intimate rela- tlona. If nut the cio-operatlon. of Berlin anti Paris Anarchists were seized nnd Annrchl * t l c litereture was <la- atroyed nr Onhflaeafed. Bombs, loaded Jo I'OdJ’ flor Immediate usj, were wirli" ™ roo n* °l a widow named tinuetL ‘ THe PD Ce * ear3h 7rtU be con- BELLAMYITE8 BOB UP. Sink* Committee's Investigation DIs-. covers Two Followers of Bellamy. Chicago, Aug. 17.—The strike com- HlVt”? to v r*| ! ‘»*>too today develop ad ■on of Roy Ij. Goodwin, a director^of the aXmerican Rail-way Union. Good win. after a ton* examination regard ing the recent strike, declared that such troubles could be averted by na- ti.insuring railroads and nil other ex tensive corporations and Indua rlea. He declared he was a ’’HellaitnyMe" and be.'leved t'h* United states should he conducted after the manner laid down by the author of "Looking Backward.” Professor E. M. Itemla, associate pro fessor of political economy In the Chi cago University, was also a wltnesa. He advocated na a strike preventive a aattonu and permanent board of nrbl- tiu.>n. Professor Hernia cited the Mas sachusetts board of arbitration us an evidence of the good offeett that such an organization would have, but sold that a national arbitration board shou'd have a .viler scope tmd he endowed with greater powers than the Massa- ohuaetta board. Professor H.-tnls said hs ha.l studied the great railroad strike and Its cause, and he was very clo, questioned by the commissioners. A number ..f rallr ud emiiloyt-.t were ex- amln -I. -ill of whom teatlfled to huv- lttK nppllsd for work In different porta cf the country since the ftrlke, only to d »< -ver thu; they had been blacklist 1 because if the part they had taken in the boycott Affair. 'ir FEMALE SUFFRAGE BEATEN. nth Bio the New York I lo Root. G./Jell” made an elaborate sp-.'Ch in'Juatlflcatlon of trls adverse rvpori. The roll call on the ndotlon or rejection of the report resulted In tho adoption of the report by *7 to 58. tn the,convention of 1SC7 woman suf frage receive,I but nineteen vote#. The suffragist# were disappointed, hut not emit down. “No, w* shall not xlve up the flght, by any means,” said Mis* rtusan B. Anthony. TWO , HIG Gl'TIIAM I 111.1 RES few York, Aug. 17.—There were two dguments today, one the outcome of ., i rlii 11■ t■ • S liar ii aud Sam Hot it, copartuers under the linn I he ii t" S. llarin & Co . liion- Ictprers of knit underwear at No. FrtmUlit street, lu this city, nnd their a .11 lu Climber street. Bn klyn. •aligned today to ltdphael Btthiger ot tb'.a city, with preferences to the flnn of S. Barin A Co. for *i*..t>Mi for <ncr- chamllsc amt c* •!, adru It - sa d the IlnlillttlCK will reach *125,unu, with uomlnnl assets to t-iuaI tliat amount. Tlie lirm iuia paid tmi liurlus the par.i ntuiiit fjium fnp Ininriivmt lUl' III *»*•*» |y.*ai* ”«** <••••«• l three year* ubout $:,0.(lik) for Unproved maclilucry. 'I'hia failure foreeil the linn of S. Barin A Co., composed u t Samuel Barin amt Jlax Stniuss, niatm- fartarere of knit goods, at the same address, to the wall aud they uss.gned • today also. The name assignee was named. The liabilities are said to bo about I1B0.U0O; asset* *120,Uiki. Tho aaalgnments are attrtbutrel to the un certainty of the Hit riff legislation anil the general flnsnclnl depression aud tho inability to make protttublc sales. TROTTING AND PACINO RACES. T«rr# Haute. Ind.. Aug. 17,-For 230 trotters, 1-yaar.okls; purse of 11.000.-Oak land. t, 1; Axwori'.y. 2. 2; Ml** Kate. J. ♦; Vallerta. Tim*. ItBfk. ItWH- • For 101 pacara: puree ol (t.Ko-Jtull- mont. I I, L It Turco. I. 2. i. I; Col. Thornton. 5. 4. 2, 2: Forest XVMkre. Lena H'U, Rlalrwood. XVblUomb Riley. Time, ItU. 1.1 tU. Silt, 20*. For i:U pacers; purse of $7,000—Doc Sperry, 1. 1. 1; Seat. Cl*: Bourbon Patchen, X, 4, t; Venture, Lodi* Lorine. Tima, 1:104. 2:114. LUV Citizens puree for 2:15 trotters: pur«* of DOC—Trevelyan. 1. «, t. 1: Ora XVtlke*. - • j; k Azote, 1 I i I; Prince Herechel. room Dick. Courier. Major Henrico. Jstk .epvrd. Allmtto. Mahy. Time, ztw*. zdl. 104. 2 Free for all trotters; purse of (3.000—Alls, t. 1; RUand. t, t 2. 4; Plaley. A *. 2; •lie Vera. Waller K. Time, 3Mb 3^*4. ltd vf A DISCHARGED SOLDIER. Richiu md. \'a., Aug. 17.—One of tho members of tbe military euntpuaim it to Itosalyn last week to drive tho xeyttes nut uf X'lrginla. lias Isten ... a-barged by the tirm who emplnyetl him. f r the nmooo that he went away without tl" - r iiemtlssl'iu. Tun gl'.t there was h call nifethif of the regi ment aud Cut. .1,,.uw explained this mat ter and stated also that other* hud been threntetted. He said hh make perooanl efforts to get employ- meat fur nil who might be din It, . d. Jit added that If the matter v.. :• p-. ported to the governor aome put u- ,. . ;• I, l» . .' • '■ '! op tllpl "•••re w. • •’.- • I .-I ' rs 1 dier tlum olteylup llrlVS Of tlie