The weekly telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1885-1899, September 13, 1894, Image 1

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|J>1 IS'ill. ( T*lf8 t “ 1 ' 11 c ®> Plbllihm. I 1IUI5SDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, ISO!. eaker crisp and HOKE SMITH . the Star Orators at the Big Oemocratic Rally Last Night in Atlanta. OOD WORK DONE BY CONGRESS litr Crisp Stand* Squirrely t!y Hie ttitr *■ 1,1 *° Cm,l r Oat tlir Reform Policy or tbo Platform. form v.mi Tiro Thirty \ mm . f L l ' J ‘ lefislttioii had built up Hi til:- country large t,lur*, m u >p i;.m 1111,1 1-iw coniglimtlona d capital. All th....... niton s n were array.-I ngilnit uijJ Hi lip. bitter contl-l fhru.njh "l‘ "" nii-rod were earnestly .ni l actively aided by a compart Republi can niinurlty. All tli •: wealth, all Hut energy. a11.1 uii ;;u u or.-1' mi -11 . ami capacity could ilo. was dally mul '""Hie done t.. Hi.. , u,. . ,,f ,i; . tlic future* well a* th*- condltior dally i ji dsnta. Sept 7.-Speal;er Crisp and L, r y Hoke Smith wore Uio itar to rs it a Democratic mass meeting a here tonight This was Judge ni's first speech In the campaign. Urst public utterance s'.uce congress , uru „l. Prominent Democrats cam ■ „ nil over the state to attend the ■ling. The Populists are inaklu rough canvass of Gconjn aud the 0ixt.Us are enlisting all their l . in their campaign, five's opera house, where the I a was held, was crowded and Loplu were turned away. Stave chairman of the Democratic ex- [„ committee of Georgia, presided Wight's meeting and Introduced the Great enthusiasm prevailed, icr Crisp was greeted with tie dous applause when lie was pre- lie said: the flfty-dhlrd congress met, in L of last year, It wi« con from l dUHculties which eeomed almost lonmable: trade was paralyzed, mturiug had almost cea* -d. l.i- [wes Idle, our banking lastltttUous failing, and confidence, the life Lul of commerce, was destroyed. r. lr a« this deplorable condition attributable to legislation. tlie Te lia party was reeponslgi--. For ;«uaa thirty years mat party hud hour fluattctai aud economic laws, il the meeting of the llity-ihlrd Democratic pariy was oat power. The condition whlcn Dated u», While hot wholly, was largely due to evil legislation. The coinage of silver had been dlscon- the gold became the standard In 1878 partial coinage waa la 1880 tills law was ve il, and soon thereafter coinage of practically ceased. These acts r- Heimhllcaupart y resulted lu ho ig the volume of money of final union as to ncrease ilte burden lebton and Impair the confidence people In the power of the gov- ■aud of hanklug institutions to mnh tntioiauuiuK vySS|>iuvuii and a practlet? which allows a to puy his obligation-, t • the mmeut In silver end at the name sennit* -him to of_ the pitton**la’iiranifemly unreasonable unjiwr, and in the nature or the mu#i Impair confidence and tend due* panic. For thirty year* the .lit an* h id been building up tariff around the country, und in 18tt) ■whit they called a perfect pro- tariff law. A protective tariff ir.ide nud coOWWrCC*. J* IlffinS .irker In which we roust buy •.tnd an the market In which we inuet It ii i tax upon a foreign product ■the consumer here muse pay. axing hi* foreign competitor, you th*» domestic manufacturer to - • the price of hla ware* to the it of the tax, and thl*, too, the *nt*r here muat pay. When you foreign goods and pay the duty. . Into the treasury and U called I;” when you buy the domestic bn and pay the Increased price, it into ;he pocket of the American ifacturer, und is called "protec ts r progm-\s Hie aoiue ir.ime 1 and . 'Hiis went to the senate af- und tedious struggle and the sed the bill with amend mcrUu. was not satisfied with the the bill (went to oonfer- tnore than a month, with in^y. Bhe conferreea fulled to ie t m an agreement. Finally the qufs- 22* In such fashion that wc 11UM ^ cither accept the n.ite amen-ini' n:* or have no bill, thus per- ; 1 ':'' • ’' ^ "is 'i M K r:! . -■ 1 Hyn upon the statue txtok*. When ore <*WjftoOefl such was the true sit uation we did not hesitate a moment; we ciocepted the senate amendments, and so the hill became a law. This bill is not all we hoped for; It contains provisions we deplbre, provis ions which the house by separate bills immediately repealed, and yet, taken oj a whole, Jt goes further In the dlrec- ^ on *° * bix-rldden people than any bill thort baa been oonoldered In any congress since the war. Its reduc tion of rates are grea ter tihan those pro- p 0 *" 1 l "f wh * r of the Harrison Mils ur In the Mills bill. It place* wool, copper, tin hJHkber. salt, binding Lwlne, bags anti bagging agricultural Impkmen'iu nn<l many other articles on the free Hst. r n nearly every schedule there are large reductions. In the iron, steel and wool- en schedule* there are many reductions exceeding 75 per censr. On th« i«mi, a» tne importations of 189.’83, on "woolen manufootures alone there Is a reduction J3>the consumer of more (than J1G3.000.- 1 JJ* cc * tcr - o** on common \etveX* and on hundreds of either arti cles the (reduction Is greater than 50 per cent. The bill place* a tax on sugar, a large majority of the Democrats In the bouse opi*«seJ this, and n* the bill pass ed the 0• - all branches of sugnr w’as ino/le fre The cane grower got no uld from the g «vemment. The bill, us It b<- '.me Uw, place* an ad valorem bf p p •" cent, on sugar, leaves the sugar refin.*i* a Ibttle more than one-hnlf what he got umlor the McKinley law and re- pc.i'ls the «x>i*rtty of 2 cents a pound. 2J* Ls 4 P^'lslon win nay J40.000.000 Into .he treasury and save the J12.000.00*) we paid last year as bounty. The bill con tains a ptfjvlsflon imposing a tax of 2 jyyj-t 011 income* In excess of . *17 h:lv ® thl ? s ^Wned merely the pro- fth * 0re.1t reform measure. It stntkefl1 »t trusts and monophes. It re* duceo the coat of the necessarle* bf life. k to some extent ooens our markets art home and enlarge* our market abroad. It promotes ngrtctiHure. it encourage* manufacturing and k will add to the Cbm fort of millions of our fellow dtl- voteil upon a proportion to tflx ' UD<>n the circulation of state hank mrnrency. I beHeve that cur derive more fcnmedl benellt from the repeal of that law thsn from fllmMt ntjy other legislation that coul 1 be bad. Ag.Kinst u* on the qu-.m- 11 "7 found many of the iMno- p ji* >rhe R€,DU *> llca na *nd all the I npull- a majority :hu« constituted 1 our efforts and the r-*r •• il bill Phis qu. stlon Is not r'tttal aw n»p-:-til -.l all f.-vl the f Uie Populists them. :lou to the ..ills expcrle opulbtl :i Lrt* light CONTEMPT CASES IN CHICAGO failed. lu V •r»! ePoti-m I "i r ■* ■ 1 ff it'rs » derent mo t'h <T•-« rgla. -. under 1 sked who follow tile leadership a Waite? liad as was the record tail 1 1 ni.. !ii t 11: ■ \\ • -t. .!r• • r 1 on<a of their l.*ader3 ill cotigres li to Ktnggtr romprehenslt shock the thoug:i;ful men- Th *y d. ■■ -n ■ . :.! • :n ... in< 1:1 1.." .1 c.:i t— ga*te over JJ5,00'),(K)0>)0. Th.* people of Georgia couUl hot afford to endor- su< h a party. The state w add go disorgan ized locally aud discredited gefore the world, if it appear d t<» have even lis tened to their impraciit igle theories. Few of their beliefs were worthy of dls.usslou, but there was one which seemed to have proved attractive, al though when carefully investigated it must be classified with their other the ories as almost equally wild and 1m- practkuble. II- referred to the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 by the United States alone, and describ' d It as 1 plan utterly at vurtance with sound business principles and fraught with incalculable evils. lie did not want hLs position mlsund *r- stood. He was a thorough bimetallist, virong in his faith, and no one could be more unalterably opposed to the adoption of a single gold standard. Such a course ivould bring about a con traction of tlie currency calculated to < - r m 1 nd 1 . I* - -• a 1 in- demand for supplies. The injury in flicted by -a single standard currency hid- breu recently demonstrated abr*wd. and the evil off v: had been felt'here upon the products of this country r»ii»*ed for foreign consump tion. He believed these evil effects could be -lessened by preserving tin* piesent iK*rcaplti of currency; but where three-fourtlis of our great cot ton product govs abroad, three-fourth* of'the lujury could not l ** reached ex cept by the suo - ss'-fbimetallism in the l^aces of consumption. The secretary described ;he right dif ferent kinds of money now u?ed in this country, and maintained that the In- suin; nny one of them went to a pre mium It would become a commodity for private «aie^ ana coinr.ukion would follow; but by preserving them unon an equality and, by an Increase, equal t 1 * the k('"W ;h •!' th- In .in-- jii I 1 ■ -j• - utatlon, contraction could be prevent ed. Tills would be accomplished, first, by changing the bullion in a sliver dollar so as to require 100 cents worth of sliver In every dollar. Second, by international agreement, which, if se cured, would prevent the necessity of changing the ratio; or, third, by calling in all money of - irnc* den /min:i'Lion-*, say ten dollars or less, not consisting of silver, and giving sliver the right of way. 5Ie especially urged the repeal of the 10 per cent, tax on srtnte banks as a remedy within the contrci of the United State* of great value. He sketched the history of silver coinag • In the UnC * l States and deduced fr— n i' iv?ver il cj:i- cliasfons which he held to be IrresUitl- ble. First, the people of the United SlaT**- h ive Che u—• << se»*»n-ty limes’ as much silver as rn^uev «*f full 1< g il ten der a* bofore l v 7a 1, the de*pre< lation In the . .ilu * .*nsel Erwin in Behalf of the Defense Delivered an Impassioned Speech. IT WAS A DRAMATIC CLIMAX a Day of Sensations, unit Won tl Liood Opinion of the Jmigi* Pre- • Idliig — Many Witnesses on the Stand, Ciilaur >, Sept. 7.—Just oeforc couj-t adjmnaed fur the ilay In the American Unlhv.iy l uiou coutcmpt case,, Attor ney W. \V. Envlfi, on behalf of tile de- fi'iise, made an Impassioned speech oh- Jtcilnn lo the Introduction of testimony showing T ioh violence, on the yrouu.l that it would tend to create a public sentiment lualnst the defenilams, and that this public sentiment might Influ ence the . jurt to strain a point and nnnUh- th.Mu I..,.1111.0 lO ..i.i.ii.j enter?. The court In reply assumed all re- iponsiblllty. Mr. Erwin's pica came ns a dramatic climax .n a day of Hrrnsa- An attempt eyas made by counsel for the KUM-rnuitUi to compel, the defend ants to produce tlielr documents, rec ord?-, telegrams aud private correspon dence. Attorney Erwin, as soon as be learned of this Intention, risked the court lo rule 0 n the ipiestlon of the de- fendants being ended to oh^y surlr a mbpoenn. Judge iV.nils raid he was inclined to think the defendants need net produce their private documents, hilt decided to hear lrom the prosecution next Tues day. Several witnesses tcstllle.1 to the In terruption of tratHc. To all KWh tesll- mony tha defense entered an objection on Hr ground di il Ii ■ .dll" ■: - and d.- rectors of the American Uallway Union Wet ■' llot r.-si l-liip* to tile acts o|- tlie mobs Erwin a mild sen sation by ..10"- ling t> the testimony of 1 lie (list »ttnes . r I. Krleg*r of Mil waukee, on Hi" ground that he mitdit H" 0111 of the in 1 Indicted Hi ;i f.-dcral grand Jury for some olfeuse during the strike. "I and.," Mr. Brwln, "that ollv, In Ui Un • 1 St. It !., ^ 0^10 Is who bo ubp'icna •d to testify ua.ll they do utonttK, for they Have proved enough, if ..vey <w oonnecic yiieui, to doom us. I call t.-i- laaendon pf one court and the ituolia tv mis be cause I «m eure they can never connect these defeniljrf.s wlm one of taese ttCngs.” j, POLITICS AT A BANQUET. Emperor William's Malice Shown For Two Political Opponents. Berlin, Sept. 7.—Emperor William made a sen.sat.unnl speech last evening at the stale hammer, which followed the military manoeuvres about South Altcubcrg, at which entertainment the liras of U'urtemhurg was the pr.nclpal guest. The emperor hud previously struck from the list of guests the names of Count von Mirbach and Count von Kaultz, as well as those of Gens. Kl.t- zuig and Saudltten, hut the names of the two latter were subue picutly re- btoied ttpou the list. Euipcivr William's act plainly tuarks h'.s displeasure at the attitude of the pentons untued upon the agrarian ques tion. Tits Is coufirmed by the fact that the emperor decorated Count von Duen- hoCt with the order of the lied Eagle. Count von DoenhoB, It 'fill he remem bered, In May last was expelled from tlie Conservative union because lie voted for the Itusso-Geruian commer cial treaty In the reVltst ig. Soon af terwards Bmperur William showed h.s approval of the oount's action and he has uuw made ills pustllon dearer l>y houorlug \ oj Doenheff with the onU-r of the Hed Eagle. The guests at last night's banquet were the members of the highest nolullty aud Included among them all the great civil and military oliw-l'4 .»f tills limvInfA CHTNA AFTER CHILI’S NAVY. •T/uvdnn, Sept. 7.—It is reported "Jilit the Ctihrese gover.Tmc-r.r. l.vis 1 auanv? I to punOIMe twlf of IW» vessels com prised In the Ohrikm m.vy. A Yokofvn.rrr.t dlopUtoh ny» UVjt Mar- S'.iutl YbmncuMs dotted for Corea Hium- <Svy to lissome oim:n.lrt 1 of tthe J'.ip- ,lt,,r army On .arts: country. It Is wild tha't the Jzptaesl force In orv-,1 win soon number 100,000. DUTCH TROOPS SAFE. lUratfu. Java, Sept. 7.— Lftrd- freen'a drxicivmont of Dt»ich tivwps, opcratlnig In the letjnd of Lomtuk. whloh vis recenftly reported to have been sumiuiziei by 'fhe Dat’.n lie. reached AknpemSU y&iu iM.iy murniirg under .too sulft conduct of the Raysh of Ldnlbak. The fire of the Duieh nr- tflery has drlvem 'tfive onemy fivvm Ar- ven. AmJjher 'cJiuk from the Dutch forges ta sill do be tmmfmJnt. JAPANESE TAKE POSITIONS. DorBun. Sept. 7.-A UlspUtch from giliiutsh.ii says It l» staked J vai- L staviuf force of Japsness troops tzave o.-cuplml «n ttslaiSd On Society Bay. northwest of Rjr: Atttvur. This Island Is a base of operal.hms. Ttie Chln.w were token completely by surpitMe am 1 oarasequto.- Ty were uezible to offer amy op® oltlon Co line oeonpaftn of the llsut or the r.i nddne of l**® quanciu.. • of 'rem». «»'- muoRltm, prov*dons. etc., nvhlch .ire ibe<„K store I .l ore. Everptnmg cca- nen.e.1 \V:.n She aftli'.r irvdtajfire t.i- ,Hii, ■ f l-i" J.Vl'lll 1-" " ■ - 11 1 Me*. ,U ?■ ■'■■?'. on* : 1 1 e" U" ' eupyim; i i” l-t - ' ’-rf*! '! in - ini' H'K'hy to Justify ;;u " 1 11 ur ni l”.n'. Arthur. SOUTH CAROLINA IN A STEW. The Democratic Factions Have Locked Homs and Will Fight to a Finish. ADDRESS FROM CONSERVATIVES Calling on Loyal Democrats to Hold Meetings and Nominate lantll- dntes For Office—Duller Hate* to Acknowledge Defeat* • location of the manufactory <1*- oe» the name, but the rate deter- i the priev. Under such a tariff |mu«t buy m a market Where com- i;Q 1* destroyed and where Hourol- |i cr**.»u*d by law. You mu*t sell at fi fixed In a market where fre.* f and the law of *upply and dc- [4 revall*. • asd commerce Is the exchange litim. A protective tariff pro- pu* from exchaDging our *urplu* >ttoa, corn, w-heat, meat and other » products for the surplus of mau- 1«red goods abroad. We freely ex- |our product, but that for which u.huagc it Is oo boovftljr tszod A# ake the exchange unprofitable- | mt ro?ra* ceases when gain Is gone: J rannot buy untcoo bo CIO sell; nor Ihe sell unless he buys. Commerce lagrlcuiiure go band in hand; when Jt* 4 ** the other IttpUMa. The 1 shlch destroys the one make.* '.he |r unprofitable. Taxed crude mate* 1 - i. I ; • .» n I i ’ 1 11 ' 1 ' 11 it warned the mark'-t-* of the I *>ut under the protective tariff* pot been aide to en-ter them. I protective tariff fosters end builds ||b«u and monopolies. It create* *»cukh—it only prevent* assure! shd [ diatrlbutlon. Thirty years of an h (* tf ro did much to produce tlx* con- ■ «'xHtlng when the fifty-third ’a mot. ha* that Democratic congress ‘ done for the people? The first r confidered was the financial V vhat should or could be dope on Mirer qu».*stIon. AV • had i ' i ■ 1 r**M QgslBst ttic ssahcohlft Bhcr- 1 he. and in favor ofbotU gol i nd fa* the siaudard money of the !■ By an agreement arrievd at I>emocrote, we determlnt l to P : h»* bouse of the house on the free ‘ “UUmited coinage of silver at eev- i * r »tlo4. After full debate, a sejtt- I i vote was had on each, and on tlie PJ 01 the purchasing clause of the ‘^n act. The results you know. L' Hot professing to understand the | P u °n fully in all It* bearing** I have C* ^‘en in favor of free coinage ■»r«r. i am in favor of It now. .1 ; ve the fears of our frier: who i h »ri* largely Imaginary; and.*! | P* enactment of >»:• n « t,v ‘ff^rd great relief to Hie people •w country. So fct-'ing. i »• • l i»- * Fthat io me t er - • u.illv t:. * re/cil: "f yrt-l. »>T A Vr ifi :ir }<UO- Jaots no taxaxfan by the states more five twrtfljpfii millions of money* wMch vmkT RepnbUctin Qaws wus ex- «n»pt fp>m tu-vitl :i. :hus reHevtnx to rente extent Wie burden* of the tax payer. We tihve reduced public expendlfures Mime J10.000.000 for «ie current ywir. Wish ahts record who con u**j» u»? Cur dinolar.t adversiry. tins RcpuhKssa pretty. OoUffh not rflrmjr fln itMl rextie. In thh enemy we mum meet. Wlhon Dentocnzcy eutTera defeult, RrpUMlcun- lam will be triumphant. Here u«t bonne We are dhallenged by the People’* party. This oiwxnlitnlnn bo* comfl- <tatw onkl ft l»M u. platform of prtn- Otplea. Of Us caMdulrte* I h’H.11 say nathlns. They are preuKai"I to be as >jood. I bope they are tA-rter, u» ,->i,.<r pfitform. THAI pWtfirm conuilna H.-ii" ]■>,nka whlloh aiw new ilnd some whloh ureohl. ThDjn wMclh *re Y.ilunblc ure not now and 'Ihotf * whk* are new ■ tre not v-.t1inble. Our PopuTiu fnreds waHt a» buy te" rallrozlrt, .'Me kelc- pyph fiiwa find "the reh'l'hom*. 'l' • nir .ii*i.n N of mBIItma of dallora neci*- m *) *, Ala doaa dx atanar toem Mgi Mdt MB? of oOOa taWres rtaccs HHV tl II.mice and ..p-.|’Jito these en- terprtrte-i .1 ea not ttnb-.imaa Ujom. The ....ji..,,,,,, d. wfui -I"I'.:-, 10.1 0( |j, .y ., i w.:it thorn. This .iljut a d ten tamnbera of atel? sal I— <*** bins way re# mmIM re uoupresa propuma a» a<«n*Wba or Wfiir *• rrlnt- S SSimSm o* wo or tore. Wei •au mu ih money wt i* iVOrW. Tlfo Ilenijcm'tlc party of 16 t- ■ .."I..,.,I ,a '!••i" 11 . .V-'' \ uli- ' n? ■ii". u a«M b* oOtMd *alr In reasonable auantHies and then could not eUbatan- . ... ,, . . . l. . MA nt(iU troltm iif I If tm ie hml not linen ?" tl to proi'.Til. inA.'llI I... rll.l't Ilmll felt Columbia, S. C.. Sopt. 7.—Tho ills^at- Isfaction on th* jiart of tho sonserva- tlvc faction with tho way politics of the state has been conducted resulted in some definite action being taken to night. A conference of rcpreoout.itlvo men from every section of the state met hero tonight nud ins tied an address to the Democratic voters. Among other things it any* tho Dem ocratic parly has been betrayed by lwlllur* UtJlA fcsWA M. - .•_* • - •• —- — • — ureM|«vu UIU I Igllto of Democratic voters and are using tho I'Hit\ in.i, likii'i\ f,,r 111.•:t- ,,u i, s>‘Iti-li end-; a ling nml is exercising nrhitniry and lyran- nkal authority to tho -titer rebverslon of the welfare of tha people; that tlio leaders and tho rank anil file of thoir followers openly and nv nvcdly Indorse third party and Popnllstlo nii-.isures. '■Hie committee representing Democrats who repudiate Populism an- nounce their cootlnneil allegiance to true Dcinoi ratio principle*, aril calls upon all who agree with them to hold mass meetings on the 13th Inst. In tlielr respective court houses la each county and elect delegates to a convention *o be held in Columbia on the 17th lust, for the purpose of roorgataxing tho par ty, to consider the political situation anil lake such other slops as la their wisdom they may deem proper. This Is taken t.. mean that full stuto and county tickets will U> put out to oppose the T.Uman faction, whl li coit- 'i d- It." slate w tni.. i-.,, i., |, ,|,U that he Is not seeking rert l-ctlen hv tins pet.tie it 1 vlll be rc-ele ■d to the ■ ■r hn riiF. COUNT Mfll ONIJITirvN --isyv.ti n troni n'un - [i ne ■'.h-.-re is lu th" wide. "i" i led |., Tt'i'iVH'.. ' rl k • 1 -th upon ich Republlc-mtem. a»d cri' oilier Umpomay iwue ty pivsMiit it**lf, with V li . we waw more *.n >Mir ro reidresv* w StStt imr*~ ““ 111 mr ,......... und—.' the sun. - . SSsSSm*Wfds. sod .,11 'tlm.-s rrttdy to ilefotrl e s* u L j., nvMr wt * time veil ConifnK Art"' V 0 " ,,,,1. ■ bit-in.-" »•''* " , I ,} rebor WS« unemployed. itr.a.oury won empty, wl-h ’' i tvieAty we sneered upon U-Vrffiuergssl from ttaX struggle : !.,'. l vs ! r,.p"!d;-Jthe MeKlrtley Uw. ... mtnle o' I, '- 11.1.1" cl nvno, tuxxb.'J. \\ ti IN' n.i i , . ... sms. couitag^ a peopl r .t \ t - • i • :ci\t tli* c lan>l un U JZttt atari tnoac&M* ■ . .Ill' 1 1 ' XP«lUrviifis» tVilly affect the inerc:»nOile value of the bullion throURhiftit t2»e «.vortd. In either event we wtwtd be forced to the exchi-4ve use of a dollar worth only a little more than half the presen*: dollaT. at would c*u»« the settlement erf all contracts at the rarte of 50 cerrts on the dollar. It would require the re- org'u.nlza’Uon of ail wicesi to be auapied to the ntr.v decree*ailed currency, v*. would compel a change of all leglslatloo In fixing salttritrt. It would necewltate the entmr readioJtmeJit of the private and governmental bu*lne** of the United St te* to meet comlltlons caimctl by a degraded dollar. The confurionln- cf.dent <j Mich dungc« could scarcely be described. Commercial illsorder.bui*- InefM wreck and ruin must at once be preolpltited. No fMnlc from which the cbiimry ever buffered has been compar able to the one which would be Inflict ed -upon the industrial Interest by such action. The fear that the government of the Ulrited States would not be able to maintain Its varMr* monej’a upon a picfty. but that ;ve were upon the point of ’heln* forced to the silver standard with nwults sknfllir <o tho«e albed nratertallv ccartrlbuted pa rile of last year. For the condition erf t*he treasury, which led In part to this fear, the secretary held the Kejmb- Ucan odmlrtfHtrafcfon ro-pjiwlble. The whole rttefisistraSleR of Mr. Harrises, with the excepWon of the fir^t year »whloh rocelve l 1* krtpfetta* from *he ex cellen’t fimindal condition existing the clooe of Cklr. Cleveland’s term) cne of faMlne revenue*. Increasing ex pemli lur l’3 and a hr ivy ex porta tt - ri of gold. Mr. Cleveland rAlre»l leaving i *ir- plus In the treasury of J23(1,34$,000. 1-tjur yeara of Jteinibllcan misrule re- lu. . -! • -n’-; 1m- i $*-J 4 " a * li charset fixed for the ensuing year amounting in round numbers to JOj.'kio,- 000 In excesei of the revenues. That Htaite of affair* occasioned alarm. int?n- slfled by «he cone 1 mi-hi universilly rea»Thed that th** K>vurnment could r'»: eornlnue Ihe purchase of silver under the ShciTmar. set snd maintain Its sil ver currency or. par. rrhe repeal of the purchasing clause of *ttie Sherman bill e*s>pped the panic and wtfiere roiney couUl net be had at any price In the summer of 1803 It cjn now be readily obtained at low rates of Interest Ami yot, with the terrible experience of latft year fresh In our mind*. It Is proposed to open the mints without a i - ... , .4*... , rreivto* hnitt to the flow •' sllv*«r that would awaiKi.u Ro& I certainly produ* --silver mononiertalUsm. JJfTJT TeJltM ^ «h* The fear of silver monoin tallUm made- !5. L '* f ‘l 1 '?» rtaHy oawtrlbuted to last year's panic I ^ fed Udh drfent^ e 2Y .is cn*.- Ho gan will also ^f/E'O’. d. llic jfoveruuff. ut, however, expects to 8prins one of its greatest canls In tin? witness of L. Jt- IVnvdivt, I*H- vate HccTetaryd *vliu Uai b*»on aubpoe* uatd. Mr. itenedict s' i".uiy of tin* telegram* *‘nt out over tin* uainc of “E. V. Debs.'* Tlie soreminent ex- pects to provo l*y thb* wltu "*'* that i)ll»s s.’llt !t If l'l -oinr ff tic* tel** grains which liavo been read. HenudiCt is not under lndlctnicut. Krt'jger tekrfifi 1 iha-i fie bad seen n i?igaA.:n from Di’ba d-.' «*i July 4, **k- ing the ewltch ;t<adtnj to sa-lke. Only. \ien did *0. KreEg - r wu much con fused cm abHeriOttcntXn. He ac- knowInjured \JhJ: h.* hfa'J bean *ra» to OMjOKO a** tl w.’.nc r by Vie O.iv^igo, MdwaukCeun l 6t. F'aul It ’ ' ^ w'/- ' "• i*- rt';,*'..! n* .....i-««*» n ,,wri *’7: ;mi 5.0^) and - 00 death* un average per ay. The delti Uhe Thm* Ktvii; leiJ: It. trey v m O.Jked Win te.’dfled tbey r ter - . I many fr-' ■'* overruCed. M. k wwuketo Jtd Q min from t’n'e * they ImU lei’. siMnce of tir • > M A kihe Amrrtorm Raliwv Inf nti etgiiK, but Imraediiiely tftcTiVi r m > wuu forr-'i Unt o i«. j. R. Tilmimr, a Pil Hutl’l • I ' rc'nrovul *. nkiii K>.ul of dc id a'.vJn. i avrny of wriich Deb 1 >ut to all ~ und. 1 «ob)e<Jted l*> i-'» * t it showed «i*o corf cni- -uVJft'.tig t«) do A ’.ni ; rneive. Judge W * I towed fib* UptaSUMUff i grnmil CbJ- 1* dl might bet>rc*UK ' 1 1 C. W. IKury ( redrtving ct-rjiin :e I V. DebJ. •» -kifc FDur sj'3tcm. 1 fii. Monqurto CHOLERA STATISTICS*. . _ u__. 7 _c»iolera I* raging St- pctert>u rj' d D ?jVlnce of Nljnl Novb j- ln the town and P*J>™ . .. r ., - r «l. In liolati'l tsifr ; (r,»h cssss of chot r IromAbst 4te»a«.«> week. . . q-hree fresh cu»* , A rho>rt U S'ere ?rt.ortol here tortoy- At E^5. t oS*5S^ A ^ ,w ‘' , ” oc - currsd. . dup *tcn to tho Lonlo 1. Sopt. L A that tltore » iTulitw^ y«»tenlsy. AMMONfA TANK EXPLOPI-- 3 - <*. v o-sI person* Nearly Buffo^.vted-Thi! Owner to Be Enjoin** 'V Irak In ' ' ' r'u “‘I.'irJK,' 5 V-iitnwnt of Ch:.rl.« H 1 '■ u - lT * J ’ -1 - UJK trlaimular light if th.* n.nv inovcin.-nt iioiu;nat"s a ti.k.’t Tin? iuldnss declares that "under tic* guidance «rf those so-called Dcmocra'.s a niaj irify of them, win ha\o cnind of tlie party tn:^1ihu>rv in this Mat,. ***** icudc:* eil ilie rank nnti 1110 or thft “ ’ U<* Lnion Mrtd navd Sou tn (.’ffrollnji nine ml with lopted falso aid prernul- jjafcil tf’cni I \ tin* catnc and under the hanioT of Dciic»e; u \. that w.*. ax Into, and urn oicpr miislng I »etno< rnis, ropnd'at’* tic* third party platform ro- pcatetlly f nv»*d ipon our party and hereby pledge our vantimfd allogfamm to tro* Democratic principl ?a as cuun- c'.ated at the 1 'xt i m il Democrat In cMiiventloii. We f "l tit" ah-'olu:** iu*- cosidt}’ of a complete 1 •o , . , jnn /.atlou *»f the party In this state and Invito trim Democrats lo assist us lu the reliabiU- 1 1’ >11 and in the oruup/ H'oii <-f 1>« m- << iac\ in Soutii CaroliD.i Kquarely 111 1 with Hound 1 >• III"' 1 '• • d<G-tritO’S.’’ Dr I'epe, ev-n cTiner and « x candi date for Lovenior, but wh) src>t out u a-o, ha . h 1 that he y Union. Icxv- I’M mads w jefss t^. He swore th;a the t'lklMJ l 11 n ofll Ur* KVwtr ?. .. :i*l t..Vi this nr) rtxms I ■euffocsi' gttvuily InJi Tire expf ' t ghtK Non >d w ever. ’!'• leariy dan- ll*d » Kr.''< MrtiMn#nl In tb* n^.tiLcrhood, an flre denartniertt iv.i^ ciH«l out- The peVftturs ol IUomk utrrtr threii en t enjoin Mm fro t:ink. 1 fui’-ti-r u»." ■ f th< ST. JOHN. V 18 SCOROHIiD. t Flros ftinxlnx In teavy Damuxe Don Ii" [ilatfori Hli'of tin• Tlllniil ■rs ns well annoiin •••< rat and h'.s C!I!PP£A v A tX'niANS CRk-MATED. Tw^tty-three in tu; Lo-' 'melr Ltv-s Henry tuW'Ure of . 11 ill.- t’ • Tal>.t’ J refused to eill At begin louion H. B. I an emptoye of < *U)ld arhouK reed “B. V- Deba,* >irre nor -.i.n * ■ *■ \ reqU'JRt^J • nen an that iliem tt-tike. xwd flrc.ii i 1 RlUe? i*: f. ua* over throe ti, e because of the t reaux, a station a! here. J«i*t tn tlno- the rallroA'l br S iwoum nippen wire rree and un-1 TH. Mt../- 1 C sr *!!’.«wMch sraul.1 J*.* m > . Absolutely pr, 1 1 » pw h a result. ! V.,,, J . \\ -there •: tty tbtnn we I IlKTAltV SMITH': t«rv Smith s ih ' the wtem to the money imugura ported ‘by Jack Qrover Clevetan- BRHCKINUIl state to l c principle cf sound I u wt by Jefferson, suy St Johns, N. n.. Sept. 7.-For. -t fir oc tins City. M the Uanuh** 8** 1 * r "‘ *ii"-" ,- r "!" ft Yesterday tne trr •*** ** i ’ 1 t 1 late tn getting hi It arrive! at Lep twenty miles fron th ? train hand* to which had cuwht from tl fool brl'Ue nt UP**?"*^.. m tr *„„ the people are cro ** 1 "* 1 lnree iett tha water bring owy wp 1 - i m 7m . C re burned there yMterdsy sft ant at tait nccounls. odr ■ rr. The woods on iw track from St. George to o rtr. and II » doubtful If In 1 able to run throu>h the dtatrt- ’.. ih* i'* to crepe mruurh St. Johns and Char- I «w|ii be enormous. Tho fir* I |° l c . its wav to U»o ouburba Verity lhe wind change* the'results' »«> .*« u^uJi-onW 'nested the woods <m toe Man ■ road, lust beyond the cUy HmK». Iroyed the '‘"“J?., la *J* envM'i'-l In toitbuildtncs- Tlit" cety is •re In ( -s of Lake A (il >>• rlv ’ I rllles and strut twestydfer-e he j. n-i ■ r.^',1 soil In s<J tee* moor. ; 11 rot th tbrt * I *ol> Vl'.iNT PAY THE PBIZ E -'l it Kntflrtn of Pt . drill .nil , n t of Mtlinn n. on the srr ,1.1: ni n UL'I LTY. ml Muid TCM* Morning. edaLV-TlieJurj C«1 with klll- fii falls i> ■ uio