The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 10, 1894, Image 1

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best fires STILL RAGING tmall Towns of Minnesota and Wisconsin Are Suffering for (rood and Medicines. ( I1.S OF HORRIBLE SCENES With an Eye Horned Out Cm j B g Another SVI.o lln. noth Foot mirii.d Off—app»al» for Aid Hint Out. , w a , m—The smoke is so deswe "J, impossible to see clearly twon- L, Even buildings are lmks- ujahle across the street. The smoke lfn .e that the pain resulting to the 1, almost unbearable. u uturly impossible to distinguish ,, lnt outlines of buildings WO feet The appearance Is that of the lt (og, and vessels arriving from the lake report navigation a very „ matter and collisions narrowly it , smoke Is believed to 00 tram tires u h and dead timber in the imme- .; f !nity of Duluth. In all. about SOO KS are notv listed here by the rc- smmittees and the lists are not cotn- U yet. Nearly -DO people have el- ban son hick to Hinckley and rone, who are not Included in the lists. More will be sent down to- The temporary relief fund sub. .1 here grows and now reaches over ot which nil but IKK) from Two jr.y a little village neir here, comee Duluth people. It '» estimated that „ than 1310.000 or IWO.OOO will bo ro il to keep the poor people until they tet «o:no returns for their own to on forma next summer. Many are 10 wnra here In thlx*vlclnlty on is and In the woods and my 15. irrivil of a train over the Duluth Shore and Atlantic railroad at noon tame the statement that at the , Of Marengo, ninety miles east of It the 1 .idles of six persons were who had been burned to death dur- Ihe night. Offers af aid to euft'ercta, in cash and goods, ate coming in distant state*. Tacoma. Wash., tel- tict thin morning, asking If aid wtis 4 but vas answered by the mayor Minnesota would be aple to take care I and to ichabllttato the destroyed rty to a large extent. REPORTS STILL, COMING, uh. Sept. 5.—Reports still com* In towns to the southward reporting Arcs springing up. Karly this morn- II was reported from the railway Hon and saw mill town of Carlton. ;ty milts south of hero, that fire me Ihe town, but later, after strcmi- ex, 1: was beaten back. Brief n'.-< :rm suirvuiiuiui'* 4 ^»»» —i'Z £2 ill- errick-Flres\surround the town, buk Is r.o wind at present, and so long let continues the town Is safe.- Most is people have left. i'h Superior—The’ fires nesr this towp sight were all put out. Rumors are «t here that Iron Rivers. Wis., is Ing, hut they are probably not cor- ln this city the smoke Is more and eminent, showing It to be from w fires than any yet. TELI.S AN AWFUL TALE. City. Minn.. 8ept. 5.—A courier Int) 'this r.hv late yesterday af- on w'/.h an urgent request Hint hi 1! I and mippMes be forWilftled » Mom. n small town'twenty west or here. Ttie mussenger, v Luther, sudd that u do ten refit- from I’okama were dying for need sll.lnes. a call of volunt-i >r» was and in ten minute* Drs. Norton, ns and Allen and Mlrt Maggie N. a trilnnl ninue from Toronto. vho has bean ministering to the ring here, announced tbit they ready to go. A team of homes -itched u farm wagtost and at 1 k the start wax nude. As the was crossed tv the trap of lire "av !„ evirumely difficult, many "hstruuUiig the way. The story by the messenger brings to light 'fto unpublished horrors of the de- ‘tt'n Mira Itself escaptil tjteiru.- >nd the human beings whose lives ebbing away In Us lfrrvlU receiveJ lniurten at Pikeville. nine tulles to forth Lite 8nturd.iv night the » of those who 1 tv-1 from there at Mora. They were burned, hot badly. NevtsUheleas they K'-'.it Ltwh, the only physician In the “f'oihoo-l, busy and male serious ■* Into his stock of llnj-nents and lh'« All Monday Utoy straggled S' Monday night n band of fifteen , human beluga stumbled In- ■» Milage more dead than hllve. ruj r ,,t had a mouthful lo eat •-ituiday night and in tneir reas- c.n.Utlon lost that- wty in i.lfr' ot iblackoneil Mumps. One , ■ an eye burned out and the f nearly sightless, but d»j|>'.‘.f his .. .he ffa-ingi-wt of Ihe pirty, was another whose feet had been . A Woman hail taken off ,.•'•*“!) the (lien and u»>S|Ui- ■r.n her bleorllng heal. Dr. law Is L* '' ould to alleviate the agony V ,, nf ”rtuntifte», but his mcdlolmn L3 «<! dnnlty h». a.Jter Mtree ii'i iMiit work, suncumhed rnd - 1 - to do marc. Thau the ap- , ; 1 ‘ was sent. The courier also - iu re bodies were found ut Po- a 1iL 'i?! ly ' There were Ilf Innab- . 1 1 dertma. Twenty-two bodies IV, ' 1 h4Vff hetn found. ,U: BURNED to death. j’njreg Man., ee-pt. 5.-Firc Is a*'";,both aides Rainy Lake W 11 'ny river. Large tracts t-f ; i 11 '" been burned on the Cant- t hi,, } "’amin and four children 1 ta de-Sfh. The fire Jumped ' Iv <r from the Minnesota to “n sitle. An settlers back of n*nv river have been burnod out. « •■.'Wring, and several lives huve ^'KKD game PLENTIFUL. Hi 1' ... ?1 - tt’la.. Sept. 5.—dlomesteaders in n, " > r f pom *w«*y«W»t deer with . , ln "ne bunch who .fain- 11, V - i' |r >lace In a pi-: \ but for :.'T * *d :■ I will S.J , ; \ ' al 0 '■ 'i mi r' burned.* No mo ' 1 ln.'rloate L c . S itu: I iv ,,r 1 v, ' lz7lc * 'be grontq, ,,'ejmen of the won ■ OIA DEMOCRAG® {JJ^mNDS. f 1 -- w • r irnlng lee of ihe Demi "f ‘i ■ 11 at niglthf It Is my, dutyf Of stood pave the jn-»/l«clarivl by ouj Ing chines to save oropSe Democratic] T-l: ■ Xfrlllc .rr : to,,,,. Tills l/l ■h ■ flowing tonight: "Ni lse Ihe At beau received of the burning “■■■ ■ ' ! ' ' 1 "V - nv 1|,|J lal • Of-,- north of E kens arc consftutrtly on Itreo." the <new8 ? rwn tfievJeittKy of Part \Vln* and CTeuvedau: Informa tion ri'om Port Wins: this morning is to the effect that nearly one-third of that Wace has been destroyed by the Area, ou. the lire is advancing on other aides. The plate is nx ye*t but of clanger. Iran Hlver. u thrtvlng town midway bdUvyeem A^ilaml und Duluth on the Northern Paciflo. has antWpatecl the march of the fire and sent out a sma'I reffiment of volunteer flremen af- turnoon to cut off the ftasneu by bulid- Iii5**s7 dck , flr ? 8, It,Jn Wver wan cem- .3 au VVipo ^ out by Are two yearn ago di*d the citizens are alert. nflSft Ve d AU in tht object-of anxidty to- the roots of trees burn. cs, 11 l8 " 0t kntown how SWk>!i has ftwred. Fire Chief Scott of the Ashland tire de- pamment, has been out all day super* vltfng the w^rk ami providing bwMtr. prcitoctaon against the advancement of . UiK>n •^•bhiird. A brisk wind n nf'temoon. causing eon£<der- ab*e excltment and apprehension from everyone. The pattlh of the fires has thoroughly dertroyed vegetation. Fires ftu Vi» sAtin bh*r. L e«r from «*^rw piaflnly H Is alrnittTmpl^od'M^’to* ex- tinguish them, ns Che vary ..roots of the trees burn and coi-rte become imbedded oeu«uin *tne 'trunks or the trees, it ts dangerous tti ioive Aslihind for over tiiireu mHz*. The mart crttlcal position of the day was between 11 ami 1 o’clock, wlutai ithe win,I -w-.ib »trongc«t. if the atron*. wind* of today cavuolnue limvar- r»*wi Orem. will break out aeuln in till of the burned district*. OREAT DESTITUTION. On account of the large amount of destktmhm to look after there lias been no orgqrjAitlon for looking after *et- cif r» t Ira t are placed among Ore miss ing. It will probably be several day* bcJare an organized effort along that Mno can be pit: farjli. AT Shore* Cross ing, which was burned m: the same time Phillips went up In amok,-, deter mined efforts were necessary to prevent a second burning last uirg.Tt and today. Tbioe hundred men, ulroroughly or ganized, are keeping back the flames from The nearly construoted houses. The flumes were wtttaln 300 fe.« 'r,f ihe town at one time last night. This lllns- tra-tes Che foot than one or two burn ings doe's net prevent a repetition of fires. FIRE SURROUNDS AITKEN. Attken, Minn.. September Fires are around three side* of this town and the fire department I* at: work. One boy la reported burnt 1 to d»jth from the township of Nordlin'd. There Is not cne foot of unhurried land from Alt- ken to Mifla Lac Luke, a distance of twenty rnihss soialh. wCalie Lie extent of t'he burned district north and south tbruugih the pine woods Is .unknown, but settler* for fifty mile* reported fire beyond them and burning fiercely. COMPLETELY WIPED OUT. CMpDewn. Falls, IVl*.. Sept. 5,— TTsher'Meadows. neaf'Bmena, K-am-n aoJtlement. was wiped out tolav. The fire ks said to be runnllng towards Mur ray, where danger Is apprehended. LOOKING FOIt BODIES. Duluth. Minn., Sept. 8.—A message from Partridge, on the Bact Mfnncauta tall rad. says thin*, ut 6 p. tn. a special train left there for Duluth bearing the pnnty bf thinly explorer* left here in days u«m under the W. T. Bailey to scour the country on both sides eg the track into which no ,me else had penetrated. RiU»y report* that he dlscorertd f weiMy-tiiree bodies of aettlem scattered over a wide ex- lenit af country. Moat of them were Identified. They were oil burled with out even being placed In u bbx. 81x Children and faro women, who were In a d uiltur.e condition, were found and are being brought In. On the train ure also Mr*. and Mr*. Lefevre, tttcb with two children, all of whom wre picked an at Sandstone. Nothing but a good wind Is needed to fan the forest Area mound Carlton, u place of 1.000 indKlbltama. -twenty-two mile* wewt on the Northern Pacific. Into a blaze ttr.ot will destroy Ihe truva. ’ ABOUT 125 LIVES L08T. Pine City. Mlrm.. Sept. 6.—A careful estimate of the number of Uvea loot at Hinckley places the nurl at 275 and the total In teh burned dislHot at 825. EVENT3 IN ELDEllTON. The Schotts Open Auspiciously—New Cotton Oomlng in—D.-ttli. Eleblrton. Sept. 5.—(Special.)—'The Kl- Lepton Institute opened Monday under fiilteilng prospeots. with tlio largeut attendance of any fall term in the his tory of the college. Pmfessjr Thomas, the now prewMent, has beea here sev eral days, and he Is recognized as one of the best educator* in tue state. A large number of students will matricu late next week. There I* a fine corps of tetcher* at the college and there Is alieudy a targe mlaelcclaa*. The People's bight school, under Profes sor Looney, opened up under good pros pects. Oood teachers are In all the de partments and It bids fair to be an ex cellent school. Mr. J. W. Herndon, n prominent term er of this county, bought in the first bale of new cotton of the season. He sold It to tne firm of Gardner, Arnold ft Co. at I cent* per pomd. Tiday Mr. Tom Walk another enterpris ing farmer, brought In the second bale. Mr. J. I. Chandler, a popular citsen o’ Elberton. died lit his botne Mon-lay muni- lo-r at M o’clock. He has many relative:. In Elberton to mourn his death, lt has past a gloom over the town. SACRIFICED HIS LIQUORS. Mnrket, Tex., Sept- <5-—A re vival under the anspk»s »f tlx' Method- lit church ha* bveu going w here. |mt off the voovert* wa* J. W. Rr a -.ilov'.i keeper. To prove that he was hliKviv iu lii" i»rulc."W-ii, Brooks 'o)k lj S ,. ; ,tiiv stuck uf llqu *w out into the 1 the liquor* out !!•< ..1 SCI Is -lu.irc, pou lire to the ( uislinicil boxes ami harre all his liceuscs il of uOU W.tu ' m one bunch where they had V - '-c-ttier- |„ „ (mn Docket and p; . l#a ked rotoWts. partridge* 't a [linen are immberleis. In n F^nvt* miles «quj>re In the »:o:vn K52 n JB th »«ty-two hornfwt*96*:ii •torything, and but Igilrty b-nues M 1 ,^ ^ fri:n Sir v - t:i • -I . Tills nf! - 11 ',1.^.1,: r,,,t i; ' 5 1 h : I iu- ,• -p’,. • t., |* •,,;| '***■ The majority »f t’:*.— : • p- ti at .<!.« H^.RAW fight . WAS DECLARED Dempsey and McCarthy Fight Twenty Round Contest Which Was All in Jac’-. s Favcr BUT THERE WAS NO VICTORY llempse, Did All the Fighting, and the T iv en t) Itosnds Cm me to a Clo-e Will, McCottliy Unilly Dlsfig- uri- l tint Still In (lie King. Newr Orleans, Sapt. 3.—Jack Dempsey and Billy McCarthy of Australia to night fought In the arem or the audi torium of the Athletic C!ub. Both men were carefully trained, the ex-uonptt- rell having fitted himself on the coast of Georgia at' l lit the gmimssn'm of the Young Men's Gymnastic Club of this city. McCarthy has been In cou- s:u»t training for two months at Capt. Smith’* quarter*. In the upper district of this city. Bcrlt men entered the ring, followed by their seconds, , i -h i c sitting « good share of applause, bat the greeting giv en to Dempsey showed clearly .hat Ills friends were intlhe majority. The eon- test was confined iu twenty rounds, lu- etrevted spootutors were Bob Fltzdm- mou* and Stanton Abbott. McCarthy and bis seaanl* entered iho ring at 9 o'clock, and w» soon fol lowed by Dempsey and his aids. John Dufty entered che tins a mo ment inter and took the position of ref- Dempsey wild the first to weigh, fix ing Ihe scales himself. Ho w ighed lie pound*. .vlcCart.iy tested tile scales, weighing 1*1 pounds, vao exact limit. Time wj« culled at 9:15 o'clock. The men advanced to the of the ring ana tne Ught begun. , • round—(Mack led for the stom ach. Dempsey mimed light swing for tne Head. Alack was on uie aggressive. Dempsey scored a body blow. , bo.u lauded heavy swings on the nenJl Bout liitueu in; on jaw, ana botn snored heavy swing*. Second a ound—McCarthy scored c. rignl on the body. Both landed wow* on tne Head. The- AtfgtixiH-au was light ing mainly fof the body and Dempsey f°r *ahe head. Dempsey miesed a lett swing for the head, but caught the Australian on the nose a moment later. Dempsey scared a heavy Uluw on the peck, ami landed ou me ticay a moment later, but received a leP.- liander. HcCat’thy caugm a heavy left hand swing on the Jaw. Thu w i* Dc-mpsey’g round. Third round -Dempsey landed a left on the i.'anil the :n?n Cltnch-d. Mc- Oni Ihy i . - -c i t w ■ via ",i. i iKhu, i i ■ run Into-ft heavy rleht an the daw. IA '.iqasj lauded .. V..,, ..... .i.V£: Jaw. nearly knocking MoCarrhy down’ The Australian received terrible pun- Uhnrtcri! lit .th.ii roun.1. fi^niiov xcortkl a left oil tho uose. Fourth rouud—Dempsey landed a heavy left ou his opponent’* nose and kot away. Both'men scored blows on the head. McCarthy mtnnecl a Mt lead for the body. Dempsey lauded u heavy mvin* on the «»:omaoh, and the right n moment later In the same spot. Mc Carthy ducked Into a heavy uppercut. "Uh the right on tbs Ii!*nd before he could recover. This was Dempsey’s round. Firt* round—UoKih men missed nnd , ‘“tf 5 ground. McCarthy recavwretl s*>d ncurly fM through '.h* 5attemp.lng to land a right blow. Tire men cAwoti^l ropcatcdty | n , W s round. Dsmpssy scored n lofk on ".he nose and a right on Ots body. Demp- P°. w . Cie aggereaor and landed right snd left oat the .face. SlxKh round—McCarthy was the ag gressor. Dempsey fanded a left on the Jane und oa the body a moment later. Dempsey seemed able to score bydy blow* St will. McCUtchy avoided a beuvy swing chu't nearly lifted sey off tele ground. McCarthy caught u left in the Jaw. but ml«d a blow a moment later. Bo.h men land ed heavy body punches. Seventh round—The men commenced by c-Jnctilni. Dempsey landed a licrivy bAly blow after fhe brtukawny. Mc- forced Dempsey Into the topes anU landed a heavy right on the ht'ad. Dempsey •cored a etemoch puns'!. Me C.trtihy’s swings were very wfM. Both men lamded body Mows, butt McCarthy received a vicious right wwhout giving a return. Dempsey landed a right on Pace and bead ink! hud much t-he best of the round. Eighth round—McCarthy clinched to avoid punishment. McCarthy missed a right-band swing and the men neatly fell through the ropes. Dompsoy con tinued his terrific right on tho body. Both men landed lefts on the head and fed on the ropes. Several clinches tn this round, mainly due to Dempsey’s generjflehip. Dempieyi ktnd.-d two rights on tbe Jaw just ns time wits galled. Nvnr-h round—Both men ton-led blows on the head. Dempsey scored s’ rlglrt on the face, «.nM us time wets called scored heavy ted: .Kid right: on body. Tenth round—Both men landed body blows und Dempsey cllnclied. McCir- thy tootled two heavy rlgb:» on the head, but got body pttnohea in return. Dempsey scored a body punch that could be beard nil over tbe arena und missed the return. McOirchy received tsro neivy Heat* over-tne heart, and Dempsey clinched. Demistey I in-led a heavy right tin the node and s loft on the body. Eleventh round—Dempsey landed Ms usual rtgii: t»dy punch nnd repented *: again u uiuuraHt toter. Tite men eltnclied snJ Ticmpeey 1 el. 1 * -|gj-r. on t'he nose. Dempsey landed „ right on the body trad hf; CSs ,>ppj:i?nt one, (.two ilret In fin corner. Tbs moo were fighting very flair, flung—* o era I cd his opponut a: ever)- p> Twelfth rouM—flsmpsey had < CONTEMPT CASES AGAINST DEBS . ! the Director* of the American Flailway Union Called in the Diolricl Court. A BRILLIANT ARRAY OF COUNSEL lfiu<li*Ml n itii*«se«Sunin •fpudund (if O*Tiled In — I rIrgrH iii* Ordered I Croiight Info Court nrd-Thn Cody Chicago, Sept, a.—The contempt case asain-t Eugeni V. LK'b*, George W. Howard. Syiviter Kdlfhcr, L. W. Rogers. James Hoguu, W. E. Bunis, Leroy M. Goc i {/iu, J. W. Elliott aud J# F. McVean, difec.ors of the American Railway Union cam.* up in the United States circuit cMirt toady before Judge Wood. The UOndan.'s are accused of vlolatlug the Injunction issued by Judges Wood rnd Gros«cup during the recent strike, which resy.ralued the American Railway Uuion aud all others from any in it riference with the mails or with iitivioiuiv iviuiueikv. It is iu p irticularly urged in the cases of ••he oiflcers of the uuion that the injunction was repealeaiy violated by aeuding lefegTnr.ilc orders to strike and in other ways. All of the defeud- ants filed uuawef.-* iu which they denied specifically ttm charges preferred. Over loO hava been eubpocuaed by the K-' /ernuiun 1 *, and the array of legal laleut ou both sides is a brilliant one. Ex-District Attorney Miichrlst uud JCtdwin F. .Walker will lead the pioeccution, while W. W. Erwin nnd a S. Gregory will appear for the defense. At 'wile opening of the court today. Attorney Erwin, for the defense, an nounced that all were in court, except President Debs, who was declared to be *lck at 5941) iTsUcetou avenue Hi this city. The cour. decided that Mr. Deta* presence was not necessary. Edwin F. Wallcer, chief couusel tor the goveru- meut .old tue court tn-at nmce .fitly -o, nom wlndu dale the contempt pro- c-ivuinga w« commut’d, supplejiiumul inform::lion .7.1a bueu tiled against Ho- fc.iu, Burns and otuers. At that time Judge H the ueuch denied a ino- •y tue defendants. Debs, (Miher and Rogers, *to dis- argeo. f Gregory stated that the U cum would oe proceed- le knim* way, a motion to tir* being •before thv court. t:i” ca.-n s agaiuat the re- tiuii GOV. WAITE RENOMINATED. Democnjts. Pcpull»:s and Republic ins Trying to Name Candidates. Pueblo, Col., Sept. 5.—The state Pop ulist convention of Colorado reconvened £his morning. It reported in favor of seating the Waite delegation from Ara* pile county. Tbe autl-Walto people tried to precipitate a riot, but were compelled to restore onler. The tem porary orgauhstion was made perma nent aud Governor Waite was reuoml- irnted by acclumatiou. Pandemonium then broke loose iu :lie hal. Eveiv pkree on ithe *tlckot U being hot ly contested, bat the be#t. of feeMag pre- vaKs. At midnight bn-ly three csndS- dates had been Dominated, arv-1 the out look wti* that the convention would rot finish 4t* 'labors before daylight. The caiidid;iltw nomtiubltnl up to midnight are: Governor. Davis H. Waite of Pit kin county; lieutenant governor, S. W. Hannon of Araphoe county; state audi tor. S. L. Lincoln of Boulder county; clerk of the supreme court, Thomas C. Kurtz of Moore head: chief justice of the supreme court. Seagrave Smith cf Min- neaprik; ussooialte iusUce of the su preme count. John W. Willis of St. Paul. The nearest npprojen t*o fusion wa* the nominattlon of J. W. Willis for smxiate justice. Willis Is aisj on the Populist ticket. IS VIRGINIA. Richmond. 8opt. 5.—The majority fac- th> n of the Republlt.nn cMmmlttee of this congreskdoixil district today Uuued an addtreM nominating Judge Edmund W.iddiM for oongreoe. The address de ne (the acUon of the minority In calling a Girtrttet conveml’on to make a nomination. The Republican congressional con vention for -idle Eig.Vrh district, which met uk Manassas Today, nominated P. H. McOaull Of Culpepper county on cne second ballot. McOoiU.1 w»oj ln:a*rn'Jl revenue coWentor «at Lynchburg under Harris or., arid is a brother of well- known opera manager, John A. Mc- Oaufl. IN ALABAMA. Birmingham, Sept. 5.—A specChl staff correspondent of i*he Age-Herald, in a speclaO from Guion, rays after 10.? bal lots tor congressman *n tthe Sixth dis trict the convention adjourned until tomorrow. Iijnkfrdiid 'is In the lead. A special from Oalera euya: William F. AMrich was nominated by the Repub licans of the Fourdh congrezlonul dis trict kocfca»y. Aid rich Is u -large property owner a«i presMent of the Mon'tevallo Coal Company. IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. Concord, N. H., Sept. 5.—The Repub lican rtibte convention met here today. Charles H. Bartlett l of MancGerter pre- sMed. buries A. Bualel of Laconia was nomCmaied for governor. At the Sec- end district congressional Republican convention Henry M. Baker wUs nom inated by a’ccJxmaittan. IN MISSItfdIPPI. Pass Christian, Miss., Sept. 5.—The Sixth district Democratic convention Is in a deadlock. Stockpile 15, Martin 9, Denny S, Goran 6. HARMONY GROVE WINS. The Winder Basebn l Team Defeated in a Good Game Yertei day. Harmony Grove, Sept. 5.—(Special.) There wtw a big game of baseball here yesterday between the Winder team and the local tlm nine. The Wlndei I III 'IMS IIV. IT In-’-1; If t f ' lUtd put up the be-*: k »:no i-• tbb* It- t» v ’ ~r\ «.»f Dun uri i Willi ford of Ccmer. •hffc' work wti WHAT 13 GOING ON IN WASHINGTON The Populists Welcoms Senator Jones Into the Ranks of the Party of Visionary Schemes. THEY NOW CLAIM THE WEST And Thu. Will Hold tho Hnlunco Power In tile Senate—Severul Re publicans Kounced l*y Sec retary Carlisle. Washington. Sept. 5.—Popullrts hero are claiming that great result** will fol low in tht* Western states from Senator Jones’ defection from the Republican party. They claim ihut Idaho will go for the Populists, but Senator Dubois denies this, and also asserts that nei ther himself nor any other Western senator will follow Mr. Jones* example. The other states which will elect sena tors this fall, and which, lt Is claimed, will be more or less affected by the ac tion of Senator Jones, are Colorado, Montaha und Wyoming. It Is within the rung? cf nn«*ihuitioH that nil of the states may have legislatures con- ttolled by the Populists, aud instead of vending back Republican senators will elect Populists. Colorado has al ready been carried by the Populists. The members of the houso of represent atives from Colorado belong to that party. Iu Wyoming, the legislature chosen two years ago failed to elect a su< < •*«- or to Senator Warren, because the Pop ulists held the balance of power nnd a combination could not bo formed be tween either ot the odier parties, none having a majority of the legtslature- The same U true of Montana, where u successor to Senator Ganders could not be chosen. It la asserted by Re publican senators that when congress reassembles a motion will be made in the Republican caucus to remove Sen ator Juno* from the finance committee, and to replace him by. a Republican free silver advocate. When Jones’ colleague, Stewart, some time ago announced hi-’, with drawal fom the 'Republican party, ho held a place ou til? committee on up- pro-prlutioiL- He was removed uml Teller put In hi* place. The Populists claim thn: with tho leectton of Tillman from South CJio- llna. aud su h u '-inns to their ranks .is rvcm . . 1 hi ill n »\v alia *1 ill * l> • i • tain, they will huhl the baton.v of 1 nv«’i l:i tin* I'd! i' • in 'h : it i ARREST El tn it i .i'”. ' I* W'.uM • li * iu; his d accordingly. Air. Gregor* then moved for r trial by Jury, bur Judge Wood denied it. all the ground that this was not a crim inal! proc‘s*ding, Ex-District Attorney Mllohrtet read the supplementayl information. Ac tt.U point, John D. Miller noted Ills presence on behalf of the Santa Fe raid, Which Is one of the muds alleged to haw been injured by the notions of the defendants. . Various legal points Were raised, but Judge Wood declined to ll.Mten to them. He S3id: “The Usenet of all these caves is whether the defendaucs have vio lated an Injunction Issued by the Uni ted State* court. That is the Import ant pottr: in these oases.” The court decided that all of the ******** against the various defendants should be tried as one. and the case of the ftiptn Fe should go along with those of the government, und witnesses for on* be coruldered us iritncaes for bo tit. J? 1 , wltore, cnllod was Edwin M. Mulford, tn-uugi-r of the Western Union Tok'tmph Company. He was asktHl to produce certain telegrams m court, but refused <o do .0 until -be court ruled on It. The court ruled tint tht»p muet be produced. Then d num- Irer of objection, were m;idp by the court.. J for :he defense on ,'rchnltxil points. They fought over every step of the way. and It ws* evident that there would be m bitterly contested legal be.tle. Finally, the witness tvs* permitted to rend a telegram which passed between Debs nnd Phelan. Ob jection. were offered to all telegram*, on the ground «rat they Were not .uin- Identified. At the afternoon session, Ihe examina tion of Mr. Mut'/ord was conUnuM. No- merexi, other telegrams signed "H. V. Beb." were proluecd. The wltntu had no knowledge of any of them pave that they were filed in the telegraph office, dudee Wood, .all the government would have to offer supplementary evidence to prove that the telegrams were actually sent by the defendant. Debs. All were paid for by the American Railway Union, and bore Initials showing that they were rent from tbe Revet, house, where Debt boarded at the time the metmge* was rent. A ttfegrom was read from division Superintendent Seal of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, asking Debs to "please re- leer,e the boycott'’ on that road. To tills Debs replied that he would do ro It tbe rood was not a member of the general nunaners association. On being s'oured It was not D,-b. .wised the Hate of retge on the Mobile and Ohio railroad. When court adjourned until tomorrow. Mr. Mulford was still on the stand. FIR® IN PPNDLBTQM. Half s Block m the Buelnau 1 the Torn Burnet. in i 6. C., Sept. 5.—There tvu* "toat' fit ■ f„ - j - torn! ly if 1 bl - k in th • principal Srirtth mil • n. I. ,| from ; r r. • - T.n- - f I il - r M mi ■. :i x- i.: ,' | A ell :■ Iv .-.Ih- 'I 11 1,1. I ' : >' II - - . ■ -. I,- I , 1II el 111 l: me I der." wild the ever non wa. Ch. Grove's bltfery, and r a'i: nobly did chey susi tin Mi noilv a. The srore was 19 to 7 In favor of Harmony Grove. The boys feel Juatly proud of knhK 'rho fir-*: game ever taken .from the Wlrtders. fill: VICILAN I wi rilDKAW N , . S.-|d •- The I't II' ■: to il- tv r,-.l II. ml""- 'III' ‘ 1 1 " 1 r ! v .'Tn! n;:v ;p- r.iimnin''* ,|1, '• > 1 * 11 ‘ S pi.i'lr -a t • Mr i-iM «.• • e 11.1 \v;i I t»r t!.** \ ^ It.if - • !i:t l!«'ii-'’ I t • *M|h» M:*y ‘ u l' •I . !n;v . 1 i: * ni !*. \ i:i i\<; I hi; c a i i r.n. v i •. -.1 * .»- > j t :* r:i-- i mi* ii * U -•»■..-* -M • »• .Ii 1 1!II»; MM. ; ipit .1 f lit" I- : 1 !i I .if l..isnl» !. Ti’f - I t:,Nf .*•••11- • -! til" . U '«•■•* •' tli.l 1 f I • I lilt- It:itill z. ;;' m . . -> -- all ■ -to I Ml * it ■ 11 ' Neirl -.''li ut, I \| . U :i ■ I i .... t,t*,i! in ■ wt.r'.n iii'-"i- h . m ■ P -• :». - bull I I un « ipkel by Mon.i'e. BIO FJllK IN KNOXVILLE. KdoxtHIo, Sept. 5.—Knoxville ha* Just suffered from tin* largest lire ex perienced !u yearn. At o'clock this numitojc Ihe large tobacco fndury of W. c'. McCoy soil the livery Htablc of J. N. MoBec cc Co., on Brandirsy, were entirely coosumed. There were sev eral horses In the livery stable, anil these were saved, but the fine carriages and buggies were destroyed. Nothing about the tobacco factory wan saved. Tho loss h cstliuauxl nt I4U.0U0; insurance ^10,mJ0. The origin of the fire is unknown. STRIKERS WILL WIN. Nsw Bedford, Mass., Sept, A breik occurred In the ranks of the manufactur ers today which wSl result pr>bibly In the resumption of work in all the mills here next week. The directors of -he Bris tol corjwithm met this afternoon for the purpose of taking action, looking towards the starting up of th# mills. It was prac tically decided, to do so on Monday next and tbs overseers have been notified to report at that mill Saturday. demanded thk plates, . t jf But the Governor Told the Secret Service Agent That iff Could Not Oet Them. Jackson, Miss., £ept* fc—W. J. Bums, the special agent of the secret service bureau of the treasury department, who has bo*n here for nearly two months, today made formal demand upon the governor and auditor ior the surrender of the pastes upon which the special war rants over which the controversy between the treasury department and the state of Mlssl-stppl were printed. Mr. Burns first called upon the governor, who declined to surrender the plates and then to Auditor Stone, who likewise declined. Mr. Burns stated that he had performed his duty by making the demand ss di rected. and had nothing further to do but tiwi'ie his report and await further orders. in conversition with Governor Stone to night, he said It had never been his inten tion to violate any United States stnul** or defy the authority of the government, but to curry out in good faith the statute of tho state of Mississippi and to perforin his duty under that law as be understool 1 ^Governor Stone further fays that in dues not believe any United btates statute has been violated, but expresses perfect willingness to abide by decisions of *ne courts tn the firiiwai*. It !s the pistes ar* wanted In evldsnce In a suit against a 6t. Louis bank note com pany, which printed the warrants. PREACHERS IN COURT. I Tlio Grjd<l Jury in Clinttafio _'t lias ImMonl Mb£aten to Testify. C 1 ' 'ii.iiif re-i. S jit. r».— A ntimlr*! In* in.niMi i> ..f ih '\ have recei ii |.i.■ i- liiu^ iu 'Ml r* I ’H i • • nn III "V li:iVi* Ii. nl" MUdry flMl- . til.- "\ ! 1 «*.. !l-;-t" I • .111*1 XV t t V, i•» _•. HU' «»:i ill Hr- «• iv. tin-! Dt i"i»t> I- n; .«H> x*-r> m : m l.i «’*-rniMiiy, 11 will i»" rtiM.-mli i cd ,iii*1 engraved the $5 and U of tin* nt.i'. a ntrlkllLg eimlUkrlty to Unit d s: nes money. Tb# pmtdant of the company will be arrested when he return* t-< St. LouL. In '.he roo.intime, th • United Sta'tf.s district attunn*y at Ja kj*ou. Ml--., is i : "i* N .Mg i .!'•* ::k un-t i iiu state of M .- 'i'-'lppl. Gov. stoii .iud others, lu the srfine case. Th • Missis- u ni f!i ;.i!■> r*-fu- I -.Him tin- war rants, but tin* fact that they had been dfcliied ill* v it by th? general govern ment. it in .-aid, had the effect of de stroying public confidence in th in as money and *h£ banks refus" longer to take them. BOUNCED SEVERL REPS. Washington, S**pt. I.—Secretary Car lisle Ml.iy c.tiled f>»r tin* resignation!* of Peter 8. Onrretson *-f Cs’ew Jersey,*H P. Lowe of Mississippi, and Frank Killlken of Maine, all chiefs of rivismit in tin* architect’s o® trea*- ury depar-ic n*. Me -rs. leaver, Har- rtim n, Lathim anil Beatty, also chiefs of divisions in tho tressary de- partai *nt. who resigned by request u.Jnu.'U, were today notified their services woubj be no longer re- qulri’d af ■ r October l, n xt. The pUces will i - illh i by putting chief' -f dl- Vlf*i’ It 111 • -Ili[*’ i II I .s t.ffi ;ip- polnte I by .Secretary Carll*I . who have been lefts! it d out of cfll •* by tho pro visions of flu* treasury reurgunizaiiou which tikes effect D.’.cdjer L HI3 PLATFORM. Maj. Owt-n Submit* a F *w Planks to His Populistic Friends. From the Albany Herald. llaj. D. J. Owen.of Ty Ty, th* tftU while drumm t, who is kuow’u to every* i. .-!>■ i i .-•-nr *» • I. w,n :u tne city yesterday and was s - n tn compa ny \v: i S'.nn? *»f the Populi.i»> x\li - uni -.ill 1 ’ i 1 1 ’ • • i 1 ’ •••!UM 1--ni - nv. titlon. But w.’i-n lie c nvention m-1 ho not in It tlon wan • accosted not one While tbe Populist con\ yet in session, a Herald acr the Major wth — ’•Look here. Major, you of lit- third party fellows, are w* :i.” said be. dryly, as be the . th- hand ui I win! • I hi. -jfC eye at another men, *T told 'em that if they would take a few pljnka tht f could give 'em end mix ’em In with their*, so a« to havw n platform that everybody could stand on, 1 w mid go along with ’em and guarantee w’i| win the fight. I told ’em to fix their platform up right and m.ike a man’s note wii tender, and whenever one of these banks or *<*Ml j»r- p f is. i t-> take It and shell out the money for ii. make s i h re- 111 Vl.-rt -f 111 - I ' -TUI. | f, a «l mmil,„f 11.- -m |,jm ,ti' l„ I r>' *h.-'ii I - I- -ill; 1 in.-itlarl.i.-* , -nil'll.:i' I f